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Tell the
the Truth

Is the Universe infinite? What are black holes? What is free will? Do we have a soul? What
happened to the Spartans? Why do we have warfare? Why does racism exist? What sparked
the Balkan conflicts? What is the link between Aristotle and Wall Street? What about Plato's
allegory of the cave? Who are the lousy poets that disregard the beautiful? Why are we
disembodied? What does love mean? And finally, who is 'God'? These are just a few of the
questions that these writings bring to light, with the purpose to incite further thought about 'the
truth' .

Written by: Livia B.

Author's biography

September, 2013

Who am I...? Many people would expect me to answer questions that involve my
favourite pastime activities, a nation to which I belong and perhaps even a religious

About a year and a half ago, I had that conception of identity shattered to pieces. The
truth is that my favourite pastime activities have greatly changed. I no longer feel like I
belong to any nation, and I continue to not have any religious affiliations. I was inspired
to dig deeper into my innermost layer instead. Suddenly, every part of me became
overwhelmed by an enclosed spring that yearned to reach out to humanity. My heart
united with the soil, plants...other life. Whenever I feel their light, my whole body
shivers and surrenders itself to peace.

No, I don't claim to understand love. I saw love's back, but I am forever left seeking to
know its face. Yet, I feel it consuming every part of me. If people think that love is folly,
then I may be just another fool. Truly, I cannot tell you about myself without telling you
about yourself for I am only a part of the circle. I cannot tell you about myself without
fully grasping the beauty of all life around me.

I only wish I could breathe out a small part of what I feel through my writings, despite
the limitations of language.

I do know one thing for certain, however: I belong to love and love belongs to me.


Table of Contents
PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Beauty ............................................................................................................................................. 7
The conch shell ............................................................................................................................... 8
Flower ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Sewing the Stars .............................................................................................................................. 9
Set Me Free ................................................................................................................................... 10
Slipping... ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Twirling by the Sea ....................................................................................................................... 11
The Rain Dance............................................................................................................................. 12
Wandering These Streets... ........................................................................................................... 13
Mozart Brought Back My Love .................................................................................................... 14
Bring Me Back to My Mother ...................................................................................................... 15
A Noble Lie................................................................................................................................... 16
Zion's Beauty ................................................................................................................................ 19
Everybody Knows the Children .................................................................................................... 19
Children of the Promise ................................................................................................................ 20
Spread the Tent! ............................................................................................................................ 21
The Children of Israel ................................................................................................................... 22
Daughters of Jerusalem ................................................................................................................. 23
The Circle of Smoke ..................................................................................................................... 24
Photons .......................................................................................................................................... 24
The Torch Lilies ............................................................................................................................ 25
Digging in the Graveyard.............................................................................................................. 25
Vile Silence ................................................................................................................................... 26
The Water Bucket ......................................................................................................................... 26
A Letter to Ephraim ...................................................................................................................... 27
Tremble Walls! ............................................................................................................................. 29
Game Over... ................................................................................................................................. 31
Won't You Hold My Hand? .......................................................................................................... 32
Pro-life .......................................................................................................................................... 32
My Wedding Dress ....................................................................................................................... 33

Break the Clock............................................................................................................................. 34
Wall Street Has Been Good to Me ................................................................................................ 35
The Sea Gulls ................................................................................................................................ 35
Language ....................................................................................................................................... 36
A Pure Tongue .............................................................................................................................. 36
Give Them Proof........................................................................................................................... 37
Res................................................................................................................................................. 37
A Collection of Cinquains ............................................................................................................ 38
My Mint Plant ............................................................................................................................... 40
Yezreel Yara ................................................................................................................................. 41
Tell Me About Love...................................................................................................................... 42
In the Darkness of the Night ......................................................................................................... 43
Ain Hayla, He Said.... ................................................................................................................... 44
Take Me... ..................................................................................................................................... 44
Writing .......................................................................................................................................... 45
Chewed-up Hearts ......................................................................................................................... 45
Our Broken Forest......................................................................................................................... 45
Lovesick Lines... ........................................................................................................................... 46
Tell the Children the Truth ........................................................................................................... 48


Dedicated to the Children

I thank the children for giving me the strength and the motivation to continue
embracing life. Their songs and dances, their writings, their heartfelt speeches, their plays, or
even their friendly smiles on the sidewalks....the children have brought me many moments of
laughter and tears.

I am also eternally grateful to God for giving me the gift of his presence and
unconditional love. I have an unquenched thirst for learning only because I long to know the
depths of his mind. He is the life of my soul and my true inspiration.



I am not a poet. If I have incidentally become one, then I must grant a grain of truth to the
previous writers who asserted 'the clich' that love and sorrow make poetry. day, I
came to the realization that I've always loved the children. Truly I tell you, that was also painful.

Poetry, like any other form of art, has a reputation for touching upon 'multiple worlds'. This is
what I hope to accomplish through these writings. At times, however, those 'worlds' can be so
different that the artist no longer finds his or her soul poured out in the writings. In some cases,
his or her soul is also forcefully ornamented with worlds so contrary to its nature that it results
in the artist's voice being dampened.

This collection of poems is meant to be read as a story. One would wish to read a story with
both their heart and their mind. I hope that all children breathe in a pure spirit of love from
these lines and may they serve them through times of joy and hardship. I fear that sometimes, I
will perhaps seem to you as if I speak in a strange tongue. If so, then may the strange tongue
serve the unbelievers.

If one ornaments these poems with a touch of nationalism or religion, then they have truly
dampened my voice. Call me a Christian only if it means that one believes the Messiah has
come and will come back very soon. Call me a Muslim only if it means that one takes God's will
to heart and believes God's speech is wise. Call me a Jew or an Israelite only if it means that one
has descended from Jacob in flesh as well as in soul. You may even call me a Buddhist if it
means that one believes it is possible to be enlightened someday! If one marries these words to
any man-made institution, then I wash my hands clean. If one tries to make universal
statements from poetry that dampen logic, then they have also dampened my voice.

On the other hand, if this poetry is used to seek for truth and peace, it would bring great delight
to my heart. Surely, there have been voices of the children much greater than mine.
Nonetheless, I hope you'll allow me to give my small part to our circle, and may these lines
further bring to light our love for humanity, the earth, the Universe, and its higher power.



