Anda di halaman 1dari 35


Shafts of ci rcul ar secti on are general l y used for power
transmi ssi on from pri me mover (such as engi ne, el ectri c
motor) to operati ng machi nes such as l athe, shaper or any
manufacturi ng machi ne. In thi s chapter students are made
to l earn about the devel opment of shear stress and angul ar
twi st i n a shaft or a combi nati on of shafts due to twi sti ng
moment appl i ed on them. Then, the shafts are connected to
gears and pul l eys wi th the hel p of keys and how stresses are
devel oped i n the keys. Moreover, students wi l l l earn about the
vari ati on of stress al ong the radi us and angul ar twi st al ong
the l ength of the shafts.
Shafts are general l y made of ducti l e materi al s l i ke mi l d steel . Due
to the appl i cati on of a twi sti ng moment, the devel opment of
stresses, strai ns and angul ar twi st wi l l be di scussed wi th i n thi s
chapter. Si ngl e shaft and a combi nati on of shafts as shafts i n
seri es and compound shafts wi l l al so be di scussed here. How much
horse-power i s transmi tted by a shaft transmi tti ng torque at a
parti cul ar speed i s the i mportant cri teri on i n the desi gn of shafts.
Stress concentrati on due to key ways i n shaft for provi di ng key so
that a shaft i s connected to a hub of machi ne component as
gears/pul l eys wi l l al so be di scussed.
Development of Shear Stress and Angular Twist in a Shaft Due to
Twisting Moment

Chapter 11. Deflecti

Chapter 13. Springs

Strength of Materials
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A rel ati onshi p between the twi sti ng moment, shear stress, angul ar
twi st, l ength of the shaft and pol ar moment of i nerti a of shaft wi l l
be deri ved. For that the fol l owi ng assumpti ons are taken i nto
consi derati on:
1. Materi al i s homogeneous and i sotropi c.
2. Shaft i s not i ni ti al l y di storted.
3. Di spl acement at a poi nt i n the shaft i s proporti onal to
i ts di stance from centre of the shaft, that i s, shear
strai n at any poi nt i s proporti onal to i ts di stance from
the centre of the shaft.
Fi gure 12.1 (a) Shaft subjected to twi sti ng moment (b)
vari ati on of shear strai n and (c) vari ati on of angul ar
twi st
4. Cross-secti ons perpendi cul ar to the axi s of the shaft
whi ch are pl ane before the shaft i s subjected to twi sti ng
moment remai n pl ane after the appl i cati on of twi sti ng
5. Angul ar twi st i s uni forml y di stri buted al ong the
l ength of the shaft.
6. Shear stress devel oped i n the shaft i s wi thi n the
proporti onal l i mi t, that i s, shear stress i s shear
strai n.
Fi gure 12.1(a) shows a shaft of radi us R, l ength L fi xed at one end
and a twi sti ng moment T appl i ed at the other end. Say, a cl ockwi se
twi sti ng moment T i s appl i ed at A and a resi sti ng moment T (ccw)
devel ops at the other end. Axi s of the shaft i s OO. If a l i ne CA,
paral l el to the axes OO i s drawn on the shaft before the appl i cati on
of the twi sti ng moment, i t i s twi sted to the posi ti on CA, maki ng
ACA = (shear angl e). Si nce the angl e i s extremel y smal l ,
shear angl e i s al so known as shear strai n .
At radi us R (outer radi us of shaft),
AA = R, where i s angl e of twi st.
At any radi us r, shi ft BB = r
Shear strai n at radi us
or, shear strai n a radi us r,
Si mi l arl y, AA = R
Shear strai n,
or maxi mum strai n, R = /G, where i s maxi mum shear stress
at radi us R.
Taki ng Eq. (12.1) agai n,
Shear strai n,
From Eq. (12.2),
From thi s rel ati on, we l earn that the shear stress at any poi nt i s
di rectl y proporti onal to i ts di stance from centre of the shaft.
Consi der an el ementary area at radi us r and thi ckness dr (Fi g.

Area = 2rdr
Shear stress =
Now, i s the maxi mum shear stress at radi us R,
Shear force i n smal l area,
Fi gure 12.2
Twi sti ng moment of Q about the centre of the shaft,
Total twi sti ng moment,
Resul ti ng twi sti ng moment,
where R /2 = J, pol ar moment of i nerti a of the secti on of shaft
Combi ni ng the Eq. (12.5) and Eq. (12.8), we get,
The students must l earn about the si gni fi cance of each term as
fol l ows:
T = twi sti ng moment appl i ed on the shaft
= resi sti ng twi sti ng moment i n shaft
J = pol ar moment of i nerti a of secti on of shaft
= (for a sol i d shaft)
= for a hol l ow shaft of external radi us R and i nternal radi us R
2 1
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= maxi mum shear stress at radi us R i n the case of sol i d shaft

and at external radi us R i n the case of hol l ow shaft
G = shear modul us of the maternal
= angul ar twi st i n shaft over l ength L of the shaft
= shear stress at any radi us r of the shaft
Fi gure 12.3(a) shows the shear stress di stri buti on i n a sol i d
ci rcul ar shaft and Fi gure 12.3(b) show the shear stress di stri buti on
i n a hol l ow ci rcul ar shaft, the mi ni mum stress occurs at i nner
radi us R and maxi mum shear stress occurs at outer radi us R .
Exampl e 12.1 A hol l ow ci rcul ar steel shaft of i nner radi us 30 mm
and outer radi us 50 mm i s subjected to a torque of 10 kN m.
Determi ne (a) the maxi mum and mi ni mum shear stresses
devel oped i n shaft and (b) the angul ar twi st over 1 m l ength of
shaft. Gi ven shear modul us, G = 82 kN/mm for steel .
Fi gure 12.3 Shear stress di stri buti on i n (a) sol i d ci rcul ar shaft
and (b) hol l ow ci rcul ar shaft
Sol uti on

Outer radi us, R = 50 mm
Inner radi us, R = 30 mm

Pol ar moment of i nerti a,
Torque, T = 10 kN m = 10 10 Nmm

Maxi mum shear stress,

Mi ni mum shear stress,
Note that shear stress i s proporti onal to radi us.

