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Copyright 2014 by the Institute of Health Sciences, L.L.C., 702 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 21201. All rights reserved.

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1. The shattering secret of osteoporosis: Its not just killing women (so MEN, keep reading) .............. 1
2. In just one month you can turn Alzheimers anxiety into peace of mind with this
brain-saving Ayurvedic formula ....................................................................................................... 4
3. Stop a heart attack as its happening with this life-saving miracle plant ........................................... 7
4. The ultimate anti-aging potion rejuvenates your cells to keep you young for years to come .......... 10
5. Just rub this miracle gel where it hurts and go from crushing pain to complete relief
even for broken bones and torn muscles ........................................................................................ 14
6. Exclusive! HSI uncovers government email bombshell: Are public scientists admitting
this brain tumor cure is being covered up? ..................................................................................... 17
7. What else are they hiding from us?! Government email reveals second secret cancer-ghter .......... 21
If you have a loved one in a nursing home you need to know these 3 shocking secrets ...................... 23
Elderly patients must beware opioid painkillers .................................................................................. 24
Prescription medication harmful to seniors ........................................................................................ 25
Member Source Directory .................................................................................................................. 27
References .......................................................................................................................................... 28
The shattering secret of osteoporosis:
Its not just killing women (so MEN, keep reading)
dont want to break my hip and end up in a
nursing home.
The fear is very real and the probability is
alarmingly high.
Unless you take action today.
Because by the time you feel the first symptom
of osteoporosisthe shattering pain of a broken
boneit may be too late.
Gentlemen, before you stop reading because this
is a womans disease, consider this:
One in four of you will break a bone because
of osteoporosis
Youre more likely to break a bone because of
osteoporosis than to get prostate cancer
This year, about 80,000 of you will break a hip
So keep reading, and learn about the only supple-
ment that can truly protect you. A supplement thats
been proven to reverse bone loss from osteoporosis
and increase bone density by 51.5 percent.
Save yourself from a future of
wheelchairs and bedpans
Once you break a hip, your prospects are bleak.
If youre lucky, youll be almost completely dis-
abled for a short while.
But the chance of long-term, even permanent,
disability is frighteningly high. And the chance of
death is staggering.
The only solution here is to prevent this tragedy,
but to do that you must
Act right now.
You have no time to waste: You must give your
bones the only substance that can make them
The only substance that can rebuild healthy
bone tissue, and protect you from a potentially
deadly fracture, and a life lived in a wheelchair. Its
the only way to stop and reverse osteoporosis. And
you need to start now, because stopping bone loss
and rebuilding bone mass takes time.
The life-altering consequences
of osteoporosis
By the time you know you have osteoporosis, you
may have already suffered a fracture. In fact, every
year osteoporosis causes more than 8.9 million frac-
tures worldwidethat works out to an osteoporosis-
related fracture every 3 seconds.
After youve broken one bone, your chances of
breaking another skyrockets by 86 percent.
Gentlemen, your risk of death in the first
year after a hip fracture is nearly 20 percent
higher than it is for your wife.
And you probably already know that hip frac-
tures can be the worst of all but what you may
not realize is how deadly they can be, even for oth-
erwise healthy people. Once youve fractured a hip,
your risk of death within one year doubles, and that
increased risk lasts for a full five years.
But death isnt the only horrifying consequence
of hip fracturethe break can cause some of your
worst nightmares to come true:
You need help to get out of bed.
You cant get off the toilet on your own.
You cant pull on your pants.
Youll be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of
your life.
Theyll be forced to put you in a nursing home.
I wish I could tell you those horrors are unre-
alistic, but they happen to more and more people
every day. In fact, about 60 percent of hip fracture
survivors cant function independently even after a
whole years gone by.
But you still have time to change that grim prog-
nosis. All it takes to stop bone loss, increase bone
density, and fight osteoporosis and its devastating
impact is a tiny little pill but not one thats fabri-
cated by the drug companies.
Big Pharma drugs worse
than doing nothing
Sally Field and Blythe Danner have it all very
Drugs like Boniva and Prolia will not fix your
bones. In fact, its quite the opposite. These drugs
can cause fractures. Even worse, they can literally kill
your bones.
Two horrifying side effects are caused by bisphos-
phonates (like Boniva) and denosumab (Prolia):
1. Unusual thigh bone fractures, where your
thigh bone becomes so weak that it breaks for
no apparent reason. You didnt fall or get hit
by a car, youre just standing around and your
leg breaks.
2. Osteonecrosis, which translates directly to
mean bone death, especially in the jaw
And arent dead bones and broken bones exactly
what were trying to prevent here? Whatever FDA
sell-out approved these drugs and their star-studded
commercials should be ashamed of himself.
What you need instead is a real solution, some-
thing that works the right way to restore your bones
to fighting strength. Something proven to rebuild
healthy bone without causing debilitating or even
deadly side effects.
And theres only one thing that can do it.
HSI gets it right again: Miracle supplement
increases bone density by 51.5 percent
When we first alerted HSI members to this
revolutionary osteoporosis product back in February
2010, we knew we had uncovered something very
special. Even though there was very limited data at
the time, we believed in its promise to reduce and
reverse bone loss from osteoporosis.
In that issue we introduced Caren Singer, a
woman with severe osteoporosis whose DXA scans
had shown a staggering 25 percent spinal bone loss,
who saw her bone loss completely stop, then reverse.
After just eight months using Ostinol, the bone-
building miracle supplement, Carens bone density
had increased by 10 percent. And that was just the
That was three years ago. And now, her results are
so stunning that researchers wrote a case study
Caren that was accepted for publication in Integra-
tive Medicine (a prominent medical journal) a near
impossibility for a single-patient case study.
But with results like Carens, the data was too
strong to ignore.
You already know that her bone density improved
by 10 percent after just eight months. And the amaz-
ing results just kept coming. In just 34 monthsless
than three yearsCarens bone density increased by
51.5 percent, thanks to Ostinol.
She does not have osteoporosis any more.
Turning on your own stem
cells to grow new bone
The fix seems simple on the surface: To hold off
bone loss, stop the cells that carry away old bone tis-
sue. That ill-advised strategy is exactly what most of
Big Pharmas osteoporosis drugs do only they do it
with hazardous results. Because leaving old bone tis-
sue in place is the very thing that causes bone death
When you take that short-sighted approach,
bone loss appears to stop. But what really happens is
your bones are filled with old, imperfect tissue, and
theres no place at all for new bone to grow.
Death, Debility,and Destitution
Following Hip Fracture.
Thats the alarming title of a 2013 study, where
researchers examined the records of more than
86,000 Medicare patients, half of whom had hip
fractures. The results were as disturbing as the
study title. The hip fracture patients faced
Twice the risk of death
Four times the risk of ending up in a
nursing home
And double the chance of ending up
with low-income status
So Ostinol takes the opposite approach, a
brilliant way to come at the problem. Instead of
turning off your osteoclasts (the cells that remove
old bone), it stimulates your special bone-building
cells, osteoblasts.
Ostinol contains special biologically active pro-
teins known as BMPs (bone morphogenic proteins).
And BMPS are the only thing that can turn on that
stem cell process to grow new bone and cartilage,
no matter how old you are, no matter what shape
youre in.
Nearly two million American men are
affected by osteoporosis, which causes about
600,000 fractures every year.
In fact, BMPs have been the standard com-
pound used in bone surgeries since the 1990s
surgeons literally pour BMPs directly on the bone
to jumpstart healing. Its been the subject of more
than a thousand scientific studies. And with that
history of safety and visible effectiveness, you can
trust Ostinol to help you rebuild bone without any
negative side effects.
Plus, now with brand new healthy bone tissue,
all the calcium and minerals youve been taking have
somewhere to stick, improving your bone quality
even more.
The only side effect Ive had
You may have noticed the word cartilage in that
last sectionI snuck it in for a reason. Because while
Ostinol is proven to regrow bone in the most severe
cases of osteoporosis, it can also work wonders for
osteoarthritis and joint pain.
To prove that, the manufacturers (Zycal Bioceu-
ticals) recruited HSI members to take Ostinol for
their knee or hip arthritis.
It worked. Fast. HSI members were going for
walks, climbing ladders, and gardening all without
the excruciating arthritis pain theyd been suffering
for years. And they couldnt wait to share their suc-
cess stories with me.
Like Janis Forester, who was desperate to avoid
the hip replacement surgery her doctor predicted
shed need very soon. So she decided to give Ostinol
a try insteadand it started working, almost right
away. That success seemed short-lived, so she talked
to the team at Zycal, and they helped her figure out
the right dosage and regimen for her
Janis was thrilled to finally find something that
erased her pain without making her sick (some
medicines, like aspirin, upset her stomach).
Now, she told me, the only side effect Ive had
is no pain!
Take Ostinol today to strengthen your
bones and prevent tragic fractures
Theres only one way to reverse bone loss and
it doesnt come from Big Pharma.
Ostinol contains the only substance proven
to stop bone loss, regrow new healthy bone, and
increase bone density all without causing shatter-
ing side effects.
Ostinol dosage depends on your unique situa-
tion. The product comes in three different strengths:
150 mg, 350 mg, and 450 mg.
For people with bone density still in the normal
range, the recommended dose is 150 mg of Ostinol
per day.
For people with mild bone loss or osteopenia,
the recommendation is 350 mg once or twice a day.
If the bone loss is rapid, or arthritis is also a problem,
take two 350 mg capsules twice a day.
For people already suffering severe bone loss or
osteoporosis, the recommendation is 450 mg of Ost-
inol once daily. If the bone loss is rapid, or arthritis is
also a problem, take 450 mg of Ostinol twice a day.
If youre not sure which strength and dosing are
right for you, call the manufacturer. They offer free
consultation with their in-house experts to help fig-
ure out the best regimen for you to try.
You can find ordering information for Ostinol in
your Member Source Directory on page 27.
