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1. Present Perfect and Past tenses, using never, for, since and ago.
1. Ive never read such a boring book.
2. Its the longest journey Ive ever made.
3. Ive never heard such a beautiful song.
4. Ive never seen such an attractive girl.
5. Its the most difficult question Ive ever been asked.
. Its the !orst film Ive ever seen.
". Ive never eaten such a good meal.
#. Its the most interesting o$$ortunity Ive ever been offered.

1. Its the first time hes ever s$oken to me.

2. %eve never flo!n before.
3. &hes never arrived late before.
4. Its the first time theyve ever invited us to lunch
5. Its the first time Ive ever asked you for money.
. 'ouve never com$lained about it before.
1. Its a long time since she !rote to me. &he (.
2. I havent $layed tennis for a long time. Its (.
3. )hey havent lived at this address for years.
4. Its several months since they $aid the rent.
5. Its years since I !ent to *aris. I havent (..
. It hasnt rained for si+ !eeks. Its (..
1. %hen did his $lane touch do!n, -o! long ((
2. %hen did you leave school, -o! long (..
3. %hen did you join the firm, -o! long (.
4. %hen !as the castle built, -o! long (.
5. %hen did she ring you u$, -o! long (..
1. I came to live here five years ago. I have (
2. -e has been learning .nglish for four years. -e started (.
3. &he came to /ondon t!o months ago.
4. )he last time I !ent out !as a fortnight ago. I havent (..
5. I havent eaten in a restaurant for three months. )he last time ((
. -e joined the army t!o years ago. -e has been in ((
". !irect and indirect s#eec$% offers.
1. &hall I o$en the !indo!,
2. &hall I ask her to come in,
3. %ould you like me to !ait for you outside, &hall ((.
4. %ould you like me to go !ith you,
5. &hall I do it this evening, %ould you (..
&. T$ere is 'are and $as '$ave got.
1. 0re there many good hotel in 0thens, -as 0thens (
2. %eve got a very good library in the village.
3. )here is a garage behind the hotel. )hey ((
4. -ave you got a bus sto$ near your flat,
5. %eve got a lot to do before !e go a!ay. )here (.
. )here are a lot of $arks in /ondon. )hey (..
(. It too) *+e, or *I, too).
1. It has taken him three !eeks to ans!er my letter.
2. -e took a long time to make u$ his mind.
3. It takes her an hour to get to /ondon by underground.
4. -ell take a fe! days to get used to his ne! job.
5. &he al!ays takes ages to get dressed. It (..
. -o! long did he take to do the test, -o! long did it (..
-., sti.., *not, /et and no .onger.
1. %e still havent found it.
2. %e still found !hat !e !ere looking for.
3. Its 1anuary already2 but !e havent had any sno! yet.
4. -e told me he !ould finish it last !eek2 but he hasnt handed it in yet.
5. I thought he !as going to tell us last !eek about his arrival2 but !e havent heard from him
yet. I thought he !as going to tell us last !eek about his arrival2 but !e still ((
. )hey still havent ans!ered my letter.
0. Co+#arative for+s.
1. 3argaret isnt as attractive as &usan.
2. -enry is taller than 1ohn.
3. 'oure stronger than 4evin.
4. )he second film !asnt as interesting as the first.
5. )he fish !as better than the meat.
. )heyve !on more games this season then 0rsenal.
". -is last com$osition !asnt as good as the one before. -is last com$osition !as ((
#. %eve had fe!er bookings this month than last. %e havent (((..

1. &he behaved more calmly than you did.

2. -arry didnt run as fast as 1anet.
3. I dont !ork as hard as you do.
4. -is sister $lays the $iano better than he does.
5. )he case !eights more than the books.
. &he doesnt ty$e as accurately as 5etty.
". -e earns less than I do.
#. %e lost because !e didnt $lay as !ell as they did.
