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The professional printed circuit board generally use the following as the raw material:
1. Paper base bakelite copper clad sheet
2. Glass epoxy copper clad sheet
3. Tin plated ylon sheet
!. "il#er plated pyrex sheet
2. $any switch contacts use sil#er as the material because
1. %t is a good electrical conductor with low contact resistance
2. "il#er does not tarnish
3. %t is easily shaped as per re&uirement
!. %t is #ery hard and does not wear off
3. ' resistance of approximate #alue ()* is to be measured by using an ammeter of range +,1 '
ha#ing a resistance of 2+ * and #oltmeter of range +,)+- ha#ing a resistance of )+++*. Two
arrangement for the measurement are shown in the figure below. *hich method would you
1. $ethod /
2. $ethod 0
3. 1ither / or 0
!. either / nor 0
!. The #alue of capacitance across points ' 2 3 in the circuit shown below is 4in microfarads5
1. 3 b. 1 c. +.67 d. +.33
5. %t is proposed to fabricate a simple 8hm meter for measuring resistor #alues. ' milliammeter with
an internal resistance of )+ * is a#ailable. 9hoosing a configuration using a 3 - battery: a large
resistance and the ammeter in a loop: the unknown resistor is proposed to be measured by noting the
current initially and then connecting the unknown resistor across the ammeter. %f the ratio of the two
current is 2: what is the #alue of the unknown resistor 4rn * 5 .
1. 3+++ b. 1)+ c. 1++ d. )+
6. The current % flowing into the branch indicated by an arrow in the circuit shown is e&ual to
1. 2 'mp b. +.) 'mp c. 1 'mp d. +.2) 'mp
7. ;or the circuit shown: the maximum power is deli#ered to the load resistance <= when the #alue of
<g is
1. 2 ohms b. >ero c. 1+ ohms d. infinity
(. ' signal generator is a#ailable in the laboratory: which is in good condition except for the attenuator
dial which has got displaced. %n order to calibrate this: a high fre&uency oscilloscope is a#ailable. 't a
particular setting of the knob an open circuit #oltage of !)+ m- rms is measured. %f the impedance of
the generator is )+ ohms: the setting of the attenuator dial is to be ad?usted for
1. 6 d3m b. 1 d3m c. + d3m d. 1+ d3m
@. The relation =oge 4/ A =oge 41 A /5 B + also means that
1. /
A / A 1 B +
2. /
A / , 1 B +
3. /
A / A e B +
!. /
A / C e B +
1+. The =aplace transform of the function f4t5 B cos wt is
1. wD4s
A w
2. s
, w
3. w
A w
!. sD4s
A w
11. %f a B b B c: one #alue of / which satisfies the e&uation
B+ is gi#en by
1. xBa b. xBb c. xBc d. xB+
12. 'n =9 oscillator is being analysed. %f the =9 tank circuit 4with &uality factor B E5 is isolated from the
amplifying de#ice: the impedance at the resonant fre&uency as measured looking into the amplifier
will be
1. E r F=9G1D2
2. H rp r F=9G1D2
3. C E rF=9G1D2
!. E r F=9G1D2
13. ' battery eliminator is re&uired to be constructed and an assortment of rectifiers: resistors and
capacitors is a#ailable. Iowe#er: the step down transformer a#ailable has no center tap. The
following configurations for the rectifier are feasible. The one gi#ing the lowest ripple will be
1. ;ull wa#e rectifier
2. Ialf wa#e rectified
3. 3ridge rectifier
!. one
1!. 9hokes used in rectifier filter circuits are wound on a core with a small air gap. This is done in order
1. Get as high an inductance as possible
2. Pre#ent saturation of the core
3. 'bsorb the ripple effecti#ely
!. Pre#ent loading the transformer
1). 'n integrated circuit linear regulator is used at the output of a power supply ha#ing a ripple of 1 -
rms. 'ssuming that the %9 represents a typical design generally a#ailable: the output rms ripple to be
expected will be
1. +.1 - rms b. +.1 m- c. 1++ m- d. 1.+ - rms
16. The minimum P%- rating for the diode in the rectifier circuit shown should be
1. 36# b. 1(# c. 26# d. )2#
