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To recap my Basic

Beliefs about
The basic fact of human societies, is that all human beings are born into a group of a
mother and a father. These two persons had to mingle flesh, so that each and every
person on this planet could be produced. And this holds true even if scientific so called
artificial means are used to facilitate the creation of life, because the sperm or egg
cannot be created artificially and thus a male and a female are still necessary for the
procreation of life.
This basic fact, of human existence means that all radical individualism, is utterly false
at a minimum and at a maximum a destructive belief, which wastes saved capital from
the past, and ensures that there will be no productive future. This being said, it is also
untrue that societies of humans, are hives of bees. We cannot operate like insects do
this is not possible.
Therefore it follows, then a middle ground must be found between these extremes,
which allows for the individual to exist and the group to not be negated and which
allows for the group to exist and for the individual to not be negated. This may sound
like some sort of mystic dualism, but this is only true, if you accept the idea that
individuals and groups are necessarily in conflict.
!nce you accept the reality that the complement each other, the apparent mysticism
dissolves. A very solid proof, for the necessity of groups, to the existence of the
individual, can be demonstrated from nature, in which all humans live in tribes, villages
or some other group of at least an extended family. There is no man woman or child
home in the natural order of things, who exists without a past, family and a society into
which they were born. "et on the other hand there is no group that is not comprised
of individuals and again we see that there is no conflict or contrary between the group
and individual they are complementary.
The most basic group is again the family group, then it expands to the extended family,
then to tribes, then to nations. This is the natural organic progression. #amilies are a
proto$statelet and clans are states in all but name.
#rom this basic reality of human social organi%ation, it follows that all societies, must
like all &ust families, find'make'ensure ( the semantics are not important (a place for all
their members. )t simply true that everyone in a society must have some use, purpose,
or function in the society or they shall become alienated, and not hope for the best
interests of the society at large. Everyone must have a purpose, everyone must put in
and everyone must get their
right and &ust due. This is the
basic moral doctrine of any
system, anything else is not
satifactory and must be
)n our modern terms, this
means that each head of
household, must have a
homestead, work that will
provide for the upkeep
homestead, and that these two
bedrock conditions must be
legally protected from
economic forces, otherwise in
time men with money, will
ensure that some citi%ens are
pauperi%ed and cannot
properly raise families to
increase the citi%en body. Thus to make it more general it follows from the above, but a
&ust society restrains economics* to the needs and interests of the members of the
society. And that further, a &ust society views the components of society all the way
down to the tribes families and people as members of a larger family or if you will as
parts of an organic whole all having needs, and all contribute to the common good. "es
it is true that the above means in part that each and everyone won*t get to &ust do as
they please, that is true. But nothing in it should be implied to mean that anyone
would be stopped from earning an honest living. +onest shall be defined to mean not
legal but ,!-A.." correct with the above precept about Everyone counting.
)n the natural order of things, Work, physical and mental, are the means to meet the
needs of both the individual and the group, which at a minimum are/ food, clothing,
shelter and lastly some sort of weaponry with which to protect these other things.
Work is also an end to ensure that each has their means to contribute to the common
good. )t is important that psycologically each think himself to be an active part of the
community*s life as such to ensure their loyalty. Thus from this odd view it is both an
end and a means to other ends.
Also it must be admitted that in the natural order of things, there are only so many
hours to everyday, and that only so many of these hours can be put to work and allow
for the conditions outlined above which necessitate a certain amount of leisure time for
the citi%ens. Thus, without a right to work and earn one*s way, a place to stay, cloth on
one*s back,food in one*s belly, and a sufficient amount time of leftover to live well, the
-ights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness are meaningless and empty promises.
They were after all proclaimed by very very wealthy men, after all, and in truth.
)n fact it is only when these basic conditions of living are met that anything like freedom
or any other abstract concept has any real meaning whatsoever, as there are done it all
practical realities going to be few to any, starting, penniless, vagabond, bestial
philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, or great world leaders and this is an
overreaching fact. The opposite is also true that any livelihood work, occupation which
does not provide for these minimal conditions, is no &ust work at all and is not right or
0!--E0T in any way shape or form. ) shall go so far as a state that any work which uses
up a significant portion of the workday over any amount of the week should pay a living
wage as that work can never be had back, and the person must yet eat be housed and
be clothed. Workers .ive and thus re1uire .iving Wages/ 2o exceptions.
)t is obvious that in any &ust, proper and stable, polity, for a citi%en, to have any
meaningful use, of what we conveniently call rights, he must have his needs in life met,
and still have time necessary to en&oy his life and engaged in the pursuits re1uired of
free citi%ens in a free state ie he must have education and leisure as well as the
opportunity to work by which work to earn a livelihood for his family, and by extension
his nation*s organic being.
