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Malayan Law Journal Reports/1971/Volume 1/NASRI v MSA! " #1971$ 1 MLJ %2 " & Septem'er
% pages
#1971$ 1 MLJ %2
8 Se!e"#e$ 19%&
Limitation -- Action for specific performance of agreement for sale of land -- Action to recover land
-- When period of limitation begins to run -- When "cause of action" arises -- Limitation
Ordinance, 1953
Land Las -- Agreement to sell land -- !oratorium -- "reach -- "#ause of action"
)*e appellant +la,me- .or spe+,.,+ per.orman+e o. an agreement -ate- June /0 1917 w*ere'y t*e
respon-ent agree- to sell to *,m some lan- 'elong,ng to *er2 )*e appellant *a- pa,- t*e agree-
pr,+e .or t*e lan- 'ut no -o+ument o. was e3e+ute- 'e+ause o. t*e morator,um t*en ,n
.or+e2 A.ter t*e e3p,rat,on o. t*e morator,um on Septem'er %(0 1919 t*e appellant approa+*e- t*e
respon-ent on several o++as,ons an- re4ueste- *er to e3e+ute a o. t*e lan-2 ventually
t*e appellant +ommen+e- t*e a+t,on on Mar+* %0 19572 )*e a+t,on was -,sm,sse- ,n t*e !,g*
6ourt on t*e groun- o. l,m,tat,on2 )*e appellant appeale-2
He'() allow,ng t*e appeal7
1) ,n t*,s +ase w*et*er t*e a+t,on was .or spe+,.,+ per.orman+e o. an agreement .or t*e
sale o. lan- or .or a -e+larat,on o. t,tle to lan-0 ,t was essent,ally an a+t,on to re+over
lan-0 an- t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on t*ere.ore woul- 'e twelve years8
1) t,me 'eg,ns to run .or t*e purposes o. l,m,tat,on .rom t*e -ate o. any ,n.r,ngement or
t*reat o. ,n.r,ngement o. t*e appellant9s r,g*t un-er t*e agreement2 A +ause o. a+t,on
on a +ontra+t a++rues on t*e -ate o. 'rea+* an- ,n t*e +ase o. a+t,ons .oun-e- on
+ontra+t0 t*ere.ore0 t*e t,me runs .rom t*e 'rea+*2
C*+e+ $e,e$$e( !-
$o%es v #rale% :1&7&"79; 1( 6* < %1
&onnusam% ' Anor v $athu (am #19/9$ MLJ &5
$g !oh v )an "o* +im ' Anor #1959$ 1 MLJ 15
Lala ,oni (am v +anhai%a Lal LR 1( IA 71
Williams v )homas #19(9$ 1 6* 71%
"olo v +o*lan ' Ors LR /7 IA %2/
Page %
(ead v "ron :1&&&; 22 =>< 12&
(eeves v "utcher :1&91; 2 => /(9
-emp v .arland LR 1 => /19
"oard of )rade v #a%/er, 0rvine ' #o #1927$ A6 51(
.ibbs v .uild #1&&1$ & =>< 295
)ool !etal #o v )ungsten 1lectric #o #19//$ 2 All R 5/7

A !ahendran .or t*e appellant2
( &onnudurai .or t*e respon-ent2
)*,s ,s an appeal aga,nst t*e -,sm,ssal 'y 6*ang M,n )at J2 o. t*e appellant9s a+t,on ,n t*e !,g*
6ourt at Ipo*0 ,n w*,+* *e +la,me- .or spe+,.,+ per.orman+e o. an agreement -ate- t*e /t* -ay o.
June0 1917 w*ere'y t*e respon-ent *a- agree- to sell to *,m *er lan- *el- un-er ntry Mu?,m
Reg,ster No2 %1(( .or lot No2 %97( ,n t*e Mu?,m o. Sa'a? ,n t*e -,str,+t o. Sa'a? >ernam2 )*e
a+t,on was -,sm,sse- on t*e groun- t*at ,t was 'arre- 'y l,m,tat,on2
)*e .a+ts o. t*e +ase as set out ,n t*e pla,nt,..9s statement o. +la,m are as .ollows2 )*e pla,nt,..
