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Electrical Machines Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Moratuwa

Practical 02

Instructed by: Mr. M.G.H WICKRAMASINGHE
Group members:
PATHUM W.H.K 090366G
PERERA D.U.I 090370M

Name : D.U.I. PERERA
Index no : 090370M
Group : G10
Field : Electrical Engineering
Date of per: 01/10/2010
Date of sub: 15/10/2010

DC series motors usually are selected for traction applications requiring high torque/speed ratios.
Examples of these are wheel chairs, golf carts, hoists, cranes, actuator arms, etc. A typical application
consists in a human operator driving a DC motor by means of an accelerator pedal or a lever. When we
use the DC motors for traction applications we have to consider about the efficiency of the motor.
Because high power output of the DC motor will be fallen due to the friction and resistance. so there are
some rating that indicate the efficiency level of the motor.
To find the rating of the machine we have to conducted a load test. When the machine is loaded, certain
fraction of the input is lost inside the machine and appears as heat, increasing the temperature of the
machine. If the temperature rise is excessive then it affects the insulations, ultimately leading to the
breakdown of the insulation and the machine. The load test gives the information about the efficiency of a
given machine at any load condition. Also, it gives the temperature rise of the machine. If the temperature
rise is below the permissible value for the insulation then the machine can be safely operated at that load,
else the load has to be reduced. The maximum continuous load that can be delivered by the machine
without exceeding the temperature rise for the insulation used, is termed as the continuous rating of the
machine. Thus the load test alone can give us the proper information of the rating and also can help in the
direct measurement of the efficiency.

1. Examine the machine and identify the terminals
2. Connect the circuit according to the given figure. Start the motor with sufficiently load on the
pan, note down V,I,w,W and speed Nr. Decrease the load on the pan in suitable steps, and note down the
above quantities.
Note: to avoid excessive heating of the pulley take down the readings as quickly as possible.
3. Measure the armature and field winding resistance
4. Measure the circumference length of the pulley
Part 2
Connect the circuit as shown in the figure 6 in the given lab sheet. Before switch on the DC check for
minimum resistance R3 and maximum armature resistance R2.
Set R1 to max and open brake circuit.
Switch on DC and slowly diminish R2 to zero. Be sure that R2 is completely cut to zero.
Change R3 to obtain a no load speed of 1500 rpm.
i) Close load circuit and adjust R1 for I2 = 1A
ii) Note down V2, I2 and speed N.
iii) Adjust R1 so that I2 is incremented by 1A and repeat (ii) Proceed up to I2 = 10A.
Note when motor is loading, make sure that I2 never exceed the rated value of armature
current. (11amps).

iv) Slowly increased R1 to its maximum and open the load circuit.
v) By adjusting R3, take V2 and I2 reading for all speed (N) reading taken in part (ii).
vi) Perform a small test to find the armature resistance.

Calculations for graphs
Part 1
Let radius of the pulley= r
r= 72/2
r = 11.459cm
Torque can be calculated using,
T=(W-w)gr Nm
W(lb) 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50
W(kg) 12.70 13.60 14.51 15.42 16.33 17.24 18.14 19.05 19.96 20.87 21.77 22.68
w(kg) 5.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.5
T(Nm) 8.66 8.55 9.01 9.47 9.93 10.38 11.40 12.42 13.44 14.46 14.92 15.94

Mechanical output power of motor = 2NT/60
Input electrical power to the motor = VI
efficiency of the motor= (mechanical output)/(electrical input)
I(A) 15.0 14.8 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.2 16.6 16.8 17.4 18.0 18.4
v(V) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 198
Pi 3000 2960 3040 3080 3120 3160 3240 3320 3360 3480 3600 3643.2
N(rpm) 1800 1750 1750 1750 1700 1700 1650 1600 1600 1600 1550 1500
N(rad/s) 188.49 183.25 183.25 183.25 178.02 178.0 172.78 167.55 167.55 167.55 162.31 157.08
T(Nm) 8.66 8.55 9.01 9.47 9.93 10.38 11.40 12.42 13.44 14.46 14.92 15.94
Po 1632 1567 1651 1735 1768 1848 1970 2081 2252 2423 2422 2504
Efficiency 0.5441 0.5293 0.5431 0.5634 0.5666 0.5848 0.6079 0.6268 0.6702 0.6962 0.6727 0.6872

