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Chapter 16


If you need an immediate solution to: See page:

Using Arrays
Initializing Single Dimension Arrays
Initializing Multiple Dimension Arrays
Initializing Jagged Arrays
Enumerating Single Dimension Array Elements
Enumerating Multiple Dimension Array Elements
Enumerating Jagged Array Elements
Using Array Methods
Working with ArrayList
Reserving Space
Enumerating Collections
Searching and Sorting
Working with Dictionaries
Adding and Removing Elements
Finding Elements
Enumerating Elements

Chapter 16 Collections

In Brief
16. Collections

Many programming tasks will involve working with multiple items of

the same, or similar types. You will need some kind of collection to
store these multiple items and work with them. The .NET BCL con-
tains classes and interfaces that model many of the classic data struc-
tures available for collections: vectors, lists, queues, hash tables, and
dictionaries. All the collections perform the same basic functions; you
can add and remove elements, iterate all the elements, and search for
a particular element. The difference between collections is the per-
formance characteristics for different operations. As such, the col-
lection classes make extensive use of interfaces to factor out common
behavior. Using some care, you can write functions that will work
with multiple collection classes by coding to the interface instead of
the class.

The .NET BCL also provides functions that work with elements in a
collection. All these algorithms depend on your class implementing
particular interfaces. You will want to implement functionality such
as ordering and copying using these interfaces to get the most out of
the collection classes.

The array is the simplest collection. It is the most limited, and it is the
fastest. It is the fastest because it provides the least dynamic data
structure. You must declare the number of dimensions and the size of
the array when you create it. Any array you create is derived from the
System.Array abstract class. The array is the simplest collection
structure. It is the only collection class that is part of the System
namespace, instead of the System.Collections namespace.

Using an array is quite simple and natural. Several of the examples in

previous chapters have used arrays for data structures. Arrays have
two properties that make them different than any other collection
• Arrays are completely type-safe. Arrays are declared with a
particular type. Only that type may be added to an array. All other
collections store references to System.Object objects.

In Brief

• Arrays cannot change size once declared. Once you declare an

array, you cannot grow the array to store more elements than you

16. Collections
had originally planned.

These two restrictions help to make the array faster than other col-
lection classes. You do not need to check types when you examine
elements in an array. Also, there is much less work for the runtime to
manage the memory in an array. The array is also unique in that you
can declare arrays with multiple dimensions or jagged arrays.

Single Dimension Arrays

To declare a single dimension, you specify the type stored in the
array and the rank of the array. You also can optionally construct the

int [] firstArray; // Not initialized

int [] myArray = new int [10]; // created.
// None of the elements are initialized.

Notice that the size of the array is not part of the variable type. The
following is legal C#:

int [] myArray = new int [10]; // 10 elements.

MyArray = new int [20]; // 20 elements now.

You also can initialize the elements that go in the array:

// create an array with 10 elements, containing 0-9.

int [] myArray = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
// Explicitly declare the size:
int [] myArray = new int [10] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

When you specify the size of the array, as in the second example, the
number of elements in the initializer must match the size of the array.
Neither of the following will compile:

// Neither work correctly:

int [] myArray = new int [9] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int [] myArray = new int [11] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

Once you create the array, you can access the elements by using the
array index:

int i = myArray[3]; // Get the 4th element.

Chapter 16 Collections

This example sets i to the value of the fourth element in the array.
The lowest index in all C# arrays is 0. If you try to access the
16. Collections

array outside of its declared bounds, the runtime throws an


int i = myArray[12]; // Throws an IndexOutOfRangeException.

Internally, any array declared in C# is derived from System.Array.

You can use any of the methods that are declared in System.Array
with any of the arrays you create. The Array class also implements
four different interfaces: ICloneable, IList, ICollection, and
IEnumerable. For example, the C# foreach statement expects the
collection to support the IEnumerable interface:

foreach (int i in myArray) {

System.Console.WriteLine (i.ToString ());

Multiple Dimension Arrays and Jagged Arrays

C# has support for multiple dimension arrays, of which there are two
different styles: multiple dimension arrays and jagged arrays. Mul-
tiple dimension arrays contain more than one index:

// create a 4X2 matrix.

int [,] matrix = new int [4,2];

