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Basic Phrases
Buenos das!
bway-nohs dee-ahs
Hello! / Good morning!
Buenas tardes!
bway-nahs tard-ays
Good afternoon!
Buenas noches!
bway-nahs noh-chays
Good evening! / Good night!
Hola! / Chao!
oh-lah / chow
Hi! / Bye!
Good bye.
Por favor.
por fah-bor
Hasta la vista / Hasta luego.
ah-stah lah vees-tah / ah-stah
See you / See you later.
Hasta pronto.
ah-stah prohn-toh
See you soon.
Hasta maana.
ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah
See you tomorrow.
(Muchas) Gracias.
(moo-chahs) grah-see-ahs
Thank you (very much).
De nada.
day nah-dah
You're welcome.
Lo siento
loh see-ehn-toh
I'm sorry
Con permiso / Perdn /
kohn pehr-mee-soh / pehr-
dohn / dees-kool-peh
Excuse me / Pardon me
Let's go!
Cmo est usted?
koh-moh ay-stah oo-sted
How are you? (formal)
Cmo ests?
koh-moh ay-stahs
How are you? (informal)
Qu tal?
kay tahl
How's it going?
Bien / Muy bien
bee-ehn / moy bee-ehn
Good / Very good
Mal / Muy mal / Ms o
mahl / moy mahl / mahs oh
Bad / Very bad / OK
S / No
see / noh
Yes / No
Cmo se llama usted?
koh-moh say yah-mah oo-
What is your name? (formal)
Cmo te llamas?
koh-moh tay yah-mahs
What is your name?
Me llamo... / Mi nombre
may yah-moh / mee nohm-
breh ess
My name is...
Mucho gusto. / Encantado.
moo-choh goo-stoh / en-cahn-
Nice to meet you.
Same here. / Same to you.
Seor / Seora / Seorita
sayn-yor / sayn-yor-ah /
Mister / Mrs. / Miss
De dnde es usted?
day dohn-day ehs oo-sted
Where are you from? (formal)
De dnde eres?
day dohn-day eh-rehs
Where are you from?
Yo soy de...
yoh soy day
I'm from...
Cuntos aos tiene usted?
quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-ay-
nay oo-sted
How old are you? (formal)
Cuntos aos tienes?
quahn-tohs ahn-yohs tee-
How old are you? (informal)
Yo tengo _____ aos.
yoh tayn-goh _____ ahn-
I am _____ years old.
Habla usted espaol?
ah-blah oo-sted eh-spahn-yol
Do you speak Spanish?
Hablas ingls?
ah-blahs een-glehs
Do you speak English?
(No) Hablo...
noh ah-bloh
I (don't) speak...
Entiende usted? /
ehn-tyen-deh oo-sted / ehn-
Do you understand? (formal /
(No) Entiendo.
noh ehn-tyen-doh
I (don't) understand.
Yo (no lo) se.
yoh noh loh seh
I (don't) know.
Puede ayudarme?
pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar-meh
Can you help me? (formal)
Claro / Claro que s
klah-roh / klah-roh keh see
Sure / Of course
What? Pardon me?
Dnde est / Dnde estn...
dohn-deh eh-stah / dohn-deh
Where is ... / Where are ... ?
Aqu / Ah
ah-kee / ah-ee
Here / There
Hay / Haba...
eye / ah-bee-ah
There is / are... / There was /
Cmo se dice ____ en
koh-moh seh dee-seh ___ en
How do you say ____ in
Qu es esto?
keh ehs ehs-toh
What is that?
Qu te pasa?
keh teh pah-sah
What's the matter (with you)?
No importa.
noh eem-por-tah
It doesn't matter.
Qu pasa?
keh pah-sah
What's happening?
Sin novedad.
seen noh-veh-dahd
Nothing much.
No tengo ninguna idea.
noh tehn-goh neen-goo-nah
I have no idea.
Buena idea!
bweh-nah ee-deh-ah
Good idea!
Go ahead!
Estoy cansado / enfermo.
eh-stoy kahn-sah-doh / ehn-
I'm tired / sick.
Tengo hambre / sed.
tehn-goh ahm-breh / sed
I'm hungry / thirsty.
Tengo calor / fro.
tehn-goh kah-lohr / free-oh
I'm hot / cold.
Estoy aburrido.
eh-stoy ah-boo-ree-doh
I'm bored.
No me importa.
noh meh eem-por-tah
I don't care.
No se preocupe.
noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh
Don't worry
Est bien.
ehs-tah bee-ehn
That's alright. / It's ok.
Me olvid.
meh ohl-vee-deh
I forgot.
Tengo que ir ahora.
tehn-goh keh eer ah-oh-rah
I must go now.
Quizs / Depende.
kee-sahs / deh-pehn-deh
Maybe / It depends.
Todava no.
toh-dah-vee-ah noh
Not yet.
Qu chistoso!
keh chees-toh-soh
How funny!
Que le vaya bien!
keh leh vah-yah bee-ehn
Have a nice day!
Nos vemos!
nohs veh-mos
We'll see you!
Bless you!
Buena suerte!
bweh-nah swehr-teh
Good luck!
Te toca a ti.
teh toh-kah ah tee
It's your turn. (informal)
Shut up!
Te amo.
tay ah-moh
I love you. (informal and
Notice that Spanish has informal and formal ways of speaking. This is because there is more than
one meaning to "you" in Spanish (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used
when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking
to someone you just met, do not know well, or someone for whom you would like to show
respect (a professor, for example.)
Encantado, cansado, enfermo, and aburrido are the masculine forms of the words. If the
words refer to a woman or are spoken by a woman, then the final o changes to a: encantada,
cansada, enferma, and aburrida
In Spain, as well as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, the
Spanish language is called castellano instead of espaol.