Length of shaft, L = 1 m = 1,000 mm

Angul ar twi st,

1 2
Exerci se 12.1 A ci rcul ar steel shaft of 30 mm di ameter i s
subjected to a torque of 0.56 kN m. Determi ne (a) the
maxi mum shear stress devel oped i n shaft, (b) the angul ar
twi st over 1m l ong shaft and (c) the shear stress at a poi nt 10
mm away from the centre. Gi ven G for steel = 82 kN/mm .
Modulus of Rupture
Torsi on formul a, T/J = G/L = /R, has been deri ved on the
assumpti on that shear stress i s proporti onal to shear strai n but
when a speci men i s tested i n torsi on, i t fai l s by fracture and stress
devel oped i n thi s materi al goes beyond the proporti onal l i mi t, that
i s, i n the pl asti c stage. If shear stress and shear strai n i s drawn
al ong radi us of the shaft, shear strain at any point remains
proportional to radius but shear stress at any point is no longer
proportional to its radius,rather the curve becomes non-l i near as
shown i n Fi g. 12.4. A torsi on test pi ece i s conti nuousl y twi sted, that
i s, i s i ncreased gradual l y ti l l the shaft breaks. Say, T i s the
maxi mum torque at whi ch shaft fai l s by fracture.
Fi gure 12.4 Shear stress-shear strai n curves
Maxi mum shear stress,
Thi s maxi mum shear stress cal cul ated by usi ng torsi on formul a
i s known as modulus of rupture. It can be noted that i t i s not the
actual shear stress on the surface of the shaft but i t i s a
hypotheti cal stress taki ng strai ght l i ne rel ati on between shear
stress and shaft radi us. However, i t i s a useful i nformati on to know
the limiting torque at whi ch the speci men woul d fai l i n torsi on.
Exampl e 12.2 A steel sampl e of a gauge l ength of 250 mm and a
di ameter of 25 mm i s tested under torsi on and i t was observed that
sampl e fractured at the torque of 920 N m. Determi ne the modul us
of rupture of the materi al .
Sol uti on
Maxi mum torque, T = 920 N m = 9,20,000 Nmm
Shaft radi us, R = 12.5 mm
Modul us of rupture,
= 300 N/mm

Exerci se 12.2 A speci men of copper of a gauge l ength of 200
mm and a di ameter of 25 mm i s tested under torsi on. It was
observed that the speci men was fractured at the torque of 640
Nm. Determi ne the modul us of rupture of copper.
Horse-Power Transmitted by a Shaft
A shaft i s transmi tti ng torque T at N rpm, then
Power transmi tted i n 1 mi n = 2NT
Horse-power transmi tted by shaft
i f T i s i n N m as 1 W = 1 N m/s
If torque i s i n kgf m
Metri c , where Torque T i s i n kgf m
There i s a mi nor di fference between metri c HP and HP.
If HP transmi tted i s known, then torque,
Maxi mum stress devel oped on the surface of the shaft i s = 2T/
R , i n case of sol i d shaft of radi us, R, , i n case of hol l ow shaft of
outer radi us, R and i nner radi us, R .
Exampl e 12.3 A hol l ow ci rcul ar shaft i s transmi tti ng power at
300 rpm. Outer di ameter of shaft i s 80 mm and i nner di ameter i s 50
mm. The maxi mum shear stress devel oped i n shaft secti on i s 65
N/mm . Determi ne the horse-power transmi tted by the shaft.
Sol uti on

Outer radi us, R = 40 mm
Inner radi us, R = 25 mm
rpm = 300

Maxi mum shear
= 65 N/mm
HP transmi tted
Exerci se 12.3 The maxi mum sheari ng stress devel oped i n 60
mm steel shaft i s 60 N/mm . If the shaft rotates at 360 rpm,
fi nd the horse-power transmi tted by the shaft.
Shafts of Varying Diameters
(a) Uniformly tapered circular shaft:
Let us consi der a ci rcul ar tapered shaft of di ameter d , gradual l y
decreasi ng to di ameter d over the axi al l ength L of the shaft.
2 1
Consi der a smal l di sc of l ength dx at a di stance x from the end A of
the shaft as shown i n Fi g. 12.5.
Fi gure 12.5 Tapered ci rcul ar shaft
Di ameter of the shaft at the secti on
Pol ar moment of i nerti a of the di sc,
Angul ar twi st over thi s l ength dx, i .e.,
Total angul ar twi st,
Fi gure 12.6 Stepped shaft
(b) Stepped shaft:
Consi der a shaft wi th di fferent di ameters al ong di fferent axi al
l engths as shown i n Fi g. 12.6. Say, there are three steps of di ameter,
d , d and d wi th axi al l ength L , L and L , respecti vel y, as
shown i n Fi g. 12.6. Pol ar moment i nerti a of these secti ons are:
Torque on each part of the stepped shaft i s subjected to same
twi sti ng moment, thi s i s known as shaft in series. Maxi mum shear
stresses on surface i n three steps are = 16T/d , = 16T/d
and = 16T/d thi s shows that porti on AB wi th mi ni mum
di ameter d i s subjected to maxi mum shear stress. Angul ar twi st
between ends A and D i s:
Exampl e 12.4 A tapered ci rcul ar shaft of 1 m l ong havi ng a
di ameter of 60 mm at one end gradual l y reduces to a di ameter of 36
mm at the other end i s subjected to a torque such that an angul ar
twi st of 1 devel ops between the ends. Determi ne the torque appl i ed
on the shaft.

G = 82,000 N/mm
Sol uti on

Length, L = 1,000 mm
d = 36 mm, d = 60 mm
3 2 1 3 2 1
1 1 2 2
3 3
1 2
3 3
or torque,
Exerci se 12.4 A ci rcul ar stepped shaft of a l ength of 750 mm,
wi th di ameters 80 and 40 mm over AB and AC, respecti vel y,
i s shown i n Fi g. 12.7. Thi s shaft i s subjected to a torque T = 1.5
kN m. Determi ne (a) maxi mum shear stress devel oped i n
shaft and (b) angul ar twi st between C and A, i f G = 80
kN/mm .
Compound Shaft
In a compound shaft, there are two di sti nct porti ons of shaft
subjected to di fferent val ues of twi sti ng moment but angul ar twi st
i n the two shafts i s the same. Fi g. 12.8 shows two shafts A and B, of
di ameter d and d and l ength L and L , respecti vel y, subjected
to a torque T at the juncti on of the two as shown i n Fi g. 12.8.
Torque T i s shared by two shaft A and B,
Fi gure 12.7
T = T + T ,
but angul ar twi st

Say G = shear modul us of shaft A
G = shear modul us of shaft B
J = pol ar moment of i nerti a of the shaft A
J = pol ar moment of i nerti a of the shaft B
Fi gure 12.8
For the case shown i n Fi g. 12.8,
Another exampl e of a compound shaft i s shown i n Fi g. 12.9. A sol i d
ci rcul ar shaft of materi al A i s encased i n a hol l ow ci rcul ar shaft of
materi al B. Both the shafts are subjected to a twi sti ng moment T,
whi ch i s shared by A and B, that i s, total twi sti ng moment T = T +
T , i n thi s case L = L = L.

