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Area: means the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of
national jurisdiction
"Authority" means the International Seabed Authority
"activities in the Area" means all activities of exploration for, and exploitation of, the
resources of the Area
"States Parties" means States which have consented to be bound by this onvention
and for which this onvention is in force!
"innocent passa#e: passa#e of a$uatic vessel which is not prejudicial to the peace, #ood
order or security of the coastal State! Such passa#e shall ta%e place in conformity with
this onvention and with other rules of international law!

&very soverei#n state si#natory to the onvention is:

Section ', Article (!): &very state si#natory to the convention is entitled to soverei#nty
over territorial sea which must be exercised subject to the onvention and other rules of
International *aw!
Section ', Article (!(: soverei#nty extends to the air space over the territorial sea as well
as to its bed and subsoil!

Section (, Article ): &very State has the ri#ht to establish the breadth of its territorial sea
up to a limit not exceedin# '( nautical miles, measured from baselines determined in
accordance with this onvention!

Section )+A,, Article '-:
All states whether coastal or landloc%ed that are si#natory to this convention have the
ri#ht to innocent passa#e throu#h territorial sea! Such passa#e shall ta%e place in
conformity with this onvention and with other rules of international law!
Article '.: Passa#e of a$uatic vessel should be continuous and expeditious!
Article '/: Passa#e of forei#n ship shall be considered prejudicial to the peace, #ood
order or security of the State if it en#a#es the followin#:
"Any threat, or use of force or in any manner in violation to the principles of
international law embodied in harter of 0nited 1ations
"any exercise or practice with weapons
"any act aimed at collectin# information to prejudice defence or security of the
"the launchin#, landin# or ta%in# on board of any aircraft
"the launchin#, landin# or ta%in# on board of any military device2
"the loadin# or unloadin# of any commodity, currency or person contrary to the
customs, fiscal, immi#ration or sanitary laws and re#ulations of the coastal State
"any act of willful and serious pollution
"any fishin# activities
"carryin# out of research or survey activities
"any act aimed at interferin# with any systems of communication or any other
facilities or installations of the State
Article (3: In the territorial sea, submarines and other underwater vehicles are re$uired
to navi#ate on the surface and to show their fla#!
Article (): 4orei#n nuclear5powered ships or ships carryin# other dan#erous or noxious
substances while exercisin# ri#ht to innocent passa#e shall carry documents and
observe special precautionary measures provided by international a#reements!
Article (6: Duties of the State:
7he state shall not hamper ri#ht to innocent passa#e of forei#n ships as lon# as passa#e
is in accordance to the onvention! In application of the onvention to the forei#n ships,
States shall not:
5impose re$uirements that shall hamper the ri#ht to innocent passa#e
5discriminate ships or vessels of any State carryin# car#oes to, from or on behalf of any
Article (8: 9i#hts of protection of the State
57he State may ta%e necessary steps in its territorial sea to prevent passa#e which is not
innocent or is contrary to the onvention
5In case of ships proceedin# to internal waters, State has the ri#ht to ta%e the necessary
steps to prevent any breach of the conditions!
57he State may, without discrimination in form or in fact amon# forei#n ships, suspend
temporarily in specified areas of its territorial sea the innocent passa#e if such
suspension is essential for the protection of its security, includin# weapons exercises!
Such suspension shall ta%e effect only after havin# been duly published!

Section )+,, Article )3: Non-compliance by warships with the laws and regulations of
the coastal State
If any warship does not comply with the laws and re#ulations of the State concernin#
passa#e throu#h the territorial sea and disre#ards any re$uest for compliance of such
laws and re#ulations, the State may re$uire it to leave the territorial sea immediately!

Section 6: onti#uous :one +onti#uous: 1ext to each other or bein# in actual contact,
"Article ))!(: 7he conti#uous ;one may not extend beyond (6 nautical miles from the
baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured!

5A9<IP&*A=I S7A7&S
"archipela#ic State" means a State constituted wholly by one or more archipela#os and
may include other islands2
"archipela#o" means a #roup of islands, includin# parts of islands, interconnectin#
waters and other natural features which are so closely interrelated that such islands,
waters and other natural features form an intrinsic #eo#raphical, economic and political
entity, or which historically have been re#arded as such
Article 6-!': An archipela#ic State may draw strai#ht archipela#ic baselines joinin# the
outermost points of the outermost islands and dryin# reefs of the archipela#o
(: 7he len#th of such baselines shall not exceed '33 nautical miles, except that up to )
per cent of total number of baselines enclosin# any archipela#o may exceed up to a
maximum len#th of '(8 nautical miles!
): 7he drawin# of such baselines shall not depart to any appreciable extent from the
#eneral confi#uration of the archipela#o!
?: If a part of the archipela#ic waters of an archipela#ic State lies between two parts of
an immediately adjacent nei#hbourin# State, existin# ri#hts and all other le#itimate
interests which the latter State has traditionally exercised in such waters and all ri#hts
stipulated by a#reement between those
States shall continue and be respected
Article 6.: Measurement of the breadth of the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the
exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf
7he breadth of the territorial sea, the conti#uous ;one, the exclusive economic ;one and
the continental shelf shall be measured from archipela#ic baselines
Article 6/!(
Soverei#nty of the State over the territorial waters extend to the air space over the
waters, as well as to their bed and subsoil, and the resources contained therein
Article 83
Article 8'
An archipela#ic State shall respect existin# a#reements with other States and shall
reco#ni;e traditional fishin#
ri#hts and other le#itimate activities of the immediately adjacent nei#hbourin#
States in certain areas fallin# within archipela#ic waters! 7he terms and
conditions for the exercise of such ri#hts and activities, includin# the nature,
the extent and the areas to which they apply, shall, at the re$uest of any of the
States concerned, be re#ulated by bilateral a#reements between them!

Article 88,8?, 8., 8/, ?3, ?'@?(@?6@?8
Article -6

A17I1&17A* S<&*4
Article --, .), .8

<I=< S&AS
Article .?5/3
It applies to all parts of the sea that are not included in the exclusive economic ;one, in
the territorial sea or in the internal waters of a State, or in the archipela#ic waters of an
archipela#ic State! Ships navi#atin# throu#h the hi#h seas has:
5the freedom of navi#ation
5freedom of overfli#ht
5freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines
5freedom on fishin# but still subject to the provisions of the convention
"7hese freedoms are exercised by all States with due re#ard for the interests of other
States in their exercise of the freedom of the hi#h seas, and also with due re#ard for the
ri#hts under this onvention with respect to activities in the Area!
Article /8@/?@/-
Immunity of Ships
Article /8
<i#h Seas:
Barships on the hi#h seas have complete immunity from the jurisdiction of any State
Article /?
Ships owned or operated by a State and used only on #overnment non5commercial
service shall, on the hi#h seas, have complete immunity from the jurisdiction of any
Article /-
Penal jurisdiction in matters of collision or any incident
'! In the event of a collision or any other incident of navi#ation concernin# a ship on the
hi#h seas, involvin# penal or disciplinary responsibility of the master or of any other
person in the service of the ship, no penal or disciplinary proceedin#s may be instituted
a#ainst such person except before the judicial or administrative authorities either of the
fla# State or of the State of which such person is a national!
(! In disciplinary matters, the State which has issued a masterCs certificate or a certificate
of competence or license shall alone be competent, after due le#al process, to
pronounce the withdrawal of such certificates, even if the holder is not a national of the
State which issued them!
)! 1o arrest or detention of the ship, even as a measure of investi#ation, shall be
ordered by any authorities other than those of the fla# State!

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