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D R. M E R C O L A S
150 Delicious
Grain-Free Recipes &
Proven Metabolic Type Plan
to Prevent Disease,
Optimie !ei"#t an$
%ive %on"er
by New York Times Bestselling Author
Dr. Joseph Mercola
with Brian Vaszily Dr. !en"ra #earsall an" Nancy $ee Bentley
Foreward by Jordan S. Rubn! ".M.D. P#.D.! Be$%$e&&n' Au%#or o( The Maker's Diet
Over one million people per mont# visit Dr& Mercola's natural #ealt# (ebsite )or #is $ietary e*pertise& +00,000
people subscribe to #is #ealt# e-ne(sletter& Tens o) t#ousan$s #ave $ramatically improve$ t#eir #ealt# an$ (ei"#t
t#rou"# #is #i"#ly respecte$ natural #ealt# clinic& Millions more #ave receive$ #is #ealt# a$vice t#rou"# #is
#un$re$s o) ma,or me$ia intervie(s -&
!it#out any "lity mar.etin" campai"n but instea$ $riven lar"ely by peoples' (or$-o)-mout#, Dr& Mercola's Total
/ealt# Pro"ram is" t#e country by storm& !#y0 1ecause no matter (#at your #ealt# "oals are, t#e pro"ram
#as been wi"ely pro%en to improve your #ealt# an$ (ei", $ramatically, an$ permanently&
1uilt entirely aroun$ a natural approac#, t#is pro"ram (ill #elp you avoi$ an$ eliminate t#e un"erlying causes
o) #ealt# an$ (ei"#t issues in an easy-to-)ollo( manner& 4n$ no(, )or t#e 5rst time, #is entire Total /ealt# Pro"ram
t#at too. t(enty years to $evelop2alon" (it# 150 $elicious, nutritious, "rain-)ree an$ easy to prepare ori"inal
recipes2is available to you in t#is sin"le #i"#ly rea$able volume6 7ou'll learn everyt#in" you nee$ to .no( to8
) Bu&d your body$ **une $y$%e* %o %$ +ea, &e-e&$ %o +re-en% *a.or d$ea$e$ and /o**on &&ne$$e$
) Rea/# your o+%*a& we'#%0w#&e a/%ua&&y en.oyn' and ben' $a%$1ed by ea%n'0and re*an a% your o+%*a&
we'#% (or &(e
) Ma2*3e your body$ ab&%y %o re$%ore %#e *ore you%#(u& a++earan/e you are *ean% %o #a-e w#&e a-odn'
any +re*a%ure a'n'
) Boo$% your da&y ener'y and your *en%a& /&ar%y by &ea+$ and bound$
) 4*+ro-e your e*o%ona& we&&5ben' and ou%&oo, on &(e and your$e&(
) He&+ e&*na%e %#e under&yn' /au$e$ (or %#o$e /urren%&y /#a&&en'ed by d$ea$e$ and /ond%on$ $u/# a$ dabe%e$!
#ear% +rob&e*$! /#ron/ (a%'ue! a&&er'e$! and *u/# *ore
Dramatically improve your #ealt# an$ (ei"#t )or "oo$, live lon"er an$ better, an$ truly love t#e )oo$s you eat
(#ile $oin" so - (it# Dr. Mercola&s Total 'ealth (ookbook ) #rogram&
9:1; 0-<=055=>-?-<
D9@T A ;BTR9T9O;
Pre-en% d$ea$e. O+%*3e we'#%. 4n/rea$e ener'y. Loo, youn'er. Lo-e %#e %a$%e.
Dr& Cosep# Mercola is t#e $irector o) T#e Optimal
!ellness Denter in D#ica"o, one o) t#e nation's
lea$in" natural #ealt# clinics, an$ t#e )oun$er o)
Mercola&com, t#e (orl$'s most visite$ natural #ealt#
(ebsite& /e is t#e aut#or o) T#e ;e( 7or. Times
+00E bestseller, The No*+rain Diet, an$ #as provi$e$
e*pert insi"#t on #un$re$s o) re"ional to national
me$ia pro"rams&
F9) you aren't yet )amiliar (it# Dr& MercolaGs (i$ely proven pro"ram2an$ (#ere #ave you been i) you aren't02ima"ine t#e (ei"#t loss bene5ts
o) t#e 4t.ins' or :out# 1eac# Diet, but t#en also t#ro( in avoi$in" $isease an$ premature a"in", an$ increasin" your ener"y $ramatically &&&
T#atGs (#at youGll "et (it# Dr. Mercola&s Total 'ealth (ookbook ) #rogram&H I Co#n Gray, P#&D&, aut#or o) a $oen bestsellers inclu$in" Men
are ,rom Mars -omen are .rom Venus
9ntro$uction8 !#y t#e Mercola Total /ealt# Dietary Pro"ram0
7ou've #ear$ it be)ore but it bears repeatin"8 not#in" in li)e is more precious t#an your #ealt#& 9)
you ta.e care o) your bo$y not only $o you prevent $isease an$ illness an$ prolon" your li)e, but
you also vastly improve t#e 3uality o) your li)e& 7ou increase your $aily ener"y, creativity, attention
span an$ mental )ocus, allo(in" you to ac#ieve more in t#e pursuit o) (#atever matters to you,
suc# as )amily, career, at#letics an$ #obbies& 7our emotions are also elevate$, so your sel)-esteem
an$ outloo. on li)e en$ up (#ere t#ey've al(ays belon"e$8 very positive& 4n$ you're not ,ust
consi$ere$ attractive to ot#ers )or your 5t bo$y an$ "lo(in" appearance, but in$ee$ ma"netic
because o) t#e con5$ence, ener"y, upbeat attitu$e an$ overall li)e you e*u$e&
My $ietary pro"ram is proven to #elp you ac#ieve all o) t#ese bene5ts& T#rou"# my #ealt#
clinic, T#e Optimal !ellness Denter, an$ t#rou"# my (ebsite, Mercola&com2no( t#e (orl$'s
most visite$ natural #ealt# (ebsite (it# many tens o) t#ousan$s o) pa"es o) use)ul )ree #ealt#
in)ormation2t#is pro"ram #as #elpe$ many t#ousan$s o) people improve an$ recover )rom
c#ronic $isease an$ ot#er illnesses, optimie t#eir (ei"#t, an$ increase t#eir p#ysical, mental an$
emotional per)ormance&
T#e pro"ram, an$ all t#e recipes you'll 5n$ in t#is boo. t#at )ollo( t#e pro"ram, is base$
on t#is one essential principle8 t#e type an$ 3uality o) t#e )oo$ you eat #as a pro)oun$ inJuence
on your #ealt#& 9t only common sense to un$erstan$ t#at (#at you put into your bo$y
several times a $ay, every $ay, (ill #ave )ar more impact on your (ell-bein" t#an anyt#in" else you
$o& 7et over t(o-t#ir$s o) 4mericans are no( over(ei"#t, (it# one-t#ir$ at t#e even more
$an"erous level o) clinical obesity, an$ countries suc# as 4ustralia, Dana$a, an$ 1ritain are
e*periencin" similar epi$emic levels& Donse3uentially, (e're also e*periencin" (i$esprea$ levels o)
c#ronic $isease suc# as $iabetes, #eart $isease, an$ cancer t#at are $irectly associate$ (it# obesity
an$ ot#er $iet-relate$ causes& T#e )act t#at t#e type an$ 3uality o) )oo$ you eat #as a pro)oun$
inJuence on your #ealt# may t#ere)ore soun$ li.e common sense, but somet#in" is mis$irectin"
t#e ma,ority o) us )ar a(ay )rom suc# common sense& T#is mis$irection, an$ t#e )ailure o) t#ose
(#o are a(are o) it to $o anyt#in" about it, is costin" many people t#eir lives&
9n your #an$s, t#ou"#, you #ol$ a real solution& ;o matter (#ere you are startin" )rom
to$ay2per#aps you #ave a (ei"#t problem, $iabetes, #i"# c#olesterol, or some ot#er #ealt#
con$ition, or per#aps you are reasonably #ealt#y2t#e recipes in t#is boo., an$ t#e insi"#t o) t#e
$ietary pro"ram an$ metabolic typin" t#at surroun$ t#em, (ill #elp you ac#ieve your #ealt# "oals&
7ou can optimie your (ei"#t, improve or even eliminate your #ealt# c#allen"es, prevent ne(
ones, an$ ac#ieve all t#e bene5ts mentione$ at t#e start o) t#is c#apter i) you commit yoursel) to
it& 4n$ t#erein lies t#e .ey2commitment&
%i.e anyt#in" else o) true (ort# in t#is li)e, ac#ievin" real #ealt# t#rou"# t#is boo. is
ultimately your $ecision& T#e in)ormation an$ recipes )or #ealt#y livin" are all provi$e$ )or you
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1
#ere, but only you can c#oose to 5rst commit yoursel) to t#e pro"ram& T#is $eserves your care)ul
consi$eration, as it is not uncommon to #ear people F(is#H t#at t#ey (ere #ealt#ier, #a$ more
ener"y, or coul$ permanently lose (ei"#t, but in t#e ne*t breat# complain t#at" t#e real steps
to(ar$ $oin" so is Ftoo costlyH or Ftoo time-consumin"&H :ome o) t#ese people (ill t#en slump
into t#eir couc#es to (atc# TL )or #ours every$ay, or t#ey'll (aste t#ousan$s o) $ollars per year
on ,un. )oo$, so)t $rin.s, an$ ot#er non-)oo$ stuM t#at merely satis5es an imme$iate ur"e& /o(
is it t#at spen$in" so muc# time an$ resources on t#ese pursuits an$ pro$ucts is more important
t#an $evotin" t#em to #ealt#0 9t's really a matter o) "ettin" priorities strai"#t, o) rememberin" t#at
you've ,ust "ot t#is one li)e to live& To $rive t#e point #ome, try t#is one 3uestion test8
O( %#e$e 1-e %#n'$! w#/# wou&d you &ea$% wan% %o #a-e de$%royed or e&*na%ed6
1N 7our car
+N 7our TL
EN 7our #ouse
>N 7our ,ob
5N 7our bo$y
9) you ans(ere$ number 5, t#en you'll realie t#at a central priority in your li)e s#oul$ be
$e$icate$ to ensurin" t#at your bo$y isn't $estroye$ or eliminate$ prematurely& O4n$ i) you
ans(ere$ anyt#in" besi$es number 5, turn imme$iately to t#e FOvercomin" @motional 1arriersH
c#apter o) t#is boo.&N !#ile t#e recipes in t#is boo. #ave been create$ to be as 3uic. an$ easy as
possible, you s#oul$ still reco"nie t#at t#ey are not as 3uic. an$ easy as un(rappin" a's
bar, nor are t#ey as c#eap& !#ile you'll 5n$ t#at t#e $ietary plan, li)estyle #abits, an$ emotional
tools covere$ in t#is boo. (ill ma.e succee$in" on t#is $iet )ar simpler t#an you're anticipatin"
ri"#t no(, it still is not as simple as "rabbin" a 1i" Mac at McDonal$'s $rive-up (in$o(& 1ut t#e
results in all aspects o) your li)e (ill be in5nitely more re(ar$in"& 9t all starts (it# your c#oosin"&
7ou can c#oose to .eep (is#in" you (ere t#inner, #ealt#ier, an$ youn"er" but not
ta.e t#e steps to actually improve your #ealt#& Or you can c#oose to ma.e ac#ievin" optimal #ealt#
a true priority in your li)e, an$ $e$icate yoursel) to ac#ievin" it t#rou"# t#e proven a$vice, recipes,
an$ resources t#is boo. oMers& Rea$ on i) your #ealt# an$ li)e are (ort# t#at eMort&
D R & M@RDO%4' : T O T4 % / @ 4 %T / P R O G R 4 M
PA R T O " E
76 T#e :i* Mercola @ssentials
Don"ratulations6 7ou've ta.en a crucial step on your ,ourney to optimal #ealt# an$ (ei"#t by
c#oosin" to commit yoursel) to it& 7ou may not reco"nie it so muc# no(, but in ,ust a )e( (ee.s,
an$ t#en a"ain in a )e( mont#s, an$ t#en )or t#e rest o) your li)e, (#en you are livin" t#e
(on$er)ul #ealt# bene5ts t#is boo. (ill provi$e, you'll loo. bac. )on$ly on t#is $ecision as one o)
t#e ma,or turnin" points o) your li)e&
:o let's start (it# t#e FMercola @ssentials,H (#ic# are t#e basis o) my $ietary pro"ram, every
recipe in t#is boo., an$ your #ealt#y li)e8
1N ;o matter (#at your #ealt# c#allen"e is, you s#oul$ eliminate or at least si"ni5cantly
re$uce t#e su"ars an$ "rains, particularly t#e processe$ )orms, in your $iet, as you'll 5n$ out
in t#e ne*t c#apter&
+N Despite (#at some o) t#e )a$ $iets out t#ere #ave insiste$, you nee$ carbo#y$rates,
protein, an$ )at in your $iet& ;one o) t#ese are evil as some Fe*pertsH #ave ma$e t#em out to
be& T#e .ey is, 5rst, un$erstan$in" an$ c#oosin" only t#e #ealt#y type o) eac# o) t#ese,
(#ic# you (ill learn in D#apter E an$ >, an$ secon$, consumin" t#e ri"#t amount o) carbo#y$rates,
protein, an$ )at )or your personal metabolic type, (#ic# you'll learn in D#apter 5&
EN 7ou #ave a uni3ue bioc#emistry, or metabolic type, an$ certain types o) FnutritiousH
)oo$ are #ealt#ier )or your metabolic type, (#ile ot#er types o) FnutritiousH )oo$ are
actually less so& 7ou must .no( your metabolic type i) you truly (ant to optimie your
#ealt# an$ 5tnessP D#apter 5 o) t#is boo. provi$es you t#e means to $o so, inclu$in" t#e
crucial concept o) Flistenin" to your bo$yH an$ 5ne-tunin" your $iet accor$in"ly& Part T(o
t#en provi$es )urt#er "ui$ance on #o( to alter t#e recipes, an$ "ui$e your eatin" to(ar$
your metabolic type&
>N 7our emotional an$ mental (ell-bein" is $irectly tie$ to your p#ysical #ealt# an$ your
$ietary success& ;e"ative emotions suc# as cravin"s an$ a$$ictions, lo( sel)-esteem, an$
past traumas (ill impact your ability to overcome $isease an$ over(ei"#tAobesity issues,
but t#ere are solutions provi$e$ in D#apter ? t#at (ill #elp you overcome t#ese
emotional obstacles&
5N 7ou (ill not nee$ to consume a s#oppin" ba" )ull o) supplements because t#e #ealt#y
recipes an$ )oo$s recommen$e$ in t#is boo. (ill typically provi$e you (it# most o) t#e
nutrients you (ill nee$& T#e only e*ceptions are8 4N t#e )e( supplements t#at nearly
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M =
everyone nee$s suc# as 5s# oil (it# ome"a-E, as $etaile$ )or you in D#apter =, an$ 1N
speci5c supplementation )or t#ose (it# special #ealt# c#allen"es&
?N" certain ot#er li)estyle c#oices are essential to your #ealt# success& T#is inclu$es
$" plenty o) pure (ater, "ettin" proper sleep, e*ercisin", an$ learnin" #o( to bypass
t#e inJuences o) institutions )osterin" t#e over(ei"#t an$ c#ronic $isease epi$emics )or
t#eir o(n pro5t an$ po(er& 7ou'll learn about all t#ese in D#apter =, as (ell&
4s you are rea$in" t#is boo., t#ere are t(o important points to .eep in min$& First, it is
crucial t#at you avoi$ becomin" over(#elme$ (it# all o) t#e use)ul in)ormation or attempt to bite
oM more t#an you can c#e(& :ome people, (#en t#ey encounter all t#e $ietary an$ li)estyle
c#an"es t#ey s#oul$ ma.e to(ar$ optimal #ealt# an$ (ei"#t, become $iscoura"e$ because t#ey
believe t#ey #ave to ma.e t#em all #appen at one time& Ot#ers become over-motivate$ an$ try
to ma.e t#em all #appen at one time& 1ot# )re3uently lea$ to )ailure& T#e .ey (it# all t#e insi"#t
oMere$ in t#is boo.2an$ a$optin" positive c#an"es in any aspect o) your li)e2is to implement it
in mana"eable bites& T#at means establis#in" a plan )or yoursel) over time, an$ implementin"
t#e c#an"es in p#ases into your li)e& D#apter Q, FPullin" 9t 4ll To"et#er,H (ill #elp you in t#is
re"ar$ by provi$in" a simple approac# an$ .ey remin$ers you can use to prioritie an$ buil$ your
Fmana"eable bitesH plan&
:econ$, you (ill notice t#at t#e recipes in t#e inclu$e a (i$e ran"e o) )oo$s&
!#ile many o) t#ese )oo$s can "enerally be )oun$ in your local "rocery or #ealt# )oo$ store, t#e inclu$es speci5c bran$s o) )oo$ items recommen$e$ )or t#eir superior #ealt# value&
4 .ey point to remember is )oo$ 3uality is $ramatically $iMerent $epen$in" on t#e source& For
e*ample, one source o) salmon, suc# as t#e Lital D#oice bran$ t#at (e oMer t#rou"# Mercola&com,
is )rom t#e pure (aters o) t#e (il$erness& !e #ave #a$ t#e salmon laboratory teste$ an$
it is certi5ably )ree o) any #arm)ul to*ins& Mean(#ile, t#ou"#, t#e vast ma,ority o) salmon )oun$
in supermar.ets is contaminate$ (it# eit#er mercury or PD1's an$ is 3uite un#ealt#y )or you&
D#oosin" /uality )oo$s an$ #ealt# pro$ucts can ma.e all t#e $iMerence in t#e (orl$ to your #ealt#
an$ (ell-bein"&
1ecause t#is 3uality is essential, on my (ebsite an$ in my t(ice-( ne(sletters 9 #ave
al(ays ma$e it a point to researc# an$ recommen$ (#at 9 #ave )oun$ to be t#e #i"#est 3uality
)oo$ an$ #ealt# pro$ucts& 9n t#is boo., 9 provi$e you t#e same $etaile$ insi"#t on t#e ri"#t types
o) )oo$s& !it# most o) t#e )oo$s 9 recommen$, suc# as ve"etables or nuts, you'll be able to 5n$
t#em in virtually any "rocery or #ealt# )oo$ store& !it# ot#ers, particularly t#e ri"#t types o) 5s#,
bee) an$ ot#er meat, you are not li.ely to 5n$ t#ese in a typical "rocery store& 9 encoura"e you to
5rst c#ec. your local #ealt# )oo$ store )or t#ese speci5c )oo$s (it# my recommen$e$ "ui$elines&
%ocally o(ne$ #ealt# )oo$ stores are a national treasure (ell $eservin" o) your business, an$ t#ey
are usually ea"er to listen to your input on t#e "oo$s t#ey s#oul$ carry& /o(ever, i) you can't 5n$
t#em else(#ere, or i) time is an issue )or you, you can easily access t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH
section on Mercola&com to learn #o( to obtain t#ese pro$ucts&
Q T/@ :9R M@RDO%4 @::@;T94%:
86 T#e Dan"ers o) Grains an$ :u"ars
9) you ma$e no ot#er a$,ustments to your $iet but eliminatin" or vastly re$ucin" "rains an$
su"ars it is li.ely your #ealt# (oul$ rapi$ly improve an$ (it#in $ays you'$ start losin" (ei"#t&
!it#in (ee.s you'$ #ave a very noticeable improvement in bot# areas& !it#in mont#s, in a$$ition
to t#e $ramatic #ealt# an$ (ei"#t improvement, you'$ also be e*periencin" a tremen$ous increase
in your ener"y, mental acuity, an$ positive )ocus& Dontinue (it# t#e pro"ram beyon$ t#at an$ you
(ill si"ni5cantly e*ten$ t#e amount o) time you spen$ on t#is planet&
;o matter (#at your #ealt# con$ition or metabolic type, you are stron"ly a$vise$ to
eliminate or restrict your "rain an$ su"ar inta.e, particularly processe$ "rains an$ su"ars&
@liminatin" "rains is especially necessary )or t#ose (#o are Protein Metabolic Types& Darbo#y$rate
an$ Mi*e$ Types can "et by (it# consumin" a limite$ amount o) "rains& 9n all cases, any "rains
you $o consume s#oul$ be whole "rains O<5S o) t#e "rains consume$ in t#e B&:& are processe$,
(#ic# strips t#em o) (#at limite$ nutritional value t#ey $o #aveN& T#ose (it# celiac $isease an$
"luten-sensitivities #ave an obvious a$$itional nee$ to avoi$ "rains, particularly "luten (#ic#
is )oun$ in (#eat, spelt, rye, barley, an$ oats& For t#ose (it# $iabetes an$ ot#er si"ns o)
elevate$ insulin suc# as obesity, #i"# bloo$ pressure or #i"# c#olesterol, it is crucial to eliminate
"rains an$ su"ars&
A%oi"ing grains an" sugars has been popularize" by the recent low*carbohy"rate "ieting rage.
Although low*carb "ieting is e0ecti%e .or weight loss the low*carb approach misses the .act that you nee"
carbohy"rates in your "iet to %arying le%els "epen"ing on your metabolic type. 1%ery recipe in this book
has been create" aroun" the principle that grains an" sugars shoul" be eliminate" or se%erely restricte"
an" the processe" .orms o. both in particular. There are goo" carbohy"rates that shoul" compose most
o. your carbohy"rate intake an" they are .oun" mostly in high 2ber %egetables that grow abo%e the
groun". Your bo"y pre.ers these comple3 carbohy"rates because they slow the release o. simple
like glucose an" "ecrease your insulin le%els. 4nsulin is the .at*buil"ing hormone in the bo"y5
there.ore increases in insulin cause weight gain. 6n the other han" there are 7troublesome8 carbohy"rates
that you nee" to re"uce or eliminate .rom your "iet an" they are .oun" in grains sugars an"
sugary .oo"s as well as starchy %egetables like potatoes. These carbohy"rates will increase your insulin
le%els an" ten" to promote weight gain an" illness.
!it# t#at important point in min$, let's ta.e a loo. at some basic #uman p#ysiolo"y so you
can be"in to un$erstan$ (#y "rains an$ su"ars s#oul$ be avoi$e$&
9ou are :#a% T#ey A%e
For over 5ve #un$re$ "enerations, #umans #ave e*iste$ primarily on a $iet o) (il$ animals
an$ ve"etation& 9t (as only (it# t#e a$vent o) a"riculture a mere ?,000 years a"o2an e*traor$i-
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M <
narily small perio$ in evolutionary time2t#at #umans be"an in"estin" lar"e amounts o) su"ar an$
starc# in t#e )orm o) "rains an$ potatoes in t#eir $iets& 9n$ee$, nearly all o) our "enes (ere set be)ore
t#e a$vent o) a"ricultureP so, in biolo"ical terms, our bo$ies are still t#ose o) #unter-"at#erers&
!#ile t#e s#i)t to a"riculture pro$uce$ ot#er in$isputable "ains )or man, societies (#ere t#e
transition )rom a primarily meatAve"etation $iet to one #i"# in "rains s#o( a re$uce$ li)espan an$
stature, increases in in)ant mortality an$ in)ectious $isease, an$ #i"#er nutritional $e5ciencies&
Keep in min$ t#at t#ese ancient societies use$ entirely unre5ne$ an$ or"anic "rains& To$ay over
<0S o) "rains are #i"#ly processe$," t#e ne"ative conse3uences o) "rains )ar (orse&
T#e p#ysiolo"y o) contemporary #umans #as not c#an"e$ muc# )rom our $istant ancestors, an$
our bo$ies #ave never a$apte$ to t#e e*cessive amount o) carbo#y$rates )rom "rains an$ s(eets in
our present-$ay $iet& 9n )act, in a nation (#ose $iet is still lar"ely base$ on t#e severely mis"ui$e$
B:D4 Foo$ Pyrami$, (#ic# recommen$s an atrocious ?I11 servin"s o) brea$s, cereals, rice an$
pasta per $ay, t#is surplus o)" carbo#y$rates is t#e main reason )or t#e over(ei"#t
epi$emic an$ t#e scour"e o) relate$ c#ronic $iseases li.e $iabetes&
9t is primarily your bo$y's response to t#e overin$ul"ence o) "rain an$ su"ars, not your
inta.e o) )at, (#ic# you )at& Donsumin" su"ar also impairs your (#ite bloo$ cell )unction
an$ t#ereby $ecreases your bo$y's immune system," you more vulnerable to $isease& 7our
bo$y #as a limite$ capacity to store carbo#y$rates, but it can easily convert t#ose e*cess carbo#y$rates,
via insulin, into bo$y )at, (#ic# means t#e more e*cess carbo#y$rates, t#e more bo$y )at&
!#en a "overnment recommen$s t#at its population consume ?I11 servin"s o) "rains per $ay,
plus )our servin"s o) )ruit O(#ic# is #i"# in simple su"arsN, an over(ei"#t epi$emic is t#e lo"ical
an$ inevitable result&
T#e )act is t#at any meal or snac. #i"# in carbo#y$rates )rom "rains or s(eets "enerates a
rapi$ rise in bloo$ "lucose& To a$,ust )or t#is rise, your pancreas secretes t#e #ormone insulin into
t#e bloo$stream, (#ic# lo(ers your bloo$ su"ar& 9nsulin is essentially a stora"e #ormone, $evelope$
over millions o) years to #elp you store t#e e*cess calories )rom carbo#y$rates in t#e )orm o)
)at in t#e case o) )amine& T#rou"#out most o) our biolo"ical #istory, an$ certainly in many areas
o) t#e (orl$ to$ay, t#ere (ere )re3uent perio$s o) mass starvation cause$ by $rou"#ts an$ ot#er
natural occurrences t#at $eplete$ t#e availability o) ve"etation Ocontainin" t#e comple* carbo#y$rates
t#at are t#e carbs you s#oul$ eatN an$ t#ere)ore t#e "ame animals t#at relie$ on t#is ve"etation&
T#e bo$y "ra$ually $evelope$ $e)enses a"ainst t#is starvation so it coul$ convert any e*cess
carbo#y$rates to )at so it coul$ use its )at stores )or ener"y over time& 7ou are, in ot#er (or$s,
(" aroun$ in a bo$y (ell $esi"ne$ to pull you t#rou"# potential starvation& T#e problem is,
(e live in a time an$ a place (it# t#e e*treme opposite situation2(e $on't e*perience times o)
)amine an$ instea$ (e #ave an overabun$ance o) "rains, starc#es an$ s(eets, an$ )oo$ companies
are mar.etin" t#em en$lessly to us&
To ma.e matters even (orse, #i"# insulin levels also lo(er t(o ot#er important #ormones2
"luca"on an$ "ro(t# #ormone2t#at are responsible )or burning )at an$ su"ar an$ promotin"
muscle $evelopment& 9n ot#er (or$s, insulin pro$uce$ )rom consumin" e*cess carbo#y$rates
)oun$ in "rains an$ su"ars promotes )at, an$ t#en (ar$s oM your bo$yGs ability to lose t#at )at an$
buil$ muscle6
4$$itionally, insulin also causes #un"er, an$ it's usually a #un"er )or s(eets& 4s bloo$ su"ar
10 T/@ D4;G@R: OF GR49;: 4;D :BG4R:
increases )ollo(in" a carbo#y$rate meal, insulin is secrete$ to lo(er t#e bloo$ su"ar& T#e lo(ere$
bloo$ su"ar results in #un"er, o)ten only a couple o) #ours or less a)ter t#e meal& 9) i"nore$ lon"
enou"#, t#e #un"er turns into )eelin" ravenous, s#a.y, moo$y an$ rea$y to Fcras#H as a result o)
#ypo"lycemia or lo( bloo$ su"ars& 9n or$er to raise your bloo$ su"ars, your bo$y (ill naturally
crave #i"# su"ar )oo$s li.e s(eets or "rains, (#ic# lea$s to a vicious roller coaster ri$e o) #i"# an$
lo( bloo$ su"ars& 7ou pro"ressively convert to a su"ar an$ "rain a$$ict an$ t#is causes you to
become increasin"ly )atter, )ati"ue$, $epresse$ an$ sic.&
1ut no( bac. to t#e "oo$ ne(s& 7ou #ave t#is boo., an$ it provi$es you (it# a practical
solution& 1y eatin" accor$in" to your uni3ue an$ speci5c bioc#emistry, you'll 5n$ t#e cravin" )or
t#ese un#ealt#y but temptin" )oo$s $isappears& 9) t#ere are any emotional barriers you encounter
(#en" t#e transition, you'll learn in D#apter ? about a po(er)ul psyc#olo"ical tec#ni3ue
t#at is pro)oun$ly impressive in overcomin" psyc#olo"ical resistance& Furt#ermore, you (ill #ave
all t#e #ealt#y recipes to put your insi"#t into action )or every $ay o) t#e year&
Beware %#e ;n(a*&ar Gran! Corn
Most people can easily name t#e common "rains suc# as rice, (#eat, oats, barley, an$ rye, but
)or"et t#at corn also belon"s in t#at cate"ory, as t#ey perceive corn to be a ve"etable&
Dorn is a "rain, an$ it #as all t#e ne"ative #ealt# impacts o) a "rain& 4ccor$in" to recent
researc#, t#e $emise o) certain ;ative 4merican Tribes in earlier centuries can be mainly attribute$
to corn& T#eir eatin" patterns s#i)te$ a(ay )rom t#e primarily meat an$ ve"etation $iet o) a
#unter-"at#erer society to a #omo"enous $iet base$ almost entirely on corn (it# t#e arrival o) t#e
:panis#& T#e researc# s#o(s t#at t#e bones o) t#e ;ative 4mericans $urin" an$ a)ter t#is
transition s#o( muc# #i"#er evi$ence o) anemia, $ental cavities, osteoart#ritis, in)ections an$
ot#er #ealt# issues t#an t#ose (#o live$ prior to t#is transition&
Dorn is relatively #i"# in su"ar, (#ic# is one o) t#e main reasons it's 4merica's number one
crop, consumin" over Q0 million acres o) B&:& lan$ an$" its (ay into an en$less array o)
)oo$ Oan$ ot#erN pro$ucts& 9n its unprocesse$ or F(#oleH state, corn oMers ne"li"ible #ealt#
bene5ts at bestP s(eet corn, )or instance, contains vitamin D& /o(ever, you are )ar better oM
avoi$in" t#e corn's ne"ative #ealt# impacts on your #ealt# an$ obtainin" #i"#er 3uantities o)
vitamin D an$ many ot#er antio*i$ants )rom real ve"etables suc# as broccoli an$ aspara"us&
7ou are best serve$ by avoi$in" corn in its processe$ state& Foo$ (it# labels containin" corn
$erivatives suc# as corn syrup, )ructose, #i"# )ructose corn syrup, corn oil, cornmeal, cornstarc#,
$e*trose, monoso$ium "lutamate, *ant#an "um, an$ malto$e*trin, #ave no place in your "rocery
cart& Dorn s(eeteners are actually no( t#e most (i$ely pro$uce$ o) all s(eeteners, accountin" )or
55S o) s(eeteners on t#e T#is is primarily #i"# )ructose corn syrup, (#ic# is t#e $ominant
in"re$ient in so)t $rin.s, )ruit $rin.s, coo.ies, can$ies an$ ot#er popular "rocery store items&
Donsumption o) #i"#-)ructose corn syrup increase$ )rom ero in 1<?? to a (#oppin" ?+&? poun$s
per person in +001, an$ is a .ey culprit in t#e $iabetes an$ over(ei"#t epi$emic&
T#ere is one more F#i$in" placeH )or corn t#at you must be a(are o)8 in your bee)& Most
o) t#e bee) you'll 5n$ in "rocery stores, an$ virtually all t#e bee) use$ in )ast )oo$ an$ ot#er
restaurants, is )rom cattle t#at (ere )orce-)e$ $iets #i"# in corn&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 11
T#ere are t(o more )actors you s#oul$ .no( about corn& First, corn is only secon$ to
soybeans as t#e most "enetically mo$i5e$ OGMON crop in t#e B&:& GMOs, (#ic# (ere 5rst
intro$uce$ in 1<<5, are a potential $isaster (aitin" to #appen, as no stu$ies #ave been $one (it#
#umans to s#o( (#at #appens (#en "enetically mo$i5e$ )oo$s are consume$& T#e Foo$ an$
Dru" 4$ministration OFD4N #as assume$ t#at t#ese mo$i5e$ )oo$s are e3uivalent to t#e ori"inal
)oo$s, an$ t#ere)ore, $oes not re3uire any stu$ies to #ave t#em approve$& T#is is $espite t#e )act
t#at8 1N t#is tec#nolo"y #as never be)ore e*iste$ in t#e #istory o) t#e (orl$, an$ +N t#e Bnite$
:tate's trac. recor$ on "enetically en"ineere$ sa)ety is terrible&
:econ$, as you can rea$ in $etail in Dou" Kau)mann an$ Dr& Davi$ /ollan$'s boo.,
4n.ectious Diabetes, corn is one o) t#e )oo$s #i"#est in mycoto*ins O(#eat an$ several ot#er "rains
are #i"# as (ellN, (#ic# are to*ins )rom )un"us t#at can lea$ to cancer, #eart $isease, $iabetes an$
a (i$e #ost o) ot#er serious $iseases&
;evert#eless, t#ere is #ope6 One o) t#e most pro)oun$ly important c#an"es you can ma.e
imme$iately in your $iet is to s(itc# to consumin" #ealt#y meat& 4top t#is list is c#oosin"
nutritious an$ sa)e alternatives to corn-)e$ bee), suc# as "rass-)e$ bee) or "rass-)e$ bison, (#ic#
are $iscusse$ in $etail in D#apter > an$ use$ in some o) t#e recipes in t#is boo.&
Su'ar! T#e "e*e$$ To O+%*a& Hea&%#
Most people are a$$icte$ to su"ar, an$ alon" (it# "rain a$$iction, t#e over-consumption o)
a$$e$ su"ars2(#et#er t#ey are #i"#-)ructose corn syrup, )ructose, "lucose, $e*trose, or t#e
sucrose )rom su"arcane an$ su"ar beets2is one o) t#e ma,or #ealt# problems )acin" our
nation to$ay&
For ,ust a partial i$ea o) t#e ill #ealt# eMects o) e*cess su"ar consumption, consi$er t#at
su"ar #as been cite$ as a contributin" )actor to8
T Over(ei"#t an$ obesity
T 9mmune system suppression, invitin" in)ection an$ $isease
T Premature a"in"
T Dancer o) t#e breast, ovaries, prostate, an$ rectum
T Decrease$ absorption o) calcium an$ ma"nesium
T Diabetes
T Fati"ue
T Decrease$ ener"y an$ re$uce$ ability to buil$ muscle
T /eart $isease
T Dro#n's $isease an$ ulcerative colitis
T Osteoporosis
T 7east in)ections
T Depression
T Dental $ecay an$ "um $isease
:u"ars are simple carbo#y$rates processe$ by t#e bo$y in t#e same manner as "rains& T#at
1+ T/@ D4;G@R: OF GR49;: 4;D :BG4R:
is, any e*cess su"ars in t#e bo$y are converte$ by insulin into )at2an$ ,ust li.e "rains, (e're
consumin" an enormous sur)eit o) su"ar& 9n t#e past t(o $eca$es in t#e B&:&, su"ar consumption
#as increase$ by over E0S& 9n )act, t#e avera"e per-person su"ar inta.e is no( 1=5 poun$s per year6
T#at's E00,000 calories per year, or Q00 calories per $ay, )rom su"ar6 T#is is" )or serious
#ealt# trouble even by t#e ill-a$vise$ B:D4 stan$ar$s, (#ic# states t#at t#e avera"e 4merican,
(#o s#oul$ be consumin" about +,000 calories per $ay, can eat up to 10 teaspoons o) a$$e$
su"ars per $ay& T#e avera"e 4merican is consumin" (ell over E000 calories per $ay, inclu$in" over
+0 teaspoons o) a$$e$ su"ars&
T#e ma,ority o) t#ese a$$e$ su"ars are comin" )rom so)t $rin.s, (#ic# t#e avera"e
4merican $rin.s an estimate$ 5? "allons o) eac# year& T#at's an avera"e o) ?00 cans o) so$a pop
per year each9 Cust one can o) t#is so$a #as about 10 teaspoons o) su"ar an$ 150 calories, alon"
(it# E0 to 55 m" o) caMeine& :o$a also contains #arm)ul a$$itives inclu$in" p#osp#oric aci$,
(#ic# can inter)ere (it# t#e bo$yGs ability to use calcium, lea$in" to osteoporosis or so)tenin" o)
t#e teet# an$ bones& P#osp#oric aci$ also neutralies t#e #y$roc#loric aci$ in your stomac#, (#ic#
can inter)ere (it# $i"estion," it $iUcult to absorb nutrients& @liminatin" so)t $rin.s )rom
t#e 4merican $iet2a $istant but noble $ream2(oul$ alone vastly re$uce t#e rate o) obesity an$
a$$ years to our avera"e li)espan&
Moreover, t#ere are #i"#-su"ar culprits $is"uise$ as F#ealt#yH by )oo$ mar.eters suc# as8
F)ruit $rin.s,H F)ruit bevera"esH an$ F)ruit punc#,H suc# as :napple, (#ic# contain any(#ere )rom
1S to >0S o) )ruit ,uice but (#ic# all contain loa$s o) su"ar, usually #i"#-)ructose corn syrup&
1ut even t#e su"ars in 100S real )ruit ,uice can a$$ up8 real )ruit ,uice, (#et#er
store-bou"#t or )res#ly s3ueee$, #as about ei"#t )ull teaspoons o) su"ar per ei"#t-ounce "lass&
T#is su"ar is typically a )ruit su"ar calle$ )ructose, (#ic# is every bit as $an"erous as t#e re"ular
table su"ar sucrose since it (ill also cause a ma,or increase in insulin levels&
T#is $oesn't mean t#at you s#oul$ avoi$ )ruit, ,ust )ruit ,uice& !#en t#e )ruit is intact an$
(#ole, its 5ber (ill mo$erate t#e release o) )ructose an$ secon$arily insulin into your bloo$stream&
/o(ever, i) you are over(ei"#t, #ave #i"# bloo$ pressure or #i"# bloo$ su"ar levels, you (oul$
be (ise to avoi$ most )ruits an$ ,ust stic. (it# ve"etable carbo#y$rates until you #ave t#ese problems
un$er control& T#is is especially true i) you are a Protein Metabolic Type& Darbo#y$rate types
are "enerally better $esi"ne$ to #an$le t#e carbo#y$rates in )ruits, especially citrus )ruits&
On a $iMerent note, su"ar substitutes suc# as sacc#arin O:(eet-;-%o(N, sucralose O:plen$aN
an$ aspartame O@3ual an$ ;utras(eetN s#oul$ be avoi$e$& T#eir ne"ative #ealt# eMects can easily
e*cee$ t#e su"ars t#ey are replacin"& :ome scientists, )or instance, believe aspartame mi"#t cause
altere$ brain )unction an$ be#avior c#an"es& T#e FD4 #as also been inun$ate$ (it# consumer
complaints about aspartame, inclu$in" 5bromyal"ia symptoms, multiple sclerosis symptoms,
$iiness, #ea$ac#es, an$ menstrual problems& 7ou can use t#e searc# en"ine on my site )or )urt#er
$etails on aspartame an$ its bran$ names li.e ;utras(eet&
7ou s#oul$ also avoi$ t#e latest su"ar substitute ra"e, sucralose& First o) all, )e( #uman
stu$ies #ave been publis#e$ on t#e sa)ety o) sucralose& :econ$, in animal researc# stu$ies, sucralose
(as s#o(n to cause a $ecrease in t#e sie o) t#ymus "lan$s, to cause liver an$ .i$ney enlar"ement,
re$uce "ro(t# rate, $ecrease re$ bloo$ cell count, an$ $ecrease placenta an$ )etal bo$y (ei"#ts2
an$ t#is is only a partial list& :ucralose also #as t#e potential to contaminate your bo$y (it#
pestici$es, #eavy metals suc# as lea$, arsenic, an$ more, as it #as been )oun$ to contain small
amounts o) t#ese $an"erous substances& Finally, i) you are tryin" to lo(er your (ei"#t, t#ere is no
clear evi$ence t#at sucralose2or any arti5cial s(eetener2is even use)ul in (ei"#t re$uction& 9n
)act, t#ere is evi$ence t#at t#ese substances may actually stimulate your appetite&
For many people, su"ar is an aut#entic a$$iction, to ci"arette $epen$ency& 4n$ it is
aMectin" t#eir #ealt# as severely as ci"arettes (oul$, i) not more so& T#e real solution is not to .eep
#untin" )or (ays to Fsa)elyH maintain t#e a$$iction, suc# as arti5cial s(eeteners, (#ic# are .in$ o)
li.e t#e e3uivalent o) F%i"#tH an$ FBltra %i"#tH ci"arettes2t#at is, e3ually as $evastatin" to your
bo$y& T#e solution is to overcome t#e a$$iction& Fortunately, you'll 5n$ t#at by a$optin" t#is
$ietary plan, inclu$in" eatin" t#e )oo$s meant )or your metabolic type an$ utiliin" t#e tools to
overcome emotional barriers $escribe$ later in t#is boo., you (on't #ave to F5"#tH t#e cravin",
because it (ill naturally $isappear& T#is #as been t#e case )or t#ousan$s be)ore you, an$ i) you stic.
