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Curriculum Vitae

Joe Looney
4058 Harbour Court ~ Granite Falls, NC 28630
Phone 828!50"!#32$ %%%%%% %%%%%% &oeloone'$()mail*com

M.S., Technology, +estern Carolina ,ni-ersit', Cullo.hee, NC, 2004
B.S., Electrical Engineering Technology, ,ni-ersit' o/ Central Flori0a, 1rlan0o, F2, $##5
A.A*, General Studies, Valencia Communit' Colle)e, 1rlan0o, F2, 3u)ust $#8$

Fi-e 'ears e45erience .or6in) as a 7irector o/ Colle)e 8n)ineerin) 9echnolo)' 5ro)rams*
8i)hteen 'ears teachin) technolo)' courses at the Communit' Colle)e le-el .ith stu0ents o/
0i-erse a)e, abilit' an0 bac6)roun0*
3reas o/ teachin) com5etence inclu0e 3nalo) an0 7i)ital 8lectronics, :icro5rocessors,
;n0ustrial Controls, :anu/acturin), Pro)rammable 2o)ic Controllers an0 <obotics, amon)
+or6e0 as a liaison .ith re)ional manu/acturin) in0ustries in +estern North Carolina,
0e-elo5in) .or6/orce trainin) an0 5artnerin) on technical 5ro&ects*
Fi/teen 'ears e45erience .or6in) in en)ineerin) an0 a55lie0 technolo)' areas /or commercial
in0ustr' an0 N3=3>s ?enne0' =5ace Center*
1ther a0ministrati-e e45erience, inclu0in) technical 5ro&ect mana)ement an0 lab resource
coor0ination /or N3=3* =er-e0 on the Presi0ent>s Colle)e 30-isor' Committee 2008!200# at
Ha'.oo0 Communit' Colle)e*

Direcor o! En"ineerin" Tec#no$o"ie%, Cal0.ell Communit' Colle)e an0 9echnical ;nstitute
<es5onsible /or 8lectronics 8n)ineerin) 9echnolo)', :echanical 8n)ineerin)
9echnolo)' an0 8lectrical ='stems 9echnolo)' 5ro)rammin), 5lannin), resources,
a0-isin) an0 recruitment at CCC@9;* 3lso res5onsible /or colle)e cre0it technical
5ro)rammin) in /our hi)h!schools in Cal0.ell an0 +atau)a counties*
:aintain 0ocumentation an0 5ractices reAuire0 /or accre0itation /rom the =outhern
Association of Colleges and Schools.
Planne0 an0 0irecte0 B600,000 u5)ra0es to 8n)ineerin) 9echnolo)' /acilities an0
<e0esi)ne0 8n)ineerin) 9echnolo)' 5ro)ram curricula to inclu0e current
technolo)ies an0 a0-ance0 manu/acturin) to5icsClabs*
Coor0inate .ith +C,, ,NC!C, an0 NC 3@9 on articulation a)reements*
Joe Looney
Pa)e t.o

Le&' In%r(cor, Ha'.oo0 Communit' Colle)e DHCCE
2ea0 instructor /or the 8lectronics 8n)ineerin) 9echnolo)' an0 :echatronics
5ro)rams at HCC* <es5onsibilities inclu0e recruitin), consultin) on sche0ulin) an0
strate)ic 5lannin), a0-isin) an0 re)isterin) all stu0ents in these 5ro)rams, or0erin)
su55lies an0 eAui5ment* +or6e0 .ith other 0e5artments an0 contractors to 5lan an0
im5lement the 30-ance0 :achinin) Center as a 5art o/ HCC>s <e)ional Hi)h
9echnolo)' Center*
=er-e0 on the Presi0ent>s Colle)e 30-isor' Committee 2008C200# at Ha'.oo0
Communit' Colle)e* 9he /ocus o/ this 5ro)ram .as 0e-elo5in) the colle)e lea0ershi5
s6ills o/ committee members*
En"ineerin" Pro)ec Le&'er, ;!N89 Cor5, ?enne0' =5ace Center, F2, $##0!$##6*
HEPA Filter Inspection Robot
2e0 a technical team o/ se-en en)ineers, res5onsible /or the 0esi)n o/ a 5ortable
robot use0 to ins5ect clean!room /ilters on the =5ace =huttle launch 5a0s*
:ana)e0 a bu0)et o/ o-er B$,000,000*
=uccess/ull' im5lemente0 the /irst robotic s'stem to be a55ro-e0 /or use in a =5ace
=huttle 5rocessin) /acilit'*
<ecei-e0 t.o a.ar0s /rom N3=3 /or contributions to this 5ro&ect*
Payload Transfer easure!ent Syste!
2e0 a technical team res5onsible /or the 0esi)n o/ a 0istribute0 0ata acAuisition
s'stem use0 to measure the 5osition o/ 5a'loa0s bein) trans/erre0 into =5ace
:ana)e0 all resources an0 5ersonnel in-ol-e0 in the 0e-elo5ment o/ the electronics
an0 so/t.are /or this s'stem* D=che0ulin), bu0)etin), 5rocurement an0
L&* Coor'in&or, Foein) 3eros5ace, ?enne0' =5ace Center, F2, $##0!$##2*
Coor0inate0 all resources, acti-ities an0 5rocurements /or N3=3>s 30-ance0 ='stems
7e-elo5ment 2ab*

