Anda di halaman 1dari 10


opi um, wheat , f r ui t s, nut s; wool , mut t on, sheepski ns, l ambski ns
wheat , cor n, pot at oes, veget abl es, f rui t s, sugar beet s, grapes; meat ,
dai r y pr oduct s; sheep
wheat , barl ey, oat s, grapes, ol i ves, ci t rus, f rui t s; sheep, cat t l e
American Samoa
bananas, coconut s, veget abl es, t ar o, br eadf r ui t , yams, copra,
pi neappl es, papayas; dai ry product s, l i vest ock
smal l quant i t i es of rye, wheat , barl ey, oat s, veget abl es, t obacco;
sheep, cat t l e
bananas, sugarcane, cof f ee, si sal , corn, cot t on, cassava (mani oc),
t obacco, veget abl es, pl ant ai ns; l i vest ock; f or est product s; f i sh
smal l quant i t i es of t obacco, veget abl es; cat t l e rai si ng
Antigua and Barbuda
cot t on, f r ui t s, veget abl es, bananas, coconut s, cucumbers, mangoes,
sugarcane; l i vest ock
sunf l ower seeds, l emons, soybeans, gr apes, corn, t obacco, peanut s,
t ea, wheat ; l i vest ock
f rui t (especi al l y gr apes), veget abl es; l i vest ock
al oes; l i vest ock; f i sh
wheat , barl ey, sugarcane, f rui t s; cat t l e, sheep, poul t ry
grai ns, pot at oes, wi ne, f rui t ; dai r y pr oduct s, cat t l e, pi gs, poul t r y;
l umber
cot t on, grai n, ri ce, grapes, f rui t , veget abl es, t ea, t obacco; cat t l e,
pi gs, sheep, goat s
Bahamas, The
ci t rus, veget abl es; poul t ry
f rui t , veget abl es; poul t r y, dai ry product s; shri mp, f i sh
ri ce, j ut e, t ea, wheat , sugarcane, pot at oes, t obacco, pul ses,
oi l seeds, spi ces, f rui t ; beef , mi l k, poul t ry
sugarcane, veget abl es, cot t on
grai n, pot at oes, veget abl es, sugar beet s, f l ax; beef , mi l k
sugar beet s, f resh veget abl es, f rui t s, grai n, t obacco; beef , veal ,
pork, mi l k
bananas, cacao, ci t rus, sugar; f i sh, cul t ured shri mp; l umber
cot t on, corn, cassava (mani oc), yams, beans, pal m oi l , peanut s,
cashews; l i vest ock
bananas, veget abl es, ci t rus, f l owers; dai ry product s, honey
ri ce, corn, root crops, ci t rus; dai ry product s, eggs
soybeans, cof f ee, coca, cot t on, cor n, sugarcane, ri ce, pot at oes;
Brazi l nut s; t i mber
Bosnia and Herzegovina
wheat , cor n, f rui t s, veget abl es; l i vest ock
l i vest ock, sorghum, mai ze, mi l l et , beans, sunf l owers, groundnut s
cof f ee, soybeans, wheat , ri ce, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, ci t rus; beef
British Virgin Islands
f rui t s, veget abl es; l i vest ock, poul t r y; f i sh
ri ce, veget abl es, f rui t s; chi ckens, wat er buf f al o, cat t l e, goat s, eggs
veget abl es, f rui t s, t obacco, wi ne, wheat , barl ey, sunf l owers, sugar
beet s; l i vest ock
Burkina Faso
cot t on, peanut s, shea nut s, sesame, sorghum, mi l l et , corn, ri ce;
l i vest ock
ri ce, pul ses, beans, sesame, gr oundnut s, sugarcane; f i sh and f i sh
product s; hardwood
cof f ee, cot t on, t ea, cor n, sorghum, sweet pot at oes, bananas,
cassava (mani oc); beef , mi l k, hi des
Cabo Verde
