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Amber Moon

C.L. Bevill
Amber Moon
Published by C.L. Bevill at Smashwords
Copyright 2010 by Caren L. Bevill
Chapter One
The prophecy of the elfish Court says
that when the half breed prince meets his match
in both magic and flesh, the court shall flourish
!e doesn"t loo# li#e an el$%& 'ame the usual sardoni' 'omment. ( thought elves
were short% really short. Big ears% big noses. )ings% too. *oesn"t loo# li#e he has
wings under that sil# shirt.&
Mirie loo#ed through the high powered bino'ulars and thought that the man that
they were wat'hing was power$ul with leanly 'orded mus'les. +he pale blue sil# shirt
he was wearing showed every ripple o$ his physi,ue. Mirie had seen her $air share o$
handsome men% but Samson Anarion was easily the $orerunner on her top ten list. !e
had long hair% as straight as night% and as un$athomably dar# as sin. (t $ell to the area
between his shoulder blades when it was loose and when it was tied ba'#% as it was
now% it loo#ed positively wi'#ed. !e was a tall man% standing well over si- $eet% but
it was his $a'e that was the most arresting. !is 'hee#bones slashed to his 'hin and his
eyes were the 'olor o$ diamonds% sharply stunning% dynami'% and utterly enthralling.
(t was an attra'tive $a'e even with a sli'ing white s'ar that ripped through one o$ his
eyebrows% 'rossed over his eye and $aded down his 'hee#% interse'ting with the well.
de$ined 'hee#bone.
!e loo#ed li#e an el$ish pirate.
( don"t see how anyone 'an thin# he"s human%& she murmured to /a'# *ra#e% her
partner on the surveillan'e team.
/a'# was tall% and gray eyed as well% but he was rough and hewn $rom stone% a
man who was on a mission% and nothing else. !is hair was the 'olor o$ silver%
prematurely gray% but he had on'e said it had always been that 'olor. And he was
only a $ew years older than Mirie. !e was also utterly human and $ull o$ arrogan'e
and de'laration. !e"s a pretty boy%& he said lowly. 0or a $airy.&
1l$%& Mirie 'orre'ted. A prin'e o$ the !igh Court. Son o$ the #ing. !e"s an
eighth son% however. And hal$ human by all reports. !is mother was ,uite beauti$ul
and very human. Still% they trust him in this world to ta#e 'are o$ business
/a'# s'owled and Mirie sensed it without loo#ing at her partner. !e didn"t thin#
mu'h o$ otherworldly 'reatures% whether they were vampire% werewol$% or el$. ($ he
#new what she was% she wasn"t sure i$ he would 'ontinue to trust her. /a'# had
issues with the paranormal% and $or good reason% 'onsidering that his $amily had been
slaughtered by something otherworldly% leaving him an orphan when he was twelve
years old. +he Committee had ta#en him in% and as an adult% trained him to be a
$ield agent% 2ust as they had Mirie. Mirie had 'ome by her s#ills in a di$$erent manner%
albeit more mysteriously.
+hey 'ome $rom another plane o$ e-isten'e%& /a'# said grimly. 3et they want
to do business in our world% unbe#nownst to the general publi'. )hat do they invest
in4 Sto'#s and bonds4 Mi'roso$t4 (t doesn"t seem right.&
+he elves don"t 'ause harm to humans. 3ou need to read your resear'h brie$ings
better.& Mirie glan'ed at /a'# and then ba'# at Samson Anarion. +hey were per'hed
on a roo$ top $ive hundred yards away $rom Anarion"s penthouse suite. Anarion had
'ome out onto his lu-urious patio in order to per$orm his daily e-er'ises. !e stripped
o$$ the sil# shirt and Mirie got another loo# at his toned and 'ompelling $orm. She
also got a loo# at the rash o$ white s'ars a'ross his ba'#. 0ully a do5en 'riss'rossed
his s#in% and gave him the appearan'e o$ a man who had been whipped into near
+hey have their own agenda%& /a'# said. 6ot one that supports humans. ($ it
'omes down to them or us% they"re going to s'rew us over every time.&
Mirie shrugged. She didn"t thin# elves were the worst o$ the otherworldly
'reatures that wal#ed in humanity"s shadows. 7ampires% shapeshi$ters% d2inns% and
ghouls were all worse in that they preyed on the human population. 8$ten they le$t
only pools o$ blood and bi5arre ,uestions $or 'lueless% unauthori5ed authorities. 8nly
the mysterious Committee% o$ whi'h Mirie was an a'tive $ield agent% made
advan'ements to prote't the human ra'e. +he Committee had numbers o$
paranormal e-perts and $ield agents and an agenda that Mirie mostly agreed with.
But there were always e-'eptions.
Moving into a more 'om$ortable position% she bra'ed the bino'ulars on the edge
o$ the building. /a'# shi$ted uneasily beside her. !e 'ould see Anarion"s $igure and
didn"t need the bino'ulars to understand that their ,uarry was per$orming his
e-er'ises on his outdoor patio. Mirie too# a deep breath and wat'hed Anarion move
with pre'ision and s#ill. +he routine seemed li#e a 'ombination o$ +ai Chi and
9arate% but she had an idea that it was really an 1l$ish martial art that re,uired
superior 'on'entration. Anarion moved in a manner that men 'ould not. !e 2umped
higher% his #i'#s went on longer% and a leather pun'hing bag on the patio appeared as
though it would soon need to be repla'ed be'ause it was very well wor#ed.
(t was the third time she had wat'hed Anarion do his pra'ti'e% but she still stared%
$as'inated. A$ter $orty minutes o$ elaborate e-er'ise% he stopped to ta#e a deep
breath% his 'hest heaving with e-ertion% and he loo#ed dire'tly at Mirie. A tiny smile
'rossed his $a'e and she suddenly #new that he was aware o$ their observation% that
he had been aware o$ them $or some time. She nearly dropped the bino'ulars. +hen
she noti'ed something else.
(s he loo#ing at us4& /a'# said ,uietly.
3es%& Mirie said immediately. And he"s got the arti$a't.&
/a'# per#ed up immediately. 8n him% now4&
(t"s his belt bu'#le.& +he two $a'eted amber gemstones mounted on a golden
plate de'orated the belt at Anarion"s waist. The Eyes of the Amber Moon has been
molded to be a $ashion utensil.& Mirie brought the bino's ba'# up to Anarion"s $a'e
and saw that he was still wat'hing her. She #new that the elves had superior vision%
but it seemed as though he wasn"t surprised that they were there. 0urthermore% she
thought she 'ould see a tou'h o$ triumph in his e-pression. :neasiness $illed her
being. 1lves didn"t li#e unne'essary attention to their a'tivities and the Committee
had s,uabbled with them be$ore. :h.oh. /a'#. +ime to go. !e"s too unassuming.&
Mirie 2umped to her $eet% damning hersel$ $or her gullibility. 1lves #new things;
some were 'lairvoyant. !ow he had #nown they were wat'hing him wasn"t a huge
,uestion to answer% but it meant that obtaining the Eyes of the Amber Moon would be
all the more di$$i'ult.
+hey had use o$ 'lairvoyants themselves. 8ne o$ their best had said that the Eyes
of the Amber Moon was 'onne'ted with the 1l$ish prin'eling. Conse,uently they had
set up a loose surveillan'e o$ Samson Anarion% the hal$.el$ who lived li#e a wealthy
lord in the 'ity o$ angels.
+he $irst part o$ the otherworldly triumvirate had been a',uired by (sabella
Morgan a month be$ore. +he thought had made Mirie smile be'ause she #new that
(sabella was a diehard bibliophile. The Book of the Black Moon had been retrieved
$rom a werewol$ 'lan who didn"t have a 'lue what they had possessed. 8n the other
hand% (sabella had reputedly nearly died at the werewolves" hands and had been
saved by the bite o$ one o$ the 'at 'lan"s most $earsome warriors. +he Committee
didn"t mind that one o$ their librarians was now a shapeshi$ter% but they did mind
about her impending marriage to the same warrior and her resulting resignation $rom
the Committee.
(t didn"t matter to Mirie either. (sabella deserved her happiness and i$ a
were2aguar was the 'ause o$ it% then power to her and her new$ound love. Mirie 2ust
hoped $or an invite to the wedding. She"d never been around a shapeshi$ter 'lan and
she was very interested in the prospe't.
($ she managed to ma#e it through the rest o$ this parti'ular day. !ead in the
game% #id%& /a'# muttered. 1va'uation plan Alpha Charlie. Meet you at Starbu'#s
in ten.&
Mirie gathered up her sparse e,uipment and 'ast a glan'e at the 1l$ish prin'e
again. Anarion was still staring at her. ($ she wasn"t mista#en% he wasn"t loo#ing at
/a'# at all. !e was staring at her. 8nly her.
1ven a'ross the distan'e between the two buildings their eyes 'onne'ted. 0or a
long% endless moment she 'ould $eel hersel$ $alling into those diamond 'olored eyes.
A shiver o$ sensation billowed down her ba'# and made goose bumps appear on the
s#in o$ her arms. An odd sensation o$ power and sensuality 'oursed over her as i$ they
had an intimate lin#ing. +he e-pression on his $a'e wasn"t dis'ernable without the
bino's% but Mirie #new that his shoulders suddenly straightened and he stepped
toward her% as i$ he 'ould rea'h out and tou'h her trembling $lesh.
Mirie #new what Anarion was seeing and she didn"t imagine that her appearan'e
abruptly riveted him. She was a young woman in her late twenties% apparently
human% with pale blonde hair twisted e$$i'iently into a 0ren'h braid at the ba'# o$
her head. +he 'lothing was simple and utilitarian serving. A nondes'ript +.shirt
'overed her shapely top and pen'il legged 2eans her bottom. +he autumn day had
allowed a leather 2a'#et that ended at her trim waist. A bla'# pa'# sat on her ba'#.
/a'# murmured% 8h% 'rap.&
Mirie $inally bro#e away $rom Anarion"s intent ga5e to glan'e over her shoulder
and saw the 1l$ish trio o$ bodyguards was positioned at the stairway entran'e to the
roo$top they were standing on. All three topped /a'#"s si- $eet two in'hes and were
as broad as barns. All held elaborately de'orated weapons o$ some $orm or another.
8ne had a #atana style #ni$e. 8ne had a broadsword. +he third held nun'hu'#s.
+heir intense e-pressions revealed that not only that they #new how to use the
weapons% but that they were ready to do so at the slightest provo'ation. Shit%& she
1va'uation plan Bravo Charlie4& /a'# ventured with a ,ui'# grin at her. !e
ad2usted the pa'# on his ba'#% ensuring that the bu'#les were se'ured.
Mirie glan'ed downward and swallowed. !eights were $ine and dandy as long as
she was standing on something solid. +hirty $loors up were great as long as one
stayed on the building. She loo#ed a'ross to Anarion again and saw that his hands
were bra'ed on the retaining wall o$ his e-terior patio. She 'ouldn"t ma#e out his
e-pression but his body language appeared 'onsternated; it was almost as though he
had an idea o$ what they intended and was 'on'erned $or their sa$ety. 6o% her
3ou $irst%& Mirie said with a ,uaver. Maybe i$ /a'# went $irst and the bodyguards
started toward them% then she wouldn"t hesitate.
/a'# blin#ed at her.
Stop<& one o$ the bodyguards yelled. Mirie loo#ed at the el$ with an e-pression
o$ distaste. +hirty $eet away and 'losing $ast% they had $igured out that /a'# and
Mirie didn"t e-a'tly need to use the stairs and the elevator.
As i$%& she said. I can do this% she told hersel$.
/a'# spun and 2umped o$$ the side o$ the building.
Mirie was a heartbeat behind him. She stepped ba'# two steps to ma#e sure o$
the 'learan'e $rom the side o$ the building. She didn"t want to slam into the glass
windows below% nor did she want to $all into /a'#. She heard him yell $rom below.
+here was a distant whoosh that indi'ated the 'ompa't para'hute on his ba'# had
Simultaneously there was the pounding o$ $ootsteps behind her. +he bodyguards
were to 'apture them and as'ertain their threat level. (t was possible they"d been
onto the two agents $rom the $irst day and 'urious as to their intent. Mirie #new that
meant that Anarion"s pretty patio was ensor'elled $rom weapons. +hat meant that
the el$ 'ourt valued his li$e more than the Committee had dedu'ed.
Mirie had no time le$t. She let loose with her legs and too# one step be$ore she
plowed into a $igure that hadn"t been there be$ore. Anarion let her boun'e o$$ his
hard $igure without so mu'h as a grunt. (t was li#e hitting a wall. She
'ounterbalan'ed with her legs and attempted to go to one side. !e stepped to the
side even as she did. !is hands a'tually went up to her shoulders to help steady her%
but she wasn"t standing still $or him. Mirie went ba'#wards so $ast% she nearly
But she wasn"t down. She turned the motion into her advantage% whirling her
body around and #i'#ing up at the same time% the side o$ her heavy boot 'oming in
'onta't with the 2aw o$ the nearest bodyguard. +he se'ond one 'ame in with $ull
speed% his sword turned to the $lat side% determined on disabling her. 1$$ortlessly%
she shi$ted to one side and he $lew past her even as the $irst one hit the de'#.
+he third one 'he'#ed% his bla'# eyes darting toward Anarion. Mirie sidled to the
le$t% so she 'ould see both elves. ($ she 'ould get o$$ the roo$% she 'ould ma#e it to
the street. +he Committee wasn"t 2a55ed on agents getting 'aught by their sub2e'ts.
But the 1l$ish 'ourt wasn"t 2a55ed about the mostly human group spying on them%
Anarion suddenly smiled at her and his attra'tive $a'e be'ame indes'ribable.
Mirie was 'aught in his ga5e $or a moment. !e"d teleported to the building $rom his.
(t was a bit o$ intel that the Committee didn"t have be$ore. (t meant that while
Anarion was hal$.human% he was still one o$ the more power$ul elves. 1ighth son or
not% he was a potent el$% and they were ma#ing 'ertain he stu'# around $or the
interim. !is gemstone eyes glittered at Mirie. )ho are you4& he said and his voi'e
was throaty and lyri'al at the same time% not a hint o$ an 1l$ish a''ent.
/ust 'he'#ing the roo$%& Mirie snapped ba'#. +he bodyguard to her side% the one
with the nun'hu'#s% was trying to 'orral her between the one who had almost body
'he'#ed her and Anarion. 1arth,ua#es in the area and all that.&
Anarion snorted.
Mirie didn"t li#e being herded. She $einted le$t and moved to her right. 8ne o$
her arms shi$ted inside her 2a'#et and in the ne-t se'ond a ten in'h blade appeared in
her hand. (t glowed with a dim violet light that was e,ual to the 'olor o$ her eyes. (t
was her only prote'tion and one she wouldn"t use lightly. (t was a distin'tive weapon
that had been 'reated with her blood and tears by a Master )arlo'# who wor#ed $or
the Committee. Mirie had wor#ed on her immediate boss% 6ehemiah% $or wee#s in
order to get him to agree to the blade. (t had been worth the e$$ort; the weapon
hadn"t let her down yet.
itch blade%& Anarion breathed. +he bodyguard with the nun'hu'#s $ro5e $or an
instant. +he other one with the #atana #ni$e moved into position on Anarion"s side;
the weapon was raised on a $orty.$ive degree angle to the ground% ready to stri#e
:ne-pe'tedly Mirie was overwhelmed by the s'ent o$ lavender and 'lover and
sunshine% all wrapped up into one. (t 'aught her by surprise and her eyes went wide.
She ba'#ed up another step and shoo# her head slightly to 'lear her head. +he
Committee wasn"t going to appre'iate that their surveillan'e had gone so $ar south.
0urthermore% i$ she had to #ill one o$ the 1l$ish 'ourt to $ree hersel$ be'ause o$ her
inability to $o'us% they were probably going to put her in a magi'#ed 'age or have her
wor#ing in the lowest basement $or the ne-t thirty years. 8r worse they would give
her to the 1l$ish 'ourt $or their brand o$ retribution.
(s she a wit'h4& said 6un'hu'#s with a grim tone. +he word =wit'h" was said
with the denotation o$ something truly evil.
9ill her%& said 9atana 9ni$e de$initively.
Anarion inhaled deeply. !is mus'led 'hest e-panded e-ponentially. !is $a'e
turned to the bree5e wa$ting a'ross Mirie and toward him. 6ot a wit'h. Something
else. Something very interesting.& !e shoo# his head in an apparent mimi'ry o$ hers.
Mirie too# another step ba'#. By this time /a'# was on the ground and reali5ing
that Mirie wasn"t with him. !e would be 'alling $or rein$or'ements. All Mirie had to
do was re$rain $rom #illing anyone and $rom revealing what her mission entailed% and
res'ue would be 'oming within minutes.
+ell me who you are%& Anarion said and his voi'e was a breathy in'antation. !e
was using all his power to in$luen'e Mirie.
Mirie edged to the side and Anarion mirrored her moment. She brought the
en'hanted blade around and 6un'hu'#s growled at her. She used the moment and
$einted again. +hey should have learned. +he un'ons'ious el$ was $alling to the
ground be$ore she put both $eet to the ground again.
8bviously% ( need to reassess my se'urity%& Anarion said with a wry grima'e.
