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18/07/13 T2000 firmware upgrade 1/2
On date of writing this article, the latest firmware for T2000 is version 6.6.7
I am doing this exercise, since my current firmware (or Hypervisor) doesn't support Logical Domains (LDom).
Basically, hypervisor is software sitting above hardware and doing virtualization of it, so machine can have more LDoms (each LDom is like separate piece of hardware).
So I downloaded (from Sun site) patch 139434-01, and once you extract it, there are README files that tells you everything.
To determine current hardware version I go to ALOM System Controller.
sc> showhost
Sun-Fire-T2000 System Firmware 6.3.1 2006/12/04 09:35
Host flash versions:
Hypervisor 1.3.0 2006/11/10 06:35
OBP 4.25.0 2006/11/07 23:24
POST 4.25.0 2006/11/08 00:08
sc> showsc version -v
Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.3.1
SC Firmware version: CMT 1.3.1
SC Bootmon version: CMT 1.3.1
VBSC 1.3.0
VBSC firmware built Nov 10 2006, 06:38:31
SC Bootmon Build Release: 01
SC bootmon checksum: 6C563271
SC Bootmon built Dec 4 2006, 09:29:14
SC Build Release: 01
SC firmware checksum: D2D367DA
SC firmware built Dec 4 2006, 09:29:21
SC firmware flashupdate SUN APR 22 17:48:32 2007
SC System Memory Size: 32 MB
SC NVRAM Version = 12
SC hardware type: 4
FPGA Version:
The utility sysfwdownload is used for this exercise, and requirement is that current firmware is above 6.1.10 version, so we are good to go.
For example go to directory /tmp/images/
From bunch of patch extracted files, copy two files to /tmp/images/
Files are Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_0-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin and sysfwdownload
Firmware image is the file Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_0-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin

If needed add executable permission to the tool.
# chmod u+x sysfwdownload
Tool sysfwdownload helps you to download this image to ALOM System Controller.
Takes 10-15 minutes for download to complete.
# /tmp/images/sysfwdownload Sun_System_Firmware-6_7_0-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin
.......... (9%).......... (18%).......... (27%).......... (37%)..........
(46%).......... (55%).......... (64%).......... (74%)..........
(83%).......... (92%)......... (100%)
Download completed successfully.
Power off the system and go to ALOM SC.
sc> showplatform
Chassis Serial Number: 0716NNN06S
Domain Status
------ ------
S0 OS Standby
Make sure that your virtual keyswitch setting is not in the LOCKED position.
sc> showkeyswitch
Keyswitch is in the NORMAL position.
And finaly run firmware upgrade.
sc> flashupdate -s
SC Alert: System poweron is disabled.
............. will see many dots .............
Update complete. Reset device to use new software.
SC Alert: SC firmware was reloaded
18/07/13 T2000 firmware upgrade 2/2
Reset of ALOM SC is needed as last step in this upgrade.
sc> resetsc
Are you sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]? y
User Requested SC Shutdown
Let's see what version we have now:
sc> showhost
Sun-Fire-T2000 System Firmware 6.7.0 2008/12/11 14:54
Host flash versions:
OBP 4.30.0 2008/12/11 12:15
Hypervisor 1.7.0 2008/12/11 13:43
POST 4.30.0 2008/12/11 12:41
sc> showsc version -v
Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.7
SC Firmware version: CMT 1.7.0
SC Bootmon version: CMT 1.7.0
VBSC 1.7.0
VBSC firmware built Dec 11 2008, 13:51:17
SC Bootmon Build Release: 01
SC bootmon checksum: 89A76C05
SC Bootmon built Dec 11 2008, 14:01:32
SC Build Release: 01
SC firmware checksum: 97A9A75C
SC firmware built Dec 11 2008, 14:01:47
SC firmware flashupdate FRI NOV 20 20:55:50 2009
SC System Memory Size: 32 MB
SC NVRAM Version = 14
SC hardware type: 4
FPGA Version:

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