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A Az Edio
Michael W. Ford
Acima Ai!a""#T$%ho&
Michael W. Ford
Dedicado a Az, a Prostituta que trouxe o fogo de vida a humanidade,
para esses que podem ver pelos olhos dela. Para a paixo vermelha
da serpente, Deusa Shakti para que instila a viso de Akoman esse
Para A!,
De quem toque a inspirao do esprito
De quem carne evoca orgasmo e o fogo de ego
Para Az cuja fome eterna
E de quem drenos de sede o esprito de Deus
De quem sombra de mil bestas
Para Az, entre de quem serpentes de pernas escorregue
ue ensinou para os anjos cados como se copular
Para Az que trou!e os espritos do ar para o mundo
E dem"nios noturnos e tormentos
Para Az que #$a%ti
& 'ermel$o e Divino Esprito de (ul$er
De quem #ede est) nunca*terminado
+,s possamos a alimentar quando n,s nos copulamos--
.nspire e ilumine a /$ama Preta
A (e das (eretrizes
Advers)ria, Deusa do Esprito de 'ida--
/AP0123& 2(
DRUJ-i-NASU - Despertando no Culto de Daeva-yasna Pg.42
Os Trs aspectos de Tantric Magick Sexual Pg.46
Modelos de Caminho de Mo esquerda / as Bruxas Sexo do Sabbat
Mo esquerda Sexo de Tantric MagickPg.56
O Rito Draconiano do AdversaryPg.63
Posies TantricPg.68
/AP0123& D&.# * #E4& DE 'A(P.5./ (A6./7 E DE.DADE#
BON e Budismo: O Caminho de Mo esquerda acessado
O Corpo Astral e BuddhismPg.73
O Chakras e ArchDaevasPg.74
"A#$%& P'()A S*+$%A Pg.76
A Coroa de Cinco Crnios e o Demnio ReiPg.84
SHNJE CHOGYEL- Deus da MortePg.85
28 Carne poderosa que Come DeusesPg.90
DURGA KAMAKHYA - Morte e Sexo MagickPg.93
O Cadver e a SeduoPg.93
Asphyxiophilia - eu penso nela, uma respirao a um tempo
Krodha Kali Pg.97
Os 14 nomes de Lilith-Az - Como Babalon a Mulher Escarlate
/AP0123& 159# * #E4& de 32/.:E5.A+ (A6./7 * Alegorias no
Comunho com Escurido - Um Ritual de FervorPg.138
Na Cmara Preta de Kabed-us-Spae Uma Feitiaria Unio Cercando o Poder do
Coven Pg.141
Osculum nfame-O Beijo ObscenoPg.147
A Cmara da SerpentePg.149
O Ritual Draconiano de AscenoPg.155
O Crculo de Esmeralda de Azal'ucel. Pg.159
O Sabbat de AzothozPg.164
Sexo Magick foi praticado em muitas formas como o amanhecer de gnero
humano. O ancio Sumerians teve Deuses que seguraram ritos em santurios, os
adversrios antigos para o Zoroastrians conhecido como o Yatus, esses que praticam
yatukdinoih, (feitiaria) cultuando Az-Jeh a Prostituta, de quem foi "beijada por Ahriman e
causou menstruao em mulheres. Ahriman teve muitos Pairikas que era essencialmente
Sexo Magickians, Succubi por que iniciando os homens no culto deles ou delas charmes
e mercadorias.
O caminho do Tantrics indiano envolve a hipocrisia da condio humana, a misria e dor
um modo de trazer perspiccia no praticante. No contexto do trabalho em questo, o
Luciferian usa mtodos semelhantes. No transformar a conscincia em algum exterior
"divino Deus, bastante para fortalecer e transformar consciente em um isolado esprito,
semelhante, para o arqutipo de Samael (Lucifer) ou Ahriman, Lilith ou Az-Jeh.
Para "trazer luz no caminho de Sexo Proibido Magick, voc deve despertar o Shakti, o
Kundalini por explorar escurido, e a besta dentro de cada um de ns, por aquele
caminho o faa ascender para como o Portador de Luz.
Considere o Yatus que podem despertar ambos o therionick e angelick forma de sombra e
luz na carne. O entender do ego-possibilidade levado ento a um nvel novo, como
conscincia se refinado e desenvolvido assim para ser as reas de possibilidade para o
O trabalho de ADAMU como apresentado aqui tirado do Vama Marga, bastante no o
termo original, mas de um Luciferian perspectiva. Seu propsito no o perverso por
causa de perversidade, o estado de transformao derivado do caminho oposto, quer
dizer, da mente de Luciferian. Busque ento liberao espiritual pela escurido oferecida
aqui ache a Luz para a qual voc sempre ansiou.
A Ale.oria Reli.o"a do
Co&hecime&/o Ahrima&ico
, Sigilo de Ahriman -acima.
01 O Na"cime&/o de E"c2rid3o e L245 a Re6eli3o
No princpio havia um, o tendo fome sem absolvio. O alfa era o esprito
encarnado na maior luz. Zurvan, o infinito, criado e consumido quando isto
desejado. No havia nenhum intelecto alm disto, nenhuma vontade individual
alm disto. Tempo no significava nada, contudo o esprito faltava algo.
A terra era originada de caos primognito, um rugindo pelos oceanos de sangue
de tempo. sangue chamado como celebra todas as energias criativas do
universo. Zurvan compreendeu um grande tero e desejou que ele tivesse dois
filhos, primeiro era da dvida dele do qual escurido cercava luz, equilbrio e caos
tudo em um. O testamento dele era criar um conceito de luz, ento Ohrmazd foi
concebido. Zurvan segurando o pensamento de que vir adiante do tero primeiro
obter o reino dele e abenoado. O filho mais forte dele, o um que mais terrvel e
bonito que at mesmo Zurvan, era os menos favoreceram.
Ahriman chamado Angra Mainyu ouviu isto e foi rugir adiante, enquanto se
rasgando livre com garras pelo tero de mes dele. Ele se aproximou de Zurvan e
no foi aceito como o filho dele, contudo negou o reino que ele era essencialmente
prometido. Ahriman cresceu bravo e exigiu o reino dele. Zurvan deu at Ahriman
um pacto do prprio ser dele, preto e plido, contudo encheu de fogo e fome. Esta
substncia do ser dele era a Noiva dele, chamada Az. Zurvan amaldioou Ahriman
e reivindicou Az seria a maior arma dele, ainda foi no fim buscar a consumao.
Realmente havia uma grande guerra no cu denominado, Ahriman era expulso
com outros espritos rebeldes que levaram serpente e drago forma do
pensamento independente de Ahriman. Ahriman havia despertado esses anjos
que eles agora tinham pensamentos independentes. Eles entraro no vcuo e por
esta escurido do abismo veio adiante s profundidades da Terra de escurido
mais velha.
/Ahriman em escurido, com para trs entendendo e dese0o para destrui1o,
estava no a2ismo, e 3 ele que no vai ser4 e o lugar daquela destrui1o, e tam23m
daquela escurido, 3 o que eles chamam o 5eternamente escuro6.7
E entre eles era espao vazio, quer dizer, o que eles chamam' ar, ' em que
agora a reunio deles.-Bundahishn.
Acima Ahrima& Dra.o&
Ahriman teve conhecimento para trs que ele era o Pai das Serpentes e Drages,
ele teve o poder e sabedoria do abismo, o subconsciente. O poder dele tambm
era Ar, que ele era um esprito e poderia viajar a grande distncia pela
imponderabilidade dele. Ainda Ahriman achou ele poderia levar qualquer forma ele
desejado, inclusive um anjo bonito.
Ahriman na escurido antiga chamada "inferno, o lugar do abismo, como Az
quem ele tinha iluminado da substncia de enegrecido e escurido plida,
comeou formando muitos demnios ou daevas de seu esprito, os iluminando
como as crianas da rebelio, os primeiros da chama enegrecida.
Acima Ta%re- /he ArchDae-a
I1 O De"%er/ar do ArchDae-a"
Ahriman procria Tusush primeiro, (o primeiro criador oposio), Mitokht
(significando A Mentira ou serpente/drago) e Akoman (A Mente Mal) que
iluminaria os humanos da terra, enquanto Ohrmazd criou Vohuman que a Mente
Boa trazendo tudo religio deles de servil, ovelha como adoradores. Estas
formas criadas so as corrupes de personalidades de angelick, feito poderoso e
unificado com Ahriman pela iniciao dele da Chama Preta.
Ohrmazd criou os anjos Ardwahisht, Shahrewar, Spandarmad, Hordad, e ento
Amurdad. Ahriman criou as suas Crianas de Rebelio, o mais poderoso cado
anjos que eram Andar, Sovar, Nakahed, e ento Tairev e Zairik. Podido eles tm
sido despertado anjos com que caram Ahriman em escurido, o mesmo toque
dele os trazendo na luz ele tinha despertado outros?
FOCUS INICIATORIO: O Yatus deveria focalizar em Dan-Dava, a f de
demnios, ou daevas. oga de Ahrimanic prov um mtodo satisfatrio de
despertar de initiatory. Utilize os pontos do chakra usando a Cobra Preta ou
Ahriman primeiro, sabedoria e assunto.
Mtodos deveriam incluir quietude completa, no-pensamento, nulo-razo,
(buscando foco completo em escurido) e Karezza. Este mtodo de masturbao
deveria ser no focalizado a orgasmo, contudo focalizar a mente em os elementos
da Besta e Serpente Preta como o poder do qual o planeta cercado, a verdade
nula fria dos infernais-caminhos de despertar.
MEDITA+7O durante karezza o no-pensamento aspecto de escurido
depois que um perodo de tempo deva ser entrado como fogo em escurido, um
nico pensamento, de amor-prprio e desejar estar separado e o s Deus que .
Cada Daeva deveria ser dentro o Templo de Ego, eles so cados-anjos que
moram dentro do corpo. Eles dormem e sonham dentro o subconsciente,
esperando a Serpente de Fogo ou Az, os despertar. Saiba que os Daevas tambm
so apresentados em uma luz mais equilibrada no Reg Veda, um texto indiano
que apresenta o Luciferian, esprito nisto vida poder adorador, imortalidade e
II1 A Na/2re4a de Ahrima&
82e /ra4 l24 e e"c2rid3o 92e
cao" de 2"o" como 2ma arma co&/ra e"/a"e
A natureza dele era antagnica e achou estase ser indesejvel. A natureza dele
era Guerra e o esprito dele foi achado no xtase devorando. Na Luz de Cu
entraram eles adiante, fazendo temporal e se enfurecendo e os daevas de caos
comearam devorar os espritos criados por Ohrmazd. Ahriman quis poder
completo e no pararia at ele alcanar a meta dele: Ahriman quis destruir a luz
ofuscante de Ohrmazd. Era agora com Ahriman, cercado em escurido, visto
dentro de uma luz mais potente que o tirnico e presta ateno a entorpecer luz
de Ohrmazd. Com o canto de Staota Ahriman e os outros foram lanados do reino
de luz novamente na escurido.
Eram esses anjos, depois de ter criado a terra e seus habitantes, desejados
proteger, o mundo do Druj e o deles manifestaes. Ainda a luz de Ohrmazd era
mais fraca quando vontade dele estava gasto, temendo a manta circunvizinha de
A luz criada por Ohrmazd era incompleta, era exterior e consumida.
Acima Lo6o#Som6ra5 Tra6alho de :a/2;#Di&oih
O Ahriman claro possudo era encoberto na prpria escurido, era perfeio e
caos, anti-luz e mais iluminado que qualquer fonte. Equilbrio era achado no
corao do prprio Drago.
Ahriman morou muito tempo dentro da escurido bastante para ganhar a fora
dele de ser novamente, Ahriman odiou o conceito de cu, a bondade que conduziu
a negligenciar e morte do esprito. As doutrinas de Ohrmazd sejam do grande
abrao de luz, como o inferno que consome o corpo, nervos e esprito de seus
seguidores. Ahriman tocaria o barro e achado logo a sua marca nas crianas dele,
esses gostam do cado anjos e primeiros que ele criaria. Angra Mainyu entendeu
que ele pode levar qualquer forma que ele desejar, de vez em quando ser til para
o esprito eterno e tendo fome, imortal dele.
Entre o abismo da luz de Ohrmazd e a escurido de Ahriman era a atrao
magntica de ambos consumir.
Ohrmazd quis encobrir tudo na luz dele que traz nada, Ahriman quis devorar os
espritos de Ohrmazd e procriar o daevas iluminado da terra e abismo. Ahriman foi
primeiro da escurido e achou os raios de luz.
As palavras dele eram escrito em textos de Zoroastrian, esses que eram,
enganado por um Druj de nosso esprito antigo, Arashk de que criaria a histria
depois Zurvan e revela a verdade' eu golpearei a ti,
Eu golpearei as criaturas que tu pensando produziu toda a fama para ti-- a ti quem
arte o esprito beneficente, os debilitaram, esprito, a falsa luz, eu destruirei tudo
sobre eles e iluminarei os primeiros que podem ser como Deuses.'
Ohrmazd resistiu s palavras do Pai de Serpentes, mas ainda Ahriman ainda
respondeu: ' eu vou seduzir toda a vida material em desafeto para ti e afeto para
mim, eu despertarei gnero humano como o Templo de Druj, o Porto do nferno e
o reino de escurido e luz.'
MEDITA+7O Saiba que esses que proclamam luz e quer o doutrinar em
escravido ou f cega so esses que matam o esprito. Seja predador e no
presa! Busque o caminho de Ahriman, contra a lei ego-proclamada do universo!
FOCUS INICIATORIO: Com as fascas de ser, saiba o que voc esteve no
passado no nada a isso que voc pode se tornar agora. O desafie em calma
reserve a seus desejos. Pense aproximadamente como voc pode obter esses
desejos e as mesmas conseqncias deles.
III1 Ahrima& %rocria A4
da %r<%ria Chama E&e.recida dele5
e&/ra &o e"%=ri/o de .>&ero h2ma&o
Ahriman, o sorcerous Daeva, o Adversrio novo que ele faltou um senso de
equilibre, buscou uma companheira. Ele trouxe da prpria escurido dele de ser, a
sombra, imolado com chama enegrecida, o esprito, de tempo pela propriedade de
escurido. Esta chama enegrecida foi cercada ou envolvido em preto e cinza
Com estas armas, a Serpente que Azho inteligncia viva dada, ela a filha de ti
e noiva, ela devorar a humanidade e esses que no podem subir a Daeva, ela vai
nutrir dos corpos do morto. Ainda ela d vida e amor, beleza e fome.
A fome eterna e luxria de Ahriman, seu, elogio e iguala, Az foi primeiro para as
profundidades do inferno eram os demnios estavam dentro repousando. Ela
levou a roupa ou formas de bestas poderosas na terra, aprendendo da fome
espiritual da qual ela veio em sendo de que essncia muito enegrecida de
Ahriman realmente era a carne dela.
Ahriman, o Prncipe de Escurido segurou as caractersticas de Ganncia,
Orgulho, Desejo, Raiva e Luxria.
Ele achou na escurido a criao de bestas e serpentes, assim, entrosado com os
elementos seguintes:
F2ma?a Esprito, Plano Astral fome material. Ombros: guia e Serpentes
Gmeas.Dr2@ Na"25 P2"h5 A4hi Daha;a Aa/ri62i?Be" .>mea"
e&/re F2ma?a e Tem%e"/adeC5 *a$2 AN3o -i"/o Dae-a de F2/2ro
Le.ado o2 crio2 de"/i&oC.
Fo.o Querer/Desejo/Cobiar. Cabea-Leo.
A4, Ae"hmaDKha"hm5 Ri"h;5 Padmo4
Tem%e"/ade Vento, ar, enquanto tendo fome espritos. Mudana e
Progresso. Corpo-Drago. Chi"hma;5 A%ao"ha5 S%e&@a.hri5
K2&da;5 A"/!ihad5 A4hi Daha;a Acomo o DemE&io de
Tem%e"/adeC5 *are&$a
LamaDF.2a Conhecimento de Atavistic. Rabo: Le-ia/ha&.
E"c2rid3o Hyle ou Matria, mundo material: Mos/Ps: Demnios.
A;a/a"ha5 Ni$a45 Ara"h;5 A&4a;ih
MEDITA+7O Utilize os mtodos de Ahrimanic oga para comear a mexer o
Kundalini, eleve o fogo serpenteie dentro do Templo de Ego, enquanto cercando e
unindo com a Serpente Preta, Ahriman. Az-Kali - Lilith realmente o caminho a
inspirao, imaginao, e emoo ativa. Nada possvel sem o equilbrio do
Feminino e Masculino, para acreditar caso contrrio loucura.
FOCUS INICIATORIO: oga de Ahrimanic, despertando, o Archdaevas no
caminho de Kundalini. sto a mesma fora motriz de vida-amoroso predatrio
espiritualidade. Voc o nico Deus que , seu caminho, feito por suas prprias
escolhas e a interao com a vontade mundial fsica determina seu amanh.
Como uma busca a dominar o caminho de feitiaria, yatuk-dinoih, sabe que voc
deve ser perspicaz para os cinco sentidos e magick. sto o mundo de Satans,
entenda bem.
I*1 A4 a ArchDae-a 92e e&"i&a SeH2al co%2la?3o e
De-ora a de"ce&d>&cia dela
Ahrima& e&/ra em I5000 a&o" de "o&o e J de"%er/ado
%ela Pro"/i/2/a
Az entrou adiante para o Daevas ou Demnios a escurido do inferno, ela
comeou a ensinar a arte de copulao sexual e como para dar luz drages e
serpentes. Ela ensinou os demnios do leste, o archdaevas, bestas possudas por
druj e outros demnios femininos a arte de fuder e usar os fluidos sexuais e
energia espiritual dando luz outras formas. Era Az que logo assistiu muitos
demnios dar luz para outras crianas das quais ela entrou em dois demnios -
lees, ento devorou as crianas deles. Az cresceu em esprito e forma, enquanto
entrando em gnero humano cada vez mais.
Ahriman toda a vileza sem bondade, quer dizer, Ahriman esperto e despertado
para as leis predatrias do universo, Ahriman no um esprito no qual cega
sua prpria luz de arrogncia, contudo tem o conhecimento de negrido e o
caminho da serpente.
Ohrmazd criou e produziu o mtodo do mantra de Ahunwar que era muita fora
vertida a Ahriman. Ele entrou na escurido por trs mil anos, dormindo.
A guerra de cu era acima agora.
Muitos daevas foram para Ahriman que buscou despertar o esprito de movimento
e caos, contudo nenhum poderia o mexer. A Humanidade em seu bero de
existncia foram conduzidos por Gayomerd, chamado Ado, ou um homem de
uma tribo.
8Sur0a, , nosso pai, para na 2atalha deixarei eu soltar afli1o tanto no 9ntegro ,
homem e o )ouro la2utando que, por causa de minhas a1:es, eles vo nenhum
ser a0ustado para viver. (u devo tomar a dignidade deles; eu afligirei a gua com
o sangue da lua, eu devo afligi a terra com o dru0 e escavando criaturas Dru0
+asu, eu afligirei o fogo com fuma1a e a2en1oa isto na escurido de meu ser
Sama Atar, eu afligirei as plantas com )aprev e !airich, eu afligirei toda a cria1o
que ,hrmazd criou.7 Ela relacionou to bem as aes ms dela aquele Ahriman
foi desperto, saltou para cima fora do seu desmaio, e beijou a cabea e cunt da
Prostituta; e aquela poluio chamou menstruao apareceu na Prostituta. A
lngua de Ahriman estava bifurcada e escorregou para cima a hemorragia dela
ferida at que ela chorou com estimulao, O esprito do Adversrio teve
E o Ahriman chamado Angra Mainyu clamado para a Prostituta de demnio
chamado Az ou Jeh": )udo que 3 dese0o de ti que fa1a tua perguntar, que eu
posso dar isto a ti e posso fortalecer nosso la1o.8 Ento o Ohrmazd debilitado na
sua impotncia soube que naquele momento o Esprito do Adversrio poderia dar
qualquer coisa a Prostituta de demnio perguntou para e aquele l seria grande
lucro a ele disto. A forma de Ahriman estava na forma de uma r e foi
metamorfando em um lagarto (vazak) corpo.
<, que 3 tu dese0a Az= , que faz ti queimar de dese0o o cora1o= De que forma
eu posso dar isto a ti.< E Jeh-Az gritou assim ao esprito mau: < >m homem 3 o
dese0o, assim d? a mim, eu dese0o o seu pulsante galo para empalar e satisfazer
minha fome. O Esprito Mau.' Ahriman se apareceu um homem jovem para Jeh-
Az, e isso trouxeram os pensamentos de Jeh para ele. Nesta forma ele fudeu Jeh-
Az fundo at ela gemer com o xtase infinito de copulao, o cunt escorregadio e
gotejando dela estava novamente e novamente cheio. A forma dele de um homem
jovem transformou logo em uma serpente como besta, uma esverdeada-pele
cinza, percurso e subiu-coberto em partes.
A face se prolongando em lobo como focinho, preso na serpente-Presas que se
assemelharam a uma naja.
Dois chifres escavaram do crnio e os olhos eram um vermelho ardente com
amarelo destaque. Nas juntas dos braos e pernas, faces endiabradas formaram
ao cotovelo e joelhos, sussurrando cantos sobrenaturais enquanto seu estmago
formou uma besta como semblante. Seu prprio pnis levou a forma de uma
serpente agora com cravos que emergem disto. Com cada thurst na Prostituta Jeh
ela arranhou em suas costas, a prpria forma dela bestial e endiabrada.
Como ele empurrou no cunt de hemorragia dela, os cravos do cabo de galo dele
rasgaram profundamente sua carne, enquanto causando xtase por ambos.
Ahriman ejaculou farpado-arame e espinho coberto de esperma, enquanto
amarelado de corrupo que achou uma fenda funda dentro do tero dela at o
sangue coagulado entrosado com isto. Ele mudou ento na forma da Serpente e
derramou no corao de Az novamente, derramando a sujeira dele chamada
semente tero menstruando. Eles criaram demnio em demnio, espritos
malignos que levaram meias formas bestiais e se copulou para procriar mais
jovem. Eles prepararam entrar no mundo de homem e corromper a prpria terra.
A inteno deles era despertar gnero humano com o fogo de imaginao, os
elevar para cima dos escravos de uma ovelha que pastoreia medrosos e Deus
Ahriman foi logo adiante para as tribos de homens e achou uma mulher que
dormiu s, o marido dela sendo quase impotente e fraco como um pastor de
ovelha. Ahriman chamado Samael pelos hebreus montou e penetrou Eva
profundamente, enquanto injetando sujeira nela, e ela concebeu o Caim nu que foi
o Primeiro Satanista e Feiticeiro.
Ahriman deixou esta terra novamente a escurido do inferno. Ahriman proclama
assim, esses que faa para o Daevas uma parte do humano corpo e esprito se
fazem imortal como um Templo de Ahriman. Adore os Daevas e humanos esto
adorando eles! Realmente era Az de acordo com Folclore de Manichaean que Az
formou os corpos humanos de forma que eles podem ser a sua coberta, assim Az
mora em nossos corpos.
MEDITA+7O Az que desperta Ahriman a unio equilibrada das Serpentes
Pretas e Vermelhas, em que a Mente iluminada e o ArchDaevas incitou. Saiba
que voc tem que cair nas profundidades de escurido e inferno, a mente
subconsciente, iluminar e perceber Luz e Sabedoria.
FOCUS INICIATORIO A Prostituta ou Az-Jeh o mesmo poder motriz do
Yatus, o Templo de Druj impassvel at que a Chama Enegrecida trazida
vida. Quando voc deprimido ou exausto, descanse com claridade e o cuidado
de subir disto conquistar uma vez mais. No se venda baixo se tornando uma
pessoa deprimente-isso compara para perdedor e no uma caracterstica de um
Luciferiano ou Satanista.
Ciclo Pre Me&"/r2al Com seu scio, antes de ela sangrar mensalmente, use
duas noites antes espere fluir para ter relacionamento com o macho assumir a
postura do cadver, muito igual Shiva e Kali. Ela deveria montar em voc e
deveria utilizar os mtodos de Karezza. Como dormiu Ahriman, assim deva o
macho em um estado meditativo. Quando ela fodida voc, no se permita
Ainda mantenha a mente.
D2ra&/e Kl2ir Me&"/r2al Quando ela comear o ciclo dela, a tenha colecionar
cogulos sanguneos ou sangue coagulado em um recipiente. O macho deveria
ter agora relacionamento com ela de uma maneira viva, com todo empurro que
invoca Az e Druj Nasu, o voar-demonaca de corrupo. Focalize em como ela o
inspira e como isto dirige seus desejos para se tornar. Focalize em suas metas e
como voc est buscando para alcanar eles por ao.
Como voc se enterra Nela durante o ritual, pegue especial notificao do
coagulado e atenuada camada de sangue ao redor da base de seu scio, logo,
com suor e frico esparrama o sangue ao redor de suas coxas genitais e
internas, ambos deveriam focalizar em o ensorcelled do poder deste ato.
*1 Ahrima& a""al/a a 6oa cria?3o
No Ms de Frawardin e o dia de Ohrmazd, a ovelha amaldioada que pastoreia
deus, Ahriman entrou adiante na fronteira do cu ao meio-dia. A data disto 21 de
Ahriman foi at os planetas e muitos ArchDaevas uniu a essncia deles com eles.
Logo Depois, o esprito mau, com os demnios aliados, entrou no cu; e ele os
conduziu para cima, dirigido com malicia, intenes de consumir e crescer forte de
formas de vida. Ahriman pulou, como uma serpente, do cu at a terra, sua forma
ardente e queimando coberto na sombra nuvens envoltas de chamas, rugindo, na
terra. O prprio druj e daevas entraram nas profundidades da prpria terra,
enchendo de serpentes, aranhas e outras bestas predatrias. Ele foi pelas
profundidades das guas do mundo, nos secretos e escondidos lugares.
Como uma serpente ele foi formar nas profundidades do planeta no corao do
nferno que seria o domiclio dele com o druj.
Ahriman, com os Olhos que perceberam o astral, achou uma grande rvore que
tooks suas razes fundo na escurido. Ele achou vida aqui, entrosando com isto
ele e os demnios aliados foram corromper adiante a rvore da Vida e ainda se
tornou um espelho da rvore como no pudesse ser devorada. A rvore de Da'ath
ou Morte era agora o domiclio de muitos anjos cados e demnios.
Este espelho da rvore estava agora murcho coma sabedoria, idade e o poder da
A rvore de Morte agora isso de vida infernal.
Ahriman criou deste o lado negro dentro da terra, o demnio de tempestade Azi
Dahak, quem como a mo de demnio de tempestade a forma dele dentro as
estrelas, com o ArchDaevas, contrariando a stasis percebida-poder dos planetas.
A prpria terra estava cheia com serpentes, lagartos, escorpies e lobos. Assim a
terra acharia equilbrio e oposio. Ahriman subiu o seu fogo, e entrosou
escurido e fumaa com isto para despertar esta como a Chama Preta. As Cinco
Foram iluminadas chamas de Ahriman agora na terra, a doutrina do ArchDaevas
foi anunciado, l adiante o Yatuk-Dinoih estar o caminho de toda a vida,
corrompida e desperta pela serpente.
Ahriman entrou assim adiante do cu um para a direo de baixo, assim a
escurido, invadiu o mundo de quietude e paz.
Os planetas com os muitos demnios foram contra a esfera celestial, e eles
misturados s constelaes e revigorou eles com fogo; e a criao inteira era to
desfigurado quanto fogo desfigurou todo lugar e fumaa surgiram em cima disto,
assim a essncia do Adversrio foi trazida em todas as coisas.
Noventa dias e noites dizem os anjos divinos debilitados eram afirmando no
mundo com os demnios aliados do esprito mau, o Adversrio e os lanou
maldito para inferno. O Bundahishn escreve aquele nferno est dentro o meio da
terra; os lugares de chthonic onde o esprito mal perfurou a terra e apressado
entrou nisto, como uma serpente e sapo, como todas as posses do mundo eram
mudadas em dualidade, e perseguio, conteno, e entrosando de alto e baixo
se tornado manifesto pela Chama Preta do Esprito mortal.
A oposio era essencial continuao da humanidade e vida animal, sua
natureza prospera nisto. Assim Ahriman e as foras de Caos trouxeram um senso
de ordem, as ofereceu vcuos a tempestade e desafio, que ns podemos crescer
fortes e vivo.
*I1 Ahrima& e-oca A"/!ihad ao /ra4er cao" do -Lc2o
The man of Ohrmazd's tribe, Gayomerd,
was seen by Ahriman and considered to be
a weak man, made soft by the light which
would not allow the balance of chaos and
order. Ahriman sends forth Astwihad to
infect the earth with bacteria, that man
may grow sick from the elements if he is not
strong enough. This is a means of challenge,
of progression. Saturn was called the planet
of death to creatures, yet to the Yatus or
the Children of the Lie it is a planet of
strength and hidden wisdom.
