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Chemical & Biological Engineering Department

University of Saskatchewan
Graduate Studies Application orm
Family (Last) Name First Given Name Second Given Name
Address: Phone Number:
Email Address:
!ity: FA" Number:
!ountry: Postal !ode: #ate o$ %irth:
( am a''lyin) $or the term be)innin) Se'tember ******** +anuary ******* ,ear -.**** (!hec/ the month and $ill in the year)
( am a''lyin) $or: M.En).******* M.Sc.******* Ph.#. *******
A!! "#E$%&US A'D CU##E'( U'%$E#S%() !E$E! S(UD)
From 0o Name o$ (nstitution #isci'line #e)ree Grade Point
1an/ in !lass
(e2am'le 345.)
Mth ,r Mth ,r
Academic a6ards and distinctions
E2'erience since Graduation: ********************************************************************************
07EFL 8 score: 0 Minimum requirement of 20 in each category for TOEFL & 6.5 in each category for IELTS.
1eadin) ******* Listenin) ******** S'ea/in) ******* 9ritin) *******
G1E 88 scores: : ; A En)ineerin)
,ears o$ $ormal instruction in En)lish: Number o$ 'ublications:
Level o$ $inancial assistance re<uired in order to attend:
( re<uire: Full Su''ort Partial Su''ort None
($ 'artial or none= )ive sources and amounts o$ o6n su''ort:
Source: Amount: > !AN
* An a''licant 6hose native lan)ua)e is not En)lish +US( ta/e the (&E! and submit throu)h the E(S an o$$icial (&E! score
record. A''licants in countries 6here the (&E! is not available should ta/e the +E!AB or %E!(S or another test that is
approved ,y the CGS#- "lease refer to the CGS# we,site-
** A''licants 6ithout an under)raduate de)ree $rom North America are advised to ta/e the G#E and submit an o$$icial G1E score
record 6hen a''lyin).
Deadline for January 2015: July 15, 2014
Deadline for September 2014: February 15, 2014
ChE 100
( am interested in the $ollo6in) .not more than three/ areas o$ research: in the brac/etes ? @ indicate order o$ 're$erence .01 21 and 31 only/
$or $aculty. !hec/ (A) areas o$ s'ecialty in each case: .%ncorrect applications will ,e discarded/
? @ #alai ( ) Betero)eneous !atalysis and !atalytic 1eactor #esi)n
( ) !atalytic C')radin) o$ %iomass#erived 7ils
( ) Environmental En)ineerin)
( ) Advanced 72idation Processes
( ) Beavy 7il C')radin)
( ) Membrane 1eactor #esi)n and A''lications
? @ Evitts ( ) !orrosion in En)ineerin) Systems
( ) Fuel !ell 0echnolo)y
( ) Granulation
( ) Potash Processin) and Stora)e
? @ Lin ( ) Metabolic En)ineerin) D Functional Genomics
( ) %iochemical En)ineerin)
( ) Environmental %iotechnolo)y
( ) A''lied %ioin$ormatics
? @ Nemati ( ) Microbial $uel cell technolo)y
( ) %ioremediation o$ PABs and oil sand na'hthenic acids
( ) %iodesul'huri&ation= nitri$ication and denitri$ication
? @ Niu ( ) %iosor'tion in 6aste6ater treatment
( ) #ryin) bio$uels or )asses usin) adsor'tion
( ) Adsor'tion o$ chemicals4biochemical
? @ Ei'ouros ( )
? @ Pen) ( ) 0hermodynamics o$ Green Process Materials
? @ Phoeni2 ( ) Fuel !ell Modelin)
( ) !om'utational 0hermodynamics
? @ Soltan ( ) !atalytic o&onation o$ micro'ollutants in 6ater
( ) A''lication o$ ultrasound in 6aste6ater treatment
( ) #ual $unction catalysts $or o&onation o$ 'ollutants in air
( ) Multi'hase reactors
? @ 9an) ( ) Betero)eneous !atalysis and Photocatalysis
( ) !hemcial 1eaction En)ineerin)
( ) Sul$ur 1emoval and 1ecovery 0echnolo)y
? @ Fhan) ( ) Fluidi&ation and Multi'hase Flo6 Systems
( ) !lean Ener)y and Sustainability
( ) 1eaction En)ineerin)
( ) Electrostatics in 'articulate Systems Bandlin)
Si)nature********************************************** #ate:********************************************
Please com'lete this $orm and return it to:
!hemical En)ineerin) Graduate Studies and 1esearch !ommittee
Cniversity o$ Sas/atche6an= !olle)e o$ En)ineerin)
5G !am'us #rive
Sas/atoon= SE SGN 5AH !anada
7r email to: chemen).in<uiriesIusas/.ca
Office Use Only

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