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Year : 2 AUGUST 2009 Issue No.: 20

Published by :
A registered charity trust, working in the field of dissemination of
Trust Reg. No.: TR/40389 Dt. 20-12-2006 • PAN : AAA TH 5890 F
As per I.T. Exemp. Certificate Dt. 11-5-2007 valid till 31-3-2011
Add.: 2/102-103-104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103.
Tel.: 2893 5158 / 2893 0271 • E-mail :

1. From the Desk of the Editor................................... 3
2. Nature And Nurture................................................ 4
3. Laugh Your Way to Health........................................ 7
4. Bottled Water - Do We Need it?................................8
5. Smoking and Your Heart...................................... 10
6. Eye Donation........................................................ 13
7. Creation of Health................................................ 16
8. Power of Positive Thinking in Healing................ 18
9. Ten Steps to a Joyful and Enthusiastic Life....... 19
10. Ego of Humility...................................................... 20
11. The Human Energy System................................. 21
12. Healthy Self-talk Affirmation................................ 22
13. Eat More Calcium.................................................. 23
14. Why Not to Worry.................................................. 26

"The Holistic Healer" is dedicated to promoting holistic principles :

honouring the whole person (mind, body and spirit) and encouraging
people to actively participate in their health and health-care."

Printed, published and edited by Mr. Bipin Parekh on behalf of owner "Holistic Healing Helps Trust", from
2/102/103/104, Vithal Apts., S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 103 and printed at Jignesh Printers,
Shop No. 1, Rohan Residency, Ram Mandir X Road, Babhai Naka, Borivali (W), Mumbai-400 092.

From the Desk of the Editor..........-

Dear Readers,
Dr. Deepak Chopra very brilliantly
discusses the cause of disease as under:
"The cause of disease is often extremely
complex, but one thing can be said for certain : no
one has proved that getting sick is necessary. Quite
the opposite, in fact. Every day we come in contact
with millions of viruses, bacteria, allergens and
fungi, and only the tiniest fraction ever lead to
disease. It is not uncommon for doctors to see
patients whose respiratory tracts contain clusters
of virulent meningococcus bacteria living there
harmlessly. Only on rare occasions do they break
out and cause meningitis, a serious and at times fatal
infection of the central nervous system. What
provokes such an attack? No one knows precisely,
but it seems to involve a mysterious factor called
'control by the host,' meaning that we, the host of
germs, somehow open or close the gate to them.
More than 99.99 percent of the time, the gate is
closed, which implies that each of us is much closer
to perfect health than we realize."
The message is simple and clear.
Have A Happy August.
With divine love...
Naturally yours, Your Editor may please be
contacted only between
10 a.m. to 12 noon &
(Mob.: 98332 05550) between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
from Monday to Friday .


The existence of human beings on this planet is so
much dependent on nature that all efforts to view the
former as independent objects by the conventional
scientific methods pale into insignificance. Every
human being is nurtured in this cosmos both by the
basic genetic DNA coding and by the environment he
or she lives in.
Modern scientific medicine probably reaches only
about 20 per cent of world's population - most of them
living in industrialised nations. In other words, nearly
eight out of ten people in this world have no access to
modern medicine. Such people live (probably happily)
in their own way as a part of the entire macrocosm.
My good friend and the former head of cardiology
at the University College Hospital, London, Dr. Arthur
Hollman, has written a superb book entitled Plants in
Cardiology (published by the London Royal College of
Physicians in 1992.) This book should act as eye-opener
for most of our colleagues. While many of the present-
day drugs have plant origins, there are thousands of
species of medicinal plants in the rain forests of the
world that we have not exploited fully. The ancient Indian
system of Ayurveda has suggested more than 1500
herbal remedies for human maladies. We have not
evaluaed them scientifically through proper studies.
While we are very proud of our blister packings
and transdermal therapeutic systems, animals in the
wild have been using natures' curative systems for
ages purely with the help of their intuition. On the other

Nature is a revelation of God, Art a revelation of man.

