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Happy Foot

Hot Tips
By Caroline Lawrence
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Table of Contents
Chapter 1.
Transform Your Life
What is the Immune system?
Why should you use virus protection, 4Life Transfer Factor?
Why have more Natural Killer Cells?
What are 4Life Transfer Factors and how do they work?
Chapter 2.
How to Overcome Stress and Tension With Reflexology
What is Reflexology?
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Hands, Feet and Ear Reflexology
Chapter 3.
Discover how Meridian Tapping (EFT) Can Help You Release
Emotional Baggage of the Past and the Future
Do you want to learn how to overcome the craving of chocolate, craving for
alcohol and smoking
How does it work?
Basic recipe and tapping points chart
Set up phrases and affirmations for problems
Chapter 4.
Eating According to your Blood Type
What is blood type and how does it work?
What foods are like a poison and others highly beneficial to you
How to live longer, healthier and achieve your ideal weight
Chapter 5.
Put a Bounce Back in Your Step Doing a Detox
What is a Detox?
How to do a detox in 30 days of less
Chapter 6.
Lymphatic Drainage Exercises
The importance of your lymphatic system in preventing disease
Lymphatic Drainage Exercises
Lymph drainage exercises and body brushing
Chapter 7.
Success Affirmations with Louise L. Hay
Positive Books recommended for personal growth
and peace of mind
Chapter 8.
Resources and References
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
9 Simple Profound Healing Tips
March 25, 2012, Caroline A. Lawrence of Happy Foot Refexology
has been named a Worldwide Whos Who Professional of the Year
in Holistic Therapy. While inclusion in Worldwide Whos Who is an
honour, only a small selection of members in each discipline are
chosen for this distinction.
Caroline Lawrence is a Chartered Professional Therapist and 4Life Independent
Distributor, trainer, writer and publisher. She has 20 years experience in holistic
therapy and has spent 10 years practicing as a self-employed refexologist. A
charter natural therapy practitioner, she is knowledgeable in the art of healing the
body through the use of earths own fruits. Working one-on-one with clients to
provide services that relieve the effects of stress, low energy, asthma, and a host of
other conditions, Ms. Lawrence occasionally also calls in the help of trusted 4Life
physicians, chiropractors and naturopaths to complement her methods. While
educating clients and healing their various ailments is certainly a priority, also
important is guiding them in their self-development, offering life-changing advice
about mind-body harmony.
A graduate of Blair Singers, Train the Trainer program, Ms Lawrence is also a
member of the New Zealand Refexology Association and the Franklin Health
Group. She has completed successfully the AAMET Emotional Freedom Techniques
Level 1 course.
In addition to running her private company Ms.Lawrence dedicates her time to the
Sweet Louise Foundation, an organization for women experiencing secondary
breast cancer and volunteers on a regular basis at the Mercy Hospice and an
annual retreat for HIV-Positive Women.
I have put together some tools for your tool box and nuggets of wisdom to draw on
that I have collected in the 20 years of studying and practicing refexology. Before I
did Blair Singers personal development course I was about to the throw in all I had
learnt and look for another career but realized all I needed was the right tools.
I have written this tip book not to impress you but to impress upon you that there are
healthier options for you to take your physical, mental and spiritual life to a higher
level you never thought possible.
So turn the pages and discover some amazing truths that will give you peace of mind
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Chapter 1
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
Transform Your Life
Have you heard of the amazing molecule that boosts your immune system like no other
on the planet?
What is the Immune System?
You probably dont even give your immune system a second thought, if youre like
many, except when it fails to do its job and you get sick. Every hour of every day, your
immune system is fighting different battles for you. For the most part, its winning those
battles. But when your defenses become comprised by things like viruses, bacteria,
poor diet, not enough sleep, a busy lifestyle and more, you often become sick, you feel
tired, fatigued and rundown.
Do you use a virus protection on your computer?
Who would not think of having some protection on your computer! Your immune
system works in much the same way as it is closely connected to virtually every
organ of your body. When is it is not functioning at its peak, the rest of the body
suffers, leaving you vulnerable to a host of foreign invaders just like your computer.
If you treat your body to junk food, little or no exercise and a stressful lifestyle, your
immune system is forced to work overtime to protect your body.
Your immune system has smart cells or smart
molecules that regulate all of this activity. One
class of these smart Peptides are called Transfer
Factors. You have millions of Transfers in your
body right now. Without these regulators your
immune system would be chaotic and less
Inflammation is the immune systems
immediate response to an infection or
injury, such as if you cut your arm.