Beauty is weaved in white gauzes and linen.
Shrouded in the smoke of apple incense.
The aroma of the sepulchre. Waiting for Wisdom
to rescue her. The crippled glimpse through the gauzes
With shame. Yet they are those who can love.
Even amid Death's veil. Their eyes search desperately
Through the smoke. Remembering Beauty. A memory code
Engraved in their cells. Knowing good and bad. The bad
incarnating the eyes of death. Abhorring Beauty. Along with
Her artist. That which brings eyes of shame among the crippled.
But the blind only see the linen. Not even slightly translucent.
Beauty's form has died. She is now a disposable cloth. How pitiful
Those stoned hearts! Kind of like the Greek Narcissus. Mighty
And content in the sepulchre. They are called the living dead.
And Beauty still waiting for Wisdom to rescue her. And for the
Crippled to tear her gauzes and linen. No longer knowing disgrace.
Becoming one with her for eternity.


The conch shell

Do you hear the conch shell' s murmurs?
The conch shell had a miscarriage. Like a woman's disembodied spirit.
Plugged on life support. A pitiful resonating chamber
Lacking breath. A coma sustained by sound waves.
Hear its murmurs. The chamber is now mere racket. Hallow words.
It has forgotten the ocean's secrets.
Truth seekers admired its spirals in a laboratory. Examined them
Through Fibonacci rectangles. It was like Athena's Parthenon.
Only more captivating. Like an unveiled woman.
Yet it remains an empty shell... A shelter for the desperate.
The murmurs molding its fragile shape. How ignorant of nature's laws!
Unplug it. Give it back to the ocean. So that it embraces its breath.
Only then will it remember its divinity. Whispering back the ocean's secrets.
Do you hear the conch shell' s murmurs...?


God showed me a flower once.
It wasn't like the flowers I drew as a child.
The standard heart petals with a yellow blotch.
No--it had petals of light instead. Blossoming elegantly.
Striking the chords of the Universe with vigour. A web of
Light waves making love. The ephemeral instant when
humanity's shroud is torn. Exposing divine oneness.
I bowed my head and wept. Despising my naked body.
Along with my childhood collection of dolls. Anatomically
defective dolls. The heart petal flower drawings. Loathing them all...


Sewing the Stars

On top of a hill I sat one day,
With scraped knees and bare feet.
There I stood by an empty crib
Knitted with sweet grass and honey bees.

My hand reached to touch the sun beam
Stroking the threads of the empty crib.
The bees swayed softly to a melody,
As I hummed my song of solitude.

I rocked the sun beam up on that hill,
Till the moon made the honey bees disappear.
The moon gave me stars to sew over night
A blanket to fill the empty crib...

How my hands bled sewing each star!
I winced and cursed at the moon's bright smile.
All night long, the owl cruelly mocked,
And the bats were a pain to my eyes!

The moon said there's not much time...
I begged for the moon to take my life.
But I saw its face of wrath instead,
So I continued sewing at an anxious pace.

At dawn I curled up inside the crib,
And wrapped my chest in those stars.
To the lonely tune, I closed my eyes,
Waiting for the sun to make us one....


Set Me Free

An array of hues spiraling around the Milky Way,
A tsunami of nebulas viciously painting disarray.
Since when has luminosity been rendered so fragile,
When once it was infinite and agile?

This eternal density engulfs ones very entity,
A step into its alluring spirals shatters our illusory identity.
Is fate so unkind as to imprison us in its curves of decay,
Or in another world of treasures shall we slowly fade away?

The once bright flame is drained in the dark stars kingdom,
Yet we ironically keep searching for our quantum freedom.
There are instants when one feels as powerful as part of the whole,
Set me free to embrace the infinite and enter the black hole


I asked to see the hyper sphere
While strolling on a Mbius strip.
But the time is slipping...

Teach me Cantor's sets and
Show me how sound works.
The time is slipping...

Beethoven's golden ratio,
And the meaning of a shadow.
Time is slipping..

Oh how little I know
About animals and plants!
Is slipping....

Gazing at the stars,
I embraced silence.

Twirling by the Sea

I sat under the full moon,
With my feet soaked in the sea.
Many baskets of pearls and gold,
That night the waves gave to me.

I drew a circle on the shore,
My wet feet traced its curve.
Then I twirled in a spirit so blithe,
The pearls and gold swirled with me.

Don't you remember child,
The day I gave you breath?
I longed for you to be free...
The wind softly whispered to me.

But then I heard a white man's voice,
Boasting of his greater wisdom.
Ah the laws hollered from his script!
I shut my ears and twirled by the sea.

I saw men's scowling faces with beards,
Wearing long robes that covered their tails.
Mouthing that my soul will burn in hell...
I closed my eyes and twirled by the sea.

My legs dropped from a sudden lash,
And I quickly washed away the wounds.
I smiled and said to all those men,
That I can't be taught like a slave again.

Dancing around the circle by the sea,
Along with baskets of gold and pearls.
Their eyes were filled with horror, fright,
When the teacher set me free that night...


The Rain Dance

The phantom sounds of the trumpets,
Burst in the skies a hail of light.
Wild horses running on white clouds,
The Ark of the Covenant laid in shrouds.

I was on my silver couch that night,
When I heard those phantom sounds.
God then frantically slapped my face,
And so began my foolish chase.

Brace yourself for Noah's days;
I replied with a rain dance.
And in circles I went wild,
I called myself a stupid child.

Love, I cried, why d' you come back?
We last talked when I was ten.
I liked the music of the night,
Smoking cigars, flying a kite.

Today is Passover; I cooked no lamb,
I had accepted my orphan's fate.
You left me with a hole in the mind,
At least I made a friend who was kind.

Then God slapped my face again,
And gave me visions of red flame.
A globe bouncing up and down,
Esau's face wearing a thorn crown.

I remembered when I was ten,
I cried with my love for Anne Frank.
I told him not to let this be again,
He wept saying that they're insane.

Listen Lord, we're old friends,
I said, continuing my rain dance.
If you've loved me since in the womb,
Either leave now or make me a tomb.

But my love was rough with me,
And left me waiting for the Ark.
The rest are secrets of the heart,
Lest these youth years fall apart.
Wandering These Streets...

Your stare--so cold and blank,
Wandering these streets of gold.
To you, I'm just a pitiful crank,
Pleading for time to unfold.

My mouth itched and I smiled,
Maybe, I thought, you'll join me.
But those dogs my smile riled,
Then they crazily barked with glee.

These weary, bitter eyes don't rest,
I shall wait my youth away on gold.
Yes, at the glimmering street fest,
Where stares are blank and so cold.

Was it my fate that made you flee?
The night in circles I danced with God...
Little did I know my life was a decree,
And my tears, a measuring rod.

I don't want to be alone, I sobbed.
Let our light waves collide like stars!
Woe, my only child's been robbed,
She's ours, they contended, ours!

So now I'm taken, for Egypt's past,
Begging for a smile, a glow in their eyes.
For love seems to make one an outcast,
And truth always angers the barks of lies.