This statement creates an array containing eight elements. Multiple

dimension arrays are also referred to as rectangular arrays. This dis-
tinguishes them from jagged arrays:

int [][] arrayOfArrays = new int [4] [];

arrayOfArrays[0] = new int [5];
arrayOfArrays[1] = new int [3];
arrayOfArrays[2] = new int [7];
arrayOfArrays[3] = new int [4];

Jagged arrays are actually arrays of arrays. Each element in

arrayOfArrays is an array of integers. This gives jagged arrays the
ability to have different rows containing different numbers of elements.
Multiple dimension arrays have fixed numbers of elements for each

These simple examples show arrays with two dimensions. You can,
however, use any number of dimensions in an array. In fact, you can
even mix jagged arrays and multiple dimensional arrays.

In Brief

TIP: The extra overhead means that multiple dimension arrays are more efficient than
jagged arrays. You should use multiple dimension arrays instead of jagged arrays unless you

16. Collections
need to have different lengths for the different rows in your jagged array.

Collection Classes
The simple array can handle many of the cases where you need more
than one object of a particular type. When you need more sophisti-
cated data storage, the .NET BCL contains many classes you can use
for different data structures. I go through the collection classes in
order from the most general to the most specific. All the collection
classes store references to System.Object objects. Therefore, any
time you work with the elements in the collection, you will need to
explicitly cast the object in the collection to the specific type of ob-
ject you actually stored in the collection.

Examining the Collection Classes

In this section, I discuss only a few of the collections. These collec-
tions are part of the System.Collections namespace. Other collec-
tion classes are more specialized and are derived from these
collections. For example, collection classes in the System.
Windows.Forms namespace are used for managing controls on forms,
and collection classes in the System.Data namespace work with
database elements.

The ArrayList stores a sequence of elements. The ArrayList differs
from the Array class in that you can change the storage capacity of
an ArrayList dynamically. Internally, the ArrayList class uses an
array to store the objects in the collection. The performance charac-
teristics of the ArrayList and the array are very similar. The dynamic
memory management of the ArrayList will affect the performance
of this data structure. You can control these effects by using the Ca-
pacity property of the ArrayList.

TIP: You should choose the ArrayList to get the best performance for an unsorted sequence
of elements that must change size dynamically. The ArrayList also gets better performance
for sorted operations when you can control the frequency of insert and remove operations.

The HashTable stores key/value pairs. HashTables cannot contain
multiple copies of the same key value. The HashTable provides the

Chapter 16 Collections

fastest performance for a collection that examines elements by lookup,

rather than iterating values. The HashTable is not sorted in the nor-
16. Collections

mal sense. Rather, the HashTable stores items in buckets based on

the value returned by the hash function. The elements are ordered
based on the value of the hash function. If you iterate all the elements
in a HashTable, you will not get the elements in order. However, if
you search for a specific element, you will get the best performance
using a HashTable.

TIP: You should use the HashTable when most of your element access is searching for
elements, not iterating the collection. The HashTable is also faster than the SortedList when
elements are frequently added to the collection.

The SortedList stores key/value pairs, just like the hash table does.
The SortedList differs from the HashTable in how it stores values
in the collection. A SortedList stores two arrays internally, one for
the keys and one for the values. Using the SortedList, you can search
for keys in the structure, just like you can with the HashTable. When
you iterate a SortedList, you will get the keys in sorted order. Every
insert operation moves elements in the internal arrays; each new ob-
ject gets inserted in sorted order. Insertions and lookups are slower
than with the HashTable, but you do get to iterate all the items in

TIP: You should use the SortedList when you need key/value pairs in sorted order. It is
slower than the HashTable, but you can control the iteration order.

The Stack is a special purpose collection. The Stack provides a lim-
ited interface to support the specific interface of a stack: Items are
pushed onto and popped off of a stack. You can enumerate all the
items in the stack by using the IEnumerable interface.

TIP: You should use the Stack only when you need the particular characteristics of a last-in,
first-out stack container.

The Queue is also a special purpose collection. It provides a limited
interface to support adding items to the end of the queue and remov-
ing them from the front of the queue. The Queue does support the
IEnumerable interface, so you can examine all the items in the queue.

In Brief

TIP: You should only use the Queue when you need the particular characteristics of a first-in,
first-out queue container.

