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The first day of the opening of a new class in elementary school Muhammadiyah became very

stressful for the two outstanding teachers, Muslimah (Cut Mini) and Pak Harfan (Ikranagara), and 9
students who wait at the school, located in the village Gantong, Belitong. Because if you do not reach
the 10 students enrolled, the school will be closed.

That day, Aaron, a student special rescue them. To 10 students who were then named
Rainbow Warriors by Bu Muslimah, having an unforgettable story.
5 years together, Mrs. Mus, Pak Harfan and to 10 students with a unique and merits of each, struggled
to continue in school. Among the many challenges and pressures to give up, curls (Zulfani), latitude
(Ferdian) and Mahar (Veris Yamarno) with talent and intelligence emerged as the driving spirit of
their school.
In the midst of an effort to keep the school, they lose their beloved figure. Can they survive the trial
by ordeal?

The film is filled with stories about the challenges of outskirts, and full of touching stories
about the struggle of life reach the dream, and a beautiful friendship that saves human lives, with the
background of a beautiful island that was once one of the richest islands in Indonesia.

Mandate :
Message or a message conveyed in the novel Laskar Pelangi is poverty is no excuse to stop
studying and it is quite possible a small school with all its limitations was able to give birth to creativity,
creativity that goes beyond the schools that have an established favorite in terms of both infrastructure
and curriculum . Besides the presence of novel Laskar Pelangi is teach people to sim3.
Plot or plot :
Rainbow Warriors series of events in the plot contains a soft-off. That is the end of the story the
story is not so surprising, but still delivered with such impressive so keep ringing in the ears. However,
his story is also quite surprising at the end of each chapter.
Judging from the nature of this novel has an open nature. Where is the end of the story to
stimulate readers to develop the story or read the next series, namely The Dreamer, Edensor, and
Maryamah Karpov.

The reason I like the film because the Rainbow Warriors in the film contained a very large moral
values and high. In the film that teaches us to keep the spirit in reaching aspiration for learning and the
school is not easy. So that we can mrngambil moral values in the film Laskar Pelangi and spirit - the
spirit of children children Laskar Pelangi is very high and never give up.
NO : 02

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