Fi gure 12.9
where G , G = shear modul us of materi al s A and B, respecti vel y.
Exampl e 12.5 A composi te shaft i s made by joi ni ng an 800 mm
l ong sol i d steel shaft wi th 800 mm l ong hol l ow copper shaft as
shown i n Fi g. 12.10. The di ameter of sol i d shaft i s 40 mm, whi l e
i nternal and external di ameters of hol l ow shaft are 25 and 50 mm,
respecti vel y. Determi ne the maxi mum shear stresses devel oped i n
steel and copper shaft, i f torque T appl i ed at juncti on i s 4 kN m.
What i s the angul ar twi st at the juncti on? Gi ven G steel = 2.G copper
= 82,000 N/mm .
Sol uti on


Torque, T = T + T
L = L = 800 mm
Fi gure 12.10
But T + T = 4 kN m

0.8738 T = 4
T = 2.1.5 kN m
T = 1.865 kN m
Shear stresses
Maxi mum shear stress i n steel ,
Maxi mum shear stress i n copper,
Angular twist at junction
Exerci se 12.5 A sol i d ci rcul ar steel shaft i s encased i n a
copper hol l ow shaft so as to make a compound shaft. The
di ameter of steel shaft i s 40 mm and the outsi de di ameter of
copper shaft i s
60 mm. The l ength of compound shaft i s 2 m and i s subjected
to an axi al torque of 3.2 kN m. Determi ne (a) the maxi mum
shear stress i n steel and copper shafts and (b) the angul ar
twi st per uni t l ength, i f G = 2G = 80 kN/mm .
Stresses in a Shaft Subjected to Twisting Moment
A shaft i n transmi tti ng power, that i s, the torque, i s under pure
torsi on. Due to the torque T, the maxi mum shear stress devel oped on
the surface of the shaft i s = 16T/d , where d i s the di ameter of a
sol i d shaft. Fi gure 12.11(a) shows shear stress at the surface of the
shaft and a compl ementary shear stress at ri ght angl es (i .e., i n
l ongi tudi nal di recti on). State of stress on a smal l el ement on the
surface of the shaft i s shown i n Fi gure 12.11(a). Fi gure 12.11(b)
shows compl ementary shear stress at ri ght angl es, vari ati on of
shear stress al ong the radi us of the shaft. Fi gure 12.11(c) shows the
enl arged vi ew of the stresses on a smal l el ement. At angl e = 45,
pri nci pal stresses are devel oped, p = and p = as shown
(deri vati on of pri nci pal stresses) i n a shaft has been deal t i n
Chapter 3 on pri nci pal stresses. Fi gure 12.11(d) shows the
devel opment of pri nci pal stresses on a smal l el ement wi th
di recti on of pri nci pal stress 45 to the axes of the shaft.
So, pri nci pal stresses at a poi nt are +, , 0.
Pri nci pal strai ns,
Vol umetri c strai n, = + + = 0
This shows that if a shaft is subjected to a pure twisting moment
there will not be any change is its volume. However, the shafts are
steel copper
1 2
v 1 2 3
subjected to bendi ng moments al so due to the forces on el ements
mounted on shaft as gears, pul l eys and due to reacti ons from the
supports. Therefore, a shaft i s subjected si mul taneousl y to a
bendi ng moment M and a twi sti ng moment T at any secti on shown
i n Fi g. 12.12.
Fi gure 12.11
Shafts Subjected to T and M
When a shaft transmi ts torque T, i t i s si mul taneousl y subjected to
bendi ng moments al so due to bel t tensi ons on a pul l ey, tooth l oad on
gears and support reacti ons i n beari ngs. Fi gure 12.12 shows a shaft
subjected to twi sti ng moment T and a bendi ng moment M. If we take
smal l el ements on the surface of the shaft, stresses acti ng on the
el ement wi l l be as shown i n Fi gure 12.13.
Fi gure 12.12 Twi sti ng and bendi ng moments on a shaft
Fi gure 12.13 Stresses on a smal l el ement of shaft
= Normal stress due to bendi ng moment M = 32 M/d3
= Shear stress due to twi sti ng moment M = 16 T/d3
Maxi mum pri nci pal stress at el ement
The bending moment due to maximum principal stress in shafts i s
known as equi val ent bendi ng moment, M .
Si mi l arl y, maxi mum shear stress devel oped on the surface of the
or, equi val ent twi sti ng moment.
The twi sti ng moment correspondi ng to maximum most shear stress
on the surface of the shaft i s known as equi val ent twi sti ng moment,
T .
Exampl e 12.6 A sol i d shaft of di ameter d i s subjected to a bendi ng
moment, M = 15 kN m and a twi sti ng moment, T = 25 kN m. What i s
the maxi mum di ameter of the shaft i f the maxi mum most shear
stress i n shaft i s not to exceed 160 N/mm and the maxi mum di rect
stress i s not to exceed 200 N/mm .
Sol uti on
Bendi ng moment, M =15 kN m
Twi sti ng moment, T = 25 kN m
Equi l ateral bendi ng moment,
Equi l ateral twi sti ng moment,
Maxi mum di ameter of the shaft i s 104 mm.

Exerci se 12.6 A sol i d shaft of a di ameter of 180 mm i s
transmi tti ng 700 kW at 200 rpm. It i s al so subjected to a
bendi ng moment of 10 kN m. Determi ne (a) the equi val ent
bendi ng moment, (b) the equi val ent twi sti ng moment, (c) the
maxi mum pri nci pal stress on the surface of shaft and (d) the
maxi mum most shear stress.
[Hi nt: 1 W = 1 Nm/s]
Torsional Resilience of a Shaft
A sol i d shaft of radi us R and l ength L i s subjected to a twi sti ng
moment, T.
Strai n energy per uni t vol ume /2G
= shear stress at any radi us
G = modul us of ri gi di ty.
Consi der an el ementary area at radi us r and of thi ckness dr,
Area, dA = 2rdr
Vol ume, dv = 2rdrL
Shear stress, = (/R)r, where i s the maxi mum shear stress at
outer radi us R as shown i n Fi gure 12.14.
Fi gure 12.14
Strai n energy per uni t vol ume =
Strai n energy for an el ementary vol ume dv,
Strai n energy for the sol i d shaft,
Note that is the maximum shear stress on the surface of the shaft.
Hollow shaft (i nner radi us R and outer radi us R )
, at any radi us r = (/R )r, R i s maxi mum radi us.
Strai n energy for an el ementary vol ume,
Exampl e 12.7 A 1 m l ong hol l ow ci rcul ar shaft of an outer
di ameter of 60 mm and an i nner di ameter of 20 mm i s subjected to a
twi sti ng moment of 4 kN m. Determi ne the strai n energy absorbed
by the shaft, i f G = 80 kN/mm .
Sol uti on

R = 30 mm, T = 4 10 Nmm
R = 10 mm
L = 1,000 mm
Maxi mum shear stress,
Vol ume of the shaft,