In just one month you can turn Alzheimers anxiety into peace of
mind with this brain-saving Ayurvedic formula
hen you walk into the kitchen, your wife is
staring at a can of soup with no idea how to
open it
Your husband doesnt recognize you, and angrily
insists youre lying when you tell him who you are
Frustration fills the air.
Both of you feel the strain: the one slowly los-
ing brain function and the one forced to watch it
happen. It gets worse every day, making you feel
trapped in your own life. The constant stress drains
and weakens you.
Dementia and Alzheimers disease steal more
than just memories they steal your whole mind,
your whole life. And theres nothing that modern
medicine can do to stop it. Nothing at all.
Because mainstream medicine is so narrowly
focused on single cause/single cure, they will prob-
ably never figure this out.
And thats why youll only find a real answer
one that helps both of youif you look toward
ancient traditions.
That is where a comprehensive solution lies, one
that not only restores precious memory and focus,
but helps ease all the frustration and anxiety that
both dementia and Alzheimers patients and their
spouses struggle with every single day.
Everything about you your whole life
starts with your mind
Heres where mainstream medicine has it all
wrong: They look at your mind as just another part
of your body with symptoms.
In the Ayurvedic perspective (the ancient medical
system of India), your mind is everything. Its the point
of the entire system of medicine, the ultimate focus.
And because your mind is gifted and complex,
so is Ayurveda. The basis of their medicine includes
a vast collection of plants that specifically support
your mind and emotions.
It makes sense: The mind is all about chemistry,
and plants play a great role in mind biochemistry. Its
why we drink coffee to stay awake and pay attention.
Why chamomile tea calms us down.
Every plant has specific effects. And in ancient
Ayurvedic traditionwhich started thousands of
years agomedicinal plants were combined based
solely on their tastes.
That tradition brings us MindCare, a complex
Ayurvedic formula that encompasses all the paths
that lead to a strong, clear mind.
A single formula that brings clarity back to
patients, and sanity back to caretakers
Unlike single-focus drugs that hone in on one
brain chemical or one protein target, MindCare does
just what its name implies: It includes healing herbs
that care for your whole mind.
And thats why it works.
Because Alzheimers disease and dementia arent
only about memory lossthough that seems to be
Big Pharmas main focus.
They impact many different pathways, including
visual perception (can you trust what you think you
see?), reason and judgment, communication, focus
and attention, and executive functions like planning
and preparing. So any true solution has to address
all of this and memory storage and recall as well.
This broad focus does something else no phar-
maceutical drug aimed at Alzheimers disease can
ever do.
With its total mind perspective, MindCare helps
improve cognitive function but also the emotional
issues associated with chronic stress and anxiety. So
it helps both of you, the one suffering from the dis-
ease and the caretaker.
Powerful total brain formula centers around
Ayurvedic memory miracle herb
In the July 2013 Members Alert, you read about
bacopathe Ayurvedic memory miracle herb. And
for many HSI members, it restored precious brain
function. But not every herb works for everybody
and bacopa is no different.
To make its brain-boosting properties even more
potent and focused, learned Ayurvedic herbalists
designed a more comprehensive formula, with pow-
erful bacopa at the center. The other ancient ingredi-
ents all take advantage of bacopas natural chemistry
to help direct the herb along specific pathways.
The final formula is called MindCare, and as sat-
isfied customers have reported, it works like magic
to restore calmness, clarity, memory, and cognition.
And something very important separates Mind-
Care from other herbal brain formulas
The individual ingredients in MindCare have
been studied (separately) in at least 72 published
trials. But that wasnt enough for herbalists who
created the formula. To make sure MindCare really
worked, they ran three distinct trialsand all three
returned very positive results.
78 percent of patients regain learning
ability in just 30 days
When they tested MindCare in 60 patients
suffering from chronic memory disturbances, the
results were fast and noticeable. After just 30 days of
treatment with MindCare (2 capsules, twice a day),
symptoms were dramatically reduced.
For the patients enduring each symptom:
78 percent of patients had increased learning
75 percent saw improved concentration
89 percent had decreased depression
With all that brain power and emotional energy
restored, life takes an encouraging turn for the better,
setting the stage for even more positive improvement.
94 percent of patients report no more
mental fatigue with MindCare
Mental fatigue strikes all of us, but for those suf-
fering from dementia, the impact can be enormous.
When our minds are exhausted, frustration and irri-
tability set in. Its harder to remember things. And it
can make us feel physically tired and drained as well.
MindCare is proven to address all of that.
In a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
clinical trial, researchers assessed mental fatigue
symptoms in 100 patients. The patients were split
into two even groups, one of which got two Mind-
Care capsules twice a day, the other of which got
placebo capsules. The results were evaluated based on
symptom relief and Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS) scores.
By the end of the four-week trial period, sub-
stantially more patients in the MindCare group were
feeling symptom relief in every category:
lack of energy
memory disturbance
loss of appetite
And practically all of the patients taking Mind-
Care94 percent of themscored zero, meaning
no mental fatigue at all, on the PFS.
MindCare tames anxiety
symptoms and calms your mind
Anxiety wreaks havoc on your mind and body
and can even produce some dementia-like effects
when it runs on unchecked. Whats more, anxiety
and stress take a terrible toll on memory, partly
because they impact crucial brain chemicals (neu-
Those neurotransmitterswhich include acetyl-
choline and serotoninplay an important part in
memory organization. So when theyre even slightly
out of balance, the way your brain records and regis-
ters information can be hindered.
Luckily, this is another way that MindCare posi-
tively impacts your brain.
In a one-month double-blind placebo-controlled
trial, researchers learned just how well MindCare
acts on clinical anxiety symptoms. Fifty anxiety
patients were recruited for the study, and separated
into two groups: one group took two MindCare
capsules twice a day, the other group took placebo
By the end of the one-month study, substantially
fewer patients in the MindCare group were exhibit-
ing anxiety symptoms than in the placebo group.
They had improved in every measured category:
tension, anger, numbness, and headaches.
Its also worth noting that 32 study participants
were taking high blood pressure medication, and
21 patients were taking diabetes medication. The
MindCare did not interact or interfere with these
medicines in any way, and had no negative impact
on the conditions. On the contrary, on average
patients taking MindCare saw modest additional
decreases in both blood pressure and blood sugar.
And it all starts with Ayurvedic memory miracle
herb, bacopa.
Comprehensive brain support in a single
powerful herb made even more powerful
Its a drug companys worst nightmare, a healing
plant with more than 130 compounds that play roles
in its medicinal capabilities. How on earth will they
be able to pinpoint the right one?
The answer is, they cant. Because Ayurvedic
super herb bacopa is more than just a collection of
compounds. Its the lead ingredient in MindCare
because of its overwhelming effect on numerous
brain functions.
In addition to improving cognitive capabilities,
bacopa helps ease anxiety and distress, combats men-
tal fatigue, brings on a sense of calmness and clarity,
and even increases the amount of new information
your brain can hold. Thats why Ayurvedic tradition
uses this herb to prevent, treat, and combat demen-
tia and Alzheimers disease.
And in that tradition, bacopa is combined with
other specific herbs to more strongly direct it toward
healing pathways.
Ayurvedic herbs guide bacopa through
multiple pathways for complete mind care
With supportive herbs to direct it, bacopa does
even more than it could alone.
Guiding herbs like gotu kola, jatamansi, dwarf
morning glory, finger-leaf morning glory, and Indian
valerian steer you toward restful sleep with vivid
dreaming. That full deep third REM stage sleep is
critical for tissue recovery, allowing your brain to
repair itself.
Other herbs help bacopa move in nerve path-
ways. Ashwagandha soothes frayed nerves and calms
the jitters. Almond seed calms an agitated mind.
Herbs like celastrus help bacopa promote intel-
lect and memory formation. Velvet bean seed tra-
ditionally promotes intelligence. And arjuna, most
well known for its cardiovascular properties, sup-
ports your brain and cognition through your heart.
Another group of Ayurvedic staples opens a new
direction, for mind-digestion flow, because your
brains influence is first seen in your stomach (like
when youre nervous and feel butterflies). That per-
spective brings digestive herbs like cloves, nutmeg,
ginger, fennel, and cardamom into the formula. And
oroxylum helps bacopa ground your digestive func-
tion, especially in the intestines, calming a GI tract
agitated by stress.
By working through multiple pathways, Mind-
Care rejuvenates and restores your precious brain
function, whether its been ravaged by dementia or
Alzheimers or devastated by the worry and frustra-
tion of watching a loved one slip away.
MindCare brings back your peace of mind,
even if youve been living with dementia or
Alzheimers disease
Its impossible to live easily with dementia or
Alzheimers disease, whether youre the one suffering
the disease or the one watching your beloved disap-
pear, leaving behind a troubled stranger.
MindCare can help both of you enjoy life again,
by restoring lost brain function, calming troubled
emotions, and letting you both get solid, deep sleep.
The manufacturer recommends taking 2 cap-
sules twice daily with meals.
In most cases, changes can be felt within the
first few days in terms of focus, mental alertness,
and reductions in mental fog. Memory, recall and
cognitive performance can also be improved within
the first week with steady improvements lasting into
the next several weeks and months, so allow several
weeks for the full benefits to kick in.
You can find ordering information for MindCare
in your Member Source Directory on page 27.
Stop a heart attack as its happening with this
lifesaving miracle plant
he first time Dick Quinn died of a heart
attack he didnt.
Instead of being the end of his life, that momen-
tarily fatal heart attack was the beginning of a new
life, one that started him on a harrowing journey
that ultimately lead him to discover a cure for heart
You read that right: A cure for heart attacks.
A natural compound that can stop a heart attack
while its happening.
And, sadly, chances are that you or someone you
love will suffer a potentially deadly heart attack soon.
