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: 91-22-25752040/1/2/3/5 , 9 / ETA !ILDING", 9
FLOOR T%&%: 91-22-
: 25752029/35 - / I-THIN( TECHNO CAMP!S F)*: 25752029/35
-: +,-$./-+,-01.23.1 / (AN4!R VILLAGE ROAD E-5).&: +,-$./-
78 / (AN4!R MARG 7EAST8
: 9993+,-$.//.1,3,:;3.1 - 400 042 / M!MAI < 400 042 6%=: 9993+,-$.//.1,3,:;3.1
Merchant Shipping Notice No.09 of 2014
NO: ENG/ISM/59(4)/97
Dated: 15.05.2014
J June 2013
S>=: I1#%?1)#.:1)& S)@%#A M)1),%5%1# 7ISM8 C:+% :1 I1+.)1 -$./--?%,3
R%@: MS N:#.2%- 09/200' B 2C/200' )1+ E1,.1%%?.1, C.?2>&)?- 1'/200', D/2004, 4'/2004, 44/2004, 49/2004, 5D/2005,
57/2005, D2/2005,7'/2005,75/200D, 7D/200D, C4/2007, C4A/2011, C5/2007, C5A/2011, 90/2007, 91/200C, 92/200C, 97/200C,
101/200C, 105/2009, 10D/2009, 11D/2009, 11C/2010, 12C/2010, 12CA/2010, 1'4/2011, 07/2012, 0C/2012 )1+ 05/201'3
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 1
1. General:
The International Safety Management (ISM) Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution
Prevention was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) by esolution !"#$%(%&) as
amended" The Code is implemented in India through the Mer'hant Shipping (Management for Safe
Operation of Ships) ules ()))* as amended"
2. Purpose:
To +eep pa'e with the ever evolving nature of the regulatory regimes in maritime se'tor* in'luding the
ISM Code* this ,ire'torate had issued over -) noti'es.'ir'ulars related with Code* sin'e its in'eption"
This noti'e is being issued* integrating all these 'ir'ulars and in'orporating the re/uirements of the
latest IMO Cir'ulars . 0uidelines in this regard"
3. Reference:
No. Reference Detail
% MS ules Mer'hant Shipping (Management for the Safe Operation of Ships) ules*
()))* as amended"
( SO1!S International Convention for the Safety of 1ife at Sea* %2#$* as amended"
Chapter I3 4 Management for the safe operation of ships"
- ISM Code esolution !"#$%(%&) as amended by MSC"%)$(#-)* MSC"%#2(#2)*
MSC"%25(&))* MSC"(#-(&5) and MSC -5-(2()* International Safety
Management (ISM) Code"
$ esolution
0uidelines on implementation of the International Safety Management Code
by !dministrations"
5 MSC7M8PC"#.Cir'"& evised guidelines for the operational implementation of the International
Safety Management Code by Companies"
6 MSC7M8PC"#.Cir'"6 0uidan'e on the /ualifi'ation* training and e9perien'e ne'essary for
underta+ing the role of the designated person under the provisions of the
International Safety Management Code"
# MSC7M8PC"#.Cir'"# 0uidan'e on near7miss reporting
& MSC.Cir'"%)527
Pro'edures Con'erning Observed ISM Code Ma:or ;on7Conformities"
2 MSC"%.Cir'" %-#%*
as amended
efer to the 1ist of 'odes* re'ommendations* guidelines and other safety
and se'urity7related non7mandatory instruments"
4. Applicailit!:
4.1 The Mer'hant Shipping (Management for Safe Operation of Ships) ules ()))* as amended is
appli'able to the Indian ships as follows<7
$"%"%" Passenger ships (in'luding high speed 'rafts) Spe'ial Trade Passenger (STP) ships
regardless of tonnage=
$"%"(" Oil tan+ers* 'hemi'al tan+ers* gas 'arriers* bul+ 'arriers and 'argo high7speed 'raft*
spe'ial purpose ships and other 'argo ships of 5)) 0T and upwards* and
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 2
$"%"-" Self7propelled mobile offshore drilling units (MO,>s) and ,ynami'ally Positioned (,P)
MO,>s of 5)) 0T and above"
$"%"$" Self7propelled Mobile Offshore >nits (MO>s) su'h as self7propelled ?PSOs .?S>s et' of
5))0T and above"
$"( Ships 'arrying dry 'argo in bul+ but whi'h do not meet the MSC"(##(&5) definition for a @Aul+
CarrierB are to be typed as @Other Cargo Ships"B
4.3 This ;oti'e supersedes the following MS ;oti'es and ,0S 8ngineering Cir'ulars<
Sr";o ;oti'e.Cir'ular ;o" eferen'e
% MS ;oti'e )2 of ())- ;o" #7;T(%-).())( dated )6 Canuary* ())-
( MS ;oti'e (& of ())- ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )& O'tober* ())-
- 8ng" Cir'" %- of ())- ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )(
Culy* ())-
$ 8ng" Cir'" -6 of ())$ ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %6
!ugust* ())$
5 8ng" Cir'" $- of ())$ ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated (-
,e'ember* ())$
6 8ng" Cir'" $$ of ())$ ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated (-
,e'ember* ())$
# 8ng" Cir'" $2 of ())5 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )5
May* ())5
& 8ng" Cir'" 56 of ())5 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %%
!ugust* ())5
2 8ng" Cir'" 5# of ())5 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52(25).)- dated ((
!ugust* ())5
%) 8ng" Cir'" 6( of ())5 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %&
;ovember* ())5
%% 8ng" Cir'" #- of ())5 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated ()
!pril ())5"
%( 8ng" Cir'" #5 of ())6 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %6
Cune* ())6
%- 8ng" Cir'" #6 of ())6 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )6
O'tober* ())6
%$ 8ng" Cir'" &$ of ())# ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )$
May* ())#
%5 8ng" Cir'" &$! of ()%% ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %-
%6 8ng" Cir'" &5 of ())# ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )$
May ())#
%# 8ng" Cir'" &5! of ()%% ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %-
Canuary* ()%%
%& 8ng" Cir'" 2) of ())# ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %-
,e'ember* ())#
%2 8ng" Cir'" 2% of ())& ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated ($
Mar'h* ())&
() 8ng" Cir'" 2( of ())& ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated ($
Mar'h* ())&
(% 8ng" Cir'" 2# of ())& ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated ($
O'tober* ())&
(( 8ng" Cir'" %)% of ())& ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated (2
,e'ember* ())&
(- 8ng" Cir'" %)5 of ())2 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated ($
Mar'h* ())2
($ 8ng" Cir'" %)6 of ())2 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %6
!pril* ())2
(5 8ng" Cir'" %%6 of ())2 ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %6
,e'ember* ())2
(6 8ng" Cir'" %%& of ()%) ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )%
?ebruary* ()%)
(# 8ng" Cir'" %(& of ()%) ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )6
O'tober* ()%)
(& 8ng" Cir'" %(&! of ()%) ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )6
O'tober* ()%)
(2 8ng" Cir'" %-$ of ()%% ;o" 8;0.MISC7(2(%6).()%) dated )2
May* ()%%
-) 8ng" Cir'" )# of ()%( ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated )5
,e'ember* ()%(
-% 8ng" Cir'" )& of ()%( ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2# dated %$
,e'ember* ()%(
-( 8ng" Cir'" )5 of ()%- ;o" 8;0.ISM.52($).2#7DII dated )$
Culy* ()%-
-- Corrigendum to 8ngg Cir'"
;o"8;0.ISM.52($).2#7DII dated (5
O'tober* ()%-
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 3
5. "o#pan! Responsiilities $ Authorities:
5"% "o#pan!:
5"%"%" The Company, for the purpose of this Notice, means the owner of the ship or any other
organization or person su'h as the Manager* or the Aareboat Charterer* who has
assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the Ship7owner and who on
assuming su'h responsibility has agreed in writing to the ,ire'torate 0eneral of Shipping
(,0S)* to ta+e over all the duties and responsibilities imposed by the ISM Code"
5"%"(" The Top Management for the purpose of this ;oti'e means the highest level of
management of the Company* who is authorized to provide de'isions ne'essary to
implement the CompanyEs ob:e'tive for the effe'tive implementation of Safety
Management System (SMS) on its fleet and in this 'ase* refers to the Chairman*
Managing ,ire'tor* President* Chief 89e'utive Offi'er or e/uivalent* who represents the
Aoard of ,ire'tors of the Company"
5"%"-" !ny organization* in'luding ship management 'ompanies* assuming su'h responsibilities
as the Company under the ISM Code shall have suffi'ient wherewithal and 'apabilities*
viz" technical% financial an& hu#an resource* readily at its disposal for the effe'tive
implementation of the Safety Management System (SMS) at all relevant levels in the
Company* and shall ensure that ade/uate resour'es and shore based support are
provided at all times and promptly to the ships under its ISM management" (ref< IMO
Cir'ular MSC7M8PC"#.Cir'"&)"
5"%"$" In order to reaffirm the above* every 'ompany who is holding a ,OC issued by ,0S or
intending to obtain the same* e9'ept for the ships owned and operated dire'tly by the
0ovt" owned 'ompanies.organizations* shall submit a FSelf ,e'larationE from top
management (i"e ?orm ISM7%$ or ISM7%5)* along with appli'able en'losures* while
applying for any ,OC audit to the ISM 'ell of the ,ire'torate"
5"( 'echnical Manage#ent:
5.2.1. !s per the international pra'ti'e a'ross the world* the organization vested with the
te'hni'al management of ships may also assume the role as the F'ompanyE for the
purpose of the implementation of the ISM Code" Thus* any organization ta+ing over su'h
responsibilities* shall be duty7bound for the effe'tive implementation of the SMS on su'h
vessels and therefore shall be 'apable of demonstrating that the Organization has
suffi'ient wherewithal and delegated authority for the said purpose" In order to 'onfirm
the above* both the registered owner of the ship and the prospe'tive ISM manager shall
be re/uired to submit a :oint underta+ing to the ,ire'torate in the pres'ribed format (ISM
5"("(" If the 'ompany has outsour'ed a part fun'tion su'h as 'rew management either from the
ship owner or from a 'rew management 'ompany* the 'ompany (,OC holder) remains
responsible for all su'h delegated fun'tions and must enter into an agreement between
owner of the ship or the 'rew managers* as the 'ase may be" The agreement must
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 4
ensure that the Master* offi'ers and 'rew appointed by the owner or 'rew manager shall
report to the Company (,oC holder) for all SMS matters* shall 'omply with the 'ompany
instru'tions and have a dire't lin+ in all matters with the shore based designated person
of the G'ompany"G In 'ase of 'rew mangers* other than the owners* the firm shall be
holding a valid li'en'e as per MS (e'ruitment and Pla'ement of Seafarers) ules ())5*
as amended"
5.2.3. ;otwithstanding any su'h part or full delegation of ISM responsibilities* the owner of the
ship* shall have the ultimate responsibility in a''ordan'e with Se't"--5 of M"S !'t %25&*
as amended"
5.2.4. ?urther* the 'ompany* in all su'h 'ases of delegation of ISM fun'tions should periodi'ally
verify and 'onfirm that all those underta+ing delegated ISM7related tas+s are a'ting in
'onformity with the CompanyHs responsibilities under the Code" (ref< IMO esolution
MSC -5-(2())"
5.3 "hange of Manage#ent
5.3.1. Ihile re'ognizing the ownerEs prerogative to delegate the ISM fun'tions to a 'ompetent
manager of his 'hoi'e* it has been noti'ed by the ,ire'torate that fre/uent 'hange of
management affe'ts the stability of the SMS and thereby safety of the ships under the
management* often pla'ing undesirable legal* te'hni'al and so'ial 'on'erns before the
,ire'torate" !ll the ship7owners are therefore advised to e9er'ise utmost diligen'e while
sele'ting the ISM managers and in 'ase of e9treme 'ir'umstan'es warranting 'hange of
manager* the registered owners of the vessel shall ma+e a formal appli'ation at least #
wor+ing days prior to the a'tual 'hange of management to the ,ire'torate along with a
de'laration from the owners in ISM ?orm7%%"
5.3.2. The Company planning to ta+e over the management of a ship from another
management shall have a valid ,OC for the type of ship intending to ta+e over and is
advised to underta+e a detailed pre7ta+eover inspe'tion of the vessel and shall ensure
the following prior to offering the vessel for the Interim SMC audit <7 that the vessel is in possession of all valid statutory 'ertifi'ates and shall be
free of any statutory note or any over7due Conditions of Class (CoCs) as per
I!CS e'ommendation 2&= that the new :oining ship7staff undergo the re/uired familiarization on shipEs lay
out* loading . dis'harging* mooring* navigation and engine room pro'edures .
