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Preston T. Bailey, PhD.

Poll: Most Americans Feel Threatened By the

A new survey from Pew Research Center
finds more than half of Americans believe the
government threatens their personal rights.
The national survey marks the first time a
majority of Americans have viewed the
government as a threat since Pew began
tracking public opinion on the subject in 1995.
The outgoing Homeland Security Secretary
has a warning for her successor: A massive
and serious cyber attack on the U.S.
homeland is coming, and a natural disaster
the likes of which the nation has never seen
is also likely on its way.
Project Soul Catcher:
Secrets of Cyber and
Cybernetic Warfare
Revealed reveals the
cybernetic mind
control by the CIA
and their use of
weapons and their
pursuit to weaponize
THE NEUROPHONE:US Patent # 3,393,279.
July 16th, 1968
It's a device that converts sound to electrical
impulses sometimes called the Voice of God
or makes the person think he is crazy. When
the signals are sent to the brain, it makes a
person think that God is speaking to him/her or
even an alien. It targets the unique
bioelectrical resonance frequency using his
vibrational pattern in the brain called a
signature and it acts like an audio receiver.
U.S. patent #3,566,347, (23/2/71)
A device/weapon which can actually deafen
the target.
5,159,703. October 27th, 1992
Non aural carriers in extreme audio frequency
ranges are amplified or modulated with the
desired material and propagated acoustically
for direct inducement into the brain. This is an
excellent method of influencing people without
their knowledge and is used in advertising.

US Patent # 5,123,844. June 23rd, 1992
US Patent # 5,289,438. February 22nd, 1994
These systems stimulate the brain with
different frequencies and wave forms to alter
the subject's state of consciousness.

