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Handheld Digital Storage
Oscilloscope & Multimeter
Users Manual


HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 2-Safety information
2.2 General Safety Information
Carefully read the following safety information in order to avoid any ersonal in!ury and damage
on this rodu"t or any rodu"ts "onne"ted with it# $his rodu"t "an only %e used in the se"ified
ali"ations to revent any ossi%le dangers#
To avoid fire or electrical shock. Please use proper power adapter. Use only the power
adapter appointed y the !anufacturer and su"ect to approval of eing used in the user#s
To avoid fire or electrical shock if a test tool input is connected to !ore $%& peak '()&r!s*
or on circuits of !ore than $+))&,:
Use only insulated voltage proes- test leads and adapter supplied with the test tool- or
indicated y OWON as suitale for the Oscilloscope . Multi!eter.
/efore use- inspect voltage proes- test leads and accessories for !echanical da!age and
replace when da!aged.
0e!ove all proes- test leads and accessories that are not in use.
,lways connect the power adapter first to the ,C outlet efore connecting it to the
Oscilloscope . Multi!eter.
1o not apply voltages that differ !ore than $)) & fro! earth ground to any input when
!easuring in a C,T environ!ent.
1o not apply voltages that differ !ore than $)) & fro! each other to the isolated inputs
when !easuring in a C,T environ!ent.
1o not apply input voltages aove the rating of the instru!ent Use caution when using
2:2 test leads ecause the proe tip voltage will e directly trans!itted to the
Oscilloscope . Multi!eter.
1o not use e3posed !etal /NC or anana plug connectors.
1o not insert !etal o"ects into connectors.
,lways use the Oscilloscope . Multi!eter only in the !anner specified.
&oltage ratings that are !entioned in the warning are giver as li!its for 4working
voltage5. The represent & ac r!s '6)78)9:* for ,C sine wave applications and as & dc
for 1C applications. Overvoltage Category refers to local level - which is applicale
for appliances and portale e;uip!ent .
Only ;ualified technical personnel are per!itted to perfor! !aintenance.
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 2-Safety information
Pay attention to the no!inal values of all ter!inals: $o avoid fire or ele"tri" sho"'( lease 'ee
a wat"hful eye on all nominal values and mar's se"ified for this rodu"t# )efore any "onne"tion
erformed on this rodu"t( "arefully read the user*s manual of the rodu"t for further information
of nominal values#
No operation is allowed without the instru!ent cover plate: +f the "over late or anel has
%een removed( do not erform any oeration on this rodu"t#
No touch is allowed on are conductors: ,hen the rodu"t is owered on( do not tou"h any %are
!oints or arts of the s"oe meter#
Operation is prohiited in case of any undeter!ined failure: ,hen in dou%t any damage on
this rodu"t( "onsult the -ualified ersonnel for "he"'ing on it#
<eep ventilation in good condition: .efer to the user manual for detail installation instru"tions
in order to fi/ this rodu"t "orre"tly and rovide it with good ventilation "onditions#
No operation is allowed under a hu!id environ!ent.
No operation is allowed under an e3plosive environ!ent.
0ee "lean and dry on the rodu"t surfa"e#
$he method whi"h stiulated a""ording to the fa"tory does not use the e-uiment( ossi%ly "an
damage the rote"tion whi"h the e-uiment rovides#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 1-+nut Conne"tions

2igure &

3C adater 4ort

.S-2&2C 4ort#

5S) 4ort#

5S) Mass Storage 4ort#

4ower swit"h#


268 Swit"h or 3d!ust otions for ea"h menu#


35$O S:$8 5nder DSO mode( 3utomati"ally sele"ts the hori;ontal s"ales( verti"al s"ale( and
trigger level a""ording to the inut signal#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 1-+nut Conne"tions

CO4=8 4ress to save the waveform data into the 5S) Mass Storage Devi"e#

?.ed@8 3d!ust hori;ontal s"ale in Channel 1#

AOB$S 4OS+$+ON ?.ed@8 Swit"h %etween voltage and hori;ontal s"ale in Channel 1#

?.ed@8 3d!ust hori;ontal s"ale in Channel 1#

C ?)lue@8 3d!ust hori;ontal s"ale in Channel 2#

AOB$S 4OS+$+ON ?)lue@8 Swit"h %etween voltage and hori;ontal s"ale in Channel 2#

D ?)lue@8 3d!ust hori;ontal s"ale in Channel 2#

.5NES$O48 'ey for running or stoing the oeration

B+FH$8 Bight swit"h#

DMMEOSC8 Oeration mode swit"hing 'ey %etween os"illos"oe and multimeter#

M:N5 C8 Choose the uer item on the menu list#

M:N58 Show E Hide the menu

M:N5 D8 Choose the lower item on the menu list#

O4$+ON8 the 'ey for DSO setting and "om%ines with four arrow 'eys# $hen to set main time
%ase( trigger hori;ontal osition and trigger verti"al osition# 2urthermore the 'eys ossi%le to
ad!ust the dislay multilying fa"tors of M waveform ?CHM @ and dislay verti"al osition
?CHM G:.O@ during waveform "al"ulation and to ad!ust "ursor 1 ?A1 or $1@ and "ursor 2
?A2 or $2@ osition during "ursor measurement#

C?yellow@8 Os"illos"oe dislay uward ad!ustment 'ey#

D?yellow@8 Os"illos"oe dislay downward ad!ustment 'ey#

H?yellow@8 Os"illos"oe right-dire"tion ad!ustment 'ey#

I?yellow@8 Os"illos"oe left-dire"tion ad!ustment 'ey#

38 Sele"ts DMM "urrent measurement

A8 Sele"ts DMM voltage measurement

.8 Sele"ts DMM imedan"e( diode( "ontinuity and "aa"itan"e measurement

S:$8 "onvert 3C and DC during measure "urrent or voltage in Multi-meterJ "onvert
resistan"e( diode( on-off and "aa"itan"e measure during resistan"e measuring#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
5. Using the Oscilloscope
5.1 About this Chapter
$his "hater rovides a ste-%y-ste introdu"tion to the s"oe fun"tions# $he introdu"tion does not
"over all of the "aa%ilities of the s"oe fun"tions %ut gives %asi" e/amles to show how to use the
menus and erform %asi" oerations#
5.2 Powering Up the Oscilloscope
Conne"t os"illos"oe to 3C ower via 3C-DC adater as shown in 2igure 1# ?$he os"illos"oe
may still wor' with %uilt-in Bi-ion %attery even without 3C ower suly@#
$urn the os"illos"oe on %y ressing down the ower onEoff 'ey POW#
$he instrument then erforms Self"he"'ing after ower on# 3 greeting window and a senten"e
Kress any 'ey to "ontinueL will dislay on the s"reen when the system finishes self"he"'ing#
$he users "an ress any 'ey to enter the measuring fun"tion#
$he os"illos"oe is owered u in its last setu "onfiguration#
5.3 Oscilloscope Operation Window
See the following figure 18