When the immune system retreats from
the area that is all inflamed, the redness
and swelling goes down. In some cases
the immune cells do not withdraw,
creating a chronic problem within your
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
What the Doctors are Saying
about Transfer Factor
We have given 4Life Transfer
Factor to children as young as
three weeks old. So far, we are
blown away by the results
- David Markowitz, M.D. Pediatrician
With Transfer Factors we can teach our immune system how to deal with millions of
microorganisms. This is big news in preventive medicine!
- Robert Robertson, Jr. M.D. Former Emergency Room Physician
Many of our patients are on 4Life Transfer Factor. Youre looking at a product that is
truly revolutionary! - Dr. Duane Townsend, M.D.
In February 2005 I had a C-Reactive Protein test taken. This test measures the level
of infammation in the arterial walls. My reading was an amazing 13, with 8.7 being
the highest and worst score one can have. This showed I was at a very high risk of
having a heart attack or stroke. From the day I received the reading I started
consuming 4Life Transfer Factor Cardio, 8 a day.
In May 2005 I added to my program 4Life Transfer Factor Riovida juice. I used one
ounce in the am and one ounce at midday. In August, I had another test taken to
fnd readings had dropped considerably and I was also feeling so much better, that
was a scary experience! The best level you can have is 1.1 say Dr. Robert
Roberston M.D. I feel the 4Life Transfer Factor Cardio products saved me from
having a fatal heart attack.
To fnd out more visit:
Have You Heard of Natural Killer Cells?
Scientific research supports that managing the inflammatory responses and
supporting the immune system in the first place is the best approach for lifelong
health. Natural killer cells provide a crucial first defense against infectious agents
and diseased cells. In the February 2004, in The Journal of Immunology,
researchers led by Christian Munz, Ph.D. and Guido Ferlazzo, Ph.D. of Rockefeller
University, published two separate papers exploring their finding that NK cells
require education from another source to learn how to search out and destroy
diseased cells. They hypothesize that natural killer cells function can be tailored or
targeted toward specific immune support activity.
Scientists in Japan conducted a major sturdy of individuals who had low natural
killer cell activity. They found those with low natural killer cell activity developed
cancer at a greater rate than individuals with a higher level of natural killer cell
activity. The immune system makes all the difference.
What are 4Life Transfer Factors and How Do They Work?
Transfer Factor is a highly concentrated immune messaging system, designed by
nature to transfer critical immune programming from one individual to another.
All natural transfer factor is: Not a vitamin, not a mineral, not an herb. They are
brought to you directly from Mother Nature. Every mother that breast feeds her
infant, passes on her immunity - all of the information her immune system has
gained in her lifetime. This process begins with the first milk, called colostrum. The
most valuable of the immunity weapons in colostrum are called Transfer Factors.
Transfer Factors in cow milk can assist you in building up immunity to all the foreign
invaders which the cow has been exposed to.
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
What Do Transfer Factors Do?
This natural immune messenger molecule exists in all
mammals and works between species to:
* Recognize invaders seeking to threaten health
* Respond to invaders by educating naive
immune cells about the present or potential
danger and passing on a plan for action as
well as balancing an overactive immune
system, such as in an autoimmune disorder.
* Remember past invasions, allowing your
body to respond more quickly .
Why do some people develop heart disease or cancer but others living almost
exactly the same dont?
The difference is in the immune system. Supplementing your diet with 4Lifes
Transfer Factors can greatly improve your immune systems ability to fight invaders
and help you lead a healthier happier life.
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Chapter 2
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
How to Overcome Stress and Tension With
Where on earth would you be without your feet?
What is Reflexology and how does it work?
Reflexology is an ancient and gentle form of healing, working on the concepts of
small reflex maps in the shape of a human body mapped out on the feet, hands and
ears. There are reflexes in your hands, feet and ears to every gland and organ of
your body. The practitioner works by using only thumbs and fingers gently
massaging, kneading and stroking the feet while you are fully clothed on a massage
table or in a recliner chair. As these areas are massaged, it arouses or soothes the
corresponding part of the body while the massage itself eases the tension of the
physical body, quietens the mental chatter, and soothes and reassures your
emotions. You will unwind and relax and may even start yawning or go to sleep.
Reflexology is non-invasive, working at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
levels It assists your body to balance itself, promotes gentle alignment of body, mind
and spirit to promote well-being.
Reflexology will help you feel totally recharged and fit for life!
Are You Sick and Tired Of Being Sick and Tired?
How many of you suffer from stress, low energy,
headaches and lower back pain?
If you said yes, reflexology can help you.