to t#e principles in t#is boo., it (ill be t#e case (it# you&
1> T/@ D4;G@R: OF GR49;: 4;D :BG4R:
<6 Plant-1ase$ Foo$s8 Mercola's Gui$e to t#e /ealt#iest
Mar. T(ain, (#en (arne$ about t#e potential .no(n #ealt# eMects o)" in #is $ay, replie$,
FVuittin"" may in$ee$ a$$ ten years to my li)e, but t#en t#at's ten years (it#out a
ci"arette&H T#is is t#e same e*cuse t#at many people use )or not aban$onin" ba.e$ "oo$s,
brea.)ast cereals, popcorn, )rie$ )oo$s, s(eets, so)t $rin.s an$ ot#er $ea$ly )oo$s8 F!ell 9 .no(
it's ba$ )or me an$ it's probably s#ortenin" my li)e, but it tastes so "oo$ an$ so it's" t#e
li)e 9 am livin" so muc# better&H
!#at T(ain mi"#t not #ave .no(n about ci"arettes, an$ (#at t#e avera"e person may not
be a(are o) (it# eatin" ,un. )oo$, is t#at it is not only li.ely to cause $isease an$ s#orten t#eir li)e,
but it is $ecreasin" t#eir 3uality o) li)e by $ecreasin" t#eir ener"y, mental )ocus, an$ #appiness&
T#at is, )or t#at brie) F#itH o), say, Doca-Dola, toaste$ ba"els, or Frenc# )ries2,ust as (it# t#e brie)
#it o) nicotine2t#ey are "ivin" up bot# t#eir 3uality o) li)e ri"#t no( an$ t#e len"t# o) t#eir li)e
later& 9) you o)ten )eel more tire$ t#an you s#oul$, or e*perience Fbrain )o""inessH (#ere it's #ar$
to )ocus, or you o)ten )eel $o(n i) not $o(nri"#t $epresse$, eatin" un#ealt#y )oo$ coul$ be a
primary culprit& 4re t#ose states really (ort# a ba" o) potato c#ips or pretels0
:ome o) you may #ave an un$erlyin" )ear t#at by convertin" to t#e truly #ealt#y $iet oMere$
#ere, you (ill never a"ain e*perience "reat-tastin" )oo$ an$ it (ill instea$ be li.e c#e(in" on tree
bar.& /o(ever, you'll $iscover once you start tryin" t#e recipes in t#is boo. t#at t#ey are
$elicious as (ell as nutritious& 9n )act, by eatin" accor$in" to your metabolic type, you (ill )eel so
muc# better t#at you (ill (ant to continue to eat t#e natural )oo$s t#at your bo$y is $esi"ne$ )or&
;evert#eless, i) you still $o e*perience cravin"s )or un#ealt#y )oo$s li.e su"ar or "rains a)ter you
be"in selectin" )oo$s accor$in" to your metabolic type, you (ill #ave t#e emotional tools in
D#apter ? to overcome t#ese barriers&
Ea% 9our =e''e$>
T#ere is no )oo$ "roup t#at is $enser (it# vitamins, minerals, antio*i$ants, an$ Javonoi$s t#an
t#e ve"etable "roup& T#is is particularly true )or t#e ve"etables t#at "ro( above t#e "roun$&
Le"etables provi$e t#e "oo$ carbo#y$rates you nee$, an$ muc# more& T#ose (#o are Protein
Metabolic Types s#oul$ i$eally "et most o) t#eir carbs )rom ve"etables, (it# virtually none )rom
"rain or su"ar-a$$e$ )oo$s& T#ose (#o are Darb Types s#oul$ also i$eally "et most o) t#eir carbs
)rom ve"etables2an$ t#ey nee$ more carbs in total, but can $o (ell "ettin" about 15S o) t#eir
carbs )rom #ealt#y, whole "rains i) t#ey c#oose& Mi*e$ Types, as t#e name implies, )all in t#e
mi$$le o) t#ese t(o&
T#e "lycemic in$e* is a measure o) #o( a)ter eatin" t#e )oo$ is bro.en $o(n into
"lucose& Generally )oo$s t#at are #i"# in 5ber ten$ to be lo( on t#e "lycemic in$e*, as 5ber slo(s
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 15
t#e brea.$o(n o) su"ars into t#e bloo$stream& 1ecause most ve"etables are #i"# in 5ber, lo( on
t#e "lycemic in$e*, an$ are pac.e$ (it# nutritional value, ve"etables are an i$eal (ay to meet your
$aily carbo#y$rate re3uirements&
Le"etables contain t#e ma,ority o) t#e micronutrients Ovitamins, minerals, 5ber an$ p#ytoc#emicalsN
your bo$y nee$s& /o(ever, t#ere are essential macronutrients ve"etables cannot
provi$e suUcient 3uantities o), inclu$in" protein (it# all ei"#t essential amino aci$s )oun$ only in
animal pro$ucts, an$ certain )ats suc# as ome"a-E (it# @/4 an$ DP4 )atty aci$s& Le"etables also
contain a #ost o) essential nutrients t#at are not )oun$ or replicate$ in any ot#er type o) )oo$, an$
certainly not in any pill or supplement& T#ey contain p#ytoc#emicals, )or instance, (#ic# are use$
by t#e bo$y to repair an$ buil$ #ealt#y cells, or"ans an$ tissues, t#ereby increasin" your immunity
to $isease an$ illness& T#ey are also ric# in 5ber, (#ic# ai$s in $i"estion an$ also creates a )eelin"
o) bein" )ull& 4$vocates o) #i"# "rain-consumption, suc# as t#e B:D4, o)ten cite "rain's 5ber
content (#en pus#in" t#e Fnee$ )or "rains,H i"norin" all its #arm)ul eMects& Le"etables are a )ar
#ealt#ier c#oice t#an "rains to obtain your 5ber&
9n s#ort, ve"etables provi$e tremen$ous #ealt# bene5ts& Le"etables' #ealt# bene5ts inclu$e,
but are by no means limite$ to8
T /elpin" you to prevent $isease
T 4i$in" you in #ealin" e*istin" $isease
T Optimiin" your (ei"#t
T Preventin" (rin.les an$ restorin" your yout#)ulness
T 9ncreasin" your ener"y, mental clarity an$ )ocus by leaps an$ boun$s
T 9mprovin" your emotional #ealt#, inclu$in" #elpin" to 5"#t $epression
T /elpin" you live lon"er
!#at's more, ve"etables can really taste incre$ible& My patients )re3uently tell me t#at soon
a)ter t#ey stoppe$ eatin" ,un. )oo$, t#ey stoppe$ cravin" su"ar an$ loo.e$ )or(ar$ to eatin"
ve"etables an$ #ealt#y protein& 9) you commit yoursel) to t#e $ietary pro"ram accor$in" to your
metabolic type as $escribe$ in t#e FPullin" it 4ll To"et#erH section o) t#is boo., it's li.ely you'll
#ave t#e same e*perience as many o) my patients2t#at su"ar tastes Fsic.enin"lyH s(eet an$ t#at
you've "ro(n to love t#e taste o) nature's bounty&
T#ere are some important "ui$elines to consi$er in your ve"etable selection, as not all
ve"etables are create$ e3ual8
1N Le"etables ric# in color "enerally in$icate t#at t#ey are #i"#er in vital nutrients t#an
t#eir pale counterparts& For e*ample, $ar. "reen romaine lettuce, spinac# or .ale is muc#
#i"#er in nutrients t#an nearly (#ite iceber" lettuce, (#ic# #as virtually no nutritional
value& Re$ onions are muc# #i"#er in Javonoi$s an$ antio*i$ants t#an (#ite or yello(
onions& T#e same is true )or re$ "rapes versus "reen "rapes, an$ re$, yello( an$ purple
bell peppers are #i"#er in nutrients t#an "reen peppers an$ (ell (ort# t#e a$$itional cost&
T#ere are some e*ceptions to t#is rule suc# as cauliJo(er, (#ic# is (#ite but (#ic# is still
a nutrient-$ense ve"etable&
1? P%4;T-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
+N For purposes o) your #ealt#, preten$ t#at potatoes are not a ve"etable but a "rain& T#at
is because t#ey are #i"# in simple carbs an$ t#ey act upon your bo$y similar to "rains an$
su"ars, promotin" (ei"#t "ain an$ $isease& T#is is true (#et#er t#ey are ba.e$, mas#e$,
boile$, or )rie$& Frie$ potatoes suc# as Frenc# )ries are $ouble trouble an$ you s#oul$ avoi$
t#em li.e t#e pla"ue& Frenc# )ries are #i"# in $an"erous trans-)ats, (#ic# are )ats $ama"e$
by t#e #eatin" process t#at contain a molecular con)ormation t#at causes #eart $isease an$
cancer& 9n a$$ition, )rie$ potatoes contain t#e carcino"enic substance acrylami$e&
Moreover, a :uper :ie Frenc# )ry at McDonal$s is 5>0 calories, ?Q "rams o) carbo#y$rate,
an$ +? "rams o) )at2enou"# carbs an$ )at )or an entire $ay6 7ou (oul$ #ave to run at a
)ast pace )or over an #our strai"#t ,ust to brea. even& 9n summary, 9 (oul$ not )ee$ Frenc#
)ries to a starvin" $o" muc# less a #uman&
EN %imit your consumption o) ot#er root ve"etables, suc# as beets an$ carrots, as t#ey are
#i"#er in carbo#y$rates t#an above-"roun$ ve"etables& 9) you $o eat t#em, eat t#em ra( as" increases t#eir "lycemic in$e*&
>N Or"anic pro$uce is usually muc# #i"#er in nutrients an$ you'll also 5n$ or"anic
pro$uce tastes better& Plus, or"anic )armers $on't use c#emical )ertiliers, pestici$es or
#erbici$es, all o) (#ic# can #arm your #ealt#& 9) you can't buy or"anic pro$uce, $on't let
t#at stop you )rom buyin" pro$uce at all, o) course2,ust ma.e sure you remove some o)
t#e c#emicals by" t#em )or 10 minutes in a sin. (it# (ater, vine"ar an$ #y$ro"en
pero*i$e, or in a ve"etable (as# )oun$ at most #ealt# )oo$ stores&
5N Focus on eatin" your ve"etables ra(& :ome people 5n$ ra( ve"etables $iUcult to $i"est
an$ (ill #ave to incorporate t#em slo(ly an$ in small amounts& T#e reason )or eatin" ra(
ve""ies is t#ere are valuable an$ #i"#ly peris#able micronutrients t#at are $ama"e$ (#en
you #eat t#em& Recipes )or ra( )oo$s, ve"etable ,uicin", sala$s an$ coo.e$ ve"etable
$is#es #ave been provi$e$ in t#is boo. to ma.e eatin" ve"etables easy )or you&
Ju/n' 9our =e''e$
Cuicin" continues to "ro( in popularity in t#e B&:& because it is a convenient an$ $elicious (ay to
consume ra( ve"etables& T#is boo. provi$es you tasty an$ nutritious ,uicin" combinations, but
you s#oul$ also e*periment to 5n$ out (#ic# ve"etables you pre)er (it# ot#er ve"etables&
!#en it comes to ,uicin", t#ou"#, t#e one tool t#at matters most is your e3uipment& 9) you
are ne( to ,uicin" you s#oul$ 5rst consi$er purc#asin" an ine*pensive ,uicer or even a use$ ,uicer
at a "ara"e sale or on e1ay& T#is (ill allo( you to con5rm t#at ,uicin" is somet#in" you (ant to
continue (it#& !#en you are certain you (ant to commit to ,uicin" )or t#e lon"-term, t#ou"#,
you'll (ant a #i"#er 3uality mac#ine& 9 compile$ an e*tensive ,uicer comparison table evaluatin"
t#e ma,or bran$s an$ types o) ,uicers& To see t#is table, "o to Mercola&com an$ type in F,uicin"H
in t#e searc# en"ine& /an$s-$o(n, t#e best ,uicer on t#e in terms o) value, $urability,
per)ormance, an$ ease-o)-use is t#e Ome"a Q00+ Cuicer& 1eyon$ ,uicin", it is also $esi"ne$ )or
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1=
mincin", c#oppin", an$ more, an$ (#ile comparable ,uicers cost WQ00IW+,000, t#e Ome"a Q00+
Cuicer is a tremen$ous value at W+?0& 9 personally #ave use$ t#e Ome"a Q00+ Cuicer since +000
an$ 9 love it&
L*% %#e Le'u*e$
%e"umes suc# as lentils an$ navy, pinto, .i$ney, an$ blac.-eye$ peas #ave si"ni5cantly #i"# levels
o) carbo#y$rates t#at can increase insulin levels& T#ere)ore, t#ose (#o are over(ei"#t, #ave #i"#
bloo$ pressure, #i"# c#olesterol levels, or $iabetes s#oul$ avoi$ or si"ni5cantly restrict t#eir
le"ume inta.e&
9) you $o not #ave insulin c#allen"es, t#en le"umes, in mo$eration, can be a nutritious )oo$
source as t#ey are ric# in bot# 5ber an$ minerals& %e"umes are also #i"# in ve"etable protein, but
you s#oul$ be a(are t#at t#eir protein is incomplete, as it $oes not contain all ei"#t o) t#e
essential amino aci$s your bo$y nee$s& 4nimal protein suc# as 5s#, meat, e""s, an$ $airy is t#e
only source o) complete protein an$ t#ere)ore ve"etarians s#oul$ consume some animal protein
li.e $airy, non-to*ic 5s#, or e""s to prevent protein $e5ciency& 9t is especially important )or Protein
Metabolic Types to consume a$e3uate protein, as 9 #ave seen in my clinical practice Protein Types
(#o $evelope$ serious illnesses )rom t#eir ve"etarian $iets&
Soy ;n%rue>
:oybeans are anot#er le"ume, but $eserve t#eir o(n special mention because o) t#e e*treme
misperceptions o) t#eir suppose$ #ealt# value& T#ere are a lar"e number o) companies" to
pro5t )rom t#e alle"e$ #ealt# bene5ts o) soy, suc# as soy mil., po($ers, c#eese, brea.)ast bars,
cereals an$ nuts& T#e trut# o) t#e matter is t#at t#ese pro$ucts lar"ely $o more #arm t#an "oo$&
F1ut (#at about t#e lin. bet(een soy an$ t#e lo( rates o) breast, colon an$ prostate cancer amon"
4sian people, (#ose $iets ten$ to be #i"# in soy0H you may as.& Donsi$er t#at 4sians eat a $iet
t#at inclu$es si"ni5cantly #i"#er 3uantities o) ve"etables an$ muc# lo(er 3uantities o) processe$
)oo$s, an$ a muc# better balance o) ome"a-E to ome"a-? )at ratios& 4sians as a (#ole are
consumin" a )ar #ealt#ier $iet overall, (#ic# provi$es relative protection )rom t#e #arm)ul eMects
o) soy& 9t s#oul$ also be note$ t#at 4sians eat a si"ni5cant portion o) soy in t#e recommen$e$
)ermente$ )orm suc# as natto,, miso an$ tempe#, (#ic# nulli5es t#e ne"ative eMects o)
soy& !#ile an entire boo. (ill be available in sprin" +00> on #o( soy #arms your #ealt#, The -hole
:oy :tory by Dr& Kaayla Daniel, #ere are some essentials you s#oul$ .no(8
T :oybeans are #i"# in natural to*ins, also .no(n as Fantinutrients&H T#is inclu$es a lar"e
3uantity o) in#ibitors t#at $eter t#e enymes nee$e$ )or protein $i"estion& Furt#er, t#ese
enyme in#ibitors are not entirely $isable$ $urin" or$inary"& T#e result is e*tensive
"astric $istress an$ c#ronic $e5ciencies in amino aci$ upta.e, (#ic# can result in pancreatic
impairment an$ cancer&
T :oybeans contain #ema"lutinin, (#ic# causes re$ bloo$ cells to clump to"et#er& :oybeans
1Q P%4;T-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
also #ave "ro(t# $epressant substances& 4n$ (#ile t#ese substances are re$uce$ in processin",
t#ey are not completely eliminate$&
T :oy contains "oitro"ens, (#ic# )re3uently lea$ to $epresse$ t#yroi$ )unction&
T Most soybeans are "enetically mo$i5e$, an$ t#ey contain one o) t#e #i"#est levels o)
pestici$e contamination o) all )oo$s&
T :oybeans are very #i"# in p#ytates, (#ic# prevent t#e absorption o) minerals inclu$in"
calcium, ma"nesium, iron an$ inc, all o) (#ic# are co-)actors )or optimal bioc#emistry in
t#e bo$y& @atin" meat re$uces t#e" eMects o) t#ese p#ytates, an$ so it is
#elp)ul i) you $o eat soy to also eat meat&
T Finally, in an eMort to remove t#e antinutrients )rom soy, soybeans are ta.en t#rou"# a series
o) c#emical processes inclu$in" aci$ (as#in" in aluminum tan.s& T#is leac#es #i"# levels o)
aluminum, a to*ic #eavy metal, into t#e 5nal soy pro$ucts& Many soy )oo$s also #ave to*ic
levels o) man"anese& :oy )ormula #as up to Q0 times #i"#er man"anese t#an is )oun$ in
#uman breast mil.&
T#ere are a$$itional concerns about soy i) you are pre"nant or inten$ to be, as nearly +0S
o) all in)ants are no( )e$ soy )ormula& Lisit t#e very popular an$ al(ays-e*pan$in" article entitle$
F!#y :oy Dan Dama"e 7our /ealt#H on Mercola&com, (#ic# (ill lin. you to over t(enty-5ve $iMerent
articles an$ t#eir correspon$in" stu$ies on t#e ris.s o) soy, (#ic# )ar out(ei"# any bene5ts&
Be On&y Modera%e&y Fru%5(u&
Fruits, (#ile #i"# in vitamins an$ antio*i$ants, are also #i"#er in su"ar content t#an ve"etables& 9)
you are tryin" to lose (ei"#t, or #ave #i"# bloo$ pressure or $iabetes, it is (ise to omit )ruits )rom
your $iet or restrict yoursel) to eatin" a small #an$)ul o) berries a $ay& T#is is especially true i) you
are a Protein Type (it# t#e above con$itions as most )ruit is not bene5cial )or Protein Types& One
e*ception o) t#is is coconut, (#ic# provi$es t#e #i"# )at content Protein Types nee$& Darb Types
ten$ to $o muc# better (it# )ruits, especially citrus )ruits suc# as oran"es an$ "rape)ruits, an$ can
consume a mo$erate amount&
9n selectin" )ruit, berries suc# as blueberries, raspberries, lin"onberries, bilberries, cranberries
an$ blac. currants s#oul$ be amon"st your top c#oices because t#ey #ave, relative to ot#er
)ruits, a lo(er 3uantity o) su"ar (#ile provi$in" #i"# vitamin D, $ietary 5ber, )olic aci$, an$
p#ytoc#emicals& T#ey provi$e e*cellent protection a"ainst #eart $isease an$ cancer& T#ey also can
#elp prevent an$ treat vision problems&
4mon"st t#e best o) all berries are blueberries& T#ey are 3uite lo( in su"ar compare$ to
ot#er )ruits yet pac. some o) t#e most po(er)ul antio*i$ant properties o) all )ruits an$ ve"etables&
9n a$$ition to preventin" #eart $isease, cancer, an$ ot#er $iseases, t#ey've been s#o(n to slo( t#e
a"in" process, especially in t#e brain& OFor an e*ceptional source o) or"anic blueberries t#at taste
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1<
incre$ible an$ t#at you can "et $elivere$ to you year-roun$, c#ec. out t#e FRecommen$e$
9n"re$ients an$ Pro$ucts %ocatorH in t#e 4ppen$i*&N
On a 5nal note, be especially care)ul about consumin" #ybri$ )ruits& /ybri$s are )oo$s
altere$ by #umans to FimproveH upon t#em, an$ t#ey t#ere)ore can't "ro( in nature& 9n t#e case
o) )ruits, FimproveH usually #as meant, amon" ot#er )actors, increasin" t#eir su"ar content so t#ey
taste even s(eeter& Fruits t#at $on't contain see$s Obut naturally s#oul$N are, )or e*ample, #ybri$s&
T#at means you s#oul$ steer clear o) see$less oran"es, see$less (atermelon, see$less "rapes, an$
ot#er pro$uce labels t#at boast o) bein" Fsee$less&H 9t almost al(ays in$icates t#ey #ave even
#i"#er su"ar content, (#ic# can impair your #ealt#&
T#e H'#5S%andn' Co/onu%
Doconut, t#e F)ruitH o) t#e palm tree, is an e*ceptionally nutritious )oo$ t#at oMers many bene5ts
inclu$in" #elpin" you 5"#t an$ prevent $isease, an$ #elpin" you lose (ei"#t an$ .eep it oM&
Doconut meat is a particularly smart c#oice )or Protein Types, as it is #i"# in protein& 9slan$ers
#ave lon" been prie$ coconuts )or t#eir preventive an$ curative po(ers over $isease an$ illness,
an$ t#is is primarily because t#ey are ric# in lauric aci$, a proven antiviral, antibacterial an$
anti)un"al a"ent&
Doconuts are #i"# in saturate$ )at t#at, contrary to popular belie), is a necessary )at )or optimal
nutrition& T#ere are t#ree $iMerent types o) saturate$ )ats, an$ coconuts contain t#e #ealt#iest
type (it# me$ium-c#ain )atty aci$s t#at will actually help you lose weight while increasing health9
T#e me$ium-c#ain )atty aci$s OMDF4N abun$ant in coconuts are $i"este$ more easily an$
utilie$ $iMerently by t#e bo$y t#an ot#er )ats& !#ereas ot#er )ats are store$ in t#e bo$y's cells,
t#e MDF4 in coconut oil is sent $irectly to t#e liver (#ere it is imme$iately converte$ into ener"y&
:o (#en you eat coconuts an$ coconut oil your bo$y uses it imme$iately to ma.e ener"y rat#er
t#an store it as bo$y )at& 1ecause t#is 3uic. an$ easy absorption puts less strain on t#e pancreas,
liver an$ $i"estive system, t#e oil in coconuts F#eat upH your metabolic system& :ince t#e coconut
oil actually spee$s up metabolism, your bo$y (ill burn more calories in a $ay2t#is (ill contribute
to (ei"#t loss, an$ you'll #ave more ener"y& Mean(#ile, stu$ies #ave s#o(n t#e opposite )or
e*cessive ome"a-? unsaturate$ )ats suc# as canola, saXo(er, sunJo(er, corn, an$ ve"etable oils8
t#ey can contribute to #ypot#yroi$ism an$ lo(er your metabolic rate&
Doconuts are #i"# in protein an$ lo( in carbs& T#ey are also "oo$ sources o) )olic aci$, all
1 vitamins, an$ minerals inclu$in" calcium, ma"nesium, an$ potassium&
Be Sane w%# "u%$
@atin" mo$erate amounts o) nuts #as been s#o(n to re$uce t#e ris. o) type + $iabetes, #eart
$isease an$ cancer& !#at is more, nuts are a "oo$ source o) protein& !it# t#eir #i"# protein an$
)at content, t#ey are #elp)ul at curbin" #un"er, (#ic# is (#y t#ey are t#e cuisine o) c#oice on
airlines& 1ut "o easy on t#e nuts, as2e*cept )or (alnuts2t#ey are #i"# in ome"a-? )ats t#at can
unbalance your ome"a-? to ome"a-E ratio, (#ic# can #ave pro)oun$ ne"ative #ealt#
conse3uences Oyou can visit my site )or more in)ormation on t#is vitally important topic&N T#e
+0 P%4;T-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
#i"# )at content o) nuts is also, in my e*perience, an easy )uel )or (ei"#t "ain, so t#ose (it#
(ei"#t issues may (ant to avoi$ t#em&
!alnuts, similar to Ja*see$s, are relatively #i"# in ome"a-E, an essential nutrient t#at most
4mericans are sorely" in t#eir $iet but t#at #as a pro)oun$ impact on .eepin" c#olesterol
levels in c#ec., preventin" #eart $isease an$ cancer, ai$in" in $epression, an$ more& T#e best type
o) ome"a-E )ats, @P4 O@icosapentaenoic 4ci$N an$ D/4 ODocosa#e*aenoic 4ci$N, are )oun$
in t#e oils in 5s# an$ are crucial to optimal #ealt#& D/4 an$ @P4, )or instance, are pivotal to
preventin" $epression, sc#iop#renia, memory loss, an$ 4l#eimerGs $isease& On t#e ot#er #an$,
t#e ome"a-E in (alnuts contains alp#a-linolenic aci$ O4%4N, an ome"a-E )at t#at #elps prevent
abnormal #eart r#yt#ms an$ #as been s#o(n to cut t#e ris. o) su$$en car$iac $eat# amon"
people (#o #ave alrea$y suMere$ a #eart attac.& Furt#ermore, (alnuts contain ella"ic aci$, an
antimuta"en, anticarcino"en, an$ cancer in#ibitor&
Ot#er types o) nuts li.e almon$s an$ pecans, (#ile #i"# in ome"a-?, can still be "oo$ i)
use$ in mo$eration, as t#ey also #ave #eart $isease- an$ cancer-preventin" properties& Protein
Types in particular can bene5t )rom eatin" a )e( small #an$)uls a (ee., eit#er (it#in recipes or
as a snac.& 4"ain, t#ou"#, i) you are tryin" to lose (ei"#t, ri"i$ly restrict your consumption o)
)attenin" nuts2at most, sprin.le t#em on sala$s or in recipes )or en#ancement&
4s )or t#e ever-popular peanut Oactually a le"ume, but nutritionally muc# closer to nutsN, it
is associate$ (it# re$ucin" t#e ris. o) #eart $isease an$ is #i"# in protein& 1ut you must use be
care)ul not to consume e*cessive amounts o) peanuts, as t#ey are loa$e$ (it# ome"a-? )ats&
Moreover, peanut crops can be contaminate$ (it# a carcino"enic mol$ to*in calle$ aJato*in, an$
t#ey #ave t#e #i"#est pestici$e resi$ues o) any crop& 9) you (ant t#e #ealt# bene5ts o) peanuts
(it#out t#e #i"# level o) ris., loo. )or t#e F4rro(#ea$ MillsH bran$ o) or"anic peanut butter in
stores& T#e peanuts t#ey use are "ro(n in ;e( Me*ico, (#ere aJato*in #as not been reporte$ as
a problem $ue to t#e $ry con$itions, an$ t#eir or"anic peanut butter is )ree o) pestici$es&
4$$itionally, (#en you open t#e ,ar, you can pour oM t#e oil t#at #as settle$ on top o) t#e peanut
butter rat#er t#an stirrin" it in, (#ic# (ill lo(er t#e ome"a-? content an$ )urt#er improve t#e
vitally important ome"a-E8? ratio&
Se&e/%-e Seed$
4s (it# nuts, see$s can oMer myria$ #ealt# bene5ts, but i) you are over(ei"#t you s#oul$ limit
your see$ consumption as t#ey can contribute to (ei"#t "ain&
One prominent e*ception to t#e (ei"#t issue is Ja*see$, (#ic# #as been s#o(n to promote
(ei"#t loss, $ecrease c#olesterol levels, an$ ai$ in $i"estion& Fla*see$ can also lo(er t#e ris. o)
#eart attac. an$ stro.e by #elpin" to .eep t#e arteries )ree o) pla3ue an$ c#olesterol&
Fla*see$s, (#ic# can be )oun$ in most #ealt# )oo$ stores, are e*ceptionally #i"# in ome"a-E
(it# 4%4, (#ic# en#ances your immune system an$ protects a"ainst a variety o) $iseases& Please
remember, #o(ever, t#at you still nee$ t#e ome"a-E (it# D/4 an$ @P4, )oun$ only in 5s# oils&
Fla*see$s can be "roun$ in a coMee "rin$er or ot#er types o) "rin$ers an$ use$ in a variety o)
recipes& 1e cautious, t#ou"#, about consumin" Ja*see$ oil, as it is relatively unstable oil t#at most
people $on't seem to tolerate (ell&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +1
:esame, an$ s3uas# see$s are )air c#oices )or", but s#oul$ be use$ in
limite$ amounts as t#ey are relatively #i"# in ome"a-? )ats an$ (ill alter t#e ome"a-E8? ratio&
4$$itionally, t#ose (it# (ei"#t issues s#oul$ consume only very lo( amounts at best& :esame see$s
are #i"# in protein, 1 vitamins, calcium, copper, iron, ma"nesium, p#osp#orous an$ inc& :esame
see$s, containin" a variety o) amino aci$s, are especially "oo$ )or #eart #ealt# an$ improvin"
en$urance& Ta#ini, a popular sprea$ ma$e )rom sesame see$s an$ use$ in several recipes in t#is
boo., can be )oun$ in most #ealt# )oo$ stores& an$ s3uas# see$s are #i"# in iron, p#osp#orous, 5ber, an$ protein& T#ey also
contain #i"# amounts o) inc t#at may oMer some protection a"ainst t#e $evelopment o) prostate
cancer& 7ou are )ar better oM c#oosin" t#e ra( variety o) an$ s3uas# see$s, as roastin"
see$s $ama"es t#eir $elicate essential )atty aci$s& Fats t#at are $ama"e$ en$ up as t#e buil$in"
bloc.s )or #ar$enin" o) your arteries&
T#e S&/,e$% O&$
1esi$es "rains an$ su"ars, t#ere is no cate"ory o) )oo$ t#at t#e public #as receive$ more
$an"erous #al)-trut#s about t#an e$ible oils& 4n imperative piece o) a$vice )or you to )ollo( is to
limit t#e ome"a-? )ats an$ trans-)ats in your $iet& Trans-)ats are primarily )orme$ (#en ve"etable
oils are F#y$ro"enate$H or Fpartially #y$ro"enate$,H (#ic# means t#at t#e oil (as #eate$ as suc#
#i"# temperatures t#at it c#an"e$ t#e structure o) t#e molecule so t#at it is more stable at room
temperature Oat t#e e*pense o) bein" #arm)ul to t#e bo$y&N :o loo. )or t#ose (or$s (#en you rea$
in"re$ient labels an$ avoi$ t#ose pro$ucts& Bn)ortunately, trans-)ats are )oun$ in most pac.a"e$
processe$ )oo$s, suc# as ba.e$ "oo$s, cereals, coo.ies, crac.ers, soup mi*es, )roen )oo$s an$ )rie$
)oo$s li.e Frenc# )ries, tortilla c#ips an$ $ou"#nuts& Trans-)ats lea$ to clo""e$ arteries, #eart
$isease, an$ because t#ey lo(er t#e F"oo$H c#olesterol, t#ey in$irectly lea$ to #i"# c#olesterol&
Fortunately, t#e $an"er o) trans-)ats is startin" to receive (i$esprea$ publicity, an$ in t#e
near )uture it seems li.ely trans-)ats (ill be (i$ely reco"nie$ as a lea$in" )oo$ to*in to s#un in
t#e mainstream min$& 9t's not soon enou"#, but t#e FD4 #as man$ate$ t#at trans-)at content
must be liste$ on all nutrition labels by +00?&
4 ma,or #ealt# #aar$ o) corn, saXo(er an$ t#e ot#er unsaturate$ oils once pus#e$ as
F#eart #ealt#yH is t#at t#ey are very #i"# in ome"a-? )atty aci$s& For 3uite some time, t#e
4merican public (as convince$ t#at unsaturate$ oils (ere t#e $arlin"s o) a #ealt#y $iet, (#ile oils
#i"# in saturate$ )ats (ere t#e enemy o) #ealt#& T#e FevilH saturate$ )ats inclu$e8 coconut oil,
butter, an$ re$ meat& T#e #istory o) t#is $rastically incorrect perception is )ascinatin", an$ points
$irectly to #o( "overnment an$ t#e )oo$ in$ustry can, lar"ely in t#e 3uest )or pro5t an$ po(er,
#arm t#e public #ealt#& T#is #istory, as (ell as e*tensive insi"#t on (#y saturate$ )ats are actually
essential to your #ealt#, is covere$ (ell in t#e boo. !now Your ,ats; The (omplete #rimer
.or <n"erstan"ing the Nutrition o. ,ats 6ils an" (holesterol, by Mary @ni", P#&D&, t#e nation's
lea$in" e*pert on )ats an$ oils&
4ccor$in" to @ni", bac. in t#e early 1<50s, an$ base$ only on very partial an$ inconclusive
researc#, several "overnment an$ ot#er inJuential #ealt# or"aniations propose$ t#at t#e conventional
$iet t#at inclu$e$ saturate$ )ats )rom pro$ucts li.e butter, meat an$ coconut oil (as
++ P%4;T-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
$an"erous to t#e #eart& @ven at t#at time, t#ou"#, many stu$ies contra$icte$ t#is assumption, an$
ot#er nations (#ose $iets #a$ a saturate$ )at inta.e #i"#er t#an 4mericans (ere not e*periencin"
near t#e same rate o) #eart $isease2but t#is in)ormation (as lar"ely i"nore$& T#e )oo$ manu)acturers
o) mar"arine an$ corn, saXo(er, sunJo(er, an$ ot#er monounsaturate$ oils too.
a$vanta"e o) t#e misperception, e3uatin" saturate$ )at (it# pure evil (#ile promotin" t#eir
pro$ucts as essential #ealt# )oo$s& !esson, )or instance, promote$ its" oil as "oo$ F)or your
#eart's sa.e&H 4n$ as o)ten #appens (it# t#e onslau"#t o) corporate mar.etin" plus an ineUcient
"overnment pus#e$ by t#e special interests, myt# became reality an$ t#e "eneral public embrace$
t#e unsaturate$ an$ #y$ro"enate$ )ats (#ile s#unnin" $etrimental saturate$ )ats& O) course, t#is
turn to(ar$s t#e ome"a-? oils an$ #y$ro"enate$ )ats #as contribute$ to t#e s.yroc.etin" cases
o) #eart $isease an$ cancer, t#e number one an$ t(o .illers in t#e B&:& respectively, an$ t#e
over(ei"#t epi$emic&
:ubse3uently, 9 stron"ly encoura"e you to re$uce or eliminate your inta.e o) nearly all
ve"etable oils, inclu$in" corn, saXo(er, sunJo(er, canola, sesame an$ soybean oil, an$ relate$
pro$ucts suc# as mar"arine an$ ve"etable s#ortenin"& 7ou most certainly (ant to avoi$"
(it# t#ese oils, as t#ey are $ama"e$ by #eat an$ turn into trans-)atP t#e only oil t#at is not $ama"e$
by" at #i"#er temperatures t#at 9 am a(are o) is coconut oil& 9n a$$ition to t#e
trans-)at issue, t#ese ve"etable oils may suppress your immune systemP in )act, ve"etable oils are
emulsi5e$ (it# (ater an$ in,ecte$ in patients (#o #ave #a$ or"an transplants speci5cally to
suppress t#eir immune system& T#ey can also cause o*i$ative $ama"e, inter)ere (it# normal
t#yroi$ )unction, an$ )urt#er $isrupt most people's alrea$y s.e(e$ ome"a-? to ome"a-E ratios&
9nstea$, t#e t(o best oils are coconut oil an$ e*tra-vir"in olive oil& Olive oil is a monounsaturate$
)at an$ contains ma,or bene5ts because o) its vitamin @ an$ 4, c#lorop#yll, ma"nesium,
s3ualene an$ a #ost o) ot#er car$io-protective nutrients& Bnli.e ot#er oils, olive oil possesses t#ese
#ealt# bene5ts because it is unre5ne$ an$ un#eate$& Olive oil #as also been s#o(n to re$uce t#e
ris. o) some cancers an$ r#eumatoi$ art#ritis& 4$$itionally, olive oil is an ome"a-< )atty aci$ an$
t#ere)ore it $oes not overloa$ t#e bo$y (it# ome"a-? )ats& /o(ever, a $ra(bac. to olive oil is t#at
it is more susceptible to o*i$ative $ama"e t#an coconut oil (#en coo.e$ since it is a monounsaturate$
)at& T#e best bet (it# olive oil is to use it on sala$s, an$ use coconut oil )or your"&
Doconut oil is abun$antly nutritious an$ use)ul& 9t is a saturate$ )at t#at is better )or" because it is stable at #i"# temperatures& Doconut oil can also #elp you prevent an$ 5"#t
many $iseases an$ illnesses& 4n$, $espite bein" a saturate$ )at, it can actually contribute to (ei"#t
loss& Please re)er to FT#e /i"#-:tan$in" DoconutH section earlier in t#is c#apter, as all t#e
bene5ts o) eatin" coconut apply to coconut oil, as (ell&
Doconut oil is particularly recommen$e$ )or t#ose (it# $iabetes& 9t #elps re"ulate bloo$
su"ar, t#us lessenin" t#e eMects o) t#e $isease, an$ it also raises metabolic rate causin" t#e bo$y to
burn up more calories an$ t#us promotin" (ei"#t loss& :ince 1<Q0, researc#ers #ave also $emonstrate$
t#e bene5ts o) coconut oil (it# Dro#n's Disease an$ 91:, actin" as an anti-inJammatory
in t#e $i"estive tract& 9ts antimicrobial properties also promote intestinal #ealt# by .illin" troublesome
microor"anisms t#at may cause c#ronic inJammation&
!#at is more, applyin" coconut oil topically is e*ceptional )or .eepin" your youn" an$
#ealt#y as it protects a"ainst $estructive )ree-ra$ical )ormation in t#e cells& 9 #ave even #a$
patients rub it on t#e bottom o) t#eir )eet to eliminate #ar$ $ry t#ere& Doconut oil can #elp
to .eep t#e )rom $evelopin" liver spots an$ ot#er blemis#es cause$ by a"in" an$ over e*posure
to sunli"#t, an$ it also #elps to prevent sa""in" an$ (rin.lin" by .eepin" connective tissues
stron" an$ supple& 9n some cases it restores $ama"e$ or $isease$
T#ere is really only one catc# (it# coconut oil2you #ave to be very care)ul o) t#e bran$
an$ type you c#oose& From bran$ to bran$ t#ere is a very (i$e variance in 3uality $ue to )actors
suc# as t#e types o) coconuts use$, t#e manu)acturin" process employe$ to ma.e t#e oil, an$ more,
(#ic# (ill #ave a ma,or impact on its #ealt#iness an$ eMectiveness& 7our coconut oil s#oul$ meet
all o) t#ese stan$ar$s8
T Derti5e$ or"anic, B:D4 stan$ar$s
T ;o re5nin"
T ;o c#emicals a$$e$
T ;o bleac#in"
T ;o $eo$oriation
T ;o #y$ro"enation
T ;on-GMO
T From tra$itional palms only2no #ybri$ varieties
T From )res# coconuts, not t#e $rie$ FcopraH use$ in most coconut oils
T %o(-level #eate$ only so it $oes not $ama"e nutrients
9) you can't 5n$ #i"#-3uality vir"in coconut oils meetin" t#ese stan$ar$s in your local #ealt#
)oo$ stores, c#ec. out Mercola&com, as 9 #ave e*tensively researc#e$ t#is sub,ect an$ 9 #ave )oun$
an e*cellent bran$ meetin" all o) t#e stan$ar$s above t#at can be s#ippe$ $irectly to you& Finally,
it is (ort# repeatin" t#at t#e e*cellent #ealt# bene5ts o) coconut oil can also be ac#ieve$ t#rou"#
eatin" )res# ra( coconuts, as covere$ earlier&
Ben% on Fer*en%ed Food$
Tra$itionally )ermente$ )oo$s2a cate"ory t#at can inclu$e bot# plant- an$ animal-base$ )oo$s,
(#ic# is (#y t#is section bri$"es t#is c#apter an$ t#e ne*t2are a must in any #ealt#y $iet& Foo$
)ermentation is an ancient preparation an$ preservation tec#ni3ue pro$uce$ t#rou"# t#e brea.$o(n
o) carbo#y$rates an$ proteins by microor"anisms suc# as bacteria, yeasts an$ mol$s, an$ it )oo$s taste $elicious& @ven more importantly, )ermente$ )oo$s are bene5cial to overall
#ealt# because t#ey are probiotics, meanin" t#ey promote t#e "ro(t# o) )rien$ly intestinal bacteria,
t#ere)ore ai$in" $i"estion an$ supportin" immune )unction& T#is inclu$es an increase in 1
vitamins Oeven vitamin 11+N, ome"a-E )atty aci$s, $i"estive enymes, lactase an$ lactic aci$, an$
ot#er immune c#emicals t#at 5"#t oM #arm)ul bacteria an$ even cancer cells& Fermente$ )oo$s are
so important, in )act, t#at t#ey are a stan$ar$ part o) my $ietary prescription to my patients&
9t is important, t#ou"#, to un$erstan$ an$ be(are t#e bi" $iMerence bet(een #ealt#y
)ermente$ )oo$s versus t#e commercially processe$ FimposterH versions& Fermentation is an inconsistent
process2almost more o) an art t#an a science2so commercial )oo$ processors $evelope$
+> P%4;T-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
tec#ni3ues to #elp stan$ar$ie more consistent yiel$s& Tec#nically, anyt#in" t#at is allo(e$ to sit
at room temperature in a salt solution to allo( #ealt#y bacteria to culture is )ermente$, but t#at's
(#ere t#e similarity en$s, as eac# type o) )ermente$ )oo$ #as uni3ue re3uirements an$ pro$uction
met#o$s& Re)ri"eration, #i"#-#eat pasteuriation an$ vine"ar's aci$ic p/ all slo( or #alt t#e )ermentation
an$ enymatic processes&
F9) you leave a ,ar o) pic.les t#at is still )ermentin" at room temperature on t#e .itc#en
counter,H e*plains Ric#ar$ /ensc#el o) Pic.le Pac.ers 9nternational, Ft#ey (ill continue to
)erment an$ pro$uce carbon-$io*i$e, possibly blo(in" oM t#e li$ or e*plo$in" t#e ,ar2H (#ic# is
(#y, o) course, all Fs#el)-stableH pic.les are pasteurie$&
9t is probably not surprisin" t#at our culture #as tra$e$ many o) t#e bene5ts o) t#ese #ealt#y
)oo$s )or t#e convenience o) mass-pro$uce$ pic.les an$ ot#er culture$ )oo$s& :ome olives, suc#
as most canne$ Dali)ornia-style blac. olives, )or instance, are not "enerally )ermente$, but are
simply treate$ (it# lye to remove t#e bitterness, pac.e$ in salt an$ canne$& Olive pro$ucers can
no( #ol$ olives in salt-)ree brines by usin" an aci$ic solution o) lactic aci$, acetic aci$, so$ium
benoate an$ potassium sorbate, a lon" (ay oM )rom t#e ol$ time natural lactic-aci$ )ermentin"
met#o$ o) salt alone& :ome pic.les, mean(#ile, are simply pac.e$ in salt, vine"ar an$ pasteurie$&
Most yo"urts are so la$en (it# su"ar t#at t#ey are little more t#an pu$$in"s& Bn)ortunately, t#ese
mo$ern tec#ni3ues eMectively .ill oM all t#e lactic aci$-pro$ucin" bacteria an$ s#ort-circuit t#eir
important an$ tra$itional contribution to intestinal an$ overall #ealt#&
7ou can still 5n$ some #ealt#y tra$itional varieties o) Flacto-)ermente$H Omeanin" t#e
lactic aci$ pro$ucin" abilities are intactN )oo$s, #o(ever& T#e stron"er-Javore$, tra$itional Gree.
olives you are most li.ely to 5n$ on olive bars are not lye-treate$ an$ are still alive (it# active
cultures& Generally so are t#e barrel-)res# pic.les ma$e in local $elis every )e( $ays& 1ut to be sure
you are "ettin" t#e "reat #ealt# bene5ts o) t#ese active, )ermentation cultures, you s#oul$ commit
to routinely" lacto-)ermente$ )oo$s on your o(n& Olives, sauer.raut, miso, an$ crYme
)raZc#e are ,ust some o) t#e )ermente$ recipes an$ in"re$ients you can 5n$ an$ easily ma.e in Part
T(o o) t#is boo.&
9) you are" a #i"#ly convenient (ay to "et t#e )ull #ealt# value o) lacto-)ermente$
)oo$s, you s#oul$ also consi$er a top-3uality )ermente$ )oo$ !#ile t#ese are 3uite popular
in ot#er parts o) t#e (orl$ (#ere t#e e*ceptional nutritional value o) tra$itional )ermente$ )oo$s
are (ell un$erstoo$, t#ey are still $iUcult to 5n$ in ;ort# 4merica& 1ut 9 #ave )oun$ a premier3uality
FKe5r :tarterH .it an$ FDulture :tarterH .it t#at you can rea$ more about in t#e
FRecommen$e$ 9n"re$ients an$ Pro$uct %ocatorH in t#e 4ppen$i* an$ conveniently or$er
t#rou"# t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section o) Mercola&com& Ke5r, as you (ill rea$ more about
in t#e Dairy section o) t#e ne*t c#apter, is one o) t#e #ealt#iest an$ $elicious )orms o) lacto-)ermente$
)oo$s (#en ma$e properly& 9ts taste an$ te*ture can best be compare$ to a more $
)orm o) yo"urt, an$ t#e Ke5r :tarter pro$uct creatin" it almost ri$iculously simple& T#e
FDulture :tarterH pro$uct, mean(#ile, is a very easy (ay to ma.e culture$ ve"etables an$ even
sour cream Oi&e&, tra$itionally )ermente$ )oo$s, not t#e un#ealt#y FimposterH versions on almost
all "rocery store s#elvesN& Most )ermente$ )oo$ .its li.e t#ese are very economicalP one bo* o) t#e
Ke5r :tarter .it, )or instance, can ma.e over >0 "allons o) #ealt#y .e5r6
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +5
?6 4nimal-1ase$ Foo$s8 Mercola's Gui$e to t#e /ealt#iest
Mea% :or%# %#e Ea%
@veryone2all metabolic types2nee$ goo" protein& Darb Types nee$ some, Mi*e$ Types nee$
more, an$ Protein Types nee$ consi$erably more, as you'll learn in D#apter 5& T#e best source o)
protein is meat& Does t#is mean ve"etarians s#oul$n't be ve"etarians0 ;o, but i) you are a ve"etarian,
be sure to "et inclu$e protein )rom $airy, e""s an$ 5s#, as only animal proteins provi$e all t#e
essential amino aci$s an$ micronutrients your bo$y re3uires to )unction at its #i"#est level&
9n or$er to 5"#t an$ avoi$ $isease, increase ener"y, an$ live lon"er, c#oosin" t#e ri"#t type
o) meat is critical& 9t is all too easy to opt )or t#e e*treme convenience o) #ea$in" to your local
"rocery store )or t#eir super-value-price$ bee), c#ic.en, or tur.ey, but t#is convenience is one o)
t#e most severe #ealt# you can ma.eP it is muc# li.e buil$in" a #ouse )rom stic.s2sure
t#ey are c#eap an$ easy to 5n$, but you'll pay )or it many, many times over in t#e en$& Per#a+$
*ore %#an any o%#er %y+e o( (ood 'rou+! % $ /ru/a& %o n-e$%'a%e #ow %#e *ea% you ea%
wa$ ra$ed.
%et's start (it# t#e most popular meat, t#e bee) you'll 5n$ in most "rocery stores an$ serve$
in almost all restaurants& T#e cattle slau"#tere$ )or t#is bee) are, #an$s $o(n, t#e un#ealt#iest
creatures on eart#& T#eir natural, biolo"ical $iet is "rass, but in or$er to raise more o) t#em in a
con5ne$ space, )atten t#em up to levels )ar #i"#er t#an is natural, an$ "et t#em to muc#, t#ey are )e$ an unnatural $iet o) corn an$ ot#er "rains& Do(s #ave a $iUcult time $i"estin"
"rains as t#eir p#ysiolo"y is $esi"ne$ )or "rass, an$ many (oul$ "et sic. an$ $ie $ue
to an over"ro(t# o) $ea$ly bacteria in t#eir stomac# t#at results )rom t#e "rain t#ey (ere never
$esi"ne$ to eat& T#e )actory )arms t#ere)ore a$minister substantial amounts o) antibiotics to prevent
t#is& %on"-term, #i"#-$ose antibiotic use in cattle Oan$ in people (#o eat t#e antibiotic-la$en
meatN contributes to t#e )ormation o) antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or Fsuperbu"s,H (#ic# is a
)ri"#tenin" problem in$ee$& T#ere is still more8 t#e "iant a"ribusiness corporations li.e to "et t#e
cattle to even t#an t#is arti5cial "rain $iet enables, because it means even more
pro5t, an$ so t#ese cattle are also )e$ steroi$s& Furt#ermore, t#e "rains t#ey are )e$ are lace$ (it#
pestici$es an$ #erbici$es, an$ are "enetically mo$i5e$& !#at t#is all means is, (it# every ,uicy bite
o) a typical #ambur"er or stea., you are also eatin" an arti5cial concoction o) vaccines, steroi$s,
pestici$es, #erbici$es, an$ GMO "rains& @ven (orse, cattle's un#ealt#y "rain $iet, #i"# in ome"a-
?, strips bee) o) muc# o) its nutritional value, inclu$in" $epletin" t#e ome"a-E )atty aci$s an$
con,u"ate$ linolenic aci$ OD%4N t#at you re3uire to 5"#t cancer an$ many ot#er $iseases&
Fortunately, t#ere are a variety o) #ealt#y an$ $elicious re$ meats available, suc# as bison
an$ "rass-)e$ bee), but be)ore $elvin" into t#ose, let's a$$ress a couple o) myt#s&
4s mentione$ previously, t#e saturate$ )at associate$ (it# re$ meat is not Fevil&H 4s top
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +=
researc#ers, inclu$in" %inus Paulin", Russell :mit#, Geor"e Mann, Co#n 7u$.in, 4bram /oMer
an$ Mary @ni" #ave pointe$ out, your bo$y actually re3uires mo$erate levels o) saturate$ )at to
protect t#e arteries, process calcium, stimulate t#e immune system, an$ a$$ structural stability to
t#e cell an$ intestinal (alls& Dr& @ni", aut#or o) !now Your ,ats; The (omplete #rimer .or
<n"erstan"ing the Nutrition o. ,ats 6ils an" (holesterol, cites stu$y a)ter stu$y supportin" t#e
contention t#at saturate$ )ats are not #arm)ul but, instea$, it is most ve"etable oils t#at are&
One o) t#e contributors to t#e misconception t#at re$ meat is un#ealt#y (as a stu$y
publis#e$ in 1<=0 t#at reporte$ t#at processe" re$ meat, suc# as col$ cuts, an$ charre" re$ meat
(as #arm)ul to #ealt#& 1ut t#en, any sort o) processe$ meat or meat t#at is blac. an$ crusty is not
#ealt#y, especially (#en it is raise$ in an un#ealt#y manner $escribe$ above& To put t#e myt#s o)
saturate$ )at an$ re$ meat to rest once an$ )or all, consi$er t#is8 populations t#at eat a $iet ric# in
)res#, natural re$ meat s#o( )ar lo(er levels o) #i"# c#olesterol an$ cancer, amon" ot#er $iseases&
For muc# more in)ormation, inclu$in" sources o) t#e researc#, ,ust type in Fsaturate$ )atsH on t#e
searc# en"ine o) Mercola&com&
9n terms o) t#e re$ meats you can eat (it# con5$ence, "rass-)e$ bison 5rst prie as an
outstan$in" #ealt# value plus (#at most people a"ree is an incre$ible taste& Mean(#ile, bison is
#i"# in protein (#ile containin" )e(er calories t#an an e3uivalent amount o) s.inless c#ic.en or
tur.ey& 1ison is increasin" in popularity #ere in t#e B&:& )or obvious reasons, an$ so you may also
be able to 5n$ it in 5ner "rocery stores or #ealt# )oo$ stores, or you can 5n$ a "reat source )or
bison on Mercola&com&
Ostric# is an increasin"ly popular re$ meat t#at runs a close secon$ in terms o) taste an$
nutritional value, as it is also #i"# in protein but #as )e(er calories t#an c#ic.en an$ tur.ey&
4lt#ou"# t#e bi" bir$ is a re$ meat, it tastes ,ust li.e c#ic.en an$ you can use it in place o) bee) or
$ar. c#ic.en meat in any recipe&
O;ote8 9n t#e 1ible, in %eviticus 11, ostric# is mentione$ as one on a lon" list o) animals
t#at s#oul$ not be consume$& !#ile it $oes not e*plain (#y, an$ su""este$ e*planations )rom cler"y
vary (i$ely, it may re)er to t#e )act t#at t#e (il$ ostric#Gs $iet (as 1lac.(in"
ostric#2t#e bran$ o) ostric# 9 recommen$2are )e$ on a $iet primarily o) t#e very #ealt#y al)al)a,
an$ )ree-ran"e )arme$ in con$itions )ar cleaner an$ #ealt#ier t#an t#e c#ic.en, tur.ey an$ ot#er
meat commonly )oun$ in "rocery stores& From a clinical perspective, 9 can #i"#ly recommen$ t#eir
ostric# as a very #ealt#y meat& /o(ever, 9 personally believe t#e 1ible is Go$Gs in#erent (or$,
inclu$in" t#e Ol$ Testament, so 9 c#oose to avoi$ eatin" ostric# an$ instea$ c#oose t#e e3ually
#ealt#y an$ $elicious bison, an$ (ante$ to ma.e sure ot#ers (#o may be concerne$ by t#is (ere
a(are, too&N
4not#er "reat source o) (#olesome protein is "rass-)e$ bee)& 1ecause it is raise$ on t#e
cattle's proper $iet o) "rass, it is leaner t#an "rain-)e$ bee)& !#ile t#e Javor is $iMerent t#an t#e
)atty "rain-)e$ bee) many are use$ to, many o) my patients come to pre)er t#e taste o) t#is lean
"rass-)e$ bee)& !it# bee) labele$ as F"rass-)e$,H t#ou"#, you #ave to be care)ul as t#e cattle may
only be F5nis#e$H on a $iet o) "rass but )e$ "rains )or a ma,ority o) t#eir lives& Ma.e sure t#e
"rass-)e$ bee) you c#oose is labele$ as 100S "rass-)e$, an$ antibiotic-)ree& 4s a 5nal point, lamb
meat, t#ou"# #i"#er in )at t#an t#e meats previously liste$, is also a #ealt#y re$ meat option& !it#
lamb an$ all ot#er meats, you s#oul$ i$eally c#oose a "rass-)e$ variety )ree o) antibiotics, steroi$s,
+Q 4;9M4%-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
an$ ot#er c#emicals& 9 personally buy my lamb )rom t#e $iscount c#ain Dostco because it is raise$
in 4ustralia on "reen pastures o) "rass&
Mean(#ile, t#e conventional (#ite meats li.e c#ic.en are not muc# better t#an t#e typical
re$ meats )oun$ in "rocery stores& Most store-bou"#t c#ic.ens are raise$ in con$itions (#ere t#ey
can barely move t#rou"#out t#eir entire lives& T#ese in#umane con$itions are not only #eartren$in",
but also very un#ealt#y as t#ey result in $isease$ c#ic.ens t#at are t#en "iven lar"e $oses o)
antibiotics& T#e bir$s are also raise$ on "ro(t# #ormones to "et t#em to )aster, an$ in,ecte$
(it# moisturiin" a"ents to ma.e t#em taste F,uicy&H Furt#ermore, t#e c#ic.ens' $iet consists o)
"rains t#at are "enetically mo$i5e$ an$ #i"# in pestici$es an$ #erbici$es&
T#e best (#ite meats are )ree-ran"e an$ certi5e$ or"anic c#ic.en an$ tur.ey t#at contain
no antibiotics, #ormones or ot#er c#emicals& Tur.ey o) t#is type can still be e*cee$in"ly e*pensive
as it is more $iUcult to 5n$, but )ree-ran"e or"anic c#ic.en is becomin" 3uite popular an$
more aMor$able&
!il$ "ame, suc# as venison, el., rabbit, p#easant an$ 3uail, is anot#er class o) #ealt#y meat
to consi$er& Obviously, because t#ey are (il$, t#ey are raise$ on t#eir natural $iets an$ #ave no
arti5cial anyt#in" a$$e$& One $ra(bac., t#ou"#, is t#at t#ere #ave been several cases o) Ma$ Do(
Disease reporte$ in several types o) (il$ "ame animals, particularly el., but statistically your
c#ances are still minute in encounterin" t#is problem& T#e ot#er $ra(bac. is t#at many 4mericans
are not accustome$ to t#e F(il$H taste o) (il$ "ame& 9) you love t#e taste o) FtypicalH bee) an$
c#ic.en, your best bets are t#e "rass-)e$ bison an$ )ree-ran"e$ c#ic.en $escribe$ above, (#ic#
you'll 5n$ taste even better&
So*e%#n' F$#y Gon' On
Fi)ty years a"o, 5s# (as probably t#e #ealt#iest meat you coul$ eat, as it is an e*ceptional protein
source (it# t#e ome"a E )ats D/4 an$ @P4& :a$ly in t#e last 50 years, t#e oceans an$ #ave
become pollute$ (it# #un$re$s o) millions o) tons o) mercury primarily )rom burnin" coal )or
electricity& T#e mercury t#en bio-accumulates in t#e 5s# an$ eatin" 5s# a "ame o) Russian
roulette& T#ere)ore, my best a$vice in $escen$in" or$er is8
1N 4voi$ eatin" any 5s# unless you .no( it #as been laboratory-teste$ an$ proven to be
)ree )rom mercury an$ ot#er to*ins
+N 9) you $o eat 5s# t#at you are not sure #as been laboratory-teste$ an$ proven to be )ree
o) to*ins, at least c#oose )rom amon" t#e )ollo(in" si* sa)est 5s#8
T !il$ Paci5c :almon
T Tilapia
T :ar$ines
T /a$$oc.
