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Course Syllabus

BSHS 381 Version 4

Course Syllabus
College of Social Sciences
BSHS 381 Version 4
Research and Statistics for the Social Sciences
Copyright 211! 21! 2"! 24! 23 by #ni$ersity of %hoeni&' (ll rights reser$ed'
Course Description
)his course pro$ides an o$er$ie* of research +ethods and appropriate use of statistics in the social sciences'
)he scientific +ethod! research tools! data collection! and analysis *ill be re$ie*ed' #nderstanding research
and de$eloping the ability to critically e$aluate published research reports *ill be e+phasi,ed' Statistical
concepts *ill be re$ie*ed! and students *ill gain a conceptual understanding of underlying principles of
research and statistical analysis' Statistics soft*are *ill be introduced! and students *ill co+pute descripti$e
and inferential statistical data' Students *ill practice de$eloping research designs and conducting statistical
-aculty and students.learners *ill be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained
*ithin the follo*ing t*o docu+ents/
#ni$ersity policies/ 0ou +ust be logged into the student *ebsite to $ie* this docu+ent'
1nstructor policies/ )his docu+ent is posted in the Course Materials foru+'
#ni$ersity policies are sub2ect to change' Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class' %olicies
+ay be slightly different depending on the +odality in *hich you attend class' 1f you ha$e recently changed
+odalities! read the policies go$erning your current class +odality'
Course Materials
(gresti! ('! 3 -ran4lin! C' 52"6' Statistics: The art and science of learning from data 52nd ed'6. #pper Saddle
Ri$er! 78/ %earson %rentice Hall' 5(ccessed through 9yStats:ab
Cres*ell! 8' <' 5286' Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative
research 53rd ed'6' #pper Saddle Ri$er! 78/ %earson.9errill %rentice Hall'
Rosno*! R' :'! 3 Rosenthal! R' 5286' Beginning behavioral research: A conceptual primer 5=th ed'6' #pper
Saddle Ri$er! 78/ %earson.%rentice Hall'
(ll electronic +aterials are a$ailable on the student *ebsite'
)his course re>uires the use of the 9icrosoft
?ffice soft*are listed in the #ni$ersity of %hoeni&
Hard*are.Soft*are (gree+ent' 1f you ha$e >uestions regarding the ter+s of this agree+ent! please contact
your (cade+ic Counselor'
Students are also re>uired to ha$e the plug@ins re>uired to run 9yStats:ab
' 1nstructions for perfor+ing this
bro*ser chec4 and do*nloading and installing the +ost current re>uire+ents are a$ailable through
and on the supple+ent Using MyStatsLab

on the student *ebsite'

Week One: Introduction to Research and the Scientific Method
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
Details Due Points
Objecties 1!1 A&a+ine the ethical considerations in beha$ioral research'
1!" Beter+ine the 4ey ele+ents of syste+atic research study'
1!3 A&plain the scientific +ethod applied *ithin the conte&t of hu+an
ser$ices research'
1!4 Bifferentiate bet*een >ualitati$e! >uantitati$e! and +i&ed
+ethod approaches to research'
#ea$ings #ea$ the <ee4 ?ne Read 9e -irst'
#ea$ the <ee4 ?ne course readings a$ailable through
#ea$ Ch' 1C3 and (ppendi& ( of Beginning Behavioral esearch.
#ea$ Ch' 2 3 1D of Educational esearch.
#ea$ Ch' 1'2! 1'3! 3 2'1 of Statistics.