- H. W. Longfellow
hand, mankind has been taught to forget intuition to
develop the intellect.
Drugs such as reserpine, tubocurarine, vincristine,
quinine, emetine and cocaine (and many others) have
come from plants. The chemical richness of the
tropical forests matches their toxonomic diversity.
Most of these chemicals are there to protect the plants
against animals and microorganisms. Their net effect
is to discourage predation and premature decay.
Since there are so many species of plants in the rain
forests competition to obtain nutrients to be able to
grow should also be associated with a plant's capacity
for self-preservation. The absence of winter in rain
forests makes predation a perennially intense threat.
Consequently plants have been under great pressure
to produce effective defensive chemicals. On their
survival depends mankind's survival. In other words
the fate of the tropical forests is linked to the future of
not only medicine, but also the entire human race.
A new branch of learning, called ethnobotany,
studies plants indigenous to a particular country. We
in India have a very large stock. In the field of modern
medicine, drug research centres around finding
specific agents to act at specific biochemical sites.
This trend has to change so as to incorporate large-
scale screening of naturally occurring herbal drugs
and also serendipity.
Ethiopian baboons facing the risk of schistosomiasis
(a disease caused by the tropical plantworm) ingest local
fruits which are rich in diosgenin (an antischistosomiasis
drug). Kodiak bears (Ursus arctos) apply a root called
Man's heart away from nature becomes hard.
- Standing Bear
Lingusticum porteri topically. They chew, spit and
scratch this root into their fur. The drug present in this
root kills all ectoparasites. Wild chimpanzee use
Vernonia shoot pith for controlling diarrhoea. (This pith
is used in Africa extensively.) Howler monkey (Aloutta)
use herbal drugs for birth pacing. Thus, we have a lot to
learn from animals, which have practised medicine for
millions of years. It would be tragic to lose their
potentially life-saving discoveries.
While we have reason to be happy about our
progress in the field of emergency medicine, there are
numerous chronic ailments in whose treatment modern
medicine has not made any inroads. To understand
nature in toto, one has to respect all other systems of
health care as well. Unfortunately, most doctors have
very little insight into other systems of medicine apart
from their own. A consultant physician at the Glasgow
Royal Infirmary recently rediscovered an excellent
homoeopathic remedy for curing hay fever after
conducting painstaking triple blind studies {in which
1) the patient, 2) doctor and 3) a third person assessing
the doctor are all kept in the dark about the contents of
two kinds of tablets looking alike, but one containing
the active ingredient and the other a placebo} on a large
cohort of patients. Similar Studies in veterinary
medicine have brought to the fore a very inexpensive
homoeopathic drug to prevent mastitis in cows which
normally incapacitates 10 percent of cows at a given
time in a farm. The cost of treatment (by using
antibiotics) for mastitis is rather prohibitive.
– Dr. B. M. Hegde
Nature abhors a vaccum.
- Benedict Spinoza


Laughter is a great, natural therapy, available without
prescription, in every corner of the world. It triggers the
release of endorphin, the feel-good chemicals that reduce
pain and anxiety, and enhance the immune system.
The Journal of the American Medical Association notes
the role of laughter in decreasing stress related hormones:
"A humour therapy programme can increase the quality
of life for patients with chronic problems. Laughter has
an immediate symptom-relieving effect for patients."
Laughter is good exercise. Laughing out loud is known
to enhance respiration and combat carbon dioxide levels
in the blood. Some researchers suggest that by laughing
we provide a good massage to our internal organs.
This is, in part, some compensation for the natural
inner rubbing we lost when we, as early humans, attained
the erect posture! Writes William Fry, a laughter
researcher, "Mirth, in contrast to many other emotions,
provides physical exercise." Remember, how your sides
ached the last time you laughed real hard? When we
laugh, the muscles in the face, arms, legs and stomach,
get a mini-work-out, and so do the diaphragm, thorax,
the circulatory and the endocrine systems.
Experts say no to laughter therapy under certain
conditions. They suggest that patients with hernia,
advanced piles, eye complications, anginal (chest) pain, and
those who have just undergone major surgery, should not
venture into laughter therapy without the advice of a doctor.
- The Hindustan Times