bananas, corn, beans, sweet pot at oes, sugarcane, cof f ee, peanut s;
f i sh
ri ce, rubber, cor n, veget abl es, cashews, cassava (mani oc), si l k
cof f ee, cocoa, cot t on, rubber, bananas, oi l seed, grai ns, cassava
(mani oc); l i vest ock; t i mber
wheat , barl ey, oi l seed, t obacco, f rui t s, veget abl es; dai ry pr oduct s;
f i sh; f orest pr oduct s
Cayman Islands
veget abl es, f rui t ; l i vest ock; t urt l e f ar mi ng
Central African Republic
cot t on, cof f ee, t obacco, mani oc (t api oca), yams, mi l l et , corn,
bananas; t i mber
cot t on, sorghum, mi l l et , peanut s, ri ce, pot at oes, mani oc (t api oca);
cat t l e, sheep, goat s, camel s
grapes, appl es, pears, oni ons, wheat , corn, oat s, peaches, garl i c,
asparagus, beans; beef , poul t ry, wool ; f i sh; t i mber
worl d l eader i n gr oss val ue of agri cul t ur al out put ; ri ce, wheat ,
pot at oes, corn, peanut s, t ea, mi l l et , barl ey, appl es, cot t on, oi l seed;
pork; f i sh
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
veget abl es, bananas, pawpaws, coconut s
cof f ee, cut f l owers, bananas, ri ce, t obacco, corn, sugarcane, cocoa
beans, oi l seed, veget abl es; shri mp; f or est pr oduct s
vani l l a, cl oves, yl ang- yl ang (perf ume essence), copra, coconut s,
bananas, cassava (mani oc)
Congo, Democratic
Republic of the
cof f ee, sugar, pal m oi l , rubber, t ea, cot t on, cocoa, qui ni ne, cassava
(mani oc), bananas, pl ant ai ns, peanut s, root crops, corn, f rui t s; wood
product s
Congo, Republic of the
cassava (t api oca), sugar, ri ce, corn, peanut s, veget abl es, cof f ee,
cocoa; f orest pr oduct s
Cook Islands
copra, ci t rus, pi neappl es, t omat oes, beans, pawpaws, bananas,
yams, t aro, cof f ee; pi gs, poul t r y
Costa Rica
bananas, pi neappl es, cof f ee, mel ons, ornament al pl ant s, sugar,
corn, ri ce, beans, pot at oes; beef , poul t ry, dai r y; t i mber
Cote d'Ivoire
cof f ee, cocoa beans, bananas, pal m kernel s, corn, ri ce, cassava
(mani oc), sweet pot at oes, sugar, cot t on, rubber; t i mber
arabl e cr ops (wheat , cor n, barl ey, sugar beet , sunf l ower, rapeseed,
al f al f a, cl over); veget abl es (pot at oes, cabbage, oni on, t omat o,
pepper); f rui t s (appl es, pl um, mandari ns, ol i ves), grapes f or wi ne;
l i vest ock (cat t l e, cows, pi gs); dai ry product s
sugar, t obacco, ci t rus, cof f ee, ri ce, pot at oes, beans; l i vest ock
al oe, sor ghum, peanut s, veget abl es, t ropi cal f rui t
ci t rus, veget abl es, barl ey, grapes, ol i ves, veget abl es; poul t ry, pork,
l amb; dai ry, cheese
Czech Republic
wheat , pot at oes, sugar beet s, hops, f rui t ; pi gs, poul t ry
barl ey, wheat , pot at oes, sugar beet s; pork, dai r y product s; f i sh
f rui t s, veget abl es; goat s, sheep, camel s, ani mal hi des
bananas, ci t rus, mangos, root crops, coconut s, cocoa
not e: f orest and f i shery pot ent i al not expl oi t ed
Dominican Republic
sugarcane, cof f ee, cot t on, cocoa, t obacco, ri ce, beans, pot at oes,