operation with the e9isting staff=
5"-"("-" that a familiarization training is imparted to the ship staff on the SMS of the
'ompany with spe'ial emphasis on the onboard safety . emergen'y systems
and pro'edures"
5.3.3. In 'ase any management 'ompany* other than the owner* opts to dis'ontinue the
management of a ship* the @CompanyB may pro'eed so* in a''ordan'e with the bilateral
agreement with the owners* under intimation to this ,ire'torate" Jowever* in all su'h
'ases* the management 'ompany shall be under obligation to 'ontinue to dis'harge its
responsibilities as the FCompanyE for a period of - months from the date of su'h
intimation or until alternate arrangement for safe management of the ship is ensured by
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 5
the owner* whi'hever is earlier" If the owner fails to ma+e alternate arrangement for the
safe management of the ship within the above mentioned three months* the registered
owner of the vessel shall automati'ally be deemed to be the F'ompanyE for the purpose
of the ISM 'ode and the responsibilities there7under"
5"$ 'echnical Manage#ent of ships fro# outsi&e (n&ia:
5"$"%" Companies intending to manage Indian ?lag vessels from outside India* but do not have
registered offi'e in India or not registered under Indian Companies !'t are eligible for
applying for the Indian ,oC* provided the Te'hni'al Management Company abroad has
a liasoning arrangement with an Indian registered 'ompany and hold a ,OC for the Gship
typeG issued by the maritime administration or by one of the e'ognized Organizations
authorized by the 0OI* on behalf of a maritime administration where the Te'hni'al
Management Company is lo'ated"
5"$"(" The Te'hni'al Management Company is re/uired to submit its appli'ation in the
pres'ribed format along with a duly notarized (in original) underta+ing from self* liaison
offi'e in India and from the ship owner* stating the following<7
5"$"("%" In 'ase of legal disputes* the :urisdi'tion would be of an Indian Court of 1aw=
5"$"("(" In 'ase of any eventuality with respe't to safety of the vessel* personnel and
environment* the ship owner is e/ually responsible to deal with the above* and
will not 'ite non7'ooperation by the Te'hni'al Manager as a reason for not
dis'harging his responsibility"
5"$"("-" The ,ire'torate 0eneral of Shipping has the right to withdraw the ,OC at its
dis'retion* by assigning the reasons whi'h led to su'h withdrawal"
5"$"("$" The Te'hni'al Management Company is re/uired to ta+e 'ognizan'e of the
Mer'hant Shipping !'t* %25& as amended and all notifi'ations and guidelines
issued from time to time with respe't to the ISM system"
5"$"-" The Te'hni'al Management Company is re/uired to be responsible for and arrange for
the 'ondu't of the interim . initial audit of its offi'e by the !dministration for the purpose
of ,OC 'ertifi'ation and thereafter for the subse/uent periodi'al audits as appli'able"
5.5 "hange of na#e or office pre#ises of the "o#pan! or "hange of flag) o*nership)
Registr! of the +essel:
5.5.1 In 'ase any Company intends to 'hange the name of the 'ompany or shift the offi'es
premise due to operational reasons to a lo'ation other than that mentioned in the
e9isting ,oC* the Company may ma+e a formal appli'ation in this regard to the ,0S* in
the 'ompanyEs new letterhead* along with the 'opy of the 'ertifi'ate of in'orporation
issued by the egistrar of Companies or the registered do'ument for the new offi'e
premise* as the 'ase may be" !fter in'orporating ne'essary amendments to the SMS
do'uments* Company may offer the new offi'e for an !dditional verifi'ation audit by the
!dministration* along with appli'able fees in this regard" On re'eipt of satisfa'tory report
from the audit team* the ,0S will issue new ,oC and SMC* as the 'ase may be* with
the new address . name* but with validity of the e9isting 'ertifi'ates"
5.5.2 In both the 'ases above* the additional audit referred therein 'an be 'lubbed with the
annual . renewal ,oC audits* if feasible* but in any 'ase* the entire pro'ess for the
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page
'hange of name . address has to be 'ompleted within three months from the date of
appli'ation for the same"
5.5.3 In 'ase of 'hange of flag or ownership or 'losure of registry of a vessel holding Indian
SMC* the Company has to promptly intimate the same and surrender the original SMC
of the vessel to the ,0S* in any 'ase within %5 days"
. Safet! Manage#ent S!ste#:
6"% The ISM Code re/uires that Companies shall develop* implement and maintain a safety
management system (SMS) whi'h in'ludes fun'tional re/uirements as listed in se'tion %"$ of the
ISM Code and* inter7alia* should<
6"%"%" designate a person or persons with dire't a''ess to the highest level of management who
should monitor the safe operation of ea'h ship (se'tion $)=
6"%"(" ensure that ade/uate resour'es and shore7based support are provided to enable the
designated person or persons to 'arry out their fun'tions (se'tion -"-)=
6"%"-" define and do'ument the masterHs responsibility with regard to reviewing the safety
management system and reporting its defi'ien'ies to the shore7based management
(se'tion 5"%)=
6"%"$" establish pro'edures for reporting and analysis of non7'onformities* a''idents and
hazardous o''urren'es (se'tion 2"%)=
6"%"5" periodi'ally evaluate the effe'tiveness of* and when needed* review of the safety
management system (se'tion %("()= and
6"%"6" perform internal audits to verify whether safety management a'tivities 'omply with the
re/uirements of the safety management system (se'tion %("%)"
.2 SMS Manuals:
.2.1. 8very 'ompany has to develop their own SMS manuals 'onsidering the type of vessel and
nature of operation of the vessel ta+ing the following into 'onsideration<7
6"("%"%" The !pe9 Manual of the 'ompany is to be referred to as @Safety Management
ManualB and is re/uired to be in 'omplian'e with the various elements of the ISM
Code* as amended" The manual must 'ontain Poli'ies* ob:e'tives* organization
stru'ture* responsibilities K authorities of relevant personnel* 'ommuni'ation level
and identifi'ation* ris+ assessment and 'ontrol of pro'esses of the 'ompany and
on board the ship with respe't to ISM Code" The manual shall be so prepared that
fre/uent amendment to the manual is avoided"
6"("%"(" In the event of any other operational manuals* instru'tions* 'he'+lists* forms et'"
'onstituting a part of the Safety Management System* the ape9 manual shall
'ontain 'ross referen'es to all those do'uments"
6"("%"-" The 'ompany SMS manuals shall address the appli'able 'odes*
re'ommendations* guidelines and other Safety and se'urity7related non7
mandatory instruments as per IMO Cir'ular MSC"%.Cir'"%-#%* as amended" !lso*
'ompany SMS manuals shall address basi' elements of Shipboard O''upational
Jealth and Safety Programme (SOJSP) and 0uidan'e of ?atigue Mitigation and
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 7
Management (i"e" MSC.Cir'" %)%$) et'")"
6"("%"$" The ape9 Safety Management Manual 'an have provision to indi'ate referen'e to
other relevant manuals . do'uments viz" 8nvironmental . Jealth . Luality Manual .