V = (R R ) L
= (30 10 ) 1,000
= 8 10 mm
Rati o,
Strai n energy,
1 2
r 2 2
2 1
2 2
2 2
5 3
Exerci se 12.7 A sol i d ci rcul ar steel shaft of di ameter of 50
mm and l ength of 1 m i s subjected to a twi sti ng moment of 2.5
kN m. Determi ne the strai n energy absorbed by the shaft. G =
78.4 kN/mm .
Stresses Developed in a Key
Shafts transmi t power through el ement l i ke pul l ey, gear and
fl ywheel . These el ements are keyed to the shaft wi th the di fferent
types of keys, but most common key i s rectangular section key as
shown i n Fi gure 12.15. The breadth and thi ckness of the key are b
and t, respecti vel y, as shown. Hal f of the key i s embedded i n keyway
on shaft and another hal f fi ts i nto the keyway provi ded i n hub of
pul l ey, fl ywheel , gear etc.
Say, torque transmi tted = T
Shaft radi us = R
The tangenti al force Q or shear force acti ng on the peri phery of
the shaft, Q = T/R
Say, l ength of key = L
Secti on of the key i n shear = bL
Shear stress devel oped i n key = Q/bL = T/RbL
Same force Q acts as a beari ng force for hal f of the key i n shaft
Secti on of the key under compressi on = L(t/2)
Beari ng pressure or stress devel oped i n key,
= 2Q/Lt
Fi gure 12.15 Key fi tti ng the shaft and hub
Exampl e 12.8 A shaft of a di ameter of 60 mm i s transmi tti ng 20
HP at 300 rpm. The shaft i s connected to a pul l ey of an axi al wi dth
of 120 mm wi th the hel p of a key 14 mm 12 mm (deep). Determi ne
the shear and compressi ve stresses devel oped i n the key. Take 1 HP
= 746 W/s.
Sol uti on

HP = 20
rpm = 300
Angul ar speed,
Radi us of the shaft, R = 30 mm = 0.03 m
Tangenti al force on peri phery,
Length of the key = axi al wi dth of pul l ey = 120 mm
Breadth, b = 14 mm
Thi ckness, t = 12 mm
Shear stress devel oped i n key,
Beari ng pressure devel oped i n key,
Exerci se 12.8 A shaft of 50 mm i n di ameter and 1.5 m i n
l ength i s transmi tti ng 15 HP at 200 rpm. Shaft i s connected
to the pul l ey of an axi al l ength of 100 mm by a key of breadth
12 mm and depth 10 mm. Determi ne the shear and
compressi ve stresses devel oped i n the secti on of the key.
Stress Concentration in Torsional Loading
Usi ng the torsi on formul a, we determi ne the shear stress devel oped
i n a shaft of uni form di ameter. However, i f the shaft has abrupt
change i n secti on such as fi l l et radi us, groove or notch, stress
concentrati on wi l l occur near the abrupt change i n di ameter of
Maxi mum shear stress,
R = radi us of smal l er di ameter at abrupt change.
T = torque.
J = pol ar moment of i nerti a for secti on for smal l er di ameter.
K = stress concentrati on factor due to abrupt change.
Magni tude of stress concentrati on factor K depends upon the rati o
of D/d and the rati o of r/d at the fi l l et as shown i n Fi gure 12.16(a).
Si mi l arl y, for a grooved shaft the val ue of K depends on the rati o
of D/d and r/d where r i s the groove radi us as shown i n Fi gure
For shaft wi th keyways, whi ch are general l y used to connect
gears, pul l eys and fl ywheel s on shaft, ASME al l ows 25 per cent
reducti on i n al l owabl e stress usi ng the equati on, = TR /T, where
R i s outer radi us of the shaft.
Fi gure 12.16 Stress concentrati on factors
Exampl e 12.9 A stepped shaft transmi ts 100 HP as i t rotates at
400 rpm. The al l owabl e shear stress i n secti on of shaft i s 50 MPa.
The l arger shaft has a di ameter of 100 mm and smal l er shaft has a
di ameter of 75 mm. The fi l l et radi us at the juncti on of the shafts i s
6 mm. Use the stress concentrati on factor val ue, to determi ne the
maxi mum shear stress i n the smal l er shaft.
Sol uti on
Fi gure 12.17 shows the stepped shaft wi th a fi l l et, the di mensi ons
Fi gure 12.17
Fi l l et radi us, r = 6 mm
Rati o,
From Fi gure 12.16 (a),
HP = 100
rpm = 400
Smal l er di ameter, d = 75 mm
Shear stress,
Maxi mum shear stress, = K t = 1.45 21.5 = 31.2

Exerci se 12.9 A transmi ssi on shaft has a semi ci rcul ar
groove wi th a radi us of 5 mm machi ned i nto a di ameter of 100
mm. The maxi mum shear stress i n the shaft must not exceed
70 MPa, determi ne the maxi mum torque that can be
transmi tted by the shaft (Refer to Fi gure 12.18)
Probl em 12.1 A torsi on bar, 1 m l ong, i s to be desi gned. Shear
modul us of the bar = 84,000 N/mm . Determi ne the requi red
di ameter of the shaft, so that resi sti ng torsi onal spri ng constant (or
torsi onal sti ffness) of the bar i s 36 Nm/degree of angul ar trust.
Sol uti on
Fi gure 12.18
Twi sti ng moment, T = 36 Nm
Requi red shaft di ameter, d = 22.36 mm.
Probl em 12.2 A hol l ow ci rcul ar steel shaft i s requi red to transmi t
300 HP at 200 rpm. The maxi mum torque devel oped i s 1.5 ti mes of
the mean torque. Determi ne the external di ameter of the shaft i f i t
i s doubl e the i nternal di ameter. The maxi mum shear stress i s not
to exceed 80 MPa. Gi ven G = 82 kN/mm .
Sol uti on

HP = 300
= 300 746 Nm/s
N = 200 rpm
Angul ar speed,
Mean torque,
Maxi mum torque,

T = 1.5 T = 1.5 10,685.66
= 16,028.5 Nm
= 16.0285 10 Nmm
Say, external di ameter = D
i nternal di ameter = 0.5D
J = pol ar moment of i nerti a
Maxi mum shear stress, = 80 MPa, at radi us D/2
max mean
Probl em 12.3 A vessel havi ng a si ngl e propel l er shaft 200 mm i n
di ameter runni ng at 300 rpm i s re-engi ned to two propel l er shafts
of equal cross-secti on and produci ng 40 per cent more HP at 500
rpm. If the worki ng shear stress i n re-engi ned shafts i s 15 per cent
more than i n the si ngl e shaft, determi ne di ameter of these shafts.
Sol uti on
Say T , torque transmi tted by a si ngl e shaft
T , torque transmi tted by each of two shafts

H = 1.4 H (as gi ven)
Di ameter of each re-engi ned shaft = 143 mm.
Probl em 12.4 A sol i d steel shaft of 60 mm di ameter i s made of l ow-
carbon steel whi ch i s assumed to be el asto-pl asti c wi th = 160
MPa and G = 84,000 N/mm . Determi ne the maxi mum shear stress
due to an appl i ed torque of (a) 2.5 kN m and (b) 7.5 kN m.
Sol uti on
di ameter,
d = 60 mm
Torque, T = 2.5 kN m
= 2.5 10 Nmm
Maxi mum shear stress,
2. Torque,
T = 7.5 kN m
= 7.5 10 Nmm
Maxi mum shear stress,
But the behavi our of the materi al i s el asto-pl asti c, that i s, OA,
el asti c and AB, ful l y pl asti c as shown i n Fi gure 12.19.
So, maxi mum shear stress i n shaft i s onl y 160 N/mm but not
2 1
y 2
So, maxi mum shear stress i n shaft i s onl y 160 N/mm but not
176.8 N/mm (as cal cul ated).
Fi gure 12.19
Probl em 12.5 A sol i d mari ne propel l er shaft i s transmi tti ng
power at 1,200 rpm. The vessel i s bei ng propel l ed at a speed of 18
km/h, for the expendi ture of 4,000 HP. If the effi ci ency of propel l er
i s 60 per cent, and the greatest shear stress i s not to exceed 50 MPa,
cal cul ate the shaft di ameter and maxi mum sheari ng stress
devel oped i n the shaft.
Sol uti on
Say, thrust = P Newton
Useful work done per second

