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... through Bertha Dudde

Truth is light ....
Darkness the result of heartlessness ....
He who seeks will also find !et intelle"t alone will ne#er $e a$le
to differentiate $etween truth and error .... His will to %ossess
the %ure truth has to "o&e fro& the $otto& of his heart and
then his heart will $e a$le to se%arate truth fro& error ....
There is wides%read error in the world whi"h &eans that one "an
indeed s%eak of dense darkness for truth alone is light .... 'nd it
al&ost see&s as if the truth would no longer $e a$le to %re#ail
$ut $e o#erwhel&ed $! darkness ....
But ti&e after ti&e it will %enetrate again as a ra! of light and
enlighten a %erson who !earns for the truth. (et it "annot $e
attained %urel! intelle"tuall! otherwise "le#er %eo%le would
indeed alwa!s ha#e to ha#e the truth and a less gifted %erson
would $e shut off fro& all light ....
But "o&ing into %ossession of the %ure truth is deter&ined $! a
different fa"tor .... A heart has to be willing and able to love,
then the light will ignite in the human being by itself, and
then he will be able to distinguish truth from error .... He
will a#idl! a""e%t the truth and re)e"t e#er! ina""ura"!.
The fa"t that the earth is engulfed $! %rofound darkness is due
to %eo%le*s heartless wa! of life .... Heartlessness is the
e+ui#alent of s%iritual darkness ....
Onl! lo#e is the light whi"h $estows $rightest realisation lo#e
awakens the hu&an $eing*s s%iritual s%ark to life and lo#e
e&anates the light of wisdo&. 'nd thus so&eone with a heart
that is willing to lo#e will not fall %re! to error either his thinking
will &o#e within the truth for he is alread! "onne"ted to ,e
through lo#e and then the light ra! of ,! lo#e "an enter his
heart and tell hi& e#er!thing he desires to know.
'nd onl! a lo#ing %erson will a"tuall! %onder whether he is
thinking "orre"tl! whether he re"ei#es the truth or has fallen
%re! to error when he is offered s%iritual knowledge .... For a
heartless %erson "ouldn*t "are less whether his thoughts are right
or wrong ....
(et onl! the hu&an $eing who re"ognises and a""e%ts the truth
will $e ha%%! for the truth will set hi& free and onl! then will he
find the right %ur%ose in his earthl! life .... Onl! the truth will
infor& hi& a$out the &eaning and %ur%ose of his earthl!
e-isten"e the truth will alwa!s %ro#ide inner %ea"e and he will
find the goal worth stri#ing for whi"h he $elie#es he has
re"ognised in the truth ....
Through truth the %erson will also "o&e "lose to ,e he will
re"ognise and stri#e towards ,e and he will regard e#er! error
to $e against ,e and re)e"t or fight it. His earthl! life too will
onl! a%%ear worth li#ing to hi& when he has re"ei#ed truthful
knowledge a$out all "orrelations and the hu&an $eing*s "orre"t
relationshi% to God his .reator and /ro#ider and he will stri#e
towards Hi& in the knowledge of finding $eatitude whi"h as a
hu&an $eing he is as !et una$le to e-%erien"e.
0arthl! life will also onl! a%%ear &eaningful to hi& when he is
truthfull! instru"ted a$out e#er!thing .... Darkness in "ontrast
"annot &ake a %erson ha%%! and e#er! &isguided tea"hing is
s%iritual darkness whi"h "an ne#er %lease a %erson $ut should $e
%enetrated $! a ra! of light whi"h denotes truthful
knowledge ....
The %erson re+uesting truth is ri"h indeed for he will re"ei#e it
without fail $e"ause 1 '& truth ,!self and e#er! wish for ,e will
$e granted .... 2e#ertheless it is #er! diffi"ult to $ring light into
the %rofound s%iritual darkness in whi"h %eo%le li#e at %resent
%re"isel! $e"ause %eo%le are $lind and no longer a$le to e#en
see a ra! of light ....
Their e!es ha#e $een weakened $! de"e%ti#e lights and "an no
longer %er"ei#e a soft ra! of light .... 'nd the! "hase after these
de"e%ti#e lights and get "aught in e#er greater darkness .... But
the! "annot $e for"ed to a""e%t the true light $eing in darkness
the! ha#e to !earn wholeheartedl! for a ra! of light then the!
will also $e illu&inated fro& within and $e so %leasantl! tou"hed
$! it that the! will want to es"a%e the darkness.
'nd ti&e and again 1 let the light shine to earth and 1 also know
who desires the truth .... and trul! he will re"ei#e it $ut first it
has to $e %re"eded $! a genuine desire for it ....
But e#er! hu&an will is free and if he turns to the light he will
trul! not need to regret it .... 1f howe#er he seeks darkness he
will %erish in darkness for it will onl! e#er lead into ,!
ad#ersar!*s do&ain whereas truth will lead to ,e Who "an onl!
$e rea"hed through truth for truth gi#es !ou hu&ans a "lear
idea of what !ou need for !our soul and thus truth is the %ath
that leads to ,e and to eternal life ....
Truth is the light that e&anates fro& ,e and enlightens the heart
of e#er! %erson who li#es with lo#es and wants to unite with ,e
the 0ternal 3o#e .... He will rea"h his goal %er&eated $! light he
will return to his Father*s house ....
/u$lished $! friends of new re#elations of God 41nfor&ation
download of all translated re#elations the&e5$ooklets at6


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