T :ummer Floun$er
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +<
EN @at 5s# sustainably #arveste$ )rom t#e (il$ Osuc# as t#e to*in-)ree Lital D#oice salmon
9 $iscuss belo(N, not F)arm-raise$&H 1ecause it is economical to 5s# )armers, )arm-raise$ 5s#
are )e$ "rains li.e corn2obviously not t#eir natural $iet, as you $on't see many 5s# s(immin"
t#rou"# 9o(a's corn5el$s& T#ese "rains $o not )orm t#e bene5cial )atty aci$s D/4
an$ @P4 t#at are suc# an important reason to eat clean 5s#& Furt#ermore, )arm-raise$ 5s#
may also be e*pose$ to tremen$ously #i"# pestici$e levels resultin" )rom t#e run-oM o)
nearby a"ricultural crops t#at are o)ten #eavily spraye$&
For t#e past 15 years, nutrition e*perts inclu$in" mysel), scientists, #ealt# or"aniations an$
t#e FD4 #ave issue$ particular (arnin"s a"ainst consumption o) t#e lar"er 5s# li.e tuna, bass,
#alibut, s(or$5s#, an$ marlin, (#ic# are #i"#er on t#e )oo$ c#ain an$ t#ere)ore s#o( t#e
#i"#est concentrations o) mercury& 9n a$$ition, many #ealt# e*perts, mysel) inclu$e$, are no(
(arnin" a"ainst any type o) 5s#, as nearly all #ave to*ic levels o) mercury& 9n my o(n clinic, )or
e*ample, (e 5n$ many patients #ave #i"# levels o) mercury in t#eir system, an$ (e a$vise t#em to
stop eatin" all 5s# e*cept )or t#ose proven via laboratory testin" to be sa)e& !#en t#ey )ollo(
t#is a$vice 9 see a consi$erable re$uction o) t#eir mercury levels on t#eir laboratory analysis& T#ere
are ot#er ma,or causes o) mercury to*icity, suc# as silver $ental 5llin"s an$ vaccines, but t#e
primary cause is no( 5s#&
9t is very li.ely t#at an enormous number o) 4mericans2an$ t#ose )rom any country (#ere
5s# is a routine meal2#ave $an"erous levels o) mercury in t#eir system& T#e problem is, it's
tasteless in 5s#, an$ $oes not Fs#o( itsel)H until it (rea.s outri"#t #avoc on people's #ealt#&
Mercury is easily absorbe$ an$ stubbornly retaine$ by t#e bo$y, an$ can result in $ama"e to your
brain an$ .i$neys& Trace amounts o) mercury in t#e system #ave been lin.e$ to 4l#eimer's,
Par.inson's, autism an$ several ot#er neurolo"ical $isor$ers& Fis# consumption is particularly
#aar$ous to pre"nant (omen an$ c#il$ren as t#e mercury can cause birt# $e)ects an$ #arm t#e
sensitive p#ysiolo"y o) c#il$ren&
Time )or t#e "oo$ ne(s6 T#ere are still some sources o) 5s# t#at are sa)e )rom mercury an$
ot#er to*ins& T#rou"# in$epen$ent laboratory testin", my team an$ 9 $iscovere$ one suc# source
o) (il$ salmon, (#ic# you can 5n$ out more about an$ or$er t#rou"# Mercola&com&
9ncreasin"ly, 9 suspect #ealt# )oo$ stores (ill also be searc#in" )or an$ oMerin" 5s# proven to be
sa)e )rom mercury an$ ot#er to*ins, so you can also c#ec. (it# t#em& 4"ain, your best bet is to
ensure t#e 5s# #as been lab-teste$ an$ s#o(n sa)e, an$ your secon$ best option is to at least stic.
to one o) t#e si* 5s# on t#e list above& Finally, t#ou"# it's not a $elicious meal option li.e
mercury-)ree salmon, a convenient (ay to obtain t#e ome"a-E (it# D/4 an$ @P4 )atty aci$s t#at
your bo$y nee$s is (it# a sa)e, puri5e$ 5s# oil, (#ic# 9 $iscuss t#orou"#ly in D#apter =&
T#e Grea% E'' Sur+r$e
@""s are one o) t#e most nutritious )oo$s on t#e planet, especially (#en consume$ in t#eir ra(
state& :ome o) you are no( eit#er recallin" ima"es o) :ylvester :tallone in Roc.y, or simply
"rimacin" at t#e t#ou"#t& 1ut rea$ on to un$erstan$ (#y ra( e""s are so #ealt#y, an$ muc# sa)er
t#an you mi"#t t#in.&
E0 4;9M4%-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
@""s, (#ile bein" one o) t#e best sources o) "oo$ protein an$ )at, are also one o) t#e )oo$s
t#at many people are aller"ic to& /o(ever, uncoo.e$ e""s #ave si"ni5cantly lo(er aller"ic responses&
T#is is because #eatin" t#e e"" protein actually c#an"es its structural composition, an$ t#is
$istortion can easily lea$ to an e"" aller"y&
T#e typical concern about eatin" ra( e""s is a )ear o) salmonella& 1ut t#e ris. o) contractin"
salmonella )rom ra( e""s is actually incre$ibly lo(& 4 recent stu$y by t#e B&:& Department o)
4"riculture s#o(e$ t#at o) t#e ?< billion e""s pro$uce$ annually, only +&E million o) t#em
are contaminate$ (it# salmonella& T#e translation is t#at only one in every E0,000 e""s is
contaminate$, (#ic# means t#at you are more li.ely to $ie in an airplane cras# t#an contractin"
salmonella )rom ra( e""s& ;evert#eless, #ere are some su""estions on #o( to purc#ase t#e
#ealt#iest e""s possible&
Foremost, remember t#at #ealt#y e""s come )rom #ealt#y c#ic.ens, an$ un#ealt#y e""s
)rom un#ealt#y c#ic.ens& !#et#er you eat your e""s ra( or coo.e$, try to buy )ree-ran"e or"anically
)e$, ome"a-E en#ance$ e""s, (#ic# may be available in supermar.ets, #ealt# )oo$ stores, or
)rom local c#ic.en )armers& Keep in min$ t#at it is t#e con$itions o) commercial #ens t#at are )e$
unclean $iets an$ raise$ in small crampe$ ca"es (#ere $isease can easily sprea$& T#is t#e
avera"e e""s more li.ely to be in)ecte$ (it# salmonella t#an e""s pro$uce$ un$er
#ealt#y con$itions& T#e )ollo(in" are a$$itional steps to select #ealt#y e""s8
< S%e+$ To En$ure 9our E''$ Are Sa(e
1N 9) you are "ettin" your e""s )res# an$ un-re)ri"erate$ it is best to .eep t#em on t#e
counter at room temperature& OT#is (ill not (or. #o(ever i) t#e e""s #ave alrea$y been
re)ri"erate$&N 9t is interestin" to note t#at people $o not re)ri"erate e""s in most ot#er countries&
One o) t#e main reasons )or .eepin" e""s at room temperature is t#at re)ri"eration
causes sli"#t $ama"e to t#e e"" protein&
+N 9) t#ere is a crac. in t#e s#ell, $on't eat it& 7ou can easily c#ec. )or t#is by immersin"
t#e e"" in a pan o) cool, salte$ (ater& 9) t#e e"" emits a tiny stream o) bubbles, $onGt consume
it, as t#e s#ell is porous&
EN Drac. t#e e"" open& 4 #ealt#y e"" #as no )oul o$or, t#e e"" (#ite is "el-li.e Onot
(ateryN, an$ a #ealt#y e"" yol. is conve* an$ 5rm Onot runny or bursts easilyN& 9) t#e e""
$oes not #ave t#ese c#aracteristics, t#ro( it a(ay&
9t is important to note t#at in t#e rare event t#at you $o contract salmonella poisonin",
you may )eel sic. an$ #ave loose stools, but t#is in)ection is easily treate$ by usin" #i"#-3uality
probiotics t#at #ave plenty o) "oo$ bacteria O$iscusse$ in $etail in D#apter =N& 7ou can ta.e a one
tablespoon o) probiotics every E0 minutes until you start to )eel better, an$ most people improve
(it#in a )e( #ours&
4not#er concern is t#at ra( e"" (#ites contain a "lycoprotein calle$ avi$in t#at is very
eMective at" biotin, one o) t#e 1 vitamins, lea$in" to a possible biotin $e5ciency& T#e
solution to t#is is to consume e""s in t#eir (#ole )orm Obot# e"" yol.s an$ (#itesN as t#e e"" yol.s
contain #i"# amounts o) biotin to counteract avi$in&
9've $iscovere$ a number o) (ays to ma.e eatin" ra( e""s en,oyable& 7ou can mi* t#em into
any ve"etable ,uice recipes you create& !#en you (#ip t#em up li.e a merin"ue, most people $o
not ob,ect to t#e te*ture, especially i) t#ere is a Javor a$$e$& 7ou'll also 5n$ t#at by mi*in"
Javorin"s li.e butterscotc# or vanilla e*tracts (it# t#e e""s, an$ t#en a$$in" ra( mil. or cream,
you can create a $elicious e""no", an$ t#en you'll actually en=oy an" eagerly anticipate t#e treat&
Really6 9 #ave t#is e""no" )or brea.)ast every $ay an$ 9 love it&
T#e Dary Tru%#
T#e mil. t#at is sol$ in "rocery stores is not "oo$ )or you, $espite t#e onslau"#t o) t#e ;ational
Dairy Douncil's FGot Mil.0H mar.etin" campai"n (it# all t#eir cute celebrity mil. mustac#es&
T#at's because mil. is literally processe$ to $eat# by (it# pasteuriation, (#ic# #eats it at suc#
#i"# temperatures t#at it $estroys microor"anisms, "oo$ bacteria, live enymes, vitamins an$ t#e
$elicate t#ree-$imensional structure o) t#e mil. proteins& Donventional mil. is also a problem
because it comes )rom co(s )e$ t#e unnatural $iets o) "rain an$ is )re3uently in,ecte$ (it# antibiotics
an$ "ro(t# #ormones to increase t#eir mil. pro$uction&
Pasteuriation is a case o) t#ro(in" out many babies (it# t#e bat# (ater& T#is met#o$ o)
#eatin" mil. (as 5rst employe$ in t#e 1<+0s to .ill "erms lea$in" to tuberculosis an$ ot#er
$iseases lin.e$ to unclean pro$uction met#o$s prevalent at t#e time& Bn)ortunately, mil. pasteuriation
#as many ne"ative si$e eMects8
T Kills bene5cial enymes inclu$in" p#osp#atase, (#ic# allo(s t#e bo$y to absorb calcium
)rom t#e mil.
T Destroys colloi$al minerals, (#ic# are essential to absorb nutrients t#e mil. (oul$
ot#er(ise provi$e
T Precipitates minerals t#at cannot be absorbe$ by t#e bo$y, contributin" to osteoporosis
T Precipitates su"ars t#at cannot be $i"este$ an$ )ats t#at are to*ic
T Destroys bene5cial bacteria an$ lactic aci$s t#at #elp to protect your bo$y a"ainst $isease
T Diminis#es t#e cortisone-li.e )actor in t#e mil. t#at (oul$ ot#er(ise #elp combat aller"ies
T Destroys vitamins 11+ an$ 1? in t#e mil.
T Promotes ot#er pat#o"ens in t#e mil.
T Dontributes to aller"ies, osteoporosis, art#ritis, #eart $isease, cancer, toot# $ecay, colic,
$isor$ers o) t#e )emale repro$uctive system, an$ (ea.ene$ immune systems
Mil. pasteuriation is a pro$uct o) a by"one era, (#en controls (ere not in place )or ensurin" clean
con$itions )or t#e co(s, but t#e improve$ sanitation practices o) t#e mo$ern $airy in$ustry #ave
ma$e pasteuriation unnecessary&
T#e alternative is ra(, or"anic, "rass-)e$ mil.& T#is is mil. strai"#t )rom t#e u$$ers o)
"rass-)e$ co(s raise$ on t#eir natural $iets (it# no #ormones& Ra( mil. is ric# in "lycol-sp#in"olipi$s
O)ats t#at ai$ in $i"estionN an$ con,u"ate$ linolenic aci$ OD%4N, anot#er type o) )at t#at
E+ 4;9M4%-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
protects a"ainst cancer& 1ecause it comes )rom "rass-)e$ co(s, it is ric# in ome"a-E, an$ )ar ric#er
t#an store-bou"#t mil. in t#e vitamins li.e 4 an$ D& 4$$itionally, i) in)ants are (eane$ )rom breast
mil. to ra( co( Oor "oat'sN mil., an$ t#ey avoi$ )ruit ,uice, most "rains an$ su"ars, t#ere is a
stron" li.eli#oo$ t#at t#ey (ill avoi$ $ental cavities&
Ra( mil. is, #o(ever, still ille"al in many B&:& states& !#y0 1ecause pasteuriation became
man$atory la( (#en co(s (ere raise$ in unclean con$itions& More so, it's because t#e ;ational
Dairy Douncil #as a very po(er)ul lobbyin" arm in !as#in"ton, D&D& an$, because t#e po(er)ul
corporations t#ey represent are entirely built aroun$ pasteuriation, an$ t#ey $on't (ant ra( mil.
to become le"al a"ain2i) t#e trut# "ets out too )ar, a)ter all, so "oes t#eir pro5ts&
Fortunately, or"aniations li.e t#e !eston 4& Price Foun$ation (it# t#eir FDampai"n )or
Real Mil.H #ave been #elpin" to promote t#e le"aliation o) ra( mil.& 4s o) t#is (ritin" ra( mil.
sales t#rou"# co(s#are pro"rams are allo(e$ in 4las.a, 4riona, Dali)ornia, 9llinois, Kansas,
Maine, Massac#usetts, Minnesota, ;ebras.a, ;eva$a, ;e( /amps#ire, ;e( 7or.,,
Ore"on, Pennsylvania, :out# Darolina, :out# Da.ota, Te*as, Bta#, Lermont, !as#in"ton, an$
!isconsin& 4ll ot#er states currently pro#ibit t#e sale o) ra( mil.& T#e catc# is, (it# t#e note(ort#y
e*ception o) Dali)ornia, (#ere it can be sol$ le"ally in stores, in most o) t#ese states you #ave to
eit#er 5n$ a small )armer (#o sells it, or ,oin a co(s#are pro"ram&
!it# co(s#are pro"rams, you become part o(ner o) a co( an$, on a routine basis, visit a
speci5e$ location to pic. up your s#are o) ra( mil.& 9'm a member o) one suc# co(s#are pro"ram
in t#e D#ica"o area, an$ i) you live in t#e D#ica"o area you can 5n$ out more by typin" Fra( mil.H
in t#e Mercola&com searc# en"ine& 9) you live in any ot#er area, t#e best (ay to be"in your
searc# )or ra( mil. an$ ra( mil. pro$ucts is to visit t#e FDampai"n )or Real Mil.H (ebsite at
RealMil.&com& T#ey list ra( mil. contacts in every state an$ also provi$e )urt#er e*ceptional
insi"#ts on t#e issues an$ bene5ts o) ra( mil.&
Ot#er bene5cial $airy pro$ucts are unpasteurie$ butter, .e5r, yo"urt, an$ c#eese )rom
"rass-)e$ co(s& T#e bene5cial bacterial )oun$ in yo"urt an$ .e5r is e*cellent )or en#ancin" t#e
$i"estive an$ immune system, but since yo"urt an$ .e5r )oun$ in most "rocery stores #as t#e same
problems as pasteurie$ mil., it is best to ma.e your o(n yo"urt or .e5r )rom ra( mil.&
@ven t#ou"# it is an ancient #ealt# )oo$, many people to$ay may not be )amiliar (it# .e5r2
but t#ey s#oul$ be& Tra$itionally lacto-)ermente$ )oo$s are an essential part o) any $iet as note$
in t#e previous c#apter Oalso see t#e recipes in FRa(, :proute$ an$ Fermente$ Foo$sH in D#apter
1+N, an$ .e5r is amon" t#e most e*ceptional o) suc# )ermente$ )oo$s& Meanin" F)eel "oo$H in, .e5r is a culture$, enyme-ric# )oo$ 5lle$ (it# )rien$ly microor"anisms t#at (ill #elp
balance your Finner ecosystemH an$ $ramatically improve your immune system& Ke5r's tart,
re)res#in" Javor is similar to a $"-style yo"urt, but in a$$ition to t#e "ut-)rien$ly probiotics
)oun$ in yo"urt, .e5r contains #i"#ly bene5cial yeast& !#en use$ re"ularly, t#e naturally occurrin"
bacteria an$ yeast in .e5r combine symbiotically to replenis# t#e intestinal Jora an$ provi$e you
ma,or protection a"ainst illness& Furt#ermore, t#ose (#o #ave a $airy aller"y or intolerance may
be able to tolerate .e5r as t#e )ermentation process brea.s $o(n t#e lactose su"ars in t#e mil. an$ it muc# easier to $i"est&
4mon" its many restorative po(ers, .e5r (ill8
T Provi$e supplemental nouris#ment )or pre"nant an$ nursin" (omen
T Dontribute to a #ealt#y immune system an$ #elp )orti)y patients suMerin" )rom 49D:,
c#ronic )ati"ue syn$rome, #erpes, an$ cancer
T Promote a tran3uiliin" eMect on t#e nervous system an$ bene5t many (#o suMer )rom
sleep $isor$ers, $epression, an$ 4D/D Oattention $e5cit #yperactivity $isor$erN
T /elp relieve all intestinal $isor$ers, promote bo(el movement, re$uce Jatulence, an$ create
a #ealt#ier $i"estive system&&& ,e1r $ an ab$o&u%e *u$% a(%er %#e u$e o( an%bo%/$ %o
re$%ore ba&an/e %o %#e d'e$%-e %ra/%
T Durb un#ealt#y )oo$ cravin"s by" t#e bo$y more nouris#e$ an$ balance$
!#ile you can 5n$ prepare$ .e5r in some "rocery stores, it bears repeatin" t#at you s#oul$
use "reat caution (it# t#ese bran$s& T#ey are usually prepare$ (it# pasteurie$ mil. an$ possibly
ot#er #ealt#-$e)eatin" processes an$ a$$itional in"re$ients& 9nstea$, 9 stron"ly ur"e you to use a
F.e5r .itH to an$ easily ma.e your o(n #ealt#y .e5r& 9 suspect suc# .its (ill be increasin"ly
easy to 5n$ as (or$ o) t#is tremen$ous )ermente$ #ealt# )oo$ sprea$s, but ri"#t no( t#ere is one
.e5r .it 9 #i"#ly recommen$2t#e FKe5r :tarterH by 1o$y @colo"y& 7ou simply mi* one o)
t#eir starter to mil. Oa"ain 9 recommen$ ra( mil.N or t#e ,uice o) a youn" coconut an$ it's rea$y
to "o6 7ou can 5n$ out more about t#is Ke5r :tarter an$ or$er t#rou"# t#e FRecommen$e$
Pro$uctsH section o) Mercola&com, or as. your local #ealt# )oo$ store i) t#ey carry it&
4n$ so 5nally, (#at about t#e $airy pro$uct so belove$ in !estern culture2c#eese0 !ell,
c#eese ma$e )rom conventional mil. #as all t#e problems (it# contamination t#at mil. $oes, so i)
you eat c#eese it is important to at least eat or"anic "rass-)e$ c#eese& 1est o) all, t#ou"#, is ra(
mil. c#eese )rom or"anic "rass-)e$ co(s& T#e "oo$ ne(s is t#at ra( mil. c#eese is re"ulate$ $iMerently
t#an ra( mil. an$ is t#ere)ore relatively easier to 5n$ in #ealt# )oo$ stores& 9 stron"ly
encoura"e you to c#ec. out t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section o) Mercola&com, t#ou"#, as
a)ter muc# searc#in" 9 #ave )oun$ an e*ceptional )arm source )or ra( mil. an$ or"anic "rass-)e$
c#eeses t#at (ill s#ip $irectly to you& T#ey oMer a (i$e c#oice o) c#eeses Oc#e$$ar, moarella,
)eta, bric. an$ many moreN, an$ not only are t#ey #ealt#y, but t#ey taste absolutely incre$ible6
E> 4;9M4%-14:@D FOOD:8 M@RDO%4': GB9D@ TO T/@ /@4%T/9@:T
@6 T#e Dietary Key8 @at 4ccor$in" to 7our Metabolic Type
T#ere is no one $iet t#at is ri"#t )or everyone& 1ut t#ere is a $iet t#at is per)ect )or you& T#at means
t#ere is an i$eal balance o) )oo$ macronutrients2proteins, carbo#y$rates, )ats2(#ic# you s#oul$
consume )or your speci5c bioc#emistry, as you'll learn in t#is c#apter&
Once you $iscover your metabolic type an$ )ollo( its correspon$in" $ietary principles, you
(ill e*perience noticeable improvements (it# your bo$y an$ min$, ,ust as my patients e*perience&
9) you are over(ei"#t, you (ill lose (ei"#t (#ile )eelin" satis5e$ (it# eatin", an$ you'll actually
(ant to continue (it# t#e pro"ram Oversus #avin" to )orce yoursel) to, as (it# ot#er $ietsN& 9) you
are an at#lete, you (ill e*perience a ma,or increase in all aspects o) your "ame, inclu$in" stamina,
stren"t#, balance, an$ concentration, an$ t#is increase (ill continue as you stic. (it# t#e pro"ram&
9) you #ave a c#ronic $isease, you (ill li.ely be a$$ressin" some o) t#e un$erlyin" nutritional causes
o) your $isor$er, an$ so you (ill also notice an improvement in your symptoms&
!#ile most o) t#e $iets t#at are currently popular are not centere$ care)ully on ma*imiin"
#ealt# an$ prolon"in" li)e as my plan is, some $o in$ee$ at least eMectively re$uce (ei"#t2)or
some people& T#at is, i) t#e $iet is appropriate )or t#eir metabolic types& /ave you ever (on$ere$
(#y t(o people can "o on t#e same (ei"#t-loss $iet an$ one loses (ei"#t Oat least temporarilyN
(#ile t#e ot#er remains t#e same or "ains (ei"#t0 9t is because people #ave $iMerent nutritional
nee$s base$ on t#eir in$ivi$ual bioc#emistry& 9) you are a Protein Type, )or e*ample, nutrients act
very $iMerently in your bo$y t#an t#ey $o in a Darb Type& 4s t#e sayin" "oes, one man's )oo$ can
be anot#er man's poison&
!#ile me$ical practitioners an$ patients ali.e #ave been callin" metabolic typin" FrevolutionaryH
an$ Ft#e missin" pieceH in ac#ievin" optimal in$ivi$ualie$ nutrition, it is really ,ust base$
on pure commonsense, as you'll learn belo(&
9oure an 4nd-dua&! 9ou "eed an 4nd-dua&3ed De%
%oo. aroun$& 7ou are uni3ue& 9t's in$isputable& ;obo$y loo.s e*actly li.e you, an$ nobo$y ever
#as& ;obo$y spea.s e*actly li.e you, #as t#e same "estures you $o, or s#ares your 5n"erprints&
;o one t#in.s or )eels e*actly li.e you, eit#er& :o (#y $o all t#e $iets out t#ere treat us li.e (#at's
insi$e eac# o) us is i$entical to (#at's insi$e everyone else0 T#e one-sie-5ts-all approac# to
$ietin" is (ron" because eac# o) us is uni3ue&
T#ese metabolic $iMerences are evi$ent (#en (e e*amine #o( people react $iMerently to
various amounts o) protein, )at an$ carbs in t#eir $iets& @veryone #as speci5c macronutritional nee$s
t#at ran"es )rom t#ose (#o nee$ a very #i"# level o) carbo#y$rates in t#eir $iet an$ a relatively lo(
level o) protein an$ )at ODarb TypeN, to t#ose (#o nee$ a very #i"# level o) protein an$ )at an$ a
relatively lo( level o) carbo#y$rates OProtein TypeN& 4)ter" t#e test in t#is c#apter, you (ill
5n$ t#at you )all into one o) t#ree "eneral cate"ories8 Protein Type, Darb Type, or Mi*e$ Type&
7our metabolic type is a "eneral "ui$e base$ on your ans(ers )rom t#e metabolic typin"
3uestionnaire& 7our metabolic type is not 5*e$ or permanent an$ may c#an"e over time& 9t is
important t#at you )ollo( your MT recommen$ations as a startin" place an$ pay attention to #o(
your bo$y )eels, t#en ma.e c#an"es base$ on your e*perimentation an$ Flistenin" to your bo$yH
to 5ne tune your )oo$ c#oices )or optimal #ealt#&
T#e concept o) usin" in$ivi$ual $iets )or in$ivi$ual people is certainly not ne( an$ #as
sur)ace$ in many civiliations t#rou"#out time& For e*ample, t#e ancient Gree.s an$ Romans
reco"nie$ t#at $iMerent people #a$ $iMerent #ealt# re3uirements, t#us lea$in" to %ucretius'
)amous proclamation t#at FOne man's )oo$ is anot#er man's poison&H Mean(#ile, in t#e Far @ast,
D#inese me$icine tau"#t t#at everyone #as $iMerent constitutions Oan$ t#ere)ore $iMerent $ietary
an$ treatment re3uirementsN base$ on t#eir uni3ue c#aracteristics an$ ener"etic imbalances& T#e
5,000-year-ol$ 4yurve$ic me$icine o) 9n$ia i$enti5e$ t#ree bo$y types or $os#as2pitta, vatta an$
.ap#a2eac# (it# t#eir o(n speci5c $ietary nee$s&
T#e concept )or in$ivi$ualie$ $iets #as persiste$ since t#en, but in 1<5? Dr& Ro"er
!illiams, a bioc#emist )rom t#e Bniversity o) Te*as, ma$e a ma,or a$vance in t#is concept (it#
#is classic boo. Biochemical 4n"i%i"uality& 9n it #e note$ t#at in$ivi$uality perva$es every part o)
t#e bo$y, )rom #o( t#e or"ans )unction to t#e composition o) bo$y Jui$s& 4ccor$in" to !illiams,
in$ivi$uality e*ten$s to t#e cells, inclu$in" t#e spee$ an$ eUciency (it# (#ic# cells per)orm t#eir
special )unctions& Furt#ermore, !illiams note$ t#at unbalance$ or ina$e3uate nutrition at t#e
cellular level is a ma,or cause o) #uman $isease, an$ t#at in$ivi$uals #ave "enetically $etermine$
an$ #i"#ly in$ivi$ualie$ nutritional re3uirements& !illiams (as t#e primary inspiration )or Dr&
!illiam Kelley, an ort#o$ontist (it# $e"rees in biolo"y, c#emistry an$ bioc#emistry (#o re5ne$
!illiams' i$eas into t#e 5rst )orm o) metabolic typin" in t#e 1<?0s an$ 1<=0s& Kelley ne*t incorporate$
Francis Potten"er, M&D&'s (or. into metabolic typin"& 1ac. in t#e 1<E0s an$ >0s,
Potten"er #a$ con$ucte$ researc# $emonstratin" t#at t#e autonomic nervous system playe$ a
central role in $eterminin" (#at types o) )oo$s an$ nutrients $iMerent people nee$&
!illiam !olcott2aut#or o) The Metabolic Typing Diet, no( consi$ere$ to be t#e aut#oritative
boo. on t#e sub,ect2t#en ,oine$ Kelly an$ to"et#er t#ey e*perience$ "reat clinical success at
actually usin" metabolic typin" to #elp improve patients' #ealt#& 9n t#e early 1<Q0s !olcott )urt#er
re5ne$ metabolic typin" t#rou"# t#e inJuence o) Geor"e !atson, P#&D&, a clinical psyc#olo"ist an$
aut#or o) t#e boo. Nutrition an" Your Min"& Dr& !atson #a$ $evelope$ #is o(n nutritional
system base$ on people's metabolic $iMerences, but #is metabolic approac# (as base$ on cellular
o*i$ation2t#e rate at (#ic# your cells convert nutrients into ener"y& Dr& !atson #a$ notice$ t#at
some people (ere F)ast o*i$iersH (#o burne$ )oo$s an$ nutrients, (#ile ot#ers (ere Fslo(
o*i$iersH (#o burne$ )oo$s an$ nutrients slo(ly& Dr& !atson $iscovere$ t#at by prescribin"
speci5c )oo$s an$ nutrients to balance o*i$ative imbalances in patients, many o) t#eir clinical
problems (ere resolve$&
!olcott )urt#er re5ne$ t#e system by incorporatin" a #ost o) ot#er metabolic )actors, t#e
most prominent amon" t#em t#e en$ocrine system& 1ase$ on #is clinical 5n$in"s )rom ("
(it# t#ousan$s o) patients, !olcott $esi"ne$ an e*tensive 3uestionnaire )or $eterminin" metabolic
E? T/@ D9@T4R7 K@78 @4T 4DDORD9;G TO 7OBR M@T41O%9D T7P@
type& 9n )act, 9 use t#is 3uestionnaire (it# all my patients (#o come to my clinic, T#e Optimal
!ellness Denter& 9 #ave use$ metabolic typin" (it# patients )or t#e past t(o years& 1e)ore metabolic
typin" my pro"ram (as teac#in" patients to eat natural, (#ole )oo$s2t#e ri"#t )orms o)
macronutrients2an$ to use tec#ni3ues to improve t#eir emotional (ell-bein"& Once 9 starte$ to use
metabolic typin", 9 reco"nie$ an amain" improvement in t#e rate o) #ealin", #ealt# an$
vitality in my patients2an$ continue to (itness it $aily& Metabolic typin", 9 #ave come to realie, is
essential to optimal #ealt#&
Metabolic typin" is primarily base$ on t#e interrelations#ip bet(een t#e bo$y's autonomic
nervous system an$ o*i$ative system& T#e autonomic nervous system controls all your involuntary
muscles an$ )unctions, li.e #eart rate, s(eatin", bo(el movements," an$ $i"estion, (#ile
t#e o*i$ative system is involve$ in convertin" nutrition to ener"y& !#atever control system is $ominant
in you $etermines your metabolic type&
9) you are intereste$ in a $eeper analysis o) t#e principles be#in$ metabolic typin", 9
#i"#ly recommen$ !illiam !olcott's boo., The Metabolic Typing Diet, available t#rou"# t#e
FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section o) Mercola&com an$ on t#e s#elves o) many boo.stores
an$ libraries&
1ut t#e bottom-line is t#is8 t#e ans(er to t#e ri"#t $iet, ri"#t )oo$s, an$ ri"#t nutrition )or
you ultimately resi$es (it#in your "enes, an$ metabolic typin" provi$es t#e roa$map& 9) you (ant
to optimie your (ei"#t, 5"#t an$ prevent $isease, increase ener"y an$ concentration, retain a
yout#)ul appearance, stop (astin" tons o) money on ineMective pro$ucts an$ pro"rams, an$ ,ust )eel
better in "eneral, a very eMective an$ eUcient (ay to $o so is8 1N learn your metabolic type, +N eat
t#e #ealt#y )orms o) )oo$s an$ a$opt t#e ot#er #ealt#y li)estyle approac#es $e5ne$ in t#is boo., an$
EN learn to Flisten to your bo$yH to eat t#e ri"#t balance o) #ealt#y )oo$s )or your metabolic type&
De%er*nn' 9our Me%abo&/ Ty+e
T#e )ollo(in" test (ill "ive you a "eneral i$ea o) your metabolic type& 9t is important to point out
t#at t#is is a very con$ense$ version o) t#e sop#isticate$ an$ e*pansive clinical test t#at (as
$esi"ne$ by !illiam !olcott over a perio$ o) E0 years& 4"ain, metabolic type e*ists on a spectrumP
(#ile t#e compre#ensive clinical test is )ar more accurate an$ personalie$, t#is abbreviate$ version
still provi$es a reasonable point to start )rom& 9) you are intereste$ in an even more reliable
assessment o) your type at a lo( cost, !illiam !olcott's previously mentione$ boo., T#e
Metabolic Typin" Diet, provi$es a more succinct ?0-3uestion test& Finally, i) you are intereste$ in" t#e actual )ull pro)essional test use$ in clinical oUces, you can 5n$ out t#e convenient
met#o$ o) $oin" so in t#e note )ollo(in" t#e test belo(&
T#e most essential aspect o) metabolic typin" is to e*periment (it# )oo$s an$ pay attention
to #o( t#ey ma.e you )eel an$ to )ollo( t#e $iet t#at you )eel your best& 7ou'll learn all
about t#ese s.ills o) Flistenin" to your bo$yH an$ F5ne-tunin" your $ietH in t#e ne*t section o)
t#is c#apter, an$ t#e tips an$ notes in t#e recipes in t#is boo. #ave also been $esi"ne$ to #elp you
to(ar$ t#is en$&
Genera& Te$% %o De%er*ne 9our Ba$/ Me%abo&/ Ty+e
For t#e )ollo(in" "eneral test, simply ans(er t#e 3uestions as #onestly as you can, c#oosin" t#e
number t#at best represents your ans(er on t#e scale provi$e$ )or eac# 3uestion& Remember,
t#ere are no ri"#t or (ron" ans(ers, an$ it's o) course not FbetterH to be one type or anot#er& 9)
you $on't .no( t#e ans(er to a 3uestion because you #aven't trie$ a speci5c )oo$ yet, or $on't
remember #o( it aMects you, t#en consume t#at )oo$ 5rst an$ notice its eMects on you, an$ t#en
ans(er t#e 3uestion&
1N Does a #i"#-carbo#y$rate meal or snac., one t#at is loa$e$ (it# plenty o)
ve"etables, brea$, toast, cereals, rice, )ruits, "rains or potatoes, as t#e main )oo$
source satis)y your appetite, or stimulate it )urt#er0
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
satis2es stimulates
+N !#en you eat a lot o) re$ meat $oes it cause you to lose or "ain bo$y )at0 Do
you loo. slimmer in t#e mirror or is it easier )or your clot#es to 5t0
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
gain weight lose weight
EN Do you constantly t#in. about )oo$ an$ )re3uently loo. )or(ar$ (it# ea"er
anticipation to your ne*t meal or (#at you (ant to eat0
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
no yes
>N !#at is your appetite li.e at brea.)ast, lunc# an$ $inner0
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
weaker stronger
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
weaker stronger
EQ T/@ D9@T4R7 K@78 @4T 4DDORD9;G TO 7OBR M@T41O%9D T7P@
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
weaker stronger
5N Does eatin" somet#in" #i"#er in )at an$Aor protein suc# as $ar. meats, avoca$os,
cream, butter or coconuts (it#in an #our or t(o o) be$time #elp you sleep better0
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
no yes
?N 9) you ate a lar"e sala$ (it# some lo(-)at meat li.e c#ic.en breast )or lunc#
Oversus #i"#er )at meat li.e a #ambur"er pattyN, #o( (oul$ it aMect your pro$uctivity
t#rou"#out t#e rest o) t#e a)ternoon0
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
4&" ha%e ample energy an" .eel satis2e" 4&" become tire" an" hungy
=N /o( o)ten $o you typically )eel t#e nee$ to eat on an avera"e $ay0 T#e
e*tremes #ere (oul$ be )eelin" "oo$ (it# one meal score$ as a 1, (#ile nee$in" 5
or ? meals a $ay (oul$ place you at a 10& 9) you )elt "oo$ on t#ree meals a $ay t#at
(oul$ be a 5&
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
>?@ times inclu"ing snacks A?B times inclu"ing snacks
QN /o( muc# $o you en,oy sour )oo$s li.e pic.les, sauer.raut, or vine"ar0
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
lo%e them can&t stan" them
<N 4t T#an.s"ivin" or a meal (#ere you eat tur.ey, an$ assumin" all t#e tur.ey
is moist, i) you pre)er (#ite meat "ive yoursel) a 1, i) you only pre)er t#e $ar. meat
"ive yoursel) a 10, an$ i) it $oesn't matter "ive yoursel) a 5&
1 + E > 5 ? = Q < 10
white meat "ark meat
;o( a$$ up eac# o) t#e )ourteen numbers you circle$ to "et your total score, an$ your basic
metabolic type8
T 4 score over ?0 in$icates a Protein Type& T#e #i"#er your score above ?0, t#e more li.ely
you are truly a Protein Type&
T 4 score un$er ?0 in$icates a Darb Type& T#e lo(er your score un$er ?0, t#e more li.ely you
are truly a Darb Type&
T 4 score bet(een >0 an$ =0 in$icates a potential Mi*e$ Type& 9) you score$ in t#is ran"e,
you can be"in 5ne-tunin" your $iet as e*plaine$ belo(, but it is recommen$e$ t#at you ta.e
t#e more sop#isticate$ test in !illiam !olcott's boo., The Metabolic Typing Diet, to provi$e
yoursel) a more reliable startin" point&
[;OT@8 T#e 3ui above provi$es a very rou"# estimate o) your metabolic type& Bltimately you
(ill nee$ to 5ne-tune (#atever your results are any(ay, but t#e a$vanta"e o) t#e pro)essional-level
test use$ in clinical oUces is t#at it can save you a consi$erable amount o) time& 9) you are
suMerin" )rom a serious #ealt# c#allen"e li.e cancer or M:, you s#oul$ seriously consi$er"
t#e more accurate clinical test in con,unction (it# an in$ivi$ualie$ consultation& T#is may save
you up to si* mont#s o) time in (#ic# your #ealt# may ot#er(ise $eteriorate si"ni5cantly (it#out
pro)essional assistance& 7ou can "o to www.*er/o&a./o*A*%%e$%.#%* to learn #o( to ta.e t#e
)ull clinical test easily an$ conveniently )rom your o(n #ome& T#e test consists o) $etaile$ 3uestions
t#at ta.e about an #our to ans(er, an$ results in 1N a +>-pa"e customie$ report on t#e )oo$s an$
$iet plan i$eal )or you an$ +N a >5-minute one-on-one p#one consultation (it# a traine$
Metabolic Type 4$visor (#o (ill provi$e )urt#er insi"#t on your personalie$ $iet an$ ans(er
3uestions you may #ave& 4t t#e time o) t#is (ritin", t#ou"#, t#is )ull clinical test an$ conse3uential
personalie$ plan cost W1=<& 9 (ante$ to let you .no( t#is is t#e best option, an$ t#e ne*t-best
option is t#e ?0-3uestion test in !olcott's boo. T#e Metabolic Typin" Diet, (#ic# is more
$etaile$ t#an t#e test (e #ave ,ust provi$e$&\
L$%enn' %o 9our Body and Fne5Tunn' 9our De%
7ou no( #ave a "eneral i$ea o) your metabolic type& To un$erstan$ t#e importance o) listenin" to
your bo$y in or$er to 5ne-tune your i$eal macronutrient level, ima"ine a line se"mente$ into t#ree
parts8 t#e 5rst t#ir$ o) t#e line on t#e le)t is t#e Darb TypeP t#e secon$ t#ir$ o) t#e line in t#e
mi$$le is t#e Mi*e$ TypeP an$ t#e t#ir$ part on t#e ri"#t is t#e Protein Type& 7ou no( .no( t#e
basic area you resi$e in& /o(ever, you no( (ant to 5"ure out particularly (#ere, to$ay, you resi$e
(it#in your t#ir$ o) t#at line& For instance, are you a Protein Type (#o nee$s even more protein
in your $iet t#an t#e Favera"eH Protein Type0 4re you a Darb Type (#o nee$s some(#at less
carbo#y$rates in your $iet t#an t#e Favera"eH Darb Type0 T#is is (#ere t#e simple but #i"#ly
eMective process o) listenin" to your bo$y an$ 5ne-tunin" comes in&
>0 T/@ D9@T4R7 K@78 @4T 4DDORD9;G TO 7OBR M@T41O%9D T7P@
First o) all, t#ere are speci5c proportions o) carbsA)atsAproteins recommen$e$ )or eac#
metabolic type& T#ey are8
Darb Type8 +5S Protein A 15S Fat A ?0S Darbo#y$rate
Mi*e$ Type8 E0S Protein A +0S Fat A 50S Darbo#y$rate
Protein Type8 >0S Protein A E0S Fat A E0S Darbo#y$rate
Bse t#e percenta"es above as rou"# "ui$elinesP occasionally you may (ant to calculate t#e
percenta"e o) protein, )at an$ carbs in your meals to see #o( your meals compare to t#e recommen$ations,
but ot#er(ise use t#e numbers above only in a "eneral manner& 9) you are a Mi*e$
Type, )or instance, ,ust t#in., FTo start my $iet, t#e )oo$ 9 eat on a $aily basis s#oul$ be aroun$
#al) "oo$ carbo#y$rates li.e ve"etables an$ some )ruits, (it# t#e ot#er #al) as #ealt#y proteins an$
)ats li.e meat an$ $airy,H Oi&e&, 50S carbs, E0S proteins, +0S )ats&N 4n$ t#en $o your best to aim
)or t#ose "eneral levels& T#e recipes in t#is boo. provi$e e*cellent "ui$elines to #elp you in t#is
$irection, but a"ain, $on't "et compulsive about #ittin" t#e e*act ran"e2it is t#e process o)
listenin" to your bo$y an$ 5ne-tunin", not )ollo(in" numbers on a pa"e, t#at (ill be your primary
"ui$e in t#e process o) #onin" in on your proper macronutrient level&
:o (#at $oes Flistenin" to your bo$yH mean, 5rst o) all0 %istenin" to your bo$y means
payin" attention to #o( you )eel, an$ )or t#e purposes o) 5ne-tunin" your $iet to $etermine your
i$eal macronutrient levels t#is means payin" attention to #o( you )eel up to t(o #ours a)ter you
eat a meal& For instance, $o you )eel tire$ or mentally slo( a)ter a meal (it# your appropriate
metabolic type ratios0 9) you )eel sleepy E0I?0 minutes a)ter you eat, t#is is a "iant clue t#at you
ate t#e (ron" types o) )oo$& T#is typically occurs (#en you eat too many carbs, especially "rains&
9) your bo$y is tellin" you it $oesn't )eel (ell a)ter eatin" a meal you s#oul$ e*periment (it#
varyin" t#e amount o) carbs, )at, an$ protein an$ see #o( you )eel& 9) a)ter t#at meal your symptoms
are even (orse, t#en at t#e ne*t meal Oor at t#e same mealtime t#e ne*t $ayN try varyin" t#e
amount o) carbs, )at, an$ protein in t#e ot#er $irection& T#is is t#e process o) 5ne-tunin", an$ t#e
"oal is to 5n$ t#e proper ratio an$ proper )orms o) )oo$s t#at allo( to you )eel your best, as
$e5ne$ in t#e )ollo(in" c#art8
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M >1
you #ave no )oo$ cravin"s, especially s(eets
you )eel satis5e$, not #un"ry or over-)ull
you )eel li.e your ener"y #as been restore$
your min$ is clear an$ s#arp
you )eel #appy
any $isease symptoms you #ave are eit#er
unc#an"e$ or improve$
you may )eel p#ysically )ull but you're still #un"ry,
or "et #un"ry too soon a"ain
you #ave )oo$ cravin"s suc# as )or s(eets or )eel t#at
somet#in" else (as Fmissin"H )rom t#e meal
you )eel tire$, lac. ener"y, or too #yper,
bouncin" oM t#e (all
you can't )ocus (ell, you're spacey,
or your min$ is racin"
you )eel $o(n, $epresse$, s#ort-tempere$, apat#etic
i) you #ave a $isease or $isor$er, your symptoms
are s#arper, (orse
Payin" attention to your bo$y's si"nals (ill re3uire conscious eMort an$ sel.*trust )or t#e 5rst
several $ays, but you'll 5n$ it becomes secon$ nature& 9n )act, most people become so
a$ept at t#is t#at t#ey are able to rapi$ly $iscern t#e proportions, volume an$ type o) macronutrients
t#at are i$eal )or them at $iMerent points o) t#e $ay Obrea.)ast, lunc#, $inner, snac.sN&
To #elp "ui$e you in learnin" #o( to listen to your bo$y a)ter eatin" an$ 5ne-tune your
$iet accor$in"ly, you can ma.e copies o) t#e FFine-Tunin" 7our Diet to 7our Metabolic Type
TableH t#at #as been inclu$e$ in t#e 4ppen$i* o) t#is boo.& 7ou can also print t#is table out )rom
Mercola&comP simply enter F5ne-tunin" tableH in t#e searc# en"ine t#ere&
Food Gude&ne$ (or Ea/# Me%abo&/ Ty+e
T#e )ollo(in" "ui$elines an$ recommen$e$ )oo$s c#arts are base$ on over t(enty years (ort# o)
clinical e*perience (" (it# t#e metabolic types& T#ese "ui$elines #ave proven true )or most
people, but a"ain it is most important to pay attention to #o( t#e recommen$ations ma.e you )eel&
Carbo#ydra%e Ty+e
T For protein sources, emp#asie lo(-)at, lo(-purine proteins suc# as c#ic.en, ostric#,
Dornis# "ame #en an$ tur.ey breast& Only eat re$ meats occasionally&
T Monitor your reaction to $airy& Dairy is not i$eal )or you because Darb Types nee$ to
minimie calcium inta.e an$ $airy can t#ro( your bo$y out o) balance& !#en eatin" $airy
pro$ucts you s#oul$ strive )or lo(-)at versions& 9) you consume ra( mil., pour t#e cream
oM t#e top be)ore consumin" to re$uce t#e )at content&
T @at many ve"etables, an$ )ocus on eatin" any ve"etables t#at are not #i"# in starc#& /i"#starc#
ve"etables to avoi$ inclu$e8 potato,, s(eet potatoes, yams, corn, (inter
s3uas#, carrots an$ beets& 9nclu$e lo(-starc# ve"etables suc# as lea)y "reens, broccoli,
tomatoes, peppers, an$ cabba"e&
T @at #i"#-starc# carbo#y$rates li.e le"umes only in mo$eration&
T 4ll )ruits are 5neP berries an$ citrus )ruits are particularly "oo$ c#oices&
T 7ou can eat (#ole "rains in mo$eration, aroun$ 15S o) your $aily carb inta.e i) you $o not
#ave over(ei"#t or obesity issues, $iabetes, #i"# c#olesterol, or #i"# bloo$ pressure&
T !#ile your proportion o) protein is lo(er t#an ot#er types, try to eat some protein (it#
most meals to stabilie your bloo$ su"ar levels&
T Minimie your consumption o) )ats an$ oils& T#is $oes ;OT mean a no-)at $iet but simply
t#at Darb Types $o better on a lo(-)at $iet&
T @at t#e ve"etable part o) your meal 5rst, as t#is (ill spee$ up your metabolic rate an$
o*i$ation, an$ t#en eat t#e protein an$ )at portion&
>+ T/@ D9@T4R7 K@78 @4T 4DDORD9;G TO 7OBR M@T41O%9D T7P@
le"umes nuts A see$s "rains le"umes
meat $airy ve"etables )ruit nuts A see$s )ats A oils
PROT@9;: D4R1: F4T: A O9%:
Carb Ty+e Re/o**ended Food$ Tab&e
;ote8 T#is table is not all-inclusive, but instea$ representative o) t#e most #i"#ly recommen$e$
)oo$s in relation (it# t#e ot#er "ui$elines note$ in t#e bullets above&
c#ic.en breast "rass-)e$ c#eese broccoli apple (alnuts butter
ostric# ra( mil. brussel sprouts berries Ja*see$s coconut oil
tur.ey breast yo"urt Ora( mil.N cabba"e citrus )ruit, s3uas# olive oil
cornis# "ame #en .e5r Ora( mil.N cucumber "rapes sesame
e""s "arlic melons sunJo(er
lean por. all lea)y "reens peac#, apricot almon$s
non C low*.at low*starch all okay use sparingly use sparingly
>AD "aily ma3
whole grain only
use sparingly use sparingly use sparingly
ot#er nuts
onions, scallions
T/@ D9@T4R7 K@78 @4T 4DDORD9;G TO 7OBR M@T41O%9D T7P@
Pro%en Ty+e
T Doncentrate on #i"#-$ensity, #i"#-purine proteins& T#ese proteins are t#e $ar. meats
o) c#ic.en an$ tur.ey an$ every protein t#at e*ists (it# t#e e*ception o)8 $airy, e""s,
soy protein, an$ li"#t meats li.e c#ic.en an$ tur.ey breast, Dornis# "ame #en, por. an$
lean #am&
T :almon2as lon" as you .no( it #as been laboratory teste$ an$ s#o(n to be sa)e )rom
mercury an$ ot#er to*ins2is also a "oo$ c#oice&
T 4voi$ "rains an$ potatoes completely&
T @mp#asie t#e )ollo(in" ve"etables8 aspara"us, )res# "reen beans, cauliJo(er, spinac#, celery,
an$ mus#rooms& T#ese ve"etables t(ea. your bioc#emistry in t#e proper $irection&
T %imit t#e amount o) )ruits you consume because Protein Types ten$ to #ave bloo$ su"ar
problemsP coconuts, avoca$os, blac. an$ "reen olives, "reen apples, an$ pears are t#e best
T Protein types ten$ to be #un"rier t#an ot#er types so be sure an$ snac. as nee$e$& 7our
snac.s s#oul$ inclu$e a protein )oo$& ;uts li.e (alnuts or $airy snac.s li.e "rass-)e$ c#eese
may (or. but i) t#ey leave you #un"ry or tire$ you (ill nee$ to eat snac.s (it# #eavier
protein li.e pate, lamb, or "rass-)e$ bee)&
T Protein Types are able to better support t#eir )ast metabolism by consumin" a liberal
amount o) #ealt#y )ats an$ oils li.e butter, coconut oil, an$ olive oil, )ats )rom animal base$
)oo$s, an$ nuts&
T 4lco#ol in any )orm is especially ba$ )or your typeP you mi"#t )eel a temporary li)t a)ter
$" it, but t#is (ill usually be )ollo(e$ by a ma,or ener"y cras#& %isten to your bo$y
an$ care)ully mo$erate your alco#ol inta.e or avoi$ it alto"et#er&
T @at t#e protein part o) your meal 5rst to slo( $o(n your o*i$ation rate, an$ t#en eat
your ve"etables&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M >5
le"umes le"umes
nuts A see$s
meatA5s# $airy ve"etables )ruit nuts A see$s )ats A oils
PROT@9;: D4R1: F4T: A O9%:
Pro%en Ty+e Re/o**ended Food$ Tab&e
;ote8 T#is table is not all-inclusive, but instea$ representative o) t#e most #i"#ly recommen$e$
)oo$s in relation (it# t#e ot#er "ui$elines note$ in t#e bullets above&
livers, bee)
an$ c#ic.en
"rass-)e$ c#eese aspara"us avoca$os (alnuts butter, cream
or"an meats ra( mil.