9atana 9ni$e said% Sire% you should return to the hold. +here"s no telling what
one li#e this 'ould do.&
Maybe you shouldn"t ba'# a girl into a 'orner%& Mirie 'ountered. +hen she
wouldn"t have to put you down.& +here wasn"t enough room to run to the side o$ the
roo$ and 9atana 9ni$e loo#ed really pissed o$$.
Anarion loo#ed 'onsidering. /ust tell us who you are and why you"re wat'hing
)ould you believe ("m a 2ournalist4& Mirie as#ed mirthlessly.
6o%& he said shortly. A beauti$ul woman who 'ra'#les with inner power% one
who has the in$luen'e to 'ontrol a wit'h blade% a weapon with intense energy% isn"t
2ust merely a human with a ha'# 2ob.&
!ey% ( have $riends who are reporters%& she snapped. +hey"re not all
9atana 9ni$e in'hed 'loser.
Mirie shot him an ugly loo#. *on"t. ("ll put this blade right through your boss"s
Anarion 'ursed at her words. 8ne hand slashed the air in $ront o$ him in a stern
gesture. *on"t% Laris. She doesn"t mean the threat.&
8bviously Laris was 9atana 9ni$e"s name. !e didn"t loo# away $rom Mirie"s $a'e.
+he snarl on his $a'e was the answer to her verbal threat. Mirie didn"t blin#. (t was
true that she didn"t mean the threat% but how had Anarion #nown that4 +he 1l$ish
nobility had 'ertain well #nown powers. Some were 'lairvoyants. Some o$ the more
power$ul 'ould teleport as Anarion had done. 8thers were #nown to be able to raise
great magi'#s. But the Committee had 5il'h on Anarion. As $ar as they were
'on'erned he was a lower level son with an arti$a't that they wished to a',uire
be$ore it 'ould be used to end the world. !e wasn"t a telepath or he wouldn"t be
as#ing ,uestions at all.
Mirie slowly appraised her options. Clearly Anarion didn"t want to let her go
without $inding out what he wanted to #now. And the elves weren"t #nown to be all
warm and $u55y about humans sti'#ing their noses in 1l$ish business.
!er eyes $li'#ered to the belt bu'#le. Perhaps she 'ould ta#e the prin'e hostage
and simply ta#e the Eyes of the Amber Moon. +he thought very nearly made her
'hu'#le. Anarion wasn"t going to let her =ta#e" anything. Certainly not the Eyes and
'ertainly not him. (n addition i$ she turned her head $or even a split se'ond% Laris
was going to be on her li#e stin# on a pig.
8ne o$ the two un'ons'ious elves groaned. Mirie really didn"t have any more
time. She pretended another movement that she #new Laris wouldn"t $all $or and
then instead o$ pulling out o$ the ploy she 'ontinued through with the movement% her
speed otherworldly and a re'ogni5able 'lue to her nonhuman status.
8$ 'ourse ( mean the threat%& she lied baldly as the wit'h blade twisted through
the air. )hat Mirie a'tually meant was to ta#e the bodyguard out be$ore the other
two wo#e up and hope that Anarion wasn"t going to pra'ti'e some o$ his 1l$ish #arate
on her.
But there was an abrupt 'ra'# o$ noise that made her win'e. And then the wit'h
blade $ell $rom Mirie"s hand mid.movement. (t $ell as i$ slow motion% turning over and
over be$ore stri#ing the sur$a'e o$ the roo$ and boun'ing on'e. She 'ouldn"t
'omprehend the a'tuality o$ the event. +here was a pounding noise that nearly
dea$ened her that was $ollowed by a hoarse murmur emitted $rom her throat.
!er eyes 'ame to rest on Anarion. (t was his 1l$ish name. Samson was the human
add on so that he 'ould sign paperwor# that appeared aboveboard in this parti'ular
realm. Anarion suited him. !e wat'hed with his glittering gemstone eyes as her
blade dropped $rom her hand. +hen his insistent ga5e $ollowed her other hand as it
went to her 'hest. A burning insisten'e there 'alled in'essantly $or her attention.
Curiously Mirie drew her hand ba'# and was sho'#ed to see it dripping with garnet
'larity. Lu'idity 'ame to her. Someone had shot her. (t was high in the 'hest on one
side% ma#ing her right hand and arm useless. Silly Mirie. She"d brought a #ni$e to a
gun$ight% but she hadn"t #nown it was a gun$ight. !er head twisted and saw one o$
the downed bodyguards with a lethal pistol held 'apably in his hand. Lying prone on
the roo$top% only $eet $rom her% and his gun was aimed $or 'enter o$ mass on her
body% ready $or the #illing shot. !is eyes studied her% trying to read whether he
needed to shoot her again.
+he inane thought that Mirie had was% I knew I should ha!e worn the ensorcelled
body armor"
But Laris didn"t need or want that moment o$ assessment. +he bodyguard was
moving toward her% his #atana #ni$e held adroitly to ma#e the ta#edown and Mirie"s
perspe'tive was twisting. +he world was rising or she was sin#ing. +here was a roar
o$ noise that didn"t sound li#e another gunshot and Anarion was there.
)ith her eyes as wide as sau'ers% Mirie observed as Anarion ripped the #atana
#ni$e $rom Laris"s hand and threw it o$$ the roo$. A blur o$ insensible repositioning
$ollowed and the gun was #i'#ed $rom the prone bodyguard"s hand. +hen Mirie was
loo#ing up $rom the ground and the 'louds were whipping past.
!is stunning $a'e was suddenly there% staring down at her. +he s'ar that ripped
a'ross his eyebrow% eye% and $a'e was white with strain. +he remainder o$ his visage
$illed with horror and 'on'ern% and Mirie didn"t ,uite get it. ($ the se'urity threat
was no longer a worry% what was the problem4
)hat are you4& he said urgently. Ah% the ,uestion 'hanged% Mirie
'omprehended. !e 'ould see it in her eyes% her pale violet eyes that weren"t li#e any
human eyes that 'ould be $ound.
#uldufolk%& she said without thin#ing. +he word was ('elandi' $or hidden $ol#.
My mother was one o$ them% until she married an ('elandi' man.& She thought she
added on the words% but they were barely a whisper o$ noise. She silently added the
rest% Before they were murdered by their own kind for their alleged transgressions"
+here was another movement that she 'ouldn"t $ollow with her eyes. Anarion
gathered her into his arms and the motion made the burn inside her intensi$y. +he
pain made her want to s'ream with agony. +han# the >ods%& he muttered in her
+hen the world blurred away.
Chapter Two
hen !iolet and diamond meet the prophecy has begun
Mirie wo#e up with a s'ream. She s'rambled out o$ the bed loo#ing $or enemies
and $ound a bla'# and white 'at that also s'rambled away under a pie'e o$ $urniture.
She ,ui'#ly s'anned the room and $ound?no one. +here were no threats to her.
+here wasn"t anyone else there.
(t was a distinguished room. +he 'urtains were embroidered sil#. +he rug was
hand.woven and older than written history. +he bed had ebony wood posters and
rails. +he bedspread% whi'h was now on the $loor% was some #ind o$ shimmering bla'#
material that loo#ed as so$t as down. +he windows were open and a so$t bree5e was
being pulled in by a huge overhead $an. 1verything was anti,ue or high end or
e-pensive. (t was li#e being inside a movie set% about as diametri'ally opposed $rom
her small studio apartment as it 'ould get.
Curiously% Mirie went to the window and loo#ed outside. (t was daylight with the
sun 'oming up in the east. +here was a $orest beyond the window that stret'hed out
endlessly. )herever she was she had been out o$ it $or over twelve hours% perhaps
'loser to twenty.$our. (t had been early a$ternoon when /a'# and she had surveilled
the el$ prin'e.
Memory 'ame ba'# with an immedia'y that would have brought her to her #nees
i$ she hadn"t been hanging on the window ledge. !er hand went to her 'hest and
$ound nothing there. :nder a sil# night gown that was the same violet 'olor as her
eyes and the wit'h blade% her 'hest was whole and unmar#ed. Mirie grima'ed and
pin'hed her arm vi'iously.
+he pain and almost immediate bruising in$ormed her that she wasn"t wal#ing in a
dream world indu'ed by sor'ery. +he world she stood in was real.
!er pale hair spilled over her shoulders% unbraided. !er arms were bared by the
spaghetti straps o$ the night gown. !er toes peeped non'halantly $rom the bottom o$
the gown. She $elt good. 6ormal even. She $elt as though she had never been shot.
>lan'ing around the room Mirie saw the 'at pee# out $rom underneath a 'hair in
the 'orner. (ts gold eyes spar#led at her in a way that reminded her o$ Anarion.
hat are you$ !uldu$ol#" Thank the %ods"
8n a table near the door was a pile o$ 'lothing. (t was hers. +he 2eans% 2a'#et%
panties and so'#s were 'leaned% ironed% and neatly $olded% waiting $or her. +he boots
were polished and sitting on the $loor underneath the table. A new t.shirt with tags
still atta'hed sat in another pile.
Mirie stared. :nderstanding 'ame. She had been shot through the t.shirt.
Presumably the t.shirt and the bra had been history and unsalvageable. !ad someone
$elt a little un'om$ortable providing her with a new brassiere4 !er shoulders s,uared.
Lying ne-t to the piles o$ 'lothing was her wit'h blade.
Curiouser and 'uriouser. She 'he'#ed her leather 'oat and $ound the po'#ets
emptied. Some o$ the gear a Committee agent typi'ally 'arried was missing. +he was gone. +he lo'ater was absent. +he 'ompa't digital 'amera and P*A
were gone as well. *id they #now that no one else 'ould use the wit'h blade but her4
*ressing while the 'at wat'hed $rom under the 'hair% Mirie settled her mind. ($
they had wanted her dead% then she wouldn"t have wo#en up. She 'ertainly wouldn"t
have wo#en up healed. 0or sure% the elves wanted answers $rom her.
She $inished la'ing her boots and stu'# the wit'h blade into her waist band. +he
#ni$e magi'ally 'ompa'ted itsel$ into a dagger si5e. Braiding her hair with de$t
hands% she loo#ed around and too# a''ount o$ her situation.
+hen she tu'#ed her braided hair under itsel$ to hold it in pla'e and tried the
door. (t opened to a long hallway with similar de'orative ,ualities. 1verything was
lu-urious and well appointed. Sur$a'es gleamed as i$ polished a minute be$ore.
Perhaps a tal#ing 'andlesti'# and 'lo'# would 'ome dan'ing up to her% ta#ing the
time to brea# into a Broadway e,uivalent o''asion.
Behind her% the 'at yowled plaintively and did a drive by with its tail streaming
upward% leaning into her leg but not really tou'hing it. +hen it trotted o$$ to the le$t%
pausing at the head o$ the stairway there. (t loo#ed over its shoulder at Mirie and
meowed as i$ as#ing a ,uestion. +hen it trotted downstairs.
8#ay%& Mirie answered. She $ollowed the 'at. *ownstairs opened up into a wide
e-panse o$ windows and halls. +he sun seemed to shine into every window no matter
what its position was in a''ordan'e to the $our dire'tions. +he $loor was made o$ a
substan'e that seemed to glow substantially. (t loo#ed li#e marble with a million
veins o$ gold.
Mirie suddenly had an idea o$ where she was lo'ated and it wasn"t in 9ansas with
a dog that answered to the name o$ a @0sAB0s band. Anarion and his band o$ merry
bodyguards had brought her over to the 1l$ish 'ourt% a land lo'ated in another
dimension% another plane o$ e-isten'e. +he human world was mostly ignorant o$ it%
but the worlds outside their world were numerous and varied. +he 1l$ish 'ourt 'alled
theirs the Light Land. (t was the elves" home realm and she was sma'# dab in the
middle o$ it.
+he bla'# and white 'at meowed at her again% standing at the entran'e to a
room. (ts doors were large and made $rom a wood that had strea#ed blonde and bla'#
woods. 8ne paw ra#ed the door restlessly.
Mirie 2oined the 'at. Should ( #no'#4& she en,uired politely o$ the 'at. ( should
hate to interrupt a$ternoon tea.&
+he 'at 'oughed and it sounded li#e mu$$led laughter.
)ith mu55led determination% Mirie pushed the doors open and $ound the !igh
Court. 6ot only that% it was in session.
About $i$ty elves turned to loo# at her in unison. +he words died away to a
startling silen'e. (t was ,uite dis'on'erting.
!owever dis'on'erting that was% it was more dis'on'erting that Mirie"s eyes
immediately lo'ated Anarion and lo'#ed on him. !is eyes glinted at her in
a manner that she would have 'alled possessive i$ she $elt li#e putting an ad2e'tive to
And more un'om$ortably no one moved. +hey simply loo#ed at her while she
loo#ed at Anarion.
+he impatient part o$ Mirie 'ouldn"t help hersel$. *o ( have something on my
+he 'at 'oughed again.
+here was a strident voi'e that said something demandingly. Anarion waved his
hand and a wave o$ magi' was tossed in her dire'tion. (t rolled over her with a surge
o$ tingles that tou'hed every in'h o$ her s#in. (t was as i$ she were being 'aressed
everywhere at the same e-a't moment. (t rolled away 2ust as suddenly. Abruptly she
understood the words.
She doesn"t need to be here%& said a tall el$ with green hair. She is
untrustworthy. She wor#s $or the Committee.& =+he Committee" was said li#e
something a visiting dog had le$t on the lawn that was brown and stin#y.
Another $irm voi'e answered and Mirie loo#ed to the le$t where there was a
throne with a regal el$ sitting in it. !is 'onsorts sat beside him in lesser thrones.
(s this a trial4& Mirie as#ed 'onversationally.
+he regal el$ glan'ed at her and a small smile ,uir#ed at his lips. !e was an older
version o$ Anarion. +he hair was la'ed with gray and although the $eatures were
starting to de'line with age he was stri#ingly beauti$ul all the same. Perhaps we
should as# her motives%& he suggested.
!is name is Artuntaure%& said the 'at beside her in a throaty whisper. !e"s the
9ing o$ the !igh Court o$ the Land o$ Light.&
Mirie sighed. She should #now very well that things weren"t always as they
appeared. I"e", a cat that wasn&t really a cat. 3ou wat'hed me get dressed% you
wan#er%& she whispered ba'#.
+he 'at shrugged in a manner be$itting all $elines and stret'hed. +he $orm #ept
on stret'hing until a petite woman with bla'# and white hair smiled sardoni'ally at
Mirie. /ewel toned robes $lowed over her $orm and she stepped $orward. My Lords%&
the woman said loudly. May ( present Mirie Baldursdottir% lately o$ 1arth% Se'urity
Agent o$ the Committee% and a''omplished e-pert in three martial art aptitudes.&
A know it all cat that wasn&t really a cat% Mirie thought.
Baldursdottir%& repeated the 9ing. A good ('elandi' name. *aughter o$ Baldur%
the >od o$ Light. +he glorious one.&
6ot many people understood the distin'tion o$ ('elandi' names. Last names were
not the same as one"s $ather but instead given as the son o$ an individual"s $irst name
or the daughter o$ an individual. +he son o$ /on 0innsson would be (ngi /onsson. 8r it
would be Anna /onsdottir. (t was a traditional manner o$ naming.
+here are many o$ the hidden $ol# in ('eland%& Artuntaure 'ontinued #nowingly.
So who are you4& Mirie said to the 'at slash young woman.
>uardian% loo#out% #eeper%& she murmured ba'#. 3ou pi'#. My name is Asta.
And you need to 'urtsy or bow or something to show a sign o$ respe't to our Lord.&
Mirie loo#ed ba'# at the #ing. Anarion was still wat'hing her with restless
diamond eyes. More o$ the elves in the room loo#ed at her with silent e-pe'tation.
+he Committee had in'luded a $ew 'lasses on eti,uette. A$ter all% they dealt
with many di$$erent ra'es and not all o$ them were the enemy. Some o$ them were
even allies. !er 'hin rose to an aristo'rati' degree% she swept into the room and
stopped at a point twenty $eet away $rom the thrones. +he distan'e was enough to
be de$erential and $ar enough away that she didn"t present a threat to !is Ma2esty.
!er ba'# straight% she per$ormed a low 'urtsy with a gra'e that was not all pra'ti'ed
and #ept her eyes on the 9ing"s $eet. +he a'tion was elegant and deliberate%
per$ormed as i$ she bowed to a #ing on a daily basis. +here was a wave o$ urgent
murmurs among the gathered elves.
)ell done%& said Asta admiringly% who had trailed beside her. A prin'ess
'ouldn"t have done better.& +he words were serenely satiri'al.
)ith her body bent% she 'ould see that Anarion was smiling. And Mirie was
suddenly at the end o$ her repertoire o$ 1l$ish $un'tions. She 'ould have tossed her
wit'h blade in the air and made it 'hange 'olors as it pier'ed a hal$ do5en 2uggling
balls% but somehow she didn"t thin# the elves would be appre'iative.
Cise% daughter o$ Baldur%& Artuntaure intoned.
)e 'annot trust her%& the green haired el$ said again. She was raised among
the humans. She has human values. Committee values.&
And does the Committee"s values di$$er so radi'ally $rom ours% Lord 9avin4& the
#ing as#ed politely% a little i'e $lowing into his words.