corn, bananas; cat t l e, pi gs, dai r y pr oduct s, beef , eggs
bananas, cof f ee, cocoa, ri ce, pot at oes, mani oc (t api oca), pl ant ai ns,
sugarcane; cat t l e, sheep, pi gs, beef , pork, dai ry product s; f i sh,
shri mp; bal sa wood
cot t on, ri ce, corn, wheat , beans, f rui t s, veget abl es; cat t l e, wat er
buf f al o, sheep, goat s
El Salvador
cof f ee, sugar, corn, ri ce, beans, oi l seed, cot t on, sor ghum; beef ,
dai r y pr oduct s
Equatorial Guinea
cof f ee, cocoa, ri ce, yams, cassava (mani oc), bananas, pal m oi l nut s;
l i vest ock; t i mber
sorghum, l ent i l s, veget abl es, corn, cot t on, t obacco, si sal ; l i vest ock,
goat s; f i sh
grai n, pot at oes, veget abl es; l i vest ock and dai ry product s; f i sh
cereal s, pul ses, cof f ee, oi l seed, cot t on, sugarcane, pot at oes, khat ,
cut f l owers; hi des, cat t l e, sheep, goat s; f i sh
European Union
wheat , barl ey, oi l seeds, sugar beet s, wi ne, grapes; dai ry pr oduct s,
cat t l e, sheep, pi gs, poul t ry; f i sh
Falkland Islands (Islas
f odder and veget abl e crops; veni son, sheep, dai r y pr oduct s; f i sh,
squi d
Faroe Islands
mi l k, pot at oes, veget abl es; sheep; sal mon, ot her f i sh
sugarcane, coconut s, cassava (mani oc), ri ce, sweet pot at oes,
bananas; cat t l e, pi gs, horses, goat s; f i sh
barl ey, wheat , sugar beet s, pot at oes; dai ry cat t l e; f i sh
wheat , cer eal s, sugar beet s, pot at oes, wi ne gr apes; beef , dai r y
product s; f i sh
French Polynesia
coconut s, vani l l a, veget abl es, f rui t s, cof f ee; poul t r y, beef , dai r y
product s; f i sh
cocoa, cof f ee, sugar, pal m oi l , rubber; cat t l e; okoume (a t ropi cal
sof t wood); f i sh
Gambia, The
ri ce, mi l l et , sorghum, peanut s, corn, sesame, cassava (mani oc),
pal m kernel s; cat t l e, sheep, goat s
Gaza Strip
ol i ves, f rui t , veget abl es, f l owers; beef , dai r y product s
ci t rus, grapes, t ea, hazel nut s, veget abl es; l i vest ock
pot at oes, wheat , barl ey, sugar beet s, f rui t , cabbages; mi l k product s;
cat t l e, pi gs, poul t r y
cocoa, ri ce, cassava (mani oc), peanut s, cor n, shea nut s, bananas;
t i mber
wheat , cor n, barl ey, sugar beet s, ol i ves, t omat oes, wi ne, t obacco,
pot at oes; beef , dai ry product s
f orage crops, garden and greenhouse veget abl es; sheep, r ei ndeer;
f i sh
bananas, cocoa, nut meg, mace, ci t rus, avocados, root crops,
sugarcane, cor n, veget abl es
f rui t s, copra, veget abl es; eggs, pork, poul t r y, beef
sugarcane, cor n, bananas, cof f ee, beans, cardamom; cat t l e, sheep,
pi gs, chi ckens
t omat oes, greenhouse f l owers, sweet peppers, eggpl ant , f rui t ;
Guernsey cat t l e
ri ce, cof f ee, pi neappl es, pal m kernel s, cassava (mani oc), bananas,
sweet pot at oes; cat t l e, sheep, goat s; t i mber
ri ce, corn, beans, cassava (mani oc), cashew nut s, peanut s, pal m
kernel s, cot t on; t i mber; f i sh
sugarcane, ri ce, edi bl e oi l s; beef , pork, poul t r y; shri mp, f i sh