A reflexology treatment will help you to
relax, sleep better, boost your confidence and
increase your energy levels. When you are
relaxed and at ease with yourself you can
determine what is best for you. When feeling not
so good and experiencing aches, pain, and
cramps, reflexology can get to the root of the
problem; so the memory associated with it can
be sorted and removed once and for all.
Then at the same time your whole body is cleared of impure thoughts and toxic
emotions by improving sluggish circulation, and stimulating underactive areas so
they start working well for you again.
Did you know what 75% of todays diseases are due to stress and tension in the
body. Reflexology cant possible re-align shattered bones or broken bones but it can
reduce swellings and inner tension, as well as ease pain. No amount of medication
can ever mend a broken heart, yet reflexology can assist you in finding the
understanding and solution that lies within you.
Circulation is Life, Stagnation is Death!
A misplaced vertebra in any part of the spine will cut off the normal blood circulation
to the organ of the body. By applying the reflexology method to this vertebra, it will
repair what has gone wrong.
If youre feeling out of kilter, dont know why or where about, find the sore spot and
work it out Eunice D. Ingham
In a report on reflexology research published at a
Chinese study demonstrated how reflexology efficiently alleviated the effects of
extreme stress. Twenty patients being treated for neurasthenia, a condition of
extreme emotional stress, were given a course of reflexology at the hospital. The
treatments focused on areas of the feet relating to the adrenal glands, kidneys,
bladder, sinus, brain and the heart. These organs are compromised by the effects
of stress.
The treatments were given daily for a week with the following results presented at
the China reflexology symposium in July 1993:
40% experienced a complete cure
35% were greatly improved
15% mildly improved
10% reporting no change at all.
Mr. Gs wife encouraged him to try reflexology. He is a senior of 71, living on a
lifestyle block and loves keeping active. When he was young he played football and
often suffered from migraines, the doctor told him he had a tired heart. He is a man
of many trades, did saw milling, engineering, and loved sailing in his younger years.
He had a serious motorbike accident in 1997 suffered a broken arm and broken
wrist in three places. Before working the feet, I observed the feet to be very dry and
yellow in color signifying there is congestion in the intestinal area. His feet also had
several horizon lines in the intestinal area which meant there was some congestion
there. When working this area I found the ascending and descending colon tender.
Dowsing spinal analysis revealed the 2,3,4,5 cervical, and 1&2 thoracic out of
alignment. As I worked the spinal areas, I found they were very tender. Eyes and
allergies are a problem if the 2C are out alignment and 4C for hearing loss. 2T
controls the heart, including its valves and coverings.
He suffers allergic reaction with a Japanese hedge on the block. He has trouble with
his eyes, sees double vision and memory is poor. He looks forward to his regular
reflexology treatments.
Mr. G comments that he finds Reflexology helps him feel so much better in his body
than other therapies he has tried. He has less disturbed nights. He has more energy
to work on his lifestyle block and is determined not to end up in a rest home. He has
been having reflexology for one year now, once a month and highly
recommends it to anyone.
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Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
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Mr. S had a frozen shoulder, many visits to the physio and nothing was helping. He
had only one treatment and after that one treatment sitting on the massage table he
raised his sore arm higher than he ever done before, and with no pain.
He was impressed.
Mrs. S is a client confined to wheel chair 24/7 with multiple sclerosis. She suffers
with poor circulation especially in the winter. She looks forward to reflexology, as it
helps improve her circulation, and helps her to relax, actually she goes off to sleep
while her feet are pampered for the hours session. She feels her feet are glowing
and are in the clouds. She highly recommends it to everyone.
Miss A, a chef, loves how reflexology helps her to unwind after a busy long day on
her feet, an often stressful day at work and trying to keep people happy at one of the
busy airport hotels. Her feet and hands thoroughly enjoy the pampering on her days
Mrs. P. A senior, aged 74, came me to me with high blood pressure, suffering from
headaches, some memory loss, swollen ankles and pains in her feet. She and her
husband live on a 6 acre lifestyle block. She loves the outdoors, gardening and
drives the tractor. She suffered from a motorbike accident at age of 34, and her face
required plastic surgery because of broken bones. As I worked her feet I found an
acute tenderness in the right foot, the ileocecal valve - she jumped. Then as I
continued working the area of the descending colon on the left foot, she also jumped
with pain meaning there was congestion in the intestinal system. She worries about
her family and is anxious about her husbands health. The reflexology treatments
are helping her to be more regular, more relaxed and less anxious.
She looks forward to a reflexology treatment every 3-4 weeks.