Mirie had brought hersel$ upright and turned slightly to see the tall el$ glaring at
her. (t didn"t matter what the spe'ies was; they all seemed to have the same $oibles.
Lord 9avin wanted power o$ some #ind. !e had determined that by e-'luding Mirie
he would gain some #ind o$ upper hand. Probably against Anarion $or bringing Mirie to
the Light Land and to the 1l$ish 'ourt.
( #now that the Committee has treated me #indly%& Mirie said solemnly. +heir
a'tions have been ever toward prote'ting 1arth and its allies. +hey have
otherworldly allies as well as the 1l$ish Cealm does. +he Cat Clan and Seelie 0ae
Courts 'ount among them.&
)hy pursue the prin'e% then%& Lord 9avin snarled at her% stepping 'loser. )hy
wat'h him as i$ he were a 'riminal. 6o laws have been bro#en in the human world.&
'nless one included shooting me in the chest% Mirie thought imprudently. But the
1l$ish bodyguards were 2usti$ied in their a'tions. She had said she would bury a blade
in Anarion"s throat and the el$ had ta#en her at her word.
Mirie turned ba'# to the #ing. 8ur 'lairvoyants saw the end o$ the earthly
realm. +hat destru'tion would have dire 'onse,uen'es on all realms that are
'onne'ted. And dar# magi'# ob2e'ts were involved.&
9ing Artuntaure $rowned. )hat ob2e'ts4&
+here are three. The Book of the Black Moon whi'h has already been a',uired
by the Committee. The Eyes of the Amber Moon is an arti$a't $rom the :nseelie
'ourt% bla'# arts 'ontained in a reli' $ashioned to be worn by its owner. (t was
reputedly lost in the Magi'# )ars o$ a millennium ago.& Mirie restrained hersel$ $rom
'asting her ga5e at Anarion and the de'orative pie'e he wore at his belt.
8ur people 'all them =+he 0ae )ars%" the monar'h 'ommitted ,uietly. +heir
aggression against the 1l$ish lands was most vi'ious. +housands o$ elves were lost.
My own $ather was one o$ them.&
+he humans" written history o$ those battles is most insu$$i'ient%& Mirie said.
And the third item4& Lord 9avin said loudly. )hat is it4&
The (il!er Moon&s Mystery%& Mirie said to the #ing. 9nowledge o$ it is s#et'hy.&
)hy haven"t our seers $oretold o$ this4& demanded Lord 9avin. )hy do we hear
o$ this $rom this whatever she is4 And what does she have to do with Prin'e Anarion4&
3ou $orget% Lord 9avin%& Anarion said bluntly. +here have been omens $rom the
seers. 8mens $or dar#ness and destru'tion to 'ome. +here is eviden'e in her $avor.&
+he #ing stared at her with his eyes so similar to Anarion"s. 8ne o$ his 'onsorts
was staring at Mirie with pale green eyes. !er brow #nitted together in a $rown o$
'on'entration. She started suddenly and pla'ed tentative $ingers on her lord"s arm.
Artuntaure leaned toward the woman while Mirie waited.
Murmurs s#ated around the room behind her% but Mirie didn"t dare loo#.
Asta whispered% 6i'e shooting% +e-. +he #ing doesn"t usually waste more than a
minute on things not 1l$ish.&
)hat are you4& Mirie as#ed Asta out o$ the side o$ her mouth. 6ot an el$. A
'hangeling4 Some sort o$ shi$ter we haven"t seen. 3ou"ve got magi'# $lowing all
around you. ( 'an see it 'hanging $rom dar#ish blue to light greens.&
3ou 'an see my powers%& Asta muttered. She stepped ba'# $rom Mirie with an
e-pression o$ disbelie$.
3es% ( see it%& the #ing murmured to his 'onsort% while his eyes settled on Mirie.
*aughter o$ Baldur%& he said loudly. Mirie started. +ell us about your parents.&
( don"t re'all mu'h%& she admitted. My mother was #uldufolk and she would
whisper tales to me at bedtime. She married an ('elandi' man who too# me as his
own daughter. ( was named a$ter him in the ('elandi' tradition. +hey died when (
was $our years old.&
Murdered by other #uldufolk $or e-posing their se'rets to those who would hurt
them. !er mother was 'onspiring with the members o$ the Committee to help the
#uldufolk who were still slaves in the :nseelie 'ourt. At least that was what Mirie
had been told. She didn"t remember that night very well. +here had been blood and
s'reams and she had hid in the bathroom that had a 'abinet with a $alse ba'#board.
+hree days later Committee members had pulled her out% hal$ dead and unable to
spea# $or months. She was raised by !al$lings in the Committee"s shadow% trained to
be one o$ their agents. +heir dogma was $or prote'tion o$ the human ra'e and their
(s it possible4& Anarion said loudly. !is voi'e held e-'itement and #nowledge.
All this time we"ve sear'hed and she simply 'omes to us4 +o me4&
Mirie turned to loo# at him. !is eyes were gleaming pools o$ lightlessness. +hey
were spea#ing about her. +here was something that was happening that she didn"t
#now about% something that was important to them.
Cuaora4& Lord 9avin inter2e'ted ominously. Slaughtered by the !al$ling%
Dyvana. +here was the eviden'e o$ blood. )e all re'all the tragedy.&
Cuaora%& Asta breathed as she too# a step toward Mirie. Promised to the prin'e
$ive hundred years be$ore your birth.&
Mirie swallowed nervously. )rong girl. My mother was #uldufolk" She never
told me about my $ather and she didn"t leave anything that wasn"t destroyed that
night they died.&
*o you #now what #uldufolk are% little daughter4& the #ing as#ed slyly.
8$$shoots o$ the elves who lived in ('eland a thousand years ago. +hey went with
the 6orse over a millennium ago. *oes your Committee not edu'ate you well
Li#e many se'retive sub2e'ts #nowledge o$ the #uldufolk is limited%& Mirie said
slowly% glan'ing at the #ing again. +here were many o$$shoot spe'ies% and some the
Committee #new ne-t to nothing about. She tried to absorb the in$ormation that was
'oming to her. )hy would you thin# that ("m this long missing Cuaora4&
Cuaora"s nanny was the !al$ling% Dyvana%& Anarion said behind her. !e had
moved 'loser. She 'ould $eel his breath on her ne'#. 8ne day she too# the baby
'hild% Cuaora% $or a wal# in the >ray 0orest. (t was dis'overed later that Dyvana
wished to hold the 'hild ransom $or her 1l$ish $ather"s release $rom the 9ing"s prisons.
Dyvana and her $ather were both party to 1l$ish politi'al groups that en'ouraged the
overthrow o$ Artuntaure. Dyvana"s $ather #illed many elves in guerrilla attempts to
instigate 'ivil war and was imprisoned a''ordingly.&
But Dyvana vanished into the >ray 0orest. A pool o$ blood and some o$ Cuaora"s
baby 'lothing were the only eviden'e o$ their passing $ound.&
Mirie 'losed her mouth. She 'ould smell Anarion behind her. +he same s'ent that
had overwhelmed her on the top o$ the building% lavender and 'lover and sunshine.
!er stoma'h 'len'hed in silent re'ognition. She 'ould almost $eel the tou'h o$ his
sensual lips on the bareness o$ her shoulder% as i$ he were stro#ing his mouth a'ross
her unadorned s#in. She was une-pe'tedly lost in the moment.
+here"s no eviden'e that she is Cuaora%& Lord 9avin suddenly announ'ed loudly%
brus,uely yan#ing Mirie out o$ her reverie. She doesn"t have the appearan'e o$ the
Sumrah Clan.& !e 'ir'led in $ront o$ Mirie% glaring at her. !is green hair was $lying
behind him as he shoo# with mute ire.
Mirie was thin#ing o$ her mother. She didn"t remember mu'h about the woman%
e-'ept that her hair was midnight bla'# while Mirie"s was platinum blonde. !er eyes
had been the green o$ summer grass. She had been short and rounded. She had been
Mirie"s opposite and not un#ind. 6ot someone who was holding a 'hild $or ransom.
)hat happened to Dyvana"s $ather4& Mirie as#ed. )hy was the ransom not
!e died in the prisons%& 9ing Artuntaure answered solemnly. 6ot a wee# a$ter
Cuaora"s disappearan'e. 1ven there% rival $a'tions e-ist that hold their own bla'#
2usti'e. !e had #illed too many elves $or 'ries o$ prison vengean'e to be silen'ed.&
And there was no tra'e o$ Dyvana or the baby4& Mirie went on.
6ot until now%& Anarion whispered 'lose to her ear.
Loo# at her eyes%& the #ing"s 'onsort said loudly. She had been the one to
whisper in Artuntaure"s ear $irst. 7iolet eyes. +he 'olor o$ sun ripened grapes.
:nmista#ably Sumrah. 6o other 'lan has those eyes.&
Lord 9avin hoo#ed Mirie"s arm and twisted her toward him so that he 'ould loo#
into her $a'e.
But Mirie had had enough. +here was a ripple o$ movement $rom her. 8ne o$ her
long legs shot out while her arms twirled Lord 9avin"s $orm. A se'ond passed and he
was lying on the marble $loor with her 'rou'hed above him% the wit'h blade at his
throat. +he glow $rom the weapon was as violet bright as a spotlight. She heard the
gasps behind her and #new that Anarion was 'rou'hed at her ba'#% as i$ he were
prote'ting her.
Mirie glared into Lord 9avin"s $a'e. ( don"t want you to tou'h me. ( don"t have
=bit'h" written on my $orehead%& she hissed.
+he 1l$ish lord gaped at her% understandably 'on$used at the sudden turn o$
events. As she per'hed above him% he got his $irst 'lear vision o$ her $a'e and eyes.
!is e-pression 'hanged $rom 'on$usion to in'redulity. Amycate%& he murmured.
0orgive me% 'hild. ( did not believe it 'ould be you.&
Mirie drew the wit'h blade ba'# $rom his ne'#. )ho"s Amy'ate4&
Amy'ate Sumrah% the lady o$ the du'hy o$ the Midsummer Lands%& 9ing
Artuntaure answered. ( gather she is your mother% a lady ( am happy to report is still
very mu'h alive.&
Shut the $u'# up%& Mirie said% standing up straight as Lord 9avin gathered himsel$
to his $eet.
Asta tittered helplessly.
Chapter Three
Identities will be tested and !iolet will set her resol!e
)hy were you wat'hing me4& Anarion as#ed politely. !is voi'e was throaty and
intense. !is attention was $i-ated on her e-'lusively.
Mirie sat at a table in the dining hall% thin#ing about human sayings. +he hall was
empty save $or Anarion and hersel$. A$ter Asta had laughed her guts out% Mirie had
lamely pro$essed her hunger and one o$ the elves had stated that 'on'entrated
healing 'aused healthy appetites.
Anarion had led her to the dining hall and 'alled out one o$ the servants to attend
them. !e dran# something that loo#ed and smelled li#e 'o$$ee. Mirie was eating
something that she thought was 'hi'#en. She was a little a$raid to as#. 1lves had
been #nown to serve brownies and pi-ies as deli'a'ies.
*idn"t ( ma#e that 'lear4& she said glibly. +he 'lairvoyants say you have the
Eyes of the Amber Moon or you"re 'onne'ted to it.& She was proud o$ hersel$ in that
her eyes didn"t dip toward his waistline.
( have a pie'e o$ dar# magi'# ob2e't le$t over $rom the 0ae )ars4& he said%
'learly surprised. +here are several pie'es that 'ould be seen as the?& !is
handsome $a'e abruptly 'leared and his hand went to his belt. Long $ingers strummed
over the elaborate bu'#le. !is diamond eyes glittered at her #nowingly. A gi$t $rom
a 'ourtesan. +here is no magi'# within it.&
A 'ourtesan4& Mirie repeated. 3ou mean a mistress gave it to you4& She was
proud that the tiny notes o$ immediate 2ealousy were #ept $rom her tone. (t was a
2ealousy that she resented hersel$ $or $eeling. Ceality hit hard. +he human saying
that /a'# o$ten repeated to her was% =($ it"s too good to be true% then it probably is."
+his entire situation was 2ust that% too good to be true. She didn"t have a se'ret
$amily who had been sear'hing $or her $or de'ades. She didn"t have a drop dead
gorgeous 1l$ish prin'e who had been waiting $or her $or 'enturies. +hat was
something right out o$ a bad soap opera.
Shrugging elvishly% Anarion didn"t seem embarrassed. ("m $ive hundred years
old% Mirie. !uman years. She was 'herished $or a time% until her possessiveness
be'ame readily apparent.&
+he Committee wishes to se'ure the pie'es so that the vision does not 'ome to
pass%& she went $or the politi'al method instead o$ $o'using on the prin'e"s past love
Anarion stared at her. And your mind is still engrossed with the Committee"s
Perhaps you"re suggesting that ( should throw my entire li$e away based on your
hun'h that ("m a girl that was promised to you $ive hundred years ago4 A prophe'y
given to you at your birth4& Mirie as#ed sardoni'ally. 3ou #now% ( li#e a good love
story and all but that seems $ar$et'hed. ("m not sure we would even suit. 3ou #now%
("m a little bit 'ountry and you"re a little bit ro'# and roll% and all that.&
!is long $ingers tapped the table"s glossy $inish. 1yes gleaming with amusement%
he as#ed% 3ou don"t believe that you are she% you are Cuaora% the one ( have waited
$or% my entire li$e4&
My name is Mirie Baldursdottir. ( #now that my mother and adopted $ather were
murdered by other #uldufolk $or their politi'al belie$s. ( #now that the Committee
has $ostered me and never held me ba'#. +hey"ve #ept no se'rets $rom nor 'losed
any doors to my in,uisitive nature.& Mirie put her eating utensils down on the table.
And ( need to 'onta't them. Perhaps we 'an negotiate $or the pie'e. +he end o$
the world should be o$ interest to the Light Land.&
!is interesting lips twit'hed. Li#e many prophe'ies it 'an be said that when one
attempts to inter$ere is when the events are o$ten set into motion.&
3ou mean that the Committee"s a'tions might be instigating the apo'alypse%&
Mirie $rowned.
Pre'isely%& Anarion gleamed as he said the words.
And the Eyes of the Amber Moon would be sa$er around your midse'tion%& Mirie
went on.
Anarion"s eyes widened. :nless there"s a valid reason $or me to ta#e it o$$.&
+he words were sultry and inviting.
)hat a line%& Mirie s'o$$ed. *o you as# girls i$ they want to 'ome in and see
your et'hings% too4&
3i#es%& Mirie muttered.
Anarion"s shoulders straightened. !is $a'e 'omposed itsel$ into seriousness. My
$ather% the 9ing% will de'ide the Eyes of the Amber Moon&s $ate. Perhaps it would be
best i$ the pie'e was thrown into the vol'ani' $ires o$ Mount +artarus.&
*estroyed would be great% i$ ( were the one who throws it in%& Mirie announ'ed.
6ot that ( don"t trust people% but well% hey% ( don"t trust people.&
+ruly%& Anarion said. 3ou should eat more. 3ou"ll need your strength.&
Mirie glan'ed at the $ood and ba'# up at his disingenuous e-pression. 8#ay%
you"re li#e the 0ae. 3ou really don"t li#e answering ,uestions do you4&
*on"t 'ompare us to them%& Anarion said swi$tly% nearly a snarl. )e are the
worst o$ enemies.&
8#ay then. 8ne% why is it that you all thin# ("m this missing girl% Cuaora4 (s it
my violet eyes or something else4 +wo% ( need to get in tou'h with the Committee so
they don"t send a team into the Light Land and #i'# ass. +hree% why in the name o$
/umping /ehoshaphat do ( need my strength4 And $ourth% what is this that ( 2ust ate%
be'ause it tastes 2ust li#e 'hi'#en.& Mirie 'rossed her arms over her 'hest. +here"s
also the ,uestion o$ how you healed me and why you healed me and why you were so
mad at your bodyguards $or shooting me when they were prote'ting you.&
3ou"re de$ending my triumvirate"s a'tions4& Anarion as#ed 'uriously. ( would
have thought you"d be shrie#ing $or vengean'e.&
( did threaten you%& Mirie said. +he son o$ the #ing. Bad idea on my part% but (
was ba'#ed into a proverbial 'orner. !ow did you #now ( was blu$$ing4& She 'li'#ed
her tongue. ( guess that"s a lot more than $our ,uestions. Perhaps i$ you answered
some o$ them% the list would shorten.&
Anarion gestured at the $ood in $ront o$ her. +hat is 'hi'#en. )hat4 3ou don"t
thin# we have 'hi'#ens here4&
Probably be'ause the elves didn"t #now what else to do with her% Mirie sat in a
large library and loo#ed at boo#s. (nterestingly enough there was a signi$i'ant
number o$ 1nglish language tomes in'luded. Some were 'lassi's. +he wor#s o$
Sha#espeare were in'luded. Some weren"t. Someone had an a$$inity $or Stephen
9ing. +hen there were hundreds in 1l$ish that Mirie was only moderately $luent in.
+hey #eep the really dangerous boo#s in the dungeon%& a $luid voi'e said.
