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KI TZ Techni cal Sheet KTS- BE- 103- 04



2011- 09- 26

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KI TZ Techni cal Sheet KTS- BE- 103- 04

1. Scope

Thi s procedure covers the KI TZ standard procedure f or cl eani ng/ oi l - f ree treatment of val ves
&strai ner.

2 Summari zed f or each Treatment Level

Tabl e 1- 1, 1- 2 &1- 3 shows the summari zed f or each treatment l evel .

Tabl e 1- 1 Summari zed f or Level 1 Treatment

Cl eani ng
B1 Process bef ore Treatment Machi ni ng Assembl y Shel l Test
P1 Cl eani ng Sol vent Cl eani ng (Val ve Assembl ed Condi ti on)
P2 Dryi ng Ai r Bl ow
P3 Cl eanness I nspecti on Vi sual I nspecti on
Fi nal Assembl y
Val ve Test
Vi sual , Di mensi onal &Operati on Test
Back Seat &Seat Test
P6 Cl eani ng af ter Test Sol vent Cl eani ng (Val ve Assembl ed Condi ti on)
P7 Dryi ng Ai r Bl ow
P8 Cl eanness I nspecti on Vi sual I nspecti on
P11 I denti f i cati on Val ve i nteri or has been cl eaned af ter assembl y.
P12 Protecti on &Packagi ng
Pol yethyl ene Bag

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Tabl e 1- 2 Summari zed f or Level 2 Treatment

Oi l Free Level 2
B1 Process bef ore Treatment Machi ni ng Parti al - assebl y
P1 Cl eani ng
Sol vent Cl eani ng f or Parts
(Parti al - assebl y)
P2 Dryi ng Ai r Bl ow
P3 Cl eanness I nspecti on Vi sual I nspecti on J K Wi per
P4 Assembl y Assembl y
Fi nal Assembl y
Val ve Test
Vi sual , Di mensi onal &Operati on Test
Shel l (Strength) Test
Seat &Back Seat Test
(Hydrostati c or Pneumati c)
P6 Cl eani ng af ter Test
Sol vent Cl eani ng
(Val ve Assembl ed Condi ti on)
P7 Dryi ng Ai r Bl ow
P8 Cl eanness I nspecti on Vi sual I nspecti on
P10 Humi d Preventi on Desi ccant (Si l i ca Gel )
P11 I denti f i cati on OI L FREE LEVEL 2
Protecti on &
Packagi ng
Pol yethyl ene Bag
Desi ccant (Si l i ca Gel )

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Tabl e 1- 3 Summari zed f or Level 3 Treatment

Oi l Free Level 3
B1 Process bef ore Treatment Sand Bl ast (Casti ng) Machi ni ng
B5 Preparati on Steamor Sol vent Cl eani ng f or Parts
P1 Cl eani ng
Ul t r asoni c Cl eani ng
Hot Water Washi ng
P2 Dryi ng Ai r Bl ow
P3 Cl eanness I nspecti on
Et hanol soaked Cl ot h
Bl ack Li ght Test
(i f Requi red)
P4 Assembl y Assembl y
Fi nal Assembl y
Val ve Test
Vi sual , Di mensi onal &Operati onal Test
Shel l (Strength) Test
Seat &Back Seat Test
(Water or N2 Gas)
P6 Cl eani ng af ter Test
Sol vent Cl eani ng
(Val ve Assembl ed Condi ti on)
P7 Dryi ng Ai r Bl ow
P8 Cl eanness I nspecti on
Vi sual I nspecti on
Bl ack Li ght Test (i f Requi red)
P10 Humi d Preventi on Desi ccant (Si l i ca Gel )
P11 I denti f i cati on OI L FREE LEVEL 3
Protecti on &
Packagi ng
Pol yethyl ene Bag
Desi ccant (Si l i ca Gel )

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3. Level of Treatment

3. 1 Level 1 (Cl eani ng)

Definitions Wetted parts are washed with a solvent after valves being assembled.
As the valves are cleaned and dried without being disassembled, some oil,
grease or lubricants may remain on and inside the valves.
(Some lubricants or grease may be left in the area of packing, gasket,
body & disc seats, etc..
Cleaning method Assembled products are washed with a solvent.
Work site Clean areas without dust and dirt.