16. Collections
The BitArray is a special structure that stores bits to represent an
array of Boolean values. The BitArray trades space for speed. The
BitArray supports Boolean logic operations on the bits in the
BitArray. You can perform AND, OR, NOT, and XOR operations on
all the bits in two different BitArray containers.

TIP: You should use the BitArray when your design creates Boolean data structures that
model large numbers of Boolean values.

Choosing a Collection
Choosing one of the special purpose collections should be fairly ob-
vious. If you need the special properties in the Queue, Stack, or
BitArray, that is what you use. You should choose one of the general
collection classes based on the performance characteristics of the
collection and which operations you will perform most often. Here
are a few selection tips:
• Use an array of the specified type if you do not need to resize the
collection often. This will give you the best performance.
• Use the ArrayList structure when you need to resize the collec-
tion. This is the most common collection to use when you need or
want the dynamic memory management provided by the runtime.
• Use the HashTable when you need to store keys and values, and
the majority of your access is searching for a specific key.
• Use the SortedList when you need to store keys and values, and
you need to enumerate those values in order.

Boxing and Unboxing

The collection classes all store references to System.Object objects.
You will often want to store value types in your collections. When
you store value types in your collections, they are boxed when you
add them to the collection. Conversely, they are unboxed when you
remove them from the collection. The end result of this conversion is
that you cannot modify a value type inside a collection. You will al-
ways replace a value type with another object of the same type in the

Chapter 16 Collections

The boxing and unboxing operations take time and memory. You do
pay a performance penalty when you put value types in collections.
16. Collections

You can avoid this penalty by storing your value types in arrays, rather
than the more sophisticated collection classes.

Collection Interfaces
The collection classes are primarily distinguished by their performance
characteristics. You can write code that works correctly with mul-
tiple different collection classes by coding to the interfaces defined
by the collection classes.

The .NET design team separated the collection classes from the inter-
faces that collections implement for two different reasons. In addi-
tion to allowing you to create methods that can work with different
collection classes, it can help you write your own collection classes.
By implementing these interfaces, you can create a specialized col-
lection class that will work with any methods that work with the stan-
dard collections in the .NET BCL. The collections that are outside of
the System.Collections namespace implement many of these inter-
faces so that those specialized collections work seamlessly with the

The ICollection interface provides methods that are implemented
by all classes that store more than one object. All the collection classes
listed in the “Collection Classes” section, including arrays, implement
ICollection. The ICollection interface contains a property for the
number of objects in the collection. The only method in the
ICollection interface supports copying the collection to an array.

The IEnumerable interface contains one method: GetEnumerator
(). All the collections support this interface. In addition, many classes
that can act like a collection support this interface. For example, the
string class supports this interface so that you can enumerate the
characters in the string.

You use an object that supports the IEnumerator interface to enu-
merate all the elements in a collection. The IEnumerator interface
has methods to move forward in the collection and to reset the enu-
merator to the beginning of the collection. Every collection returns

In Brief

an object that supports IEnumerator through its IEnumerable


16. Collections
The HashTable and SortedList classes support a special kind of
enumerator called the IDictionaryEnumerator. The IDictionary
Enumerator contains extra methods to return either the key or the
value in a dictionary.

The IDictionary interface is derived from both the ICollection and
IEnumerable interfaces. It adds those methods that are specific to
collections that store key/value pairs and support lookup based
on the keys. The IDictionary interface is implemented by
the HashTable, the SortedList, and many other special purpose col-
lections outside of the System.Collections namespace. The
IDictionary interface lets you add and remove key/value pairs or
enumerate the keys or values separately.

The IList interface contains methods that should be supported by
any collection that stores a sequence of values. IList methods let you
add and remove elements, find elements by value, and retrieve values
based on their index in the collection. The common methods used by
all collections are actually part of the IList interface.

Interfaces Used by Collections

The .NET collections need some functionality provided by the ob-
jects in a collection to provide their functionality. Your objects should
provide two interfaces—IComparer and IHashCodeProvider—to
allow them to work more easily with the .NET libraries. You should
consider implementing these interfaces for classes that you will put
in collections.

The IComparer interface is used by the Sort () methods in the
ArrayList and SortedList collections to sort the objects that are
stored in the collection. You implement the IComparer interface to
provide an ordering in your class. If your class does not naturally
support an ordering function, you need not implement this interface.
If your class does not support an ordering function, simply don’t sup-
port this interface; the collections still work, except that you cannot
sort the elements.