Mirie turned her head and saw Asta. !er glowing powers weaved patterns around
her body% as i$ prote'ting her. 8h% it"s you. *on"t you have a ball o$ yarn to 'hase
instead o$ pestering me4&
Asta per'hed on the edge o$ a 'hair. ("m a Mirmir%& she said. 6ot very
'ommon. )e"re born human% but attain the ability to 'hange into multiple shapes as
we mature. )e tend to be stu'# in several $orms. ( have three% so ("m 'onsidered
A 'at% a human% and what else4& Mirie said in,uisitively.
Bad $orm to as# about personal magi'#s%& Asta grinned at her. So what else 'an
you see besides my powers4&
Bad $orm $or me to as#% you mean%& Mirie said promptly.
Asta shrugged.
( see magi'# powers. ( see the $orms they ta#e% the paths that have been
weaved. )hen you 'hange $orms you 'onstru't magi'#s to help you% and that"s what (
see.& Mirie sighed. (t"s di$$erent with other spe'ies. Some are less magi'#s and
more geneti's. )erewolves and were'ats% $or e-ample. Some sort o$ virus. 6ot
magi'#s at all% but ( 'an see something in their eyes.&
Baninois%& Asta breathed. 6ot only 'an you 'ommand a wit'h blade% but you
have the sight.&
)hat is Baninois4& Mirie repeated. She 'losed a boo# and repla'ed it on the
shelves. She wasn"t impressed with her own powers. Sometimes it helped with her
a'tivities with the Committee. Sometimes it got in the way.
)it'h blooded%& answered another voi'e. Asta 2umped and Mirie repressed a
Anarion strode a'ross the room. Asta% you"ve got a big mouth.&
Meowrrrr%& Asta said glee$ully. Mirmirs aren"t #nown $or diploma'y.& She
shrugged helplessly.
More ,uestions $or me%& Mirie said. So i$ ("m Baninois% what di$$eren'e does it
(t means you"re a royal prote'tor%& Anarion said grimly. 8ne who guards the
!igh Court.& +hen he smiled and his $a'e be'ame instantly beauti$ul. Another
not'h in the eviden'e that you are Cuaora. (t"s said there was on'e a wit'h who was
a distant an'estress. Many heroi' prote'tors have 'ome $rom the house o$ Sumrah.&
( have a 2ob%& Mirie asserted. )ill you please let me 'onta't the Committee4
My boss% 6ehemiah or the agent who was with me be$ore ( got shot. 3ou #now%
be$ore an (nter.dimensional in'ident 'auses problems.&
Come with me%& Anarion said bluntly. 3ou"ve a visitor.&
/a'#<& Mirie yelled happily. !e grinned at her 'heer$ully. Large and shaggy
silver haired% /a'# loo#ed her up and down as he shi$ted restlessly in the grand
hallway where the !igh Court had met previously. !owever% there was only Mirie%
/a'#% Anarion% and several 1l$ish guards who hovered.
6i'e to see you whole%& /a'# said to her and en$olded her in a generous hug.
Mirie 'ould see Anarion sti$$en beside them.
Mirie patted /a'# a$$e'tionately then withdrew out o$ his embra'e. )hy
wouldn"t ( be4&
Blood on the roo$%& /a'# said% his e-pression grim. Lots o$ it. 3ours% too%
a''ording to the mages we sent over there. And the 1l$ish 'ontingent was
portentously absent. +hey all went A)8L% 2ust li#e that. )e"ve sent our envoys here
to $ind out that the royal house had you and that you"ve been healed by the best that
they had. Also they don"t want to let you 'ome home. Something about spying on !is
Ma2esty Prettyboy% here. And something else that they"re real mysterious about.&
Anarion growled under his breath.
( thin# we"ve moved past that%& Mirie said ,ui'#ly. Somehow she didn"t thin#
that telling /a'# about the bodyguard shooting her in the 'hest would help the
situation. 3our !ighness%& she said to Anarion. +his is /a'# *ra#e% my partner.
And /a'#% this is !is !ighness% Anarion.&
Partner%& Anarion repeated ominously.
Sheesh%& Mirie muttered. Agent partner. )e wor# together. +he operative
word being =wor#." +he Committee sends us out in twos. )e get to prote't ea'h
other"s ba'#s.&
3ou didn"t do su'h an ade,uate 2ob with Mirie"s ba'#%& Anarion 'ommented
slyly. 8r her $ront% $or that matter.&
( hesitated%& Mirie said hastily. Belatedly she reali5ed they were all spea#ing
1nglish again and wondered what happened to Anarion"s spell. ( don"t li#e heights
all that mu'h. And sin'e when do elves 'arry guns4 *e$initely not in any o$ the brie$s
("ve read.&
6e-t time% you"ll 2ump 2ust li#e you"re supposed to do%& /a'# said irately. And
guns4 )hat the hell happened4 3ou got shot4&
+here won"t be a ne-t time $or her to 2ump anywhere%& Anarion announ'ed
/a'# $rowned. So did Mirie. But she was the $irst to say% )e"ll see about that.&
).+.0.4& /a'# said. +he !igh Court only 2ust let me through to see you and
as'ertain your health. But what is going on here4&
( thin# it"s a misunderstanding about my identity%& Mirie glan'ed at Anarion and
saw that his eyes were glittering in that way that denoted bad things to 'ome. +hey
thin# ("m this missing 1l$ish girl.&
!er Ladyship%& Anarion 'orre'ted. Cuaora o$ the *u'hy o$ Sumrah. And ( don"t
thin# anything. ( #now.&
Mirie made a $a'e that /a'# 'ould see but made sure she was turned away $rom
And the !igh Court seems open to negotiation about the Eyes of the Amber
Moon%& she added pseudo.'heer$ully.
/a'# was $rowning again. An el$4 But you"re as human as ( am% Mirie.&
Mirie shu$$led un'om$ortably. She"d #nown the day would 'ome. /a'# had
wor#ed with her $or years% but he"d never #nown that she wasn"t human. !e #new
about her hun'hes that 'on'ealed her a'tual magi'#s% and probably suspe'ted that
her bloodlines were smattered with the odd otherworldly 'reature% but be'ause o$ his
bias% she had #ept mum. *on"t as#.don"t tell wor#ed well with /a'# until she had
proved her trustworthiness. Add to that% she hadn"t wanted to ruin their $riendship.
My mother was #uldufolk%& she admitted ,uietly.
)hy didn"t you tell me4& /a'# demanded indignantly. ( would have.&
6ot #uldufolk%& Anarion inter2e'ted. 1l$ish. +o the last drop. )ith all the
powers o$ her $amily.&
8#ay%& Mirie said loudly. +hat"s enough o$ that. :nless you have a *6A test
that will wor# on elves% you 'an 2ust shut it about the Cuaora 'rap% Anarion.&
8ne o$ the 1l$ish guards gasped noisily.
But Anarion abruptly grinned at her. ( li#e that. (t"s the $irst time you"ve used
my name.&
/a'# gaped at the two o$ them. +hen Mirie reali5ed that he was loo#ing behind
Asta strolled up and her eyes went up and down /a'#"s length. !ubba hubba%&
she said. ( thin# humans are getting better loo#ing all the time.&
Asta%& Mirie gritted% thin#ing that Asta"s 1nglish had a little rasping a''ent% as i$
she was ready to purr at a moment"s noti'e. /a'# *ra#e% another agent $rom the
Committee% but you probably already #now that. /a'#% Asta% last name un#nown.
She"s a Mirmir% and don"t as# me to e-plain what that is% but i$ you see a 'at that"s
the same 'olor as Asta"s hair% it"s probably her. And she li#es to play peeping tom.&
Mirie 'onsidered. 6o pun intended.&
Spoilsport%& Asta purred at Mirie. (t"s no $un when they"re $orewarned.&
/a'# snapped ba'# to Mirie and Anarion% disregarding Asta. 3our !ighness% the
Committee $ormally re,uests the return o$ our agent.&
Anarion shi$ted slightly. ( believe Asta 'an answer $or me in a very human
$ashion that will be instantly re'ogni5able o$ the !igh Court"s $eelings in the matter.&
6ot only no% but hell% no%& Asta said 2auntily.
Chapter Four
Trust will be their greatest issue
+he Baldur"s daughter shall be our guest until 'ertain issues are resolved%& 9ing
Artuntaure told /a'# *ra#e 'ra$tily.
Mirie admired the wording. Anarion had 'ast his translation spell again $or her
and then grudgingly $or /a'#.
)hat issues4& /a'# demanded. 8ur surveillan'e o$ the prin'e was aboveboard.
)e did not inter$ere with him or his in any $ashion. )e were wat'hing to see i$ we
'ould as'ertain the whereabouts o$ the Eyes of the Amber Moon. +he Committee"s
envoys have made it 'lear that the item in ,uestion is 'ru'ial to the prophe'ies.&
+hey were still in the grand hallway but the #ing and all his 'ourtiers had returned
to allow /a'# his ni'#el"s worth.
Perhaps the Committee 'ould e-plain why it didn"t approa'h the 1l$ish
'ontingent and simply as# $or the ob2e't4& Lord 9avin threw in sil#ily.
Mirie would have sighed but she thought that perhaps it would have been ta#en in
the wrong light. +he green haired el$ had done a turnabout and was determined to
see that the human% /a'# *ra#e% be put under the spot light and sweated $or
per'eived in2usti'es. Mirie was guiltless but other members o$ the Committee
weren"t so $ortunate.
But /a'# wasn"t a deli'ate little $lower. Perhaps the 1l$ish !igh Court 'ould
e-plain why the Committee"s agent was nearly #illed by one o$ the prin'e"s
bodyguards when she was merely observing the prin'e"s a'tivities in her own realm.&
6ot her realm%& Anarion inter2e'ted.
8ld argument%& Mirie muttered loudly. As#ed and answered. Better move on%
+he 1l$ish Court and the Committee have not always seen eye to eye%&
Artuntaure admitted with a sly smile. +hen his 'rystal li#e eyes settled on Mirie and
she straightened in an involuntary manner. Mirie Baldursdottir%& he said. !er
>ra'e% the *u'hess o$ Sumrah% will be 2oining us in a matter o$ hours. )ould you not
li#e to at least meet with the lady4&
Mirie glan'ed at /a'# who stood li#e a stone $a'ed golem. +hen her eyes went to
Anarion who stared at her with silent e-pe'tation. She turned her eyes ba'# to the
#ing. ( would li#e to meet with !er >ra'e%& she said slowly. ( don"t #now that ("m
this Cuaora but ( do #now there are ,uestions that need to be answered.&
/a'# said lowly% 6o shit.&
Artuntaure smiled. >ood. (t"s settled. +he Baldur"s daughter shall remain with
And the Eyes of the Amber Moon4& /a'# insisted.
( have spo#en with our most a''omplished 'lairvoyant%& the #ing said 'are$ully.
+he sly e-pression on his $a'e $aded to something resembling granite. 3ou may tell
your Committee that the Eyes of the Amber Moon will be sa$est in our dominion% not
'onne'ted to the $irst arti$a't.&
And the reason the 'lairvoyant didn"t see the destru'tion o$ the earthly realm4&
/a'# went on.
+he granite 'ountenan'e o$ the #ing be'ame stonier. ( did not spea# with the
'lairvoyant"s a'tual person% but her immortal essen'e.&
Mirie started. +here was a round o$ gasps $rom the elves assembled in the grand
/a'# began to say% )hat in >od"s name does that.& be$ore Mirie 'ut him o$$.
(t means the 'lairvoyant is dead%& Mirie said solemnly.
( thought elves were immortals%& /a'# muttered.
+he 'lairvoyant was murdered%& Anarion said. (t was almost a ,uestion. Mirie
'ould see that his eyes were trained on his $ather.
/a'# too# a step ba'#. 3ou"ve a murderer in your 'ourt and you believe the Eyes
of the Amber Moon will be sa$est here.& +he statement was partially insult and
partially in'redulity.
Lord 9avin started to demand that the human% /a'# *ra#e% be drawn and
,uartered by 1l$ish gri$$ons% $or suggesting that 9ing Artuntaure was wrong in his
de'ision% when the #ing interrupted and pointed at Mirie. )e have a prote'tor
here%& Artuntaure said ingeniously. And prote'tors owe allegian'e to the throne o$
the Land o$ Light. She will prote't the Eyes of the Amber Moon unto her death and
Anarion began to argue with his $ather when the #ing 'ast him an i'y ga5e that
shut his mouth nearly instantly.
/a'# loo#ed at Mirie and shrugged helplessly. ( #now how the Committee is going
to rule on this% Mirie. ($ the 1yes o$ the Amber Moon are here% and the !igh Court is
ami'able to your presen'e then you should remain here to guard the reli'.&
And we"ll $ind the murderer%& Anarion promised.
($ your $ather spo#e to the 'lairvoyant"s essen'e why didn"t he as# who #illed
her4& Mirie as#ed Anarion a$ter the session had abruptly ended. She was thin#ing% I
would ha!e asked"
Anarion loo#ed at Mirie grimly. +he #ing was limited to a single ,uestion and he
de'ided what was most important.&
+hey were wal#ing in the gardens and Mirie blin#ed at the golden light that
seemed to 'ome $rom everywhere. A sun glasses company would make out like
hotcakes in a cheap diner in this dimension"
And didn"t Mirie want to distra't hersel$ $rom 'ertain $eelings she was having by
ma#ing rotten 2o#es4 )hy% yes% yes she did. Being 'lose to Anarion was li#e standing
in the heat o$ a warm sun on what was on'e a 'old day. (t $elt good. !er $lesh
tingled with pleasure and her stoma'h 'len'hed with nameless emotion.
Certainly Mirie had been in love be$ore. But the distant relationships paled in
'omparison to how Anarion made her $eel. She was readily aware what he was% an
el$% and worse% an el$ who had been around $or $ive hundred years 'ompared to her
measly almost three de'ades. !e"d had mistresses% 'onsorts% and the >ods only #new
what else. +he elves" so'ial so'iety was somewhat di$$erent than the human world.
+hey largely believed in marriage as a so'ietal 'ounterpoint. ($ Cuaora% the missing
1l$ish lady% had been promised to Anarion% then there was a politi'al reason $or it%
and un,uestionably not some romanti' reason that some long ago 'lairvoyant had
pulled out o$ a top hat.
But all o$ Mirie"s logi' didn"t e-plain her un$athomable attra'tion to the prin'e.
6ot that she was going to a't on it. >lan'ing over her shoulder she saw that there
were not three bodyguards trailing behind% but /a'# and Asta bringing up the rear. (t
wasn"t three ma#ing a 'rowd% but seven.
Mirie e-haled. )hat happened to the bodyguard who shot me4& She saw the
other two in the group behind them. Laris% towered over the rest% with his 9atana
#ni$e% tu'#ed in its s'abbard at his waist% and who stared at Mirie as i$ he were
e-amining a parti'ularly interesting bug under his mi'ros'ope. 0as'inatingly enough
his hair appeared bla'# in the human realm while it was a vivid purple in the Land o$
Anarion gritted% !is name is 0ermil. +he human weapon he used was not
authori5ed. !uman weapons tend to be more destru'tive than ne'essary.&
3ou"re punishing him $or shooting me when ( threatened you4& Mirie as#ed
'uriously. Alarm made her $lesh brea# out in goose bumps. (t wasn"t his $ault that
he didn"t #now ( was blu$$ing. !e was prote'ting you.&
Anarion paused mid.step. 8n'e ( had made my determination o$ your identity%
0ermil should have been prote'ting you.&
Mirie too# three steps and paused% her $a'e s'rewing up in a s'owl. 3our
determination o$ my identity4 )ell% yes% we haven"t dis'ussed this and by the way%
an apology $rom your man will wor#. 3ou don"t have to sti'# him in a dungeon or in
the sto'#s or whatever you do.&
A low laugh 'ame $rom Anarion. 0ermil paid in blood and there"s naught that
'an be done about that. 1spe'ially now.&
Mirie $rowned. !e"s not dead% is he4&
+he healer used his essen'e and blood to bring you ba'# $rom the brin# o$
death%& Anarion said seriously. 0ermil will re'over eventually. (t was 2ust.&
!er mouth opened. 3ou used your man to heal me be'ause he shot me.&
(t would have been me otherwise%& he 'ommented.
Are you sure he"ll be all right4& Mirie insisted. And was ( really on the brin# o$
death or are you 2ust.&
3our eyes were glassy.& Anarion"s e-pression was grim and $i-ed. 3our pulse
was thready. 3ou were dying. +here was nothing that 'ould be done e-'ept that (
brought you here and 0ermil volunteered to be your !onrion% your i'e wal#er. +hat
term means the one who ta#es your pain and returns a part o$ his essen'e. !e threw
himsel$ into the path o$ death to assuage his honor. Ma#e no mista#e% he is ill now%
but he will re'over and live to serve the !igh Court again% his mista#e re'ti$ied.&
And your determination that ("m this other person%& Mirie 'ouldn"t help hersel$.
!ow is that possible4 3ou were surprised about it when it was brought up by the
#ing. 3ou 'ouldn"t have #nown that ( was Cuaora on the roo$top.&
+hen% ( didn"t #now that you are Cuaora%& Anarion stepped 'loser to her and
smiled at her. +he smile made her insides 'len'h in a very pleasing manner. But (
#new that you are she% the one ("ve waited $or. All elves have the sense o$ the one
they are destined to be with. Some are un$ortunate enough not to meet the other
hal$ o$ their souls% and some have lost the ability% but not (% and not you as well.& !is
hand 'ame up and brushed a'ross her 'hee#% 'ausing her #nees to tremble. 3ou $eel
it as well. +he s'ent that smells so wonder$ul in your nose. +he pri'#ling o$ the s#in.