"reen beans,
blueberries coconuts coconut oil
pates ra( cream cauliJo(er coconuts Ja*see$s olive oil
"rass-)e$ bee) yo"urt Ora( mil.N celery olives,
bison mus#rooms sesame
$ar. meat
spinac# use sparingly sunJo(er
whole*.at %ery low*starch use mo"erately all okay all okay
all okay
high* an"
ot#er nuts
"reen apples
$uc., moose
$ar. meat
(il$ "ame
.e5r Ora( mil.N
M2ed Ty+e
Mi*e$ Types are a combination o) t#e Darb Type an$ Protein Type an$ s#oul$ obtain an e3ual
mi* o) t#e Darb Type an$ Protein Type recommen$ations& For e*ample, Mi*e$ Types s#oul$
obtain a balance bet(een t#e #i"#-purine meats )rom t#e Protein Type Recommen$e$ Foo$s
Table an$ t#e lo(-purine, lo(-)at proteins )rom t#e Darb Type Recommen$e$ Foo$s Table& 9n
a$$ition, Mi*e$ Types also nee$ to pay care)ul attention to #o( )oo$s ma.e t#em )eel to ma.e t#e
necessary a$,ustments& 9) you are possibly a Mi*e$ Type base$ on t#e test earlier in t#is c#apter, it
is a"ain #i"#ly recommen$e$ you ta.e t#e more compre#ensive start in !illiam !olcott's The
Metabolic Typing Diet boo. to #elp you #one in more reliably, but you can start no( by" a
mi*e$ approac# to all t#e "ui$elines )or bot# t#e Darb an$ Protein Types above, listenin" to your
bo$y a)ter eatin", an$ 5ne-tunin" in t#e $irection t#at is best )or you& For instance, start by eatin"
about an e3ual amount o) li"#ter meats li.e c#ic.en an$ tur.ey breast an$ $ meats li.e
"rass-)e$ bee) an$ bison& 4ssess (#ic# "enerally ma.e you )eel better bet(een an$ #our an$ t#ree
#ours a)ter eatin" an$ e$"e your $iet in t#e $irection o) eatin" more o) t#ose meats& T#e same "oes
)or t#e ve"etables, )ruits, oils, nuts, etc& $e5ne$ above& 9n "eneral you'll al(ays be able to eat some
amount o) all t#e types o) )oo$sP by listenin" to your bo$y an$ 5ne-tunin" you'll soon be able to
$etermine i) you e$"e more in t#e $irection o) a Darb or Protein Type&
>? DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M
B6 Overcomin" @motional 1arriers, ;ouris#in"
t#e Min$ an$ :pirit
T#ere is no separatin" mental #ealt# )rom p#ysical #ealt#& 7ou cannot truly #ave one (it#out t#e
ot#er& T#e (on$er)ul t#in" is, as you improve your p#ysical #ealt# you (ill improve mental #ealt#
an$ vice versa& 1y )ollo(in" t#e $ietary recommen$ations in t#is boo., you (ill prevent an$ 5"#t
$isease, optimie (ei"#t, #ave a yout#)ul appearance an$ increase your p#ysical stren"t#, an$
you'll also be nouris#in" your nervous system )or optimal mental )unctionin"& T#e reverse is also
true& 1y a$$ressin" your mental issues an$ removin" t#e emotional obstacles to cure, you can
"reatly improve your p#ysical #ealt#&
T#e reason (#y (e #ave suc# incre$ible results (it# our patients at t#e Optimal !ellness
Denter is t#at (e ta.e "reat care to a$$ress t#e (#ole person2min$, bo$y an$ spirit& For e*ample,
i) a patient (it# art#ritis #as a "reat $eal o) an*iety, )ollo(in" t#e per)ect $iet still may not #elp
i) t#ey $o not a$$ress t#eir an*iety problem& 1ot# areas nee$ to be #eale$ to #ave real an$ permanent
success& 9n all people, (it#out e*ception, t#ere are bot# mental an$ p#ysical issues t#at
#ol$ t#em bac. )rom bein" in per)ect #ealt#& T#at is (#y t#is ne*t section is vitally important&
How %o O-er/o*e E*o%ona& Barrer$
7ou no( .no( one o) t#e most important steps you can ta.e to prevent $isease an$ optimie
(ei"#t is to eliminate processe$ "rains an$ su"ars )rom your $iet& F1ut (ait,H some o) you may
t#in., Ft#at means no more loaves o) Frenc# brea$& ;o more @n"lis# muUns or ba"els& ;o more, pies, an$ coo.ies& 9 $on't t#in. 9 can $o t#at&H T#at type o)" is an emotional
barrier& For some, t#ere is t#e $emon o) sel)-$oubt an$ resistance" insi$e you an$, even
t#ou"# you .no( t#is crucial step (oul$ bene5t your #ealt#, your sel)-$oubt you )eel li.e
you coul$n't possibly succee$& :o (#ere $i$ t#at little $emon come )rom, an$ (#y $oes it seem
in control o) you0
7ou may t#in. you lac. (illpo(er i) you #ave cravin"s )or an$ a$$ictions to )oo$, but t#at
is not true& 9t's not t#at you lac. (illpo(er, but t#at you never learne$ t#e tools )or #o( to a$$ress
your a$$ictions an$ emotional c#allen"es& 9n my clinical practice, atten$in" to emotional issues is
central to t#e pro"ram& T#e ma,ority o) t#ese emotional barriers can be trace$ bac. to c#il$#oo$&
For instance, in our society (e re(ar$ c#il$ren by "ivin" t#em ,un. )oo$ suc# as birt#$ay,, ice cream or McDonal$'s /appy Meals& 9n a$$ition, c#il$ren are inun$ate$ by ,un. )oo$
mar.etin" on TL& T#is emotional patternin" remains (it# t#em into a$ult#oo$, an$ so it may
initially seem FimpossibleH to some to aban$on processe$ "rains an$ s(eets& Ot#er common
emotional bloc.s lea$in" to sel)-$e)eatin" be#aviors inclu$e $eep-seate$ traumas suc# as abuse,
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M >=
>Q OL@RDOM9;G @MOT9O;4% 14RR9@R:, ;OBR9:/9;G T/@ M9;D 4;D :P9R9T
lo( sel)-esteem, c#ronic #i"# stress, $epression an$ an*iety, $ys)unctional c#il$#oo$,"
be#aviors o) parents, an$ sel)-me$icatin" (it# )oo$&
Over t#e years, my clinical staM an$ 9 #ave researc#e$ an$ practice$ a (i$e variety o) t#erapeutic
met#o$s to a$$ress t#ese bloc.s& T#e tec#ni3ue t#at (e #ave #a$ t#e "reatest success (it#
is calle$ @motional Free$om Tec#ni3ue, or @FT, an$ it is remar.ably easy to learn an$ $o& !#en
people $o @FT )or t#e 5rst time t#ey are, t#ou"#, sometimes a bit s.eptical& 4t 5rst "lance it may
loo. stran"e as it involves tappin" on speci5c acupuncture points (#ile" aUrmations o)
sel)-acceptance alou$ to$"e t#e issue at #an$& 1ut @FT really (or.s because it #eals $isruptions
in t#e bo$y's ener"y system& @veryt#in" (e see, #ear, )eel, taste, an$ smell is transmitte$
alon" our nerves to our brain t#rou"# electroc#emical messa"es in our ener"y system& 9) you touc#
a #ot stove, you )eel pain $ue to t#e nerve en$in"s in your #an$ sen$in" instantaneous electroc#emical
messa"es t#rou"# your nerves to your brain& Our bo$y's electrical system is essential to
our p#ysical #ealt# an$ (it#out it (e $ie&
T#e electrical system o) our bo$y #as been .no(n about since t#e D#inese, 5,000 years a"o,
$iscovere$ c#annels o) ener"y Jo(in" t#rou"# t#e bo$y& D#inese me$icine re)ers to t#ese c#annels
as meri$ians, an$ t#e ener"y t#at Jo(s t#rou"# t#em is calle$ FVi,H pronounce$ Fc#i&H T#e
D#inese $iscovere$ t#at by super5cially insertin" tiny nee$les into speci5c acupuncture points on
t#e, t#ey (ere able to release bloc.e$ ener"y in t#e meri$ians an$ t#ere)ore restore a person
bac. to e3uilibrium&
@FT (or.s in a similar mannerP instea$ o) usin" nee$les, @FT is per)orme$ by tappin" (it#
5n"ers on acupuncture points at t#e en$ o) t#e meri$ians& 4s people tap on t#ese points, t#ey tune
into t#eir emotional problem by repeatin" aUrmations about t#e problem suc# as, F@ven t#ou"#
9 eat ,un. )oo$ to #elp me cope (it# stress, 9 $eeply an$ completely accept mysel)&H @Mective aUrmations
)ollo( t#e same "eneral )ormat2t#ey$"e t#e problem an$ create sel)-acceptance
$espite t#e e*istence o) t#e problem&
@FT is base$ on t#e premise t#at t#e cause o) all ne"ative emotions is a $isruption in t#e
bo$y's ener"y system& !#en a person e*periences an emotional trauma, t#e intense emotion causes
a s#ort-circuit some(#ere in t#e electrical system o) t#e bo$y& Picture (#at (oul$ #appen to
t#e television screen o) a s#o( you are (atc#in" i) you (ent be#in$ t#e set an$ starte$ to pull t#e
(ires apart& T#e picture (oul$ eventually turn sno(y because you s#ort-circuite$ t#e TL& T#e
sno(y picture is an analo"y )or a ne"ative emotion& T#e same eMect occurs (#en you e*perience
ne"ative emotions2t#ere is a s#ort circuit some(#ere in your bo$y's ener"y system& 1y tunin"
into t#e problem an$ tappin" on multiple points, @FT stimulates t#e meri$ians, sen$in" pulses o)
ener"y $o(n t#e c#annels t#at #eal t#e ne"ative emotions t#at are" t#e ener"y Jo( in t#e
c#annels& T#e most common responses people #ave a)ter $oin" @FT are an elimination o) pain, a
)eelin" o) peace an$ rela*ation, an$ a )eelin" t#at t#eir un(ante$ ne"ative emotion no lon"er
aMects t#em&
!#ile it is easy to learn, t#ou"#, t#e one $ra(bac. (it# t#e @motional Free$om Tec#ni3ue
is t#at it can't be easily learne$ by rea$in" about it& On Mercola&com )or a time, an$ in various
publications, t#e attempt (as ma$e to provi$e a F#o(-to $o @FTH in t#e t(o-$imensional )orm
o) screens an$ pa"es, but it's somet#in" li.e learnin" t#e ri"#t "ol) s(in"s )rom a pa"e8 not very
eMective& !e )oun$ t#at people )re3uently $i$ not un$erstan$ #o( to use t#e aUrmations&
T#ere)ore, (#ile you (ill 5n$ it is easy to learn an$ use once you see it, it is #i"#ly recommen$e$
t#at you learn )rom a source (#ere you can see it in action& T#e best options )or learnin" $oin" so
are eit#er (it# a traine$ @FT t#erapist or a live seminar or vi$eo trainin" course& To 5n$ a 3uali5e$
@FT t#erapist in your area, "o to t#e Mercola&com #omepa"e an$ at t#e bottom clic. on
FFin$ a /ealt# Practitioner in 7our 4rea&H To locate @FT seminar in)ormation, you can enter t#e
.ey(or$ F@FTH on Goo"le&com& T#e most ine*pensive option is to (atc# my si*-#our @FT
Trainin" Dourse, available on DLD or L/:& T#is course can be or$ere$ )rom t#e Mercola&com
#omepa"e un$er t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section& 9n t#is vi$eo course, 9 teac# you step-bystep
all t#e in)ormation you nee$ to use @FT )or your emotional #ealin"& 9 provi$e live $emonstrations
o) @FT (it# real people an$ s#o( #o( lon"-stan$in" emotional issues can $isappear
(it#in minutes (it# t#is (on$er)ul tool& For t#ose (#o are s.eptical an$ t#in. t#is soun$s too
"oo$ to be true, t#e @FT Trainin" Dourse comes (it# a )ull 1+-mont# money bac. "uarantee&
@FT is not t#e only (ay to overcome emotional barriers& Donventional one-on-one
t#erapy, acupuncture, "roup t#erapy an$ a #ost o) ot#er approac#es #ave certainly #elpe$ people&
9 #ave also #ear$ t#at many people #ave e*perience$ success (it# T#e :e$ona Met#o$, (#ic# is
available in an au$io pro"ram by t#at name by /ale D(, an$ it may be (ort# your (#ile to
e*plore it as (ell& 1ut overall, @FT #as $e5nitely proven to be one o) t#e most eMective (ays& 9)
you 5n$ yoursel) con)rontin" cravin"s, a$$ictions, $epression, sel)-ima"e issues or ot#er barriers
to implementin" a #ealt#y $iet an$ li)estyle, t#ou"#, $on't let t#ose barriers #ol$ you bac.8 see.
some )orm o) t#erapy as soon as possible as it is )un$amental to reac#in" your i$eal #ealt#&
Feedn' 9our Mnd and S+r%
9n a$$ition to #ealin" t#e p#ysical an$ emotional bo$y, total #ealt# also means nouris#in" t#e
spirit& T#e spirit is an essential part o) t#e min$-bo$y-spirit triumvirate t#at is rarely a$$resse$ in
me$icine& Most spiritual e*perts a"ree t#at t#e t(o most po(er)ul met#o$s o) evolvin" one's
spirituality are prayer an$ me$itation& !#ile prayer is an act o) communion (it# an$ $evotion to
Go$, it #as been s#o(n in numerous stu$ies to #ave a very positive inJuence on p#ysical #ealt#&
Me$itation is a part o) many spiritual $isciplines but is also use$ as a means o) 3uietin" t#e min$
to brin" about a $eep #ealin" rela*ation response in t#e bo$y& Me$itation (as one o) multiple
t#erapies Dr& Dean Ornis# success)ully employe$ in #is )amous clinical trials usin" natural
met#o$s )or reversin" #eart $isease& 9n stu$y a)ter stu$y, me$itation #as proven to #ave a $irect
an$ very positive inJuence on p#ysical #ealt#& 9n one stu$y publis#e$ in t#e 1ritis# Me$ical
Cournal in +001, )or instance, )orms o) me$itation suc# as sayin" t#e Rosary an$ recitin" a mantra
)rom 7o"a (ere )oun$ to #ave a very positive eMect on t#e respiratory system an$ #eart& 9t #as also
been s#o(n to lea$ to improve$ $i"estion an$ immunity, an$ t#ere)ore $isease prevention&
9) you are intereste$ in learnin" more about all t#e stu$ies $emonstratin" t#e lin. bet(een
prayer, me$itation an$ #ealt#, you can enter t#ose terms into t#e searc# en"ine at Mercola&com&
'ealing -or"s, a classic boo. by %arry Dossey (#o #as (ritten e*tensively on t#e eMects o) prayer
on #ealt#, is also a very (ort#(#ile rea$&
9) you (ant to learn me$itation t#ere are many approac#es available& :ome o) t#ese, li.e
)orms o) 7o"a, Tai D#i an$ D#i Kun" Oalso .no(n as FVi"on"HN, are a me$itation in motion by
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ><
slo(ly per)ormin" lo(-impact movements to stren"t#en t#e bo$y an$ calm t#e min$& !#en most
people t#in. o) me$itation t#ey ima"ine sittin" cross-le""e$ (it# close$ eyes (#ile c#antin"
FOm&H T#is is only one )orm o) me$itation amon" t#ousan$s t#at you coul$ learn& /o(ever, t#e
basic principle is t#e same8 t#e "oal o) me$itation is to 3uiet t#e min$, to access t#e F"apH or t#e
place o) no t#ou"#ts, to commune (it# one's soul an$ (it# Go$& T#e basic practice is to sit
upri"#t, close your eyes an$ )ocus on t#e breat#& Recitin" a (or$ suc# as peace or love may #elp
in )ocusin"& 4nytime a t#ou"#t enters your min$, "ently brus# it asi$e an$ "o bac. to t#e breat#&
T#e optimal amount o) time to me$itate is +0 minutes in t#e mornin" an$ in t#e evenin"&
9n a$$ition to t#e po(er)ul #ealt# bene5ts o) prayer an$ me$itation, al(ays remember t#at
any e*perience t#at positively en"a"es your min$ an$ (arms your #eart is very "oo$ )or your overall
#ealt#& 4ctivities suc# as rea$in", )or instance, #ave proven #ealt# bene5ts& T#is means not only
rea$in" boo.s li.e t#is one, (#ic# provi$e you (it# practical steps to ta.e to(ar$ #ealt#, but also
rea$in" stories an$ spiritual (or.s t#at can e*pan$ your consciousness& !#en people rea$ a 3uality
novel or spiritual boo., t#ey o)ten )eel a sense o) elation t#at is in$ee$ "oo$ )or your overall #ealt#&
T#at's (#y listenin" to your )avorite music, "oin" to art s#o(s, an$ ot#er suc# acts t#at en"a"e t#e
min$ an$ #eart an$ pro$uce a similar upli)tin" )eelin" are more t#an ,ust entertainment2t#ey
)eel "oo$ because t#ey are "oo$ )or you& T#ey actually "enerate a variety o) neuropepti$es an$
#ormones in your brain t#at can improve your #ealt#& T#e same "oes )or" (al.s (it# a love$
one, playin" "ames (it# c#il$ren, pursuin" #obbies an$ interests as a "roup, an$ any o) t#e en$less
social activities available to us& !e're social bein"s, an$ en"a"in" in positive acts to"et#er is
absolutely critical to nurturin" your min$, spirit an$ bo$y& 1est o) all, t#ey are en,oyable& Really
livin" li)e, to conclu$e, is one o) t#e most important steps you can ta.e to live lon"er&
50 OL@RDOM9;G @MOT9O;4% 14RR9@R:, ;OBR9:/9;G T/@ M9;D 4;D :P9R9T
C6 Four %i)estyle Factors For Total /ealt#
Hea&%#y :a%erD Drn, ;+>" ei"#t "lasses a $ay o) pure (ater is an important )oun$ational #ealt# principle )or most
people& 4n alarmin" number o) 4mericans $on't )ollo( t#is "ui$eline an$ are constantly $e#y$rate$&
De#y$ration is subtle an$ most $on't )eel t#e t#irst on t#eir ton"ue, but t#eir bo$ies are
suMerin"2(it#out suUcient (ater inta.e t#ey cannot properly $eto*i)y an$ ai$ t#eir bo$ies in t#e
elimination o) (astes& :ome minor symptoms o) insuUcient (ater inta.e are #ea$ac#es, )eelin"
tire$ an$ "ro""y, constipation an$ $ry 9) le)t unten$e$, $e#y$ration can contribute to a variety
o) serious #ealt# problems (it# bloo$ pressure, circulation, .i$ney )unction, immune system
)unction, an$ $i"estive $isor$ers&
For many people, 9 recommen$ $" one 3uart o) (ater )or every 5)ty poun$s o) bo$y
(ei"#t per $ay, but .eep in min$ t#is may be too muc# (ater )or some people& 4 simple test )or
$eterminin" i) you are $" enou"# (ater is to (atc# t#e color o) your urine over a perio$ o)
several $ays& 9t s#oul$ be very li"#tly colore$& 9) it is $ in color it is concentrate$ an$ you
(oul$ li.ely bene5t )rom increasin" your (ater inta.e& ;ote, t#ou"#, t#at i) you are" vitamin
1+ OriboJavinN, eit#er by itsel) or in a multi-vitamin, it (ill turn urine bri"#t yello( an$ you
(ill not be able to use t#is sel)-test& Discontinue t#e vitamin )or +> #ours (#ile maintainin" your
normal (ater $" levels to properly $etermine i) you nee$ more (ater in your $iet&
4s (it# eac# type o) )oo$, t#e )orm an$ source o) your (ater are vital to your #ealt#& Cust
because (ater is liste$ as potable $oes not mean it is "oo$ )or you& 9n "eneral, tap (ater s#oul$ be
avoi$e$ because it contains c#lorine an$ usually Juori$e, bot# to*ic substances t#at can #ave $ire
conse3uences )or your bo$y over time& Many people are surprise$ to #ear t#at Juori$e in tap (ater
is not "oo$, as municipalities startin" a$$in" it to (ater base$ on researc# )rom 5)ty years a"o to
F#elp our teet#&H :ince t#at time, t#ou"#, stu$ies #ave s#o(n, an$ e*perts #ave come )ort# to testi)y,
t#at t#e ris.s o) Juori$e )ar out(ei"# any bene5t& Fluori$e is more to*ic t#an lea$ an$ is use$
as a pestici$e )or mice, rats an$ ot#er small pests& T#e Juori$e use$ in tap (ater is not closely monitore$
Oan$ is even consi$ere$ an Funapprove$ $ru"H by t#e FD4N, an$ o)ten contains #i"# levels
o) carcino"ens li.e arsenic& 9n$ee$, Juori$e #as been $irectly lin.e$ to cancer an$ to (ea.ene$
bones an$ osteoporosisP you can rea$ muc# more about all t#e stu$ies provin" t#e $an"ers o) t#e
Juori$ation o) tap (ater by typin" in FJuori$eH on Mercola&com's searc# en"ine& 1eyon$ c#lorine
an$ Juori$e, t#ou"#, t#ere are still many ot#er reasons to be cautious o) tap (ater& 4t (ater treatment
)acilities, (ater is inun$ate$ (it# ot#er c#emicals inclu$in" al"aeci$es, o*i$ants, an$ p/
in#ibitors, an$ t#e eMect o) t#ese c#emicals is not entirely .no(n on t#e #uman bo$y&
Furt#ermore, in many municipalities, particularly t#ose in an$ aroun$ bi" cities, t#e (ater t#en
runs t#rou"# pipes t#at can be $eca$es or even over a #un$re$ years ol$, an$ t#en enters pipes in
#omes t#at may be corro$e$ or (el$e$ usin" lea$ materials& Tap (ater #ealt# ris.s are also a prob-
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 51
lem (it#", as t#e to*ic substances are absorbe$ in t#e )oo$, an$ (it# s#o(erin", as your
bo$y absorbs c#lorine an$ ot#er to*ic substances t#rou"# t#e
To ensure t#e sa)ety o) t#e (ater out o) your tap, you s#oul$ 5rst #ave it evaluate$ an$
teste$& 7ou can c#ec. your p#oneboo. or call your to(n's c#amber o) commerce to locate a service
t#at can $o t#is, but )or a #i"#er level o) assurance 9 recommen$ you contact an @P4-certi5e$
laboratory to test your (ater& 9) you #ave any problem 5n$in" suc# a service, t#ere is a )ree #ome
(ater evaluation available )rom t#e !ater :a)ety Douncil t#rou"# Mercola&com in t#e
FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section t#at (ill provi$e in)ormation on #o( your municipal (ater is
rate$& T#e !ater :a)ety Douncil also oMers a series o) @P4-certi5e$ (ater tests you can per)orm
on your o(n by mailin" in vials o) your (ater )or a nominal )ee& 9) you .no( your #ome (ater
supply is #i"# in speci5c contaminants, you can appropriately c#oose a (ater 5ltration system
$esi"ne$ to eliminate t#ose particular contaminants& T#is is important, as t#ere are many 5ltration
systems on t#e but not all are $esi"ne$ to eliminate all contaminants& To remove Juori$e,
9 recommen$ a reverse osmosis 5lter& Darbon-base$ 5lters are "enerally economical, but i) you
c#oose to use t#em instea$ o) a reverse osmosis 5lter, more e*pensive carbon matri* inserts are
re3uire$ to remove Juori$e&" $istille$ (ater s#oul$ also be avoi$e$P $istille$ (ater is, 5rst o) all, #i"#ly aci$ic&
Most people are )ar too aci$ic alrea$y an$ more aci$ (ill continue to pus# t#e P/ o) t#e bo$y in
t#e (ron" $irection& 4n$ t#ou"# $istille$ (ater is suppose$ to be )ree o) contaminants, many o)
t#e $evices t#at $istill t#e (ater are ma$e o) metal an$ actually a$$ certain to*ic metals li.e nic.el
into t#e (ater& 4not#er important point is t#at $istille$ (ater #as an osmotic "ra$ient because it
is a #ypotonic solution& 9) a #ypotonic solution Olo( in particlesN interacts (it# anot#er solution
t#at is #ypertonic O#i"# in particles, suc# as t#e bloo$streamN t#en t#e particles (ill "ravitate )rom
t#e #i"# to t#e lo( solution& T#is means t#at $istille$ (ater can actually leac# bene5cial minerals
out o) your bloo$stream an$ out o) your bo$y& !#ile some people #ave claime$ $istille$ (ater
provi$es $eto*i5cation over t#e s#ort term because o) t#is, over t#e lon" run t#is is #i"#ly
counterpro$uctive& !ater also #as a very $elicate atomic structure t#at can be easily $ama"e$ (#en
it is mec#anically $istille$&
9n a$$ition to properly 5ltere$ tap (ater, bottle$ sprin" (ater is anot#er option& 9t is not
my 5rst c#oice t#ou"# as t#e ener"y involve$ in transportin" t#e (ater an$ in" t#e plastic
$isposable bottles poses 3uite a si"ni5cant bur$en on t#e environment& 9) you use sprin" Onot
F$"HN (ater it s#oul$ be bottle$ in clear polyet#ylene or "lass containers, not t#e one-"allon
plastic OPLDN containers t#at (ill leac# plastic c#emicals into t#e (ater& 4lso be care)ul t#at t#e
(ater comes )rom a real sprin", as about )orty percent o) t#e bottle$ (aters on t#e are not
)rom a sprin" but a tap Oinclu$in" popular bran$s li.e 43ua5na an$ Dasani&N Rea$ t#e labels care)ully&
4s t#e price o) one bottle o) @vian can e3ual (#at you'$ pay )or 1000 "allons o) #ome tap
(ater, t#ou"#, your most economical c#oice is $e5nitely to #ave your tap (ater pro)essionally
teste$ an$ to invest in an appropriate 5ltration system&
Fa&& Mad&y 4n Lo-e... :%# E2er/$e
7ou've #ear$ it a million times, an$ every time you #ear it you're #earin" t#e trut#8 you nee$ to
5+ FOBR %9F@:T7%@ F4DTOR: FOR TOT4% /@4%T/
e*ercise& @*ercise is essential to my total #ealt# pro"ram, an$ s#oul$ be as #i"# a priority in your
li)e as proper eatin" an$ sleepin"& /ere's t#e 5rst rule o) t#umb to remember25n$ t#e )orms o)
e*ercise you en,oy an$ $o t#ose& !it# so many options available, t#ere's no nee$ to )orce yoursel)
to $o activities you #ate& 7ou are )ar more li.ely to succee$ at somet#in" you en,oy& T#e secon$
rule o) t#umb is t#is2no matter (#at your a"e, no matter (#at your current #ealt# con$ition,
t#ere's al(ays a #i"#er level o) p#ysical #ealt# to reac# )or, (#ic# is really a main purpose o) li)e2
to constantly strive to "ro( an$ improve& @*ercise is not a temporary pursuit to attain a certain
(aist sie or biceps (i$t# but a li)elon" #abit t#at, i) pursue$ properly, (ill increase t#e 3uality an$
len"t# o) your li)e& 9t in a$$ition to #elpin" you loo. an$ )eel youn"er, it (ill improve your bo$y's
ability to 5"#t an$ prevent $isease, increase your brain )unctionin" an$ ener"y, $ecrease $epression,
an$ #elp you sleep better& Pair it (it# proper $iet an$ emotional #ealt# as outline$ in t#is
boo. an$ you (ill )eel t#e (ay you are $esi"ne$ to be, al(ays )ull o) ener"y an$ ,oy&
:#ere %o S%ar% ( 9ou Ha-en% Been E2er/$n'
9) you are over a"e E5 an$ #ave not e*ercise$ in years, or i) you #ave a #ealt# problem, it is
important to consult (it# your p#ysician be)ore e*ercisin"& 4s. your p#ysician i) t#ere are speci5c
e*ercises you s#oul$ avoi$ or )ocus on )or your con$ition&
:tart your e*ercise re"ime in Fmana"eable bitesH an$ "ra$ually increase& Particularly (it#
e*ercise, people #ave a ten$ency to over$o it )rom t#e start because t#ey are c#ar"e$ (it# motivationP
you can ac#ieve t#e bo$y o) an at#lete, but i) you start oM (it# a (or.out routine to an
at#lete, you're boun$ to in,ure yoursel) an$ "ive up because o) t#e $iUculty& Remin$ yoursel) to
pro"ress slo(ly, little step by little step& 4not#er .ey point is to al(ays listen to your bo$y&
9) some )orm o) e*ercise seems to be (orsenin" your symptoms, you (ill nee$ to mo$i)y your
pro"ram& 9) t#e pain or $iscom)ort continues (it# e*ercise, stop an$ consult (it# your p#ysician&
7ou can start your (or.out re"ime by $oin" lo(-impact e*ercise t#at (or.s bot# your #eart
an$ muscles about t#irty minutes per $ay& 9) you are con5ne$ in$oors, elliptical mac#ines provi$e
an e*ceptional lo(-impact total-bo$y (or.out& 1ut i) you can #ea$ out$oors, (" is a
(on$er)ul e*ercise to be"in (it#& !" is very lo(-impact so it's easy on t#e ,oints an$ it re3uires
little e3uipment e*cept a "oo$ pair o) (" s#oes& Furt#ermore, it's a "reat opportunity to see
t#e (orl$ aroun$ you, be out in t#e sun, an$ clear your #ea$& 9t is #elp)ul to $o some li"#t stretc#in"
be)ore you e*ercise& 1e"in eit#er at a slo( pace an$ "ra$ually increase to a pace t#at elevates
your #eart rate an$ is intense enou"# t#at it is $iUcult to carry on a conversation& 9n t#e 5nal )e(
minutes $ecrease t#e pace o) your (or.out to cool $o(n& Please remember t#at in or$er to
continually improve your car$iovascular 5tness levels you nee$ to increase t#e intensity over time&
4n/rea$e %#e 4n%en$%y & 4n/&ude :e'#% Trann'
Once you're in t#e #abit o) e*ercisin", you s#oul$ increase your (or.out time to si*ty minutes per
$ay& 9) you nee$ to lose (ei"#t, you s#oul$ (or.out 5ve to seven $ays per (ee., but once you are
in s#ape an$ at your i$eal (ei"#t t#ree or )our times a (ee. is suUcient& 9$eally, t#e e*ercise s#oul$
be continuous, but (it# people's busy sc#e$ules it can be split up into t(o t#irty-minute routines&
Runnin" is an outstan$in" (ei"#t-bearin" e*ercise, an$ (ei"#t-bearin" e*ercises are especially
#elp)ul )or prevention o) osteoporosis& 9 #ave been runnin" since 1<?Q, an$ (#ile 9've trie$
many ot#er e*ercises, 9've )oun$ it's one o) t#e most eUcient an$ ine*pensive (ays to stay in s#ape&
Dontrary to popular belie), runnin" is not #arm)ul to your .nees i) you #ave #i"#-3uality runnin"
s#oes& 4lso remember to c#an"e your runnin" s#oes about once every si* mont#s in or$er to avoi$
in,ury& T#ere are o) course countless ot#er (ays out t#ere to "et e*ercise& :(immin" is 3uite "oo$,
but t#e c#allen"e is t#at s(immin" pools contain lar"e amounts o) c#lorine t#at is absorbe$ into
t#e, so it is better i) you can s(im in a la.e, river or ocean& :ports li.e bas.etball, tennis an$
t#e martial arts also provi$e 5rst-rate (or.outs, but are #i"#er-impact an$ t#ere)ore more prone
to in,ury&
For in$oor (or.outs or )or t#ose (#o nee$ to maintain a lo(-impact (or.out, elliptical
mac#ines are an outstan$in" c#oice& T#eir oval-s#ape$ pe$alin" motion is )ar easier on t#e ,oints
t#an trea$mills an$ ot#er e3uipment, an$ ellipticals provi$e bot# e*cellent (ei"#t-bearin" an$
car$iovascular bene5ts& !" or race (" is anot#er "reat option )or many&
Finally, everyone s#oul$ also incorporate (ei"#t trainin" into #is or #er e*ercise re"ime&
!ei"#t trainin" is a "reat (ay to tone muscles, increase bone $ensity, an$ burn )at an$ calories
t#rou"#out t#e $ay& !#en you be"in (ei"#t trainin", you s#oul$ eit#er consi$er #irin" a personal
trainer Oyou $on't #ave to pay me"abuc.s, as most par. $istricts #ave t#em on-staMN, or invest in a
reputable boo. or vi$eo "ui$e to (ei"#t trainin" an$ )ollo( all o) t#e precautionary a$vice an$ steps
)or eac# type o) (ei"#t e*ercise care)ully& T#ere are various approac#es to (ei"#t trainin", )rom
circuit trainin" Oa series o) resistance e*ercises per)orme$ one a)ter anot#er (it# little rest bet(een
e*ercisesN to t#e conventional mo$erately pace$ sets Oa minute o) rest in bet(een eac# setN to t#e
:uper:lo( (or.outs (#ere (ei"#ts are li)te$ an$ lo(ere$ at a very slo( pace& 9 #ave personally
utilie$ t#e :uper:lo( met#o$ Ot#rou"# t#e "ui$ance o) a personal trainerN an$ ac#ieve$ "reater
bene5t (it# it in s#orter time t#an t#e conventional met#o$& 9t re3uires less time t#an a conventional
(ei"#t-trainin" pro"ram, but be (arne$ t#at it is also a more strenuous (or.out& Re"ar$less
o) t#e style o) (ei"#t li)tin" you c#oose, you (ill (ant to ra$ically c#an"e your routine eac# mont#
in or$er to prevent your muscles )rom a$aptin" to t#e (or.out an$ causin" a plateau&
88 :ay$ To S&ee+ :e&&
Many people $o not realie ,ust #o( important proper sleep is )or t#eir #ealt#& !it# to$ay's
#ectic li)estyle, our society is sleepin" less in or$er to (or. more& Researc# stu$ies s#o( t#at
$eprivin" t#e sleep your bo$y nee$s $ecreases t#e 3uality o) your li)e an$ $ecreases your lon"evity&
9na$e3uate sleep $isrupts #ealt# in many (ays suc# as lea$in" to #ormonal an$ metabolism
imbalances, accelerate$ a"in", increase$ onset an$ severity o) type-+ $iabetes, #i"# bloo$ pressure,
obesity, memory loss, an$ more& 9nsomnia is an epi$emic as +5S o) 4mericans #ave occasional
insomnia an$ 10S #ave c#ronic insomnia& /ere are some #elp)ul "ui$elines to improve t#e
3uality o) your sleep, an$ t#ere)ore your #ealt#8
1N For most people, seven to nine #ours is an i$eal amount o) sleep, (it# more people
re3uirin" nine #ours versus seven&
5> FOBR %9F@:T7%@ F4DTOR: FOR TOT4% /@4%T/
+N 7ou s#oul$ try to "et to be$ be)ore 11 p&m& 7our bo$y per)orms t#e ma,ority o) its repair
an$ recovery )unctions $urin" t#e #ours o) 11 p&m& an$ 1 a&m& For e*ample, t#e "allbla$$er
$umps to*ins $urin" t#is perio$& 9) you are a(a.e, t#e to*ins bac. up into t#e liver, (#ic# t#en
sen$s to*ins into your bloo$stream& 9t is interestin" to note t#at prior to electricity, people (ent
to be$ at sun$o(n as t#ey )ollo(e$ t#eir instinctual bior#yt#ms to arise an$ retire by t#e sun&
EN :ee. to "o to be$ an$ (a.e up at t#e same times eac# $ay, even on (ee.en$s& T#is
(ill #elp your bo$y to "et into a sleep r#yt#m an$ ma.e it easier to )all asleep an$ "et up
in t#e mornin"&
>N :leep in complete $ar.ness or as close to it as possible& !#en li"#t #its t#e eyes, it $isrupts
t#e circa$ian r#yt#m o) t#e pineal "lan$ an$ pro$uction o) melatonin an$ serotonin,
$isruptin" t#e 3uality o) sleep& 7ou can ac#ieve t#is (it# blac.out blin$s, s#a$es or $raperies
over t#e be$room (in$o(s, or (it# a sleep mas. coverin" t#e eyes&
5N 4voi$ eatin" ri"#t be)ore be$time as t#e $i"estive process can impair sleep& Moreover,
eatin" "rains an$ su"ars can cause an eventual #ypo"lycemia Olo( bloo$ su"arN, (#ic# can
cause #un"er an$ sleep $isturbance&
?N 4voi$ T&L& be)ore be$& @ven better, remove t#e T&L& )rom t#e be$room& T&L& is
stimulatin" to t#e brain, (#ic# $isrupts t#e pineal "lan$," it #ar$er to )all asleep or
sleep (ell& T#e same #ol$s true )or avoi$ance o) rea$in" materials t#at you 5n$ stimulatin"&
9) you rea$ be)ore be$, opt to rea$ boo.s t#at are rela*in" an$ peace)ul suc# as
spiritual literature&
=N !ear soc.s to be$& Due to t#e )act t#at )eet #ave t#e poorest circulation, t#ey ten$ to
)eel col$ be)ore t#e rest o) t#e bo$y, (#ic# can $isrupt your sleep&
QN 4voi$ usin" lou$ alarm cloc.s& 9t is very stress)ul on t#e bo$y to a(a.en (it# a su$$en
lou$ noise& 9$eally, you s#oul$ sleep until your bo$y naturally a(a.ens," an alarm
cloc. unnecessary& 9) you nee$ an alarm, use a $a(n simulator, (#ic# "ra$ually emits li"#t
to )ull intensity over >5 minutes, muc# li.e t#e mornin" sun& 9t is a "entle a(a.enin" t#at
$oesn't startle t#e a$renals t#at (oul$ be"in your $ay in 5"#t or Ji"#t mo$e& Type in t#e
(or$s F$a(n simulatorH on Goo"le&com )or t#e retailers (#o sell t#em&
<N 1e)ore be$, turn t#e alarm cloc. )ace $o(n so you are unable to see t#e time& 9) you
#ave trouble )allin" asleep, it (ill only provo.e (orry an$ .eep you a(a.e (#en you .eep
starin" at t#e time&
10N 9) you lie in be$ (it# your min$ racin", it mi"#t be #elp)ul to .eep a ,ournal an$ (rite
$o(n your t#ou"#ts be)ore be$& T#is ac#ieves t#e eMect o) $o(nloa$in" your $isturbin"
t#ou"#ts to paper to clear your min$&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 55
11N Keep t#e temperature in t#e be$room ?0I=0 $e"rees F, as anyt#in" (armer can
$isrupt sleep&
1+N @at a #i"#-protein snac., suc# as "rass-)e$ bee) ,er.y, several #ours be)ore be$& T#is can
provi$e t#e %-tryptop#an nee$ to pro$uce melatonin an$ serotonin& 4lso eat a small piece
o) )ruit or a #an$)ul o) berries aroun$ t#e same time& T#is can #elp t#e tryptop#an cross t#e
bloo$-brain barrier&
1EN Donsi$er t#at bot# prescription an$ over-t#e-counter $ru"s may #ave ne"ative eMects
on sleep& Keep your $ru" use to only (#at is absolutely necessary&
1>N 4voi$ caMeine an$ ot#er stimulants, as t#ey can #ave lon" lastin" stimulatory eMects on
t#e nervous system& ;ote t#at some me$ications, suc# as over-t#e-counter pain relievers
Oe&"& Mi$olN an$ $iet pills, contain caMeine&
15N 4voi$ alco#ol& 4lt#ou"# alco#ol (ill ma.e people $ro(sy, t#e eMect is s#ort-live$ an$
people (ill o)ten (a.e up several #ours later, unable to )all bac. asleep& 4lco#ol (ill also .eep
you )rom )allin" into t#e $eeper sta"es o) R@M sleep, (#ere t#e bo$y $oes most o) its #ealin"&
1?N 4voi$ )oo$s to (#ic# you are sensitive& T#is is particularly true )or $airy an$ (#eat pro$ucts,
as t#ey may #ave a ne"ative eMect on sleep, suc# as causin" apnea, e*cess con"estion,
"astrointestinal upset, an$ "as&
1=N 9) you ten$ to (a.e up at ni"#t to urinate, $on't $rin. any Jui$s (it#in + #ours o)
"oin" to be$&
1QN Ta.e a #ot bat#, s#o(er or sauna )or about E0 to ?0 minutes be)ore be$& /eat #as a
rela*in" eMect on t#e bo$y&
1<N Don't $o (or. in your be$ or be$room& 9) you $o, you may 5n$ it is #ar$er to $isassociate
)rom (or. activities (#en tryin" to )all asleep&
+0N @*ercise #elps to burn oM stress an$ clear t#e min$, but as e*ercise ener"ies t#e bo$y,
$onGt e*ercise too close to be$time&
+1N %isten to (#ite noise or rela*ation DDs& :ome people 5n$ t#e soun$ o) (#ite noise or
nature soun$s, suc# as rain)all or ocean (aves, soot#in" )or sleep&
++N :leep in a com)ortable be$& 9) your mattress is sa""in"," noises, or i) you
(a.e up (it# stiMness or bac. pain, it may be time )or a ne( mattress& D#iropractors can be
a resource )or #elpin" you $etermine t#e type o) mattress you s#oul$ sleep on& 4voi$
(aterbe$s, as t#ey $o not properly support t#e spine&
5? FOBR %9F@:T7%@ F4DTOR: FOR TOT4% /@4%T/
Su++&e*en%$6 Don% O-erdo T#e*! Bu% Do Con$der T#e$e
4 ma,ority o) 4mericans, Dana$ians, 4ustralians, an$ @uropeans ta.e some )orm o) nutritional
supplementation, an$ t#ere)ore t#e supplement business is a multi-billion $ollar in$ustry& 7et, most
supplements are unnecessary i) people eat a #ealt#y $iet& @at a me$iocre or poor $iet an$ you can
until your ban. account is $ry, but you still (on't be" a positive $ent in improvin"
your #ealt#& Le"etables, naturally raise$ meats an$ ot#er "oo$ )oo$s contain not only t#e vitamins you
nee$, but also a lon" an$ comple* list o) micronutrients t#at cannot be )oun$ in any supplement&
T#at sai$, t#ere are a )e( supplements t#at everyone s#oul$ consi$er"& 4s you'll see,
most o) t#ese are not FsupplementsH in t#e conventional sense o) t#e (or$, since t#ey are
actually real )oo$s& Remember t#at i) you #ave a ne"ative reaction to any )oo$ or supplement,
$iscontinue it& 7our bo$y (ill tell you (#at it $oes or $oes not nee$&
F$# O&ACod L-er O& (or E$$en%a& O*e'a5<
Most people are seriously" essential ome"a-E )atty aci$s in t#eir $iet& 9n )act, (#ile t#e i$eal
ratio o) ome"a-? to ome"a-E s#oul$ be 181, t#e typical 4merican2on a $iet #i"# in corn, soy,
canola an$ ot#er unsaturate$ oils, corn-)e$ bee), etc&2#as a ratio ran"in" )rom +081 to 50816
T#at alone is a prescription )or a ma,or #ealt# $isaster&
Ome"a-E )atty aci$s are essential )atty aci$s O@F4N& T#is means t#at t#ey are essential )or li)e
but t#at t#e bo$y $oes not ma.e t#em an$ it t#ere)ore must obtain t#em )rom t#e $iet& Ome"a-E
)ats are pivotal )or ener"y pro$uction, o*y"en trans)er, #emo"lobin pro$uction, membrane components,
muscle recovery, prosta"lan$in O#ormone li.e substancesN pro$uction, "ro(t#, an$ cell
$ivision, immune )unction an$ brain $evelopment& Ome"a-E )ats also #elp pro$uce so)t smoot#, an$ increase #ealin", vitality, an$ calmness& Furt#ermore, ome"a-E )ats re$uce inJammation,
(ater retention, platelet stic.iness, bloo$ pressure, an$ tumor "ro(t#&
T#e ome"a-E )amily consists o)8 1N 4lp#a-%inolenic 4ci$ O4%4N, (#ic# is )oun$ in Ja*,
#emp see$, canola, soy bean, (alnut, an$ $ar.-"reen leavesP an$ +N @P4 an$ D/4, (#ic# is
)oun$ in oils o) col$ (ater 5s# suc# as salmon, trout, mac.erel, sar$ines an$ marine animals&
D/4 an$ @P4 )rom 5s# oil is t#e best source o) ome"a-E )ats because t#e bo$y can $irectly use
t#is D/4 an$ @P4 )or its numerous )unctions& On t#e ot#er #an$, 4%4 #ave to un$er"o a series
o) bioc#emical conversions to result in D/4 an$ @P4, an$ most people lac. t#e enymes to ma.e
t#ese conversions as t#ese enymes are $ama"e$ by improper nutrition an$ stress&
Bn)ortunately, as covere$ in D#apter >, virtually all 5s# are contaminate$ (it# mercury
an$ ot#er $an"erous in$ustrial to*ins, t#us t#e ris.s o) eatin" pollute$ 5s# )ar out(ei"# t#e
ome"a-E bene5ts& 9) you are a Protein Metabolic Type in particular, you (oul$ be $oin" your
bo$y muc# "oo$ in terms o) protein an$ t#is ome"a-E by eatin" 5s# t#at #as been lab-teste$ an$
s#o(n not to contain t#ese #arm)ul to*ins& 9) you are unable to locate any in your local mar.ets
t#at you are certain are )ree o) #arm)ul mercury an$ PD1s, you can 5n$ to*in-)ree (il$ re$ salmon t#rou"# t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section o) Mercola&com&
Due to t#e )act t#at <5S o) 4mericans are $e5cient in ome"a-E )atty aci$s, everyone nee$s
to ta.e 5s# oil or co$ liver oil& Most 4mericans are so $e5cient in ome"a-E )ats, it (oul$ ta.e
consumin" 1+ bottles o) ome"a-E oil over a perio$ o) mont#s )or t#e avera"e 4merican to attain
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 5=
normal ome"a-E levels an$ to maintain normal levelsP t#ere)ore, it is #i"#ly recommen$e$ to ta.e
ome"a-E oils on a $aily basis )or li)e&