3. 2 Level 2 (Oi l Free Level 2)

Definitions Parts, including semi- assembly parts, are cleaned with a solvent.
The purpose of the process is to remove oil.
Cleaning method Individual wetted parts, including semi- assembly parts, are soaked in a
clean solvent and brushed.
Work site Clean areas without dust or dirt.

3. 3 Level 3 (Oi l Free Level )

Definitions Parts are cleaned by ultrasonic cleaning. The purpose of the process is to
remove oil, and to required cleanness inside of valves..
Cleaning method Sand blast is also provided to steel shot blast casting (sand cast bodies
and bonnets) for preparation.
Individual wetted parts shall be cleaned by ultrasonic cleaning with a
degreasing agent.
Work site Clean areas without dust and dirt.

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4. Appl i cabl e Val ves f or each Treatment Level

Tabl e 2- 1 &2- 2 shows the summari zed of appl i cabl e val ves f or each treatment l evel .

Tabl e 2- 1 Gate, Gl obe &Check Val ves and Strai ner
Val ve Materi al s Descri pti ons Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Remarks
Bronze / Brass Al l types
Note 1
Note 2
I ron Li ni ng val ves Note 3
Mi ni ature Note 4
B seri es
A E seri es Note 5, 6 &7
Stai nl ess Steel
C seri es
Note 8
Note 5, 6 &8
Note. 1: Core coat val ves are not avai l abl e.
Note 2: Y, AKY, AKYU, CY and CYU strai ners are not avai l abl e.
Note 3: I nsi de screwval ves are not avai l abl e Level 2.
Note 4: Stemthreaded porti on may be appl i ed l ubri cant Mol ykote DX Paste .
Note 5: Val ves wi th a gasket P/ #5650 are not avai l abl e Level 2 and 3 as the gasket needs seat
oi l , whi ch may be appl i cabl e f or such val ves as stai nl ess steel A &E seri es cl ass 20K/ 300,
stai nl ess steel C seri es cl ass 150.
Note 6: The maxi mumsi ze f or Level 3 i s 24 i nches due to the l i mi ted capaci ty of ul trasoni c
cl eani ng equi pment.
Note 7: Oi l f ree treatment i s not provi ded to the i nner bel l ows of bel l ows seal val ves, where
no f l ui ds are supposed to contact.
Note 8: Bonnet bush &bonnet contact f ace may be appl i ed l ubri cant HI VAC- G(Shi n- Etsu) .
Note - : Whi te gl ove tests and bl ack l i ght tests are onl y avai l abl e f or Level 3.
These tests are appl i ed onl y to the wetted parts. When bl ack l i ght tests i s requi red,
oi l i ndi cati on i s onl y subj ect to j udgment.
Note - : Waf er check val ves are not avai l abl e, excl udi ng Level 1 i s avai l abl e of metal seated
waf er check val ve (UWS).

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Tabl e 2- 2 Bal l Val ve and Stai nl ess Steel Butterf l y Val ve (UB)
Val ve Materi al s Descri pti ons Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Remarks
Bronze / Brass Al l types
Screwed ends
Note 1