2igure 18 Os"illos"oe Oeration ,indow

)attery ele"tri" -uantity indi"ating sym%ols( in"luding ( ( and #
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe

3uto measurement window 1( in whi"h Kf Lmeans fre-uen"y( K$L means "y"le( KAL means
the average value( KAL the ea'-ea' value (KA'L the root-mean-s-uare value(# KM3ML the
ma/imum amlitude value( KM+NL the minimum amlitude value( KA$L the Aoltage value of
the waveforms flat to value( KA)L the Aoltage value of the waveform*s flat %ase( K3M4L
the amlitude value( KOSL the overshoot value( K4SL the 4reshoot value( K.$L the rise time
value( K2$L the fall time value( KN,L the Nwidth value( K4,L the -,idth value( K4DL the
NDuty value( KNDL the -Duty value( K.DL the Delay3 ) value and K2DL the
Delay3 ) value#

3uto measurement window 2#

$he ointer indi"ates the hori;ontal triggering osition#

$his reading gives the $ime Differen"e %etween the hori;ontal triggering osition and the
s"reen "enterline# +t reads ;ero when the ointer is in the "enter of the s"reen#

$he trigger state indi"ates the following information#
,uto: $he os"illos"oe is wor'ing in the automati" mode and dislaying the waveform
under the non-trigger state#
Trig#d: $he os"illos"oe has dete"ted a trigger and "olle"ting the information generated
after the trigger#
0eady: 3ll re-triggered data have %een "atured and the os"illos"oe has %een ready to
re"eive trigger signals#
=can: $he os"illos"oe "an gather and dislay the waveform data "ontinuously in s"anning
=top: $he os"illos"oe has stoed "olle"ting the waveform data#

.ed and %lue inde/ dislay triggers verti"al osition during alternate trigger and triggers
inde/ %e"ome green when it rea"hes edge trigger or video trigger#

3 hidden-style menu8 ,ith the M>NU 'ey ressed( you "an view or hide the menu#

Menu setting otions8 $here are different setting otions for different menus#

+t reads the value of trigger voltage level#

$he dislay shows the trigger signal sour"e#

$he reading gives the value of rimary time %ase#

$hese grahi"s resent the "ouling modes of "hannel 2?CH2@# $he grahi" K

L indi"ates
3C( the grahi" K

L indi"ates DC#

$his reading shows the verti"al Aoltage 5nit S"ale of CH2#

$hese grahi"s show the "ouling mode of CH1( among whi"h the grahi" K

L e/ress
indi"ates 3C( the grahi" K

L indi"ates DC#

$his reading shows the verti"al Aoltage 5nit S"ale of CH1#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe

$he %lue ointer gives the grounding datum oint of the waveform on CH2( whi"h is the ;ero
osition of CH2# No dislay of this ointer indi"ates that the "hannel has not %een oened#

O4$+ON oeration romt8 $here are different romts for different O4$+ON oerations#

$he red ointer gives the grounding datum oint of the waveform on CH1( whi"h is the ;ero
osition of CH1# No dislay of this ointer indi"ates that the "hannel has not %een oened#

,aveform dislay area# .ed waveform reresent CH1( %lue waveform reresent CH2#
5.4 Menu Description
$he following e/amle shows how to use the tool*s menus to sele"t a fun"tion( as shown in the
following figure#

4ress the M>NU 'ey to dislay the 2un"tion Menu on the right of the s"reen and the
"orresonding otional settings on the %ottom# 4ress M>NU again will hide the 2un"tion

4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t different fun"tion menus#

Choose one 'ey from A2 to A6 and ress it to "hange fun"tion setting#
See the following figure 68

2igure 68 the $ool*s Menus
5.5 Manually Setting the Vertical System, Horizontal System
and Trigger Position
O4$+ON 'ey for multile setting 'ey and to set trigger verti"al osition( main time %ase and
hori;ontal osition ?trigger hori;ontal osition@ during edge trigger and video trigger or trigger
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
verti"al osition for Hori;ontal time %ase and trigger verti"al osition and hori;ontal level osition
during alternate trigger
$he following e/amle shows how to use OPTBON 'ey to ma'e a setting#
,hen trigger mode during edge trigger and video trigger8
1# 4ress on"e the O4$+ON 'eyJ the following is dislayed at the %ottom left side of the s"reen( as
shown in the figure %elow#
IEH O $ime )ase
CED O $rig
See the following figure 78

2igure 7
2# 4ress I?yellow@ or H?yellow@ to ad!ust the main time %ase and ress C?yellow@ orD?yellow@
to ad!ust trigger hori;ontal osition#
&#4ress O4$+ON again and left %ottom side dislay as
CDE F Ti!e
?/@O Trig
See the following figure 98
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe

figure 9
1#4ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@ to ad!ust time %ase hori;ontal osition( ress ?yellow@ or
?yellow@ to ad!ust trigger osition#
6#4ress O4$+ON again to %a"' oeration 1
,hen trigger mode during alternate trigger8
7#4ress O4$+ON and left %ottom dislay as8
Trig %
See the following figure <8

figure <8
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
9# 4ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@ to ad!ust time %ase hori;ontal osition and ress ?yellow@
or ?yellow@ to ad!ust trigger hori;ontal osition in Channel 2#
<# 4ress O4$+ON again and left %ottom dislay as8
Ti!e /ase
Trig 2
See the following figure >8

figure >8
># 4ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@ to ad!ust main time %ase and ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@
to ad!ust trigger hori;ontal osition in Channel 1#
10# 4ress O4$+ON again to %a"' oeration 7#
Ter! interpretation

&ertical scale factor: +t stands for the voltage amlitude reresented %y a division in the
verti"al dire"tion of the dislay area( through the ad!ustment of whi"h you "an amlify or
attenuate the signal and thus regulate the signal amlitude into the e/e"ted measurement

&ertical :ero position: +t is referred to as the grounding datum oint( through the ad!ustment
of whi"h you "an regulate the dislay osition of the waveform on the s"reen#