Mozart Brought Back My Love

Mozart brought back my love,
And I remembered those days...
The days I'd breathe the Ionian sea,
Sitting on the pine tree's branch.
I saw the kindergarten teacher once,
Scowling on the clouds with wasps.
I then went back inside my home,
Happy to have quit that jungle dome.

Those days when I was four,
I'd fill a box with plastic dolls.
My love taught me to read tales,
But I started to paint princess nails.
Then I'd cry and not know why,
When my love would speak to me,
As I'd spin novels with dreadful dolls,
A queen bee, her sister, their great falls.

Mozart brought back my love,
And I remembered those days...


Bring Me Back to My Mother

By her deserts, I bow my head and weep,
For the gods have torn my mother's limbs.
They ripped me off her valleys before my eyes saw light,
My mother's heart will be plagued until the great reap.
She mourns in Eden, her cries heard from the depths of the seas,
Her mount reeks of gun powder, her womb's pains do not cease.

Her fortress forsaken, her children scattered or slaughtered,
Let's take down even the last tree, the gods will soon hiss.
Darken the skies with the smoke of slave labour,
Fill the oceans with the orphans' blood and
Plunder the Beautiful Land.
Fools! Can they ever rape her of her splendid essence?

Does she not stretch from Eden to the City of David?
Does she not dwell in my father's arms,
Beyond the black holes and back inside the hyper sphere?

Father, bring me back to my mother's breasts,
For the gods fed me coal, hemlock and yeast.
They dried up Zion's honey and milk,
Her crown was plundered, along with the twelve stars.
They even shattered the star of Judah when she brought
To flesh the Son of Man, our King.

How I shall water Zion's deserts with tears,
Perhaps a branch will grow with green, tender leaves.
How much longer shall her stars be forsaken?
How much longer shall her children be orphaned?
My throat won't ever be quenched until it tastes her springs,
My bones perished until the king revives me with her leaves.

Jerusalem, your children shall not merit that name,
Until we find shade under her cedars and olive trees.
I long for the day my ears will hear her call me daughter,
And my Father will name her the beloved Beulah.
I long for the day Jerusalem will embrace her fields,
And forever tend to her daffodils....


A Noble Lie

I've begun to stutter an ancient noble lie,
About the time the tree wedded the sky.
The tree gave birth to a splendid nest,
With birds leaning against her breast.

What colourful birds they all were,
Different melodies they would stir.
How the tree and the sky greatly rejoiced;
The fruit of their love was majestically voiced.

A snake slithered up the tree one day,
But the tree struck him with the sky's ray.
Enflamed, he spit his poison on the bark,
The birds were plundered by the dark.

The poison made the branches wane,
Fear then started the cruel food chain.
The birds, their mother saw death's face,
With one another they began to race.

The snake was pleased with their fear,
Easy prey, he hissed with a great sneer.
He gathered his friends in times of night,
And laid some eggs amid the nest's plight.

The birds took the eggs under their wings,
They hatched thinking they were gods and kings.
Who has ever seen birds with a snake's might?
They joined the race and would win every fight!

The nest did not hold only birds as before,
Birds that the tree alone with the sky bore.
The sky's tears were wiped by his wife,
She giving away slowly her branches' life.

The snake, his friends delighted in others' pain!
Their seed rejoiced with them even after the rain.
Cages built for the children who were made free,
Slaves of the snake, his seed, ruled over the tree.

The true birds had pure love's emblem in their mind,
Though they suffered and the dark had them blind.

In their cages, searching endlessly for their life's light,
Engraved in the children were the wrong and the right.

We can't let them stay together, the seed hissed,
By the feathers' colour, to a branch they'll enlist.
How the children's blood in violence was shed,
Fear and many lies their descendants were fed.

Work for us if you wish to stay on our tree,
To live, you must sing the melody we decree.
That's what the mighty then said to the birds,
Confounding their minds with coined words.

The branch is our family that we must defend,
All the other branches we must put to an end.
The caged birds could not see the tree and its roots,
To the mighty they gave their labour and love fruits.

Natural selection is death's ultimate law,
The seeds' king even said some birds had a flaw.
The sun had scorched their feathers over time,
And that they haven't evolved to their prime.

Other birds were told to know the body's knaves,
If the helix mutates, disease and tumors lead to graves.
Some birds found on a branch, shells of a snake's eggs,
They were told to be grateful that they grew two legs.

The birds still continue singing in their cages,
Singing to the mighty gets them better wages.
Their mother wilting with them as a whole,
The sky weeping at their oblivion and fall.

The branches wilt but the sky's love nourishes,
The tree's roots expand and with life she flourishes.
The law of causality, set with a charitable time;
Go against love and turn yourself into snake's slime.

Yes, now is the time for the birds to be free,
From the cages they'll fly and see the whole tree.
To the sky they shall all once again look up,
For they've tasted enough of the bitter cup.


The children will know each other from their eyes' light,
Engraved in their flesh and soul is love and the right.
The tree shall take the children to the place she's bloomed,
Under the shadow of her roots, for her branches were consumed.

The sky will take his children scattered in each branch,
The red streams of pain and death he will forever stanch.
Healed will be the tree and their children shall revive,
Peace and true fraternity will once again thrive.

Yes, I've begun to stutter this ancient noble lie,
About the time the tree wedded the sky.
Amongst their children, they'll soon renew their vows,
In eternal happiness, the sky and the tree will espouse.


Zion's Beauty

Fingers of silk was the grass,
Its tips with specks of gold.
Adorning my bare feet,
Like a bride of the Sahara.

The birch trees lifted me
Up high in their arms.
I said I was sick with love,
As they gave me to the sky.

Galloping branches I climbed,
And they showed me their light.
Forever joined to my palms,
Were their petals of rainbow.

In awe, I bowed to the ground,
And kissed the fluttering soil.
That soil moving like a fledgling,
Whispering secrets from its womb...

Everybody Knows the Children

The children, everybody knows!
By the fire in their eyes,
Their sweet smell, as a rose,
The way that they despise lies.

Yes, everybody knows them.
How they dance with grace,
Their voice, a precious gem,
The meek smiles on their face.

Love covers them from head to toes,
The children, everybody knows!


Children of the Promise

Children of the promise;
You remnant of the Word!
You're a kaleidoscope
That echoes through black holes.

Make the Gardens falter,
As chords of a guitar;
Inflame me with your eyes,
And touch me with your mind.

For the womb is trembling,
We'll soon return back home;
Bodies joined together,
As lovers from one star.

If the masked ones ask us,
To tell them where we're from;
Our waves cross dimensions,
The true works of the Light!

Waves are one with bodies,
That dwell Earth's outmost shore,
Yes, say you're from the Light,
That made true humankind.