pa,- to t*e -e.en-ant t*e agree- pur+*ase pr,+e o. @10((( on t*e -ate o. t*e agreement0 an- t*e
-e.en-ant on t*e same -ay *an-e- to t*e pla,nt,.. t*e ,ssue -o+ument o. t,tle ,n respe+t o. t*e
sa,- lan-2 No -o+ument o. was e3e+ute- as ,t woul- not *ave 'een poss,'le to *ave ,t
reg,stere- 'e+ause o. t*e morator,um t*en ,n .or+e0 'ut t*e -e.en-ant un-ertoo? to e3e+ute a
val,- an- reg,stra'le o. t*e lan- ,n .avour o. t*e pla,nt,.. w*en t*e morator,um was l,.te-2
)*e pla,nt,.. went ,nto o++upat,on o. t*e lan-0 'u,lt a plan? *ouse w,t* A,n+ roo. t*ereon an- *as
l,ve- t*ere w,t* *,s .am,ly ever s,n+e an- pa,- t*e 4u,t rent2 )*e greater part o. t*e lan- was
+overe- w,t* se+on-ary Bungle at t*e t,me o. t*e sale2 !e spent a'out @1(0((( ,n +lear,ng an-
+ult,vat,ng t*e lan- w,t* +o+onut trees w*,+* are now 'ear,ng .ru,t2
A.ter t*e e3p,rat,on o. t*e morator,um per,o- on %(t* Septem'er0 1919 t*e pla,nt,.. approa+*e-
t*e -e.en-ant on several o++as,ons an- re4ueste- *er to e3e+ute a val,- an- reg,stra'le
o. t*e lan-2 )*e -e.en-ant re+e,ve- sums o. money .rom t*e pla,nt,.. as travell,ng e3penses 'ut
.a,le- to +all at t*e lan- o..,+e at Sa'a? >ernam to e3e+ute t*e trans.er2 Some t,me ,n 1955 t*e
pla,nt,.. lo-ge- a caveat aga,nst t*e lan-0 v,-e caveat presentat,on No2 199 o. 19552 Cn 2/t*
C+to'er0 1955 *,s sol,+,tors sent a not,+e to t*e -e.en-ant re4u,r,ng *er to e3e+ute a
w,t*,n 11 -ays .rom t*e re+e,pt t*ereo.0 'ut t*e letter was returne- un-el,vere- w,t* t*e remar?
Dun?nownD2 Cn &t* Novem'er0 1955 *e +ause- anot*er not,+e to 'e sent to t*e -e.en-ant +are o.
one Ear-, ',n )atang0 o. Par,t /0 Sunge, )ung?u0 )elo? Anson2 )*ere 'e,ng no response .rom t*e
-e.en-ant0 *e +ommen+e- *,s a+t,on on %r- Mar+*0 19572
Apart .rom *er ot*er -e.en+es w*,+* now +all .or no +ons,-erat,on0 t*e -e.en-ant ra,se- t*e
-e.en+e o. l,m,tat,on2 F*en t*e a+t,on +ame up .or tr,al0 +ounsel .or 'ot* part,es ,n.orme- t*e
+ourt t*at t*ey *a- agree- not to +all any ev,-en+e an- t*at ,. l,m,tat,on was *el- not to apply t*e
-e.en-ant woul- +onsent to Bu-gment2 )*,s was tantamount to a plea o. l,m,tat,on 'e,ng ta?en as
a prel,m,nary po,nt o. law0 'y way o. -emurrer0 un-er Cr-er 2/0 rule 2 o. t*e Rules o. t*e Supreme
6ourt0 19/70 so t*at t*e +ourt ,n -e+,-,ng t*at po,nt o. law *a- to a++ept t*e .a+ts state- ,n t*e
Page 1
statement o. +la,m as 'e,ng +orre+t :see $o%es v #rale% :1&7&"79; 1( 6* < %1;2 )*e learne-
tr,al Bu-ge 4u,te r,g*tly -ealt w,t* t*e +ase on t*at 'as,s2
)*e arguments put .orwar- 'y +ounsel .or t*e part,es ,n support o. t*e,r respe+t,ve +ases were
s*ort an- s,mple2 6ounsel .or t*e -e.en-ant +onten-e- t*at as t*e relevant per,o- o. l,m,tat,on
was 12 years an- t*at s,n+e t,me 'egan to run .rom 1st C+to'er0 19190 t*e -ay ,mme-,ately
.ollow,ng t*e e3p,rat,on o. t*e morator,um per,o-0 t*e pla,nt,..9s a+t,on was t,me"'arre-2 Gor t*,s