Note 2

Fl oati ng
Note 3

Trunni on: Al l cl ass
Fl oati ng: Cl ass 600
&hi gher

Note 4

Fl anged
- Port Note 5
Butterf l y Val ve (UB)
Stai nl ess Steel
PFA Li ni ng Bal l Val ve (UTBLN) Note 6
Note 1: Onl y 10UT and U3TZ(F)Mval ves are avai l abl e.
Note 2: Onl y 10UT val ves are avai l abl e.
Note 3: 10K, 20K, 150Lb &300Lb val ves are appl i ed.
Note 4: For val ves provi ded 0- ri ngs, i t appl y the grease.
Note 5: Val ves wi th a gasket P/ #5650 are not avai l abl e Level 2 and 3 as the gasket needs seat
oi l .
Note 6: Onl y l evel 2 i s avai l abl e f or PFA l i ni ng bal l val ves whi ch penetrati on of sol vent i s
possi bl e to gap between l i ni ng and base, and paragraph 5. 2. 1 f or cl eani ng shal l not
appl i ed.
For cl eani ng method, thoroughl y wi pe up al l l i ni ng surf ace wi th an ethanol soaked Bemcot
(l i nt f ree whi te cl oth).
Note - : Whi te gl ove tests and bl ack l i ght tests are onl y avai l abl e f or Level 3.
These tests are appl i ed onl y to the wetted parts. When bl ack l i ght tests i s requi red,
oi l i ndi cati on i s onl y subj ect to j udgment.
Note - : Graphi te seated val ves (3H) &metal seated val ves (5H/ 6H) are not avai l abl e.
Appl i cati on f or these val ves shal l be deci ded case by case.

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5 Procedure

5. 1 For Level 1 (Cl eani ng +Dryi ng)

5. 1. 1 Process bef ore Treatment (Process No. B1)

(1) Val ves shal l be f ul l y assembl ed appl yi ng standard l ubri cant (or grease).
(2) Shel l (strength) test shal l be carri ed out.

5. 1. 2 Cl eani ng (Process No. P1)

The assembl ed val ve porti on whi ch are exposed to servi ce f l ui d shal l be i mmersed
and cl eaned i n sol vent.
Sol vent shal l be used the f ol l owi ng;
Stai nl ess Steel Val ves : Perchl oroethyl ene, Methyl ene Chl ori de, Tri chl oro
Ethyl ene, Shi n- Etsu SOLEANA or NS CLEAN
I ron, Ducti l e I ron, Carbon Steel Val ves : NS CLEAN
Bronze / Brass Val ves : SUNCLEANER N- 400 or Asahi Gl ass AK- 225AES

5. 1. 3 Dryi ng (Process No. P2)

Val ves shal l be dri ed wi th oi l - f ree dry ai r.

5. 1. 4 Cl eanness I nspecti on (Process No. P3)

I nsi de surf ace of val ves shal l be vi sual l y i nspected to make sure no remai ni ng
oi l .
As the val ves are cl eaned and dri ed wi thout bei ng di sassembl ed, l ubri cants (or
grease) may be remai ned i n the area of packi ng, gasket, body &di sc seats, etc.

5. 1. 5 Fi nal Assembl y Val ve Test (Process No. P5)

Val ves shal l be tested f ol l owi ngs accordi ng to the KI TZ standard test procedure.
(1) Vi sual I nspecti on, Di mensi onal Test, Operati on Test
(2) Seat and Back Seat Test

5. 1. 6 Cl eani ng af ter Test (Process No. P6)

Af ter compl eti on of test f or f i ni shed products, val ves shal l be cl eaned by ethyl
al cohol , PT cl eaner, etc. to remove oi l or dust that mi ght sti ck to the val ves
duri ng i nspecti on.

5. 1. 7 Dryi ng (Process No. P7)

The val ve shal l be dri ed wi th oi l - f ree dry ai r.

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5. 1. 8 Cl eanness I nspecti on (Process No. P8)

I nsi de surf ace of val ves shal l be vi sual l y i nspected to make sure no remai ni ng
oi l .

5. 1. 9 I denti f i cati on (Process No. P11)

A tag i ndi cati ng Val ve i nteri or has been cl eaned af ter assembl y shal l be
attached to the val ves.
I n case of provi ded the carton box, the same i ndi cati on shal l be on the stamped
or by the sti cker outer surf aces of outer box and/ or i nner box.