N = speed of the dynamometer
Po = mechanical power output
Pi = Electrical power input
Copper loss is given by I
R: armature resistance + field resistance
R = (0.6+1.4)
I(A) 15.0 14.8 15.2 15.4 15.6 15.8 16.2 16.6 16.8 17.4 18.0 18.4
450 438.08 462.08 474.32 486.72 499.28 524.88 551.12 564.48 605.52 648 677.12

Mechanical loss of the motor is given by,
Mechanical loss = electrical input mechanical output copper loss
Pi(W) 3000 2960 3040 3080 3120 3160 3240 3320 3360 3480 3600 3643.2
Po(W) 1632 1567 1651 1735 1768 1848 1970 2081 2252 2423 2422 2504
450 438.08 462.08 474.32 486.72 499.28 524.88 551.12 564.48 605.52 648 677.12
917.68 955.10 926.8 870.26 865.56 812.89 745.40 687.95 543.69 451.76 530.32 462.30

I(A) r.p.m T(Nm) Efficiency Copper loss(w) Mechanical
15.0 1800 8.66 0.5441 450 917.68
14.8 1750 8.55 0.5293 438.08 955.10
15.2 1750 9.01 0.5431 462.08 926.8
15.4 1750 9.47 0.5634 474.32 870.26
15.6 1700 9.93 0.5666 486.72 865.56
15.8 1700 10.38 0.5848 499.28 812.89
16.2 1650 11.40 0.6079 524.88 745.40
16.6 1600 12.43 0.6268 551.12 687.95
16.8 1600 13.44 0.6702 564.48 543.69
17.4 1600 14.46 0.6962 605.52 451.76
18.0 1550 14.92 0.6727 648 530.32
18.4 1500 15.94 0.6872 677.12 462.30

Part 2
Pin = I

(A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(V) 208 206 206 206 204 202 202 200 200 198
Pin(W) 208 412 618 824 1020 1212 1414 1600 1800 1980

R = aramature resistance = 2.5
Copper loss (loaded)= I
(A) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2.5 10 22.5 40 62.5 90 122.5 160 202.5 250

Mechanical loss = power input( no load) - copper loss(no load)

I2(0)(A) 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
V2(0)(V) 210 210 210 210 209 209 209 209 209 209
105 84 84 84 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5 104.5
0.625 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625 0.625
104.38 83.6 83.6 83.6 103.88 103.88 103.88 103.88 103.88 103.88

= p
(mechanical loss + copper loss)
(w) 208 412 618 824 1020 1212 1414 1600 1800 1980
104.38 83.6 83.6 83.6 103.88 103.88 103.88 103.88 103.88 103.88
2.5 10 22.5 40 62.5 90 122.5 160 202.5 250
(w) 101.2 318.4 511.9 700.4 853.62 1018.12 1187.62 1336.12 1493.62 1626.12


Part 1
Performance characteristics of the DC series motors
DC series motors are used in applications where a high load is used. Also it can provide a very
high starting torque, when it is first energized. But they don't have a precise speed regulation. In series
motors, the field winding and the rotor is connected in series, so that the armature current and the field
winding current will be the same. The amount of torque that can be produced by the shaft depends on
the current passing through it. Series motor armatures are usually lap wound. Lap windings are good for
high current, low voltage applications because they have additional parallel paths for current flow. The
field winding can carry large amounts of current because it made of large conductors. Since the field
winding can carry large amounts of current motor can produce large torques.

