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Augmented Arpeggios for Bass

Arpeggios are the notes of a chord played one at a time. This lesson will cover
augmented arpeggios on the neck of the bass. If you are new to arpeggios, be
sure to go through the Basic major and minor arpeggios lesson first. The chord
symbol for an augmented chord is either +, or aug. So C augmented would be
C+, or Caug.

Arpeggio Charts
The arpeggio charts in this lesson are written from a horizontal perspective. So
the first string is on top, and the 4th string is on the bottom. The numbers
in redrepresents the root of the arpeggio. Each arpeggio shape can be played
anywhere on the neck of the bass. The name will just depend on what position
you are playing in. Just line the red notes up with whatever augmented arpeggio
you want it to be. You will need to have a basic understanding of what
the names of the notes are on the neck of the bass to be able to determine what
position to play in.
|-----|--1--|-----|-----|-----| - 1st string
|--1--|-----|-----|-----|--4--| - 4th string

When the root of the arpeggio is not the lowest note in the form, you should
practice the arpeggio in 2 ways.
1. Start on the lowest root in the form, work your way to the lowest note, then
up to the highest note, then return to the lowest root again. Here is how you
would play the above arpeggio form as an F+ with the root on the 3rd string.

2. Play the arpeggio starting from the lowest note, work your way to the highest,
then back to the lowest. As a variation, you may want to pause on the roots in
the arpeggio. That way your ear will become accustom to how all of the notes
sound in relationship to the root. Again the roots will be the numbers in red.

Chord Functions

Each arpeggio chart will be written in 2 ways. To the left you will see a
suggested left hand fingering, and to the right you will see the Chord
Functions. The chord functions are how the notes in the chord/arpeggio relate
to the major scale with the same root. So the chord formula for an augmented
chord is 1 3 5. See the lesson on basic chord construction.
G A B C D E F = G major scale
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

D = G chord notes
5 = Chord function (Chord formula)

The Symetrical Chord

One thing to realize about augmented arpeggios, is that they symetrical. What
this means is that all of the notes are the same distance apart. So from 1 to 3 is
a major 3rd (2 whole steps). From 3 to #5, and #5 to 1 are also a major 3rd.
That means that you could think of the root as any one of the notes in the
arpeggio form. For example, even thought all 3 arpeggio forms below all have
exactly the same fingers, the functions listed to the right are different. So these
are the 3 ways that you could think of the same arpeggio form.
Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



So even though I have broken down the arpeggios below into "root on the 4th
strings, and "root on the 3rd string" forms, remember that any one of the notes
could be considered the root. So you will see duplication in the forms listed. Just
remember that the next note in the arpeggio is either on the next string higher
and one fret down, or it is 4 frets higher on the same string.

Augmented Arpeggios
Root on the 4th string
Root 1st finger
Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Root 2nd finger

Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Root 3rd finger

Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Root 4th finger

Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Printer Friendly Version

Augmented Arpeggios
Root on the 3rd string
Root 1st finger
Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Root 2nd finger

Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Root 3rd finger

Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



Root 4th finger

Suggested Fingering

Chord Functions



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