Effi ci ency = 60 per cent
Input work = 5P/0.6 = 8.33P
Work i nput per second = 4,000 746 = 298.4 10 Nm
= 8.33P
Al l owabl e di rect stress, = 50 N/mm
Maxi mum shear stress,
Probl em 12.6 A sol i d ci rcul ar copper shaft i s requi red to transmi t
30 HP at 200 rpm. Determi ne the di ameter of the shaft i f the
maxi mum shear stress i s not to exceed 60 N/mm i n shaft.
The sol i d shaft i s now repl aced by a hol l ow copper shaft wi th the
i nternal di ameter 0.7 ti mes the external di ameter. Determi ne the
external di ameter of the shaft, i f i t i s requi red to transmi t same
horse-power, at same rpm and maxi mum stress produced i n shaft
al so remai ns the same. Fi nd the percentage savi ng of materi al of
shaft by usi ng hol l ow shaft i n pl ace of sol i d shaft.
Sol uti on
Shear stress, = 16T/d where T i s shaft di ameter
Hollow shaft
Inner di ameter, d = 0.7D
Pol ar moment of i nerti a,

D =
D = 119.365 10
D = 49.23 mm
d = 0.7 D = 34.46 mm
Area of cross-secti on,
Area of cross-secti on of sol i d shaft,
Percentage savi ng of materi al
Probl em 12.7 A steel shaft of a di ameter of 100 mm runs at 300
rpm. Thi s steel shaft has a 20-mm-thi ck bronze bushi ng shrunk
over i ts enti re l ength of 2 m. If the maxi mum sheari ng stress i n
steel shaft i s not to exceed 40 N/mm , fi nd (a) power of the engi ne
and (b) torsi onal ri gi di ty of the shaft.
Gi ven G = 84 kN/mm , G = 42 kN/mm
Sol uti on
Maxi mum shear stress i n steel shaft, = 40 N/mm
Di ameter of steel shaft, d = 100 mm
Torque transmi tted by steel shaft,
Steel shaft has bronze sl eeve of thi ckness 20 mm, say torque
transmi tted by bronze shaft i s T , then
steel bronze
3 3
2 2
where pol ar moment of i nerti a of bronze shaft,
T =
1.421 T = 1.421 7.854 10 = 11.16
10 Nmm
Total torque, T = T + T = (7.854 + 11.16) 10 Nmm
= 19.014 10 Nmm = 19.014 10 Nm
Now, = , i n a compound shaft
Length of shaft = 2 m = 2,000 mm
Torsi onal ri gi di ty of
= 1,000.74 10 Nmm/rad
= 1,000.74 kN m/rad
Power of the engi ne = 2NT Nm/mi n
= 2 300 19.014 10 Nm/mi n
= 35,840.5 10 Nm/mi n
= 597.74 10 Nm/s = 597.74 kW
Probl em 12.8 A compound dri ve shaft consi sts of a 4-m-l ong sol i d
ci rcul ar steel shaft of 50 mm i n di ameter surrounded by a 2-m-
l ong al umi ni um tube as shown i n Fi g. 12.20. Tube and shaft are
both ri gi dl y fi xed to a machi ne. Pi n D of di ameter 15 mm fi l l s a hol e
dri l l ed compl etel y through tube and the shaft. Sheari ng
deformati on i n pi n and deformati on i n between pi n and shaft can
be negl ected. Cal cul ate the maxi mum torque T whi ch can be
appl i ed to the steel shaft wi thout exceedi ng an average sheari ng
stress of
8 MPa i n the pi n.

G = 80 GPa, G = 28 GPa
Sol uti on
Pi n di ameter, d = 15 mm
Sheari ng stress i n pi n = 8 MPa
Sheari ng force i n pi n, (Shearing at two ends)
s B
steel al umi ni um
6 3
Fi gure 12.20 Probl em 12.8
Radi us of shaft B, R = 25 mm
Torque on shaft B i n porti on AB (Compound shaft)

= Q R = 2,827.4 25
= 70, 686 Nmm = 70, 686 Nm
Compound shaft
T = torque shared by al umi ni um
T = torque shared by steel
Now T = 70.686 Nm

T = 1.4218 70.686 = 100.506 Nm
T = T + T = 70.686 + 100.506
= 171.192 Nm
Probl em 12.9 A ci rcul ar stepped shaft shown i n Fi g. 12.21 i s
subjected to a torque T = 500 Nm and T = 2,000 Nm. Determi ne
the maxi mum shear stress i n both steel and brass secti on of the
shaft. The shaft i s fi xed at l eft end.
Sol uti on
For equi l i bri um, cl ockwi se resi sti ng coupl e i s 2,000 + 500 = 2,500
Nm (cw). Torque i n two porti ons AB and BC wi l l be as shown i n Fi g.
Fi gure 12.21 Probl em 12.9
Fi gure 12.22 Probl em 12.9
Note that net torque at B i s 2,500 500 = 2,000 Nm (ccw)
Steel shaft
Brass shaft
Probl em 12.10 A 5-HP motor shown i n Fi g. 12.23 del i vers 3 and 2
HP, respecti vel y, to accessory gears B and C. Determi ne (a)
maxi mum shear stress i n steel shaft dri ve and (b) angul ar twi st
between C and A, i f the angul ar speed of the shaft i s 1,000 rpm and
G = 80 kN/mm .
Fi gure 12.23
Sol uti on
HP del i vered by motor = 5 HP
HP consumed by gear B = 3 HP
HP recei ved by gear C = 2 HP (as shown i n Fi g. 12.23)
Portion AB transmits 5 HP power.
Speed = 1,000 rpm
Angul ar speed,
Di ameter, d = 20 mm
Probl em 12.11 A hori zontal shaft AB, 1 m l ong, ri gi dl y fi xed at
both the ends, A and B, i s subjected to axi al twi sti ng moments of T
= 2.5 kN m and T = 4 kN m at di stances of 0.25 and 0.75 m from end
A and are i n anti cl ockwi se di recti on l ooki ng from end A as shown
i n Fi g. 12.24. Determi ne end fi xi ng coupl es.
Sol uti on
Say, fi xi ng coupl es at ends A and B are T and T , respecti vel y.
Torque on porti on CD = T 2.5 kNm
Torque on porti on DB = T 2.5 4 = T 6.5
Total angul ar twi st between A and B
+ + = 0 as both the ends are fi xed
G and J of shaft i s the same throughout, so
or, T 0.25 + (T 2.5)0.5 + (T 6.5)0.25 = 0
or, 0.25T + 0.5T 1.25 + 0.25T 1.625 = 0
T 2.875 = 0
T = 2.875 kN m = T
T 2.5 = + 0.375 kN m = T
T 6.5 = 2.875 6.5
3.625 kN
Fi gure 12.24 shows the torque di stri buti on di agram.
Fi gure 12.24 Torque di stri buti on di agram
Probl em 12.12 A pi pe canti l ever i s subjected to a l oad at the end of
a l ever as shown i n the Fi g. 12.25. The outer di ameter of pi pe i s 100
mm and the i nner di ameter of the pi pe i s 80 mm. Determi ne
pri nci pal stresses at poi nt D at top edge of canti l ever as shown i n
the fi gure.
Sol uti on
Bendi ng moment at poi nt D,