Self Help Tools
Walking bare feet on bamboo, bare feet on stones, bare feet on the sand, and bare
feet on grass. Hand and foot self-help tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
Wooden cylindrical objects work best when rolled under the foot. There are wooden
rollers on the market but you may find some around the house, including rolling pins,
soft drink bottles, or the rung of a chair. Roll your foot on the roller, angling the foot
to target different reflex areas.
A golf ball can be cupped by the hand and rolled on the
outside of the big toe side of your foot. Golf balls or even
small dog toys are convenient tools for applying pressure
to the hands. It requires very little effort, and are easier to
use than foot tools. Work reflex areas in the heels of the
hands and roll the ball throughout the areas.
To pin point an area cup the golf ball in one hand, holding
it with your other fingers and roll all around the area. A
golf ball, or round dog toys are convenient for application
of pressure.
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Look to your feet and you will find health and healing are only two feet away!
They are ideal as self-help tools because of their appropriate size and shape. It
requires very little effort, and are easier to use than foot tools. Target the fingers
and thumb by trapping the digit to be worked between the golf ball and the fingers
of your other hand. Roll the ball along the entire digit. To work the areas in the heel
of the hand you will interlace the fingers together. Now place the ball between the
heels of the hands and roll the ball throughout the areas applying pressure.
Reflexology tools can help pinpoint the locations of stress in your feet, hands and
the body. They go one step further by breaking up the congestion or interrupt those
stresses. Hand and foot self-help tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes and
can be used on either the hands or the feet while working at your desk or waiting
Massage your hands and feet once a week (twice if you can spare the time) Treat
your feet to a massage-come-moisturising treatment. Massage helps to boost
circulation which can be fairly sluggish in the feet. Simply spend five minutes on
each foot, rubbing in a rich hand cream or massage oil. Press and knead the whole
foot - tops, soles, heels and each individual toe. Use an abrasive such as pumice to
avoid a build up of hard skin on your soles and heels. Or better still visit your
professional Reflexologist for a pamper once a month.
Create your own hand spa. Hands appreciate pampering, from slathering hand
lotion, to a professional manicure or hand reflexology session. Soak tired hands in a
bowl of warm water, get the circulation going by rubbing with a loofah, rub them dry
with a warm, soft towel, then apply a generous helping of hand lotion.
Supplementing your hand-reflexology routines with the use of health balls or gold
balls several times a week can help to build flexibility in the hands, strengthen
muscles in the reflex area.
Dont leave it too late the time will never be right - Napoleon Hill
Hand, Foot and Ear Reflexology
Lets look at the limbs, feet, hands and ears as batteries in your body, your vehicle. If
the battery terminals are corroded, the car runs roughly or chugs along, or may even
stop. Clearing all these terminals or getting a new battery for your car will give your
warrant of fitness.
Congestion that accumulates around the nerve endings in the hands, feet, and ears
suggest a stress, injury, malfunction or illness. By working the different systems of
the body with only the fingers and thumbs the congestion is broken down and
eliminated, so you will have better circulation to the organs of the body. For better
results, clearing the corrosion from all three batteries is better.
This is what we have found:
1. A greater higher % of relief from pain and stress
2. As a result you get better sooner, and need fewer session of treatment
3. Benefits last longer
To find out more about Bill Flocco the pioneer of the integration of feet, hands and
ears visit:
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Chapter 3
2012 Happyfoot Refexology 11
Discover How to Tap Into Your Own Bodys Wisdom,
releasing the pain of the past and the future with
Meridian Tapping (EFT)
Do you want to learn now to tap into your own bodys wisdom to
release the pain of the past and the future?
Do you want to overcome a craving for chocolate, addiction to alcohol, or smoking?
If you answered yes to any or all of these please keep reading.
Millions of people are settling for lives filled with poor health and emotional baggage.
Not knowing how to achieve the joyful and satisfying lives they desire, theyre stuck
accepting a lifestyle of emotional trauma, chronic physical pain, compulsions and
addictions, or perhaps just an empty feeling inside. Along with these problems come
pills to kill the pain, pills to sleep at night, and pills to suppress anxiety - but this is
hardly better than the disease.
Would you like to grow, flourish and thrive, putting the past in the past? If you
answer is yes, EFT is for you. You can be your best, living a life that is filled with
peacefulness, joy, and fulfilment, from day to day and moment to moment.
While Tapping is newly set to revolutionize the field of health and wellness, the
healing concepts that its based upon have been in practice in Eastern medicine for
over 5,000 years, like Acupuncture and Acupressure.
George Goodheart Jr. a chiropractor, explored the connection between the
meridians associated with certain body parts and illness in the body. He learned that
the emotional state of a patient affected the response and the strength of muscles
and went on to develop what today is known as muscle testing or Applied
Kinesiology, a technique widely used today.