5. 1. 10 Protecti on &Packagi ng (Process No. P12)

(1) Val ves shal l be pl aced i n pol yethyl ene bag and seal ed.
Stai nl ess steel threaded ends &socket wel di ng ends, provi ded carton box,
val ves shal l be protected the end protector wi thout pol yethyl ene bag.
(2) Val ves ends shal l be protected by pol yethyl ene pl ugs, boards or caps f rom
damage or i ntrusi on of dust.
For smal l si ze val ves do not appl y the pol yethyl ene pl ug f or f l anged ends
val ves of stai nl ess steel B seri es whi ch shi pped wi th carton box, end
protecti on shal l be seal ed by pl asti c tape. (End f l ange bol t hol e shal l be
bl i nd by pl asti c tape. )

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5. 2 For Level 2 (Oi l - Free Level 2)

5. 2. 1 Cl eani ng (Process No. P1)

I ndi vi dual wetted parts shal l be i mmersed i n sol vent and scrubbed wi th brush.
Parts of bonnet bush &bonnet, stud bol t &body, seat ri ng &body (f or UB butterf l y)
are cl eani ng at parti al assembl ed condi ti on.
Sol vent shal l be used the f ol l owi ng;
Stai nl ess Steel Val ves : Perchl oroethyl ene, Methyl ene Chl ori de, Tri chl oro
Ethyl ene, Shi n- Etsu SOLEANA or NS CLEAN
I ron, Ducti l e I ron, Carbon Steel Val ves : NS CLEAN

5. 2. 2 Dryi ng (Process No. P2)

Cl eaned parts shal l be dri ed wi th oi l - f ree dry ai r.

5. 2. 3 Cl eanness I nspecti on (Process No. P3)

(1) Cl eaned parts shal l be vi sual l y i nspected to make sure no remai ni ng oi l .
(2) Press J K Wi per to the cl eaned parts f or 15 seconds.
No soaki ng out oi l on J K Wi per shal l be acceptabl e.
Sampl i ng i nspecti on pl an shal l be one (1) per each l ot.

5. 2. 4 Assembl y (Process No. P4)

(1) Gl and packi ng, bonnet gasket, bal l seat and 0- ri ngs shal l be used newone.
(2) Val ves are assembl ed wi th KI TZ standard l ubri cants provi ded.
Lubri cants (or grease) shal l be appl i ed to the f ol l owi ng:
Parts (Area) f or Appl i cati on
(Yes/ None)
Yoke Sl eeve, Sl eeve Nut, Yoke Bush,
Handwheel Washer
2 Bonnet Bol ts None
3 Gl and Bol ts None
4 I nsert Threads Yes
5 StemThreads None
0- Ri ng Area (For trunni on mounted bal l val ves,
grease type shal l be deci ded case by case. )
7 I nner bel l ows of bel l ows seal val ves None
8 Gl and Packi ng See (3) bel ow Yes

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5. 2. 4 Assembl y (Process No. P4)

(3) Lubri cants f or gl and packi ng
1) Shi n- Etsu HI VAC- G shal l be appl i ed to the top 3 ri ngs of the graphi te
packi ng f or gate and gl obe val ves.
2) CLI MAX 750S shal l be appl i ed to the top 2 ri ngs (or the top ri ng composed
of 2 ri ngs) of the graphi te packi ng f or bal l val ves.
3) When hi gh pressure gas saf ety l awi s speci f i ed or pneumati c shel l pressure
test i s requi red by customers, l ubri cants shal l be appl i ed to the grand
packi ng.
(4) Lubri cants f or oxygen servi ce val ves
For oxygen servi ce val ves, Dai f l oi l grease DG203(Dai ki n I ndustri es, Ltd) shal l
be appl i ed f or wetted parts (i ncl udi ng gl and packi ng).
Note: FKM0- ri ngs shal l be appl i ed si l i cone grease (i nstead of Dai f l oi l grease

5. 2. 5 Fi nal Assembl y Val ve Test (Process No. P5)

Af ter compl eti on of val ve assembl y, val ves shal l be perf ormed f ol l owi ng test
accordi ng to KI TZ standard test procedure.
(1) Vi sual I nspecti on, Di mensi onal Test and Operati on Test
(2) Shel l (Strength) Test by Hydrostati c or Pneumati c
(3) Seat and Back Seat Test by Hydrostati c or Pneumati c

5. 2. 6 Cl eani ng af ter Test (Process No. P6)

Val ves shal l be cl eaned by ethyl al cohol or PT cl eaner to remove oi l or dust that
mi ght sti ck to the val ves duri ng the f i nal i nspecti ons.