#eiew this *ee4Es Alectronic Reser$e Readings'
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion' 2.28.13 2
#es&on$ to *ee4ly discussion >uestions' 2.28.13 1
*ctiities an$
Co+&lete the <ee4 ?ne (cti$ities in 9yStats:ab
#efer to the #sing 9yStats:ab

supple+ent on the student *ebsite'

,-&lore the learning tools a$ailable in 9yStats:ab
! including the
Help 9e Sol$e )his
Vie* an A&a+ple
Co+&lete Si+ilar A&ercises and 9yStudy%lan for any content fro+
the <ee4 ?ne (cti$ities you do not understand'
Learning .ea+
Select :earning )ea+ +e+bers to *or4 together throughout the
#eiew the ob2ecti$es fro+ <ee4 ?ne and discuss additional
insights and >uestions that +ay ha$e arisen'
Collaborate *ith :earning )ea+ +e+bers concerning the creation
of the :earning )ea+ Charter'
Begin *or4ing on the Research %roposal due in <ee4 )hree' )his
*ee4! :earning )ea+s +ust focus their efforts on the follo*ing
areas in preparing the Research %roposal/
1dentify a research proble+! issue! or opportunity *ithin the
hu+an ser$ices field that you can in$estigate using data'
Refer to Ch' 1 3 2 in Beginning Behavioral esearch to identify
an appropriate proble+ for research'
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
?btain facilitator appro$al for your research issue'
-or+ulate a *or4ing hypothesis to test after agreeing upon a
Refer to Ch' 2 in Beginning Behavioral esearch for guidance in
for+ulating a *or4ing hypothesis'
Co+plete the follo*ing sections of the Research %roposal/
Ale+ents of the Study
Athical Considerations
-unda+entals of
Research %aper
0rite a D@ to 1!F@*ord paper describing the scientific +ethod
and the funda+entals of research' (ddress each of the follo*ing
points in your paper/
Befine the scientific +ethod' Ho* does it relate to hu+an
ser$ices researchG
<hat are the steps in the process of scientific in>uiryG <hy +ust
a researcher include each step to support the scientific +ethodG
%ro$ide a hu+an ser$ices research e&a+ple of the scientific
+ethod and identify each step *ithin your e&a+ple'
Befine >uantitati$e research and >ualitati$e research' A&plain
ho* they differ and relate each to the hu+an ser$ices field and
the scientific +ethod'
Bescribe ho* to decide *hether to use a >uantitati$e or a
>ualitati$e research +ethodology' %ro$ide e&a+ples of *hat sort
of study is appropriate for each +ethodology and e&plain *hy'
Befine +i&ed +ethod research and describe its strengths'
%ro$ide an e&a+ple of *hen it is appropriate to apply +i&ed
+ethod research *ithin the hu+an ser$ices field'
1or+at your paper consistent *ith (%( guidelines and include at
least t*o references'
2.28.13 1
Week Two: Observation and Measureent
Details Due Points
Objecties "!1 Bifferentiate a+ong syste+atic strategies of data collection'
"!" Bifferentiate bet*een field studies! sur$eys! >uasi@e&peri+ental
+ethods! and rando+i,ed e&peri+ents in hu+an ser$ices
"!3 Befine reliability and $alidity in +easure+ent'
"!4 Bescribe types of reliability and $alidity rele$ant in hu+an
ser$ices research'
"!2 A&plain ho* +easures of reliability and $alidity are i+portant for
data collection +ethods and instru+ents in hu+an ser$ices
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
#ea$ings #ea$ the <ee4 )*o Read 9e -irst'
#ea$ the <ee4 )*o course readings a$ailable through
#ea$ Ch' 4CD of Beginning Behavioral esearch'
#ea$ Ch' 4'1C4'3 of Statistics'
#eiew this *ee4Es Alectronic Reser$e Readings'
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion' 3.D.13 2
#es&on$ to *ee4ly discussion >uestions' 3.D.13 1
*ctiities an$
Co+&lete the <ee4 )*o (cti$ities in 9yStats:ab;'
Co+&lete Si+ilar A&ercises and 9yStudy%lan for any content fro+