Electro Magnetic Field (EMF)
monitoring/interference is one of the most
insidious and secretive of all methods used
by the agencies.
MICROWAVE WEAPONS: "A hearing system"
U.S. patent #4,877,027, 31/10/89 & "A hearing
device" U.S. patent #4,858,612, 22/8/89.
The first known experiment with microwaved
voices was conducted by Sharp and Grove in the
early 70's. However, the Defence Intelligence
Agency and ARPA (The Advanced Research
Projects Agency) are principally to blame for the
abuse of such technologies since. eg Project
Pandora etc. The CIA's Langley Research Center
as well as numerous scientists working in
Energy/Defence department labs across the U.S.
are also responsible.
When the brain wave pattern of an individual is
detected from the use of one of numerous types of
detectors such as a satellite, these brainwave
signals are sent to a monitor with a computer.
These brain wave patterns are interpreted through a
brain wave vocabulary that records the thoughts
into words. The NSA monitors the brainwaves of
their targets by satellite and decode the evoked
potentials (3.50Hz 5 milliwatts) that the brain emits.
So, using lasers / satellites and high-powered
computers, the agencies have now gained the
ability to decipher human thoughts - and from a
considerable distance almost instantaneously.
Psychotronic Weapons
Russian former Prime Minister Dmitry
Medvedev with a psychotronic gun
Psychotronic Guns by Thor Jensen
This is still an in-development project, but the
potential for mayhem is unimaginable. Russia is
currently working on weapons that employ
electromagnetic radiation to directly affect the
central nervous system the root of all sensory
processing in a variety of unpleasant ways. The
weapon will most likely build on existing research
that shows the ability of low-frequency
microwaves to affect brain function, alter moods
and transmit false sensory data. Although this
may all seem like X-Files stuff, the scientific basis
is there. Its up to some unscrupulous weapons
designer to put it into practice.
Long Range Acoustic Device
Sound waves have the potential to deal
tremendous damage at loud enough
amplitudes think about a sonic boom, for
instance. But you dont need a jet engine to
turn sound into a weapon. The Long Range
Acoustic Device is a creation of the
American technology Corporation that was
originally designed to defend safe zones
around boats. It produces an incredibly loud
noise that can travel almost 1000 feet in a
targeted beam, and if the frequency is
amplified enough it can cause legitimate
physical pain in its victims.
Dazer Laser
Of all the senses you use on the battlefield,
vision is probably the most important. So
disrupting that can turn the tide in war. One of
the most effective sensory weapons on the
market right now is the Dazer Laser, made by
Laser Energetics. Using a green laser source
that emits both a continuous and pulsed wave,
the range on the unit can be adjusted to as far
as 2400 meters. One shot of the laser
targeted at the eye area can completely
incapacitate the victim for several minutes,
long enough for them to be subdued non-
Distributed Sound And Light Array Debilitator
The most effective sensory weapons are ones
that can engage and disorient multiple methods
of input as well. Colloquially known as the
puke ray, the Distributed Sound And Light
Array Debilitator generates sound and light in a
specific sequence designed to overload the
brains processors, generating feelings of
unease and discomfort. Prolonged exposure
can result in even more unpleasant effects,
including nausea and vomiting. Some scientists
are even working towards producing a portable
version the size of a flashlight that can be used
on an individual basis.
Pulsed Energy Projectiles
The sensory organ with the largest active area in
the body is, of course, the sense of touch. The
human body has millions of individual nerves that
are used to transmit sensory data to the brain,
and a new experimental weapon from the U.S.
government aims to really get them going. Pulsed
energy projectiles are a specially-modulated laser
that generates a burst of expanding plasma when
they hit a solid object. That plasma in turn emits
an electromagnetic pulse that causes immediate,
searing pain to nerve cells all over the targets
body. Theyre not in use yet, but research has
been very promising.
One of the most interesting sensory weapons
on the market uses audio to disorient and
confuse targets, but it skips the ear entirely.
MEDUSA, a product of the Sierra Nevada
Corporation, doesnt create sound in a
conventional way. Instead, it uses pulses of
microwave radiation to generate shockwaves
inside the skull that are detected by the ears
from within so earplugs wont help you at all.
It can generate painful white noise and even
recognizable speech that sounds like its
coming from the inside of your brain. Scary
"The Mind Has No Firewall" Army article on
psychotronic weapons (Parameters)
The human body, much like a computer,
contains myriad data processors. They include,
but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical
activity of the brain, heart, and peripheral
nervous system, the signals sent from the
cortex region of the brain to other parts of our
body, the tiny hair cells in the inner ear that
process auditory signals, and the light-sensitive
retina and cornea of the eye that process
visual activity.
We are on the threshold of an era in which
these data processors of the human body
may be manipulated or debilitated. Examples
of unplanned attacks on the bodys data-
processing capability are well-documented.
Strobe lights have been known to cause
epileptic seizures. Not long ago in Japan,
children watching television cartoons were
subjected to pulsating lights that caused
seizures in some and made others very sick.

A psychotronic generator produces a powerful
electromagnetic emanation capable of being
sent through telephone lines, TV, radio
networks, supply pipes, and incandescent

An autonomous generator is a device that
operates in the 10-150 Hertz band. At the 10-20
Hertz band, it forms an infrasonic oscillation
that is destructive to all living creatures.
A nervous system generator is designed to
paralyze the central nervous systems of
insects which could have the same
applicability to humans.

Ultrasound emanation devices using
ultrasound emanations are capable of carrying
out bloodless internal operations without
leaving a mark on the skin. They can also be
used to kill people from a distance.
Noiseless cassettes is the ability to place
infra-low frequency voice patterns over music,
patterns that are detected by the
subconscious. These messages are then
stored in a persons sub-conscious mind
which they may later act upon.

