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Aulex Pressure Test Pump Co., Ltd.


High performance pre!re "e" p!mp are pro#i$e$
A!%e& Pre!re Te" P!mp Co'( )"$' i a profeiona% an$ re%ia*%e man!fac"!re of a%% +in$ of
"e"ing p!mp !e$ for an, app%ica"ion "o mee" c!"omer- $eman$' Pre!re "e" p!mp are
$eigne$ "o en!re pre!re afe", .hen con"ainer( *oi%er an$ r!**er hoe are pre!ri/e$'
0i$e range pre!re "e" p!mp an$ app%ica"ion
0e ha#e a .i$e range of pre!re "e"ing p!mp1 han$e$2opera"e( e%ec"ric an$ h,$ra!%ic "e"
p!mp' For e&amp%e( han$ pre!re "e" p!mp ha compac" "r!c"!re( #er, ea, opera"ion an$ ma%%
foo" prin"' I" i of"en op"im!m choice of e3!ipmen" .hich $oen-" nee$ high pre!re'
0ha" .e can pro#i$e for ,o!4
Pre!re "e" p!mp i an in$ipena*%e e%emen" for e3!ipmen" .hich ho!%$ .or+ !n$er pecific
pre!re' "o en!re moo"h opera"ion( pre!re "e"ing i #er, impor"an"' O!r pre!re "e" p!mp
pro#i$e acc!ra"e pre!re $a"a an$ high efficienc, "o re$!ce ,o!r co"' To mee" $ifferen"
app%ica"ion( #ario! p!mp are pro$!ce$'
Ho. i ,o!r af"er2a%e er#ice4
Man, peop%e .i%% *e anno,e$ .i"h $ifferen" pro*%em .hen !e or main"ain "he p!mp' O!r
compan, ha *!i%" a profeiona% an$ reponi*%e "eam for o!r c!"omer an$ "heir fir" "a+ i "o
reo%#e "hee pro*%em' In fac"( o!r p!mp ha#e pae$ "ric" "e" *efore "he, %ea#e "he fac"or,
an$ %e main"enance i nee$e$'
Pre!re "e" p!mp here can fin$ "he !i"a*%e "e" p!mp "o mee" pecia% re3!iremen"' If ,o!
ha#e an, 3!e"ion or an, pro*%em( p%eae fee% free "o con"ac" !'
A*o!" U
A!%e& Pre!re Te" P!mp Co'( )"$' ha *een "ri#ing for a %ea$er in "he fie%$ of pre!re "e"ing' I"
ha e" !p a o%i$ rep!"a"ion *, man!fac"!ring profeiona% man!a% pre!re "e" p!mp( e%ec"ric
pre!re "e" p!mp an$ h,$ra!%ic "e" p!mp'
The righ" choice
0hen .e "ar"e$ from cra"ch in 5667( .e ha#e foc!e$ on man!fac"!ring high performance
pre!re "e" p!mp inc%!$ing han$2opera"e$( e%ec"ric an$ !per high pre!re' Thee #era"i%e "e"
p!mp are e&"eni#e%, !e$ in #ario! fie%$' Gi#e ! ,o!r app%ica"ion( an$ o!r engineer .i%%
.or+ har$ "o fin$ o!" "he *e" o%!"ion'
The righ" 3!a%i",
A%"ho!gh a %o" of pro$!c" are man!fac"!re$( "he, ha#e ome"hing in common 2 *e""er 3!a%i", an$
*e""er performance' Pre!re "e" p!mp p%a, a #er, impor"an" ro%e in g!aran"eeing afe", of
pre!re con"ainer( #ee% an$ *oi%er'
The mo" "r!"e$ "eam
A!%e&- "eam i a har$ .or+ "eam( a profeiona% "eam' O!r $eigner ha#e rich e&perience an$
"he, +no. ho. "o reo%#e pro*%em' O!r .or+er( "ho!gh "he, are no" o fami%iar .i"h "he $eign(
"he, are #er, +i%%e$ a" in"a%%ing'
A!%e& *enefi" %ea$ing2e$ge pro8ec" managemen" an$ fir"2c%a pro$!c"' 0e *e%ie#e "ha" o!r har$
.or+ .i%% .in rep!"a"ion an$ "r!" *, o!r c!"omer *o"h home an$ a*roa$'
Con"ac" U
0e%come "o con"ac" !9
A$$1 0e" In$!"r, Par+( Hengh!i Ci",( He*ei Pro#ince( China
Fa&1 :7;2<572=>=7;>>>
Te%1 :7;2<572=>=7;>>>
E2mai%1 a%e?h,$ra!%ic"e"p!mp'com
0e*i"e1 ...'h,$ra!%ic"e"p!mp'com
H,$ra!%ic Te" P!mp@
H,$ra!%ic "e" p!mp
ho. goo$
perforamce in raiing
an$ "a*i%i/ing ''
High Pre!re Te"
High pre!re "e"
p!mp pro#i$e
e&"reme%, high
.or+ing pre!re !p
Han$ Pre!re Te"
Han$ pre!re "e"
p!mp i .i$e%, !e$
in pre!re "e"ing for
E%ec"ric H,$ro"a"ic
Te" P!mp@
E%ec"ric h,$ro"a"ic
"e" p!mp i .i$e%,
!e$ for pro#i$ing
high pre''
Mini E%ec"ric Pre!re
Te" P!mp@
Mini e%ec"ric pre!re
"e" p!mp i e3!a% "o
o"her pre!re "e"

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