cof f ee, mangoes, cocoa, sugarcane, ri ce, corn, sor ghum; wood,
vet i ver
bananas, cof f ee, ci t rus, corn, Af ri can pal m; beef ; t i mber; shri mp,
t i l api a, l obst er
Hong Kong
f resh veget abl es and f rui t ; poul t ry, pork; f i sh
wheat , cor n, sunf l ower seed, pot at oes, sugar beet s; pi gs, cat t l e,
poul t ry, dai ry product s
pot at oes, gr een veget abl es; mut t on, chi cken, pork, beef , dai ry
product s; f i sh
ri ce, wheat , oi l seed, cot t on, j ut e, t ea, sugarcane, l ent i l s, oni ons,
pot at oes; dai ry product s, sheep, goat s, poul t ry; f i sh
rubber and si mi l ar pr oduct s, pal m oi l , poul t r y, beef , f orest pr oduct s,
shri mp, cocoa, cof f ee, medi ci nal her bs, essent i al oi l , f i sh and i t s
si mi l ar product s, and spi ces
wheat , ri ce, ot her gr ai ns, sugar beet s, sugarcane, f rui t s, nut s,
cot t on; dai ry product s, wool ; cavi ar
wheat , barl ey, ri ce, veget abl es, dat es, cot t on; cat t l e, sheep, poul t ry
barl ey, pot at oes, wheat ; beef , dai ry product s
Isle of Man
cereal s, veget abl es; cat t l e, sheep, pi gs, poul t ry
ci t rus, veget abl es, cot t on; beef , poul t ry, dai r y pr oduct s
f rui t s, veget abl es, grapes, pot at oes, sugar beet s, soybeans, grai n,
ol i ves; beef , dai ry product s; f i sh
sugarcane, bananas, cof f ee, ci t rus, yams, ackees, veget abl es;
poul t ry, goat s, mi l k; shel l f i sh
ri ce, sugar beet s, veget abl es, f rui t ; pork, poul t ry, dai ry pr oduct s,
eggs; f i sh
pot at oes, caul i f l ower, t omat oes; beef , dai ry product s
ci t rus, t omat oes, cucumber s, ol i ves, st rawberri es, st one f r ui t s;
sheep, poul t ry, dai ry
grai n (most l y spri ng wheat and barl ey), pot at oes, veget abl es,
mel ons; l i vest ock
t ea, cof f ee, corn, wheat , sugarcane, f r ui t , veget abl es; dai r y pr oduct s,
beef , pork, poul t r y, eggs
copra, t aro, breadf rui t , sweet pot at oes, veget abl es; f i sh
Korea, North
ri ce, corn, pot at oes, soybeans, pul ses; cat t l e, pi gs, pork, eggs
Korea, South
ri ce, root crops, barl ey, veget abl es, f rui t ; cat t l e, pi gs, chi ckens, mi l k,
eggs; f i sh
wheat , cor n, berri es, pot at oes, peppers, f rui t ; dai ry, l i vest ock; f i sh
f i sh
t obacco, cot t on, pot at oes, veget abl es, grapes, f rui t s and berri es;
sheep, goat s, cat t l e, wool
sweet pot at oes, veget abl es, corn, cof f ee, sugarcane, t obacco,
cot t on, t ea, peanut s, ri ce; cassava (mani oc), wat er buf f al o, pi gs,
cat t l e, poul t ry
grai n, rapeseed, pot at oes, veget abl es; pork, poul t ry, mi l k, eggs; f i sh
ci t rus, grapes, t omat oes, appl es, veget abl es, pot at oes, ol i ves,
t obacco; sheep, goat s
corn, wheat , pul ses, sor ghum, barl ey; l i vest ock
rubber, cof f ee, cocoa, ri ce, cassava (mani oc), pal m oi l , sugarcane,
bananas; sheep, goat s; t i mber
wheat , barl ey, ol i ves, dat es, ci t rus, veget abl es, peanut s, soybeans;
cat t l e
