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Ceekdom MasLer's Serles wlLh kaLhy kersLen
March 20, 2014

Cn March 20, 2014, Ceekdom conLracLed nCWCasLSA Lo produce a llve webcasL of 1he
Ceekdom MasLer's Serles March presenLaLlon.

8elow you wlll flnd daLa from our web page and vldeo analyLlcs, and screenshoLs from Lhese


SLory page - hLLp://

Soclal Medla

LlecLronlc newsleLLer - hLLp://

ScreenshoLs - llve webcasL

1hanks Lo Lhe underwrlLlng supporL of Ceekdom, we were able Lo share Lhls exclLlng evenL wlLh
Lhe enLlre communlLy, as well as make Lhe vldeo avallable for Ceekdom Members Lo replay.
Pere are sLaLlsLlcs from March 17 Lhrough !une 10, 2014.

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CounLry vlslLs

SLaLe vlslLs

ClLy vlslLs

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