Main ti!e ase: +t means the time values reresented %y a division in the hori;ontal dire"tion
of the dislay area#

Trigger hori:ontal position: +t means the time deviation %etween the a"tual trigger oint and
the s"reen "entral line( whi"h will %e dislayed as 0 at the "enter oint of the s"reen#

Trigger level position: +t reresents the voltage deviation %etween the a"tual trigger level and
the ;ero osition of the triggering signal sour"e "hannel#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
5.6 Recall factory settings
+f you want to reset the Os"illos"oe to the fa"tory settings( do the following8

4ress M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aears on the right side of the s"reen

4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t AUNCTBON setting and three otions are
visi%le at the %ottom of the s"reen#

4ress A2 'ey to sele"t K0ecall AactoryL to re"all the fa"tory settings#

4ress 22 'ey to sele"t K3uto "ali%rationL# If the am%ient temerature variation is u to or
larger than 6 Celsius degree( the 3uto "ali%ration fun"tion should %e erformed# )ut will not
affe"t the using and "aa%ility %y the heat from BCD and ele"troni" "omonent
See the following figure 108

figure 108 .eset the Os"illos"oe
5.7 Input Connections
See figure 2#
Boo' at the %ottom and the right of the Os"illos"oe# $he Os"illos"oe has si/ signal inuts8 two
safety )NC !a"' inuts ?CH1 and CH2@ for s"oe measurements( four safety 1-mm %anana !a"'
inuts for Multimeter .( A and 3 measurements(
+solated inut allows indeendent floating measurements %etween Multimeters and S"oes#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
5.8 Displaying an Unknown Signal with Auto Set
$he 3uto-Set feature lets the Os"illos"oe dislay and measure un'nown signals automati"ally#
$his fun"tion otimi;es the osition( range( time %ase( and triggering and assures a sta%le dislay
of virtually any waveform# # $his feature is ese"ially useful for -ui"'ly "he"'ing several signals#
$o ena%le the 3uto-Set feature( do the following8
1# Conne"t the test ro%e to the tested signals#
2# 4ress the ,UTO =>T 'ey and the Os"illos"oe is under the automati" measurement
"ondition# $he tested signals aear on the s"reen#
5.9 Automatic Zero-returning of Trigger Horizontal Position
and Trigger Level Position
,hen we ad!ust the trigger hori;ontal osition and trigger level osition to %e ma/imal to ma'e it
off the s"reen "enter remotely( then we erform the following stes to ma'e trigger hori;ontal
osition and trigger level osition return to ;ero automati"ally#

4ress A 'ey( the trigger hori;ontal osition automati"ally returns to ;ero#

4ress . 'ey( the trigger level osition automati"ally returns to ;ero#
5.10 Automatic Measurements
$he Os"illos"oe offers 6 ranges of automati" s"oe measurements# =our "an dislay two numeri"
readings8 !easure!ent 2 and !easure!ent %# $hese readings are sele"ta%le indeendently( and
the measurements "an %e done on the inut CH1 or inut CH2 waveform#
$o "hoose a fre-uen"y for CH+1( do the following8
1# 4ress M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aears on the right side of the s"reen#
2# 4ress M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t !easure!ent 2# 2ive items sele"ta%le are
visi%le at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress A2 'ey and sele"t Are; C92 from the mean s-uare root value item# $he
!easure!ent 2 window turns its "olor into red and shows the fre-uen"y for inut CH1#
$o "hoose a 4ea'-4ea' measurement for +nut CH2( do the following8
1# 4ress M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu are dislayed on the right side of the s"reen#
2# 4ress M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey and sele"t !easure!ent %( with 6 items sele"ta%le
dislayed at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress A$ 'ey to sele"t P<7P< C9% from 4ea'-4ea' item# $he !easure!ent % window
turns its "olor to %e %lue and shows the ea'-ea' value for inut CH2#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
See the following figure 118

2igure 118 3utomati" S"oe Measurements
5.11 Freezing the Screen
=ou "an free;e the s"reen ?all readings and waveforms@
1# 4ress the 0UND=TOP 'ey to free;e the s"reen and =TOP aears at to right side of the
2# 4ress the 0UND=TOP 'ey on"e more to resume your measurement#
See the following figure 128

2igure 128 2ree;ing the S"reen
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
5.12 Using Average for Smoothing Waveforms
5sing the 3verage a"-uisition mode( you "an smooth out the dislayed waveform %y averaging
multile data samles# $he num%er of averaging is sele"ta%le from 1( 17( 71( and 12<#
Note: +n order for average mode to wor' in the %est way( the waveform must %e reetitiveJ 3s the
num%er of averaging in"reases( the slower the waveform udate %e"omes#
1# 4ress the M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aears on the right side of the s"reen#
2# 4ress M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t ,CGU mode( with four items sele"ta%le
dislayed at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress the 2& 'ey to sele"t ,verage Aactors( then( ress 21 'ey to !um to ,verages 28 item#
$his averages the out"omes of 17 a"-uisitions and shows the final averaging result on the
s"reen( shown as the following figures#
See the following figure 1&8

2igure 1&8 3verage 2a"tor Samling Mode
5.13 Using Persistence to Display Waveforms
=ou "an use 4ersisten"e to o%serve dynami" signals#
1# 4ress M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aears on the right side of the s"reen#
2# 4ress M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t 1B=P =>T. 2our items sele"ta%le are dislayed
at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress A% 'ey to sele"t 4ersist 2 sec- % sec- and 6 sec- infinite or OAA# +n this "ase( !um to
Bnfinite and the o%served dynami" is 'et on the s"reen "ontinuously# ,hen the item OAA
is sele"ted( the Persistence fun"tion is "losed#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
Boo' at the dislay( a s"reen li'e the following figure 11 "an %e shown#

2igure 118 4ersisten"e to O%serve Dynami" Signals
5.14 Using Peak Detection to Display Glitches
=ou "an use this fun"tion to dislay events ?glit"hes or other asyn"hronous waveforms@ of 60 ns or
1# 4ress M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aear at the right side of the s"reen#
2# 4ress M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t the ,CGU MO1># 2our items sele"ta%le are
dislayed at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress A% 'ey and !um to Flit"h Dete"t# +n this "ase( you "an test the glit"h#
Now( you "an see a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 16#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe

2igure 168 4ea' Dete"tion
Ter! interpretation
Collecting !ode: $he os"illos"oe transforms the "olle"ted analog data into a digital form after
they are gathered in the following three different modes( that is( samling( ea' value dete"tion
and averaging values#
=a!pling: $he os"illos"oe ta'es samles from the signal at a e-ual time interval to re"onstru"t
the waveform in this mode( %y whi"h the analog signal "an %e e/ressed "orre"tly in most "ases(
yet( the raid "hanges "an not %e "olle"ted %etween two samling time intervals( "ausing the
"onfusion and loss the narrow ulse in the signal ro%a%ly#
Peak value detection: $he os"illos"oe ta'es samles from the ma/imum and minimum of
signals in ea"h samling interval and shows the waveform with the samled data in this mode(
thus( %y whi"h the os"illos"oe may "olle"t the ossi%ly lost narrow ulse in the samling mode
%ut the noise is o%vious#
,veraging values: the os"illos"oe "olle"ts several waveforms and average over them( and
dislays the averaged waveform in this mode( %y whi"h the random noise "an %e redu"ed#
1uration ti!e: ,hen a new waveform is dislayed( the revious waveform shown on the s"reen
does not disaear immediately only to %e dislayed for a eriod of time( that is( the duration time(
%y setting whi"h( the waveform "an %e dislayed more "ontinuously and thus a dislay similar to
that shown %y the analog os"illos"oe "an %e a"hieved#
0oll scan !ode: $he os"illos"oe udates the waveform samling oints %y s"rolling dislay
through a s"reen from left to right in this mode( whi"h is only ali"a%le to the rimary time %ase
setting of a%ove 60ms#
5.15 Selecting AC-coupling
3fter a reset( the Os"illos"oe is d"-"ouled so that a" and d" voltages aear on the s"reen( 5se
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe
a"-"ouling when you wish to o%serve a small a" signal that rides on a d" signal# $o sele"t
a"-"ouling( do the following8
1# 4ress M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aear at the right side of the s"reen#
2# 4ress M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t the C92 =etting. 2our items sele"ta%le are
visi%le at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress the A2 'ey and !um to 3C# $he %ottom left side of the s"reen dislays the
a"-"ouling i"on#
Now( you "an see a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 17#

2igure 178 3C-Couling
5.16 Reversing the Polarity of the Displayed Waveform
$o invert the inut CH1 waveform( do the following8
1# 4ress the M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aears at the right side of the s"reen#
2# 4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t CH1 setting# 2our items sele"ta%le are
dislayed at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress A$ 'ey to !um to Bnverted. $he inverted waveform of CH+1 is dislayed on the
Now( you "an see a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 19#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 6-5sing the Os"illos"oe

2igure 1<8 ,aveform Mathemati"s

5.18 Use USB flash disk to save waveform data
+nsert 5 dis' into 5S) ort( then ress KCO4=L 'ey and you "an save the waveform data into the
5 dis'# $here is two formats availa%le for "hoi"e8 Ae"tor format and )itma whi"h the
"orresonding name will %e ,3A:1#)+N


,3A:&#)+NPPor ,3A:1#)M4


,3A:&#)M4PP# $hen you "an oen the files in "omuter %y "onne"ting 5S)
dis' to "omuter#

Noted8 During the 5 dis' saving ro"edure( some notes su"h as K,aveform savingL


K5S) already "onne"tedL

K5S) "onne"tion interrut L et" will %e romted#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe
7. Advanced Function of Oscilloscope
7.1 About this Chapter
$his "hater will detail the os"illos"oe fun"tion of the test tool#
7.2 Setting the Vertical CH1 and CH2
:a"h "hannel has its own indeendent verti"al menu and ea"h item "an %e set rese"tively %ased
on the se"ifi" "hannel#
$o ma'e verti"al CH1 and CH2 settings( do the following8

4ress the M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aears at the right of the s"reen#

4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to !um to C92 =etting and 1 otions aears at the
%ottom of the s"reen#

Sele"t 'ey from A2 to A$ to ma'e different settings#
Now( you "an find a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure &&#

2igure &&8 Setting the Aerti"al

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

$he following $a%le des"ri%es the &ertical Channel menu8
$he d" "omonent in the inut signal is %lo"'ed##
$he a" and d" "omonents of the inut signal are allowed#
Close the "hannel#
Oen the "hannel#

Sele"t one a""ording to the ro%e attenuation level to ensure a
"orre"t verti"al s"ale reading#
,aveform is dislayed normally#
Oen the Bnvert fun"tion of the waveform setting#
7.2.1 Setting the Channel Coupling
,ith CH1 ta'en for e/amle#
4ress A2 Coupling first and then ,C to ma'e an 3C "ouling setting# $he DC "omonent
"ontained in the tested signal is %lo"'ed#
4ress A2 Coupling first and then 1C to ma'e a DC "ouling setting# )oth DC and 3C
"omonents "ontained in the tested signal are ermitted#
$he waveform is dislayed as the following figure &1( figure &6#

2igure &18 3C Couling

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

2igure &68 DC Couling
7.2.2 Open and Close Settings on Channel
,ith CH1 ta'en for e/amle.
4ress A% Channel 'ey first( and then OAA to ma'e a Close setting on CH1#
4ress A% Channel 'ey first( and then ON to ma'e an Oen setting on CH1#
7.2.3 Setting the probe attenuation
$o revent e/"essive inut voltage( we re"ommend you to set the ro%e attenuation level to the
10M osition to revent e/"essive voltage#
3fter attenuating the ro%e level %y 10M( you also need to magnify the dislay level %y 10M to
mat"h the dislayed amlitude with the real amlitude#
4ress A( Proe to ad!ust the ro%e attenuation level#
$a%le8 4ro%e attenuation level and the "orresonding menu setting
4ro%e attenuation level Corresonding Menu Setting
181 1M
1081 10M
10081 100M
100081 1000M
7.2.4 Setting of Inverted Waveform
+nverted waveform8 $he dislayed signal reverses 1<0 degrees relatively to the ground otential#
4ress A$ Bnvert to start +nvertJ ress A$ Bnvert again to "lose +nvert#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

Set syn"hroni;ation and a""ount "hoose video standard
Set syn"hroni;ation and a""ount "hoose video standard
Holdoff $o go to holdoff menu
when the syn" is Designed Bine(the following menu is shown as %elow8
Set syn"hroni;ation and a""ount "hoose video standard
Set syn"hroni;ation and a""ount "hoose video standard
Bine in"rease
Set the line value to in"rease
Set the line value to de"rease
Bine No# Set and Show the line valve
Holdoff $o go to holdoff menu

