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Hi there, I have been trying to post a recruit application but it keeps popping up with a sever error so I

felt my best option would be to send it straight to one of you guys in hopes that it might work.

1. Character name, class, and spec

Agnii (Server - Ravencrest but willing to transfer) // Warlock - Destruction (Affliction OS)

2. Real-life info:

Hey there, my name is Dean. I live in the East County of San Diego, California and currently I am on
summer break after just finishing high school. I'm 19 and about to go to community college for general
because I don't have the money to pay for UCSD tuition. I work in the preforming arts, but not as an
actor. I do the electrical work and lighting for theaters in San Diego. I have worked in high schools in the
county when they request help and I have also done lighting design work in several professional spaces
around the city. Luckily I have had many oppurtunities to further my passion in the arts and hope to
design for international Opera and Broadway shows. I currently live with my mom as my dad passed
away when I was in grade school although next year I should hopefully be moving in with my friend
Rachel and Dario.

3. Theory crafting:

I'll go through each tier of my talents for this but many of them are chosen simply because others would
not provide nearly as much use:

Tier 1: Dark Regeneration // Soul Leech // Harvest Life

- This tier is generally pretty simple. For most fights I take Soul Leech as it allows for one less CD but for
fights where damage might be heavier and I have to help the healers out a bit I will end up taking Dark
Regeneration. Usually I stray away from Harvest Life due to the dps loss especially since I AoE heal off of
immolate for a decent amount.

Tier 2: Shadowfury // Mortal Coil // Demonic Breath

- For this tier I usually run Shadowfury since it allows for CC of multiple enemies at the loss of healing
that Mortal Coil adds. Mortal Coil is usually a secondary option although I don't like running it that often.
Demonic Breath, I feel, does not add nearly as much usefulness as the previous two so I don't run that
on any fights.

Tier 3: Soul Link // Sacrificial Pact // Dark Bargain

- I feel this is one of the more important tier and one of the ones I switch around the most dependent on
fight. Generally I'll take Soul Link since it helps mitigate the periodic damage that most bosses but on
some fights with large burst I'll pick up Sac Pact for the immense shield it gives on a pretty quick 60
second cooldown. Dark bargain isn't picked too often unless the fight have decently long phases of some
harsh damage as the 50% prevention is very helpful but on a 180 sec cooldown with makes using it more
higher risk in my opinion.

Tier 4: Blood Horror // Burning Rush // Unbound Will

-This set of talents are pretty straight forward. Burning Rush and Unbound are my go to picks for fights
as rush allows me to get from point A to B very quickly or get out a bad situation before shit goes down
and Unbound gives me a nice cc removal and cleanse for whenever I need it although it is a 20% life cost
and a 1 minute cooldown. Blood Horror I feel isn't nearly as useful as the first too unless adds are
attacking me but I still would rather have one of the first too.

Tier 5: Grimoire of Sacrifice // Grimoire of Service // Grimoire of Supremacy

-I like Grim of Sac and Supremacy about equally. Generally I stick with supremacy unless it is a fight that
requires me to be hitting additional mobs aside from the boss (not to many more but something like
shamans where much of the fight are just the two boss's so it allows for havoc to have larger affect due
to the single target ability dmg). I usually stay away from Service because the damage between the
three in most cases isn't really valid enough reason to add another cool down to the list.

Tier 6: Archimonde's Darkness // Kil'jaeden's Cunning // Malnnoroth's Fury

-These are pretty straight forward, fights where I need to move around a good amount (HC Sha of Pride,
Shammans, etc) I'll run Kiljaeden but pn the fights where I can stand still a lot without worrying about
mechanics killing me, I'll run Archimonde for the extra dmg boost. Mannoroths fury I feel just isn't worth
it in most any fights since it is a 1 minute AoE dmg buff which doesn't strengthen Fire and Brimstone. It
was fun for the lolz back before it was made a cooldown but no it has no real place.

Glyphs - My main set of glyphs I use are Soulstone, Healthstone and Eternal Resolve. The first two are
simply for survival purposes. SOulstone allows for a max hp brez and Healthstone doubles the heal I
would normally get from the item. I take healthstone over ember tap for the simple fact that I like
ember tap to keep as a burst heal as I feel it's more efficient that way.

For minor glyphs I use them cause they make mah horsey look cool although the flames aren't green like
I deserve for beating that stupid scenario _

4. Armory link:

5. Include a link to logs:Optional

I just recently got into logging but something is messed up in my files so it only records the data of people in my
group but not of me, so I will update this when I fix it.
At the moment though I can bull about 260-300K on most fights. Slowly trying to gear myself up more though but
many openraid groups don't do too well in normals ://

6. Raid times:

For the summer I am cool with any times, when school starts I will inform you of my schedule and it shouldn't be to
hard to work out.

7. Progression raiding history:

I used to raid back in Vanilla when I used to be hardcore into the game but after BC hit I started to slack off from the
game and did some progression in BT during burning crusade but never too much. In Wrath I did some Nax, Uld and
ICC raiding but never managed to down Lich King. I gave my account away to a friend when I heardCata was right
around the corner and I didn't start a new account (my current account) until about 2 months after 4.3 was launched.
At the beginnning of MoP I played a ton but it was mainly leveling my 90's which I have about 15-17 of at the
moment but never really because of the bad taste that Wrath left me of raiding and being close to finally downing the
final boss of a expansion since I was doing 40 mans in vanilla. I haven't been in an actual raiding team in a long
time but I believe that I have the talent to finally get my end of expansion boss kill and wreck havoc in SoO while
doing so.

8. Referral:

I don't know anyone in the guild but I have friend in Biceratops who could vouch for me, most likely my bud Santhus
who is the one who got me back into the game and is really helping me get into raiding.

9. Guild history:

No real progression guilds really for the last several expansions. I have always been a freelancer pretty much going
from group to group when they need someone but haven't ever really wanted to settle in until now.

10. Screenshot (optional for DPS):

11. Favorite Joke :

A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller.

He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack.

"Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a vacation."

Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick, and
that it's okay, he knows the bank manager.

Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral.

The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly

Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office.

She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants
to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral."

She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?"

The bank manager looks back at her and says...

"It's a knick-knack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."

Hehe, thanks for reading :) I feel like this may be a good environment for me to shine and that I may be a great
addition to the team. (:
Feel free to message me in RealID at if you have any questions or anything :)

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