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Function: 1. Take in food

2. Digestion
3. Absorption of digested food
4. Provide nutrients of absorbed food
5. Waste elimination feces

Digestive Tract: deciduous (non permanent -20)
1. Mouth (oral cavity) - teeth
permanent ( 32 )
a. Parotid
- salivary glands b. Submandibular
c. Sublingual
a. salivary AMYLASE ( break down
saliva (contains) b. LYSOZYME (with antibacterial property)
c. Mucin (for lubrication)
- control of salivation: salivary secretion by PARASYMPATHETIC
Trigger: a. Tactile (food in the mouth)
b. Taste (more in SOUR)
c. Odor of food
d. Hunger
- digestion is aided by MASTICATION

2. Pharynx
Deglutition (swallowing) with 3 Phases:
3. Esophagus a. Voluntary voluntary control to swallow
b. Pharyngeal closing of epiglottis covering the larynx to prevent aspiration of
food into the trachea (respiratory system)
c. Esophageal move the food by PERISTALTIC contraction into the stomach.

4. GIT Gastrointestinal Tract:
- 4 layers of GIT found all though out the GIT (exception: Stomach with OBLIQUE muscle)
a. Mucosa innermost layer
- site of SECRETORY glands of the GIT
b. Submucosa - site of nerves, blood vessels
c. Muscularis - 1. Circular muscles
2. Longitudinal muscle
- facilitate movement, mixing of food
c. Serosa

- refer: page 454, table 16.1 for summary of secretions of GIT

4.1 Stomach storage and mixing chamber of food and stomach secretions turns to CHYME
a. Secretions: 1. Parietal cells secretes HCl (pH of stomach 2) and
(Mucosa) Intrinsic Factor ( facilitate Vit. B12 absorption in the stomach)
2. Chief cells Pepsinogen converts to Pepsin (for protein
3. Endocrine cells secretes Gastrin (regulates the secretion of
1 and 2)
b. Control of Secretions: - a. via CNS(Medulla Oblongata) Parasympathetic(Vagus)
b. Hormonal mechanism

Phases: 1. Cephalic phase a. Taste / Smell of food
( secretion) b. process of Chewing and
2. Gastric phase a. presence of Food in the stomach
b. stretching of stomach stretch

( secretion) 3. Intestinal phase presence of Chyme in the small
intestine inhibits secretion of the stomach by
hormones secreted by the Duodenum

4.2 Small Intestine about 6 meters long
a. Parts: 1. Duodenum - shortest portion of SI (12 inches)
- site of secretion of hormones that inhibit stomach
a. Secretin
b. Gastric inhibitory polypeptide
c. Cholecystokinin
- Triggers: 1. presence of Chyme, fats, acid
- drainage area of Liver, Gall Bladder (Common Bile
Duct) and Pancreas (Pancreatic Duct)
2. Jejunum - about 2.5 meters major absorptive
3. Ileum - about 3.5 meters area of Small Intestine

b. Movement of SI: (Travel time of food: Approx: 3-4 hours)
1. Peristaltic move the food (chyme) along the whole length of SI
2. Segmental Short section contraction for mixing
c. Other secretions: 1. Peptidases protein digestion
2. Disaccharidases carbohydrates digestion
3. Lactase lactose(milk) digestion

4.3 Large Intestine travel time of food approx: 18-24 hours
- absorption of water and conversion of food to feces
- site of Vit. K synthesis by the bacteria present in the LI

a. Parts: 1. Cecum site of appendix
2. Ascending colon
3. Transverse colon
4. Descending colon
5. Sigmoid colon
6. Anal canal

Refer page 471, Fig. 16.23

Accessories of the Digestive System:
1. Liver and Gall Bladder
a. Bile - not a digestive enzyme
- function to dilute and neutralize the acid from the stomach entering the SI
- help in the digestion of fats (Emulsification)
- Secretin / Cholecystokinin from duodenum stimulate the contraction of gall bladder
b. Function of Liver: 1. remove sugar from blood stored as Glycogen
2. storage area for: fat, vitamins
3. synthesize amino acids
4. detoxify cmpds: drugs, alcohol, etc.
5. site of formation of: clotting factors, albumin, fibrinogen

2. Pancreas: Exocrine Portion: Stimulated by Cholecystokinin
a. Secretions: 1. Trypsin
2. Chymotrypsin continue the protein digestion
3. Carboxypeptidase
4. Lipases lipid digestion
5. Nucleases DNA/RNA reduce to nucleotides
6. Pancreatic amylase polysaccharide digestion

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