the <ee4 )*o (cti$ities you do not understand'
Learning .ea+
#eiew the ob2ecti$es fro+ <ee4 )*o and discuss additional
insights and >uestions that +ay ha$e arisen'
Sub+it the :earning )ea+ Charter'
1ocus! as a :earning )ea+! your efforts this *ee4 on the follo*ing
areas in preparing the Research %roposal/
Co+plete the follo*ing sections of the Research %roposal/
Sur$ey Besign
Co+bine all the ele+ents and ha$e each :earning )ea+
+e+ber read the paper' Sub+it the paper through <rite%oint

and the %lagiaris+ Chec4er and +a4e any needed changes'
Begin *or4ing on the Statistics and Hypothesis )esting
%resentation due in <ee4 -i$e'
<ee4 )*o Hui,
.a3e the <ee4 )*o Hui, after co+pleting the <ee4 )*o (cti$ities
in 9yStats:ab
' 0ou +ay reta4e this >ui, only once'
3.D.13 F
Reliability and
Validity %aper
0rite a D@ to 1!F@*ord paper describing obser$ation and
+easure+ent as they relate to hu+an ser$ices research'
#efer to Ch' 4 and F in Beginning Beha$ioral Research and t*o
sources fro+ the 1nternet or #ni$ersity :ibrary'
*$$ress each of the follo*ing points in your paper/
Befine and describe the types of reliability' %ro$ide e&a+ples of
each type of reliability as it applies to hu+an ser$ices research'
Befine and describe the types of $alidity' %ro$ide e&a+ples of
each type of $alidity as it applies to hu+an ser$ices research'
%ro$ide e&a+ples of t*o data collection +ethods and t*o data
collection instru+ents used in hu+an ser$ices research' <hy is
it i+portant to ensure that these data collection +ethods and
instru+ents are both reliable and $alidG
3.D.13 1
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
1or+at your paper consistent *ith (%( guidelines and include at
least t*o references'
Week Three: Surve! Desi"n and Describin" Data
Details Due Points
Objecties 3!1 Befine descripti$e statistical +easures'
3!" Calculate the $ariance and standard de$iation of a population'
3!3 Co+pute the confidence inter$al around a population +ean'
3!4 Calculate ! scores for nor+ally distributed data'
3!2 Be$elop a sur$ey research design to +ini+i,e bias and collect
$aluable data for hu+an ser$ices research'
#ea$ings #ea$ the <ee4 )hree Read 9e -irst'
#ea$ the <ee4 )hree course readings a$ailable through
#ea$ Ch' " 3 1 and (ppendi& B of Beginning Behavioral
#ea$ Ch' 2'4! 2'F! ='2! 3 8'1C8'4 of Statistics'
#eiew this *ee4Es Alectronic Reser$e Readings'
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion' 3.14.13 2
#es&on$ to *ee4ly discussion >uestions' 3.14.13 1
*ctiities an$
Co+&lete the <ee4 )hree (cti$ities in 9yStats:ab;'
Co+&lete Si+ilar A&ercises and 9yStudy%lan for any content fro+
the <ee4 )hree (cti$ities you do not understand'
Learning .ea+
#eiew the ob2ecti$es fro+ <ee4 )hree and discuss additional
insights and >uestions that +ay ha$e arisen'
Continue *or4ing on the Statistics and Hypothesis )esting
%resentation due in <ee4 -i$e'Research
<ee4 )hree Hui,
.a3e the <ee4 )hree Hui, after co+pleting the <ee4 )hree
(cti$ities in 9yStats:ab
' 0ou +ay reta4e this >ui, only once'
3.14.13 1
Learning .ea+
Research %roposal
)he Research %roposal +ust be a 1!F@ to 1!4@*ord paper
for+atted consistent *ith (%( guidelines' )he :earning )ea+ +ust
identify a proble+ *orthy of research and de$elop an outline of the
process re>uired to research it' 7ote' 7o actual e&peri+ents +ust
be conducted'
)he Research %roposal +ust contain the follo*ing sections/
3.14.13 1F
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
<rite an introduction for your research proposal' )his +ust
be one or t*o paragraphs that e&plain your research
proble+ and your *or4ing hypothesis'