The Kir"/ 6a//le5 /ha/ oK /he ";$ !i/h Ahrima&
The sky was filled with darkness and the
coming of the storm, be it from the spirit of
Ahriman. The cold winds were caused by
Ahriman as a means of bringing change,
what was initially was horrible to humans
would make them stronger and allow
progression in life. Ahriman and those devs
called Ahrimanes were indeed spirits who
were of the element air, they reside in
darkness and beget inner light. Ohrmazd
attempted to bring an army of angels to
defeat Ahriman yet he was the mightest of
the Gods, would not bow before another.
Angels fell as darkness and light invaded,
therein was balance. The Daevas would
take any form they desired, from pleasing
to repulsive. No longer would the spirits of
the wind hold the Ahrimanes back, their
desire would shake the foundations of the
world. Astwihad went forth with Ahriman to
conquer the winds of the earth, that all
spirits and demons could ride upon them.
And this was the first awakening, that of the
The "eco&d 6a//le5 /ha/ oK /he !a/er
From the cold winds of the north did
Ahriman come forth and enter the water
with the demon Apaosh, who took the form
of a black horse. Tishtar tried to keep
Ahriman from this element yet found he
could not, terror was abound by this
counter acting motion which brought the
chaos of the void to the ocean waters,
many serpents and creatures filled it and
Ohrmazd was proclaimed worthless. nto
the waters came more noxious creatures
who filled the holes and dark places of the
earth, that their venom and stench filled the
earth. Let us praise Apaosh, the demon
who took the earthly form of a black horse,
whose spirit frightened and rejected Tishtar
who could never banish him, for the
darkness mingled the water was the
servitors of Ahriman.
And this was the second awakening, which
was with the water. t was indeed Az who
would stir the primordial passions of the
oceans and beget demons within it, that
they may reside truly alien of humanistic
emotion deep in the waters of chaos.
The /hird 6a//le5 /ha/ oK /he ear/h
Ahriman came up from the darkened
places within the earth to where life was
being created. The mountain range of
Alburz arose as a seeming defense against
yet nothing could stop the demons which
came as legion. The Evil Spirit came unto
earth and it shook violently as an
earthquake. Serpent and wolf covered as a
gigantic cloud of darkness, Ahriman
became the tyrant against those spirits who
sought to oppress he and his children. Yet
within this mountain chain is Arezur, named
from a Son of Ahriman who fell against
Gayomerd, called the Mouth at the Gate
of Hell. t was deep in the depths of the
earth, in the caverns and caves of hell, the
lair of Az that she brought the demons in
union with each other. The fallen ones were
smitten as she taught them the acts of
fucking, ejaculating in the womb of the
whore, entering her from behind and all
acts of erotic initiation. The flames within
their bodies grew and the females
produced dragon-children. As they grew Az
consumed many of them, growing stronger
as she drank of their blood and tasted their
flesh. Az sought to always create, yet her
balanced nature was that she is also the
consuming and blackened mother.
The Fo2r/h Ga//le5 /ha/ oK Pla&/"
Ahriman went forth upon the earth and
took many forms which pleased him wolf,
serpent, toad, dragon and many other
predatory and bestial forms. He brought
unto the earth 10,000 diseases which fought
within the bodies of all living creatures.
Ahriman sent Taprev and Zairich to the
plants, to beget the tools of witchcraft and
sorcery, but also to join in bodies to
produce heat and thirst. As the plants and
trees buried themselves deep in the
chthonic depths of the earth, Taprev and
Zairich took the sacrifices of man such as
blood, hair, nails and the corpse to be the
food of which druj would grow and
manifest. Seek the earth and its dark
places, there you will find rest.
The FiK/h Ga//le5 /ha/ oK A&imal"
Ahriman went forth to the cattle and
brought wolves upon them in the night, his
spirit mingling with the beasts of the earth.
The spirit of Akoman came upon the earth,
from which Vohuman battled with and
could not fully defeat. t is written in the texts
of creation that the stench of Akoman is
that which proceeds from the sick and
yawners, the very putrid stench of decay.
The bodies of animals became the clothing
of demons, Az entered two Lions and
remained in their bodies for a long period of
time. The instinct of Az is within all predatory
beasts upon the earth, observe and learn
from them.
The "iH/h 6a//le5 /ha/ oK ma&;i&d
Ahriman came forth unto Gayomard, by
other cultures by his wife in which he
seduced and awakened to evil, spawning
a beast. Ahriman went to corrupt
Gayomard, the very embodiment of
weakness and human blindness. The clay
was awakened by the spirit of Ahriman,
who had many children and those he had
awakened in spirit form.
The "e-e&/h 6a//le5 /ha/ oK Kire
Ahriman went forth to the fire of divinity, he
beheld that gift within his being which was
more intense than any other spiritual being,
except for his father the mindless light and
the weakened brother Ohrmazd. Ahriman
created from his single flame the Five Fires
of Ahriman which are the SMma A/ar ASama
Nair$E#"a&.haCD A/a"h#e#A;oma& -the
a@akened mind., Dr2@ Na"2 -Alackened
Spirit of $mmortalitB., Nairich and Ta%re-
-Cever and thirst, spiritual and phBsical
hunger., S%e&@a.ra -the astral plane or
spirit. and Ae"hma -furB, passion and
phBsicalDspiritual desire.. The fires were
seemingly countered by the Five of
Ohrmazd, yet none could extinguish them
fully. The Fires of Ohrmazd are known as the
Propitious, the Good diffuser, the Aurvizisht,
the Vazisht, and the Supremely-benefiting.
None of these could extinguish the fires of
Ahriman, who is the God of the World. The
fire of "Propitious fire itself in heaven
(garothman), yet Sma Atar was brought to
earth to awaken mankind. The flame of
Atash-e-Akoman, another name for Sma
Atar is manifest in the fires of the earth,
made in homage to Ahriman and the
Daevas, when smoke is mingled with it. The
Fire of Ohrmazd being "The Good diffuser
is that which is in men and animal, and its
business consists in the digestion of the
food, the sleeping of the body, and the
brightening of the eyes. t's counter is Druj
Nasu the spirit of immortality, the daughter
of Az which resides in the body as heat and
hunger, both spiritual and physical. The
sleeping of the body is the strengthening of
the shadow and Druj Nasu is the darkening
of the eyes. The Aurvazisht is that which is in
plants, yet Zairich and Taprev are the
hunger within the earth, the counter action
which awakens. The Vazisht is that which
has its motion in clouds, and its business
consists in destroying the atmospheric
gloom and darkness yet is countered by
Spenjagra, the demon of the astral plane,
who brings storms and spiritual darkness
and wisdom. The "Supremely-benefiting, is
the flame of the Warharan fire, of priests. t's
enemy is of our spirit called Aeshma, the
wounding spear and earthen mastery
demon, that of the Yatus and Pairikas. The
Children of the Lie should seek to disturb the
luminaries by the concealment of stench
(hidden darkness among the normal-lives of
society), and by witchcraft (yatuk-dinoih)
corrupt and awaken the creatures and the
celebration of witchcraft, especially at
night, the sacred time of Ahriman and the
Despertando no /ulto de Daeva*;asna.
Eu soube que ela tinha espalhado as pernas dela. eu ouvi os insetos
derramarem o cho, as serpentes escorregavam sobre as superfcie de taco do
quarto. Eu sentia o formigamento frio de estimulao como eu pensei donde eu
poderia ir, onde eu posso ter estado antes.
Ela algo que eu no posso descrever, poder chamar uma senhora que o traz a
uma beira alm de orgasmo uma prostituta? Realmente importa? O fato quando
ela chupar o fim de um cadver e olhares a mim com um vislumbre de
sensualidade que eu s posso estremecer sobre o que ns podemos fazer.
sso que sobre o fluido de cadver que ela cobre sobre ela declame como ela me
pede que entre nela por detrs.
Quando eu durmo que ela vem a mim, enquanto gritando e vadiando como uma
mosca, o nome dela era Nasu. Quando ela me monta noite eu sinto insetos
entrarem em mim como de um cateter, dor fedendo afiada, quais causas choque
completo e todo membro que gelam dentro dor inconsciente. Ela deixa a salvia
ranosa dela gotejar em minha boca aberta, presa em uma boca j gritando que
no tem nenhum comeo ou fim, como o abismo. O cheiro como quando voc
passa um morto animal apodrecendo para dois dias ou assim, exceo que o
odor horrvel que emerge de um nubile e a mulher quase bonita.
Este pesadelo de necrophiliac (ela est movendo como uma mulher vivente)
montando seu galo e lubrificando isto com voar-infestao feminina-ejaculao
fria, o movimento muito intenso sentindo cobrir de lixo minha virilha com larvas.
como se ela tiver a saliva hemorrgica que lubrifica os rgo genitais dela para os
quais parecem ser para cima e para baixo como mudana de bocas tendo fome
pequena dentro um momento de obsesso, buscando encher o desejo dela
Ela vem a mim como uma mulher esfolada cinza-esverdeada, como um cadver
para que descansou por muito tempo em guas frias. Ela apressada a mim como
o demnio de cadver, os lbios frios dela lambendo minha posse, ela enegreceu
dedo inclina acariciando meu trax, o toque esfriando que me desperta como algo
que eu nunca senti antes. Como ela comeou a me montar, enquanto me
empurrando fundo dentro o corao frio dela, eu sentia a pressa de insetos, o
mesmo esprito dela, novamente corrompendo tudo no qual eu era.
Eu fechei meus olhos quando eu sentia que eu vou clmax dentro dela, ela,
sussurrado em minha orelha no ceder ante isso e se segurar em obstculos.
Dos lados dela fez essas pernas rasgarem pelo esfolar, enquanto misturando
minha carne com movimentos lentos, cuidadosos.
Ela me beija novamente, as mordidas dela so pequenas, ela bebe o sangue. Eu
posso sentir o queimar de saliva hemorrgica dela goteiras na ferida como ela
bebe o sangue. Os ovos dela possam virar as larvas e possa despertar em meu
corpo, contudo ns seremos como um.
Eu quero ver a leve forma dela de uma mulher bonita, seduza outro e com a
luxria insacivel de um Sapphic idealista, empurrando a lngua dela mais fundo
na abertura ardente de uma mulher de trintaento possa ela vomitar as larvas
de seu corpo, drujih, escurido e corrupo da chama preta dela no tero dela no
momento de orgasmo.
Eu espero despertar um anticristo deste modo por. uma carne nova.
Conscincia como definido no Vama Marga a realizao que tudo
tm que unir com o absoluto, experimentando a dor e prazer deste mundo de
carne e esprito.
O Luciferian considera que a conscincia no deveria ser se juntada com o
absoluto, o princpio voraz, bastante, separado e transformado em uma divindade
por perceber o therionick e angelick aspectos da Mente-corpo-esprito. Este
grimoire adoecer muitos des vocs indubitavelmente, tal o modo de iniciao.
Alguns acharo atrao que voc tem uma vez repulso sentida, nesse caso,
mantm em e achar o templo de prazer e dor!
Conscincia o ponto de despertar e existir no mundo ao seu redor. sto no
define o ser atento do 'ego' em qualquer nvel particular. O Luciferian que busca o
conceito de imortalidade espiritual tem que ter o 'trshna' ou 'sede' para existncia
continuada. O Luciferian utiliza a prticas de oga e Budismo como uns meios de
alto-controle e desenvolvimento, porm o Luciferian um antibudista em
resultado. Alcanar controle e destruir a mente no conceito de 'unidade' de Deus
ego-dio. O Luciferian reconhece a divindade interior, enquanto buscando
materializar isto e refinar conscincia se tornando o 'Azothoz ' ponto de Magick
disto, o comeo e fim.
Nos deixe apresentar um novo 'enroscar' em Sexo Magick focalizando nas metas
1. Ego-transformao pelo gnosis do adversrio.
2. Ego-deificao da essncia de corao do ego, antes de iniciao-um senso de
algo mais, uma fome para conhecimento. Durante e alm de-o corao da
essncia que semelhante a uma serpente voraz, o daemon imortal que reflete a
iluminao dos anjos cados-divindade com o conhecimento e poder de escurido
e ego-godhood.
3. Shakti despertando ou o Kundalini para se levantar por cada chakra, perfurando
e iluminando isto com o Fogo Dourado de Sabedoria e percepo.
Entendendo e ficando familiar com o daemonic feminino interno pelos
Funcionamentos de um Shakti (i.e. uma Mulher Escarlate) ou Pairikas iniciado,
uma filha de Az.
O" Tr>" a"%ec/o" de Ta&/ric Ma.ic; SeH2al de 2ma
Per"%ec/i-a de L2ciKeria&
P2"h2 o primeiro nvel de iniciao onde a pessoa superada com desejo e
luxria. Aqui Adamu deveria estar um guia para as fundaes de prtica. Utilize a
ferramenta do Feminino de Daemonic, Lilith, como compreenso o mais fundo
desejos de sua mente e corpo. Lilith a me que conduzira voc para isolamento,
mas abastecendo seu esprito com independncia e fora de dentro. O mistrio
revelado que Lilith dentro, a matria muito Vermelha de cinza formando a
Ahriman a Besta do Masculino, que cria e se expande at ir, Magick Sexual
deveria ser uma ferramenta de descoberta estes aspectos e os agarrando
manifestando sua vontade e se torna o que voc busca. Neste nvel de iniciao, o
iniciado deveria restringir atividade sexual para um self determinado perodo, use
mediao diria e explore isso que o dirige sexualmente, e por que.
Foco i&icial
#Me&/alDPh$"ical co&/role P Ahrima&ic :o.a. Comece 2m diLrio eHerc=cio de
medi/a?3o5 comece com Q0 mi&2/o" e .rad2alme&/e /ra6alhe -oc> a/e R0 e
I0 mi&2/o".
- Respirando e controlando o movimento da serpente.
Prtica e busca entender a natureza inerente do simbolismo de ambos a serpente
preta e vermelha. Se trabalhando com o vermelho, sinta a chama acender seus
nervos ao longo da espinha, crie um senso de xtase breve e uma onda de poder
com cada ponto de Chakra. No falhe mantenha o foco de sua postura. Se
trabalhando com a preta serpente, sinta a fome fsica para Chi e interno poder
como o Ahrimanic serpente iluminando seu Chakra pontos com fogo enegrecido.
- Treinamento fsico - mantendo em forma, empurrando o ego aos limites, crescer
mais forte. Comendo com uma dieta balanceada.
- Simbolismo e o Grande Trabalho - Saiba o que voc trabalhando com e isso
que cada Divina Mascara significa.
*ira o segundo nvel de iniciao para onde a pessoa capaz controlar a besta
dentro da mente e corpo, mas capaz para comear a prtica de magick sexual,
mas com controle voluntarioso e ego-disciplina. Pelo menos trs primeiro
funcionamentos deveriam ser Karezza e ocultando o corpo a Orgasmo. sto
compreensivelmente muito difcil e causar mental e dor fsica, mas com a
exibio de autodisciplina, a mente e corpo fortalecero e focalizaro abaixo este
intenso teste de Vontade. Comece a formar as bestas e sombras que representar
sua magick, comandar sua feitiaria e comear a abrir seu corpo como um Templo
para Ahriman/Typhon.
No olhe para outras avenidas para Templos e Santo (Luciferian) lugares, s olhe
a seu corpo como seu Templo.
Foco Adepto:
#F2&cio&ame&/o" Ri/2ai" P o %ro%o"i/o de re%2l"3o. E&/e&da a 'i"/oria de
ill2"/ra?Be" me&/ai" "3o "im6olica" e e&92a&/o a%arece como horror#er</ica
Kic?3o5 e &o ma.ic;al %ro%<"i/o. Re%2l?3o /rarL com%ree&"3o e %or e"/e"
limi/e" criam 2m &o-o "e&"o de Se.oT.
-A imaginao como o divino iniciador blis foco.
- Karezza os resultados alcanados de ego-transformao
- O Corpo como o Templo de Luciferian, ambos infernal e empreo.
Dae-a P o terceiro nvel de iniciao onde o Perito tem superado, controlado e
conseguido formar a pratica sexual deles como uns meios de trazer o prprio
estado mental e fsico deles para um Divino ou Luciferian sentem onde o mesmo
est isolado e Divino, onde nada visto, mas a ti mesmo.
Daeva Focus:
#O Cha;ra" 2/ili4ado" &o Tra6alho SeH2al %ara .a&har 2ma 6oa aKi&a?3o do
@L /ra&"Kormado ArchDae-a" de Ahrima&5 eH%lora&do a e&er.ia da Ser%e&/e.
-A sexual unio de Ahriman e Az, Babalon e a Besta 666, Samael e Lilith como
uma prtica interior para pares, cada manifestao do adversrio sendo interno.
O caminho de magick sexual e feitiaria so achados dentro do foco de
entrar o oosto ou aarece som!ra da mente"
# mente consciente est$ definida atra%&s de restrio e limites' alguma or ra()es !oas'
muitas ara funda)es sociais" * caminho de #damu ode condu(ir dois adultos
consentindo ara exlorar o su!consciente fundo deles or ata%ismos !estiais desertando"
#ta%ismos eram exlorados or arte e teoria or #ustin *sman +are no ,ig&simo +&culo'
em muitos modos' to efeti%amente -uanto #leister .ro/le0' se no mais" #ta%ismos
!estiais so os conhecimentos ocultos e sa!edoria dentro da mente' o mesmo foco de se
tornar elo caminho de 1uciferian"
2uando o 1uciferian 3cai4 ara as rofundidades' ento so!e no%amente como um es5rito
como 6alta!aoth ou +amael' o rocesso est$ claro"
* 3cair4 & o feiticeiro tra!alho de exlorar o su!consciente' a su!ida & a mistura da
desco!erta do conhecimento na mente consciente ara alcanar resultados no mundo real"
#ta%ismos !estiais esto desco!rindo a l0canthroia asectos' o #( centrado de sede e
dese7os' i"e" lux8ria e usando estes dese7os ara manifestar na mente consciente"
+ai!a -ue dentro do caminho de magick sexual' & essencial suerar elementos de reulso
confrontando estes atos" 9sto no significa uma %iso antimoralista' !astante' algo to
simles -uanto se coulando com uma mulher ou comanheiro %oc: considera 3feio4' uma
r$tica #leister .ro/le0 e #ustin *sman +are fre-;entemente fa(iam" # essoa ode ter
sexo com um s<cio fora' tal%e( = noite erto de um lixo %a(io ara afinar os sensos a
aodrecer carne' desta forma e assim or diante"
As reara)es ara >agick +exual so como sistem$tico como -ual-uer
outro tra!alho' tire nota dessa discilina e auto?im@r isolamento & essencial ara iniciao
antes de tra!alhar com outro" An-uanto seu atual tra!alho ode estar muito solto e
herm&tico' a rearao de%eria ser discilinada" Brimeiramente' sai!a o -ue sua meta & ? a
mesma inteno do funcionamento" ,$ %oc: !uscar orgasmo ou %ai %oc: usa o m&todo de
Care((a' en-uanto sendo excitado ara a !eira de orgasmo e focali(ando a-uela energia
ento em sua meta' ermitindo ento uma li!erao mental em lugar de um orgasmo f5sico"
+egundo' ao raticar o rito' ermita sua mente ara ficar focali(ado na meta' no o r<rio
ra(er" +e isto um funcionamento solit$rio' mantenha seus ensamentos focali(ados no
o!7eto ou meta"
Am!ora Deitiaria de 1uciferian e Deitiaria seguram muitas cifras e s5m!olos' no c5rculo &
somente %oc: e o EeusFEeusa e Eaemons -ue %oc: tenha dado o oder ? nada mais"
Gm -ue !usca exlorar as fomes rimiti%as e esiritual e%oluo do caminho do dem@nio
sexual' controle & exigido no grau mais alto de r$tica" ,oc: dese7ar$ meditar e arender
controlar o seu coro e seus ensamentos" Aste ode ser um rocesso assustador' mas elo
Doco de >agick de%a isto %ir a ser"
Hantra de%e ser usado como uma ferramenta ara e-uili!rar o esiritual e f5sico em uma
,inda ara Astar com o 1uciferic 9nitiator0 Iuia" Asta & uma conexo esiritual com
+utekh' +et o Eeus deserto de .aos e os mais oderosos dos Eeuses eg5cios"
A 2&i3o de Lili/h dentro do .oro & -ue ela & a ess:ncia -ue inicia a-uela Da5sca de +e
tornar' a f:mea & comletamente ati%a e oderosa ara ela" 1ilith & o mo%imento e imulso
dos -uais rodu(em a fora +amael" Ala tira a +emente de +amael J#hrimanK ara criar o
.aim Jo coro do BeritoK"
A 2&i3o de Samael AAhrima&C & contemlati%a e assi%a ara 1ilith como o energi(ar
de %ida' ou moti%ao e dese7o"
Bensamento ou o #koman Ja mente sinistraK & o n5%el de #hriman ou 18cifer' a mente
Aqui %oc: achar$ o -ue alguns eseraram no achar?Ago?autori(ao or
.ongresso sexual" #lguns destes en%ol%em Lomem ara Lomem Jadata a isto se esta for
sua refer:ncia sexualK' alguma >ulher ara >ulher e algum >asculino a D:mea"
Mos rituais do +ol e a 1ua' dois homens odem articiar or&m a essoa le%ar$ um lado
1unar JfemininoK e um +olar JmasculinoK' o mesmo com >ulher ara >ulher
funcionamentos" Mo esconda sua sexualidade fora' se7a isso -ue %oc: & e no deixe
ningu&m lhe falar -ue est$ erradoN
* modelo de .aminho de >o es-uerda >agick +exual & um desafio -ue mo%e al&m dos
constrangimentos de sociol<gica limitaoO & ta!u sem degradao sicol<gica' ego?
moti%acional autori(ao or se tornar como um Eeus ou Eeusa' desco!rir suas fra-ue(as e
foras" * Eeus forma de >agick +exual dentro as Pruxas +a!!at ou .aminho de 1uciferian
& descrito melhor or 1ilith' 18cifer' #hriman e .aim"
1ilith reresenta o Breto ou atar terra controleFmaniulao do mundo ao redor %oc: em
acordo ara a ,ontade do raticante" 1ilith & a me rotetora das !estas' dem@nios e o lado
noturno de nature(a" 18cifer & o Bortador de 1u( e +a!edoria' o +olar lado de #hriman"
.aim reresenta o Dilho de +amael Jo Eia!oK e 1ilith -uem & conhecido em muitos c5rculos
de 1uciferian como Pahomet" .aim reresenta iniciao e o rocesso do r<rio Irande
Hra!alhoO se7a isto dentro de um formato de magick sexual ou no"
>agick sexual or +amael J#(a(elF18ciferK & ego?transformao >agickO elo s5m!olo do
+ol faa %oc: se ilumina elo desertar interno imolando conhecido como a .hama Breta"
Bela com!inao de +amael e 1ilith e os caminhos resecti%os deles dentro os -ue %oc:
cria * .aim' o Bai das Pruxas .ornudo e >estre da Dor7a"
>agick sexual or #hriman & o 6atusFEae%ai1 e%ocandoFin%ocando o rinc5io ou lado de
som!ra de 18cifer no coro de escurido feito carne" 9sto & uma mutao e transformao
declarada -ue & dolorosa' contudo enchido do :xtase de ego?deificao"
1 Eae%i & um Eae%a feminino' um dem@nio"
#hriman & mo%imento' caos e a ,ontade feita carne" * feiticeiro' -ue se torna 6atus' ou
Pruxa' & o oder isolado -ue & um a%atar ara #hriman e 1ilith" Puscando este caminho
%oc: se torne como #hriman e cria o Eae%as e Eru7 -ue surgem dele" * Br5ncie de
Ascurido & um oder ara ele' ele corta e de%ora a-uele -ue se torna in8til a ele' e
reconhece -ue ele & o 8nico Eeus -ue Q" >agick sexual & usado ara in%ocar esta fora
interna' o Erago Deito .arne e no reresenta ou sugestiona -ual-uer forma esec5fica de
g:nero ou orientao sexual" Q o sexo do indi%5duo' ou a%atar"
#l&m disso' Bairikas ou Pruxas do .aminho de >o es-uerda odem se tornar um a%atar
ara o lado mais escuro de 1ilith' a Moi%a de #hriman conhecida como #R ou Seh" Aste & o
asecto feminino da Ascurido' o Hiamat do +umerianos -ue reresenta' Hemo e o asecto
%ora( de %ida continuada' a ter sede ara exist:ncia continuada"
Modelo" de Cami&ho da M3o E"92erda D Gr2Ha" do Sa66a/ SeH2al
Dora ensada' o E7inn J#(a(elF+haitanK de Dogo' masculino fora' energia' o mo%imento
do ego or %ida"
Ham!&m conhecido como +haitanF+atan esta & a +erente Breta ou Cundalini" Am sua
nature(a ad%ers$ria masculina' & conhecido como #hriman' a 9maginao" +amael & o
Erago Breto"
Dora %ermelha' a me de dem@nios' escurido em nature(a' instintos rimiti%os' sangue
menstrual do Pei7o de #hriman"
Ala & o Dogo no instinto' am!os oder de troca com atraoFreulsa ficar mais forte como
Dora %ermelha' a me de dem@nios' escurido em nature(a' instintos rimiti%os' sangue
menstrual do Pei7o de #hriman"
Ala & o Dogo no instinto' am!os oder de troca com atraoFreulsa ficar mais forte como
*s modelos do .aminho de >o es-uerda e as Pruxas +a!!at so descritos agora ara uma
clare(a adicional" +amael' chamado #(a(el ou 18cifer" +amael & o reino es-uerdo de
searao da ordem natural' a fora -ue trouxe lu( ou intelecto ara humanidade or deixar
a escra%ido do Hodo ai ou Rur%an" +amael & reresentado como o .a5do +erah ou E7inn
-ue esto comostos de Dogo e ti%eram Eo(e #sas' suerior a outros an7os mais altos -ue
ti%eram seis asas"
# noi%a de +amael & 1ilith de -ue era uma %e( a noi%a o Hodo ai e #do" Ara +amael -ue
le%ou a forma o Erago?+erente -ue montou A%a en-uanto ossu5da or 1ilith e in7etando
3+u7eira4 nela' conce!eu e deu a lu( a .aim"
1ilith & a me de initiator0 -ue desertou o .aim deois de seu assassinato de #!el como o
-ual & reresentado como sua r<ria fra-ue(a da escra%ido da o%elha" .aim se tornou o
1o!o or de%orar a %ida do sim!<lico irmo dele"
+amael e 1ilith o!t:m oder atr$s de >etatron' ou Rur%an' o r<rio +ol Breto" Asta & a
fora searada da ordem natural' o +igilo de #1I*1 reresenta fre-;entemente esta teoria
como o *lho de #hrimanF+et transformado e isolando' assim *rdene dentro de .aos"
P#P#1*M ode ser descrito melhor como a incororao de 1ilith' #( e Cali como a me
de desertar +exual' assim' +hakti' oder e a fome ara %ida eterna" Am #leister .ro/le0
3# ,iso e a ,o(4 ele escre%e -ue o sinal da >e e o -uatro?en%ol%e formula de .#*+ &
igual = ala%ra de sete?en%ol%e a ala%ra P#P#1*M T 156"
M3o E"92erda Ta&/ric SeHo Ma.ic;
A U&i3o de Ahrima& e Dr2@ P AN
O 6atuk Einoih e Baitisha so am!os tomos de Deitiaria de 6atukan -ue
exlora as funda)es de in%ocar e se tornar elo Eae%as e Eru7 de ancio .onhecimento
Gm desen%ol%imento elo 6atus & o magick sexual e ego?transformao legada da
manancial de #(?Seh' tam!&m conhecido como 1ilith dentro outro' $reas de mitologia de
daemonic" Hra!alhando com o 6atuk ? Einoih a essoa in%oca o Eaemonic e .hthonic
Jterra fundadaK energias do dae%a e dru7 -ue o ego se torna um reciiente autori(ado destas
foras" Bela ,ontade a essoa se torna um Eaemon ou Eru7 at& eles" +exual Deitiaria & um
caminho 8til' oderoso e erigoso -ue & um meio de controlar e criar familiares' dem@nios'
esadelos en%iados' controlando sonhos' etc" # essoa & caa( de usar feitiaria sexual a
ro<sito de ressentir um es5rito ou meta e soltando o ego no :xtase durante cl5max' ara
criar e en%iar o dru7"
Belos tios de .aminho de >o es-uerda >agick +exual' o >ago reto no s< se torna um
EaemonFEae%aFEru7' mas tam!&m um ortal ara o 1uciferian e fora de #hrimanic
interno ? o +ol e a 1ua' >eio?dia e >eia?noite" 9sto & um rocesso de ego?associao com o
Eeus resecti%o forma' a integrao deles dentro de sua mente e dominando -ual-uer coisa
-ue !usca entrar em %oc:" Ee%eriam ser entendidos a-ueles tais es5ritos nunca de%em ser
ermitidos a o controlar' como isto & fra-ue(a e seguir$ a sua r<ria autodestruio"
,oc: tem -ue controlar e Ear esta forma de *rdem e-uili!rada dentro de sua mente"
* feiticeiro -ue !usca o caminho de transformao #(?Seh ? 1ilith emreender$ o teste do
-ual in%ocam os criati%os oderes de escurido" +exo >agick inicia o m$gico na corrente
de #hriman mo%endo contra o natural or controlarFcriar dae%as e succu!i no lano
esiritual -ue or sonhos manifestam eles"
.omo um modelo de #R' deixe o m$gico in%ocar do r<rio modo deles 1919HL -ue & o
instinto rimiti%o escuro o es5rito da noite e dese7o' fome e coulao sexual" Ala & a fora
-ue desertou #hriman do sono dele' ela -uem desertou os Eem@nios ara rocriar os
Mo Ma(orean?>ani lendas de #do' #(?1ilith %ieram adiante das
rofundidades do inferno ara ensinar e instruir o ca5do an7os' dem@nios e outros es5ritos
oostos = arte sexual coulao" .omo or unir macho e f:meas es5ritos 7untos' eles
criaram tal fora fontes na terra" Astes dem@nios geraram outras crianas' #(?1ilith de%orou
alguns deles mais tarde' o -ual aumentou a %italidade e oder dela" 1ilith & assim o
Brimeiro ,amiro' o encanando forma antroomorfa de HiamatF#(hdeha' a Astrela drago"
Uma prtica deste rito de Criao pode ser feita adequadamente -
Mo c5rculo' crie dois sigilos' um masculino e feminino"
Breare e rece ara #R?Seh' a grande rostituta -ue deserta seu olho da mente"
* dedi-ue ao nome dela -ue %oc: se tornar$ or A1#"
Astimule?se ara formao imaginada de um macho e feminino Eae%aFEru7' a .l5max -ue
unge os +igilos com o fluido" +e %oc: tem um s<cio' idealmente se ela Ja menos -ue %oc:
se7a elaK est$ menstruando os fluidos dela odem ser ungidos como -uiser" Asta f<rmula
cria os dem@nios -ue le%aro adiante e encarnaro seus dese7os" +ua ,ontade & o fator
motri( associado com isto' assim est$ rearado a cercar %oc: em seu dese7o?%ontade?