1. 6ant you offer a more convincing argument than that,
2. Is that the furthest you can thro! it,
3. Is that the most cheerful e+$ression you can $ut on,
4. 6ant you find a sim$ler route to /ondon than this,
5. Is this the fastest the car !ill go,. 6an the car ((.
. 6ant !e find a clearer $hotogra$h than that,. Is that ((
1. Too and not enoug$
1. I feel too !eak to get u$.
2. -e !asnt !ell enough to make the journey.
3. Im afraid Im too short to reach that shell.
4. )heyre not old enough to go out on their o!n.
5. )he street is too narro! for the traffic.
. It !asnt !arm enough for us to lie in the sun.
2. !irect and indirect s#eec$% invitations. Turn the following invitations into the indirect form.
1. %ould you like to $lay tennis, 0nn said. 0nn (..
2. %ould you like to come to lunch, 7eoff asked &arah.
3. %ould you like to go to the cinema, *aul asked.
4. %ould you like to stay the night, 3ary said to 1une.
5. %ould you like to come to the $arty, )hey asked me.
3. 4a/ and Per$a#s.
1. *erha$s they only o$en the restaurant in summer.
2. *erha$s he doesnt kno! that the $olice are here.
3. *erha$s theyre $lanning to change the form of the e+amination.
4. *erha$s she hasnt received our letter.
5. *erha$s they thought that !ed $hone them.
. *erha$s youre !ondering !hy I asked to see you.
". *erha$s they broke it and didnt tell anyone.
#. *erha$s they didnt realise that !ed be out.
15. E6c.a+ations% so and suc$.
1. %hat a sad film it !as8
2. It has such romantic music8
3. )heyre so boring8
4. %hat rubbish8 -o! can you enjoy that,
5. -o! lovely it is here,
. )hey are such friendly $eo$le8
". %hat an interesting $erson8. &hes((
#. Its so s!eet8. -o! ((.
11. S#end *ti+e and +one/,. Rewrite these sentences using spend with on or a participle.
1. -e looks at his stam$ collection for hours.
2. .ver since they bought their ne! video. It has cost them a lot of money.
3. )he re$airs to their house cost them 91.:::.
4. 5ut the !orst of it !as that the !orkmen took such a long time to do the sim$lest jobs.
5. I dont kno! ho! you can do a cross!ord $u;;le all evening.
. %ell2 its free. It doesnt cost me anything.
1". Un.ess.
1. If your !ork doesnt im$rove2 Im afraid !ell have to sack you.
2. -es !elcome to come !ith us2 $rovided it !ont be too much of a strain for him to !alk so
3. If he doesnt $ay the rent by <riday2 Im going to thro! him out.
4. If he $ays2 hes !elcome to stay2 $rovided he doesnt fall behind !ith the rent again ne+t
5. )hey !ont let you into that restaurant if youre not !earing a tie.
. 'oull have a !onderful time2 $rovided you dont have bad !eather.
1&. 7ave88.done and need doing.
1. )heyre going to do my hair tomorro!. Im ((.
2. )heir house !as redecorated last year.
3. -es at the o$ticians . )heyre re$airing his glasses.
4. )he suit !ill be made for you in time for the !edding .
5. )he book is being designed for us by an outside firm.
. Ill ask you to make a co$y of the re$ort.

1. 'ou should get your hair cut.

2. 3y shoes need mending. =use !ill have to>
3. 'our suit needs cleaning. =use !ill have to>
4. Ill have to get these figures checked.
5. )hat $iano needs tuning. %ell (((
. %e should get the central heating serviced. )he central heating needs (((.
1(. 9$ere *re.ative adver:, and #re#ositions.
1. the office he !orks at is not far from here.
2. )his is the house I !as born in.
3. )he cinema !e used to go to has been closed do!n.
4. )he site the castle !as built on is no! !aste land.
5. )hats the club he used to $lay tennis at.
. )he house I gre! u$ in has been knocked do!n.
