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Celebrating 77 years of Excellence

Introduction of Mayor Gray at the Capitol Gay Pride Day

Mayor Gray, Councilmembers, scholars, and guestI am Principal Cahallwelcome to the second
annual Capitol Gay Pride Day at Wilson High School. Mayor GrayI want to thank you for your
consistent support and action on behalf of the LGBTQ community. You have lead the way to allow
members of our LGBTQ community to be full partners in our city. You have been relentless and
absolute for ensuring equity for all people of our city.the nations capitol cityand setting the bar
for acceptance, inclusion, and full membership into the citys culture and daily life as valued citizens
of Washington DC. A few weeks ago, I turned 50 years old. This was a watershed time for me and
you have influenced what I would like to announce today. I have hid in the shadows for the last 50
years. Your leadership has given me the courage and inspiration to say what I need and must say
today. As a former athlete, people like Jason Collins and Michael Sam have given me the inspiration
to say what I want to announce today. Since being at Wilson, I have been inspired by my colleagues to
for the first time say what that I need and want to say today like Alex Wilson, Julie Caccamise, Rob
Geremia, Michael Garbus, and Chris Obermeyer. I have felt the love and support of the greater Wilson
and DCPS community for our LGBTQ members including Councilmember Catania. But the critical
factor for me as the principal has been that I have been inspired by my young date I have
not made this declaration is because I did not want my kids to think of me differently or not respect
methose fears were obstacles in my mind because of the culture of when and where I grew up.
Mayor Grayyou have led the way and set the circumstances that I could never imagine as a high
school student or high school principal to say to the Wilson community that I am a gay manI have
hid in the shadowsbut I am liberated today to be me and to let myself be me without fear, retaliation
or consequence. I feel safe and want all of my students and staff to be and feel safeI have used this
quote from a Lady Gaga song before but think that it is absolutely appropriate today.No matter gay,
straight, or bi, Lesbian, transgendered life, I'm on the right track baby, I was born to survive. No matter
black, white or beige Chola or orient made, I'm on the right track baby, I was born to be brave. Mayor
Gray... I want to say publically for the first time because of your leadership, care, and support that I am
a gay man who just happens to be the principal of Wilson High School.

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