#A Sede de Lili/2-
Ego?,ontade & conectado diretamente ao caminho de Seh a Brostituta"
.onscientemente' os nomes dela so muitos"
# noi%a do Erago e me esiritual de .aim a!re o ortal or 9nferno nesses -ue a !uscam"
#s inten)es de #damu so aresentar o 7ardim infernal de del5cias dentro e fora do arcano
ego?amor' sendo' a ess:ncia de Hrshna' sendo +ede" * succu!i ou incu!i surge das
rofundidades de nosso r<rio inferno' isto ode ser uma arcial com!inao do #hriman
? como asectos do ego ? masculino' semre em mo%imento ? caos insiraram temestades
-ue ermite o feiticeiro ara in%ocar mudana e se tornando at& o Br5ncie de Ascurido"
* .aminho da >o es-uerda or meio de isolamento ermite o raticante ara desco!rir o
ego dele ou o delaO exlorar isto e mudar de acordo com Ago?,ontade" Q a ess:ncia de #(?
Seh -ue & .oncuisc:ncia -ue se di%orcia a si-ue da ordem natural de decad:ncia e
-uietude' centra a restar ateno no *lho do #d%ers$rio' os fogos de intelecto -ue como
um resente de 18cifer ? o nome Hra(endo 1u( de #hriman' ara o centro de ossi!ilidade
e autocontrole"
Deitiaria sexual no s< & so!re controle' mas como ara exlorar as facetas mais infernais
1uciferian do ego ? e utili(ando este oder roduti%amente" Q oss5%el ara o feiticeiro ara
se tornar como o Eae%as ou Eru7' se tornar' como Ahriman. * 6atus Jele -ue ratica
feitiariaK de%e dese7ar ara suortar a!rir o sua alma' imolar isto dentro a .hama reta do
#d%ers$rio e !ati(a isto na futura ossi!ilidade de ego?godhood" Asta no & uma tarefa
f$cil' nem far$ %ir sem com conse-;:ncias" ,oc: mudar$' sua mente fortalecer$' se
exandira e seus ensamentos %o atentamente focali(ar em suas metas" Asse desre%enido
ara o rocesso de ego?deificao %ai or nenhum selo de d8%ida o destino deles no
Untano de loucura ? sendo de%orado ela r<ria #("
# esiral de ofertas de #damu os segredos da almaO e o horror do a!ismo -ue est$
eserando dentro de cada um de n<s" Mo !us-ue a escurido ara dissol%er' morrer"
Pus-ue a escurido como uma serente 5gnea -ue recusa a morte da si-ue' or Hrshna
%i%er$ al&m do %&u de morte f5sica"
Dortalea sua si-ue e alma agoraO exi7a a x5cara de #( e !e!a rofundamente de sua
fornicao" * Irimoire de #damu & osto or temo e culturaO no segura dogma
esec5fico ara uma tradio ou caminho"
Ham!&m de%e ser mencionado -ue >agick +exuais guardam ser%os oderosos' mas
destruir$ esses -ue no t:m o .ontrole dos dese7os deles" Hal incu!i e succu!i so mestres
%ora(es e alimentar$ lentamente desses -ue no os ode controlar" +e7a ad%ertido" *s
m&todos de .aminho da >o As-uerda odem ser exlorados magick sexual e se
exandido ela imaginao do raticante com os m&todos %elhos" Ee%e ser considerado -ue
tal r$tica & no intento a inchar o egoO !astante manifestar um oder at& o mundo su!7eti%o
ou interior do m$gico" +exo >agick & muito oderoso' mas igualmente como erigoso"
Belo rocesso de e%ocar e criar succu!i ou incu!i' um fraco indi%5duo legado -ue falta
controle de ego ode ela r<ria -ueda dele ou dela de erro em o!sesso em -ual o
succu!iFincu!i comea a controlar o r<rio mestre" Aste & tal%e( um dos asectos mais
erigosos de feitiaria sexual !$sica' en-uanto tais erigos escalam deendendo do r<rio
O Esprito Mal produziu o lobo escuro e desonesto, o mais merecedor de escurido,
nocivo, da raa mais escura, do corpo astral preto, mordendo.. -Grande Bundahishn
#s funda)es das As&cies de 1o!o como definido no #%esta so es5ritos redat<rios de
#hriman" An-uanto eles no tenham -ue ser esecificamente um lo!o' um humano ou
animal ode manifestar as caracter5sticas e nature(a redat<ria do r<rio lo!o"
So6re O Gl$%h de L2ciKeria& SeHo Ma.ic; Ahrima& e A4.
O Ri/2al Draco&ia&o do Ad-er"Lrio
Le-a&/a&do a" Ser%e&/e" Gemea" de Lili/h e SamaelR
Como reciientes indi%iduais de .ainFMaamah J# irm de .aimK' o m$gico
focali(ar$ em %isuali(ar o Anrolando ,ermelho e Breto +erentes ara cima a esinha"
+ente em um tra%esseiro confort$%el' ernas cru(adas e comece a redu(ir a %elocidade de
sua resirao" 9sto & terminado or !anindo todos os outros ensamentos e concentre em
sua mais !aixa esinha" 1entamente comece a formar uma grande serente ,ermelha -ue
comea na arte mais !aixa atr$s ? esta & 1ilith' o Erago %ermelho -ue & a fonte de %ida
5gnea -ue so!e como o r<rio +ol" .om cada resirao' de%e %oc: sentir ascender e
enrolar ao redor da sua coluna %erte!ral" ,oc: de%eria imaginar fogo' calor e fora criati%a
como o drago ascendendo seu coro" 2uando 1ilith alcanar seu om!ro direito' %oc:
de%eria se a-uecer no Dogo de Ago' esta & a %ida tra(endo fora da fome e dese7o' as
-ualidades de existir e amor?r<rio" +e7a agradado -ue sua imaginao tem criado este
ra(er mental e f5sicoO sai!a -ue %oc: or si mesmo & o criador de seus r<rios Eeuses"
Asta & a ess:ncia do .aminho de >o es-uerda' ego?deificao"
#gora %oc: comear$ a estimular a Breta +erente' +amaelF#hriman" 9sto & a Vsom!raW' o
rimiti%o instinto e dese7o sexual or se tornar" * emocional' asecto luxurioso -ue & a
fora motri( de feitiaria e ego?exano"
.omece a con%ocar a +erente Breta ara sua esinha' formando esiral com o Erago
,ermelho como chama %ermelha e fogo enegrecido une como um" .omo estas duas foras
continuam conectando' esfregue 7unto e ro%o-ue frico' :xtase ser alcanado"
2 uma f<rmula a%anada & escondida dentro do sim!olismo do rito' #RL9+L' achado dentro * Baitisha or >ichael X"
Dord" Q um disarando do Eae%a0asna em -ue a%ana a si-ue o 1uciferian Inosis"
Mo ermita ara a ,ontade falhar ou erder sua determinao" .omo os mo%imentos de
+erente Bretos ara cima seu foco de esinha em sua ess:ncia ? escurido' aixo de
lux8ria e asectos escondidos do ego' transformao !estial' isolamento' e as funda)es de
Buxe o daemonic feminino interno' fundindo com o Erago reto' 1ilith" .omo as
ele%a)es de Erago Anegrecidas so!re o om!ro As-uerdo' ressinta a unio desta fora
agora ? a criao de .aim" ,oc: ode refletir nestas duas foras dentro a relao ara seu
r<rio 8nico ser" +e ergunte' como eu osso usar este conhecimento e oder ara
melhorar meu ser e %idaY 2uando as serentes g:meas forem am!as le%antadas' %oc: ode
executar um ato de Deitiaria #lta' de >agick Breto de ego?deificao" 9n%o-ue o #n7o de
1uciferian' #(alWucel' r$tica -ue feitio com o -ue %oc: dese7a melhorar ot:ncia e +A
H*ZM# ela .hama Breta" +e tornar como & chamado re-uer aci:ncia' mas determinao
e comromisso" * c5rculo de feitiaria sa!e s< o atando %oc: aresenta a isto' .onhea a +i
E&-ol-e&do o Daemo&
#s artes de feitiaria sexual entre dois s<cios de%eriam ser focali(adas no en%ol%er3 do
ohidian rimiti%o oder" Asta & a .o!ra Breta e ,ermelha em unio' entre am!os os
articiantes" Eeixe am!os os fluidos de macho e feminino ser tra(ido em unio ara a
consagrao de talisms e sigilos' assim um dem@nio nascido de!aixo da ,ontade dos
* Eaemon -ue & um +uccu!i ou 9ncu!i ode ser sigilli(ado or -ual-uer m&todo conhecido
e mais adiante rearado elas e%oca)es a ser administrado antes' durante e deois da
3 uma ala%ra significada Vara cercar W' no contexto de ritual e funcionamentos m$gicos' & o feiticeiro cercado de oder ou
energia' de -ue ode ser identific$%el com um es5rito carregado ou ser%o"
* Eaemon -ue deende de inteno de%e ser concordado de antemo elos articiantes'
de forma -ue elos m&todos de ,ontade?Eese7o?.on%ico tra( o c5rculo de #rte ara
manifestao' -ue a +om!ra le%ar$ forma em tua unio"
Bermita lanar o c5rculo como o drago enrolando com tua circunfer:ncia de ego" * c5rculo
no reresenta -ue %oc: !usca manter fora' !astante do -ual %oc: ligar$ dentro ? o c5rculo
no & como uma %e( um des5gnio .risto legado fraco era' nenhum se encolhendo
terminado atr$s de ala%ras fr$geisN Pastante e%o-ue o daemon como seu irmo' amante'
irm e amigoN
Tra?a&do o Circ2lo Ca&/ado
3Belo .5rculo da 1ua .ornuda'
Belo .5rculo das Hr:s faces da 1ua
Belo .5rculo de .aim' o de%a ser lanado
Gma %e( or +om!ra reenchida a mo de #hriman
Euas %e(es or Dogo da corrente >eio?dia do olhar de +haitan
Herceira antes da >eia?noite coifa da dana de 1ilith
+e7a isto comleto e sagrado neste centro de #rte4
Eentro do c5rculo unir$ e com o foco do +uccu!i e 9ncu!i do #gae de >agick ermita
coulao" .omece a %isuali(ar o es5rito -ue le%a uma forma das Baix)es do #gae e
am!os os indi%5duos W inteno legada de criao e ligando" # A%ocao unhal ou lUminas
consagradas no nome de .aim ode ser usada ara focali(ar e carregar o tra!alho deles"
9sto & um tra!alhando da unio de som!ras em um ser%o"
3+a8do at& ti' * som!ra de dese7o daemon de t&rreo temo encadernado
+a8do at& ti' ser%o do senhor cornudo de chama e caminho da noite
#!enoado & a ti -ue caminham o gast ? estradas al&m de nosso oculto no%amente
.om nosso Bunhal' nascido do fogo de .aim e for7a
Au o nomeio JnomeK or esses caminhos escondidos es-uecidos elo rofano4
Mo momento de orgasmo masculino' un7a o sigilo ade-uadamente' -uando o s<cio alcanar
orgasmo alguns dos fluidos de%eriam ser coletados e de%eria ser consagrado em o sigilo
como !em" #m!os os raticantes tem -ue ficar focali(ado durante e deois da coulao'
dentro do c5rculo -ue &' lanado como o onto de coleo de tal energia' en-uanto
carregando assim o daemon ade-uadamente"

3>inha carne e o sangue dela & -ue de -ual rocria o coro som!ra -ue & Eaemon' o E7inn
ca5do do c&u como o *lho 9luminando ? relance de +amael
1e%e forma e manifeste nosso dese7o como & assim
#tra%&s de lUmina de +a!!at eu o ligo' or hallus e sangue ? lua eu o autori(o
Po"i?Be" Ta&/rica"
S2.e"/Be" 2"ada" &o Ri/2al Ma.ic;
Dentro do c5rculo sagrado de #(' ou o HriUngulo como %oc: uxou isto' o
daemon dentro ode ascender so!re %oc: como #(otho(' o #n7o?drago -ue nasce de
som!ra" Mos ritos de >agick +exual' o raticante tem -ue se tornar essencialmente um ego?
criado searado sendo' um do -ual se le%anta fora das felicidades' nir%ana" * 1uciferian
!uscar$ o :xtase de amor?r<rio' mas tam!&m -ue focos ego?criao futura e rogresso"
.oncentrao & essencial em tais funcionamentos' como est$ entre amantes o daemonic
:xtase de oder ego?in%ocado" Mo & raro durante tal tantric ratica -ue os raticantes
sentem um tio de 3som!ra4 ou fora -ue os cercaO este & o a7untamento do +a!!at em uma
de muitas de suas formas" Q o c5rculo?danante de /iddershins de !esta e daemon' ou ser%o
e lilitu" +eu dese7o autori(a a direo deles' suas ati%idade e mo%imento" Gse estas criadas e
atra5das foras !emO eles sero ser%os de sua mesma lux8ria e dese7o"
#s osi)es sugeridas odem ser usadas a fim !om' ermita sua r<ria redileo ara o
Eentro do c5rculo' deixe a f:mea ser unida =s coxas dela com o macho' ou se & do mesmo
sexo' deixe um ser enchido elo outro" .om cada emurro uma grande dor %ir$ a fer%er$
em :xtase' cada emurro de%eria ser um determinado foco de ,ontade e Eese7o
ermitindo -ue eles !uscam manifestar" +e o tra!alho & interno em nature(a' ermita os
sentimentos ara ser cuidadosamente examinado durante o atoO or am!os os raticantes"
.omo com cada emurro ermite o fogo -ue so!e or am!os os coros sendo focali(ado =
mo ara a meta" Bermita isto ara acontecer at& esgotamento"
.om o raticante masculino em uma osio arada' descansando nos 7oelhos dele' e a
raticante feminina ou assi%a -ue se deita em a arte de tr$s dele' o macho em um
mo%imento r5tmico emurra rofundamente no assi%o en-uanto massageando o clit<ris
dela' ou se mesmo sexo mastur!ando o macho" # exeri:ncia entre am!os %o geralmente
ser longo e relaxado -ue & satisfat<rio ara esses se interessados or um funcionamento
focali(ado mais acalmado"
.om uma f:mea -ue ode alcanar orgasmo o macho ou dominante no c5rculo de%eria
comear a lam!er a f:mea at& desertar' neste momento ele ou ela de%eriam tra!alhar um
dedo dentro de en-uanto lam!endo o clit<ris com mo%imentos r5tmicos' !alanando a
f:mea sua%emente" # %ontade masculina mais -ue ro%$%el ossa mo%er um mais dedo
dentro da f:mea' lentamente' alcanando rofundamente ao ca!oO isto ermite um forte
r5tmico adro" .om cada emurro o dominante e assi%o articiantes odero focali(ar
na meta do tra!alho" # f:mea alcanar$ indu!ita%elmente rimeira o orgasmo' ou alcanara
a !eira de forma -ue o macho Jse resenteK ser$ caa( se ocuar de relacionamento" #m!os
de%eriam focali(ar em orgasmo alcanando 7unto durante o funcionamento' assim am!os
odem ser focali(ados estados de :xtase na meta do tra!alho"
GON e G2di"mo O Ace""o ao Cami&ho da M3o E"92erda
A r$tica religiosa !re%e de Pon?Bo & a essoa centrada em magick e
feitiaria transformadora" # Pon religiosa tradio' desen%ol%ida no Hi!ete antes da
exist:ncia esalhada de Pudismo guardar lugar a todas as funda)es de magickal
e-uili!rada r$tica" # ala%ra 3Pon Ba4 & um %er!o significando 3recitar f<rmulas
m$gicas4 e referente ara a r$tica altamente otente de >antra recitando' os denominados
3+igilos de +om4 -ue recorrem agora = r$tica como 3>agick Breta s@nica4' reresentando
a transformao de ego or som" Q acreditado -ue este som ode transformar e controlar
energias no mundo ao redor de n<s"
* .aminho de >o es-uerda no difere ou reresenta um asecto de mal ou !om"
Pastantes estas so condi)es moralistas -ue seguram e-uenas rele%Uncias -uando le%ado
das suas imosi)es colocadas em sociedade"
Cami&ho de G2i/i e Go& Po
9oga & uma ala%ra -ue deri%a de uma rai( de +anskrit -ue significa V6u74 e significa
essencialmente 3unir"4 An-uanto os tradicionalistas -uerem di(er 3unir com Eeus4 o
1uciferian -uer di(er 3unir com o #d%ers$rio4' significando o Eaemonic >asculino e
Deminino" * 1uciferian & essencialmente um +adhaka' en-uanto sendo um asirante
esiritual do caminho de mo es-uerda' !uscando fa(er o seu ou o coro dela um Hemlo
e-uili!rado' esiritual e f5sico do #d%ers$rio' crescer forte e imortal em mente' ela
iniciao no +atUnico ou caminho de 1uciferian"
Puiti conhecido como P[t' adorado or Pudas e & uma ersonificao endia!rada do
#hrimanic ou som!ra de Puda' sendo idolatria Jse %oc: ode imaginar um #nti ? Pudista'
um -ue utili(a as t&cnicas ara um fim de ego?deificaoK"
* 1uciferian re%ela Puiti como o dem@nio de discilina' o desertador da serente e o
dom5nio da carne neste mundo" .omo era dito -ue #hriman tinha Puiti criado' este dae%a &
a morte no %isto' o es5rito -ue ode ser desertado elos tra!alhos de Cundalini e magick
Puiti & o caminho de controle de 1uciferian' en-uanto utili(ando discilina e e-uil5!rio ara
alcanar uma comunho direta com o Eeus interno' o desen%ol%endo e isolando a
intelig:ncia chamada 3Eaemon4 ou 3Eae%a4"
Mos deixe definir essas diferenas e semelhanas de Pudismo e Puiti odem ser\
Pa/h oK G2i/i Pa/h oK G2ddha
1i!er L,L94 fa( refer:ncia a numerosos ontos de dem@nios -ue ha!itam o coro" * -ue
se refere na %erdade isto araY Eo conhecimento no Pundahishn ara o #%esta' dem@nios
ou Eae%as' criados or #hriman e #(' ha!itam artes do es5rito e coro' dando isto %ida e
oder" Am nossa exist:ncia comum' dem@nios ha!itam e reresentam asectos de nossas
mentes e coros"
4 +uccu!us Bu!licaoF1G1G 9mressa 2005"
Bor exemlo' os .hakras so reresentados de acordo com os atri!utos deles #rchEae%as
esec5fico de #hriman' tra(endo oder e sa!edoria ara esses -ue odem tra!alhar com
eles" #( & dito ha!itar o coro humano como !em' en-uanto tra(endo calor dentro disto e
causando fome e instintos redat<rios ininterrutos" Aste assunto no se %oc: acredita isto
como literal' sim!<lico ou uma manifestao do oder de #d%ers$rio"
# cha%e ara destrancar este oder & desen%ol%er e raticar m&todos de discilina e
controle" H&cnicas !udistas ro%em efeti%os desen%ol%imentos tal um rocesso' detenha
mente a-uele no de%e alinhar -ue es5rito?assassinando rocesso de ego?<dio' mas usa as
t&cnicas ara se tornar como um Eeus ou Eeusa" 9sto no o significa simlesmente
3ensar4 %oc: tem uns anos e & assim' !astante & um rocesso mais fundo de iniciao -ue
continuamente rogride este asecto"
>uitos erguntaram 3imortalidade esiritual4 seria enfadonho' semre sendo 3%oc:4" * -ue
de%e ser entendido & isso o ego indi%idual semre & %ari$%el' en-uanto transformando e
derramando asectos anteriores de si mesmo" # mente semre ir$ se exandindo e
!uscando desafios no%os' assim -ual-uer Eeus ou As5rito de Eaemonic est$ mudando
continuamente e est$ rogredindo"
.omo o caminho do 2lioth em circunstUncias rituais ermite es5rito %ora( do feiticeiro
ara alimentar e crescer forte' estes' atos como um caminho contra todos outros' no soltar
a mente' mas crescer disto" Am funcionamentos sexuais' seu est$ !atendo a mesma fonte de
VaixoW e co!ia a uma forma direta e essoal iniciao ermitindo"
O Cor%o A"/ral e G2di"mo
* caminho de mo es-uerda indica -ue oferece transformao e d$ oder a or uma
aroximao de antinature(a" An-uanto este termo 3antinature(a4 s< relaciona ao normal
rescrito c<digo human5stico do dia' o real caminho de mo es-uerda' nature(a de a!raos
como um rofessor e guia elo curso de uma %ida" +e %oc: -uer arender a !ase e fundao
de discilina' olhe aos animais sel%agens ara esta exi!io de graa e oder"
Brocure a r&teis o instinto dirigido de so!re%i%:ncia e dom5nio' nisso oder$ %oc: arender
muito sem um 3guru4 ou o rofessor denominado" ,oc: no ode arender magick or
outro' %oc: ode ser guiado a $gua' mas %oc: t:m -ue estar disosto ara mergulhar"
Am Pudismo & considerado -ue o coro f5sico & amoldado conforme o como o -ual n<s
sa!emos o astral coro" .omo o coro f5sico & a $gua de or cento mais alto' o coro astral
& alimentado elo calor do coro" 2uando %oc: ode controlar seus mo%imentos cororais'
i"e" sentando im<%el durante er5odos de temo' redu(indo a %elocidade ensamento'
resirando e ermitindo um frenesi J#eshmaK ara se le%antar' est$ exercitando %oc: o
caminho de Puiti e discilina" Chakras and ArchDaevas
Cha;ra ArchDae-a Loca/io& Eleme&/
Emo/io& or
Gtili(ando a r$tica dos .hakras' r$ticos !$sicos m&todos de resirar e focali(ar em
controlar seus mo%imentos e ensamentos" .omece com Haromati e com o es5rito de
mo%imento descontente a serente de Dogo ara o #eshma chakra' deserte
descontentamento com lux8ria" #-ui & onde a maioria os humanos falham e ermitem
emoo ara controlar >al ou lane7ado ensamento" Mo deixe nenhum descontentamento
ermitir a)es reciitadas com lux8ria"
Bense no assunto de corao' o ro!lema e sua causa ? semre o ego em fa%or r<?ao ou
re?ao no mundo ao redor disto' e como lane7amento cuidadoso e o uso dos cinco
sentidos encanaro isto de um modo ositi%o" 9sto & or -ue discilina & to essencial em
magick' a corrente do #d%ers$rio & muito oderosa' controlar e focali(ar & o fator -ue
decide %erdadeiro oder e suas %$rias alica)es"
* .oro & um Hemlo de +atan$s est$ recisamente correto' %oc: de%e fortalecer seu coro
Chi e A&.h2$a
.omo %oc: desen%ol%endo sua mente?es5rito?coro o Hemlo -ue %oc: criou roserar$ e
crescer$" ,oc: oder$ controlar seu arma(enando de .hi ou #nghu0a e escoar$ isto de
outros ou or sonhos se seu caminho & assim de%orador" #s .rianas de Eru7' ou a >entira
& os de%otos de Cali ou #(' a me %ora(" .omo %oc: consome .hi -ue %oc: no & agindo
contra outros' exi!indo fora !astante e o conhecimento de entender a nature(a redat<ria
em am!os terra e o uni%erso como n<s entendemos isto agora"
O L2ciKeria& XGo& %aY
Nos deixe definir magick reta" Magick preta o rocesso de ego?