Chapter 16 Collections

The IHashCodeProvider provides a custom hash function for dif-
16. Collections

ferent objects. Overriding the Object.GetHashCode () is generally

a better way to implement the hash function. However, when you are
putting objects in a HashTable that do not support GetHashCode
(), or the Object.GetHashCode () function does not provide the
distribution you need, you can provide your own hash function by
using an object that implements the IHashCodeProvider interface.

Immediate Solutions

Immediate Solutions

16. Collections
The key point to remember as you look at these examples is that the
.NET collections are designed so that similar or identical constructs
work with different collections.

Using Arrays
Many of the samples written so far have included some form of array.
The System.Array and instantiations of that class are by far the most
common simple collection you will use.

Initializing Single Dimension Arrays

When you create a single dimension array, you must declare the size
of the array. You cannot resize the array later, although you can re-
create it with a different size. You can initialize a single dimension
array when you declare the array:

Point[] locations = new Point [8] {new Point (175, 10),

new Point (275, 75),
new Point (325, 175),
new Point (275, 275),
new Point (175, 325),
new Point ( 75, 275),
new Point ( 20, 175),
new Point ( 75, 75)};

That construct is shorthand for declaring each array element indi-

vidually after creating the array:

Point[] locations = new Point [8]; // Elements are null.

locations [0] = new Point (175, 10);
locations [1] = new Point (275, 75);
locations [2] = new Point (325, 175);
locations [3] = new Point (275, 275);
locations [4] = new Point (175, 325);
locations [5] = new Point ( 75, 275);
locations [6] = new Point ( 20, 175);
locations [7] = new Point ( 75, 75);

Chapter 16 Collections

Initializing Multiple Dimension Arrays

You create a multiple dimension array in a similar manner to the single
16. Collections

dimension array. When you declare the array, you must declare how
many dimensions are in the array. The number of dimensions is also
referred to as the rank of the array.

int [,] twoDArray; // 2 Dimensions

int [,,] threeDArray; // 3 Dimensions.
int [,,,,,] sixDArray; // 6 Dimensions.

When you create the array, you must specify the length of each

twoDArray = new int [3,4];

// Now, you can intialize the elements:
twoDArray[0,0] = 0;
twoDArray[0,1] = 1;
twoDArray[0,2] = 2;
twoDArray[0,3] = 3;
twoDArray[1,0] = 4;
twoDArray[1,1] = 5;
twoDArray[1,2] = 6;
twoDArray[1,3] = 7;
twoDArray[2,0] = 8;
twoDArray[2,1] = 9;
twoDArray[2,2] = 10;
twoDArray[2,3] = 11;

Like single dimension arrays, you can initialize the array when you
create it, or even when you declare the array:

int twoDArray [,] = new int [3,4] {


The outer brackets specify the leftmost, or outermost, dimension. Each

inner set of brackets specifies a more inner dimension, or more to the
right, in the array initialization.

Initializing Jagged Arrays

You must initialize jagged arrays differently than single or multiple
dimension arrays. Jagged arrays are implemented as an array of ar-
rays. As such, you create each element in the outer dimensions using
an array creation statement:

Immediate Solutions

int [][] JaggedArray; // 2 D jagged array.

JaggedArray = new int [3][]; // Create an array

16. Collections
// of single dimension arrays.
JaggedArray[0] = new int [4]; // Create an array
JaggedArray[1] = new int [3]; // Second Array.
JaggedArray[2] = new int [5]; // Third Array.

// Create elements:
JaggedArray[0][0] = 0;
JaggedArray[0][1] = 1;
JaggedArray[0][2] = 2;
JaggedArray[0][3] = 3;

// Next array:
JaggedArray[1][0] = 4;
JaggedArray[1][1] = 5;
JaggedArray[1][2] = 6;

// Last array:
JaggedArray[2][0] = 7;
JaggedArray[2][1] = 8;
JaggedArray[2][2] = 9;
JaggedArray[2][3] = 10;
JaggedArray[2][4] = 11;

You can combine all these initializers into a single construct:

int [][] JaggedArray = new int [][] {

new int [] {0,1,2,3},
new int [] {4,5,6},
new int [] {7,8,9,10,11}

Enumerating Single Dimension Array Elements

The foreach statement is the best way to enumerate all the elements
in your array:

foreach (Point p in locations) {

// Draw the points.

