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Data Migration Strategy

Version 1.0
t h
January 2013
Author Date:
Approver Date:
EXAMPLE: Data Migration Strategy (Customer First)
Version 1.0 Date 2!0"!2010
Table of Contents
1 Document Information .............................................................................................4
2 Introduction...............................................................................................................5
3 Definitions of Different Types of Data ......................................................................6
3.1 Master Data..................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Configuration Data.......................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Transaction Data............................................................................................................. 6
4 Data Migration Activities...........................................................................................
4.1 Define t!e "A# Data $e%uirements &'unctiona() ............................................................
4.2 Define t!e "A# Data $e%uirements &Tec!nica() .............................................................
4.3 Identify t!e *egacy Data &'unctiona() .............................................................................
4.4 Identify t!e *egacy Data &Tec!nica() ..............................................................................
4.5 Define Data "tandards....................................................................................................
4.6 *egacy Data C(eansing ..................................................................................................
4. Determine t!e Data Transfer Met!od..............................................................................
4.+ Data Mapping and Transformation .................................................................................+
4., Identify Missing Data....................................................................................................... +
4.1- $eso(ve Missing Data.................................................................................................... +
4.11 ./tract *egacy Data...................................................................................................... +
4.12 Design Automatic *oads................................................................................................ +
4.13 Deve(op Automatic *oads..............................................................................................+
4.14 Manua( Data .ntry......................................................................................................... +
4.15 Data *oading Instructions.............................................................................................. +
4.16 Tria( Data 0p(oad 1 $unning.......................................................................................... +
4.1 Tria( Data 0p(oad 1 C!ec2ing......................................................................................... ,
4.1+ ./ecution #(an for 'ina( 0p(oads...................................................................................,
4.1, Dua( Data Maintenance................................................................................................. ,
4.2- Data Cutover................................................................................................................. ,
4.21 $econci(e t!e Migrated Data.........................................................................................,
4.22 Data "ign1off................................................................................................................. ,
5 Data Migration 3uiding #rincip(es..........................................................................1-
5.1 Data Migration Approac!............................................................................................... 1-
5.1.1 Master Data 1 &e.g. Customers4 Assets) ..................................................................................... 1-
5.1.2 56pen7 Transactiona( data &e.g. "ervice Tic2ets) ......................................................................1- 8istorica( Master and Transactiona( data .....................................................................1-
5.2 Data Migration Testing Cyc(es....................................................................................... 11
5.3 Data C(eansing ............................................................................................................. 11
6 Data Migration Met!ods.........................................................................................13
6.1 *egacy "ystem Migration 9or2:enc! &*"M9). ...........................................................13
6.2 *"M9 process f(o; ...................................................................................................... 13
6.3 <espo2e #rogram Deve(opment....................................................................................13
6.4 Manua( Migration........................................................................................................... 14
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Data 6:=ect "tructure &D6") .................................................................................15
+ Data 6:=ect $egister..............................................................................................16
, $o(es and $esponsi:i(ities.....................................................................................1
1- >ey Issues ? $is2s...............................................................................................1+
1-.1 Current Data Migration Issues.....................................................................................1+
1-.2 3enera( Data Migration $is2s .....................................................................................1+
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#6$#6$2#1% page 3 of 1&
1 Do"u'ent (nfor'ation
Area Data
Title Data Migration "trategy
)usiness *ro"ess
Short !es"ription
SolMan Dev (D
-evie,e! by
Approve! by
Do"u'ent Status $eady for revie;
.ersion Date Su''ary of Changes Author
1.- 14.-1.2--+ Document ready for revie; $ao
Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page % of 1&
2 (ntro!u"tion
T!e scope of t!is document is to define t!e data migration strategy in t!e conte/t of Customer 'irst
from a C$M perspective. <y its very nature C$M is not a ;!o(esa(e rep(acement of (egacy systems ;it!
"A# :ut rat!er t!e coordination and management of customer interaction ;it!in t!e e/isting app(ication
(andscape. T!erefore a (arge sca(e data migration in t!e traditiona( sense is not re%uired4 on(y a se(ect
fe; data entities ;i(( need to :e migrated into C$M.
Data migration is typica((y a 5one1off7 activity prior to go1(ive. Any ongoing data (oads re%uired on a
fre%uent or ad1!oc :asis are considered to :e interfaces4 and are not part of t!e data migration scope.
T!is document out(ines !o; t!e C' pro=ect intend to manage t!e data migration from t!e various
counci( (egacy systems t!e "A# C$M system
T!e creation of t!e "ing(e Customer $ecord is not inc(uded in t!is document@ refer to t!e "ing(e
Customer $ecord MDM design paper for information on t!is su:=ect.