transformao or um initiator0 de antinomian estrutura' Breta significando a sa!edoria
escondida' oder de escurido' sonhar e organi(ando a realidade dese7ada e >agick -ue & o
rocesso ara ascender' fi-ue imortal em es5rito" #ssim Mossa feitiaria & o >agick de
18cifer' 1ilith' +amael' #hriman' #smodeus e #(" Mosso dese7o de%orador e se tornar"
1uciferians & #nti!udista no normal aceito senso" M<s reseitamos e admiramos a cultura e
n5%el alto de discilina deles' contudo n<s dese7amos ossuir o mundo e es5rito ao redor de
n<s" M<s temos nenhum conhecimento de um Eeus exterior mas o um dentro"
* uso de +om & essencial a manter controle dentro um senso m$gico" * .ultus de Puiti & o
conceito *osto de Pudismo' a discilina com o dese7o ara de%orar a id&ia' e es5rito de
um Eeus' ou o ser suremo"
Am Pudismo' h$ o do -ual & conhecido como 2uatro #sectos +om" #s fases de %i!ra)es
s@nicas a7udam em magick e transformao" Asta fonte & do ,edas' tra!alhos di%inos' -ue
ode estar com uma ouca imaginao' se7a aroximao de uma ersecti%a de caminho
de mo es-uerda ara fim !om"
Pa"$a&/i: som -ue emerge da mente" A solada consci:ncia ou ara seu es5rito
ArchDae-a A;oma&
Para som -ue emerge de Brana" A voz primitiva da .hama Breta"
ArchDae-a A&dar
*ai;hari som -ue emerge de exresso e comunicao"
ArchDae-a Sa-ar
Madh$ama som -ue toma assento na $rea de corao' isto & diferente em aroximao
ara o .hakra em -ue #eshma & relacionado a outro asecto" Am +om' est$ #eshma o no
dito' o corao -ue incha com aixo"
ArchDae-a Ae"hma
A Ser%e&/e
* +hakti & a serente %ermelha' a feminina fora criati%a da -ual mora = !ase da esinha"
Ala & determinada %ida elo oder da su!stUncia reta' de $lido e mat&ria enegrecida"
Ascurido & #hriman e esta & a serente reta' este & o dese7o material ou coro disto" Am
#hrimanic 9oga' o +hakti une com a Breta +erente e esiral ara cima a esinha'
iluminando o .hakras e as faculdades do #rchEae%as"
* Cundalini reside no coro de am!os os sexos como uma serente e & desertar do
es5rito e coro ara no%as alturas de sa!edoria"
* onto de iluminao' en-uanto controlando e mo%endo elos .hakras & alcanar controle
e esiritualFh0sical felicidade' no um nir%ana entorecendo' mas uma aixo or %i%er e
a continuao de consci:ncia" .omo %oc: mo%e elos .hakras e comea a desen%ol%er suas
formas astrais' alcanando #7na ou o .hakra de #koman' %oc: ode le%ar forma como
-ual-uer coisa dese7ada ? alimentar de outros e !e!er dos chakras' ou se le%antar drenando
os oderes di%inos fora de seu coro" +e le%antar a ess:ncia de #hriman & !e!er da
escurido di%ina da ]5cara de #(' o sangue da rostituta cu7a r<ria fome & o de%orando
es5rito isto' manifestando dentro o f5sico como doena' tenha fome' morte e guerra" Q este
asecto de instinto no -ue n<s temos -ue nos di%ertir' entender o endia!rado & controlar o
instinto !estial dentro de nossos coros f5sicos" Bela r$tica de 9oga de #hrimanic' o
es5rito de 1uciferian controla o mais tendo fome asectos do coro material" Am Zitos
+exuais' seu s<cio ode contra!alanar sua r<ria initiator0 exeri:ncia e mais adiante
iluminar a consci:ncia no uro oder ela unio do f5sico com o esiritual"
Cali' chamada +mashan Jcremao fundamentalK Hara Jo sa%ioressK' & 1ilith como a grande
de%oradora e destruidora" Am uma Bersecti%a de .aminho de >o es-uerda Cali & a fora
-ue n<s achamos dentro de n<s mesmos or olhando fundo dentro dela' enfrentando os
terrores dela e or unio com o feminino' autori(ar um asecto dormindo de nossa si-ue"
Cali em um asecto de Hantric & a negrido -ue cristali(a dentro do m$gico' o fogo no -ual
existe o nulo -ue & um s5m!olo de sua 5gnea nature(a" 1ilith & a +erente Breta -ue
reresenta dese7o carnal e ,ontade .arnal"
Cali & um dos 17 nomes de 1ilith -uem & nossa rotetora Eeusa de Deitiaria e >agick" Ala
& a de%oradora de tudoO ela -ue deserta o homem e mulher aos ositi%os asectos de
consci:nciaO a r<ria >ente" ,$ adiante ara Cali sem medo' como uma criana ara a
me dele" Cali & mostrada rimeira como sendo Breta' co!erta em cin(as e co!erta em uma
guirlanda de crUnios humanos e ca!eas' ela se le%anta no cad$%er de +hi%a -ue & o
comanheiro dela' ela de%ora e cria esses -ue %em at& ela"
Ala & descrita como uma mulher -ue se le%anta no comanheiro dela' >ahade%a -ue & o
deus de cad$%er e -uando ela se coula com +hi%a ele & chamado >ahakala' ele est$ ereto e
frio de!aixo da Eeusa Breta" Cali esta%a fero( neste cad$%er' o & es-uerdo dela nas ernas
dele e corrige em seu t<rax" Am r$tica sonhando ou meditao' ode a essoa ressenti os
&s dela se tornando como ra5(es de $r%ore -ue afundam rofundamente no cad$%er de
>ahade%a" # significao ser$ exlicada !re%emente"
Cali & a incororao do drago de caos' #(hdeha' e Hiamat" Ala & a manifestao de
escurido rimiti%a carne feita' o encarnado Deminino de Eaemonic" Q significante
entender isso em formas de >o es-uerda Hantric .aminhos' o .emit&rio e cho de
cremao & um ortal at& Ala" # deusa de resas -ue gote7a sangue e ca!os as chamadas de
lUmina decaitando ara seus sonhos' seus rofundos dese7os" ,$ adiante at& o dela e
enfrenta -ue & -ual-uer uma sua destruio ou sua formao" Cali no se reocua ara o
fraco e o uns -ue no odem enfrentar a escurido interna delesO +uas crianas so do
Erago' a serente -ue cont&m o Dogo interno da mesma ess:ncia dela"
Cali na forma !udista dela & 1hamo' ela era a noi%a do Zei de Eem@nios e .ani!ais
conhecido como +hun7e cu7o foram chamados dem@nios Eudos" Ala deixou o marido dela
ara um temo e matou o r<rio filho dela" Ala o esfolou e usou o seu esfole como um
ano de sela' !e!eu o sangue dele usando o !on& de crUnio dele e comeu da carne dele" Am
algumas tradi)es & chamado 1hamo Zemati' e ela & descrita com .a!elo ,ermelho ara a
reresentar nature(a 5gnea e tem uma guirlanda de ca!eas humanas"
Ala monta or em uma mula ou ca%alo' um mar fer%ente' sangue e entranhas' feitas a
satisfa(er" * ca!elo dela & dito ter uma ena de a%o" # ele dela & escura a(ul da mesma
maneira -ue sua >anifestao hindu Cali' eles so am!os id:ntico dentro manifestao
sal%o era dito -ue 1hamo era entre o Limalaia' em %e( dos chos de cremao de ^ndia"
1hamo tem dois ser%os -ue %ia7am com ela' um leo enca!eou guardio conhecido como
+imha%akrtra e um Eakini" Ala tam!&m & descrita como estando co!erta em cin(as e
gordura de humano' ela tem tr:s olhos in7etados e segura uma maa de sandle/ood -ue
descre%e fre-;entemente um s5m!olo de ,a7ra" Mo & incomum ara %er 1hamo
caracteri(ada com uma lUmina esfolando chamado um Cartrika' esadas ou laos feitos de
entranhas humanas"
Q considerado -ue cremao fundamental em 9ndia5 & geralmente *este das cidades" *este
& sim!<lico como a direo da Moite' Ascurido e o *ceano ou a!ismo" Mo c5rculo -ue o
*este normalmente & dedicado a 1e%iat' #(ael Jo #n7o de >orte' uma forma de #(a(ilK
ou em eg5cios funcionamentos modernos #nu!is" # cUmara do +exo >$gico ode ter o
oeste focali(ado como o altar ou como um cemit&rio sim!<lico' com ossos ou imagens de
>orte" An-uanto %oc: ode usar a direo de Morte como o altar rim$rio' *este ode ser
reser%ado ara as exlora)es mais escuras de +exual >agick" +o achados os animais de
rotetor de Cali em cremao chos ? chacais' cor%os e outros animais -ue alimentam dos
coros de cad$%er do morto"
* corcel no -ual so chamadas montarias de 1hamo >akara%aktra' significando um mar?
monstro estado em frente de ser aseramente' semelhante ara uma forma do 1e%iat
ocidental" 1hamo guia >akara%aktra com r&deas feitas de serentes %enenosas or oceanos
de sangue' chamados em nomes de Hi!etan de khram?mtsho or rakta_9 rg0a?mtsho"
Dre-;entemente este sangue & chamado sangue menstrual' reresentando como uma
manifestao de #(" Asses -ue raticam %amiric sexual rituais !aseado no ensorcelling de
1hamo e Cali %o utili(ar a tigela de crUnio e %$rios instrumentos' en-uanto construindo e
.hi focali(ando e a!sor%endo a %5tima elo lao e rito de %amirismo em um senso
5 # #rte do Hantra ` Bhili Za/son' Hhames e Ludson"
A Coroa de Ci&co CrM&io" e o Rei DemE&io
Am +anskrit chamado Banchakaala' a .oroa de .inco .rUnios eram usados or muitas das
deidades de %amiric dos caminhos mais escuros de Pudismo" Aste s5m!olo reresenta
dom5nio" Doi dito -ue 1hamo rece!eu o seu do rei de dem@nio cani!al Eashagri%a -uando
ela se casou e le%ou a comer carne humana e sangue !e!endo" 2uando 1hamo deixou o rei
de dem@nio ela le%ou uma !olsa de doenas e montou o seu drago ? como mula de +hri
1anka' o seu %elho reino" .om o assar do temo ela morou em chos de cremao' o
crescimento de ele dela reta e a fome dela mudaram sua aar:ncia ara um dem@nio"
1hamo se tornou a mais oderosa deusa da cremao fundamental' ela !rande uma esada
de fogo e destr<i esses como -uem ela considerou inimigo"
Mo Hi!etan Pon' as tradi)es m$gicas antigas antes de Pudismo ro%:em um oderoso e
detalhado estudo de oder m$gico no Limalaia -ue deois se tornou uma forma de
S'INOE C'OG:EL P De2" da Mor/e
* Zei de Axist:ncia tam!&m & o Eeus de >orte' +hin7e' o marido de Cali" +hin7e !e!e
sangue humano como tam!&m consome carne humana e de ca%alo" Q dito ele 3restos nas
grandes chamas de exist:ncia e su!7uga at& mesmo as torturas de inferno4' assim +hin7e &
am!os escuro e lu(" L$ nenhum !om ou mal com este Eeus' o sinal dele & do consumidor
de %ida' o redador sem esar" +hin7e tam!&m est$ conectado ara o culto de +hi%a como o
Caala!hrta e >ahakala' significando 3* Irande Eestruidor"4 #lgum tantricks -ue
tra!alha com +hi%a utili(a o crUnio humano como um reciiente !e!endo e co!rindo o
coro com cin(as humanas" +o conhecidos alguns #ghori' uma seita de caminho de mo
es-uerda da ^ndia' %ai uma %e( em uma %ida o m5nimo elo menos comer carne de um
cad$%er na cremao cho"
* r<rio Caala & a tigela da -ual oferecimentos eram feitos" * sistema de ,a7ra0ana no
Hi!ete e ^ndia fe( a r$tica de ossos humanos esarramar como uma !ase de fundao
ritual" * crUnio se torna um reciiente essencialmente de adorao e um lugar de ha!itao
de foras di%inas' ossi%elmente relati%as ao r<rio feiticeiro" * mantra esecificamente
HUM" Assencialmente' ha%ia cultos -ue utili(aram as ordens de tantric de -ual o
oferecimento foram usadas tigelas ara oferecer sangue e s:men"

.omo Cali ou 1hamo reresenta a escurido -ue engole tudo' o comanheiro dela +hi%a
-ue or adr)es modernos & considerado ser rincialmente !ene%olente" Mos deixe
considerar o asecto de som!ra de +hi%a' conhecido como Phaira%a" Am esec5fica
>itologia ,&dica era +hi%a?Phaira%a Jo .ol&ricoK -ue cortou uma das ca!eas de Prama Jo
criadorK fora e segurou na mo es-uerda dele" Ara uma considerao e-uili!rada ara o
assassino do criador' o de%orador ara -ue !uscou' ser reconhecido ela r<ria di%indade
dele e nature(a infernal"
.omo Phaira%a le%ou o crUnio da -uinta e mais oderosa ca!ea do deus criador a Prahma'
ele era conhecido como o Caalin" # forma esiritual dele reresentou a nature(a dele" Ale
cresceu os dentes de um tigre' o redador' como os -ue os olhos dele eram em chamas era a
ca!ea dele de ca!elo %ermelho' ele le%ou esadas cru&is ou fre-;entemente um lao feito
de entranhas humanas' um Hridente' um conhecido s5m!olo em seitas de 1uciferian
influencias ocidentais modernas como aresentado em Deitiaria de 1uciferian' ele tem
cachorros redat<rios aos &s dele' eserando !e!er o sangue -ue ele derramar"
Q sugerido -ue Phaira%a atraia muitas mulheres a ele nas 7ornadas dele como ele transcende
e mo%e contra as leis do Prahmins -ue & os reconhecido 3o fa!ricante das 1eis4 ou norma
aceita da terra"
En-uanto no esecificamente corromido or 9deologias ocidentais' o Pon
Bo se7a aresentado o caminho Bredat<rio Asiritual !re%e' indo al&m de -uais-uer
conceitos de Pem ou >al"
Doram feitos m&todos de Mecromancia atual elo crUnio inteiro -ue & usado a contatar o
+L9?EZA' os fantasmas do morto" Q conhecido -ue o feiticeiro -ue con%ocar as som!ras do
morto odem dirigir estes es5ritos ara escoar energia de %5timas escolhidas" Ma tradio
de Pon Bo' o feiticeiro artiria um kaala com desli(ar de 3%enenoso4 ael' se inscrito
com' sigilos m$gico e um s5m!olo de uma figura encadernada"
Gm 6atusFfeiticeiro -ue a!raa o caos?asecto transcend:ncia cultural utili(aria este
m&todo simlesmente dentro o tra!alho atual deles' focali(ando o +ri ou +i dem@nios ara
ser uma ligao' de energia de drenagem da %5tima escolhida a ro<sito de sonhos" #s
som!ras so ligadas ao ael elos sigilos e -ual-uer um diferente do feiticeiro -ue tocam
isto %o se tornar uma fonte de energia da -ual o +i ode !e!er"
* crUnio humano no Pon Bo antigas seitas reresentam 3+hes ra!4' sendo +a!edoria' auto?
sacrif5cio Jchamado 31us +!0in4K e & o assento do r<rio es5rito" Q sugerido -ue um ser
do mal ou !oa r$tica su!7eti%a odem !eneficiar am!os como eles clarificam consci:ncia"
Gm 6atus ode utili(ar os nomes de Ere e +i esec5fico com um s<cio ara os manifestar
em outra essoa" Bor exemlo' se %oc: tem um ro!lema ininterruto com algu&m -ue no
ode ser solucionado' o feiticeiro ode inscre%er o nome e atri!utos do +i' Ere ou o Eae%as
do Eru7o Eemana' render a imagem da essoa ou nome a isto e ao executar
relacionamento com seu s<cio' am!os odem ressentir as caracter5sticas entrando no coro
deles e causando lentamente autodestruio"
,oc: ode !uscar usar isto como uma ligao s5-uica do -ual %oc: de%orar$ lentamente
como !em o .hi deles"
Em Pon Bo antigo' h$ dois esec5ficos rituais dos -uais exorci(am o ego o
Mo%e Ere e Ee( +i' o 3Ere dgu sk0as k0is Vde!s a4 e 3+ri !cu thur dug non a4 am!os de
-ue so dem@nios denominados 3energias negati%as4"# criao deles nasce na lenda dos
dois rogenitores de exist:ncia -ue & 3+rid a stang d!0al4 se coulou = meia?noite' !om e
mal emergiu de am!os ser harmonia e o e-uil5!rio de disc<rdia' re!elio" Eeidades !rancas
e deidades MegrasF>al nasceram' disto %ieram milhares de doenas e outros denominados
ills -ue se esalharam na terra" Dinalmente' disto nasceu os Mo%es Ere"
9" Eem@nio -ue arrasta a!aixo e cont&m a essoa o reinos infernais' >tho ru mi ster dma
!a_9 dre
99" Ere -ue ani-uila e consome exist:ncia chamada 0od du mi ster med a_9 dre
999" Ere -ue es%a(ia e continua escoando nunca ermitindo encher & gang du mi ster stong
!a_9 dre
9," Eem@nio -ue fa( o!re & h0ug tu mi ster d!ul !a_9 dre d!ul
," Ere -ue fa( est&ril e no ermite roagao & han tu mi ster rmang !a_9 dre
,9" Eem@nio -ue destr<i e cessa desen%ol%imento & chags su mi ster V7ig a_9 dre
,99" Ere -ue causa triste(a & sk0id du mi ster sdug a_9 dre
,999" Eem@nio -ue causa enganos & 0ag tu mi stern 0es a_9 dre
9]" Ere -ue diminui e no ermitir$ crescimento & hel du mi ster gri! a_9 dre"
+e a essoa comarar o Eru7 da B&rsia ao Ere do ancio Hi!ete' uma conexo um es5rito
ou so %istos tios de dem@nio' como tal ode ser usado em um senso de initiator0" +e o
6atusFfeiticeiro dese7a utili(ar o Pon Bo imagem de morte de um modo roduti%o com
magick de sexo' tais col&ricos es5ritos odem ser utili(ados com ossos humanos
legalmente o!tidos encanando o dese7o ou meta do ar externo ara o -ue eles !uscam" Mos
autores Hr5ade essoal e .o%en' utili(ando ossos humanos e cin(as como um sacramento
em tais ritos foi emregado uma mara%ilhosa extenso" 1e%a imaginao e conhecimento
do ego"
*s Ee( +i so chamados es5ritos mal&ficos -ue so ortadores do caos ao longo do
mundo" Ales emergem das energias negati%as de morte' o Hi!etan formulam o ser >as C0i
+hid" * rimeiro nasceu +i >asculino' um longo maned rei de o Eud e um +i Deminino -ue
rocriam 8 filhos" Asses filhos so\
Das Energias de Morte (Mas Kyi !id"
#!o sri ra$ c!en %dud r&e - 'ei do i
Mo sri dar g(!on - 'ain!a do i
+, C!e ri - Desordeiro -rande
++, C!ung ri - Desordeiro #equeno
+++, .!a% ri Ngo Nag - )ace #reta i do /eart!
+0, 'gan ri - i 0e$!o
0, -(!on ri - i 1o2em
0+, Dar ri - i Desordeiro adu$tos
0++, 3yer i - Causador de separa4es
0+++, 3yur ri - Causador de infort5nios
Ara dito -ue estes dem@nios existiam o comeo desde ento da terra" *s ex&rcitos deles
foram feitos do r<rio ser deles' suas casas so feitas nas ha!ita)es chthonic da terra"
Q dito -ue os comanheiros deles so os >alachud" Hais foram ditos es5ritos ara mo%er
ao longo do mundo e causar guerras' discusso e %$rias a)es ca<ticas no mundo" 1$ &
muito erto do Eae%as do cultus de 6atukih' se no o mesmo" *s ersianos antigos eram
um ouco mais detalhados em dae%as esec5fico e as a)es deles' en-uanto os Hi!etanos
sueram como descre%endo os asectos interiores %isualmente dos es5ritos deles"
RZ Podero"a" De2"a" Comedora" de Car&e
* Hi!etan formulam 3+hashkhadroma4 se refere 3.arne comendo Eakinis4 e & %amiric e
l0canthroic f:meas di%indades -ue so oderosos e-uil5!rios do mundo" Astas filhas
!estiais so' mas esses de!aixo da di%indade de Beldan 1hamo' Hi!etan Cali" #cessa estas
ancis di%inas mascaras como uma %ontade or de%oo sexual de seu s<cio" Astas Eeusas
so atri!u5das as -uatro dire)es cardeais\
? #!utre enca!eou Phaksini -ue le%a uma cla%a"
? ,ermelha skinned ,a7ra -ue le%a uma corrente de ferro e tem a ca!ea de um 1eo"
? .a%alo enca!eou e skinned %ermelho Zati -ue le%a o tronco de um cad$%er"
? .achorro enca!eou Zaksasi -ue tem um kartrika -ue & uma faca estofamento"
? ,eado enca!eou ,asuraksa -ue le%a um %aso e tem escura ele %erde"
? Loooe enca!eou #!hilasi -ue le%a um arco e seta"
? +anti & um drago da $gua enca!eou dae%i com ele %ermelha" Ala le%a a agua da ,ida"
? * Ascorio enca!eou #mrita segura um l<tus"
? Eanda & uma raosa enca!eou deusa"
? .andra & um falco enca!eado !ranco skinned dae%i com uma dor7e"
? * tigre enca!eou Zaksasi tem ele reta e le%a um asrikkaala -ue so uma x5cara de
crUnio cheia de sangue ara !e!er"
? # .a!ra enca!eou ,a7ra le%a uma armadilha"
,a7ri & um orco enca!eou kartrika -ue le%a deusa"
? >ahade%i le%a um Hridente e tem a ca!ea de um leoardo"
? Cumari le%a uma lana curta e tem a ca!ea de um urso da ne%e e ele %ermelha"
? 9ndrani segura um lao feito de entranhas e tem a ca!ea de um urso"
? * Zaksasi segura um dor7e -ue & um cetro ou %a7ra' disse estar iluminado de 9ndra"
? ,aisna%i tem ele a(ul e a ca!ea de um mongoose" Ala segura uma roda de dharma"
? ,a7ra segura um gancho f&rreo e tem ele !ranca e a ca!ea de um $ssaro"
? # serente enca!eou Prahmani segura um l<tus e tem ele laran7a"
? # serente enca!eou ,aruni segura um nagaasha -ue & um lao de co!ras" # ele dela &
? * lo!o enca!eou ,a7ude%i tem uma !andeira e ele a(ul"
? >ahahsastin!i segura um cad$%er grande' %erde skinned e tem a ca!ea de um elefante"
? # serente enca!eou ,a7ra segura um ghanta -ue & um sino"
,a7ra tem a ele da cor %erde"
? Gm !8falo enca!eou estaca -ue le%a Eeusa Mari tem %ermelha ele"
? * reto skinned Eeusa ,arahi tem a ca!ea de um orco e um lao feito de dentes
? * cor%o enca!eou ,a7ri carrega a ele de uma criana e tem ele %ermelha"
Q a funo deles como guardis do caminho do -ual guia o comortamento fero( deles
como dae%i %ora(' o mesmo tendo fome es5ritos ara os -uais !uscam o cho de charnal
esclarecimento" .omo a essoa os !usca or am!os sexual magick e %amirismo' um
s5m!olo da imagem deles ode ser uxado de acordo com descrio !$sica' meditado em
or am!os os raticantes e ento se coular com em mente"
#ntes de um cl5max for feito o raticante ir$ sim!olicamente chamar e !e!er do oder deles
do -ual como guardies eles ossam ou no ossa dar de !oa %ontade" #!sor%a e
lentamente alcance cl5max ade-uadamente" >antenha o s5m!olo em algo detido a cUmara
ritual" 9sto ode ser mediado deois em"
Mor/e e SeHo Ma.ic;
& Porto Proibido
* Eae%a -ue iniciou o dele ou dela na arte de Cali ode chegar a estes sim!<licos rituais ou
literalmente" Eeixar a r$tica ser guiada atra%&s de redileo' no deixe nenhum limite
ermanecer ara -ue nenhum dos ritos serem rofanados atra%&s de restrio' com reseito
a seu ha!itante ou leis federais" Belo caminho de morte ossa %oc: ossuir %idaN
O CadL-er e a Sed2?3o
Bernas su7as o condu(em adiante como ele tenta redu(ir a %elocidade e a massagear os
eitos dela" Ala & uma mulher de fins ex<ticos ? osso humano fragmentos no ca!elo dela
ara descre%er o dese7o dela de morte' olhos castanhos' um sem!lante cortante reresenta
seu cunt gote7ando cru' como um ortal' a!rindo a rofundidades infernais -ue o guiam ao
longo da na%alha agonia direta" Gm Berito -ue !usca Cali tem -ue entender a sacerdotisa &
o guiando e asecto insirador de toda a %ida" Brofundamente no corao ardente dela seus
dedos mo%idos mais fundo en-uanto ela geme' ainda ela o arou o guiou mais adiante ara
o camo de cad$%er" 9niciao cria ressalto relati%o =s lux8rias de nossos dem@nios
E2 %e&"o &ela5 2ma re"%ira?3o de cada -e4[
Hoda %e( eu ofego com um aerto de afrouxamento de uma %ida fr$gil' eu sinto mais %i%o
do -ue antes" +a!er isto sendo -uando esforo & maior em n<s' n<s sa!emos o -ue & estar
+a!er morte nos tra( mais 5ntimo ara nossa %ida' nosso momento assageiro de aixo em
-ue nada & certo ou limitadoY
Mo camo de cad$%er eu olho ara a escurido dela esfolada com lux8ria' sangue da lua
-ue a mancha' coxas internas uma cor lu!rificar?enegrecida' como eu creso 5ntimo o
cheiro da %ida fresca dentro dela e o cad$%er ara o -ue ela esta%a tentando se deitar'
en-uanto aodrecendo no cho de cremao"
#s lUminas nas mos dela eram imerfeitamente de %ara nos mem!ros do cad$%er' o temo
todo' me acenando mais 5ntimo" Au a -uis como olhos era eselho no a!ismo !rilhando
com o fogo mais escuro de %ida e fome"
.om um lao feito da entranhas de outro ela me ediu -ue le%asse meu s<cio e com o
cad$%er de!aixo de n<s' defumou face e %oou (um!indo em enxames' ara fuder ela ara
conhecer Eeus" .omo eu sentia a resso da ca!ea entrando na umidade dela' eu sentia
uma forma de :xtase surgindo"
.omo eu sentia as contas de suor acumular em minha so!rancelha e atr$s' eu olhando nos
olhos dela" Ho escuras -uanto iscinas fundam de uma ca%erna' chamaram rachas de
sangue enegrecido eu em como sentia eu -ue o instinto urgem ara unio e enetrar mais
.om uma mo meu om!ro agora' eu sentia o aertando e uxando adiante do coro dela
r<ximo ao meu' a outra mo -ue coloca uma corda frouxamente nodosa feita da entranhas
de um dos coros a-ui' ligeiramente seco' mas ainda cheirando a utrefao" * to-ue frio e
ega7oso me esfriando' ela chamou isto a me"
.omo o lao era ao redor tirado mais 5ntimo meu !ei7o' ela con%ocou LZ9> e com uma
estimulao de aixo uxa este 5ntimo at& -ue eu no ude resirar" Au comeo a !ater
com um ritmo !estial de!aixo do -ual tremeu o nosso coro e causa as moscas e nu%ens de
cad$%er aodrecido escaar e nos cercar" Ala diminuiu o lao longo !astante ara uma
resirao' um recheio de cheiro aodrecendo minhas narinas e me sufocando com o eso
de Masu' ela me lam!eu com uma l5ngua longa' cheirando a morte e sangue %elho" Au
sentia amor como eu fudia ela' !uscando ir mais adiante e mais rofundamente nela
+ussurrando em minha orelha' ela !rincou con%idando 3se %oc: fuder at& %oc: cum em
mim eu o matarei' o cad$%er de!aixo de %oc: ser$ seu 8nico comanheiro at& -ue eu %oltar
a fuder em seu coro4" Au sentia horror e chocado' de sentir o dese7o de inchao ara
e7acular dentro de seu 8tero de inseto ? temlo ara ermitir minha mente ara mais" Au
continuei !alanando o dela de um lado ara outro' o lao aertou no%amente como
controlei em minha aixo" #s instru)es dela esta%am claras' no o solte em ra(er
descuidado' sai!a o -ue %oc: -uer alcanar" Au -uis desertar meu ego como um Eeus' mas
eu -uis o dela" Ala sentia diferente" 3Au odeio sua semente e Au o odeio4 e ela trouxe a
entranhas' aderindo contra minha ele ara onde nenhuma resirao era tirado sem uma
Asta lux8ria determinar$ minha direo' ara le%antar a serente dentro" Asta%a no cho de
cremao -ue Cundalini foi ele%ada"
Krodha Kali
Eentro de uma massa de fogo ardente' ela !e!e de uma tigela de crUnio' o sangue desses
-ue no uderam ermanecer no c5rculo" Au me le%antei diante dela' murchado elos ritos
-ue eu emreendi e reali(ei' no or fortale(a de carne or es5rito" Ala escoou o eserma
h$ muito temo de mim e agora goteiras o us amarelando da hemorragia dela 6oni" * dela
era am!os %ida e morte"
Au oderia culti%ar amar o fedor ela' uma %e(' entrando nela en-uanto lam!endo e a
chuando l5ngua e o sangue -ue fluem de sua !oca fa( este fedor do 8tero dela se torne um
aroma mara%ilhoso de lux8ria" Ala sussurrou como minha edra o s<cio duro' in%ocado or
+i%a' com um som de frico 8mida' lana em um momento de enetrao desa7eitada"
Horcendo minha arte de tr$s como eu foro o coro dela so!re mim' minha esinha arece
transformar minhas %is)es em uma dana esiral de som!ras e7acular a massa inchada
aodrecida de coros de cad$%eres' a sua carne -ue & esfolada fora nos co!riu dentro um
temlo de coulao"
# manifestao do Mulo esta%a a-ui' contudo ela no dese7ou dissol%er meu ser" 9sto nunca
era fre-;entemente o grande segredo re%elado ara iniciaO o Ago fica forte or de%orar a
fra-ue(a dentro"
Au segurei nenhum limite como ela mordeu e lam!eu meu escoo e enfrente' en-uanto
arranhando com uma mo deseserada meu om!ro' como se olhando ara uma serente
ara emergir disto" Hremendo como escalei mais adiante em um mantra' eu erdi
imress)es da lux8ria dela e s< conheci isto como !uscando entrar nela sem escurido com
cada emurro no seu cunt" Au sou!e lentamente como cada serente cercando minhas
ernas e torso' o temo todo' minha ,ontade focali(ou na di%indade 5gnea dentro dela'
l$!ios emurraram a!erto e %ora( me engolindo com ulsar' a!andono !estial"
Mestes momentos' eu dese7ei %er ela matar e fatiar a carne do muitos sacrificados dela' -ue
ela ag;entou a!rir a carne deles re%elando a alma" Am -ue de%orando' s< ha%ia as lu(es or
8ltimo chame7ando de um es5rito antes dela os consumido" Ee %e( em -uando ela acha%a
uma das chamas enegrecidas' em -ue ela acha%a a alegria no es5rito -ue tem entrado uma
%e( o nulo" Ala ermite o es5rito a cercar e sa!orear do cunt dela mais rofundamente -ue
antes' em -ue o !ranco e %ermelho & reunido como um"
Camakh0a' a me enegrecida com o sangue menstrual aodrecido' fluindo em minha !oca
ansiosa' e7aculando em seu corao" Eeixe eu emurrar rofundamente como as -uedas de
esada no !ei7e em frente a n<s' en-uanto a!rindo derramando adiante sangue enegrecido e
insetos escaando" Meste cemit&rio n<s somos morte' cada emurro' rofundamente em
seu corao de hemorragia" 2uando n<s %emos este tio de fluxo de sangue e as 7<ias se
aarecendo como crUnios' or -ue n<s %amos recisar de -ual-uer outra coisa no mundoY
Au -uero as coisas ruins ara %ir e me ad-uirir'
Au -uero -ue eles reconheam minha desmerecedora nature(a" Eos gritos dentro do cunt
dela' como ela emurra escorregadio em mim' en-uanto excitando meu coro ardente"
2uando eles comeam me mordendo & -uando eu morderei atr$s" Ala me -uer a fuder o
dela mais -ue nunca' como eu mordo a!aixo nos es5ritos -ue ensaram -ue eu era
aca!ado" Au creso mais excitado ela morte deles e minha r<ria fora' -uando o es5rito
cessa e a fora & minha"
E&-ol-e&do o Daemo&ic Femi&i&o
* HriUngulo de A%ocao ou local de reunio dos As5ritos & sim!oli(ado de muitas
maneiras" * triUngulo dentro do r$xis da >agick sexual ode ser um triUngulo in%erso
com em cada um dos tr:s ontos uma ca%eira ou crUnio sim!<lico" 9sto reresenta as Hr:s
+om!ras de Pruxas do Dogo Jinsirao e criati%idade de #s Hr:s Daces de L&cate' a deusa
dos cemit&riosK e o oder interior do raticante" Eentro do .aminho 1uciferiana muitos
usam o HriUngulo Io&tico com o Mome #R?#R?A1 dentro em %e( de >9?.L#?A1 ou o
HriUngulo das Hre%as usado ara sim!oli(ar #hriman e a reunio lugar de serentes" ,oc:
ode tra!alhar com Cali de %$rias maneiras" Am rimeiro lugar' rocurar um er5odo de
dedicao silenciosa a ess:ncia lunar de Cali J1ilithK e !uscar as conex)es internas de seu
r<rio ser como atri!ui?lo a identificar de ser" Ei(?se -ue Cali & feia fora' mas al&m da
!arreira est$ cheia de :xtase e !ele(a' -ue sustenta todas as ideias negati%as e ositi%as"
#-uelas ideias dentro de um .aminho da >o As-uerda ou o foco & 1uciferiana' -ue
erce!e?se o seu rofundo dese7o e rocura manifestar ? seara a transformao de si e mais
tarde o exterior ou mundo o!7eti%o em torno de %oc:" +e %oc: & um macho homossexual'
rocuram o feminino em rimeiro lugar atra%&s solit$rio m&todos e' em seguida' tra!alhar
com o seu arceiro escolhido" +eu arceiro ode assumir o ael de deusa do -ue %oc:
ode' neste ode ser dulamente ligado' en-uanto os raticantes so comletamente focada
no o!7eti%o" Gm mantra -ue ode ser recitado nos rimeiros tra!alhos solit$rios com a Cali
ode ser Calilim' -ue & uma ala%ra com!inado ? sigilo de Cali e 1ilith ou sua role' 1ilim"
Aste & uma interior con%ocao do s8cu!os dentro do su!consciente' rocurando a!rir uma
orta dentro da mente ara o mais escuras foras da Eeusa" ,oc: ode se concentrar em
sua %isuali(ao en-uanto desertando?se' lentamente no in5cio ? ela ode ser aenas %agas
na imagem' mas' em seguida' mais detalhes at& = altura da unio com seu es5rito -ue %oc:
%:?la claramente e ento ela & chamada em sua mente do a!ismo no momento do cl5max"
O" Q\ &ome" de Lili/h P A4
Como Ga6alo& a M2@her E"carla/e
Aqui reside o fundamento da sexualidade em segredo, o vazio e atingindo alm do
bem e do mal. Como muitos tm procurado compreender o papel do feminino na
natureza e magia, o excelente oportunidade para os profissionais do caminho
luciferiano para compreender o druj eo feminino dentro em primeiro lugar.
