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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran
: Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan
Kelas / semester
: XI IPA / 1 (satu)
Pertemuan ke: 2 (16 Oktober 2013)
Alokasi Waktu
: 2 x 45 menit
1. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk


dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

2. Kompetensi Dasar
2.1 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks
berbentuk narrative.

3. Indikator
1. Mengidentifikasi main idea dari teks report yang didengar
2. Mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang didengar
3. Mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks yang didengar
4. Mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks narrative.
5. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dari teks narrative yang dibaca.
4. Language Aspect : Listening

5. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi main idea dari teks report yang didengar
2. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi tokoh dari cerita yang didengar
3. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi kejadian dalam teks yang didengar
4. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi generic structure dari teks narrative.
5. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi tujuan dari teks narrative yang dibaca.

6. Materi Pokok
a. Generic Structure of Narrative


b. Character of the story and its characteristic

c. The story of pinocchio in audio format

7. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik: Three-phase technique

8.Langkah-langkah Kegiatan


Kegiatan Awal (5)

10 menit

a. Memberi salam
Good morning, how are you today?
b. Mengecek kehadiran siswa
Whos absent today?
c. Memberi motivasi siswa
Guru menghantarkan siswa kepada materi pembelajaran yaitu
narrative text.
What did you got in previuos lesson?
What the definition of that text, and how about the generic


Kegiatan Inti (75)

a. Explorasi (5)
1. Guru menanyakan pengalaman siswa mengenai teks narrative.
Now, I will give you some question.
Have you ever watch movie with language?
Can you catch the speech?
Why did you have difficulities?
So to make you custom and easy to understan listening
English,later, i will let you hear a story.
b. Elaborasi ( 45 )

70 menit

1. Review the definition, generic structure, language features of

of narrative text.
2. Siswa diperdengarkan sebuah narrative text berjudul
pinocchio 1-2 kali atau sampai siswa merasa cukup jelas.
3. Ditanya apakah cukup jelas, lalu untuk memudahkan,siswa
diiberikan teks narrative pendek rumpang
4. Siswa dipersilahkan mengisi teks rumpang. Sambil
mendengarkan narrative teks kembali.
5. Mendiskusikan tentang isi cerita, generic structure dan
language feature secara lisan dan mengarah kepada listening

Siswa dibagi kedalam setiap baris, per baris memiliki

level nilai.

(Question Session) Siswa diberikan pertanyaan

seputar teks, kemudian apabila benar maka level naik
dan apabila salah maka level turun

(Game session) Siswa dipersilakan berdiri dan

melakukan game finger catching. Bagi grup yang
kalah, grup tersebut memilih sebuah narrative teks
dari kartu-kartu yang disediakan guru, kemudian
menceritakan secara urut didepan.

Siswa yang lain mendengarkan dan menuliskan cerita

yang dipaparkan teman-temannya.

7. Individual
Guru meberikan keyword secara speaking yang selanjutnya
mengasah skill listening siswa, siswa membuat teks dari
keyword yang diberikan.
c. Konfirmasi ( 25)
1. Please submit your task first.
2. Guru memberikan penegasan tentang struktur narrative teks.
So narrative text tells about ?
What is the moral value of the text that you made before?
What are the generic structure and language features of the


Kegiatan Akhir (10)

10 menit

1. Mereview materi text narrative.

2. Siswa membuat refleksi tentang makna teks bagi
kehidupannya serta membuat feedback tentang proses
pembelajaran tersebut.

9. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
LKS Kreatif Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Semester Gasal.
Audio, pinocchio
10. Penilaian

Teknik : Tugas tatap muka dan tugas berstruktur.

Instrument Tugas
Instruction :
1. Work with your group (a group should contains a row of students).
2. Listen this narrative text!
3. Fill the blanks according to the text you have heard.
4. Answer the teacher question by group to increase your group level.
5. Listen your friends narrative, and write it.
6. Now, listen some keyword from the teacher and make the text!

: 70 100

Score tuntas belajar

Keterangan Nilai :
Group work (50)
Individual work (50)

Score total (50) dibagi 5

Magelang,15 Oktober 2013
Guru Mata Pelajaran

Mahasiswa PPL

Th. Antar Riyanto, S.Pd.