T#ere are a )e( important points to consi$er (#en c#oosin" 5s# oil or co$ liver oil& T#ese
oils are very peris#able an$ )ra"ile an$ can easily o*i$ieP )or t#at reason an$ more, 3uality assurance
is an e*tremely important issue (it# 5s# an$ co$ liver oil& T#ere is a "reat $iMerence in t#e
3uality )rom one bran$ to t#e ne*t $ue to t#e manu)acturin" processes use$, t#e source o) t#e
5s# an$ more& 4)ter care)ully revie(in" co$ liver oils an$ 5s# oils over t#e years, inclu$in" (#at
processes s#oul$ be use$ in t#eir creation, 9 most #i"#ly recommen$ Gar$en o) %i)e's FOl$e
!orl$ 9celan$ic Do$ %iver OilH an$ %ivin" Fuel's FOme"a E & @H 5s# oil capsules& T#e Darlson's
bran$ o) 5s# oil is also recommen$e$& T#ese bran$s contain no trace o) to*ins or #eavy metals
an$ #a$ very lo( levels o) o*i$ie$ )ats& Gar$en o) %i)e's co$ liver oil is e*ceptionally pure an$ is
ma$e (it# very minimal processin"& %ivin" Fuel's 5s# oil capsules, mean(#ile, contain
tocotrienols an$ tocop#erols, (#ic# as you (ill rea$ in FLitamin @H belo( means you are "ettin"
t#e necessary vitamin @ ri"#t in t#e same capsule& 7ou can 5n$ t#ese bran$s o) 5s# an$ co$ liver
oils at some #ealt# )oo$ stores, an$ t#ey are also available t#rou"# t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH
section o) Mercola&com&
4s a rule o) t#umb, you s#oul$ ta.e 5s# oil $urin" t#e mont#s t#at you spen$ time in t#e
sun, an$ ta.e co$ liver oil in t#e cooler to col$-(eat#er mont#s& @ven i) it is sunny an$ (arm,
t#ere is not enou"# BL1 ra$iation present to cause your bo$y to ma.e enou"# vitamin D in t#e
(inter& Do$ liver oil, unli.e 5s# oil, provi$es t#e e*tra bene5t o) bein" #i"# in vitamin D& On a
si$e note, 9 per)orm vitamin D testin" on all my patients since vitamin D $e5ciency is (i$esprea$
an$ a ma,or contributor to t#e cancer epi$emic& 4mon" ot#er bene5ts, vitamin D ai$s in t#e
absorption o) calcium& O9) you #ave any concerns about your vitamin D level, you s#oul$ #ave
your vitamin D level teste$, as #i"# levels can lea$ to osteoporosis an$ #ar$enin" o) your arteries&
Many #ealt# care practitioners (ill not be a(are o) t#e importance o) vitamin D testin", so
)eel )ree to searc# )or more on t#is important topic on Mercola&com, an$ (atc# t#e Mercola
ne(sletter )or a )ort#comin" national resource t#at can per)orm t#is testin" an$ more )or you&N
T#e recommen$e$ $aily a$ult $ose o) 5s# oil or co$ liver oil is one teaspoon& D#il$ren
s#oul$ ta.e one ml )or every ten poun$s o) bo$y (ei"#t up to a ma*imum o) one teaspoon&
Fu&&5S+e/%ru* =%a*n E
Litamin @ is an e*cellent anti-o*i$ant t#at protects cell membranes, $e)en$s )atty aci$s )rom o*i$ative
$ama"e, $ecreases inJammation, assists (it# nerve an$ muscle )unction, an$ #elps prevent
cancer an$ #eart $isease& 9t is especially use)ul i) you are" 5s# oils& 9t is important to rea$ t#e
labels on vitamin @ bottles, as you (ant to ta.e vitamin @ t#at lists Ftocop#erols an$ tocotrienolsH
to obtain t#e )ull spectrum o) biolo"ical activity& 4voi$ labels t#at list F$l-alp#a-tocop#erol,H (#ic#
is t#e synt#etic )orm o) vitamin @ an$ "rossly in)erior to t#e natural )orm& Bn)ortunately, most o)
t#e vitamin @ on "rocery store s#elves is synt#etic because it is c#eaper to pro$uce, but you s#oul$
be able to 5n$ )ull-spectrum vitamin @ in most #ealt# )oo$ stores& For a$ults, 9 recommen$" >00 9B o) vitamin @ $aily&
5Q FOBR %9F@:T7%@ F4DTOR: FOR TOT4% /@4%T/
=%a*n K! %#e For'o%%en =%a*n
4nyone t#at is not consumin" lar"e amounts o) ve"etables li.e $ar. lea)y "reens Oturnip, mustar$
an$ collar$ "reens, .ale, c#ar$, lettuce, spinac#N, "reen tea, broccoli, an$ cabba"e on a $aily basis
(oul$ li.ely bene5t )rom supplementin" (it# vitamin K& 4lso, it is important )or (omen (it# a
)amily #istory o) osteoporosis or (omen (it# ris. )actors )or osteoporosis to supplement (it#
vitamin K& 9n Capan, vitamin K is t#e treatment o) c#oice )or osteoporosis&
=%a*n K #a$ been $#own %o6
T 1ot# prevent an$ treat cancer
T 1uil$ stron" bones an$ prevent osteoporosis, servin" as biolo"ical bone F"lueH t#at carries
calcium into t#e bone matri*
T 4i$ in preventin" #ar$enin" o) t#e arteries an$ avoi$in" coronary artery $isease an$
#eart attac.s
9 a$vise usin" vitamin K1, a natural plant-base$ vitamin K, or K+, a bacterially base$
vitamin K, versus t#e synt#etic KE& 9 su""est a startin" $ose o) E000 mc" o) vitamin K1 or K+ per
$ay& :ince t#e bo$y $oes not easily absorb vitamin K, it s#oul$ be ta.en (it# meals t#at inclu$e
)at to increase absorption&
Probo%/$ %o Bu&d 9our 4**un%y
T#ere are 100 trillion bacteria, (ei"#in" a total o) t#ree poun$s, linin" your intestinal tract& T#is
comple* system o) bene5cial bacteria is a crucial part o) your immune system, protectin" your bo$y
)rom invasions& /o(ever, t#ey are not an in)allible army8 t#e F:tan$ar$ 4merican DietH O:4D )or
s#ortN is #i"# in su"ar, processe$ )oo$ an$ to*ic c#emicals t#at )ee$s t#e pat#o"enic "ut bacteria
an$ $epletes t#e bene5cial bacteria& T#e lac. o) a )ully eMective army o) "oo$ bacteria in your "ut
(ill impair your immune system an$ can pre$ispose you to many types o) illness&
To maintain t#e "oo$ bacteria, t#e most important t#in" you s#oul$ $o is a$opt t#e $iet
outline$ in t#is boo., inclu$in" eatin" t#e clean an$ #ealt#y types o) )oo$s $iscusse$& :econ$,
an$ especially i) you are not eatin" )ermente$ )oo$s containin" "oo$ bacteria $aily Oe&"& .e5r,
sauer.raut, .imc#ee, etcN, you s#oul$ supplement (it# a #i"#-3uality Fprobiotic,H or "oo$
bacteria& Probiotics are active bacterial cultures li.e lactobacillus, aci$op#ilus, an$ bi)u$is, but be
care)ul as many o) t#e pro$ucts labele$ FprobioticH #ave been )oun$ to contain no livin" bacteria
(#atsoever, or not all o) t#e types liste$ on t#e label& 9 #ave researc#e$ an$ e*perimente$ (it#
numerous bran$s o) probiotics, an$ 9've #a$ t#e best results (it# t#e FPrimal De)enseH bran$ o)
probiotics& 7ou can or$er Primal De)ense t#rou"# Mercola&com or you can 5n$ it at your local
#ealt# pro$ucts store&
9t is best to ta.e your probiotics (it# )oo$& 9) you are travelin" to a )orei"n country, it is
also a "oo$ i$ea to ta.e probiotics (it# you& 9n t#e event you "et in)ectious traveler's $iarr#ea,
lar"e $oses o) a #i"#-3uality probiotics2one-#al) to a )ull bottle per $ay2can clear t#e $iarr#ea
(it#in #ours&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 5<
C#&ore&&a! %#e Hea-y Me%a& Ma'ne%
D#lorella is a sin"le-cell marine al"a available in capsule, tablet or "ranule )ormat, an$ it is a superb
supplement to anyone's $iet& D#lorella, (#ile ne(er to t#e !est, is t#e most popular supplement
in Capan because it is consi$ere$ a Fmiracle )oo$&H 9t aMor$s an unsurpasse$ ability to $eto*i)y t#e
#eavy metals an$ ot#er contaminants )rom t#e bo$y, an$ is also an eMective antibiotic an$ antiviral&
Furt#er, it #elps to cleanse t#e bo(els, ai$s in t#e pro$uction o) bene5cial bacteria, an$ in t#e
pro$uction o) re$ bloo$ cells& Mean(#ile, it contains a #i"# amount o) vitamin 11+, minerals an$
protein, (#ic# it a note(ort#y supplement )or ve"etarians& 4lso, t#e vitamins an$ minerals
in c#lorella are bio-c#elate$, (#ic# means t#ey are naturally (rappe$ in amino aci$s so t#e bo$y
(ill more rea$ily ta.e t#em in t#an store-bou"#t vitamins&
7ou $o, #o(ever, nee$ to be very care)ul about t#e 3uality o) c#lorella you c#oose, as it
s#oul$ be raise$ in pure (aters an$ pac.a"e$ (#ile still )res#& T#e c#lorella 9 #i"#ly recommen$
is pro$uce$ by 7aeyama, a company (it# over E5 years e*perience in c#lorella researc#, an$ .no(n
(orl$(i$e )or its #i"# 3uality an$ absolute purity& T#eir c#lorella is ecolo"ically "ro(n in mineral-
ric# mountain sprin" (ater in t#e pure air an$ suns#ine, (it#out any pestici$es& Potency an$
purity meet t#e most ri"orous Capanese #ealt# stan$ar$s, an$ it contains no su"ar, starc#, or arti5cial
colorin", Javorin" or preservatives& 7ou can 5n$ 7aeyama c#lorella on Mercola&com in t#e
FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section&
4s c#lorella is a (#ole )oo$, it is #i"#ly peris#able, so 9 stron"ly ur"e you to ma.e sure t#at
your c#lorella is pac.a"e$ in opa3ue plastic bottles t#at are ma$e )rom P&T&@& plastic an$ contain
ultraviolet in#ibitorsP t#is prevents B&L& rays )rom penetratin" an$ $ama"in" t#e c#lorella 3uality&
7ou s#oul$ also ensure t#at t#e pac.a"e seal is airti"#t a)ter every use to t#at no air penetrates t#e
c#lorella an$ $ama"es its )ra"ile micronutrients&
9 recommen$ about t#ree OEN "rams o) c#lorella $aily to bene5t )rom its nutritional properties&
Hea&%#y Mea& Re+&a/e*en%$
T#e recipes in t#is boo. (ere create$ (it# ease o) preparation in min$, but t#e reality is t#at in
to$ay's busy (orl$, you $on't al(ays #ave time to ma.e a meal& For e*ample, (#en travelin", many
people brea. )rom t#eir #ealt#y $iet because t#ey are not able to prepare t#eir o(n meals, an$ t#ey
"rab a corn-)e$ bur"er (it# a si$e o) trans-)at )ries an$ a su"ar-lace$ Do.e instea$& Problem is, t#is
is one o) t#e most common situations in (#ic# success)ul $iets brea. apart& One ba$ meal turns to
t(o, t(o turns to )our, an$ be)ore t#ey realie it, people are bac. to ol$ ba$ #abits&
9) you suspect t#at you (on't #ave time to prepare a #ealt#y meal, t#e smartest approac# is
to be prepare$ (it# a #i"#-3uality Fsuper)oo$H meal replacement& 9'm not" about ener"y
bars t#at ten$ to provi$e little real nutritional value in relation to t#eir su"ars, carbo#y$rates an$
calories, but a nutritious meal replacement ma$e )rom (#ole )oo$s an$ )reee-$rie$ )or easy mi*ture
in (ater& T#ere are a variety o) t#em available, an$ (#ile none provi$e t#e nutrition t#at a
meal containin" )res# an$ #ealt#y )oo$s 5t )or your metabolic type can, some are )ar better options
t#an )ast )oo$, convenience store snac.s, or meals at places li.e Denny's&
1ecause many o) my patients o)ten travel, an$ because 9 o)ten $o as (ell, 9 #ave researc#e$
an$ trie$ many o) t#ese meal replacements& 1y )ar t#e best one 9 #ave )oun$ is calle$ %ivin" Fuel&
?0 FOBR %9F@:T7%@ F4DTOR: FOR TOT4% /@4%T/
9t's ma$e o) all-natural )oo$ pro$ucts t#at provi$e a (i$e ran"e o) nutrients an$ contains no "enetically
mo$i5e$ or"anisms, pestici$es, #erbici$es, or ot#er c#emicals& 7ou simply mi* it (it# (ater,
so it's also easy to use& :ome o) my patients ta.e %ivin" Fuel as a $aily nutritional supplement (#ile
ot#ers use it as a meal-on-t#e-run (#en t#ey are presse$ )or time& 9) you can't 5n$ it in your local
#ealt# )oo$ store, you can 5n$ out more about it in t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section on
Mercola&com& !#atever bran$ o) convenience Fsuper)oo$H you c#oose, remember t#at t#ey're
e*cellent as bac.-up meals, but not#in" can replace t#e nutritional value o) #ealt#y meats, ve"etables,
an$ all t#e ot#er )oo$s previously $iscusse$&
A Su++&e*en%a& Re/o**enda%on on Su++&e*en%$
9 am .no(n as a minimalist (#en it comes to supplements, but (#at t#at means s#oul$ be clear8
9 a$vocate eatin" t#e proper )oo$s in t#e appropriate proportions to your nee$s as t#e primary
means to your vibrant #ealt# an$ (ellness& 9t bears repeatin" t#at not#in"2absolutely not#in"2
is as crucial to 5"#tin" $isease an$ premature a"in", increasin" your ener"y, prolon"in" your li)e,
an$ o) course optimiin" your (ei"#t as #ealt#y eatin"&
One o) t#e ma,or issues (it# supplements is t#at many people, brain(as#e$ by t#e p#armaceutical
culture to believe t#at a pill2or #an$)uls o) t#em2can some#o( F5*H t#eir bro.en
#ealt#, are blin$ly optin" )or #an$)uls o) supplements, some#o( believin" t#ese en$less vitamin
supplements are some#o( more FnaturalH an$ F(#olesomeH t#an p#armaceutical $ru"s, an$
t#ere)ore t#e ri"#t t#in" to $o& Mean(#ile, t#ey #ave )or"otten t#e in#erent $e5nition o)
FsupplementH2t#at is, an a$$ition t#at compensates )or a missin" piece in somet#in" t#at is
ot#er(ise "oo$2an$ are instea$ usin" supplements as t#e ma"ical me$icinal main act& 9 #ave
seen many a ne( patient (al. into my clinic s#o(in" me ba")uls o) supplements t#ey've been" (#o are astonis#e$ at t#eir #orri$ an$ $eclinin" #ealt# an$ be""in" me to tell t#em F(#at
supplements are missin"0H
;inety-nine times out o) a #un$re$ it's not t#at FsomeH supplement is missin", t#ou"#& 9t's
t#at t#ey're totally i"norin" or mis"ui$e$ on t#e real main act2t#eir $iet& T#ey may $o(n 5)teen
$iMerent supplements every mornin", but t#en t#ey #ea$ oM to a $ay o) meals t#at inclu$es
processe$ "rains, a$$e$ su"ars, "rain-)e$ bee) an$ )arm-raise$ 5s#, trans-)ats, an$ arti5cially s(eetene$
so$as& T#eir $iet is $e)eatin" t#eir #ealt# an$ immune system, an$ no supplement (ill #elp
t#em& !orse, t#at same ninety-nine times out o) a #un$re$, all o) t#e supplements t#ey are" are actually" t#in"s (orse& T#at's because o) t#e ot#er ma,or issue (it# supplements8
3uality, or t#e lac. t#ereo)&
T#e 3uality o) supplements, li.e t#e 3uality o) your )oo$, means everyt#in" in terms o) its
bene5ts to your #ealt#& For e*ample, t#e synt#etic )orm o) vitamin @, $,l-alp#a tocop#erol, is
c#eap to pro$uce an$ t#ere)ore t#at is t#e )orm you (ill 5n$ on most "rocery store s#elves& T#e
problem (it# synt#etic vitamin @ is t#at it is only #al) as bio-available to t#e bo$y as t#e natural
)orm o) vitamin @ $-alp#a tocop#eryl& Most manu)acturers .no( t#at t#e mass public is not a(are
o) t#ese ma,or $iMerences in t#e 3uality o) in"re$ients an$ t#ere)ore c#ooses t#e c#eapest in"re$ients
possible to increase pro5tability at t#e sacri5ce o) your #ealt#& 1ecause o) t#is issue, i) you
are" lo(-3uality supplements you are probably better oM" none at all, as is it coul$ be
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ?1
$oin" more #arm t#an "oo$& 9 #ave revie(e$ t#e clinical bene5ts o) a (i$e variety o) supplements
)or many years, an$ (#ile t#ere are certainly ot#er companies out t#ere (it# #i"#-3uality
pro$ucts, t#ere are a )e( companies (#ose supplement pro$ucts 9 #ave personally come to trust8
Gar$en o) %i)e, %ivin" Fuel, an$ 1iotics& T#is is not a en$orsement )or every sin"le
supplement t#ey oMer, as 1N 9 #ave not revie(e$ every sin"le supplement t#ey eac# oMer an$
+N 9 $on't (ant to "ive you t#e misimpression t#at 9 recommen$ ba")uls o) supplements (#en
instea$ 9 ur"e you to 5rst an$ )oremost )ocus on your $iet& 1ut because o) t#eir )ocus on t#e #i"#est-
3uality in"re$ients an$ processes, t#ese are some o) t#e companies 9 recommen$ you consi$er
i) t#ere is a speci5c supplement you are certain you re3uire beyon$ t#ose 9 covere$ above&
On a 5nal note, t#ere are possibly a )e( ot#er supplements you may (ant to consi$er
$epen$in" on your particular #ealt# c#allen"es an$ (#ere you are on your ,ourney to optimal
(ellness& For instance, t#rou"# my routine vitamin D testin" some o) my patients s#o( severe
vitamin D $e5ciency an$ re3uire more t#an t#e supplemental co$ liver oil mentione$ aboveP
9 recommen$ 1iotics vitamin D& My ultimate point is t#at some supplements are bene5cial to ta.e
i) you remember (#at FsupplementalH means, an$ i) you remain vi"ilant about consumin" only
t#e #i"#est 3uality&
?+ FOBR %9F@:T7%@ F4DTOR: FOR TOT4% /@4%T/
E6 Pullin" 9t 4ll To"et#er8 7our Personal Total /ealt# Plan
7ou've come t#is )ar, an$ you no( #ave over t(o $eca$es o) my o(n pro)essional e*perience&
Don"ratulations6 Per#aps you're a bit over(#elme$ (it# e*actly (#at to $o (it# it all& T#ere)ore,
t#is section #as been $esi"ne$ to #elp you pull everyt#in" to"et#er an$ incorporate it into a plan in
t#e )ollo(in" manner&
1N 9) you )ail to plan you are plannin" to )ail, so create a plan to a$opt t#e pro"ram in
Fmana"eable bitesH into your li)e&
+N 4s you are incorporatin" t#e pro"ram, re)er to t#is section as nee$e$ )or a 3uic. revie(
o) any o) t#e .ey points& 9) somet#in" $oesn't ma.e sense, "o bac. an$ rea$ t#e c#apter in
t#is boo. provi$in" )ull $etail on t#e .ey point&
EN Dontinue to e*pan$ your .no(le$"e in t#e area o) #ealt#& One o) t#e most eUcient
(ays to $o t#is is to rea$ my )ree t(ice-( e-ne(sletter, searc# )or )urt#er $etail on any
topic at Mercola&com, an$ $elve into t#e ot#er resources covere$ in t#e 4ppen$i*&
A S*+&e P&an To 4n/or+ora%e T#e Pro'ra* 4n%o 9our L(e
1N Bse t#e test in D#apter 5 to "et a basic i$ea o) your metabolic type, or use t#e a$vance$
online test $escribe$ in t#at c#apter to "et a 5ner sense o) your type& :tart by eatin" in t#e
"eneral ran"e o) t#e macronutrient proportions )or your type an$, most importantly, be"in
t#e process o) listenin" to your bo$y an$ 5ne-tunin" your macronutrients to your bo$y's
nee$s accor$in"ly& T#e recipes in t#is boo. (ill #elp you to(ar$ t#at en$&
+N 4t t#e be"innin" o) your plan, anticipate i) t#ere are any emotional barriers, as $iscusse$
in D#apter ?, t#at (ill c#allen"e your ability to implement t#is pro"ram& Do you alrea$y
#ear yoursel) sayin" somet#in" li.e, FT#ere is no (ay 9 can "ive up s(eets0H /ave you
encountere$ emotional barriers (#en tryin" to implement a #ealt#y $iet be)ore0 9) you $o
anticipate any suc# barriers, incorporate t#e e*tremely eMective @motional Free$om
Tec#ni3ue O$e5ne$ in D#apter ?N, or some ot#er emotionalAmental #ealin" met#o$olo"y,
ri"#t at t#e outset& 9) an$ (#en you encounter any emotional barriers at any p#ase o) implementin"
t#is pro"ram, pull out t#e Fbi" "unsH o) @FT or some ot#er approac# as soon as
possible so you $on't aban$on t#e pro"ram an$ your #ealt#, alto"et#er& 9) you are not able
to obtain t#e results you are" (it# @FT, 9 (oul$ stron"ly a$vise you to see. one o)
t#e many (ell-traine$ @FT pro)essionals t#at are out t#ere to #elp "ui$e you in t#is process&
EN 4s you're 5ne-tunin" t#e proportions o) macronutrients t#at are ri"#t )or your type,
you s#oul$ also be aban$onin" t#e )orms o) t#ose macronutrients t#at are un#ealt#y an$
a$optin" t#e )orms t#at are #ealt#y& 9'$ recommen$ cuttin" a$$e$ su"ars an$ processe$
"rains, an$ cuttin" un#ealt#y meats an$ 5s# an$ replacin" (it# #ealt#y ones, 5rst an$ )oremost&
7ou s#oul$ establis# a timeline )or yoursel) an$ a list o) small steps to reac# your
bi""er "oals&
>N 7ou s#oul$ also be"in incorporatin" t#e li)estyle c#an"es covere$ in t#e previous
c#apter an$ summarie$ belo( into your li)e& 9 recommen$ $" clean (ater an$" essential supplements suc# as 5s# oil s#oul$ be amon" your very 5rst priorities&
5N 7ou s#oul$ create a timeline (it# speci5c "oals set in eac# perio$ o) time to (or.
to(ar$, all t#e (ay t#rou"# complete a$option o) t#is pro"ram& T#is is t#e i$eal plan to
inte"rate t#e pro"ram in sta"es&
A Sa*+&e P&an
9t is (ell establis#e$ t#at t#e very act o) (ritin" "oals "reatly increases your li.eli#oo$ o)
ac#ievin" t#em& Bn)ortunately less t#an ES o) people (rite out t#eir "oals& 9 can tell you personally
t#at (ritin" out my "oals #as been one o) t#e most pro)oun$ly bene5cial t#in"s 9 #ave $one&
Once you #ave your "oals, you (ill nee$ to implement t#em, so 9 (oul$ also #i"#ly recommen$
t#at you purc#ase a copy o) t#e boo. Gettin" T#in"s Done by Davi$ 4llen& 9t is an incre$ible
collection o) practical $etails t#at (ill #elp you clear up any FclutterH in your li)e so you (ill #ave
more room to implement t#e c#an"es t#at are $iscusse$ in t#is boo.& 7ou can or$er t#is boo. at a
$iscount t#rou"# Mercola&com&
1elo( is an e*ample o) #o( you can establis# a plan )or yoursel)& 9 #i"#ly recommen$ you
(rite your plan out an$ place it some(#ere (#ere you'll be remin$e$ o) it $aily to #elp you stay
on trac.&
9n t#is case, t#e plan is lai$ out on a mont#ly basis t#at seems to (or. (ell )or many people,
but o) course you can establis# any increments o) time t#at (or. )or you& 7ou s#oul$ also consi$er
plannin" )or t#e ne*t t#ree to si* mont#s at most, a)ter (#ic# point you s#oul$ create a ne( plan
incorporatin" ne( "oals an$ any previous "oals you $i$n't ac#ieve to your satis)action&
!#ile 9 $o recommen$ t#e "oals lai$ out in t#e 5rst mont# belo( be amon" your 5rst
priorities as (ell, you .no( best (#at #ealt# concerns you #ave )or yoursel) an$ t#ere)ore (#at
"oals you 5rst (ant to ac#ieve, so plan )or yoursel) accor$in"ly& 7ou can use t#e .ey points in
t#e ne*t section to #elp you plan, an$ o) course i) t#ere are ot#er #ealt# "oals you #ave t#at aren't
covere$ #ere, you can (or. t#ose into your plan as (ell&
T#e amount o) "oals in eac# mont# belo( may seem ,ust ri"#t, too minimal, or too
a""ressive )or youP only you .no( (#at Fmana"eable bitesH means to you, so plan accor$in"ly& 9)
?> PB%%9;G 9T 4%% TOG@T/@R8 7OBR P@R:O;4% TOT4% /@4%T/ P%4;
a)ter a(#ile you 5n$ t#at you've bitten oM more t#an you can c#e(, or ac#ievin" your "oals is too
easy, you can a$,ust it accor$in"ly& 4n$ 5nally, you'll notice t#at t#e top "oal in every mont# a)ter
t#e 5rst is to (or. on completin" any "oals )rom previous mont#s t#at #ave not been ac#ieve$ to
your satis)action& 9t is important to inclu$e t#is in your plan, as it is a remin$er t#at you're only
#uman, an$ it is only counterpro$uctive to "et )rustrate$ or "ive up i) you're not bein" super#uman2
success $oesn't mean you'll ac#ieve all o) t#e "oals all o) t#e time on t#e 5rst Oor secon$ or
t#ir$N "o-aroun$, but instea$ t#at you'll .eep tryin" to $o so& To .eep tryin" to improve, a)ter all,
is #o( optimal #ealt# is ac#ieve$&
Mon%# One
T 4)ter learnin" my metabolic type, start 5ne-tunin" to $etermine my i$eal level o) macronutrients
T :tart usin" @motional Free$om Tec#ni3ue to a$$ress (#at 9 )eel is an a$$iction to s(eets
T :tart cuttin" t#e a$$e$ su"ars an$ processe$ "rains )rom my $iet
T :tart eatin" more o) t#e ri"#t ve"etables )or my carbo#y$rate nee$s
T Bse only #ealt#y, naturally raise$ meats in my meals
T :tart" 5s# oil, vitamin @, an$ probiotics $aily, eliminate t#e unnecessary supplements
9 am"
T Drin. only clean (aterP #ave my tap (ater teste$ an$ appropriate 5lter installe$
Mon%# Two
T Keep (" to(ar$ any o) t#e "oals )rom t#e previous mont# t#at are not at t#e level 9
(ant t#em to be yet
T Get ei"#t #ours o) sleep per ni"#t, an$ try to "o to be$ an$ a(a.e at same time $aily
T :tart e*ercisin" by (" )or t#irty minutes per $ay
T :top $" pasteurie$ mil., start eatin" "rass-)e$ or"anic c#eese an$ try to 5n$ source
)or ra( mil.
Mon%# T#ree
T Keep (" to(ar$ any o) t#e "oals )rom previous t(o mont#s t#at are not at t#e level
9 (ant t#em to be yet
T Dut (#ole "rains )rom my $iet
T :tart usin" only coconut oil an$ olive oil in my recipes
T :tart tryin" to buy or"anic pro$uce as muc# as 9 can
T 9ncrease my e*ercise to >5 minutes per $ay
Mon%# Four
T Keep (" to(ar$ any o) t#e "oals )rom previous t#ree mont#s t#at are not at t#e level
9 (ant t#em to be yet
T 9ncrease e*ercise to si*ty minutes per $ay an$ incorporate (ei"#t trainin"
T :tart learnin" a me$itation tec#ni3ue or some tec#ni3ue to mana"e my stress
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ?5
Key Pon%$ o( Dr. Mer/o&a$ To%a& Hea&%# Pro'ra*
7ou can use t#ese .ey points o) my $ietary an$ li)estyle pro"ram as remin$ers o) all you #ave rea$,
an$ to establis# your personal plan&
Ea%n' Hea&%#y Food$
T @liminate or vastly re$uce "rains )rom your $iet&
T @liminate su"ar )rom your $iet&
T Most o) your $aily carbo#y$rates s#oul$ come )rom ve"etables&
T @at or"anically "ro(n ve"etables an$ )ruits&
T @at beans an$ le"umes in mo$eration&
T 4voi$ soybeans an$ most soy pro$ucts&
T ;uts an$ see$s are "oo$ in mo$eration&
T Fis#, co$ liver, coconut, an$ olive oil are very nutritious oils&
T Ma.e sure you inclu$e tra$itionally )ermente$ )oo$s li.e #ealt#y .e5r in your $iet&
T Grass-)e$ bee), bison, ostric#, an$ limite$ 3uantities o) lamb, an$ )ree-ran"e$
an$ or"anic c#ic.en, tur.ey an$ ot#er poultry are e*cellent protein sources&
T 4voi$ 5s# t#at #asn't been laboratory teste$ an$ s#o(n to be )ree o)
mercury an$ ot#er to*ins&
T Or"anic, )ree-ran"e$ e""s eaten ra( are an e*cellent source o) protein&
T" ra( mil. an$ eatin" ra( "rass-)e$ c#eese are e*cellent $airy c#oices&
Fne5Tunn' (or 9our Me%abo&/ Ty+e
T %earn your metabolic type an$ )ollo( t#e recommen$ations )or your type&
T %earn to listen to your bo$y an$ 5ne-tune your $iet to reac# t#e i$eal level o)
macronutrients )or you&
Addre$$n' 9our E*o%ona& Hea&%#
T Determine (#at your emotional barriers to $ietary an$ #ealt# success are&
T %earn @FT or obtain pro)essional @FT or ener"y psyc#olo"y assistance&
T Discover t#e bene5ts o) prayer or me$itation, an$ remember to ta.e time to en,oy li)e&
O%#er E$$en%a& S%e+$ %o O+%*a& Hea&%#
T Drin. at least ei"#t "lasses o) clean (ater per $ay&
T Ma.e e*ercise a routine part o) your li)e&
T Get at least = to < #ours o) sleep per ni"#t&
T :upplement your $iet (it# 5s# or co$ liver oil, vitamin @, probiotics, an$ c#lorella&
T Try %ivin" Fuel )or a 3uic. an$ #ealt#y meal replacement&
?? PB%%9;G 9T 4%% TOG@T/@R8 7OBR P@R:O;4% TOT4% /@4%T/ P%4;
F6 Ta.e Dontrol o) 7our /ealt# )or Goo$
1y :tayin" 9n)orme$
T#e )oun$ation o) my entire pro"ram, as you certainly un$erstan$ by no(, is t#at you nee$ to ta.e
c#ar"e o) your o(n #ealt#& T#e conventional #ealt#care system is controlle$ by $ru" companies
t#at #ave pro5t an$ po(er )ar a#ea$ o) you on t#eir a"en$as&
T#e sin"le most important step you can ta.e to stay in c#ar"e o) your #ealt# is to remain
in)orme$& T#e pro"ram $escribe$ in Part One o) t#is boo. provi$es a roc.-soli$ )oun$ation to
buil$ your #ealt# upon& 1ut #ealt# is an ever-evolvin" 5el$, so you s#oul$ strive to remain a(are
o) t#e important 5n$in"s t#at can #elp you& 9 ur"e you to subscribe to my )ree #ealt# e-ne(sletter
at Mercola&com, to access t#e E0,000 pa"es o) in)ormation at Mercola&com (#enever you nee$
insi"#t on a speci5c #ealt# topic, an$ to ta.e a$vanta"e o) t#e ot#er #ealt# resources in t#e
9) you aren't alrea$y a subscriber you s#oul$ $e5nitely consi$er my )ree e-ne(sletter an$
Mercola&com to .eep in)orme$ o) all t#e" #ealt# ne(s t#at can ma.e a ma,or $iMerence
in your li)e& !#at you'll "et2on a t(ice-( basis (it# my )ree e-ne(sletter, on a $aily basis
(it# my F/ealt# 1lo"H lin. on Mercola&com2is t#e most important an$ up-to-$ate in)ormation
t#at you can personally use in 5"#tin" an$ preventin" speci5c $iseases an$ common illnesses,
mana"in" (ei"#t, improvin" mental an$ emotional #ealt#, an$ "enerally )eelin" better an$
livin" lon"er& 7ou'll 5n$ )oo$ an$ #ealt# pro$uct revie(s an$ recommen$ations unbiase$ by outsi$e
inJuences, as Mercola&com is not tie$ in (it# any t#ir$ parties or FsponsorsH an$ accepts no
)orm o) a$vertisin" $ollars& 4n$ you'll also receive my insi"#t an$ t#e insi"#t o) ot#er e*perts on
our current #ealt#care 5asco an$ (#at to $o about it& Mercola&com is not tie$ into2an$ t#ere)ore
not constraine$ or manipulate$ by2any t#ir$ party, an$ my only policy is to provi$e you t#e trut#,
bac.e$ by years o) my o(n an$ ot#er contributors' e*pertise, o) (#at can really #elp you&
For your sa.e, ta.e action (it# t#is $ietary an$ li)estyle pro"ram& Many people rea$ F#o(toH
in)ormation, but un)ortunately never actually use it, but you can $o t#is pro"ram, you (ill
succee$ (it# it, an$ 9've seen it t#ousan$s o) times2you (ill love yoursel) )or $oin" it& @n,oy t#e
$elicious an$ nutritious recipes in Part T(o, continue to e*pan$ your .no(le$"e base, believe in
yoursel), an$ (elcome to an incre$ible #ealt# trans)ormation6
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ?=
T / @ R @ D 9 P @ :
PA R T T : O
7G6 @3uippin" 7our Kitc#en, an$ 7oursel),
)or /ealt#y"
Don"ratulations6 7ou've rea$ t#rou"# Part One o) t#is boo. an$ are no( )ully e3uippe$ (it# t#e
ri"#t .no(le$"e )or your ,ourney to optimal #ealt#& 7ou are ,ust about rea$y to start usin" t#e
recipes #ere in Part T(o, but be)ore you be"in, t#ere are ,ust a couple more t#in"s you s#oul$ .no(
to use t#em most eMectively8 #o( to prepare your .itc#en )or t#e #ealt#iest an$ most time-eUcient
)oo$ preparation, an$ #o( t#ese recipes are arran"e$ to #elp you )ollo( your metabolic type&
EHu++n' 9our K%/#en
For starters, t#e type o) coo.(are an$ utensils you use can $e5nitely impact t#e nutritional value
o) )oo$& 9t is, 5rst o) all, important to use coo.(are (it# non-reactive sur)aces& 4luminum an$
Fnon-stic.H coo.(are are bot# #i"#ly to*ic, an$ s#oul$ not be use$& 4luminum, also )oun$ in" po($er, anti-aci$s, antiperspirants, un5ltere$ tap (ater an$ even table salt, is a very so)t,
reactive metal t#at is easily absorbe$ by t#e bo$y& 9t can be $an"erous, even )atal, i) consume$ in
e*cessive amounts, an$ #as been implicate$ in t#e $evelopment o) many $iseases inclu$in"
4l#eimer's& T#e c#emical reaction o) #i"#-aci$ )oo$s li.e tomatoes (it# aluminum causes t#e
metal to leac# or mi"rate into t#e )oo$& :o, )oo$s li.e spa"#etti sauce ma$e in an aluminum pot
are a $isaster (aitin" to #appen&
:ynt#etic, non-stic. coatin"s are no better& T#ey're easily scratc#e$ (it# re"ular metal
utensils, enablin" Jec.s o) t#e coatin" to "et into your )oo$& 9n t(o to 5ve minutes on a conventional
stovetop, coo.(are coate$ (it# TeJon an$ ot#er non-stic. sur)aces can also reac# e*cessive
temperatures at (#ic# t#e coatin" brea.s apart an$ emits to*ic particles an$ "ases, inclu$in"
carcino"ens, "lobal pollutants, an$ MF4, a c#emical let#al to #umans at lo( $oses& 9s t#e so-calle$
convenience o) t#ese non-stic. coatin"s really (ort# t#ese ris.s0 Pro)essional c#e)s an$ restaurateurs
use stainless steel e3uipment an$ you s#oul$ also& :pun-steel (o.s, "lass an$ ironcla$
porcelain coo.(are are also sa)e coo.(are to use&
T#e micro(ave oven is anot#er piece o) FconvenienceH e3uipment you are stron"ly encoura"e$
to avoi$& Micro(ave ovens cause $estructive c#emical an$ structural c#an"es to )oo$& T#is
inclu$es )ormation o) unnatural ra$iolytic compoun$s t#at can ne"atively impact your #ealt#&
/ere are a )e( .ey insi"#ts to consi$er about certain tools an$ appliances t#at are i$eal )or
your .itc#en8
T#e most in$ispensable o) t#e .itc#en tools, .nives are o)ten t#e most ne"lecte$& For best li)e an$
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M =1
per)ormance, an$ to prevent acci$ents, ma.e sure your .nives are .ept s#arp (it# a butc#er's steel
or .ni)e s#arpener& T#ere is a .ni)e )or every ,ob& 4 set o) si* 3uality, precision #ar$ steel .nives,
properly care$ )or, can last a li)etime& Proper care means )re3uent s#arpenin", $ryin" imme$iately
a)ter use, an$ storin" in a .ni)e rac. or on a ma"netic bar, not ,umble$ carelessly (it# ot#er .itc#en
tools in a .itc#en $ra(er&
E&e/%r/ B&ender and Food Pro/e$$or$
T#ese are bot# nee$e$ an$ are t#e most use)ul appliances in t#e .itc#en& 7ou (ill use t#em
)re3uently )or c#oppin" nuts an$ ve"etables, an$ blen$in", soups, an$ sauces& 9t is not necessary
to "et a #i"# price$ mo$el, ,ust a #i"#ly rate$ mo$el& For e*ample, (#en my W>00 Litami*er
bro.e, 9 (ent to 4maon&com to loo. at t#e user ratin"s )or blen$ers an$ )oun$ a #i"#ly rate$
1lac. an$ blen$er )or W+5& 9 love it an$ (oul$ never spen$ W>00 on a blen$er a"ain&
One o) t#e most convenient an$ $elicious (ays to "et t#e ma*imum 3uantity an$ 3uality o) nutrient-
ric# ve"etables an$ )ruits is t#e ve"etable ,uice e*tractor& 7ou can use it to ma.e )res# ,uices,
smoot#ies, soups an$ stoc.s in virtually secon$s& Dirculatin" bla$es e*tract or Fs3ueeeH out t#e
valuable ,uice, leavin" only t#e pulpy 5ber, (#ic# can also be use$ to a$$ bul. to #ealt#y snac.s,
con)ections an$ ot#er recipes& 9n a$$ition to ,uicin", many ,uicers can also c#op an$ "rin$ )oo$,
so t#ey are a "reat value& /an$s $o(n, t#e best ,uicer on t#e is t#e Ome"a Q00+ Cuicer&
:ee t#e e*tensive ,uicer comparison table evaluatin" a ran"e o) bran$s an$ t#eir )eatures in t#e
Recommen$e$ Pro$ucts section on Mercola&com, (#ere t#e Ome"a Q00+ came out a clear (inner
in terms o) ease o) use an$ cleanin", $urability, versatility an$ price&
One o) t#e ol$est an$ still one o) t#e most use)ul o) all" utensils is t#e (o., a lar"e, #eavy,
roun$-bottome$ pan (it# a cover, use$ by t#e D#inese )or centuries& T#e )oo$ coo.s eUciently
because t#e (o. sits on a rin" over t#e burner, concentratin" t#e #eat& !it# it you can eUciently
an$ saut], ste(, $eep-)ry, steam or "et a meal on t#e table in only a )e( minutes usin" t#e
)amous Fstir-)ryH tec#ni3ue& 4 Jat s.illet can be use$ )or stir-)ryin", but t#e (o.'s roun$ bottom
an$ rin" 5t over t#e burner per)ectly, concentratin" t#e #eat an$ allo(in" you to saut] )oo$s in
sta"es," everyt#in" in one pan& Purc#ase a col$ spun-steel (o., at least 1+H in $iameter,
)rom an 4sian" specialty store or restaurant supply #ouse& Don't even bot#er (it# t#e
c#eaper aluminum, electrically-5re$ (o. imposters&
4not#er ine*pensive but truly timesavin" .itc#en appliance is t#e croc.pot, (#ic# many people
come to appreciate especially $urin" col$er (eat#er& T#is )reestan$in" electrical appliance can be
=+ @VB9PP9;G 7OBR K9TD/@;, 4;D OBR:@%F, FOR /@4%T/7 DOOK9;G
invaluable )or preparin" soups, ste(s, casseroles an$ ot#er (inter meals, especially i) you are ("
)ull-time outsi$e t#e #ome& T#e pre)erre$" insert is ceramic, (#ic# can be 5lle$ (it#
t#e"s )or a one-$is# meat an$ ve"etable casserole or a ste( t#at can simmer at a very lo(
temperature (#ile you are a(ay $urin" t#e $ay, yiel$in" a )ully prepare$ meal, rea$y (#en you
(al. in t#e $oor&
Dryin" is one o) t#e ol$est (ays to preserve )oo$& 4 )oo$ $e#y$rator is a lo( cost, lo(-)uss
(ay to process an$ preserve )res# ve"etables an$ ot#er )oo$s t#at can t#en be store$ at room
temperature& 4 $e#y$rator (or.s by removin" e*cess (ater )rom )oo$ by continuously circulatin"
t#ermostatically controlle$, lo( #eat air over t#e )oo$ in t#e c#amber& T#e t#ermostat ran"e is
usually bet(een Q5^F an$ 1>5^F& 1elo( 115^FI11Q^F, t#e )oo$ is not coo.e$, so you can
prepare ve"etable-base$ crac.ers, san$(ic# (raps, )ruit an$ ve""ie Fleat#ersH t#at are #ealt#y an$
tec#nically still ra(& T#e $e#y$rator is an i$eal an$ economical (ay to process lar"e 3uantities o)
)res#, local, or"anic or bio$ynamically "ro(n )ruits an$ ve"etables you mi"#t ac3uire in season&
T#ere are many available on t#e, but t#e @*calibur is one o) t#e best bran$s&
Seed or CoIee Grnder
4 coMee "rin$er is e*cellent )or "rin$in" small 3uantities o) nuts, see$s, spices an$ ot#er #ar$
)oo$s& 9t is especially "oo$ )or Ja* see$s, (#ic# s#oul$ al(ays been "roun$ ri"#t be)ore usin"&
S+ra& S&/er
T#e :piral :licer_ is a versatile, manual tool t#at per)orms a number o) ve"etable processin" tas.s,
inclu$in"" various cuts, slices, #al) slices, strips, stran$s an$ $ecorative spirals& 9ts best )eature
is its ability to ma.e lon", t#in, continuous stran$s o) ve"etables li.e ucc#ini an$ .o#lrabi, turnin"
t#em into" pasta, a "reat treat )or people )ollo(in" my "rain-)ree $ietary pro"ram&
Sa(e Food S%ora'e and Hand&n'
4s $etaile$ t#rou"#out my Total /ealt# Pro"ram, t#e )res#er an$ more natural your )oo$s,
(#et#er plant- or animal-base$, t#e better t#ey are )or you& :torin" t#ese )oo$s, t#ou"#, is also
critical to maintain t#eir #ealt#, an$ your o(n& Ol$, spoile$ or $evitalie$ )oo$ is a (aste o) money
t#at can also be a #ealt# #aar$& %e)tovers or )oo$ t#at is bein" prepare$ )or )uture use s#oul$
al(ays be coole$ $o(n as rapi$ly as possible an$ store$ in containers (it# a cover in t#e re)ri"erator&
Do not #ol$ or use le)tover coo.e$ )oo$ )or more t#an t#ree $ays& @ven i) it #asn't "one ba$,
it (ill certainly be $evitalie$&
!#en "rocery s#oppin", place t#e pro$uce in a plastic ba" an$ pus# all t#e air out o) t#e
ba" be)ore sealin" it (it# a t(ist tie, as t#is (ill .eep t#e pro$uce )res# lon"er& Bpon returnin"
)rom a s#oppin" trip, ma.e sure to "et your pro$uce an$ ot#er )oo$s into t#e re)ri"erator,
)reeer or col$ stora"e area as soon as possible& Moist )oo$s li.e lettuce an$ )res# #erbs s#oul$ be
(as#e$, $raine$, sorte$, an$ ba""e$ be)ore re)ri"eratin", but $o not (as# mus#rooms until you
are rea$y to use t#em& Dry )oo$s li.e onions an$ (inter s3uas#es s#oul$ not be re)ri"erate$, but
.ept at lo(er room temperature& Don't remove )oo$ )rom t#e re)ri"erator until ,ust be)ore you are
rea$y to use it, an$ return imme$iately a)ter use& !#en t#a(in" )oo$s, $o so in t#e re)ri"erator or
in col$ (ater in your sin., never at room temperature&
T#e best )oo$ stora"e containers are non-reactive, reusable ones, especially "lass an$ ceramic
containers (it# ti"#t-5ttin" li$s& 7ou can obtain reusable vacuum seal stoppers )or removin" t#e
o*y"en )rom alrea$y opene$ bottles, (#ic# are very #elp)ul )or preventin" o*i$ation an$ preservin"
t#e 3uality o) ra( oils an$ )res#ly prepare$ ,uices& Plastic is ubi3uitous t#ese $ays as a )oo$
pac.a"in" an$ stora"e material, but is t#e least $esirable stora"e material because it can leac# into
your )oo$& Try usin" more o) t#e rene(able materials )or your )oo$ cartin" an$ stora"e, suc# as
(a* paper, butc#er an$ bro(n paper, "lass, ceramic, enamel, (oo$ an$ clot#, as t#ey are #ealt#ier
)or you Oan$ t#e planetN t#an plastic& 9 personally put all my le)tovers in bell ,ars an$ 9 seal t#em
(it# a cannin" $evice calle$ t#e Foo$:aver Lac 1050 O"o to (((&tilia&comN to remove t#e o*y"en
t#at causes t#e )oo$ to o*i$ie OspoilN&
Or'an3n' 9our$e&(
T#e .ey to re$ucin" t#e time you spen$ preparin" your meals is to invest more time up )ront in
plannin"& 1y" t#e )ollo(in" steps, you (ill not only "reatly re$uce t#e amount o) time you
spen$ in t#e .itc#en, but you (ill also avoi$ t#e temptation o) last-minute conveniences t#at o)ten
lea$s to #ealt# problems&
T Plan your meals in a$vance
T Or"anie your )oo$ stoc.