Your chance of having a heart attack is
frighteningly high
Its the leading cause of death in America, and
the statistics are positively scary:
More than 500,000 Americans will have their
first heart attack this year
Every year, almost 200,000 people suffer from
repeat heart attacks
About 600,000 Americans die from heart
disease every single year
1 out of every 4 US deaths is due to heart
Those numbers are frightening, but not nearly
as terrifying as experiencing a heart attack. Which
is why it is imperative that you not only know the
signs but how to stop the attack fast.
The rst minutes are critical
to your survival
A heart attack does permanent damage to your
heart muscle. And the lack of blood flow during
your heart attack kills off precious heart cells.
Unless you take immediate action.
The sooner you restore blood flow and precious
oxygen to your heart, the more of that life-sustaining
muscle you will save.
And with Dick Quinns natural heart-saving
miracle, you can stop the heart attack midstream
and save your heart. Even better, taking it before you
have a heart attack may just keep that from ever
The fatal heart attack that
saved Dick Quinns life
One life-changing Monday morning, while Dick
Quinn was waiting for an elevator, he started to feel
very sick. He was sweating, shaking, and terribly
And then he had a heart attack and died.
For a few seconds, the blood flow to his heart was
stopped. He later found out that his left main coro-
nary artery was 98 percent blocked. But right then,
right there, all he knew was that hed seen his dead
mother, awash in welcoming light. Seconds later, the
attack was over, and Dick was somehow alive.
The very next day, he underwent emergency
bypass surgery, fully expecting to die again. But he
survived the surgery, though it left him unbearably
Craving some sun, Dick drove to the lake and
met the woman who would change his life.
Chest pain is not the only sign
While almost everyone knows that chest pain
is a sign of heart attack, very few can name the
other potential symptoms:
general upper body pain
pain or discomfort in your arms, back,
neck, or jaw
shortness of breath
cold sweats
feeling lightheaded
Lifesaving miracle comes from
the most unlikely source
When the Lady at the Lake (as shes come to
be known) first told him about this natural heart
attack cure, Dick simply didnt believe her. In fact,
he thought her advice was crazy. But she was the
mother of a friend, so he politely listened to that
advice, never taking it seriously.
He was embarrassed to ask his doctor about
what shed told him, afraid of challenging the doc-
tors recommendations in which he had total faith
at that time.
But despite strictly following doctors orders
healthy food, mild exercise, reducing stressDick
continued to feel weaker and weaker. He felt like he
his heart was going to give out again. He expected
to die.
Even though Dick felt awful, his doctor told
him he was doing just fine. When Dick expressed
doubts, the doctor told him that he shouldnt expect
to feel betterthat this was as good as it would be,
and nothing more could be done. But Dick refused
to accept that.
He remembered what the Lady at the Lake had
told him: Cayenne pepper would save his heart.
So he tried it. And it worked. Right away.
Cayenne stops heart attacks
while theyre happening
For decades, cayenne expert Dr. John Christo-
pher carried cayenne in his medical bag, using it
more than once to stop heart attacks in progress.
In fact, he reported never losing a single still-
breathing heart attack patient on a house call thanks
to cayenne. He would simply mix a teaspoon of cay-
enne into a cup of hot water, give it to the patient,
and then watch aswithin minutesthe patient
would be up and moving around.
Now, theres not much science to back this up.
But scientists believe that cayenne helps dissolve
fibrin (which causes blood clots) and lower choles-
terol and triglyceride levels. And one 2009 animal
found that applying topical capsaicin during
a heart attack protects the heart by preventing or
reducing damage.
It worked so well, in fact, that researchers report-
ed an 85 percent decrease in heart cell damage when
the capsaicin was used, leading them to conclude
that this remedy can reduce the extent and conse-
quences of heart attack.
And then there are the people who religiously
use Dick Quinns miracle heart remedy, Heart Food
Caps, because it saved their lives.
Blood pressure drops from
fatally high to just higher than
normal in two weeks
Will Sanders had very high blood pressure but no
health insurance, so he just let it go. Until one day,
he noticed the sign on a local store that hed been
driving past for 20 yearsThe Cayenne Company.
So the very next day Will started taking Heart
Food Caps and that probably saved his life.
Will decided to test whether the Heart Food
Caps were working, so he went to the fire station
where they did free blood pressure tests. His reading
Unbelievable but true:
Cayenne prevents and heals stomach ulcers
It sounds ridiculous, really. The hottest peppers
in the worldyoud expect them to cause the hot-
test heartburn in the world. Even doctors believe
that, and typically warn their ulcer patients to stay
away from spicy foods.
But the opposite is true.
Capsaicin, the compound that puts that heat
in cayenne, helps heal and prevent stomach
Contrary to what your doctor may have
told you, capsaicin inhibits excess acid secre-
tion at the same time it stimulates gastric mucus
secretionsexactly what your body needs to heal
ulcers while setting the stage for prevention.
So if youve been avoiding cayenne because
youre afraid it will hurt your stomach, dont worry.
Cayenne will help your stomach while its saving
you from heart disease.
was fatally high, 230 over 140. So high, in fact, that
the fireman who measured Wills pressure asked him
if he was taking anything he wasnt supposed to let
someone with blood pressure that high walk away.
Will said he had just started taking something
(but didnt say what), and left. But he was freaked
out by the numbers, so I started going down to the
firehouse every day.
His blood pressure numbers kept decreasing,
until they finally dropped all the way down to 150
over 100 within just two weeks. It was then that he
told the firefighters what he was taking. And now,
three years later, Will and the firefighters are all still
taking Heart Food Caps.
Cayenne capsules helped save my life
About three and a half years ago, Mary Carson
suffered a heart attack. The doctor found two 95 per-
cent blocked arteries, and told her she needed a stent.
After she left the hospital, she got a sign from
God. When she was donating books to the library,
she found Dick Quinns book Left for Dead, though
she didnt remember ever seeing it before. So she
read it, and realized what she needed to do.
Within two months of that heart attack, Mary
began taking Heart Food Caps, and she feels just
wonderful. I dont even go to the doctor any more.
My pain is all gone, even my arthritis, and my cir-
culation is great.
Make sure you take it with food and a whole
drink of water, she told me. And make sure you
take it every day. Those cayenne capsules helped save
my life.
Its helping so many people
Wills and Marys stories are just two of the many
that Dick Quinns brother-in-law Jaime (who took
over the family business when Dick died in 1995)
hears every single day.
Ive had at least three customers who were hav-
ing heart attacks, and opened up the capsule and put
it under their tongues. And by the time they got to
the hospital, there was no sign of heart attack any-
more, he told me.
And cayenne helps in other ways, too. I had one
customer call me crying at Christmas. He had terri-
ble arthritis and walked with a cane for ten years. But
after taking the cayenne for two months the circula-
tion in his legs improved and he can walk again.
Whats really important is that we take the
time to make every batch by hand. And we use the
highest heat peppers, even though they can be very
hard to get.
Only Wild African Birdseye
brings the heat you need
When it comes to stopping a heart attack, hotter
is better. Which is why Dick Quinn searched out the
hottest peppers in the world and found them in
only one place.
African Birdseye peppers grow wild in the West
African nation of Sierra Leone, and hold a volcanic
100,000 heat units.
To really feel how hot that is, the cayenne pow-
der you can buy in the grocery store for cooking has
at most 5,000 heat units. Tabasco sauce comes in at
about 20,000.
Those heat lightweights will give you a taste of
the full power of the African Birdseye pepper. But to
really help your heart, you need the real thing.
And it works even better combined with four
more heart-saving ingredients.
Heart Food Caps have everything you need
to save your heart
African Birdseye heat can work miracles for your
heart, and mixing it with these four more heart attack
fighting ingredients boosts the lifesaving power.
Thats why Dick created Heart Food Caps, and
why Jaime carries on the tradition. Along with more
than 100 mg of high heat cayenne in every capsule
youll find:
hawthorn berry ginger root
garlic onion
Each of those helps prevent and treat heart dis-
ease, with stacks of research in support.
Hawthorn berry has been shown to remedy
heart failure as well as captopril
(a highly-pre-
scribed pharmaceutical) and combat angina by
increasing blood flow to the heart.
Ginger root works to warm you (according
to traditional Chinese medicine), and science
shows that it also protects your heart by lowering
blood pressure
and cholesterol.

Garlic and onion contain similar healing com-
pounds (such as allicin) that help reduce clot-
ting, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure.
Heart Food Caps stuffs 450 grams of these cura-
tive herbs into every capsule, with a full 25 percent
allotted for the high-heat cayenne, to give you every-
thing you need to fight, prevent, even stop heart
attacks as they happen.
Save your heartand maybe your life
with Heart Food Caps
Heart Food Caps offer you the strongest cayenne,
and the best way to stop a heart attack from killing
off your heart muscle cells. Complete with five heart-
saving ingredients, Heart Food Caps can help keep
your heart safe.
The manufacturer recommends taking one or
two capsules of Heart Food Caps three times per
day. For the best results, take Heart Food Caps with
meals or simply add to food.
Heart Food Caps (25 percent cayenne) are a
good choice for people trying high heat cayenne for
the first time. If you prefer even more heat, you can
try Power Caps, which are 50 percent African Bird-
seye cayenne plus ginger root and hawthorn berry.
You can find ordering information for Heart
Food Caps in your Member Source Directory on
page 27.
The ultimate anti-aging potion rejuvenates your cells
to keep you young for years to come
ts an honest to goodness anti-aging potion.
You wont just look and feel younger.
Your very cells will actually be younger, your
blood will be revitalized, and your body clock will
be reset to youthful.
Those are some pretty bold claims, and they
absolutely set off the snake oil alarms
But this herbal formula really works to rejuve-
nate you, from your cells on up.
Take this anti-aging potion, and you will be
One formula holds three keys to
unlock timeless youth
The secret to rejuvenating your blood cells and
resetting your cells back to young lies in an age-
defying formula created and perfected by world-
renowned Chinese herbalist, Dr. Dexin Yan.
His restorative formula directly reconditions
your aging blood cells, and returns weak circulation
to vital levels normally seen only in the very young.