M = 2 1.2 = 2.4 kN m
Twi sti ng moment at poi nt D,

T = 2 0.6 = 1.6 kN m
Outer di ameter of pi pe, D = 100 mm
Inner di ameter, d = 80 mm
Moment of i nerti a,
Pol ar moment of i nerti a, I = 2I = 579.6 10 mm
Shear stress at D,
Fi gure 12.25
Bendi ng stress at D
State of stress at the poi nt D i s shown i n Fi g. 12.26.
Principal stress
Fi gure 12.26
zz zz
4 4
Probl em 12.13 A sol i d shaft of a di ameter of 80 mm i s
transmi tti ng 250 kW at 200 rpm. It i s al so subjected to a bendi ng
moment of 5 kN m and an end thrust. If the maxi mum pri nci pal
stress devel oped i n shaft i s 200 N/mm , determi ne the magni tude
of end thrust.
Sol uti on
Power transmi ssi on = 250 kW = 250 kN m/s
rpm = 200
Shaft di ameter, d = 80 mm
Shear stress devel oped i n shaft,
Bendi ng moment, M = 5 kN m = 5 10 Nmm
= di rect stress due to bendi ng moment
Say, di rect stress due to end thrust i s
Resul tant di rect stress, = = 99.47
= + = 99.47 +
Maxi mum pri nci pal stress,
Say and are both compressi ve
129.5 = 99.47 + (both are compressi ve)
= 129.5 99.47 = 30.03 N/mm
Area of cross-secti on of shaft
End thrust,

P = t A = 5,026.55 30.03
= 1,50,947 N
= 150.947 kN
Consi deri ng = (tensi l e and compressi ve)
b t t
b t t
b t
b t
129.5 = 99.47 whi ch i s not possi bl e as wi l l al so be i n tensi on
so, P = 150.947 kN
Probl em 12.14 A fl anged coupl i ng has n bol ts of a di ameter of 19
mm arranged symmetri cal l y al ong a bol t ci rcl e of di ameter of 300
mm. If the di ameter of the shaft i s 80 mm and i t i s stressed up to 80
N/mm , determi ne the val ue of n i f the shear stress i n bol ts i s not
to exceed 35 N/mm .
Fi gure 12.27 Bol ts joi ni ng fl anges
Sol uti on
A fl ange coupl i ng i s used to connect two shafts, so that the power
can be transmi tted from one shaft to the other. Fl anges connecti ng
the shafts are joi ned together wi th the hel p of bol ts (Fi g. 12.27)
Maxi mum stress i n shaft, = 80 N/mm

Shaft di ameter, d = 80 mm
Torque transmi tted,
Bol t ci rcl e radi us, R = 150 mm
Shear force i s both,
Bol t di ameter, d = 19 mm
Area of cross-secti on of each
bol t
Al l owabl e stress i n each bol t = 35 N/mm
Shear force transmi tted by
each bol t
= 35 283.53

F = 9923.6 N
or number of bol ts
n = 6 bol ts to connect the two fl anges of coupl i ng.
Probl em 12.15 A spl i ned shaft connecti on i s shown i n Fi g. 12.28 i s
60 mm l ong and i s used to permi t axi al movement of the shaft
rel ati ve to the hub duri ng torque transmi ssi on i n order to faci l i tate
axi al movement i n the connecti on, si de pressure on spl i ne i s not to
exceed 10 N/ mm . Cal cul ate the power that can be transmi tted by
shaft at 300 rpm.
t t
Fi gure 12.28 Spl i ned shaft
Sol uti on
Length of spl i nes, L = 60 mm
Outer di ameter of spl i nes = 60 mm
Inner di ameter of spl i nes = 48 mm
Wi dth of each spl i ne, w = 12 mm (as shown i n Fi g. 12.28)
Area under shear = w.L = 12 60 = 720 mm
Si de pressure = 10 N/mm
Compressi ve force per spl i ne
Angul ar speed,
Number of spl i nes = 6
Mean radi us of spl i ne,
Torque transmi tted = nPR

= 6 3,600 27
= 583.2 Nm
Power, P = .T = 31.416 589.2
= 18,322 Nm/s
= 18.322 kW
Shear stress i n spl i nes,
Key Points to Remember
Torsi on formul a,

T = torque on shaft
J = pol ar moment of i nerti a of shaft secti on
G = shear modul us
= angul ar twi st over l ength L
= maxi mum shear stress at radi us R
= shear stress at any radi us r.
Modul us of rupture, for a sol i d shaft
HP transmi tted by a shaft