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

- Grank Lloyd Wright


• Bottled Water costs more than $1.50 per bottle.
• That is 1,900 times the price of tap water!
• Which means Bad News for your...
Wallet : As an average US citizen spends over $400
every year on bottled water.
Health : Which can be damaged by toxic chemicals
like Bisphenol-A (BPA), leached from bottled water.
"BPA intake can also cause Cancerous cells in you
Environment : Which is Tainted by the Production,
Transportation, Packaging and Disposal of plastic
Bottled Water.
• In the year 2004 the Bottled Water usage was marked
as 26,000,000,000 (Liters)
• 26,000,000,000 liters is Nearly 28,000,000,000 Plastic
Bottles in a year. Of which 86% that end up as
• 26,000,000,000 liters means 17,000,000 barrels of oil
that was used to produce those plastic bottles.
• That oil could have been enough to fuel about 100,000
cars for that year.
• 1,500 water bottles end up as garbage every second!
• 26,000,000,000 liters also contributes to an addition
of 2,500,000 tons of carbon dioxide that was produced
in the manufacturing of the plastic bottle.
• $ 100,000,000,000 - One Hundred Billion Dollars that
is spent every year by Consumers on Bottled Water.
An amount like this even makes the Federal Bailout
amount look small...
• Research shows that for a fraction of the amount,
everyone on the Planet could have safe drinking water
and proper sanitation.
You will find something more in woods than in books. Trees
and stones will teach you that which you can never learn
from masters. Saint Bernard

Think you can help?

• If you only drink Bottled Water?
Are you sure you know all the facts about bottled
water? If you don't, then let's just say you are in for a
big surprise.
You spend the Money...
You pollute the Earth...
Risk polluting the Aquifer and other water bodies...
All for Bottled Water!?
Survey shows that 35% of bottled water drinkers think
that it is safer than Tap water
• Do you keep your Bottled Water in your cars?
You thought it was convenient, didn't you? But did
you know...
That the heat in the car and the plastic of the bottle
can leach out chemicals that can lead to Breast and
other types of Cancers.
• And even though you might not have kept it in the
Car, do you know what extreme temperatures it has
been through before you bought it?
- Stored in warehouses -
Temperatures vary from 26F to 85F
- Transported in trucks -
Temperatures vary from 100F to 150F
- Loaded and unloaded
Temperature vary from 45F to 100F
- Taken to local stores
Temperatures vary from 55F to 100F
- Finally to you.
• No matter which one you choose when you think of
when Going Green
Ditching bottled water keeps Mother Earth and your
wallet Green. From : "Internet"

Adopt the pace of nature : her secret is patience.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Smoking is one of the main factors which causes
heart attacks. Let me elaborate. The coronary arteries
provide the heart's own blood supply and they carry the
fuel and oxygen needed for its efficient working. When
these arteries become diseased, especially as a
consequence of smoking, their lining becomes thick,
thereby reducing the flow of blood, especially when the
heart has to work harder when its 'owner' performs some
exercise or gets excited. If there is a large amount of
obstruction to blood flow, a part of the heart muscle gets
damaged. Such a situation is called 'heart attack'.
• Smoking leads to more deaths due to heart attacks
than from any other disease.
• The risk of heart attacks rises with the intensity of
smoking. This risk is particularly higher in the case
of smokers below the age of 50. The death rates of
such persons due to heart attack are ten times greater
than those of non-smokers of the same age.
• You are more prone to a heart attack if you are a
smoker in addition to other risks.
• Cigarette smokers switching over to pipes or cigars
do not reduce the risk of heart attack.
• Carbon monoxide and nicotine are the two toxic
substances which reduce the oxygen supply and also
enhance blood clotting.
• Cigarette smoking causes crucial blocks in leg blood
vessels and might lead to the loss of a leg. This
occurrence is very rare in non-smokers.
• Filter cigarettes are no less dangerous than non-filter

The poetry of earth is never dead.

- John Keats
• Passive smoking can be harmful to people with a
known history of heart disease.
• Three million deaths occur due to smoking
worldwide, annually.
• Ten percent of British children in the age group 11-
15 years smoke despite a ban on cigarette sales to
• The world's top brand of cigarette brings in $ 23
billion sales revenue per year.
Yes, Ex-smokers are much less likely to fall victim to
heart attacks than those who continue to smoke.
You stand to save nearly Rs. 10,000 a year if you have
been smoking 10 to 20 cigarettes a day. If you have been
smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day for 30 years, you
would have smoked more than two cigarettes! As already
mentioned the risk of heart attack increases with the
numbers of cigarettes smoked.
It should be borne in mind that those who start
smoking at 15 years of age have a greater risk of having
a heart attack than those who start after 20.
If you are still healthy, it is important to stop smoking
before you develop an illness. If you have just suffered
a heart attack, one of the most important decisions you
should make is never to smoke again. A heart attack
provides you a very strong motive for stopping smoking.
Two out of three persons who have stopped smoking
have asserted that they found it surprisingly easy.
Keep a record of your smoking pattern, begin cutting
down on the number of cigarettes on a daily basis till
you reach the zero level.

