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La voz pasiva, adems de en Presente Simple y Pasado Simple, tambin se usa en otros tiempos

verbales. En esta explicacin veremos cmo formar la pasiva de los tiempos continuos.

Se utiliza principalmente para dar nfasis a la accin en lugar de quin la realiza. En espaol
tenemos varias formas de pasiva como vemos en el ejemplo. En ingls utilizaremos la misma
estructura en ambos casos.

La casa est siendo limpiada. Se est limpiando la casa.


PRESENTE CONTINUO: Para formar una frase pasiva a partir de una frase en Presente Continuo
seguiremos lo siguientes cambios.

Sujeto + am / is / are + being + participio + resto de frase

Matt est limpiando su habitacin.
Matt is cleaning his room.
(voz activa)

La habitacin est siendo limpiada por Matt.
The room is being cleaned by Matt.
(voz pasiva)

PASADO CONTINUO: Para formar una frase pasiva a partir de una frase en Pasado Continuo
seguiremos lo siguientes cambios.

Sujeto + was / were + being + participio + resto de frase

Matt estaba limpiando su habitacin.
Matt was cleaning his room.
(voz activa)

La habitacin estaba siendo limpiada por Matt.
The room was being cleaned by Matt.
(voz pasiva)


Los aspectos importantes que debemos tener en cuenta son los siguientes:

Ten en cuenta que estamos viendo la estructura bsica, pero que estas mismas frases las
podemos encontrar en negativa o interrogativa.

La habitacin no est siendo limpiada por Matt.
The room isn't being cleaned by Matt.

Estaba la habitacin siendo limpiada por Matt?
Was the room being cleaned by Matt?

Active and Passive Voice Present Continuous Tense
Active sentences in the present continuous tense have the following structure:
Subject + is/are/am + -ing form of the verb + object
Passive sentences in the present continuous tense have the following structure:
Object of the active sentence + is/are/am + being + past participle form of the verb + by + subject
of the active sentence.

Examples are given below.
Active: I am reading a story.
Passive: A story is being read by me.
Active: The engine is driving the train.
Passive: The train is being driven by the engine.
Active: She is singing a song.
Passive: A song is being sung by her.
Active: The carpenter is making furniture.
Passive: Furniture is being made by the carpenter.

Changing a negative sentence into the passive
When a negative sentence is changed into the passive, not will come between is/am/are and
Active: She is not writing a story.
Passive: A story is not being written by her.

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