A mulher o destinatrio mais importante e ponto de foco de magia. Sem a
mulher o sexo masculino ineficaz, em uma perda.
Mulher foi derrubada pelo cristianismo e outras brancas religies da luz por tanto
tempo que eles tm quase espancado at a natureza da mulher.
A Mulher Escarlate do Culto de Thelema um moderno manifestao da tentativa
de "correo" pelo estado de mulher como uma encarnao da perfeio. Entenda
bem que o feiticeiro pode se tornar grande, uma vez que ele ou ela tenha
entendido a inspirao ou Shakti dentro e como isso afeta a masculino, ambos
esto presentes em seres vivos.
H princpios divinos de que a mulher conhecida, todos so essencial e apenas
um mtodo de categorizao de pontos iniciao e sabedoria. Mulher
essencialmente a Deusa encarnar. Os 14 pontos de presente sigilo deve ser
reconhecida como um ferramenta de compreenso detalhada do Feminino
Daemonic. Se voc so do sexo masculino, a sorte de ter uma mulher que procura
este caminho, a sua iniciao ir expandir a um ritmo mais rpido do que
alguns. Para os magos solitrios que no tm um companheiro para uma razo ou
outra, seu desafio entender. Para entendo que voc deve experimentar. Na
verdade, existem 17 ou nomes mais conhecidos de Lilith, que so essenciais para
compreender a natureza predatria da Deusa. No olhar para fora de si mesmo
para ela - primeiro olhar para dentro. Encontre o predadores (alcanar) elementos
e olhar para os animais seu totem - corujas, morcegos, lees, lobos: como eles
interagem com o seu prprio espcie? No mostram respeito, nobreza? Como
eles interagem com presa? Como o instinto de desempenhar um papel na sua
iniciao? Se voc so muito estruturado em termos de prtica, possivelmente
fechando a mente ao instinto - voc est realmente se tornando?
Lili/h ALili/2C
O demnio da noite de folclore da antiga sumria, o Lilitu feminina demonaca
na sua mais bela e intensa.
Entenda que tudo o que voc faz impulsionado pelo desejo em si. Como se pode
medir o desejo? Voc deve encontrar o que voc quer, utiliz-la como um ponto
de inspirao para realizar seu objetivo. Se seu objetivo sutil, o demnio
realmente divina e sempre de bom pensamento. Se ela o seu desejo direto, o
fogo de Az pode lev-lo a loucura. Controlar o desejo pelo foco produtivo,
disciplina. tente uma Sigilizao mtodo que pode lev-lo a sonhar congresso
com este tipo de servo ou esprito. Existem 17 nomes tradicionalmente da Deusa,
como revelado pelo profeta Elias hebraica. Lilith to Samael, ele acasalar. Ela
metade do adversrio e o aspecto de fogo de conscincia e desejo.
A estrela de sete vezes de Babalon essencial para compreender a natureza da
besta e os conceitos cristos do Apocalipse. Em primeiro lugar, olhar para a
referncia dos 6 ArchDaevas de Ahriman, Aeshma, o Demnio da Lana Ferir
sendo a fora condutora deste em termos do Corpo de homem / mulher.
Uma vez que a inspirao ou chama est acesa, sendo Babalon ou Az, em
seguida, o drago pode ser trazido em unio com ela e com o Sorcerer nasce.
Escurido requer a compreenso alm Bem e do Mal, a fora para dominar o
subconsciente e a Vontade de emergir como uma fonte de luz. Esta a diferena
distinta entre o Caminho da Mo Esquerda e Caminho da Mo Direita.
O Sorcerer est se tornando uma fonte de Magia em vez de ser absorvido por ele.
A me de Azhi Dahaka, o companheiro de uma vez de Ahriman.
Vadak o adltero primeiro de acordo com Zoroastro conhecimento antigo. Vadak
um componente para o esprito das trevas entrar carne. Compreender os
elementos que criam o Adversrio dentro, como voc pode "incarnar" esses
desejos. Cada ao ser tornar-se uma expresso do adversrio.
Um demnio da seca e da sede, relacionada com a fome de existncia
continuada. Ela um esprito encarnado de Az, a primordial me das trevas.
Contemplar o que "seca", internamente meios desprovidos de resultados dentro.
Certamente h algo de "Seca" dentro, h sempre deve ser. niciao est em
andamento, interminvel e na minha experincia voc to poderoso como
voc est hoje - gera preguia auto-destruio e a me do cristianismo - o
desejo de "pertencer". Pertencem apenas em o exterior, interior deve ser sempre
abordado como um templo de Auto-suficincia.
A druj feminina de sua Vontade. Uma vez que esta atribui demnios se ao seu
desejo escolhido, ela no deixa ir. Khnanthaiti um veculo excepcional de prpria
vontade, aprender com este inflexvel desejo.
A sedutora que tambm uma fora devoradora, ela chamada de Bruxa por
textos mais velhos zoroastrianos. Mush Parika est associada escurecimento do
Sol, seu inimigo. Ela est tambm associada a aspectos do Drago Ahriman
sendo misturada com a criao. Em magia sexual, a sabedoria da luz obtida e
alimentada pelas trevas, como uma rvore feita a partir de forte suas razes na
escurido da terra.
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah.
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah.
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
Um nome de Lilith, como revelado pelo profeta Hebraico Elijah
%haos e o Adversario
8 Despertar AAOS, lembrou de seu propsito, e falou ao seu corao; "Os arcanos
do desejo (ou seja, amor-prprio) seria estar satisfeito com nada, mas a sua auto
original pela nica. Assim, a minha moral me ensinou por smbolos de sonho.
Como na vida, por isso, o sono - todas as coisas tm uma relao sexual
significado, escondido por justia. Aqui um mistrio e um meio de Vontade.8
-AOS - O Foco da Vida Austin Osman Spare (1888-1956) foi o artista moderno
trouxe conscientes mgicas e arte feiticeiro numa aparncia visvel, produzindo
uma pletora de mais tarde - estilo anarquista feiticeiros interessado trabalhando
em sua prpria arcanos do desejo, prpria Fundao para o trono do adversrio
que reside no entre os duplos conceitos de foras opostas como "nem-nunca".
preciso ter em mente, enquanto um Pode-se perguntar o conceito de Set-
Typhon e como esta diz respeito ao sistema de Spare de feitiaria solitria parece
ser nublado, a fundao e suas definies no so.
A tempestade de Set-Typhon, o "mal" se voc no nada mais do que os desejos
subconscientes do feiticeiro, uma vez desbloqueado no sentido de sonhar, atravs
de feitiaria em si, pode ser usado para alcanar o que o praticante pode desejar
complementar ou se manifestar no mundo desperto.
O processo empregado poupe so realmente encontrados no antigo sistemas de
Sistematicamente, Austin Osman Spare tinha feito um bom estudo detalhado de
grimrios clssicos, como A Goetia, Grimoirium Verum e outras obras. De 1904
Spare j formulou sua criativa tcnica que foi sem dvida um resultado de seu
incio influncia artstica em vez de nada abertamente ocultismo. Foi ele durante o
seu estudo com Aleister Crowley que Spare realmente encontrou sua prpria
gnose de estudo feiticeira, ele foi criativamente mais para fundar um sistema de
obsesso atravs de Vontade-Desejo-crena. Tem sido sugerido que Spare
desenvolveu seu mtodo sigilico de Cornlio De Agripa Occulta Philosophia, que
introduz uma tcnica de combinao de rabe, grego e latim letras para formar
armadilhas espirituais ou casas servidoras. Para exemplo-
"Existem, portanto, vinte e duas letras que so a fundao do mundo, e de
criaturas que so, e so nomeados na mesma .... Ele, portanto, iria encontr-los
fora, deve por cada unio das letras to longas examin-los, at que uma voz de
Deus se manifesta, e o enquadramento da maioria das letras sagradas ser aberto
e descoberto. "(Trs Livros de Filosofia Oculta, por Agripa.)
Austin Spare utilizou a imagem conceitual do desejo como foi baseado em sexo e
funcionamento derivado congresso. Para que um desejo de se tornar carne, com
tais como feitiaria Goetic, deve-se adotar uma forma de f que controlada e
quis crena. Deste sigilo o seria construdo por uma srie de cartas a partir do qual
entrelaar e se tornar algo no totalmente reconhecvel em forma. O significado
em si seria perdida para a mente consciente, ainda em solo fecundo no
subconsciente, iria ressurgir no momento certo por uma vontade consciente
ressurgimento atvico. nesta forma que se poderia invocar e controlar
"demnios, "anjos e outros espritos que aparecem e produzem resultados em
trabalhos mgicos.
Zos vel Thanatos (o nome Cult Bruxa de reposio) sugeriu que se o mgico
pressionado a difcil alcanar um objetivo, ento a fora de sua prpria vontade
pode um impedimento para a realizao. Portanto, foi sugerido que, no momento
da evocao do desejo deve ser focado e, depois, apagados ou banido a mente. A
princpio bvio disso baseado em torno de o lado mente consciente ser
rastreados e comunicar-se diretamente com o subconsciente, o que fez no
entender as palavras mas apenas atravs simblico imagens e impulsos. Por
realmente esquecendo o objetivo, a mente consciente permitido o subconsciente
para trazer este desejo especfico para incarnar. O "demnio ou "anjo em
seguida, foi assim, desde o grande arcano do eu, Zos e Kia -, portanto, existe e se
comunica atravs de os prprios alfabeto sagrado do Desejo.
Austin Spare tambm explicou que o Alfabeto Sagrado uma espcie de formas
de raiz de sigilos evocativas, que um script ou grimoire de familiares e servidores
que circundam (envolve - feitiaria) o crculo do Sab (o sonhar conclave) e eu.
8Mas desejos estranhos de arcanos mais estranhas. A lei que eu fao ao pensar
Deus - e ir esmagar e refazer de novo: para que eu possa cometer todos os
pecados imaginveis contra a sua palavra. Meu utilitrio foi-meu-prazer que por si
s o meu servio para o homem e para o cu, em que eu sou o Cabra8 -
AOS, O Foco de Vida.
Aqui Spare obviamente relaciona com a oposio ou Aspectos contraditrios de
auto - de que o caos a partir do qual Set-Typhon o Deus, mas cria Ordem de
para o propsito de equilbrio e de manifestao de temporria satisfao de
amor-prprio. neste aspecto que Spare relativo essncia final do Sagrado
Alfabeto, uma chave para a auto-deificao, uma ferramenta das portas do
inferno. nferno uma palavra derivada de Helan, Angelo-saxo para "hele" e
esconder, o arcano muito do eu. Em referncia ao cu, um estado temporrio
de auto-satisfao, destrudo na queda de conscincia atravs da rebelio
luciferiana de autoconhecimento e que a unidade que se inicia muito escondida
conhecimento que pode se tornar sabedoria. Por que o cu ns entronizar, ainda
pela queda que ns anunciamos nossa conscincia individual e do "eu" que nos
faz todo e nico.
Leviat, a eterna Serpente-Drago dos Oceanos do Subconsciente um guardio
do porto, no s a nosso grande potencial, mas a nossa essncia imortal de si
mesmo. A Serpente Ourabouris circunda o auto e totalidade do ser, e atravs do
alfabeto sagrado que cada trama e forma, o ponto de comunicao de que
atende Leviat nossas chamadas. A Serpente si est dentro das profundezas
das guas do Nun, o Caos que o nosso subconsciente, constantemente
mergulhando o "eu" atravs das portas de ambos Cu (estase e ecstasy) e o
nferno (rebelio e amor-prprio atravs de os dinmicos ponto de se tornar).
8 Conhea o subconsciente para ser um eptome de tudo experincia e sabedoria,
encarnaes passadas que os homens, animais, pssaros, vida vegetal, ect, ect,
tudo o que existe tem e cada existir. Cada ser um estrato a ordem de evoluo.
Naturalmente, em seguida, mais baixa que sonda para esses estratos, a verso
anterior sero as formas de vida chegamos, a ltima a simplicidade todo-
poderoso. E se nosso sucesso em despert-los, vamos ganhar a suas
propriedades, e nossa realizao corresponder.8 -
O Livro do Prazer
O subconsciente contm um mapa primal do que ns podemos tornar-se,
chegando de volta. lycanthropy e Vamprico auto-transformao por Necromancia
nterna (ressurgimento atvico) permite que a nossa prpria dinmica Tornar-se
incarnar as encarnaes para emergir como o que considerado "EU" - seres em
No foco de vida, Spare escreve sobre um assumindo Postura da Morte para
alcanar a gnosis especfico para cobrar a evocao alfabtica e sigilica,
permitindo o auto de assumir a forma de Thanatos, o deus grego da Morte e do
rmo de Morfeu. O resultado uma mensagem arcana da transferncia de at
consciente o Olho de Leviat - conhecimento sonhar:
"As guas tornou-se turva, barrenta, em seguida, e movimento comeou. ndo
mais perto, ele observou um atoleiro fosforescente cheia de abortos inquietos
da humanidade e criaturas - como mudworms lutando, sem rumo e cego: um
imenso pntano de insatisfao, um desejo feito em pedaos. Foco de Vida
Esta escurido de si prprio que se fez carne em entes prprios desejos e
desejos conscientes e planos para o futuro. Em mencionar isso, pode-se referir ao
conceito de tornando-se - para se manifestar e reconhecer a dinmica de como
voc est chegando l. Esta a chave de como tal Sigilo tcnicas podem ser
usadas. Caos til quando voc entender como criar ordem a partir dele. Por este
processo ento til para voc em um primeiro nvel, antes que algum outra
coisa. Caos um amigo para aqueles que podem reconhecer atributos que inici-
lo, portanto, produzir o efeito oposto antes que o evento pode ser realizado como
um desejo de ordem. Para simplificar esta - note sistemtica ou conscientes,
semelhanas iniciais em caos, e depois por reconhecer esses pontos que podem
aparecer tambm detalhado para a energia aleatria, pode ser assumido, em
alguns sigilica forma de produzir de forma ordeira e muitas vezes Vontade resultar.
A "Nem-Nunca" princpio dos dois, o estado onde a mente passou alm da
concepo, que no pode ser equilibrada, pois implica somente em si. O "eu"
princpio atingiu o "no importa - no precisa ser "do Estado, e no est
relacionado forma .... indestrutvel, ele tem o poder de destruir - por isso s
verdade liberdade e existncia ... . renunciar tudo pelos meios mostrados, se
abrigar na mesma. Certamente este a morada de Kia "-? E Ao O Livro dos
O processo Antinomian da Postura da Morte e do Alfabeto Sigilico o contraditrio
e Opositora essncia de Lcifer / Shaitan / Azazel / Set, a essncia individualista
do "eu" que buscamos para se tornar
livre ainda informados sobre o nosso processo de como obtido e desenvolvido.
Aleister Crowley, que teve trabalhos de iniciao com reposio no incio de sua
carreira, compreendeu o desejo da Prostituta sagrada chamada Babalon e
percebeu o masculino como o leo-Serpente cabeas chamado Yaltabaoth ou
Samael, No entanto Crowley chamou Abraxas pelo nome. Enquanto nem foram
capazes de manifestar esses nomes durante a seus tempos de vida e ambiente, a
fora estava presente e em suas mentes ao longo de suas prprias vidas.
"Existindo como dupla, eles so idnticos em desejo, por sua dualidade no h
controle, por vontade e crena so sempre em varincia, e cada daria forma a
outra das suas extremidades, na edio nem ventos como a alegria um refgio
de tristeza.
Deixe-o uni-los "- O Livro dos Prazeres
Um grimrio de amor-prprio e deificao destinado a um processo ou
ferramenta de arte feiticeira, de alta e baixa magia que produz mudana, a
explorao de auto. A Postura da Morte como um meio de produzir Vontade
resultados, cobrando o processo sigilico melhor descrito como chegando a um
ponto de xtase que a mente esquece e perde entorno conceituais por auto-
Amor. Esta a "queda" do processo, a rebelio luciferiana a partir do qual a auto
emerge da Postura da Morte conscincia do seu ser, a existncia que torna
separado do Cu ordem natural to procurado impor-lhe. H um aspecto do nosso
eu, que Cu, quando buscamos inconscientemente e estase repouso
prolongado, e, em seguida, a auto avana dissoluo. O Sethian / Luciferiana
entende isso e se move atravs do caminho Sorcerous da Serpente para
opor-se e atravs de contraditrio e antinomianian tcnicas de separao e a sua
deificar "EU", que a essncia imortal de si mesmo.
Em "Morte Postura" Spare ilustrao no livro "de Prazer" , Conjunto aparece na
Forumula Sigilica do Ego descendo e subindo pelo arcanos do subconsciente, o
prprio corpo do auto tomando forma na Thanatos - A Caveira liderado Deus da
Morte. Set-Typhon se levanta da Mscara Falco Cabeas de que o Prncipe das
Trevas usa, ascendente acima Alfa e Omega (Azoth) e do Corpo de Primal
Mulher. conjunto convocando a grande pirmide do Eu, a Mo e o Olho (Zos e
Kia), no centro do sol. em esse aspecto que atravs da auto caindo na
escurido, Definir como a ordem racional e forte fazendo Senhor do Caos
(note a natureza adversria e contraditrio) intimao adiante por Vontade o
Templo de Azothoz, sendo o meio-dia Sol, sagrado para Shaitan / Azazel, uma
forma de Definir o Adversrio. A Postura da Morte o abrao variando de
morte por perder o controlo automtico, caindo para trs inconsciente para cercar
e devorar o desejo na formar de um sigilo para o subconsciente e perder
percepo na mente consciente.
Austin Spare created a number of illustrations and
paintings based on the bestial aspects of the mind,
emerging as demonic and elderly spirits and servitors
clothed in the parts of animals. The illustrations shown in
"The Book of Ugly Ecstasy present the possibility of a
reality from behind the face, the opposing side or
adversarial aspects of each concept of normality.
Often a seeming sex magical process is depicted,
ejaculating spirits clothing other familiars in their desire
of self-love, that which you want most manifesting no
matter how disgusting or ugly. Spare created numerous
illustrations featuring the concept of vampirism
essentially the devouring aspects of the subconscious
which take the form of half-animal people. One
specific drawing, called "The New Eden which is in
several versions depicts a nude dreaming woman,
facing a serpent and desiring it, encircled by a bat
winged manifestation of darkness which rides above
the moon, it's blackened face manifesting and up
swelling her desire for the 'other'.
Austin Spare who was Zos vel Thanatos understood the
process of sorcery from a left hand path perspective,
rather internally. He did not seek mastery of the
physical world, nor was he Satanic or Luciferian. He was
the artist of the inner mind, his temple was that of the
elderly fucking in demonic forms. Spare knew that once
the subconscious could be opened, those bestial and
sometimes angelic desires could be controlled and
shaped to the desire of flesh in the world.
Take for instance, the concept of the Alphabet of
Desire. t is merely, a language of the subconscious, a
book of dead names. By naming those 22 zones of the
subconscious, which is called the Qlippoth in the
Luciferian Path of Liber HVH, Luciferian Witchcraft and
Book of the Witch Moon, one may accomplish many
internal aspects of unleashing power. Spare drew and
focused on the Alphabet of Desire as a kind of sacred
letter which would preserve belief from the Ego itself,
allowing belief to return to the subconscious mind over
and over again. t becomes lost to the conscious mind
from intelligence, but is understood completely in the
form of emotion to the subconscious.
n summary, the Gates of Hell is the subconscious from
which one may Will their desire into flesh in this world, it
is ultimately a means of exploring the mmortal Essence,
and ones own Coming into Being. Leviathan is the gate
keeper of this process, and the Higher Self (mmortal
Essence or Holy Guardian Angel) is the manifestation of
this work.
Alle.orie" i& /he I&Ker&al
Tra&"Korma/io& oK Therio&ic; De"ire
Within the Shadows
Sister Claire prayed feverously, invoking
Jesus and the Saints, yet her heart was
filled with blackness and the lust of the
Adversary. As she had been awoken by
Father Urbain Grandier, who as a Priest of
their parish in St. Pierre du Marche in
Loudon, he whispered something to her
and she felt the searing heat of lust, of
desire and blasphemous entanglements
with Goat faced spirits. Pig like beasts
snort and lick up the drippings of their
dreamlike fornications, while her swelling grew with the size
and violent thrusts of the beast like member pounding
deep within her burning core.
That was before, this night Sister Claire so wished for the
Devil to come unto her. Many nights Asmodeus came to
them and bit her inner thighs while reciting prayers
backwards, she would move her forefinger at a feverish
pace over her clitoris while calling to her lover, the Devil
himself and lusting for the pulsing yet cold member of the
demon Asmodeus. Grandier would often join in these
Sabbatic and Sexual Rites, often wearing a black hood
while fucking her with a fury that would tear many girls
apart. There was no rape in this Covenant, only desire and
fulfillment. The Nuns knew the passion of the Cross, but also
the lust and desire of the Demons summoned by Father
Urbain Grandier. He taught them the keys of summoning
and going unto the spirits as friends, not as the Christian
tyrants whom they pretended to uphold.
Sister Claire was in her cold chamber again; rather in her
mind was an elaborate temple of both the heights of
Heaven and the depths of Hell. Urbain Grandier had
taught her the art of coitus cum demone, to use their
union to empower their very being and strengthen them
as sorcerers the very art of the witch. Sister Claire invoked
the God of Flies, Beelzebub in her chamber one night
before sleeping. She envisioned flies and larva into her
chamber and she drifted off to sleep. Waking in a half
dream state, she tore from her sheets to be greeted by a
Blackened Shadow, yet its very head was obscured in a
mass of circling flies.
She understood and when touched by this daemon, she
recited "Fuck me with your filth and raise me up in your
fire, let me be your whore to herself and she positioned
herself on her knees and felt the cold press of the demon's
member into her. She felt a strong pressure on her knees as
she knelt on the uncomfortable makeshift bed.
While revolting at first and feeling the frigid grip of
Beelzebub's left hand on her hip, she felt a burning
sensation and gently pushed back to take his large and
painful cock inside her. As this large shadow which had a
frigid touch began to thrust slowly back and forth, she
heard a hissing and the buzzing of flies, which grew in
volume. At first being repulsed, she found a desire which
could not be sated by anyone else. She fucked this beast
with frenzy, spitting chants of transformation and
becoming while the serpent tongue of Beelzebub hissed
words of power which seemed to burn themselves in her
back. The member of this devil seemed to be entangled
with flesh, yet seemed to crawl with insect like legs from
the base of the demon. As the cock pumped deep within
her, she felt a moist sensation she could not understand,
yet the slight stinging was a sweetness she could not resist.
With each thrust, deep within her she felt small and large
insect legs tickling her lips which devoured this devil's
penis. Sister Claire wanted these demons as the earth
longs for a falling star, she thirsts for it to fill her cunt with a
burning abandon, she wanted to shed tears of obsession
and a deep desire as she gave every ounce of herself to
the demon.
While still being fucked as a chained slave, she suddenly
felt a deep burning sensation in her anus. Slowly she was
being invaded by another member of the devil. t entered
slowly; looking back she was fucked with harder thrusts,
the demon lover allowing black spittle to pour from its
mass of flies onto the anus and the other black cock
which emerged from a liquid belching demonic mouth
above his humanistic genitalia. She was repulsed and filled
with more desire. She felt as if it was tearing her apart even
with the burning black spittle ejaculated from the mass of
flies which made up its head.
She knew of the names of the servitors of Beelzebub, from
ancient Hebrew sources known by Father Urbain Grandier.
As she was slowly fucked deep in her asshole and cunt
pounded by the pulsing and growing phalluses of the
Beast, she chanted and hissed the names of some servitors
Amatia, Dorak, Arcon, Plison, Lamalon. Each name
vibrated and hissed in unison by Sister Claire and
Beelzebub, who seemed to know and be completely in
tune with her words. The demon servitors would grow from
shadows to attend their calling; their form would be
perverted corpse like children dripping in the moist grease
from a body during the stages of decay. Such incubi and
demonic servitors were bred forth by the blood and elixir
into a vessel made strong in the light of the moon.
Fucking the beast she looked up and found other
shadowy forms taking shapes as what appeared to be
demonic and malformed bestial-children. Five appeared
from the blackness of the corners, which which The Lord of
Flies brought with his summoning. Their faces were wrinkled
and scab covered with seeming old age, their eyes were
black as they reflected neither light nor comfort as normal
children's eyes. Each moved forward, white pale and
corpse like flesh, gray then turning pitch black on ends, still
born and emerging from shadows. They were chanting in
child like voices and touching themselves in lewd ways.
As they moved forward the demons slowly mutated into
decaying dogs with little or no fur and pasty, almost
greasy colored gray flesh. Emitting a foul odor, these
beasts now began to fuck each other, dripping a bile on
the back of the other being sodomized. Their mouths
changing and transforming into large vaginas while
savagely being fucked from behind, a serpent tongue
slithering from the vagina lips and then suddenly came
more flies and maggot larva from the blood dripping
holes. When one beast finished fucking the other the pull
out brought a seeming ejaculation of rotting milk, the smell
rising over the odor of the decaying dogs which was
similar to that of clumped blood clots. When one beast
finished the other moved in a half human way to the front
and began penetrating the vagina in the face of the
other. As Sister Claire was being pumped in both her
spread anus and vagina, powerless and submissive, she
was hearing the slurping sound of the cunt-mouthed
demon sucking the other decaying beast off.
As the Beelzebub reached a climax, she felt the in pouring
of a cold and almost burning substance within her, she
bent up to take the serpent's tongue deep in her mouth
while the Shadow which took form continued ejaculating
within her womb. Flies buzzed and landed on her face as
she kissed deep her Demon, and for the moment did she
find satisfactionthe demon brought not death but life,
and rested in the blackness of her mind.
A6o-e Sa/a&ic Co%2la/io&"
/he Ar/ oK Fle"h a&d Fire
Gehold! A Grimoire written in flesh, blood
and the fluids of the Agape! From shadows
long forgotten does her name come forth
again in the minds of many, Az. She is of
many names, Lilith, Kali, Jeh, zorpo, Batna,
Satrina, Eilo, Abeko, Kokos, Odam, Partasah,
Talto, Patrota, Amizo, Abito, ta, Kea,
Lamassu, Ardad Lili, Abyzu and known
among you all. By these names shall you
fornicate in honor of, be it known, anyone
who may undertake an Holy Rite of Passage
as described in this book of spirit, you must at all times
during do so in honor of Her in mind. The End of all Flesh is
the beginning of the Fiery Spirit of which you seek. Know
her in ecstasy and aversion, from that shall you begin to
understand her nature within you.