1-. 7ad :etter and s$ou.d% Now change the sentences from constructions using If to others
using had better or should. Use had better when the situation has to do with immediate and
should where it refers to general advice.
1. If you dont drive more carefully2 !ell have an accident.
2. It looks cloudy2 so If I !ere you2 Id take an umbrella.
3. If you eat s!eets all day2 youll get fat. =use because>
4. If I !ere you2 I !ouldnt eat any more s!eets. If you do2 you !ont enjoy your lunch. =use or>
5. It !ould be a good idea If I rang him u$2 or else hell think !ere not coming.
. If I !ere more considerate2 I !ould !rite to her more often2 because shes lonely.
". If I !ere you2 Id $ay more attention in class.
#. It !ould be a good idea If you brought some milk2 because !ell run out2 other!ise.
% Now change these sentences into the indirect form, using each verb in turn (except in
the final two sentences).
1. 'oud better turn the gas off before !e leave the house. &arah said to me.
2. 'ou should com$are the $rices in the different sho$s before you buy anything2 the guide
told us.
3. 'oud better not to tell him about it2 3ary said to him.
4. 'ou shouldnt !ork so hard2 the doctor told her.
5. 'ou should go to )aylors if you !ant film equi$ment2 the guide told us. )he guide advised
us (((
. 'oud better go by train2 the travel agent said to her. )he travel agent suggested ((((.
10. Logica. conc.usion% +ust and can;t. hange these sentences to forms using must, cant
and couldnt.
1. &he looks just like him I su$$ose shes his sister.
2. .verything looks deserted. Im sure theyre not at home.
3. I su$$ose hes s$ent all the money. ?ther!ise he !ouldnt have asked you for money.
4. I dont think theyve arrived in /ondon yet.
5. Im sure It !asnt here !hen I cleaned the house. I !ould have noticed it.
. If you havent understood2 then Im sure you havent been $aying attention. If you havent
understood then you ((
". )hey !ere allo!ed to get on the $lane2 so I su$$ose they had their $ass$orts !ith them.
)hey !ere allo!ed to get on the $lane2 so they (((..
11. Negative #ur#ose and c.auses and a.ternatives.
1. thieves often !ear gloves because they dont !ant to leave finger$rints.
2. he $ut his keys on a key@ring to avoid losing them.
3. &ome dentists !ear masks in order not to catch germs from their $atients.
4. -e carried the jug in both hands because he didnt !ant to dro$ it.
5. -e didnt tell her the bad ne!s because he didnt !ant to u$set her.
. 'ou should check your !ork to avoid making silly mistakes.
'ou should check your !ork in order (((
12. In case.
1. %ell make an early start because there may be a lot of traffic on the road.
2. Ive $acked it carefully because someone may dro$ it.
3. -e insured his car because he thought he might have an accident.
4. 'ou may not remember the number2 so !rite it do!n.
5. -e may try to esca$e2 so !atch the door carefully.
. I gave him a ma$ because I thought he might not kno! the !ay.
13. Re#orted S#eec$.
1. A I think it is going to rain2 he said.
2. A I havent had time to ty$e this letter2 the secretary said to her boss.
3. A %e are not going to /ondon tomorro!2 my $arents told me.
4. A %e $layed football yesterday2 the children said to their father.
5. A I cant remember his address2 I said.
. A Ive been !orking here for t!enty years2 he told me.
". A I must go no! because I have to catch the four oclock train2 he said.
#. A %hen the boss comes back Ill tell him that you rang2 she said.
1. A -ave you ever meet him, I asked her.
2. A %ill I get better soon, she asked the doctor.
3. A %hen !ill it be ready, the asked me
4. A %hy didnt you tell me about it, 3y friend told me.
5. A %hich one do you !ant, -is mother asked him
. A Bo you kno! ho! to do it, -e asked me.
". A %ould you like to have dinner !ith us,2 his $arents asked me.
#. A %hat can I do to hel$ her, -e asked me.