+ontent,on *e rel,e- on t*e -e+,s,on o. t*e +ourt o. appeal ,n &onnusam% ' Anor v $athu (am
#19/9$ MLJ &50 an- *e went on to say t*at t*e -e+,s,on o. t*,s +ourt ,n $g !oh v )an "o* +im '
Anor #1959$ 1 MLJ 15 was not appl,+a'le2 !e also po,nte- out t*at t*e -e.en-ant was st,ll t*e
reg,stere- propr,etor o. t*e lan- an- re.erre- to se+t,on %11 o. t*e Nat,onal Lan- 6o-e relat,ng to
a-verse possess,on2
1921 1 !L3 34 at 33
6ounsel .or t*e pla,nt,.. sa,- t*at *e was rely,ng on $g !oh5s case #1959$ 1 MLJ &50 an- t*at ,n
t*e present +ase t,me 'egan to run as .rom 11t* C+to'er0 19552 )*e reason .or *,s p,+?,ng on t*at
-ate0 t*oug* no ment,on o. ,t was ma-e to t*e learne- tr,al Bu-ge0 presuma'ly was t*at on t*at
-ate t*e -e.en-ant *a- wr,tten a letter to t*e pla,nt,.. as?,ng *,m to *an- over to *er w,t*,n 11
-ays .rom t*e -ate o. t*e letter t*e grant o. t,tle ,n respe+t o. t*e lan- an- .or',-,ng *,m to enter
t*e lan- or ta?e any pro-u+e t*ere.rom2 )*,s letter was not pro-u+e- to t*e +ourt 'ut a +opy o. ,t
*as 'een ,n+lu-e- ,n t*e appeal re+or- w,t*out any o'Be+t,on *av,ng 'een ta?en 'y t*e
respon-ent to su+* ,n+lus,on2
I woul- pause *ere to o'serve ,n pass,ng t*at t*e law relat,ng to l,m,tat,on on t*e -ate o. t*e
agreement was +onta,ne- ,n t*e L,m,tat,on na+tment :G2M2S2 6ap2 1&;2 )*at na+tment was
repeale- 'y t*e L,m,tat,on Cr-,nan+e0 19/% w*,+* +ame ,nto .or+e on 19t* Ge'ruary0 19/%2 It ,s
+lear t*at t*e law o. l,m,tat,on w*,+* appl,es ,s t*e law ,n .or+e on t*e -ate o. ,nst,tut,on o. t*e
a+t,on an- not t*e -ate on w*,+* t*e +ause o. a+t,on ar,ses :see Lala ,oni (am v +anhai%a Lal
1( IA 71;2
)*e .a+ts ,n &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ 15 were as .ollows2 In August0 19110 -ur,ng t*e
Japanese o++upat,on0 Nat*u Ram .or valua'le +ons,-erat,on e3e+ute- ,n .avour o. one Na,na a ,n statutory .orm0 *an-e- over to *,m t*e relevant ,ssue -o+ument o. t,tle an- put *,m ,n
possess,on o. t*e lan-2 Gor reasons w*,+* were not +lear0 t*e was not reg,stere- -ur,ng
t*e o++upat,on2 )*erea.ter0 'y reason o. t*e Morator,um Pro+lamat,on0 ,t was not +apa'le o. 'e,ng
reg,stere- unt,l 1st C+to'er0 1919 w*en t*e morator,um was l,.te-2 Na,na *a- -,e- testate on 11t*
Ge'ruary0 1919 'ut t*ere was +ons,-era'le -elay ,n e3tra+t,ng pro'ate2 ventually0 w*en pro'ate
was ta?en out0 Nat*u Ram re.use- to e3e+ute a .res* ,n .avour o. t*e e3e+utors w*o
t*ereupon +ommen+e- an a+t,on ,n t*e !,g* 6ourt at Ipo* on 2%r- Novem'er0 19/5 +la,m,ng a
-e+larat,on o. t,tle to t*e lan- an- an or-er on t*e reg,ster,ng aut*or,ty to reg,ster t*e e3e+utors as
propr,etors2 )*e,r a+t,on was -,sm,sse- on t*e groun- t*at ,t was 'arre- 'y l,m,tat,on2 )*ey
appeale-2 It was argue- on 'e*al. o. t*e respon-ent ,n t*e 6ourt o. Appeal t*at t*e per,o- o.
