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Arnaldo Trabucco: An Accomplished Urologist

Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS is a highly accomplished urologist who spent twenty-eight
years practicing medicine in the United States, before relocating to taly in late !"#$% &'a(ing
a license to practice in taly in the common )uropean mar*et and *nowing how the two party
system wor*s, felt comfortable in ma*ing the transition,+ he said%
'e recei(ed his training in both the United States and taly% Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS
recei(ed a degree in biology from Adelphi Uni(ersity, where he graduated with honors in
#,-.% 'e attended the Columbia Uni(ersity Medical School in /ew 0or*, where he was also
an honors student, and completed medical school at the Uni(ersity of 1ome School of
Medicine and Surgery in taly in #,2!%
Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS began his residency in 3eneral Surgery at 4roo*dale 'ospital
Medical Center in 4roo*lyn% & was e5posed to a (ast amount of trauma and had an
enormous amount of clinical hands-on surgical e5perience as a first year resident in general
surgery,+ he recalls%
From there, Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS went on to another residency in 3eneral Surgery
at St% Mary6s 'ospital in 7aterford, Connecticut, a 0ale Uni(ersity 'ospital affiliate% 'e
completed his second year of general surgery there% After all this )ast Coast e5perience,
Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS broadened his perspecti(e by heading to the Midwest% & was
accepted into the urologic surgery training program at the Uni(ersity of /ebras*a Medical
Center where completed my urological surgery training and chief resident year in #,2-%+
The e5periences in /ebras*a were in(aluable to the young physician, who recei(ed
e5tensi(e training in al forms of urologic surgery% & also started to be trained in orthotopic
neobladder reconstruction,+ Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS recalls% &7e did a (ast amount of
radical nephrectomies, endoscopic urolithiasis, pediatric surgery, urethral reconstructions,
stress urinary incontinence and urogynecology as well as transurethral resection of prostate
and all forms of general urology training%+
8nce he completed his residency, Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS went into pri(ate practice%
'e has had offices in /ew 0or*, ndiana, /e(ada, and Ari9ona% Arnaldo Trabucco, MD,
FACS has also cemented his reputation as a leading e5pert in urology% 'e has published
e5tensi(ely in peer-re(iewed medical :ournals, including the American ;ournal of Urology
1e(iew, and the 8ncology Times% 'e has been a popular guest on numerous radio and T<
programs, in which he has shared his *nowledge with countless (iewers and listeners%
'e has also held many administrati(e positions during his career% n addition to his urology
practice, Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS today is the Director of 1esearch and De(elopment
and Consultant='erniamesh in Chi(asso, taly% ;ust before his mo(e it taly, he was the
Chairman of Surgery at <alley <iew Medical Center in Fort Moha(e, Ari9ona%

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