wheat , barl ey, corn, pot at oes; l i vest ock, dai r y pr oduct s
grai n, pot at oes, sugar beet s, f l ax, veget abl es; beef , mi l k, eggs; f i sh
grapes, barl ey, oat s, pot at oes, wheat , f rui t s; dai r y and l i vest ock
product s
onl y 2% of l and area i s cul t i vat ed, mai nl y by veget abl e growers;
f i shi ng, most l y f or crust aceans, i s i mport ant ; some of t he cat ch i s
export ed t o Hong Kong
grapes, t obacco, veget abl es, f rui t s; mi l k, eggs
cof f ee, vani l l a, sugarcane, cl oves, cocoa, ri ce, cassava (t api oca),
beans, bananas, peanut s; l i vest ock product s
t obacco, sugarcane, cot t on, t ea, cor n, pot at oes, cassava (t api oca),
sorghum, pul ses, groundnut s, Macadami a nut s; cat t l e, goat s
Peni nsul ar Mal aysi a - pal m oi l , rubber, cocoa, ri ce; Sabah - pal m oi l ,
subsi st ence crops; rubber, t i mber; Sar awak - pal m oi l , rubber,
t i mber; pepper
coconut s, corn, sweet pot at oes; f i sh
cot t on, mi l l et , ri ce, cor n, veget abl es, peanut s; cat t l e, sheep, goat s
pot at oes, caul i f l ower, grapes, wheat , barl ey, t omat oes, ci t rus, cut
f l owers, green peppers; pork, mi l k, poul t r y, eggs
Marshall Islands
coconut s, t omat oes, mel ons, t aro, br eadf rui t , f r ui t s; pi gs, chi ckens
dat es, mi l l et , sor ghum, ri ce, corn; cat t l e, sheep
sugarcane, t ea, cor n, pot at oes, bananas, pul ses; cat t l e, goat s; f i sh
corn, wheat , soybeans, ri ce, beans, cot t on, cof f ee, f r ui t , t omat oes;
beef , poul t ry, dai r y pr oduct s; wood pr oduct s
Micronesia, Federated
States of
bl ack pepper, t ropi cal f rui t s and veget abl es, coconut s, bananas,
cassava (t api oca), sakau (kava), Kosr aen ci t rus, bet el nut s, sweet
pot at oes; pi gs, chi ckens; f i sh
veget abl es, f rui t s, grapes, grai n, sugar beet s, sunf l ower seed,
t obacco; beef , mi l k; wi ne
wheat , barl ey, veget abl es, f orage crops; sheep, goat s, cat t l e,
camel s, horses
t obacco, pot at oes, ci t rus f rui t s, ol i ves, gr apes; sheep
cabbages, carrot s, cucumbers, t omat oes, oni ons, peppers; l i vest ock
product s
barl ey, wheat , ci t rus f rui t s, grapes, veget abl es, ol i ves; l i vest ock;
wi ne
cot t on, cashew nut s, sugar cane, t ea, cassava (t api oca), corn,
coconut s, si sal , ci t rus and t ropi cal f r ui t s, pot at oes, sunf l owers; beef ,
poul t ry
mi l l et , sorghum, peanut s, grapes; l i vest ock; f i sh
coconut s
pul ses, ri ce, corn, wheat , sugarcane, j ut e, r oot crops; mi l k, wat er
buf f al o meat
grai ns, pot at oes, sugar beet s, f rui t s, veget abl es; l i vest ock
New Caledonia
veget abl es; beef , deer, ot her l i vest ock product s; f i sh
New Zealand
dai r y pr oduct s, l amb and mut t on; wheat , barl ey, pot at oes, pul ses,
f rui t s, veget abl es; wool , beef ; f i sh
cof f ee, bananas, sugarcane, ri ce, corn, t obacco, sesame, soya,
beans; beef , veal , pork, poul t ry, dai r y pr oduct s; shri mp, l obst ers,
cot t on