John Diamond, a psychiatrist, became one of Goodhearts students in the early 70s
and began using muscle testing as part of his practice, finding he could identify core
psychological issues more quickly. He used affirmations while stimulating certain
meridians to help his patients get emotional relief, and through testing, found which
acupuncture meridian was associated to each emotional state.
How Does It All Work?
The Discovery Statement: the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the
bodys energy system - Gary Craig, founder of EFT, a form of Meridian Tapping.
Your body has a profound electrical nature. Shuffle your feet around a carpet and
then touch an item made of metal, you got the idea. You probably got a shock. This
wouldnt be possible unless your body had an electrical nature to it. If you touch a
hot stove you will feel the pain instantly because it is electrically transmitted along
the nerves to the brain. The pain travels at the speed of electricity and that is why
you feel pain so quickly. Our electrical systems are vital to our physical health. When
the energy stops flowing, we die. Ask your doctor about this. No one disputes it.
What is the Basic Recipe?
Its like baking a cake. Our goal is to equip you with an easy to use recipe for
expanding your emotional freedom. The recipe like a cake has certain ingredients
like butter, flour and sugar, you dont use salt instead of sugar and you put it
together in the order it says in the method.
You must use the basic recipe the same way to get results. In bowling, there is a
machine that sets up the pins by picking them up and arranging them in perfect
order at the end of the alley. Once this set up is done all you need to do is roll the
ball down the alley to knock over the pins. This Setup statement once done will
prepare the energy system so that the rest of The Basic Recipe (the ball) can do its
What happens if you put the
batteries in backwards in your
tape recorder? The tape recorder
will not work. This polarity
reversal is called Psychological
Reversal and it has been found
that healing will not take place
while this is reversed. It involves
negative thinking and the
correction lies in a neutralizing
affirmation. This is the idea
for set up phrase below.
Your set up:
With four fingers of one hand,
tap the karate chop point on your
other hand. Repeat three
times aloud while saying the
affirmations. Take a deep breath!
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
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Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
2012 Happyfoot Refexology 13
The Affirmation - The set up phrases
Even though I have this ..........., I deeply and completely accept myself.
The blank is filled in with a brief description of your problem. Here are some
Even though I have this fear of public speaking, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this anger towards my father, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this war memory , I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this craving for alcohol, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have this stiffness in the neck, I deeply and completely accept myself.
Start tapping on the other points with firm but gentle pressure, as if you were
drumming the side of your desk. Four fingers are used on the top of the head, the
collarbone, and under the arm. On the sensitive areas around the eyes, you can use
just two fingers. The sound should be round and mellow. Tapping begins from the
top of the head and works down and returns to the top of the head, to complete the
round. Tap 5-7 times on the meridian points.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), can free you from many issues. It has been
shown to provide relief from chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions,
phobias, post traumatic stress disorders, and physical diseases.
To learn more about how you can help yourself and others please visit:

Millions of people are settling for lives filled with poor health and emotional baggage.
Not knowing how to achieve the joyful and satisfying lives they desire, theyre stuck
accepting a lifestyle of emotional trauma, chronic physical pain, compulsions and
addictions, or perhaps just an empty feeling inside. Along with these problems come
pills to kill the pain, sleep at night, and suppress anxiety - but this is hardly better
than the disease.
Would you like to grow, flourish and thrive, putting the past in the past?
Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved
emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illness. When they do, EFT will be
one of their primary healing tools... as it is for me - Eric Robins, MD.
Applies to all issues, including...
* Pain relief * Fears and phobias
* Anger * Allergies
* Addictions * Respiratory problems
* Weight loss * Blood pressure
* Anxiety * Relationship issues
* Trauma * Womens issues
* Depression * Childrens issues
* Schools, sports and sexual Performance Issues
* Serious disease (from migraines to cancer)
Your blood type is the key to your bodys entire immune system, as such, it is the
essential defining factor in your health profile. There is a chemical reaction between
your blood and the foods that you eat. Within each group, food is divided into three
categories: Highly beneficial, neutral, and avoid.
Think of the categories this way:
HIGHLY BENEFICIAL is a food that acts like a MEDICINE
NEUTRAL is a food that acts like a FOOD
AVOID is a food that acts like a POISON
Eat According To Your Blood Type
Let food be your medicine and medicine your food.
- Hippocates, Father of Modern Medicine
Everything about health is dictated by what you put into your mouth. In essence,
you are what you eat. The problem is youve been told the wrong things to eat your
entire life.
Why your diet may be making you sick - aspartame, MSG, sodium benzolite,
fructose, cheap and conventional foods, ingredients you are ingesting regularly.