T :#op intentionally, base$ on (#at you nee$
T Prepare your meals at a set time an$ prepare t#em eUciently
P&an 9our Mea&$! 9our Food S%o/,! and 9our S#o++n'
Once a (ee., set asi$e some time to plan your meals )or t#e upcomin" (ee.& 7ou can $o t#is (it#
pen an$ paper, or t#ere are recipe plannin" calen$ars t#at you can 5n$ at most boo.stores or more
sop#isticate$ $iet an$ recipe plannin" so)t(are suc# as Diet Pro an$ %ivin" you can
5n$ online at ra$iumtec#nolo"ies&com&
9) t#e #abit o) plannin" your meals in a$vance is ne( to you, t#e recipes in t#is boo. are a
"reat place to start& %ea) t#rou"# t#e pa"es an$ 5n$ all t#e recipes t#at appeal to you, an$ t#at are
a "oo$ startin" point )or 5ne-tunin" your $iet to your metabolic type& :c#e$ule t#e recipes you
(ant to try on speci5c $ays t#rou"#out t#e (ee.& 9$eally t#is (oul$ inclu$e brea.)ast, lunc#, an$
$inner, as t#e more meals you can sc#e$ule, t#e more success)ul you'll "enerally be& 1e sure to stay
realistic about your li)e an$ (or. sc#e$ule an$ plan appropriately& Re"ar$in" snac.s, you s#oul$
even pencil in (#at snac.s you'll (ant to ma.e an$ #ave on #an$ )or t#at (ee.&
=> @VB9PP9;G 7OBR K9TD/@;, 4;D OBR:@%F, FOR /@4%T/7 DOOK9;G
1y plannin" out your meals in t#is manner, you (ill spare yoursel) t#e $aily stress o) not
.no(in" (#at to eat or #o( lon" it (ill ta.e you to prepare it, an$ )rom cavin" in to eatin"
un#ealt#y )ast or prepac.a"e$ )oo$s& 9) you are travelin", you'll also (ant to plan accor$in"ly, per#aps
inclu$in" a #ealt#y convenience )oo$ li.e %ivin" Fuel Osee D#apter = or Recommen$e$
9n"re$ients an$ Pro$uct %ocator in t#e 4ppen$i*N in your plan, or at least proactively plannin"
(#at type o) )oo$ you (ill eat at a restaurant&
!#en you plan your s#oppin" list eac# (ee. in t#is manner, you'll also be able to plan
(#at )oo$s you nee$ to stoc. an$ t#ere)ore s#op )or only t#e )oo$s you nee$& T#is intentional
s#oppin" (ill save multiple trips to t#e store an$ #elp you avoi$ impulse purc#ases o) ,un. )oo$&
S/#edu&e T*e For EJ/en% Mea& Pre+ara%on
9t is #i"#ly bene5cial to sc#e$ule your )oo$ preparation at t#e same time on a routine basis& T#is
#elps it become a #abit you $on't even #ave to t#in. about, li.e "oin" to be$ an$ ("
up at t#e same time every $ay&
F1atc#"H is one o) t#e most eUcient (ays to prepare #ealt#y meals an$ save yoursel)
time, especially i) you are" )or a )amily& T#is is t#e met#o$ o)" several $ays'
(ort# o) meals at one time versus #avin" to coo. every $ay& For instance, you can roast a c#ic.en
or tur.ey )or a :un$ay $inner t#at (ill yiel$ valuable protein )or main $is#es an$ lunc#es $urin"
t#e (ee.& 7ou coul$ prepare t(o oven casseroles (#ile t#e bir$ is roastin"& 4)ter $inner, you coul$
bone, cut up an$ ba" some o) t#e le)tover c#ic.en )or Roll-Bps or c#ic.en sala$, an$ simmer t#e
bones to create a #omema$e stoc. t#at coul$ easily become soup&
T#e .ey is to re"ularly sc#e$ule one lon" or t(o s#orter bloc.s o) time )or t#ese batc#"
sessions (#ere you are preparin" enou"# )or several $ays (ort# o) eatin"& 9t allo(s you to eUciently
pro$uce a variety o) complete$ or partially complete$ meals t#at can be8 1N eaten )res#P +N
store$ properly as previously $iscusse$ an$ consume$ (it#in t#e ne*t t(o $aysP an$Aor EN place$
in t#e )reeer to be pulle$ out as nee$e$ )or 3uic. suppers an$ lunc#es $urin" t#e (ee.&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M =5
776 /o( T#ese Recipes are 4rran"e$
T#e recipes t#at ;ancy %ee 1entley #as create$ are a uni3ue mi* o) classic an$ tra$itional,
4merican an$ international )are, (it# bot# #ealt#y "ourmet an$ $o(n-#ome inJuences& 9n t#e
recipes you (ill also 5n$ a multi-$imensional mi* o) in"re$ients, tec#ni3ues an$ principles ta.en
)rom a very (i$e ran"e o)" an$ )oo$ preparation p#ilosop#ies an$ sc#ools& Many are
actually a$apte$ )rom Frenc# an$ ot#er classical" tec#ni3ues, an$ also borro( )rom 9talian,
Gree., 1railian, 4)rican, German an$ ot#er international cuisines&
1ut )or all t#e nuances t#at ma.e eac# o) t#em $istinct an$ $elicious, t#ey still all #ave one
t#in" in common2t#ey're "eare$ to #elp you a$opt an$ master my $ietary pro"ram an$ eat
accor$in" to your metabolic type& !#ile t#ese recipes are $esi"ne$ )or ease-o)-preparation an$
$elicious taste, t#ey're also centere$ on usin" t#e #ealt#iest )orms o) )oo$s t#at, as you .no( by
no(, are essential to preventin" $isease, optimiin" (ei"#t, increasin" ener"y an$ a yout#)ul
appearance, an$ prolon"in" your li)e& 4n$ t#ey're $esi"ne$ to #elp you learn& T#e main recipe on
eac# pa"e is al(ays t#e one best suite$ )or a Mi*e$ Metabolic Type, but as appropriate )or eac#
recipe, t#e "ui$elines )or Protein an$ Darb Types to properly prepare t#e recipe are inclu$e$& Tips
an$ notes accompany eac# recipe to provi$e )urt#er insi"#t to all metabolic types on #o( to
5ne-tune t#e recipe, or a$$ ot#er recipes, to ma.e it most suitable )or t#eir nutritional nee$s&
9n a s#ort time, by (" (it# t#ese recipes an$ )ollo(in" t#e a$vice in eac# o) t#em, you
(ill become an e*pert at Flistenin" to your bo$yH an$ 5ne-tunin" t#ese recipes an$ recipes )rom
any source to your particular #ealt# nee$s&
T#e (o&&own' $ *+or%an% n(or*a%on (or under$%andn' %#e /oo,boo,6
T T#e main recipe t#at appears on t#e pa"e is al(ays a Mi*e$ Type or FMRH recipe&
T Protein Types OPTN an$ Darb Types ODTN nee$ to loo. un$er" TipsH on eac#
recipe pa"e )or speci5c instructions )or varyin" t#e recipe to 5t Protein an$ Darb Types&
T Many main recipes contain no meat or can be prepare$ (it#out a$$in" animal protein& 7ou
(ill also 5n$ some F;o-Meat MainsH "eare$ to ve"etarians in t#e Main Dis#es c#apter&
T 4ll o) t#e recipes #ave been $evelope$ (it# busy people in min$& T#e recipes avera"e 15
minutes preparation time or less&
T 9) you can't 5n$ a particular )oo$, c#ec. t#e 4ppen$i* o) t#is boo. )or recommen$ations
on #o( to obtain it&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ==
How T#e Re/+e$ are Or'an3ed on %#e Pa'e
T#e )ollo(in" recipes are lo"ically or"anie$ accor$in" to eac# ma,or type o) $is# or )oo$ "roup,
suc# as Main Dis#es, Desserts, etc& @ac# o) t#ese sections be"ins (it# an intro$uction t#at
provi$es some speci5c in)ormation about t#e )oo$s an$ recipes t#at )ollo(&
"o%e %#a% a&& %#e re/+e$ u$e %#e (o&&own' abbre-a%on$6
MR ` Mi*e$ Type
PT ` Protein Type
DT ` Darbo#y$rate Type
Many o) t#ese recipes are actually t#ree recipes in one& T#e main recipe you see on t#e pa"e is
al(ays t#e Mi*e$ Type OMRN recipe& 9) you #ave $etermine$ t#at you're a Protein or Darb Type,
t#ou"#, you'll 5n$ speci5c instructions )or a$,ustin" an$ varyin" t#e recipes to your nee$s in t#e" TipsH area o) eac# recipe&
To #elp you learn an$ per)ect t#is 5ne-tunin" an$ eatin" properly )or your metabolic type,
t#e F;otes an$ :u""estionsH section o) eac# recipe contains 1N i$eas )or creatin" metabolically
balance$ meals an$ menusP +N su""estions to #elp you listen to your bo$y, monitor your reactions,
an$ (or. on 5ne-tunin" t#e proportions )or your speci5c type&
Cu$%o*3n' T#e$e Re/+e$ %o 9O;R To%a& Hea&%#
4s you un$erstan$ by no(, t#ese recipes provi$e )ar more t#an ,ust a list o) in"re$ients an$
t#e proce$ures )or puttin" t#em to"et#er& T#ey are actually tools2tools t#at taste "reat2)or
incorporatin" my entire $ietary pro"ram into your li)e so you can prevent $isease, optimie your
(ei"#t permanently, an$ live lon"er& T#ey put t#e lessons )rom Part One about t#e ri"#t types
o) )oo$s into play, an$ t#ey teac# you #o( to vary an$ customie your )oo$ inta.e )or your
speci5c metabolic nee$s& Remember t#ese "eneral macronutrient ratios )or eac# metabolic type
bac. in D#apter 58
Genera& Ma/ronu%ren% Ra%o$
Mi*e$ Type8 E0S Proteins A +0S Fats A 50S Darbo#y$rates
Protein Type8 >0S Proteins A E0S Fats A E0S Darbo#y$rates
Darb Type8 +5S Proteins A 15S Fats A ?0S Darbo#y$rates
T#ese are startin" benc#mar.s )or t#e amount o) macronutrients you s#oul$ "enerally try to
consume $aily, but instea$ o) "ettin" #un" up on t#ese numbers, it is muc# more important to
listen to your bo$y2your o(n natural )ee$bac. mec#anism t#at (ill tell you i) (#at you consume
is ri"#t or not2to $etermine your i$eal macronutrient ratios&
T#is (#ole process o) 5ne-tunin" is about becomin" more a(are o) (#at your bo$y is
tellin" you& 7ou've "ot an e*cellent startin" point by .no(in" your basic metabolic type, an$ by
=Q /O! T/@:@ R@D9P@: 4R@ 4RR4;G@D
un$erstan$in" (#at )oo$s you s#oul$ be eatin" an$ avoi$in", so no(2because only you are in
control o) your o(n bo$y2t#e rest is up to you& :ince your "oal is total #ealt#, $o not be a)rai$
to e*periment (it# t#ese recipes, or any aspect o) your $aily )oo$ inta.e& 4$,ust t#e levels an$ even
types o) in"re$ients an$ assess #o( you )eel up to t(o #ours later2(#en you )eel "reat as
$iscusse$ in D#apter 5, you are $oin" somet#in" 3uite ri"#t )or your bo$y& T#ro( out t#e FrulesH
about eatin" certain .in$s o) )oo$s at brea.)ast versus lunc# an$ $inner an$ instea$ a$opt
t#e recipes t#at ma.e you )eel best )or any meal o) t#e $ay& !#o sai$ you can't eat soup in t#e
mornin" any(ay0 T#at sai$, en,oy6
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M =<
THE REC4PES6 :ala$s
:ala$s are most people's 5rst encounter (it# ra( )oo$s& Vuic. an$ easy to ma.e, t#ey are an easy
an$ $elicious (ay to consume E0I50S o) your $aily )oo$ in a ra( state&
Remember t#at or"anic ve"etables are "enerally bot# #ealt#ier an$ tastier& T#e best (ay to
be"in t#is pro"ram is to )ocus on t#e ve"etables recommen$e$ )or your metabolic typeP consult
t#e Recommen$e$ Foo$s Tables in D#apter 5 as nee$e$& Dare)ully monitor #o( you )eel a)ter
eatin" t#ese ve"etables, an$ continue to monitor as you e*pan$ into tryin" ot#er ve"etables& 7ou'll
5n$ t#ese sala$ recipes are a $elicious (ay to e*periment (it# nature's #ealt#iest )oo$s, an$ to #elp
you 5ne-tune your $iet&
7ou can c#oose to .eep (is#in" you (ere t#inner, #ealt#ier, an$ youn"er" but not
ta.e t#e steps to actually improve your #ealt#& Or you can c#oose to ma.e ac#ievin" optimal #ealt#
a true priority in your li)e, an$ $e$icate yoursel) to ac#ievin" it t#rou"# t#e proven a$vice, recipes,
an$ resources t#is boo. oMers& Rea$ on i) your #ealt# an$ li)e are (ort# t#at eMort&
Q+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
4e"ean :ala$
An authentic +reek sala" especially goo" with summer&s .resh gar"en bounty.
87K8 *ed /u/u*ber! +ee&ed! $eeded and d/ed
7 *ed %o*a%o! $eeded and /#o++ed
7K< /u+ 'reen +e++er! *n/ed
E +%%ed b&a/, o&-e$! /u% n%o Huar%er$
7 *ed $/a&&on! $&/ed
< Tb$+ (e%a /#ee$e
7K? /u+ red wne -ne'ar
87K8 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 Tb$+ (re$# ore'ano! /#o++ed! or 7 %$+ dred
$a&% and +e++er %o %a$%e
7 combine $ice$ cucumber, c#oppe$ tomato, "reen pepper, blac.
olives an$ slice$ scallion in lar"e mi*in" or servin" bo(l&
8 crumble )eta c#eese over top& Drile vine"ar an$ olive oil over
sala$& :prin.le (it# salt, pepper an$ ore"ano& Toss at t#e table ,ust
be)ore servin"&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1>5 1+" Q" E"
Darb Type8 100 =" <" E"
Protein Type8 1=E 1>" 10" 5"" Tips
#T; Not really a #T kin" o. sala" but
a""ing @ cups tiny cauliFowerettes an"
re"ucing cucumbers to @ using E choppe"
ancho%y 2lets an" increasing oli%es to G Tbsp
coul" help. <se @ Tbsp e3tra %irgin oli%e oil.
(T; A"" > cucumber. He"uce .eta cheese to
@ Tbsp an" oli%e oil to > Tbsp. Decrease
black oli%es to @ per person /uartere".
;otes an$ :u""estions
,or a complete +reek meal combine this
sala" with the +reek 1gg*$emon :oup an"
Basic Hoast (hicken. 6pa9
D#op D#op Gar$en :ala$
A rainbow o. gar"en colors Fa%ors an" crunchy goo"ness.
8 /u+$ bro//o& Lowere%%e$
7 /u+ /au&Lowere%%e$
<K? /u+ /#o++ed +ar$&ey
8 $+r'$ (re$# *ar.ora* or 77K8 %$+ dred
7 *ed $#a&&o%! 1ne&y /#o++ed
7 E5o3 +,' /&o-er $+rou%$
B rad$#e$! /#o++ed
8 Tb$+ Ba$/ Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87FN
8 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
8 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
< $+r%3 Bra''$ LHud A*no$ Mabou% 7K8 %$+N
7 c#op broccoli an$ cauliJo(er until coarsely c#oppe$&
8 combine (it# parsley, mar,oram, s#allot, sprouts, ra$is#es, an$ see$
mi* in a lar"e servin" bo(l&
< $rile (it# oil, sprin.le (it# pepper, an$ sprit (it# 1ra""'s&
Toss an$ serve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 Q< =" ?" E"
Darb Type8 =5 5" =" E"
Protein Type8 11Q 10" ?" E"" Tips
#T; <se G cups cauliFower an" > cup broccoli
Fowerettes. 4ncrease see" mi3 to E Tbsp.
(T; A"" > cup peele" an" "ice" broccoli
stems an" increase parsley to >>J@ cups.
He"uce oil to >>JG Tbsp an" see" mi3 to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
A crunchy color.ul %egetable sala" i"eal
.or (T this %ariation on the :outhern
.a%orite 7chop8 sala" can be ser%e" as a si"e
"ish with =ust about any meat entrKe. 6r
combine it with a soup like Blen"e" Broccoli
Asparagus an" Artichoke or (reamy
A%oca"o an" a"" a""itional protein such
as turkey bacon cooke" turkey .or
#T .resh mozzarella .armer or cottage
cheese i. you are a (T.
Q> T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
Dreamy @""plant Tosse$ :ala$
This /uick yet creamy smooth "ressing a""s a per.ect contrast to the broile"
eggplant an" lea.y greens.
7K8 &b *ed e''+&an%
7 %$+ $ea $a&%
7K8 %$+ +ou&%ry $ea$onn' or %#y*e &ea-e$
7K8 %$+ dred ba$& or ore'ano
7 &ar'e #ead &ea( &e%%u/e
7 *ed /u/u*ber! $#redded & +a%%ed dry
7K8 /u+ /oo,ed %ur,ey /ube$
8 %$+ /a+er$! draned
7K? /u+ Sunny Seed Sa&ad Dre$$n' M+a'e 8<CN
7 turn on broiler& Dut e""plant into 1a>H slices& Place e""plant slices
on s#eet& :prin.le (it# salt, poultry seasonin", an$ basil&
8 broil appro*imately EI> minutes per si$e, until e""plant slices start
to bro(n& Remove )rom #eat&
< mean(#ile, tear (as#e$ lettuce into lar"e servin" bo(l& 4$$
cucumber to sala$ alon" (it# tur.ey cubes& Dut up broile$ e""plant
into c#un.s an$ a$$ to sala$ (it# capers&
? pour $ressin" over sala$ an$ toss&
:er%es @. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +0< 10" 1Q" 1Q"
Darb Type8 1E> >" 1E" 1E"
Protein Type8 +=< 15" 1Q" ++1"" Tips
#T; :ubstitute .resh baby spinach .or most
o. the lettuce a""ing @ cups torn lea. lettuce.
4ncrease "ark meat turkey to GJE cup
an" sala" "ressing to >JG cup.
(T; 4ncrease cucumber to @ re"uce sala"
"ressing to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a /uick an" "elicious mini*meal
sala" with uni/ue Fa%ors an" te3tures. This
can become a main meal sala" by a""ing
more o. the appropriate type o. light or "ark
cooke" poultry meat so it is a .ast way to 23
lunch when you ha%e roast turkey or
chicken Lor e%en pheasantM a.ter the weeken".
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +?0 +0" =" 1>"
Darb Type8 +11 1E" <" 1?"
Protein Type8 +?0 +0" =" 1?"" Tips
#T; <se whole milk .resh mozzarella
cheese the small roun" white balls in tubs o.
water usually .oun" in "eli or better cheese
section. Try using G cups .resh coole"
steame" asparagus instea" o. cucumber.
(T; <se mozzarella. 4ncrease cucumbers
to G. You might want to a"" a small =ar
o. "raine" roaste" re" peppers to this
antipasto*type plate.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This .a%orite summer sala" plate coul"
become a .ull antipasto meal sprea" with the
a""ition o. slice" bu0alo summer sausage
sar"ines pepperoncini peppers marinate"
mushrooms or black oli%es. #robably woul"
appeal more to a #T or MN type.
Fres# Moarella Plate
The 4talians& .a%orite (alabrese sala" makes use o. .resh tomatoes basil an"
mozzarella cheese. :imple spectacular "elicious9
8 *ed /u/u*ber$! +ee&ed and %#n&y $&/ed
7K8 &b (re$# *o33are&&a /#ee$e! $&/ed
7 /u+ /#erry %o*a%oe$! #a&-ed
7 /u+ (re$# ba$& &ea-e$! +a/,ed
7 %$+ $ea or /e&%/ $a&%
7G 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
8 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 assemble servin" plates& %ayer overlappin" slices o) cucumber on
plates& Top (it# )res# moarella slices&
8 arran"e c#erry tomato pieces an$ spri"s o) )res# basil on c#eese&
< sprin.le (it# sea salt an$ pepper& Drile $elicately (it# olive oil& :erve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
Q? T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
Frilly Frenc# 1runc# :ala$
This a"aptation o. a light ,rench Bistro :ala" reminiscent o. 1ggs Bene"ict
is i"eal .or a :un"ay brunch or any lunch.
8 #ead$ (r$Oe or /ur&y end-e &e%%u/e
? $&/e$ %ur,ey ba/on! /u% n%o $*a&& +e/e$
7 *ed $/a&&on or 'reen onon! $&/ed
7 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
8 Tb$+ a++&e /der -ne'ar
8 %$+ D.on *u$%ard
7K? %$+ $ea $a&%
< 'rnd$ b&a/, +e++er
B e''$
7 (as#, $rain an$ tear lettuce& Place in lar"e servin" bo(l&
8 saut] tur.ey bacon in s.illet over me$ium until crisp& Remove an$
sprin.le over "reens&
< a$$ slice$ scallion to s.illet an$ saut] 1 minute& Remove )rom #eat&
? (#is. olive oil, vine"ar, mustar$, salt an$ pepper to blen$& Pour
over "reens& Toss&
@ #eat t(o 5n"ers o) (ater to boilin" in me$ium pan& 4$$ a $as#
o) vine"ar an$ re$uce to me$ium lo(& 1rea. e""s, one at a time
into small cup, t#en care)ully slip e""s into simmerin" (ater&
Poac# EI> minutes only&
B $ivi$e sala$ onto in$ivi$ual servin" plates& Remove li"#tly poac#e$
e""s (it# slotte$ spoon an$ place atop eac# servin"& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1<+ 1>" >" 1E"
Darb Type8 15? 11" >" 10"
Protein Type8 +>E 1?" ?" +0"" Tips
#T; (oul" substitute spinach .or hal. o. the
greens. <se O slices o. turkey bacon an" O
eggs. 'ow about spooning warm 'ollan"aise
sauce Lpage >PBM > Tbsp per person o%er the
gently cooke" egg instea" o. "rizzling sala"
with %inaigretteQ
(T; Might 2n" it more appealing to use
lemon =uice instea" o. %inegar. <se only E
eggs in this recipe.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a stan"alone main "ish sala" that
coul" be ser%e" at almost any meal. #T&s
shoul" monitor le%el o. satiety or satis.action
an" increase protein i. still hungry
a.ter eating.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1>E 5" 1?" ?"
Darb Type8 ?Q 1" 10" >"
Protein Type8 1?> ?" +E" <"" Tips
#T; Not really a #T sala" unless you want
to e3change G cups o. cauliFowerettes .or
cucumbers use >J@ cup sour cream an" >JE
cup plain yogurt. :er%e G.
(T; Just your kin" o. sala" but a""
another cucumber an" substitute GJE cup yogurt .or the "airy.
RYou can create wing cuts by cutting a
peele" cucumber in hal. lengthwise scooping
out the see"s an" slicing hal%es crosswise.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This si"e sala" is a nice contrast to a plain
meat entrKe such as +rille" $emon :almon
Turkey (utlets Hoast (hicken or a plain
Broile" :teak .or a #T or MN. A"" another
%egetable "ish such as +recian :pinach or
Braise" Brazilian +reens .or a balance" meal.
Gree. Ducumbers
A tra"itional cucumbers an" cream si"e "ish as an accompaniment to a
lamb 2sh or meat entrKe.
< *ed /u/u*ber$
7K8 %$+ $ea $a&%
7K8 %$+ /e&ery $eed
7K? /u+ $our /rea*
7K8 /u+ +&an yo'ur%
7 %$+ red wne -ne'ar
8 /&o-e$ 'ar&/! *n/ed
+ar$&ey La,e$ or d&& weed
7 peel, see$ an$ slice cucumbers into (in" cuts in servin" bo(l&b
8 a$$ salt, celery see$, sour cream, yo"urt, vine"ar, an$ mince$
"arlic& Mi* (ell& Garnis#, sprin.le$ (it# parsley or $ill (ee$&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es @. #reparation time; >I minutes.
QQ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
Grille$ Ratatouille :ala$
A =i0y %ersion o. the classical summer Hatatouille #ro%encal presente" this
time as a sala" that can be broile" in"oors or grille" alongsi"e chicken or bee.
in the backyar".
7K? /u+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7K8 &b e''+&an%! /u% n%o 7K8P $&/e$
7K? &b 3u//#n $Hua$#! /u% n%o 7K8P $&/e$
7K? &b ye&&ow $Hua$#! /u% n Huar%er$
7 *ed red +e++er! $eeded and /u% n%o Huar%er$
7 $*a&& red onon! %r**ed! /u% n%o rn'$
7K? &b Ro*a or +&u* %o*a%oe$! #a&-ed
? *ed Por%abe&&a *u$#roo*$! /u% n%o #a&-e$
? w#o&e 'ar&/ /&o-e$
7 ? o3 /an b&a/, o&-e$! draned
Tb$+ dred ore'ano
7 brus# e""plant, ucc#ini, yello( s3uas#, peppers, onion rin"s,
tomatoes, an$ mus#rooms (it# olive oil&
8 "rill ve"etables over "as "rill, c#arcoal, or even un$er your oven
broiler, EI5 minutes on a si$e, until translucent an$ partially blac.ene$&
Dool sli"#tly& Dut into lar"e c#un.s an$ arran"e on lar"e platter
or s#allo( servin" bo(l&
< cut "arlic an$ olives len"t#(ise into slices an$ t#en slivers& Mi* (it#
ore"ano leaves an$ sprin.le over arran"e$ sala$& :erve sli"#tly (arm
or at room temperature&
:er%es E. #reparation time; @I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +5? 1=" +>" ="
Darb Type8 +0> 11" +?" ="
Protein Type8 +<5 ++" +>" ="" Tips
#T; Double the amount o. mushrooms an"
"ecrease eggplant to E slices.
(T; Decrease oli%e oil to @ Tbsp. <se a
sprayer or pastry brush to lightly coat %egetables
with oil. :kip all but @ black oli%es
per ser%ing.
;otes an$ :u""estions
4n a""ition to being a per.ect partner .or a
barbecue this "elicious grille" %egetable "ish
coul" easily become a whole antipasto*type
meal sala" with the a""ition o. protein
such as organic bu0alo or bee. summer
sausage .or #T grille" or BBS
chicken breast .or (T.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +51 1+" 1<" +0"
Darb Type8 +++ 11" 1+" +0"
Protein Type8 +Q> 1+" +=" +1"" Tips
#T; :ubstitute hal. spinach .or greens.
4ncrease mushrooms to G cups.
(T; He"uce oil to > Tbsp total. A"" at least
@ more cups o. bok choy an"Cor Napa cabbage
an" omit or greatly re"uce mushrooms.
;otes an$ :u""estions
#T&s shoul" monitor how you .eel a.ter eating
this "ish. You might want to substitute
tempeh .or the to.u .or greater "igestibility.
6r a"" slice" oriental bee. or bison instea"
to make it a meal sala" .or your type or MN.
(T&s may 2n" this satis.ying as it is with
a""itional greens.
/ot 4sian :#iita.e :la(
This warming spicy hot Asian*style coleslaw trans.orms those goo"*.or*you
green lea2es into a "elicious mushroom an" to.u meal sala".
8 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 Tb$+ &e*on .u/e
8 /&o-e$ 'ar&/! *n/ed
7 %$+ wa$ab +owder or 'ra%ed #or$erad$#
7 Tb$+ (re$#&y 'ra%ed 'n'er roo%
7 78 o3 +,' $&,en 1r* %o(u! /ubed
< /u+$ "a+a /abba'e
8 /u+$ bo, /#oy
7 Tb$+ $e$a*e o&
7 %$+ roa$%ed $e$a*e o&
77K8 /u+$ $#%a,e or bu%%on *u$#roo*$! $&/ed
7 blen$ soy sauce, lemon ,uice, "arlic, (asabi po($er or "rate$ #orsera$is#,
an$ "rate$ "in"er in me$ium-sie$ bo(l& 4$$ to)u an$ marinate
(#ile preparin" ot#er in"re$ients&
8 (as# an$ cut up "reens& Place in lar"e servin" bo(l&
< #eat a me$ium s.illet or (o. over me$ium #i"# #eat& Drain to)u,
reservin" marina$e& 4$$ sesame oils, mus#room slices, an$ $raine$
to)u& Doo., stirrin" o)ten, until to)u is "ol$en bro(n&
? spoon mus#rooms an$ to)u over "reens& 1rin" t#e reserve$
marina$e to a boil an$ pour over t#e sala$& Toss "ently to coat&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
<0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
K&9&:&:& :ala$ in a Flas#
#robably the simplest sala" you&%e seen yet amazingly tasty with so .ew ingre"ients
an" so little .uss.
7 /u+ 1ne&y /#o++ed /ur&y +ar$&ey
<K? /u+ $#redded ./a*a
7K? /u+ 1ne&y $#redded or'an/ /arro%
8 %$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o& or 'ra+e$eed o&
7 Tb$+ (re$#&y $Huee3ed &e*on .u/e
7K? %$+ S+,e or Mr$. Da$# -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
7 combine c#oppe$ parsley, s#re$$e$ ,icama an$ carrot&
8 sprin.le (it# olive oil, lemon ,uice, an$ ve"etable seasonin"& Toss an$ serve&
:er%es >. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 15E 10" 1?" E"
Darb Type8 11> 5" 1?" E"
Protein Type8 1Q? 1>" 15" +"" Tips
#T; You can make this more .or your type
by substituting or a""ing spinach .or part
o. the parsley. This will not ha%e enough .at
.or you so you will probably want to a"" at
least > Tbsp o. e3tra %irgin oli%e oil.
(T; <se > tsp oil. This is your kin" o. "ish
per.ect as a sala" accompaniment to soup or
main entrKe such as a stir*.ry or stew.
;otes an$ :u""estions
1n=oy this .ast an" simple sala" with some
a""itional protein like salmon eggs or
cheese .or a satis.ying (T lunch. This is
barely a snack .or most #T&s but coul" be the
sala" accompaniment in a meat*base" menu.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M <1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1>0 >" +>" ?"
Darb Type8 <Q 1" ++" >"
Protein Type8 1=? ?" +Q" Q"" Tips
#T; -ill nee" to a"" more protein such as meat or cheese. Double the celery
an" a"" whole green beans to optimize this
.or your type.
(T; 6nce again this is an i"eal type o.
"ish .or you although minimize the amount
an" .re/uency o. the gomasio groun" see"s.
The sa%ory lightly toaste" Fa%or goes a long
way so you won&t nee" much.
;otes an$ :u""estions
A great i"ea to take along with you .or a
han"y snack. You might want to purchase
one o. those small so.t*si"e" lunch bo3es .or
toting your .oo" essentials where%er you go.
A great habit to culti%ate9
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers
4n the :outh they know it as 7+ar"en :ass8 a plate o. =ust*picke" gar"en .resh
%eggies. #ack or ser%e unusual %egetable sticks with a /uick an" easy 7"ry8 "ip
.or a "oable lunch or snack on the go.
7 &ar'e or < *ed ,o#&rab or %urn+$
? *ed /e&ery $%a&,$
7 $*a&& ./a*a
7 red +e++er! $eeded
8 $*a&& ye&&ow $Hua$#
8 /u+$ bro//o& Lowere%%e$
7 /u+ $now +ea +od$
7K< /u+ Sunny Seed Go*a$o M+a'e 87@N
7 (as# ve"etables an$ pat $ry& Peel, (#ere appropriate an$ cut up
into e3ual sie stic.s&
8 arran"e on a lar"e platter (it# a small bo(l o) :unny :ee$ Gomasio
toppin" in t#e center&
< or $ivi$e up ve"etables an$ serve a mi*e$ selection o) stic.s (it#
about 1 Tbsp Gomasio eac# Oor more as $esire$N&
? serve, encoura"in" "uests to roll or $ip t#eir ve""ie stic.s into t#e
$ry toppin"& Bnusual, but "oo$6
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
<+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$
This "istincti%ely 4talian sala" with its re" green white an" black colors is
a popular summer .a%orite. +oes together super .ast an" looks great on a bu0et
table in a tall glass container.
7 /u+ /#erry %o*a%oe$! #a&-ed and $eeded
7 *ed 'reen +e++er! $eeded
E o3 +ro-o&one or *o33are&&a /#ee$e
7K? /u+ b&a/, o&-e$! draned
7 *ed /u/u*ber! $eeded
7 *ed red onon
8Q< $+r'$ (re$# ba$& &ea-e$! %orn! or 8 %$+ dred ba$&
7K? /u+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
8 Tb$+ red wne -ne'ar
7K8 %$+ $ea $a&%
<Q? 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 cut ve"etables an$ c#eese into e3ual sie cuts, about 1a+H eac#&
8 in lar"e mi*in" bo(l, combine c#erry tomatoes, "reen pepper,
c#eese cubes, blac. olives, cucumber, onion, an$ basil leaves&
< (#is. olive oil, vine"ar, salt an$ pepper to"et#er to blen$&
? pour over sala$ an$ toss li"#tly to coat& :erve imme$iately or cover
an$ marinate 1I+ #ours in re)ri"erator&
:er%es A. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +<0 +>" =" 1E"
Darb Type8 1Q> 1+" 10" <"
Protein Type8 EE< +<" <" 1E"" Tips
#T; An i"eal sala" .or your type hea%y on
protein an" .at. You coul" increase oli%es to
GJ E cup an" oli%e oil to >JG cup. A"" @ stalks
celery cut into appropriate size chunks. <se
>I oz cheese.
(T; Too high in .at as is you can "ecrease
the oli%es to O or so cut in hal.. <se only hal.
the cheese an" use mozzarella. A""
another cucumber to your recipe an" ser%e E.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This hearty sala" can be ma"e into another
4talian antipasto*type meal sala" plate" on
a large Fat platter line" with lettuce lea%es.
#T&s can a"" ancho%ies herring marinate"
mussels or cubes or slices o. bison summer
sausage or turkey ham. (T&s might want to
a"" ra"ishes =icama pickle" or .resh okra
or Brussels sprouts to this color.ul array.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1?0 1+" 1+" >"
Darb Type8 1>1 =" 1=" 5"
Protein Type8 1<? 1=" 10" >"" Tips
#T; :ubstitute > cup choppe" spinach .or
> cup o. the parsley. He"uce tomatoes to
>J @ cup. 4ncrease oil to G Tbsp. <se >J E cup
pine nuts.
(T; 4"eal .or your type. A"" > me" choppe"
cucumber. He"uce oli%e oil to >>JG Tbsp.
:prinkle top with a .ew pine nuts. :er%es G.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a great summer sala" i"eal .or (T.
To make it a meal sala" (T coul" a"" L@?G
ozM o. .eta cheese an" some choppe" egg. #T
an" MN coul" a"" choppe" bison or organic
bee. summer sausage or ser%e with a""itional
protein like marinate" herring.
Mi$$le @astern :ala$
This no*grain %ersion o. Taboulleh a Me"iterranean .a%orite is packe" with
anti*o3i"ant %itamins A an" (.
8 /u+$ /ur&y +ar$&ey! /#o++ed
8 /u+$ La%5&ea( 4%a&an +ar$&ey! /#o++ed
8 *ed /u/u*ber$! +ee&ed! $eeded! 1ne&y d/ed
<K? /u+ 1ne&y /#o++ed %o*a%oe$
<K? /u+ 1ne&y d/ed /e&ery
7 /u+ /#o++ed (re$# *n% &ea-e$
7 Tb$+ +ne nu%$
8 Tb$+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
8 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 %$+ $a&%
< 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
7 combine curly an$ Jat-lea) parsleys, cucumber, tomatoes, celery,
mint leaves, an$ pine nuts in me$ium sala$ bo(l&
8 mi* lemon ,uice, olive oil, salt an$ pepper in small cup an$ pour
over sala$& Toss (ell to mi*&
< trans)er to servin" bo(l or $ivi$e into servin"s on lettuce-line$
plates& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
<> T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
;ort#(oo$s 1roccoli :ala$
Heminiscent o. that popular broccoli*bacon*raisin "eli sala" with an up
North twist.
8 #ead$ or'an/ bro//o&
7K8 $*a&& red onon! *n/ed
8 Tb$+ dred /ranberre$! *n/ed
B $%r+$ %ur,ey ba/on! /#o++ed
7K8 /u+ *ayonna$e
7K? /u+ +&an or'an/ yo'ur%
7K? /u+ or'an/ wa&nu%$! /#o++ed
7 (as# an$ c#op broccoli #ea$s an$ peele$, ten$er parts o) stems into
lar"e mi*in" or servin" bo(l& Mi* (it# mince$ re$ onion an$ mince$
$rie$ cranberries&
8 saut] tur.ey bacon strips over me$ium #eat in QH s.illet until crisp,
but not burnt& Remove an$ crumble over broccoli&
< mi* mayonnaise an$ yo"urt to"et#er in measurin" cup& Pour over
sala$& Toss to mi*& Mi* in c#oppe$ (alnuts& :erve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E1E +0" E1" <"
Darb Type8 1E> 10" <" >"
Protein Type8 E1Q 1Q" E+" 1>"" Tips
#T; <se > hea" broccoli an" > hea" cauliFower.
<se O strips turkey bacon an"
increase walnuts to >JG cup. :ubstitute currants
.or "rie" cranberries.
(T; He"uce bacon to @ strips. <se >JE cup
mayo an" >J@ cup plain yogurt.
He"uce walnuts to @ Tbsp choppe" sprinkle"
on top.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This hearty col" weather sala" woul" be a
nice accompaniment to a chili or stew or
another type o. crockpot meal such as (rockpot
(hicken (urry or Venison :tew. A""itional
protein such as more turkey ham instea" o.
bacon coul" make it into a stan"alone meal
sala" especially .or #T. (T&s coul" pair it
with a (urrie" #eanut :oup or Miso :oup
with -atercress .or a satis.ying meal.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M <5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1QE 1>" 15" >"
Darb Type8 10Q =" 11" E"
Protein Type8 1Q1 1>" 15" >"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease celery to @ cups an" use only >
cup "ice" cucumber.
(T; 4ncrease cucumber to @>JE cups an" use
only GJE cup celery. <se >J@ a%oca"o blen"ing
it with lime =uice %egetable seasoning an" @
Tbsp o. water .or a smooth a%oca"o "ressing.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is more o. a #T kin" o. sala" with its
creamy chunks o. a%oca"o. :/uares o. pro%olone
an"Cor E oz o. turkey ham per ser%ing
coul" turn this into a meal sala" .or all types.
Vuic. Drunc#y cDa$o
A nice combination o. creamy cool an" crunchy.
77K8 /u+$ /u/u*ber! +ee&ed! $eeded and d/ed
77K8 /u+$ /e&ery! /#un,y /u%$
7 *ed a-o/ado! +%%ed and /ubed
7K8 /u+ d&& +/,&e '#er,n$! /#o++ed
7K8 /u+ La%5&ea( 4%a&an +ar$&ey! &oo$e&y +a/,ed
7 %$+ &*e .u/e
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$ Da$#
@QB 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
? &ea( &e%%u/e &ea-e$
7K? /u+ b&a/, o&-e $&/e$
7 place cut up cucumber, celery, avoca$o, an$ $ill pic.les in lar"e
mi*in" or servin" bo(l& Le"etable cuts )or t#is recipe s#oul$ be
rou"#ly e3ual, about 1a+H eac#&
8 rou"#ly c#op Jat-lea) parsley& :tir into sala$ in"re$ients&
< pour lime ,uice over sala$ an$ stir li"#tly& 4$$ ve"etable seasonin"
an$ pepper& :tir li"#tly to mi*, bein" care)ul not to smas# avoca$o
pieces& :erve imme$iately (it# lea) lettuce leaves an$ blac. olive "arnis#&
:er%es @. #reparation time; >I minutes.
<? T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
:ea :ala$
Brimming with important trace minerals your bo"y likely nee"s this unusual looking
Asian*inspire" recipe will kick up the Fa%or an" nutrition o. your mini*meals.
8 &b$ *2ed $+rn' 'reen$
77K8 /u+$ Sea Sa&ad Sde M+a'e 8?BN
7K? /u+ Sa-ory Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87@N
7 (as# an$ $rain sprin" "reens, i) not alrea$y pre-(as#e$& Divi$e
sala$ onto in$ivi$ual servin" plates or servin" bo(l&
8 top (it# :ea :ala$ :i$e mi*ture, pourin" ,uice over top as $ressin"&
< serve as is, or sprin.le$ (it# :avory :unny :ee$ Mi*, i) $esire$&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 15? Q" 1Q" ?<"
Darb Type8 =? >" <" >"
Protein Type8 1=? 11" 1?" Q"" Tips
#T; (an "ouble see" mi3. You may 2n"
you want to a"" another tablespoon o. oil
.or more satiety. :ubstitute spinach .or part
o. the mi3e" greens.
(T; He"uce the see" mi3 to @ Tbsp sprinkle"
on top o. the sala" or use a .ew sprinkles
L> tspM o. :unny :ee" +omasio instea".
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a nutrient*rich sala" that coul" be
ser%e" with an 6riental*style "ish such as
6strich :tir*,ry i. you are a (T or e%en 'ot
-ings Thighs ) Things or Miso +laze"
:almon .or #rotein types.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M <=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 15= <" 10" 1E"
Darb Type8 1+E =" =" <"
Protein Type8 1=Q 10" 11" 1>"" Tips
#T; (an increase see" mi3 to >J E cup an"
"ouble the mushrooms. :ubstitute celery .or
cucumber i. "esire".
(T; :ince spinach is not one o. your highly
recommen"e" greens replace at least hal. o.
the spinach with a mi3ture o. bok choy
Napa cabbage parsley watercress or other
greens. 4ncrease cucumbers to @. Top with
Basic 'erb Vinaigrette. :kip see" mi3 an"
a"" >J @ cup mung bean sprouts.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is an i"eal sala" .or a #T. Make it into
a meal sala" by increasing the eggs an"
a""ing turkey bacon bits. 6r ser%e with
'erb :easone" Broile" :teak 'orsera"ish
Bu0alo Burgers or Mustar" Tarragon
:almon .or a "elicious satis.ying meal.
:pinac# :ala$
:pinach an" mushrooms two o. the #rotein Type&s most recommen"e" %egetables
coe3ist happily in this popular sala" with a sa%ory see" topping.
8 7G o3 ba'$ (re$# baby $+na/# &ea-e$! wa$#ed and $%e**ed
or 'reen$ (or CT M$ee /oo,n' %+$ be&owN
E o3 bu%%on *u$#roo*$! $&/ed
7K8 *ed /u/u*ber! +ee&ed! $eeded and $&/ed
? e''$! $e*5#ard/oo,ed! #a&-ed
8 Tb$+ Sa-ory Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87@N
8 Tb$+ Ba$/ Herb =na're%%e or Sunny Seed Sa&ad Dre$$n' M+a'e 8<CN
7 $rain spinac# an$ pat $ry (it# paper to(els or spin $ry in sala$
spinner& Place in servin" bo(l or on in$ivi$ual sala$ plates&
8 arran"e mus#rooms, cucumber slices, an$ e"" #alves on sala$& Top
(it# :avory :unny :ee$ Mi* an$ 1asic /erb Linai"rette or :unny
:ee$ :ala$ Dressin"&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
<Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
:tuMe$ an$
A %ersatile little recipe that goes as appetizer snack or sala" to the ne3t
potluck when you "on&t know what to "o with all those cucumbers an" zucchinis
in your gar"en.
E baby 3u//#n
E $*a&& /u/u*ber$
<K? /u+ Se$a*e M$o S+read M+a'e 887N
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed /ur&y +ar$&ey
7 (as# ucc#inis an$ cucumbers an$ cut in #al) len"t#(ise& :coop
out see$s (it# melon baller or small measurin" spoon& Discar$ or put
t#rou"# ,uicer&
8 s#re$ t(o o) t#e baby ucc#inis on t#e lar"er #oles o) a ve"etable
"rater& Gently pat $ry (it# paper to(el an$ place in small bo(l&
< a$$ c#oppe$ parsley an$ sesame sprea$ to s#re$$e$ ucc#ini an$
mi* to"et#er until combine$&
? pile ve"etable 5llin" into ucc#ini an$ cucumber #alves& 4rran"e on
platter, $ecorate (it# parsley spri"s an$ allo( + FboatsH per person&
:er%es O. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1?0 1+" 11" 5"
Darb Type8 1E< 10" 10" 5"
Protein Type8 1Q< 1?" Q" ?"" Tips
#T; (oul" use hal. celery stalks instea" o.
cucumbers. 4ncrease :esame Miso :prea" to
> cup.
(T; He"uce :esame :prea" to >J@ cup an"
increase choppe" parsley to > cup.
;otes an$ :u""estions
These %egetable*stu0e" %egetables make a
great (T platter. Just re"uce the amount o.
see"s or use hummus bean sprea" instea" o.
sesame sprea". :er%e as an appetizer counte"
as a %egetable or sala" .or part o. your
balance" meal. #T&s will probably want to
a"" more protein to .eel satis2e" but this
can be a great carry*along snack as well.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M <<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 11? <" Q" E"
Darb Type8 <0 ?" 10" E"
Protein Type8 1?5 1>" E" >"" Tips
#T; You can substitute > cup o. spinach .or
> cup o. the green cabbage a"" >J@ cup 2nely
slice" celery an" "ecrease re" cabbage to >J@
cup. 4ncrease see" mi3 to >JE cup an" oil to
G Tbsp.
(T; A"" > large zucchini shre""e". <se
>>J @ Tbsp grapesee" oil. He"uce see" mi3 to
> Tbsp or use @ tsp :unny :ee" +omasio
sprinkle" on top.
;otes an$ :u""estions
A rainbow o. colors an" Fa%ors this sala" is
a way to spark up winter meals an"
appetites. A"" a bit o. toaste" sesame oil .or
an 6riental Fa%or. #air this with a stew
chili or 'ot -ings .or a satis.ying meal .or
game night. 6r ser%e it as the sala" si"e in
a tailgate picnic basket with col" o%en
7.rie"8 chicken breast.
:unny Rainbo( Dabba"e :ala$
This coleslaw plus is not only beauti.ul it&s a winner in the Fa%or "epartment
one o. those col" weather sala"s you&ll use again an" again.
8 /u+$ $#redded 'reen /abba'e
7 /u+ $#redded red /abba'e
7K8 /u+ 1ne&y $#redded /arro%$
8K< /u+ +ar$&ey! /#o++ed
7 *ed $/a&&on! /#o++ed
8 Tb$+ 'ra+e$eed o&
8 Tb$+ a++&e /der -ne'ar
7 %$+ d&& weed
7 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$.Da$#
8 Tb$+ Sa-ory Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87@N
7 in lar"e servin" bo(l, combine cabba"es, carrots, parsley, an$ scallion&
8 combine oil, vine"ar, $ill (ee$, an$ ve"etable seasonin"& Pour over
sala$& :prin.le (it# see$ mi* an$ toss (ell&
< Javor is improve$, i) re)ri"erate$ )or at least +0 minutes be)ore servin"&
:erves >& Preparation time8 15 minutes&
100 T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%4D:
!atercress :ala$
A "elight.ul spring*into*summer sala" that goes well with almost any salmon
or light chicken "ish.