17. ;or -I; interfering wa#es generated by automobile ignition systems or other electrical e&uipment
located close to the ground: specify which of the following components of the interfering signal are
significant at recei#ing locations such as used in the reception of T- signals:
1. Iori>ontal polari>ation component
2. -ertical polari>ation component
3. 3oth hori>ontal and #ertical polari>ation components
!. either hori>ontal nor #ertical polari>ation components
1(. The ratio of lower fre&uency limit to the $J; for radio communication at short,wa#e is generally
1. "maller at night than in the day time
2. =arger at night than in the day time
3. "ame at night and in the day time
!. ' maximum during the e#ening times
1@. Two JI; amateur radio antenna placed at the same height and 3+ statute miles apart are to be
such that each is on the radio hori>on line of the other. The height of the antennas should be
1. )6.2) ft b. 112.)ft c. 1)+ft d. 22)ft
2+. ' transmitter with a radiated power of 1 K* produces a field strengthof 3++ m#Dm at a distance of 1
Km from the antenna. %f the transmitter power is increased to )+ K* and the #ertical directi#ity of the
antenna is increased by a factor of 1.!1: the field strength a the same distance from the antenna is
1. 1.) -Dm b. 2.11) -Dm c. 3.+ -Dm d. 6.+ -Dm
21. The directi#e gains of non,resonant and resonant wire antennas of e&ual length are approximately
in the ratio of
1. !:1 b. 1.):1 c. 1:1 d 3:1
22. ' simple wire radiator produces a radiation field of intensity 1++ m-Dm at a distance point 2) Km
away. The field produced 4in m-Dm5 at a point )+ Km away in the same direction is
1. 2) b.)+ c. 12.) d. 1++
23. 'ssuming the plane of polari>ation of the incoming wa#e and the plane of the recei#ing antenna to
be the same: the effecti#e height of the recei#ing antenna is proportional to
1. <adiation resistance
2. Power gain of the antenna
3. Physical area of the antenna
!. *a#elength: assuming other parameters being same
2!. The function performed by the following circuits is
1. General combinational logic
2. 1xclusi#e 8< logic
3. 1xclusi#e 8< logic
!. Ligital comparator logic
2). arrow trigger pulses are re&uired to be generated from a s&uare wa#e pluse train 4pulse width B
T5. The linear wa#e shaping circuit would be an <9 circuit 4time constant B T5 with the following
1. Iigh pass with T MM T
2. Iigh pass with T NN T
3. =ow pass with T NN T
!. =ow pass with T MM T
26. The circuit gi#en below acts as
1. 'n 8< gate
2. 'n 'L gate
3. 'n in#erter
!. ' 8< gate
27. %n the circuit shown below. if < B + and " B 1: the outputs E and E
will be

1. E low: E
2. 3oth low
3. E high: E
!. 3oth high
2(. "chmitt trigger buffers are normally used as input buffers to digital logic circuit to achie#e
1. Iigher isolation
2. Iigher fan,in,capability
3. Iigher dri#e capability
!. Iigher noise,immunity
29. ;or a re#erse,biased P ?unction. %f the applied #oltage is doubled the ?unction capacitance
decreases by a factor of 2 H. 'ssuming the ?unction acts as a parallel plate condenser: the a#erage
spacing between the plates changes by a factor of
1. 2
b.2 c. 1D2
d. 2
3+. $any fre&uency sources use a pie>o,electric resonator in the feedback circuit essentially to
achie#e a
1. $iniature product
2. =ow cost design
3. "table fre&uency
!. =arge output power
31. ' pulse train has the following characteristics:
Peak amplitude B 1+ -: Pulse 8 time 1 sec
Pulse 8;; time B ! sec
The pulse train is passed through a high pass <9 filter with a large time constant. The amplitude of
the positi#e peak at the output will be
1. 1+ - b. 2- c. !- d. (-
32. The results fo open circuit test on a single phase transformer are as follows:
'pplied #oltage B1++ -: 9urrent drawn B +.) 'mp
Power consumed B 3+ *
The magneti>ing reactance of the transformer is
1. 2)+ ohms b. 2++ ohms c. !++ ohms d. )++ ohms