1. A *lease2 hold the ladder for me2 he said to me.
2. A 4ee$ quiet8 )he teacher said to the students.
3. A Bont lose it8 his mother said to him.
4. A Bont be silly82 she said to her boyfriend.
5. A *lease2 dont leave me alone82 the boy told his $arents.
. A 5e careful !hen you cross the road8 2 their mother told them.
"5. Indirect s#eec$% ver:s s#ecif/ing t$e <a/ t$ings are said% Identify which of the verbs
below you would use to introduce each of these sentences in indirect speech.
List of ver:s% accuse2 admit2 agree2 beg2 deny2 e+claim2 inform2 order2 $refer2 $romise2
refuse2 remind2 !arn2 and !onder.
1. A Im going to tell you !hat this !ord mean.
2. A I made a mistake2 and Im very sorry about it.
3. A I think you are quite right.
4. A *lease2 $lease2 listen to me8.
5. A Co one must leave the building !ithout my $ermission. &tay here all of you8.
. A Bont do that again. If you do2 youll be $unished.
". A %ill I ever see her again,.
#. A I !ont do it2 ho!ever much you $ay me.
D. A 'our $ass$ort is ready and !aiting for collection.
1:. A 'ou killed him2 didnt you,.
11. A Co2 I didnt I s!ear I am innocent.
12. A -o! lovely to see you8 .
13. A Id rather stay at home2 if you dont mind.
14. A Ill $ay you at the end of the month !ithout far8.
15. A Eemember that you have to go to the meeting tomorro!.
1. 6an you tell me !hat this !ord mean,
6an you e+$lain (((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
2. )hese handkerchiefs !ill have to be !ashed.
)hese handkerchiefs need ((((((((((((((((((((((..
3. 'ou cant leave the country !ithout a $ass$ort.
'ou cant leave the country unless (((((((((((((((((((
4. %e have to $ay the rent by the end of the month.
)he rent ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
5. 'ou cant book the tickets till tomorro!2 she said.
&he told us (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
. I !as born in a house not far from here.
)he house (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
". Im sure youre guilty. Co one else !as there.
'ou must (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
#. -o! dare you suggest that I killed him,
-o! dare you accuse ((((((((((((((((((((((((.
D. *ut your coat on because it may get cold later on.
*ut your coat on in case (((((((((((((((((((((((
1:. It !ould have been im$ossible for him to kno! !hat !as going to ha$$en.
-e could (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((..
11. -e stood in the shado!s because he didnt !ant them to see him.
-e stood in the shado!s so that (((((((((((((((((((
12. %hy havent you told me this before,. -e asked her.
-e asked her (((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
13. 0 ne! boat is being built here for the Fueen.
)he Fueen is (((((((((((((((((((((((((((
14. A 'oud better not leave it too late if you !ant to book your holiday for 0ugust.
)he agent advised her (((((((((((((((((((((((
15. )hey made her follo! them into the house.
&he !as (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
"1. =erund and It 888. > infinitive.
1. It is dangerous to cross the road !ithout looking.
2. /iving in a hotel is e+$ensive.
3. It is unreasonable to e+$ect other $eo$le to think the same !ay as you do.
4. 3arrying for lover is better than marrying for money.
5. It is no joke to get lost in the middle of the jungle.
. 6riticising other $eo$le is very easy.
". It !as a mistake to lose your tem$er.
"". T$e reason for and t$e reason <$/.
1. 6an government give us a reason for the increase in ta+es,
2. 6an you give me any reason !hy you !ere absent,
3. Is there any reason for his behaving so strangely,
4. I cant see any good reason !hy they changed the rules.
5. I cant give you a logical reason for your failure.
. )he reasons !hy I resigned are $rivate.
"&. So 88t$at, suc$ 88t$at and too 88to.
1. I !as so busy that I couldnt go to the tele$hone.
2. -e !as too fat to get through the door.