cowpeas, cot t on, peanut s, mi l l et , sorghum, cassava (mani oc), ri ce;
cat t l e, sheep, goat s, camel s, donkeys, horses, poul t ry
cocoa, peanut s, cot t on, pal m oi l , corn, ri ce, sorghum, mi l l et , cassava
(t api oca), yams, rubber; cat t l e, sheep, goat s, pi gs; t i mber; f i sh
coconut s, passi on f r ui t , honey, l i mes, t aro, yams, cassava (t api oca),
sweet pot at oes; pi gs, poul t ry, beef cat t l e
Norfolk Island
Norf ol k I sl and pi ne seed, Kent i a pal m seed, cer eal s, veget abl es,
f rui t ; cat t l e, poul t ry
Northern Mariana Islands
veget abl es and mel ons, f rui t s and nut s; ornament al pl ant s; l i vest ock,
poul t ry and eggs; f i sh and aquacul t ur e product s
barl ey, wheat , pot at oes; pork, beef , veal , mi l k; f i sh
dat es, l i mes, bananas, al f al f a, veget abl es; camel s, cat t l e; f i sh
cot t on, wheat , ri ce, sugarcane, f rui t s, veget abl es; mi l k, beef , mut t on,
coconut s, copr a, cassava ( t api oca), sweet pot at oes; f i sh
bananas, ri ce, corn, cof f ee, sugarcane, veget abl es; l i vest ock; shri mp
Papua New Guinea
cof f ee, cocoa, copr a, pal m kernel s, t ea, sugar, rubber, sweet
pot at oes, f rui t , veget abl es, vani l l a; poul t r y, pork; shel l f i sh
cot t on, sugarcane, soybeans, corn, wheat , t obacco, cassava
(t api oca), f rui t s, veget abl es; beef , pork, eggs, mi l k; t i mber
asparagus, cof f ee, cocoa, cot t on, sugarcane, ri ce, pot at oes, corn,
pl ant ai ns, gr apes, or anges, pi neappl es, guavas, bananas, appl es,
l emons, pears, coca, t omat oes, mangoes, barl ey, medi ci nal pl ant s,
pal m oi l , mari gol d, oni on, wheat , dry beans; poul t r y, beef , pork, dai ry
product s; gui nea pi gs; f i sh
sugarcane, coconut s, ri ce, corn, bananas, cassavas, pi neappl es,
mangoes; pork, eggs, beef ; f i sh
Pitcairn Islands
honey; wi de vari et y of f rui t s and veget abl es; goat s, chi ckens; f i sh
pot at oes, f rui t s, veget abl es, wheat ; poul t ry, eggs, por k, dai ry
grai n, pot at oes, t omat oes, ol i ves, gr apes; sheep, cat t l e, goat s, pi gs,
poul t ry, dai ry product s; f i sh
Puerto Rico
sugarcane, cof f ee, pi neappl es, pl ant ai ns, bananas; l i vest ock
product s, chi ckens
f rui t s, veget abl es; poul t ry, dai r y pr oduct s, beef ; f i sh
wheat , cor n, barl ey, sugar beet s, sunf l ower seed, pot at oes, gr apes;
eggs, sheep
grai n, sugar beet s, sunf l ower seed, veget abl es, f rui t s; beef , mi l k
cof f ee, t ea, pyret hrum (i nsect i ci de made f r om chr ysant hemums),
bananas, beans, sorghum, pot at oes; l i vest ock
Saint Helena, Ascension,
and Tristan da Cunha
cof f ee, corn, pot at oes, veget abl es; f i sh, l obst er; l i vest ock; t i mber
Saint Kitts and Nevis
sugarcane, ri ce, yams, veget abl es, bananas; f i sh
Saint Lucia
bananas, coconut s, veget abl es, ci t rus, root crops, cocoa
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
veget abl es; poul t ry, cat t l e, sheep, pi gs; f i sh
