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Emily Veader

Tony Kulla
Master Math
End of Course
Master Math is a class that will help you master most of the topics that you have learned
in eighth grade. The class will also help you with things that you might not have learned in
eighth grade. In the class you start off with an entrance ticket, then you will move on to minute
math, after that you will do lessons on a topic that you are learning about, and you finish class
with an exit ticket. Throughout each class you will be doing examples of the topic that you are
learning about and there probably won't be a day where you won't be up at the board doing an
example. You don't get homework everyday but you usually only get it on Tuesdays.
In this class we learned about fractions, decimals, and percentages. And how to convert
them and how to add subtract and multiply them.
Convert fractions into decimals: divide the numerator by the domomorator
7/14= 0.5 7 divided by 14 equals 0.5
Convert fractions into percentages: Divide the numerator by the denominator and move the
decimal two points to the right
7/14= 50%
Multiply Fractions: multiply straight across the problem
3/6*4/8= 12/28
Convert decimals to fractions: put the number of the decimal over the place value of the decimal
0.25= 25/100= 4/1
Convert decimals into a percent: move the decimal two places to the right
0.25= 25%
Add the decimals: line up decimals and add them

Convert percents into fractions: Put the percent over 100 and divide
50%= 50/100= 2/1
Convert percent into decimals: move the percent two places to the left
86%= .86
Add percents:
15% of 80= 12
Problem Example
Jay-Z, Kanye and Eminem invest all their money in gold coins. Jay-Z has of a pot of gold.
Eminem has .621 pots of gold. Who has the most gold?

Step 1: Turning into a decimal
= .625 5 divided by 8 equals .625
Step 2: Turning (.7)(.9) into a decimal
(.7)(.9)= .63 .7 times .8 equals .63
Step 3: Compare the decimals
.625 < .630 .630 > .621
Kanye has the most gold.

In my Math and Algebra classes I feel more prepared for more advanced problems and classes.
This year in math I feel that my effort in my math classes has improved, my routines are better as
in homework and studying, and I also feel that my focus in class is better.

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