2. Pronunciation
Spanish Letter English Sound
a ah
e ay
i ee
o oh
u oo
ll y
v b at beginning of word, real soft b between 2 vowels
ny (as in canyon)
r almost like a d when in between 2 vowels
rr r with a roll of the tongue
d almost like a th when in between 2 vowels
j hard h
g g, sometimes a h
qu k
ai / all / ay eye
z s
z, ce, ci th (in northern Spain only)
The five vowels in Spanish are all pure vowels: [a], [e], [i], [o], [u] Be sure that you do not
pronounce a diphthong as we do in English (the extra yuh or wuh sound at the end).
Stress: Just as in English, Spanish stresses a certain syllable in a word. If a word ends in a
consonant, except s or n, the stress is on the last syllable. If a word ends in a vowel, or s or n, the
stress is on the second-to-last syllable. For words that do no follow these rules, an accent is
written over the vowel so that you will know to stress that syllable, as in el pjaro (bird).
Please keep in mind that because Spanish is spoken in many countries, there are several regional
dialects and accents so pronunciation rules may not apply to all countries. This tutorial is mostly
concerned with the language that is spoken in Mexico and Spain.

3. Alphabet
a ah j hoh-tah r air-ay
b bay k kah rr airr-ay
c say l ay-lay s ay-say
ch chay ll ay-yay t tay
d day m ay-may u oo
e ay n ay-nay v bay chee-kah
f ay-fay ayn-yay w vay doh-blay
g hey o oh x ah-kees
h ah-chay p pay y ee-gree-ay-gah
i ee q koo z say-tah
The Spanish language academy no longer considers the ch, ll or rr to be separate letters in
dictionaries, but they are still separate letters in the alphabet. In Spain, you can say oo-bay for v,
but in Latin America most dialects just use bay and an adjective, such as chica (Mexico and
Peru) or corta (Argentina and Chile).