?un'tional 0uidelines et'" but not the other way round"
6"("%"5" Companies may opt for Integrated Safety Management system 'overing ISM*
ISO* JS8* OJS!S et'" to suit their 'ommer'ial re/uirements sub:e't to 'overing
all the 'lauses of ISM Code in serial order with 'lear referen'e of respe'tive
'lause in ape9 safety management manual"
#" Designate& Person Ashore ,DPA-:
ole* esponsibility and /ualifi'ation of ,P! is to be broadly guided by the IMO Cir'ular MSC7
M8PC"#.Cir'"6 @ 0uidan'e on the Lualifi'ations* Training and 89perien'e ne'essary for underta+ing
the role of the ,esignated Person under the provisions of the International Safety Management (ISM)
'odeB and as a minimum shall* in addition* 'omply with the following by all Indian ,OC holders<7
7.1 Role an& Responsiilit! of DPAs:
,P! is the +ey person to ensure effe'tive implementation of the 'ompanyHs safety management
system and re/uires to be based ashore whose influen'e and responsibilities should signifi'antly
affe't the development and implementation of a safety 'ulture within the Company and hen'e is
re/uired to be pla'ed at a reasonably higher level (senior management position) in the
'ompanyHs organization 'hart" The ,P! is re/uired to effe'tively influen'e the mind7set* attitudes
and behavior of subordinate shore staff to enhan'e support of vessel operations* as well as
a'ting as a +ey lin+ in the safety management 'hain reporting dire'tly to the highest7level of
management of his 'ompany"
7.2 .ualification of DPAs:
8very 'ompany should employ a ,P! on regular basis 'omplying with below mentioned
"ategor! of Ships Mini#u# .ualification Desirale
! i"Passenger Ships*
Passenger Jigh Speed
Craft* Cargo Jigh Speed
Craft* Oil Tan+er*
Chemi'al Tan+ers or 0as
Carrier irrespe'tive of size
ii" Aul+ Carriers* Other
Cargo Ships or Offshore
Support Dessel (OSD) of
above -))) 0T"
Jolder of Indian Certifi'ate of Competen'y
(COC) or the COC e'ognized by 0ovt" of
India as Master (?0) or M8O Class7I or
;aval !r'hite'ts having minimum five
years of relevant e9perien'e as ISM 1ead
!uditor with a Classifi'ation So'iety or
Maritime !dministration and holding a
responsible position in the organization"
Master (?0)* M8O
Class I (Chief
8ngineer) with two
years of shore
e9perien'e at the
management of
relevant 'ategory of
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page !
A Aul+ 'arriers or Other Cargo
ships or Offshore Support
Dessel (OSD) on the 'oast
of India of less than -)))0T"
%" !s for 'ategory F!E or
(" Jolder of Indian COC as Master
(;CD)* Chief 8ngineer (;CD) with
ade/uate sea e9perien'e or ;aval
!r'hite'ts having minimum two years
e9perien'e as ISM 1ead !uditor with
a Classifi'ation So'iety or Maritime
!dministration and holding responsible
position in the organization"
Master (?0)* M8O
Class I (Chief
8ngineer) with two
years of sailing .
shore e9perien'e at
the management
C MO,>s or MO>s su'h as
?PSOs . ?S>s or other
offshore support vessels
su'h as ,P diving support
%" !s for 'ategory F!E or
(" 0raduate Me'hani'al . 8le'tri'al .
Marine or Petroleum 8ngineer having
e9perien'e of atleast )5 years in the
relevant field and holding a senior
management position"
Master (?0)* M8O
Class I (Chief
8ngineer) with two
years of e9perien'e
in the relevant field"
7.3 "hange of DPA:
7.3.1 In 'ase of any 'hange of ,P!* the Company shall ensure that the new ,P! meets the
appli'able /ualifi'ation re/uirements as mentioned in para #"( of this noti'e* and shall
promptly report the same to the ,ire'torate in the pres'ribed format (?orm ISM7%()* along
with self7attested 'opies of COC K C,C of the new ,P!"
7.3.2 If the ,P! unilaterally resigns or disasso'iates with the @'ompanyB* he may pro'eed so as
per the term of his employment* but under prompt intimation to the ,0S" If the Company
fails to appoint suitable ,P!* the ,OC of the @'ompanyB shall automati'ally be'ome null
and void"
7.4 Alternate DPA ,ADPA-:
8very Company having more than three ships under its management shall designate an
!lternate ,esignated Person (!,P!)* to dis'harge the fun'tions of the ,P! in latterEs absen'e
or in similar emergen'y situations* whose /ualifi'ation* as minimum* shall be as per IMO Cir'ular
&" Docu#ent of "o#pliance ,Do"-:
! ,o'ument of Complian'e (,OC) is issued to a Company when the shore side aspe'ts of the Safety
Management System are found to 'omply with the re/uirements of the ISM Code" The ,OC is spe'ifi'
to the ship type(s) operated by the Company and for whi'h the SMS is implemented at the time of the
audit" ! 'opy of the relevant ,OC should be pla'ed on board ea'h of the 'ompanyEs ships* whi'h may
be a''epted as eviden'e that the CompanyEs shore7side management stru'ture 'omplies with the
re/uirements of the Code"
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 9
&"% Application process:
&"%"%" !ny Company intending to obtain an Indian ,oC may ma+e a formal appli'ation to that
effe't to the ISM Cell of the ,0S* as follows<7
&"%"%"%" Company re/uest letter on 'ompany letter head along with re/uisite fee"
&"%"%"(" Aa'+ground of the Company"
&"%"%"-" Organization stru'ture giving the /ualifi'ation K e9perien'e of personnel
in'luding ,P! /ualifi'ation K e9perien'e along with the self7attested 'opies of
COC and C,C"
&"%"%"$" Types of ships for whi'h ,OC is being applied"
&"%"%"5" ! hard and soft 'opy of 'ompany SMS do'ument (!pe9) in 'omplian'e with ISM
Code for the re/uired ship type"
&"%"%"6" IMO Identifi'ation ;umber for the 'ompany issued by the IJS maritime on behalf
of the IMO"
&"%"%"#" Copy of egistered do'ument for the offi'e premise"
&"%"%"&" Copy of Certifi'ate of In'orporation issued by egistrar of Companies along with
'opy of Memorandum. !rti'les of !sso'iation"
&"%"%"2" ,e'laration of the 'ompany (i"e" ?orm ISM7%$ or ISM7%5)"
&"%"(" !fter preliminary s'rutiny of CompanyEs appli'ation* the Company should submit its SMS
manual to an auditor nominated by the ,ire'torate for the purpose" The auditor* on
satisfa'tory 'ompletion of preliminary s'rutiny* shall endorse and return the manual to the
'ompany and forward appropriate re'ommendation to the ISM Cell of the ,ire'torate
within the period pres'ribed in the nomination letter"
&"( (nteri# Do" certification:
&"("% !n Interim ,OC may be issued to fa'ilitate initial implementation of the Code when<7
M a 'ompany is newly established*
M new ship types are to be added to an e9isting ,OC
&"("( Towards the interim ,oC 'ertifi'ation* the ISM Cell of the ,ire'torate* on satisfa'tory
'ompletion of para"&"%* may nominate an audit team to the CompanyEs premises to verify
that the Company has 'apabilities as has been mentioned in para 5"%K 5"( of this noti'e*
for the effe'tive implementation of the ISM Code* for the identified ship type(s)" The
Company will need to prove that measures are in pla'e to implement the full
re/uirements of the ISM Code within the period of validity of the Interim ,OC"
&"("- On re'eiving audit report from the auditor* the Company shall first address the non7
'onformities* if any* and then submit appli'ation to the ,0S* with re/uisite fee for
issuan'e of Interim ,OC" !n interim ,oC shall be issued for a ma9imum period of twelve
months from the date of 'ompletion of the audit or for a shorter period as deemed fit and
re'ommended by the audit team"
&"("$ The ,OC audit will ta+e pla'e at the 'ompanyEs prin'ipal pla'e of business" If a Company
operates from more than one lo'ation where different safety management fun'tions are
performed* then* all these FAran'h offi'esE need to be offered for audit"
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 10
&"- (nitial% Annual% Rene*al an& A&&itional D1" au&its:
&"-"%" 8very 'ompany should ma+e appli'ation for Initial* !nnual* enewal or !dditional ,OC
audit* along with ?orm ISM7)- and appli'able fees* at least one month prior to the
proposed audit date to fa'ilitate timely nomination of the auditor by the ,ire'torate"
Jowever* it is desired that for the annual or renewal ,OC audits* the 'ompany may
submit the appli'ation on 'ommen'ement of the window7period"
&"-"(" Ihile applying for any su'h audit* the 'ompany should be 'apable to demonstrate* with
relevant supporting re'ords* the satisfa'tory fun'tioning of the SMS on board a ship of the
appli'able type for at least - months sin'e the pre'eding audit by the !dministration* as
appli'able" The re'ords in these 'ases may in'lude* but not limited to the statutory*
'lassifi'ation* personnel* maintenan'e and other relevant SMS re'ords of all the vessels
operating under the respe'tive ,oC"
&"-"-" On re'eipt of audit report from the lead auditor* the Company shall first address the non7
'onformities* if any to be addressed immediately* and then submit the appli'ation to the
,0S with re/uisite fee for the issuan'e of full term ,OC* as the 'ase may be"
2" Safet! Manage#ent "ertificate ,SM"- "ertification:
Subse/uent to a su''essful audit* a Safety Management Certifi'ate (SMC) will be issued to ea'h
individual ship provided that the 'ompany holds a valid ,OC for the appli'able type of ship" ! 'opy of
ea'h SMC should be retained in the 'ompanyEs offi'e re'ords* the original being pla'ed on board and
filed along with all other statutory 'ertifi'ates"
2"% (nteri# SM" Au&its:
2"%"%" ?or Passenger.Spe'ial Trade Passenger Ships* the 'ompany whi'h is holding passenger
ship ,OC shall ma+e an appli'ation to the ,ire'torate along with ?orms ISM7)%* ISM7)(*
ISM7%%* ISM7%( and re/uisite fee" ?orms ISM7)% K ISM7)( are not re/uired* if the owner
and the manager of the vessel are the same" !fter satisfa'tory s'rutiny of appli'ation*
,0S* will nominate an audit team for Interim SMC audit" On re'eiving audit report from
the auditor* the Company shall first address the non7'onformities* if any* and then submit
appli'ation with re/uisite fee for the issuan'e of Interim SMC"
2"%"(" ?or Cargo Ships* MO,>s and Spe'ial Purpose Ships (SPS)* the 'ompany whi'h is
holding ,OC for the respe'tive type of ship may dire'tly offer the ship to the Indian
egister of Shipping for the interim audit" Jowever* the Company shall submit duly filled
?orms ISM7)%* ISM7)(* ISM7%% and ISM7%( to ,0S* who shall then issue ne'essary
authorization to the O for underta+ing the audit" ?orms ISM7)% K ISM7)( are not
re/uired* if the owner and the manager of the vessel are the same" On satisfa'tory
'ompletion of the audit* IS may issue Interim SMC Certifi'ate to the vessel for 6 months
and forward report to the ,0S within %5 days"
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 11
2"( (nitial% (nter#e&iate% $ Rene*al SM" Au&its:
2"("%" ?or Passenger.Spe'ial Trade Passenger Ships* 'ompany may ma+e the appli'ation to