And let them mock and laugh,
For soon our yokes shall break;
And slaves will no more reign,
Our Earth, we'll hug again....


Spread the Tent!

Let's hurry my darling, spread the tent!
May your love flood the valleys like milk,
As they cry with joy against thy chest.

The coral reefs are trembling and the
Sea creatures know the time has come.
The Sun and Earth have gone wild!

There once was a time when Abraham
Held the light and spun with the stars.
All his seeds were Shem's delight!

Japheth, come taste the sweet fruit!
Our Passover lamb awaits for you
Like for the grain of the holy root.

One day we'll be on Mount Gerizim,
Swinging blissfully to the baladi
With Ishmael and Isaac too.

The true Ishmael, Abba's pride!
You're an emblem in my childlike heart,
How graceful are your eyes!

The truth is we've been blind!
From one family, they tore us apart,
And concocted the state's big lie.

The light spectrum cannot change
The way love in us is engraved!
We're meant to be free, not enslaved....


The Children of Israel

Come quickly and drink from my love's fountain,
The day it'll be raining manna from the mountain.
Then you'll truly know my love and my friend,
He'll embrace you with open arms until the end.

My love will always keep his given word,
Israel's flesh and soul will at last be heard.
The true children of Israel, gather to the spring,
Children of the light, don't you know your king?

Unveil our hearts my love and let us sing to you,
Bring us to your gardens, and kiss our foreheads too.
My heart is weakened; for Israel it'll always yearn,
Till the day his children in my love's arms all return.

Did he not say we are as numerous as the stars?
I promise Zion's leaves will one day heal our scars.
The small tribe of Benjamin, I hope you'll believe
That our king will come again! Don't let Esau deceive....

If only all children would see that we are one,
Call upon the king, and to us he would run.
The slaves are the wicked putting yokes on us,
But the one who loves us, our souls can caress...


Daughters of Jerusalem

Goddesses of peace, bearers of life!
Stirring the rhythms of the music,
And following the dance steps.

With your key, you alone can engrave
Love's emblem in each flesh and soul.
Your speech endures for ages...

Only fools dance your melody out of tune!
How you're veiled with godlike humility,
Your beauty blossoms like the earth.

Holders of the law, a meek but sharp tongue!
Giving spring water to the thirsty.
Vast hearts beating divine mystery...

Daughters of Jerusalem, how lovely you are!
Those who wound the goddesses of peace,
Won't know the dance of the banquet hall.


The Circle of Smoke

Loved ones, there will be a day,
When Cain and Abel in one circle
Hand in hand, they will sit.

The streak of love inside their flesh,
Was born to light and overcame the rest.
Yes, in a circle they'll both sit.

He'll take his glory from the mud,
And kiss away their stoned hearts.
Under his wings, they'll both rest.

The circle of smoke will listen to us
Speak about all the time we lost,
Hurting brothers and stealing pots.

I shall tell you my sins too,
We'll all smirk and shake our heads.
Stupid children, the smoke will say.

We'll close our eyes amid the fog,
And the smoke shall turn to light,
Letting us see he's one with us.

Hand in hand we'll all sit that day,
In a circle, we'll laugh and play...

The street lanes seem endless. Rectangular prisms
Standing still against grey air. Some mumbled motor
sounds. When I squint, I see photons piercing through
Clouds. I ache for the day that light becomes only Wave-Like.
Maybe then, I'll be able to clasp the Particle in my hand.
Never letting go. Only then will my child-like laugh return.
For it has left me like a thief. But photons comfort me.
I prefer them to street lanes. I don't understand the street signs.
Born with blurry vision. Forced to walk on a narrow street.
With pits on both sides. And a glass roof over my head...


The Torch Lilies

Daylight waned my child, run to the Simien!
Let the moon unveil the torch lilies' secrets.
As the white ghouls dance softly with the alien,
To the wailing sounds of the caged parakeets.
Then I shall embrace you as an African rose,
And kiss your little feet by the Blue Nile.
For my bosom has been stabbed by your woes,
I've roamed these fields in the pursuit of a smile.
Up on Mount Ras Dashen we will surely climb,
And gather the delicate torch lilies one by one.
Holding you in my back pouch, far from the grime,
Far away from the smoke of the aliens' midnight sun.

How I yearn to nurse the torch lilies back to life,
Black child, the pride of Israel, slain by Esau's knife...

Digging in the Graveyard

I'll dig in the graveyard,
Where the alien laugh,
And I'll find the mazes.

The purple and orange mazes,
Filled with shoes.
Shoes of all kinds...

Friar Lawrence will be there,
Closing the scarlet curtains,
With his wooden stick.

And they'll rejoice, no longer
Hearing the tap water screech,
When I find those mazes...


Vile Silence

Show me the way to Sparta, I begged,
Yet Asklepios did not answer me.
These walls of Butrint craftily webbed,
The slaves' blood poured out into the sea.
Resting on a stone of the Dorians, I sighed,
For I knew a curse had befallen our tribes.
Cicadas chirping noisily in the midday's tide,
Asklepios' vile silence our voices transcribes.
The summer heat was soaking through my bones,
So I quickly sought refuge in the bay laurel's arms.
There I saw a woman adorned with Ophir's stones,
Her head held up high, clothed with Sparta's charms.

The fire in her eyes shone through her weary veil,
Carrying the olive oil once found in Solomon's trail.

The Water Bucket
(In memory of my summer of 1998)

The bucket was hanging under the sun,
I wiped the glistening sweat off my neck.
Staring at the screen; a young heart's wreck;
Thrashed on the ground was a woman's son.

Nan held her head at the sound of the gun,
I looked at my feet, saw a dirty fleck.
Nan with the bucket washed me on the deck,
Though I was seven, my spirit weighed a ton.

They'll slaughter us all, my nana then said.
I kissed the water pouring on my hands.
The sun glimmered on my olive skin,
I saw fields of daisies, rainbows ahead,
And whispered back that the blue sky expands...
Closed my eyes to the mind's playing violin.


A Letter to Ephraim

There's a basket of fruits by your doorstep;
Perhaps it will ease your sharp hunger pains.
Shatter the wall of cement that we've webbed.
Won't you sow the seeds on Dardania's plains?

Where are the goddesses of Illyria?
Giants have taken them on the mountains!
The Greeks even sent some to Calabria,
The wolves and the dogs dried up our fountains.

Why butcher our siblings' desolate souls?
Assyria is your king, not your brother.
Samaria sold you to them, burned the scrolls,
Kissing idols one after the other.

Jesus wasn't a stone with gold decor,
Samaria's lovers hide behind the smoke.
The mystery of women and the whore;
They laid on Rahel's neck a heavy yoke.