Refer to (ppendi& ( in Beginning Behavioral esearch for
guidance on creating an introduction'
Ale+ents of the Study
<rite bet*een 'F and 1 page outlining the ele+ents of your
research study'
Refer to (ppendi& ( in Beginning Behavioral esearch for
an o$er$ie* and e&a+ples of a research report and poster
Athical Considerations
<rite bet*een 'F and 1 page identifying ethical
considerations in designing your research pro2ect'
Refer to Ch' 3 in Beginning Behavioral esearch and
incorporate at least one scholarly source in your discussion
of ethical considerations specific to your research proposal'
Sur$ey Besign
<rite bet*een 1 and 1'F pages su++ari,ing the sur$ey
design you ha$e chosen and ho* to obtain a representati$e
sa+ple for the proposed research'
1nclude the appropriate +easures of reliability and $alidity'
A&plain the rationale for ho* you propose to design and
conduct the research *hile +ini+i,ing bias'
Refer to Ch' " in Beginning Behavioral esearch for details
on sur$ey design and sub2ect recruit+ent'
<rite a 1@paragraph conclusion su++ari,ing your research
Sub+it the Research %roposal to the facilitator'
Week #our: Measurin" Correlation and Makin" Inferences
Details Due Points
Objecties 4!1 Bistinguish a+ong +ethods of establishing correlation bet*een
4!" Iraph the correlation of $ariables'
4!3 A&plain the purpose of null hypothesis testing'
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
4!4 1nterpret the statistical significance of r'
4!2 Befine statistical inference'
4!4 A&plain the logic of hypothesis testing and the role of the null
#ea$ings #ea$ the <ee4 -our Read 9e -irst'
#ea$ the <ee4 -our course readings a$ailable through
#ea$ Ch' 11 3 12 of Beginning Behavioral esearch'
#ea$ Ch' 3'1C3'4! D'1CD'3! "'1! 3 "'2 of Statistics'
#eiew this *ee4Es Alectronic Reser$e Readings'
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion' 3.21.13 2
#es&on$ to *ee4ly discussion >uestions' 3.21.13 1
*ctiities an$
Co+&lete the <ee4 -our (cti$ities in 9yStats:ab;'
Co+&lete Si+ilar A&ercises and 9yStudy%lan for any content fro+
the <ee4 -our (cti$ities you do not understand'
Learning .ea+
#eiew the ob2ecti$es fro+ <ee4 -our and discuss additional
insights and >uestions that +ay ha$e arisen'
Co+&lete your *or4 on the Statistics and Hypothesis )esting due in
<ee4 -i$e'
<ee4 -our Hui,
.a3e the <ee4 -our Hui, after co+pleting the <ee4 -our (cti$ities
in 9yStats:ab
' 0ou +ay reta4e this >ui, only once'
3.21.13 D
0rite a 2F@ to 3F@*ord response to the follo*ing/
Bescribe different +ethods of establishing correlation a+ong
$ariables and pro$ide an e&a+ple of each'
Biscuss the ad$antages and disad$antages of each +ethod and
*here each +ust be applied'
%re&are to discuss your response and the responses of your
Consi$er particular circu+stances and e&a+ples in *hich a
researcher +ay *ant to establish correlation'
3.21.13 F
Week #ive: Statistical Si"nificance and Tests
Details Due Points
Objecties 2!1 Bescribe the "@ and T@tests for co+paring differences bet*een
2!" Bescribe ho* to use (7?V( to co+pare +ore than t*o
conditions in research'
2!3 A&plain the purpose of chi@s>uare and *hen to apply it'
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
2!4 (ssess the effecti$eness of hu+an ser$ices research'
2!2 Bifferentiate bet*een descripti$e and inferential statistics and
ho* they support the hu+an ser$ices research process'
#ea$ings #ea$ the <ee4 -i$e Read 9e -irst'
#ea$ the <ee4 -i$e course readings a$ailable through
#ea$ Ch' 13 of Beginning Behavioral esearch.
#ea$ Ch' 2'=! "'3C"'F! 1'1! 11'1! 11'2! 3 14'1C14'3 of Statistics'
#eiew Ch' 14 3 1F of Beginning Behavioral esearch.