Removal of mechanical load from series motors results in an indefinite speed increase which can
destroy the motor or bearings. Small series motors usually have enough internal friction to prevent high-
speed breakdown, but larger motors require to be controlled.
Applications of DC series motor
(A) V
(v) N(rpm) I
(0)(A) V
(0)(A) P
(W) Copper
1 208 1500 0.5 210 208 2.5 104.8 101.12
2 206 1480 0.4 210 412 10 83.6 318.4
3 206 1480 0.4 210 618 22.5 83.6 511.9
4 206 1480 0.4 210 824 40 83.6 700.4
5 204 1460 0.5 209 1020 62.5 103.88 853.62
6 202 1440 0.5 209 1212 90 103.88 1018.12
7 202 1420 0.5 209 1414 122.5 103.88 1187.62
8 200 1420 0.5 209 1600 160 103.88 1336.12
9 200 1420 0.5 209 1800 202.5 103.88 1493.62
10 198 1420 0.5 209 1980 250 103.88 1626.12
DC series motors are widely used in cases where a high torque is required, but not a great speed.
Because these motors are able to create high starting torques at low speed and it can be used to
accelerate very heavy loads from stand still. Some applications are,
Driving cranes
Steel rolling mils
Electric locomotives
Power tools ( hand drills, saws, power screwdrivers)

Series DC motors are ideal for traction work where the load requires a high breakaway torque. Such uses
include locomotives, hoists, cranes, automobile starters, or oil drilling rig applications. Auto mobile
starters are very god example to show that, the DC series motors not using for long period of time. In a
starting motor of a vehicle, it can abstract around 500A within a second, while starting the vehicle. Also
DC series motors are used to drive trains, because they provide the required torque and horsepower to
get massive amounts of weight moving.

Also DC series motors can work in AC current, therefore it is an universal motor.

Shunt motors are mostly used in cases where the speed and tension control are critical, therefore these
motors are used in machine shop lathes, and industry process lines etc.

Part 2
Steel for armature core
There are some kind of eddy currents occure in the amature core due to rotation in the magnetic field.
Due to these eddy currents there are high power wastage so that we use high standerd steel to
construct a motors.
Permanent magnet
In very small electric motors which run on dc (direct current) a permanent magnet made of iron - or of
some other alloy of elements capable of being magnetised - is used to create the two poles of the stator.
The rotor is built-up using windings made of insulated copper wire wound onto poles made of layers of
well-insulated thin cast iron sheets which are called "laminations".
The thin sheets must be well insulated from one another to minimize power wastage caused by internal
eddy currents that are induced as the rotor's poles continually break the stator's magnetic field.
Insulation materials
An insulating material should have high resistivity, high dielectric strength, low dielectric loss, good heat
conductivity, sufficient mechanical strength to withstand vibrations etc., capability of withstanding a
repeated heat cycle without deterioration and should be non-hygroscopic.
Some of the most important insulating materials used for insulation in electrical machines and
apparatus are mica, cotton, asbestos, paper, glass etc.

2. )parts of the DC machine
The armature takes the place of the nail in an electric motor. The armature is an electromagnet made by
coiling thin wire around two or more poles of a metal core.
The armature has an axle, and the commutator is attached to the axle. In armature you can see three
different views of the same armature: front, side and end-on. In the end-on view, the winding is
eliminated to make the commutator more obvious. You can see that the commutator is simply a pair of
plates attached to the axle. These plates provide the two connections for the coil of the electromagnet.