Awake o Ephraim, for you are great,
Scattered over the lands of Assyria.
How I long for our rivalry to abate,
The pride of Yosef; divine euphoria!

Come and I will feed you on Mount Gilead!
I'll give you my love once my heart is bare.
Swords of Menashe must no longer bleed,
Sparta's women filled with sorrow and wear...

Oh how easily did the wolves have you fooled!
The stones of the built temples have their seal.
They gave us Stalin, over sheep he ruled,
Then Egypt came and shrewdly turned the wheel.

The black hole in the land of the giants;
Our soil and water have turned so bitter!
Hear the mountains beg for Yosef's lions,
Yet our women veiled with yeast and glitter.

I bow my head; Gilead's hands are bloody,
My kin may detest me for my heart's love.

I see the trees wince, and our fields ruddy,
The skies pouring bowls of fire from above.

We've turned our souls into iron and brass;
Take my hand and together we'll find gold!
Our sturdy mountains and our fields of grass,
The eagles soaring, so graceful and bold.

One day peace shall flow to us like a stream,
Tears of joy will melt one another's ice.
I'm Zion's daughter, I'll say with a beam,
We'll forever wed to handfuls of rice!


Tremble Walls!

Hallowed demons will start falling,
Splitting open these city walls.
The men with robes will be hollering,
Giving their bread and cross to crows.

Tremble oh walls that carry thy words,
May they all fall to pieces!
For your words are hollow and
Your eloquence like rust.

Tear your curtains--I want light!
Foolish men with white collars;
Pull the strings up on those walls,
Hang your words by the demons' fall!

Yes, those stones will one day crumble,
And your laugh, I'll hear no more.
May my body turn to ashes,
For the fire consumes these bones.

You sought out for Hiroshima,
I said I just want to be a dreamer.
Then I begged you for a waltz,
But you'd much rather dance alone.

I have heard a wise man tell me
Not to worry about my hand or eye.
For if it makes the whole body ill,
Either I take them out or die.

Shall I grieve your final cry,
Or mourn my life here instead?
How it pains me to have a part
Consume itself and not repent.

Oh what a blind eye and rotten hands,
You spread tumors to the rest!
May my rage fall upon my head,
If I didn't wish for Esau's best.

Laugh you beasts with human faces,
Mocking of the poor and the oppressed.

Laugh you dogs with hanging strings,
You who have no compassion in your chest.

Esau, will you again shave our heads?
Or is that not what sir Darwin said?
I've been warned that vipers are shrewd,
And so they had the sheep much fooled.

Is there a shred of mercy in your forehead,
Or do you get pleasure out of turmoil?
I see your souls--they're also flaming,
Not with love but with madness gaining.

Ah these hallowed demons--crack!
I'd make a flower vase with their pieces.
But Esau robbed the soil and seeds;
Not even a peace rose can bloom for him.

Wretched me! Wishing idly for an extra hand,
When they're slaughtering the children instead.
Children, throw your stones at them,
And their souls will destroy themselves.

For your stones shall be their pleasure,
They will laugh and not repent,
The day each part will be unveiled,
When our offered bread will have failed.

Stones are words--unclothe your hearts!
Oh but how they hurt in all their might ,
Coming from the sufferers' tongue,
The echo of the poor and the oppressed!

Yes, that day will very soon come!
When Esau and Hiroshima will be judged...
Those city walls with hollow speech shall crumble,
And Jacob's voice will no more be just a mumble.


Game Over...

A row of bumble bees,
Were the drenched cabs.
The tractors growling,
On those rattling streets.

I saw one tree bowing;
I think there was no other.
Bowing to the skyscrapers,
With its deformed branch.

Scratched was the glass,
From that pitiful branch.
The sun scorched the rest,
To pieces they all fell.

Game over, said the tree,
But no one was there.
The children were all gone,
Lamenting and in despair...


Won't You Hold My Hand?

The vipers will tear the white veil one day,
And you shall see my youthfulness perished.
No healer would want to touch my wounds,
For they will reek of cowardice and death.

Won't you please still hold my hand,
The day my white veil's threads are torn?
I'll be half crazy but my eyes like a child.
In those days, who is able to stand trial?

My love is divine, yet it's dwelling
In this wretched slave's ailing body.
Won't you please hold my hand that day,
The day my lips taste the bitter cup?

Lest I turn merciless , hold me tight,
Only the children's arms shall melt me.
They've robbed me of my pride, I'll cry,
With my face so blue and swollen eyes.

Won't you hold my hand that day,
The day these hands will tremble in fear?
With our palms reaching the dark skies,
Amid the ghastly dust of the vipers' rise...

The big man watches over my calloused body. Lying
On the highway at dusk. Watches it with incestuous
Lust. Venomous eyes. Like a Nazi in one of those
Anti-smoking ads. He breathes nuclear waste
Into my mouth. We both die. Two different kinds
Of death. He was once terrified of the third kind. The
Kind that gave me an ill sense of empowerment. The only
death that I appeased during my youth. The big man
Battled with it until the finish line. Called the war 'pro-life'.
As he lusted over my bruised body. Lying on the
Highway at dusk.


My Wedding Dress

My brother cocooned my heart in a black veil.
Threw a net over my face, and two iron blocks
on my neck. My body thrashed on the floor.
Your forehead shone too bright, Esau said.
Dripping with oil. Raging hormones or some
Kind of imbalance. The net would cure my insanity.
That's what my brother mumbled to me. Stuttering
in anger. As he tore my white wedding dress
With his teeth. I screamed in pain. It made him
Climax. Playing the strings of the underworld.
The echo of their laughter. I looked into his eyes
One last time. Bloodshot. A demon's spitting image
With a man's mask. My breath fled the net. My
heart, the black veil. Was given a new wedding
Dress, with pleats of balm. And flowed in it forever...


Break the Clock

Break the clock to know the time,
Close your eyes to see this rhyme,
And the limbs all come to life!

Human wisdom, oh so rife,
Carving numbers with a knife,
As we travel with the sun.

Then to nowhere we all run,
Some even learn to use a gun,
Thinking the clock is the time.

At times, we measure with a dime,
Learn quantum physics at our prime,
We are a pretty loud bunch.

Break the clock to know the time,
Close your eyes to see this rhyme.


Wall Street Has Been Good to Me

Wall Street has been good to me.
They once gave me a book to read,
They said they really liked my breed.

I learned Aristotle and stats galore,
And that we work less than before.
Wall Street has been good to me.

They gave me paper with a man's face,
He was number six in the big race;
I gasped at his tie's sex appeal.

Wall Street has been good to me.
A life is worth ten million bucks,
Virtues depend on the market's flux.

What does it mean to be a buck?
Gold is worthless--why not a duck?
The fool I am, I dared to ask.