House Bill 4513 would amend the penal code
(MCL 750.200h) to define harmful
electronic or electromagnetic device as a device
designed to emit or radiate an electronic or
electromagnetic pulse or signal or microwave
intended to cause harm to others or cause
damage to, destroy, or disrupt any electronic or
telecommunications system or device including a
computer or computer network. The bill would also
include a harmful electronic or electromagnetic
device in the definition of imitation harmful
substance or device.
The Nuremberg Code opposes all forms of
human experiments
The state of Missouri has a law against
involuntary chipping or implanting of a human
Many countries have laws against human
experimentation and the use of
electromagnetic devices to control a person
either their mind or their bodies

Senator Glenn's publicly-expressed outrage
that this government has been found to be
engaging in brutal forms of involuntary human
experimentation, and that any and all forms of
this type of experimentation be exposed. He
stated that there are experiments with non-
ionizing, so-called "non-lethal," directed-
energy weapons, surveillance and
psychotronic systems. He opposes
Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control
Experimentation especially connected to Los
Alamos National Laboratory, the Department
of Energy, the Department of Defense, CIA,
and the National Reconnaissance Office. He
stated the DOD has increased in the numbers
of Ground Wave Emergency Network
(GWEN) towers and satellites that qualify as
directed-energy emitters, microwave towers,
and antennae arrays. John Glenn is also a
member of the Electronic Surveillance Project
that is trying to stop these forms of
harassment and human experimentation.

Scientists, many of which are Nobel Prize
winners, in this Human Rights organization
have documented for years the numerous
abuses of electromagnetic weapons and
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) mind
control weapons. Most of the perpetrators of
this abuse has been Russia and the United
States. The International Red Cross has also
verified these offenses.

In March 2012 the Russian defense minister
Anatoli Serdjukov said:

The development of weaponry based on new
physics principles; direct-energy weapons,
geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons,
genetic weapons, psychotronic weapons, etc.,
is part of the state arms procurement program
for 2011-2020,Voice of Russia
A directed energy weapon system is designed
to match a radio frequency source to interfere
with human brain activity at a synapse level.
Since 1999 those weapons have been
upgraded and should be banned in the world.
The United Nations also agreed with this
report and stated the United States is the
main country of the world to use directed
energy weapons and electromagnetic
The former United States Secretary of Defense
William Cohen stated in a press briefing, while
commenting on new technological threats
possibly held by terrorist organizations: "Others
are engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes,
(and) volcanoes remotely, using the use of
electromagnetic waves."
Targeted Individuals are people who are illegally
and covertly stalked, tortured and harassed by the
use of hi-tech, Modern-day Military type
Technologies (DAARPA, NASA, CIA etc.).
Targets/Victims are usually implanted with RFID
(Radio-Remote Frequency Identification Device)
type transmitter chips (PositiveID or VERi Chips)
and sometimes miniature Nano-Biochips and
Stimulators/Transmitters mostly for GPS tracking
purposes. Targets can be remotely connected to
via radio frequency signals sent to the chip/s thus
the mind and body being in theory "wirelessly"
connected.. controlled and manipulated.
There are targeted individuals, victims of
Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic,
Electromagnetic, Directed Energy, Neurological,
Non-lethal) Weapons, who are being targeted
unjustly or used as human subjects in experiments
without their informed consent. Victims of
mind/body control detail the most extreme and
totalitarian violations of human rights in human
history. Criminals may implant people with
microchips or nanomaterials and place them under
continuous surveillance. They monitor the human
brain, continuously alter consciousness and
behavior, directly assault and torture mind and
bodies of the human subjects.
These are some of the symptoms that targeted
individuals may experience:
a). Microwave hearing, torture with loud noise.
b). Visual hallucinations, artificial dreams.
c). Reading thoughts, retrieving memories.
d). Manipulation of thoughts, will, emotions,
desires and perceptions.
e). Manipulation of human behavior: forced
speech, involuntary body movements,
transmission of specific commands into the
subconscious, compulsory execution of these
commands (i.e. the Manchurian Candidate
f). Debilitation of mental acuity, loss of
g). Sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep
h). Cramps, spasms, excruciating artificial
pain in any part of the body, manipulation of
body systems, including heart attacks and
other serious medical conditions.