The "flipping the electric field" part of an electric motor is accomplished by two parts: the commutator
and the brushes.
The commutator is really just a switch. As it rotates, it changes the direction of the electricity in electric
motors and generators. By reversing the electricity flow in an electric motor armature (moving coil) a
rotating force is produced which in turn rotates the armature and converts the electrical force to
mechanical force. In a generator, the commutator does exactly the reverse; it converts the mechanical
force to electrical force.
The function of brushes is to collect current from the commutator and supply it to the external load
circuit (the armature of the machine being connected to the external load circuit via the commutator
and brushes). The brushes are rectangular in shape and rest on the commutator. Brushes are
manufacture in a variety of compositions and degrees of hardness to suit the commutation
Field system
In a field system of a magnet type D.C. motor constructed of a cylindrical yoke and a plurality of pole
pieces, each of which is made of a permanent magnet member bonded to the inner peripheral surface
of the yoke, an improved field system wherein each pole piece is formed with a recess along its central
part. The yoke is provided with bent portions protruding inwards of the yoke, in correspondence with
each recess, and the bent portions are held in engagement with the recess through an elastic member.
3.)types of armature winding
An armature is a rotating, copper-wrapped assembly, induced by a magnetic field to create electrical
energy. This component is central to the manufacture of electric motors. An armature's "windings" refer
to the network of metal conductors that enclose the structure's central commutator. Depending on the
motor type, there a number of winding configurations.
Lap Winding
In the case of lap winding, the end of a wire conductor is connected to the commutator, then the other
wire end is connected to the beginning of the next coil segment. This winding configuration refers to the
fact that the wire "laps over" each segment as the winding structure reaches its terminus.
Wave Winding
With wave winding, one wire conductor is wrapped under one pole, then connected to the back of the
next pole. In this case, the series of wire conductors do not directly overlap, but when it's completed,
the structure looks like a series of copper "waves" wrapped around the commutator.
Non-Lapped Winding
Non-lapped winding refers to a wire process that does not employ overlapping at any point across the
commutator but employs a linear side-by-side configuration from the front to the rear of the structure.
4)answer given in part 1 (1)
5)separately excited DC motor has its field winding separated from the armature in series DC motor we
have it in series with the armature.seperate field resistance is normally large for a example a 200V DC
motor Rf can be about 250.seperate field usually carries a small current, so we need a large no of turns
of tine mires for the separate field. This support a large Rf . no load speed of the separately excited DC
motor is approximately proportional to the armature voltage and inversely propotional to the field flux.
It is important to note that motor will tend to reason dangerous high speed if the first circuit is
disconnected while running on no load. All motors, there fore should carry loss of field protection.

6)Differences between performance characteristics of two motors
*in many traction applications we use separately excited DC motor and in simple
brush DC motor applications we use series DC motor.
*in series motor armature and field windings are series and in separate excited DC motor these two
windings are parallel.

Adjustable speed DCs hunt motor
Applications:- Essentially for constant speed applications requiring medium starting torque., for
applications requiring adjustable speed control, either constant torque or constant
Limitations:- Starting torque-medium
Usually limited to 250% by a starting resistance but may be increased.
Maximum momentary operating torque-usually limited to about 200% by commutation.
Speed regulation-10-15%
Speed control-6:1 range by field control, lowered below normal speed by armature
voltage control.
Constant speed DC shunt motor
Applications :- Essentially for constant speed applications requiring medium starting torque.
May be used for adjustable speed not greater than 2:1 range.
For lathes, centrifugal pumps, reciprocating pumps, fans, blowers conveyors , wood
working machines, machine tools, printing presses, spinning and weaving machines etc.
Limitations :- Starting torque-medium,
Usually limited to 250% by a starting resistor but may be increased.
Maximum operating torque usually limited to about 200% by commutation.
Speed regulation is 5-10% Speed control increase upto speed 200% by field control,
decrease by armature voltage control.

Cumulative compound wound DC motor
Applications :- For drives requiring high starting torque and only fairly constant speed, pulsating loads
with fly wheel action.
For shears, conveyors, crushers, bending rolls, punch presses, hoists, elevators, heavy
planers, ice making machines, air compressors, rolling mills, printing presses
Limitations - Starting torque-high, upto 450% depending upon the degree of compounding.
Maximum momentary operating torque-higher than shunt, upto 350%
Speed regulation-varying depending upon degree of
compounding upto 25 to 20%

Differential compound wound DC motor with relatively weak series field
Applications :- For experimental and research work
Limitations :- Almost constant torque and constant speed. Tendancy towards speed instability with a
possibility of motor running away and strong possibility of motor starting in wrong


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