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Exit Test (General review)

Track 8
A Listen to the speaker talking about working abroad. Choose the correct answer - a, b or c -
to the questions below. You will hear the recording twice.
1 What is the speaker talking about?
a) Her travels in the UK, China and Brazil.
b) Her experience of culture shock hile orking in the UK.
c) !ifferences in the banking business around the orld.
2 What does she sa" about U#$UK differences?
a) %he" are big and cause a lot of &isunderstandings.
b) %here aren't an" real differences.
c) %he" don't see& big but there are a lot of the&.
3 What does she think of British food?
a) #he doesn't ala"s understand the na&es of food.
b) (t's no different fro& )&erican food.
c) (t usuall" isn't ver" good.
What proble&s has she had ith language?
a) *eople often don't understand her.
b) #o&e accents can be a bit difficult for her to understand.
c) ) lot of people don't speak good +nglish.
! What does she sa" about driving?
a) #he hasn't tried driving in the UK "et.
b) (t isn't eas" but she can do it.
c) (t's no proble& at all.
Track 9
" You will hear #i$e short con$ersations. %atch each con$ersation &' -1() with a situation &a-
e). You will hear the con$ersations twice.
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT
a) calling about a -ob
b) &aking an appoint&ent
c) negotiating
d) &eeting so&eone for the first ti&e
e) talking about a proble&
' Conversation ,...............
) Conversation /...............
* Conversation 0...............
+ Conversation 1...............
1( Conversation 2...............
A ,ead the article and decide i# the state-ents are true or #alse.
11 !#3 is planning to change its na&e to reflect its changing business focus.
12 %he co&pan" has a long histor" of expansion and change.
13 Coal is still a core part of !#3's business.
1 3r #i-bes&a feels that 45! leads the business and that &anage&ent co&es second.
1! +ducation, according to 3r #i-bes&a, is a good a" to change co&pan" culture and behaviour.
Innovation and inspiration
". %ichael /teen
!#3 still goes b" the initials that stood for !utch #tate 3ines hen it as founded &ore than a
centur" ago. %he letters are one of a fe things that haven't changed for a co&pan" that has been in a
continual state of transfor&ation throughout &ost of its histor".
%he coal &ines in the south of the 6etherlands are no closed. But, even hen coal as
central to its business, !#3 expanded into fertilisers as a a" of using the a&&onia produced during
coal processing operations. 7ver the decades, the focus shifted to plastics and, later, che&icals.
%oda", it is once again reinventing itself, this ti&e seeking out the higher$&argin and less c"clical
sectors of life sciences and &aterial sciences.
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT
%he co&pan" has tried to attract the finest technical &inds and put research and develop&ent
at the heart of the business. But, argues 8eike #i-bes&a, chief executive, a greater focus on good
&anage&ent is -ust as i&portant.
9(nnovation, co&ing up ith ne products and launch concepts and business &odels, is one
of the &ain drivers of our strateg",' 3r #i-bes&a sa"s. 9%he hole idea about our business education
starts ith our strateg" ... :ou need a lot of technical knoledge but "ou also need to change the
co&pan" in ter&s of culture and behaviour.'
%he co&pan" ants to create &anagers ho can sho inspirational leadership. 3r #i-bes&a
defines this as co&bining 9authenticit" and vulnerabilit" ith clear direction'. !#3 no orks ith
four business schools ; (3! in #itzerland, Wharton and Babson Universit" in the U# and 4#3 in
4otterda& ; and sends top executives to all four schools to develop leadership skills, gain industr"
insight and ork on special pro-ects that can feed into overall corporate strateg".
%he links ith the universities help graduate recruit&ent. (t also puts its executives in contact
ith other business people. 97ur executives get to &eet people fro& other co&panies and learn a lot
fro& the& during these leadership discussions about industr" develop&ents.
9%he progra&&es are focussed on to things< personal leadership skills and business
ele&ents,' 3r #i-bes&a sa"s. He adds that learning is a ke" part of his drive to transfor& the group
into an innovative life science and &aterial science co&pan".
9What e ant to do ith this hole learning architecture and ith those universities is to
&ake a stronger foundation to support or speed up this hole change process,' he sa"s. 01
" Choose the best alternati$e to co-plete the sentences.
1' !#3 hopes that its &anagers ill learn to ............... the co&pan"'s e&plo"ees.
a) &otivate b) control c) deal ith the personal proble&s
1) +xecutives fro& !#3 ............... at business schools around the orld.
a) run training progra&&es b) have taken -obs c) beco&e students
1* %he training courses allo !#3 &anagers to ............... other people in the industr".
a) co&pete ith b) relax ith c) learn fro&
1+ 3r #i-bes&a sa"s he ants to use education to help his co&pan" co&e up ith
a) a"s of raising capital b) fresh ideas c) strategies for recruiting talent
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT
2( 3r #i-bes&a sa"s that he hopes to ............... change in his co&pan".
a) encourage b) understand c) slo don
A Co-plete the con$ersation with the appropriate phrases &a2e).
a) hang on a &inute, please
b) think of 3u&bai
c) think that's relevant
d) start, please
e) divide &" talk into three parts
/an3a. #o, hat do "ou ...............
"eatta ( reall" like it. %here's so &uch to see and do.
Carlos 4ight, can e ...............