Some of the common chemicals found in foods have been linked to symptoms such
as headaches, migraines, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vision problems, heart
palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, memory loss and joint pain.
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Chapter 4
2012 Happyfoot Refexology 14
Different blood types mean different body chemistries.
The AB blood type need to avoid foods with protein lectins
as they are not compatible with your blood type
antigen as the lectins target an organ or bodily system
(kidney, liver, brain, stomach) and interfere with insulin
Check out with your doctor what blood type you have
and have fun with it.
Following your blood type diet will not only bring about weight loss but can assist
with allergy and infection resistance and will help you achieve overall good health.
Case Study
Mrs.W. Came to me with a rash all over her arm. She was under stress and the rash
was getting worse. I asked her what she had been eating, she had been having
peanut butter and more peanut butter sandwiches as she loves it. Checking her
blood type indicated she should avoid peanut butter.
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Chapter 5
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Put A Bounce Back in Your Step Doing a Detox.
So how do you put a bounce back into your step? The answer is in doing a detox.
A man (or woman) too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to
take care of his tools - Spanish Proverb.
Detox (short for Detoxification) is the process of removing toxins from the
bloodstream. Toxins are harmful substances that your body regularly encounters on
a daily basis through the air you breathe, the environment, cell phones, computers,
x-rays, drugs, food, alcohol, smoking and more. Many of these chemicals you ingest
become deposited in fat cells in your body. It is recommended you should do a detox
twice a year.
In a nutshell, its a lifestyle choice. Traditionally, products like herbal teas and body
cleansing juices have been the most common approach to use. Vitamin
supplements are also the keys to a successful detox. B-complex vitamins such as
B6, Folic Acid and B12, aid in liver detoxification by energising your metabolism. In
addition Vitamin C also protects against free radical damage. The herb Milk Thistle,
which is rich in antioxidants, is known for its liver cleansing properties, while
Cascara and ginger are effective in stimulating healthy digestion and bowel
This is a favorite:
Flush out your system and put a bounce back in your step with a
spring clean for the intestinal tract from 4Life Fibre system plus
provides a thorough 30 day cleanse that is recommended every
six months to support a healthy digestive system. It is conveniently
packaged in six-capsule packets so fibre system plus can be
carried with you wherever you go. Fibre system plus combines 27
herbal extracts to provide thorough and comfortable intestinal support and
purification. Each herbal ingredient has a specific function within the digestive
system. Visit and have peace of mind.
Dis-ease is not an entity, but a fluctuating condition of the patients body: its a
battle between the substance of dis-ease and the natural self-healing tendency of
the body- Hippocrates, Father of Modern Medicine.
It is very important to drink water while doing the detox.
You need half as much as your body weight in water. It is
better to drink an hour before meals so the body has
time to penetrate the water to all the cells of your body for
better digestion.
Regular exercise, walking 20-30 minutes a day or 4-6 times
a week, will keep your energy level up. Breathe deeply to
get enough oxygen into your lungs. At night if weather
permits turn off your heaters and open a window.
Lymphatic Drainage Exercises
The Lymphatic system is like a woven net lace all over the body and its parts. The
Lymph-vascular system is another of the bodys systems of vessels that carry fluid
around the body. These vessels are concerned with conveying excess fluid, foreign
particles and other materials from the bodys tissues. It is involved with dealing with
waste and potentially harmful particles. It consists of Lymph vessels, Lymph nodes
and other Lymphatic tissue, the spleen, and the Thymus gland. The lymphatic
system has no pumping mechanism like the heart so moderate exercise and deep
breathing is needed to keep the lymph fluid moving.
The health bounce: bounce gently, keeping the soles of your feet on the mat.
The shuffle: alternate your feet back and forth with each bounce, keeping close to
the mat. The soft walk: leave your toes on the mat. The sitting bounce: sit on the
mat with your feet on the foot and use your hands on the rim to gently bounce your
The removal of waste by the way of the
Lymphatic system is a must.
All degenerative conditions are caused
by a build up of trapped blood plasma
proteins and toxic waste between the
Many people say they can read the
newspaper without glasses after
Lymphacising. The lymphatic terminal
in the eyeball removes toxic waste and
vision is improved.
We live half truths! Like the little old lady
who went to the doctor with a painful
leg full of toxic waste, and he told her
that she should expect it now because
of her age. She bellowed back at him:
Start these very slowly on your lymphatic rebounder or mini
trampoline: Turn on your favorite music, remove your shoes and
socks and step on to your rebounder. Remember to breathe in
rhythm with your bouncing. Try first the health bounce,
shuffle bounce, soft walk and sitting bounce.