the ,0S along with re/uisite fee and form ISM7)- for initial* intermediate and renewal
SMC audit* at least one month prior to the proposed audit date to fa'ilitate timely
nomination of the auditor by the ,ire'torate" In 'ase the ,0S nominated auditor is not
available on the date of the audit* the Prin'ipal Offi'er (PO) of the distri't where the audit
is planned may nominate a suitably /ualified alternate auditor for the audit" On re'eipt of
the satisfa'tory audit report* ,0S will issue SMC sub:e't to payment of fees for the
2"("(" ?or Cargo Ships* MO,>s and Spe'ial Purpose Ships (SPS)* the 'ompany may dire'tly
offer the ship to the Indian egister of Shipping for the initial and renewal SMC audits"
!fter satisfa'tory 'ompletion of the audit* IS may issue short term 'ertifi'ate valid for 5
months or may e9tend e9isting SMC for 5 months in 'ase of enewal SMC audit sub:e't
to audit 'ompleted within - months validity of the 'ertifi'ate" On re'eipt of satisfa'tory
audit report from O* ,0S will issue full term SMC sub:e't to payment of fees and
satisfa'tory 'losures of ;Cs* if any"
2"("-" ?or intermediate SMC audits of all ships in India* the 'ompany may ma+e appli'ation
along with re/uisite fee K form ISM7)- to the Prin'ipal Offi'er of the region where ship is
operating or audit is planned" On satisfa'tory 'ompletion of the audit* PO.auditor may
forward the audit report to the ,0S within %) wor+ing days" In 'ase of ships e9'lusively
trading in offshore fields or in foreign waters during the entire window period* the
FCompanyE may dire'tly approa'h M.s IS for the intermediate audit"
2"("$" In all the above 'ases* the Company shall be in possession of a regular ,oC (not Interim
'ertifi'ation) and the vessel shall be 'apable of demonstrating<7
2"("$"%" the satisfa'tory fun'tioning of the SMS on board a ship for at least - months in
the pre'eding %( months=
2"("$"(" re'ords of an internal audit 'arried out by the 'ompany* in this period=
2"("$"-" the audit is performed under normal operating 'ondition* ie" ;ot in dry7do'+ or
2"- A&&itional SM" Au&its:
2"-"%" In 'ase an !dditional SMC audit is imposed by any O or the ?lag State surveyor* the
'on'erned authority shall inform the same to the ,ire'torate promptly with 'lear reasons
for the a'tion" The ,ire'torate may review the 'ase and advise any O or !dministration
auditor to underta+e the additional audit based on the merit of the 'ase"
2"-"(" In instan'es where the additional SMS assessment of a ship has been imposed by any
Port State Control (PSC) authority* M.s IS may board the said ship at the earliest
opportunity to 'onfirm that immediate 'orre'tive measures have been ta+en to fa'ilitate
prompt release of the vessel from the PSC intervention and thereafter shall forward a
detailed report to the ,0S* with 'lear re'ommendation for long term measures to avoid
re'urren'e* viz" additional SMC audit* ,oC audit* ?SI inspe'tion et'* as ne'essary"
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 12
2"-"-" In both the 'ases above* ie" as stated in sub7para 2"-"% K 2"-"(* it shall be obligatory on
the Company to promptly report the matter to the ,0S and to M.s IS to fa'ilitate
additional SMC audit as ne'essary" Jowever* this does not absolve the 'on'erned
e'ognised Organization from its obligations to fulfill the Pro'edural e/uirements (Ps)
of the I!CS as appli'able"
2"$ Gui&elines for au&itors for carr!ing out (nteri# SM" au&its:
2"$"%" !uditor must verify that all the re/uirements of ISM 'ode are 'omplied with during interim
SMC audit for implementation of the 'ompany SMS e9'ept verifi'ation of SMS re'ords"
(;ote< SMS re'ords mean SMS related re'ords whi'h may not be available on a new ship or on a ship
undergoing 'hange of flag . management* su'h as Internal . e9ternal audit reports* Safety Committee meeting
reports* ;on7Conformity reports* ;ear7miss reports et'")
2"$"(" !uditor must verify that the vessel is in possession of all appli'able statutory 'ertifi'ates*
in'luding of valid ,o'ument of Complian'e .Interim ,o'ument of Complian'e (,OC) for
the appli'able ship type* and that the vessel is free from any statutory note or overdue
Conditions of Class (CoCs)"
2"$"-" !uditor must verify that the safe manning is provided onboard as per the minimum safe
manning do'ument issued by the !dministration and that all shipboard personnel are well
aware of their role and responsibility in performing their fun'tions as laid down in the
'ompany SMS and have 'lear understanding of the 'ompanyHs poli'y in implementation of
the safety and pollution prevention aspe'ts" !uditor may underta+e realisti' emergen'y
preparedness drills and ensure that they are effe'tively implementable"
2"$"$" !uditor must verify that all shipboard important wor+ing drawings K do'uments are in
8nglish and 'learly readable" In the event of su'h do'uments not being in 8nglish or
in'omprehensible or illegible* a limited interim Safety Management Certifi'ate may be
issued for a ma9imum period of si9 months in order to fa'ilitate the 'ompany to pla'e
onboard all drawings do'uments whi'h are legible and in 8nglish"
2"$"5" In the event any ma:or issues have been observed to be e9isting in the vesselHs
performan'e or its 'riti'al ma'hinery or e/uipment during the audit or from re'ords
available on board* the auditor shall report it as ;C . Ma:or ;C as appropriate and the O
shall then 'onsult the !dministration to de'ide on the further 'ourse of a'tion as needed"
2"$"6" Jowever* in 'ase the vessel was not 'lassed with an I!CS member as approved by the
0OI or* if the vessel is more than %5 years old from the date of delivery* this shall be
immediately brought to the noti'e of the PSC.?SI 'ell at ,0S by the auditor* and the ,0S
will depute an O for a 0eneral Inspe'tion (0I) or ?SI by the administration or a detailed
Change of ?lag inspe'tion* as the 'ase may be* at the e9pense of the ship owner"
2"5 Reinstate#ent of SM" *hen *in&o* perio& lapses &ue to prolonge& la!up)&oc2ing:
2"5"%" Intermediate SMC audits< If for unavoidable reasons* vessels have to be laid up during the
window7period of the intermediate SMC audits and the audit window 'loses during the
said'+ing period* the e9isting Safety Management Certifi'ate be'omes invalid" In
su'h 'ases* the O 'an underta+e the @Intermediate SMC auditB* under intimation to this
,ire'torate* beyond the window period without any further approval from this ,ire'torate*
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 13
when the ship is not in dry do'+. lay7up and the audit s'ope would be to the e9tent of
@initialB audit" On satisfa'tory 'ompletion of the said audit* the SMC* if de'ided to be
validated* would be issued with an endorsement as @Dalidity restored after satisfa'tory
'ondu't of audit as appli'able for Initial auditB" The validated SMC would be valid from the
date of 'ompletion of the said initial audit for a period not e9'eeding the original date of
e9piry of e9isting SMC"
2"5"(" enewal SMC audits< If enewal SMC audit 'ould not be 'ompleted before the e9piry of
e9isting Safety Management Certifi'ate* the O 'an underta+e the @enewal SMC auditB
beyond the window7period without any further approval from this ,ire'torate* provided the
vessel was laid7up after the e9piry of the 'ertifi'ate" Jowever* the new Safety
Management Certifi'ate would be valid from the date of 'ompletion of the renewal audit to
a date not e9'eeding five years from the date of e9piry of the e9isting SMC"
%)" Non "onfor#it! an& Ma3or Non "onfor#it! <
%)"% The Company shall submit the detailed Corre'tive !'tion (C!) along with oot Cause !nalysis
(C!) and Preventive !'tions (P!) proposed with regard to ea'h of the ;on7Conformities (;Cs)
raised during the audit to the 'on'erned 1ead !uditor (1!) for his a''eptan'e within the time7limit
pres'ribed by him* but in any 'ase within three months from the date of audit" In 'ase the
Company fails to satisfa'torily address the ;Cs within three months from the date of audit*
ne'essary 'on'urren'e for its 'losure needs to be obtained from the ,0S"
%)"( !ll ma:or non7'onformities are to be dealt with immediately as per MSC.Cir'"%)527
%%" Suspension ) 4ith&ra*al of D1":
Suspension or withdrawal of ,OC of any 'ompany or SMC of any ship shall be governed by Mer'hant
Shipping (Management for the Safe Operation of Ships) ules* ()))* as amended"
%(" (SM 5or#s:
The following forms are re/uired to be used by the auditors (i"e !dministration and O auditors) and
Companies for 'ondu'ting various ISM related fun'tions"
ISMN)% ,e'laration ?orm for egistered Owner.Aare Aoat Charter and Company
ISMN)( ,e'laration ?orm for Company
ISMN)- !udit e/uest ?orm
ISMN)$ ?orm for Company Interim.Initial.!nnual.enewal.!dditional !udit !ssessment eport
ISMN)5 ?orm for Ship Interim.Initial.Intermediate.enewal.!dditional !udit !ssessment eport
ISMN)6 ?orm for ,o'ument eview Company.Ship
ISMN)# ?orm for !udit S'hedule
ISMN)& ?orm for ;on7Conformity.Observation.Ma:or ;on Conformity eport
ISMN)2 ?orm for ISM !udit 1og
ISMN%) ?orm for !uditor Monitoring eport
ISMN%% ?orm for ,e'laration of Company (Owner)
ISMN%( ?orm for ,e'laration of ,esignated Person
ISMN%- ?orm for Submission of SMC on Can'ellation or withdrawal of egistry
ISMN%$ ?orm for Self7de'laration from the Top Management
ISMN%5 ?orm for Self7de'laration from the Company
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 14
%-" Grie+ance re&ressal:
The ;odal Aran'h for the implementation of this ;oti'e shall be the ISM Cell (8ngineering
Iing) of the ,ire'torate* who may be 'onta'ted at ism7dgsOni'"in " The appellate authority for
all matters related with the ISM Code in India shall be the Director6General of Shipping* who may be
'onta'ted by email< dgship7dgsOni'"in"
%$" Settle#ent of Disputes :
In 'ase of any disputes on the matters pertaining to the implementation of this Cir'ular* the de'ision of
the appellate authority shall be final and binding on all the parties 'on'erned" Jowever* the provisions
'ontained in this 'ir'ular are in addition to and not in derogation of the provisions of any other law or
regulations in for'e in India"
This is issued with the approval of the ,ire'tor70eneral of Shipping and 897offi'io
!dditional Se'retary to the 0OI and 'omes into effe't from the date of issue of this noti'e"
,A3ith2u#ar Su2u#aran-
D!. "hief Sur+e!or *ith the Go(6cu#6
Sr. D!. Director General ,'ech-
1. "#e $%&n'&(a) O**&'e%/ Me%'ant&)e Ma%&ne De(a%t+ent, Mu+-a&/./)0ata/ 1#enna&/
2. "#e Su%2e3/%4&n4'#a%5e, Me%'ant&)e Ma%&ne De(a%t+ent, G/a/Ja+na5a%/$/%t 6)a&%
/7&8a0#a(atana+ /"ut&'/%&n /De)#& /9a)d&a/ $a%ad&( /Man5a)/%e.