33. The principle of #elocity modulation is 8T used in the following microwa#e de#ice:
1. Tra#eling wa#e tube
2. $agnetron
3. Klystron
!. <eflex klystron
34. The PPulling ;igureQ of a magnetron is due to
1. -ariation in the output load
2. -ariation in the input load
3. -ariation in both input and output loads
!. one
3). The depletion layer in a P, ?unction
1. 9ontains only immobile charges
2. 9ontains only mobile charge carriers
3. %s depleted off all charge carriers
!. 9ontains both mobile and immobile charge carriers
36. 9onsider two bars of a semiconductor of identical dimensions one of which doped P,type and the
,type: with e&ual number of impurity atoms: the resistance of the P,type bar is
1. 1&ual to that of the ,type bar
2. Greater than that of the ,type bar
3. =esser than that of the ,type bar
!. ot related to that of the ,type bar
37. %f the base width of a bipolar transistor is increased: then its current gain
1. %ncreases
2. Lecreases first and then increases
3. <emains constant
!. Lecreases
3(. %n a ;1T: the drain current beyond the pinch off point
1. %ncreases rapidly with increase in drain to source #oltage
2. <educes slowly with increase in drain to source #oltage
3. <emains almost constant
!. %s >ero
3@. The key feature of 9$8" in#erter from the point of low power dissipation is that
1. one of the de#ices is cut,off in either logic state
2. it uses one each of $8" and $8" de#ices
3. silicon area re&uired is low
!. its high speed capability
!+. 't an ambient temperature of 2)
9: the ?unction temperature of a transistor has reached 1)+
while dissipation 1++ *atts of power. The ?unction ambient thermal resistance of the transistor is
1. 1.2)
2. +.(
3. 1.)
!. 2.)
!1. ;or a transmission line with air dielectric: the attenuation constant at extremely high fre&uencies is
1. Lirectly proportional to the fre&uency
2. %n#ersely proportional to the fre&uency
3. Lirectly proportional to the s&uare root of fre&uency
!. %n#ersely proportional to the s&uare root of fre&uency
42. %n a transmission line with characteristic impedance )+ * a resisti#e load of 2)* produces a
-"*< of 2. The same -"*< will be produced if the resisti#e load is changed to
1. 7)* b. 1++ * c. 12)+* d. 2)++*
43. ' load resistance of 3++* is tobe matched to a two wire transmission line of characteristic
impedance 6++ * using a &uarter,wa#e line. The characteristic impedance of the matching line
should be
1. !2!* b. 3++* c. !)+* d. @++*
!!. 'n oscilloscope #ideo amplifier is found to use a transistor in the common base configuration. The
reason for this would be
1. %t has a #ery good high fre&uency response
2. %t gi#es a higher input impedance
3. %t is a #ery stable configuration
!. %t consumes #ery low current
!). <; amplifiers are generally configures as class 9 tuned stages. The conduction angle is kept as
low as possible consistent with output power because
1. %t impro#es distortion
2. %t reduces oscillatory tendency
3. %t increases <; gain
!. %t impro#es efficiency
!6. %n a directional coupler ha#ing 3+ d3 coupling the <; power a#ailable at the coupled output is
1+m*. The power input to the directional coupler is
1. 1++m* b. 1 * c. 1+ * d. 1++ *
!7. %t is re&uired to design a small instrumentation amplifier to impro#e the sensiti#ity of an a#ailable
instrument. ;or stabili>ing the gain under the operating conditions: negati#e #oltage feedback of 1+R
is considered ade&uate. %f the closed loop gain is re&uired to be ) 4fi#e5: the open loop gain re&uired
for the amplifier will be
1. +.) b. 1+ c. ).) d. )+
!(. ' #ideo amplifier is re&uired to be designed for amplifying signals from a T- camera. The back to
white transition can take place within 7+ nanosec from 1+R to @+R of the amplitude of the picture
signal. The maximum bandwidth to be chosen for the #ideo amplifier will be