N = speed i n rpm
T = Torque i n Nm
If several shaft are i n seri es, then same twi sti ng moment
acts on al l the shafts, but angul ar twi st wi l l be di fferent and
total angul ar twi st wi l l be the sum of al l the angul ar twi sts.
It two shafts are i n paral l el , then angul ar twi st i n both
shafts wi l l be the same. Total torque T wi l l be shared by the
two, that i s, T + T = T.
Strai n energy per uni t vol ume = /4G, where i s the
maxi mum shear stress (for a sol i d shaft). For hol l ow shaft
shear strai n energy per uni t vol ume /4G (D + D /D ),
where D and D are outer and i nner di ameters of the shaft.
If a key of breadth b, thi ckness t and l ength L connects a
shaft and hub for power transmi ssi on, shear stress i n key =
Beari ng stress i n key = 4T/DtL where D i s shaft di ameter and
T i s torque transmi tted by shaft.
Review Questions
1. A shaft i s subjected to a twi sti ng moment, show how
shear strai n vari es al ong the radi us of the shaft.
2. A hol l ow shaft of outer radi us R and i nner radi us R i s
subjected to a twi sti ng moment T. Deri ve expressi on for
maxi mum shear stress i n shaft.
3. A sol i d shaft i s subjected to a twi sti ng moment T, such
that maxi mum shear stress devel oped on the surface of
the shaft i s , i f G i s shear modul us, prove that strai n
energy per uni t i s /4G.
4. Take a hol l ow shaft subjected to twi sti ng moment and
wi th the hel p of a sketch show the vari ati on of shear
stress al ong radi al thi ckness of shaft.
5. What are equi val ent twi sti ng moment and equi val ent
bendi ng moment i n a shaft? How these are obtai ned?
6. Make a si mpl e sketch of a shaft subjected to twi sti ng
moment. Take a smal l el ement on the surface of the
shaft and mark di recti ons of pri nci pal stresses.
7. Show that vol umetri c strai n for a shaft subjected to pure
torsi on i s 0.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. A shaft of 20 mm di ameter and l ength 1,000 mm i s
subjected to twi sti ng moment such that = 0.1 rad.
What i s the shear strai n i n the shaft at outer surface?
1. 0.001 rad
2. 0.0001 rad
3. 0.0005 rad
4. None of these
1 2
2 1 2
2 1
2 1
2 2 2 2
2. A hol l ow shaft of i nner radi us 30 mm and outer radi us
50 mm i s subjected to a twi sti ng moment. If the shear
stress devel oped at i nner radi us of shaft i s 60 N/mm .
What i s the maxi mum shear stress i n shaft?
1. 60 N/mm
2. 75 N/mm
3. 100 N/mm
4. None of these
3. Torsi onal ri gi di ty of a shaft i s gi ven by
1. T/G
2. T/J
3. JG
4. None of these
where T i s torque, G i s shear modul us and J i s pol ar
moment of i nerti a.
4. A sol i d steel shaft i s surrounded by a copper shaft, such
that, G , what i s the rati o of T /T i f compound shaft
i s subjected to a twi sti ng moment?
1. 2
2. 1
3. 0.5
4. None of these
5. A shaft of di ameter d and l ength L i s subjected to
twi sti ng moment T, shear angl e devel oped i n shaft i s
0.001 rad. Now, the l ength of the shaft i s doubl ed, but
the di ameter and torque remai n the same. What wi l l be
the shear angl e?
1. 0.0005 rad
2. 0.001 rad
3. 0.002 rad
4. None of these
6. A shaft i s transmi tti ng 2 HP at 100 rpm, maxi mum
shear stress i n shaft i s 50 MPa. Now the shear stress
remai ns the same, how much HP wi l l be transmi tted at
200 rpm?
1. 1 HP
2. 2 HP
3. 3 HP
4. None of these
7. What i s the shear modul us of steel ?
1. 4042 GPa
2. 6063 GPa
3. 7072 GPa
4. None of these
8. A sol i d shaft of di ameter d i s subjected to twi sti ng
moment T, such that maxi mum shear stress devel oped
i s . Now a hol e of 0.5d di ameter i s dri l l ed throughout
the l ength of the shaft al ong the axi s. How much torque
T must be reduced so that shear stress remai n the same?
1. T/2
2. T/4
steel S C
3. T/8
4. T/16
9. A sol i d ci rcul ar steel shaft i s subjected to twi sti ng
moment T, such that maxi mum shear stress devel oped
on shaft i s 200 MPa. If E = 200 GPa and n = 0.3, what i s
the maxi mum pri nci pal strai n devel oped on the shaft?
1. Zero
2. 1,000 mi cro strai n
3. 1,300 mi cro strai n
4. None of these
10. A shaft of 100 mm di ameter i s keyed to a pul l ey
transmi tti ng power. The di mensi on of key are b = 20
mm, t = 20 mm and L = 100 mm. Twi sti ng moment of
shaft i s 1,000 Nm. What i s the shear stress devel oped i n
1. 10 N/mm
2. 20 N/mm
3. 40 N/mm
4. None of these
Practice Problems

1. A torsi on bar 1.2 m l ong i s to be desi gned. Shear modul us of bar i s
82 kN/mm . Determi ne the requi red di ameter of the shaft so that
the resul ti ng torsi onal spri ng constant (or torsi onal sti ffness) of
the bar i s 40 Nm for 1 of angul ar twi st.
2. A hol l ow ci rcul ar steel shaft i s requi red to transmi t 200 HP at
360 rpm. The maxi mum torque devel oped i s 1.3 ti mes the mean
torque. Determi ne the external di ameter of the shaft i f i t i s 1.6
ti mes the i nternal di ameter and the maxi mum shear stress i n
shaft i s not to exceed 75 MPa. Gi ven G = 82 kN/mm .
3. A vessel havi ng a si ngl e propel l er shaft 250 mm i n di ameter
runni ng at 200 rpm i s re-engi ned to two propel l er shafts of equal
cross-secti on and produci ng 50 per cent more horse-power at 500
rpm. If the worki ng shear stress i n these shafts i s 20 per cent
more than that i n the si ngl e shaft, determi ne di ameter of these
4. A sol i d steel shaft of 50 mm di ameter i s made of a l ow carbon
steel whi ch i s assumed to be el asto-pl asti c wi th T = 150 MPa, and
G = 84 10 N/mm . Determi ne the maxi mum shear stress due to
an appl i ed torque of
(a) 2 kN m and (b) and 4 kN m.
5. A sol i d mari ne propel l er shaft i s transmi tti ng power at 1,000
rpm. The vessel i s bei ng propel l ed at a speed of 20 km/h for the
expendi ture of 5,000 HP. If the effi ci ency of propel l er i s 70 per
cent, and the greatest thrust i s not to exceed 60 MPa, cal cul ate the
shaft di ameter and maxi mum sheari ng stress devel oped i n the
6. A sol i d ci rcul ar steel shaft i s requi red to transmi t 60 HP at 200
rpm. Determi ne the di ameter of the shaft, i f the maxi mum shear
stress i s not to exceed 60 N/mm i n shaft.
3 2
The sol i d shaft i s now repl aced by a hol l ow steel shaft wi th the
i nternal di ameter equal to 75 per cent of the external di ameter.
Determi ne external di ameter of the shaft i f i t i s requi red to
transmi t the same horse-power at same rpm and the maxi mum
shear stress produced i s al so the same. Fi nd the percentage
savi ng of the materi al by usi ng hol l ow shaft i n pl ace of sol i d
7. A sol i d al l oy shaft of di ameter 60 mm i s coupl ed to a hol l ow steel
shaft of same external di ameter. If the angul ar twi st per uni t
l ength of hol l ow steel shaft i s 80 per cent of the angul ar twi st of
al l oy shaft, determi ne the i nternal di ameter of the steel shaft. At
what speed, the shafts wi l l transmi t power of 200 kW. The
maxi mum sheari ng stress i n steel shaft i s not to exceed 100 MPa
and i n al l oy shaft i t i s not to exceed 60 MPa, G for steel = 2G for
al l oy.
[Hi nt: It i s a questi on of two shafts i n seri es]
8. A compound dri ve shaft of sol i d ci rcul ar steel of 40 mm di ameter
and 5 m l ong surrounded by a copper tube 3 m l ong, outer
di ameter 80 mm as shown i n Fi g. 12.29. Both the tube and shaft
are ri gi dl y fi xed to a machi ne. Pi n C of di ameter 12 mm fi l l s a
hol e dri l l ed compl etel y through tube and shaft. Sheari ng
deformati on i n pi n and sheari ng deformati on i n between pi n and
shaft can be negl ected. Cal cul ate the maxi mum torque T whi ch
can be appl i ed to the steel shaft wi thout exceedi ng an average
sheari ng stress of 10 MPa i n the pi n. G = 80 GPa, G = 40
Fi gure 12.29
9. Fi gure 12.30 shows a hol l ow shaft subjected to torque T = 3.5 kN
m and T = 1.5 kN m. Determi ne the l ocati on and magni tudes of
maxi mum shear stress i f the outer di ameter of the hol l ow shaft i s
60 mm and i nner di ameter i s 40 mm.
[Hi nt: T = 1.5 kN m (ccw), T = 2 kN m (ccw)]
Fi gure 12.30
10. A 7.5-HP motor shown i n the Fi g. 12.31 del i vers 5 and 2.5 HP
responsi vel y to accessory gears B and C, respecti vel y. Determi ne
(a) maxi mum shear stress i n steel shaft dri ve, and (b) angul ar
twi st between C and A, i f the angul ar speed of the shaft i s 500
G = 84 kN/mm
Fi gure 12.31
11. A hori zontal shaft AD, 1.4 m l ong, ri gi dl y fi xed at both the ends
A and D i s subjected to axi al twi sti ng moments of T = 3 kN m and
T = 6 kN m at di stances of 0.4 and 1.0 m from end A and are i n
anti cl ockwi se di recti on when l ooki ng from end A. Determi ne end
coupl es Fi g. 12.32.
Fi gure 12.32
steel copper
12. A canti l ever made from a sol i d ci rcul ar rod of di ameter 50 mm
i s subjected to a l oad P kN at poi nt C as shown i n the Fi g. 12.33.
Determi ne the magni tude of P such that maxi mum pri nci pal
stress at poi nt i s not to exceed 100 MPa.
13. A sol i d shaft of di ameter 11 cm i s transmi tti ng 700 kW at 200
rpm. It i s al so subjected to a bendi ng moment of 15 kN m and an
end thrust P. If the maxi mum pri nci pal stress devel oped i n the
shaft i s 200 N/mm , determi ne the magni tude of end thrust, P.
14. A fl anged coupl i ng has n bol ts of 25 mm di ameter arranged
symmetri cal l y al ong a bol t ci rcl e of di ameter 300 mm. If the
di ameter of the shaft i s 100 mm and i t i s stressed up to 100
N/mm , determi ne the val ue of n, i f the shear stress i n the bol t i s
not to exceed 50 N/mm .
Fi gure 12.33
Special Problems