l,m,tat,on was s,3 years2 )*at argument0 *owever0 was reBe+te- 'y t*e +ourt2 )*omson 62J2 :as *e
t*en was; ,n t*e +ourse o. *,s oral Bu-gment sa,-7
DAs I put ,t +ollo4u,ally t*,s morn,ng ,n t*e +ourse o. -,s+uss,on w,t* +ounsel0 w*at t*e pla,nt,..s are -o,ng
,s t*,s2 )*ey are +om,ng to t*e +ourt an- say,ng 9we are ent,tle- to t*,s lan- an- we want t*,s lan-92 An- ,.
t*e +ourt ,s ,n agreement w,t* t*em t*at t*ey are ent,tle- to t*e lan- an- s*oul- 'e g,ven t*e lan-0 one
appropr,ate way o. g,v,ng ,t to t*em0 ,n v,ew o. t*e prov,s,ons o. t*e Lan- 6o-e0 ,s to ma?e t*e
-e+larat,on as?e- .or an- t*e +onse4uent,al or-er on t*e reg,ster,ng aut*or,ty2 )*at reason,ng lea-s me
to t*e +on+lus,on t*at t*,s ,s an a+t,on to re+over lan- w,t*,n t*e mean,ng o. se+t,on 9 o. t*e L,m,tat,on
Cr-,nan+e :No2 1 o. 19/%;2D
!e went on to say t*at *e .oun- support .or t*at v,ew ,n t*e .ollow,ng passage ,n t*e Bu-gment o.
>u+?ley L2J2 ,n t*e 6ourt o. Appeal ,n Williams v )homas 1 6* < 71% 7%(7
Page /
DIt *as 'een argue-0 an-0 I t*,n?0 su++ess.ully t*at w*,le on t*e one *an- t*e e3press,on 9to re+over any
lan-9 ,n se+t,on 2 o. t*e A+t o. 1&%% -oes not mean rega,n somet*,ng w*,+* t*e pla,nt,.. prev,ously *a-
an- *as lost0 'ut means 9o'ta,n any lan- 'y Bu-gment o. t*e +ourt90 yet ,t ,s not l,m,te- to t*e mean,ng
9o'ta,n possess,on o. any lan- 'y Bu-gment o. t*e +ourt92 Gor ,t *as 'een *el- t*at a mortgagee9s a+t,on
.or .ore+losure ,s an a+t,on .or t*e re+overy o. lan- w,t*,n t*e A+t2 A .ore+losure a+t,on ,s not an a+t,on to
o'ta,n possess,on0 'ut ,s an a+t,on w*ose pr,n+,pal purpose ,s to +onvert t*at w*,+* ,n a 6ourt o. 4u,ty
was 'ut personal estate o. t*e mortgagee ,nto real estate o. t*e mortgagee2 It ,s an a+t,on to ena'le *,m
to *ol- t*e legal estate alrea-y veste- ,n *,m -,s+*arge- .rom t*e r,g*t o. t*e mortgagor to re-eem *,m2D
!e t*en sa,- t*at w*at ,n e..e+t t*e pla,nt,..s were see?,ng to -o was to Do'ta,n 222 lan- 'y
Bu-gment o. t*e +ourtD0 an- +ont,nue-7
D!av,ng rea+*e- t*e +on+lus,on t*at t*,s ,s an a+t,on to re+over lan- ,t seems to me ,mposs,'le to avo,-
t*e .urt*er +on+lus,on t*at t*e +ase .alls w,t*,n se+t,on 9:1; o. t*e L,m,tat,on Cr-,nan+e2 Se+t,on 5:1; o.