Future Strategic Issues/Future
Dennis M. Bushnell
Chief Scientist
NASA Langley Research Center
Order of 70% of Worlds Research
conducted outside of U.S. (to first order,
a % of GDP, U.S. produces order of 18% of
worlds GDP)
Order of 70% of U.S. Research now
Commercial (as opposed to Government
Hunter-Gatherer - Nature Provided
Agriculture - Controlled Nature
Industrial - Mechanized Agriculture
IT/BIO/Nano - Automating
Virtual - Robotization of
Worldwide IT Revolution
U.S. Commercial IT R&D ~ $100B/yr.
Factor of 1 Million further improvement
Beyond Human AI?
Automatics/Robotics in the large
Immersive multi-sensory VR/Holodecks
Ubiquitous multi physics/hyperspectral sensors
Micro/Nano sats/GNC/sensors,etc.
Current Competitive
U.S. produces only 18% of Worlds GDP
~70% of Research conducted offshore
$300B/yr trade deficit
32 other nations devote a larger % of their
GDP to Research
5th in No of R&D personnel/labor unit
3% savings rate vs. 30% in Asia
Proliferation of IT,bio,nano,Space Technology
Bio Revolution Applications
Pharm Animals [drugs, spare parts]
Fast Growing plants on/near sea surface
& sea water irrigated plants for biomass
energy/closed CO2 cycle
Polymer growing plants
Spider genes in goats allow spider silk
spinning from goat milk for Biosteel,
3.5X strength of aramid fibers for Armor
Binary Bio-weaponry

A Real Transgenic Spider Goat
Carbon Nanotubes
C1,000,000, Buckminister Fullerine
100X strength, 1/6 weight of steel
8X better Armor
Low energy Molecular/Petaflop
Ultra Capacitor/High Temperature SC
Non-Cryo H2 storage
Some Sensor Swarms
Cubic mm or less
Combined sensors, comms and power supply
Floats in air currents for up to 2 years
Placed on everything/everywhere
Identification and Status Info
Co-opted INSECTS
Volumetric Weaponry
[Alternatives to HE]
Info/Net/Psy warfare
Miniature brilliant sensor/mine combos
Fuel/air & dust/air
Chem/bio Antifunctionals/antifauna
Isomers, Strained Bond Energy Release,
Carbon fibers/Acoustics etc.
Slingatron for Global
Precision Strike
10Kg projectiles, up to thousands/minute
Global, or less, range
Mechanical on-the-ground propulsion via
Gyrating Spiral Guide Tube (a multiple hula
Poor Mans Global Precision
Strike/Takedown Weapon
Potential Future Orders of
Magnitude Increases in Overall
Weapon Effectiveness/Availability at
Orders of Magnitude Reduced Cost(s)
Bio/Chem/Molec./Nano Computing - (E6)
Ubiquitous Optical Comms - (E4)
Micro/Nano/Ubiquitous Sensors - (E4)
BioWeaponry - (EN)
Co-operative Swarms of Cheap/Small
Weapons/Sensors - (E4)
Volumetric Weaponry - (E4)
Cyber/Artificial Life (Beyond AI) - (E?)
Inside of a US Chemtrail Plane
Non-explosive Warfare (psywar,
biowar IT/net war, anti-operability
war, Beam weaponry including RF,
Robotic Warfare in the large/better
than human AI/Cyber life
Major U.S. Future Warfare Issues
DARPA Laser Weapon
Robotic soldiers are
being created right
now in the world to
build a huge army
against humans and
God. The New World
Order is not going to
reveal their plans on
the evening news!
The technological singularity is a theoretical
moment in time when artificial intelligence will
have progressed to the point of a greater-than-
human intelligence that will "radically change
human civilization according to Amnon Eden.
Ray Kurzweil says revolutions in genetics,
nanotechnology and robotics will usher in the
beginning of the Singularity. Robots and
cybernetic organisms are developing at a very
fast pace that is blurring the line between
humans and robots.
Today were still working intensively on e-skin but our
focus is now on applying it directly to the human body.
Such a bionic skin could be used to monitor medical
conditions or to provide more sensitive and lifelike
Gilded skin: Takao Someyas latest e-skin material is
one-tenth the thickness of plastic kitchen wrap, and it
can conform to any body shape.
Thin-film transistors dont just allow electronics to be
flexiblethey can also help an e-skin mimic the
sensitivity of real skin. Consider this: There are more
than 2 million pain receptors in a persons skin, which is
equivalent to the number of pixels found in a typical
high-definition TV. Synthetic skin covers the circuits that
looks like human skin.
FEMA CAMPS in the United States
There is over 600 FEMA camps
FEMA has divided the U.S. into
10 regions with Governors
assigned over each region
FM 3-39.40
February 2010