,hen you go to the holdoff menu(you "an see a s"reen in the following figure1&#

figure1&8$rigger Holdoff
the 9oldoff menu is des"ri%ed in the following ta%le8
Aunction !enu =ettings 1escription
Off $ime Set time slot %efore another trigger event
Set the off time to in"rease
Set the off time to de"rease
Off $ime

.eset Holdoff time to100ns
)a"' )a"' to revious menu
$rigger Holdoff "an sta%ili;e "omle/ waveform(su"h as the ulse range#Holdoff time is the
os"illos"oe*s waiting eriod %efore starting a new trigger#During Holdoff(os"illos"oe will not
trigger until Holdoff ends#
Ter! interpretation
Trigger !odes8 $here are three 'inds of trigger modes availa%le for this os"illos"oe( they are(
3uto ?a"-uires signal "ontinuously@( Normal ?a"-uires signal when trigger "onditions are met@ and

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

Single ?manually triggers the signal@#
,uto!atic trigger !ode: $he os"illos"oe "an a"-uire the waveform without any triggering
"ondition dete"ted in this mode( in whi"h it will %e triggered "omulsively when waiting for a
se"ified eriod of time without any triggering "ondition ignited# ,hen an invalid trigger is

the os"illos"oe "an not 'ee the waveform in hase#

Nor!al trigger !ode: +n this mode( the os"illos"oe "annot a"-uire the waveform till it is
triggered# ,hen there is not any trigger( the os"illos"oe will dislay the original waveform
without new waveforms "atured#
=ingle !ode: +n this mode( the os"illos"oe will dete"t a trigger and "ature a waveform at ea"h
time when the "ustomer resses the .5NES$O4 'ey#
9oldoff8 Set time slot %efore another trigger event#
7.6 Selecting the acquisition mode
$he ,c;uiring Mode menu is des"ri%ed in the list shown as %elow#
Aunction !enu =ettings 1escription
Samle $he waveform data is samled at an e-ual time interval# $he
samle mode a""urately re"onstru"ts the waveform( %ut "annot
resond to raid "hanges and sudden ea's#
4ea' Dete"t $he ma/imum and minimum data in the samling interval are
i"'ed u# $he ea' dete"t mode "atures raid "hanges and
sudden ea's( %ut the waveform %e"omes noisy#
3verage Multile samles are averaged together# $he average mode
redu"es the noise level( %ut the waveform must %e reetitive#
3verages 1( 17( 71
or 12<
Sele"t the average num%er#
7.7 Display Setting
$he 1isplay =etting menu is des"ri%ed in the following ta%le#
Aunction !enu =ettings 1escription
$ye Ae"tors

$he ve"tor drawing mode shows the waveform as a smooth line(
"onne"ting ea"h data oint#
$he dot drawing mode shows the waveform as a "olle"tion of
indeendent data oints#
4ersist O22

$he ersisten"e setting sets how long the old waveforms remain
in the dislay( useful for o%serving the waveform variations#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

2ormat =$

Dislay the relative relationshi %etween verti"al voltage and
hori;ontal time#
Dislay CH1 on the hori;ontal a/is and CH2 on the verti"al a/is#
Carry )itma
$he data transmitted in "ommuni"ation are %itmas#
$he data transmitted in "ommuni"ation are ve"tors#
7.7.1 Display Style
$he dislay style in"ludes &ector and 1ot dislays( shown as the following figure 11( figure 16#

2igure 118 Dot Style

2igure 168 Ae"tor Style
7.7.2 Persistence
,ith Persistence fun"tion sele"ted( the dislayed saved original data gradually de"ay in "olor and

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

the new data are %right in "olorJ with infinite ersisten"e mode sele"ted( the os"illos"oe 'ees all
ast tra"es of the dislayed waveform#

7.7.3 XY Mode
$his mode is only ali"a%le to CH1 and CH2#$he M-= format lots the CH1 inut as M-a/is and
CH2 inut as =-a/is# $his dislay mode is "onvenient for viewing the hase relationshi %etween
CH1 and CH2J when the os"illos"oe is under the samling mode in whi"h no trigger is found( the
data aear in light sots#
Operations for various control keys are shown as elow:
$he C92 &OH and C92 I>0O for CH1 are used to set the hori;ontal s"ale and osition#
$he C9% &OH and C9% I>0O for CH2 are used to set the verti"al s"ale and osition
The following functions do not work in the JK display !ode:
.eferen"e or digital value waveform
$ime %ase "ontrol
$rigger "ontrol
7.8 Waveform Saving Setups
$he os"illos"oe "an save 1 waveforms( whi"h "an %e dislayed on the s"reen with the resent
waveform# $he re"alled waveform saved in the memory "annot %e ad!usted#
$he wavefor! saving Drecalling !enu is des"ri%ed in the following list#
=etups 1escription
Sour"e CH1
Ma'e sure the waveform you want to save aears in the
dislay# Sele"t the dislayed waveform whi"h you want to
,3A: 3( )( C and D Sele"t the address for saving or re"alling a waveform#
Save Store the waveform of a sele"ted signal sour"e into the
sele"ted address#
Show ON
Close or start dislaying the waveforms stored in address 3(
)( C or D#
$o save a waveform on CH1 in address 3( do the following8
1# 4ress the M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu aears at the right of the s"reen#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

2# 4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t the ,aveform Saving# 2our otions are
dislayed at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress the A2 'ey to sele"t the signal sour"e CH1#
1# 4ress the A% 'ey to sele"t the address 3#
6# 4ress the A( 'ey to save the waveform on CH1 in address 3#
$o dislay the saved waveform on the s"reen( do the following8
7# 4ress the A$ 'ey to sele"t Start for the address 3# $he waveform saved in address 3 will %e
dislayed on the s"reen in green "olor#
$he dislay "olor is green( and the ;ero oint of waveform( voltage and time is urle
Now( you "an see a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 17#

2igure 178 ,aveform Saving
7.9 Function Setting Menu
$he function setting menu is des"ri%ed in the following list#
Aunction !enu =etting 1escription
.e"all 2a"tory .esume the instrument to its fa"tory settings#
4erform the 3uto-"ali%ration ro"edure#
Banguage Chinese
Sele"t the dislay language#
$he 3uto-"ali%ration fun"tion automati"ally "onfigures internal arameters to maintain the
sensitivity and a""ura"y# .un the 3uto-"ali%ration in the following "ases8

