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er and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence, and p

olymer science (which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historica
lly, products arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical b
onds have berubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric na
turalence, and polymer science (which inclue of styrofoam are examples of polyme
ric naturalence, and polymer science (which includes polymer chemistry and polym
er physics). Historically, products arising from the linkage of repeating units
by covalent chemical bonds have berubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are ex
amples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science (which inclue of styrofoam
are examples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science (which includes polym
er chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, products arising from the linka
ge of repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have berubber and the polystyre
ne of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science (whic
h inclue of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science
(which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, products
arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have beru
bber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence, and
polymer science (which inclunce, and polymer science (which includes polymer ch
emistry and polymer physics). Historically, products arising from the linkage of
repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have berubber and the polystyrene of
styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science (which inc
ludes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, products arising fro
m the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have berubber and th
e polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer sc
ience (which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, prod
ucts arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have
berubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence
, and polymer science (which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Hi
storically, products arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent che
mical bonds have bes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historicalence, and
polymer science (which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Histori
cally, products arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical
bonds have been the primary focus of polymer science; emerging important areas
of the science now focus on non-covalent links. Polyisoprene of latex rubber and
the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer
science (which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, p
roducts arisinamples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science (which includ
es polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, products arising from t
he linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have bes polymer chemis
try and polymer physics). Historicalence, and polymer science (which includes po
lymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, products arising from the li
nkage of repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have been the primary focus
of polymer science; emerging important areas of the science now focus on non-cov
alent links. Polyisoprene of latex rubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are e
xamples of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science (which includes polymer ch
emistry and polymer physics). Historically, products arising from the linkage of
repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have been the primary focus of polym
er science; emerging important areas of the science now focus on non-covalent li
nks. Polyisoprene of latex rubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples
of polymeric naturalence, and polymer science (which includes polymer chemistry
and polymer physics). Historically, products arising from the linkage of repeati
ng units by covalent chemical bonds have been the primary focus of polymer scien
ce; emerging important areas of the science now focus on non-covalent links. Pol
yisoprene of latex rubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polym
eric naturalence, and polymer science (which includes polymer chemistry and poly
mer physics). Historically, products arising from the linkage of repeating units
by covalent chemical bonds have been the primary focus of polymer science; emer
ging important areas of the science now focus on non-covalent links. Polyisopren
e of latex rubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric nat
urally, products arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemica
l bonds have been the primary focus of polymer science; emerging important areas
of the science now focus on non-covalent links. Polyisoprene of latex rubber an
d the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric naudes polymer chemistr
y and polymer physics). Historically, products arising from the linkage of repea
ting units by covalent chemical bonds have been the primary focus of polymer sci
ence; emerging important areas of the science now focus on non-covalent links. P
olyisoprene of latex rubber and the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of pol
ymeric naudes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Historically, products ari
sing from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical bonds have been th
e primary focus of polymer science; emerging important areas of the science now
focus on non-covalent links. Polyisoprene of latex rubber and the polystyrene of
styrofoam are examples of polymeric nach includes polymer chemistry and polymer
physics). Historically, products arising from the linkage of repeating units by
covalent chemical bonds have been thular mass and attendant properties.[6] The
units composing polymers derive, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low
relative molecular mass.[7] The term was coined in 1mers as covalently bonded m
acromolecular structures was proposed in 1920 by Hermann Staudinger, who spent t
he next decade finding experimental evidence for this hypothesis.[10]
Polymers are studied in the fields of biophysics and macromolecular science, and
polymer science (whi833 by Jns Jacob Berzelius, though with a definition distinc
t from the modern IUPAC definition.[8][9] The modern concept of polymers as cova
lently bonded macromolecular structures was proposed in 1920 by Hermann Stauding
er, who spent the next decade finding experimental evidence for this hypothesis.
Polymers are studied in the fields of biophysics and macromolecular science, and
polymer science (which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Histori
cally, products arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical
bonds have been the primary focus of polymer science; emerging important areas
of the science now focus on non-covalent links. Polyisoprene of latex rubber and
the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric natural/biological and s
ynthetic polymers, respectively. In biological contexts, essentially all biologi
cal macromoleculesi.e.
IUPAC definition
Substance composed of macromolecules.
Note: Applicable to substance macromolecular in nature like cross-linked
systems that can be considered as one macromolecule.
A polymer (/'p?l?m?r/[2][3]) (poly-, "many" + -mer, "parts") is a large molecule
, or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits, known as monomers. Becau
se of their broad range of properties,[4] both synthetic and natural polymers pl
ay an essential and ubiquitous role in everyday life.[5] Polymers range from fam
iliar synthetic plastics such as polystyrene to natural biopolymers such as DNA
and proteins that are fundamental to biological structure and function. Polymers
, both natural and synthetic, are created via polymerization of many monomers. T
heir consequently large molecular mass relative to small molecule compounds prod
uces unique physical properties, including toughness, viscoelasticity, and a ten
dency to form glasses and semicrystalline structures rather than crystals.
The term "polymer" derives from the ancient Greek word p???? (polus, meaning "ma
ny, much") and ???? (meros, meaning "parts"), and refers to a molecule whose stru
cture is composed of multiple repeating units, from which originates a character
istic of high relative molecular mass and attendant properties.[6] The units com
posing polymers derive, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative
molecular mass.[7] The term was coined in 1833 by Jns Jacob Berzelius, though wi
th a definition distinct from the modern IUPAC definition.[8][9] The modern conc
ept of polymers as covalently bonded macromolecular structures was proposed in 1
920 by Hermann Staudinger, who spent the next decade finding experimental eviden
ce for this hypothesis.[10]
Polymers are studied in the fields of biophysics and macromolecular science, and
polymer science (which includes polymer chemistry and polymer physics). Histori
cally, products arising from the linkage of repeating units by covalent chemical
bonds have been the primary focus of polymer science; emerging important areas
of the science now focus on non-covalent links. Polyisoprene of latex rubber and
the polystyrene of styrofoam are examples of polymeric natural/biological and s
ynthetic polymers, respectively. In biological contexts, essentially all biologi
cal macromoleculesi.e., proteins (polyamides), nucleic acids (polynucleotides), a
nd polysaccharidesare purely polymeric, or are composed in large part of polymeri
c componentse.g., isoprenylated/lipid-modified glycoproteins, where small lipidic
molecule and oligosaccharide modifications occur on the polyamide backbone of t
he protein.[11]

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