#eiew this *ee4Es Alectronic Reser$e Readings'
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion' 3.28.13 2
#es&on$ to *ee4ly discussion >uestions' 3.28.13 1
*ctiities an$
Co+&lete the <ee4 -i$e (cti$ities in 9yStats:ab
Co+&lete Si+ilar A&ercises and 9yStudy%lan for any content fro+
the <ee4 -i$e (cti$ities you do not understand'
Learning .ea+
#eiew the ob2ecti$es fro+ <ee4 -i$e and discuss additional
insights and >uestions that +ay ha$e arisen'
<ee4 -i$e Hui,
.a3e the <ee4 -i$e Hui, after co+pleting the <ee4 -i$e (cti$ities
in 9yStats:ab
' 0ou +ay reta4e this >ui, only once'
3.28.13 8
Hu+an Ser$ices
Research (rticle
1in$ and read a hu+an ser$ices research article fro+ a scholarly
2ournal in the #ni$ersity :ibrary that includes a statistical analysis'
)he article +ust be 1 to 3 pages long and +ust be on a topic that
interests you' Here is a reco++ended search strategy/
:og in to the #ni$ersity :ibrary! clic4 Ieneral Resources! and
select ABSC?host'
Chec4 the bo&es for -ull )e&t and Scholarly 5peer@re$ie*ed6
Search for a ter+ that interests you! including the *ords and
statisticsJ for e&a+ple! search social #or$ and statistics or peer
counseling and statistics'
7arro* your search results by choosing a sub2ect area fro+ the
Sub2ect +enu on the left side of your results' Reco++ended
sub2ect areas include descripti$e statistics! inferential statistics!
sur$eys! >uestionnaires! and the $arious statistical +easures
that ha$e been co$ered in the course'
(fter reading the article! assess its effecti$eness based on this
*ee4Es reading +aterial! the (%( %ublication 9anual! and your
readings throughout the course in Beginning Behavioral esearch'
*ssess! in 1 to 1F *ords! the presentation of the +aterial'
3.28.13 F
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
1s it for+atted clearlyG
Boes it adhere to the guidelines for e&pressing ideas and
reducing bias in language as set forth in the (%( %ublication
'iscuss! in 2F to 4 *ords! the statistical analysis *ithin the
1s it appropriate for the sub2ectG
1s it conducted correctlyG
Boes it support the conclusions reachedG
<hat! if any! additional statistical analyses could be perfor+ed
on this data to gain further 4no*ledgeG A&plain your ans*er'
(re the findings +isleading or biasedG A&plain your ans*er'
Boes the article incorporate graphs or tables that facilitate
'iscuss your response and the responses of your class+ates in
Learning .ea+
Statistics and
Hypothesis )esting
Create a 1@ to 1F@slide 9icrosoft
presentation on
statistics and hypothesis testing'
-or :ocal Ca+pus students! this is an oral presentation
acco+panied by a 9icrosoft
-or ?nline and Birected Study students! this is a 9icrosoft

presentation *ith spea4er notes'
Use together as a :earning )ea+ one of the follo*ing StatCrunch
data sets fro+ 9yStats:ab;/
(nore&ia! as described on p' 383 of Statistics
Anchiladas! as described on pp' 113 and 114 of Statistics
-: Student Sur$ey! as described on pp' 22 and 23 of Statistics
Ieorgia Student Sur$ey! as described on pp' 22! 23! and 1F1 of
High 8u+p! as described on pp' 124! 12F! and 128 of Statistics
Aach :earning )ea+ +ust *or4 *ith a different data set! so chec4
*ith the facilitator for your data set assign+ent' Refer to this
courseEs reading +aterial and at least t*o scholarly sources fro+ the
#ni$ersity :ibrary' 1ncorporate the follo*ing ele+ents into your
1ntroduce the :earning )ea+ +e+bers and the data set'
Briefly e&plain ho* the data *as gathered and identify the
study population'
Bescripti$e Statistics
3.28.13 1
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
Befine descripti$e statistics and list the $arious descripti$e
A&plain ho* descripti$e statistical analysis increases
understanding of the data'
1nclude an original graph created *ith StatCrunch that uses
at least one descripti$e statistical +easure to illustrate the
data set'
1nferential Statistics
Befine statistical inference and include and e&plain at least
one original inferential statistical calculation'
