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JSF HTML Tag Library

Tag Name Description

h:body This tag renders an HTML body element.
h:button render HTML input element of type button
h:column The column tag renders a single column of data within a data table component.
renders an HTML submit button that can be associated with a backing bean or ActionListener class
for event handling purposes.
The commandLink tag renders an HTML anchor tag that behaves like a form submit button and that
can be associated with a backing bean or ActionListener class for event handling purposes.
renders an HTML4 compliant table element that can be associated with a backing bean to obtain its
data as well as for event handling purposes.
h:form The form tag renders an HTML form element.
h:graphicImage The graphicImage tag renders an HTML image tag.
h:head This tag renders an HTML head element.
h:inputHidden The inputHidden tag renders an HTML input element of the type "hidden".
h:inputSecret The inputSecret tag renders an HTML input element of the type "password".
h:inputText The inputText tag renders an HTML input element of the type "text".
h:inputTextarea The inputTextarea tag renders an HTML "textarea" element.
h:link [ Documentation pending ]
h:message The message tag renders a message for a specific component.
h:messages The messages tag renders all Faces messages for the current view.
The outputFormat tag renders parameterized text and allows you to customize the appearance of this
text using CSS styles.
h:outputLabel The outputLabel tag renders an HTML "label" element.
h:outputLink The outputLink tag renders an HTML anchor tag with an "href" attribute.
h:outputScript [ Documentation pending ]
h:outputStylesheet [ Documentation pending ]
h:outputText The outputText tag renders basic text on your JSF page.
h:panelGrid The h:panelGrid tag renders an HTML4 compliant table element.
h:panelGroup The panelGroup tag is a container component that renders its child components.
h:selectBooleanCheckbox The SelectBooleanCheckbox tag renders an HTML input element of the type "checkbox".
h:selectManyCheckbox renders a list of HTML checkboxes.
h:selectManyListbox renders an HTML "select" list of any size with the "multiple" attribute present.
h:selectManyMenu an HTML "select" element with the "multiple" attribute present and the "size" attribute set to 1.
The SelectOneListbox tag renders an HTML "select" element of any size without the "multiple"
h:selectOneMenu renders an HTML "select" element with a "size" of 1 without the "multiple" attribute.
h:selectOneRadio The SelectOneRadio tag renders a table of HTML "input" elements of the type "radio".

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