+he #nowledge that individual is the spe'ial one to you% your 'omplement.&
Mirie too# a helpless breath. Abruptly she 'ould $eel everything that Anarion was
saying% as i$ something was twisting her heart into an untidy #not. +he dis'om$ort
was almost tangible. (t was as i$ only Anarion"s embra'e 'ould put the $eelings into
perspe'tive. She didn"t 'are $or the thoughts tumbling through her head as i$ she was
a brainless teenager lost in the throes o$ an elaborate 'rush. She stepped ba'# and
Anarion dropped his hand.
)e should loo# at the 'rime s'ene%& she said.
Anarion had a surprised loo# on his $a'e that was nearly pri'eless. Apparently in
$ive hundred or so years% he wasn"t used to having women turn him down. Crime
s'ene4& he repeated.
+he murdered 'lairvoyant%& she reminded him. )e are seasoned agents% used
to 'riminal investigation. +ypi'ally we s'rutini5e otherworldly 'rimes% not the least
o$ whi'h is homi'ide.&
8$ 'ourse%& Anarion replied a$ter a lengthy lapse. )e have investigators as
Minutes later Anarion was leading /a'# and Mirie into a segregated wing o$ the
'astle. Arisar% the silver see#er and seer% resided in these rooms. !er remains have
already been 'remated as is our 'ustom.&
/a'# said something nasty under his breath. 8ne o$ the bodyguards trailing
behind said% Care$ul human. +here"s no roo$ to 2ump o$$ here.&
Bring it% asshole%& /a'# snapped immediately. ($ we 'an"t e-amine the remains
then how 'an you tell i$ the woman was murdered4&
1lves die in two ways%& Anarion e-plained. 8ne is an a''ident% whi'h does
happen. +he se'ond is murder% whi'h also happens upon o''asion. (t"s 'lear that
Arisar did not die in an a''ident. +here was a #ni$e stu'# in her ba'#% whi'h
pre'ludes an a''ident% wouldn"t you say4&
)ho has a''ess to her rooms4& Mirie stood ba'# as she as#ed% loo#ing through
the airy rooms. )as there signs o$ anyone $or'ing their way inside4 (s anything
Another el$ 2oined them. ( am Cidon% the spear #eeper%& he said to Mirie% with a
slight nod to /a'#. !e was as tall as Anarion% with pale blonde hair one shade dar#er
than Mirie"s. !is bluish eyes were intent as he stared at her and she wondered why
he was so interested.
!e is the prin'ipal investigator%& Anarion 'on'eded.
3our !ighness%& Cidon bowed to Anarion. !e rose up and 'ontinued to spea# to
Mirie. Arisar"s rooms showed no eviden'e o$ struggle nor were there anything
bro#en. !er maid states that some o$ her 2ournals are missing. Perhaps Arisar had
re'orded her visions there and the o$$ender $elt that he or she would have been
And who had a''ess to the seer4& /a'# said.
+he entire 'ourt%& Cidon grima'ed. Perhaps a hundred. +hen one 'an add
retainers% maids% visiting diplomats% and their retinues% and the number 'ould be
easily doubled.&
6o se'urity 'ameras%& Mirie stated.
1le'tri'ity doesn"t wor# the same on this realm%& Anarion told her with a slight
smile. +here are spells that 'ould reveal who has 'ome and gone $rom these rooms%
but it wouldn"t narrow the number 'onsiderably. Arisar was a popular seer and sin'e
she had the #ing"s ear% there were many who wished to 'onsult with her% in'luding
visiting dignitaries.&
)e need a list o$ names%& Mirie said. So that ea'h may be ,uestioned.&
(mpossible%& Cidon de'lared. +he #ing and three o$ his 'onsorts would be on
the list as well as hal$ o$ the !igh Court. (t would 'ause the highest level o$
3our !ighness%& Mirie turned to Anarion. Clearly your 'ourt is unused to
murder within its midst. *o you really wish to 'ontinue with a murderer wal#ing
around s'ot $ree4&
Anarion stared at Mirie. 0inally% without loo#ing away $rom her% he said% ("ll
need the list% Cidon. (t will be $or my eyes alone until the #ing and ( have de'reed
Mirie rolled her eyes and Cidon"s mouth opened at her a'tion.
(t"s true that you"ve spent too mu'h time in the land o$ the barbarians%& Cidon
avowed sardoni'ally. 3ou"ll never be Sumrah.&
Mirie didn"t have time to thin# o$ an appropriate retort be$ore Anarion had the
investigator on the $loor with one o$ his hands wrapped around the el$"s throat. !e
growled at Cidon% ($ she has% then it wasn"t her $ault% and she has thus a'ted
blamelessly. Can you say the same $or yoursel$4&
Cidon struggled to get out $rom under the prin'e% but Anarion had him truly
pinned and his thighs 'lamped around the investigator"s ribs until he groaned with
pain. My apologies% 3our !ighness.&
6ot to me%& Anarion hissed. Apologi5e to your 'ousin.&
She"s not my.& Cidon started to say and then the words were 'ut o$$ as Anarion"s
hand 'onvulsively gripped his throat tighter.
Cousin4& Mirie repeated. +hat was interesting. She might have a 'ousin who
hated her e-isten'e. +hen she shoo# hersel$. )hen did ( start thin#ing that ( might
really be this Cuaora4
My apologies% Cousin%& Cidon gritted when Anarion marginally released his
( don"t #now that we are 'ousins%& Mirie said slowly. But i$ we are% Cidon% (
won"t need the prin'e to #i'# your ass. ("ll do it mysel$.&
Anarion laughed. +hen he laun'hed himsel$ up and o$$ered a hand to Cidon. (
thin# she might be able to do it% too.&
Cidon glowered then a''epted the hand. 3our 'on$iden'e is re$reshing%& he
said% #eeping his tone moderate.
/a'# sighed loudly. All this politi'al% tou'hy.$eely 'rap is giving me a heada'he.
)hy 'an"t we 2ust tal# to another 'lairvoyant about who they see us 'at'hing in a $ew
Mirie smiled. (t doesn"t wor# li#e that. +hey don"t always get to see what they
want to see.&
)ell% ( guess that would ma#e it easy then.& /a'# grima'ed. ( 'ould go ba'# to
the Committee and tal# with our 'lairvoyants. 3ou"ve got someone in the Court here
that doesn"t want us to #now something and is willing to #ill $or it. Am ( the only one
who"s disturbed at that4&
Anarion stepped around Mirie% almost as i$ he were prote'ting her $rom the rest o$
the group. 8$ 'ourse% the Court is disturbed. 8therwise% no humans would have
been allowed here at all.&
/a'# said ironi'ally% )ell% that shows me my pla'e% doesn"t it4&
Mirie studied the room. (t was someone she #new. Someone that she didn"t
mistrust. She turned her ba'# on the person. She didn"t see this person in her visions
nor did she $oresee her own death4& +he ,uestions were meant to be ar'hetypi'al
but Anarion answered.
Arisar would have sub2e'ted hersel$ to death i$ she #new that was the only
manner in whi'h $ate 'ould pro'eed. !er death brought about investigation and her
visions only brought ,uiet murmurs o$ dis'ord.&
She allowed hersel$ to die to bring about a vision she saw4& /a'# rephrased.
)hy not 2ust tell someone4 /ee5. ("ll never understand otherworldly politi's.&
(t was a matter o$ honor%& Cidon said so$tly. 3our !ighness% Cousin% /a'#
*ra#e. ("ll get that list put together.&
Mirie stared at the pale haired el$ as he wal#ed $rom the room. She too# a
moment to 'he'# $or magi'#s with her spe'ial powers and saw many old lines o$
power twisting around the great room. Some were old and $aded. 8thers were new
and vibrant. Many reminded her o$ some o$ the restri'tion spells that the Master
)arlo'# had taught to her.
)hy would there be spells o$ restri'tion in this room4& she murmured.
Anarion snapped about and stared at her. 3ou see those4&
Many% li#e tangled #nots% wound so tightly even my wit'h blade would have a
hard time 'utting through them.&
/a'# said% Cestri'tions on the seer4 8r spells by the seer4&
)hat 'olors are the spells4& Anarion as#ed so$tly.
Purples% all shades o$ purples. Some are very old% years perhaps.& Mirie
hesitated. ("d have to see Arisar"s personal magi'#s to ma#e a 'omparison% but $rom
what ( 'an see% it loo#s li#e her 'olors were more in the silver range. Silvers and
grays.& She pointed at the des#. +here"s something hidden in the des# prote'ted by
a personal magi'# spell. Something that was not a$$e'ted when she died. (t must
have been a blood spell.&
/a'# approa'hed the des# 'are$ully. (s this what you"ve been doing $or years%
Mirie4 Seeing magi'#s in the air4 (s that how you had some o$ your =hun'hes4" &
Mirie said% 3es%& without 'ompun'tion. She #new that she should apologi5e to
/a'# $or pulling the wool over his eyes $or all the years they"d been partners but she
'ouldn"t do it $ront o$ Anarion and his bodyguards.
/a'# shrugged. Ma#es sense now%& he said simply% without ran'or. )ith your
permission% 3our !ighness4& he said to Anarion% gesturing at the des#.
Anarion nodded. >o ahead.&
)ill the magi'# bite me4& /a'# as#ed.
3ou"re not supposed to see what"s there%& Mirie said. (t"s li#e a don"
spell. Loo# at the drawer in the $ront.&
)hat drawer?oh%& /a'# murmured. +hen he yan#ed it open and du'#ed% more
out o$ habit. )hen a dragon or a sprite didn"t materiali5e to engage in battle he
loo#ed inside. Care$ully he pulled out a pie'e o$ par'hment. ( guess Arisar had a
vision that she #ept here. (t"s addressed to me and in 1nglish.&
Mirie wat'hed as /a'# un$olded the par'hment and read it. +hen he handed it to
Anarion who tilted it $or Mirie. Another riddle%& she said. =The cat and the man
shall unco!er the Silver Moon"s mystery, but only together shall they o!ercome." &
She handed the pie'e ba'# to /a'# and shrugged. )hat does it mean to you%
/a'# grumbled% (t means elves are as ambiguous as politi'ians.&
Mirie loo#ed around. ( thin# it means that Arisar was 'ursed to #eep her mouth
shut about her visions. +hese binding spells are proo$ that someone didn"t want her
tal#ing or doing something% so she probably had to be ambiguous.&
Anarion snapped something to his three bodyguards and they le$t the room
without a word. +hen he unbu'#led the Eyes of the Amber Moon and handed it to
Mirie. 3ou are the prote'tor% Lady%& he said $ormally. +his should be under your
Mirie too# the pie'e and nearly dropped it. +he magi'#s have been so spelled
that no one would #now% e-'ept one who 'ould loo# at the 'olors binding it%& she
said. 6o wonder you didn"t #now that it was what it is. But dear >od% it $eels
rotten. *o you remember% /a'#% that the Cat Clan said the same o$ the Book of the
Black Moon4 +he magi'#s are twisted% 'orrupt.&
( $elt nothing%& Anarion said so$tly. !e produ'ed a hand#er'hie$ made o$ blue
sil# and handed it to Mirie. She wrapped the bu'#le in the 'loth and stu'# it inside
her po'#et. Loo#ing at the pie'e made her s#in 'rawl and it was wrapped in
variations o$ purples the same as the restri'tive spells in the room.
/a'#"s eyebrows went up and he made a $a'e. ( thin# ("ll see i$ ( 'an pi'# a $ight
with one o$ your bodyguards%& he said idly and le$t the room in the same dire'tion.
3ou trust me with this4& Mirie as#ed.
And more%& Anarion said a$$irmatively. Mu'h more.&
3ou are Amaias, my beauti$ul mate. )ho should ( trust more4&
Suddenly Anarion was so 'lose to Mirie that she 'ould $eel his breath on her $a'e
as he stared down into her $eatures. She had to tilt her head ba'# to return his loo#
and she made hersel$ not loo# away. ( don"t understand your 'ertainty%& she
Anarion pressed 'loser% his lips a $ra'tion $rom her own. ( #now% but you will%&
he murmured against her lips. 0or a long moment it was the only 'onta't they had.
!is warm lips surged against hers. !is mouth opened and the tip o$ his tongue
tantali5ed the 'urve o$ her mouth% enti'ing her until hers opened in return. )hen she
allowed her tongue to play with him% he groaned audibly and his arms 'ir'led about
her $igure% so tightly that she thought he wouldn"t let her go. 1verything was
'rushing together in a deli'ious $ri'tion that 'aused those butter$lies in Mirie"s
stoma'h to go wild with desire. +he s'ent o$ him and the press o$ his $lesh against
hers were insidiously undermining her sensibilities. +he moment be'ame a minute
and all she 'ould $eel was the drag o$ his marvelous mouth and the 'urves o$ his
mus'les $le-ing against her lus'iously sensitive body.
+hen someone 'oughed indeli'ately $rom the door and Anarion set Mirie aside
with a panting groan that nearly did her in. She had to sha#e her head to $ree the
'obwebs there be$ore she loo#ed at the door and saw?
A woman with platinum blonde hair and violet eyes% and $eatures that very mu'h
resembled Mirie"s. She was trying to 'at'h her breath but Anarion was too 'lose and
the $ragran'e in her nose too tantali5ing.
Lady Amy'ate Sumrah%& Anarion said hoarsely and Mirie blin#ed.
)h, great, someone who might be my mother saw me playing tonsil hockey with
the hottest hunk this side of the Elfish borders" Mirie pushed her lips together and
wished $or a bu'#et o$ i'e water to be poured over her entire body.
Chapter Five
Blood will re!eal treasonous acti!ities
Mirie stared at the lady as i$ she had been blind and suddenly 'ould see. (t was as
obvious as loo#ing into a mirror. 1ven /a'# murmured a stunned% >od damn%& as
they passed him in the hallway.
+he Lady Amy'ate had be'#oned to Mirie to $ollow her and Anarion had nodded at
Mirie en'ouragingly. She led Mirie out into the gardens and stopped beside what
appeared to be miniature rose bushes. Mirie stared at Amy'ate and then deliberately
loo#ed at the rose bushes. +heir tips were made o$ gold and silver and spar#led
metalli'ally in the gilded light that was so abundant in this realm.
Mirie didn"t have a doubt le$t. ($ this woman wasn"t her mother% then she was her
sister or something else almost as 'lose. She didn"t #now what to say to this person
who was probably her mother% someone she hadn"t seen in nearly three de'ades and
'ould not even remember. (nstead she remembered her mother% not a woman 'alled
Dyvana% but one who 'alled hersel$ 9orrah% an odd name espe'ially in ('eland% but
Mirie"s step$ather hadn"t 'omplained% at least not that Mirie 'ould remember. +hen
Mirie was wondering i$ the Committee had gotten their story straight about their
deaths. )ould the elves have tra'#ed Dyvana to ('eland and murdered the pair in
bloody vengean'e% unable to $ind the 'hild% or perhaps unaware o$ Mirie"s presen'e4
!ad the blood le$t in the >ray 0orest 'onvin'ed them that the 'hild% Cuaora% had
been murdered4
Amy'ate stared at Mirie in turn% perhaps unable to 'omprehend the reality o$ her
adult daughter. 3ou"re not as ( envisioned%& she said $inally in 1nglish. Sturdier
than ( would have thought.&
And Amy'ate was so$ter% the lady in sil#en gowns with 2ewelry draped around her
ne'# and at her wrists. +he same si5e as Mirie% she seemed more deli'ate and re$ined
than Mirie 'ould ever hope to be; Amy'ate appeared to be a similar age to Mirie and
more in line with what a prin'e would marry. She began to wal# again and Mirie
trailed un'ertainly a$ter her% not sure what to say.
0inally% Mirie said% ( did what ( had to do% in order to $it into the world ( was in.&
An agent $or the Committee%& Amy'ate said and it wasn"t a ,uestion.
+hey have good intentions%& Mirie de$ended un'ons'iously.
Amy'ate 'ast a loo# over her shoulder at Mirie. (t loo#ed li#e the 'unning smile
that elves were $ound o$ giving. (t said something about #nowing something that Mirie
'ould never #now. (t made Mirie"s ha'#les rise up.
)hen ( was barely o$ age ( be'ame a 'onsort to a power$ul man%& Amy'ate said.
My $amily disapproved and made a mat'h with another $amily o$ power. ( had you
barely two years later. 8ne day ( spo#e to Arisar% the silver see#er and seer% about
what would happen to you in your $uture.&
+hey moved into the deepest part o$ the garden. +he green shrubs grew tall here
and 'ast long shadows as i$ the sun were setting somewhere in this world. Amy'ate
moved deli'ately $orward and moved through the gardens as i$ she had the pla'e
mapped out in her mind. She 'ast another loo# over her shoulder at Mirie. 3ou"re
not overrun at the mouth li#e the humans you were raised with.&
Mirie was somewhat shell sho'#ed. ($ she had to ta#e a guess% she would have
said that the lady% Amy'ate% was not thrilled that her errant% missing daughter had
abruptly reappeared in her world. (t didn"t bode well $or their $uture relationship.