3. %e !ere so im$atient that !e couldnt !ait any longer.
4. -e !as too tired to go on.
5. I !as too angry to s$eak.
. )hey !ere so slee$y that they couldnt kee$ their eyes o$en.
1. )he case !as so heavy that he couldnt lift it.
2. )his tea is too hot for us to drink.
3. )he question !as so difficult that she couldnt ans!er it.
4. )he object !as too small for me to see it !ith the naked eye.
5. )he $lan is so com$licated that !e cant understand it.
. )he !eather !as too bad for them to $lay tennis.
1. )he journey !as so tiring that I fell aslee$.
2. It !as such a boring book that I couldnt finish it.
3. It !as such a long flight that !e had dinner three times.
4. )he flo!ers !ere so beautiful that it !as a shame to $ick them.
5. )he train is so fast that it gets to /ondon in 2: minutes.
. )hey !ere such large bo+es that !e couldnt send them by air.
". )he dress !as so $retty that I couldnt resist it.
#. )he $eo$le at the hotel !ere so interesting that it !as a $leasure to talk to them.
"(. Co+#arison% negatives.
1. *o$@6ola sells better than any other drink. =Co other (.>
2. 3argaret is the best s!immer in the school. =Co one (>
3. .nglish interests me more than any other subject. =Cothing (.>
4. &uccess means more to him than anything else. =Cothing (.>
5. &he dances better than anyone I kno!. =Co one (.>
. It has !on more ?scars than any other film. =Co other (.>
"-. Neit$er 88 nor and not 888.. eit$er.
1. Ceither 1ones nor &mith stole the money.
2. &ally didnt !in the race and nor did 0nne.
3. *aul doesnt !ant to $lay and &usan doesnt either.
4. )he Bemocratic Cationalists !ont !in the elocution and neither !ill the Cationalist
5. Ceither 5ob nor his father has ever done a days !ork in his !hole life.
. 1ames didnt arrive on time and nor did 7erald.
". Eobin hasnt got any money and 0ngela hasnt either.
#. Ceither she nor I care !hat you say.
"0. Need to, necessar/ for and needn;t.
1. Is it really necessary for him to !ork so hard,
2. Bo they really need to s$end the night there,
3. It isnt necessary for you to !ait.
4. -e doesnt need to bring his $ass$ort.
5. Bo I really need to take $art,
. It isnt really necessary for them to accom$any us.
1. 'ou gave the !aiter a bigger ti$ than !as necessary. =use such>
2. It !asnt necessary for me to !rite to him2 because he rang me u$.
3. 'ou bought too much bread. Co! !ell have to thro! some of it a!ay. =use so much>
4. It rained very hard yesterday. /uckily2 it !asnt necessary for us to go out.
5. &he come in her o!n car so it !asnt necessary for me to give her a lift.
. %e took more luggage than !e really needed on holiday.
"1. On 8o<n and :/ 8se.f.
1. If youd rather be on your o!n2 Ill leave you.
2. I dont like having dinner by myself.
3. )he children have left home2 so !e are on our o!n no!.
4. &ome children !ould rather $lay by themselves than !ith others.
5. )he dog kee$s barking because it is by itself in that big house.
. %hen my $artner retired2 I carried on on my o!n.
1. It isnt easy to study !ith the radio on.
2. It !as too cold for them to have the !indo!s o$en.
It !as so cold (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
3. 'ou $aid more than !as necessary for that dress.
'ou neednt ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
4. Boes he really need to make such a noise,
Is it really (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
5. -e $layed better than anyone else in the com$etition.
Co one else (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((..
. &he !as so angry that she couldnt s$eak.
&he !as too (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
". 0rent you lonely on your o!n,
0re you lonely ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
#. )he journey !as so long that !e felt tired !hen !e arrived.
It !as ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
D. /aughing at other $eo$les misfortunes is unkind.
It is (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
1:. )he reason !hy I called !as to ask you for advice.