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

,hen the temerature flu"tuates more than 6 degrees Celsius during oerations#
,hen oerating the os"illos"oe in a new %en"h to or field environment#
1# 4ress the M:N5 'ey and sele"t the AUNCTBON menu using M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey#
2# 4ress 22 ?3uto "ali%ration@# 3 message aears on the dislay( as'ing you to remove all "a%les
and ro%es from os"illos"oe#
&# 3fter removing all "a%les( ress 22 ?3uto "ali%ration@ again# $he 3uto-"ali%ration automati"ally
starts and a message aears( showing that the "ali%ration is ongoing#
$o interrut "ali%ration( ress any 'ey during the "ali%ration#
7.10 Making Automatic Measurements
$he os"illos"oe "an erform 20 tyes automati" measurements su"h as fre-uen"y( "y"le( average
value( ea'-to-ea' value ( root mean s-uare value(
Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vamp,
Overshoot, reshoot, !ise"ime, #all "ime, $%i&th, -%i&th, $'ut(, -'ut(,
'ela(A ) an& 'ela(A )
# 3nd gives two 'inds of measurement results simultaneously
on the s"reen#
$he fun"tion menu for automati" measurements is des"ri%ed in the following list#
Aunction !enu =ettings 1escription
2re- CH1
Measure the fre-uen"y of CH1#
Measure the fre-uen"y of CH2#
4eriod CH1
Measure the eriod of CH1#
Measure the eriod of CH2#
Mean CH1
Measure the average value of CH1#
Measure the average value of CH2#
4ea'-4ea' CH1
Measure the ea'-to-ea' value of CH1#
Measure the ea'-to-ea' value of CH2#
Cy" .MS CH1
Measure .oot Mean S-uare ?.MS@ value of CH1#
Measure .oot Mean S-uare ?.MS@ value of CH2#
$o measure the fre-uen"y of CH1 with Measure!ent 2 and the fre-uen"y of CH2 with
Measure!ent %( do the following8
1# 4ress the M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menu is shown at the right of the s"reen#
2# 4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t Measure!ent 2# 2ive otions aear at the
%ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress the A2 'ey to sele"t the fre-uen"y measurement as C92. $he measurement window
on the s"reen turns into one red in "olor and shows the fre-uen"y of CH1#
1# 4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t Measure!ent %# 2ive otions aear at the

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

%ottom of the s"reen#
6# 4ress the A$ 'ey to !um to the ea'-to-ea' measurement as C9%# $he measurement
window on the s"reen turns into one %lue in "olor and shows the ea'-to-ea' value of
Now( you "an see a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 19#

2igure 198 3utomati" Measurements
7.11 Setting the Cursor Measurements
$his os"illos"oe allows you to ma'e manual "ursor measurements on time and voltage# $he
signal sour"es in"lude Channel 1?CH1@( Channel 2 ?CH2@#
$he "ursor measurement menus are listed and des"ri%ed in the following ta%le#
2un"tion menus Settings Des"rition
$ye O22
Close the "ursor measurement#
Dislay the voltage measurement "ursor and menu#
Dislay the time measurement "ursor and menu#
Sour"e CH1( CH2# Sele"t the waveform "hannel on whi"h the "ursor
measurement will %e erformed#
$o ma'e a voltage measurement on CH1( doing the following8
1# 4ress the M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menus are dislayed at the right of the s"reen#
2# 4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t Cursor Measure!ent# $wo otions are
shown at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress 21 'ey to sele"t the measurement tye Aoltage# $wo urle "rossing dashed lines A1
and A2 are shown on the s"reen#

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

1# 4ress the A% 'ey to sele"t the measured "hannel C92#
*+ 4ress O4$+ON and dislay as
Cursor 2
Cursor 1
4ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@ to see A1 move u and down and the anel will dislay
the voltage value mat"h A1 and Channel 1 GeroJ 4ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@ to see
A2 move u and down and anel will dislay the voltage value mat"h A2 to Channel 1
Gero# BCD anel also dislay the a%solute value of A1-A2
Now( you "an see a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 1<#

2igure 1<8 5se the Cursor for a Aoltage Measurement
$o use the "ursor for a time measurement on CH1( do the following8
1# 4ress the M>NU 'ey and the fun"tion menus are dislayed at the right of the s"reen#
2# 4ress the M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t Cursor !easure!ent 'ey# $wo otions
are shown at the %ottom of the s"reen#
&# 4ress the A2 'ey to the measurement tye Ti!e. $wo verti"al dashed lines $1 and $2
aear on the s"reen#
1# 4ress the 22 'ey and !um to the measured "hannel CH1#
6# 4ress O4$+ON and dislay as
Cursor %
Cursor 2
4ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@ and see $1 move left and right and BCD dislay the time value
mat"h $1 to oint osition in anelJ ress ?yellow@ or ?yellow@ and see $2 move left and

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

right and BCD dislay the time value mat"h $2 to oint osition in anel#
Now( you "an see a s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 1>#

2igure 1>8 5se the Cursor for a $ime Measurement
7.12 Autoscale
$he fun"tion is alied to follow-u signals automati"ally even if the signals "hange at any time#
3utos"ale ena%les the instrument to set u trigger mode( voltage division and time s"ale
automati"ally a""ording to the tye( amlitude and fre-uen"y of the signals#
$he menu is as follows8

2un"tion Menu Setting +nstru"tion
3utos"ale O22
$urn off 3utos"ale
$urn on 3utos"ale
Mode Aerti"al


2ollow-u and ad!ust verti"al s"ale
without "hanging hori;ontal setting
2ollow-u and ad!ust hori;ontal s"ale
without "hanging verti"al setting
2ollow-u and ad!ust the verti"al and
hori;ontal settings#

Only show one or two eriods
Show Multi-eriod waveforms

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

+f you want to measure voltage of Channel 1( you "an do as the follows8
1# 4ress M>NU( the fun"tion menu will aear on the right of the s"reen#
2# 4ress M>NU or M>NU and "hoose 3utos"ale- three otions will show at the %ottom
of the s"reen#
&# 4ress A2 and "hoose ON.
1# 4ress ,UTO=>T
4ressing ,UTO=>T to enter into 3utos"ale fun"tion and fli"'er on the to left "orner#
?fli"'er every 0#6 se"ond@
+f the 3utos"ale fun"tion is off( ressing ,UTO=>T is !ust to enter into 35$OS:$ fun"tion#
6# 4ress A% and "hoose Hori;ontal- Aerti"al#
7# 4ress A( and dislays on the s"reen as figure 608

figure 608 3utos"ale Hori;ontal- Aerti"al multi-eriod waveforms

figure 618 3utos"ale Hori;ontal- Aerti"al mono-eriod waveform

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe

ad!ust the window osition defined %y two "ursors( the window osition is the time differen"e
of the window "enter to main time %ase*s hori;ontal ointer#