3ou want me to prattle on about nonsensi'al notions to ma#e you happy4& she as#ed
Amy'ate smiled 'oldly. !ow little you understand o$ our so'iety. 3ou% Cuaora%
were promised to the !al$ling prin'e% the day o$ your birth. +he prophe'y 'ame $rom
Arisar"s mother% another seer o$ unimaginable power. She died in one o$ the many
wars that 'ame a$ter the 0ae )ars. (t was the same one that saw Anarion 'aptured
by the 0ae and tortured mer'ilessly.&
+he s'ar on his $a'e and those on his ba'#% Mirie now understood. She would have
never as#ed him and it was possible that he would have never told her. (t e-plained
some o$ his hatred $or the 0ae.
*o you understand that he was betrayed by his own4& Amy'ate as#ed $astidiously
as i$ the ,uestion pained her.
*o you mean that the 0ae 'aptured him be'ause an el$ betrayed him4& Mirie
said% horri$ied.
Ai.eee%& Amy'ate murmured. And the !igh Court never #new who did this
terrible thing. (t made Anarion a suspi'ious man. 1mbittered as well% unable to
*ou are Amaias, my beautiful mate" ho should I trust more$ hy trust a
woman because she was promised to him$ hy bring this up at all$ Mirie $rowned. I
mean, what the hell$
Anarion was never the same a$ter that%& Amy'ate said.
Mirie wasn"t sure what it was that triggered her. She #new that the sight that she
possessed enabled her to see people"s magi'#s and sometimes it told her other things.
+he seer"s rooms were tangled in restri'tive spells. Someone had 'ursed Arisar to
prevent her $rom telling all that she #new. 0urthermore% the same range o$ purples
was wrapped around the Eyes of the Amber Moon.
( thought that he would be the one to lead us away $rom the 'ursed Artuntaure
and his thri'e damned politi'al methods.& Amy'ate had stopped in a deep shadow
and all Mirie 'ould see was the 'urve o$ her ba'# and the silver o$ her $lowing gown.
+he !al$ling prin'e would not stand $or the ma'hinations o$ the human realm nor
would he ever allow the degradation o$ those with wit'h blood in them.&
Silently Mirie willed the Lady Amy'ate to return to a position where the golden
light would $all on her $ully. She was listening to her words but items were niggling at
Mirie"s sub'ons'ious li#e worms burrowing into the bla'# earth.
A mistress had given the Eyes of the Amber Moon to Anarion% someone he had
held dear at one time but later 'ast away be'ause o$ her possessiveness. 6ot
Amy'ate 'ertainly. )hat man would have an a$$air with the $uture mother o$ his
Amaias% his beauti$ul mate4
!er name was +ia%& Amy'ate turned slightly and Mirie 'ould see the gleam o$ her
violet eyes. Clearly Amy'ate 'ould $ollow the train o$ Mirie"s thoughts. My $ather"s
by blow% and another Baninois. My hal$.sister% and your hal$.aunt. She is Cidon"s
mother% the son o$ her $irst husband. 8ur $ather gave the Eyes of the Amber Moon to
+ia $or sa$e #eeping% to prote't% and she be'ame Anarion"s mistress% as our spy.&
Mirie stepped ba'#ward and bumped into a solid $igure behind her. !ands $ell on
her shoulders and held her $irmly. Abruptly she was $ro5en in pla'e and understood
that some #ind o$ spell was binding her. +here was an elaborate set o$ purpling lines
'ast $rom Amy'ate to hersel$. Amy'ate was smiling now and stepped out into the
light. +he magi'#s were revealed and Mirie 'ould tell that it was she that had
ensor'elled Arisar. Previously she had #ept out o$ the brightest light and out o$
Mirie"s dire't line o$ sight% and Mirie #new that more en'hantments were involved in
mas#ing Amy'ate"s natural magi'#s. 1spe'ially $rom Mirie% who might 'onne't them
to what was in Arisar"s rooms.
A voi'e muttered into her ear% Let me #ill her now.& (t was Laris% one o$
Anarion"s bodyguards who had stared at Mirie so oddly.
Amy'ate"s smile grew larger% an amused predator. Anarion de'lined our group"s
invitation. (t was he who turned Dyvana"s $ather in. Dyvana too# you in vengean'e.&
6ot against you%& Mirie said. Against Anarion.&
8$ 'ourse%& Amy'ate said% almost surprised at Mirie"s understanding. +he seers
promised you to him% as his Amaias% his truly beloved% and not +ia% who wanted him
so desperately. !e wouldn"t even ta#e +ia as his 'onsort be'ause he was waiting $or
you. (t was she who betrayed him to the :nseelie Court a$ter he turned her out%
mu'h to our displeasure.&
Mirie"s mus'les were li#e stone. She strained until she 'ould $eel beads o$ sweat
popping $rom her pores and she 'ouldn"t $or'e hersel$ to move. 3ou"re trying to
overthrow the !igh Court%& Mirie said and thought% ell, duh, Captain )b!ious" Can
anyone ask for a stalling much moment here$
As my daughter you would be the per$e't ,ueen $or our 'ourt% but Dyvana too#
you instead% $or her own agenda% and you were ruined in the human world%& Amy'ate
murmured% her voi'e 'ontaining the i'y whip o$ anger. +ainted by their vainglorious
( wouldn"t say ( was ruined%& Mirie said be$ore wishing she 'ould have bitten her
lip. ( would say ( wasn"t brainwashed into thin#ing that a 'ertain group o$ people is
better than the rest. And btw% pot 'alling the #ettle bla'#.&
Amy'ate shoo# her head. )e thought you were dead and we 'onspired to move
Anarion to our side o$ the lines. A$ter twenty years o$ waiting% it was nearly time.
+he human realm would be destroyed by the three Moon arti$a'ts% and the !igh Court
o$ the Land o$ Light would be abolished and repla'ed by those who are more suitable.
Anarion un#nowingly #ept the arti$a't sa$e until it was needed and Laris #ept wat'h.&
But the Committee sent you to spy upon him%& Laris growled. An el$% one who
did not reali5e she was an el$% and without the honor o$ her line. !is instin'ts told
him that you were his Amaias. An el$ who had been raised human.&
Mirie wished she 'ould spit in his $a'e or at the very least% plant one o$ her
booted $eet in an area that ma#e him sing $alsetto $or a good thirty minutes. ( have
honor%& she said $irmly. ( don"t stab others in the ba'# li#e a $oul 'oward. Li#e
Arisar% and li#e Dyvana and her husband. (t was you who 'ame a$ter her% not #nowing
( was still alive. 3ou made it seem as though #uldufolk murdered them out o$
politi'al rage. 3ou didn"t #now that Dyvana was playing both sides% 'ooperating with
the Committee. 3ou su'#.&
+hen she did the only thing that she 'ould do. She s'reamed bloody murder% until
Laris twisted her about and stru'# her so hard that the stars she saw almost
immediately be'ame a pool o$ bla'#est dar#ness.
Mirie wo#e up again and wished she hadn"t. !er head% ne'#% and $a'e all pounded
li#e 'ongas at a parti'ular intense drum $estival. She tried to hold her head in her
hands but her hands were tied behind her. She was lying on her side on a hard $loor
and the room was ominously dar#. Crap% she thought. +ust crap buckets" I meet my
mother and she&s a complete hag bitch" I&m never complaining about being raised by
the Committee e!er again"
+esting out her bonds% Mirie $ound she was parti'ularly se'ured. !er $eet were
tied. !er wrists were double looped and then strapped to her $eet. She was pretty
mu'h helpless. 1ven i$ her wit'h blade was still at her waist% she 'ouldn"t have
rea'hed it. So she loo#ed around the gloom and waited $or her eyes to ad2ust. A$ter
a $ew minutes she 'ould tell where the door was lo'ated. +here was a less gloomy
outline o$ light that revealed its 'ontours. +he remainder o$ the room was dar#er
than the rest and she rolled aw#wardly over to see what she 'ould.
6othing. +here was nothing else there. (t was some sort o$ 'loset si5ed spa'e
that had been emptied out. +he walls were wood. +he $loor was more wood.
1verything was roughly hewn and not at all li#e the pala'e o$ the !igh Court.
,uh" -ot in the palace anymore" They took me" My mother, that bitch, and
.aris, hope he falls in a bottomless well" Mirie too# a deep breath. She wasn"t
gagged. +hey weren"t worried about her ma#ing noise. So she wasn"t in a pla'e
where someone 'ould hear her s'ream.
+hat"s 2ust pea'hy #een%& she muttered.
Mirie too# a deep breath and 'on'entrated on rela-ing all o$ her mus'les. +he
breathing e-er'ises that the Master )arlo'# had instru'ted her in helped her to $o'us
her personal magi'#s. !er eyes dri$ted shut and when they opened again she #new
her eyes were glowing. +he spa'e she was in was adri$t with glimmers o$ old magi'#s.
Some were her mothers and others belonged to people long gone $rom this pla'e.
+hey were tinged with bla'# and deteriorated so badly that she #new that whoever
had 'ast them had passed into death. +his pla'e was $illed with old death and bla'#
en'hantments that boded ill $or even the 'asual visitor. She $elt i'#y by asso'iation
2ust $rom lying on the $loor.
And something tugged at her to move slightly to the le$t and ba'#. Mirie shi$ted
her body and sear'hed with her $ingers% 'lumsily in'hing ba'#ward to $ind what it was
that her powers were prodding her about. A moment later and she $ound the sharp
end o$ a board that was warped. (t had split sometime in the distant past% leaving
something she 'ould use. She pushed hersel$ against the wall and began to saw ba'#
and $orth.
(t wasn"t easy and it too# a long time be'ause the blood 'aused by the wood
sli'ing over her s#in helped ma#e her wrists slippery. +he rope parted and loosened
marginally and Mirie was able to pull her wrists loose. A minute later and she was
$ree% the ropes a pile at her $eet. She 'he'#ed hersel$ and $ound that the Eyes of the
Amber Moon was missing as was the wit'h blade.
/rotector% she berated hersel$. #ah" Apparently I can&t e!en protect a wet
paper bag. Mirie rose up and ignored the pounding in her head. But Mom made a big
mistake when she left me still breathing and I&m getting my stuff back"
She 'an be used%& Amy'ate was saying.
Mirie had slipped out o$ the unlo'#ed room and into a large building with do5ens
o$ empty rooms and an air o$ anti,ued negle't. (t had been some $an'y manor on'e
and now it was musty and de'aying with emptiness. 8utside the windows she $ound
to her surprise that it was dus# and #new she was no longer in the Land o$ Light. +he
ground was bla'# with death and s#eletal trees pointed to the s#ies in the
ba'#ground. (t didn"t loo# li#e anywhere she"d been be$ore% so she dis'ounted 1arth.
(t was another dominion where !er Ladyship% Amy'ate Sumrah% and her 'riminal posse
were ta#ing re$uge while they planned the revolution.
Another voi'e said% 3ou mean Prin'e Anarion will do our bidding i$ she remains
Laris said% !is !ighness has $ormed an instant atta'hment to the girl. +he
'onne'tion is there. Mirie Baldursdottir is his Amaias" !is beloved mate% 2ust as
Arisar"s mother predi'ted. !e would do anything $or her.&
( wonder i$ Anarion would be more willing to 'ooperate i$ we sent part o$ her
ba'# to him in a golden bo-. Perhaps a $inger%& Amy'ate said emotionlessly.
(o not getting her a mother&s day card this year% thought Mirie mutinously.
)e"ve e-perien'ed the prin'e"s anger be$ore%& the un#nown voi'e said. !e is
resistant to su'h maneuverings.&
3ou were torturing him% not his beloved mate%& Amy'ate said. +he di$$eren'e
will be that he will ma#e his $ingers bleed to do our bidding. As long as my daughter
remains breathing.&
(t dawned on Mirie rather suddenly that the three were 'onversing in 1nglish and
that the third un#nown person had an Ameri'an a''ent% mu'h li#e any news'aster on
a publi' networ# had. +he un#nown person was not an el$% but a human.
Easier to kill then% she thought 'oldly. 0irst, retrie!e the 1yes o$ the Amber
Moon. Then teach Mom about familial obligation" Mirie re'onsidered. -o, first, find
a weapon" A large, sharp, lethal weapon"
+he group o$ three 'ontinued to plot. Mirie 'ast her personal magi'#s about and
$ound two other living souls nearby. 8ne was an el$ un$amiliar to her. +he other was
another human. +hey were 'lose but not so 'lose that Mirie 'ouldn"t ta#e them out
without Amy'ate% Laris% and the other human hearing.
1asing down the hallway% she $ound a great room that reminded her o$ a ball
room. +he 'eilings were high and ar'hed% the $loors were 'rumbling stone. 8n'e
there had been elaborately painted murals on the walls o$ lords and ladies dan'ing
through a starlit night. +heir 'ostumes were reminis'ent o$ the human realm"s 1B00"s
with long 'ourtly dresses and star'hed high 'ollars. 6ow it was dimpled with bla'#
mold and large pat'hes o$ paint were $alling away. +he overlarge windows were
'ra'#ed and bro#en with a 'hilled dus# wind blowing its way through.
Mirie in'hed her way around the room% listening to the $aintness o$ Amy'ate"s
voi'e as it grew distant $rom her. +he opposite side o$ the room held three doors.
8ne to an anteroom% and the other two doors led to a 'avernous #it'hen with rusting
iron stoves and debris o$ remote meals. Catli#e animals s#ittered away $rom her as
she entered% their 'laws s'rat'hed along the $loor as they eagerly departed.
She 'ould $eel the el$ nearby and she suspe'ted the person was in the ne-t room.
+he door hung hal$way o$$ its $rame and the man was 'rou'hed on the $loor% $iddling
with her wit'h blade. +he weapon was 'old and nes'ient. *id the el$ #now that it
needed Mirie $or its a'tivation4
!er approa'h was silent. +he $a't that the el$ was alone and untied% and playing
with her blade had 'ondemned him to his $ate. She stood behind him as he brought
the blade 'lose to his $a'e% e-amining the intri'ate shapes and lettering on the sides
o$ the handle. Swi$tly and gra'e$ully Mirie rea'hed around and tou'hed a single
$inger to the handle% and said% 3ou shouldn"t play with it i$ you don"t #now what it"s
'apable o$ doing.&
8n'e her $inger made 'onta't with the metal% the wit'h blade was triggered.
+here was a burst o$ violet light that blinded the el$ be$ore the blade elongated to its
normal length. As the business end o$ the weapon was in'hes away $rom his $a'e% the
blade sli'ed e$$i'iently through his eyes and into his brain. !e was dead be$ore Mirie
$inished her initial 'riti'ism. (n $a't% her $ingers ably grasped the handle o$ the
weapon be$ore his dropped away.
!is body 'rumpled to the ground and Mirie loo#ed around her be$ore she rolled
the dead el$ into a dar# shadow. Putting the wit'h blade into her belt% she too# a
moment to sear'h him. +here was another #ni$e and a po'#et$ul o$ odd 'oins that she
didn"t re'ogni5e. She too# the #ni$e and stu'# it in her belt.
Minutes later she $ound the human. !e was in another ante'hamber% sitting on a
rotting 'hair% $iddling with a Bla'#berry that wasn"t wor#ing. Mirie was on him% with
the wit'h blade at his throat% about to sli'e through it without 'ompun'tion when she
re'ogni5ed him.
Chapter Six
1iolet will be tried beyond all measure
6ehemiah%& Mirie breathed. !er dire't supervisor at the Committee stared
ba'# at her with growing horror. +he older man wasn"t bound and he didn"t loo# li#e
he was in any way a prisoner. But what he was% was a traitor% a traitor to the
Committee and to Mirie. +here had been rumors o$ a mole or moles in the
Committee% someone who was interested in the Moon +rinity% and the power they
'ontained% but Mirie thought it was only rumors.
!e stared up at her as she 'rou'hed over him. +he wit'h blade trembled at his
throat and a 'rimson drip o$ blood slithered down his $lesh. 6ehemiah #new e-a'tly
how deadly Mirie 'ould be with a blade% a$ter all% he had overseen her training $or
years. (t"s not what you thin#% Mirie%& he said hoarsely. +hey have my $amily.&
Mirie"s hand shoo# minutely. 6ehemiah had a wi$e% Ali'ia% and two sons% both o$
whom were under the age o$ ten. !ere4&
8n earth%& he said. 9ept at our house $or several days now% until ( 'ould 'ome
up with the Book of the Black Moon.&
+here was a hiss o$ noise that es'aped Mire"s mouth. 3ou let them have the
Book of the Black Moon%& she said and it wasn"t a ,uestion. 3ou stole it $rom the
Committee"s se'ure $a'ility.&
6ehemiah"s head dropped a little and the sho'# on his $a'e was e-pressive. Mirie
#new it meant someone had died in the the$t% someone at the $a'ility. 6ot even Mirie
#new where the site was lo'ated% but 6ehemiah had been motivated. Sean is eight
years old%& he said pleadingly. /ohn is only si-. 0or >od"s sa#e% Mirie% you"ve had
dinner with us.&
+hat"s why you pushed the 'lairvoyants about the Eyes of the Amber Moon%& she
said% trying to not thin# o$ the two pre'o'ious boys who loved to play 2ust about every
game ever invented. +hat"s why we were put on Prin'e Anarion"s surveillan'e. 3ou
had to 'ome up with the goods while you stalled about the boo#.&
+hen you vanished% and it all went to hell%& 6ehemiah said vehemently. 6ow (
don"t even #now i$.&
($ they"re still alive?Mirie $inished $or him silently. *id the Committee murder
Dyvana and my step.$ather4&
Dyvana4& 6ehemiah repeated in 'on$usion.
