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ABC English Project Fortalecimiento del Ingls en primaria

Comit de Apoyo Pedaggico e Investigativo

esson Plan Form
!eacher" Aldemar !orres#
Andrea Boyle and $ianna
evel" A2.
'ession" 5 !opic" %(sic )enres and
tastes# )oing o(t# Invitations
and ma*ing plans&
%ay +# +,-.&
Students will use in context the prepositions AT-IN-ON.
Students will ask for and answer for locations and directions.
Students will make plans to see an event.
Students will talk aout musical tastes.

Anticipated pro0lems Planned sol(tions
Ss mi!ht not want to speak.
Ss mi!ht find the class orin! and useless.
Ask and !ive directions
"ncoura!e them to speak # !ivin! them a nice environment.
$ake them feel the# are pro!ressin! all the time.
%se realia as much as it can e used.
*ideo eam.
'tage !ime
/0jective !eacher Proced(re 't(dent Activity
+re lesson
,- minutes
T . Ss
To set a nice
mood/ practice
and review.
T will divide the oard in three parts 0 IN- ON- AT1
T !ives students short pieces of paper .
T asks 2s to !o to the oard and stick the piece of
paper in the correct part.
T asks students which ones the# think are not corret.
T asks 2s to open the ook on pa!e ,25 and correct the
position of the papers.
2s !o the oard and stick the papers.
2s !o to the oard a!ain and move and
correct some pieces of paper.
T - Ss
To talk aout
Ss tasteson
music .
T asks 2s to read the conversation on pa!e ,4.
T Stick on the oard some ima!es aout preposition of
T asks 2s to !o to the oard and answer the 5uestion
where the 6ait is.
T shows a video aout the prepositions.
T asks 2s to !o to the ook and take a look at the
different pictures on pa!e ,4.
2s read the (onversation.
2s practice the conversation.
2s !o to the oard.
2s ask for the meanin! of some words
2s practice and do the exercise.
2s participate !ivin! their answers.
ABC English Project Fortalecimiento del Ingls en primaria
Comit de Apoyo Pedaggico e Investigativo
T asks different 2s to read the texts elow the ima!es.
T shows a video aout askin! for directions.
T writes on the oard different wa#s to ask for a
(an #ou tell me the wa# to>8
?ow can I !et to >8
'here can I find the7 a > 8
Is it a >. near here8
@- minutes
To talk aout
and cultural
T asks 2s to do activit# & / pair work on pa!e ,=.
T divides the !roup in As and &s.
T creates pairs with these letters.
T asks 2s not to show their papers to their peers.
T !ives to As a piece of paper and to &s a different
piece of paper.
T ask models the exercise/ # !ivin! the direction of a
A 'here is the > 8 The > is next to/ in front of/ >
Students work in pairs askin! aout
directions and locations to each other on
exercise &/ pa!e ,=.
2- minutes
Ss . Ss
To use
T explain the !ame to the Ss. The !ame is aout
thinkin! #ouCre a lind person and there is a partner
who has to !uide #ou / # !ivin! #ou instructions.
'alk / Turn left/ Turn ri!ht/ It is on #our left/ #our
ri!ht. The oDective is to find some personal
elon!in!s hid around the (lassroom or around the
2s work in pairs to achieve or find the
5 minutes
To assi!n the
To make the
tasks clear
T explains the homework.
Students will rin! a small map of a so
called cit#.
'el12Eval(ation Form
-& 3hich stages and activity 4ent 4ell5 3hy did they go 4ell5 )ive evidence
+& 3hich stages did not go as 4ell as they co(ld have5 3hy not5 )ive evidence
ABC English Project Fortalecimiento del Ingls en primaria
Comit de Apoyo Pedaggico e Investigativo
6& 3hat areas in yo(r teaching 4o(ld yo( li*e to 4or* on in yo(r 1(t(re lessons5

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