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Topic: Designing and managing services

Case: Aravind Eye hospital
S!mitted !y: "#$ignesh %annan& Section A& Roll No# '()'*'+,
Aim of Aravind Hospitals:
To treat the eyesight o- the poor people in each and every part o- India and in other asian& a-rica
contries and in contries across the glo!e#
Foundr of Aravind Hospitals:
Initially it had three srgeons :Dr# $en.atas/amy& his sister& Dr# G#Natchiar0 and her hs!and&
Dr# "# Nampermals/amy #Dr# $en.atas/amy is the -onder o- Aravind 1ospitals# "ersonal
tragedies at a very age 2li.e the demise o- his -ather3 made him strong and accept the
responsi!ilities o- his -amily#
Strong technical e4pertise#
A strong sense o- passionate service to/ards man.ind inclded /ith spiritality and
Emotional connect /ith di--erently a!led people as he himsel- has s--ered -rom arthritis#
Added /ith all personal e4periences& a strong technical e4pertise helped him to !ild Aravind
Timlin of Aravind Hospitals:
Yar Evnt
'567 Esta!lished main hospital /ith 8) !eds
'566 () !eds anne4
'569 :ree hospital /ith 6) !eds started
'59' 8,) !eds /ith 9)&))) s; -eet o- space in -ive -loors
'59+ (,)*!ed -ree hospital /as opened
'599 Ne/ hospitals at Tirnelvelli and Thani started
'55) :ree hospital opens to /al. in patients
'55' Intraoclar -actory setp
'558 8+) sta-- inclding () Doctors&'8) nrses
!prations in Aravind Hospitals:
The hospital provides t/o principal srgical techni;es#
'# Intracapslar srgery /ithot intraoclar lenses 2ICCE3
8# E4tracapslar srgery /ith intraoclar lenses 2ECCE3
<ithot an operating microscope <ith an operating microscope
=sed simple instrments and gets done in less
than 8) mintes arond () mintes to get done
Re;ires correcting spectacles post srgery Doesn>t re;ire correcting spectacles post*
Gradal improvement in eyesight post*srgery
/hich arond ( to , /ee.s
Signi-icant improvement /ithin days o-
The main motto o- the hospital is to cater to poorest o- poor# It has identi-ied Cataract as
the ma?or case o- !lindness#
6,@ o- all in Asia is s--ering -rom Cataract#
Mostly patients are over the age o- +, /ith ma?or chn. -alling in the age o- over 7,#
Lens !ecomes cloded in a cataract eye# Light does not get easily transmitted to Retina
Cloding process ( to ') years to reach matrity#
Srgical removal o- the cloded lens is the only proven treatment#
Srgeons generally pre-er to remove cataracts only /hen they are matre#
Srvi"s in Aravind Hospitals:
It is completely operated as people>s service as consmer is re;ired /hile delivering the
The hospitals o--er -ree eye camps to the poor#
Eye Camps:
They are generally sponsored !y !sinessmen and NGAs& /ho ta.e care o- all
operatiohns and logistics#
Aravind hospitals o--er service !y providing doctors and spporting sta--#
Camp organisers are aligned !y district and they have to travel e4tensively in their
assigned territories#
They have to meet once a /ee. at Aravind>s head;arters in Madrai#
=sally sponsors are sed -or eye camps to provide !etter services and also they can
!etter connect to people#
"atients are divided into ( cateogories*A& B& C# The categoriCation is done to provide
varied levels o- service#
By doing this& the hospitals are in service di--erentiation#
Special cstomers /ho cold a--ord the service /ill !e charged a premim amont -or
the service /ith some additional -acilities#
Cstomers availing -ree service are given dormitories /ith !asica needs# A special -actor
here is that all people -rom same village are given the same dorm to ensre easy
commniction and assistance#
The -acilities are di--erntiatied only in terms o- amenities# The primary service o-
treatment is streamlined to ensre ;ality service is delivered to all types o- cstomers#
Di--erence !et/een Main 1ospital and :ree 1ospital:
Main 1ospital is -lly organised /hile :ree 1ospital is less organised and more
=nli.e the Main 1ospital& patients in the :ree 1ospital do not have D!edsE in /hich
Recperate and recover& !t rather are ta.en to !ig rooms on the pper -loors and
each provided /ith a 7> 4 (> !am!ooFcoir mat& /hich is spread ot on the -loor as a
!ed& and a small siCed pillo/#
The only di--erentiation in terms o- service is that the main hospital had ECCE# "atients
-rom -ree hospital /ho mandates this service /ill !e shi-ted to the main hospital#
The -nding -or poor hospital comes -rom main hospitals& /hich ma.e them 5)@ sel-*
Staff in Aravind Hospitals:
The sta-- are paid a salary that is in e;ivalence /ith indstry standards# The /or. hors