Economics* was invented by human beings, for their ends, humans do not exist for
economic ends. Thus any theory or belief that postulates that economics control men
or that modes of production are dominant over human will is false. 3ince it is a
penultimate truth that human activity )E human will, created economics and all value
&udgments as we know them now$$there being no mode of production in nature sans
human beings. The small matters of economics are merely matters of human will,
money merely being an invention of our minds, it is absurd that it should be our master.
)n a preceding paragraph affects were discussed briefly, economics has a great number
of unintended conse1uences when it is simply allowed to be pursued blindly for pure
personal profit and with no regard for anyone else. 4art of these effects which should
be taken into account are of course the effects that any large scale industrial action
action has on the environment around us, as that environment is our home writ large.
This is not to say that we should abandon industrial society, it is only to say that we
should balance the needs of an industrial society with the realities of what nature can
and cannot absorb in the line of pollutants
destruction and the rest. This is also to say
that natural resources, should not be used
willy nilly, to the benefit of private
companies and to the loss of the commons.
The simple fact is is that, no company, no
person, no group of persons, have a right
nor ideally should have any legal ability, to
do the common people harm, for mere
return on investment or market gain. The
idea would be similar to saying that, in the
days of the cave, one person should have
the right chord the food and sell it all the
others. 5o you think your ancestors have
tolerated being treated like this6 But this is
the market, where some horde, and some
go hungry, and you market worshiping
golden calf worshipers, call this moral and
&ust. But ) say a market was born in theft, a royal theft at that. And that its freedoms
are never free, and 1uite the contrary are always attached to interest, debt,
pauperi%ation, resource depletion, and over extension, which will in the long$term
ensure societal collapse. The market demands more resources from nature eventually
than can be had, thus it is a false paradigm. A further truth is that if you look at the
birth of both the Bolshevik economy, and the early English and a slow economy feature
the same sorts of population transferssee the comments thefts of the commons well
and concentration of wealth and a few favorites or indoor apparat chats hands
Thus the common paradigm in which there is a free market and communism, a
controlled market and a free market these false contrasts, has no real validity. The fact
is that yes, you should be free to engage in commerce or economics, but, only, if,
ecommerce is honest and not destructive to to the homeland, the hearths, and'or the
common citi%enry who make up the base of the social system upon which you engage
and commerce. That is in so much as you engage in commerce honestly and within the
rules as establish for the common good you shall be let alone and protected by the
might of state, but the blessings of all good men. Therefore, in the social order, as it
ideally should exist all those who are willing to provide work to others in so much is at
work needs to commend conditions outlined above where in the material necessities of
human beings were outlined should be allowed to engage in business on only the
conditions that they follow the rules a tax and you call up like every other citi%en.
) see nothing there that does great
in&ury to anyone*s right to do on its
business. Those of you on the other
hand that would wish to do
underhanded business, who would wish
to cheat the nation by doing business
with foreigners at the expense of the
nation you will be driven out like vipers,
routed for the good of all as good old
Andy 7ackson put it.
#rom here it is only a matter of choosing
a political system ... it will be a mixed
system ... ) advise the tried and true
combination of a +ead of 3tate a
0ouncil and an Assembly of the 4eople.
#rom all time to all time, this repeats,
you will not escape it.
The only thing that remains is to
determine if "!8 shall control the
process, or if others based upon what ever 1ualification shall do the controling.
This is actually the most simply part as if you have a proper society and ecnomic order,
there is little for the political arm to take care of outside of national defense and
keeping basic order among the parts. 4roper society of course is one in which the ,E2
over a certain age determine for the rest what shall be and what shall not be, by means
of first their #amilial authority over their own homes which then is tranlated into
political control. The only system that works is to tie voting with call up and paying tax,
while simply only allowing men to do call up. Anything else is modernist subversion.
4eriod. )2 reality this is the most stable social form ever found and that is why the
modernist 40 bots hate it so, as it is a very very hard nut to crack. Even the limpid
remneants are giving them a good go, the return of ,asculinity has them terrified.
Especially the confuse members, of the feminine half of the species, where grown to
like lording it over the beta ,ales to put up with them. This planned revolt against
*patriarchy* ie normalacy is outlined by #rederick Engel*s in several of his works.
And this is where men must run straight
into modernity, but the undeniable fact is
that a group of angry upset men have no
need of women were voting or any of
these other sissy beta man liberal
concepts, being as they are the backbone
of the liberal system itself. .iberal
modernity can lie to itself, but males are
always the strong backs that keep any
system standing. !nce they defect and
find that their interests are no longer
served by this 40 egalitarianism and
modernity, then it is absolutely assured
that something very much like the
patriarchal society i call for will reemerge
from the rubble in the ruins. )t is assured,
since once the goodies the services and
the games can no longer distract the
young men they will reali%e that they have been robbed of their future to profit the
subversives who are behind 40. At that point it is my belief, the entire new chapter in
history shall be written. Thank you

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