)he reason for ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
"2. !escri#tions% descri:e and te.. 88 <$at 88...i)e.
1. 6an you describe the man to us2 $lease,
2. It !ould hel$ us to find the gloves if you could tell us !hat they are like.
3. It !as such a terrible e+$erience that I cant describe it to you.
4. Ive never been to India2 but friends of mine have told me !hat it is like.
5. %hen you have looked through the microsco$e2 tell me !hat you have seen and !hat it is
. I cant describe the sensation I felt.
"3. Ever/one't$ing and on./.
1. )he only $erson !ho didnt remember !as &ally.
2. I bought everything e+ce$t the butter.
3. Ive rung everyone e+ce$t &arah.
4. )he only thing I havent done is to turn the electricity off.
5. .veryone has re$lied to the invitation e+ce$t Eobin.
. )he only thing that doesnt make sense in this com$osition is the conclusion.
&5. Conditiona. sentences and a.ternatives.
1. -e fell off his horse at the last fence so he didnt !in the race.
2. I intended to buy it but it $roved too e+$ensive.
3. I meant to give him your message but he came in late.
4. 'ou didnt make a note of it in your diary so you forgot about it.
5. Cobody told him about the $arty so he didnt come.
. -e !as going to buy a house but he didnt have enough money.
". %e didnt kno! you !ere coming so !e didnt !ait for you.
&1. !irect and indirect s#eec$% a#o.ogies. Put t$e fo..o<ing state+ents into indirect
s#eec$ using a#o.ogise.
a. A Im sorry I lost it2 he said.
b. A Im sorry about the mistakes I made2 she said.
c. A Im sorry I forgot to $ost it2 she said.
d. A Im sorry I didnt notice the time2 she said.
e. A Im sorry I lost my tem$er2 he said.
f. A %ere sorry your train is late2 they said.
&". A.t$oug$, even t$oug$ and in s#ite of .
a. 0lthough he !as strong2 he could not break do!n the door.
b. In s$ite of her rudeness2 Im still fond of her.
c. 0lthough he is e+$erienced2 he is not the $erson !e are looking for this job.
d. -e lost the race2 in s$ite of running so !ell.
e. -e makes careless mistakes2 in s$ite of his kno!ledge of the subject.
f. )he $lane took off on time2 in s$ite of its being cloudy.
g. .ven though he !orks hard2 he doesnt earn much.
h. In s$ite of his great !ealth2 he still lives in that old house.
&&. !irect and indirect s#eec$% regrets and co+#.aints.
1. A I !ish I had never met him2 she said.
2. -e regretted that he had eaten such a big meal.
3. A I !ish I hadnt thro!n it a!ay2 he said.
4. A I !ish I had studied harder at school2 my aunt said.
5. &he regretted that she had lost her tem$er.
. &he regretted not having told me about it in time.
&(. 7ave 8 done and get 8.done.
1. &omeone has stolen my !atch.
2. -e made such un$leasant remarks to the girls that one sla$$ed his face.
3. )hey took his driving licence a!ay.
4. -e kicked another $layer and the referee took his name.
5. &omeone tore his shirt in the struggle.
. If you $ut your glasses on a chair like that2 someone !ill break them.
1. )hey arrived so late that !e missed the start of the film.
If they hadnt (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
2. It is time for you to leave for the office.
It is time you (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
3. <rank regretted losing his tem$er.
<rank !ished ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
4. -e described his room to us.
-e told us !hat (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((.
5. &omeone has stolen my $urse82
Ive had ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((..
. Ive $acked everything e+ce$t the camera.
)he only thing ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
". %e !ent on $laying although it !as raining.
%e !ent on $laying in s$ite (((((((((((((((((((((((((((..
#. &he told him about it as soon as her mother had gone out.
&he !aited until (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
D. Im sorry I behaved so badly yesterday.
I a$ologise (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
1:. &he gave me a lift home2 !hich !as kind of her.
It !as (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

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