3. :)) ;e'/5n&8ed O%5an&<at&/n8.
4. Ind&an Nat&/na) S#&(4/=ne%8> :88/'&at&/n (INS:), Mu+-a&.
5. 1S/N:/1SS/Jt.D4G.
. 9&nd& 1e)).
7. Gua%d *&)e.
!. 1/+(ute% 1e)).
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 15
;ame< Pla'e K ,ate<
Signature< Stamp<
;ame< Pla'e K ,ate<
Signature< Stamp<
D / " 7 A R A ' (1N 5 1RM
N1. DG S )(S M 6 01
(To be 'ompleted by authorized representatives of the owner . bareboat 'harterer and the 'ompany on first notifi'ation and when
reporting any 'hanges thereafter)
1. 8/SS/7
;ame of Dessel< Type of Dessel<
Offi'ial ;o" . Call Sign< IMO ;umber<
2. 14N/R ) 9AR/91A' ":AR'/R/R
egistered ;ame<
(8n'lose 'opy of Certifi'ate of In'orporation and Certifi'ate of egistry of the vessel)
egistered !ddress<
Tel" ;o"<
?a9 ;o"<
;. D/"7ARA'(1N 15 PAR'("<7ARS 15 ':/ "1MPAN= ,(SM "o&e Ref.: 1.1.2-
egistered ;ame<
(8n'lose 'ertifi'ate of In'orporation)
COMP!;P I, ;O"
egistered !ddress< Operation Offi'e !ddress<
Tel" ;o"< Tel" ;o"<
?a9 ;o"< ?a9 ;o"<
Tele9 ;o"< Tele9 ;o"<
87mail< 87mail<
I* the undersigned* hereby de'lare and state for and on behalf of the co#pan! that the above
information is true and 'orre't and I am duly authorized by the co#pan! to provide the aforesaid
I* the undersigned* hereby de'lare and state for and on behalf of the o*ner ) areoat charterer that
the above information is true and 'orre't and I am duly authorized by the o*ner ) areoat charterer
to provide the aforesaid information"
Certified by
;ame K Stamp of the egistrar of Ship
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 1
A n n e 0 t o 5o r # N o . DG S )(S M 6 01
(To be 'ompleted by authorized representatives of the owner . bareboat 'harterer and the 'ompany on first
notifi'ation and when reporting any 'hanges thereafter)
(SM "o&e Ref.: ;.0
?or and on behalf of the Owner . Aareboat Charterer< ?or and on behalf of the Company<
I* the undersigned* hereby de'lare and state as below< I* the undersigned* hereby de'lare and state as below<
%) The owner . bareboat 'harterer has agreement with
the 'ompany for the operations of the vessel and to
dis'harge of all duties* responsibilities
obligations of the owner . bareboat 'harterer* whi'h
fall within the s'ope of Chapter I3 of the SO1!S*
%2#$ as amended and Mer'hant Shipping
(Management for the Safe Operation of Ships)
ules* ()))* as amended from the date of the
present de'laration"
%) The 'ompany has a''epted the agreement with the
owner . bareboat 'harterer and underta+e to 'arry
out all aspe'ts of the operation of the vessel and
dis'harge all duties* responsibilities and obligations
of the owner . bareboat 'harterer* whi'h fall within
the s'ope of Chapter I3 of the SO1!S* %2#$ as
amended and Mer'hant Shipping (Management for
the Safe Operation of Ships) ules* ()))* as
amended* from the date of the present de'laration"
() The owner . bareboat 'harterer has read and
understood the Mer'hant Shipping (Management
for the Safe Operation of Ships) ules* ()))* as
amended* and the re/uirement of the ,"0"
Shipping on the development*
implementation and 'ertifi'ation of SMS issued
by the ,"0" Shipping"
() The 'ompany has re'eived from the owner .
bareboat 'harterer suffi'ient instru'tions* guidan'e*
means and resour'es to the entire satisfa'tion of
the 'ompany and arrangements have been made
whi'h enable and will enable the 'ompany to 'arry
out and fulfill the duties* responsibilities and
obligations whi'h are hereby a''epted and
-) The owner . bareboat 'harterer a''epts* agrees
and underta+es to be responsible for the 'ompany
(named overleaf)"
-) The 'ompany a''epts* agrees and underta+es to
be bound* as far as the operation of the vessel and
for any matter related thereto* by the appli'able
rules and regulations of the ,"0" Shipping"
$) The above information is true and I am duly
authorised to ma+e this de'laration for and on
behalf of the owner . bareboat 'harterer"
$) The 'ompany has read and understood the
Mer'hant Shipping (Management for the Safe
Operation of Ships) ules* ()))* as amended* and
the re/uirements of the ,"0" Shipping on the
development* implementation and 'ertifi'ation of
SMS issued by the ,"0" Shipping"
5) The above information is true and 'orre't and I am
duly authorized to ma+e this de'laration for and on
behalf of the 'ompany"
?or and on behalf of the Owner . Aareboat Charterer< ?or and on behalf of the Company"
;ame< ;ame<
Signature< Signature<
Pla'e K ,ate< Pla'e K ,ate<
Stamp< Stamp<
,0S.ISM7)%.ev")(. May7%$
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 17
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 1!
D / " 7 A R A ' (1N
51 R M N 1 . D G S )( SM > 02
(To be 'ompleted by authorized representatives of the 'ompany and also for reporting 'hanges)
1. 8/SS/7
;ame of Dessel< Type of Dessel<
Offi'ial ;o" . Call Sign< IMO ;umber<
2. PAR'("<7ARS 15 ':/ "1MPAN= ,(SM "o&e Ref.: 1.1.2-
egistered ;ame<
(8n'lose 'ertifi'ate of In'orporation)
COMP!;P I, ;o"
egistered !ddress< Operation Offi'e !ddress<
Tel" ;o"< Tel" ;o"<
?a9 ;o"< ?a9 ;o"<
Tele9 ;o"< Tele9 ;o"<
87mail< 87mail<
;. D/S(GNA'/D P/RS1N ,(SM "o&e Ref.: 4.0- ,/nclose certifie& cop! in proof of
?ualification% training an& e0perience% in accor&ance *ith MS Notice 09 of 2014-
,esignated Person< !lternate ,esignated Person<
;ame< ;ame<
Position< Position<
Identity ,o'ument< Identity ,o'ument<
Offi'e !ddress<
(Pla'e of wor+)
Offi'e !ddress<
(Pla'e of Ior+)
Tel" ;o"< Tel" ;o"<
Mobile ;o"< Mobile ;o"<
?a9 ;o"< ?a9 ;o"<
Tele9 ;o"< Tele9 ;o"<
87mail< 87mail<
!OJ Tel" . ?a9 ;os"< !OJ Tel" . ?a9 ;os"<
$. (D/N'(5("A'(1N 15 :(G:/S' 7/8/7 15 MANAG/M/N' ,:7M-
Jighest 1evel of Management< !lternate to J1M<
;ame< ;ame<
Position< Position<
Identity ,o'ument< Identity ,o'ument<
Tel" ;o"< Tel" ;o"<
Mobile ;o"< Mobile ;o"<
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 19
?a9 ;o"< ?a9 ;o"<
Tele9 ;o"< Tele9 ;o"<
87mail< 87mail<
!OJ Tel" . ?a9 ;os"< !OJ Tel" . ?a9 ;os"<
@. 9RAN": 155("/,S-
egistered ;ame<
(8n'lose 'ertifi'ate of In'orporation)
egistered !ddress<
Operation Offi'e !ddress<
Tel" ;o"< Tel" ;o"<
?a9 ;o"< ?a9 ;o"<
Tele9 ;o"< Tele9 ;o"<
87mail< 87mail<
I* the undersigned* hereby de'lare and state for and on behalf of the 'ompany that the 'ompany has been
in'orporated and e9ists under the laws of the state and the offi'ers of the 'ompany are those as indi'ate in the
en'losed list . below* the 'ompany does operate bran'h offi'es as mentioned below . does not operate bran'h
offi'es (stri+e if not appli'able)"
The above information is true and 'orre't and I am duly authorized by the 'ompany and the aforesaid persons
to provide the aforesaid information"
(to be 'ompleted if a 'ounter signature is re/uired)
;ame< ;ame<
Signature< Signature<
Pla'e K ,ate< Pla'e K ,ate<
Certified by
;ame K Stamp of the egistrar of Ship
?OM ;O" ,0S.ISM 4 )(.ev")(.May7%$
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 20
51 R M N 1 . D G S )( SM > 0;
A < D (' R / .< /S ' 5 1R M
Ie re/uest the ,ire'torate 0eneral of Shipping to instru't its !uditors to assess
our Safety Management System (SMS) to ISM Code on or aroundQQQQQQ"""
(Minimum -) days noti'e to be given from the date audit is re/uested)
The s'ope of assessment for whi'h audit is re/uested<
D1" )SM"A
(nteri# ) (nitial ) Annual ) (nter#e&iate ) Rene*al ) A&&itional A
Ie agree to provide the ,ire'torate 0eneral of Shipping with all the do'uments*
information and fa'ilities to 'arryout the above mentioned audit a'tivities"
,etails of fees submitted in favour of @the ,ire'torate 0eneral of Shipping* MumbaiB
towards 'arrying out the above audit are mentioned below"
Details of payment of audit
Ie also agree to pay any other fees as appli'able for !udit and issuan'e of
;ame of Company<
Company I, ;o"
Company !ddress
;o" of Aran'h Offi'es and their
details of lo'ation* 'overed under
,OC* if any<
Ship type for whi'h audit is
,ate of last audit* ;ame of
!uditor (s) and status of ;Cs if any<
,etails of !dditional ,OC . SMC
audit underta+en and the reason for
su'h audit
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 21
Indi'ate the details of detention of
vessel under PSC . ?SI (;ame of
vessel* Inspe'ting authority* name
of MO>* port and date of
Total ;o of Ships to be 'overed
under the re/uested audit
(Mention in Ship Type wise along
with their name date and type of
last audit along with SMC validity
and endorsement )
Present ,OC Certifi'ate ;umber
and its date of validity (in 'ase of
multiple ,OC* give date of validity
for all ,OC)<
,ate of last ,OC endorsement (s)
(in 'ase of multiple ,OC* give date
of endorsement for all ,OC)<
;ame of Dessel (s) . type of vessel .