What humbugs we are, who pretend to live for Beauty and

never see the Dawn! - L. P. Smith
Find a friend to support and encourage you in your
endeavour. Also ask your doctor to help you.
Be prepared for a radical change in your lifestyle. Go
in for plenty of exercise, which will help you in relieving
tension. Drink plenty of fruit juices. Find a new hobby or
listen to soothing music. The craving for cigarette will
automatically cease in a few weeks or months.
If you have suffered a setback and you begin smoking
again, analyse carefully the reasons for your failure. If
at first you don't succeed, quit, quit, quit and quit again.
- Dr. B. M. Hegde
1. Pursue a productive, exciting and active life.
2. Engage in meaningful activities every minute of
every day.
3. Develop an organized, planned lifestyle with little
4. Set realistic goals, yet keep your mark high.
5. Think positively - you cannot afford the luxury
of a negative thought.
6. Avoid needless worry over trifling matters
7. Devote time to fun.
8. Develop a warm, outgoing personality with a
sincere love of people.
9. Get in the habit of giving more than receiving.
10. Learn to live in the present. The past is water
under the bridge of life.
– Robin Sharma

You can't be suspicious of a tree or accuse a bird or a

squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet.
- Hal Borland

Every person who donates one's
eyes has the opportunity of giving sight to two corneal
blind persons.
The final act of eye donation i.e. surgical removal of
the corneas is not permitted when the donor is alive.
After death, action must be taken by the donor's relatives,
Whether or not your eyes are donated will depend on
how emphatically you communicate your desires to your
near and dear ones.
There are approximately 2.5 million corneally blind
citizens in India out of which 60% are children below 12
years of age. Millions die each year but only a few
thousands of us are generous enough to donate our eyes
after death.
Just a timely phone call to the nearest eye bank, after
collecting the death certificate is enough.
Q : Is the whole eye used for transplant?
A : No, only the thin transparent layer in front of the
iris called the cornea is used for transplant.
Q : Do religious authorities approve of donating one's
A : Yes, all religious faiths support this vital sight
restoration programme.
Q : Do cataracts or the use of spectacles render the
cornea unfit?
A : No, both these conditions relate to the lens of the
eye and not the cornea.
Q : Who can be an eye donor?
I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station,
through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only
tune in. - George Washington Carver
A : Any one can be a donor irrespective of age, sex or
blood group.
Q : Does eye donation disfigure the donor's face?
A : No, removal of corneas does not produce
disfigurement nor does it interfere with the
customary funeral arrangements.
Q : What conditions render corneas unfit for
A : Corneas of persons suffering from AIDs, jaundice,
rabies, syphillis, tetanus, septicaemia, viral
diseases, cancer etc. are considered unfit for
Q : What about diabetes or hyper-tension?
A : Even donors with these conditions can donate their
Q : Is there any use for corneas which are for some
reason not used for transplant?
A : Corneas that for technical reasons are not used for
vision restorating, are invaluable for research.
Q : How will my donations be used?
A : After the corneas are removed they will be
evaluated, processed, screened and then supplied
to the eye surgeon for transplant, free of charge.
Q : Do corneal transplants guarantee sight to all blind
A : No, transplants only help when the loss of sight is
solely due to corneal defect and the rest of the eye's
mechanism is intact.
Q : How quickly should the corneas be removed after
A : As soon as possible, but corneas can be removed
up to 6 hours after death.
Climb up on some hill at sunrise. Everybody needs
perspective once in a while and you'll find it there.
- Robb Sagendorph
Q : Is it necessary to transport the donor to the Hospital
after death?
A : No. Eye banks have personnel who will come to
the donor's home and remove the corneas. The
procedure takes approximately 30-45 minutes.
You have the authority & moral responsibility to
donate the eyes of the deceased.
1. Get the death certificate quickly.
2. Contact the nearest eye bank as soon as possible.
The eye bank need not necessarily be the one where
the donor had pledged this eyes.
3. Close the eye lids.
4. Cover the closed lids with moist cotton wool.
5. Switch off the fan. (Switch on air conditioner if
6. Raise the donor's head by 6 inches by placing two
pillows below it.
• Tomorrow morning when you open your eyes, think
of those who can't Donate Eye.
• See the world long after you die. - Donate eyes.
• The recipient will gratefully remember you, long after
you are no more - Donate Eyes.
• Miracle can't cure blind, you can. - Donate Eyes
For any problems on eye donation, please contact:
Tel.: 2416 2929
Manav Jyot Public Charitable Trust
Nityanand Apts., Dr. R. P. Road,
Mulund (W), Mumbai - 400 080.
Tel.: 2567 3587 / 2591 9755
E-mail :

Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.

- Juvenal

The creation of health is almost synonymous with
the creation of connectedness. While observing the
health parameters of the participants of the Universal
Healing Program, we have clearly seen that the sense of
connectedness promotes health, and the sense of
separation aggravates illness. The mind is the seat of
connection or separation. Modern medicine talks about
the mind and the body as one entity. They are
inseparable. One affects the other. The phrase 'creation
of health' gave me a clear picture of what sets free
participants from the fear and anxiety of coronary heart
disease. It transforms them into individuals with
indomitable inner strength, sparkling with joy and
confidence in themselves. Without doubt, this simple
technique of stretching and relaxation exercise followed
by deep relaxation (Shavasana) and meditation brings
about this transformation. One great lesson we have
learnt is that a sense of separation aggravates the
problem while a sense of connectedness creates health.
The signs of separation are increased irritability, lack of
concentration, fatigue, lack of energy, insomnia,
diminished immunity and erratic and diminished heart
rate variability (HRV). This is all due to the increased
secretion of catecholamines and corticosteroids
resulting in sympathetic over-activity and imbalance in
'Yin and Yang.' The signs of connectedness are the
feeling of calm and energy, increased immunity,
increased and harmonious HRV, and increased vagal
tone all due to the increased secretion of endorphin and
opiates in the blood.
It is difficult to calm the agitated mind. It is our
Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature
does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment.
- R. B. Fuller
common experience that when we are angry, the feeling
of anger often lingers for hours. On the other hand, an
encounter with one's inner spirit can colour our world
for many hours. During this time, nothing disturbs the
calm and peace of our mind. What is this spirit? It would
have been difficult for me to define it but for our
experience in the UHP these simple stretching and
relaxation exercises followed by deep relaxation
(Shavasana) and meditation help the individual to
experience this spirit which is the life force of everything
that exists. In words of our participants, when their whole
body from toes to head is relaxed and they are one with
their breath, a great peace enfolds us. We feel whole,
safe, secure and loved in these moments of bliss.'
Regular practice of meditation, even for five minutes,
three times a day, is an easy way to develop the feeling
of connectedness.
- Dr. Ramesh I. Kapadia
(From : Total Health)

To laugh often and love much, to win the

respect of intelligent persons and the affection
of children, to earn the approbation of honest
critics, to appreciate beauty, to give of one's self,
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a
healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed
social condition, to have played and laughed with
enthusiasm and sung with exultation, to know
even one life has breathed easier because you
have lived - that is to have succeeded.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
In wilderness I sense the miracle of life and behind it our
scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.
- Charles Lindbergh


United Press International released an article by Date
Singer in which he quoted psychologist Thomas W. Allen,
who believes "the power of positive thinking is stronger
in fighting disease than all of the technology of modern
medicine." Professor Allen, of the faculty of Washington
University in Saint Louis, says Singer, "Preaches holistic
medicine - the treatment of a patient as a whole person
rather than treatment of specific symptoms of a disease."
"Our thoughts reverberate in our bodies." declares
psychologist Allen, who has pioneered in the use of
imagery to change the way the body acts. The views of
Dr. Allen and others have been supported by
experiments. Cancer patients taught to use imagery
techniques lived longer and better lives than their
doctors had thought possible. A key point in the use of
imagery to fight cancer is recognizing that cancer cells
are not overpowering invaders but can be conquered.
Patients who use imagery picture their immune system
as victoriously aggressive and the cancer cells as
relatively weak and confused. That is why radiology
works, the body is bombarded and the cancer cells are
over whelmed.
Personally, I do not in any sense minimize the science
of medical practice, for I believe that the doctor is a servant
of God in healing. As a famous physician once said : "We
treat the patient, God heals him." But I also believe it is a
fact that the application of joyful, enthusiastic and positive
thoughts, long and deeply held, can "bombard the body,"
breaking down systematically the disease and helping to
free the system to enjoy vitality and health.
– Norman Vincent Peale
Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and
the winds long to play with your hair. - Khalil Gibran


