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First and foremost I am grateful to the gracious Almighty Allah who is the most
merciful and hearty honour for His last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be
upon him) for enlightening our conscience with essence of faith in Allah
converging all the blessings and mercy us
I owe a great debt to honourable Professor !rMuhammad "aeem# $hairman#
!epartment of %conomics# &niversity of Peshawar# who not only provided me
timely departmental facilities for the completion of my course and research wor'#
but critically evaluated my synopsis and research report I shall never forget his
help and cooperation e(tended to me as e()officio member of the research
I am also grateful to Prof!rI*az Ma*id %()$hairman# !epartment of %conomics
&niversity of Peshawar# who performed his duties honestly as supervisor of my thesis
His dynamic supervision and guidance enabled me to complete my research wor'
Heartfull than's are also e(tended to all the teachers and all the members of ministerial
and helping staff of the department for their sincere encouragement I present my
heartfull +han's also to Mr Arbab ,amiullah -han# .esearch Investigator# for timely
technical guidance and genuine cooperation in the correspondence
+he present study was underta'en in the year /001 to investigate the
impacts of privatization of ban's on the economic growth of
Pa'istan An attempt has been made to answer the following
2uestions Has privatization have some impact on the growth of the
county3 4as privatization beneficial in the past and will it be in the
future3 4ill it stop wastage of resources in the country3 +hese and
some other 2uestions were the main concern of this study For this
purpose a total of seven privatized ban's in Pa'istan were ta'en to be
the universe of the study 5ut of the total privatized 6an's# a sample
of three privatized ban's was selected purposively For assessing the
impact of privatization of ban's on the economic 7rowth secondary
data was collected from the sources such as ban' records# 7ovt#
semi)7ovt publications and Internet e(plore +he data was ta'en for
the period of 8990 to /00: +he study shows that an amount of .s
/;8<:/ 1 million was obtained due to process of privatization
during 8990)/00: !ue to privatization profit and paid up capital of
ban's also increased by multiples Privatized ban's can e(ercise most
up to date technology and specialize in the most profitable segment
of the economy $osts and revenue efficiencies of privatized ban's
are better than public sector ban's +o further improve the
performance and profitability of ban's it is recommended that
Privatization should be used strategically It should be structured to
benefit ta(payers and to balance ris's and rewards $ompetition
should be created to ensure successful privatization ventures
Furthermore ,ta'eholder should be involved in privatization process .
=8 ,ale of Public &nits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>=8
;8 ?ariable !efinitions and summary statistics 8@>>>>>>>>>>>;=
:8 %stimated coefficients of efficiency frontiers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:=
:/ %stimated average profitability# cost A revenue B)inefficiency>>>>>>>:<
:= +ests of significance of sectoral !ummy variables>>>>>>>>>>>>10
:; !ecomposition of changes in profitability# costs and .evenue>>>>>>>>18
;8 Average unit prices and costs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;:
;/ $osts to total asset ratios>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;1
;= $apital and reserves to total asset ratios>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;C
;; D!ue ban'sE to deposits ratios>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;C

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