IMO ;o" . 0T . yr" of built for whi'h
audit is re/uested<
1o'ation (s) of !udit<
;ame of ,esignated PersonQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ""
Signature of ,esignated person QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ
,ate of !ppli'ation ...
(Rstri+e out whi'h is not appli'able)
?OM ;O" ,0S.ISM 4 )-.ev")(. May7%$
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 22
F:?5: ISM-04
D(R/"'1RA'/ G/N/RA7 15 S:(PP(NG% G18'. 15
"1MPAN= (N'/R(M)(N('(A7)ANN<A7)R/N/4A7)ADD7. A<D(' ASS/SSM/N' R/P1R'


COMP!;P ;!M8<
COMP!;P I, ;O"<
O??IC8 !,,8SS IITJ T81" ;O" K ?!3 ;O"<
(!ddress of Aran'h Offi'es in'luded in this
assessment are to be given in additional sheet)
,OC.I;T8IM ,OC ;O" ISS>8, O;
ISS>8, AP D!1I, TI11
83ISTI;0 SCOP8 (SJIP TPP8) 1!ST 8;,OS8M8;T ,!T8<
!SS8SSM8;T ;OI A8I;0 8POT8, 1ST!ND"#D$T%
T8!M 18!,8< !>,IT ,!T8(S)<
T8!M M8MA8(s)<
;O" O? M!CO ;Cs< ;O" O? ;Cs<
M!CO ;Cs C18!8,< P8S ;O !11 P8DIO>S ;Cs C18!8,< P8S ;O
;O" O? OAS8D!TIO;S< ;O" O? ?I;,I;0S<
COPI8S O? !11 ;Cs.OAS" (!S !PPOPI!T8) !8 !TT!CJ8, TO TJIS 8POT< -+SN*N)(
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 23
ISS>8 D*C)NT+#)M D*C
D!1I, ?OM (date of assessment 'ompletion) ?O P8!S MO;TJS
!,,ITIO;!1 !SS8SSM8;T 8L>I8M8;TS
P8S ;O
,OC 8;,OS8, P8S ;O
SI0;!T>8 O? TOP M!;!08M8;T .
,8SI0;!T8, P8SO;
SI0;!T>8 O? !>,IT T8!M 18!,8 . 18!,
O%&5&na) '/(3 /* t#&8 */%+ t/ -e 5&2en t/ t#e aud&tee and (#/t/ '/(3 t/ -e
*/%=a%ded t/ t#e ISM 1e)), D.G. S#&((&n5. 1/+(an3 +u8t %eta&n t#&8 %e(/%t */% at
)ea8t *&2e 3ea%8 *%/+ t#e date /* &88ue.
?/%+ N/.: DGS/ISM404/;e2. 02/Ma3414 N/te: St%&0e /ut =#&'#e2e% &8 n/t a(()&'a-)e. 9ac2
F:?5: ISM-05
D(R/"'1RA'/ G/N/RA7 15 S:(PP(NG% G18'. 15 (ND(A
S:(P (N'/R(M)(N('(A7)(N'/RM/D(A'/)R/N/4A7)ADD7. A<D('


;!M8 O? SJIP< !SS8SS8, !T<
POT O? 80ISTP< 0T<
O??ICI!1 ;O"< SJIP TPP8<
C!11 SI0;< IMO ;O"<
C1!SS< ,!T8 O? A>I1,<
COMP!;P ;!M8<
COMP!;P I, ;O"<
O??IC8 !,,8SS I;C1>,I;0 T81" ;O" K ?!3 ;O"<
,OC>M8;T O? COMP1I!;C8 ;O"<
ISS>8, AP< ISS>8, O;<
D!1I, TI11< 1!ST 8;,OS8M8;T ,!T8 O? ,OC<
SMC ;O"<
ISS>8, AP<
ISS>8, O;< D!1I, TI11<
1!ST 8;,OS8M8;T ,!T8 O? SMC<
T8!M 18!,8<
T8!M M8MA8(s)<
!>,IT ,!T8S<
;O" O? M!CO ;Cs< ;O" O? ;Cs<
M!CO ;Cs C18!8,< P8S ;O !11 P8DIO>S ;Cs C18!8,< P8S ;O
;O" O? OAS8D!TIO;S< ;O" O? ?I;,I;0S<
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 24
COPI8S O? !11 ;Cs.OAS" (!S !PPOPI!T8) !8 !TT!CJ8, TO TJIS 8POT< P8S.;O.;I1
!,,ITIO;!1 !SS8SSM8;T 8L>I8M8;TS P8S ;O SMC 8;,OS8, P8S ;O
,OC 8;,OS8, P8S ;O
;!M8 !;, SI0;!T>8 O? SJIP M!ST8 SI0;!T>8 O? T8!M 18!,8
etention period of this report is to be as per
Company pro'edure but not less than 5 years
?/%+ N/.: DGS/ISM405/;e2. 02/Ma3414
N/te: St%&0e /ut =#&'#e2e% &8 n/t a(()&'a-)e.
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 25
F:?5: ISM-0D
D(R/"'1RA'/ G/N/RA7 15 S:(PP(NG% G18'. 15 (ND(A
D1"<M/N' R/8(/4 "1MPAN=)S:(P


1OM$:N@ N:ME :ND :DD;ESS AI"9 "e). N/. B ?:C N/. :
1OM$:N@ ID NO.:
S9I$ N:ME:
,OC>M8;T O? COMP1I!;C8 ;O"< ISS>8, O;<
ISS>8, AP< 1!ST 8;,OS8M8;T ,!T8<
7(S' 15 D1"<M/N'S R/8(/4/D:
'('7/ DA'/ R/8(S(1N S'A'<S
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 2
T8!M 18!,8ES COMM8;T T'ontinue on over leaf if spa'e is not suffi'ientU<
SI0;!T>8 O? T8!M 18!,8<
?/%+ N/.: DGS/ISM40/;e2. 02/Ma3414 N/te: St%&0e /ut =#&'#e2e% &8 n/t a(()&'a-)e
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 27
F:?5: ISM-07
D(R/"'1RA'/ G/N/RA7 15 S:(PP(NG% G18'. 15 (ND(A
(SM A<D(' S":/D<7/


;ame of Dessel<
;ame of Company<
Company I, ;o"<
Type of !udit< )NT+#)M)N)T)&(&NN'&()NT+#M+D)&T+#+N+,&(&DD(.
1anguage of !udit<
8nglish Other* please spe'ify
Au&it 5unction)Depart#ent
,(n&icate au&it tea# co#position% if #ore than one tea# this colu#n
to e &i+i&e& accor&ingl! &epen&ing on the no of tea#s-
hrs" OP8;I;0 M88TI;0
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 2!
hrs" C1OSI;0 M88TI;0
;ame of !udit Team
1eader and Members<
Identifi'ation of eferen'e ,o'uments asso'iated with the SMS
Signature of Team 1eader
;o t e < %) >se reverse of the audit s'hedule for listing of the personnel attending opening .
'losing meeting" () Stri+e out whi'hever is not appli'able"
! ud i t epo rt , i s t ri bu ti o n
Original to !uditee (Master in 'ase of Ship.,P in 'ase of
Company) Copies to !uditor (s)* ISM Cell
ef"< ,0S.ISM7%$.ev")(.May7%$ R,elete as appropriate
D(R/"'1RA'/ G/N/RA7 15 S:(PP(NG% G18'. 15 (ND(A
N1N "1N51RM('=)19S/R8A'(1N)MAB1R N1N "1N51RM('= R/P1R'


Type of !udit < )NT+#)M)N)T)&(&NN'&()NT+#M+D)&T+#+N+,&(&DD(.