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3 Definitions of Different Types of Data
In t!e conte/t of t!is document (egacy app(ications are defined as t!ose t!at ;i(( :e rep(aced :y t!e
Customer 'irst Transformation programme4 :ac21office app(ications are defined as app(ications t!at ;i((
not :e rep(aced :ut may :e integrated into t!e Customer 'irst app(ications.
31 Master Data
Identified as fi/ed data4 it descri:es t!e information a:out peop(e4 p(aces and o:=ects t!at are invo(ved
in running t!e :usiness processes. T!ese data types tend to :e created once maintained over a (ong
time frame and are used :y a num:er of :usiness activities. ./amp(es inc(ude@ customers4 assets4 (and
? property.
32 Configuration Data
T!is is data t!at is set up on "A# during t!e :ui(d and configuration process as it is configured. T!is
type of data is not part of t!e migration process4 as it ;i(( :e transported to t!e production system
t!roug! t!e transport procedure a(ong ;it! a(( ot!er configuration.
33 Transa"tion Data
Transaction data descri:es :usiness activities conducted :y t!e counci( in carrying out its duties. In t!e
conte/t of Customer 'irst t!ese transactions ;i(( :e re(ated to t!e customer interaction process and
re(ated to@
Customer providing ne; information A suc! as ne; address detai(s.
Customer see2ing information A suc! as (ocation of nearest s;imming poo(.
Customer ma2ing an app(ication A suc! as an app(ication for a par2ing permit.
Customer ma2ing a :oo2ing A suc! as an appointment ;it! a counci( officer.
Customer raising a service re%uest A suc! as a :u(2y ;aste co((ection.
Customer ma2ing a payment A suc! as a traffic offence fine.
Transactiona( Data fa((s into t;o categories@
+pen Transa"tion Data 1 is transactiona( data t!at !as not comp(eted its :usiness cyc(e4 for
e/amp(e a service tic2et t!at remains open ;it! additiona( activities re%uired prior to :eing
Close! Transa"tional Data / is transactiona( data t!at !as comp(eted its :usiness cyc(e and is
su:se%uent(y used for information purposes on(y4 for e/amp(e a service tic2et ;i(( a(( re(ated
activities comp(eted and a tic2et status of c(osed.
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% Data Migration A"tivities
T!e comp(e/ity of data migration demands a process t!at ensures t!e accurate and comp(ete transfer
of data into t!e ne; system from (egacy systems. T!e activities invo(ved in t!e data migration process
are detai(ed :e(o;.
%1 Define the SA* Data -e0uire'ents 12un"tional3
In "A# a Data 6:=ect is a :usiness data unit suc! as customers@ t!e functiona( "A# data re%uirements
define t!e "A# transactions4 t!e screen !eadings and t!e screen fie(d descriptions used to enter t!e
%2 Define the SA* Data -e0uire'ents 1Te"hni"al3
T!ese define in detai( t!e "A# Data structures4 ta:(es and fie(ds. Inc(uding t!e fie(d name4 fie(d
attri:utes &e.g. data type and (engt!) and fie(d properties &mandatory4 optiona(4 conditiona( or
suppressed). T!is process re%uires a detai(ed 2no;(edge of t!e associated "A# :usiness processes
and carefu( ana(ysis of t!e configured "A# system.
%3 (!entify the 4ega"y Data 12un"tional3
T!is activity identifies ;!ere t!e (egacy data current(y resides4 in ;!ic! app(icationsBdata:ases4 and
!o; it is current(y entered and maintained. In addition t!is activity defines t!e (egacy screen !eadings
and t!e screen fie(d descriptions used to enter t!e data.
%% (!entify the 4ega"y Data 1Te"hni"al3
T!is activity identifies in detai( t!e (egacy data ta:(es and fie(ds4 t!e fie(d attri:utes and properties
inc(uding t!e data type and (engt!. T!is process re%uires a detai(ed 2no;(edge of t!e associated
(egacy app(ications.
%5 Define Data Stan!ar!s
T!e data standards define t!e re%uired appearance4 consistency and content of t!e data. 'or e/amp(e4
t!e name and address formats4 uppercase ? (o;ercase re%uirements4 providing a consistent (oo2 for
t!e data t!at ;i(( :e visi:(e :ot! interna((y and e/terna((y to t!e :usiness.
%6 4ega"y Data Cleansing
*egacy data re%uired for migration into "A# must :e comp(ete(y c(eansed prior to t!e fina( data (oad in
"A# ;it! t!e aim to ensure t!e consistency and accuracy of t!e data.
As a genera( approac! t!e data ;i(( :e c(eansed on t!e (egacy data:ase :efore e/traction4 !o;ever
t!ere may :e circumstances ;!ere t!is is not t!e :est met!od and t!e data ;i(( :e c(eansed after it !as
:een e/tracted.
C(eansing is an iterative process t!at can start as soon as t!e data !as :een identified as :eing
re%uired for migration into "A#. T!e data c(eansing cyc(e inc(udes t!e fo((o;ing stepsC
T!e e(imination o:so(ete records.