t*e Cr-,nan+e prov,-es t*at ,n t*e +ase o. a+t,ons .oun-e- on a +ontra+t t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on s*all 'e
s,3 years 'ut t*at prov,s,on ,s e3pressly state- to 'e 9save as *ere,na.ter prov,-e-92 >y se+t,on 90
*owever0 ,t ,s e3pressly prov,-e- t*at0 su'Be+t to +erta,n e3+ept,ons w*,+* are not relevant *ere0 t*e
per,o- ,n relat,on to a+t,ons to re+over any lan- s*all 'e 12 years an- ,t ,s +lear t*at t*,s appl,es to all
a+t,ons to re+over lan- ,rrespe+t,ve o. w*et*er t*ey are .oun-e- on +ontra+t or ot*erw,se2D
In $g !oh5s case #1959$ 1 MLJ 15 t*e respon-ents as pla,nt,..s +la,me- .or t*e return o. a +erta,n
p,e+e o. lan- .rom t*e appellant on t*e groun- t*at t*e lan- 'elonge- to t*e estate o. )an Pung
6*ong -e+ease- an- t*at t*ey were t*e a-m,n,strators de bonis non2 )*e appellant +ounter"
+la,me- t*at t*e lan- *a- 'een sol- to *,m 'y L,m P*eng0 t*e prev,ous a-m,n,stratr,3 o. t*e sa,-
estate0 un-er an agreement -ate- %(t* <e+em'er0 19/( a.ter w*,+* *e *a- gone ,nto o++upat,on
o. t*e lan-0 an- praye- .or spe+,.,+ per.orman+e o. t*e agreement2 >ot* +ounsel +on+e-e- t*at
t*,s 'e,ng an a+t,on .or t*e re+overy o. lan- t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on was 12 years2
)*e .a+ts ,n t*e present +ase are not very -,..erent .rom t*ose ,n &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ
&52 !ere0 as ,n t*at +ase0 t*e pla,nt,.. pa,- t*e .ull pur+*ase pr,+e .or t*e lan-0 t*e relevant ,ssue
-o+ument o. t,tle was *an-e- over to *,m an- *e went ,nto possess,on o. t*e lan-2 Gor t*e
reasons w*,+* I *ave alrea-y state-0 t*ere was no e3e+ute- ,n t*e statutory .orm ,n t*,s
+ase0 as t*ere was ,n &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ &52 >ut t*e e3e+ute- ,n t*at +ase
*a- 'e+ome ,n+apa'le o. reg,strat,on 'y reason o. Na,na9s -eat*0 so t*at t*e pos,t,on o. t*e
respe+t,ve pur+*asers was almost t*e same2 In &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ &5 t*e pla,nt,..s
as?e- .or a -e+larat,on o. t,tle to t*e lan- an- an or-er on t*e reg,ster,ng aut*or,ty to reg,ster
t*em as propr,etors2 In t*e present a+t,on t*e pla,nt,..9s prayer was .or an or-er t*at t*e -e.en-ant
-o e3e+ute a val,- an- reg,stra'le o. t*e lan-2 In ot*er wor-s0 *e was as?,ng .or spe+,.,+
per.orman+e o. t*e agreement as ,n $g !oh5s case #1959$ 1 MLJ 152 >ut w*at ,n e..e+t *e was
see?,ng to -o was to o'ta,n t*e lan- 'y a Bu-gment o. t*e +ourt2 It .ollows0 t*ere.ore0 t*at w*et*er
t*e a+t,on ,s .or spe+,.,+ per.orman+e o. an agreement .or t*e sale o. lan- or .or a -e+larat,on o.
t,tle to lan-0 ,t ,s essent,ally an a+t,on to re+over lan-0 so t*at t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on woul- 'e 12
years ,n e,t*er +ase2
!av,ng -,spose- o. t*e 4uest,on as to t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on ,n relat,on to an a+t,on .or t*e
1921 1 !L3 34 at 36
o. lan-0 I must now +ome to t*e 4uest,on as to w*en su+* per,o- o. l,m,tat,on 'eg,ns to run2