< Tb$+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
8 %$+ D.on *u$%ard
8 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7K8 %$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
< bun/#e$ wa%er/re$$! wa$#ed and $%e**ed
7 /u+ ./a*a! +ee&ed! /u% n%o $%/,$
8 Tb$+ $&-ered a&*ond$! %oa$%ed
8 Tb$+ (e%a /#ee$e! /ru*b&ed
7 in ,ar or "lass measurin" cup, combine lemon ,uice, mustar$, olive
oil, tamari, an$ pepper& !#is. to blen$&
8 (as# an$ stem (atercress& Place in lar"e servin" bo(l& Drile on
$esire$ amount o) sala$ $ressin" an$ li"#tly toss to coat&
< $ivi$e sala$ onto servin" plates& Top (it# ,icama stic.s, almon$s,
an$ )eta c#eese& :erve imme$iately&
:erves >& Preparation time8 10 minutes&
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1E> 10" Q" >"
Darb Type8 1+? <" 10" E"
Protein Type8 +E5 ++" ?" ="" Tips
#T; (an a"" @ cups torn spinach an" >
cup asparagus cuts to make this sala" more
in line with your type. 4ncrease oil to >JE cup.
<se @JG cup =icama sticks. 4ncrease nuts to G
Tbsp an" .eta cheese to G oz.
(T; (an increase =icama to >>J @ cups.
He"uce oil to > Tbsp. He"uce or eliminate
almon"s an" substitute slice" waterchestnuts.
;otes an$ :u""estions
A "elight.ul sala" that goes well with almost
any salmon or light chicken "ish. A meal .or
any type but especially #T.
THE REC4PES6 Le"etables
%o( in calories an$ )at, #i"# in 5ber, an$ (it# almost all t#e vitamins an$ minerals your bo$y
nee$s, ve"etables are t#e nutritional "ol$mine o) all )oo$s& Fortunately, t#ere is a (i$e $iversity o)
ve"etables available, an$ t#e recipes in t#is ma.e "reat use o) t#em, especially t#e lo(er
carbo#y$rate, non-starc#y, above-"roun$ ve"etables recommen$e$ )or your metabolic type&
7ou'll 5n$ yoursel) usin" ve"etables in some une*pecte$ (ays (it# t#ese recipes& 9n a$$ition to
one-$is# meals li.e ste(s, soups an$ sala$s, you'll also 5n$ ne( an$ interestin" recipes )or sproute$
snac. ve"etables ma$e )rom beans an$ see$s, )ermente$ ve"etables li.e sauer.raut, an$ nutritious
sea an$ lan$ ve"etable combos& 7ou'll 5n$ ,uice$ an$ pur]e$ ve"etables ma$e into bevera"es, an$
$e#y$rate$ into Le"etable %eat#ers an$ ;o-Grain Le"etable Drisper crac.ers )or tasty snac.s& 7ou'll
even 5n$ no-"rain (rappers )or san$(ic#es an$ roll-ups, ma$e primarily )rom ve"etables&
!it# t#e tools an$ recipes in t#is boo., you (ill not only be able to eat your ve""ies2you
(ill really en,oy t#em as li)elon" partners in #elpin" you ac#ieve total #ealt# an$ (ell-bein"&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 101
10+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
1raise$ 1railian Greens
-hen Fash*seare" in a wok or hea%y skillet instea" o. being cooke" to "eath
in water "ark lea.y greens like collar"s kale or swiss char" become a whole
new eating e3perienceTan" retain their nutrients.
< &b$ /o&&ard 'reen$! ,a&e! %urn+ 'reen$!
bo, /#oy! Sw$$ /#ard or *2%ure o( dar, &ea(y 'reen$
8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
C /&o-e$ (re$# 'ar&/! /#o++ed
B o3 %ur,ey #a*! d/ed
7K? /u+ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
? 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
85< da$#e$ #o% +e++er $au/e
7 (as# "reens& Dut alon" mi$$le to remove (oo$y stems&
8 cut into c#iMona$e or t#in strips by rollin" stac.e$ "reen leaves
len"t#(ise into a roll an$ cuttin" cross(ise into 1a>H strips&
< #eat a lar"e (o. or $eep #eavy s.illet (it# cover over #i"# #eat&
!#en #ot, a$$ oil an$ "arlic, an$ saut] )or E0I>5 secon$s or until
startin" to bro(n li"#tly& 4$$ tur.ey #am an$ saut] )or 1 more minute&
? a$$ cut up "reens an$ stir-)ry over #i"# #eat, stirrin" constantly )or
about a minute& 4$$ (ater, cover an$ steam )or about + minutes&
@ a$$ seasonin"s an$ taste& :erve imme$iately as a si$e $is# or on its
o(n as a satis)yin" mini-meal&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1Q? <" 1=" 1>"
Darb Type8 111 >" 1?" Q"
Protein Type8 +=Q 1>" +1" ++"" Tips
#T; :ubstitute @ lbs spinach an" use only
> lb o. the other greens. 4ncrease turkey ham
to >I ounces.
(T; He"uce coconut oil to > Tbsp. 6mit or
re"uce turkey ham to G oz i. combining
this "ish with another %egetable .or a whole
meal. (oul" also use" semi*har"cooke" eggs
as protein.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a /uick an" easy stan"alone meal or
mini*meal .or .all or winter when "ark
lea.y greens are plenti.ul. This can be paire"
with "ark meat turkey cutlets or a bison
meatloa. .or a #T meal. (T&s coul" use it
with (runchy (hicken (asserole white
meat Hoast (hicken 6strich Meatballs. 6r
a"" @?G oz o. turkey ham cut into matchsticks
an" another %egetable such as :autKe"
(abbage with Dill.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 10E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1Q> 15" 10" 5"
Darb Type8 1>0 10" 10" 5"
Protein Type8 ++Q +0" 10" 5"" Tips
#T; <se >J@ cup (urry Dressing.
(T; <se >JE cup re"uce" .at (urry Dressing
Luse >J@ yogurt an" >J@ mayonnaiseM.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This simple yet "ressy %egetable "ish can
complete a primarily meat*base" entrKe
such as +rille" (aribbean (hicken Hoast
(hicken or Turkey or e%en a plain meat or
sea.oo" "ish such as Broile" Miso :almon or
'erb :easone" :teak Broil .or a #T. (T
eaters can use the re"uce" .at %ersion o. the
(urry Dressing an" en=oy the "ish combine"
with a soup meat an" %egetable sala" or
casserole .or a complete repast.
1roccoli-in-a-/urry Durry
Almost e%eryone likes this simple yet slightly e3otic*tasting %egetable "ish. ,ast
easy an" elegant e%en i. you&re preparing .or a special gathering or entertaining.
7 #ead bro//o&
7K< /u+ Curry Mayonna$e M+a'e 8<EN
7 (as# broccoli an$ cut oM (oo$y en$s& Dut broccoli into spears&
8 steam broccoli over boilin" (ater in a steamer or colan$er
)or = or so minutes until bri"#t
< spoon Durry Mayonnaise over #ot broccoli in servin" $is# or serve
on t#e si$e& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
10> T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
1roile$ @""plant Parmis#
This 1ggplant 7#armesan*ish8 %egetable "ish has the taste o. the authentic
%ersion but is rea"y in a .raction o. the time with a .raction o. the carbs.
7 *ed e''+&an%! /u% on an an'&e n%o 7K?P $&/e$
7 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 %$+ $ea $a&%
7 Tb$+ +ou&%ry $ea$onn'
8 %$+ dred ore'ano or ba$&
8 *ed %o*a%oe$! %#n&y $&/ed
? Tb$+ Ba$& Pe$%o M+a'e 8<FN
7K? /u+ 'ra%ed Par*e$an /#ee$e
7 turn on broiler& 1rus# or spray e""plant slices li"#tly on bot# si$es
(it# oil& :prin.le (it# salt, poultry seasonin", an$ ore"ano or basil leaves&
8 broil e""plant slices )or EI> minutes on eac# si$e, until t#ey start to bro(n&
< remove )rom oven& Place a t#in slice o) tomato on eac# e""plant
slice an$ sprea$ (it# 1asil Pesto&
? sprin.le "rate$ Parmesan c#eese over top an$ broil )or 1I+ more
minutes until (arme$ t#rou"#, an$ pesto an$ c#eese start to bubble&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 10? ?" 1+" 5"
Darb Type8 <0 5" 11" E"" Tips
#T; 1ggplant is not really a #T type o. %egetable
so you&ll probably want to skip this "ish.
(T; He"uce the pesto an" #armesan cheese
to @ Tbsp each .or the whole recipe.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This coul" be ser%e" as a %egetable si"e
"ish with a Marinate" 4talian :ala" ,resh
Mozzarella #late or ,ennel #armesan an" a
sala". 6r increase portion size by ser%ing to @
only an" ser%e with 'orsera"ish Bu0alo.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 105
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1?E Q" +1" ?"
Darb Type8 1EE 5" +1" ?"
Protein Type8 1>< Q" Q" ?"" Tips
#T; A"apt this more to your type by substituting
spinach .or kale using hal. green
beans an" hal. Brussels sprouts a""e" at the
same time.
(T; He"uce oil to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This .ast col" season %egetable coul" be
ma"e into a mini*meal by ser%ing it with
slice" turkey ham Bee. Un Beer :tew or
+roun" Turkey an" +ra%y on a .rosty mi"winter
1russels :prouts Trio
These /uickly braise" 7little cabbages8 =oin kale an" leeks in a %egetable si"e
lace" with country Di=on mustar".
8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! $*a$#ed
8 *ed &ee,$! wa$#ed and $&/ed
? /u+$ Bru$$e&$ $+rou%$! wa$#ed! $%e**ed and Huar%ered
7 %$+ (re$# or 77K8 %$+ dred ro$e*ary
7 bun/# ,a&e! $%e*$ re*o-ed! /oar$e&y /#o++ed
7K? /u+ wa%er
< Tb$+ D.on or /oun%ry D.on *u$%ard
7 #eat a (o. or $eep, #eavy porcelain-cla$ pan (it# a cover over #i"# #eat&
8 a$$ oil an$ "arlic, stir )or a )e( secon$s& T#en a$$ lee. slices& :tir)ry,
stirrin" constantly, )or about +IE minutes or until lee.s start to (ilt&
< a$$ 1russels sprouts an$ rosemary an$ stir-)ry )or +IE minutes&
Re$uce #eat to me$ium, a$$ cut up .ale an$ (ater, stirrin" to combine&
Dover an$ steam )or EI5 minutes, until )or. ten$er&
? remove cover, stir in Di,on mustar$ to coat& Remove to servin" $is#
an$ serve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
10? T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
DauliJo(er (it# Tapena$e Dro(n
A simple yet elegant steame" cauliFower with an oli%e tapena"e or oli%e*nut
paste crown. :oun"s more complicate" than it really is yet looks beauti.ul
with cauliFowerettes reassemble" to look like a whole hea" on its own original
lea.y base 7plate.8
7 #ead /au&Lower! abou% 8 +ound$
? Tb$+ B&a/, O&-e Ta+enade M+a'e 8?GN
7 place a steamer or strainer into t#e bottom o) a lar"e covere$
.ettle& 4$$ 1I+H o) (ater an$ brin" to a boil&
8 (" )rom t#e bac. o) t#e cauliJo(er #ea$, remove leaves an$
stem in one piece by pullin" bac. leaves an$ cuttin" stem t#rou"# at
t#e base o) t#e #ea$& Place base plate on platter or Jat servin" $is#&
< bein" care)ul an$ usin" a s#arp .ni)e, brea. cauliJo(er into +IEH
Jo(erettes, cuttin" $eep "as#es in stems to s#orten" time&
? steam cauliJo(erettes over boilin" (ater on me$ium #i"#, until
barely ten$er, )or appro*imately QI< minutes& Remove )rom #eat&
@ reassemble cauliJo(erettes to loo. li.e ori"inal #ea$ on top o) t#eir
leaves on platter& :prea$ or moun$ olive tapena$e over top an$ serve&
Or serve accompanie$ by a small bo(l o) t#e ric# olive-nut paste&
B i) you #ave t#e lu*ury o) more time, t#is can be prepare$ by steamin"
t#e (#ole #ea$ o) cauliJo(er intact as above& Or rub (it# e*tra
vir"in olive oil, sprin.le (it# sea salt an$ roast in E50eF oven, E5I>0
minutes, coverin" (it# tapena$e t#e last 5ve minutes, )or a more
Javor)ul $is#&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 11E >" 1=" 5"
Protein Type8 1=E Q +E" Q"" Tips
#T; This is an i"eal #T %egetable "ish.
Double the amount o. black oli%e*nut paste.
(T; Broccoli cabbage turnip or summer
s/uash coul" be substitute" .or the cauliFower.
Try a small portion o. the Tapena"e
but i. you 2n" it&s too rich you coul" also
try a Basil #esto Lpage @GVM or He" 6nion
(ilantro Helish Lpage @EAM topping instea".
;otes an$ :u""estions
Another %egetable that&s sophisticate"
enough to ser%e .or company or as an e3tra
special .amily meal. You "on&t ha%e to .uss
with the presentation i. you "on&t want to.
#air this with Hoast (hicken +rille" Bison
:teaks or Mustar" Tarragon :almon.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 10=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 15? =" +>" E"
Darb Type8 1E0 >" +>" E"
Protein Type8 15? =" +>" E"" Tips
#T; This is not your best recipe unless you
ser%e a minimum >J@ cup as a base .or No*
#asta #rima%era Vegetables an" a"" protein
like meat balls or +roun" Turkey an" +ra%y.
(T; He"uce butter to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e this i. you are MN or (T eater with
a .resh tomato sauce an" #armesan
cheese an" lean groun" seasone" ostrich
as a stan"alone recipe .or a /uick an" easy
weeknight meal.
Don)etti :pa"#etti :3uas# :aut]
This brightly colore" re" yellow an" green %egetable "ish is beauti.ul enough
.or company /uick enough .or e%ery"ay.
7 &ar'e $+a'#e%% $Hua$#! /oo,ed and $/oo+ed ou% o( $#e&&
8 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
7 *ed $#a&&o%! *n/ed
8 Tb$+ red +e++er! 1ne&y /#o++ed
8 Tb$+ 'reen be&& +e++er! 1ne&y /#o++ed
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
(re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er %o %a$%e
7 i) not alrea$y coo.e$, boil spa"#etti s3uas#, cut in #al), in lar"e pan
(it# (ater over me$ium #eat until )or. ten$er& Remove )rom pan,
cool sli"#tly an$ scoop out spa"#etti stran$s (it# )or.&
8 in lar"e pan, melt butter over me$ium #eat an$ a$$ mince$ s#allot&
:aut] li"#tly )or about a minute until Javors are release$&
< a$$ coo.e$ spa"#etti s3uas# an$ stir to mi*& :tir in c#oppe$ re$
an$ "reen peppers& 4$$ seasonin"s to taste an$ continue"
until ve"etable is #eate$ t#rou"#, about +IE minutes&
? remove to servin" bo(l& Garnis# (it# :avory :unny :ee$ Mi*,
:unny :ee$ Gomasio or Parmesan c#eese, as $esire$&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
10Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
Fennel Parmesan
A tasty accompaniment .or 2sh chicken or lamb.
8 &b (enne&! wa$#ed and da'ona&&y5$&/ed
7 /u+ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
8 %$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
7K8 %$+ $ea $a&%
@QB 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
8K< /u+ Par*e$an or Ro*ano /#ee$e
7 #eat lar"e s.illet over me$ium #eat& 4$$ )ennel slices an$ (ater&
:team )ennel )or 5 minutes, until (ater is evaporate$&
8 (#en (ater is "one, melt butter in s.illet& :tir )ennel to coat an$
coo. +IE minutes more&
< :prin.le on salt, pepper an$ Parmesan c#eese& /eat )or +IE more
minutes or place un$er broiler, until c#eese starts to turn "ol$en&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1+5 =" <" Q"
Darb Type8 <0 >" 11" >"
Protein Type8 1EE Q" Q" 10"" Tips
#T; -hile .ennel is not one o. your highly
recommen"e" %egetables you might try
this recipe with a whole hea" o. celery an"
hal. a bunch o. asparagus spears sprinkle"
with >J @ tsp :pike %egetable seasoning
or Mrs. Dash be.ore cooking. <se GJ E cup
#armesan cheese.
(T; He"uce #armesan cheese to >JG cup
re"uce" .at cheese.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e ,ennel #armesan as a special %egetable
si"e "ish to accompany a Broile"
$emon ,ish or Hoast (hicken "inner
paire" with a mi3e" greens an" ra"icchio
sala" tosse" with Di=on %inaigrette "ressing.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 10<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1<E 10" +5" Q"
Darb Type8 15= =" +E" ="
Protein Type8 +1= 1E" +E" <"" Tips
#T; He"uce cabbage to >J @ hea". 4ncrease
celery to A large stalks an" green beans to
@ cups. (oul" also a"" @ cups spinach lea%es.
4ncrease "ressing to >J@ cup.
(T; He"uce "ressing to >J E cup.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a classic %egetable main "ish that
coul" stan" on its own .or an MN or (T
winter meal. #T&s will want to a"" some
protein in the .orm o. turkey ham or bison
summer sausage chunks. 6r ser%e as a %egetable
si"e "ish with a hea%ier meat entrKe
such as Turkey (utlets or e%en roast bee..
Ga$o Ga$o Le"etables
This 4n"onesian .a%orite with its peanut buttery sauce "oes an amazing =ob
o. trans.orming common e%ery"ay %egetables into "ownright goo" eating.
7 *ed #ead /abba'e! /u% n%o wed'e$
8 *ed %urn+$! +ee&ed and /u% n%o E $&/e$
< $%a&,$ /e&ery
7 /u+ 'reen bean$
7K< /u+ A$an Dre$$n' *ade w%# +eanu% bu%%er M+a'e 8<BN
7 brin" 1 cup (ater to boil in bottom o) lar"e, covere$ saucepan&
8 place ve"etables in steamer an$ lo(er into pan& Dover an$
steam )or 5IQ minutes or until ve"etables are ten$er&
< remove to servin" bo(l an$ pour 4sian Dressin" on top& :erve
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
110 T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
Grecian :pinac#
This spinach with +reek Fair is easy to make as an e%ery"ay %egetable on its
own or as a special "inner partner .or lamb chicken or 2sh.
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
7K8 $*a&& red onon! %#n $&/ed n%o rn'$
8 &b (re$# baby $+na/#! wa$#ed and $%e**ed
7K8 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on +ee&
7K8 %$+ $ea $a&%
<Q? 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7K? /u+ (e%a /#ee$e! /ru*b&ed
7 #eat a lar"e pan (it# a li$ over me$ium #i"# #eat& 4$$ oil an$
slice$ re$ onion& :aut] until onion starts to (ilt&
8 a$$ spinac# an$ saut] )or +IE minutes& 4$$ lemon peel, salt
an$ pepper& Doo. a )e( secon$s more to release Javors&
< a$$ crumble$ )eta c#eese an$ stir to incorporate& Trans)er to servin"
$is# an$ serve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 111 ?" 10" Q"
Darb Type8 Q< >" 1+" ="
Protein Type8 1E> Q" 10" <"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease .eta cheese to >J@ cup.
(T; Decrease oil to > Tbsp. Decrease spinach
to > lb. A"" >>J@ lbs other "ark lea.y greens
such as char" or beet greens. 4ncrease lemon
peel to > tsp. ,or cheese use > Tbsp .eta mi3e"
with > Tbsp cottage cheese.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This recipe is i"eal .or #T but can be mo"i2e"
.or (T by a""ing other "ark lea.y
greens such as :wiss char" or beet greens. To
make this into a meal a"" protein such as
turkey ham or bacon .or a #T or MN. (T
can increase the proportion o. cottage
cheese. :er%e this %egetable with 'erbe"
$emony $amb (hops or (hicken Breast. 4.
you 2n" that your thirst increases or you .eel
strange a.ter eating this /uantity o.
spinach try increasing the proportion o. the
other greens Le3cept #TM an" "rink more
clean water.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 111
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 11Q 5" 1?" 5"
Protein Type8 1+5 5" 1=" ?"" Tips
#T; You&ll be happy to know this is =ust your
type o. %egetable "ish. You can e%en increase
mushrooms to a >@ oz pkg. You can choose
the :a%ory :unny :ee" Mi3 topper or use
both toppings9
(T; 1%en though green beans are not your
most recommen"e" %egetable you can
en=oy this as a special treat .ollowing the
recipe as liste".
;otes an$ :u""estions
More than likely you&ll be incline" to ser%e
this with a tra"itional Thanksgi%ing or
(hristmas sprea" but you coul" also make
this into a whole meal casserole by a""ing cooke" "ark meat chicken or turkey
pieces o. roast bee. or e%en chunks o.
meat loa. or Suick Bee. :teaks with -ine i.
you are a #T or MN.
Green 1ean Dasserole
Yes you can ha%e your tra"itional holi"ay .a%orite mo"i2e" with alternati%e
crunchy toppings.
7 &b (re$# 'reen bean$! wa$#ed! $na++ed and /u% u+
7K8 &b (re$# *u$#roo*$! $&/ed
7 77 o3 /an or'an/ /rea* o( *u$#roo* $ou+
8 Tb$+ 'ra%ed #or$erad$#
7 %$+ :or/e$%er$#re $au/e
< 'rnd$ (re$# 'round b&a/, +e++er
7K8 /u+ bro,en =e'e%ab&e Cr$+er$ M+a'e 88<N or
< Tb$+ Sa-ory Sunny Seed M2
7 pre#eat oven to E50e F& Dombine all in"re$ients e*cept toppin"s
to"et#er in oile$ casserole& Dover&
8 ba.e )or about >5 minutes until beans are ten$er& Remove cover
an$ sprin.le (it# toppin" o) c#oice& Return to oven )or ten more minutes,
increasin" #eat to 1roil, an$ broilin" top, i) $esire$&
< t#is $is# can be ma$e )or every$ay consumption, by steamin"
t#e "reen beans an$ mus#rooms over boilin" (ater in a steamer or colan$er )or QI< minutes& Reserve (ater )or soup stoc.&
? stir soup, #orsera$is#, !orcesters#ire sauce, an$ pepper into beans&
Return to burner an$ #eat t#rou"#, appro* E minutes& Trans)er to
servin" $is# an$ sprin.le (it# $esire$ toppin"s&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
11+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
%emon Pepper Green 1eans
An easy .resh green bean si"e "ish you coul" ser%e to guests or at any week"ay
"inner substituting $emon #epper seasoning i. you are in a hurry.
< &b (re$# 'reen bean$
8 Tb$+ or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
8 /&o-e$ 'ar&/! *n/ed
7K? /u+ &e*on .u/e
8 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on rnd or 8Q< dro+$ &e*on o&
(re$#&y 'ra%ed b&a/, +e++er
8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7 in lar"e #eavy s.illet over #i"# #eat, stir-)ry "reen beans in butter or
coconut oil an$ "arlic until crisp ten$er&
8 re$uce #eat to me$ium, a$$ lemon ,uice, lemon peel, pepper, an$ ve"etable
seasonin"& Dover an$ let steam )or +IE minutes, stirrin" occasionally&
< trans)er to servin" bo(l an$ serve imme$iately
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1=> =" +=" ?"
Protein Type8 +E> 1>" +=" ?"" Tips
#T; De2nitely a #T %egetable "ish. You can
use coconut oil or butter increasing to @ Tbsp.
(T; 4nstea" o. green beans you coul"
make the same "ish with broccoli zucchini
or summer s/uash Brussels sprouts or "ark
lea.y greens.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This peppery %egetable woul" be a goo"
accompaniment to a saucy meat "ish like
Turkey an" +ra%y or (rockpot (hicken
(urry .or all types.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 11E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1?E Q" +0" Q"
Darb Type8 1EQ >" +E" <"
Protein Type8 +1> 1>" +0" Q"" Tips
#T; This creamy "ish is right .or your type.
You can increase the butter to >JE cup.
(T; You will want to substitute
buttermilk .or the cream an" re"uce the
butter to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is an amazingly authentic substitute
.or those high starchy spu"s especially when
ser%e" as a holi"ay %egetable or base .or
meat with gra%y like +roun" Turkey an"
+ra%y or He" #eppery Bu0alo :teaks.
Mas#e$ Fotatoes
You might be surprise" how much this 7like mashe" potatoes8 "ish simulates
the taste an" te3ture o. the 7real8 thing.
7 #ead (re$# /au&Lower! abou% 77K8 &b$
8 Tb$+ or'an/ or raw bu%%er
7K? /u+ or'an/ or raw #a&( and #a&(
7K? %$+ $ea $a&%
8Q< 'rnd$ b&a/, +e++er
7 steam cauliJo(er until ten$er in steamer or small amount o)
(ater in saucepan&
8 in )oo$ processor, blen$ cauliJo(er, butter, cream, sea salt an$ pepper,
until smoot#&
< trans)er to servin" bo(l& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
11> T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
;o-Pasta Primavera Le"etables
This classic 4talian %egetable mKlange can be prepare" as a si"e "ish or
la"le" o%er spaghetti s/uash Wucchetti or low*carb pasta .or a won"er.ul
meal anytime.
8 *ed 3u//#n! $&/ed
8 *ed ye&&ow $Hua$#! $&/ed
< $%a&,$ /e&ery! da'ona&&y $&/ed
7 $*a&& red +e++er! $eeded! /u% n%o $%r+$
7 $*a&& ye&&ow +e++er! $eeded! /u% n%o $%r+$
7 /u+ bro//o& Lowere%%e$
< Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
<Q? /&o-e$ 'ar&/! $&/ed
7 /u+ (re$# ba$& &ea-e$! +a/,ed! or < Tb$+ dred
7 /u+ 4%a&an La%5&ea( +ar$&ey
< Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7K? /u+ Par*e$an /#ee$e
< Tb$+ Sa-ory Sunny Seed M2! o+%ona& M+a'e 87@N
7 (as# an$ cut up ve"etables& Once you master t#is recipe, you'll be
able to cut up t#e ve"etables (#ile t#e pan is #eatin"&
8 #eat one lar"e, #eavy, porcelain-cla$ Dutc# oven or (o. over #i"#
#eat& 4$$ olive oil an$ "arlic slices& :tir-)ry 1I+ minutes&
< a$$ ucc#ini, yello( s3uas#, celery, broccoli, an$ stir-)ry, stirrin" constantly,
)or =IQ minutes until ve"etables start to so)ten an$ bri"#ten&
? a$$ re$ an$ yello( pepper strips, basil leaves, an$ parsley an$ +a E cup
(ater& Dover& Re$uce #eat to me$ium #i"# an$ steam EI> minutes&
@ remove )rom #eat& 4$$ tamari soy sauce an$ stir& :erve imme$iately
as is, or sprin.le$ (it# Parmesan c#eese an$ a sprin.le o) :avory
:unny :ee$ Mi*, i) $esire$&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +05 E" 1Q" <"
Darb Type8 1=1 <" 1=" <"
Protein Type8 +50 1=" 1<" 11"" Tips
#T; 6mit yellow peppers. :ubstitute @ cups
asparagus .or zucchini > cup green beans
.or broccoli increase celery to A stalks. A""
> more Tbsp oil an" increase see" mi3 an"
#armesan cheese to >JG cup.
(T; ,ollow recipe as is or %ary by omitting
celery an" increasing broccoli to @ cups.
He"uce oil an" #armesan cheese to @ Tbsp.
6mit see"s.
;otes an$ :u""estions
The co*author&s /uick prize*winning recipe
a"apte" .rom the classic 4talian "ish is a
staple that you probably will 2n" yoursel.
using regularly %arying with %egetables in
season an" a""ing "i0erent protein .oo"s
such as "ark meat o. chicken turkey bee. or
2sh .or #T eaters. 4t coul" stan" on its own
as a main meal .or (T or MN but coul"
also work with ostrich or chicken breast. A""
chunks o. uncooke" meat with the garlic or
a"" cooke" meat at the en".
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 115
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1+> <" <" ?"
Protein Type8 1?< 1>" <" 5"" Tips
#T; Another optimum #T %egetable.
4ncrease oil or butter to E Tbsp.
(T; Vary the recipe by using other %egetables
inclu"ing turnips okra cabbage
chunks or baby onions but "ecrease oil to
> Tbsp or less.
;otes an$ :u""estions
4. you ha%e the time .or a special treat or
.amily "inner you will $6V1 slow roaste"
asparagus. :imply .ollow the recipe but
roast marinate" asparagus at @AIX,. .or
B?P hours stirring occasionally. Melts in
your mouth9
Roaste$ 4spara"us
This is a "elicious %egetable /uickly roaste" in a pan or slow*roaste" in the o%en.
8 &b (re$# a$+ara'u$
< Tb$+ /o/onu% o& or or'an/ or raw bu%%er
7 Tb$+ Bra''$ LHud A*no$ or %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 i) oven roastin", pre#eat oven to 500eF& !as#, pat $ry an$ cut oM
(oo$y en$s o) )res# aspara"us&
8 mi* coconut oil an$ 1ra""'s in )ryin" or" pan& Roll aspara"us
aroun$ in oil mi*ture to coat&
< roast on stovetop )or =I< minutes over me$ium #eat," pan
several times to prevent"& Or ba.e at 500e )or QI10 minutes,
stirrin" occasionally& :erve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
11? T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
:aut]e$ Dabba"e (it# Dill
6nce again cole crops like cabbage an" turnips are "elicious when lightly
sautKe" instea" o. boile". The "ouble "ose o. "ill really perks up this normally
mun"ane %egetable.
8 Tb$+ or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
7 *ed #ead 'reen /abba'e! /u% n%o 7K8Q<K?P +e/e$
7 %$+ d&& $eed$
7K8 %$+ $ea $a&% or S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
?Q@ 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
8 %$+ dred d&& weed
7 #eat butter or coconut oil in lar"e s.illet over me$ium #eat&
8 a$$ cabba"e c#un.s an$ $ill see$s& :aut] cabba"e over me$ium
#i"#, stirrin" )re3uently, until cabba"e is translucent an$ starts to (ilt,
appro*imately ?I= minutes& O.ay i) it "ets a little bro(ne$&
< remove )rom #eat, :tir in sea salt, )res# blac. pepper an$ $ill (ee$&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 111 ?" 1>" >"
Darb Type8 Q5 E" 1>" >"" Tips
#T; Not an i"eal %egetable .or your type.
Try this recipe with @ lbs green beans or
(T; He"uce the butter or oil to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
(abbage can be "elicious ser%e" this way
as a %egetable si"e "ish with a hearty soup
or stew or as the complement to a small
portion o. roaste" (ornish hen or breast o.
chicken stir*.ry.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 11=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 105 ?" 11" >"
Darb Type8 Q0 E" 11" >"
Protein Type8 115 ?" 1E" ?"" Tips
#T; :ubstitute hal. asparagus cuts an"
cook the same way. 4t&s 6! i. you 2n" you
nee" to "ouble your portions.
(T; He"uce the butter to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
-hen summer s/uash or zucchini is cooke"
in this way it appeals to e%eryone e%en
small chil"ren as long as it&s not o%ercooke".
#air it with a green sala" an"
cottage or .armer&s cheese on a hot night
.or a (T or team it with a heartier
(runchy (hicken :ala" or burgers on the
grill .or an MN or #T.
:avory :ummer :3uas#
6ne o. the simplest yet most "elight.ul summer %egetable "ishes this is a great
7what to "o with8 recipe .or a bumper crop o. gar"en s/uash.
? &ar'e /roo,ne/, ye&&ow $Hua$#
8 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
8 /&o-e$ (re$# 'ar&/! $*a$#ed
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7 (as# an$ cut up yello( s3uas# into 1a+H pieces& Discar$ any bi"
see$s or put t#rou"# ,uicer&&
8 #eat me$ium s.illet over me$ium #eat& Melt butter an$ a$$
smas#e$ "arlic&
< a$$ s3uas# an$ stir to coat& Dover an$ simmer )or 5I= minutes&
? sprin.le (it# ve"etable seasonin"& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
11Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 L@G@T41%@:
desty Fennel (it# Pea Po$s
This /uick uni/ue %egetable combo takes on a new kick with a smoky bite o.
hot chipotle pepper sauce.
77K8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
? /u+$ (enne&! da'ona&&y5$&/ed
8 Tb$+ *n/ed red onon or 7 $&/ed $/a&&on
7 /u+ $now +ea$! /u% n #a&( on da'ona&
7 %$+ #o% /#+o%&e $au/e or (ew da$#e$ #o% +e++er $au/e
7 #eat me$ium s.illet over me$ium #eat&
8 a$$ coconut oil, )ennel an$ mince$ re$ onion& :team-saut], stirrin"
)re3uently, )or 5I? minutes&
< stir in sno( peas& Dover, re$uce #eat an$ steam E minutes more&
? a$$ c#ipotle sauce an$ stir to coat& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es @. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1?? 11" 1=" >"
Darb Type8 1E? =" 1=" >"
Protein Type8 1=E 1>" 11" E"" Tips
#T; ,ennel is not one o. your highly recommen"e"
%egetables. You coul" howe%er "o a
similar treatment with celery hearts instea".
<se @ Tbsp oil.
(T; He"uce oil to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
13cellent paire" with Hoaste" :almon
L#TM 'alibut or Tilapia L(TM with #esto
(rust. 4. you can&t 2n" the smoky chipotle
pepper sauce you coul" use a hot pepper
sauce o. your choice.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 11<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1=> 1=" ?" E"
Darb Type8 10= <" =" E"
Protein Type8 1<5 1Q" <" 5"" Tips
#T; -hile zucchinis are not on the top o.
the list o. your best %egetables you can %ary
this recipe with goo" results by "ecreasing
/uantity o. s/uash to @ an" a""ing > lb
asparagus cuts. You can increase butter to
>JG cup.
(T; A"" > more zucchini but limit walnuts
or other nuts to > Tbsp 2nely choppe"
an" butter to @ Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This %egetable "ish coul" be paire" with
a sala" or soup an" a little e3tra protein
.or a (T meal but i. it seems too 7rich8
"ecrease the butter or omit the nuts. Nuts
an" %egetables are a goo" combination .or
#T an" MN though so you coul" en=oy this
tasty %egetable si"e ser%e" with a protein
main "ish like :almon :e%iche or e%en
heartier He" #eppery Bu0alo :teaks or
'erb :easone" :teak Broil.
ducc#ini (it# !alnuts
Another sa%ory way to prepare this proli2c gar"en %egetable.
< *ed 3u//#n $Hua$#
7K? /u+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7K? /u+ /#o++ed or'an/ wa&nu%$
7 (as# ucc#ini& Dut oM en$s& Dut into 1a>H slices&
8 #eat a me$ium s.illet over me$ium #eat& Melt butter an$ a$$ ucc#ini&
:tir to coat&
< saut] ucc#ini in butter, partially covere$, )or =IQ minutes until
translucent, but not so""y an$ limp&
? remove )rom #eat an$ trans)er to servin" bo(l& :prin.le (it# ve"etable
seasonin" an$ c#oppe$ (alnuts& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
THE REC4PES6 :oups
:oups can be eaten anytime, at any meal& T#e Capanese tra$itionally eat miso soup )or brea.)ast, in
contrast to most !esterners (#o usually only consi$er soup )or lunc# or as an appetier )or
$inner& :oups are also easily convertible )rom a si$e $is# to a more substantial main $is# simply by
a$$in" a )ourt#- to a t#ir$-cup per servin" o) coo.e$ concentrate$ protein, li.e le)tover c#ic.en,
tur.ey, bee) or bison, appropriate to your type&
!#en you ta.e a$vanta"e o) t#e batc#" su""estions covere$ in t#e D#apter 10,
you can really cut your time in t#e .itc#en by plannin" at least one bi" pot o) soup t#at you an$
your )amily can #eat an$ eat anytime& One o) t#e best insurance policies a"ainst" on
#i"#-su"ar an$ #i"#-starc# snac.s is #avin" prepare$ )oo$s, li.e soup, on #an$ )or you an$ your
)amily to "rab&
:oups li.e Vuic. Miso Dup or Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :oup can be almost instantly
prepare$, (#ile ot#ers can simmer lon" an$ slo(, $evelopin" (on$er)ul Javors in t#e croc.pot&
@it#er (ay, t#ey pac. a lot o) nutrition into a small pac.a"e& 4n$ since t#ey $on't re3uire complicate$
tec#ni3ues or multi-step proce$ures to prepare, t#ey are a )rien$ to ne( an$ seasone$
coo.s ali.e&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1+1
1++ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
4rtic#o.e & 4spara"us :oup
A "i%ine combination o. some o. the most hea%enly %egetables an" "elicacies.
7 7B o3 /an ar%/#o,e #ear%$
7 Tb$+ raw or'an/ bu%%er
7 *ed $#a&&o% or 8 $*a&& 'reen onon$! /#o++ed
7 bun/# a$+ara'u$! /u% u+
7 /an wa%er /#e$%nu%$! $&/ed
7 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7 Tb$+ (re$# %arra'on &ea-e$ or 77K8 %$+ dred
< /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er or -e'e%ab&e $%o/,
7K? /u+ raw *a/ada*a nu% bu%%er or /a$#ew bu%%er
7G $+r'$ (re$# wa%er/re$$! bro,en
7 pour li3ui$ )rom artic#o.e #earts into saucepan& D#op
coarsely an$ set asi$e&
8 into saucepan a$$ butter, c#oppe$ s#allot or onion, an$ aspara"us
cuts& :immer "ently )or >I5 minutes, until aspara"us is )or. ten$er&
< a$$ reserve$, (ater c#estnuts, ve"etable seasonin" an$
tarra"on leaves& /eat t#rou"#&
? a$$ about + cups (ater or stoc. to ve"etables& Mean(#ile, stir
remainin" cup (ater or stoc. "ra$ually into nut butter until smoot#,
t#en care)ully stir into soup& :tir soup )re3uently (#ile #eatin" over
me$ium lo( until mi*ture is #eate$ t#rou"#& Do not boil&
@ taste )or seasonin"& :erve as is, or blen$ until smoot# in
blen$er& %a$le into servin" bo(ls an$ "arnis# eac# (it# small
spri"s o) (atercress&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1<Q <" +=" ?"
Darb Type8 1>< E" +Q" 5"
Protein Type8 +1= 1+" +=" ?"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease nut butter to >JG cup.
(T; 6mit nut butter. Blen" soup in blen"er
until smooth.
;otes an$ :u""estions
To make this into a menu combo try ser%ing
with a meal sala" like Hoaste" Turkey
Tomatillo :ala" Nou%eau :almon Nicoise
or .or (T 6riental 6strich :ala".
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1+E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E50 1+" E0" 1Q"
Darb Type8 +>< <" +=" 15"
Protein Type8 E5> 1+" E0" 1Q"" Tips
#T; A"" ten"erloin strip loin steak or
chicken thigh pieces a.ter sautKing the garlic
.or a .ast %ersion or use chuck or stew meat
.or a longer simmering %ersion. 4ncrease
celery to @ cups.
(T; ,ollow the recipe as is or replace some
o. the mushrooms with zucchini chunks an"
broccoli or cut*up green or re" peppers.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:oup recipes are usually more like gui"elines
rather than strict .ormulas. Their beauty lies
in their Fe3ibility economy an" 7meal in a
bowl8 potential. (ooks like them because o.
their ability to accommo"ate a wi"e range o.
%egetables an" seasonings whate%er&s on
han". 4t is wise to eat protein with this soup
to make a balance" meal.
1asic Le"etable :oup
A basic %egetable soup recipe that can be %arie" "epen"ing upon your moo"
the season the allowable %egetables an" seasonings you ha%e on han".
8 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! $*a$#ed
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed red onon
7 /u+ /#o++ed /e&ery
7 &ar'e /arro%! d/ed
7 &b *u$#roo*$! /#o++ed
8 %$+ dred %#y*e &ea-e$
7 %$+ dred *ar.ora* &ea-e$
77K8 %$+ $ea $a&%
7K8 %$+ b&a/, +e++er
E /u+$ -e'e%ab&e! /#/,en $%o/, or wa%er
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
77K8 /u+$ w#%e wne! ( de$red
7 7G o3 +,' $now +ea$
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed +ar$&ey
7 #eat a lar"e, #eavy s.illet over me$ium #eat& 4$$ butter& !#en
melte$, a$$ "arlic an$ c#oppe$ onion& :aut], stirrin" occasionally,
until translucent, EI5 minutes&
8 a$$ celery, carrots, mus#rooms, #erbs, salt an$ pepper& Dover&
Dontinue", stirrin" occasionally, until ve"etables are ten$er,
rou"#ly =IQ minutes&
< a$$ stoc. or (ater, an$ (ine, cover, an$ simmer )or 10I+0 minutes,
more i) you #ave time&
? stir in tamari, (ine, sno( peas, an$ parsley& :immer a )e( more minutes&
:er%es E. #reparation time; @A minutes.
1+> T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
1len$e$ 1roccoli :oup
A "eep green /uick an" creamy blen"e" soup that lets you 7sneak in8 other
"ark green lea.y %egetables like kale collar"s turnip greens :wiss char"
without "etection. Don&t o%ercook.
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
8 *ed 'reen onon! /oar$e&y /#o++ed
8 /&o-e$ 'ar&/! *n/ed
7 &ar'e #ead (re$# bro//o&! wa$#ed and /#o++ed
7 Tb$+ ba$& &ea-e$! dred
8 /u+$ /#o++ed $+na/#! ,a&e! %urn+ 'reen$! /o&&ard$! Sw$$ /#ard
or o%#er dar, &ea(y 'reen$
? /u+$ -e'e%ab&e or /#/,en bro%#
8 /u+$ /o/onu% *&,
7 %$+ $ea $a&% or ,e&+ $eaweed
8 da$#e$ #o% +e++er $au/e
7 in lar"e soup pan, melt coconut oil an$ saut] "reen onions an$ "arlic
)or 1I+ minutes, until translucent&
8 a$$ c#oppe$ broccoli an$ stir& Doo. over me$ium #eat, stirrin",
until broccoli turns bri"#t "reen&
< a$$ basil an$ a$$itional c#oppe$ "reens& Dover an$ steam-saut] )or
EI> more minutes&
? trans)er ve"etables into )oo$ processor or blen$er& 9) usin" blen$er,
process in t(o batc#es& 4$$ a little li3ui$ an$ process until ve"etables
start to be smoot#&
@ a$$ remainin" li3ui$s, salt an$ #ot pepper sauce& Process on #i"#
until smoot#& Taste& Re#eat "ently, i) necessary, to brin" bac. up to
temperature& T#is is usually not necessary& :erve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 EE5 +Q" 1=" 11"
Darb Type8 +<Q 1Q" +?" 1E"
Protein Type8 EQ+ E1" +0" 1+"" Tips
#T; :elect spinach as the a""itional greens
increasing to E cups. <se only >J@ hea" broccoli.
(T; He"uce coconut oil to @ tsp. 4ncrease
greens to G cups. He"uce coconut milk to > cup.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This blen"e" soup can be ma"e into a whole
meal .or (T by a""ing a mi3e" green or
%egetable sala" plus a little protein perhaps cottage cheese Fecke" with choppe"
chi%es. #T&s will nee" to ser%e this with meat
or poultry such as (runchy (hicken :ala" C
(asserole or Hoaste" Tomatillo Turkey
:ala". 4t coul" also be nice ser%e" with
broile" lamb chops an" Mashe" ,otatoes.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1+5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +<< +=" 1Q" >"
Darb Type8 150 11" 1E" >"
Protein Type8 E=< E+" ++" ="" Tips
#T; Blen" >JG cup raw cashew or tahini
sesame butter with >J@ cup o. the water until
smooth. A"" remaining ingre"ients co%er
an" blen". A"=ust thickness with more
water i. necessary.
(T; :ubstitute @ cups .resh steame"
asparagus cuts .or @ o. the a%oca"os.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This soup is best .or #T with nut butter as
a""e" protein. (T can still get the bene2t o.
the a%oca"o&s bene2cial .atty aci"s by substituting
steame" asparagus .or hal. o. the a%oca"o.
To make this into a meal ser%e it with
your appropriate %ariation o. a lower .at
protein an" %egetable "ish such as 6strich
:tir*,ry .or (T. 6r with Bee. ,a=itas .or #T.
4. you 2n" that this soup is too rich try
increasing the proportion o. asparagus.
Dreamy 4voca$o :oup
This rich an" creamy %ery /uick a%oca"o "ream can be ser%e" either as a
soup or a sauce.
? *ed r+e a-o/ado$! +ee&ed and +%%ed
7 /&o-e 'ar&/
< /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7K8 /u+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
7 Tb$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or ,e&+ $eaweed
7K? /u+ (re$# +ar$&ey
7 usin" a blen$er or )oo$ processor, process avoca$os, "arlic, (ater
an$ lemon ,uice until smoot#&
8 a$$ ve"etable seasonin" an$ parsley& 1len$ 1 minute& :erve as re)res#in"
col$, ra( soup or sauce&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
1+? T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
Durrie$ Peanut :oup
4. your .amily likes peanut butter they&re probably going to like this creamy
peanutty soup. Make it spicy or mil" accor"ing to taste.
7 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
7 /u+ /#o++ed onon
7 7P $&/e 'n'er roo%! /#o++ed
7 %$+ $ea or /e&%/ $ea $a&%
77K8 Tb$+ /urry +owder
7K8 %$+ 'round /u*n $eed
7K8 %$+ a&&$+/e
8 /u+$ %ny /au&Lowere%%e$
8 /u+$ bo, /#oy or /#ard! &ea( and $%e*! /#o++ed
8 /u+$ -e'e%ab&e or /#/,en $%o/,
7K8 /u+ na%ura& +eanu% bu%%er
7 Tb$+ /urran%$! 1ne&y *n/ed
7K? %$+ +&u$ /ayenne or red +e++er
77K8 /u+$ bu%%er*&,! a&*ond or /a$#ew *&,
7 in a lar"e sauce or soup pan over me$ium #eat, melt butter& 4$$
"arlic, onions, an$ "in"er root, an$ saut], stirrin" )re3uently, until
onions turn translucent&
8 a$$ sea salt, curry, cumin an$ allspice& :immer )or less t#an a
minute& 4$$ cauliJo(er an$ "reens," )or EI5 minutes&
< stir about Ea> cup o) stoc. "ra$ually into peanut butter until
smoot#& 4$$ remainin" stoc. to ve"etables& :tir in $ilute$ peanut
butter an$ #eat )or EI5 minutes or until #eate$ t#rou"#&
? stir in remainin" in"re$ients an$ brin" bac. up to temperature&
%a$le into servin" bo(ls&
:er%es A. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +<E 1<" +1" 1>"
Darb Type8 +?= 1?" +E" 11"
protein Type8 E=+ +=" +1" 1?"" Tips
#T; <se almon" or cashew milk Lpage >OOM.
(T; :ubstitute re"uce" .at buttermilk .or
nut milk to re"uce calories. :er%e B instea"
o. A.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This unusual creamy soup woul" be e3cellent
ser%e" with a %enison or bee. stew meal
.or a #T or MN. -hile (T&s shoul" minimize
nuts this soup coul" be ser%e" once in
a while with 6strich :tir*,ry or combine"
with an e3tra large portion o. Northwoo"s
Broccoli :ala" or Hainbow (abbage :ala"
.or a satis.ying meal.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1+=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E1> 1E" EE" 1<"
Darb Type8 +E5 =" E5" <"
Protein Type8 E>Q 1?" E0" +1"" Tips
#T; (an use chicken stock instea" o. %egetable
stock. <se @ me"ium onions. :er%e
with @ Tbsp grate" #armesan cheese an" @
Tbsp :a%ory :unny :ee" Mi3 Lpage @>AM or
both i. "esire".
(T; <se %egetable stock. 6mit mushrooms.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Making tra"itional ,rench onion soup is
usually a laborious process o. slowly sautKing
the onions until caramelize" an" brown
then thickening an" simmering .or a long
time. This .ast %ersion using high*/uality
wheat*.ree tamari soy sauce pro"uces an
amazingly goo" soup. Hegular commercial
soy sauce will not pro"uce the Fa%or this "ish
"epen"s upon in lieu o. the tra"itionally
long cooking time. This soup coul" become a
meal with the a""ition o. grate" cheese such
as #armesan or :wiss :a%ory :unny :ee"
Mi3 an" a hearty mi3e" green or spinach
sala" with cooke" chicken to satis.y
a #T. ,or a (T meal sprinkle with either >
tsp #armesan cheese or :unny :ee" +omasio
Lpage @>AM an" ser%e with a mi3e" green
sala" or pair with an 1gg :ala" an"
Artichoke Holl*<p.