Since thinking has much to do with what your life
becomes, you might consider the following suggestions:
FIRST : Stop depreciating yourself. There is a lot that is
right in you. Empty your mind of failure thoughts and
mistakes and start seeing your. self as a competent person.
SECOND : Eliminate self-pity thoughts. Start thinking
of what you have, instead of dwelling on what you may
have lost. List your assets of personality and talent.
THIRD : Quit thinking constantly of yourself. Think of
others. Actually go out and look for someone who needs
the kind of help you can give, and then give it freely. You
will not maintain a continuing flow of abundance if your
thoughts are only of yourself.
FOURTH : Remember the words of Goethe : "He who
has a firm will molds the world to himself." Almighty
God put a tough power into human beings called the
will. Use it.
FIFTH : Have a goal and put an achievable timetable on it.
SIXTH : Stop wasting your mental energy on gripes and
post-mortems, and start thinking about what to do now.
Amazing things happen when you think constructively.
SEVENTH : Every morning and every evening articulate
these, words aloud : "I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me."
EIGHTH : Every day say three times : "This is the day
the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it".
NINTH : Think and practice joy every day.
TENTH : Get enthusiasm : think enthusiasm, live
enthusiastically! – Norman Vincent Peale

To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is

more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.
- Helen Keller

Humility is the mark of a truly great person. It is also a
virtue of the honest and the simple who do not seek to
show themselves as what they are not.
Those who are humble are loved by all and others do
not fear approaching them. They also get help from others
when required, whereas an arrogant person is abandoned
by all in times of distress.
Because humility is valued so much, some people go
out of their way to be seen as humble, even as they harbour
big or small egos. To project an image of humility, such
people dress austerely and demonstrably forgo some of
the comforts of life, making sure that everyone notices
their apparent simplicity.
The motive is to acquire a reputation of humility rather
than humility itself. Paradoxical as it may sound, such
people end up with ego of their supposed humility. While
being outwardly simple, they have big ambitions in their
hearts. Such individuals can most commonly be found
among public figures, as public life is one field where one
can profit from an aura of humility. Such pretentious
humility can be told from the real thing by the fact that the
pretenders always seek attention whereas the truly humble
shun it. Since the pretenders put on their show of humility
for some selfish gain, they are always discontented, while
the truly humble accept their circumstances with grace
and therefore are at peace with themselves.
Moreover, those who cover their egos with the veneer
of outward humility easily feel insulted when they do not
get the appreciation or attention they desire. They then
react with irritation or anger. True to their false character,
such people only get token respect from others. They
ultimately end up bitter and frustrated.
It is better not to have any pretensions, even of humility,
than to lead a double life that only brings one misery.


"THE HUMAN" energy system is the energetic
substrate of the human body/mind. It is a system
within a system and is non-physical, though every bit
as real as our organs, limbs, and face.
The human energy system is similar in design and
function to the nervous system in that it runs
throughout the entire body and has major and minor
pathways. The major confluences of nerves in the
body are called plexuses, the equivalent in the human
energy system are the chakras, centres of concentrate
power. While the nervous system conducts trillions
of impulses to keep the body running correctly, the
human energy system is the link between the universal
source of all intelligence and the human body. Unlike
the nervous system, the human energy extends
beyond the boundaries of the physical body. The aura,
the energetic sheath that envelopes the body and is
visible to some people, is part of this system.
The human energy system is an energetic webbing
that permeates the entire body. It is the system that
empowers the body and energises and enlivens the
mind, providing the energetic foundation upon which
the body is built. It is the network through which all
life energy flows..." - Christopher S. Kilham
A diet consisting of any stable grain with milk
products and green leafy vegetables contains not
only the right kind and amount of protein but
everything else the body needs for health, strength
and well-being. - Sir R. McCarrison

Nature is a volume of which God is the author.