This is a forbidden text, here is given the means, formula
and cipher to invoking sexual daemons and the spirits of
the abyss deep within you. This text is meant as an honest
manual of practice, a key to the gates of hell.
Know that the Agape (love) and the path of Sexual
Magick can be as elaborate or as simple as you wish. t
can also be as dark, brooding or as "dangerous as you
wish (this does not apply to unsafe sex mind you!).
ndividuals are able to interact with spirits and daemonic
forces within and outside of themselves. f one chooses to
work with a partner, they should be well informed and
focused on the path as well. Casual sex partners would in
some ways degrade the purpose of the Great Work, unless
they were aware of the significance of what you were
undertaking. t may prove dangerous for them as well,
malefic forces in the shadows of the practitioner do
manifest in various ways. The "pure one undertaking the
rite subconsciously controls these powers, while an outsider
may not have the slightest idea of what they are truly
involved in.
The ritual tools of Sexual Magick altar, circle, dagger and
any other implement is used as a means of self-inspiration,
of bringing tools towards a specific and direct application
to aid in ritual work.
Within this grimoire text you will find fictional, inspirational
and practical elements of exploring sexual sorcery. The
utmost importance of any working however is safe sex.
You should communicate and discuss workings with your
partner, do not leave any subject untouched within sexual
magick and ensure that both partners are completely
clear of their direction, needs/wants and focus. Do not
explore sex magick without the responsibility of practicing
Safe Sex.
A6o-e Aa%e%5 /he Ser%e&/ oK Dar;&e""
Within the realm of Sexual Magick it must be understood
that you must be completely honest with yourself, or you
shall create a spiral force which will devour you. Sex
Magick is dangerous because you are working with
intense emotions; Magick is successful with intense
emotions utilized and Willed in a specific direction. Know
thyself is a key part to the success of the Work. The
Creative Power of the Universe is the Shakti, when
summoning and ensorceling (circling within your boundary
of self) the spirits you are having congress with your
Daemon but also the Succubi and Lilitu, the offspring of
Lilith, the Mother of the Antinomian Path, so be well
focused. Lilith is the Mother of Forbidden Desires, in
Manichaean Lore she taught the Fallen Angels how to
form bodies and copulate with others to beget "Dragon
Children. She had alone the power to awaken the
Serpent Mind of Ahriman (the Devil) from his deep
slumber, in which he bestowed upon her the Kiss which
caused menstruation. Tantric sects of the Left Way
consider the menstruation cycle to be the most powerful
for the practitioner, thus Woman is Blessed as the Daughter
of the Devil itself. The deeper mysteries of Luciferian Sex
Magick are found in the early Hebrew tales of Lilith and
Samael original born in the Same Fire, thus they are both
twins and lovers, as well as the begetters of Cain, the First
Witch and Satanist. n the Great Work, the practitioner
seeks to bring into union within him or herself both Samael
and Lilith to beget Cain, or Wisdom.
The Circle within Luciferian Witchcraft
represents the very binding space of the
sorcerers body, both of spirit/celestial and
flesh/infernal. t is the symbol of both the
Sun and the Moon, the sphere which
begets strength and the very focus of the
Magician. Thus the circle of Cain is the
symbol of the Beast or Devil in flesh, a
very manifestation of a God or Goddess
on Earth. The circle is a continual and
progressing manifestation and power
center, which is merely a reflection of the body.
When the two meet within the circle, be it male and
female, male and male or female and male, both
symbolize a manifestation and incarnation of the
Adversary or Two Headed One. This is Noon and Midnight,
the very essence of Shaitan/Satan as the Double Wanded
God/Goddess. One Head represents Satan while the other
is Lilith, the union of duality to bring the strength of being.
The female partner should be menstruating which
represents the vital energies of the feminine. She who
seeks the invocation of Lilith will collect the blood and
place on the altar of Art Magickal, the male represents the
devouring. The goal of this Tantrick exercise is to focus the
inherent energies via the Will, but to use them in a process
of self-transformation, a mutation into a living temple of
which the Daemon may manifest. Thus in this work, the
sorcerer becomes a director of the current itself, a living
expression of what is called "the Devil or Adversary. The
female is also a living vital manifestation of this current as
well, it is in ancient Hebrew folklore that both Satan and
Lilith were born of the same Fire, being twins.
The use of a vessel/fetish represents the 'home' of the
Daeva or Demon. t is closely connected to the
transformation of the sorcerer, thus an 'envenomed' and
empowered ritual tool. When seeking to empower a fetish
of Lilith or Cain, ensorcel (encircle) yourself in the love of
the Daemon itself, this is why working with the nner Guide
or Holy Guardian Angel is so essential. Throw yourself into
the internal association of the force, as it relates to you.
Use incense, candles and anything which holds useful
association. The Vajra Lightning bolt, that which falls from
the sky (often associated with Lucifer or Satan, the
Watchers or Fallen Angels) s a symbol of internal vitality,
strength and a cipher of initiation.
The libido is symbolized as a snake; the 'Black Serpent' of
Yezidi lore is to represent knowledge and wisdom. The
serpent thus represents a willed focus of energies
connected with the self, as also the Daemon associated
with the Working and the Azhish Ritual of Zohak/Azi
Dahaka (The Paitisha). You may seek sexual congress to
bring both Kali and Lucifer to flesh by using menstrual
blood and semen in a vessel. You may wish to use a white
sheet which you copulate on again and again to
empower the working. Use the sheet as a wrap of sorts for
the vessel which may have images or sigils of Kali and
Lucifer upon them, that you may encircle them with the
Love (Agape) of the Willed Desire of both practitioners
involved. You may seek to empower this vessel beginning
at the full moon to then the Dark Moon.
A suitable description of a Sex Magick working by Pascal
Beverly Randolph "was to copulate with many different
women on one bedsheet, never changing or cleaing it.
Thus, it retained the cumulative life force of those
couplings, mingled and preserved in crusted fluids. He
then stretched the sheet as an artist's canvas, and
painted upon it his visual image of a succubus. He used his
imagination like a lens to bring the power into focus,
flattering and feeding the spirit who then manifested
through it.
This provides a power tool for the magicians to create a
working based around Kali and Lucifer, which by joining
such fluids over and over again and filling them in a vessel
a demon lover may be born. Use a variety of invocations,
spells and averse chants such as the Lord's Prayer
Backwards and similar "Satanic chants to empower the
On the night of the Dark Moon, refresh with blood and
semen again and rebury the vessel in the earth. Each
night you may exhume the vessel and wrap it in the sheet
or cloth used in your congress, smeared over and over
again with the sexual fluids of both partners. You may wish
to evoke a Demon or Succubi/ncubi as this child of Kali-
Lilith and Lucifer, thus being a servitor and third lover for
the couple. Focus its gender or Will it to be able to change
accordingly. Thus a rite which you create may be done as
a Higher or a Goetic or Lower Working of sorcery.
On the Evening of the Full Moon exhume the Demon
Vessel and perform a final incantation to it, then copulate
with the vessel near and upon the white sheet which
should be stained and crusted with blood and semen.
Ensure that your fornication is intense and drawn out as
long as possible, both envisioning the spirit you are
creating. Allow this force to move within you as you fuck.
When ejaculation occurs, the female or male (if both are
consenting and monogamy is trusted) may take the
semen in their mouth and mixed with their saliva or blood,
spit into the vessel to empower the demon. f the rite is
homosexual, a incubi with a preference for men will no
doubt be created. f the couple are lesbians, a succubi will
no doubt be empowered and bound to them. t is the
combination of fluids of both male and female which
seem to create a demon which may mutate between
both and be able to perform various tasks depending on
the sorcerers.
f you wish to destroy or banish the demon, simply burn
and pour salt over the vessel during a created banishing
rite, including the sheet.
The feminine is essential as we know to the process of
initiation with a Shakti, or divine power. The Book of Enoch
which is centered around the feminine-hating religion of
Christianity could only attribute the negatives of the
feminine, even as the so-called "targets of the Watchers
and their empyrean knowledge. Look to the purpose of
the fallen angels and their copulations with women, their
"taking of wives indicates the desire for completion and
essential transformation via the Shakti power of the
feminine, the muse and temple prostitute.
As "Kundala means in the ndian culture "Coiled the
very Kundalini Shakti is the divine power associated with
the Chakras, it is the leading or guiding aspect while the
Chakras are awakened and illuminated in the physical
and spiritual body. Thus the serpent Tabaet, a form of the
adversary, is the awakening aspect which brought divinity
to woman with Lilith, to soon beget Cain the awakened
Samael, the ancient serpent, took a pleasing shape along
with his other fallen angels and went forth to man. These
dark spirits which brought light to mankind were known as
the leaders, the first being Tabaet the Serpent, there was
Jeqon who led astray the sons of Zurvan or the one called
God, Asbeel who gave the council on joining the bodies
of these angels with women, the daughters of Cain. There
was Gadreel who taught men the blows of death, taught
how to make weapons and assisted in leading Eve astray,
the enemy of Lilith. There was also Kasdeja who is the
angel teaching the purpose of other demons and spirits
and the art of abortions for those who would not have
children, as well as the Noon-tide Sun Daemon who was
the son of the Serpent, Ta6ae/. These were called
Watchers and the Hebrews knew of their names: Ar/a9iKa5
Sam@a4a5 Armaro"5 A4a4el5 Pe&em2e5 Gara9el5 Ne9ael5
Da&@al5 Ga/ar@al5 A4a4el5 'a&a&el5 T2rel5 Sima%e"iel5 Oe/rel5
Ka"6eel5 T2mael5 T2rel5 R2m@al5 T2rael5 Ko;a6el5 Arme&5
R2mael a&d G2"a"e@al. The chieK" oK /e& !ere called
Samla4a45 Ara;l6a5 Ko;a6lel5 Rameel5 Tamlel5 Ramlel5
E4e9eel5 Gara9i@al5 A"ael5 Ga/arel5 A&a&el5 Na9lel5
Sam"a%eel5 Sa/arel5 T2rel5 Oom@ael, and Sariel. These were
the ones who took the forms of angels, according to the
Hebrews and went forth to breed the Nephilim, the sons of
They were called Great giants, whose physical height or
power of will was more intense than others. Such were of
the predatory spirit, when they could not be sustained by
man, they soon devoured mankind. The started to devour
flesh and drink of blood, while Azazel and the other spirits
were still teaching mankind. Azazel taught the art of the
Blacksmith, much like Cain. Azazel knew the art of swords,
knives, shields and how to work with the metals of the
earth. Azazel also taught the art of makeup to women,
and soon was copulating again with other women and
teaching others the art of war. Semjaza taught
enchantments, Kokabel the constellations, Ezeqeel the
clouds and astral plane and Sariel the course of the moon.
t was the one called Azazel who taught mankind the
secrets of heaven which were not meant for mankind,
they all became like Gods.
Comm2&io& !i/h Dar;&e""
A Ri/2al oK See/hi&.
Prepare the Skull Bowl or Sacred Bowl of
Adamu, fill it with both sperm and blood
of the moon6, mix it with jasmine and
those herbs which bring gnosis. n the
Nights of Az, be it the Dark of the Moon
or the Light of the Moon shall you have a
sacred vessel of her marriage of the
Dragon and his Bride. The soil may be
prepared by the earth of which you
dwell, and filled with the grave soil of a
working place. During the preparation of
the vessel of marriage, be it skull or pot
you must be disciplined to banish the beliefs of which you
were raised, and the ego which holds you in stasis. Seek
her with the thirst of consciousness, the desire of
knowledge and to transform your consciousness into a
higher state of being. Seek Azal'ucel and His Bride during
this sacred act, let not another who is untouched by the
Blackened Light of Cain dare witness this preparation.
Your magical partner of many of the rites must be a witch
of the current of the Peacock Angel, who is Azal'ucel
revealed. Let her join you in the Great Work, but yet both
are isolate and alone. Share your visions and inspirations;
allow such sacred interaction fan those flames of the Black
and Red serpents of Samael and Lilith. To rise the self up in
the Emerald Presence of Lucifer and the Blackened Abyss
of Lilith you must build a foundation of strength and will.
One does not seek the marriage of the Adversary and the
Whore by weakness, those are not of they! The Mind which
6 >enstrual Plood" 9f the !lood is collected da0s !efore the rite' store accordingl0 in a small %ial"
9f not ossi!le' seek rather 0our o/n !lood in a small amount or something /hich reresents
is of the Black Light is of Ahriman, who in the cold north
awaits his children with his Bride Az-Jeh, they devour the
minds of those who are not illuminated with the Gnosis of
their wisdom. Be prepared and be so diligent in thy work!
n the Sabbat Path does your transcendence begin to
take place. With thy vessel poured and bathed in the Elixir
of Adamu can you offer thy dedication to Her, and by
Sabbat Fire and Dream Way shall she entreat thee in the
ecstasy of union. Be as Cain, who walks the path alone yet
consumed with the Blackened Fire of Self-Divinity!
Adamu is Her secret name of old which is the Trshna of
Lilitu, by those mysteries shall you enter her dread circle.
She is the Lust of all Women, and the Desire in Man. We
are born in this world alone and separated, by the Averse
Act of the Luciferian Path can we Come unto the
Marriage of the Dragon and Whore, thus you shall be
uplifted to the Path of Cain and his father, Azal'ucel who is
called Azazel, Samael and Lucifer. Seek this way alone, as
it is the Left Way, of matter and flesh. By this Witch-Way
being the medium of desire of continued existence can
the Spirit be ascended into the Fiery and Aerial Realm of
the Angelick Watcher Azazel. t must be done through
Darkness, to awaken Ahriman and Akoman within, by the
Kiss of Az which stirs the Beast.
n the Circle of Az on the Night of the Dark Moon prepare
thy Vessel with the Bowl of Adamu, the Semen and Blood
of the Witch Woman, shall you both be cloaked in the
night. Chant the words which open forth the Place of
Arezura, the Cold North-
Akaza o2il ahsu azaza
Ahsu azarrz azarrz arepum analpatsehs
Ahselpmu oiroiz, arar2um azooirrzE
!azas, !azas, +asatanada !azasE
These words as above (not including the last line) are the
inversed Alphabetic and Sorcerous language of Shadow
tongue, the forward chant is one of the Summoning of the
Watchers, thus an atavistic chant which ensorcels your
body in darkness.
Feh G Az, "other and Aride @ho is Samahe, $ summon thee
to circle path
Az, @ho is Pairikanamca, @ho has +Banco, $ entreat thee
@ithin mB flesh
$ am as DaevaBzo @ithin mB o@n Aeing, @ho is of Ahriman
AB the Daevodata do $ Aecome, mB grimoire @ritten in
$ offer this Ao@l unto Adamu, @ho is perfection in Cire and
Pour now the contents into the Vessel7 of Az, which shall
be envisioned as the Circle of Az. Give this offering in Love,
that by Agape is your desire to become born!
f thy vessel is a Skull, entreat the shades of the Lilitu to
reside there, their own earthly sister being Agrat-Bat-
Mahalat, the guide of nocturnal copulation and instinctual
desire. n the night of the sacred offering with your partner,
seek by sleeping way to join in union with each other. Do
it so in Her name, and use the Elixir to invigorate the Vessel
at Dawn, to make an offering to Lilith and Her Mate, who is
Azazel, who comes forth by the Light of the Sun.
During the offering the Calling of the Watchers should be
chanted quietly-
!rriooza, >m2rara, !iorio >mplesha
>zesta "oriom2a >sha
Shestaplana >mpera
!rraza !rraza >sha
7 Hhis is a Po/l or sacred contain for 0ou to erform the Ireat Xork"
I& /he Glac; Cham6er oK Ka6ed#2"#S%ae
A Sorcero2" U&io& oK E&circli&. /he Co-e&T" Po!er
O # The Fle"h Sa66a/ a&d Co&.re""
The Two were led by the Master of the
Circle into a chamber, red walls and a
black ceiling. The center of the room was a
large comfortable chair, crimson with
golden Chinese dragons embroidered in
the fabric, a great pillow colored red at the
foot of the chair. The master of the circle
wore the mask of Shaitan, the Djinn of the
Burning Noon Tide Desert Sun, horned and
inscribed with sigils of the Dragon upon it.
Adorned in black leather pants with his
chest and arms blackened he sat one
women in the center of the pillow. The Priestess who
embodied Lilith AZ, the Whore who rode the Dragon, the
center of the Eye of Tiamat enfleshed sat in this chair, legs
spread, a tight fitting leather corset gripping tightly to her
pale flesh. Her mask was designed as a mask of Lilith,
black and white with streaks of menstrual blood across it.
She was a member of the Coven for sometime, and
desired the Working which is rarely spoken of Before her
was the lady who would in carnal desire know both the
harlot and the beast, and would awaken to their pleasure.
The purpose of the rite was the consecration and
ensorcelment of the Ahrimanic Familiar of the Coven. At
the northern point of the room, was a small chest and
upon it rested a human skull and a pot filled with a black
Daeva statue (a demon), a black and red candle,
underneath and filled with soil with various rocks resting
within it. Next to the nganga was a skull cap turned into a
bowl with some powdered human bones and herbs within
it. The Priestess was handed a skull which was the vessel of
Lilith by the Lord of the Circle. She held it in her left hand.
The Skull cap was placed next to the Lady on the Pillow.
As she was knelt before the Priestess sitting lewdly in the
chair, legs spread and slowly arousing herself, the Master
of the Sabbat loudly vibrated the barbarous words of
evocation, calling forth the Devil of the Sabbat as an
invocation through him. Each word although unintelligible,
seemed to cause ripples in the rooms environment, a
great heat and fire seemed to encircle them. The Master
of the Circle began the Sabbat chant, invoking and
calling forth the shades of the night to encircle them
The Priestess recited the staota of Zrazza several times,
announcing her individual intent.
The Lord of the Circle began calling forth the Daevas of
the Rite-
Az, Ahriman, Akatash and Vareno.
/, horned initiator and devils flesh
mB cloak of serpent skin @orn
clothe me in the 'o2e of A!
in the Hatchers field of time..7
The masked initiator then began reciting the Lord's Prayer
Reversed, a chant of summoning Cain. As he began
reciting, the lady turned and began arousing the Lord of
the Sabbat with her hand. He then spoke the Words of the
Staota, summoning to go forth into the flesh of AZ-Jeh, the
great Harlot before him. All the while was the Priestess
arousing herself, chanting and speaking in tongues that
shadow language which beget serpents. She then called
forth Lilith within the nfernal Sabbat, stroking herself with a
demonic frenzy. As she recited further, the Priestess took
the lady by the hair and guided her face into her gaping
wound. The lady licked furiously, which sent shivers up the
spine of the Priestess, who while growing in ecstasy,
continued the chant to invoke Lilith.
The Lord of the Sabbat, kneeled behind the lady, who was
moving her right two fingers in and out with each slow
lustful kiss of her now swollen lips, began moving his hand
between her leg. As he slowly excited her, she grew very
wet. The sounds of the lust as the Priestess groaned in
pleasure and the slippery movement of her licking enticed
the Lord of the Circle to slowly insert and engage deep
within her. The lady felt a great fire within her as he
pounded deep, which excited her more. The Devil of the
Sabbat began speaking in shadow tongue as he thrust
within her, while Lilith (the Priestess transformed) was also
speaking in shadow tongue sending forth the Lilitu with her
great lust. Both as the lady knew, were calling forth the
force of the Sun and the Moon into the circle, which
would bind them all as the Yatus and Pairikas who
embraced the Luciferian and Ahrimanaen Gnosis.
As the Priestess soon was preparing to explode while this
lady licked and fingered her deep, she felt the
atmosphere changing more, fire and shadow seemed to
surround them. No longer were they just in flesh, but also in
dream. She heard pounding drums and slow chants. The
Devil of the Sabbat was spanking the lady hard on her
cheeks, while he thrust deep in her warm core. The red
marks as a result of the burning sensation drove her crazy,
all the while the Lord of the Circle began rubbing slowly
her clitoris, with each thrust bringing her closer to the
climax she so wished during the Sabbat in flesh.
While thrusting deeper and deeper within her, he began
reciting the Lord's Prayer Averse, used in Luciferian
Witchcraft rites to summon the Devil Cain, his very blessing
in flesh.
The lady was suddenly thrown into a state of complete
desire, lust and demonic sexual fury. She began pounding
back on the rock hard member of the Devil, who grew in
his excitement. His chants grew louder as he rose to a
climax. The Priestess who was the Mask of Az-Lilith moved
her mask ever so slightly to tongue the teeth of the skull,
when the orgasm hit her. She felt the atmosphere explode
and with her great shuddering she imagined a serpents'
tongue slithering out of her swollen hole and lick the
tongue of the lady which brought her to orgasm. As the
serpents tongue danced with her blood came out with it,
the envisioned result of the Staota invoking the gift of Az,
the lady opened her eyes, near Cumming herself while she
spat this elixir which was coppery and old into the skull
bowl. She nearly choked as she tried hard to gather as
much of this fluid in her mouth as she could. At this
moment the Devil of the Sabbat pulled out and stood up,
the lady turned her blood filled mouth spitting it into the
skull bowl and held it up near the phallus of the Magician,
who ejaculated in the cap as well. As she mixed the fluid
on her tongue she came very hard. Az-Lilith was rubbing
her breasts lovingly from behind and the Devil of the
Sabbat placed a small nganga (spirit pot) before her, she
poured the combination of menstrual blood, semen, bone
powder and herbs into the soil and on the black demon
statue. The Lord of the Sabbat performed a summoning of
shadow before the vessel and blessed it with envenomed
life. The Priestess placed the skull in the vessel with the
Demon statue; it was an Nganga of Ahriman, the patron
Daemon of Sorcery of the Yatuk-Dinoih. The chanting
continued, a necromantic summoning using a known
phrase in Yatuvidah sorcery-
"Zrazza, zrazza, usha nicht, zrazza umpeshu..
All three now sat in a triangle with the vessel in the center.
The two removed their masks and all began slowly
speaking in shadow tongue, to ensorcel the shade within
the spirit vessel. This was the birth of the Druj that night, and
the Triad had become as Hecate, and in their work of
Yatuivah, each was becoming as Daeva and Druj within
their own being.
The Circle was closed, yet the Work had just begun. The
Daemons were coming forth into the World around them,
and the Coven had much to do
II P SelK Lo-e /hro2.h Lili/h
The Priestess stands before the vessel of Lilith, both women
begin summoning the primal daemonic essence of Lilith.
Upon the Altar a Skull Fetish of Az-Lilith is centered,
representing the spirit chamber of which she dwells on
earth, the Three shades into One. The incense of Venus is
burnt and filled the chamber with a sweet aroma. An
image of Lilith is behind the Skull and a single whip laying
loosely around four red candles.
The Priestess and her female partner performs invocations
to Lilith both recite according to their instinctual design,
this is the path of which Az-Lilith hears their calls.
"By flame am consumed, Her Lust. mmolate me my sister
of Lilitu
The priestess whips the ass of the female, with each lash a
name of Lilith is recited by both, the willing embodiment
invokes Lilith with all of her heart. Soon both become lost in
their own ecstasy of invocation. The Priestess is then
whipped in the same fashion while reciting again the
III P G$ Fil/h i" AN 6or& i& all hear/"
The priestess begins to lick her fingers and slowly massages
the clitoris of the participant, while she does such the
Priestess recites-
"nfernal harlot, who shall take the seed of man, you shall
taste the pleasures of darkness, in the shadows of the
moon, in the bright of the moon, do you lust for the taste
of my Cunt? Do you seek that which we are in ourselves?
Do you seek the ecstasy that Christ knew with
Magdalene? as with you, Daughters of Lilith, in her
presence shall you taste my lips, if by chance that
coppery taste guides you, that serpent tongue so
The participant is feeling a fire arise deep within her, she
begins to tighten her muscles below which the Priestess
can feel as she slowly glides within her now, the
participant in a state of desire begins the rub her fingers in
the warmth of her priestess, who both now feel the fires of
which Lilith awakens within.
"We are as Az-Jeh, the Black Harlot who consumes the
flesh of Armiluss, yet as the Goddess do we fuck to the
gates of hell. Open forth thy path, Lilitu, Empusa, Kali..fill
my brain with burning ecstasy as taste my sister of witch
With her tongue does she slither upon her sisters lips,
flushed she desires her tongue to be deep within the one
drawing her before the gates of primal ecstasy. The
priestess kisses with a fiery passion the witch participant,
both tasting each other with lewd abandon. When near a
climax, the Priestess pauses and takes the Skull Fetish from
the altar and recites-
" am she, of fire and filith, who is joined with the devil of
the noon tide sun. am she who taught the fallen ones the
arte of copulation, to use the elixir and honey of the
female to bring forth Dragon Children. am she, who by
the shores of the Red Sea, fucked and brought forth my
children the Succubi and ncubi, to go forth and awaken
mankind. am Lilith, the Bride of Shaitan, thus am his
compliment, as he is mine. n our union we are life eternal,
the mind of perfection.
Both the priestess and witch shall anoint the Fetish of Lilith
with their own juices, and then by sealing the rite return to
their partners accordingly.
O"c2l2m I&Kame P /he O6"ce&e Ki""
n individual and partnered Luciferian Witches
Sabbat Rituals, a male and female or Male/Male
or Female/Female convocation may choose to
utilize the Osculum nfame, or Kiss of the
Obscene, being an Averse practice of Satanic
Baptism via Sexual congress. The working itself is
an act which symbolizes and focuses the control
of the fire serpent in a specific area. The Kiss of
Shame as it is called by Christians is one which may be
practice between two or more individuals, and provides a
powerful tool of Sexual Sorcery. A Male may represent the
Devil but it is not uncommon for a Female Witch to also
represent the Devil as Lilith, they are both aspects of the
Adversary as being the Bride of Satan. n some medieval
tales of the Osculum Obscoenum or the Obscene Kiss the
Devil in the form of a Black Goat had a black candle
inside his anus, lit from which other witches lit from this
candle during the obscene kiss. f the male of female who
are embodying the Bestial God agree, they may sodomize
themselves with a black candle and be lit. The other
practitioner (s) may light their own candle from this
candle, kissing the area underneath the anus before. The
blackened flame is that of the devil or beast totem, the
very nocturnal and lustful presence of Cain as the
enfleshed Horned God. Thus, he represents power, vitality
and focused desire.
Another version of the kiss may be done by male or
female as well, bent over and spread before the other
practitioner or coven if it is such their desire. A practitioner
may chant a summoning spell of the Devil or Lilith and
then begin kissing or tonguing the anus. f it is thus their will,
they may implement fingers or a consecrated dildo
(preferably Black or Red) to (if female) the vagina or anus
of the Beast God or Goddess. t is essential while practicing
this very act of nfernal Sex Magick, that the one
performing the actual Kiss moves their tongue in the
symbolic direction first of Widdernshins, counter clockwise
and slowly lick and kiss the anus of the male or female.
With each tongue movement, envision a great serpent
rising from your spine and a power overcoming you. Each
thrust of the tongue is a serpent seeking the blackened
pits of darkness, that which shall lift you up into the Light of
Lucifer in the Dreaming Celestrial Sabbat. The practitioners
may copulate after the Obscene Kiss and sexual fluids be
anointed on the Candle to represent and offering. t is
suggested to pour the fluids in an offering to darkness,
poured into a fetish or hole in which the sun does not
The Cham6er oK /he Ser%e&/
Sexual Workings in a bondage setting may also
be implemented depending on the fetish of
the participants. Magick proves a powerful
drive behind S & M if practiced in any certain
way. A basic description is as follows.
Upon entering the room, one male and two
female were already prepared for the gates
they sought to open within themselves. The
main witch of the coven was dressed in a strap
halter top which revealed her ample breasts.
She wore also crotchless black latex panties
and crimson whip boots, with two Luciferian sigils painted
carefully in black on the sides. Her hands were bare, even
from rings and her nails carefully manicured. The second
witch wore black latex stockings and matching tight fitting
panties. She was gloved in crimson gauntlets and wore a
skin tight corset which gave the slight appearance of
being extremely uncomfortable, which aided her
aggressive mood.
The male in question was dressed in a tight fitting latex
body suit and masked with a hangman's hood. He was
able to speak and to see, yet he was unable to have
intercourse or even arouse himself with the restraint of the
latex. He was bound by two wrist cuffs made of a sturdy
Velcro, while the ankles were let loose with no restraints. A
spiked collar was tightly around the male participants
neck, with a silver utility chain fastened to it. One female
witch held the chain upon attaching it to the male, while
the other looked on with her riding crop in hand. None
had spoke at all once the chamber was entered, as
silence was the law of the Working. They sought to invoke
the aspect of Lilith in each of them, that Az would manifest
in the dominance of both females and the male would
seek this inferno by not being able to have sex, merely
experiencing pain and lust by both females. The second
witch had a double headed black dildo which was
roughly 12 long, which she began rubbing between her
breasts while the first witch anointed herself in Leviathan
oil, while the incense burnt in unison and filled the
chamber with a sweet and powerful scent.