1. 7+$I> b. 7KI> c. 7$I> d. )$I>
!@. ' microphone amplifier is a#ailable which is re&uired to be used with a new microphone of higher
sensiti#ity. *ith a supply #oltage of 12- one of the class ' stage is found to be clipping at 6- peak
#oltage. 3y changing the collector load to a transformer coupled design instead of resisti#e: clipping
would occur at
1. 3- b. same le#el as before c. 12- d. 2!-
)+. %n order to get higher power output: two audio amplifiers working in class ' are proposed to be
combined. There is also an alternate way to con#ert both stages to class 3 and then combine. %f this
alternati#e is adopted: the maximum audio power can be greater than the class ' case by a factor of
1. 12 b. 2 c. ! d. 6
)1. 9ross,o#er distortion in audio amplifier is generally present in
1. 9lass 3 amplifiers
2. 9lass ' amplifiers
3. 9lass ' amplifier with negati#e feedback
!. Transformer coupled class ' amplifiers
)2. egati#e feedback is applied to audio amplifiers to obtain stable gain. 's result the distortion will
1. 3e unaltered
2. %ncrease
3. Lecrease
!. Lisappear
)3. $any instrument preamplifiers are transistor gain stages coupled directly without capacitors. This is
done in order to obtain
1. ' good low fre&uency response
2. ' good impedance match
3. ' high gain
!. ' low noise output
)!. 9lass 3 push,pull operation gi#es an output signal with low distortion because
1. %t operates in linear portion of -,% characteristic
2. 1#en harmonic components get cancelled
3. There is inherent feedback to reduce distortion
!. Listortion components are automatically filtered out
)). 9ross modulation in a recei#er takes place in the
1. 'udio amplifier stage
2. %; amplifier stage
3. <; amplifier stage
!. Letector stage
)6. eutrali>ing circuits are used in tuned <; amplifiers to
1. %mpro#e efficiency
2. Le#elop more <; power
3. Pre#ent oscillations due to internal feedback
!. 8btain good thermal stability
)7. %t is re&uired to construct a simple oscillator to test transducers in the audio fre&uency range. %t is
proposed to configure a wein bridge circuit for which re&uired resistor and capacitors are a#ailable.
'n amplifier is re&uired to be produced to complete the design. The #oltage gain to be specified for
the amplifier is
1. A1 b. ,3 c. A3 d.A1+
)(. 'mplitude modulation is essentially a process which translates the fre&uency spectrum. To achie#e
1. Time #arying linear systems: e.g.switching or chopping circuits only can be employed
2. 9ircuits using non,linear elements only can be used
3. either time #arying linear nor non,linear circuit are re&uired
!. 1ither time #arying or non,linear circuits can be used
)@. 'n en#elope detector uses a parallel <9 circuit to reco#er the message signal m4t5 from an '$
wa#e. %f fm is the maximum modulating fre&uency and fr the cut,off fre&uency of the <9 circuit: the
relationship between fm and fr is
1. fr B fm
2. fr N fm
3. fr lies between fm and fc where fc is the carrier fre&uency
!. fr M fm
6+. The bandwidth 4in $I>5 of a recei#er to recei#e a EP"K modulated <; signal at a data rate of 1.)
$3ps is
1. 2.) b.+.7) c.3.+ d. 6.+
61. 9oherent radars utili>e for the transmitter oscillator a
1. $agnetron
2. $aster oscillator and T*T amplifier
3. Klystron
!. <eflex klystron
62. %nterlace techni&ue is used in T- for
1. %mpro#ing hori>ontal resolution
2. ;licker reduction
3. 3andwidth reduction
!. %mpro#ing #ertical resolution
63. ight effect is caused by
1. Iori>ontal polari>ed wa#es tra#eling parallel to the ground
2. -ertically polari>ed wa#es tra#eling parallel to the ground
3. -ertically polari>ed down coming wa#es
!. Iori>ontally polari>ed down coming wa#es
6!. -8< pro#ides bearings with respect to
1. $agnetic north
2. Ieading of the aircraft
3. True north
!. =ine ?oining the -8< and the aircraft