That blood revitalizing effect is the first key to
timeless youthand until recently, it was believed
to be the only one.
But now we know that Dr. Yans anti-aging for-
mula, Vital Cell, holds two more keys crucial for
turning back your bodys cellular clock:
Vital Cell erases a compound called lipofuscin, a
prime hallmark of aging. And the formula also holds
the key to extending cell life by way of re-lengthened
telomeres. (More on both of these remarkable rever-
sals coming up.)
With these three keysrejuvenated blood and
circulation, disappearing lipofuscin, and longer
stronger telomeresVital Cell gives you the power
to unlock timeless youth.
You cant feel or look young with old blood
In traditional Chinese medicine, many debilitating
health conditions, especially those that cause pain, are
brought on by blood stagnation.
That set Dr. Yan thinking: So many health prob-
lems he saw in older patients could be caused by
poor circulation and blood disorders. So he formed
a team to figure it out and they did.
When the team examined blood samples from
both young and old volunteers, the difference was
startling. Young adults had much thinner, brighter
red blood than older adults. And Dr. Yan realized
that the answer to his patients woes would be to
rejuvenate their old blood to restore youthful health
and vitality.
And after almost a decade of collecting clinical
data, Dr. Yan and his team created the blood revi-
talizing formula called Vital Cell. And thats when
things really got interesting.
After seeing the impact on Vital Cell on thou-
sands of patients, Dr. Yan began to see just how pow-
erful his formula really was and how it impacts
even more than blood:
Increases fresh new blood cell production
Helps your body get rid of old, damaged blood
cells faster
Restores vital blood flow to your extremities
(like hands and feet)
Strengthens your blood vessels, including tiny
Increases crucial plasma protein levels for optimal
Boosts an enzyme called telomerase which
resets telomere length
Removes lipofuscin before it can add damage
Thats a lot of anti-aging power packed into a
single formula. And it all starts with turning old
blood young again.
When your blood cells get old,
all kinds of damage sets in
When your red blood cells are working at full
capacity, they absorb oxygen from your lungs and
nutrients from your food and deliver them to the
tissues throughout your body by way of your blood
vessels, especially the web of tiny microcapillaries.
But theres a catch: Red blood cells are about
25 percent larger than your bodys smallest blood
vessels. When your red blood cells are young and
healthy, their outer membranes are extremely flex-
ible, and they fold over so they can fit into even the
tiniest microcapillaries.
As your blood cells get closer to the end of their
(approximately four-month) lifespan, that outer
membrane stiffens, making it harder for them to
fold and causing damage as theyre forced to squeeze
into tiny microcapillaries. Now those red blood cells
cant move quickly into your lungs, or squeeze into
the smallest capillaries to deliver oxygenso theyre
sent to your spleen to be destroyed.
And heres where time takes a real toll. As we age,
that red blood cell life cycle slows down. New blood
cell production drops off, old blood cells linger lon-
ger. So the proportion of old and new cells changes,
for the worse. And those old cells are sticky, making
it very easy for them to clump together and stack
up (creating whats known as Rouleaux formations),
creating a blood flow traffic jam.
Nutrient and oxygen delivery slows down dra-
matically. Cell waste removal slows down, too. And
those old, jagged red blood cells start to damage your
fragile microcapillaries, impacting circulation in a
big bad way.
Focusing on the big picture misses
a lot of the problem
Strong circulation is crucial for survival and
for youthful vitality but it can slow to a dangerous
crawl as we get older.
Conventional medicine focuses straight on the
big-ticket items, high blood pressure and atheroscle-
rosis (hardened arteries), and throws prescription
drugs and costly surgeries at the problem. But they
are missing the mark, which is why you arent really
getting better.
The real issues are small, microscopic even. Its the
smallest components of the system that really handle
that crucial exchange of fresh oxygen and nutrients,
the microcapillaries that work the front lines, and take
the biggest beating when things start to slide.
When your blood doesnt flow freely through
the web of microcapillaries, your whole body is at
risk for severe health problems, even ones that dont
seem like theyre at all related to your circulation.
And theres a lot that can go wrong in that complex
and delicate system.
Plaques clog and stiffen your blood vessels,
restricting blood flow
Blood thickens and becomes stickier
Microcapillaries sustain damage from jagged and
misshapen blood cells, diminishing blood flow
Your spleen removes old damaged blood cells
from circulation more slowly, so new healthy
cells arent called for at a healthy pace
The combined effect of poor circulation and old,
sticky blood sets off dozens of symptoms, including
debilitating fatigue, fuzzy thinking, frequent infec-
tions, and a disappearing sex drive symptoms your
doctor may just chalk up to normal aging. Plus,
your risk of more serious consequences grows daily
Unless you turn things around by restoring youth-
ful blood and circulation right away with Vital Cell.
Living younger and healthier is even more
important than living longer
Turning back your cellular clock involves more
than just revitalized blood cells. And according to
Dr. Michael Fossel, a leading expert on the biology
of aging, an enzyme called telomerase could be the
key to eternal youth.
In fact, Dr. Fossel believes that activating telom-
erasewhich in turn resets telomeres, the cell
clocks that determine their lifespancould help
us live longer and younger at the same time.
Telomeres are sort of like caps on your cells,
protecting your chromosomes by preventing dam-
age during standard cell division. But every time any
cell divides, its telomeres get slightly shorterfinally
getting so short that the cell cant divide normally
anymore. Telomerase helps protect the length of
those telomerespossibly even making them lon-
ger againand helps stabilize and repair DNA so
healthy cell division can continue on.
Resetting telomeres near the end of cell lives
could help rejuvenate tissues, even prevent some age-
related or degenerative diseases.
In effect, old cells by the calendar transform back
into young cells in the body. In theory, according
to Dr. Fossel, this re-lengthening can prevent and
reverse aging, even turn back the disease process.
And living younger and healthier is even more
important than living longer.
And Vital Cell contains a very powerful Chinese
herb, astragalus, that contains the only natural com-
pound thats been proven
to activate telomerase,
along with its other age-defying powers.
Lipofuscin, the aging pigment,
meets its match
Its a prime hallmark of aging, yellowish-brown
pigment granules that get left over when damaged
blood cells are broken down and absorbed by muscle
tissue including the tissue in your heart.
Lipofuscin, also known as the aging pigment,
accumulates faster as you get older, and shines a
light on the wear and tear your body has endured.

In fact, scientists can use this marker to estimate the
remaining lifespan of cells.
While it doesnt seem to actively damage your
tissues, lipofuscin does seem to prevent cell renew-
al and increase oxidative stress. Some researchers
believe it can have a direct negative impact on your
And other scientists believe it plays a key role
in making muscle and brain cells age.
Thats why its critical to keep lipofuscin from
building up and Vital Cell is the best way to keep
that accumulation from taking over.
Time-reversing herbal formula restores
factory settings
Dr. Yan originally created Vital Cell as a blood
revitalizer, to rejuvenate circulation and combat age-
related disease. Now we know Vital Cell can do even
more to restore youth and vitality.
Vital Cell contains ten powerful Chinese herbs,
all used to restore youthful health and energy, with a
focus on improved circulation.
Four of the medicinal herbs in the formula
directly impact blood flow and circulation:
San-qi ginseng root
Dong quai root
Safflower flower
Red-rooted sage root
To those Dr. Yan added three potent tonic
herbs, also called adaptogens, to balance and
strengthen all the systems of the body:
Astragalus root
Lycium fruit
Codonopsis root
And to round out the formula and make it suit-
able for long-term daily use, Dr. Yan added three
digestive herbs:
Atractylodes root
Southern tangshu root
Licorice root
Modern science is just beginning to hint at Vital
Cells full time-reversing potential, and its impact
on the future of aging. But one thing is already cer-
tain. When you take Vital Cell, youll find yourself
brimming with good health, and feeling and looking
younger by the day.
Signs of aging and
symptoms of illness disappear
Dr. Yans team recruited 150 older adult patients
(some of whom had suffered from significant ill-
nesses) for a one-month clinical trial to see just what
Vital Cell could really do.
The results were stunning:
chest pains disappeared in 104 out of 106
heart palpitations stopped in 82 out of 86
dizziness disappeared in 59 of 69 patients
30 out of 32 patients no longer showed any
sign of edema (swelling of the legs and feet)
coughing resolved in 34 of 36 patients
42 out of 46 patients got their appetites back
shortness of breath got substantially better in
35 out of 42 patients
35 of 48 patients no longer suffered from
Clinical tests also indicated increased microcir-
culation, balanced plasma protein levels, and stron-
ger immunity in all of the subjects after they took
Vital Cell. The researchers clearly saw that Vital Cell
offers unparalleled benefits for older patients, even
when theyre suffering from serious illnesses like
coronary heart disease and chronic bronchitis.
Physicians see the miraculous
restorative powers of Vital Cell
The results are overwhelmingly positive, long-
lasting, and even curative for some of the toughest
age-related conditions. Doctors report miraculous
improvements, seeing more success stories than we
could possibly fit here.
There have been reports of astonishing positive
results in patients diagnosed with severe conditions
such as:
coronary artery disease
chronic fatigue syndrome
chronic back pain
restless leg syndrome
But those cases pale in comparison to the number
of people who feel younger, stronger, and more vital.
Live younger and healthier with Vital Cell
Vital Cell gives you the three keys to unlock time-
less youth. With younger cells, rejuvenated blood and
circulation, and prime markers of aging reverse, youll
not only feel youngeryoull be younger.
The manufacturer recommends taking 3 cap-
sules, 2 times daily. If you are taking any medica-
tions, its best to take Vital Cell at least two hours
away from that medication.
A word of caution: If you are taking other blood-
thinning measures such as aspirin or Plavix, consult
your doctor before trying Vital Cell.
You can find ordering information for Vital Cell
in your Member Source Directory on page 27.
