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Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Coa!ao Ciy Polyechnic Sae College
Sins"a A#en"e $ Coa!ao Ciy
No#e%!er &'())$)*&+
&, The College -i!rary is %anne. !y a co%/een -i!rary Direcor an. has earne.
Docor in Philoso/hy %a0or in E."caional Manage%en, She is aci#ely in#ol#e.
an. /arici/aes in he local an. naional associaion in fiel. of li!rarianshi/,
), The 1ea. -i!rarian is aci#ely in#ol#e. an. /arici/aes in he aca.e%ic an.
a.%inisrai#e affairs an. oher aci#iies of he insi"ion, She re/ors .irecly o
he Office of he 2ice(Presi.en for Aca.e%ic Affairs,
+, The ho"rs of ser#ice is %ore han he re3"ire. n"%!er for a college li!rary, The
sche."le is consisen$ reasona!le an. con#enien for he "sers, I is o/en fro%
45+* a,%, o 45** /,%, fro% Mon.ay o Fri.ay an. 65** a%, o 75** /,%, on
Sa"r.ay 8ih no noon !rea9,
:, The collecion of !oo9s an. /erio.icals is s"//ori#e of he /"r/oses an.
o!0eci#es of he insi"ion an. i is /ro/erly organi;e. o acce/e.
classificaion an. caalog"ing co.e,
7, The li!rary a.o/s an o/en shelf syse% for easy an. greaer access of he
<, The li!rary is sraegically locae. an. accessi!le o an. fro% any offices an.
.e/ar%ens of he college, I / an a%os/here for research 8ih =IFI
4, Reg"lar anno"nce%ens an. oher /ro%oional aci#iies li9e ha#ing heir o8n
Official P"!licaion>B"llein are .one for ne8 ac3"isiions$ aci#iies an. oher
6, The li!rarians an. saff con."c in(ser#ice raining /rogra% on li!rary
%anage%en an. organi;aion of li!rary %aerials for Ma.aris as heir e?ension
&, The -i!rarian is no a of any .egree in -i!rary Science,
), The n"%!er of license. an. /rofessional li!rarians an. s"//ors saff is
+, Prin an. non(/rin reso"rces for BS Psychology /rogra% are ins"fficien,
:, -ac9 of co%/"er "nis for !i!liogra/hic insr"cion an. Inerne Searching,
7, The a!sence of inegrae. li!rary syse% is e#i.en,
<, -i!rary 8e!/age is no a#aila!le,
4, Sche."le on he" of li!rary %aerials is no a#aila!le,
6, -in9ages an. reso"rce sharing is #ery li%ie.,
&, The li!rarian nee.s o earn .egree in -i!rary an. Infor%aion Science o i%/ro#e
her co%/eencies an. for %ore a//ro/riae /rofessional saff o %anage he
li!rary, Base. on C1ED an. AACCUP$ he li!rary sho"l. !e
s"/er#ise. !y a leas a Maser@s .egree in -i!rary an. Infor%aion
), =ih he /resen enrol%en of %ore han 6$*** s".ens$ C1ED Me%o No, &:$
series of )**' saes ha he li!rary sho"l. !e saffe. 8ih one A&B f"ll i%e
license. li!rarian for e#ery &$*** s".ens an. a raio of & li!rarian o )
saff>cler9s %igh !e consi.ere.,
+, A conin"o"s ac3"isiion an. "/.aing of li!rary reso"rces !oh /rin an. non(
/rin collecion for he BS Psychology /rogra% is reco%%en.e., In accor.ance
o C1ED Me%o No, 7) series of )**4 saes ha for li!rary hol.ings$ fi#e !oo9
iles /er /rofessional s"!0ecs fo"n. a he c"rric"l"% a a raio of one A&B
#ol"%e /er fifeen s".ens enrolle. in he /rogra% %ay !e consi.ere.,
:, The ac3"isiion of a..iional co%/"er "nis is s"ggese. so he "sers 8o"l. !e
a!le o %a9e "se of he online elecronic reso"rces a#aila!le a he Inerne,
7, The f"ll i%/le%enaion of inegrae. li!rary syse% %igh !e consi.ere. for easy
access an. rerie#al of infor%aion,
<, Creaing a -i!rary =e!/age an. lin9 o oher insi"ions an. agencies is
s"ggese. so ha %ore "sers can #ie8 an. search he collecion for a
range of reso"rce sharing,
4, There is a nee. o ha#e a sche."le on he" of li!rary %aerials as o
%ainain a rele#an an. "/gra.e. collecion,
6, The li!rary %ay e?/lore lin9ages an. reso"rce sharing 8ih oher insi"ions an.
agencies an. oher research ceners for sharing of li!rary %aerials,
Pre/are. !y5
Prof. Benhur A. Asid
AACCUP Accre.ior

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