4. Articles & Demonstratives

Masc. Plural Fem. Plural
the el (ail) la (lah)

the los (lohs) las (lahs)
un (oon)
una (oon-
unos (oon-
unas (oon-
this este esta

these estos estas
that ese esa

those esos esas
that aquel aquella

those aquellos aquellas
El is also used with feminine nouns beginning with a or ha when the accent is on the first
syllable. Words that end in -o and -or are generally masculine, with a few exceptions: la mano
(hand), la foto (photo). Words that end in -a are generally feminine, with a few exceptions: el
mapa (map), el problema (problem). Other feminine words end in -cin, -tad, -dad, or -tud.
Use the ese forms to mean that when what you are talking about is near the person you are
addressing. Use the aquel forms when what you are talking about is far from both you and the
person you are addressing. Esto and eso are the neuter forms of this and that. They can be used
in general and abstract ways. Demonstrative adjectives (listed above) are used before a noun; if
you want to use the demonstrative pronouns, which are used before a verb, add an accent on all
of the first e's: ste, sta, stos, stas, se, sa, sos, sas, aqul, aqulla, aqullos, aqullas.

5. Subject Pronouns
yo yoh I
nosotros /
/ noh-soh-
t too you (informal)
vosotros /
/ boh-soh-
you all
l / ella /
ail / ay-
yah / oo-
he / she / it /
you (formal)
ellos / ellas /
ay-yohs / ay-
yahs / oo-
they / they /
you (plural)
Vosotros is used only in Spain when speaking to more than one person with whom you know
well. Nosotras and vosotras refer to a group of all females, as well as ellas. Ustedes is almost
always used for saying "you all" in all Spanish speaking countries. Usted can be abbreviated to
Ud. Ustedes can also be abbreviated to Uds. Please note that the subject pronouns are rarely
used before verbs.

6. To Be & to Have
ser - to be
present past future
soy I am fu I was ser I will be
eres you are fuiste you were sers you will be
es he/she/it is fu he/she/it was ser he/she/it will be
somos we are fuimos we were seremos we will be
sois you are fuisteis you were seris you will be
son they are fueron they were sern they will be
estar - to be
present past future
estoy I am estuve I was estar I will be
ests you are estuviste you were estars you will be
est he/she/it is estuvo he/she/it was estar he/she/it will be
estamos we are estuvimos we were estaremos we will be
estis you are estuvisteis you were estaris you will be
estn they are estuvieron they were estarn they will be
tener - to have

past future
tengo I have tuve I had tendr I will have
tienes you have tuviste you had tendrs you will have
tiene he/she/it has tuvo he/she/it had tendr he/she/it will have
tenemos we have tuvimos we had tendremos we will have
tenis you have tuvisteis you had tendris you will have
tienen they have tuvieron they had tendrn they will have
Highlighted forms are only used in Spain.
Ser is used to identify or describe. It tells what something is, its basic characteristics, or its
origin. Estar is used to tell the location of something or how someone feels.
Uses of Ser
Identify person/object
Inherent characteristics
or qualities
Telling time
Express ownership
Impersonal expressions
Passive voice
El edificio es un templo.
La casa es grande.
Carlos es pobre.
Es carpintero.
Son las tres.
Los libros son de Juan.
Es necesario.
El telfono fue inventado por
The building is a temple.
The house is large.
Charles is poor.
He is a carpenter.
It's three o'clock.
The books are John's.
It is necessary.
The telephone was invented by
Uses of Estar
Temporary condition/state
State of health
Form progressive tense
El libro est en la mesa.
La ventana est abierta.
Juan est enfermo.
Miguel est estudiando.
The book is on the table.
The window is open.
John is sick.
Michael is studying.
Sometimes changing the verb can completely change the meaning: ser aburrido means to be
boring, while estar aburrido means to be bored. Others include: ser bueno - to be nice, estar
bueno - to be in good health; ser callado - to be discrete, estar callado - to be silent; ser
moreno - to have brown hair, estar moreno - to be tan.
Many common expressions using the verb "be" in English use the verb "tener" in Spanish (but
not all):
to be afraid tener miedo to be in a hurry tener prisa, estar de prisa
to be against estar en contra to be jealous tener celos
to be at fault tener la culpa to be lucky tener suerte
to be careful tener cuidado to be patient tener paciencia
to be cold tener fro to be sleepy tener sueo
to be curious ser curioso/a to be successful tener xito
to be happy estar contento/a to be thirsty tener sed
to be hot tener calor to be tired estar cansado/a
to be hungry tener hambre to be ___ years old tener ___ aos