The foreach construct provides you with two very important benefits:
• The elements being retrieved from the array are typechecked.
Any incompatible elements in the array are skipped. In fact, the
InvalidCastException gets caught and handled, without you
needing to write any extra code.

Chapter 16 Collections

• The foreach statement properly handles the length of the array.

You do not need to remember the size of the array.
16. Collections

This same statement works correctly for all sequence containers.

Related solution: Found on page:

Catching Exceptions Chapter 12

Enumerating Multiple Dimension Array Elements

You can enumerate a multiple dimension array the same as a single
dimension array:

int twoDArray [,] = new int [3,4] {


foreach (int i in twoDArray)

Console.WriteLine (i.ToString());

This will print all the numbers in the array. The innermost dimension
increases first, the outermost dimension last. For example, the pre-
ceding statement will print 0 through 11, in order. If you want to enu-
merate the rows and columns separately, you will need to use the
GetLength () method of the array class:

for (int x= 0; x < twoDArray.GetLength (0); x++) {

for (int y = 0; y < twoDArray.GetLength (1);y++) {
Console.Write ("{0}, ", twoDArray[x,y].ToString());
Console.WriteLine ();

WARNING! Do not use the Rank or Length properties to enumerate the array. The
Rank property tells you how many dimensions are in the array. The Length property
gives the total length of the array, not the length of a single dimension.

Enumerating Jagged Array Elements

Jagged arrays are arrays of arrays. Enumerating all the elements in a
jagged array involves nested loops. Once again, foreach will work to
iterate the arrays that make up the jagged array. An inner foreach
loop will iterate each element in each array:

Immediate Solutions

int [][] JaggedArray = new int [][]

16. Collections
{ new int [] {0,1,2,3},
new int [] {4,5,6},
new int [] {7,8,9,10,11}};

foreach (int [] a in JaggedArray ) {

foreach (int i in a) {
Console.Write ("{0}, ", i);
Console.WriteLine ();

Using Array Methods

The System.Array class also contains methods that manipulate the
elements, or the order of elements, in an array. Remember that the
array is actually a specific instance of System.Array. The
System.Array class supports the ICloneable, ICollection, IList,
and IEnumerable interfaces. Any of those interface methods are part
of the array class. You can use the Sort () method to sort a single
dimension array. The BinarySearch () method will find an element
in an array. The Reverse () method will reverse the order of ele-
ments in an array. These methods are covered in the next section on
sequence containers.

Working with ArrayList

Arrays are the right data structure when you rarely change the size of
the container once it is created. When you need to dynamically change
the size of a container, the ArrayList container will be easier to use
and much more efficient than the vector. Vectors cannot change size.
If you need to resize them, you must recreate them. The ArrayList
grows dynamically when you add an element or a range of elements:

ArrayList l = new ArrayList ();

l.Add (2); // Add one element.
l.AddRange (twoDArray); // Add a range of elements.
// Any kind of collection can be added:
l.AddRange (JaggedArray);

The ArrayList stores a single sequence of elements, and you can add
and remove those elements anytime in your program. The Remove
() method lets you remove an element either by index or by value:

Chapter 16 Collections

l.Remove (5); // remove the fifth element.

16. Collections

l.Remove ((object) 3); // remove the first '3' in the collection.

The second version performs a linear search through the collection

to find a particular value. You will see later that there are quicker
ways to remove an element from a sorted collection.

Reserving Space
The ArrayList has two properties that let you manage the storage in
the ArrayList container: Capacity and Count. Capacity stores the
amount of space reserved in the collection for elements. Count re-
turns the number of elements actually in the collection. You can con-
trol the way in which the collection grows by manipulating the
Capacity before a large insert operation:

ArrayList l = new ArrayList ();

l.Add (2); // Add one element.
l.Capacity += twoDArray.Length; // Reserve Space.
l.AddRange (twoDArray); // Add a range of elements.

Anytime you are adding large groups of elements to a collection, you

can use this method to increase the capacity in one call, rather than
taking repeated performance hits to increase the capacity multiple
times as the collection grows. Similarly, you can use this property to
trim excess capacity from an ArrayList when you know you will not
be adding more elements:

l.Capacity = l.Length; // Trim excess capacity.

l.TrimToSize (); // Does the same thing.