T!e remova( of dup(icate records.
Correcting inaccurate records.
Correcting incomp(ete records.
%7 Deter'ine the Data Transfer Metho!
'or eac! :usiness o:=ect t!e fo((o;ing c!oices are avai(a:(e for data transferC
To use t!e standard "A# data transfer programs.
To manua((y enter data ;it! on(ine transactions.
To deve(op :espo2e :atc! input programs.
Data vo(umes4 data comp(e/ity and avai(a:i(ity of standard "A# data (oad programs are a(( to :e
considered :efore deciding :et;een automated or manua( (oad.
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%5 Data Mapping an! Transfor'ation
T!is is a manua( process ;!ere t!e data fie(ds in t!e (egacy data source are assigned corresponding
fie(ds in t!e "A# system. 'ie(d te/t in t!e (egacy system rare(y agrees ;it! t!e corresponding
termino(ogy in t!e "A# system4 t!erefore a variety of mapping met!ods are re%uired. At t!e end of t!is
step every "A# fie(d t!at re%uires data must !ave :eenC
Assigned a corresponding fie(d from t!e (egacy system.
Assigned a transformation A i.e. converted from t!e origina( state to t!e re%uired state using
variety of met!ods inc(uding (oo2up ta:(es4 com:ining fie(ds or (ogica( ru(es for data
Assigned a constant va(ue.
%& (!entify Missing Data
Missing data is identified during t!e data mapping process4 ;!ere a ta:(e or fie(d in t!e "A# systems
does not !ave an identifia:(e source from t!e (egacy app(ications.
%1# -esolve Missing Data
"A# modu(es ;i(( re%uire data t!at does not e/ist in t!e (egacy systems4 t!e approac!es to reso(ve t!is
issue areC
#opu(ate t!e missing data ;it!in t!e data (oad programs4 eit!er :y ca(cu(ation or mapping
0sing t!ird party soft;are4 suc! as Microsoft ./ce(4 for data staging and manipu(ating t!e
data manua((y to fit t!e re%uired format.
Deve(oping guide(ines for use during manua( migrations4 ;!ic! s!o; !o; to determine
missing va(ues ;!i(e entering t!e data.
%11 67tra"t 4ega"y Data
*egacy data is e/tracted from t!e (egacy systems using soft;are specifica((y deve(oped for t!e tas2
using t!e (egacy too(set avai(a:(e4 t!e e/tracted data is (oaded into staging ta:(es and transferred to t!e
data staging area. ./tracted (egacy data ;i(( :e !e(d on t!e data migration staging area for furt!er
ana(ysis4 manipu(ation and c(eansing using t!e appropriate too(4 for e/amp(e M" ./ce(4 M" Access.
Integrity c!ec2s are re%uired to ensure t!e correct data !as :een e/tracted4 for e/amp(e4 a(( records are
inc(uded in t!e e/tract4 dup(icates !ave not :een created etc.
%12 Design Auto'ati" 4oa!s
9!ere an automatic (oad process !as :een c!osen as t!e :est met!od to (oad t!e data into "A#4 t!e
data (oad programs are designed and a tec!nica( specification ;ritten. T!e tec!nica( specification ;i((
define an appropriate "A# (oad tec!ni%ue4 a(( data mapping &(egacy fie(d to "A# fie(d) and data
transformation (ogic.
%13 Develop Auto'ati" 4oa!s
Automatic data (oads into "A# ;i(( :e deve(oped using t!e tec!nica( specification defined.
%1% Manual Data 6ntry
9!ere manua( data entry !as :een c!osen as t!e :est met!od to (oad t!e data into "A#4 data ;i(( :e
manua((y entered into "A# using t!e appropriate transaction.
%15 Data 4oa!ing (nstru"tions
Instructions for t!e data (oad to :e ;ritten and agreed for a(( data o:=ects in scope. T!is inc(udes t!e
order in ;!ic! data is to :e migrated and any dependencies
%16 Trial Data 8ploa! 9 -unning
T!e process of running tria( data (oads into t!e "A# system ;i(( !e(p ensure data accuracy4 t!e correct
(oad se%uence4 determine (oad duration and correct any (oading errors. T!e tria( data (oads ;i((
continue unti( t!e (oad process comp(etes successfu((y.
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%17 Trial Data 8ploa! 9 Che":ing
After t!e tria( data (oad run !as comp(eted4 t!e data (oaded ;i(( :e c!ec2ed for accuracy to ensure it
meets defined re%uirements.
%15 67e"ution *lan for 2inal 8ploa!s
T!is p(an gives an indication of t!e feasi:i(ity of t!e fina( conversion into t!e production system in t!e
avai(a:(e time frame4 and specifies t!e data se%uencing as ;e(( as t!e appropriate time to freeDe t!e
(egacy system&s)4 for e/tracting information for t!e fina( up(oads.