4ress A( 'ey( sele"t window e/tension( the defined window e/tends into the full-s"reen
$he s"reen that loo's li'e the following figure 67( 69 will %e dislayed#

2igure 678 ,indow Setting

2igure 698 ,indow :/tension
7.15 Data Transmission
2or the oeration of data transmission( lease e/e"ute the following stes8

4ress M>NU 'ey( dislay the fun"tion menu on the right side of the s"reen#

4ress M>NU ? or M>NU @ 'ey to sele"t dislay setting mode( dislay four otions at the

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM 9-3dvan"ed 2un"tion of Os"illos"oe


4ress A$ 'eyJ sele"t the /it!ap or &ectors for data transmission#

5se a data line to "onne"t the os"illos"oe and the 4C#

Oen the O,ON software that had %een installed "omletely#

Setting the arameter under the use*s manual( and then starts data transmission#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM <-$rou%le Shooting
8. Trouble Shooting

The oscilloscope does not power up
+t may %e "aused %y the dead %attery# 3t this time( the os"illos"oe will not start even if it is
owered %y the %attery "harger# 2irstly( "harge the %attery and suly the os"illos"oe with
ower through the %attery "harger# However( don*t swit"h on the os"illos"oe till waiting for
16 minutes# +f the os"illos"oe still "annot start( lease "onta"t O,ON for servi"e#

The oscilloscope stops working only after operating for
several seconds
4ro%a%ly the %attery is deadJ Che"' the %attery sym%ol at the uer right of the s"reen# $he
sym%ol indi"ates that the %attery has %een run out of ower and must %e "harged#

The !easure!ent type displays >00 when you switch to
the Multi!eter !ode.
4ro%a%ly you do not sele"t the measuring mode# +n this "ase( ush down any 'ey of the three
'eys A( 3 or .# $hus( the relative measuring mode will %e shown on the s"reen# +f the :.. is
still dislayed( restart the os"illos"oe#

The !easured voltage a!plitude value is 2) ti!es larger
or s!aller than the real value under the oscilloscope
Che"' whether the "hannel attenuation level mat"hes the a"tual ro%e attenuation ratio#

The wavefor! is displayed on the screen ut is not stale
under the oscilloscope !ode.

Che"' whether the signal item in the trigger mode menu mat"hes the a"tually used signal

Che"' on the trigger mode8 $he edge trigger mode is ali"a%le to the universal single
and the video trigger mode ali"a%le to the video signal# Only when the roer trigger
mode is alied( "an the waveform %e in sta%le#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM <-$rou%le Shooting

$ry to "hange the trigger "ouling into the H2 re!e"tion and B2 re!e"tion to filter the H2
or B2 noise trigger %y the interferen"e#

There is no display on the screen when you push down
0UND=TOP key under the oscilloscope !ode.
Che"' whether the trigger mode in the trigger mode menu is in normal or single shot and
whether the trigger level is out of the waveform range#
+n su"h "ondition( ad!ust and ma'e the trigger level in the middle or sele"t the non-auto
trigger mode# 3dditionally( ress the 35$O S:$ 'ey and "omlete the a%ove setting

When select the average sa!pling in the sa!pling !ode
or select a longer display ti!e in the display !ode under
the oscilloscope- the display speed is slow.
+t is normal in the a%ove "ase#
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM >-3endi/
9. Appendix
9.1 Appendix a Specifications
9.1.1 Oscilloscope
Only if other instru"tions are rovided( are all te"hni"al se"ifi"ations ali"a%le to the ro%e with
the 10M attenuation swit"h setting and the HDS series digital tye os"illos"oe# +n order to %e u
to these se"ifi"ations( the os"illos"oe should meet the following re-uirement#
$he instrument should oerate "ontinuously for more than &0 minutes under the se"ified
oerating temerature#
+f the oerating temerature is u to or larger than 6 Celsius degrees( the system fun"tion
menu must %e oened to ma'e the system erform a K3uto- "ali%rationL ro"edure#
:/"et those se"ifi"ations mar'ed with the word Typical( all se"ifi"ations "an %e u to#
Samling modes Normal samling
4ea' dete"tion
3verage value
Samling rate 100 MSaEs
+nut "ouling DC( 3C
+nut imedan"e 1M,-2R "onne"ted in arallel with 202 -62
4ro%e attenuation "oeffi"ient 1M( 10M( 100M( 1000M
Ma/# +nut voltage 100A ?ea'@
Channel delay time


Samling rate range 10SEs

,aveform interolation

sin /

.e"ord length 70 oints on ea"h "hannel
S"anning seed range



100sEdiv( steing in the K1-2#6-6L mode#

Samling rate and relay time
-100m?any time interval whi"h is e-ual to or larger than
$ime interval ? .$@measurement

full %andwidth

Single8 - ?1 samling interval timeN100m /
Saverage 17 8 -?1 samling interval time N100m /
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM >-3endi/
3nalog digital "onverter


,ith the resolution of < %its( ma'e samling on %oth

"hannels syn"hronously#
Sensitivity range




at the inut )NC

Disla"ement range -10div
3nalog %andwidth 20M
Single %andwidth 2ull %andwidth
Bow fre-uen"y resonse

"ouling( -&d)


at the )NC

.ise time

tyi"al one at the )NC

DC gain a""ura"y -6R
DC measurement a""ura"y

value samling mode

$he voltage differen"e ? .A@ %etween any two oints on
the waveform after averaging the "atured waveforms
more than 178 -?6R reading N 0#06 divisions@#
CH1 and CH28 1div?DC

full %andwidth@ $rigger sensitivity


Same as the DC "ouling when it is e-ual to or
larger than 60H;#
$riggering level range -7 divisions from the s"reen "enter
$riggering level a""ura"y
?tyi"al@ whi"h is ali"a%le to
the signal with rise and fall
time e-ual to or longer than
-0#& divisions
$rigger disla"ement 766 divisions for re-triggering and 1 divisions for ost-
$rigger Holdoff range 100nsT10s
Ma'e a 60R level setting
Oeration with the inut signal fre-uen"y e-ual to or larger than
$rigger sensitivity ?Aideo
triggering and tyi"al mode@
2 divisions of ea'-to-ea' value
Signal system and lineEfield
fre-uen"y ?Aideo triggering
Suort the N$SC( 43B and S:C3M %road"asting systems of
any field or line fre-uen"y#
Cursor measurement Aoltage differen"e ?.A@ and time differen"e ?.$@ %etween "ursors
3uto measurement 4ea'-to-ea' value( average value( root mean s-uare value( fre-uen"y (