In -eterm,n,ng t*,s 4uest,on t*e learne- Bu-ge ,n t*e +ourt 'elow t*oug*t t*at *e *a- to +*oose
'etween t*e +on.l,+t,ng -e+,s,ons ,n &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ &5 an- $g !oh5s case #1959$
1 MLJ 150 'ot* o. w*,+* were ',n-,ng on *,m2 )*e -e+,s,on o. t*e Ge-eral 6ourt ,n $g !oh5s case
#1959$ 1 MLJ 15 was t*at t,me -,- not 'eg,n to run unt,l t*ere was an ,n.r,ngement o. t*e
appellant9s r,g*t un-er t*e sale agreement2 )*e appellant ,n t*at +ase *a- sent to L,m P*eng0 t*e
t*en a-m,n,stratr,30 a letter -ate- 1/t* Apr,l0 19// re4u,r,ng *er to +omply w,t* t*e terms o. t*e
agreement w,t*,n 11 -ays2 )*e +ourt t*ere.ore *el- t*at t,me 'egan to run .rom %(t* Apr,l0 19//0
so t*at t*e appellant9s +ounter+la,m0 w*,+* was .,le- on l5t* Septem'er0 19//0 was not 'arre- 'y
Page 5
l,m,tat,on2 In +om,ng to t*at -e+,s,on t*e +ourt rel,e- ent,rely on t*e Bu-gment o. t*e Pr,vy 6oun+,l
,n "olo v +o*lan and ors LR /7 IA %2/ ,n w*,+* ,t was sa,- at page %%17
D)*ere +an 'e no 9r,g*t to sue9 unt,l t*ere ,s an a++rual o. t*e r,g*t asserte- ,n t*e su,t an- ,ts
,n.r,ngement0 or at least a +lear an- une4u,vo+al t*reat to ,n.r,nge t*at r,g*t0 'y t*e -e.en-ant aga,nst
w*om t*e su,t ,s ,nst,tute-2D
"olo5s case LR /7 IA %2/ was a -e+,s,on on art,+le 12( o. t*e In-,an L,m,tat,on A+t w*,+* ,s ,n
pari materia w,t* art,+le 97 o. t*e G2M2S2 L,m,tat,on na+tment2 It was +,te- ,n &onnusam%5s case
#19/9$ MLJ &50 alt*oug* no ment,on o. ,t was ma-e ,n t*e Bu-gment o. )*omson 62J2 )*e learne-
tr,al Bu-ge *as state- ,n *,s groun-s o. Bu-gment t*at0 as &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ &5 ,s not
ment,one- ,n t*e Bu-gment ,n $g !oh5s case #1959$ 1 MLJ 150 ,t was not +lear to *,m w*et*er t*e
latter +ase was meant to overrule t*e .ormer2 !e *as .urt*er state- ,n *,s Bu-gment t*at t*e In-,an
L,m,tat,on A+t spea?s o. Dr,g*t to sueD0 w*ereas t*e L,m,tat,on Cr-,nan+e0 19/% spea?s o. D+ause
o. a+t,onD or Dr,g*t o. a+t,onD0 alt*oug* *e -,- not go on to say w*et*er t*ere was any -,st,n+t,on
'etween Da++rual o. a r,g*t to sue9 an- Da++rual o. a +ause or r,g*t o. a+t,onD2 In t*e event *e
-e+,-e- t*at *e was 'oun- 'y &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ &5 an- t*at $g !oh5s case #1959$
1 MLJ 15 was -e+,-e- per incuriam2
F,t* respe+t to t*e learne- tr,al Bu-ge0 t*ere ,s no +on.l,+t 'etween t*e -e+,s,on ,n &onnusam%5s
case #19/9$ MLJ &5 an- t*e -e+,s,on ,n $g !oh5s case #1959$ 1 MLJ 152 )*e sole 4uest,on to 'e
-e+,-e- ,n &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ &5 was w*et*er t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on was s,3 years
or twelve years2 )*e 4uest,on w*,+* *a- to 'e an- was -e+,-e- ,n $g !oh5s case #1959$ 1 MLJ
15 was w*et*er t,me 'egan to run .rom t*e -ate o. t*e agreement or .rom t*e -ate o. any
,n.r,ngement or t*reat o. ,n.r,ngement o. t*e appellant9s r,g*t un-er t*e agreement2 F*at
presuma'ly le- t*e Bu-ge to t*,n? t*at t*ere was a +on.l,+t 'etween t*e two +ases ,s t*e .ollow,ng