Company ;ame < ;C.M!CO ;C.OAS ;O"<
Company I, ;o"<
Ship ;ame<
Statement of ;C.M!CO ;C.OAS
ISM Code eferen'e NCMa.or NC*/ser0ation
Proposed Completion ,ate < Pres'ribed Completion ,ate <
(by !uditee) (by Team 1eader)
!uditee (Sign") Team 1eader (Sign") !udit Team Member(s) (Sign")
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 29
"orrecti+e)Pre+enti+e Action Report
!uditee.Company epresentative (Sign" K ,ate) !'tual Completion ,ate <
!''epted . ,own 0raded
Team 1eader
Sign" K ,ate
Team Member
Sign" K ,ate (Optional)
?/%+ N/.: DGS/ISM40!/;e2. 02/Ma3414
N:#%: 1) St%&0e /ut =#&'#e2e% &8 n/t a(()&'a-)e 2) D8e /2e%)ea* &* 8(a'e &8 n/t 8u**&'&ent */% 1/%%e't&2e/$%e2ent&2e :'t&/n.
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 30
F:?5: ISM-09
D(R/"'1RA'/ G/N/RA7 15 S:(PP(NG% G18'. 15
(SM A<D(' 71G
;!M8 O? !>,ITO<
TPP8 O? !>,IT< )NT+#)M)N)T)&(&NN'&()NT+#M)&T+#+N+,&(&DD(.
COMP!;P ;!M8<
COMP!;P I, ;O"<
J8!, O??IC8 !,,8SS<
(!ddresses of Aran'h Offi'es in'luded in this
!udit are to be given in additional sheet)
D/'A(7 15 155("/ A<D('
,!T8 K
,>!TIO; O?
!>,IT ,!PS
O18 I; !>,IT
TOT!1 ;O"
I; T8!M
D8I?IC!TIO; AP !>,IT88
(;ame* Signature* Position* Stamp
and ,ate)
D/'A(7 15 S:(P A<D('
;!M8 O?
,!T8 K
,>!TIO; O?
!>,IT ,!PS
O18 I; !>,IT
TOT!1 ;O"
I; T8!M
D8I?IC!TIO; AP !>,IT88
(;ame* Signature* Position* Stamp
and ,ate)
?/%+ N/.: DGS/ISM409/;e2. 02/Ma3414
N/te: St%&0e /ut =#&'#e2e% &8 n/t a(()&'a-)e.
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 31
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 32
F:?5 ISM-10
D(R/"'1RA'/ G/N/RA7 15 S:(PP(NG% G18'. 15 (ND(A
(SM "1D/ A<D('1R M1N('1R(NG R/P1R'
A. NAM/ 15 ':/ APPRA(S// :
$ his Role in Au&it
(Mention Trainee 1!.!)
9. Appraiser < Team 1eader.Observer
". Au&it '!pe <
tionalR ShipR.CompanyR !udit
D. Na#e of the "o#pan!)Ship <
/. Date of Au&it <
% Preparation for audit Satisfa'tory ;eeds improvement
( Parti'ipation in do'ument review Satisfa'tory ;eeds improvement
- Conversant with Code Clauses K e/uirements Pes ;o
$ Capable of wording relevant /uestions during audit Pes ;o
5 Intera'tion with auditee representative !de/uate Inade/uate
6 ,is'usses the non7'onformity with 'onfiden'e Pes ;o
# Colle'ting ob:e'tive eviden'e and analyzing the same 8ffe'tive ;eeds improvement
& Identifies and writes non7'onformities 'orre'tly Pes ;o
2 !pproa'h during audit Professional ;eeds improvement
%) Time s'hedule management 8ffe'tive ;eeds improvement
%% Condu't of opening and 'losing meeting (Trainee T1 only) Satisfa'tory >nsatisfa'tory
%( Intera'tion with other team members Satisfa'tory >nsatisfa'tory
%- Personal presentation Satisfa'tory >nsatisfa'tory
%$ Preparation of report (Parti'ipation for all and main tas+s for
Trainee T1)
Satisfa'tory >nsatisfa'tory
%) It is Possible that the appraiser= when he is part of the audit team i"e"* T1 or TM* may not have
opportunity for appraisal of aspe'ts whi'h involve observing a'tual audit 'ondu't e"g" items $* 6* #* 2
and %)" Ihereas other aspe'ts 'an be 'overed during 'ommon tas+s and dis'ussions" In su'h 'ases*
indi'ate 'learly the aspe't whi'h 'ould not be 'overed during the appraisal by stri+ing off the relevant
Mention whether the appraisal done when both appraiser and appraisee were auditing the same
a'tivity or area as a team during appraisalS P8S ;O
If F;OE give detail of a'tivity.area under appraiseeEs audit during the appraisal and the time period
for appraisal for those aspe'ts of appraisal where audit 'ondu't is to be witnessed e"g" items $* 6* #* 2
and %)"
() Ihen observation is negative indi'ate if the auditor 'on'erned has been ade/uately instru'ted to
ensure improvement and whether in your opinion re/uires formal training or additional e9perien'e"
COMM8;TS< (!tta'h separate sheets if re/uired)
R ,elete as appropriate
1! 1ead !uditor Name and Signature of Appraiser
! !uditor
T1 Team 1eader
?orm ;o" ,0S.ISM7%).ev")(.May7%$
Page % of %
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 33
F:?5: ISM -11
(N ' / R N A ' (1 N A 7 S A 5 / ' = M A N A G / M / N' , (S M - "1D/
D / " 7 A R A ' (1N 1 5 S:(P 14N/R 1R 9AR/ 91A' ":AR'/R
Ie understand that the GCompanyG means the Owner of a ship or any other organization or person su'h as
the Manager* or the Aareboat Charterer* who has assumed the responsibility for operation of the ship from the
Ship owner and who on assuming su'h responsibility has agreed to ta+e over all the duties and responsibility
imposed by the ISM Code"
The undersigned affirms that<
;ame of Company
Company I, ;o"
Telephone ;os"
?!3 K 87mail
is the Owner of the following Indian registered Ship(s)<
Ship ;ame
Type of Ship
and 0T
,ate of
Port of
In a''ordan'e with Clause -"% of ISM Code* if the entity who is responsible for the operation of the ship is
other than the above stated Owner* the Owner must report the full name and details of su'h entity to the ,"0"
Shipping" If su'h is the 'ase here* the undersigned affirms with due diligen'e that<
;ame of Company
Company I, ;o"
Telephone ;os"
?!3 K 87mail
is the GCompanyG responsible for 'omplying with all the re/uirements of the ISM 'ode for the above
mentioned Indian registered Ship(s)" The Company* for the purpose dis'harging its responsibilities thereof shall
be provided with all the ne'essary authority and support by the owners of these ships"
The undersigned further affirms that any 'hange in GCompanyG must be made in writing by ?a9 or
otherwise within two (() wor+ing days after su'h arrangement . agreement"
Signature< Title of top Management of Company (owner)
,ate< Seal
;e*.: DGS/ISM411/;e2.01/Ma3414
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 34
F:?5 ISM-12
(N ' / R N A ' (1 N A 7 S A 5 / ' = M A N A G / M / N' , (S M - "1D/
D / " 7 A R A ' (1N 1 5 D / S (G N A ' / D P/ R S 1N
5 1RM N1. DG S )(S M 6 12
To ensure the safe operation of ea'h ship and to provide a lin+ between the GCompanyG and those on board*
every GCompanyG as appropriate shall designate a person or persons ashore having dire't a''ess to the
highest level of management" The responsibility and authority of the designated person or persons shall
in'lude monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspe'ts of the operation of ea'h ship and to ensure
that ade/uate resour'es and shore based support are applied* as re/uired"
The undersigned affirms that and as an alternate assigned pursuant to IMO esolution
MSC" %)$(#-)* Se'tion $* of the ISM Code* as the G,esignated Person(s)G for the following Indian registered
Ship(s) (8n'lose do'umentary eviden'e showing that the designated person and the assistant . alternate
designated person (s) have the relevant /ualifi'ation* training and e9perien'e as re/uired under MS ;oti'e )#
of ()%$) <
Ship ;ame
Type of Ship
and 0T
,ate of
Port of
It is underta+en that the said G,esignated Person(s)Gwill be available to the ISM 'ell of the ,ire'torate
0eneral of Shipping* Mumbai at any time"
The full address of the G,esignated Person(s)G to whi'h offi'ial 'orresponden'e and materials may be sent<