Trim the ArrayList with caution, because the next Add () will cause
the ArrayList to grow, with the associated time cost.

Enumerating Collections
These collections all contain indexers that return a reference to the
individual elements in the collection:

int val = (int)l[3]; // Get the fourth element.

l[3] = ++val; // modify the fourth element.

All the sequence collections: ArrayList, Queue, and Stack support

the IEnumerable interface. The foreach statement uses the
IEnumerable interface. So, to enumerate an ArrayList, Queue, or
Stack, use the foreach statement shown before:

Immediate Solutions

ArrayList l = new ArrayList ();

16. Collections
l.Add (2); // Add one element.
l.AddRange (twoDArray); // Add a range of elements.
foreach (int i in l) {
Console.WriteLine (i.ToString ());

The foreach statement means you do not have to make the cast when
you retrieve objects from your collections. However, the foreach state-
ment does perform the same cast. If the wrong type of object is in
your collection, an InvalidCastException gets thrown, and the re-
mainder of the collection does not get enumerated.

Searching and Sorting

The ArrayList collection contains methods to sort the collection and
to search for an element in a collection. The Sort () and Search ()
methods use the method defined in the IComparable interface. Here
is a simple class that stores CD titles and artists:

class Album : IComparable {

private string _Title;
private string _Artist;

public Album (string artist, string title) {

_Artist = artist;
_Title = title;

public string Title {

get {
return _Title;
set {
_Title = value;

public string Artist {

get {
return _Artist;
set {
_Artist = value;

Chapter 16 Collections

public override string ToString () {

16. Collections

return _Artist + ",\t"+ _Title;


public int CompareTo (object o) {

Album other = o as Album;
if (other == null)
throw new ArgumentException ();
if (_Artist != other._Artist)
return _Artist.CompareTo (other._Artist);
return _Title.CompareTo (other._Title);

The class simply stores two strings: the artist and the title of the al-
bum. The last method, CompareTo (), provides the ordering func-
tion for the Album class. The CompareTo () method should return
–1 if this object is less than the reference object, 0 if the objects are
equivalent, and 1 if this object is greater than the reference object. If
the other object is not of the correct type, the CompareTo () method
should throw an ArgumentException.

Now you can sort the collection:

ArrayList arr = new ArrayList ();

arr.Add (new Album ("Grateful Dead", "American Beauty"));

arr.Add (new Album ("Bare Naked Ladies", "Gordon"));
arr.Add (new Album ("Smashmouth", "Astro Lounge"));
// etc.

// Sort:
arr.Sort ();
// Print all the albums:
foreach (Album a in arr) {
Console.WriteLine (a);

But, what if you want to sort the albums by title? Well, an overloaded
version of the Sort () method takes another parameter: an object
that supports the IComparer interface. IComparer has one method,
Compare (), which compares two objects of the same type. The re-
turn value for Compare () follows the same convention as the
CompareTo () method in the Icomparable () method. Here is a
simple class to compare the albums based on the title:

Immediate Solutions

class TitleComparer : IComparer {

16. Collections
public int Compare (object l, object r) {
Album left = l as Album;
Album right = r as Album;
if ((left == null) || (right == null))
throw new ArgumentException ();
if (left.Title != right.Title)
return left.Title.CompareTo (right.Title);
return left.Artist.CompareTo (right.Artist);

// Using it is simple:
// Sort by title:
arr.Sort (new TitleComparer());
foreach (Album a in arr) {
Console.WriteLine (a);

Searching the collection is equally simple. The BinarySearch ()

method searches an ArrayList to find a particular value. The default
version searches for the value, using the IComparable.CompareTo
() method on the objects being sought:

Album l = new Album ("Bare Naked Ladies", "Gordon");

// Default Sort:
arr.Sort ();
// Default search (returns 0)
int index = arr.BinarySearch(l);

// Sort by title.
arr.Sort (new TitleComparer());
// Search by title (returns 2):
index = arr.BinarySearch (l, new TitleComparer ());
Console.WriteLine (index.ToString ());

WARNING! If you do not use the same Compare () functions for both the Sort () and
BinarySearch () functions, you get undefined results. Searching on an unsorted
collection also yields undefined behavior.

The ArrayList collection contains many other methods that let you
manipulate the collection. These methods let you copy ranges of the
ArrayList, remove or replace elements, or access individual elements.

