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26 June - 4 July 2015


Opening lectures

FRIDAY, 26 JUNE - Aula Magna

09.30 10.30 REGISTRATION

10.30 11.00 Welcoming

Prof. Florence BENOIT-ROHMER, EIUC Secretary-General
11.00 13.00 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for Everyone: Old and New Challenges for Humanity

Virgnia Brs Gomes, UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

13.00 14.30 Lunch
14.30 16.30 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for Everyone: Can Europe Catch up?

Albie Sachs, former judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa
16.30 17.30 Wrap-up session. Q&As
Virgnia Brs Gomes - Albie Sachs

Welcome Aperitif

SATURDAY, 27 JUNE - Aula Magna

09.30 11.00 Democracy in the making. Six landmark cases of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
1. Must we declare manifestly progressive Proclamations by Mandela to be un-constitutional?
2. Is capital punishment constitutional?
3. Can a woman be chosen by her tribal community to be their Traditional Leader?
4. Can an otherwise properly passed law be struck down because the Upper House failed
to follow-through on a promise to have public hearings in the Provinces?
5. Are same-sex couples entitled to marry?
6. How can the interests of children be paramount when their serial fraudster mother and
only caregiver is being considered for prison?

Albie Sachs, former judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa

11.00 11.30 Coffee Break

11.30 13.00 Soft Vengeance: Albie Sachs and the New South Africa
Film screening followed by a debate
13.00 14.30 Lunch

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