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Kindle Paper White

The close contact lasted only a couple of minutes (because after that there are people who want to
eperience!" but when my second close encounter #indle Paper White is already four years later.
$ot because % do not want to own a #indle Paperwhite " but in the four years % was a poor student"
to pay bi& buc's to buy such a de(ice can only read some really etra(a&ant Moreo(er" there is no
one simple channels to purchase (only purchasin& ).*. (ersion + ,apanese (ersion!" and more
importantly" % ha(e been a stron& supporter of a physical boo'" % thin' e-boo's and e-boo' reader
is not my life.s necessities.
$ow thin' of it" my time.s /insistence/ really nai(e" because after a year usin& the #indle
PaperWhite " my readin& life was completely chan&ed.
%n fact" before the #indle Paper White into China" % ha(e started to read the boo'. At that time my
wor' is related with mobile readin&" readin& e-boo's in the first part of his wor'. 0ut at the time
of the e-boo' reader is his cell phone" readin& on a small screen 123 4 563 is simply suffer" you
ha(e to constantly flip 'eys" had to endure slow as a turtle speed mobile phone networ'" and many
e-boo's typesettin& and editorial 7uality is poor" typos" &arbled" random 8ines and para&raphs
0ecause #indle Paper White can not stand the small screen readin& clumsy" #indle Paper White
9ust start a popular Android phone" 1.: inch screen readin& eperience indeed much better than the
small screen" you can also flip the hand touch" but also (ery portable. 0ut the problem is still
there" the first one is the content of resources" many boo's there is no electronic (ersion" an
electronic (ersion of the multi-piracy" and some shoddy networ' no(els; second or screen
problem" because readin& is a (ery time-consumin& thin&s" the phone screen was lit" electricity-
consumin& 7uic'ly" often you read in a row after twel(e child" on the loss of electricity for nearly
5+1; third is starin& at the small screen" with da<<lin& white always your eyes tired" a lot of people
ha(e such an eperience; fourth problem is the phone is not eclusi(e reader concentrate on
readin&" you will always be sudden *M*" telephone" == messa&e interrupted. My memory is
7uite profound dead of ni&ht % used a cell phone to read /Tomb $otes/" and suddenly a call to
show off alon& with my cell phone rin& tones" no heart attac' scared me ...... %t.s li'e intent
on watchin& the >host when suddenly someone shot you in the bac' loo' ......
While readin& boo's has become mainstream" but the phone as e-boo' reader is not a &ood choice"
especially for a person who lo(es readin&.
% can not call myself a scholar" but a lo(e of readin& people. % li'e in' on paper wa(es of
fra&rance" and holdin& the boo' in the hands of practical sense and a sense of security.% li'e
#indle Paper White (ery much As a /'nown elements/ seen many types of boo's and
miscellaneous. 8ar&e (oluminous academic treatise" the Tomb of the popular romance no(el
networ' across; from Haru'i Mura'ami" 0aby Anne fresh fashion to ,oyce" Proust obscure; ?rom
/Chinese 8iterature fifteen stresses/ to the /History of =uantum Physics/ ...... such a serious
conse7uence is that more and more boo's at home" as a $orth drift" % ha(e no place to put too
many boo's. E(ery mo(e is headache" four or fi(e boes and three hea(y boo's boo'case is
simply cumbersome" only this time" % will complain about the pain of boo's" more and more praise
from the #indle Paper White &ood.
Here to 8earn More @

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