Chapter 16 Collections

Working with Dictionaries

16. Collections

The .NET BCL has two kinds of dictionary collections: the HashTable
and the SortedList. Both of these collections store key/value pairs.
Because these collections store pairs of values, the interface is a bit
different from the sequence containers. When you enumerate these
values, you get a special type of object that contains the key/value
pair. The observable difference between these two types of collec-
tions is the order of the elements in the collections. When I refer to a
“dictionary” in any of the following discussions, the discussion is valid
for both the SortedList and the HashTable. The performance of the
collections differs as well. Searching for a specific key in a HashTable
is a constant time operation—it completes in the same amount of
time, no matter how many objects are in the collection. Searching for
a specific key in a SortedList is a logarithmic operation. The time to
find an element grows with the logarithm of the number of elements
in a collection.

You create a SortedList or a HashTable by constructing the collec-


HashTable h = new HashTable ();

SortedList l = new SortedList ();

The HashTable and SortedList both store System.Object refer-

ences for both the keys and values. So, you need to manage a few
details to make sure that your dictionaries work correctly. Internally,
the dictionaries—both the HashTable and the SortedList—use the
IComparer interface or the Object.GetHashCode () method to
compare and organize objects. If you make a mistake and use the
wrong type of elements as the keys, your dictionary will not work
correctly. You will not be able to find elements because the keys can-
not be compared properly.

Adding and Removing Elements

You add elements to a dictionary by using the Add () method. You
supply both the key and a value:

Hashtable h = new Hashtable();

h.Add ("Gordon", "Bare Naked Ladies");
h.Add ("Astro Lounge", "Smashmouth");
h.Add ("American Beauty", "Grateful Dead");
h.Add ("Abraxus", "Santana");

Immediate Solutions

h.Add ("Wheels of Fire", "Cream");

16. Collections
SortedList list = new SortedList();
list.Add ("Gordon", "Bare Naked Ladies");
list.Add ("Astro Lounge", "Smashmouth");
list.Add ("American Beauty", "Grateful Dead");
list.Add ("Abraxus", "Santana");
list.Add ("Wheels of Fire", "Cream");

The HashTable and the SortedList have different performance char-

acteristics for the Add () method. The HashTable adds elements in
constant time. The SortedList takes logarithmic time to add elements;
it must search for the correct location in the collection for the new

You remove elements from any dictionary by using the Remove ()

method. You also can use the RemoveAt () method for a SortedList:

h.Remove ("Abraxus"); // Find and remove.

list.Remove("Abraxus"); // Find and remove.

list.RemoveAt (2); // Remove the 3rd element.

The RemoveAt () method is faster than the Remove () method for

a SortedList collection. The Remove () method must find the ele-
ment before it can remove it. Remove () is a constant time operation
for a HashTable.

Finding Elements
The dictionary classes contain indexers that let you find values in the
collection by the key. These give you a very natural syntax to access
and change elements:

artist = (string) list["American Beauty"];

These indexers return a reference to the value associated with the

specified key. If the key is not in the collection, the indexer returns
null. The value returned must be cast to the proper type; the method
returns a reference to a System.Object object. Just like other meth-
ods that need to search for elements in a dictionary, the HashTable
version is faster. The HashTable retrieves an element in constant
time; the SortedList needs logarithmic time to find and retrieve an

Chapter 16 Collections

Enumerating Elements
As with other collections, you can use the foreach statement to enu-
16. Collections

merate all the elements in a dictionary. There are some differences

for dictionaries, though. The dictionary classes provide a more spe-
cialized IEnumerator. The dictionary enumerator returns a
DictionaryEntry object that contains properties for both the key
and value. In this way, you can work with both the key and value
when you enumerate a dictionary:

foreach (DictionaryEntry d in h) {
Console.WriteLine ("{0}, {1}", d.Key, d.Value);

foreach (DictionaryEntry d in list) {

Console.WriteLine ("{0}, {1}", d.Key, d.Value);

Up to this point, every section has shown you that the HashTable is
faster than the SortedList. Enumerations are the one area where the
SortedList may be more appropriate. The SortedList does keep
the collection in sorted order, based on the keys. The HashTable
enumerates the collection based on the value returned by the hash
function. That order is most likely meaningless to you and your users.


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