are longer and to ma.e -or this they are provided !etter training -rom varios niversities#
They are .ept !etter motivated along /ith classes -or !etterment o- s.ills and .no/ledge#
The sta-- are very spportive to the cstomers at every stage# Each and every process is
made simple to the cstomers to ensre that they donot -ace any di--iclty in the process#
They ta.e care o- the cstomers -or ( days -rom the srgey# They also -ollo/ p /ith
them -or ( months to ensre that the srgery /ent /ell#
All complications post operation are crae-lly recorded !y them even i- they are very
minor or ma?or#
Medical o--icers revie/ them on time and see that proper advice is given#
C#alln$s fa"d:
An Monday& Tesday& and <ednesday& hge nm!er o- patients visit# So the systems have
to /or. at pea. e--iciency# Bt on Thrsday and :riday& the nm!er o- patients decline#
So some continity is needed to .eep sta--s motivated and systems tned#
Less salary compared to other sectors
A!ot 8,@ o- patients cannot a--ord -ood and transportation costs re;ired to visit
A!ot '(@ o- patients cannot leave -amily
A!ot ''@ have -ear o- srgery
A!ot ')@ o- patients had no one to accompany
A!ot ,@ o- patients -ace -amily opposition -or srgery
Stps ta%n to radi"at t# "#alln$s:
Aravind re;ested the camp sponsors to !ear the costs o- -ood and transportation -or
/hich they agreed#
In many cases& the cost o- apha.ic glasses to !e /orn !y the patient a-ter srgery /as also
!orne !y the sponsors#
In order to redce the -ear o- srgery& as /ell as to encorage a spport grop& patients
are transported to Madrai as a grop !y !ses#
Aravind camp organiCers& as /ell as local commnity elders& e4plained and assred the
patients regarding the importance o- the srgery and the other logistics involved#
Bs trips /ere so organiCed that individals -rom the same or near!y villages /ere
al/ays clstered in the same !s trip /hich redced the need -or anyone to accompany
the patients#
They /ere retrned together a-ter (*+ days# This esta!lished a spport grop dring their
recovery phase#
Services and goods are di--erentiated#
6"s o- mar.eting 2 "rodct& "rice& "romotion& "lace& "eople& "rocess and "hysical
Evidence 3 are stdied in the conte4t o- service#
&R!DUCT : Aravind provide services to its cstomers i#e# patients# It o--ers all types o-
eye srgeries# It has the provision o- providing paid and -ree services !oth# :ree services
are o--ered to those /ho cannot a--ord#
&E!&LE :
"eople here consist o- Employees and Cstomers#
Employees are -or internal mar.eting /hile cstomers are -or e4ternal mar.eting#
Employees at Aravind serve at less salary compared to their conterparts as they /ant
to serve the people# Doctors and nrses here /or. -or 7) hrs /hich is almost t/ice
the nm!er o- hors /or.ed !y their conterparts in other sectors#
Cstomers /ho get treated at Aravind can spread the good/ill a!ot Aravind>s
services# Cstomers are the partners in service mar.eting#
Aravind 1ospitals -ollo/ a process to train their employees and send them a!road#
Employees are motivated to /or. even thogh they get lo/ salary#
The patients have to ndergo the -ollo/ing process -or treatment:
'# Registration
8# $ision recording
(# "reliminary e4amination
+# Testing o- tension and tear dct -nction
,# Re-raction
7# :inal e4amination !y a senior medical o--icer
6# Aptical shop 2-or those that needed it3
"rocess /old giver rise to E4posre *G =nderstanding *G Acceptance *G Intention to Act
Some o- the important parts o- "rocess -or Social Mar.etingare: Case& Change Agent&
Target Adapter& Channels and Change Strategy#
"hysical in-rastrctre !ilds trst and credi!ility# It intangi!le services tangi!le#
Aravind provides good in-rastrctre and -acilities to its patients#
The Main 1ospital is /ell*e;ipped /ith modern& o-ten imported& e;ipment to provide
the !est possi!le eye care -or its patients# In main hospital& Rooms are classi-ied as A& B &
C according to the level o- privacy and -acilities provided#
:ree hospital has (,) !eds# "atients visiting -or -ree are given transportation and -ood
costs too#
In -ree hospitals& patients do not have D!edsE in /hich to recperate and recover& !t
there are !ig rooms on the pper -loors and each is provided /ith a 7> 4 (> !am!ooFcoir
mat& /hich is spread ot on the -loor as a !ed& and a small siCed pillo/# There are several
sch rooms& each accommodating arond 8) to () people#
Its Main Branch in Coim!atore attracts patients -rom as -ar a/ay as +)) %ms radis
2covering ma?or districts o- <estern and sothern tamilnad and %erala and Andhra

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