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Caesar Closing Statement


Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury:
The events that led up to and followed Caesars death have been carefully
reviewed and analyzed. Brutus ignited the assassination, gathered up his followers, and
created an unstoppable force against Caesar. Titinius deceptively convinced Caesar to go
to the Capitol, where he was later killed. Had Caesar not been warned, it would have
been a completely different situation. However the soothsayer and Calpurnia tried to
warn him. Caesar chose to go to the capitol. In this case, can Cassius truly be held
I ask that instead of only looking at the bad, you look at the good as well and see
that the pros out weigh the cons. Based on the evidence and based on what information
has been provided to you, it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that Cassius
actions were justified, as they were for the good of the people. Lucilius has proven to
you that Cassius was a Roman who deeply loves his people. He has proven that Cassius
is a caring and selfless citizen. Brutus has proven to you that indeed Cassius has saved
Caesars life in the past, showing his devotion and love for his friend. Through
questioning Decius, we have found that Cassius was not the leader of the conspirators nor
did he create the uprising. This action came from a mans never ending love for Rome
and its people. He wanted nothing more than to protect his home from a rule of
oppression and horror. A rule in which Rome may never have bounced back from.
This conflict has been a perfect example of everything that exists in life. We live
in a result-based world where everything happens for a reason, due to the laws of cause
and effect. When Louis XVI was ruling in his corrupt and immoral ways in the 18

century, there was a revolution in France. He was later executed on the guillotine. Cases
where a ruler has been corrupt and later overthrown are common, if not typical. Caesars
reign is simply another example of the result-based events.
Everything Cassius did was for the good of his city, for the good of his people,
and for the good of the future generations. He did what he had to do to ensure the safety
and comfort of his loved ones. Had you been in this position, where one person had
power over everything you cared about, how would you react?
Cassius simply proposed the idea and stabbed Caesar, but he did not assassinate
Caesar. We sincerely hope that you take all the evidence provided into account. Thank
you and make your decision wisely. This is a good man. This is a man who wanted the
best for you. This is a man who loves his home. This is not a man who committed
Thank you.

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