9orrah was the name she used% the one who pretended to be my mother%& Mirie
hissed. She #ept the wit'h blade at his throat while she 'ast a dis'erning glan'e over
her shoulder. She 'ould hear nothing but that didn"t mean anything. Amy'ate% Laris
and the un#nown human 'ould still be plotting% or they 'ould be 'oming this way to
deal with 6ehemiah. Mirie didn"t have time $or re'riminations but she 'ouldn"t really
help hersel$.
6ever%& 6ehemiah gritted. )e $ound them li#e that. +he #uldufolk le$t
'ertain signs o$ their displeasure. 3ou were hidden away% but lu'#ily the house had
been used as a sa$e house $or the Committee $or de'ades and we loo#ed $or you.& !e
loo#ed at her intently. ($ she wasn"t your mother% then who?&
Amy'ate doesn"t #eep you in$ormed%& Mirie said 'oldly. 3ou yell% you"re dead.
($ you"re telling the truth% the $irst thing ( will do is save Ali'ia and your 'hildren. ($
they"re not already dead.& She didn"t li#e saying the words but the truth was plain.
($ 6ehemiah had traded the Book of the Black Moon to Amy'ate% she had no reason to
#eep her hostages alive. +hey were loose ends% 2ust as was 6ehemiah. As a matter o$
$a't% it was odd that he was still breathing a$ter delivering the goods. A$ter all% what
else 'ould he do4
)hy are you still alive4& she as#ed in a voi'e that 'ould have sli'ed through an
+hey want me to spy $or them%& 6ehemiah said promptly. +hey want to #now
what the Committee #nows about the (il!er Moon&s Mystery% so that they 'an obtain
it as well. )ith the three reli's in their possession% then you #now what they 'an do%
what they 'an use against any realm they happen to be in.&
Are you armed4& she said ,uietly.
6ehemiah shoo# his head. +hey don"t trust me.&
!ow many o$ them are there4&
+he Lady Amy'ate% an el$ named Laris% an el$ named Penril% a human ( don"t
#now% and three unnamed elves outside patrolling the grounds%& 6ehemiah answered
,ui'#ly. !e $rowned as he suddenly 'on'entrated on her $eatures% adding% Amy'ate
loo#s 2ust li#e.&
)here are we4& Mirie didn"t bother with semanti's. ($ it were up to her%
Amy'ate wouldn"t be around mu'h longer $or anyone else to remar# on resemblan'es.
A bla'# realm%& he said. (t"s always twilight here. 6ever day% never night.
+here was a war here and the 'urses $illed the land. +he o''upants $led $or other
dimensions or died. (t"s been abandoned $or hundreds o$ years as $ar as ( 'an tell.
+he Lady and her 'rew use it as a hiding pla'e. +he manor and the immediate lands
are spelled against the things that live here.&
)here"s the nearest portal4&
At the ba'# o$ the manor% through a huge stone $irepla'e. (t"s a great hall with
two $irepla'es at ea'h end. +hey"re bra'#eted by 'arved beasts at ea'h end. 8ne
side has a beast with bro#en limbs and that $irepla'e has the portal.&
Point the dire'tion%& she said.
6ehemiah indi'ated a dire'tion away $rom Amy'ate% Laris and the un#nown man.
Mirie withdrew the wit'h blade and stepped ba'#. >o. >o to the portal and return
to your $amily. Call the Committee on the other side and bring rein$or'ements $or
their res'ue.&
6ehemiah 'rawled to his $eet and swayed slightly as his wild eyes 'onsidered
Mirie. )hat i$?&
>et /a'# to retrieve your $amily%& Mirie said. And 6ehemiah% i$ you"re lying to
me% ("ll #ill you in a very ugly $ashion.&
("m not lying%& 6ehemiah said hoarsely. )hat about the Lady and the other
elves4 +he other human&
($ ( 'an% ("m getting the Book of the Black Moon and the Eyes of the Amber Moon
ba'#.& Mirie stepped ba'# and #ept her eyes on the doorway and on 6ehemiah at the
same time. >o on% 6ehemiah. ( 'an"t trust you at my ba'# and ( 'an"t #ill you
without eviden'e% so run through the portal. ($ someone 'omes to help me% then ("ll
#now what you did.&
6ehemiah nodded shortly and spun in the dire'tion o$ the portal at the rear o$ the
ailing manor. (n moments he was gone% although Mirie 'ould hear his $ootsteps
leading steadily away $rom her. She waited $or a moment and then too# a deep
9nowing what she was going to have to do didn"t ma#e her $eel better. Mirie was
going to $a'e o$$ against her mother% Anarion"s personal bodyguard% and the un#nown
human. She was going to be the only thing standing between the arti$a'ts and the
use o$ them by a subversive group o$ elves and humans.
Mirie went ba'# through the #it'hen and the ball room% noti'ing that the dead el$
was still lying in the shadows. As she 'rept 'loser to where she had le$t Amy'ate%
Laris and the human% she 'ould hear nothing. 6either voi'es nor subtle movement
disturbed the silen'e. +hey hadn"t passed her in the hallways% so they 'ould still be
in the same se'tion they had been in previously.
8ne thing she was 'ertain o$ was that she had to get the drop on Amy'ate% be$ore
the el$ 'ould start 'asting her spells on Mirie. Mirie had some prote'tive measures
but she wasn"t sure how strong Amy'ate was% and Amy'ate was strong enough to be
$eared. She had $ro5en Mirie be$ore when Mirie wasn"t e-pe'ting it% but Mirie was
more #nowledgeable now.
/a'# and Mirie had $a'ed wit'hes on the wrong side o$ the Committee be$ore.
6one o$ them had the powers that Amy'ate possessed. +hen Mirie #new. Laris had
saved some o$ Mirie"s blood and given it to Amy'ate to use in her spell. Perhaps the
missing t.shirt was the sour'e. (t didn"t matter mu'h% be'ause Mirie was $or'ed to
a't no matter what magi'#s were in Amy'ate"s repertoire.
( should have #illed you when ( had the 'han'e%& Laris said $rom behind her.
Mirie du'#ed and the #atana #ni$e sli'ed into the door$rame above her. She whirled
and one leg shot out to hit him in the #nee. !e made a bro#en noise and his #nee
+hen Mirie had the wit'h blade out and the weapon was glowing $ier'ely in the
gloom. Laris re'overed by ba'#ing up in the room. She said% 3ou should have tried%
dipshit. )here"s Mom4 ( want to 'at'h up.&
Laris growled and swung at her again. +he #ni$e"s s,uared end s'raped a'ross the
top o$ Mirie"s ribs as she leapt ba'#wards. She $elt the sting o$ s#in splitting but was
already twirling away. Laris"s large $orm lur'hed at her% using the #atana #ni$e li#e a
blunt instrument% swinging it down on her body as she retreated into another large
room with massive windows. +he twilight gloom o$ the realm had brightened slightly
as they $a'ed o$$ in the e-panse. More o$ the ratli#e 'reatures s'urried $or 'over as
the pair twisted and turned in silent 'ombat.
Laris made another error that allowed Mirie to whirl past him and use her $oot to
'rush the ba'# o$ the wea#ened #nee. !e $ell to the $loor on his good #nee and
'ursed her roundly. Mirie too# a breath and ba'#ed up% 'asting a glan'e over her
shoulder $or the others. !owever% they remained alone.
-ot for long, she thought. +hey were ma#ing enough noise to summon anyone in
the vi'inity. So where"s Mommy% Laris4 And does Anarion #now what you"re up to4
)ell% he'# ( guess not sin'e you"re here with me. ( thin# he"s got something against
me oh% say% dying.&
!e stood up in a rush and even in the sunset o$ the land% she 'ould see the $lush
that $lowed a'ross his 'hee#s. Li#e most o$ the humans% you tal# too mu'h%& he
Mirie $einted to see i$ he would remember her $avorite tri'#s and he didn"t $all $or
it. +hen she #ept spinning% putting all o$ her body weight into the turn% aiming $or his
head with her right boot. Laris didn"t have the time to rea't. (t 'onne'ted with a
dull thud. +he ne-t thud was his body hitting the $loor.
3eah%& she said to his un'ons'ious $orm. (t"s one o$ my $ailings.&
Abruptly she heard running $ootsteps and alerted to someone 'harging past the
room she was in. !eaded $or the portal% she thought. She loo#ed and saw the $orm
o$ a man disappearing down the hallway. +o the right was a dim purple glow and
Mirie #new that Amy'ate was waiting $or her.
Amycate or the human$ Mirie made her de'ision and went a$ter the human. (t
was possible that he had the Book of the Black Moon and the Eyes of the Amber
Moon% and it was unthin#able that the two deadly arti$a'ts 'ould slip $rom the
Committee"s $ingers. She poured on the speed and passed the ball room and the
#it'hen. +hen she was in an un#nown part o$ the manor and the $ootsteps were
in'reasing their speed. +he man loo#ed over his shoulder at her but all she 'ould see
was a white $lesh and large eyes. +here was more as well% in the dimness% $or the
brie$est o$ instants there was a 'ertain something visible in his eyes.
Mirie was holding the wit'h blade up and it was glowing $ier'ely as she ran. *imly
she reali5ed she must loo# li#e an armed demon intent on ta#ing his $lesh $rom his
body and leaving only steaming entrails. And it was true% she was more than a little
ti'#ed o$$.
+hen he put the pedal to the metal and pushed through another door. +he room
was large and had the two $irepla'es in it. +he one with the bro#en limb on the
statue o$ the beast was on the $ar side and he unerringly ran to it. Mirie 'ursed as he
s'reamed out a spell% not hesitating as he plowed $orward. +he portal $lared li#e an
irides'ent e-plosion and he vanished into it. A split se'ond later Mirie 'rashed into
the stones o$ the ba'# o$ the immense $irepla'e. +he portal was gone.
Sha#ing her head to 'lear the pain o$ head meeting stone% Mirie gasped with the
#nowledge that she might have lost the two arti$a'ts. *amn. *amn. *amn.&
+urning ba'# to the room% she stared at the doorway. +here was Amy'ate%
staring at her with intent awareness.
Mom%& Mirie said plainly. ( thin# there"s some things we need to dis'uss.&
Chapter Seven
1iolet shall o!ercome !iolet
Be$ore another moment passed% Amy'ate"s $ingers moved de$tly and Mirie
'ouldn"t move again. !er eyes slipped downward and she 'ould see the purple
splinters o$ power twisting $rom hersel$ to her mother. +hey 'urled around her li#e a
large wine 'olored python en2oying playing with its ne-t meal.
Amy'ate wal#ed $orward deli'ately as i$ re$le'ting on her ne-t move. So mu'h
trouble%& she said in 1nglish. As a 'hild% always 'lamoring $or attention. Always
disturbing me. And what the seer said about your $uture.& She paused hal$way a'ross
the room and smoothed her dress down. (t wasn"t something ( 'ould have allowed.&
Mirie 'ame into instant understanding. 3ou wanted Dyvana to murder me%& she
breathed. 3ou wanted her to #ill me all those years ago. (nstead she too# me away.
+o save me $rom you.& +here was a modi'um o$ respe't $or Dyvana. )hat Mirie
remembered about the woman wasn"t bad. She had been #ind to Mirie% even loving.
Amy'ate nodded politely. )ell% yes. She was an unpredi'table !al$ling. +he
agreement was that ( would release her $ather $rom his imprisonment. But apparently
she had too so$t o$ a heart. 8$ 'ourse% her $ather died in the 9ing"s dungeons and our
agreement be'ame a moot point. )hen we $inally lo'ated her% she had married the
('elander and we never $ound you. )e didn"t #now that you had been hidden and
that the Committee had ta#en you. Arisar didn"t tell me that.& She tou'hed her
mouth $inely. But Arisar #ept 'ertain events to hersel$% didn"t she4&
3our restri'tive spells didn"t ruin her mind%& Mirie said 'oldly. 8bviously she
#new what she 'ouldn"t say to you. She said what you $or'ed her to say and nothing
An a'ute mind%& Amy'ate observed. She stopped about $ive $eet away $rom
Mirie and wrapped her hands together so that they rested on her abdomen. She 'ould
have been 'onsidering what to eat $or brea#$ast. 3ou didn"t get that $rom your
*id you #ill him% as well4& Mirie as#ed ,uietly.
Amy'ate nodded. 8$ 'ourse ( did. !e wasn"t one to $ight against the royal
regime. !e would have turned me in and any who had aided me.&
Mirie sighed. +oo bad. ( would have li#ed to have #nown him. :n$ortunately
there"s 2ust you.&
A little $rown wrin#led Amy'ate"s $orehead. Mirie #new that she wasn"t supposed
to be 'avalier. She was supposed to be on her #nees begging $or her li$e.
Should ( #ill you then4& Amy'ate wondered aloud. ($ you 'an"t be used% then
there is no need $or you.&
1yes rolling% Mirie said% As i$. 3ou"re not $ooling anyone. 3ou too# a shot. 3ou
thought it might be possible to 'ontrol Anarion with me. 3ou thought in'orre'tly. (
don"t believe Anarion is the type to allow that.&
Amy'ate"s $a'e went blan# and she said slyly% 3ou would be surprised. Laris told
me how he lost his bearings when the two o$ you $irst tou'hed. (t is alleged to be li#e
that with dedi'ated pairs. !e would have #illed the bodyguard who shot you i$ you
hadn"t been dying. Probably with his bare hands and hoarse with rage. +he :nseelie
0ae 'ouldn"t brea# him% nor did their 'ounterparts with their anti,uated torture
hat had the unknown human2shifter said$ 3e&!e e4perienced the prince&s
anger before,5 the unknown !oice said" 3#e is resistant to such maneu!erings"5 And
he hadn&t been 6ust human, had he$ Amycate didn&t know that part$ Shi$ters were
in league with the :nseelie 0ae against the Land o$ Light4&
6ot the Land o$ Light but the !igh Court% against Artuntaure himsel$%& Amy'ate
Mirie rela-ed and thought about what she learned. She was going to have to do
something she didn"t want to do% but she was le$t without a 'hoi'e. *o you want to
tell me your 'onta't"s name% Lady Amy'ate4& she as#ed politely. 8r the
whereabouts o$ the two arti$a'ts4&
Amy'ate $inally appeared surprised. )hy in the name o$ all the >ods would ( do
Mirie"s poten'ies shi$ted and she did what Amy'ate hersel$ had taught her the
$irst time she had ensor'elled her daughter in binding lengths o$ her magi'#s. +he
wit'h blade 'ame to li$e with a blinding glare and sli'ed downward. +he magi'#s split
apart as i$ they were li$eless bits o$ rope and Mirie was $ree again.
+he older el$"s horrorstru'# $a'e e-pressed her disbelie$ about the abrupt
trans$eral o$ power. Amy'ate started to say something and Mirie"s le$t hand 'ame
about in a roundhouse that #no'#ed Amy'ate onto her ba'# on the $loor.
+here was a low moan $rom Amy'ate. Mirie ripped a strip $rom the bottom o$
Amy'ate"s dress and tightly gagged her. +hen she straddled her body% trapping her
arms and 'hest between her thighs. Amy'ate wasn"t saying anything or doing
anything without Mirie giving her permission. And $ran#ly Mirie was ama5ed at how
easy it had been to de$eat her.
6ow%& Mirie said. *o you want to tell me the 'onta't"s name4&
Amy'ate"s violet eyes glared up at her daughter.
0ine. ("ll tell you something. 3ou should have had Laris #ill me be$ore you tried
your restri'tive spells on me. 6ot only 'an ( de'ipher your magi'#s% but ( turned them
around on you. ( 'an do everything you"ve shown me and more that ("ve learned $rom
the Committee"s Master )arlo'#s.& Mirie smiled serenely down at Amy'ate. +hat
was another o$ your mista#es. 6ow you 'an ma#e it up by telling me where the Book
of the Black Moon and the Eyes of the Amber Moon are.&
Amy'ate shoo# her head.
+here was a roar o$ noise that 'ame $rom the outside o$ the manor. +hen there
were wret'hed s'reams. Mirie held Amy'ate se'urely as she loo#ed around. >reat
shapes moved outside o$ the windows in the twilight world. hat had -ehemiah said
about the manor and the immediate grounds being spelled against the things that
li!ed here$ That was pretty much it" Mirie"s eyes 'aught Amy'ate"s again and Mirie
(t was Amy'ate who had spelled the manor and the grounds and it was she who
had disabled the spells. /ust on the o$$ 'han'e that Mirie 'ame out ahead. /ust as
she had done so.
