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Hiraane Santos 10B

Investigate the legal, soial, !olitial an" ethial as!ets o# this$
Where do governments stand on punishing treating measure?
USA is at %ar, the& have #ighting "r'g a""ition #or al(ost a Cent'r&, an"
'n#ort'natel& it is a %ar the& are losing$ Dr'g a)'sers ontin'e till to"a& to #ill
in o'rts, hos!itals an" *ails$ A"'lts %ith "r') a""ition an" have hil"ren
neglet, a)'se an" even a)an"on the($
+$0 (illion !ersons %ere 'rrent 'sers o# !s&hothera!e'ti "r'gs ta,en non
(e"iall& -.,+/ o# the US$ Po!'lation0$ It targets the entral nervo's s&ste($
The (ost o((onl& a)'se" "r'gs are,
Pain relievers12$1 (illions
Tran3'illers1.$. (illions
Sti('lants11$1 (illion
Se"atives10$4 (illion
What impact can this have on real families?
It "e!en"s i# the !erson ta,ing the "r'gs is an a"'lt or a hil", it an also
On the str't're o# the #a(il&
Eono(i !ro)le(s
Di##erent -a)nor(al0 )ehavior
I# it is an a"'lt it an
Neglet #a(il&
5ose *o)
Health iss'es
o 6ill i# over"ose
o Ca'se sei7'res
o CNS "e!ression
o Ps&hosis
o Car"iovas'lar o(!liations
I# it the !erson is 'n"er 18 &ears ol" it an
Gra"es "ro!
Dro! shool
A)'se #a(il&
R'n o't o# the ho'se
Stealing -eono(i !ro)le(s0
Heath iss'es
o 6ill i# over"ose
o Ca'se sei7'res
o CNS "e!ression
o Ps&hosis
o Car"iovas'lar o(!liations
If drug is addictive should it continue to be used in mainstream
A""ition is a o(!le9 "isor"er harateri7e" )& o(!'lsive "r'g 'se$
:hile eah "r'g !ro"'es "i##erent !h&sial e##ets, all a)'se"
s')stanes share one thing in o((on; re!eate" 'se an alter the %a& the
)rain loo,s an" #'ntions$
Ta,ing a rereational "r'g a'ses a s'rge in levels o# "o!a(ine in
&o'r )rain, %hih trigger #eelings o# !leas're$ <o'r )rain
re(e()ers these #eelings an" %ants the( re!eate"$
I# &o' )eo(e a""ite", the s')stane ta,es on the sa(e
signi#iane as other s'rvival )ehaviors, s'h as eating an"
Changes in &o'r )rain inter#ere %ith &o'r a)ilit& to thin, learl&,
e9erise goo" *'"g(ent, ontrol &o'r )ehavior, an" #eel nor(al
%itho't "r'gs$
:hether &o'=re a""ite" to inhalants, heroin, >ana9, s!ee", or
?io"in, the 'nontrolla)le raving to 'se gro%s (ore i(!ortant
than an&thing else, inl'"ing #a(il&, #rien"s, areer, an" even &o'r
o%n health an" ha!!iness$
The 'rge to 'se is so strong that &o'r (in" #in"s (an& %a&s to
"en& or rationali7e the a""ition$ <o' (a& "rastiall&
'n"eresti(ate the 3'antit& o# "r'gs &o'=re ta,ing, ho% ('h it
i(!ats &o'r li#e, an" the level o# ontrol &o' have over &o'r "r'g
Physical warning signs of drug abuse
Bloo"shot e&es, !'!ils larger or s(aller than 's'al
Changes in a!!etite or slee! !atterns$ S'""en %eight loss or %eight
Deterioration o# !h&sial a!!earane, !ersonal groo(ing ha)its
Un's'al s(ells on )reath, )o"&, or lothing
Tre(ors, sl'rre" s!eeh, or i(!aire" oor"ination
Behavioral signs of drug abuse
Dro! in atten"ane an" !er#or(ane at %or, or shool
Une9!laine" nee" #or (one& or #inanial !ro)le(s$ @a& )orro% or
steal to get it$
Engaging in seretive or s's!iio's )ehaviors
S'""en hange in #rien"s, #avorite hango'ts, an" ho))ies
Are3'entl& getting into tro')le -#ights, ai"ents, illegal ativities0
Psychological warning signs of drug abuse
Une9!laine" hange in !ersonalit& or attit'"e
S'""en (oo" s%ings, irrita)ilit&, or angr& o't)'rsts
Perio"s o# 'n's'al h&!erativit&, agitation, or gi""iness
5a, o# (otivationB a!!ears lethargi or Cs!ae" o'tD
A!!ears #ear#'l, an9io's, or !aranoi", %ith no reason
Dr'gs sho'l" not )e ta,en a%a& )ea'se it is neessar& #or so(e ases
li,e #or Dravet s&n"ro(e, le',e(ia, it is alle" the CBT treat(ent %ih
is high in CBD #ro( (ari*'ana #or little hil"ren or a"'lts$ So(eti(es
there are no other !ossi)ilit& li,e the little girl na(e" harlotte Aigi that
ha" E00 sei7'res !er %ee,, an" ha" trie" ever&thing )e#ore this$ Her li#e
no% has o(!letel& hange"$ She an tal,, %al, an" eat %hih she
o'l"n=t )e#ore$

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