- Harrey


Here are seven simple steps you can take for healthy
self-talk affirmation.
1. Believe that God wants you to have a healthy mental
outlook and that with God's help it is possible. Read
Philippians 4:13 over and over until it becomes part
of you. "I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me" (NKJV).
2. Decide what you want to change and select three or
four things to focus on.
3. Write affirmations in positive, short, clear, specific
statements, as if the changes already have occurred
in your life, such as: • "I am healthy." • "I like the
person I am." • "I am a positive person."
Jan's wife, Kay, wrote the following self-talk
statement in the flyleaf of her Bible so she can read
it often : "I will not allow my self-worth to be
influenced by other's perceptions of me, but by my
own perceptions of whether or not I am living with
integrity, being humble, knowing what to take credit
for, and what is a gift from God."
4. Repeat those statements several times a day. When
you say them, don't evaluate their truthfulness. You
are saying, "This is what I wish to be, and I speak these
words as if they have already been accomplished."
5. If you find negative thoughts intruding, refute them
and continue your affirmations.
6. Make these affirmations an ongoing part of your life.
Spend a few minutes several times a day thoughtfully
repeating your affirmations to yourself.
7. Thank God for the miracle of transformation that is
taking place in your life. – Jan. W. Kuzma and Cecil Murphey
Look deep into nature and then you will understand
everything better. - Albert Einstein


We should consume calcium in natural forms as far
as possible. NT tells you about all the natural sources.
Drink more milk and dairy products is the general myth
associated with increasing calcium intake. Do you realise
milk does have calcium, but it is not really easily absorbed
by the body? Read on to find out the real story behind
So what does Calcium do to your body?
Calcium helps keep the weight off : Research suggests
that if you don't get enough calcium in your diet, you're
likely to be overweight. An adequate supply appears to
make it easier to maintain a healthy weight. The reason
has to do with your body's response to a calcium deficit.
When you're low, your body thinks you're starving and
enters emergency mode, releasing parathyroid hormone
from four glands in your neck. This hormone stimulates
your bones to realease some calcium into your
bloodstream. Your kidneys also deliver a dose of a
hormone called calcitriol, a form of vitamin D, to increase
your ability to absorb calcium. Hence, a high calcium
intake suppresses these hormones so your body stores
less fat and also breaks it down easily, he says.
calcium, you're more likely to have high blood pressure.
An adequate supply of calcium helps muscles - including
your heart muscle - do their work of contracting and
relaxing. Calcium helps your nervous system regulate the
level of pressure in your arteries.
signs of osteoporosis are sometimes found by a dentist,
because the structure of the jawbone is affected. Owing
to the advantages of calcium, the market today is flooded

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of

the stars. - Walt Whitman
with innumerable kinds of calcium supplements.
However, it is important that we consume calcium in
natural forms as far as possible and resort to supplements
only whenever necessary.
• One of the most vital nutrients required to improve
calcium absorption in the body is available in
abundance and totally free to mankind - the simple
sunlight. It is the best source of vitamin D which helps
in the absorption of calcium. Therefore, bask in the
sunlight everyday for at least 20-40 minutes. Go to your
terrace, walk in the fresh air. Best time to do this is
before 11.00 a.m. and after 2.30 p.m.
• Do you know the calcium pill can also be the tomato?
The vitamin C content of the tomato helps to form and
maintain collagen that provides strength and elasticity
for our teeth and bones. Eat them fresh, not processed.
Four tomatoes are enough for your required dietary
allowance every day.
• Sesame seeds : These tiny seeds can contribute a
lot towards your calcium intake. Toss them in salad,
add butter to your toast, splash some in you
vegetables, mix them in your raitas and you are set.
• Leafy green vegetables : The powerhouse of
calcium - coriander, fenugreek, spinach are a high
source of easily absorbable calcium. No wonder we
have been asked to eat these in plenty by our parents
and grandparents. Coriander can be a garnish for
almost anything! Methi aloo paratha, methi aloo bhaji
or start the day with a spinach and lemon juice for your
calcium punch.
• Broccoli : This exotic vegetable, easily available is
one of the leading sources of calcium.
• Yoghurt : A bowl of curd with your lunch will do

Fields have eyes and woods have ears.