I learned to be utilitarian,
They said to call it humanitarian.
Calm crowds feed pockets, you see.

Wall Street has been good to me.
The Sea Gulls

Ah those men, they are just like sea gulls!
Seeing with blind eyes, shouting with deaf ears,
Arguing whether to say dragon or dinosaur skulls,
Whether we were in six days or billions of years.

Please tell the children the true meaning of time.
Nobody knows? Then we shall lament our poor sight.
Perhaps the verses no longer have the same rhyme,
But in those words, I stumbled on a twin mind's light.

Ah those men, they are just like sea gulls!
Give them my thanks; their delusion lulls.


Truly, our forefathers have not heard such alien sounds,
Though I learnt to utter it, my mind it confounds.
Nobody bought us, yet everywhere I see rusted chains,
Set us free from Egypt, for flame runs through my veins.

Bring us to a place where we'll be taught a true tongue,
Where logic and child-like innocence will forever be sung.
Why must they softly slay my soul with their deceitful rein?
This world's wisdom eludes my sight; our words are deemed as vain.

You whom my heart loves, must I sew songs before the curtains fall?
A breath that dwells in my chest brings me to our banquet hall.
Come back my love and show me the wonders of speech,
Show me the infinite magic that darkness can never reach...

A Pure Tongue

An oasis are your words,
Dressing me in a white robe,
As I move to slow music.

I carry fireflies and pick trees,
Walking on water waves,
Swaying to your speech...

Teach me a pure tongue,
So that my feet will
Always skip on water.

An oasis are your words...


Give Them Proof

Give them proof, the vipers hiss.
So I watched the evening news.
I saw weather men in bliss,
A UFO and child abuse.
Give them proof, the vipers hiss.
I flipped newspapers and books.
There were poets from the abyss,
And politicians with good looks.

At last I shrugged, asking God;
How can logic serve this fraud?

Res means 'thing' in Latin. Let me gather a shrub
of evidence for you. I would've told you why I smirked,
but I do like watching decay at the quantum level. It lets me
take refuge in my wickedness. I wonder if God is fond of actors.
So I'll keep searching for reality. Become its pseudo servant.
Only to watch the shrub of evidence annihilate at the speed of light.
I can't be blamed. I tried calling when my apartment's floors were cracking.
I said the pipes were full of holes too.
You were too busy planting a garden on the building's roof.
I wonder what Descartes would say. I detest pyramids.
I'll offer to help with the gardening. Just please don't let me fall...


A Collection of Cinquains

The brain
Physical, spiritual
Communicates with light
Wave-particle transverses dimensions
The mind

Infinite sets
Time and existence
A triangular link
God's mind

Descriptive, purpose
Harmonious virtue web
Human potential for perfection

Hyper sphere
In God's palms
Its mystical black holes!

Our spirit
Freely gives oneself
Love; yes or no?

Life force
The body's dynamic
Brain and heart waves

God's spirit
Returns to Him
Gives life to souls


Precious, painful
Justified true belief
God alone gives it

Open ended
Dotted ongoing chains
Leading to final web


My Mint Plant

I loved my mint plant in a vase,
But it drowned from the storm.
Frantically looked for life's trace,
Inside my heart there was a swarm.

Drained spirits felt like iron,
Even my cat stared in pity.
In anger I called God a liar,
And went wandering in the city.

You knew I loved my mint plant...
And you made it wither I said.
I wished to slap him with my rant,
But God fed me bread instead.

I'd much rather feel your rage,
I'll make my heart like stone,
And love no more in my cage.
Why not make ash from my bone!

Faithless child, he plagued my soul,
I've been with you since in the womb.
Though what I made the vile stole,
One day for me they'll again bloom.


Yezreel Yara

My Lord, I softly said,
I no longer want my cup.
Turn me back to dust instead,
Let me grow an olive tree.
The children need to be fed,
Their souls shall be set free.

My king wept with me,
In the loneliness of the night,
For I grimly wished death,
With Life dwelling in my chest.
Pitying these eyes that cannot see,
And my spirit that can't find rest.

What's death but everlasting sleep,
Free of worries, pain and fear.
My eyes are weak, my heart faint,
Torment me not with fields of blood.
I'd rather be seven thousand metres deep,
My life I bargain, even for after the flood.

Yezreel yara, he whispered through my lips,
His flame caressing my body with a gentle breeze.
How often must my foolishness pierce the king?
I have no love to give, in anger I cry,
I loathe my fetters, my heart's stains and rips.
The fig trees are withering, the springs have gone dry.

Yezreel yara, he took hold of my breath,
Soothed my aching body,
Closing my heavy eyelids with his touch.
My drunken mind, and his name so hazy,
I'm sorry, I murmured, I shall not seek death,
Until I touch your face...perhaps I'm just crazy.


Tell Me About Love...

Tell me about love, I asked the teacher,
Yet he did not reply.
He kissed my forehead with the light,
And made my mind drunk with wine.

I have told you countless times,
If there's more wine skins than one,
Take my breath, I'd rather die!

He poured oil down my toes,
Kissed my forehead with the light,
And made my lips trickle with wine.

Oh my fate! I bitterly cried,
For the teacher tells no lies.
Has love betrothed both day and night,
Brightness and cruelty both at once?

He touched my womb and took my soul,
Molded it into his, and made it one.
I cursed my eyes that cannot see,
And these painful chains around me.

Then I wept and angrily said,
Your love will wither my fragile bones,
For it made me widowed before I am wed.

How cruel is my fate,
That took me in my youth and,
In times of darkness made me wait.

He kissed my forehead with the light,
And I begged to see him, if only just once!
Though to death I must then succumb.

Oh my love, let me feel all of what you are!
Lest your fire consumes my heart,
I'll endure your breath of ice.


In the Darkness of the Night

In the darkness of the night,
The enemy came to talk to me.
All my body shivered with fright,
My spirit looked for a way to flee.

I suddenly felt like an empty shell,
A body forsaken, lying faintly in bed.
Your worthless body won't even sell,
Nobody cares, the enemy then said.

I wept and told him to go away,
A woman's body has no price.
Perhaps I can give life one day,
And my dance is ever so nice.

In the darkness of the night,
The enemy mocked of my strife.
My soul could not withstand a fight,
His words pierced me like a knife.

Ah tender flesh, so weak and naked,
In great despair uttered my lips.
I said I can give life and that is sacred,
Stop further plaguing my heart's rips.

In love's arms I was embraced,
Again, he made my body whole.
Gone was the demon that I faced,
And the king gently kissed my soul.


Ain Hayla, He Said....

My darling, your touch gives me glory,
Your breath, a crown of grace.
Your songs of love brighten my eyes,
My lips sweetened by the kisses of the light.