? %he purpose of this &eeting is to talk about the takeover
next &onth. We're going to begin ith a short presentation fro& !ino. !ino?
4ino %hanks, Carlos. ('& going to ...............
. 8irst, ('& going to talk about the ti&eline
of the takeover. )fter that, ('ll talk about ho it ill affect hu&an resources. 8inall", e'll
talk about ho exchange rates &a" affect business after the takeover.
/an3a. )nd hat about travel budgets? ( reall" think ;
Carlos Could "ou -ust ...............
? ( don't ...............
to this &eeting. !ino,
" %atch the state-ents &2'23() with the replies &a2e).
2' 6ice to see "ou again, #a&. a) 6ice to &eet "ou.
2) )lex, this is 6atalie. b) 6ot too bad, thanks.
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT
2* ( don't think our strateg" is orking. c) 3aria, ho are "ou?
2+ Ho are "ou? d) 6o proble&.
3( Could ( call hi& and &ention "our na&e? e) =et's consider another
A %atch the sentence beginnings &312() with the best endings &a23).
31 )areness of a brand is a) being in a ver" bad situation.
32 %he )&erican ord 9freea"' is b) being thron in at the deep end.
33 !onsizing is c) called price fixing.
3 ) video advert being sent fro&
friend to friend b" e$&ail is
d) ho fa&iliar people are ith it, or
ith its logo or slogan.
3! %he difference beteen the price of a
product and the cost of producing it
e) an exa&ple of viral advertising.
3' Being given a ver" difficult task ith
little preparation ti&e is
#) called a tariff.
3) ) probationar" period hen "ou
start a -ob is
g) usuall" three &onths long.
3* ) tax on i&ported goods is h) the profit &argin.
3+ (f co&peting co&panies agree to
hold prices at a certain level, it's
i) hen a co&pan" reduces the
nu&ber of people it e&plo"s.
( Being on the ropes &eans 3) 9&otora"' in British +nglish.
A Co-plete the article using the correct #or- o# the $erbs in brackets
JD steps across the Channel to buy Chausport
". /a-antha 5earson
>! #ports 8ashion kicked off its plans for international expansion b" ..........
?bu"ing @ to bu"A
Chausport, a 8rench sportsear chain, for BC& cash, or roughl" DE&.
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT
%he UK's third$biggest sportsear retailer b" turnover said it ould acFuire all EC stores and share
capital of Chausport, hich ..........
?is based @ basesA in northern 8rance, and inherit its net debt
of B/&.
:oung shoppers ; less affected b" the recession than their parents ; ..........
?did continue @
have continuedA to Fueue for popular brands of trainers and tracksuits in the donturn, alloing >!
?perfor&ing @ to perfor&A better than so&e on the British high street.
%he co&pan" ..........
?as sa"ing @ saidA< 9%his strategic acFuisition gives >! the opportunit"
for further groth b" entering a ne and sizeable +uropean &arket outside of its established bases in
the UK and (reland.' 01
" 0ind and correct the error in each sentence.
' :ou shouldn't to ask for a discount.
) We decided outsource the design ork to a fir& in (ndia.
* Where do "ou go right no?
+ ('& leaving no and ( give "ou a lift if "ou like.
!( ( don't kno if e ill be hire a ne sales assistant this Fuarter.
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT
A You ha$e recei$ed the #ollowing e--ail. 6rite a short letter &!(2'( words) to %r 7spen.
1o8 =en #&others
0ro-8 +va 3artens
!ear =en,
('& in #hanghai. ( have an appoint&ent on %hursda" &orning in Hong Kong ith %o&as +spen. (
as supposed to send hi& so&e draings ahead of the &eeting. %he"'re on &" desk. *lease could
"ou post the& to hi& and apologise for not sending the& earlier? )sk hi& to call &e on &" &obile if
he ants to talk about the& ahead of the &eeting. ('& not sure if he's got &" nu&ber, so could "ou
give it to hi&, please?
" You work #or a 5, consultanc.. You ha$e been asked to write a press release &12(21(
words) #or 9ealth. 5lanet :rganic ;ardens, a chain o# garden centres. <se the notes .ou
-ade during a recent -eeting with the co-pan..
5ress release
Hoing nationide, ith ne stores opening this "ear in 3anchester, +dinburgh and Cardiff
?=ondon store ver" successful in first three "earsA
#tores educate and infor& ?gardening great a" for kids to learn about the natural orld I ever"
store has nature education centre@librar"A
=ondon location being expanded< add in$house garden design service using the latest C)!
?co&puter assisted designA softare.
Hardening a fa&il" activit"J also produces health" food
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT
You are going to ha$e a speaking test that will last 1( to 1! -inutes. 1he e=a-iner will ask .ou
to spend #i$e -inutes preparing the short presentation below. You -a. -ake notes during this
ti-e i# .ou wish.
:ou have been asked to attend a professional conference. While "ou are there "ou ill give a short
presentation about "our co&pan"@college. %he presentation is for people ho are thinking of -oining
the co&pan"@attending the college. *repare to<
greet the group and introduce "ourself.
explain the activities of the co&pan"@college.
explain the benefits of -oining the co&pan"@attending the college.
invite the audience to visit the co&pan"@college and explain hat visitors see hen the" tour the
be prepared to anser the exa&iner's Fuestions.
PHOTOCOPI!LE " #$%$ Pears&n L&n'man ELT

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