Just rub this miracle gel where it hurts and go from crushing pain
to complete reliefeven for broken bones and torn muscles!
he pain was intense, and the swelling was
unbelievable, Gina Rollins recalled.
Within 24 hours I was bruised from my toes to
about mid-calf. Many people said it was the worst
sprain they had ever seen.
But just two weeks later, the bruising was gone,
and walking was easyeven though she had been
told she wouldnt walk correctly for months.
I feel so fortunate to have had this product in
my home at the time of the accident. I will never be
without it again.
Believe it or not, this miracle product is a heal-
ing gel that you rub on even the worst injuries for
instant relief and faster healing.
What?! Rub something on a sprained ankle?
Sounds crazy, but
Now, I know what youre thinking: How on
earth will I be able to rub something on a sprained
ankle (or any other injury, for that matter) without
screaming in agony?
I asked the same question, and then learned the
The product is a very light and low-viscosity
(watery) gel. It is cool and you dont so much rub
it as you do spread it gently. It is cooling, but more
importantly, it relieves a lot of the pain right away.
So there you have it. Its so easy to spread that
you barely have to touch the injured area to apply
the gel. And its pain-relieving herbs work so fast
that youll start feeling better almost as soon as you
put it on.
The proof is in Ginas remarkable recovery.
From crushing pain to feeling
ne in just two weeks
I saw the before picture of Ginas hugely swol-
len, black-and-blue ankle, and looking at is actually
made me a little queasy.
But the after pictures were even more strik-
ingespecially when you consider the very short
time elapsed between them.
Luckily, Gina had miraculously effective repair
help on hand (or, rather, on leg). She applied this
healing gel three to five times every day, which
sounds like it would be incredibly painful to do. But,
as she explained
The instant I applied it, the lotion immediately
soothed the pain in my foot and leg. The herbs in
this lotion have an amazing way of relaxing and
cooling sore muscles.
Whats more, the enormous bruising on her
calf healed so rapidly that Gina herself could hardly
believe it. The bruising began to disappear quickly,
and she could actually see the bruise breaking up
under the skin.
Best of all, in just two weeks time, she was back
on her feet again, like nothing had ever happened.
Miracle gel boosts your
bodys healing power, no matter
how severe the injury
As we get older, were more likely to get hurt, and
more likely to suffer broken bones. At the same time,
it also takes us longer to heal.
But not anymore. Because with this remark-
able product, injurieseven broken bones and
torn musclesfeel better and get better faster. This
miracle gel
Instantly relieves crushing pain
Makes bruises disappear
Repairs damaged tissue
Keeps the area flexible
Boosts circulation to accelerate healing
Speeds recovery
It works so well because it increases your bodys
natural healing power, and keeps the repair process
going day and night as long as you need it.
Speeds up healing while it
eases unbearable pain
When youve been injured, your body immedi-
ately takes action. To fix torn tissuebone, skin,
muscle, tendon, or ligamentyour body needs to
produce extra collagen.
But after a few days, that heightened response
tones down, even if your injury isnt quite fully
healed. And thats why it can take so long for a com-
plete recovery.
So to speed things up, you need your repair crew
working double time, all the time, until you are well
and truly healed. And thats where Bruise, Strain &
Tear Repair (BST Repair) comes in.
First, and most important, it relieves the unbear-
able pain virtually on contact. From there, it works
to amplify your bodys own repair response to keep
healing processes going for as long as theyre needed.
66 percent improvement of severe pain and
stiffness in just three weeks
People were reporting successful healing with
BST, but a small team of researchers wanted to
discover just how well the formula worked. They
performed an official case study, with truly stellar
Marcy Cutler (age 56) suffered from significant
pain and swelling after surgery to fix a compound
fracture of her heel bonea particularly severe and
disabling injury. For six months after her operation,
her foot had healed to a degree, but she continued
to struggle with terrible pain and swelling in her
plantar fascia (the sole of her foot) and limited range
of motion.
Desperate for an end to her symptoms, Marcy
agreed to start a trial, applying BST Repair to the
bottom of her foot three times a day for three weeks.
Before starting the BST, she reported overall symp-
tom severity of 5.8 (out of 9), and a full 30 minutes
of stiffness on trying to stand in the morning.
By the end of the three-week trial period, her
symptoms dropped dramatically, all the way down
to 2.8, with morning stiffness now lasting just 10
minutes. And Marcy was thrilled to discover that the
swelling finally decreased enough for her to fit into
her hiking boots for the first time since she broke
her foot.
With such remarkable results, the researchers
concluded that BST effectively supported the rapid
and complete healing of soft tissues associated with
bone fractures.
The Trinity of Unity repairs
injuries better than anything else
Three potent healing herbsarnica, comfrey,
and rosemarymake up the Trinity of Unity.
And when they work together in BST Repair, they
will heal your broken bones, ripped tendons, pulled
muscles, and deep bruises fully and very quickly.
In fact, BST Repair gel can help you recover
from injury or surgery faster, and better than any-
thing else.
These three powerful herbs work because they
impact the most important parts of the healing pro-
cess. And they come together in this highly absorb-
able water-based gel, which is nearly painless to
apply, no matter how bad the injury.
Miraculously heals sprains
but thats not all it does
In addition to debilitating sprains, this formula
can help repair all sorts of insults and injuries,
Broken bones
Torn ligaments and cartilage
Rotator cuff injuries
Tennis elbow
Carpal-tunnel syndrome
Muscle pulls and tears
Plantar fasciitis
Golfers elbow
Impact bruises
Post-surgical healing (including plastic
Arnica facilitates healing
Arnica (arnica Montana) has a well-deserved and
long-standing reputation as a potent pain reliever,
natural inflammation fighter, and bruise healer. And
along with generations of traditional use, theres a
growing stack of science behind this plants potent
healing powers. Heres just a small sampling of the
research supporting arnicas use for injuries.
A 2012 animal study found that arni-
ca improves healing of surgically induced
A randomized human trial found that topical
arnica reduced bruising significantly and more
effectively than placebo
A 2007 study found that arnica gel worked
as well as ibuprofen gel (but with fewer side
effects) to reduce pain and improve function-
ality in osteoarthritis patients
Another double-blind, randomized, placebo-
controlled study found that arnica substantially
reduced pain in carpal tunnel surgery patients,
much better than placebo
And as I saw in Ginas photos, arnica excels in
erasing bruises. It does that by breaking down the
micro-clots that form bruises, a critically important
aspect of healing because those clots can block the
flow of healing nutrients to the injury.
In fact, if you apply BST Repair to a bruise right
away, it can stop the full black and blue from form-
ing. Add that to pain relief that doesnt come at the
expense of healing (like you get with pharmaceuti-
cal anti-inflammatory drugs), and you can see why
arnica belongs in this formula.
Repair injuries quickly with comfrey
When you break a bone, the bone isnt the only
tissue affected. Virtually every muscle, ligament,
and tendon in the area suffers, too. And that makes
recovery even slower and more painful.
And thats why you need comfrey (symphytum
officinale). This healing herb stimulates healthy cell
production by increasing fibroblasts, cells that create
the collagen fibers needed to repair damaged tissue.
Your body automatically and immediately ramps up
fibroblast production as part of its trauma response,
and comfrey takes that response to an even higher
Comfrey has been clinically proven
Treat wounds
Heal broken and sprained bones
Reduce inflammation
Ease swelling in muscles and joints, even in
degenerative arthritis and acute myalgia
Now you may have heard that comfrey can
be toxicand that can be true when you ingest it
in quantity. Topical application has been proven
safe and effective, highly effective, for ramping up
wound repair, and easing pain and swellingeven
better than diclofenac, a powerful NSAID.
A 2007 Italian study
showed that topical com-
frey outperformed diclofenac for patients with
sprained ankles. In fact, this natural healer worked
better for pain relief, swelling, and movement than
the pharmaceutical.
Increased circulation delivers
healing to your injury
Rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis) oil completes
the Trinity of Unity by making sure everything gets
where it needs to go.
This aromatic herb boosts the blood flow to
the injured area, speeding healing and pain relief
and increasing flexibility. Increased blood flow also
ensures that essential nutrients make their way to the
injury site, and that tissue repair by-products can
be flushed from the area quickly to help minimize
These three key ingredientsrosemary, comfrey,
and arnicawork together to support a quick and
complete healing response for traumatic injuries.
And their powers are only heightened by six addi-
tional supportive ingredients.
Six traditional ingredients support
the healing powers of the Trinity
Along with the three primary herbs that form the
Trinity of Unity, BST Repair gel contains six addi-
tional ingredients to make sure your healing process
is the most effective and efficient.
1. White Willow keeps pain to a minimum
2. Plantain further enhances tissue regeneration
3. Witch Hazel increases flexibility and relaxes
muscles, ligaments, and tendons
4. Thyme helps rosemary increase circulation
5. Vitamin C is critical for collagen production
6. Peppermint Leaf cools and soothes the
injured area for instant relief
With all of these supportive and healing ingre-
dients, BST Repair will get you back on your feet
again, in record time.
Heal traumatic injuries quickly and completely
with Bruise, Strain & Tear Repair
BST Repair gives your body all the support it
needs to heal even the most traumatic injuries fast.
Youll see and feel the difference almost right away
and youll never want to be without it again.
The manufacturer suggests the following pro-
tocols: For acute injuries like sprains, fractures, and
surgeries, apply BST Repair three times daily for
three to four weeks. For chronic problems, like golf-
ers elbow and plantar fasciitis, apply the gel three
times a day for four to six weeks.
Even after the pain and inflammation have
faded, your body still has some healing to do. BST
Repair helps keep the healing process going as long
as you keep applying it.
You can find ordering information for Bruise,
Strain & Tear Repair in your Member Source Direc-
tory on page 27.
Exclusive! HSI uncovers government email bombshell:
Are public scientists admitting this brain tumor cure
is being covered up?
was shocked when an email involving the NIH
mysteriously appeared in my inbox.