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Chapter 6
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Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
2012 Happyfoot Refexology 17
Lymph Drainage Therapy Self-Care
Collar bone (clavicle) pumping:
With fingers hooked, place behind the collarbone as far as possible and compress
down for 5 seconds. Release and continue 10 times.
Armpit Breathing:
With fingers flat, press up into the hollow of the armpit and push up at a 45-degree
angle (aiming up towards the middle of the collarbone) Do this for 5 seconds, then
release. Continue for 10 times.
Diaphragmatic Breathing:
With one hand on your stomach, breathe in and push your stomach
to the ceiling, causing your hand to rise.
When you exhale, suck your stomach in towards
your spine, causing your hand to rise.
Groin (underwear crease) compressions: With a flat hand along the underwear
crease or inside thigh, push into the skin and slightly up. Do this for five seconds,
then release. Continue for 10 times.
Dry Body brushing is helpful. Start
from the ends of your limbs toward
the heart, including the abdomen,
repeating until the detox is finished.
Dirt, dust, pollution, and inactivity
cause the pores to get congested.
The skin is the largest eliminative
organ of the body, if these pores
get clogged, it will become either
too dry or too oily. Brushing the
body either with a body brush or
loofah helps to open up the pores
so the toxins can escape. The
removal of this waste via the
Lympathic system is a must or you
will reabsorb your own poisons.
Drink lots of water!
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Chapter 7
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She knew her cancer was due to a deep resentment held in the body, after a long
time it literally eats away at the body. She admits she had been refusing to dissolve
all the anger and resentment at them over her childhood. And she also knew that
if she had an operation and didnt clear the mental pattern that created it, it would
raise its head again somewhere else, and the doctors would keep cutting away till
there was no more to cut. She didnt like that idea.
With the help of a good therapist she was able to get rid of the old bottled anger, by
beating a pillow and howling with rage - and it made her feel cleaner. She also had
reflexology treatments three times a week and did a detox program with a good
Louise did not have an operation. By working with the therapist, a good nutritionilist
and reflexologist, plus all her positive affirmations she was able to get the medical
profession to agree she no longer had a trace of cancer in her body.
Louise has a wealth of knowledge, in her book You Can
Heal Your Life, it began as a list for metaphysical
causations for physicals illnesses in the body. Then one
day she was diagnosed with cancer and was shocked.
After all with a background of being raped at age of five
and having been a battered child, it was a no wonder she
says. She first panicked like so many do, but she knew by
working with her clients she knew mental healing worked,
so here she was now having to prove it for herself.
Do you need help with negative thoughts so you can be
the person you are meant to be?
Success Affrmations with Louise L. Hay
Here are some success affirmations you can use:
Divine Intelligence gives me all the ideas I can use.
Everything I touch is a success. There is plenty for everyone, including me. There
are plenty of customers for my services. I establish a new awareness of success.
I move into the Winning Circle.
I am a magnet for Divine Prosperity. I am blessed beyond my fondest dreams.
Riches of every sort are drawn to me. Golden opportunities are everywhere for me.
Or choose your own. These are just some ideas to get your started
Pick one of the above affirmations and repeat it over and over for several days.
Then pick another and do the same. Allow these ideas to fill your consciousness.
Dont worry about the how to accomplish this, the opportunities will come your way.
Trust your intelligence within you to lead you and guide you. You deserve to be a
success in every area of your life.
Make Yourself a Little Gratitude Book.
And at the end of each day write something that happened or you saw that you are
grateful for. For example: Had a phone call from a old friend, even though it
interrupted my project I loved the feeling I had after that call on the phone.
It doesnt have to be big things - you had a FREE coffee at the Muffin Break today.
Dont forget to Smile.
Did you know it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. So crank up those smile
muscles. Think of things that make you smile. How about little children playing
happily in a park for example. And see how much happier YOU will feel.
A smile wipes the blackboard clean.
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2012 Happyfoot Refexology 19
Some of the Positive Books I Have Read
You Can Heal Your Life As you read, you too will discover you have the ability to heal yourself
and create an exceptional life. Louise L. Hay, the international best seller, author of You Can Heal
Your Life is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher with more than 50 million book sold worldwide.
For more than 25 years she has helped people throughout the world discover and implement the
full potential of their own creative process for personal development growth and self healing. She
has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and many other TV and radio programs both in US
and abroad.
- and
Little Voice Mastery How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and
Have an Extraordinary Life! This book is dedicated to that vision of who you are supposed to be.
That is the real you. Little Voice lives in that short six-inch span between your right ear and your
left ear. Whats awesome is you can master it in 30 seconds or less and have an extraordinary life.