7. Question Words
what qu

which cul(es)
who quin(es)

how much cunto (-a)
how cmo

how many cuntos (-as)
when cundo

whom a quin(es)
where dnde

whose de quin(es)
why por qu

8. cardinal & ordinal Numbers
0 cero say-roh

1 uno oo-noh first primero
2 dos dohs second segundo
3 tres trays third tercero
4 cuatro kuah-troh fourth cuarto
5 cinco seen-koh fifth quinto
6 seis says sixth sexto
7 siete see-ay-tay seventh sptimo
8 ocho oh-choh eighth octavo
9 nueve new-ay-vay ninth noveno
10 diez dee-ays tenth dcimo
11 once ohn-say eleventh undcimo
12 doce doh-say twelfth duodcimo
13 trece tray-say thirteenth dcimo tercero
14 catorce kah-tor-say fourteenth dcimo cuarto
15 quince keen-say fifteenth dcimo quinto
16 diez y seis dee-ays ee says sixteenth dcimo sexto
17 diez y siete dee-ays ee see-ay-tay seventeenth dcimo sptimo
18 diez y ocho dee-ays ee oh-choh eighteenth dcimo octavo
19 diez y nueve dee-ays ee new-ay-vay nineteenth dcimo noveno
20 veinte bayn-tay twentieth vigsimo
21 veinte y uno bayn-tay ee oo-noh twenty-first vigsimo primero
22 veinte y dos bayn-tay ee dohs twenty-second vigsimo segundo
30 treinta trayn-tah thirtieth trigsimo
40 cuarenta kuar-ain-tah fortieth cuadragsimo
50 cincuenta seen-kuain-tah fiftieth quincuagsimo
60 sesenta say-sain-tah sixtieth sexagsimo
70 setenta say-tain-tah seventieth septuagsimo
80 ochenta oh-chain-tah eightieth octogsimo
90 noventa noh-bain-tah ninetieth nonagsimo
100 cien(to) see-ain-(toh) hundredth centsimo
1000 mil meel thousandth milsimo
If you are just saying 100, you use cien. If it's over 100, you use ciento. So 101 is ciento uno
and 156 would be ciento cincuenta y seis. Also you can use diecisis, diecisiete, dieciocho, and
diecinueve for 16, 17, 18, and 19, respectively. They are pronounced the same but are combined
into one word. Additionally, 21-29 can be written as one word (veintiuno, veintids, veintitrs,
etc.), but you need to use y for the rest of the numbers.
Primero and tercero drop the final -o when used directly before a noun.

9. Days of the Week
Monday lunes loo-nays
Tuesday martes mar-tays
Wednesday mircoles mee-air-coh-lays
Thursday jueves hway-bays
Friday viernes bee-air-nays
Saturday sbado sah-bah-doh
Sunday domingo doh-ming-oh
day el da dee-ah
week la semana say-mahn-ah
weekend el fin de semana feen day say-mahn-ah
today hoy oy
tonight esta noche es-tah noh-chay
last night anoche ah-noh-chay
yesterday ayer eye-yair
tomorrow maana mahn-yahn-ah
my birthday mi cumpleaos mee coom-play-ahn-yohs
next prximo / prxima prok-see-moh / mah
last pasado / pasada pah-sah-doh / dah
day before yesterday anteayer ahn-teh-eye-yair
day after tomorrow pasado maana pah-sah-doh mahn-yahn-ah
the following day el da siguiente dee-ah see-gwee-ehn-teh
the day before la vspera vees-peh-rah
Days of the week are all masculine in gender and they are not capitalized in writing. The definite
article is not used after the verb ser, but at all other times it is required and there is slight change
in meaning if it is singular or plural: el lunes = on Monday but los lunes = on Mondays