%1& Dual Data Maintenan"e
9!ere master data is migrated :efore actua( go1(ive any data c!anges on t!e (egacy system must a(so
:e ref(ected on t!e ne; "A# system. Dua( maintenance is :est avoided if t!ere is a (arge vo(ume of
master data c!anges as t!e additiona( ;or2(oad may :e e/cessive.
%2# Data Cutover
T!is is t!e fina( Data Migration into t!e "A# production "ystem. T!e cutover period is t!e time :et;een
t!e s!utting do;n of t!e o(d system &and ceasing of a(( (ogistic re(ated :usiness activities) and
commencement of use of t!e "A#. During cutover t!e a(( processing on t!e (egacy system is froDen
and t!e data e/tracted.
%21 -e"on"ile the Migrate! Data
T!is process c!ec2s t!at t!e data migrated into "A# meets t!e specified data re%uirements. T!is
inc(udes4 :ut is not (imited to manua( data c!ec2s4 record counts4 c!ec2ing :a(ances4 running
reconci(iation reports4 approva( of accepta:(e differences &rounding errors) etc.
%22 Data Sign9off
After t!e migrated data !as :een reconci(ed and c!ec2ed t!e data (oads ;i(( :e signed1off4 t!e sign1off
;i(( act as approva( for t!e go1(ive of t!e "A# app(ication.
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5 Data Migration ;ui!ing *rin"iples
51 Data Migration Approa"h
511 Master Data 9 1eg Custo'ers< Assets3
T!e approac! is t!at master data ;i(( :e migrated into "A# providing t!ese conditions !o(dC
T!e app(ication ;!ere t!e data resides is :eing rep(aced :y "A#.
T!e master records are re%uired to support "A# functiona(ity post1go1(ive.
T!ere is a 2ey operationa(4 reporting or (ega(Bstatutory re%uirement.
T!e master data is current &e.g. records mar2ed for de(etion need not :e migrated) 6$ is
re%uired to support anot!er migration.
T!e (egacy data is of a sufficient %ua(ity suc! so as not to adverse(y affect t!e dai(y running of
t!e "A# system 6$ ;i(( :e c(eansed :y t!e :usinessBen!anced sufficient(y ;it!in t!e data
migration process to meet t!is re%uirement.
EoteC 9!ere t!e master data resides in an app(ication t!at is not :eing rep(aced :y "A#4 :ut is re%uired
:y "A# to support specific functiona(ity4 t!e data ;i(( E6T :e migrated :ut accessed from "A# using a
dynamic %uery (oo21up. A dynamic %uery (oo21up is a rea(1time %uery accessing t!e data in t!e source
app(ication as and ;!en it is re%uired. T!e advantages of t!is approac! are@
1 Avoids t!e dup(ication of data t!roug!out t!e system (andscape.
1 Avoids data ;it!in "A# :ecoming out1of1date.
1 Avoids t!e deve(opment and running of fre%uent interfaces to update t!e data ;it!in "A#.
1 $educes t!e %uantity of data ;it!in t!e "A# systems.
512 =+pen> Transa"tional !ata 1eg Servi"e Ti":ets3
T!e approac! is t!at 5open7 transactiona( data ;i(( E6T :e migrated to "A# un(ess A** t!ese
conditions are metC
T!ere is a 2ey operationa(4 reporting or (ega(Bstatutory re%uirement
T!e (egacy system is to :e decommissioned as a resu(t of t!e C' pro=ect in timesca(es t!at
;ou(d prevent a 5run do;n7 of open items
T!e para((e( 5run do;n7 of open items ;it!in t!e (egacy system is impractica( due to operationa(4
timing or resource constraints
T!e "A# :ui(d and structures permit a correct and consistent interpretation of (egacy system
items a(ongside "A#1generated items
T!e :usiness is a:(e to commit resources to o;n data reconci(iat!gion and sign1off at a detai(ed
(eve( in a time(y manner across mu(tip(e pro=ect p!ases
5121 ?istori"al Master an! Transa"tional !ata
T!e approac! is t!at !istorica( data ;i(( not :e migrated un(ess A** t!ese conditions are metC
T!ere is a 2ey operationa(4 reporting or (ega(Bstatutory re%uirement t!at cannot :e met :y using
t!e remaining system
T!e (egacy system is to :e decommissioned as a direct resu(t of t!e C' pro=ect ;it!in t!e C'
pro=ect time(ine
An arc!iving so(ution cou(d not meet re%uirements
T!e "A# :ui(d and structures permit a correct and consistent interpretation of (egacy system
items a(ongside "A#1generated items
T!e :usiness is a:(e to commit resources to o;n data reconci(iation and sign1off at a detai(ed
(eve( in a time(y manner across mu(tip(e pro=ect p!ases
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52 Data Migration Testing Cy"les
In order to test and verify t!e migration process it is proposed t!at t!ere ;i(( :e t!ree testing cyc(es
:efore t!e fina( (ive (oadC
Tria( *oad 1C 0nit testing of t!e e/tract and (oad routines.