The male, whose arms were restrained, rested on his back
watching closely the two witches, the first witch began by
tapping gently on the left leg of the man from above the
ankle. His arousal was at first very slight, as he was very
uncomfortable in the hot latex. The second Witch began
an invocation
"By the First Moon of Hecate-Lilith do we come as virgins
unto Her, let us be blessed in innocence and beauty,
perfect love and trust.
By the Second Moon of Hecate-Lilith do we emerge as
Harlots, blood filled whores who fuck the living and the
dead, for our desire is endless, seeking the tongue dance
of each other in anxiety filled desire. Let our wounds be
fucked with the cock of the beast, whom is hard and cold
member of Our Lord the Devil. Let us soon taste his
By the Third Moon of Hecate-Lilith do we enter the graves
of the dead, to rest and seek the loving and chilling touch
of the dead, whom each shall choose as a lover. Let their
cold embrace fill us with the shadow of Azael who walks
the rows of graves, who among the tombs seeks his Lady
who is the Crone, in age there is beauty.
"By Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada Zazas open forth the Gates
of Hell
Az-Jeh, who is Lilith, who rides the Dragon do come forth
through us, we shall reach the heights of ecstasy through
your Honor!
The first witch who was tapping the males' leg was now
rhythmically chanting the words which open the gates of
hell, moving further up his leg. While doing this, the second
witch, with her long black latex gloves, the right hand
moved between the others legs and made her way slowly
to the open area revealing her lips and began slowly
moving her forefinger up and down, massaging her clitoris.
The male who was bound was becoming more aroused
upon seeing such an interaction, and focused the
thoughts to blood covered bestial shapes which began to
fuck in a frenzy, while female beastlike fiends covered in
black hair patches sucked the other demons off, semen
spilling in their mouths which created more demonic
shapes which appeared as greasy looking boars and pigs
which moaned in desire. The male thought of slow fucking
of goats and women, dragon-like worms moving in and
out of moaning girls who had passed beyond maturity by
some five to seven years, knowing the very desire
contained in the image of the Devil and His Bride. The
male was at this moment very hard as the first witch, being
aroused with the second witch and her slithering tongue
and hand, slapped the double black dildo on her ass inbetween
tonguing her. The witch who was receiving this
pleasure ran her tongue across the black latex crotch
area of the man, and then spit at his mouth, while he
lustfully sought to lick from his mouth.
"Hekak Vozath Ka-Sath-Ompos she hissed at him, the
male hissed the same invocation back, and both looked
lustfully at each other. By this time the second witch took
her right hand away, now slick and wet and moved the
black dildo slowly inside of her. She motioned her hand in
the front of the witch who was now slapping the male on
the right leg near the crotch, the first witch with her tongue
sucked on the slick fingers of the second witch, whose
black gloves had entered her and were thrust deep inside.
The room had heated up with the smell of incense and
body heat, feeling like they were surrounded by fire. The
witch who was thrusting the phallus within her felt as if she
had completely entered her within spirit, she moaned with
every thrust and the witch felt as though she was
controlling every breath which entered her lungs, the
group was one. At a point of raising the energy within the
room, both witches desisted in their sexual Agape and on
each side of the male began caressing his legs. Their eyes
showed lustful expression and a hunger which could not
be sated. He remained controlled, willed and determined
upon their magical goal. While he felt as if he could in
mere seconds obtain an orgasm he carefully kept himself
in check. The first witch whose hands were bare carefully
reached at the waist of the man to move his latex pants
pack to reveal his hardness. The second witch, whose
hands were latex covered reached down and with her
right hand gripped his penis tightly and began licking the
head in a slow, circular motion. The male warlock was on
the brink of orgasm, filled with ecstasy. With a slow mantra
he gained control again and resisted the urge for finishing
and spilling out the energy. The first witch began also
licking the penis of the man while both women moved
their tongues into each others mouths while kissing the
head of the cock. As the male was at the brink of shooting
semen all upon the faces, mouths and hands of the
witches, they stopped and he sought with every ounce of
his being to control the explosion. At this moment each
practitioner in their own way invoked their higher Angel to
seek a defining moment in their own becoming; by
arousal of the serpents within does one grow more
powerful in the Eye of Sorcery.
The male was untied to have his mask removed. Sweating
and aroused the two witches had him lie upon the ground
and the first witch placed her stiletto heel upon his face
and applied a slight amount of pressure. The second witch
took a vessel used in the coven to spawn succubi and
incubi. She removed the top and began to lick and suck
on the head of the penis while pumping the base of it. As
the first witch applied pressure, the male witch felt an
ecstasy which could not be described, a weight on his
skull and the slurping of the second witch on his cock. As
he began to pre-cum she jacked him off harder and
faster, at the point of explosion the second witch, who
had known him intimately for some time, allowed him to
ejaculate in her mouth, and then spitting it into the
Succubi Vessel. The male witch fell into a coma of
ecstasy upon orgasm, and drifted into the death posture
as the pressure on his face was removed. He now would
see the face of the Hidden God.
(an is onl; one aspect to t$e %e; of
(agic%- 1o %no< of t$e craft, ;ou must
%no< of t$e =itc$>/$ristianit; and .slam
s$ould be corrupted from <it$in to destro;
it- (a%e strong t$e original religion of t$e
#erpent and t$e 6oddess>
The Ri/2al oK Draco&ia& A"ce&"io&
Tra&"Korma/io& Krom Fle"h /o S%iri/
The blackened serpent is a symbol of
wisdom obtained, the knowledge of the
Adept who has trespassed the halls and
meeting ways of the forbidden, who has
drank the poison of the serpent's fang, yet
from that struggle has obtained a new life,
awakened and illuminated further by the
striking at the Anvil of Cain. By each strike,
each spark which ignites the clay of
selflessness, Lucifer emerges again within
the psyche.
This is the Rite of the Luciferian Ascension, the Agape of
which Summons the Black Serpent. Let the initiate being
either male or female choose a partner of art, who will by
any means necessary arouse, copulate and stimulate the
initiate for exhausting lengths of time. This rite is of the
nature of Aleister Crowley's 'Eroto Comatose Lucidity',
from which the initiate is led to the gates of exhaustion
and beyond, when the flesh fails by overworking and the
spirit must ascend by Will to the Luciferian Aethyr, of which
the spirit is emblazed with the presence of the Peacock
Angel, being Azal'ucel or Shaitan.
There are specifically two methods of this rite Via Lilith
(AZ) or Via Cain. As Lilith, musick should be played in the
background which inspires dark emotions, chanting and
somewhat horrific sounds. The chamber of operation
should be decorated in crimson and black, with images of
Lilith and her familiars, the Lilitu and Succubi. The Path Via
Cain is one where the initiate is adorned and surrounded
with the fetishes of the Horned God, thus in earthen
decorations and symbols of Cain. Moroccan or Middle
Eastern Music may be played to achieve the foundation
for Gnosis early on, with the participant focusing on the
meaning and mysteries of Cain the Blacksmith and
Luciferian nitiator.
The purpose of the rite is to cross a boundary of flesh into
spirit, of entering what the Cult of the Hand and the Eye
call "Neither Neither, by which the senses are not
recognizable in any standard fashion, led to a state by
extreme physical and mental exhaustion. t is by this path
that the magician shall in a state of mental isolation, rise
up in spirit to the Luciferian Aethyr, the very Sabbat of the
Sun by which he or she shall commune with the Blazing
Soul of Lucifer, the Peacock Angel who is the fiery initiator
and father spirit of Cain. Within an initiatory sense
Azal'ucel/Shaitan is the Angelick Higher Self (what Aleister
Crowley called the Holy Guardian Angel) of Cain. The
female and male magician will both undertake the Rite in
the context of both Via Cain and Via Lilith, to understand
two Aspects of the Adversary.
The rite is composed of several workings of causing
exhaustion of the initiate by sexual arousal over and over
again. This is similar to what was called the "release of
woman, who in swoon communicates with her higher self,
the sweetness which is referred to her voice as the
"Peacock in the /Ananga 'anga7, her voice is the Joy of
Mankind. Thus as the initiate reaches near the final gate of
the working, the Adept is led to Shaitan the Peacock
Angel Serpent, who is Azal'ucel. This rite is equally
undertaken in the gnosis of Lilith (AZ), whose darksome
embrace leads the Adept to leaving the flesh and seeking
the Hidden Fire of Her, she who is web to the Crimson
Dragon Samael, Ahriman, who is the Devil and Our Father.
This is the marriage of Fire with Spirit, the quickening of the
Witch into the Gnosis of the Lightbringer.
The Participant should prepare for the rite by fasting and
maintaining a strict discipline concerning physical fitness in
some manner. The mind the day of the rite should be
cleared, restful yet lustful from one week or more of
abstinence from any type of sexual activity. Let his or her
dreams bring a test to their Will and dedication to the Path
and the Great Work of Becoming. Do not fall to your lusts
and desires during this time period, it is essential to restrain
and hold yourself by Will and the discipline of the
magician, for the rite of which the Adept shall undertake is
beyond physical stress, draining the body and will require
every ounce of strength of which you may muster.
The Adept and participant (s) of the rite shall begin an
invocation of Cain or Lilith. Let the Coven choose thus their
means and words of invocation as in previous rites.
Barbarous words, chants or other means of entering the
fire shall be done thus. The Red Dragon has previously be
awakened (what is the Kundalini) in the initiate thus they
have reached a level of Adept in the Arte of Magick.
The S%ell oK /he Shado! oK /he Ad-er"ar$
1) To enter the shadow circle of Lilith for the means of
transcendence of flesh.
AB skull and dagger cast do $ summon thee, or Iilith G Az of
"idnight Shado@
%ast 2B the Iight of the "oon in splendor, enter me, coil
around me in thB form of serpent, strangle 2oth mB phallus
or clitoris until complete exhaustion, then as $ shall seek Bou
shall $ 2e led 2ack to flesh, to 2uild mB desire for the union
of the JolB Cire of $2lis.
, Iover of "idnight6s %ircle, drinker of 2lood, "aiden,
#oddess and %rone do $ summon thee, encircle me in thB
2) To enter the Forge and Serpent Circle of Cain for the
means of transcendence of flesh.
AB Jammer and Anvil, of Dagger and Skull do $ summon
thee, , Cather and Spirit %ain, endless @anderer of the
forest and desert plane, @ho is mB spirit illuminated 2B the
Alackened Cire of thB tongs. As $ @as claB cast @ithout
perception, thB higher soul @as sho@n unto me and
among the Cires of the Sa22at @as $ envenomed @ith the
"ark of %ain, the Alackened Clame of Azal6ucel @ho is
Shaitan. AB the Cork @hich is the "arking Stave of the
AdversarB, hold high into the +oon tide sun, that 2B the
strength of Hill do $ seek this hidden fire again. AB Devil Art
and Hhore6s flesh do $ copulate, in the desire of the
$nfernal Sa22at 2e led up into the highest AethBr of the
Dragon, @herein mB Jigher Self 2e revealed.
Let now the Adept be aroused sexually by any and all
means, beginning slowly and building into fervor of lust
and demonic copulation. Once the initiate has reached
orgasm, and he or she begins to fall asleep the participant
shall again awaken the initiate with sexual arousal. This
shall last once again until complete and utter exhaustion,
the Shayatan within the body shall coil into exhaustion
once again. When sleep comes upon the initiate once
again shall he be aroused by the participant and by the
methods of the Agape be brought to a collapse of body
and mind. When the body of the Adept seem like it may
not go any further shall copulation begin again, when the
mind goes in-between sleeping and waking. t is within this
moment, when the Mind begins to Ascend into the
Luciferian Sabbat, shall the fiery Djinn who is Azal'ucel be
revealed to thee.
When the visions of the Adept seem to have ceased, let
the participant again copulate with the magician until
total exhaustion once again, sealing the Rite with the
vision of the Peacock Angel. Upon completing this rite, the
next few days should be significant to the scrying visions of
the Adept, who has gained a meaningful transcendence
of flesh.
I& /he Emerald Circle oK A4alT2cel
"Spirit of which the fallen had taken
strength, isolate and beautiful, Angelick
Essence, Azal'ucel, from which came into
being Cain do invoke thee the young
woman chanted rhythmically.
The witch stood within the center of the
circle, seeking to bring into herself her
initiatic guide, within a state of selffascination
and the fire of the Aethyric
and celestial plane. This was the rite
which no man may sate, which no lover
save her Angelick Host may initiate further. The witch
understood that Azal'ucel, the Angel Watcher who is
revealed by the hidden name as Lucifer and Azazel,
transforms within the initiate by bringing a distinct and
unique 'fire' to the self; in a sense a continual
transformation from the Hidden Fire (Black Light) of Cain to
the Higher Faculties of Azal'ucel, the Risen God within. She
has copulated with the demons and serpents of the void,
held intercourse and sodomy with the shades of the dead
under the initiatic guidance of Hecate, but here she would
seek the Light of the Sun in the Dawn by intercourse with
her Angelick Guide, Azal'ucel.
Standing within the Grand Luciferian Circle, she began
moving widdershins performing the calls, with each
syllable and intoning vibration she threw her heart and soul
into it, invoking with a passion which allowed her to rise up.
Her invocations were intense and fiery, flowing and as she
chanted she spiraled the light down from the sky itself. As
dawn arose in the Eastern Sky she so summoned her Angel
by visualizing a Great Lion Serpent coming forth with the
Dawn and the rising sun.
"Aoth, Sabaoth, Atheleberseth, Abraoth! she rolled from
her tongue in an enthusiastic conjuration. She envisioned
the Fallen Seraphim who was her soul and essence,
sexless, Azal'ucel took the sex of the witch who the dragon
had coiled within. She understood the origins of Azal'ucel,
who was Lucifer, the first Angel who had twelve wings and
helped cover the throne of limitless light before his fall.
Once cast out as a fiery Seraph, his nature was that of a
Dragon, a Beast who would become Satan.
The symbols of Azal'ucel, each burning within her own
mind while she invoked, felt a burning sensation of
excitement as she imagined and visualized the Lion
Serpent which was above her transform into a human
shape. The beauty of this Luciferic Angel was of which
could not be properly described with words. As Azal'ucel
stood outside her, taller than her with darkly beautiful
wings, long black tresses and a seemingly hairless body, his
continence were strength and gentle beauty, sensitivity
and pride in self worth. She recognized these traits within
herself and Azal'ucel took the form of her desire. His eyes
were sky blue brilliance, which as he put his arms on her
shoulders turned blood black and his skin from a pale to a
ghost white. She felt a chill as Azal'ucel presented the
darkness beneath the surface, the very Daemon which
she sought within herself. With this stab of coldness she
held within herself he returned to the solar beauty he
She gently followed the lead of the spirit to the floor,
wherein he was called forth. She reached down slowly
while her lips met his; this embrace took her breath away
into a sense of burning panic as he passionately tongued
her and kissed with a warmth she could not grasp. He
moved a hand slowly downward past her navel and
began massaging her warmth until she became moist and
then wet with anticipation. His movements were snake like,
his mouth opened from tonguing her to be in the shape of
a serpent, slithering and lightly flickering on her neck.
Azal'ucel's movements were seeming instinct, yet the
intelligence and light of this angel was of a high intensity, it
mirrored her most awe inspiring dreams, her deepest
desires for a union with what others called God.
She looked again from this state of ecstasy to notice that
Azal'ucel had transformed below his waist to a scaly
dragon man, which a large and smooth black penis,
which pulsed hard with her touch. His eyes were black
obsidian which burned a flame she knew only so well, his
face smooth and sleek as midnight, which a presence in
his features as powerful as the Noon tide sun. The incense
in the chamber lightly perfumed the room to accent this
rite of the union with the Angelick nitiator.
She turned to move her hips in front of him that he may
enter her there within the circle of union. Feeling so alive
so felt this angelick spirit enter her warmth in a slow, steady
thrust which set her nerves on fire, she was thrust into by
him with careful yet passionate movements. As he with
both rhythmic movements achieves a deep sense of
penetration Azal'ucel removes his hands from her hips. He
slowly turns his hands with the palms facing upwards; a
golden flame emerges from each hand. The hour is Noon;
the witch opens her eyes with a desire which echoed the
brightness of the flames, as perspiration began forming on
her brow. Her lips were now swollen, taking all of her angel
deep within her warmth, allowing his fire which was soon
to be one to consume her.
As she suddenly felt the Angelick Lover began to slowly
ejaculate deep in her burning core, she contracted her
muscles to squeeze him deeper within her, to suck his penis
dry with every drop. She suddenly felt the hands which
burned a Golden Flame darken and both hand touched
her shoulders. She felt a burning ecstasy she could not
express, in a scream or in a cry of joy; she lost herself
floating in the light of the sun. Azal'ucel burnt and went
forth into her, her union with her Daemon complete. She
collapsed and soon regained consciousness, now she has
begun to merge Light with Darkness, from which she is
going forth on her Path of the Great Work.
A6o-e Cai& a" Ga%home/
The Sa66a/ oK A4o/ho4
The Fire oK Cai&
The Gra&d Ri/e oK L2ciKeria& SeH Ma.ic;
GodKorm": Cain (Samael + Lilith = Cain = abufihamat =
Ahrima& The Black Dragon, the mediator of the manifest
and the unmanifest, darkness and chaos.
A4o/h: A-Z manifesting Alpha and Omega, the beginning
and end. The Triangle of Darkness is the summoning place
of the Daemon, including the 'AZ' of the magician. n the
triangle of Azothoz is the Adversary (Darkness and Light) =
Sun & Moon joined in union. This represents the beginning
(Shaitan/Samael: A= Fire and Manifestation) and the End
(Z/Kali/Lilith: Az, the devourerer, concupiscience and
Here is the Great Work and Secret which this grimoire
leads, yet none may learn this secret by words alone. Task
and effort bring you to the Sabbat of the Devil and his
Bride, and shall you know their venomous kiss by the desire
in your heart.
AZoth is the mask which is darkness, yet revealed in light,
blackened fire. From the self isolated or in unity, the self as
the dragon becomes Cain, the First one of Witch Blood,
the begetter of primal sorcery and the first Satanist, the
very expression and vessel of the Black Light of blis. Cain
comes forth holding the hammer (his mastery over the
forge, the creative fire of Lucifer) and the Forked trident
(to stab and destroy weakness and that which stands
against progression, mastery over the earth). Around Cain
is the fiery dragon of Samael, his father the Devil.
The Grand Ritual of the Venom of the Sabbat is created
by the two fluids of the male and female, or male and
male or solitary.
Needed: The Athame of Cain, Spirit vessel or pot, earth,
graveyard soil, human or animal bones, human skull (the
vessel of Cain), serpent skin and anything which represents
your animal or bestial essence upon the path. The vessel
represents Mahazael and Ahriman, this is the
earthen/chthonic witch tomb which stores and encircles
the familiar grown in the soil of this infernal grave.The
magician will enter the triangle to summon and encircle
the current of Azothoz, the possibility of individual and
daemonic perfection and self possibility.
Participants: Solitary or undertaken with initiated partner (a
practitioner of the path). The elixir and venom of the
Sabbat cup may be poured into the vessel of Ahriman, to
ensorcel the power therein. The vessel is symbolic of the
womb which creates the Luciferian and announces a
rebirth and resurrection as a God in Flesh, thus aligning he
or she with the current of Azoth, being the gnosis of the
Fallen Angels and Watchers. The vessel is also symbolic of
a tomb by which the magician's body of shadow and
body of light is brought in union the alchemical marriage
of the Dragon/Beast and Harlot, Samael and Lilith, thus
bringing to the physical body and soul = Cain.
The chalice of the Sabbat should be a special cup of
which to hold the fiery elixir of the Agape, the female
participant (if there is one) should collect some menstrual
blood before the dark moon. You may mix this with your
herbs of choice and seal and keep from the Sunlight for
one moon or one month.
The male %ar/ici%a&/ "ho2ld e&/er /he made /ria&.le oK
Ge.i& co&.re"" or ma"/2r6a/io& !i/h /he %ar/&er oK /he ri/e5
i&-o;i&. A4o/h 6$ /he -i"2ali4a/io& oK /he dra.o& a&d /he
/, thou succu2i @ho gro@s in darkness, the 2lood kiss of
the dragon 2esto@ed, @ho in sulfur and the cold of the
grave is empo@ered in the phallus of Azoth.
, death 2ringer, @ho haunts @ith a kiss and leaves the
carnal 2ed 2efore da@n
, s@ollen lip6d harlot @hose @ound is never filled, @ho
opens our heart to ecstasB
, @hose mother is the moon, @hose cold em2race
seduces us to the velvet caress of death, the copperB kiss
@hich is given.
AB Azoth and the mBsteries of Agape, let the #reat 'ite 2e
strengthened, the Daemon ascenedE
, Iilitu G Az, shado@ maker, 2ride of the Dragon, 2ecome
and encircle and 2less this envenomed elixir of the Sa22at
G the verB @ine of the DevilE7
Whe& /he ma.icia& ha" reached /he le-el oK climaH5 le/
him e@ac2la/e i& /he Sa66a/ P .rail5 /he c2% oK A4o/h. Le/
/he co&/e&/" 6e miHed5 /he Kier$ eliHir oK /he ad-er"ar$
/, elixir of the serpent and 2east, thB transformative
venom and the Azothoz of Iife and Death G Do $ ascend
as the Cire D0inn of the +oon )ide Sun, @ho is as a lion and
immortal of spiritE
, elixir of the moon con0oined @ith the Sun, the Azoth
created of +oon and of "idnight, of the Dragon and
, ecstasB drunken harlot, @ho rides upon the phallus of
the dragon, 2less the envenomed Sa22at grail @ith the
transformation of %ain, the child of the Devil and Hhore
)his $ anoint @ith the Agape of the %unning7
Ti% /he KorKi&.er or 92ill a&d "cri6e /he " oK /he S2& o&
$o2r che"/. The O !i/h a do/ i& /he ce&/er.
/Alessed is the daemon 2orn G darkness and light 2e
married in the (Be of AzothE
'oldi&. /he Grail oK /he Sa66a/5 medi/a/e 2%o& /h$
"hado!5 /he 6e"/ial a&d a&.elic a"%ec/"5 /he Dra.o& Ki&.
a&d 'arlo/ 82ee& oK /he Sa66a/ic Ri/e5 Keel $o2r "hado!"
Korm accordi&. /o /he de"ire $o2 har6or i& $o2r hear/. Thi"
i" /he ce&/er a&d 6e.i&&i&. a&d e&d5 /he A4o/h oK
%erKec/io& P /he co-e& oK Daemo& a&d Ma&.
Po2r /he co&/e&/" oK /he Sa66a/ Grail i&/o /he -e""el oK
"hado! AAhrima&C5 /he& !i/h /he A/hame oK Cai& A/he
God$ "elK#crea/i&. Kire Krom Dar;&e""C direc/i&. /he %oi&/
i&/o /he "oil oK /he -e""el
/$ entreat thee o maker of the forlorn Hitch HaB, keeper
of the Alackened Cire, spark giver to the uplifted claB of
Azdalaka Drakul Seraphis Arimanius G $ am of the Sun and
the "oon. $n mB fire of divinitB $ maB 2eget the shado@s of
darkness G $ am the lord of shades and king of lightE
A@aken as $ have 2ecome, the fire of self illumination,
vessel of darkness, maB mB shado@ rest @ithin.
KuaBin, Iord of the shado@ed @aB, envigorate mB spirit
and flesh, $ do invoke theeE
At this moment $ 2ecome the center, the source of
"agick, the Iamp 2earer
Hhere $ maB @ander is mB o@n deific assumption and task
$ am the shado@ @hich stands against oppression.
$ am the Daemon of 'e2ellion and $ 2ring forth a ne@ @aB
to "an and Homan.
$ am the serpent %hrist, Antichrist @ho shall lead the
%hildren of 'e2ellion to the phBsical @orld.
$ am the Dragon %hrist @ho shall make mB desires flesh.
Iord %ain a@akens through me.
So $ speak the @ords of the Serpent.
So it is Done.7
1$us Ends t$e 6rimoire of t$e :les$ of t$e
A6o-e 8li%%o/hic SeH ma.ic;
A6o-e The Scarle/ Woma& a&d Dra.o&
A6"or%/io& P n workings centered around Trshna, or Thirst,
the sorcerer visualizes his or her own circle, through
stimulation of the Kundalini through the Chakras , does the
spiral serpent power begin devouring energy. This may
represent works of A6hichara or Black Magick, the hunger
of devouring the energy of an enemy or the sexual
interplay of spirit between two individuals.
Adam2 P Meaning "red and refers to the menstrual cycle.
Adamu as "red also holds connections to the color of
Typhon-Set as well as the first Satanist and Magician, Cain,
who was said to have a reddish complexion. Refer to the
myth of "Ahriman's kiss.
Ahrima& [Avestan/Pahlavi] The Prince of Darkness in
Zoroastrian Religion. Ahriman is considered one brother
created by Zurvan and was the opposing force to Ohura
Mazda. Ahriman is also known as Angra Mainyu, an older
title derived from Angra Mainyu, being the "evil or averse
spirit. Ahriman is a sorcerer who achieved a means of
immortality and power over darkness and shadow. One
who creates his desire in flesh. n relation to the sorcerer or
practitioner of Yatuk-Dinoih, the individual seeks by
developing their own system of sorcery, to become like
Ahriman, just as did Akht-Jadu in the Zoroastrian tales.
Ahriman is called the Great Serpent or Dragon, whose
spirit is a shapeshifter and tester of flesh and mind. t was
considered in some Zoroastrian tales that Ahriman and the
Daevas, his angels, ecisted between the earth and the
fixed stars, which would be essentially of the element Air
(much like Lucifer his later identification). n creation myths,
Ahriman first saw light and sprang into the air in the form of
a great snake, that the heavens were shattered as he
brought darkness into light.
Ahrima&ic P OF Ahriman, the core essence traits of
Ahriman ndividual will, desire (controlled), passion to
command (manifest reality), utilizing the darkness of the
subconscious (bestial/demonic), exhalting the rational,
waking mind (the angelic or Luciferian aspect), primal
sorcery and the predatory spirit of wolves, serpents, etc. n
the sense of the Adversary, this relates to Az and Ahriman,
the union of masculine and feminine.
A;ha [Avestan/Pahlavi] # Avestan, meaning evil. n the
context of Liber HVH and Luciferian Witchcraft, it is a term
signifying the antinomian path.
A;ho [Avestan/Pahlavi] P From the Avestan "akha
meaning "evil, Akho is mentioned in the Denkard as a
word representing a "current of averse energy or evil,
through which one aligning their thoughts in possessing
spiritual independence, antinomianism and self-deification
one may reach into the spirit of Ahriman. This supports the
initatory foundation of the Luciferian path itself the
Adept prepares to become like the Adversary his or her
self, based on their own unique path.
A;h/ [Avestan/Pahlavi] The Sorcerer who was the
embodiment of the Yatus, the demonic forces of Ahriman.
Akht-Jadu or Kabed-us-spae as he was called was
mentioned in Matigan- Yosht- Fryan. Akhtya was the
founder and member of the Yatus, a coven of 'demons'
and sorcerers who wandered Persia, practicing and
developing sorcery. The name Akht itself means 'evil',
'filth' and 'pestilence', thus relates to the initiatory nature
of Akhti as a sorcerer of the Adversary, by the darkness
shall he come into light. Akhtya or Azyta is thus considered
a symbol of the Zanda, which is an Apostle or Priest of
ALGOL A word which derives from the Arabic Al Ra's al
Ghul, Al-Ghul, or Ri'B al Ohill, which is translated "The
Demon's Head. Algol was in Hebrew known as Rosh ha
Shaitan, or "Satan's Head, as some traditions have
referred to Algol as the Head of Lilith. The Chinese called
Algol Tseih She, which is "Piled up corpses and was
considered a violent, dangerous star due to its changing
vivid colors. On some 17th century maps Algol was
labeled, "The Specter's Head. Algol upon some research
has indicated that possibility Three stars which are an
eclipsing binary, which may explain some of the rapid
color change. Some writers have connected Algol with
the Egyptian Khu, or spirit. The Khu is considered a shadow
spirit which feeds on other shades of the dead. n
reference to the writings and initiatory symbolism of
Michael W. Ford, ALGOL is the sigillized in one form as a
Chaos Star with an Averse Pentagram in the center. The
Pentagram refers to the Eye of Set, timeless and divine,
godlike and independent. The Chaos Star is destruction,
Change and power all of which emerges from the Eye of
Shaitan, or Set. t is this Chaos which then brings Order.
ALGOL is the mirror of the sorcerer, one who may enter
and reside in the pulsing eye of blackened flame.
A&.elic; [Crowley/Thelema] The "k representing the
difference between Angelic in the Western point of view
and the Great Work of the Spirit itself. Angelick represents
the higher faculties in man and woman, the balanced
and intelligent spirit. The Luciferian Path promotes and
utilizes symbolism from the Dead Sea Scrolls, Avesta and
other texts as a model-point and foundation of initiation
and transformation, the image of Tabaet and the Fallen
Angels, Samael and Lilith, all represent an aspect of the
A&.h2$a [Avestan] Chi or Lifeforce, the vital essence of
the spirit which is the source of all life. n Luciferian
Witchcraft, the Yatus grows strong in ritual workings
drinking of Anghuya of both the spirit of others and that of
his or her own evoked subconscious energy. n this sense,
the Yatus or Sorcerer is the order within chaos, the Kali
inspired adept consuming all.