10. Months of the Year
January enero ay-nair-oh
February febrero fay-bray-roh
March marzo mar-soh
April abril ah-breel
May mayo mi-oh
June junio hoo-nee-oh
July julio hoo-lee-oh
August agosto ah-gohs-toh
September septiembre sayp-tee-aim-bray
October octubre ohk-too-bray
November noviembre noh-bee-aim-bray
December diciembre dee-see-aim-bray
month el mes mais
first of [a month] el primero de [month] pree-mair-oh day _____
year el ao ahn-yoh
decade la dcada deh-kah-dah
century el siglo see-gloh
millennium el milenio mee-leh-nee-oh
The preposition en is used with months: en abril = in April. Also notice that primero is used for
the first of the month, but the rest of the days are referred to using the regular cardinal numbers:
el primero de junio but el dos de julio. Months of the year are also all masculine and not
capitalized in writing.
Cual es la fecha de hoy? What is today's date?
Hoy es el primero de agosto. Today is August 1st.

11. Seasons
spring la primavera

in spring en primavera
summer el verano

in summer en verano
winter el invierno

in winter en invierno
autumn el otoo

in autumn en otoo

12. Directions
to the right a la derecha
to the left a la izquierda
straight ahead todo derecho
north el norte

northeast el noreste
south el sur

northwest el noroeste
east el este

southeast el sureste
west el oeste

southwest el suroeste

13. Colors & shapes
red rojo / roja circle el crculo
pink rosado / rosada square el cuadrado
orange anaranjado / anaranjada rectangle el rectngulo
yellow amarillo / amarilla triangle el tringulo
green verde oval el valo
blue azul cube el cubo
light blue celeste sphere la esfera
purple morado / morada cylinder el cilindro
violet violeta cone el cono
brown marrn octagon el octgono
black negro / negra box la caja
gray gris pyramid la pirmide
white blanco / blanca
golden dorado / dorada dark oscuro / oscura
silver plateado / plateada light claro / clara

All adjectives in Spanish are placed after the noun that they describe and they agree in gender
(masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun. Notice that some colors
do not change for gender (marrn) or number (gris). To change an adjective to the feminine
form, you usually just change the final -o to -a. To make an adjective plural, simply add an -s.
a red house = una casa roja

14. Time
Qu hora es? What time is it?
Es la una. It's one.
Son las dos/tres/cuatro... It's two/three/four...
Es medioda. It's noon.
Es medianoche. It's midnight.
Son las cinco y cinco. It's 5:05
Son las ocho y cuarto. It's 8:15
Son las diez menos cuarto. It's 9:45
Son cuarto para las diez It's 9:45 (common in Mexico)
Son las nueve menos diez. It's 8:50
Son diez para las nueve It's 8:50 (common in Mexico)
Son las tres y media / treinta. It's 3:30
de la maana in the morning / AM
de la tarde in the afternoon / PM
de la noche in the evening / PM
en punto exactly / sharp
A qu hora? At what time?

15. Weather
Qu tiempo hace? What's the weather like?
Hace buen tiempo. The weather's nice.
Hace mal tiempo. The weather's bad.
Hace fro. It's cold.
Hace calor. It's hot.
Hace sol. It's sunny.
Hace viento. It's windy.
Hace fresco. It's chilly.
Est nublado. It's cloudy.
Hay niebla. It's foggy.
Hay neblina. It's misty.
Hay humedad. It's humid.
Hay granizo. It's hailing.
Llueve. It's raining.
Nieva. It's snowing.
Truena. It's thundering.
Llovizna. It's sprinkling.

16. Prepositions
a at, to

al lado de beside, alongside of
con with

alrededor de around
contra against

cerca de near, close to
de of, from

lejos de far from
en in, on

delante de in front of
entre between, among

debajo de below, under
hacia towards, about

en frente de opposite
para for, in order, by

detrs de behind
por for, through, along, via

encima de above, on top of
sobre on, over

hasta till, until
sin without

desde from, since
There are two prepositional contractions with definite articles. A and el combine to form al, and
de and el combine to form del.