1. A hol l ow shaft of external di ameter 120 mm i s transmi tti ng 400
HP at 200 rpm. Determi ne the i nternal di ameter i f maxi mum
shear stress i n shaft i s not to exceed 60 N/mm .
2. How much torque i s requi red to twi st a 2-m-l ong steel shaft of an
i nsi de di ameter of 80 mm and an outsi de di ameter of 120 mm by
an angl e of 1.5? Cal cul ate the shear stress at outer and i nner
radi i of hol l ow shaft.
3. A composi te i s fi xed at one end and a torque of 11 kN m acts at the
other end. Determi ne the torque resi sted by outer shaft. The outer
radi us i s 40 mm and i nner radi us i s 25 mm. Shear modul us of
outer shaft i s 1.6 ti mes the shear modul us of i nner shaft. What
are the shear stresses devel oped i n outer and i nner shaft?
Fi gure 12.34 Speci al Probl em 5
Fi gure 12.35
4. A ci rcul ar steel shaft i s transmi tti ng 20 HP at 300 rpm.
Determi ne the di ameter of the shaft i f the maxi mum shear stress
i s not to exceed 80 N/mm and angul ar twi st per meter l ength of
the shaft i s not to exceed 1. Gi ven G = 80 kN/mm .
5. A sol i d shaft i s transmi tti ng 2,000 kW at 200 rpm. The
maxi mum torque devel oped i n shaft i s 1.8 ti mes of the mean
torque. The di stance between beari ngs i s 1.8 m as shown i n Fi g.
12.34. Wei ght of fl ywheel i s 5,000 kg mi dway between beari ngs.
Determi ne shaft di ameter i f: (a) maxi mum permi ssi bl e tensi l e
stress i s 60 N/mm , and (b) maxi mum permi ssi bl e sheari ng
stress i s 40 N/mm .
6. A torque tube consi sts of two secti ons whi ch are ri veted together
as shown i n Fi g. 12.35 by 36 ri vets of 4 mm di ameter each pi tched
uni forml y and the radi us of the mati ng surface of the tubes i s
100 mm. If the l i mi ti ng shear stress for ri vets i s 50 MN/m ,
determi ne the maxi mum torque that can be transmi tted through
the joi nt.
7. A motor shaft consi sts of a steel tube of 40 mm i nternal di ameter
and 5 mm thi ck. The engi ne devel ops 15 HP at 2,000 rpm. What
wi l l be the maxi mum shear stress i n the tube when the power i s
transmi tted through 4:1 geari ng?
[Hi nt: N for tube i s 500 rpm]
8. Fi gure 12.36 shows a verti cal shaft wi th pul l eys keyed on i t. The
shaft i s rotati ng wi th uni form vel oci ty of 2,000 rpm. The bel t
tensi ons are i ndi cated and three pul l eys are ri gi dl y keyed to the
shaft. If the maxi mum shear stress i n the shaft i s not to exceed 50
N/mm , determi ne the necessary di ameter of the sol i d ci rcul ar
shaft. Draw the torque di stri buti on di agram al ong OABCD.
Fi gure 12.36
Answers to Exercises
Exerci se 12.1: J = 7.9521 10 mm , 105.63 N/mm , 4.92; 70.42
Exerci se 12.2: 208.6 N/mm
Exerci se 12.3: 128.6
Exerci se 12.4: 119.4 N/mm ; 0.021 rad; 1.2
Exerci se 12.5: 84.03, 63.0 N/mm , 6.02
Exerci se 12.6: M = 22.44 kN m, T = 34.88 kN m,
p = 39.2 N/mm ,t = 30.46 N/mm
Exerci se 12.7: 13.233 kN m
Exerci se 12.8: 17.8 N/mm , 42.74 N/mm
Exerci se 12.9: 6.42 kN m
Answers to Multiple Choice Questions

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (b)
6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (a)
Answers to Practice Problems
1. 23.1 mm
2. D = 74.45 mm
3. 157.5 mm
4. (a) 81.5 N/mm , and (b) = 162.97 N/mm but shear
stress i s 150 MPa
5. 99.8 mm, 182.5 N/mm
e e
1 max
4 4 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
6. 56.6 mm, 64.25 mm, 43.6 per cent
7. Internal di ameter = 46.95 mm, N=750 rpm
8. 384.53 Nm
9. = 58.76 i n porti on AB
10. 34.83 MPa, 0.0276 rad, 1.58
11. T = 3.857 kN m, T = 0.857 kN m, T = 5.143 kN m
12. 1.105 kN
13. 33.8 kN
14. n = 6
Answers to Special Problems
1. Internal di ameter = 88.8 mm
2. 17.1 kN m, 41.87 MPa, 62.8 MPa
3. T = 9.887 kN m, 116 N/mm , 45.35 N/mm
4. 43.14 mm
5. 280.5 mm
6. 2,262 Nm
7. 14.75 N/mm
8. d = 27.76 mm, T = 210 Nm, T = 210 100
= 110 Nm, T = 110 Nm
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