;ame of Company
Company I, ;o" !ddress
Telephone ;o" . Mobile phone ;o"
?a9 number . 87mail address
,esignation of ,esignated Person
Pla'e and ,ate< Seal<
The undersigned affirms and understands that any 'hange in G,esignated Person(s)G shall be intimated
to the ,"0" Shipping immediately and all the 'orresponden'es re'eived or made by ,esignated person are on
behalf of the undersigned"
(Title of Top Management of Company)
Pla'e and ,ate<
;e*.: DGS/ISM412/;e2.01/Ma3414
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 35
F:?5 ISM-1'
(N ' / R N A ' (1 N A 7 S A 5 / ' = M A N A G / M / N' , (S M - "1D/ S < 9 M (SS (1N 1 5 S M " 1N
" A N " / 7 7 A ' (1N 1 R 4 (' : D R A 4 A 7 1 5 R / G (S ' R=
5 1RM N1. DG S )(S M 6 1 ;
This is to 'ertify that the vessel has been sold for further trading . s'rapping to M.s" * !ddress
(Please en'lose the 'opy of the registry 'an'ellation 'ertifi'ate and original and first 'opy of SMC
issued to the ship and indi'ate the name of the flag and port of registry of the ship if sold for further trading)
The parti'ulars of ship are<
Ship ;ame
Type of Ship
and 0T
,ate of
Port of
Company ;ame
Company I, ;o"
Telephone ;o" . ?a9 ;o"
87mail address
Pla'e and ,ate<
ef"< ,0S.ISM7%-.ev")%.May7%$
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 3
5or#: (SM614
(N ' / R N A ' (1 N A 7 S A 5 / ' = M A N A G / M / N' , (S M - "1D/
D/"7ARA'(1N 5R1M ':/ '1P MANAG/M/N'
I, ------------------------- /?%-%1#&A -%?;.1, )- ----------------------- :@ ---------------, $%?%=A -#)#% #$)# I
?%/?%-%1# #$% T:/ M)1),%5%1# 7:)?+ :@ D.?%2#:?-8 :@ #$% C:5/)1A )1+ .- aut#/%&<ed t/ a**&%+ a8
1. "#at t#e "/( Mana5e+ent (6/a%d /* D&%e't/%8) /* M/8 44444444, %e'/5n&<e8 t#at -3 2&%tue /* -e&n5
t#e #/)de% /* t#e D/'u+ent /* 1/+()&an'e N/44444444444 &88ued -3 t#e G/2e%n+ent /* Ind&a /n
4444444444, M/844444444444444 &8 t#e E1/+(an3 =&t#&n t#e +ean&n5 /* %u)e (#) /* Me%'#ant 8#&((&n5
(Mana5e+ent /* Sa*e O(e%at&/n /* S#&(8) ;u)e8 2000 a8 a+ended and t#e /%5an&<at&/n 2e8ted =&t#
t#e %e8(/n8&-&)&t3 and t#e aut#/%&t3 t/ en8u%e t#e 8a*e /(e%at&/n /* t#e 8#&(8 unde% &t8 +ana5e+ent,
2. "#at t#e 6/a%d a'0n/=)ed5e t#at a8 t#e F'/+(an3> de*&ned unde% t#e ISM '/de %e8(/n8&-)e */% t#e
8a*e /(e%at&/n /* 8#&(8, =e a%e dut34-/und t/ en8u%e t#at t#e '/+(an3 #a8 8u**&'&ent =#e%e=&t#a),
-/t# te'#n&'a))3 and *&nan'&a))3, t/ (%/2&de adeGuate and (%/+(t 8#/%e -a8ed 8u((/%t t/ t#e 2e88e)8
unde% &t8 +ana5e+ent at a)) t&+e8, and,
3. "#at t#e 6/a%d ta0e8 '/5n&<an'e /* t#e %eGu&%e+ent8 %e)at&n5 t/ t#e 1/+(an3>8 %e8(/n8&-&)&t3
t/=a%d8 en8u%&n5 adeGuate %e8/u%'e8 unde% Inte%nat&/na) Sa*et3 Mana5e+ent 1/de a8 de*&ned &n
(a%a 3.3 /* t#e ;e8/)ut&/n :.741(1!) a8 a+ended -3 MS1.104(73), MS1.179(79), MS1.195(!0)
and MS1.273(!5), and,
4. "#at t/=a%d8 '/+()&an'e =&t# t#e a*/%e+ent&/ned %eGu&%e+ent8 /* t#e ISM 1/de, t#e 1/+(an3 #a8
(%/2&ded and =&)) '/nt&nue t/ (%/2&de adeGuate %e8/u%'e8 &n te%+8 /* 80&))ed +an(/=e%, +ate%&a)
and 8e%2&'e8 */% 8a*e /(e%at&/n and (/))ut&/n (%e2ent&/n &n '/+()&an'e =&t# a)) a(()&'a-)e %u)e8 and
%e5u)at&/n8. In 8u((/%t /* t#&8 '/ntent&/n =e a%e 8u-+&tt&n5 #e%e=&t# 8tate+ent */% t#e (%e'ed&n5
*&nan'&a) 3ea% a8 2etted -3 /u% -/na*&de 1#a%te%ed :''/untant8, and,
5. "#at t#e 1/+(an3 #a8 (a&d, /n t&+e, ne'e88a%3 due8 t/ t#e (%/2&de%8 /* a)) %e8/u%'e8 &n')ud&n5
8ea*a%e%8, 8u(()&e%8 /* 8t/%e8, 8(a%e8, -un0e%8 et' and /t#e% 8e%2&'e (%/2&de%8 &n')ud&n5 ;e'/5n&<ed
O%5an&<at&/n8, and,
. "#at =e a%e a=a%e t#at t#e *a&)u%e *%/+ t#e 1/+(an3 t/ (%/2&de t&+e)3 %e8/u%'e8 and 8e%2&'e8 t/ a
2e88e) 'an %ende% #e% un8ea=/%t#3 and un8a*e =&t#&n t#e +ean&n5 /* Se't&/n 334 and 33 /* t#e
Me%'#ant S#&((&n5 :'t 195! a8 a+ended and t#at t#e 1/+(an3 &8 )&a-)e t/ -e (%/'eeded a5a&n8t, a8
(e% t#e a(()&'a-)e 8tatue8, */% 8u'# )a(8e8.
En')/8ed: :8 8tated at $a%a. 4 (1#a&%+an/Mana5&n5 D&%e't/%/:ut#/%&<ed S&5nat/%3)
(S&5natu%e =&t# De8&5nat&/n)
M/8 444444444444444444444444
;e*.: DGS/ISM414/;e2.01/Ma3414 HDe)ete a8 a((%/(%&ate
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 37
5or#: (SM61@
(N ' / R N A ' (1 N A 7 S A 5 / ' = M A N A G / M / N' , (S M - "1D/
D/"7ARA'(1N 5R1M ':/ "1MPAN=
I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (%e8ent)3 8e%2&n5 a8 1EO/$%e8&dent /* M/8. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (t#e
1/+(an3) #e%e-3 8tate t#at I %e(%e8ent t#e 1/+(an3 and a+ aut#/%&<ed t/ a**&%+ a8 */))/=8:
1. "#at M/8 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, %e'/5n&<e8 t#at -3 2&%tue /* -e&n5 t#e #/)de% /* t#e D/'u+ent /*
1/+()&an'e N/IIIIII &88ued -3 t#e G/2e%n+ent /* Ind&a /n IIIIIII M/8. IIIIIIIIIIIII &8 t#e
E1/+(an3 =&t#&n t#e +ean&n5 /* %u)e 2(#) /* Me%'#ant S#&((&n5 (Mana5e+ent /* Sa*e O(e%at&/n /*
S#&(8) ;u)e8 2000 a8 a+ended and &8 2e8ted =&t# t#e %e8(/n8&-&)&t3 and t#e aut#/%&t3 t/ en8u%e t#e 8a*e
/(e%at&/n /* t#e 8#&(8 unde% &t8 +ana5e+ent, and

2. "#at t#e 1/+(an3 a'0n/=)ed5e8 t#at a8 t#e F'/+(an3> de*&ned unde% t#e ISM '/de %e8(/n8&-)e */%
8a*e /(e%at&/n /* 8#&(8, =e a%e dut3 -/und t/ en8u%e t#at t#e '/+(an3 #a8 8u**&'&ent =#e%e=&t#a), -/t#
te'#n&'a))3 and *&nan'&a))3 t/ (%/2&de adeGuate and (%/+(t 8#/%e -a8ed 8u((/%t t/ t#e 2e88e)8 unde% &t8
+ana5e+ent at a)) t&+e8, and
3. "#at t#e 1/+(an3 ta0e8 '/5n&<an'e /* t#e %eGu&%e+ent8 %e)at&n5 t/ 1/+(an3>8 %e8(/n8&-&)&t&e8 t/=a%d8
en8u%&n5 adeGuate %e8/u%'e8 unde% t#e Inte%nat&/na) Sa*et3 Mana5e+ent 1/de a8 de*&ned &n $a%a 3.3 /* t#e
;e8/)ut&/n :.741(1!) a8 a+ended -3 MS1. 104(73), MS1. 179(79), MS1. 195(!0) and MS1. 273(!5),
4. "#at t/=a%d8 '/+()&an'e =&t# t#e a*/%e+ent&/ned %eGu&%e+ent8 /* t#e ISM 1/de, t#e 1/+(an3 #a8
(%/2&ded and =&)) '/nt&nue t/ (%/2&de (%/+(t and adeGuate %e8/u%'e8 &n te%+8 /* 80&))ed +an(/=e%
+ate%&a) and 8e%2&'e8 */% 8a*e /(e%at&/n and (/))ut&/n (%e2ent&/n &n '/+()&an'e =&t# a)) a(()&'a-)e %u)e8
and %e5u)at&/n8. In 8u((/%t /* t#&8 '/ntent&/n =e a%e 8u-+&tt&n5 #e%e=&t# t#e :nnua) ;e(/%t */% t#e
(%e'ed&n5 *&nan'&a) 3ea% a8 2etted -3 /u% Statut/%3 :ud&t/%8, and
5. Sa2e and eJ'e(t d&8(uted due8 and '/++e%'&a) a%%an5e+ent8, t#e 1/+(an3 #a8 (a&d, /n t&+e,
ne'e88a%3 and )e5&t&+ate due8 t/ t#e (%/2&de%8 /* a)) 8e%2&'e8 &n')ud&n5 8ea*a%e%8, 8u(()&e%8 /* 8t/%e8,
8(a%e8, -un0e%8 et' and /t#e% 8e%2&'e (%/2&de%8 &n')ud&n5 ;e'/5n&<ed O%5an&<at&/n8, and
. "#at t#e 1/+(an3 &8 a=a%e t#at t#e *a&)u%e /* t#e 1/+(an3 t/ (%/2&de t&+e)3 %e8/u%'e8 and 8e%2&'e8 t/
a 2e88e) 'an %ende% #e% un8ea=/%t#3 and un8a*e =&t#&n t#e +ean&n5 /* %e)e2ant 8e't&/n8 /* t#e Me%'#ant
S#&((&n5 :'t, 195! a8 a+ended and t#at t#e 1/+(an3 &8 )&a-)e t/ -e (%/'eeded a5a&n8t a8 (e% t#e
a(()&'a-)e 8tatute8, */% 8u'# )a(8e8.
7. "#e 6/a%d /* D&%e't/%8 /* t#e 1/+(an3 #a2e -een 0e(t &n*/%+ed /* t#e '/ntent8 /* t#&8 De')a%at&/n.
En')/8ed: :8 8tated at $a%a 4
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(S&5natu%e =&t# De8&5nat&/n)
;e*.: DGS/ISM415/;e2.01/Ma3414 HDe)ete a8 a((%/(%&ate
MS Notice 9 of 2014 Page 3!

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