It held an unbelievable conversation between
scientists some of who work for our very own
government. A conversation about a very promis-
ing cure for brain tumors, and possibly many other
cancers and diseases.
At first I was excited but then fury took over.
You see, the email conversation that made its
way to me in 2013 took place back in 2011. And the
scientists were discussing a potentially groundbreak-
ing study that was published back in 2009.
Four years prior.
Youd think such an incredible discovery would
be all over the news and you may be surprised that
youve never heard of it. Because if you are among
the millions of people suffering from NF (neurofi-
bromatosis) tumors, this plant could save your life
right now.
But I doubt the reason no one knows about this
potential brain tumor cure will come as a surprise.
Proof that prots matter more
than tumor patients?
Its bad enough that the US government knows
of a potential cure for a deadly disease and didnt tell
us about it but consider this:
After the initial discovery by the NIH back
in 2009, they published no more research on this
possible brain tumor cure. Did they conduct more
research into this cancer-fighting rainforest trees
impact on NF tumors?
Based on the content of that explosive email, my
guess is a resounding YES.
In it, the researchers talk about further studies
theyd like to perform, a possible source of this rare
plant and, perhaps most importantly, a possible rea-
son for secrecy:
The potential market value of [these] drugs
would be huge.
That line says it all, shining a light on the need
for groups like HSI who believe that cancer cures
should never be controlled by money and power.
The public will finally hear about it when some-
one can copy the tumor-shrinking powers of this
Amazon tree, cook it up in a lab, patent it, and sell
it for enormous profit. Because, right now, there are
exactly ZERO drugs on the market that can treat
this deadly disease. And whoever creates one, espe-
cially a safe one, stands to make billions.
Until then, you wont hear about this natural
cure. In fact, you wont even be able to find it
unless youre an HSI member, that is.
HSI Exclusive: Theres only one source for
this tumor-ghting plant, and only
HSI members know about it
This shocking email came to me from our very
own HSI panelist Leslie Taylor. She was baffled to
have received it, and forwarded it along to me.
Before Leslie closed the door on her supplement
company, thanks to the Big Pharma supporting
FDA, she was one of the only providers of this native
Amazon cure.
And when Raintree Nutrition stopped selling
healing Amazon herbs and formulas, I thought wed
no longer have access to natures pharmacy, includ-
ing this very hard to find tumor-shrinking plant.
But thanks to Leslies diligence and dedication,
she was able to track down a reliable source for HSI
members, and she shared that source with me.
Floods drought jungle diseases all
blocking the way to this plant
Theres a very good reason this rainforest supple-
ment is so hard to find.
Its very hard to get this stuff, Juan Ferreira (of
Rainforest Natural Products Inc.) told me. Weve
had to trek further and further into the rainforest
to find the plants. And even then, there are many
obstacles. There are bugs as big as frogs out there!
And its not like we can just make more in the
lab. We have to go deep into the jungle, find the
right plants, and work with the native tribes to make
sure trees are replanted. We hope that the rains dont
wash out the road and that the drought doesnt dry
up the river so we can get back to the city. And pray
that no one gets malaria. Its a perilous journey.
Its a daunting task, bringing this supplement to
you. But its well worth the trouble, especially if you
suffer from NF tumors, for which there are abso-
lutely no drugs on the market.
But you dont need to wait for the drug com-
panies to figure out a way to copy and patent this
amazing Amazon plant.
No shortage of studies, except
Since I first saw the mystery email, Ive been
investigating all the studies I could find on this rain-
forest plant known as simarouba dating all the
way back to an internal report by the US National
Cancer Institute (NCI) compiled back in 1976 (and
still not public information).
There are quite a few studies on simarouba and
its key compounds including continuing research
on its potential for fighting cancer.
And among all those studies, theres only one
published by the NIH scientist from the mystery
email since that email. And that one published
seems unrelated to the potential cancer-fight-
ing powers of simarouba discussed in that email.
But it seems that the research by these very
scientists has continued they just havent told us
about it. In a recently published book by one of the
researchers on the email, he reveals something very
interesting: That the research has continued success-
fully, but remains an unpublished observation.
Now we cant look at research that isnt pub-
lished, but we can certainly look at all the very
revealing information that is out there for the public
to see.
Cure for malaria holds the key to cancer
As far back as 1947, scientists began checking
into the malaria-fighting properties of simarouba
the plant Amazon tribes have been using for centuries.
And though the rainforest natives didnt know
exactly how that worked, scientists figured it out.
You see, simarouba naturally contains a group of
active chemicals called quassinoids. And these chemi-
cals have been studied for decades to learn all about
their ability to fight diseases like malaria, including
more modern drug-resistant strains of that dreaded
jungle disease.
So while malaria research first captured research-
ers interest in simarouba, they didnt stop there.
Because it turned out those quassinoids could also
combat another very deadly disease: cancer.
Back in 1976, the National Cancer Institute
screened hundreds of plants looking for potential can-
cer cures. And among the plant chemicals that showed
promise were the specific quassionoids found in sima-
rouba, particularly one known as glaucarubinone.
Since then, in vitro follow-up studies have found
that simaroubas chemicals, including glaucarubi-
none, can take on cancers like lymphocytic leukemia
and solid tumors.
And, now, finally, it seems we know why.
Scientist believes powerful compound takes
tumor-causing killer enzyme
All of this comes down to a single enzyme
known as PAK-1. And this enzyme is a bad one.
It plays a damaging role in many dreaded diseases:
malaria, asthma, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, epilepsy,
and more.
And PAK-1 also helps tumors grown and spread.
NF tumors, especially, but also most solid tumors,
making it a key ingredient in more than 70 percent
of human cancers.
And thats what makes simarouba and one of its
key compounds glaucarubinone so very important.
There are NO drugs on the market that can inhibit
PAK-1. But glaucarubinone seems to do just that.
And according to one of the renowned scientists
on that mystery email, this compound could be a
very useful therapy for NF tumors and maybe so
much more.
Researcher reveals hidden research
proving anti-cancer potential
I am a retired oncologist who used to work
developing anti-PAK-1 drugs for cancer therapy. I
have worked on PAK family kinases since we found
the first member at NIH, back to 1977. I suspect
[glaucarunbinone] inactivates the oncogenic kinase
PAK-1 for the following reasons:
1. This compound inhibits the malaria infection
which requires PAK-1.
2. This compound inactivates NF-kappaB [an
inflammatory compound] which also requires
PAK-1 for the activation.
3. This compound extends the life span of C.
elegans [a scientific model organism] which is
shortened by PAK-1.
So please check if this compound down-regulates
p-Raf-1 (Ser 338) which is the direct outcome of
PAK-1 activation in cancer cells, if you have a spare
time. If YES, this compound (or S. amara bark
extract) would be useful for therapy of NF (neurofi-
bromasis)/TSC (tuberous sclerosis) tumors.
Translation: This veteran oncologist believes in
the tumor-fighting powers of glaucarubinone from
simarouba because of all the things he already knew
it could do more than two years ago.
Thats two years that NF patients may have suf-
fered in vain. Because as he also wrote, Patients
would get an immediate benefit if it blocks the
growth of these brain tumors.
And it get worse. Because now, in his new
, the scientist reveals more. We confirmed
directly that glaucarubinone blocks PAK-1 in human
colon cancer cells
Study titles hold the key to the silence
Why isnt simaroubas cancer-ghting poten-
tial common knowledge? Could it be the race is
on for a patent, along with the possibility of mega-
prots? Just look at these recently published study
Quassinoids: From traditional drugs to
new cancer therapeutics
Biologically active quassinoids and their
chemistry: potential leads for drug design.
And doesnt that say it all
The we there includes that same NIH research-
er, a US government researcher. And that finding
remains part of an unpublished observation.
Mystery email spells out what else
this PAK-1 ghter might do
So it seems pretty clear to leading scientists
including US government scientiststhat an Ama-
zon plant that can inhibit the PAK-1 enzyme might
help fight cancer, especially often deadly NF tumors.
And he believes it may be able to do so much more:
PAK-1 is essential for the growth (and metas-
tasis) of NF and TSC tumors as well as more than
70 percent of human cancers (in particular solid
tumors) including glioma, as well as several PAK-
1-dependent non-cancerous diseases such as AIDS,
malaria, AD and HD [ADHD], inflammation
(asthma and arthritis), diabetes (type 2), epilepsy,
autism etc.
Thats a lot of disease-fighting power coming
from a single but clearly potent plant.
Will it work?
The truth is, we dont know for sure just yet
whether the chemicals in simarouba will absolutely
fight NF tumors in peoplethere just isnt any pub-
lished evidence one way or the other.
What we do know about simarouba is this:
Its been used safely for centuries to fight malar-
ia and other jungle diseases (like dysentery).
It seems to stop the enzyme that encourages
tumors, and NF tumors in particular, to grow
and thrive.
Drug companies seem to be getting very inter-
ested in its key compounds.
Its suddenly nearly impossible to get (unless
youre an HSI member).
All of this adds up to some very promising
potential, especially when you consider that this
plant bark has been used safely for generations.
Simarouba just may bring
an immediate benet for patients
with NF tumors
Since simarouba has not yet been tested in
patients with brain tumors, there is no study dose
to work with. So I contacted Amazon plant expert
Leslie Taylor for dosage guidelines.
Heres what she had to say: Therapeutically I
would recommend 3 capsules (500 mg each) twice
daily and best taken with food.
She added, I notice Juan (Ferreira of Rainforest
Natural Product Inc.] is going to offer an extract
better warn your readers how very bitter, and Im
talking BITTER, this extract will taste. Most simply
cant stomach it and there is nothing you can put it
in that will disguise the taste.
About that extract, though. It turns out that
Leslies company Raintree Nutrition had offered
glycerine extract but were recommending it be used
topically for the skin. Best thing youve ever seen for
taking age spots off of aging skin even liver spots
on the back of the hands. Worked like a charm!