5. 2. 7 Dryi ng (Process No. P7)

Val ves shal l be dri ed wi th oi l - f ree dry ai r.

5. 2. 8 Cl eanness I nspecti on (Process No. P8)

I nsi de surf ace of val ves shal l be vi sual l y i nspected to make sure no remai ni ng
oi l .

5. 2. 9 Humi d Preventi on (Process No. P10)

Desi ccant (si l i ca gel ) shal l be f i xed by tape to the i nsi de of end protectors
and seal ed by seal i ng tape of si zes l arger 25A (1 i nch) val ves.

5. 2. 10 I denti f i cati on (Process No. P11)

A tag i ndi cati ng OI L FREE REVEL 2 shal l be attached to the val ves.
I n case of provi ded the carton box, the same i ndi cati on shal l be on the stamped
or by the sti cker outer surf aces of outer box and/ or i nner box.

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5. 2. 11 Protecti on &Packagi ng (Process No. P12)

(1) Val ves shal l be pl aced i n pol yethyl ene bag and seal ed.
1) Desi ccant (si l i ca gel ) and vapor phase corrosi on i nhi bi tor shal l be
i ncl uded i n pol yethyl ene bag f or i ron (excl udi ng l i ni ng) val ves, ducti l e
i ron val ves and carbon steel val ves.
2) Desi ccant (si l i ca gel ) shal l be i ncl uded i n pol yethyl ene bag f or l i ni ng
val ves and stai nl ess steel val ves.
(2) Val ves ends shal l be protected by pol yethyl ene pl ugs, boards or caps f rom
damage or i ntrusi on of dust.
Cap end protecti on shal l be seal ed by pl asti c tape f or si zes 65A (2- 1/ 2 i nch)
& l arger stai nl ess steel val ves. (End f l ange bol t hol e shal l be bl i nd by
pl asti c tape. )

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5. 3 For Level 3 (Oi l - Free Level 3)

5. 3. 1 Process bef ore Treatment (Process No. B1)

Parts f or steel shot bl asted casti ngs (sand cast bodi es and bonnets), excl udi ng
cryogeni c servi ce val ve parts, shal l be sand bl asted.

5. 3. 2 Preparati on (Process No. B5)

Wetted parts shal l be cl eaned by
steamor a sol vent.

5. 3. 3 Cl eani ng (Process No. P1)

I ndi vi dual wetted parts shal l be cl eaned by ul trasoni c cl eani ng wi th a degreasi ng
agent (a tenf ol d di l uti on of BRANSONI S- I I I ). Af ter ul trasoni c cl eani ng, the parts
shal l be washed by hot water.

5. 3. 4 Dryi ng (Process No. P2)

Cl eaned parts shal l be dri ed wi th oi l - f ree dry ai r or hot ai r.

5. 3. 5 Cl eanness I nspecti on (Process No. P3)

(1) Cl eaned parts shal l be vi sual l y i nspected to make sure no remai ni ng oi l .
(2) Wi pe cl eaned parts wi th an ethanol soaked Bemcot (l i nt f ree whi te cl oth).
No oi l and stai n on Bemcot shal l be acceptabl e.
Sampl i ng i nspecti on pl an shal l be one (1) per each l ot.