6). %n -I; ;$ communication system: a high #alue of %;4#i>. 1+.7 $I>5 is often used for obtaining
1. 3etter image re?ection
2. 3etter %; gain
3. 3etter ad?acent channel re?ection
!. 3etter sensiti#ity
66. 'n ""3 system and a fully,modulated L"3 system ha#e the same peak power. The signal,to,noise
power ratio of the ""3 system is greater than the L"3 system by a factor of
1. 2 b. ! c. 16 d. (
67. %n P9$ system: for random type of noise at the recei#er input: the error performance exhibits a
saturation effect with increasing "D ratio. This threshold is approximately at
1. 26 d3 b. 1+d3 c. 17 d3 d. 2+ d3
6(. %n an ;$ system: for a gi#en transmitter power: the maximum range at which a usable signal can
be recei#ed will be
1. Greater for a narrower bandwidth
2. Greater for a larger bandwidth
3. %ndependent of bandwidth
!. Lependent on actual noise le#el
6@. The %; amplification per stage in an ;$ recei#er as compared to an '$ recei#er using the same
amplifier de#ices is
1. "maller
2. =arger
3. "ame
!. Lependent on the #alue of the %;
7+. ' random experiment has 16 e&ually likely outcomes. The information associated with each
outcome is
1. 16 bits b. 1 bit c. 2 bits d. ! bits
71. The minimum bandwidth re&uired to recei#e an ;$ modulated signal with a modulating fre&uency
between +.)$I> and ).+$I> and with a maximum de#iation of 1+$I> is
1. 2+$I> b. 1+.) $I> c. 3+ $I> d. 1).) $I>
72. The total power in the two sidebands in a 1++R modulated '$ wa#e is
1. Ialf the total in the modulated wa#e
2. 8ne fourth the total in the modulated wa#e
3. 8ne third the total in the modulated wa#e
!. %ndependent of the carrier power
73. ;or a two,tone modulating signal: the P1P of an '$ transmitter is
1. Pa#g b. Pa#g D 2 c. 2rPa#g d. ! r Pa#g
7!. The image fre&uency 4in $I>5 of a recei#er with an %; of 21.! $I> and <; input fre&uency of !3!
$I> is
1. !)).! b. !76.( c. !1!.6 d. !2.(
7). The noise figure of a recei#er ha#ing a front end low noise amplifier of noise figure 3 d3 followed by
a mixer of noise figure 2+ d3 is
1. !.1 d3 b. 22 d3 c. 3.2 d3 d. 2.+ d3
76. Lemodulation of a single,side band signal is done using
1. <atio detector
2. Product detector
3. 1n#elope detector
!. ;oster "eely circuit
77. %n '$ transmitters: such as used for police radios: for maintaining relati#ely high a#erage
percentage modulation irrespecti#e of the speaker it is necessary to use
1. 'G9
2. Peak limiters
3. -olume compressors
!. '-9
7(. %n communication transmitters: use of saturated class 9 amplifiers after modulation
1. <emo#es incidental ;$ is '$ systems
2. %s not desirable in ;$ systems
3. %s permissible in '$ systems
!. <emo#es incidental '$ in ;$ systems
7@. Pre,emphasis is used to
1. To get better noise suppression at the low modulation fre&uencies
2. $aintain a constant modulation index for all modulating signals
3. '#oid signal being suppressed by large #alues of noise #oltages
!. To impro#e "D ratio at higher modulation fre&uencies
(+. The selecti#ity of a <ecei#er is determined largely by tne characteristics of the
1. '; stage
2. $ixer stage
3. <; stage
!. %; stage
(1. %n a channel disturbed by white Gaussian noise: the channel capacity 9 in bits per second is gi#en
by 9 B 3 log 2 41 A " D 5 where 3 is the channel bandwidth " is the signal power and is the noise
power. %f the channel bandwidth is made infinite: the channel capacity will
1. <emain constant
2. 3ecome infinite
3. <educe
!. <emain finite
(2. The 8 time in the dri#e #oltage wa#eform for the hori>ontal deflection circuitry in a broadcast T-
recei#er is 16 microseconds. The duty ratio of this dri#e #oltage is
1. !+R b. 2)R c. 2+R d. 7)R
(3. %n the T- system adopted in %ndia : the #ision %; is
1. !!.!$I> b. 3(.@$I> c. 33.!$I> d. 27.@$I>
(!. %n a T- system: diplexer is used for
1. Jsing the same antenna for transmission and reception