Bangkit Pradana

Once upon a time, there lived an old carpenter named Gepato. One day, he carved a
puppet in the shape of little boy and named him Pinocchio. How I wish this boy was a real!
he said longingly. A kind fairy who was passing by heard Gepatos words. That night, she
sprinkled some magic dust on the puppet and brought Pinocchio to life. But remember, she
told the boy, you must always be good and make your father, Gepato, proud.
Geppeto loved Pinocchio dearly. He bought books for Pinocchio and sent him to school so
that he would become a very clever boy.
But Pinocchio was quite naughty. He and his friends used to skip school to play and
have fun all the time. When Geppeto found out, he was very angry. Did you miss school?
he asked. Naughty Pinocchio refused to tell the truth No, father, I was in school all day! he
lied. Immediately, his wooden nose started to grow long! Are you telling a lie? Geppeto
asked with a frown. No father! he replied and his nose grew longer again.
In a fact, every time Pinocchio told a lie, his nose became longer and longer.
Everytime, Geppetos friend, the woodpecker had to peck the boys nose to its actual size.
And every time, Pinocchio used to promise to be a good boy next time. But pinocchio soon
forget his promises. He thought, School is no fun at all. I dont want to study anymore. I
want to have grand adventures! So, Pinocchio and his friends ran away from home and
joined a circus.
However, Pinocchio soon realised that circus lifewas not fun at all. He worked all day
and he missed Gepetto terribly. Plus, because he had stopped going to school, he had grown
two large donkey ears. Poor Pinocchio.
Then, one day, he heard terrible news. Geppeto, who had been searching everywhere
for his son, had been swallowed up by a huge whale. Immediately, Pinocchio set off to try to
save his father. Finally, Pinocchio found the whale. But as soon as the whale saw him, it
swallowed him up as well. Inside the whales belly, who do you think he saw? It was
Geppeto. How happy they were to see each other. I have a plan to get out said Pinocchio,
and began ticling the whales stomach. As soon as the whale opened its mouth and gave a big
sneeze, Pinocchio and Geppeto shot out. Pinocchio and Geppeto finally reahed home safely.
The fairy was so pleased with Pinocchios bravery that she decided to make him into
a real flesh and blood boy. From that day, he was a very good boy who never missed school
again, and the father and son lived happily ever after.


Name / No


A. Listening section
Once upon a time, there lived an old (1).................. named Gepato. One day, he
carved a puppet in the shape of little boy and named him Pinocchio. How I wish this boy
was a real! he (2).................. longingly. A kind fairy who was passing by heard Gepatos
words. That night, she sprinkled some magic dust on the puppet and (3).................. Pinocchio
to life. But remember, she told the boy, you must always be good and make your father,
Gepato, proud.Geppeto loved Pinocchio dearly. He bought (4).................. for Pinocchio and
sent him to school so that he would become a very clever boy.
But Pinocchio was quite (5)................... He and his friends used to skip school to play
and have fun all the time. When Geppeto found out, he was very angry. Did you miss
school? he asked. Naughty Pinocchio (6).................. to tell the truth No, father, I was in
school all day! he lied. (7).................., his wooden nose started to grow long! Are you
telling a lie? Geppeto asked with a frown. No father! he replied and his nose grew longer
In a fact, every time Pinocchio told a lie, his nose (8).................. longer and longer.
Everytime, Geppetos friend, the (9).................. had to peck the boys nose to its actual size.
And every time, Pinocchio used to promise to be a good boy next time. But pinocchio soon
forget his (10)................... He thought, School is no fun at all. I dont want to study
anymore. I want to have grand adventures! So, Pinocchio and his friends ran away from
home and joined a circus.
However, Pinocchio soon realised that circus lifewas not fun at all. He (11)..................
all day and he missed Gepetto terribly. Plus, because he had stopped going to school, he had
(12).................. two large donkey ears. Poor Pinocchio.
Then, one day, he heard terrible news. Geppeto, who had been searching everywhere
for his son, had been swallowed up by a huge whale. Immediately, Pinocchio set off to try to
save his father. Finally, Pinocchio found the whale. But as soon as the whale (13)..................
him, it swallowed him up as well. Inside the whales belly, who do you think he saw? It was
Geppeto. How happy they were to see each other. I have a (14).................. to get out said
Pinocchio, and began ticling the whales stomach. As soon as the whale opened its mouth and
gave a big sneeze, Pinocchio and Geppeto shot out. Pinocchio and Geppeto (15)..................
reached home safely.
The fairy was so pleased with Pinocchios bravery that she decided to make him into
a real flesh and blood boy. From that day, he was a very good boy who never missed school
again, and the father and son lived happily ever after.

B. Individual work
Pay attention to the keyword given by the teacher, then make a story according to the

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