Did Obama sign so many Executive Orders
taking away the freedoms of American
Did Obama say that anyone who is a threat to
American security could be detained
Does Homeland Security avoid answering a
direct question about the hundreds of camps
that exist?
Are so many camps totally empty but staffed
24 hours a day?

If there are not real FEMA camps for
detainment of American citizens, then why:
Why did they not house a single illegal
immigrant of the 12 million that are here in
any of these camps even though they say
that is what they were built for?
Why didnt any of those effected by
hurricanes go to a FEMA camp?
Why does Homeland Security keep on
building more FEMA camps?
Why are a majority of these camps
designed to hold 20,000 inmates?

Why arent the people paid to station
these camps informed about the purpose
of the camps?
Why are these camps hiring so many
guards recently?
Why arent the victims of fires, flooding,
tornadoes, and hurricanes taken to any of
these camps?
Why did the sponsors of the bill years ago
to build these camps even know what
these camps were designed for?


Googles list of FEMA Camps
Complete 326 page manual

Leaked Document: Military
Internment Camps in U.S to
be Used for Political
Military ad as it appeared in Government Pub:
Correction Officer Internment / Resettlement Specialist
As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army
National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of
military confinement/ correctional facility or
detention/internment facility, similar to those duties
conducted by civilian Corrections Officers. This will
require you to know proper procedures and military law;
and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress
situations. Specific duties may include assisting with
supervision and management operations; providing
facility security; providing custody, control, supervision,
and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in
rehabilitative programs.
So, why is the National Guard hiring Internment /
Resettlement Specialists?
The White House quietly issued National
Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51),
to ensure "continuity of government" in the
event of what the document vaguely calls a
"catastrophic emergency." Should the
president determine that such an emergency
has occurred, he and he alone is empowered
to do whatever he deems necessary to ensure
"continuity of government." This could include
everything from canceling elections to
suspending the Constitution to launching a
nuclear attack.
REX 84
The Rex 84 Program was established on the
reasoning that if a mass exodus of illegal aliens
crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be
quickly rounded up and detained in detention
centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many
military bases to be closed down and to be
turned into prisons. With half a million entering
the US every year, not one of them has been
put in a FEMA camp yet! What are they waiting

Sect. 1042 of the 2007 National Defense
Authorization Act (NDAA), "Use of the Armed
Forces in Major Public Emergencies," gives
the executive the power to invoke martial law.
For the first time in more than a century, the
president is now authorized to use the military
in response to "a natural disaster, a disease
outbreak, a terrorist attack or any other
condition in which the President determines
that domestic violence has occurred to the
extent that state officials cannot maintain
public order."