passage ,n t*e Bu-gment ,n &onnusam%5s case #19/9$ MLJ &5 7
DIt .ollows .rom w*at *as 'een sa,- t*at t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on appl,+a'le ,n t*e present +ase was 12
years 'y reason o. se+t,on 9 an- not 5 years 'y reason o. se+t,on 5 an- ,t ,s +ommon groun- t*at 'y
reason o. t*e post"war leg,slat,on on t*e su'Be+t t*at per,o- o. l,m,tat,on runs .rom t*e e3p,rat,on o. t*e
morator,um per,o- on %(t* Septem'er0 19192 In t*e +,r+umstan+es t*e present a+t,on was +ommen+e-
well w,t*,n t,me2D
I must +on.ess t*at I mysel. as t*e tr,al Bu-ge ,n $g !oh5s case #1959$ 1 MLJ 15 .ell ,nto t*e
same trap2 Cn re.le+t,on0 *owever0 ,t woul- seem +lear to me t*at w*at )*omson 62J2 was say,ng
,n t*e a'ove passage was 'y way o. a general o'servat,on t*at .or t*e purpose o. +omput,ng any
per,o- o. l,m,tat,on t*e morator,um per,o- was to 'e e3+lu-e-2 !e +learly -,- not say ,n so many
wor-s t*at l,m,tat,on ,n t*at +ase 'egan to run .rom t*e e3p,rat,on o. t*e morator,um per,o- on
%(t* Septem'er0 19192
A D+ause o. a+t,onD ,s t*e ent,re set o. .a+ts t*at g,ves r,se to an en.or+ea'le +la,m8 t*e p*rase
+ompr,ses every .a+t w*,+*0 ,. traverse-0 t*e pla,nt,.. must prove ,n or-er to o'ta,n Bu-gment :per
Lor- s*er M2R2 ,n (ead v "ron :1&&&; 22 =>< 12& 1%1;2 In (eeves v "utcher :1&91; 2 =>
/9( /11 L,n-ley L2J2 sa,-7
D)*,s e3press,on0 9+ause o. a+t,on90 *as 'een repeate-ly t*e su'Be+t o. -e+,s,on0 an- ,t *as 'een *el-0
part,+ularly ,n -emp v .arland LR 1 => /(9 /110 -e+,-e- ,n 1&1%0 t*at t*e +ause o. a+t,on ar,ses at t*e
t,me w*en t*e -e't +oul- .,rst *ave 'een re+overe- 'y a+t,on2 )*e r,g*t to 'r,ng an a+t,on may ar,se on
var,ous events8 'ut ,t *as always 'een *el- t*at t*e statute runs .rom t*e earl,est t,me at w*,+* an a+t,on
+oul- 'e 'roug*t2D
In "oard of )rade v #a%/er, 0rvine ' #o #1927$ A6 51( 5172 V,s+ount <une-,n -es+r,'e- D+ause
o. a+t,onD as t*at w*,+* ma?es a+t,on poss,'le2 Now0 w*at ma?es poss,'le an a+t,on .oun-e- on a
+ontra+t ,s ,ts 'rea+*2 In ot*er wor-s0 a +ause o. a+t,on .oun-e- on a +ontra+t a++rues on t*e -ate
o. ,ts 'rea+*2 S,m,larly0 t*e r,g*t to sue on a +ontra+t a++rues on ,ts 'rea+*2 In t*e +ase o. a+t,ons
Page 7
.oun-e- on +ontra+t0 t*ere.ore0 t,me runs .rom 'rea+* :per G,el- J2 ,n .ibbs v .uild & =>< 295
%(2;2 In t*e +ase o. a+t,ons .oun-e- on any ot*er r,g*t0 t,me runs .rom t*e -ate on w*,+* t*at r,g*t
,s ,n.r,nge- or t*ere ,s a t*reat o. ,ts ,n.r,ngement :see "olo5s case LR /7 IA 71;2 It woul- seem
+lear0 t*ere.ore0 t*at t*e e3press,ons Dt*e r,g*t to sue a++ruesD0 Dt*e +ause o. a+t,on a++ruesD an-
Dt*e r,g*t o. a+t,on a++ruesD mean one an- t*e same t*,ng w*en one spea?s o. t*e t,me .rom
w*,+* t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on as pres+r,'e- 'y law s*oul- run2
Gor t*e reasons I *ave state-0 t*e per,o- o. l,m,tat,on ,n t*e present +ase +an 'e sa,- to *ave
'egun to run only .rom t*e .,rst +lear an- une4u,vo+al t*reat to t*e pla,nt,..9s r,g*t to a o.