This book debunks much of the popular thought about personal growth and gets you down and
dirty with real-world, right-now techniques that will help you make profound changes in your
life-immediately - Blair Singer
Blair Singer is the acclaimed author of SalesDogs and the ABCS of Building a Business Team
That Wins and is one of Robert Kiyosakis Rich Dads advisors. He has worked with hundreds of
thousands of individuals and organizations in over 20 countries helping them increase their
income and wealth through Little Voice Mastery. &
Discover the Power of Meridian Tapping A Revolutionary Method for Stress-Free Living
by Patricia Carrington, Ph.D. Companion book to the movie The Tapping Solution created and
produced by Nicolas Ortner. This book teaches you a remarkable new healing technique based
on the ancient art of acupuncture combined with modern psychology. In these pages, meridian
tapping, discover how and why it works, see compelling evidence of its effectiveness, and read
numerous true stories that show you how to use it for deep-seated anxieties, pain, addictions,
traumas, and a host of other distressing conditions.
Patricia Carrington is a clinical psychologist, widely published author, and one of the pioneers in
the rapidly growing field of Meridian Tapping. She has been awarded the title of Master and is
one among a handful of Meridian Tapping practitioners worldwide to be awarded this title.
Stories The Feet Can Thru Reflexology, Stories the Feet Have Told Thru Reflexology
The Original Works of Eunice D. Ingham.
As a follow-up in your study of the Original Ingham method, read Better Health With Foot
Reflexology ( including Hand Reflexology) by Dwight C. Byers.
The purpose of this combined version is to provide the readers with one easy-to-follow reference
to the original Ingham method making all the information of the two books under one cover.
Pages are filled with cases studies, clear and descriptive photos of reflex work on the various
body systems. And an excellent Reflexology Chart The Original Ingham Method at the back of
the book.
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips 2012 Happyfoot Refexology 20
A SMILE costs nothing, but it gives
much. It enriches those who receive,
without making poorer those who give it.
It takes but a moment, but the memory of it
sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich
or mighty that he can get along without
it, and none is so poor but that he can
be made rich by it. A SMILE creates
happiness in the home, fosters good
will in business, and is the countersign
of friendship. It brings rest to the weary,
cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to
the sad, and it is natures best antidote
for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought,
begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is
something that is of no value to anyone
until it is given away. Some people are
too tired to give you a SMILE Give them
one of yours, as none needs SMILE so
much as he who has no more to give.
Author Unknown
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
Chapter 8
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
Resources and References
Success from Home Taking Transfer Factor to the World 4Life
Research The Science of Success. March 2007 Page 26-29,
Stories the Feet Can Tell Thru Reflexology, Stories the Feet Have
Told Thru Reflexology. By Eunice D. Ingham. Pages 1,2

Eat According To Your Blood Type. By Dr. Peter DAdamo. Pages
Hand Reflexology. By Kevin and Barbara Kunz. Pages 44,45,
Anatomy & Reflexology Helper Areas Study Guide. By Dwight C.
Byers and Nancy S. Byers. Pages 17-19
You Can Heal Your Life. By Louise L. Hay. Pages 114, 196-201
The EFT Manual. By Gary Craig. Pages 20-22
Tapping Your Way To Health Happiness and Abundance. By Nick
Ortner. Page 12
Bill Flocco.
Ali Brown. The E-Zine Queen.
2012 Happyfoot Refexology
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips
9 Simple Profound Healing Tips
Inside these pages you will discover how to boost your immune
system resources with the amazing miracle molecule 4Life
Transfer Factor. Overcome stress and tension and anxiety with
hand, foot and ear Reflexology. You will discover how to put the
bounce back in your step with healthier options with the only side
effect that you will have more energy and enthusiasm and peace
of mind. Discover profound self tools how to release the unre-
solved emotional baggage of the past and the future.
Happy Foot Healing Hot Tips will give you the ability to...
Maintain a strong and healthy immune system
Reach a higher level of health physically, mentally and
Treat your body through your feet, hands and ears
Detox and diets solutions to staying healthier, living longer and
achieving your ideal weight
Caroline A. Lawrence, Professional Chartered Natural therapy
practitioner & 4Life Independent Distributor, trainer, writer and
publisher. She has 20 years of experience in natural art of
Reflexology and been working with complementary medicine for
the same time. She offers basic introductory course of
reflexology and one-on-one consultation. FREE 20 minute
session to new customers.
To learn more about her program, sign up for her FREE how-to
articles and FREE SPECIAL REPORT, and E-newsletter
or email:

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