For complete information on simarouba (and
other medicinal rainforest plants), you can visit Les-
lies Tropical Plant Database at
You can find ordering information for simarouba
in your Member Source Directory on page 27.
What else are they hiding from us?!
Government email reveals second secret cancer-fighter
ts incredible really, what the government knows
about but doesnt tell us.
But in that same mystery email that revealed
simarouba as a potential cure for cancer, one of the
scientists (a world-leading researcher) casually men-
tions a proven natural cancer-fighter.
S. amara bark extract would be useful therapy
of NF (neurofibromasis)/TSC (tuberous sclerosis)
tumors, for which propolis is the only effective thera-
peutic available on the market so far.
The full impact of that sentence hit me only after
I read the email a couple of times.
There is actually a known effective therapy for
these deadly cancersknown by scientists and gov-
ernment researchers, anyway.
But once againfor what I can only imagine are
money motivesthey have chosen to keep us in the
Bees deliver what Big Pharma cant
In the race to find a drug that stops the PAK-1
enzyme from helping tumors grow and spread, Big
Pharma hasnt come up with much. But humble
bees have.
In fact, some researchers think that bees may
actually be drawn to anti-PAK-1 compounds in
plants. Because while propolis from different places
in the world has very different makeup (due to the
local plants), it all seems to have strong cancer-
fighting properties, including an impact on PAK-1.
Its really pretty amazing when you think about
it. Propolis made by bees in New Zealand doesnt
have the same chemical makeup as propolis made by
bees in Brazil. But wherever they are, and whatever
plants they are drawn from, bee propolis contains
compounds that fight cancer.
And while we may still not know how the bees
do it, we do know this:
Propolis can be a very powerful weapon in the
fight against many cancers.
Bees hold the key to successfully
ghting cancer
So it seems that wherever bees roam, they gather
PAK-1 fighters from plants and turn them into
cancer-fighting propolis which is pretty amazing.
And there are two distinct and special forms
of propolis (green, and the very rare red) made
only by bees in Brazil, so distinct that theyve been
the subjects of numerous studies. Their chemical
makeup is different, and so are their cancer-fight-
ing properties.
Brazilian green propolis contains a potent
PAK-1 inhibitor called artepillin-C (ARC). The
specific cancer-fighting compounds in Brazilian red
propolis have yet to be identified, but its ability to
thwart cancer cells in vitro points to strong PAK-1
blocking powers.
So though their make up is very different, both
of these forms of Brazilian bee propolis have been
proven to effectively defeat several cancers at least
in the lab.
Big Pharma desperate to come up with
patentable propolis
Drug company researchers are desperately
trying to come up with a way to turn natural prop-
olis into a blockbuster drugno luck so far, but
not for lack of trying. Check out these published
study titles
Propolis: Is there a potential for the devel-
opment of new drugs?
Recent progress in pharmacological
research of propolis.
And though the title of this study
doesnt say
it all, the researchers conclusion calls propolis
compounds good candidates for future anticancer
drug development.
Brazilian red propolis deals
cancer a knockout blow
Between the Brazilian red and green propolis,
many forms of cancer can be stopped, even extreme-
ly hard to treat cancers (like pancreatic cancer, which
has the lowest 5-year survival rate).
There are quite a few studies supporting both
kinds of propolis as cancer fighters, though no
human trials have yet been completed. Well start
with the highly unique Brazilian red.
In one groundbreaking in vitro study, red propo-
lis took on extremely hard to kill PANC-1 pancreatic
cancer cells.
Pancreatic cancer is resistant to almost
all known chemotherapies, and thrives even when
its deprived of nutrients. But the PANC-1 cells met
their match in red propolis extract, which displayed
100 percent cytotoxicity, meaning it killed off all of
the cancer cells.
Another in vitro study
found that Brazilian
red propolis contains cancer-killing compounds so
strong they were comparably effective to common
chemotherapies (including doxorubicin). Not only
that, the red propolis killed off six different kinds
of highly aggressive cancer cell lines, including lung
carcinoma and melanoma.
Whats more, a recent study
found that Brazil-
ian red propolis kept human leukemia cells from
growing and multiplying as well as the standard
chemotherapy treatment, Gleevec. But as we know
from thousands of years of traditional use, propolis
doesnt come with deadly and damaging side effects
like chemotherapy does.
And just a couple of months ago, Brazilian
scientists published this conclusion: Brazilian red
propolis is capable of inhibiting cancer cell growth
and constitutes an excellent source of antioxidant
and antitumor natural agent.
And then theres the power of green.
When it comes to cancer, green means stop
Unlike with Brazilian red propolis, researchers
have identified at least one potent cancer-fighting
compound in Brazilian green, ARC. And its no
surprise that this propolis also can wipe out cancer.
In fact, scientists are working feverishly to study this
miraculous natural lifesaver.
Japanese researchers concluded that Brazilian
green propolis was a solid lead toward the develop-
ment of novel therapies against cancer.
More recently, a team of scientists discovered
just how useful ARC could be in treating prostate
They reported Artepillin C is a bioactive
component of Brazilian green propolis that possess
antitumour and chemopreventive activities.
And two studies
by one of the scientists on
the mystery email found that ARC could almost
completely suppress NF (neurofibromatosis) tumors
in lab mice, confirming its ability to block PAK-1.
Since more than 70 percent of human cancers such
as breast and prostate cancers require PAK-1 for their
growth, it is quite possible that GPE [green propolis
extract]could be potentially useful for the treatment
of these cancers, the researchers concluded.
Bees hold the key to thwarting cancer
Both Brazilian red and green propolis are proven
(at least in the lab) cancer fighters that, unlike che-
motherapies, come with a safety record thats thou-
sands of years old.
Through our extensive HSI connections, we
have located a reliable, pristine, and highly pure
source of both green and the very rare red Brazilian
propolis for you. Unlike other propolis products on
the market, these are prepared using an exclusive
So much antioxidant power that
nothing else comes close
Antioxidant protection is measured on the
ORAC scale. And when the USDA tested hundreds
of foods, herbs, and spices, raw sumac bran came
in on top, with a score of 312,400. Sounds impres-
sive, especially when you compare that to antioxi-
dant sweetheart acai berry, which came in with a
score of 102,400.
But Brazilan red bee propolis (called FLAV-R)
came out of nowhere to beat them all, with an
unheard of score of 354,000. Now thats a lot of
antioxidant power!
water based extraction process called Green Extrac-
tion, making this propolis much more potent
than any other on the market.
Since there havent as yet been any human cancer
trials, the proper curative dosing has not yet been
firmly established, however taking 500 mg once or
twice per day seems to be a safe and effective dose.
The recommended dosage for maintaining good
health is 200 mg once or twice per day.
You can find the ordering information for Brazil-
ian green and red propolis, as well as a combination
formula that includes both of those plus Brazilian
brown propolis (called Bee Propolis Trio), in your
Member Source Directory on page 27.
If you have a loved one in a nursing home you need to know
these 3 shocking secrets
Three shocking secrets
I have an urgent warning today for anyone who
has a loved one living in a nursing home or any type
of assisted living facility.
According to a recent Health and Human Ser-
vices report, the misuse of powerful antipsychotic
drugs in these facilities may be putting many lives
at grave risk.
This is a special concern for any patient diag-
nosed with dementia. In these cases every caregiver
needs to know about the three most shocking details
uncovered by HHS.
What goes on?
In an article on, Inspector General of
HHS Daniel Levinson says that elderly residents in
nursing homes are too often given antipsychotic
drugs in ways that violate government standards for
unnecessary drug use.
Thats shocking detail number one.
Number two: Researchers found that 88 per-
cent of the time, these drugs were prescribed for
elderly people with dementia. This is precisely the
population that faces an increased risk of death when
using this class of drugs, according to the FDA.
Its bad enough these drugs were given com-
pletely inappropriately to patients who had no say
in the matter, but the report also found that many
patients continued to receive the drugs for too long
and at dosages that were too high, in spite of black
box warnings.
Which brings us to shocking detail number
three: Government investigations have found that
several drug companies improperly promoted their
antipsychotic drugs for unapproved uses.
In one case, Eli Lilly actually pleaded guilty to
criminal charges for illegal marketing of the antipsy-
chotic Zyprexa. Part of that marketing included doc-
tors who treated elderly patients in nursing homes.
Levinson adds that federal prosecutors charged
Johnson & Johnson with paying millions in kick-
backs to promote the antipsychotic Risperdal for
treating nursing home patients.
At this point, drug companies ignoring patient
safety to sell more drugs is about as common as a
congressman caught with his pants down, but theres
something about preying on patients who are so
completely vulnerablethe ones least able to speak
up for themselvesthat brings this to a new low,
even for Big Pharma.
Is it really dementia?
In his article, Levinson points out that family
members have to be diligent on behalf of their loved
ones in nursing homesconstantly checking which
medications are in use, how often theyre used, a
record of dosages, and potential side effects.
But what he fails to note is that these questions
are just as important when a patient is first diag-
nosed with dementia.
As Ive mentioned before, many adverse effects
caused by drugsand especially interactions of
multiple drugsare similar to dementia symptoms.
Heres how one geriatric specialist puts it: Any new
symptom in an older person should be considered a
drug side effect until proven otherwise.
If you have a family member in a nursing home,
familiarize yourself with The Beers List of Poten-
tially Inappropriate Medications in the Elderly. You
can find the list on the website for the Duke Clinical
Research Institute ( use search word beers).
Keep in mind that new drugs are always entering
the marketplace, so this list should be considered at
least slightly outdated. For instance, Risperdal and
Zyprexa are not on the list. Clearly, its time to add
them, especially in the case of dementia patients.
Elderly patients must beware opioid painkillers
Taken for a ride
According to the CDC, car accidents are no lon-
ger the leading cause of injury-related deaths.
No, now that honor belongs to poisoning.