Tria( *oad 2C T!e first test of t!e comp(ete end1to1end data migration process for eac! data
entity. T!e main purpose of t!is (oad is to ensure t!e e/tract routines ;or2 correct(y4 t!e staging
area transformation is correct4 and t!e (oad routines can (oad t!e data successfu((y into "A#.
T!e various data entities ;i(( not necessari(y :e (oaded in t!e same se%uence as ;i(( :e done
during t!e (ive cutover
Tria( CutoverC a comp(ete re!earsa( of t!e (ive data migration process. T!e e/ecution ;i(( :e
done using t!e cutover p(an in order to va(idate t!at t!e p(an is reasona:(e and possi:(e to
comp(ete in t!e agreed timesca(e. A fina( set of c(eansing actions ;i(( come out of tria( cutover
&for any records ;!ic! fai(ed during t!e migration :ecause of data %ua(ity issues). T!ere ;i(( :e
at (east one tria( cutover.. 'or comp(e/4 !ig!1ris24 migrations severa( tria( runs may :e
performed4 unti( t!e resu(t is entire(y satisfactory and 1--F correct.
*ive CutoverC t!e e/ecution of a(( tas2s re%uired to prepare "A# for t!e go1(ive of a particu(ar
re(ease. A (arge ma=ority of t!ese tas2s ;i(( :e re(ated to data migration.
53 Data Cleansing
<efore data can :e successfu((y migrated it data needs to :e c(ean4 data c(eansing is t!erefore an
important e(ement of any data migration activityC
Data needs to :e in a consistent4 standardised and correct(y formatted to a((o; successfu(
migration into "A# &e.g. "A# !o(ds addresses as structured addresses4 ;!ereas some (egacy
systems mig!t !o(d t!is data in a freeform format)
Data needs to :e comp(ete4 to ensure t!at upon migration4 a(( fie(ds ;!ic! are mandatory in
"A# are popu(ated. Any fie(ds f(agged as mandatory4 ;!ic! are (eft :(an24 ;i(( cause t!e
migration to fai(.
Data needs to :e de1dup(icated and :e of sufficient %ua(ity to a((o; efficient and correct support
of t!e defined :usiness processes. Dup(icate records can eit!er :e mar2ed for de(etion at
source &preferred option)4 or s!ou(d :e e/c(uded in t!e e/tractBconversion process.
*egacy data fie(ds cou(d !ave :een misused &!o(ding information different from ;!at t!is fie(d
;as initia((y intended to :e used for). Data c(eansing s!ou(d pic2 t!is up4 and a decision needs
to :e made ;!et!er t!is data s!ou(d :e e/c(uded &i.e. not migrated)4 or transferred into a more
appropriate fie(d.
It is t!e responsi:i(ity of t!e data o;ner &i.e. t!e :usiness) to ensure t!e data provided to t!e Customer
'irst #ro=ect for migration into "A# &;!et!er t!is is from a (egacy source or a temp(ate popu(ated
specifica((y for t!e C' pro=ect) is accurate.
Data c(eansing s!ou(d4 ;!erever possi:(e4 :e done at source4 i.e. in t!e (egacy systems4 for t!e
fo((o;ing reasonsC
0n(ess a data c!ange freeDe is put in p(ace4 e/tracted datasets :ecome out of date as soon as
t!ey !ave :een e/tracted4 due to updates ta2ing p(ace in t!e source system. 9!en re1
e/tracting t!e data at a (ater date to get t!e most recent updates4 data c(eansing actions ;i(( get
over;ritten. T!erefore c(eansing ;i(( !ave to :e repeated eac! time a ne; dataset is e/tracted.
In most cases4 t!is is impractica( and re%uires a (arge effort.
Data c(eansing is typica((y a :usiness activity. T!erefore4 c(eansing in t!e actua( (egacy system
!as t!e advantage t!at :usiness peop(e a(ready !ave access to t!e (egacy system4 and are
a(so fami(iar ;it! t!e app(ication. "omet!ing t!at is not t!e case ;!en data is stored in staging
areas. In certain cases it may :e possi:(e to deve(op a programme to do a certain degree of
automated c(eansing a(t!oug! t!is adds additiona( ris2 of data errors.
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If data c(eansing is done at source4 eac! time a ne; &i.e. more recent) e/tract is ta2en4 t!e
resu(ts of t!e (atest c(eansing actions ;i(( automatica((y come across in t!e e/tract ;it!out
additiona( effort.