Mirie 'lambered o$$ her mother and stood. Stupid. 3ou 'ould live. Perhaps
Artuntaure would only 2ail you. Perhaps you 'ould have es'aped into another realm
or ta#en re$uge with the :nseelie Court. (nstead you"ll die here along with everyone
you"ve brought.&
Amy'ate rea'hed up and removed the gag. Alongside o$ you. Arisar"s prophe'y
will never 'ome true. 3ou"ll never do what was $oretold.&
)hat are you so a$raid o$4& Mirie as#ed 'uriously.
*istant doors 'ra'#led li#e toothpi'#s and something began to rumble through the
manor. Something huge% hungry% and ti'#ed o$$ was 'oming $ast. (t was as i$ it were
aiming dire'tly $or the thing responsible $or holding it ba'#% Amy'ate.
Ba'#ing away $rom the great room"s doors% Amy'ate loo#ed around nervously.
Mirie #new she had seen what roamed the e-terior o$ this world and what was 'oming
$or them. (t had #illed the two elves outside and it was apparently still ready to deal
some down and dirty with them. She $rowned and readied hersel$% hating to turn her
ba'# on her mother. But Amy'ate wasn"t $o'using on Mirie at all. She was pushing
hersel$ into a 'orner and desperately trying to $o'us her personal magi'#s.
+he thing stu'# its head through the opening and sni$$ed. At $irst appearan'e it
seemed li#e an appro-imation o$ the beasts 'arved in stone on either side o$ the
$irepla'es. Long and lean% it was over twenty $eet in length. (ts mus'les were 'atli#e
and $lowed e$$ortlessly down its body. 0our $eet ended in pads with s'imitar 'laws.
(ts pin# eyes glowed with the re$le'tion o$ the wit'h blade. Covered in white $ur that
went all the way to its pointed tail% it 'onsidered her threat level.
(ts triangle shaped head seemed almost li#e a li5ard"s. (t was hal$ $eline and hal$
reptilian and something that had adapted to its twilight world by way o$ albinism.
Change your mind% Amy'ate4& Mirie whispered.
Amy'ate suddenly lost all 'ourage and ran $or the open door on the other side o$
the large room. +he beast snapped to when it saw the motion and leaped over Mirie
even as she abruptly 'rou'hed. (t 'ontinued its 'harge at Amy'ate. Mirie saw it with
dismayed eyes and spun to try to 'ounter the animal"s atta'#. (ts great length
allowed it to 'at'h Amy'ate $luently and brought her down without e-ertion. (ts
giant mouth opened and there was an audible snap as it bit down on her body.
+hen Mirie leaped onto its ba'#% straddling its great ne'# with her legs% holding on
$or dear li$e. +he wit'h blade 'ame down on the base o$ its s#ull. She didn"t #now
what it was% but she #new that it had a spine and that was where she pier'ed it%
twisting the blade as she shoved with all her might. +here was a roar o$ agony and it
dropped Amy'ate while it teetered. Mirie $elt the ba'# end o$ the beast sharply
sla'#en as the spinal 'ord stopped sending messages to it. +he animal $ell to the side
and Mirie too# a moment to $inish it o$$.
Mirie 'rou'hed above the beast and listened. +here was nothing else. 6ot yet.
But there was a little noise that almost a whimper that 'ame $rom mu'h 'loser.
Amy'ate was still alive. Barely. !er violet eyes glittered up at Mirie. )ithout
hesitating Amy'ate grated in near whisper% Arisar said one day the daughter would
#ill the mother.&
Mirie glan'ed around slowly. +here was no one there. +he portal was 'losed and
Mirie #new nothing about how to open one. +hat was something only 'ertain 'astes
'ontrolled and they bartered with other ra'es to use them. +he human or whatever
he was had #nown how to open and 'lose it. (t had been open $or 6ehemiah. !e had
'losed it 2ust as he passed through. But i$ Amy'ate #new% she wasn"t spea#ing% and
$urthermore% she was dying. *ying slowly and utterly pain$ully. !er insides had been
'rushed and Mirie #new that it would be hours be$ore Amy'ate su''umbed to her
Amy'ate%& Mirie said as she stood above her mother. +ell me what ( want to
#now and ("ll ma#e sure that you.&
("ll never tell you%& Amy'ate said ,ui'#ly with unholy determination and blood
gurgled ominously out o$ the side o$ her mouth.
+he wit'h blade slashed and Amy'ate breathed no more.
0ine%& Mirie said 'oldly. All your ma'hinations and the prophe'y still 'ame
true. (t wasn"t worth all o$ the deaths. And it wasn"t worth yours.&
Mirie 'he'#ed to see i$ the portal was open by some 'han'e. (t wasn"t. She
heard another distant roar and settled in to wait $or visitors.
Chapter Eight
And the cat and the man who is not really a man will follow the ne4t piece of the
Anarion was pa'ing ba'# and $orth a'ross the warehouse"s $loor. /a'# sighed.
+he prin'e hadn"t rela-ed $or seven days. /a'# didn"t thin# he had slept either. +hen
6ehemiah had 'onta'ted /a'# on day two and the prin'e hadn"t wanted them to
res'ue 6ehemiah"s $amily. A$ter 6ehemiah had told the group what he had done%
/a'# wasn"t happy about it either. But 6ehemiah was determined.
Ali'ia and the two boys had been saved $rom two elves who had them tied up in
the ba'# o$ their house. Anarion had been in an unparalleled rage as he ,uestioned
the two elves. :n$ortunately the pair didn"t #now mu'h more than that they had
been hired by the Lady Sumrah to #eep the humans until her word 'ame to #ill them.
+hen 6ehemiah had ta#en them to the abandoned warehouse in a desolate part o$ Los
+here were rats% debris% and a $ew homeless people who had ran at the sight o$
Anarion and a group o$ the !igh Court"s Coyal >uard. +here were s'attered pie'es o$
wood and gang symbols spray painted on the walls. Bro#en windows allowed a 'ooling
bree5e to 'ourse through the yawning building. Someone had le$t a shopping 'art in
one 'orner $illed with aluminum 'ans. But there wasn"t a portal. And there wasn"t
+he portal was dead. Someone had 'losed it and spelled it to stay 'losed.
+he Branwyns% the spe'ies that 'ontrolled most o$ the portals% were 'onta'ted
and Anarion bartered with them about reopening the portal. 8n the 'ontrary they
didn"t want to barter about this parti'ular portal be'ause% and /a'# almost smiled% it
led to a 'ursed realm. )hat had made /a'# smile was not that it was a 'ursed realm%
but that Anarion had threatened to ='urse" the Branwyns i$ they didn"t reopen the
portal be'ause his Amaias was in there. +he slender Branwyns had renegotiated but
it had been short and to the point. Conversely% the spelled portal had proven to be
di$$i'ult to reopen. +hey had slaved over it $or days without su''ess.
Conse,uently% Anarion had been striding the warehouse $or the better part o$ $ive
days% wearing a determined path in the dust o$ the warehouse. +he Coyal >uard set
up 'amp in the warehouse and /a'# had 'alled in $avors with the lo'al authorities to
ensure that the poli'e didn"t swoop down to brea# up whatever illegal things they
thought they were doing down here. 1ven Cidon% the !igh Court"s prin'ipal
investigator% had proven his worth time and time again by providing the Branwyns
with spells obtained $rom his long dead mother.
8ther Committee agents had 'ome to ta#e 6ehemiah away to ,uestion him. !e
had gone without protest% only 'alling to /a'#% +ell Mirie.tell her ( never wanted
/a'# had grima'ed at the words. !e #new 6ehemiah should have 'onta'ted
others in the Committee immediately% or at the very least% those he #new that he
'ould trust% li#e /a'# and Mirie. +hey would have saved Ali'ia and the boys $irst.
Mirie loved 6ehemiah"s boys and she would have 'ut the elves into a do5en pie'es
be$ore allowing them to hurt his $amily. But 6ehemiah"s $amily wasn"t in2ured% only
$rightened% and they would re'over. /a'# didn"t #now what would happen to
/a'# studied the double loading doors where the portal was supposed to be. +he
pair o$ Branwyns were 'on2uring their magi'#s there% repeating their spells and
'hanging slight variations to see i$ something else would wor#. !ell% he wanted to
pa'e too but he wasn"t sure that Anarion would ta#e it the right way. +he el$ was and ready to ta#e someone apart on general prin'ipal% and /a'# wasn"t
sure i$ his pa'ing might seem as though he 'ared $or Mirie in the same way that the
prin'e did.
+here was a gentle Meowrrr%& and a slight little weight rubbed against his leg.
/a'# glan'ed down and saw a bla'# and white 'at. >old eyes glimmered up at him
e-pe'tantly. +he little 'at began to purr and plump her 'laws on the $ilthy
warehouse $loor. /a'# #nelt to pet the 'at and muttered% )hat are you doing here%
Anarion paused in his pa'ing. *umbass%& the prin'e said.
(t was su'h a Mirie thing to say that /a'# blin#ed in astonishment. !e loo#ed ba'#
down at the 'at and the 'at win#ed at him. 3our tushie loo#s good $rom down here%
too%& the 'at said with a $eline grin.
/a'# stood straight up and grunted. Asta%& he murmured. ( hope you get a
really big hairball.&
Asta stret'hed and #ept stret'hing until she stood at his side in human $orm.
0ully dressed in t.shirt% 2eans and 6i#es% she tossed her bla'# and white hair and
shrugged. !airball% humph.& She indi'ated the doors with a shoulder. 6o lu'#
6othing gets past you% does it4& /a'# said irately% ve-ed that Asta had pulled the
wool over his eyes despite the $a't that Mirie had warned him.
Casting him a s'urrilous loo#% Asta tossed a bag toward the Branwyns. (t was a
little brown bag tied up with a silver 'ord that loo#ed in'onse,uential. /a'# was
wondering where it had been when she was all $eline and hadn"t had a stit'h o$
'lothing on. +he Branwyns abruptly stopped and one said% (s it.4&
3es%& Asta said impatiently. And you wouldn"t believe what ( had to do to get
Anarion appeared beside them and said% Asta% you"ll have my undying gratitude%
0orget it%& Asta said promptly. 3our $ather"s already promised me what ( want.
And besides ( li#e the little el$ wit'h. She"s sau'y.&
)hat did the #ing promise you4& /a'# as#ed 'uriously.
6one o$ your beeswa-%& Asta said straightaway.
8#ay what"s that4& !e pointed at the bag that the Branwyns were immediately
putting to use.
>round up dragon bones%& she said impishly and a slyly triumphant smile.
( thought dragons were e-tin't.&
(n this sphere%& she said primly.
Anarion shot Asta an e-pressive loo#. 3ou went into the dragon"s world4&
3ou needed the bones $or the Branwyns" spell%& Asta stated plainly. ( got it.&
+he prin'e nodded at her in a way that /a'# thought was regal and grate$ul at the
same time. /oor shmuck% he thought. #e&s got it bad for Mirie" /a'# wasn"t
worried. )herever Mirie was stu'#% she had probably ta#en over and was ruling as
the de $a'to empress.
+he Branwyns une-pe'tedly 'ried out in 'olor$ul vi'tory. +he double loading do'#
doors shimmered and then e-ploded with light.
+here was another noise that made /a'# loo# at Anarion. +he prin'e"s $ormerly
'old $a'e $illed with hope and e-pe'tation and desperation.
)h, yeah% /a'# thought. Baaaaad" #e&s a goner" And )M%, aren&t el!es
immortal$ hy yes, they are" !e shoo# his head. That shit will last fore!er.
Anarion didn"t even wait $or the royal guard. !e dived through the portal and
disappeared. /a'# shoo# his head again even as he was pulling his /apanese
broadsword out o$ its s'abbard and $ollowing. +here was a 'ry behind him as elves
+here was an odd in'ongruity as /a'# went through the portal. (t burned and
'aressed at the same time. (t seemed as though it lasted $orever but was only a
se'ond long. 8ne moment he was in a dusty% $ilthy warehouse with bright LA sunshine
$lowing through the windows and the ne-t he was in a huge% dim room with statues o$
beasts bra'#eting the two $irepla'es at ea'h end. 1verything loo#ed old and
debilitated. +hen there was about ten large bodies lying around. )hatever it had
been had been white and mean loo#ing% even dead.
/a'# too# that all in be$ore he bumped into Anarion% who had $ro5en in pla'e in
$ront o$ him. Behind him% several members o$ the royal guard had stumbled out and
were $anning out.
+he other $irepla'e had a $ire going and Mirie was sitting ne-t to it% roasting what
loo#ed li#e a very large rat over a spit. She didn"t appear un'om$ortable or tortured
but 2ust a little tired and even a little bored. Sitting ne-t to her was a very bruised
and battered Laris% who was loo#ing ba'# at the prin'e with a very real $ear in his
eyes. 8ne leg was splinted with old boards and tied with shreds o$ rotting material
and his wrists were bound tightly in $ront.
0rom all the way a'ross the room% Mirie sighed loudly. (t"s been li#e wee#s in
this realm. *id you guys stop to sightsee4& She stood up and gestured at all the dead
beasts in the room. >ood thing these things respe't the ability to #i'# ass and that
they don"t de'ompose ,ui'#ly. *id you #now that some sorts o$ shi$ters are involved
in this4 +hey have the arti$a'ts% >oddamnit.&
Anarion made a 'ho#ing sound. Mirie shut up.
/a'# grinned broadly. +hen he wasn"t sure but he thought he blin#ed be'ause
suddenly Anarion had Mirie enveloped in his arms and they were #issing as i$ trying to
devour ea'h other. +hey had met somewhere in the middle o$ the room% and were
murmuring to ea'h other against their lips% things that /a'# really wished he didn"t
have to hear.
6o 'onsorts $or you%& Mirie said $irmly and Anarion pulled ba'# to grin happily
down at her $a'e.
Beside him% Asta sighed wist$ully. ( get to be the $irst godmother.&
!ey%& /a'# said to the Coyal >uard behind him. >et Laris. !e"s a bad guy.
Let"s get everyone ba'# through the portal be$ore something else happens.&
1veryone moved ,ui'#ly e-'ept Anarion and Mirie. 0inally% /a'# said% +ime to
go% #ids. Mirie% toothbrushes and real% non.rat $ood ba'# in that dire'tion. And beds%
too% i$ you"ve absolutely got to remind me.& !e 2er#ed a thumb ba'# at the portal.
Mirie moved her head ba'# $rom Anarion and sighed with apparent pleasure. A
bed. >ood idea.&
Anarion didn"t even waste a moment. !e pi'#ed Mirie up and darted ba'#
through the portal. /a'# shoo# his head again and #new that they"d be gone be$ore
he went through himsel$. !e loo#ed around and said% Anything else here4&
Asta studied the room and the dead o''upants. She saw two more human si5ed
shapes under an old pie'e o$ drapery and went to li$t up a 'orner. +here was a dead
el$ she didn"t #now and Lady Amy'ate. ("ve heard boogieman stories about this
realm%& she said 'are$ully. (t"s a terrible pla'e and $ull o$ the worst 'urses
imaginable. (t"s almost a mira'le that the Lady Mirie survived this aw$ul pla'e as long
as she did.&
3ou don"t #now the .ady Mirie very well%& /a'# smir#ed. !e loo#ed at the
bodies and then at the Coyal >uard who was le$t. Should we ta#e them with us4&
8ne el$ shoo# his head. +hey"ve lost the right to the honor o$ being laid to rest
in the Land o$ Light. Let them rot here where they belong.&
(t isn"t over%& Asta said as she paused by the portal.
/a'# thought o$ the prophe'y that Arisar had le$t $or him. 6ot by a long shot.&
!e too# her arm and wondered brie$ly at the spar# o$ ele'tri'ity that surged through
him at the transitory tou'h. But even as his mind wandered brie$ly% he #new that it
was up to him to get the Book of the Black Moon and the Eyes of the Amber Moon
ba'# and ASAP.
+hey waited as the Coyal >uard returned through the portal and then /a'# went
through with Asta at his side. !e smiled on the other end be'ause Anarion and Mirie
were long gone. +he prin'e had teleported out o$ there with Mirie in his arms. +hen
/a'# smiled 'roo#edly as Asta giggled glee$ully.
.ook for /art III of the Moon Trilogy in Silver Moon"
About the Author
C.L. Bevill has lived in +e-as% 7irginia% Ari5ona% and 8regon. She on'e was in the :S
Army and a graphi' illustrator. She holds degrees in so'ial.psy'hology and 'ounseling.
She the author o$ Bubba and the *ead )oman% Bubba and the 12 *eadly *ays o$
Christmas% Bayou Moon% and Shadow People% among others. Presently she lives with
her husband and her daughter and 'ontinues to 'onstantly write. She 'an be rea'hed
at www.'lbevill.'om or you 'an read her blog at www.'arwoo.blogspot.'om
Other Novels by C.L. evill
Bubba and the ,ead oman
Bubba and the 89 ,eadly ,ays of Christmas
Bayou Moon
Paranormal Romance:
1eiled Eyes :.ake /eople;
,isembodied Bones :.ake /eople;
The Moon Trilogy<
Black Moon :The Moon Trilogy 8;
Amber Moon :The Moon Trilogy 9;
(il!er Moon :The Moon Trilogy =;
Cat Clan -o!ella<
#ar!est Moon
(hadow /eople
(ea of ,reams
The 0light of the (carlet Tanager
Black Comedy:
The .ife and ,eath of Bayou Billy
Missile >ats
,ial ?M& 0or Mascara

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