17. Family & Animals
family la familia

grandfather el abuelo

baby el beb
parents los padres

grandmother la abuela

teenager el adolescente
el marido / el
grandparents los abuelos

boy el nio
la mujer / la
grandson el nieto

girl la nia
father / dad el padre / pap

granddaughter la nieta

boys &
los nios
mother / mom
la madre /
grandchildren los nietos

man el hombre
son el hijo

uncle el to

woman la mujer
daughter la hija

aunt la ta

adult el adulto
children los hijos

aunts & uncles los tios

twins (m) los gemelos
brother el hermano

nephew el sobrino

twins (f) las gemelas
sister la hermana

niece la sobrina

dog el perro
brothers &
los hermanos

nieces &
los sobrinos

cat el gato
only child (m) el hijo nico

cousin (m) el primo

bird el pjaro
only child (f) la hija nica

cousin (f) la prima

fish el pez
kid / boy el muchacho

cousins los primos

gold fish
la carpa
kid / girl la muchacha

relatives los parientes

horse el caballo
el medio
stepfather el padastro

goat la cabra
la media
stepmother la madrastra

pig el cerdo
father-in-law el suegro

cow la vaca
mother-in-law la suegra

rabbit el conejo
brother-in- el cuado

stepson el hijastro

turtle la tortuga
sister-in-law la cuada

stepdaughter la hijastra

mouse el ratn
son-in-law el yerno

godfather el padrino

deer el ciervo
la nuera

godmother la madrina

duck el pato

18. To Know People & Facts
conocer - to know people

saber - to know facts
conozco conocemos

s sabemos
conoces conocis

sabes sabis
conoce conocen

sabe saben

19. Formation of Plural Nouns
1. If a singular noun ends in a vowel, just add -s to make it plural: la casa las casas
2. If a singular noun ends in a consonant, a vowel with an accent, or y, add -es to make it
plural: el papel los papeles
3. Singular nouns that end in -z change the z to c and add -es to form the plural: la luz
las luces
4. A few nouns that have an accent in the singular will lose it in the plural: el lpiz los

20. Possessive Adjectives

Initial Forms

Terminal Forms

singular plural

singular plural

mi mis

mo / ma mos / mas

tu tus

tuyo / tuya tuyos / tuyas

su sus

suyo / suya suyos / suyas

nuestro /
nuestros /
nuestro /
nuestros /

vuestro / vuestra vuestros / vuestras

vuestro / vuestra vuestros / vuestras

su sus

suyo / suya suyos / suyas

Remember that vuestro forms are only used in Spain (just as the vosotros subject pronoun &
verb conjugations are only used in Spain).
Because su and sus can have so many meanings, the definite article may be used instead of su
with these expressions following the noun: de Ud., de l, de ella, de Uds., de ellos and de ellas.
los libros de ellos their books
The terminal forms are placed after the noun, and the noun must be preceded by the definite
article, except in direct address. When used with the indefinite article, it corresponds to the
English "of mine, of yours," etc.
el libro mo my book
Qu haces, hijo mo? What are you doing, my son?
un amigo mo a friend of mine
The most destructive habit Worry
The greatest joy Giving
The most endangered species Dedicated leaders
Our greatest natural resource Our youth
The greatest shot in the arm Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome Fear
The most effective sleeping pill Peace of mind
The most crippling disease Excuses
The most powerful force in life Love
The most destructive pariah Gossip
The most incredible computer The human brain
The worst thing to be without Hope
The deadliest weapon The tongue
The two most powerful words Can do
The greatest asset Faith
The most worthless emotion Self-pity
The worst thing you can lose Self-respect
The most satisfying work Helping others
The ugliest personality trait Selfishness
The most beautiful attire A smile!
The most prized possession Integrity
The most contageous spirit Enthusiasm
The most powerful communication Prayer