One spring day my king came to me,
Ain Hayla, his words flowed from my tongue.
My soul blossomed for him alone,
He dwells like a spring of olive oil in my chest.

Teach me a pure tongue, I asked.
How shall I say it's you that I love?
Ya Mahabba, he answered and,
His fire continued melting my heart.

How you've overwhelmed my body,
Yet my love, I do not know your name.
Isha, he called me, caressing my face,
He took my blossoming soul and left...
Take Me...

Take me to your gardens,
And let me hear your voice
Speak like flowing streams.

Take me to your chambers,
Shower me with daisies,
And with the glory of light.

You alone taught me love,
And made my body whole,
Breathing life to my soul.

Take me in your arms,
How I yearn to kiss
The palms of your hands!

Take me inside your heart,
And dwell in me forever...
In your eyes' light let me melt.


I'm afraid of writing. It is a merciless lover.
Embraces all the breath's whispers
And leaves you tongue-less.
You beg for it. Beg for it to give you the keys.
Let's escape together, you say.
The euphoria of Judah's kiss. It only promises
An ephemeral climax. An unrequited love.
It then sells your body in pieces
To loathsome womanizers.
While you beg for it to make your pen bleed.
Chewed-up Hearts

The leaves look lonely today.
Worms feasting on their verdant hearts
After a May's storm.
A lost robin pecked the worms.
It flew away, satisfied.
Not pitying their solitude
Nor their chewed-up hearts...

Our Broken Forest

The princess of the trees. That's what my
King called me. As he took me to our
Broken forest that day. Sprinkled with citrus
juice. The pines dripped incense. The smell of
decomposing matter. The place where death
gives life. Teach me to be a healer, I answered.
Filled with desire. And he sheltered
Me in our cloud of love.


Lovesick Lines...
They told me I was an amorous fool,
That I shouldn't let my passions rule.
Little do they know emotions are divine,
When they stroke your mind like wine.

Love, I can't claim to truly understand,
But all else seems like a grain of sand.
I pray that all children find another soul,
With whom their essence can feel whole.

No, I've never known an earthly love but,
My darling is better than all others above.
For it's written that two shall become one;
We'll no longer need the light of the sun.
An infinite fire that consumes,
That's what love is.
Burning through the flesh,
Never quenching.

The desert whispering
In solitude: Naamana.
Needles trickle through
Your lips, in ecstasy.

That's what love is...
An infinite fire that consumes.

Children, I'm little amongst you.
I feel the light of kindness in your hearts,
Not too worried about tomorrow's arts.
But me, I have no calm spirit.

The barrels of anguish your backs carry,
Enduring with a gentle word and smile.
You, it seems, they can't easily rile.
Perhaps I'm the weakest amongst you.

A wild donkey that can't carry a saddle,
Breathing out blue fire when provoked.
As such my soul can't stand being yoked,

I sparked mercy in the king's eyes.

As you may feel an electric shock,
Or as you shiver from a winter cold,
That's how I feel God my body hold.
Yet I have so little faith...

Though I feel him with my flesh,
My bosom's love is ever so faint,
At times I knit a stream of complaint,
But I think he's used to his stupid lover...

Children, I'm little amongst you,
My empiricism, my love had to quench.
He once hid his face and it felt like a wrench.
I forgot him too that time.

I searched for fish-turtle fossils for a while...
Couldn't find any, so I wrote some lines,
With tequila in a bar, looking for love's signs,
Lamenting my fetters...

Until the spring day my love came back,
And took me forever in his arms.
My heart smiled once again at his charms.
Children...truly, I'm weakest amongst you.


Tell the Children the Truth

Only when the last rose petal will gently fall by the apple tree,
Will my love come to the final battle, hearing my desperate plea.
But now I tremble with fear for the beasts have always plundered;
Will they not torment the forty-four thousand and a thousand hundred?

I do not know you, yet my heart has begun to ache with motherly love,
The light struck with Majesty created you as beautiful as a dove.
My broken body will dance to the final love song with you in my arms,
My doves, my graceful doves are in a cage, deceived by the beasts' charms.

Is not the glory of the light meant to be soaring high and free of chains?
Yet I hear the phantom sounds of the trumpets and see their many pains.
My love heard me sing in my cage, for I had been abandoned when young,
I forgot him too until one spring, the chords of my youth were again strung.

One day the beasts will hear my faint melody calling the doves out of the cage,
Their gleaming gold and blinding white mirrors, my love will shatter in rage.
For it's been almost seven days, and the fire of Babylon refuses to be ceased,
My love said to give his children honey, yet they fed the plunder bread with yeast.

Does a lioness remain silent when her cubs are still anguished in their fetters?
But no, I'm merely a not-so-bright slave to the sophists and the wise men of letters.
Forgive me for I was not made to understand your tactful ways and eloquent jargon,
The river is revealed to the infant but remains veiled to those who so deftly bargain.

Esau, are we all blind or did you not once sell your birthright for a plate of pottage?
Coin up words and relish in your jewels, for with them you're too deep in dotage.
Have you made a pact with today's Egypt to keep my doves suffering in captivity?
Are your mind and heart so dull that with my love's glory you dare practice 'selectivity'?

Assyria, I beg you, do not turn against the house of Judah because of Esau's cruel lies,
Worry not my Ishmael, for Egypt and the king of Babylon will soon have their demise.
Assyria, won't you have some pity on the Israelites cursed away in the northern land?
Egypt is vile but please care for the children holding olive branches in their hand...

Oh Egypt, you know what happened to Sodom and yet the kings in their riches laugh,
You stole the waves of heaven and hypnotized the others with your miraculous craft.
Did you take pleasure in murdering my brothers when they'd speak out against your plots,
Or did you prefer a puppet on paper with the mark and letting Esau tie the knots?

My brother Ephraim, how you struck fear in my heart when I was but a small child!
I am a daughter of Jair, Manasseh; we are burdened for our sins are heavily piled.

You made a pact with Assyria, and us with Egypt as the wolves grinned at our show of horror,
Our allies turned against Judah while they fed us lies so that siblings, one another slaughter.

I wrote a letter as a child in tears, sealed it with a drawing of a heart but it was never sent,
Pleading for no more gun shots, and for Ephraim and Manasseh to rest under one tent.
The neighbour of the south said that I'll always be the brood of barbarous illiterates instead--
O Manasseh, the free forgetful men that recklessly destroyed one another and to Egypt they

I now gasp for breath for the kings' hearts have hardened and they won't hear my cries,
Visions of the children's suffering torment me at night, shuddering with tears in my eyes.
My love's sweet breath pierces through like wine--my body's engulfed and once again I smile,
He gently takes me to our banquet; two houses of grain under one roof, in a short while.