Think of all the cars on the road. Millions! And
yet, youre more likely to die of poisoning than a car
And if youre thinking this is somehow related to
kids drinking household cleaners, guess again. No,
for those who die of poisoning, nine out of ten cases
involve drugs. And the most common type of drug
in these poisonings is prescription painkillers.
And this is where todays ethical problem rears its
head. Is poisoning the leading cause of injury deaths
because people are paid to look the other way? Actu-
ally, worse than look the other waylook right at us
and lie to our faces?
Not even trying
If youre geriatric, the American Geriatrics Soci-
ety sold you out. Simple as that.
Three years ago, an AGS panel set new guide-
lines for opioid painkiller use. Basically, the new
recommendations said this. If you have moderate
to severe pain, dont bother with over-the-counter
NSAID drugs. Use opioid painkillers instead.
Now, normally Id be in favor of avoiding
NSAIDs. But not in this case. Not for moderate
pain. Thats like saying firecrackers are dangerous to
play with. You should play with dynamite instead.
Its just an insane recommendation.
Start with addiction. Thats the most dangerous
opioid side effect, because it compounds all these
side effects
Confusion and other cognitive problems
Increased risk of falling and fractures
Respiratory suppression
Bowel obstruction
Sleep apnea
Ironically, increased pain sensitivity is another
side effect. And that can fuel addiction.
For anyone, this is a daunting list of problems.
But its especially frightening for the elderly. And its
made worse by the fact that many of them are given
medication by health care or nursing home workers.
So they may not even know what theyre taking or
how much.
So why in the world would an AGS panel recom-
mend the expanded use of opioids?
It would appear the fix was in. And, as usual,
that means Big Pharma cash was flowing.
Of the 10-member panel, at least five had finan-
cial connections to companies that produce opioid
drugs. The panel chairman had no industry links
when the recommendations were released. But he
was previously a paid speaker on behalf of companies
that made these drugs.
Even to industry insiders, these connections
stink to high heavens.
In an interview with the Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel, the president of Physicians for Responsible
Opioid Prescribing put it bluntly. He said, Finding
prominent experts without these conflicts of interest
isnt very hard.
He added, it looked like, they didnt even try.
But it appears they were trying very hard to
establish loyalty to Big Pharma purse strings. And
apparently it worked. Over the past few years, sales
of opioid painkillers to the elderly increased dra-
When youre in pain, you need and deserve relief.
But it is critical to take the lowest dosage of the safest
medicine possible. And despite what the AGS wants
us to believe, the numbers dont lie. Its just another
marketing strategy for Big Pharmas poison.
Prescription medication harmful to seniors
Cold Beers
Theres no other way to put it: Far too many doc-
tors are letting seniors down.
A new study from Duke University reveals
disturbing evidence that more than 20 percent of
all seniors who are prescribed drugs are receiving
medications that are known to be harmful to older
This lapse in care-giving is nothing less than
shameful. But it serves as a stark warning: No one
should meekly accept what a doctor prescribes. Ask
questions. Research. Take control of your health care.
Slipping through the cracks
In the early 90s, Mark Beers, M.D., and several
other specialists in geriatric drug therapy, developed
a list of medications that were inappropriate for
nursing home residents. The listnow known as the
Beers Listwas amended in 1997, and updated in
2003, and has become a well known tool for guiding
doctors away from prescribing medications that may
be harmful when taken by older patients.
In an interview with HealthDayNews, Dr. Kevin
Schulman, a professor of internal medicine at Duke
University and one of the authors of the study, said
that even though someone over the age of 65 may be
in good health, their kidneys dont function as well
as they did when they were younger. This is one of
the primary reasons that some medications can be
harmful. Antidepressants and muscle relaxants can
put particular stress on the kidneys.
The Duke team examined the outpatient pre-
scription claims for more than 765,000 people
aged 65 or older who had more than one prescrip-
tion filled during 1999. Using the Beers List, the
researchers produced this data:
More than 20 percent of patients over the age
of 65 may be taking inappropriate prescrip-
tion drugs
More than 15 percent of these patients
received prescriptions for two or more of the
drugs on the Beers List
Four percent of the patients were prescribed
three or more drugs on the list
Psychotropic drugs (such as antidepressants) on
the Beers List were prescribed the most, total-
ing more than 40 percent of the prescriptions
Muscle relaxants on the Beers List were the
second most commonly prescribed
Obviously, there are quite a few doctors out there
who are asleep at the switch. And as a result, their
patients may be suffering.
Adding up the danger
Kidney stress caused by drugs on the Beers List
is by no means the only health problem older people
face when filling prescriptions.
Drugs can interfere with the absorption of nutri-
ents. For instance, acid blockers (such as Prilosec and
Nexium) have been shown to significantly decrease
absorption of vitamin B-12; one of the primary vita-
mins needed to prevent anemia.
Other medications that are known to play a
role in nutrient depletion are among the most fre-
quently prescribed drugs on the market. Antibiotics,
anti-depressants, anti-inflammatories, blood pres-
sure medications, cholesterol-lowering drugs, estro-
gen, and tranquilizers can all strip valuable vitamins
and minerals from the body. When two or more of
these drugs are combinedespecially in an older
patientthe risk of developing anemia rises.
And thats when things can get really complicat-
ed, because anemia dramatically increases mortality
risk for patients with chronic health problems such
as heart disease and cancer.
How much can you take?
The harm that a single drug may doby stress-
ing the kidneys and depleting nutrientsis small
compared to the harm that can occur when several
drugs are taken at the same time.
In a study conducted by Medco Health Solutions,
Inc. (a company that manages drug benefit plans),
researchers concluded with this shocking statistic: the
average senior receives 25 prescriptions annuallya
100 percent jump from just five years ago!
As the over-medication of seniors grows at an
alarming rate, we see two serious problems becom-
ing even greater health threats: 1) the wider variety
of drug intake creates conflicting side effects (and
as weve seen before, many doctors treat drug side
effects with additional drugs), and 2) these potent
drug mixes rob patients of the very nutrients they
need most when fighting an illness.
New coin
A few days ago I came across a word that was
new to me: Polypharmacy. This is the practice of
prescribing too many medications.
Along with polypharmacy I would coin this
word: Negligentpharmacy; the practice of prescrib-
ing drugs that are known to be harmful to certain
Unfortunately, many older people are victims of
both polypharmacy and negligentpharmacy because
too many doctors are not well trained or conscien-
tious enough to know the harm that some drugs
may cause. Thats why young and old patients alike
have to be diligent whenever their doctor writes a
Ask questions. Research. Take control of your
health care.
Member Source Directory
Ostinol, ZyCal Bioceuticals, Inc., PH: (888)779-9225; HSI members are entitled to exclusive sav-
ings on Ostinol purchases in 350 and 450 mg strengths: bottles of 350 mg capsules cost US$79.00 and bottles of
450 mg capsules cost US$109.00.
MindCare, Himalaya Pure Herbs, PH: (855)665-8449; MindCare costs US$19.95 for a bottle
of 60 VCaps, and US$33.95 for a bottle of 120 VCaps.
Heart Food Caps, Flax Lignan Health, PH: (817)710-6918; A 200-capsule bottle of Heart
Food Caps costs $24.85. HSI members can get exclusive savings when purchasing three or more bottles at just $22.50
each. Simply use code HEARTFOOD when ordering.
Vital Cell, Tango Advanced Nutrition, PH: (866)778-2646; Vital Cell costs US$39.95 for a 180-count
bottle. HSI members will receive an exclusive 10 percent discount. Simply use coupon code VITAL3 when you order.
Bruise, Strain & Tear Repair, Natures Rite, PH: (888)465-4404, Bruise, Strain & Tear Repair
costs US$19.99. HSI members can receive an exclusive $5 discount when using code HN-BST. In addition, if ordering
by phone, HSI members can receive free shipping when they purchase three or more bottles of BST Repair.
Simarouba, Rainforest Natural Products Inc., PH: (877)210-1560 (automated order line) or (305)235-9880 (for live
customer service); A 100-count bottle of 500 mg capsules of Simarouba costs US$20.00, and
a 2-oz bottle of Simarouba Extract costs US$23.00. HSI members will get free shipping when purchasing two or
more bottles.
Red Bee Propolis, Green Bee Propolis, and Bee Propolis Trio, NaturaNectar, PH: (800)609-7794;
For a 60-count bottle, Red Bee Propolis costs US$74.94, Green Bee Propolis costs US$54.99, and Bee Propolis Trio costs
US$24.99. HSI members are entitled to an exclusive 15 percent discount on any orders greater than US$70. Simply use
code MAYALERT to take advantage of these special savings.
The shattering secret of osteoporosis: Its not just killing women (so MEN, keep reading)
1. Tajeu GS, et al. Death, Debility, and Destitution Following Hip Fracture. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013
Jul 19. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Daniel Tripodi, PhD., The Osteoinductive Effects of Cyplexinol in the Effective Management of Osteoporosis: A
Case Study. Integrative M TripodiCyplexinol Medicine Vol. 12, No. 5, 43-46 October 2013
3. Watts NB., Osteoporosis in Men. Endocr Pract. 2013 Jun 11:1-16. [Epub ahead of print]
Stop a heart attack as its happening with this lifesaving miracle plant
1. Jones, W.K., et al., Peripheral Nociception Associated With Surgical Incision Elicits Remote Nonischemic Car-
dioprotection Via Neurogenic Activation of Protein Kinase C Signaling. Circulation. 2009; 120: S1-S9
2. Satyanarayana MN., Capsaicin and gastric ulcers. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2006;46(4):275-328.
3. Rigelsky JM, Sweet BV. Hawthorn: Pharmacology and therapeutic uses. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2002; 59:
4. Koch e, Malek FA. Standarized extracts from hawthorn leaves and owers in treatment of cardiovascular dis-
orderspreclinical and clinical studies. Planta Med. 2011;77(11):1123-8
5. Ghayur MN, Gilani AH., Ginger lowers blood pressure through blockade of voltage-dependent calcium chan-
nels. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2005 Jan;45(1):74-80.
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