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#6$#6$2#1% page 12 of 1&
6 Data Migration Metho!s
T!ere are four primary met!ods of transferring data from a (egacy system into "A#. T!e most
appropriate met!od ;i(( depend on t!e vo(ume and comp(e/ity of data to :e migrated for eac! data
61 4ega"y Syste' Migration @or:ben"h 14SM@3
T!is is a faci(ity provided :y "A# t!at ena:(es migrated data to :e first c(eansed in spreads!eets &or
access depending on t!e data vo(umes)4 and su:se%uent(y (oaded into "A# via predetermined fie(d
mapping. T!e faci(ity a(so caters for 5data transformation7 ;!ere fie(d va(ues can :e created from
simp(e predefined (ogic. It is t!e preferred too( for a(( data migration into "A#. T!e main :enefits areC
A !ig!(y f(e/i:(e too( provided and supported :y "A#.
Independence from "A# re(eases4 p(atforms and t!e 2ind of data to :e migrated.
Independence from "A# re(eases4 p(atforms and t!e 2ind of data to :e migrated.
A step :y step guide t!roug! t!e data migration process.
3enerates A<A# code once data transfer !as :een configured.
It a((o;s additiona( A<A# coding for comp(e/ data (oads.
It a((o;s reusa:i(ity of data mapping and conversion ru(es.
62 4SM@ pro"ess flo,
T!e *"M9 process f(o; is made up of t!e fo((o;ing stepsC
$ead data &(egacy data in spreads!eet ta:(es andBor se%uentia( fi(es) from a fi(e on a (oca(
#C or fi(e server.
Convert data &from t!e source into t!e target format).
Import data &to t!e data:ase used :y t!e "A# app(ication).



)at"h (nput

on *C
Data that has
been rea!
4ega"y Data on
(nboun! 9 (Do"

Dire"t (nput
Stru"ture 9
2iel! 9

SA* Appli"ation Server
63 )espo:e *rogra' Develop'ent
T!is is suita:(e ;!ere t!e data to :e migrated is comp(e/ and in a significant(y different format from t!at
re%uired :y "A# and t!ere is no standard "A# data (oad program avai(a:(e. T!is met!od ;i(( on(y :e
used as a (ast resort as it tends to create a (arge deve(opment over!ead and is usua((y on(y =ustified if
t!e vo(ume of suc! data is very (arge.
Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page 13 of 1&
6% Manual Migration
If t!e vo(ume of data to :e migrated is re(ative(y (o; or is of poor %ua(ity4 t!e over!ead of deve(oping
migration programs mig!t not :e =ustified. Manua((y 2eying t!e data using t!e "A# transactions can
ena:(e t!e "A# (ogic to va(idate t!e data at t!e time of entry. T!e main disadvantages are t!e
possi:i(ities of input errors &mis12eying) and for mu(tip(e "A# ro((outs t!e data must :e manua((y input
eac! time.
Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page 1% of 1&
7 Data +bAe"t Stru"ture 1D+S3
'or eac! data o:=ect identified as re%uiring data migration a data o:=ect structure &D6") ;i(( :e created.
T!e D6" is t!e centra( repository for t!e detai(ed information on t!e "A# data fie(d definitions4
properties and attri:utes of a data o:=ect T!e D6" is a vita( input to t!e tas2 of ;riting functiona(
specifications for t!e migration of (egacy data into "A#.4 it is used toC
Map (egacy systems data to t!e "A# temp(ate data.
Design and deve(op (egacy data e/tracts.
Design and construct data (oad temp(ates.
Design and construct data conversion programs.
Define manua( data input instructions for manua( data entry.
Derive priorities and :usiness ru(es for data c(eansing.
Determine any data transforming re%uirements.
Design and construct interface programs.
T!ere is one D6" for eac! Data 6:=ect or group of Data 6:=ects in scope. T!e main purpose of t!is
document is to ac!ieveC
A consistent (oo2 and fee( for a(( D6" records
C(arification of t!e D6" co(umns
"tandard va(ues for co(umns across a(( D6" records
C(ear ru(es for different scenarios
<etter interpretation of an "A# data o:=ect.
Ea$% D&S s%eet is an E'$e( #i(e t%at $on#orms to t%e #o((o)ing generi$ (ayout. See A**en+i' 1 #or t%e sam*(e
D+S Sheet 2iel! Man!atory$+ptional Co''ents$.alues
"creen Eame Mandatory T!is is t!e name at t!e top of t!e "A# screen ;!en entering
fie(ds. .nter once at t!e :eginning of t!e section4 not on eac!
(ine. 'or e/amp(e <usiness #artner.
'ie(d Description Mandatory 'ie(d Description4 for e/amp(e Customer Eame
Ta:(eB"tructure Mandatory "A# Ta:(e Eame.