#se StatCrunch to chec4 the calculation and sho* the steps
in your presentation'
A&plain ho* inferential statistical analysis increases
understanding of the data'
7ull Hypothesis )esting
A&plain the purpose of null hypothesis testing and pro$ide
e&a+ples of null hypotheses that +ay be tested *ith the
data set'
A&plain the logic of hypothesis testing and the role of the
null hypothesis'
1+plications for -uture Research
Bifferentiate bet*een descripti$e and inferential statistics
and ho* they support the hu+an ser$ices research process'
%ro$ide an e&a+ple of a study that is a logical follo*@up to
your data set that yields useful descripti$e data'
%ro$ide an e&a+ple of a study that is a logical follo*@up to
your data set and that yields useful inferential statistics'
%ro$ide an e&a+ple of a null hypothesis inspired by your
data set that adds to the hu+an ser$ices co++unityEs
Conclusion and References
-or+at your references consistent *ith (%( guidelines'
%re&are to ans*er >uestions fro+ your class+ates and facilitator
and to discuss your presentation'
Optional Discussion $uestions
0ee3 One 'iscussion (uestions
<hat are the basic principles for hu+ane treat+ent of hu+an sub2ects in researchG
1s infor+ed consent necessary in beha$ioral researchG <hyG
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
1dentify and define one 4ey ele+ent of a syste+atic research study' %ro$ide an e&a+ple of this ele+ent
used in hu+an ser$ices research' Ho* does this syste+atic approach support effecti$e decision +a4ingG
Ho* is the scientific +ethod applied to hu+an ser$ices researchG
<hat is the ad$antage of using the +i&ed +ethod approach to researchG
0ee3 .wo 'iscussion (uestions
<hat is the difference bet*een reliability and $alidityG
:ist the different types of reliability and $alidity' <hich for+s of reliability and $alidity *ould you see4 in
+easuring the effecti$eness of a no$el approach to disciplining chlidrenG
<hat are so+e e&a+ples of no+inal! ordinal! inter$al! and ratio dataG
<hat are so+e ad$antages and disad$antages of sur$ey researchG
<hat is internal consistency! and ho* can you deter+ine *hether your sur$ey has internal consistencyG
0ee3 .5ree 'iscussion (uestions
<hat are so+e e&a+ples of descripti$e statistics! and *hy are they used in researchG
:ist the three +easures of $ariability and pro$ide one e&a+ple of each' <hen e$aluating the effecti$eness
of different substance dependency progra+s! *hat +ay these +easures of $ariability tell youG
<hat is a confidence inter$alG
<hat is a ! score! and *hen is it usedG
Ho* can you a$oid bias *hen selecting sa+ples for hu+an ser$ices researchG
0ee3 1our 'iscussion (uestions
1s correlation the sa+e as causationG <hy is this soG
Ho* does hypothesis testing contribute to*ard the scientific 4no*ledge baseG
<hat is the rele$ance of %earsonEs r! and *hat does it tell you about the correlation a+ong $ariablesG
<hat is one e&a+ple of ho* people +ay +a4e predictions *ith statisticsG
<hat is one e&a+ple of a null hypothesis state+entG
0ee3 1ie 'iscussion (uestions
<hat is one e&a+ple of *hen a T@test is appropriateG
<hat is the +eaning of (7?V(! and *hen is it used in researchG
#nder *hat research conditions should you choose the chi@s>uare analysisG
Ho* do you critically e$aluate a hu+an ser$ices research studyG <hat are the 4ey ele+ents that deter+ine
Course Syllabus
BSHS 381 Version 4
*hether it *as properly designedG
#ni$ersity of %hoeni&; is a registered trade+ar4 of (pollo Iroup! 1nc' in the #nited States and.or other countries'
9icrosoft;! <indo*s;! and <indo*s 7); are registered trade+ar4s of 9icrosoft Corporation in the #nited States and.or other countries'
(ll other co+pany and product na+es are trade+ar4s or registered trade+ar4s of their respecti$e co+panies' #se of these +ar4s is not
intended to i+ply endorse+ent! sponsorship! or affiliation'
Adited in accordance *ith #ni$ersity of %hoeni&; editorial standards and practices'

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