- John Heywood
wonders to your overall health besides providing you
with a calcium boost.
• Kidney Beans : Baked beans on toast, rajma with
steamed rice, steamed beans in salads, are some of the
ways you could use this scrumptious bean to your diet.
• Oranges : Not only are they delicious, they also
provide you with calcium. Whnever you have that in
between meal craving go for oranges !
• Green peas : You can toss them in salads, vegetables,
rice, pastes, parathas or any other thing you may like.
These small little peas are a packed source of calcium.
• Almonds : These nuts are known to be one of the
highest in calcium content. You could take some with
you to work to munch on, or use them in desserts,
salads, etc.
• Nachni atta : Try having the humble nachni rotis
thrice a week, nachni khakhras are available in the
market too.
• Prunes : They are one of the highest sources of
calcium. Wonderful as a mid-day snack, you really
cannot miss out on prunes.
• Pine nuts : One always wondered of the nutrient value
of this nut. Add it to your salads, add it to your pesto
or just as a snack, it's wonderful.
• Soya : Lactose intolerance and worried about calcium?
So we glut the Soya milk and add Soya to the atta. This
is wrong. Use Soya in its fermented form - tofu, meso,
temp. No Soya milk, atta, khakhras.
• Chick peas : Kabuli chana, hummus, chole, are a good
source of calcium.
Calcium intake is so easy to manage and so delicious
too! Go beyond the dairy.
Courtesy : Mr. Naginbhai Bhagat
Sanjay, S.V.P. Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai - 92.
The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependant
on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in
universe to do. - Galileo


"The reason why worry kills more people than work
is that more people worry than work" - Robert Frost
The Greek word for 'worry' is 'merimnaw' which
literally means' to be drawn in different directions'. And
indeed worry tears us into pieces spiritually, physically
and even socially. Here is how :
Every system in our body gets affected, when we
worry. Blood clotting increases, blood pressure rises
and the liver produces more cholesterol.
Classic symptoms of stroke.
Muscle tension gives rise to headaches, back pain
and other body aches.
Worry also triggers and increase acid in stomach -
leading to constipation, diarrhea, gas, heartburn or
stomach aches.
Worry can affect our respiratory system - by
aggravating Asthma.
It is a medical fact, that worriers die sooner than the
Worry is only in Our Head!
So we need to learn to deal with it Head-on!
If we are focused on our fears, we are more likely to
crash into it.
Thinking about it is a confirmation of it's existence...
making it's exist. Even if it isn't there.
Worry, infact, distracts us from the duties of the
present. It is an uninvited guest, making our shoulders
droop and forehead crease. . . just when we should be
filled with hope.
- Dr. Vijaya Venkat & Accosiate

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.

- William Shakespeare
Be generous! Give to those you love, give to
those who love you, give to the fortunate, give to
the unfortunate - yes, give especially to those to
whom you don't want to give. You will receive
much from your giving. The more you give, the
more you will have.
Give a smile to everyone you meet (smile with
your eyes) and you'll receive smiles.
Give a kind word (with a kindly thought behind
the word) and you will receive kind words.
Give appreciation (warmth from the heart) and
you will be appreciated.
Give time for a worthy cause (with eagerness)
and you will be richly rewarded.
Give hope (the magic ingredient for success) and
you will be made hopeful.
Give happiness and you will be made happy.
Give encouragement (the incentive to action)
and you will be encouraged. Give prayers (the
instrument of miracles and you will receive
blessings. (W. Clement Stone)
Give as you would if an angel
Awaited your gift at the door.
Give as you would if tomorrow
Found you where giving was o'er.
Give as you would to the Master,
If you met His loving look,
Give as you would of your substance,
If His hand the offering took.
(Author Unknown)

- J. Maurus
1) Imagine your ideal scene, list and affirm yo
2) Write your plan as a simple, clear visualizat
3) Discover your vocation and purpose.
4) See the full half of the glass, the be
adversity, and keep picturing success.
5) Live and work in partnership with all.
6) Avoid management by crisis with clear g
7) Love change and learn to dance.
8) Discover your core beliefs, and learn
change them.
9) Grow at your own pace, with an archite
10) Give abundantly and reap the rewards :
Ten Percent Solution" to work in your life.
11) Become more aware of the spiritual side o
power of prayer, meditation, and relaxation
12) Do what you love to do, and success will fo
You can transform your life and your world b
what you love to do.



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