t*e lan-2 )*e learne- tr,al Bu-ge *as state- ,n *,s groun-s o. Bu-gment t*at ,. $g !oh5s case
#1959$ 1 MLJ 15 was ',n-,ng on *,m0 t*en *e woul- *ol- on t*e plea-,ngs t*at t*e .,rst +lear an-
une4u,vo+al t*reat to t*e pla,nt,..9s r,g*t to possess,on was t*e re.usal to t*e .,rst re4uest a.ter t*e
e3p,rat,on o. t*e morator,um as allege- ,n t*e statement o. +la,m2 F,t* respe+t0 t*ere ,s not t*e
sl,g*test ,n-,+at,on .rom t*e pla,nt,..9s statement o. +la,m t*at t*e -e.en-ant at any t,me +learly
an- une4u,vo+ally re.use- to s,gn a trans.er2 Not even ,n t*e -e.en-ant9s statement o. -e.en+e0
w*,+* o. +ourse t*e +ourt ,s not ent,tle- to loo? at0 ,s t*ere any ment,on o. any re.usal2 As t*ere ,s
no spe+,.,+ averment ,n t*e statement o. +la,m as to w*en t*e .,rst o. t*e pla,nt,..9s re4uests was
ma-e0 ,t woul- 'e a pure +onBe+ture to say t*at su+* re4uests must *ave 'een ma-e s*ortly a.ter
t*e l,.t,ng o. t*e morator,um2 )*ere +an t*ere.ore 'e no 'as,s .or t*e learne- Bu-ge9s .,n-,ng t*at
su+* re4uest were re.use- 'y ne+essary ,mpl,+at,on2
)*e .a+t t*at t*e pla,nt,.. +*ose not to lo-ge a caveat aga,nst t*e lan- unt,l 1955 woul- seem to
,n-,+ate t*at unt,l t*en t*ere was no t*reat to *,s r,g*t
1921 1 !L3 34 at 35
un-er t*e agreement2 In t*,s +onne+t,on ,t ,s s,gn,.,+ant t*at t*e .,rst +lear re.usal 'y t*e
-e.en-ant was +onta,ne- ,n *er letter o. 11t* C+to'er0 1955 to w*,+* I *ave ma-e re.eren+e
earl,er ,n my Bu-gment2 )*at letter0 *owever0 was not ,n ev,-en+e at t*e tr,al0 alt*oug* ,t *as 'een
,n+lu-e- ,n t*e appeal re+or-2 Assum,ng t*at we are not ent,tle- to loo? at ,t0 we *ave to .all 'a+?
on t*e pla,nt,..9s letter o. &t* Novem'er0 1955 w*,+* *e sent to t*e -e.en-ant +are o. anot*er
person2 As t*ere ,s no ev,-en+e t*at t*at letter rea+*e- t*e -e.en-ant0 t*e pos,t,on woul-
t*ere.ore appear to 'e t*at t*ere never was any re.usal 'y t*e -e.en-ant to +arry out *er
o'l,gat,ons un-er t*e +ontra+t2 In t*e +,r+umstan+es0 ,t may 'e argue- t*at t*,s a+t,on was
premature0 'ut t*at was not t*e stan- ta?en 'y t*e -e.en-ant2 In any event0 serv,+e o. t*e wr,t on
t*e -e.en-ant +onst,tute- not,+e o. t*e appellant9s ,ntent,on to stan- on *,s legal r,g*t un-er t*e
agreement :see )ool !etal #o v )ungsten 1lectric #o #19//$ 2 All R 5/7;0 an- t*ere was no
t*reat to ,n.r,nge t*at r,g*t unt,l t*e -e.en+e was .,le-2 F*atever v,ew I ta?e o. t*e +ase0 ,t woul-
seem +lear t*at t,me -,- not 'eg,n to run aga,nst t*e pla,nt,.. unt,l s*ortly 'e.ore t*e a+t,on was
.,le-2 It was t*ere.ore not 'arre- 'y l,m,tat,on2
I woul- allow t*e appeal w,t* +osts *ere an- ,n t*e +ourt 'elow0 set as,-e t*e or-er ma-e 'y t*e
+ourt 'elow an- ma?e an or-er t*at t*e -e.en-ant -o e3e+ute a val,- an- reg,stra'le ,n
terms o. t*e pla,nt,..9s +la,m w,t*,n 11 -ays .rom to-ay0 an- t*at ,n t*e event o. *er re.usal or
.a,lure to e3e+ute su+* w,t*,n t*at per,o- t*e Reg,strar o. t*e !,g* 6ourt at Ipo* -o
e3e+ute a on *er 'e*al.2
O./ C0J0 I agree w,t* t*e Bu-gment Bust -el,vere- 'y H,ll G2J20 to w*,+* t*ere ,s not*,ng I +an
use.ully a--2 )*e or-er o. t*,s +ourt w,ll 'e ,n terms as propose- 'y *,m2
A'1 F0J0 +on+urre-2
Appeal alloed7
Sol,+,tors7 !ahendran ' #o8 (a9endra ' )ei* 1e2

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