5. 3. 6 Assembl y (Process No. P4)

(1) Gl and packi ng, bonnet gasket, bal l seat and 0- ri ngs shal l be used newone.
(2) Val ves are assembl ed wi th KI TZ standard l ubri cants provi ded.
Lubri cants (or grease) shal l be appl i ed to the f ol l owi ng:
Parts (Area) f or Appl i cati on Type of Lubri cants
(Yes/ None)
Yoke Sl eeve (f ri cti on area)
Sl eeve Nut, Handwheel Washer
Anti Sei ze Lubri cant
(Locti te Corporati on)
2 Bonnet Bol ts
Mol ykote DX Paste
(DowCorni ng Co. , Ltd. )
3 Gl and Bol ts
Mol ykote DX Paste
(DowCorni ng Co. , Ltd. )
4 StemThreads
Mol ykote DX Paste
(DowCorni ng Co. , Ltd. )
5 Yoke Sl eeve Treads
Mol ykote DX Paste
(DowCorni ng Co. , Ltd. )
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5. 3. 6 Assembl y (Process No. P4)

Parts (Area) f or Appl i cati on Type of Lubri cants
(Yes/ None)
6 Yoke Bush Threads
Mol ykote DX Paste
(DowCorni ng Co. , Ltd. )
Contact f aces of
Bonnet Bush &Bonnet
HI VAC- G(Shi n- Etsu
Chemi cal s Co. , Ltd. )
8 Gl and Packi ng See (3) bel ow Yes
(3) Lubri cants f or gl and packi ng
1) Shi n- Etsu HI VAC- G shal l be appl i ed to the top 3 ri ngs of the graphi te
packi ng f or gate and gl obe val ves.
2) CLI MAX 750S shal l be appl i ed to the top 2 ri ngs (or the top ri ng composed
of 2 ri ngs) of the graphi te packi ng f or bal l val ves.
3) When hi gh pressure gas saf ety l awi s speci f i ed or pneumati c shel l pressure
test i s requi red by customers f or carbon steel or stai nl ess steel val ves,
l ubri cants shal l be appl i ed to the grand packi ng.
(4) Lubri cants f or oxygen servi ce val ves
For oxygen servi ce val ves, Dai f l oi l grease DG203 (Dai ki n I ndustri es, Ltd)
shal l be appl i ed f or wetted parts (i ncl udi ng gl and packi ng).
(5) Lubri cants (or grease) f or cryogeni c servi ce (i ncl udi ng bal l ) val ves and
bel l ows seal val ves shal l be deci ded another KI TZ standards.

5. 3. 7 Fi nal Assembl y Val ve Test (Process No. P5)

Af ter compl eti on of val ve assembl y, val ves shal l be perf ormed f ol l owi ng test
accordi ng to KI TZ standard test procedure.
(1) Vi sual I nspecti on, Di mensi onal Test and Operati on Test
(2) Hydrostati c or Pneumati c Shel l (Strength) Test by Water or N2 Gas

5. 3. 8 Cl eani ng af ter Test (Process No. P6)

Val ves shal l be cl eaned by ethyl al cohol or PT cl eaner to remove oi l or dust that
mi ght sti ck to the val ves duri ng the f i nal i nspecti ons.

5. 3. 9 Dryi ng (Process No. P7)

Val ves shal l be dri ed wi th oi l - f ree dry ai r.

5. 3. 10 Cl eanness I nspecti on (Process No. P8)

I nsi de surf ace of val ves shal l be vi sual l y i nspected to make sure no remai ni ng
oi l .

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5. 3. 11 Humi d Preventi on (Process No. P10)

Desi ccant (si l i ca gel ) shal l be f i xed by tape to the i nsi de of end protectors
and seal ed by seal i ng tape of si zes l arger 25A (1 i nch) val ves.

5. 3. 12 I denti f i cati on (Process No. P11)

A tag i ndi cati ng OI L FREE REVEL 3 shal l be attached to the val ves.
I n case of provi ded the carton box, the same i ndi cati on shal l be on the stamped
or by the sti cker outer surf aces of outer box and/ or i nner box.

5. 3. 13 End Protecti on &Packagi ng (Process No. P12)

(1) Val ves wi th desi ccant (si l i ca gel ) shal l be pl aced i n pol yethyl ene bag and
seal ed.
(2) Val ves ends shal l be protected by pol yethyl ene pl ugs, boards or caps f rom
damage or i ntrusi on of dust.
End protecti on shal l be seal ed by pl asti c tape. (End f l ange bol t hol e shal l
be bl i nd by pl asti c tape.

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