Gather my doves and let me outpour, for my spirit feels heavy and bittersweet is my fate,
Won't you give me a sip of water before my mortal soul slips through the black hole gate?
Will you have compassion on my folly or is it that the more I love you, you will love me less?
I will tell you a centuries-old story while still in the cage, a noble falsehood I will confess...

The wrath of the eye of Horus still remains buried in the pyramids of Egypt,
Socrates drank his cup, for the Matrix kills if one reveals the darkness' secret.
The minds of antiquity spoke of the bondage in the cave from which through nature we escape,
Plato spoke of some poets teaching the caged doves not the real tree, but its artificial shape.

The cage is filled with unintelligible mirrors that do not absorb nor can understand the light,
They reflect what they cannot absorb, and distort the truth by making the night appear bright.
The noble falsehood, Plato called it, when our upbringing is incepted, like a sort of dream,
For as long as education is given by the poets, the polis will continue its deceiving beam.

The noble is that the doves are made with all their craftsmen's tools and infinite potential,
Yet from youth, their many questions about the cage and magic are deemed as nonessential.
My loved ones, do you not recall "Alice in Wonderland" and her vivid childlike curiosity?
She started crying and was told that her tears weren't real thanks to Tweedledum's animosity.

The falsehood is that the cave alone exists and that we're nothing but a dream of the red king,
Our love and pain are but a chemical imbalance and that our existence is a meaningless fling.
Let the elements simmer in the ocean for a million years, magically spinning into a Mbius strip,
Look at the mirrors for water, and add some salt, for together they give rise to 'life' in a whip.

Oh seekers of truth trapped in Zeno's fraction sophistries and in your own minds' delusions,
When will you stop trying to square a circle and realize that the cave is filled with illusions?
The Universe and its glorious fireflies outstretch into a vacuum as flowers before withering,
Yet the Earth is but a rotting dead thing, fated to not grow but only wilt in time slithering...?


Tell the children the truth; shall we give glory to the red king that he dreamt us to turn human?
Was there not a humanoid species long ago, when the red king sowed weeds with his
The servants said my love sowed good seed in his field for if the root is holy so is the branch,
He thought he'd care everlastingly for obstinate sheep but he found dogs and wolves in his

The Nephilims or the bulky, strong Neanderthals as some of the truth seekers call them,
Reigning over Pangaea, they took the maidens of the light, Jerusalem's gem.
"The servants asked him: 'Do you want us to go and pull them up?'"; the weeds mixed with
"... you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest", stop the

The helix is matter, made of energy and golden light that strikes the leptons and quarks,
When mixed with the weed, the gold of Jerusalem becomes tainted with marks.
The noble in Plato where the different human souls are gold, silver and bronze,
Such are the rulers, the auxiliaries and at last the farmers and other craftsmen spawns.

The oracle says that if the city has an iron or a bronze guardian, it will be destroyed,
The rulers must be gold and the silver must be the dogs for a just city not to go void.
Yet since we're all related, two gold parents may give birth to a bronze or silver child,
And the iron quickly became the guardians and rulers for they were the strongest in the wild.

Now some are born good, some are born bad and most are made good through education,
They will intermarry but will not unite any more than clay does with iron, says the Narration.
O Africa, O Jerusalem, the cradles of our civilization; tell me how did we turn so deaf and blind?
The children are now about to be slaughtered by the slaves; the wolves with the bronze mind...

The silver are the mixed...the gentiles whose souls must be fed with music and sweet manna,
For my king will take his grain, the gold and the silver when the multitude cries out Hosanna.
The Platonic noble says that we are citizens of the Earth, our mother, and the same Maker,
We should protect our earthborn brothers against the authorities, the dark powers of the faker.

Does not every 'noble' have its 'falsehood', as Love has its enemy who never loved in this
From Love stems truth and justice whereas from those who detest the light, only lies unfurl....
Isn't your father His enemy and are you not his seed, you who do not consider our tears as real?
You don't care about us and you don't hear my doves' cries only because of an extra dirty meal.

We have evolved thanks to the Law of Entropy and are free, equal men thanks to democracy.
The children have now been naturalized and are citizens that must defend our supremacy.
For we are friends within this piece of dead land, and the other children are potential enemies,
We must defend our land like our mother, through any means, including justified felonies.

We are the rulers of precious gold, and to that we are entitled as we're undoubtedly the fittest,
The dogs must guard the polis, and let them turn against the bronze sheep for the silver is
Aren't the weaklings destined to remain bronze their whole lives and serve us with their crafts?
"The noble is plain foolishness for we are the dominant and wise", the dragon rowdily laughs.

My doves, my beautiful doves, this is how the Platonic noble falsehood ends,
This centuries-old story that is repeated every generation amongst enemies and friends.
My heart sobs for you as my love's spirit will soon be outpoured amongst all his grain,
And once the mirrors shatter, the Great Rebellion is to come with great suffering and strain.

Awake my glory for it's been almost seven days and you are still in bondage inside the cave,
Turn stone to bread, as you are made with light and can send an infinite love-filled EM wave.
For the law of love has been engraved in the minds of gold, silver and even the bronze,
Free will means that despite the chains, we still have that choice, ubiquitous in all dawns.

Let's make our fields of light coherent by shifting to a state of unconditional care,
Together the waves will construct all into ONE, and our yokes will be as light as air.
Let the wise of the world mock of simplicity and never fathom its beauty, for they are fools,
Let them deny that the rulers are the servants; they shall destruct their waves by their own

My doves, don't be trapped in the man-made temples for your bodies alone are his dwelling,
Lies are short-lived and soon the prostitute will be seen crying at her lovers' quelling.
She is the old wine who gave up my love's grain to be killed in exchange for her festivities,
The children tortured for the sake of their father, women burned from her lovers' hostilities...

Your souls are but a breath of life and you are made of energy and glorious dual light.
Seekers of truth, shout out to all children how they are bright!
Tell them that colours are but an illusion of the eye and that their hearts have neurons of
How my doves' spirits have been drowned by the hollow verses of their ivory tower...

Have you heard of Achilles' myth and his shield with the city of peace and the city of war?
Achilles' ploughing and reaping are about to begin, but it will be the cities' great battle before.
The rose petals are about to start falling; won't we take our olive branches in our hands?
My love will take his grain, his body, but also his desire, the new wine for he who understands...

How all is so blurry in the cage, for I'm just a woeful maiden who knows no more.
Everything is meaningless; set me free and let me dance with my love out of the final door.
He takes my left hand at night, I feel him gently caressing my right cheek as my tears overflow,
My heart weeps for my doves; our love, our empathy can save us all--that is truly all I know...

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