If the US government spends billions of
dollars on Homeland Security, they scan all
of our emails, record all of our telephone
calls, and watch almost everything we do;
because they expect a Muslim terrorist to
blow up our country any minute, then why
did they allow 9 million Muslims to come into
our country?
The manual states, These operations (camp)
may be performed as domestic civil support
operations, and adds that The authority to
approve resettlement such operations within
U.S. territories, would require a special
exception to The Posse Comitatus Act,
which can be obtained via the President
invoking his executive authority. The
document also makes reference to identifying
detainees using their social security number.
Mock Military Invasions
The U.S. has over 8,000 drones
They are used by police for surveillance
on Americans
They are used along the borders
Some states have passed laws against
flying drones
Media Silent as Muslims Ethnically Cleanse
60,000 Christians in Philippines
The Body of Christ today is suffering a degree
of persecution not seen previously in our
lifetime. In Central African Republic a serious
humanitarian crisis is unfolding as the
predominantly Christian population suffers
terror at the hands of Islamic rebels. Afghan
converts risk death not only in Afghanistan but
also in India because the Afghan media is
inciting violence against them, particularly
Pastor Obaid. In Somalia, al-Shabaab
routinely kills Somali converts.
Mustaf (13), who has already lost two
Christian relatives to al-Shabaab, was recently
kidnapped by militants seeking to draw his
Christian parents out of hiding. For example
on 30 August eleven Laos families (50 people)
were expelled from their village and sent out
into the bush for refusing to renounce Christ.
On 1 September nine Catholics were
massacred by Fulani Muslim gunmen in
Nigeria's Kaduna State. On 4 September
jihadists killed eight Syrian soldiers before
seizing control of the Aramaic-speaking,
Christian village of Maaloula in western Syria.
"The power of the Executive
to cast a man into prison
without formulating any
charge known to the law,
and particularly to deny him
the judgment of his peers, is
in the highest degree odious
and is the foundation of all
totalitarian government
whether Nazi or

- Winston Churchill, Nov. 21,

Rising interest rates are a killer in an over-levered economy, and thats
exactly what weve been seeing in the United States.

This surge in interest rates may have already seriously destabilized the entire
financial system, and thats why there is this meeting taking place in the
White House today. The fact is that the vast majority of derivatives in the
global financial system are related to interest rates.

Now, the entire financial system may be on the precipice of some sort of
catastrophic event unfolding because of what we have already seen in the
bond market, and how the derivatives are so heavily intertwined. Meaning,
we may be on the verge of another disastrous derivatives meltdown.

We have an unbelievable amount of interest rate derivatives in the financial
system. So the winners theoretically take the profits on them, and the losers
simply misprice them on their books. But as you get higher interest rates it
becomes even more destabilizing.

I firmly believe the reason the President has called this meeting today is
because if interest rates in the U.S. continue to rise, it could really unleash
something disastrous. We are talking here about the possibility of a
Financial Crisis Alert: Half A Million People
Drop Off Workforce In One Month, Bank of
America To Cut 2100 Jobs, Shut 16 offices,
HP Has Chopped 22,700 Jobs Since Last
Year, Polled Unemployment Soars To March
2012 Levels!
International Investors Dump $40.8 Billion in
Treasuries, the Most Ever
Money and Markets
Foreign holders dumped a whopping $40.8
billion in long-term Treasuries, the biggest
exodus from bonds in the history of the U.S.
Worse, June was actually the third month of
mass dumping in the past four, for a total of $79
billion. China, the biggest holder of our bonds,
unloaded $21.5 billion, while Japan, the second-
largest holder, dumped $20.3 billion.
It wasn't just government bonds, either.
Foreigners dumped $116 million of bonds made
up of packaged U.S. mortgages. They sold $5.2
billion of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie
Mae bonds, and $5 billion in corporate bonds.
And they unloaded $26.8 billion of U.S. stocks.
All told, more international capital flowed out of
U.S. markets than at any time in history, worse
even than at the depths of the 2008 credit crisis.
China and Japan a few weeks ago sold $48
billion worth of U.S. Treasury Bonds in one
day more than ever in history. Bernanke and
the Fed are printing $85 billion per month ($40
billion to buy Mortgage Backed Securities and
$45 billion to buy Treasuries). All foreign
countries are buying less US Treasury bonds
since June of this year. This is very bad news.
1.Get a job and keep it
2. Start a job on something that makes money
3. Store cash at your home
4. Buy gold and silver eagles and keep it at
5. Pay off your bills
6. Store food
7. Store water
8. Store guns & ammunition
9. Store toilet paper
10. Store tooth brush, tooth paste, shampoo,
soap, etc.
11. Have something to cook on such as an
outside gas cooker, fireplace, or solar cooker.
12. Store cooking oil, condiments, bowls,
cups, etc.
13. Have a water filter- Big Berkey
Preston T. Bailey, PhD., D.Min.

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