Saint Vincent and the
bananas, coconut s, sweet pot at oes, spi ces; smal l numbers of cat t l e,
sheep, pi gs, goat s; f i sh
coconut s, bananas, t ar o, yams, cof f ee, cocoa
San Marino
wheat , grapes, corn, ol i ves; cat t l e, pi gs, horses, beef , cheese, hi des
Sao Tome and Principe
cocoa, coconut s, pal m ker nel s, copra, ci nnamon, pepper, cof f ee,
bananas, papayas, beans; poul t ry; f i sh
Saudi Arabia
wheat , barl ey, t omat oes, mel ons, dat es, ci t rus; mut t on, chi ckens,
eggs, mi l k
peanut s, mi l l et , corn, sor ghum, ri ce, cot t on, t omat oes, green
veget abl es; cat t l e, poul t ry, pi gs; f i sh
wheat , mai ze, sunf l ower, sugar beet s, f rui t s (raspberr i es, appl es,
sour cherry), veget abl es (t omat oes, peppers, pot at oes), beef / pork
meat and meat pr oduct s, mi l k and dai ry product s, grapes/ wi ne
coconut s, ci nnamon, vani l l a, sweet pot at oes, cassava (t api oca),
copra, bananas; poul t ry; t una
Sierra Leone
ri ce, cof f ee, cocoa, pal m kernel s, pal m oi l , peanut s; poul t r y, cat t l e,
sheep, pi gs; f i sh
orchi ds, veget abl es; poul t r y, eggs; f i sh, ornament al f i sh
Sint Maarten
grai ns, pot at oes, sugar beet s, hops, f rui t ; pi gs, cat t l e, poul t ry; f orest
product s
pot at oes, hops, wheat , sugar beet s, cor n, gr apes; cat t l e, sheep,
poul t ry
Solomon Islands
cocoa, coconut s, pal m ker nel s, ri ce, pot at oes, veget abl es, f rui t ;
cat t l e, pi gs; f i sh; t i mber
bananas, sorghum, corn, coconut s, ri ce, sugarcane, mangoes,
sesame seeds, beans; cat t l e, sheep, goat s; f i sh
South Africa
corn, wheat , sugarcane, f r ui t s, veget abl es; beef , poul t ry, mut t on,
wool , dai ry product s
South Sudan
sorghum, mai ze, ri ce, mi l l et , wheat , gum ar abi c, sugar cane,
mangoes, papayas, bananas, sweet pot at oes, sunf l ower, cot t on,
sesame, cassava (mani oc), beans, peanut s; cat t l e, sheep
grai n, veget abl es, ol i ves, wi ne gr apes, sugar beet s, ci t rus; beef ,
pork, poul t ry, dai r y pr oduct s; f i sh
Sri Lanka
ri ce, sugarcane, grai ns, pul ses, oi l seed, spi ces, veget abl es, f rui t ,
t ea, r ubber, coconut s; mi l k, eggs, hi des, beef ; f i sh
cot t on, groundnut s (peanut s), sorghum, mi l l et , wheat , gum ar abi c,
sugarcane, cassava (t api oca), mangoes, papaya, bananas, sweet
pot at oes, sesame; sheep and ot her l i vest ock
ri ce, bananas, pal m ker nel s, coconut s, pl ant ai ns, peanut s; beef ,
chi ckens; shri mp; f orest product s
sugarcane, cot t on, corn, t obacco, ri ce, ci t rus, pi neappl es, sorghum,
peanut s; cat t l e, goat s, sheep
barl ey, wheat , sugar beet s; meat , mi l k
grai ns, f rui t s, veget abl es; meat , eggs
wheat , barl ey, cot t on, l ent i l s, chi ckpeas, ol i ves, sugar beet s; beef ,
mut t on, eggs, poul t r y, mi l k
ri ce, veget abl es, f rui t , t ea, f l owers; pi gs, poul t ry; f i sh
cot t on, grai n, f rui t s, gr apes, veget abl es; cat t l e, sheep, goat s