Direcor+In%r(cor, Cal0.ell Communit' Colle)e @ 9echnical ;nstitute, Hu0son, NC, 200# !
;n a00ition to 7irector>s a0ministrati-e 0uties, consistentl' carr' a 20G contact hour
instructional loa0 /or 8n)ineerin) 9echnolo)' 5ro)rams*
Joe Looney
Pa)e three

In%r(cion, 7irectorC;nstructor CCC@9; Dcontinue0E
<eci5ient o/ the 20$2 84cellence in 9eachin) 3.ar0, D9eacher o/ the HearE, /or CCC@9;*
=emi/inalist /or the 20$2 84cellence in 9eachin) a.ar0 /or the communit' colle)e s'stem
at the state le-el*
A')(nc In%r(cor, +estern Pie0mont Communit' Colle)e, :or)anton, NC, 20$3 I Present*
7esi)n an0 0eli-er' o/ a com5rehensi-e #6!hour :anu/acturin) :aintenance Certi/ication
Pro)ram /or Continuin) 80ucation* Partici5atin) com5anies inclu0e Caterpillar" #e$iton"
Sypris Technologies" Continental Te$es" Case Far!s and %aldese &ea$ers
In%r(cor, Ha'.oo0 Communit' Colle)e, Cl'0e, NC, $##6 I 200#*
8n)ineerin) 9echnolo)' instruction, curriculum an0 course 0e-elo5ment* Continuin)!
e0ucation an0 .or6/orce 0e-elo5ment trainin) /or re)ional manu/acturin) in0ustr'*
In'(%ri&$ A(o,&ion S-eci&$i%, Ha'.oo0 Communit' Colle)e, Cl'0e, NC $##6!200#*
7e-elo5e0 an0 0eli-ere0 custom technical an0 sa/et' trainin) 5ro)rams an0 content /or
Cham5ion Pa5er Cor5oration, D5 'earsE an0 Giles Chemical Cor5oration D$3 'earsE*

Co(r%e% 'e.e$o-e'/ Curriculu! JHome 3utomation ='stemsK
Continuing Education J:anu/acturin) :aintenance Certi/icationK
JVisual FasicK
0;ntro0uction to Pro)rammable 2o)ic Controllers DP2CEK
JP2C Pro)rammin) an0 :aintenanceK
J30-ance0 P2C 355licationsK
J;nstrumentation an0 ControlsK
J:aintainin) <=Vie.32 Pro&ects DH:;EK
Co(r%e% &("#/ Curriculu! J;ntro0uction to 9echnolo)'K
J7CC3C Circuit 3nal'sisK
J8lectronic 7e-icesK
J2inear ;C 355licationsK
J7i)ital 8lectronicsK
J;ntro0uction to :icro5rocessorsK
J:icro5rocessor ='stemsK
J9elecommunications Cablin)K
J;ntro0uction to 3utomationK
J;n0ustrial ControlsK
J:otors an0 ControlsK
J;ntro0uction to P2CsK
JP2C 355licationsK
J<obotic Fun0amentalsK
J<obot Pro)rammin)K
J<obotics an0 C;:K
J;n0ustrial =a/et'K
Joe Looney
Pa)e /our

J;n0ustrial +irin)K
J8n)ineerin) 7esi)n Pro&ectK
J:anu/acturin) ProcessesK
J=tatics an0 =tren)ths o/ :aterialsK
Continuing Education JCisco Net.or6in) 3ca0em' CurriculumK
J7CC3C CircuitsK

Co2&(#or+Pre%ener, A Custo! Robotic Syste! for Inspecting HEPA Filters in the Payload
Changeout Roo! at the 'ASA (ennedy Space Center. Presente0 at the $##4 Flori0a
Con/erence on <ecent 30-ancements in <obotics, ,ni-ersit' o/ Flori0a, Gaines-ille, F2 $##4*