'ie(d Eame Mandatory "A# 'ie(d Eame
*engt! Mandatory *engt! of fie(d
'ormat Mandatory ./amp(e C8A$4 DAT"4 C0$$
'ie(d "tatus Mandatory 'ie(d "tatus@ $G$e%uired4 AGAutomatic4 CGConditiona(4
6G6ptiona(4 E$GEot $e%uired
Comments Mandatory Insert comments to assist ;it! data mapping and transforming.
'or e/amp(eC Descri:e a((o;a:(e va(ues ;it! t!e conditions for
deciding ;!ic! va(ue must :e used
"ource "ystem Mandatory T!e name of t!e (egacy system
Mandatory T!e name of t!e (egacy ta:(e and fie(d.
Conversion $u(e Mandatory T!e Conversion $u(e4 descri:e t!e transformation va(ues4 any
fi/ed va(ues or (ogica( ru(es
Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page 15 of 1&
5 Data +bAe"t -egister
T!e 5Data 6:=ect $egister7 ;i(( contain a definitive (ist of a(( data o:=ects considered for migration into
"A#4 for eac! data entity responsi:i(ity ;i(( :e assigned for eac! activity in t!e data migration process.
T!e data o:=ect register ;i(( contain a(( data o:=ects considered for data migration and form t!e :asis for
reac!ing a fina( decision on ;!et!er t!e data migration ;i(( ta2e p(ace for t!e data o:=ect in %uestion.
T!e Data 6:=ect $egister (ayout and content is detai(ed in t!e a:(e :e(o;@
D+- Colu'n Colu'n Des"ription
Directorate T!e name of t!e <CC directorate
"ource App(ication "ource app(ication name e.g 37C7s
$o((out "e%uence T!e ro((out se%uence of t!e data o:=ect
Data 6:=ect T!e data o:=ect name e.g **#3
Description A meaningfu( description of t!e data o:=ect
Data Type T!e type of data4 masterBtransactiona(
<usiness Data 6;ner&s) &<CC) T!e name of t!e :usiness data o;ner ;it!in <CC
"ervice <irming!am Contact T!e name of t!e "< contact
9or2stream <usiness
$epresentative &<CC)
T!e name of t!e <CC :usiness representative on t!e
Customer 'irst #rogramme
'unctiona( Consu(tant &C') T!e name of "A# functiona( consu(tant responsi:(e
9or2stream Data Ana(yst &C') T!e name of t!e data ana(yst responsi:(e for t!e data
Data Ho(ume T!e vo(ume of data i.e. num:er of records
Data Comp(e/ity 8o; comp(e/ A !ig!4 (o;4 medium.
Data Iua(ity Iua(ity of t!e data A !ig!4 (o;4 medium
Data Migration $ecommended
T!e recommended data migration approac!
$ecommendation $ationa(e T!e reasons for t!e data migration recommendation4 e.g.
!ig!(y comp(e/4 very !ig! deve(opment cost4 dynamic data
Agreed Data Migration JesBEo 'o((o;ing consu(tation4 t!e agreed decision on data migration.
Agreement $ationa(e T!e reasons for t!e agreed migration decision.
Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page 16 of 1&
& -oles an! -esponsibilities
T!e successfu( migration of data into "A# re%uires a significant and diverse input from many different
sources. A comp(ete understanding of (egacy systems and "A# data structures is necessary as ;e(( as
a functiona( and :usiness understanding of t!e processes t!e data is supporting. 'or t!at reason t!e
eac! data entity !as peop(e assigned to oversee eac! of t!e fo((o;ing ro(es. T!e responsi:i(ities of
eac! data entity KteamL can :e s!ared in ;!atever ;ay suits t!em :est :ut t!e (i2e(y division is s!o;n
<usiness Data 6;ner&s) &<CC)
o 6vera(( responsi:i(ity for ensuring Kfit for useL for :usiness.
o <usiness sign off forC "trategy document4 Tria( cutover migration4 *ive migration.
o .nsuring necessary data c(eansingB:ui(d ta2es p(ace.
9or2stream <usiness $epresentative &<CC)
o 'aci(itating f(o; of information :et;een pro=ect team and :usiness o;ners.
o .nsuring pro=ect team is considering A** parts of t!e :usiness
o 8ig!(ig!ting :usiness critica( data gaps
'unctiona( Consu(tant &Customer 'irst)
o .nsuring Kfit for useL in "A# environment.
o Create strategy for fie(d mappings and data :ui(d ;!ere appropriate.
o 'unctiona( support for tec!nica( ana(ysts.
*egacy "ystem 6;ner &"ervice <irming!am)
o <ui(d of e/tract routines from (egacy systems.
o Time(y e/traction of fi(es for :ui(dBtest p!ases4 Tria( Cutover and *ive Cutover.
o 8ig!(ig!t any data gaps from (egacy systems.
9or2stream Data Ana(yst &Customer 'irst)
o DesignB<ui(d of import routines to "A#
o .nsuring fie(d mappings are comp(ete.
o Time(y (oad of fi(es for :ui(dBtest p!ases4 Tria( Cutover and *ive Cutover.
Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page 17 of 1&
1# Bey (ssues C -is:s
1#1 Current Data Migration (ssues
Data Access 1 access to t!e data !e(d ;it!in t!e <CC "pecia(ist "ervice De(ivery app(ications is
re%uired to ena:(e@ data profi(ing4 t!e identification of data sources and to ;rite functiona( and
tec!nica( specifications.
<CC $esource Avai(a:i(ity@
o $e%uired to assist in data profi(ing4 t!e identification of data sources and to create
functiona( and tec!nica( specifications.
o $e%uired to deve(op and run data e/tracts from t!e counci(s specia(ist service de(ivery
o $e%uired to va(idateBreconci(eBsign1off data (oads.
o $e%uired for data c(eansing.
T!e **#3 &*oca( *and and #roperty 3aDetteer) and 3I" are :eing created outside of Customer
'irst4 t!ey are re%uired :y t!e customer first so(ution and t!erefore must :e managed as a
Data c(eansing is t!e responsi:i(ity of <CC4 t!ey ;i(( a(so re%uire support in t!is process :y
"ervice <irming!am. Customer 'irst ;i(( !e(p identify t!e data anoma(ies during t!e data
migration process !o;ever Customer 'irst ;i(( not c(eanse t!e data in t!e counci(s
app(ications. Depending on t!e data %ua(ity4 data c(eansing can re%uire considera:(e effort4 and
invo(ve a (arge amount of resources.
T!e scope of t!e data migration re%uirements !as not yet :een fina(ised4 as data o:=ects are
identified t!ey ;i(( :e added on to t!e data o:=ect register.
1#2 ;eneral Data Migration -is:s
<usiness resources are una:(e to confident(y reconci(e (arge andBor comp(e/ data sets. "ince
t!e data migration ;i(( need to :e reconci(ed a minimum of 3 times &system test4 tria( cutover
and (ive cutover) t!e effort re%uired ;it!in t!e :usiness to compre!ensive(y test t!e migrated
data set is significant. In addition4 tec!nica( data (oading constraints during cutover may mean a
(imited time ;indo; is avai(a:(e for reconci(iation tas2s &e.g. overnig!t or during ;ee2ends)
<usiness resources are una:(e to compre!ensive(y c(eanse t!e (egacy data in (ine ;it! t!e C'
pro=ect timesca(es. "ince t!e migration to "A# may :e dependent on a num:er of c(eansing
activities to :e carried out in t!e (egacy systems4 t!e effort re%uired ;it!in t!e :usiness to
ac!ieve t!is ;i(( increase proportionate(y ;it! t!e vo(ume of data migrated. 'ai(ure to comp(ete
t!is e/ercise in t!e re%uired timesca(e may resu(t in data :eing una:(e to :e migrated into "A#
in time for t!e p(anned cutover
T!e vo(ume of data errors in t!e (ive system may :e increased if reconci(iation is not comp(eted
to t!e re%uired standard. T!e (argerBmore comp(e/ a migration :ecomes4 t!e more (i2e(y it is
t!at anoma(ies ;i(( occur. "ome of t!ese may initia((y go undetected. In t!e :est case suc!
data issues can (ead to a :usiness and pro=ect over!ead in rectifying t!e errors after t!e event.
In t!e ;orst case t!is can (ead to a :usiness operating on inaccurate data.
T!e more data migrated into "A# ma2es t!e cutover more comp(e/ and (engt!y resu(ting in an
increased ris2 of not :eing a:(e to comp(ete t!e migration tas2 on time. Any furt!er resource or
tec!nica( constraints can add to t!is ris2.
Due to t!e vo(ume of t!e tas24 data migration can divert pro=ect and :usiness resources a;ay
from 2ey activities suc! as initia( system :ui(d4 functiona( testing and user acceptance testing.
Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page 15 of 1&
Appen!i7 1 / Data +bAe"t Stru"ture Te'plate
"creen 'ie(d #urposeBDescription
*engt! 'ormat
'ie(d Eame
Address Data
Tit(e Tit(e 2ey 1 e.g. Mr4 Mrs4 etc. tit(e addr1Mdata 4 c!ar M
Eame 1 Address componentC Eame of an address. name1 addr1Mdata 4- c!ar M
Eame 2 Address componentC Eame of an address. name2 addr1Mdata 4- c!ar M
Eame 3 Address componentC Eame of an address. name3 addr1Mdata 4- c!ar M
Eame 4 Address componentC Eame of an address. name4 addr1Mdata 4- c!ar M
"earc! term 1 "!ort description for a searc! !e(p. sort1 addr1Mdata 2- c!ar 6

Data Migration Strategy232771625!o"
#6$#6$2#1% page 1& of 1&

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