2. 9ombining the #isual and aural signals into the same antenna
3. Protecting the recei#er from the high transmitter power
!. Transmitting two programmes from the same transmitter
(). The amplitude of the sync pulse in a composite tele#ision signal with respect to blanking le#el is
1. +.3- b. 1- c. ,+.3- d. !-
(6. The modulator stage in a high power broadcast transmitter uses the following type of amplification
1. 9lass 3
2. 9lass '
3. 9lass '3
!. 9lass 9
(7. The brightness control in a con#entional T- recei#er controls
1. -ideo amplitude
2. Grid #oltage of the 9<T
3. ;re&uency of the hori>ontal oscillator
!. 'node #oltage of the 9<T
((. The charge coupled de#ice is used in tele#ision for
1. 9amera
2. <ecei#er
3. Transmitter
!. etworking
(@. "ome $T% radars distinguish between mo#ing and stationary targets using the principle that return
pulses from
1. "tationary targets contain Loppler shift
2. "tationary targets are stronger
3. $o#ing targets fiuctuate in phase
!. $o#ing targets ha#e constant phase
@+. %n a pulsed radar operating at a fre&uency f I>: with an interpulse period of PTQ seconds: the
maximum unambiguous range is gi#en by
1. cT b. cTD2 c. fT d. f TD2
@1. 'ngular error is extracted in a modern trabking radar using
1. 9osecant s&uare pattern of the antenna
2. $onopulse techni&ue
3. Ielical scan
!. one
@2. ' radar display which maps the bearing and range on a polar display is called
1. ',scope display
2. PP% display
3. 3,scope display
!. 9,scope display
@3. ;or a pulsed radar operating with a 1 microsec pulse width and prf of 1 KI>: the a#erage power is
1) *. %f the prf alone is changed to 2 KI>: the a#erage power will be
1. 7.)* b. 1) * c. 3+* d. 3.7)*
@!. <adar beacons are used for
1. "hip na#igation within hori>on range
2. "hip and aircraft na#igation
3. 'ircraft na#igation and homing of airborne cargo
!. Transmitting distress signals
@). ' parabolic antenna con#erts the energy from the feed located at the focus into a
1. Plane wa#e front without uniform phase
2. "pherical wa#e front
3. 9ur#ed wa#e front without uniform phase
!. Plane wa#e front of uniform phase
@6. ' backward wa#e oscillator belongs to the family of
1. Tra#eling wa#e tubes
2. 9ross field tubes
3. Power grid tubes
!. one
@7. The gain of a radar antenna is proportional to
1. 'perture area D *a#elength
2. ;re&uency D 'perture
3. 'perture area D "&uare of the wa#elength
!. "&uare of the 'perture area D wa#elength
@(. %n a rectangular wa#eguide of internal dimensions 12.) mm r 2) mm: the cut off wa#elength for the
dominant mode will be
1. ) cm b. 2.)cm c. 1.2)cm d. 3.7)cm
@@. %n a reflex klystron: electrons bunch around the electron entering the ca#ity when the <; electric
field at the gap is
1. Sero and changing from accelerating to accelerating phase
2. Sero and changing from accelerating to decelerating phase
3. $aximum and in the accelerating phase
!. $aximum and the decelerating or accelerating phase
1++. The Loppler fre&uency shift is
1. Lependent only on the radar fre&uency
2. Lependent on the target #elocity
3. Lependent both on the relati#e radial #elocity of the target and the radar fre&uency
!. %ndependent of the radar fre&uency.

1. b
2. d
3. b
!. d
). d
6. c
7. b
(. c
@. b
1+. d
11. d
12. c
13. c
1!. b
1). c
16. a
17. a
1(. b
1@. c
2+. c
21. a
22. a
23. d
2!. d
2). a
26. b
27. c
2(. d
2@. d
3+. c
31. a
32. a
33. b
3!. a
3). c
36. c
37. d
3(. c
3@. a
!+. a
!1. a
!2. b
!3. a
!!. d
!). d
!6. d
!7. b
!(. d
!@. c
)+. a
)1. a
)2. c
)3. a
)!. b
)). d
)6. c
)7. b
)(. d
)@. c
6+. b
61. a
62. c
63. b
6!. b
6). b
66. b
67. c
6(. d
6@. d
7+. b
71. b
72. b
73. b
7!. b
7). d
76. c
77. c
7(. b
7@. a
(+. d
(1. b
(2. b
(3. c
(!. a
(). c
(6. a
(7. c
((. b
(@. b
@+. c
@1. b
@2. c
@3. b
@!. a
@). d
@6. d
@7. b
@(. a
@@. c
1++. b

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