cof f ee, si sal , t ea, cot t on, pyret hrum (i nsect i ci de made f rom
chrysant hemums), cashew nut s, t obacco, cl oves, corn, wheat ,
cassava (t api oca), bananas, f rui t s, veget abl es; cat t l e, sheep, goat s
ri ce, cassava (mani oc), rubber, cor n, sugarcane, coconut s, soybeans
cof f ee, ri ce, corn, cassava (mani oc), sweet pot at oes, soybeans,
cabbage, mangoes, bananas, vani l l a
cof f ee, cocoa, cot t on, yams, cassava (mani oc), corn, beans, ri ce,
mi l l et , sorghum; l i vest ock; f i sh
coconut s, copr a, br eadf r ui t , papayas, bananas; pi gs, poul t ry, goat s;
f i sh
squash, coconut s, copr a, bananas, vani l l a beans, cocoa, cof f ee,
gi nger, bl ack pepper; f i sh
Trinidad and Tobago
cocoa, ri ce, ci t rus, cof f ee, veget abl es; poul t ry; sugar
ol i ves, ol i ve oi l , gr ai n, t omat oes, ci t rus f rui t , sugar beet s, dat es,
al monds; beef , dai r y pr oduct s
t obacco, cot t on, grai n, ol i ves, sugar beet s, hazel nut s, pul ses, ci t rus;
l i vest ock
cot t on, grai n, mel ons; l i vest ock
Turks and Caicos Islands
corn, beans, cassava (t api oca), ci t rus f rui t s; f i sh
coconut s; f i sh
cof f ee, t ea, cot t on, t obacco, cassava (t api oca), pot at oes, cor n,
mi l l et , pul ses, cut f l owers; beef , goat meat , mi l k, poul t ry
grai n, sugar beet s, sunf l ower seeds, veget abl es; beef , mi l k
United Arab Emirates
dat es, veget abl es, wat ermel ons; poul t r y, eggs, dai r y product s; f i sh
United Kingdom
cereal s, oi l seed, pot at oes, veget abl es; cat t l e, sheep, poul t ry; f i sh
United States
wheat , cor n, ot her gr ai ns, f rui t s, veget abl es, cot t on; beef , pork,
poul t ry, dai ry product s; f i sh; f or est product s
soybeans, ri ce, wheat ; beef , dai r y pr oduct s; f i sh; l umber, cel l ul ose
cot t on, veget abl es, f rui t s, grai n; l i vest ock
copra, coconut s, cocoa, cof f ee, t aro, yams, f rui t s, veget abl es; beef ;
f i sh
corn, sorghum, sugarcane, ri ce, bananas, veget abl es, cof f ee; beef ,
pork, mi l k, eggs; f i sh
paddy ri ce, cof f ee, rubber, t ea, pepper, soybeans, cashews, sugar
cane, peanut s, bananas; poul t r y; f i sh, seaf ood
Virgin Islands
f rui t , veget abl es, sorghum; Senepol cat t l e
Wallis and Futuna
coconut s, br eadf rui t , yams, t aro, bananas; pi gs, goat s; f i sh
West Bank
ol i ves, ci t rus f rui t , veget abl es; beef , dai r y pr oduct s
Western Sahara
f rui t s and veget abl es (gr own i n t he f ew oases); camel s, sheep, goat s
(kept by nomads); f i sh
grai n, f rui t s, veget abl es, pul ses, qat , cof f ee, cot t on; dai r y pr oduct s,
l i vest ock (sheep, goat s, cat t l e, camel s), poul t ry; f i sh
corn, sorghum, ri ce, peanut s, sunf l ower seed, veget abl es, f l owers,
t obacco, cot t on, sugarcane, cassava (t api oca), cof f ee; cat t l e, goat s,
pi gs, poul t ry, mi l k, eggs, hi des
corn, cot t on, t obacco, wheat , cof f ee, sugarcane, peanut s; sheep,
goat s, pi gs

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