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Series 1
Yoga For Absolute Beginners
by David Procyshyn
Duration: 6 Weeks
Commitment Per Week: 2 Classes and 1 Tutorial
To learn the yoga basics from the perspective
of an absolute beginner. The focus will be on
classes that move through gentle poses while
being careful and emphasizing alignment. Each
class builds on the one before it, fnishing with
class 12, which will challenge the student the
Dont push yourself. Make sure that even when
you feel uncomfortable that you can relax and
breathe deeply. Muscles stretch best when you
are aware of them as they are stretching, and
they stretch even better when you consciously
relax them.
Apply the principles of core activation as much
as you can, so you are always protecting your
spine. Have patience with yourself and listen to
your body. If you are quite sore the next day,
take a break until you feel ready for the next
This series of classes is great for those who are
new to yoga or have not done a lot of stretch-
ing in the past. It is designed to get your mus-
cles used to being stretched, while minimizing
soreness. After 6 weeks, not only will you feel
more fexible, but you will be able to take on
more challenging classes.
When To Do Each Class:
This program is meant to ft your schedule, so
set up your yoga classes when they work for
you. Keep in mind that it is best to plan a class
when you have enough time both before and
after the session to settle into and transition out
of the class. Also, its a good idea to leave a
day between classes so your body can rest.
What Are Tutorials?:
Tutorials are optional and are for those who are
looking to go into more depth with yoga anato-
my. They can be done at any point during that
particular week and are designed to teach you
important principles of alignment.
What Are Shorter Classes?:
We provide additional, shorter class options if
you are looking to do more. Each one is cho-
sen to complement that particular stage of
your program by helping improve your bodys
strength and fexibility.
What Are Alternatives?:
Along with your weekly list of classes are alter-
natives - classes you can do if you would pre-
fer, for whatever reason, to do a different class.
Some classes require
props; the props are
listed on the website
below each video.
Before you start the
program, choose your
classes and set up a
schedule. Plan when you
intend to do each class.
Week One
Class One: A Stretch Class for Beginners I
Alternative: Yoga for Runners: A Stretch Class for the IT Band
Class Two: A Stretch Class for Beginners II
Alternative: Yoga for Runners: A Stretch Class for the IT Band
Tutorial: Core Activation Part I: The Pelvic Floor
Short Classes: 1) Yoga Therapy for the Shoulders and Upper Back 2) Yoga Therapy
for the Hands, Wrists and Forearms
Week Two
Class Three: Pilates Fundamentals: The Five Principles
Alternative: Pilates: Beginner Level 1 Class
Class Four: Beginners Yoga for Shoulder Strength
Alternative: A 30-Minute Class For The Shoulders
Tutorial: Core Activation Part II: The Transversus Abdominis
Short Classes: 1) Yoga Therapy for the Neck and Feet 2) Gentle Yoga for the Neck
Week Three
Class Five: Pilates: Beginner Level 1 Class
Alternative: A 30-Minute Class For The Shoulders
Class Six: Beginners Yoga for Leg Strength
Alternative: Yoga for the Hips, Hamstrings and Back
Tutorial: Core Activation Part III: The Multifdus
Short Classes: 1) Restorative Yoga: Letting Go Through Stillness and Stretch 2) Yoga Thera-
py for the Hips
Week Four
Class Seven: Restoring Equilibrium
Alternative: Breath, Balance and Twists
Class Eight: Bend and Stretch
Alternative: Challenge Your Body: A Beginners Level II Class
Tutorial: Core Activation Part IV: Putting it all Together
Short Classes: 1) Twist and Stretch 2) Restorative Yoga: Letting Go Through Stillness and
Week Five
Class Nine: Restoring Balance
Alternative: Breath, Balance and Twists
Class Ten: The Ultimate Shoulder Sequence
Alternative: Challenge Your Body: A Beginners Level II Class
Tutorial: Core Activation Part V: The Fragile Egg
Short Classes: 1) Yoga for the Hips, Hamstrings and Back 2) Beginners Yoga for Leg
Week Six
Class Eleven: Breath, Balance and Twists
Alternative: Restoring Equilibrium
Class Twelve: A Deep Release for the Hips, Hamstrings and Lower Back
Alternative: Challenge Your Body: A Beginners Level II Class
Tutorial: Core Activation Part VI: Incorporating Movement
Short Classes: 1) Bend and Stretch 2) Yoga Therapy for the Shoulders and Upper Back
All done? Congratulations!
Please email your comments and questions to

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