3i$e% C#e,ic&$ Cor-or&ion, +a'nes-ille, NC, $##6!200#*
<es5onsible /or a technical 5artnershi5 bet.een HCC an0 Giles Chemical Cor5* <outinel'
assiste0 Giles en)ineerin) )rou5 .ith .or6 on e4istin) instrumentation an0 5rocess control
s'stems, an0 in the 5lannin) an0 im5lementation o/ ne. s'stems* =5eci/ic tas6s inclu0e0 the
0e-elo5ment o/ P2C an0 Human :achine ;nter/ace so/t.are, an0 the installation an0
troubleshootin) o/ a -ariet' o/ instruments an0 motor controls*
C#&,-ion P&-er Cor-or&ion, +a'nes-ille, NC, $##6!200$*
<es5onsible /or a technical 5artnershi5 bet.een HCC an0 Cham5ion Pa5er* 7e-elo5e0
custom technical trainin) 5ro)rams /or the 5lant>s maintenance )rou5 an0 machine o5erators*
+or6e0 closel' .ith the 5lant control en)ineers in the installation an0 troubleshootin) o/
automate0 manu/acturin) s'stems*
C#e,roni5 Cor-or&ion, +a'nes-ille, NC, 2000*
7esi)ne0 an0 5rotot'5e0 a microcontroller!base0 s'stem /or monitorin) chemical 5rocesses*
3ssiste0 Chemtroni4 0urin) the 5rocess o/ 0e-elo5in) the 5rotot'5e into a /inishe0 5ro0uct*
3ssiste0 in the la'out an0 setu5 o/ their manu/acturin) /acilit'*
Nor# C&ro$in& M&n(!&c(rin" E5en%ion Pro"r&,, <alei)h, NC* $##6*
7esi)ne0, built an0 inte)rate0 a com5uter!base0, instrumentationC0ata!acAuisition s'stem /or
measurin) tensile /orces 0e-elo5e0 b' a 5ull test /i4ture* ,se0 b' +*P* Hic6man Com5an' in
3she-ille to con0uct research /or the commercial roo/in) in0ustr'*
Merri Sy%e,%, :erritt ;slan0, F2, $##5!$##6*
<esearch an0 0e-elo5ment o/ 0istribute0 ultrasonic, ca5aciti-e, an0 in/ra!re0 sensin)
technolo)ies /or robotic a55lications* 9his research .as /un0e0 b' =mall Fusiness ;nno-ati-e
<esearch D=F;<E )rants /rom N3=3, the 7e5artment o/ 7e/ense, an0 the 7e5artment o/
Joe Looney
Pa)e /i-e

NASA, ?enne0' =5ace Center* $##0!$##5*
<esearch an0 0e-elo5ment o/ a0-ance0 automation s'stems to su55ort 5rocessin) o/ the
s5ace shuttle an0 5a'loa0s* 7e-elo5e0 electronics an0 so/t.are /or custom robotic an0
instrumentation s'stems*
E$ecronic Sy%e,% Pro'(c%* 9itus-ille, F2* $#8$!$#88*
<esearch an0 0e-elo5ment o/ electronic circuits /or lar)e!screen -i0eo an0 0ata 5ro&ection
s'stems* 3reas o/ concentration inclu0e0 s.itchin) su55l', 0e/lection, an0 -i0eo si)nal
5rocessin) circuit 0esi)n*

A'.&nce' Pro"r&,,in" &n' E$ecric&$ M&inen&nce, 3FF <obotics, 7etroit, :;, $##0*
3&$i$ Moion Conro$ Sy%e,% Tr&inin", Galil :otion Control ;nc*, =unn'-ale, C3, $##2*
A'.&nce' L&*VIE6 So!7&re Tr&inin", National ;nstruments, 3ustin, 9L, $##2*
OrCAD Prine' Circ(i L&yo( So!7&re, 1rC37, :elbourne, F2, $##6*
A$$en Br&'$ey A'.&nce' PLC28 Pro"r&,,in" &n' Sy%e, De%i"n, Nash-ille, 9N, $##6*
In'(%ri&$ Proce%%, Me&%(re,en &n' Conro$, ;nstrumentation =ociet' o/ 3merica,
<alei)h, NC, $##6*
ELCAD, E$ecric&$ Sy%e, De%i"n So!7&re, 3,C198C, 3she-ille, NC, $##"*
Me&%(re5+Roi*o5 6e* In%-ecion Sy%e,, D:achine VisionE, Hone'.ell, Norcross, G3, $##"*

0Dr. Don&$' 6. L&c9ey A7&r' !or E5ce$$ence in Te&c#in":* 9eacher o/ the 'ear a.ar0 /or
Cal0.ell Communit' Colle)e @ 9echnical ;nstitute* =emi/inalist /or the NC Communit' Colle)e
='stem 84cellence in 9eachin) 3.ar0, 20$2*
0Si$.er Snoo-y:, T#e A%ron&(% Per%on&$ Ac#ie.e,en A7&r', /or contributions to the
success o/ the Hubble Space Telescope ser-ice an0 re5air mission* $##4
NASA;% 3ro(- Ac#ie.e,en A7&r', /or e4ce5tional en)ineerin) s6ill e4hibite0 in
conce5tualiMin), 0e-elo5in) an0 im5lementin) the H8P3 /ilter ins5ection robot* $##5


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