Ama/( Amin

Ato( A%ase( Aam( Overshoot( 4reshoot(
.ise$ime( 2all $ime( N,idth( -,idth( NDuty( -Duty( Delay3 ) and
Delay3 ) #
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM >-3endi/

1M osition 10M osition
)andwidth 5 to 7 MH; ?DC@ 5 to full %andwidth ?DC@
3ttenuation rate 18 1 108 1
Comensation range 20f

+nut resistan"e 1M,-2

10M ,-2

+nut imenden"e <6f

116f 11#6f

+nut voltage 160 A DC &00 A DC
9.1.2 Meter
&oltage '&1C*
+nut +medan"e8 10M,#
Ma/# +nut Aoltage8 1000A ?DC or 3C ea'-to-ea' value@
0ange ,ccuracy 0esolution
100#0mv -1#6R-2digit 100uA
1#000A 1mA
10#00A 10mA
-1R-1 digit
&oltage '&,C*
+nut +medan"e8 10M,#
Ma/# +nut Aoltage8 960A ?3C( virtual value@
2re-uen"y range8 from 10H; to 100H;#
Dislay8 Airtual value of the sine wave
0ange ,ccuracy 0esolution
1#000A 1mA
10#00A 10mA
-1R-& digits
1irect Current '1C*
.ange 3""ura"y .esolution
10#00m3 -1#6R-1 digit 10u3
100#0m3 -1#6R-1 digit 100u3
23A -45-4

HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM >-3endi/
,lternating Current ',C*
.ange 3""ura"y .esolution
10#00m3 -1#6R-& digit 10u3
100#0m3 -2R-1 digit 100u3
23A -*5-4
.ange 3""ura"y .esolution
100#0 , -1R-& digit 0#1,
1#0000, 1 ,
10#000, 10 ,
100#00, 100 ,
-1R-1 digit
10#00M, -1#6R-& digit 100,
.ange 3""ura"y .esolution
61#20n2 102
612#0n2 1002
6#120u2 1n2
61#20u2 10n2
-&R-& digit
Aoltage reading8 0 A

1#6 A#
On7off Test
$here is a %ee sound when the on-resistan"e is less than &0,#
9.1.3 General Specifications
/asic para!eter
Me"hani"al dimension 1< "m/11#6"m/1"m
,eight 716 g
4ower "onsumtion

7 ,
Dislay tye &#9U "olor li-uid "rystal dislay
Dislay resolution 710 ?hori;ontal@ /1<0 ?verti"al@ i/els
Dislay "olor 766&7 "olors
Power ,dapter
4ower suly 100-210 A 3C 60E70H;
4ower outut <#6 ADC
Current outut 1600 m3
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM >-3endi/
/attery:9#1A %uilt-in Bi-ion )attery
Working environ!ent
5sed %attery 0 to 60 VC ?&2 to 122 V2@
4ower adater 0 to 10 VC ?&2 to 101 V2@
Storage -20 to N70 VC ?-1 to 110 V2@
0 to 10 VC ?&2 to 60 V2@ no "ondensation
10 to &0 VC ?60 to <7 V2@ >6 R
&0 to 10 VC ?<7 to 101 V2@ 96 R
10 to 60 VC ?101 to 122 V2@ 16 R
-20 to N70 VC ?-1 to N110 V2@# no "ondensation
9.2 Appendix B: Maintenance and Cleaning
9.2.1 Maintenance
Do not store or la"e the instrument in lo"ations where the li-uid "rystal dislay ?BCD@ may %e
dire"tly e/osed to the sunshine for a long time#
Be careful:
Do not sray li-uid into the instrument#
+nse"t the instrument and the ro%e fre-uently in a""ordan"e with oerating "onditions# Clean the
outer surfa"e of the instrument a""ording to the following stes8
1# ,ie off the floating dust outside of the instrument and the ro%e %y using soft "loth#
,hen "leaning the BCD( do not s"uff the transarent BCD rote"tive s"reen#
2# ,ie the instrument in ower off status %y soft "loth that is moist %ut not driing# +t is
allowed to %e "leaned %y soft detergent or fresh water# Do not use any a%rasive "hemi"al
detergent to avoid the instrument or the ro%e %eing damaged#
Warning: )efore running( lease "onfirm that the instrument has %een dried out so as to
avoid ele"tri"al short "ir"uit and ersonal in!ury "aused %y moisture#
9.2.2 Storage of Oscilloscope
+f the test tool is to %e stored for a long time( it is re-uired to "harge the lithium %attery %efore
HDS1022M-N Handheld DSO & DMM >-3endi/
Charging the oscilloscope
$he lithium %attery is ossi%ly not "harged when delivery# $o ma'e the %attery with enough
ele"tri" -uantity( it must %e "harged for 1 hours ?the test tool must %e turned off during "harging@#
$he %attery "an suly ower for 1 hours after %eing "harged "omletely#
,hen sulying ower %y using the %attery( a %attery indi"ator is dislayed on the to of the
s"reen to show the "onsumtion "ondition of ele"tri" -uantity# $he sym%ols that are ossi%ly
aear in"lude ( ( and ( where shows that the %attery "an only %e used for a%out 6
minutes# $o "harge the %attery and ower the instrument( "onne"t the os"illos"oe using a ower
adater a""ording to 2igure 1 to "harge the %attery# $he "harging seed "an %e in"reased %y
turning off the test tool#
$o avoid suerheat of %attery during "harging( the environment temerature is not allowed to
e/"eed the ermissi%le value given in te"hni"al se"ifi"ation#
No ha;ard will o""ur even "onne"ting the "harger for a long time( e#g# during a whole wee'end#
$he instrument "an automati"ally swit"h to slowly "harging status#
9.2.3 Replacing the Lithium Battery Unit
+t is usually not re-uired to rela"e the %attery unit# )ut when it is re-uired to rela"e it( only
-ualified ersonnel "an "arry out this oeration( and only use the same se"ifi"ation lithium

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