1. It is not what you do for your juniors/subordinates/children that are important. It is what you teach
them to do for them selves.
2. The world suffers a lot, not because of the violence of bad people, but because of the silence of
good people.
3. A successful man is he who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him!
Learn to accept criticism proactively and with grace.
4. Your success is determined by what you are willing to sacrifice for it.
5. No one will manufacture a lock without a key. Similarly the God does not give problems without
solutions. Only we should have patience and courage to find them.
6. Success is not the key to happiness. But happiness is the key to success.
7. Do not complain about others. Change yourself if you want peace. It is easier to protect our feet
with shoes than to carpet the earth.
8. Do not only be close with someone who makes you happy. Be close with someone who can not be
happy without you. It may make a lot difference to him at least.
9. Bill Gates never did LaxmiPooja but he is the richest man. Einstein never did SaraswatiPooja but he
was the cleverest man. So just believe in hard work.
10. You can tell whether a man is intelligent by his answers. But you can tell a man is wise by his
11. Slow down and enjoy life. It is not only the scenery you miss by going fast but you also miss the
sense of where
you are going and why.
12. The only thing I like about stones that come in my way is: once I pass them, they automatically
become my
13. Luck is not in your hands. But work is in your hands. Your works can make your luck but luck can
not make
your works. So always trust yourself.
14. Love is a gift. If you receive it, open and appreciate it. If not, don not worry. Someone somewhere
is still
wrapping it for you.
15. Birds that live in a lake will fly away when the lake dries. But the lotus that grows in the same lake
will die with
the lake. So recognize the birds in your life.
16. Coincidence decides to whom you meet in life. Your heart and your mind decide with whom you
want to stay in life. But only destiny decides who gets to stay in your life.
17. Everything in life has a beautiful ending. And if it is not beautiful, then be sure, it is not the
18. MORNING means one more inning given by the god to play.
19. A person who surrenders when he is wrong is honest.
A person, who surrenders when not sure, is wise.
A person, who surrenders even if he is right, is a HUSBAND! :-)
20. I can not say whether things will get better if we change, what I can say is that if we want to get
better, we need to change.
21. Leave something for someonenever leave someone for something because in life something may
leave you but someone will always live with you.
22. Too often we underestimate the power a touch, a smile, a kind word, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the power to build a life long relationship.

23. God has deposited Love, Joys, Prosperity, Peace and Laughter plus all kind of Blessings in your
account. Use without limit. The PIN code is : PRAYER!
24. Three best things:
A little seed in good soil
A few cows in good grass
A few friends in tavern
25. One meets his destiny often on the road he tried to avoid it.
26. With lies you may go ahead in the world but you can never come back.
27. The road to a friends house is never too long.
28. When the heart is full, the eyes overflow.
29. There is none luckier than he who thinks himself so.
30. The truth may walk around naked, but the lie has to be clothed.
31. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
32. No one knows what he can do until he tries.
33. God gives every bird its food but does not always drop it into the nest.
34. Do not choose for any one what you do not choose for yourself.
35. It is better, in times of need, to have a friend than to have money.
36. As you do to others, they will do to you.
37. Little children little joys
Bigger children bigger sorrows
38. A good name keeps its brightness even in dark days.
39. An inch of gold will not buy an inch of time.
40. A light heart lives long.
41. Personality has the power to open the doors, but it takes character to keep them open.
42. The person who likes you more will trouble you more. But when you drop a tear, they will fight the
world to stop that tear.
43. Those people whom you miss in your happiness are the ones whom you love. But those people
whom you miss in your sadness are the ones who love you. Do not forget them.
44. Success is not a matter of being the best and winning the race, it is a matter of handling the worst
and finishing the race. Be positive.
45. A man does not start turning old when his hair starts graying, but when his enthusiasm towards
life and its joy start dropping. Just keep checking your age!!
46. A honey bee visits 2 million flowers to collect 500 mg of honey. So our workload is nothing as
compared to them. Be cheerful and keep working.
47. It is not that some people have will power and some do not. It is that some people are ready to
change and others are not. Believe in yourself and change for betterment.
48. Everybody says that mistake is the first step to success. But it is not true. Actually it is the
correction of mistake.
49. Winners recognize their limitations but focus on their strengths.
Losers recognize their strengths but focus on their weaknesses.
50. We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.

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