Are42ra [Avestan/Pahlavi] Arezurahe griva (Arezura) in
the Bundahishin is called "a mount at the gate of hell,
whence the demons rush forth. Arezura is the gate to hell
in the Alburz mountain range in present day ran. The North
is traditionally the seat of Ahriman, wherein the cold winds
may blow forth. Arezura from an initiatory perspective is
the subconscious, the place where sorcerers may gather
and grow in their arts, by encircling and manifesting their
desire. M.N. Dallah wrote in "The History of Zoroastrianism
concerning a connection with demons holding mastery
over the earth, their ability to sink below the earth and that
such demons around the time of Zoroaster walked the
earth in human form. n the Denkard, it is described that
one who becomes a vessel for the "evil religion becomes
physically an abode for "Unholy Demons or Daevas. One
grows aligned to Arezura spiritually by practicing with
discipline the path of Daeva-yasna or Yatukih sorcery.
Arezur or Arzur is the name of an early Son of Ahriman who
killed the First man.
A"a&a [Tantric/Buddhist] Meaning seat and posture,
used in the form of meditation.
AN [Avestan/Pahlavi] Called 'Concupiscence', Az is
represented as Primal Sexual Hunger, that which
eventually devours all things. Az is also related to
menstruation (The KSS of Ahriman causes menstruation in
women) and is a destroyer through chaos. Az was
connected with Sexual Hunger but also religious doubt,
which relates her to a Luciferian Spirit who broke the
chains of dogma by the Black Light, the torch of selfperception
of being. Az also represents Lilith as the
Goddess of the Beasts of the Earth, the very mother of
demons and sorcerous beings. Az was said to be created
in the Zurvan myth as a black substance like Coal, which
would devour all creation, manifesting her as a vampyric
A4a4el [Hebrew] The First Angel who brought the Black
Flame of being to humanity. Azazel was the Lord of Djinn
and was said to be made of Fire in slamic lore. Azazel
refused to bow before the clay of Adam, saying that it
was profane. He was cast from heaven to earth and was
indeed the first independent spirit, the initiator of individual
and antinomian thought. Azazel was later related to the
Watchers, the Hebrew Goat Demon God and Shaitan.
Azazel is a name of Lucifer, who is the solar aspect of the
Dragon, the Bringer of Light.
A4hi [Avestan/Pahlavi] P Serpent, snake
A4hi Daha;a [Avestan/Pahlavi] The son of Angra
Mainyu/Ahriman. Azhi Dahaka as the 'Storm Fiend' has six
eyes, three heads and three pairs of fangs. n human form,
he was Zohak, an ancient Babylonian/Scythian/Assyrian
King or Shah, who according to Zoroastrian mythology,
was transformed into the immortal storm fiend by a pact
with Ahriman. Azhi Dahaka is said to be filled with serpents,
scorpions, toads and other insects and reptiles.
ANOT'ON A sigillic word formula which represent the
Golden Dawn definition of the Beginning and End, Alpha
and Omega. Azothoz is a reversed form which is a symbol
and glyph of the Adversary, Shaitan/Set and Lilith. This is a
word which signifies self-initiation and the power which is
illuminated by the Black Flame within.
Ge-ara"% [Avestan/Pahlavi] Myraid of Horses, meaning
also Ten Plagues on humanity. This is a name of Azhi
Dahaka or Zohak.
Glac; Flame The Gift of Shaitan/Set, being individual
perception and deific consciousness. The Black Flame or
Black Light of blis is the gift of individual awakening which
separates the magician from the natural universe, being
an Antinomian gift of Luciferian perception. The Black
Flame is strengthened by the initiation of the Black Adept,
who is able to balance a spiritual path with the physical
Glac; Ma.ic; The practice of Antinomian and selffocused
transformation, self-deification and the
obtainment of knowledge and wisdom. Black Magick in
itself does not denote harm or wrongdoing to others,
rather describes "black as considered to the Arabic root
word FHM, charcoal, black and wisdom. Black is thus the
color of hidden knowledge. Magick is to ascend and
become, by Willed focus and direction.
Cai& The Antinomian nomad and Sorcerer who was the
spiritual offspring of Samael (the Black Dragon) and Lilith
(Red Dragon/the mother of demons) through the body of
Eve in Biblical lore. Cain was said to have been the initiate
of the Caul, and through his first step on the Left Hand
Path (Antinomian practice) he is the initiator of the
sorcerer and witch. Cain is also the Black Smith who sparks
the Black Flame in the mind of the initiate. Tubal-Cain is
the Baphometic Daemon which is the enfleshed
archetype of Azal'ucel, or Lucifer/Samael, the Dragon
and Peacock Angel.
Dae-a [Avestan/Pahlavi] demons, those who are
children of Ahriman and Az. Daeva also makes reference
to "Spirit of Ahriman, those who have walked the path of
the serpent, i.e. antinomianism or the left hand path.
Da>&M#Da>-a [Avestan/Pahlavi]- The faith of demons,
relating to the initiatory path of Ahriman or the Yatuk-
Dinoih. This is a faith related to darkness and the
knowledge of self, not by chance an exterior force.
Dae-a :a"&a [Avestan/Pahlavi] Demon (Daeva) Worship
(Yasna), meaning the Yatukih path of Satanism, that is; the
separation from the natural order, by the workings of rituals
and discipline oriented mental/physical workings,
becoming a body of darkness and light, a Daeva who is
continually expanding consciousness and becoming
something new. The term does not reflect the theistic
worship or knee bending towards an exterior force, rather
a Willed direction of self-advancement by transformation.
Daeva represents a "mask of power, specifically to
perceived energies.
Dre.-a&/ [Avestan/Pahlavi] n historical Zoroastrian lore,
a person embodied with Druj, the spirit of darkness. Druj is
refered as both feminine and masculine, thus is an
initiatory term relating to the foremost union of Ahriman
and Az, the blackened matter and fiery darkness of his
bride. A Dregvant is a Yatu or initiate of the Daeva-Yasna.
Dr2@ [Avestan/Pahlavi] P "Lie referring to demons,
feminine and masculine. The later derived term is
interestingly enough the old Persian "Draug, meaning
also "Lie and is held connected to "Serpent, "Snake or
"Dragon (i.e. Worm). Druj is a title representing
antinomian power in a personage, a daeva in flesh.
E-il E$e n the old Gathic writings, the Evil Eye is
considered a power of the Daeva and Druj, meaning the
power to cause death, oppression and sickness. n a
modern sense, the Evil Eye represents the window to the
Soul or Spirit itself, not merely as a negative but equally so
a positive. The Eye of the Yatu is the commanding
presence which is a form of spell casting, to focus the Will
itself on the desired goal, to achieve a result. Many
Daevas are directly related to the Evil Eye, thus is as well a
symbol of Ahriman.
Gha&ami&o [Avestan/Pahlavi] Name of Ahriman or
Angra Mainyu, spelling from the Denkard. Occuring also as
Ganamino and Akundag (from "anichaean texts).
'*'I Reverse of HVH, the name of God in Cabalism.
HVH is the name of Samael and Lilith, the Adversary the
very name of darkness manifest.
I&dri$a" [Tantra]- Senses, in Tantra there are considered 10
senses. The senses in Tantra are often considered
unreliable, yet defined such by the often narrow minded
and closed right hand path Buddhist sects. The Luciferian
recognizes the balance of the spiritual and physical with
regard to the senses, seeks to use them according to their
Oahi [Avestan/Pahlavi] P The companions/concubines of
the Yatu. An alternative spelling of Jeh.
Oeh [Avestan/Pahlavi] A manifestation of the Whore, AZ
in Zoroastrian lore. Jeh is a consort of Ahriman, the
Sorcerous Daemon of shadow and darkness. t was she
who awoke Ahriman from his great slumber, that which no
other sorcerer, wizard, witch or demon could do. Jeh-AZ is
the sexual and inspiration drive which causes movement,
friction and change. Jeh and Az represent predatory
spirituality, the hunger for continued existence.
KhraK"/ra [Avestan/Pahlavi] P Beast, representing a dev
(demon) on earth, Scorpion, wolf, fly, bat, serpent, lizard,
toad and any creation of Ahriman.
K2&dali&i The Fire Serpent located at the base of the
spine. n reference to the Luciferian Path, there are two
serpents, the Black (Ahriman or Samael) and the Red (Az
or Lilith), the red is a form of Shakti or the Kundalini, the
inspiring force of the universe.
LeK/ 'a&d Pa/h The Antinomian (against the current,
natural order) path which leads through self-deification
(godhood). LHP signifies that humanity has an intellect
which is separate from the natural order, thus in theory
and practice may move forward with seeking the mastery
of the spirits (referring to the elements of the self) and
controlled direction in a positive area of ones own life
the difference between RHP is they seek union with the
universe, nirvana and bliss. The LHP seeks disunion to grow
in perception and being, strength and the power of an
awakened mind. The Left Hand Path from the Sanskrit
Vama Marga, meaning 'Left Way', symbolizes a path
astray all others, subjective only to itself. To truly walk upon
the Left Hand Path, one must strive to break all personal
taboos and gain knowledge and power from this averse
way, thus expand power accordingly. Left Hand path is by
no means Negative in approach, as the goal is selfdeification
and the balance of the spirit and body.
Lili/h [Hebrew] The Goddess of Witchcraft, Magick and
Sorcery. Lilith was the first wife of Adam who refused to be
submission and joined with the shadows and demonic
spirits in the deserts. Lilith was also said to be the spiritual
mother of Cain by her mate, Samael (Shaitan) the Dragon.
Lilith appeared in Sumerian times as a Goddess of the
Beasts of the Wild, as well as Sorcery and Night-fornication.
Lilith was said to have many forms, from beautiful women
to half human and the bottom half animal, to half woman
and half flame. Lilith is also the mother of demons and a
Vampyric spirit which is a primal manifestation of the
Zoroastrian and Manichaean AZ and Jeh. Lilith may also
be related to the ndian KAL, whose name is one of Her 17
L2ciKeria& Ma.ic; Essentially close to the term, Black
Magick but specifically focuses on ascending in a selfdeified
and isolated way in reference to Lucifer, the
bringer of Light. Luciferian Magick may in this term make
reference to seeking Light and darkness through magickal
development, not an abstract concept, but to manifest
the Will in both the spiritual and physical world.
Ma.ic; - To Ascend and Become. n a Luciferian sense,
Magick is to strengthen, develop and initiate the self
through balanced forms of Willed Change.
Mahade-a [Sanskrit] Within the context of the Luciferian
Path as it is presented here, Mahadeva is the name of
Shiva who is Ahriman or Samael (Lucifer) as the blackened
matter or serpent.
Mahade-i [Sanskrit] n relation to this book Mahadevi is
the form of Lilith/Az/Kali as the female goddess.
Ma&/ra [Sanskrit] - a word meaning "sound and refers to a
type of magical practice which has aim spiritually. A
mantra may be recited out loud or in silence with the
discipline of the mind.
N.a&.a From Palo Mayombe, a spirit pot or gathering
point of energy, used in African and Central American
ritual workings. n the context of this book, a Nganga is a
spirit pot containing the raw materials which make up the
attributes of a spirit. The present Nganga of the author
contains a blackened demon candle, human bone
fragments, frog skin, serpent skin, bird bones, black bird
wings, grave stones, black candle and a machete
bearing an inverted cross representing dark power and
antinomian desire with two dried snakes. Used in ritual
workings as a focus point for the sorcerer.
O*LM '8LIP*Th # Olahm Ha-Qliphoth [Hebrew] the world
of matter in which we live in, created by the desire of the
Adversary being Samael and Lilith. The elements of this
book if found and utilized in the context of its writing,
displays possibilities via initiation to encircle, control and
manifest the desire of the Luciferian.
Pai/i"haDPai/$ara [Avestan/Pahlavi] A daeva/druj which
is counteraction, antinomianism and opposition. This spirit is
a manifestation of the Luciferian current of both Ahriman
and Az, complimented/strengthed by Aeshma or the result
of the path, Heshem.
Preda/or$ S%iri/2ali"m The act of devouring spiritual
energy and making the Adept stronger from ritual
practice, the act of encircling spiritual energy either
symbolically or literally based on theistic or non-theistic
belief, once encircling the spirit or deific mask,
symbolically devouring and consuming the association of
the spirit into the self. May be attributed to the inner
practices of the Black Order of the Dragon. A ritual
published in Luciferian Witchcraft, The Ritual of Druj Nasu is
a vampiric or predatory rite utilizing ancient Persian sorcery
inversions and techniques of sorcery for strengthening
consciousness. The predator should not be perceived as a
negative all living organisms are predators.
8li%%o/h # As the Zohar attributes the Qlippoth as being a
result of the Separation from creation it seems by mere
definition that the Qlippoth is indeed inherent of the
concept of the Black Flame, or Gift of Samael. Between
two separate things, there is a concept of Separation
which essentially is the concept of 'shells' or 'peels' being
the aspects the sorcerer must fill and in turn devour in the
process of becoming like Samael and Lilith. The Qlippoth
and Tree of Death (Da'ath) is the pathway to becoming
like the Adversary, as the Tree of Life is the path to joining
with God (becoming one with).
Sa66a/ The gathering and conclave of sorcerers. There
are in a conceptual sense, two types of Sabbats the
Luciferian and the nfernal. The nfernal is a bestial and
earth-bound journey, similar to those shown in woodcuts
and gathering points. The nfernal Sabbat is sometimes
sexual, where the sorcerer may shape shift and
communicate with their familiars and spirits. The Luciferian
Sabbat is a solar and air phenomena based in dreaming,
floating in air and having sensations of a warm heat similar
to sitting out in the sun. The Luciferian Sabbat is a
strengthening and development of the Body of Light, the
astral double of the Adept.
Sa66a/ic A term which is related as the knowledge of
the secret gathering, the Sabbat. This is a focus of inspired
teaching based on magickal development via dreaming
and astral projection. The Sabbat is the gathering of
sorcerers in dreaming flesh, when the body is shed for the
psyche which is able to go forth in whatever form it
desires. The witch or sorcerer who is able to attend the
Sabbat has already freed the mind through a process of
Antinomian magical practice, thus enforcing and
strengthening the imagination as a visualization tool,
similar to divination and 'sight' with spirits.
SeH Ma.ic; [Luciferian] The use of Shakti (Daemonic
Feminine) with the Shiva (Daemonic Masculine) energies
to transform consciousness into a Luciferian aspect of the
Black Flame, divine consciousness. Sex Magick in the
Luciferian context is a volatile and challenging path which
defines success by results, that is by a spiritual and physical
continual 'fleshing out' of self-directed goals. The
Luciferian realizes that the material or Therionick aspect
(Ahriman and the devouring Az) are essential principles in
the Mind-Body-Spirit circle of progression, initiation and
self-evolution. n a considered Form of Satanic thought,
the Sex Magickian as presented in ADAMU is not
practicing 'evil' rather is exploring the darkest aspects to
master all elements of the self in order to balance a
spiritual and material life.
Shade" Spirits of the Dead, ghosts and phantoms which
walks in the astral plane. These spirits may represent in
some cases the body of the sorcerer in the plane of the
dead, a world separate in some areas from our own living
perception. n evocation and necromantical practice, the
shades are brought around and closer to the world of the
Sha;/i P Power representing the Daemonic feminine or the
serpent. Often a concubine or equal working as a Temple
of the Goddess herself, an embodiment or avatar of
daemonic energy.
Sorcer$ The art of encircling energy and power of self, by
means of self -fascination (inspiration through the
imagination). Sorcery is a willed controlling of energies of a
magical current, which is responsive through the Will and
Belief of the sorcerer. While sorcery is the encircling or
ensorcerling of power around the self, Magick is the Willed
change of ones objective universe.
S/ao/a [Avestan/Pahlavi] A Vibration which could cause
death or some change, that which would encircle the one
sounding the Staota in self-focused energy. A Staota is
used historically in the mythological tale, The Matigan-
Yosht- Fryan. A Sorcerous technique presented in the
Second Edition of YATUK DNOH.
Therio&ic; [Crowley/Thelema] Therion, Greek meaning
'beast'. Therionick with the "k separating the
transformation of the bestial elements of the body (the
lower daemon or lycanthropic essence, that which serves
Az as the material devouring principle), atavistic (shadow
aspects of the unconsciousness) and the ritualistic
principles of the dark side or night side of the Mind.
Tiama/ [Assyrian] Generative concept from which all
emerged from. Tiamat is a feminine dragon principle
whose brood were half insect, beast or serpent. Tiamat is
viewed as the vampire goddess in the Luciferian Path.
Ti"hi& [Avestan/Pahlavi] P A demon of thirst or
vampyric/luciferian druj, serpent and daemon. Tishin is
related to the concept of desire for continued existience,
thus immortality and separation of the self from the
objective world. This concept is within the gnosis of
Predatory Spirituality and relates the Luciferian to seek to
expand the mind by initiation, to manifest his/her desire on
*am%iri"m The act of consuming Chi or Anghuya in a
ritualized setting. Life or energy force is found in all things,
the sorcerer practicing vampirism would encircle and
consume to grow stronger with this energy. Practitioners of
Vampirism DO create their own Chi but also use Chi
absorbed or drained from other sources to manipulate the
shadow by dream and ritual, growing stronger. The Eye is
both a symbol of vampirism and Luciferian practice,
predatory spirituality. Vampirism is based in the
foundations of early Egyptian texts and Charles Darwin
theories of natural selection. Not referring to the Religion of
:a/2;ih [Avestan/Pahlavi] Term denoting relevance of
sorcery within Persian mythology. Directly relating to the
title of the practice of Ahrimanic/Satanic sorcery and the
practitioner in a modern sense. See "Yatuk Dinoih.
:a/2; Di&oih [Avestan/Pahlavi] Witchcraft and Sorcery.
The development and practice of adversarial and
opposing sorcery to encircle the witch or wizard in selfdeveloped
energy. The principle of Darkness and the
Deva/Druj (Demon) worship of this sect was in seeming
model form, that by becoming as Darkness they
developed a Light within. See LUCFERAN WTCHCRAFT -
Grimoire written by Michael Ford.
:a/2" [Avestan/Pahlavi] A group of 'demons' or sorcerers
who practice Yatukih sorcery and Daeva-Yasna. The Yatus
were led by Akht-Jadu, Akhtya. They were also considered
nomads in nature, wandering through all parts of Persia
practicing their religion. This term has no considerations to
the Zoroastrian religion, while the modern and separate
practices described in Liber HVH and parts of Luciferian
Witchcraft are manifestations of a new type of
interpretation of the practice of Daeva-Yasna.
:e4idi [Kurdish] Considered 'devil worshippers' by
outsiders, the Yezidi are those who are dedicated to
Malak Tauus, the Peacock Angel, also called Shaitan or
Lucifer. n the MESHAF RESH, the Black Book, Azazel is the
first angel, created before any other. He is considered
most beautiful and is the one who teaches and enlightens
humanity. n the areas of Yatuk Dinoih, Sabbatic and
Luciferian Sorcery, transformation occurs by the embrace
and becoming of the opposing force, or adversarial
(antinomian) ideas within the self. The initiate moves
through the magical current to strengthen his or her own
being. n a modern context, Malak (Angel) Tauus
(Peacock) is the symbol of solar enlightenment, wisdom
and beautiful developed being.
DRUNG, DEU and BON Namkhai Norbu, 1995 Library of
Tibetan Works.
THE KABBALAH UNVELED Mathers (S.L. MacGregor) 1912
VSON AND THE VOCE Aleister Crowley
available online by Joseph Peterson.
THE JEWSH ENCYCLOPEDA Made available online by
AVESTA Khorda Avesta (Book of Common Prayer) Made
available online by Joseph Peterson.
VENDAD Made available online by Joseph Peterson.
THE BUNDAHSHN - (Creation or Knowledge from the Zand)
translated by West (E.W.), from SACRED BOOKS OF THE
EAST. Made available online by Joseph Peterson.
Loseries-Leick, Graz, Austria.
THE BOOK OF PLEASURE by Austin Osman Spare
THE FOCUS OF LFE by Austin Osman Spare
Michael W. Ford, aka Akhtya Seker Arimanius photo by Dana Dark,
Michael W. Ford is a solitary practitioner primarily of a modern interpretational form of
ancient Persian sorcery called collectively "Yatuk-Dinoih which is essentially known as
Daeva-yasna, utilizing the forbidden currents of the Adversary as a life-strengthening
tool of initiation. He is currently the Magister of the Black Order of the Dragon and The
Order of Phosphorus, two small initiatory guilds based in Houston, Texas. Mr. Ford is a
professional business manager and underground musician in known groups such as
Black Funeral, Psychonaut 75 and Hexentanz. Michael is currently developing the
Luciferian Tarot with Elda.
Elda sela Ford aka Soror Lilitu Azhdeha photo by Dana Dark, 2002
Elda sela Ford is an artist who has been a longtime practitioner of the demonicfeminine
currents found in the Luciferian Path, she has contributed artwork in all of
Michael's published writings. Elda is currently developing the Luciferian Tarot with
L2ciKeria& Wi/chcraK/
By Michael W. Ford
Succubus Publishing 2005
SBN 1411626389
The home publisher of
Luciferian Witchcraft is here:
"This is the revealed grimoire of the left-hand path. There is power for those willing to
drink from the cup of the Beast and his Bride, the Devil's Harlot. Herein is the path as
walked by one who seeks to reveal the True Path of Ahriman and Lilith-Az, to manifest in
flesh the spirit of Azi Dahaka and Cain. Herein is magick from the foundation to higher
pathworkings of Sorcery and Black Magick . . . here the works which burn away the
modern white-washing of so-called magick and or Witchcraft . . . herein are the rituals of
Lucifer, Ancient Persian Sorcery, Goetic magick and forbidden sex magick"
For more than a decade left hand path and dark withcraft expert Michael W. Ford has
laboured in the forbidden fields of the dark side of the occult, lit by the pale moon of
Luciferian ambition and Satanic drive. Luciferian Witchcraft represents perhaps the
major part of his published accomplishments to date. The first editions of most of his
works are disappearing into private libraries of occult collector's items-and their prices
are increasing enormously. With this fact in mind, Luciferian Witchcraft gathers together
in one huge compendium many of the shocking rituals and bizarre initiation rites of
black magick that have established Ford as the most cutting-edge exponent of the left
hand path tradition in America today. The book begins with a lengthy and highly
scholarly exposition of the place of the Draconic adversary within historical magick. Set
Typhon, the Egyptian God of Darkness, Ahriman, the Persian Devil and his Whore of
Darkness, the Adversary and the Bride of the Devil, Cain the Son, the Gnostic
Yaldabaoth, "Child of Chaos", the Path of the Crooked Serpent- Leviathan and
Beelzebub and Tiamat, Pazuzu, and Moloch are only some of the topics and figures
covered. The second part of the book,The Grimoires of Luciferian Witchcraft, includes
several of his most infamous graveyard workings, together with the complete version of
the Luciferian Goetia- a completely revised and updated version of the Goetia grimoire
from the Lesser Key of Solomon the King. Part three covers Yatukan and Ahrimanic
Persian sorcery. As have mentioned before, it is the willingness and creativity of Ford to
look beyond worn-out Christian- and Hebrew-based demonology in search of black
magick inspiration that marks his work as unique. Here, forbidden heresies of millenia-old
Zoroastrian thought reveal their diabolic secrets to the sorceror.
Magick of the Adversary
By Michael W. Ford
Succubus Publishing 2005
ISGN 1411660862
198 pages, 8.5 x 11.0 in., Perfect-bound,
60# white interior paper, black and white
interior ink, 100# white exterior paper, fullcolor
LBER HVH, the awaited grimoire of the
Luciferian Path is now published
containing the infernal rites of the
Qlippoth, an extensive ideological and
magical system presenting a grounded
and understandable form of working with the Qlippothic Tree of Da'ath and
tunnels. The second part of the grimoire is based on the ritualistic inversions of
the Avestan texts and the forbidden path of Predatory Spiritualism.
LBER HVH contains the 22 spheres of the nfernal Qlippoth, the methods of
filling and draining those "shells and the Luciferian Rites of the Supper of Cain,
symbolic of the first Satanist from the ancient Hebrew texts relating to the
devouring process from a symbolic and ritualistic approach.
No matter what name the Adversary has been called by, from the ancient
Persian cult of Yatukih sorcerers Ahriman or Angra Mainyu, his Bride Jahi or Az,
to the Hebrew Samael and Lilith, the Luciferian Current has remained strong
beneath those ancient cultures. LBER HVH is a grimoire written from ancient
religious texts such as the Avesta and various Cabbalistic writings. The result is
a powerful Luciferian ideology and methodology of ritual and daily-life
practice which transforms the mind into the Spirit of the Adversary.
Liber HVH explores the Qlippothic Spheres, Ritual Sorcery based on the
ancient cults mentioned in the Avesta of Yatuvidah, daeva-yasna (demonworshippers)
persecuted by the Zoroastrians. The roots of the Adversary as the
Masculine and Demonic Feminine are explored from Hebrew and Ancient
Persian sources, to a living and potent Left-Hand-Path initiatory system.
Beginning with an inversion of the Catholic Rite to instead practice
"exorcism, the inverted and created rite is aimed at "Possession or liberating
the shadow self into a viable, productive focus. The 22 cells of the Qlippoth
along with the infernal spheres are presented as valuable aspects of
strengthening consciousness and creating an attitude of winning and selfdeification.
LBER HVH will contrast with those looking to condemn left-handpath
writings, the revealed identity of the Luciferian is one who wishes to
become something more, from the predatory spirituality of Ahriman and Az to
the intense ritual practices of the long forgotten Daevas of the Avesta.
By Michael W. Ford
STANDARD EDTON: SBN-97814116-81361
455 pages, 6.0" x 9.0", perfect binding, black and
white interior ink AVALABLE FROM LULU.COM for
the price of ]R0.^I
'ARDGACK EDITION A'eca/e Edi/io&C i" a-aila6le
direc/ Krom /he %26li"her5 Kor /he %rice oK
]I^.I` P NOTE 'ard6ac; a&d "oK/co-er ha-e /he
"ame ma/erial5 /he 'eca/e#'ard6ac; ha" a
diKKere&/ co-er a&d a& i&-oca/io& oK 'eca/e o&
/he 6ac;.
Pri&/ed 455 pages, 6.0" x 9.0", jacket-hardcover binding, 50# cream interior paper,
black and white interior ink , 100# exterior paper, full-color exterior ink
The Choronzon edition of BOOK OF THE WTCH MOON is the completely new version
which is extended to 455 pages, with new chapters and material. The grimoire is
centered around the cult of Hecate, from the practice of Luciferian and Satanic
Witchcraft which exalts the dark feminine and masculine as a balanced perspective of
magick. Containing both old and new sections, a focus on the path of vampirism, or
predatory spiritualism is a foundation focus of the Luciferian Path. LBER NEHEBKAU,
ORGNS OF THE VAMPRE N ANCENT EGYPT, THE TUAT - Abode of the Serpents of the Evil
DRUJ NASU - THE BLACK SUN RTE OF VAMPRSM, Nature is More Atrocious - Sex Magick
andThe Birth of a Lunar ntelligence, The Nine Angles and Satanic Magick - A study of
the symbolism of the ONA, ALPHABET OF DESRE, A Ritual of Qlippothic Descent and
Luciferian Ascent, Shades of Algol, The Sabbats, CH AS THE ELXR OF MMORTALTY and
much more. ntroduction by Peter J. Carroll, author of Liber Null/Psychonaut and Liber
Kaos writes "$f Bou choose to em2race and live the cthonic murk and stBgian darkness
of the follo@ing chapters Bou @ill certainlB get some return on Bour investment of 2elief,
for it has 2een @ell crafted 2B a master.Ae@are of the pale Jecate. %reate Bour #ods
@ith care, for theB @ill reform Bou in their o@n image.7 The foundation of Book of the
Witch Moon is in the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory Spirituality. The
Nine Angles and the Trapezoid workings, inspired by Anton LaVey and presented
around the cult of Daeva-Yasna, the persian demon-sorcery of Yatuk Dinoih.Contains
the Rituals of Dream, ritual and astral vampirism as an initiatory tool, other Cabalistic
workings presenting the Qlippoth and the Tree of Da'ath or hidden wisdom. Contains
the Grimoire based on Ancient Egyptian Vampirism, LBER AAPEP, Luciferian Magick
practice,The Chaos Cult Workings of Choronzon as Vampire, The Rites of Hecate, the
nfernal and Luciferian Sabbat, and the foundations of Satanic practice in Magick.
Containing in this massive grimoire is also a study of the ORDER OF NNE ANGLES from a
Luciferian perspective, centered around their forbidden workings including the
appearance of Lilith-Babalon as Baphomet, the Mistress of Blood. llustrated Elda sela
Ford Nathaniel Harris (Author of WTCHA - Book of Cunning) and various other sources.
AN 2%o& /he Ahrima& Dra.o&
AN P Lili/2 /he Mo/her oK Demo&"
The *or/eH oK Ec"/a"$ a&d /he O"c2l2m I&Kame
Sha;/i Ill2mi&a/ed

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