Fast Frenc# Onion :oup
You&ll be surprise" at how "elicious this .ast %ersion o. ,rench 6nion :oup can
be using high /uality ingre"ients o. course.
8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&! raw or or'an/ bu%%er
< /&o-e$ 'ar&/! *n/ed
< *edu* onon$! +ee&ed and $&/ed n%o rn'$
7 &b bu%%on *u$#roo*$! bru$#ed and $&/ed
7 Tb$+ dred %#y*e &ea-e$
8 %$+ dred *ar.ora* &ea-e$
7K? /u+ w#ea%5(ree %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 Huar%$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er! -e'e%ab&e or
(ree5ran'e /#/,en $%o/,
7 in a lar"e s.illet over me$ium #eat, melt oil& 4$$ "arlic an$ onions,
an$ coo. )or a )e( minutes until translucent& 4$$ mus#rooms an$
coo., stirrin" )re3uently, until mus#rooms are ten$er, + to E more
minutes& For more Javor, i) you #ave time, saut] onions until t#ey
start to caramelie&
8 stir in t#yme an$ mar,oram leaves, 1 Tbsp (#eat-)ree tamari& :aut]
a )e( secon$s more to let Javors $evelop&
< a$$ (ater an$ brin" soup bac. up to t#e boilin" point& Re$uce #eat
an$ simmer 5 more minutes& 4$$ remainin" tamari& :erve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
1+Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
The /uintessential col" summer soup popular in :pain. He.reshing on a
hot night but e%en nicer it&s /uick healthy an" raw. An" there&s no nee"
to go near the sto%e.
B *ed %o*a%oe$! Huar%ered
8 &ar'e /u/u*ber$! /#o++ed
7 $*a&& red onon
7 *ed 3u//#n! /#o++ed
< *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! $*a$#ed
7 *ed 'reen be&& +e++er
<K? /u+ /#o++ed (re$# #erb$6 +ar$&ey! ba$&! /#-e$
8 Tb$+ &e*on .u/e or 7 Tb$+ red wne -ne'ar
8 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 %$+ $ea $a&% or S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
7K8 %$+ /ayenne +e++er or 7 .a&a+eRo! $eeded
7 %$+ 'round /u*n $eed
8 /u+$ -e'e%ab&e $%o/, or %o*a%o .u/e
7 in )oo$ processor, combine tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, ucc#ini,
"arlic, an$ "reen pepper an$ process on #i"# until coarsely c#oppe$&
8 a$$ #erbs, lemon ,uice, oil, salt, cayenne or ,alapefo, an$ cumin&
Process a )e( more bursts& 1len$ in stoc. or tomato ,uice&
< trans)er to lar"e bo(l or "lass container& Re)ri"erate at least 1 #our
be)ore servin"&
:er%es E.#reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1<= 10" +5" ="
Darb Type8 1?= ?" +5" ="" Tips
#T; Not your best combination o. %egetables.
(T; He"uce oli%e oil to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is an i"eal (T recipeTlight re.reshing
low in .at an" protein with lots o.
acceptable raw %egetables .or your type.
You&re lucky it&s one o. the best cooling
summer soups. :er%e it with a .resh green
sala" an" chicken .or a /uick an" cooling
summer supper.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1+<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1E> =" Q" 1+"
Darb Type8 1E> =" Q" 1+"
Protein Type8 1== 11" Q" 1E"" Tips
#T; <se @ Tbsp butter. <se E eggs.
(T; ,ollow as is.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This tra"itional soup is a light accompaniment
to sala"s +rille" 'erbe" :almon or
chicken or lamb .or a #T. A"" a %egetable
like $emon #epper +reen Beans an" en=oy a
satis.ying meal. (T coul" make a balance"
menu combining a larger "ouble portion
with a Mi""le 1astern :ala" an" a little
e3tra .eta or .armer cheese.
Gree. @""-%emon :oup
This classic +reek soup is calle" A%golemono Lthat&s why we calle" it 1gg*
$emonM. 4t&s %el%ety smooth with a sharp lemony tang...steamy per.ection on
a cool .all e%ening.
8 <8 o3 (ree5ran'e /#/,en $%o/,
7 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
8 %$+ onon +owder
7K8 %$+ $ea or /e&%/ $ea $a&%
<K? /u+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
7 %$+ dred ore'ano &ea-e$
< &ar'e e''$
7K8 /u+ (re$# +ar$&ey! 1ne&y /#o++ed
7 in lar"e saucepan, #eat c#ic.en brot# an$ butter over me$ium&
Re$uce #eat&
8 a$$ onion po($er, salt, lemon ,uice, an$ ore"ano& :tir to blen$ (ell&
< brea. e""s into small bo(l& !#is. (it# a (ire (#ip until blen$e$,
but not )rot#y&
? (#ile soup simmers, la$le out about +aE cup #ot brot# an$ stir into
beaten e""s to temper or raise temperature o) e""s&
@ "ently pour e""-brot# mi*ture slo(ly bac. into soup in saucepan,
(" constantly& DO ;OT 1O9%& Remove )rom #eat, la$le into
bo(ls an$ sprin.le (it# c#oppe$ parsley&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1E0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
%ic.ety :plit D#ic.en :oup
A .ast solution .or a busy "ay when "inner&s the last thing on your list.
7 Tb$+ or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
7 *ed onon! d/ed
< $%a&,$ /e&ery! /#o++ed
7 /u+ baby /arro%$! $&/ed n #a&(
8 /u+$ d/ed /abba'e
8 /u+$ (ro3en or'an/ 'reen bean /u%$
B /u+$ (ree5ran'e /#/,en bro%#
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
7 %$+ $ea $a&% or S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
77K8 &b (ree5ran'e /#/,en! roa$%ed
7 Tb$+ (re$# or dred /#o++ed +ar$&ey
7 place lar"e #eavy soup .ettle on me$ium #i"# #eat& 4$$ butter an$
onion, celery, carrots, an$ cabba"e& :tir," until ve"etables start
to "ive oM steam& 4$$ "reen beans an$ pour over 1aggggggggggg+ cup o) t#e c#ic.en
brot#& Dover an$ steam >I5 minutes&
8 remove cover, a$$ remainin" c#ic.en stoc., t#yme leaves, salt, an$ (ater&
Dover an$ brin" bac. up to a boil& Dontinue" )or >I5 minutes&
< (#ile stoc. is simmerin", cut up roast c#ic.en into 1a+H pieces& 4$$
c#ic.en an$ parsley to soup& /eat EI> minutes more until #eate$
t#rou"#& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +E0 Q" 1Q" +>"
Darb Type8 +0+ E" 15" +<"
Protein Type8 +>1 10" +0" 1<"" Tips
#T; This has a lot o. %egetables recommen"e"
.or your type so it&s a goo" recipe
.or you. 4ncrease butter to @ Tbsp celery to
A stalks. (hoose @ lb pre"ominantly "ark chicken.
(T; ,ollow the recipe as is or you can substitute
choppe" broccoli "ice" turnips "ice"
zucchini or peppers. <se @ cups chicken breast.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This can be a meal in itsel. .or all types. Just
watch proportions an" optimum .oo"s. ,or
e3ample #T&s will nee" to a"" the most
chicken L"arkM (T&s the least LwhiteM an"
MN somewhere in between Lboth "ark an"
white meatM. The e3act amounts that are
right .or you will "epen" upon your in"i%i"ual
system. This is something you will
begin to learn through your own e3perience
trial an" error testing. :o as with any
recipe start with the gui"elines gi%en then
a"=ust amounts an" speci2c .oo"s to your
own particular nee"s as you 2ne*tune your
bo"y awareness.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1E1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E1< +1" +E" 1E"
Darb Type8 1<+ <" +1" <"
Protein Type8 E++ +1" +E" 1>"" Tips
#T; (oul" increase celery to E stalks a"" @
cups choppe" spinach omitting cabbage.
(T; He"uce #esto to > tsp per ser%ing.
;otes an$ :u""estions
(T&s coul" a"" @JG cup cooke" na%y or white
beans an" >J@ cup cooke" chicken to
make this an authentic meal in a bowl. ,or
#T&s a"" meatballs meatloa. or
"ice" bee. or bison. This soup woul" also be
"elicious ser%e" with a mi3e" green sala"
an" #armesan (risps.
Maestro's Minestrone
This classic 4talian supper soup is a rainbow o. gar"en colors an" Fa%ors in a bowl.
7 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
? *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! $*a$#ed
7 *ed red onon! /#o++ed
7 *ed /arro%! /#o++ed
< $%a&,$ /e&ery! /#o++ed
7 *ed 3u//#n! Huar%er $&/ed
7 Tb$+ 4%a&an $ea$onn'
7 %$+ /e&ery $a&%
7K8 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 Huar% -e'e%ab&e or (ree5ran'e /#/,en $%o/,
8 *ed %o*a%oe$! $eeded and /#o++ed
7 /u+ 'reen /abba'e! $#redded
7K8 /u+ Ba$& Pe$%o M+a'e 8<FN
7 in lar"e .ettle or soup pot #eate$ over me$ium, saut] smas#e$
"arlic an$ onion in olive oil until translucent, about + minutes&
8 a$$ c#oppe$ carrot, celery, an$ ucc#ini, an$ stir-saut], stirrin"
)re3uently, )or 5 minutes&
< a$$ 9talian seasonin", c#oppe$ tomatoes, celery salt, blac. pepper,
an$ stoc.& 1rin" to a boil& Re$uce #eat sli"#tly an$ simmer, covere$,
)or about ?I= minutes& 4$$ cabba"e&
? taste an$ a$,ust seasonin"& %a$le into soup bo(ls an$ top (it# 1 Tbsp
1asil Pesto per servin"&
@ serve imme$iately (#en you're in a #urry& 1ut remember t#at soup
$evelops more Javor, i) allo(e$ to simmer slo(ly )or a(#ile&
:er%es E. #reparation time; @I minutes.
1E+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
Miso :oup (it# !atercress
A spee"y but satis.ying %egetarian soup with a hearty meaty*like Fa%or
thanks to the 6riental staple miso a .ermente" soybean paste.
7G o3 e2%ra 1r* %o(u! /u% n%o 7K8P /ube$
7 <8 o3 /on%aner -e'e%ab&e bro%# Or (ree5ran'e /#/,en bro%#
8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7K? /u+ w#%e! dar, brown or red *$o +a$%e
7K8 /u+ wa%er /#e$%nu%$
7 bun/# (re$# wa%er/re$$! /u% n 7K8P +e/e$
7 %$+ roa$%ed $e$a*e o&
7 in saucepan, combine to)u cubes (it# brot#& Dissolve miso in 1a + cup
(ater an$ a$$ (it# remainin" (ater an$ (ater c#estnuts to saucepan&
8 #eat li"#tly over me$ium lo( until ,ust #eate$ t#rou"#& 4$$ (atercress
pieces an$ roaste$ sesame oil&
< la$le into soup bo(ls an$ serve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +Q? 10" E5" 1?"
Darb Type8 ++1 =" E0" 10"
Protein Type8 E+1 1E" E=" 1Q"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease to.u to >@ oz. 4ncrease sesame
oil to @ tsp.
(T; He"uce to.u to A oz. 4ncrease water
chestnuts to GJE cup.
;otes an$ :u""estions
The best soy.oo"s to eat are .ermente" .oo"s
like miso natto an" tempeh which "o not
contain the enzyme inhibitors in soybeans.
6ther soy pro"ucts such as to.u shoul" only
be use" %ery occasionally.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 15? 10" 1E" Q"
Darb Type8 1+Q <" 11" 5"
Protein Type8 1Q+ 11" 15" 10"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease butter to @ Tbsp. Double the
mushrooms. 4ncrease hal. an" hal. to @JG cup.
(T; -hile mushrooms are not your top*o.the*
list %egetable you can en=oy this soup
occasionally. :ee how you .eel using >J@ cup
lite coconut milk instea" o. hal. an" hal..
;otes an$ :u""estions
To make this into a complete meal .or MN
or #T it coul" be ser%e" with :teaming
(hicken with Vegetables or a %egetablemeat
combination like Broccoli*in*a*
'urry (urry Dressing an" 'orsera"ish
Bu0alo Burgers. (T coul" also combine the
soup with :teaming (hicken an" Vegetables
.or a healthy an" satis.ying meal.
Mus#room Dream :oup
This creamy mushroom soup is almost as .ast as the commercial kin" to prepare
an" we&re sure you&ll agree M<(' better tasting.
8 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
8 /&o-e$ 'ar&/! *n/ed
< 'reen onon$! $&/ed
77K8 &b (re$# bu%%on *u$#roo*$! /#o++ed
8 %$+ dred %#y*e &ea-e$
8 %$+ dred *ar.ora* &ea-e$
8 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 Tb$+ arrowroo%
B /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7K8 /u+ raw or or'an/ #a&( and #a&( /rea* or &%e /o/onu% *&,
7 in a lar"e s.illet #eat butter over me$ium #i"# #eat& 4$$ "arlic an$
onions& Doo. )or 1 minute&
8 a$$ mus#rooms, t#yme, an$ mar,oram leaves, coo. about 5 minutes,
until mus#rooms are ten$er& 4$$ tamari& :aut] a )e( secon$s more&
< $issolve arro(root in 1 cup o) t#e (ater& 4$$ t#is (it# remainin"
(ater an$ brin" soup bac. up to t#e boilin" point& Dontinue",
stirrin" )re3uently, 5I? minutes until soup t#ic.ens&
? remove )rom #eat& 4$$ #al) an$ #al) or coconut mil.& Pour soup
into blen$er container, cover an$ process on #i"# until smoot# an$
creamy& :erve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
1E> T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
Oriental /ot & :our Mus#room @"" Drop
This amalgam o. hot an" sour (hinese mushroom an" egg "rop soup
combines the Fa%ors an" te3tures o. all three.
7 Tb$+ roa$%ed $e$a*e o&
< $&/e$ (re$# 'n'er roo%
? *ed 'reen onon$! $&/ed
7K8 &b $#%a,e *u$#roo*$! $&/ed
8 E o3. /an$ ba*boo $#oo%$! draned
8K< /u+ wa%er /#e$%nu%$! draned and %#n&y $&/ed
< Tb$+ w#ea%5(ree %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 <8 o3 (ree5ran'e /#/,en bro%#
? /u+$ C#ne$e /abba'e! $#redded
8 /u+$ $now +ea +od$! n 7P da'ona& /u%$
8 Tb$+ r/e wne -ne'ar
< *ed e''$! bea%en
7 #eat lar"e saucepan or s.illet over me$ium #i"# #eat& 4$$ sesame
oil an$ "in"er slices an$ saut] )or several minutes&
8 a$$ (#ite parts o) onions, mus#rooms, bamboo s#oots, an$ (ater
c#estnuts, an$ saut] over me$ium #eat, stirrin" )re3uently, )or 5 minutes&
< a$$ tamari soy sauce an$ stoc.& :immer, covere$ )or about QI10 minutes&
? a$$ D#inese cabba"e, sno( peas, an$ vine"ar about 5I? minutes
be)ore rea$y to serve& Get servin" bo(ls or tureen rea$y&
@ #eat t#e soup to a "entle boil& :tir soup in a circular $irection (it#
a .ni)e or c#opstic., $rilin" t#e beaten e"" in a t#in stea$y stream&
Remove )rom #eat& :erve (it# scallion top "arnis#&
:erves >& Preparation time8 +0 minutes&
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 ++5 Q" +5" 1Q"
Darb Type8 1<Q 5" +?" 1?"
Protein Type8 +5E Q" +<" 1<"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease mushrooms to > lb. A"" >
more egg.
(T; Decrease oil to @ tsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This "ish has the components o. a main meal
in itsel. but "ecrease ser%ing size to @. #T
will want to a"" "ark meat chicken slice"
bee. meat balls or e%en 2sh as will MN who
shoul" ser%e a smaller amount. (T; This
will likely work .or you as it stan"s with a
larger portion.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1E5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
EQ 1" 5" +"" Tips
Varying this soup .or each type will "epen"
upon the .oo"s eaten with it. #T; You can try
eating this with celery stu0e" with :esame
Miso :prea" or chicken sala" as a snack.
(T; 1n=oy this cup*o&*soup with sprouts or a
small mi3e" green sala" which shoul" be
satis.ying .or you as a pick*me*up.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Miso is an ancient (hinese salty soybean
paste .ermente" to be more "igestible an"
acceptable as a soy.oo". 4t can be a""e" as a
Fa%oring an" protein enhancer to soups
sauces "ips an" sprea"s or simply "ilute"
in hot water .or a /uick snack like this soup.
Miso is actually a li%e .oo" so "o not boil.
A"" it at the en" to any hot recipe.
Vuic. Miso Dup
A /uick pick*me*up to satis.y hunger between meals.
77K8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7 Tb$+ w#%e! brown or dar, red *$o +a$%e
7K8 'reen onon! $&/ed
7 #eat (ater& Place miso in soup cup or small bo(l& 4$$ #ot (ater
"ra$ually an$ stir to $issolve&
8 sprin.le (it# "reen onion slices& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es >. #reparation time; A minutes.
1E? T/@ R@D9P@:8 :OBP:
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :oup
A chameleon recipe that trans.orms a tasty south*o.*the*bor"er sala" into a
hearty col" weather soup.
7 Re/+e Roa$%ed To*a%&&o Tur,ey Sa&ad M+a'e 7B<N
7 Huar% (ree5ran'e /#/,en bro%#
7K? /u+ Green O&-e To*a%&&o Sa&$a (or 'arn$# M+a'e 8?<N
7 brin" c#ic.en brot# to a boil&
8 a$$ #ot c#ic.en brot# to prepare$ sala$ in a bo(l or saucepan&
< rea$y to serve6 /ot c#ic.en brot# (arms t#e in"re$ients& ;o )urt#er
#eatin" really re3uire$&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
Nutrition ,acts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 EEQ 1=" 15" E1"
Darb Type8 +=> 1E" <" ++1"
Protein Type8 >0+ +=" 1E" >0"" Tips
#T; 6! as is. A"" >JG cup +reen 6li%e
Tomatillo :alsa on top i. "esire" .or garnish
(T; <se your %ersion o. Hoaste" Tomatillo
Turkey :ala" or re"uce amount o. turkey
sala" ma"e with breast meat to @ cups.
He"uce +reen 6li%e :alsa garnish to @ Tbsp.
A"" or ser%e with > cup clo%er or mi3e"
sprouts per ser%ing.
;otes an$ :u""estions
<se your %ersion o. Hoaste" Tomatillo :ala"
to make this almost instant soup. 6nce
again this /uick con%ertible recipe is one to
%ary with accompaniments. #T&s shoul" be
2ne with the recipe as it is but may want to
ser%e it with an a%oca"o an" sprout Holl*
<p. (T&s coul" complement the soup with
sala" an"Cor sprouts. Hegar"less o. what the
recipe suggests it&s up to you to 2n" the balance
o. ingre"ients that works best .or you.
THE REC4PES6 Main Dis#es
T#e recipes #ere, as (ell as t#e recipes t#rou"#out t#e entire, can actually be en,oye$ )or
any meal, anytime& 7ou can #ave stea. an$ ve"etables )or brea.)ast, as (ell as lunc# or $inner& 9n
smaller 3uantities, you can even #ave t#em as a snac.& T#at's because t#e overri$in" emp#asis o) t#e
Total /ealt# Pro"ram is to .eep your bloo$ su"ar stable by consumin" a balance o) nutrients as
close to your i$eal ratio o) )ats, carbo#y$rates an$ protein as possible, eac# an$ every time you eat&
T#is section is $ivi$e$ into 5ve areas8 1N 1ee)P +N 1ison, Ostric# an$ Ot#er MeatsP EN Free-
Ran"e Poultry2D#ic.en an$ Tur.eyP >N ;o-Meat Main Dis#esP an$ 5N :a)e :almon Dis#es&
Please pay attention to t#e very clear, speci5c an$ repeate$ re)erences to acceptable protein
sources& 4s state$ in Part One, t#e 3uality or )orm o) t#e protein you eat is e*tremely important
2as important as t#e actual amount you consume on a $aily basis& T#at is (#y #ere an$ t#rou"#out
t#is boo. you (ill 5n$ certain speci5c bran$s an$ types o) meats, 5s#, poultry an$ $airy
recommen$e$, (it# in)ormation about (#ere you can 5n$ t#em& @atin" t#e best )orms o) )oo$s
as (ell as t#e ri"#t 3uantities (ill ma.e all t#e $iMerence in your #ealt#&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1E=
1EQ T/@ R@D9P@:8 GR4::-F@D 1@@F
1ee) cn 1eer :te(
+oo" ol" .ashione" bee. stew "one in a crockpot can be a warm welcome home
at the en" o. a long col" "ay.
8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
7 &b bee( round or $%ew *ea%! /u% n%o 7P /ube$
7 %$+ $a&%
7K8 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
<K? /u+ /#o++ed onon
@ *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! +re$$ed
7 bay &ea(
7 Tb$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
8 Tb$+ %o*a%o +a$%e
8 Tb$+ :or/e$%er$#re $au/e
<K? /u+ baby /arro%$
? $%a&,$ /e&ery! /u% n%o 8P rb$
8 *ed ,o#&rab! +ee&ed! $&/ed and Huar%ered
7 &b (re$# *u$#roo*$! /u% n #a&(
< /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
< /u+$ na%ura& bee( $%o/,
7 78 o3 bo%%&e $%ou% or o%#er dar, beer
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed +ar$&ey
7 #eat lar"e #eavy .ettle or stoc.pot to me$ium #i"# or croc.pot to
#i"# #eat& !#ile #eatin", sprin.le bee) (it# salt an$ pepper& 4$$ oil
an$ saut] bee), stirrin" )re3uently, )or =I< minutes until bro(ne$&
Remove bee) pieces an$ #ol$&
8 a$$ onions, "arlic, bay leaves, an$ t#yme to pan an$ saut] until
translucent& :tir in tomato paste, !orcesters#ire sauce&
< a$$ carrots, celery, .o#lrabi, an$ mus#rooms& :tir to coat an$ saut]
a )e( minutes& 4$$ bro(ne$ bee), (ater, stoc., an$ beer&
? re$uce to lo( an$ simmer, covere$, )or several #ours, until bee) is
ten$er& %a$le into bo(ls an$ serve, sprin.le$ (it# c#oppe$ parsley&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E>< 1+" +E" E5"
Darb Type8 1=> >" +>" <"
Protein Type8 EQ> 1E" +1" >E"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease bee. to >>JE lb. 4ncrease mushrooms
to >>J@ lb an" celery to A stalks.
(T; He"uce coconut oil to > Tbsp. <se
ostrich chuck or stew meat an" re"uce to >@
oz .or the recipe. (oul" increase kohlrabi to G.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Bee. stewTor any meat stewTis a classic
meat an" %egetable combination a stan"alone
meal in itsel.. 6ne o. the nice things
about this type o. "ish is that it can be simmering
all "ay in a crockpot rea"y to eat
when you walk in the "oor.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1E<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E?+ 1Q" 1Q" EE"
Darb Type8 +Q0 Q" +5" E0"
Protein Type8 E<5 +1" 11" >0"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease bee. to >>JE lb. <se >J@ re"
onion in preparation. 4ncrease celery to B
stalks re"uce peppers to >>J@ cups total.
(T; <se ostrich steak or strips an" re"uce
meat to >@ oz. 4ncrease salsa to @J G cup
an" re"uce (hunky Mockamole to > Tbsp
per ser%ing.
;otes an$ :u""estions
A natural meal*in*one recipe .a=itas can
be a"=uste" to 2t your type by %arying the
%egetables meat an" con"iments. #T an"
MN might want to ser%e these with
#armesan (risps. (T with less protein an"
more carbohy"rate re/uirements coul" a""
a tosse" sala" with Basic 'erb Vinaigrette
Lpage @E>M .or a balance" menu.
1ee) Fa,itas
,a=itas a popular Me3ican entrKe these "ays can be en=oye" on this eating
plan by selecting the optimum meats an" %egetables .or each type.
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
7 *ed red onon! $&/ed
77K8 /u+$ 'reen be&& +e++er $%r+$
77K8 /u+$ ye&&ow be&& +e++er $%r+$
< $%a&,$ /e&ery! /u% on da'ona&
8 *ed 3u//#n! /u% n%o 7K8P da'ona& $&/e$
8 Tb$+ (a.%a $ea$onn' *ade w%#6
8 Tb$+ /#& +owder! 7 Tb$+ /u*n! 7 %$+ ea/#
ore'ano and 'ar&/ +owder
7 &b 'ra$$5(ed bee( $%ea,! $&/ed /ro$$'ran
7K8 /u+ $a&$a
7K8 /u+ C#un,y Mo/,a*o&e M+a'e 8?7N
Par*e$an Cr$+$ Mo+%ona&! +a'e 87EN
7 #eat a lar"e s.illet over me$ium #i"# #eat& 4$$ coconut oil an$
saut] onions, peppers, celery, ucc#ini, an$ )a,ita seasonin" until
onions are translucent& Remove ve"etables an$ #ol$&
8 a$$ bee) slices an$ saut] until pin. is "one& 4$$ reserve$ ve"etables
an$ brin" bac. up to temperature&
< serve (it# salsa or Green Olive Tomatillo :alsa an$ D#un.y
Moc.amole, alon" (it# + Parmesan Drisps, recipes you can 5n$ in t#e
Don$iments & @*tra's an$ Vuic. :nac.s c#apters&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1>0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 GR4::-F@D 1@@F
1ee) Pot Roast (it# :auer.raut
$ower .at tougher cuts o. meat become Fa%or.ul an" %ery ten"er when
slow*simmere" with sauerkraut.
<7K8 &b 'ra$$5(ed bee( ru*+ roa$%! bo%%o* round or br$,e%
$a&% and +e++er %o %a$%e
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed onon$
7 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
8 &b $auer,rau%
8 $*a&& a++&e$! Huar%ered
8 bay &ea-e$ OR
7 Tb$+ *2ed +/,&n' $+/e$ Mbay &ea-e$! *u$%ard $eed!
'n'er! /nna*on! red and b&a/, +e++er! /araway $eed$!
/&o-e$! *a/e! a&&$+/e! /arda*o*N
8 /u+$ bo&n' wa%er or na%ura& bee( $%o/,
? *ed ,o#&rab! +ee&ed and Huar%ered
8 $*a&& %urn+$
? $%a&,$ /e&ery
? *ed /arro%$! /u% n %#rd$
7 season t#e meat (it# salt an$ pepper& 9n croc.pot or lar"e Dutc#
oven or #eavy pot over me$ium #i"#, melt coconut oil& 1ro(n t#e
bee) on bot# si$es (it# t#e onions& 4$$ t#yme leaves&
8 cover (it# sauer.raut an$ apple 3uarters, bay leaves or pic.lin"
spices& 4$$ + cups boilin" (ater or stoc.& Dover an$ simmer several
#ours or until ten$er&
< )or ma*imum nutrition, steam ve"etables in steamer over
boilin" (ater ,ust be)ore rea$y to serve& To ma*imie Javor an$ time,
ve"etables can be a$$e$ (it# t#e sauer.raut an$ simmere$ as t#e
meat ten$eries&
:er%es O. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E=5 11" +0" E?"
Darb Type8 E0+ =" +0" E+"
Protein Type8 >1? <" +E" EQ"" Tips
#T; :er%e slightly larger portions to P
instea" o. O.
(T; Bee. is not the best meat .or your type.
Try this slow*simmere" recipe with sauerkraut
an" %egetables substituting @ lb
ostrich 7stew meat8 or chicken breast.
He"uce cook time to un"er > hour.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This one*"ish*meal coul" be prepare" in a
crockpot yiel"ing plenty o. .or a
#T or MN. The preplanning re/uire" is
the primary e0ort.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1>1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +5> 1>" +" +Q"
Darb Type8 1=? ?" +" +="
Protein Type8 E15 1Q" +" E5"" Tips
#T; This is a #T kin" o. entrKe. :er%e E.
(T; Bee. is not a recommen"e" meat .or
(T so skip this or use the recipe substituting
ostrich strip steaks an" re"ucing oil to @ tsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
#T&s with the highest protein re/uirements
will still nee" to a"" %egetables an"Cor a
sala" to make this a balance" meal. A
(aesar*type sala" ma"e with more than
hal. spinach or a Mi""le 1astern :ala"
coul" ser%e the purpose.
/erb-:easone$ :tea. 1roil
This is a .ast an" tasty center*o.*the*plate "inner option rea"y in a .ew
short minutes.
7 &b 'ra$$5(ed %o+ $r&on $%ea,
8 %$+ /o/onu% o&
8 Tb$+ D.on *u$%ard
8 %$+ 'ra%ed or +re+ared #or$erad$#
8 %$+ dred %#y*e &ea-e$
7 %$+ 'round /e&ery $eed
7 %$+ onon +owder
7 %$+ /oar$e $ea or /e&%/ $a&%
7K8 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 ta.e stea. out o) re)ri"erator at least 1a+ #our be)ore servin"&
Pre#eat oven to 1roil& :et oven rac. ?H )rom broiler unit&
8 rub bot# si$es o) stea. (it# coconut oil& Mi* Di,on mustar$ an$
#orsera$is# to"et#er& :prea$ evenly over bot# si$es o) meat& Place
meat on li"#tly "rease$ broiler pan&
< in small cup, mi* t#yme leaves, "roun$ celery see$, onion po($er,
coarse salt an$ "roun$ pepper& Divi$e mi*ture, sprin.lin" #al) on eac#
si$e o) meat&
? broil stea. E-> minutes on eac# si$e, or until bro(ne$ on top&
Remove to servin" platter, let rest 1 minute& :lice an$ serve&
:er%es A. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1>+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 GR4::-F@D 1@@F
Vuic. 1ee) :tea.s (it# Mus#rooms an$ !ine
<sing grass*.e" bee. cube steaks can shorten cooking time an" calories. ,or
more Fa%or marinate ahea".
? &ar'e 'ra$$5(ed bee( /ube $%ea,$
7K8 /u+ red wne
E o3 (re$# *u$#roo*$! Huar%ered
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
8 Tb$+ 1ne&y /#o++ed +ar$&ey
8 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er
7 several #ours be)ore servin", i) possible, place cube stea.s in 3uartsie
plastic ba", t#en set in a bo(l to #elp ba" stan$ up& 4$$ (ine,
mus#rooms, mince$ "arlic an$ parsley& %et marinate a minimum o)
#al) an #our )or Javor, or )or more ten$er cuts, up to, but no more
t#an, +> #ours&
8 #eat lar"e s.illet over me$ium #i"# #eat& Melt butter& Place stea.s,
t(o at a time, in #ot pan& 1raise )or + minutes on a si$e& Remove to
servin" platter or s#allo( casserole&
< pour reserve$ marina$e into pan an$ brin" bac. up to boil& Doo.
)or a couple o) minutes, t#en pour over stea.s& Remove to platter an$
serve imme$iately&
? i) you $on't #ave time, simply #eat marina$e in"re$ients to"et#er
in a small pan )or +IE minutes, (#ile searin" stea.s in butter, as $irecte$&
Remove )rom pan&
@ a$$ marina$e an$ $e"lae or scrape up any o) t#e Javor)ul bro(ne$
bits )rom" t#e meat on t#e bottom o) t#e pan& Pour over
stea.s& ;o ten$eriin" bene5t t#is (ay, an$ Javor (on't be as intense,
but it (ill still be "oo$&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +=< 11" E" E5"
Darb Type8 1=E =" E" +5"
Protein Type8 E>5 15" 5" >="" Tips
#T; 4ncrease mushrooms to >?>@ oz
package or e%en > lb i. you like them. :tir
in @ Tbsp sour cream =ust be.ore ser%ing.
(T; <se >@ oz ostrich strip steaks .or this
recipe. Decrease butter to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
You coul" ser%e this /uick meal with Brussels
:prouts Trio or a simple steame" broccoli or
a sala". (T&s might want to ser%e both a
%egetable an" sala" with a smaller portion
o. meat.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1>E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +5> 1>" E" +Q"
Darb Type8 +05 1+" E" +0"
Protein Type8 +=E 15" +" E1"" Tips
#T; A"" > Tbsp Di=on Hemoula"e :auce
Lpage @GOM per ser%ing i. "esire".
(T; This is =ust not your kin" o. "ish unless
you use >@ oz groun" ostrich 2let increase
parsley to >JG cup an" ser%e G raw 7meat
balls8 per ser%ing with a sala" or %egetable
cru"itK Lcut*up raw %egetables.M
;otes an$ :u""estions
4. you&re not use" to the raw egg yolks you
can combine them with the rest o. the ingre"ients
in :tep @. 4. the raw meat "oesn&t
appeal to you you can broil it like a burger.
To balance this as a meal #T coul" ser%e it
with ,ast ,rench 6nion :oup an" a (aesar
:ala". (T coul" opt .or the soup an" a simple
green sala" or a platter o. .resh %egetables
like !ohlrabi an" :i"e !ickers.
:tea. Tartare
The classic raw gourmet presentation :teak Tartare originates with the
noma"ic Tartars who were so busy with no time to cook they pul%erize" their
meat un"er their sa""les. You can use a .oo" processor.
7 &b 'ra$$5(ed bee( %ender&on or $r&on $%ea,
7 Tb$+ /a+er$
8 %$+ D.on *u$%ard
8 %$+ :or/e$%er$#re $au/e
8 Tb$+ /#o++ed /ur&y +ar$&ey
7 %$+ $ea $a&%! /e&%/ 'ray $a&%! or ,o$#er $a&%
?Q@ 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
E &ea-e$ ro*ane or bu%%er &e%%u/e
? raw e'' yo&,$
7K8 $*a&& red onon! $&/ed n%o rn'$
7 cut up meat into >I5 c#un.s& Process in )oo$ processor until
5nely c#oppe$&
8 combine "roun$ stea., most o) t#e capers, Di,on mustar$,
!orcesters#ire sauce, c#oppe$ parsley, salt an$ pepper& :#ape into patties
an$ let rest )or a )e( minutes to allo( Javors to blen$&
< line servin" plates (it# romaine or butter lettuce& T#e classic presentation
consists o) a ra( "roun$ stea. patty (it# a spoon-sie$ #ollo(
)or a per)ect ra( e"" yol., toppe$ (it# ra( onion rin"s an$ sprin.le$
(it# a )e( more capers&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1>> T/@ R@D9P@:8 GR4::-F@D 1@@F
:u.iya.i (it# 1ee)
The tra"itional Japanese 7,rien"ship8 Dish this classic bee. an" %egetable one
"ish meal is a .ast an" easy :un"ay or any night supper .or .amily or guests.
8 &ar'e 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
7K? /u+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
77K8 Tb$+ :or/e$%er$#re $au/e
8 Tb$+ Mrn! r/e wne -ne'ar
77K8 &b 'ra$$5(ed bee( Lan, or $%r+ $%ea,
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
8 &ar'e $%a&,$ /e&ery! /u% on da'ona& Mabou% 8 /u+$N
77K8 *ed ye&&ow onon$! /re$/en%5$&/ed Mabou% 8 /u+$N
7KE #ead $#redded 'reen /abba'e Mabou% 8 /u+$N
? /u+$ $#redded Sw$$ /#ard! Bo, /#oy or C#ne$e /abba'e
8 /u+$ $&/ed *u$#roo*$
? *ed $/a&&on$ or 'reen onon$! /u% da'ona&&y n%o %#rd$
7 /an ba*boo $#oo%$ Mabou% 7 /u+N +&u$ &Hud
7 /an wa%er /#e$%nu%$ Mabou% 7 /u+N +&u$ &Hud
7<K? /u+$ na%ura& bee( or (ree5ran'e /#/,en $%o/,
8 Tb$+ arrowroo% Lour M+a'e 8@8N
B /u+$ Su//#e%% Pa$%a M+a'e 8<?N or S+a'#e%% SHua$# M+a'e 7GCN
7 mi* mince$ "arlic, soy sauce, !orcesters#ire sauce, an$ rice (ine
vine"ar in me$ium mi*in" bo(l or covere$ container&
8 cut stea. across t#e "rain into t#in slices or strips (it# a s#arp .ni)e&
T#is is easier to $o i) t#e meat is partially )roen& 4$$ meat strips to
marina$e in bo(l an$ stir to coat bee)& 9) usin" Jan. stea., marinate
several #ours to #elp ten$erie& 9) usin" more ten$er cuts o) stea.,
lon" marinatin" is not re3uire$&
< #ave all ve"etables cut up an$ close at #an$& !#en rea$y to coo.,
$rain meat )rom marina$e an$ reserve bot#& /eat spun steel (o. or
lar"e, #eavy )ryin" pan over #i"#& Melt coconut oil, a$$ $raine$ bee)&
? saut], stirrin" constantly, )or about 1 minute, till meat loses some pin.ness&
9) usin" (o., pull meat up t#e si$es o) (o., or remove )rom s.illet
an$ .eep (arm& 4$$ stoc. an$ ,uices )rom bamboo s#oots an$ (ater
c#estnuts to marina$e in bo(l& 4$$ celery an$ onions to (o., stirrin"
)or 1I+ minutes& Pour 1a> cup stoc. over to create steam& 4$$ s#re$$e$
cabba"e, c#ar$ an$ stir-)ry until t#ese ve""ies start to (ilt& Pour over 1a>
cup more stoc. to create steam an$ s#orten ve""ie" time&
@ re$uce #eat to me$ium or me$ium lo(& 4$$ mus#rooms, scallions,
bamboo s#oots, (ater c#estnuts an$ bee) slices to (o.& :tir to mi*&
B $rain oM li3ui$ )rom bottom o) (o. into marina$eAstoc. mi*ture&
1len$ in + Tbsp arro(root Jour (it# (ire (#is.& Pour bac. into (o.
an$ stir until t#ic.ene$& Pour over ve"etables an$ bee)& :erve as is, or
over duc#etti or steame$ spa"#etti s3uas#&
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E<+ 1Q" +>" E="
Darb Type8 1>0 >" +>" Q"
Protein Type8 >1< +0" +E" >1"" Tips
#T; (an increase bee. to @ lb an" ser%e P
with this recipe.
(T; Bee. is not one o. your best recommen"e"
meats but you coul" make this recipe with
ostrich strip steaks or chicken breast.
:er%es B. #reparation time; @I minutes.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1>5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +Q> =" 1<" EQ"
Darb Type8 ++< ?" E?" 1+"
Protein Type8 E1< 10" 1>" >E"" Tips
#T; <se >GJE lb groun" meat. Decrease
onion to >J@ cup. 4ncrease choppe" celery to
@>J@ cups.
(T; He"uce coconut oil to > Tbsp. 4ncrease
onion to > cup. A"" > me" green pepper
see"e" an" choppe". :ubstitute groun"
ostrich or turkey breast meat. <se >?>B oz
can tomatoes.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a popular winter .a%orite that can be
ma"e healthier by using bison or bu0alo
meat an" %arie" .or type with appropriate
%egetables an" meats. 13cellent accompaniments
are tra"itional coleslaw :unny
Hainbow (abbage :ala" or Northwoo"s
Broccoli :ala".
1uMalo D#ili
This might be a goo" recipe .or trying bison meat to "isco%er that it tastes a
lot like bee. only better.
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed onon$
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
77K8 /u+$ /#o++ed /e&ery
7 /u+ /#o++ed 'reen +e++er
77K8 &b 'round b$on or buIa&o *ea% M+a'e 8@7N
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
8 %$+ /#& +owder
8 %$+ 'round /u*n
7 %$+ $ea $a&%
7 E o3 /an %o*a%oe$
7 78 o3 .ar +re+ared $a&$a
7 in lar"e s.illet or croc.pot on me$ium to #i"#, melt oil an$ saut]
onions, "arlic, celery, an$ pepper until onion is translucent, EI> minutes&
8 a$$ "roun$ meat, t#yme, c#ili po($er an$ cumin, an$ coo., stirrin"
)re3uently, )or 5I? minutes&
< pour salt, tomatoes, an$ salsa into pot& Dover, re$uce #eat an$
simmer )or a minimum o) 1 #our& Droc.pot on lo( can simmer )or
3uite a )e( #ours&
? serve in bo(ls or over tiny steame$ cauliJo(erettes&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
1>? T/@ R@D9P@:8 19:O;, O:TR9D/, %4M1 & L@;9:O;
/erbe$ %emony %amb D#ops
$amb chops with this lemony Fa%or treatment are "elicious whate%er cut you
can a0or".
? &a*b $#ou&der /#o+$
7 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on +ee& Mno w#%eN or
7K8 %$+ &e*on +e++er $ea$onn'
7K8 %$+ dred ro$e*ary! /ru$#ed
7 %$+ dred ore'ano
7 %$+ dred %arra'on
< Tb$+ &e*on .u/e
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 #eat lar"e s.illet over me$ium #i"# #eat& 1ro(n lamb c#ops on
bot# si$es&
8 combine lemon peel, #erbs, lemon ,uice an$ tamari in small bo(l&
Pour over c#ops in pan& Dover an$ simmer over me$ium lo( )or
+0I+5 minutes, or until ten$er&
< t#is coul$ also be use$ as a seasonin" FpasteH or pesto )or broilin"
loin lamb c#ops& :imply re$uce lemon ,uice in #erb mi*ture to
1 Tbsp," a paste& :prea$ on loin c#ops an$ broil EI> minutes
per si$e, $epen$in" upon t#ic.ness& Do not overcoo.&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E1= +1" +" +Q"
Protein Type8 >+E +<" +" E="" Tips
:ince this is basically a meat recipe a"=ust
the menu with %egetables an" other .oo"s to
2t your speci2c metabolic nee"s.
#T; (an increase portion size an" ser%e
G?E with this recipe instea" o. E.
(T; $amb is not one o. your recommen"e"
meats. Try making this recipe with chicken
breast or 2sh instea".
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e the lamb chops with +reek 1gg*$emon
:oup an" a healthy portion o. Braise"
Brazilian +reens or +recian :pinach .or a
tra"itional Me"iterranean meal. 6r pair
them with +rille" Hatatouille :ala" or
Mi""le 1astern :ala".
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1>=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +5< 1Q" 1" +1"
Protein Type8 E++ +E" 1" +="" Tips
#T; (an increase meat to >>J E lb.
(T; Not your recommen"e" meat so prepare
this with groun" ostrich or turkey as
an alternate.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This recipe goes nicely with Hoaste"
Asparagus or +reen Bean (asserole. 4. still
hungry try a""ing a sala" or another %egetable.
The process o. e3perimentation is
what this eating plan is all about.
/orsera$is# 1uMalo 1ur"ers
Bison or bu0alo meat tastes surprisingly like bee. an" is lower in both
calories an" .at.
7 &b 'round b$on or buIa&o *ea% M+a'e 8@7N
8 Tb$+ +re+ared #or$erad$#
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
<Q? 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
7 combine "roun$ bison an$ remainin" in"re$ients& Form into patties&
8 broil in t#e oven or over a "rill, or )ry in #ot, cast iron s.illet over
me$ium #i"#, EI> minutes on a si$e, until bro(ne$& DO ;OT overcoo.&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1>Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 19:O;, O:TR9D/, %4M1 & L@;9:O;
Oriental Ostric# :ala$
You&ll 2n" this Asian*inspire" bee. an" sesame sala" to be an e3cellent main
entrKe prepare" with ostrich or grass*.e" bee..
7 7b o$%r/# 1&e% or $%ea, $%r+$ M+a'e 8@<N
< Tb$+ Mrn! r/e -ne'ar
7 7P +e/e (re$# 'n'er roo%! 'ra%ed
< Huar%$ *e$/&un or &ea(y $+rn' 'reen$ *2
7 /u+ /oar$e&y $#redded red /abba'e
7 /u+ *un' bean $+rou%$
7K8 /u+ rad$# $+rou%$
? Tb$+ A$an Dre$$n' M+a'e 8<BN
7 Tb$+ %oa$%ed $e$a*e $eed
7 marinate ostric# stea. 5lets in vine"ar an$ "rate$ "in"er )or +0IE0
minutes, up to + #ours, (#ile preparin" ot#er in"re$ients&
8 "rill ostric# stea.s over li"#tly "rease$ "rill or ri$"e$ "rill pan on
me$ium, 1I+ minutes per si$e, until me$ium rare& Remove )rom #eat
an$ trans)er meat to cuttin" boar$ to rest 5 minutes& 9) usin" 5let, slice
stea. t#inly across t#e "rain&
< mean(#ile, prepare servin" platter or in$ivi$ual plates (it# +IE cups o)
t#e "reens, toppe$ (it# re$ cabba"e s#re$s, mun" bean an$ ra$is# sprouts&
? top (it# "rille$ ostric# 5let strips an$ $rile 4sian Dressin" over
top& :prin.le (it# sesame see$s&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +<= 1+" 15" EE"
Darb Type8 +>5 10" 1?" +<"
Protein Type8 EQE +E" 1Q" E="" Tips
#T; 6strich is a lower .at meat not as recommen"e"
.or #T. :ubstitute >@ oz grass.e"
bee. or bison 2let. A"" > Tbsp sesame
see"s an" @ Tbsp Asian Dressing.
(T; 6strich is i"eal .or your type. <se >@ oz
ostrich 2lets omit or re"uce sesame see"s
substituting >JE cup slice" waterchestnuts.
;otes an$ :u""estions
6strich is much lower in .at than bee. an"
cooks .aster. Do Not 6%ercook. Hemember
meat continues to cook a.ter you take it o0
the heat.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1><
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E>+ +E" =" +Q"
Darb Type8 +=0 15" ?" +Q"
Protein Type8 >+Q EE" =" +?"" Tips
#T; :ubstitute grass*.e" bee. or bison since
ostrich is not a recommen"e" meat .or you.
4ncrease mushrooms to >@ oz.
(T; He"uce oil to > Tbsp an" omit sour cream.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e this o%er Wucchetti #asta or Mashe"
,otatoes .or some healthy winter com.ort .oo".
Ostric# Meat 1alls (it# Mus#room Gravy
This relati%ely /uick meatball an" mushroom "ish is e%en tastier with ostrich
than with bee.. Make it .aster by skipping the meatball prep an" .rying the
meat /uickly with the onions.
CrT*e FraU/#e
7 &b 'round o$%r/# M+a'e 8@<N
7 %$+ dred onon La,e$
8 Tb$+ 1ne&y /#o++ed +ar$&ey
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
7 *ed w#o&e e''
8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
7K8 $*a&& onon! 1ne&y /#o++ed
E o3 *u$#roo*$! $&/ed
8 Tb$+ Bean$ VR ;$ bean Lour! arrowroo% or $oy Lour M+a'e 8@8N
8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7K8 %$+ An'ou$%ura B%%er$ or :or/e$%er$#re $au/e
7K? /u+ CrT*e FraU/#e or $our /rea* M+a'e 8<GN
7 combine "roun$ ostric# (it# onion, parsley, 1 tsp t#yme, an$
e""& :#ape into 1H to 11a+H meatballs&
8 #eat me$ium s.illet over me$ium #i"#& Melt coconut oil, a$$
onions, a$$ meatballs, 1 tsp o) t#e t#yme leaves& :aut], ,ust
until bro(ne$ on all si$es, about + minutes& 4$$ mus#rooms an$
remainin" t#yme leaves, an$ saut] 1I+ minutes more&
< a$$ Jour an$ stir to coat, #eatin" )or +0IE0 secon$s& :tir in (ater
an$ coo., stirrin" )re3uently, until mi*ture is t#ic.ene$& Remove )rom
#eat an$ stir in soy sauce, bitters an$ sour cream& Rea$y to serve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
150 T/@ R@D9P@:8 19:O;, O:TR9D/, %4M1 & L@;9:O;
Ostric# :tir-Fry
6strich&s lower .at content an" /uick cooking time make it i"eal .or a %egetable
stir*.ry supper. (ook /uickly an" D6 N6T o%ercook.
7 7b o$%r/# 1&e%$! /u% n%o 77K8P +e/e$
8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! $&/ed
7 7P +e/e 'n'er! $&/ed
7 $*a&& &ee,! wa$#ed and /u% n%o rn'$
? /u+$ $#redded C#ne$e /abba'e
E o3 bu%%on *u$#roo*$! #a&-ed
7 *ed red +e++er! /u% n%o $%r+$
7 7G o3 +,' (re$# $now +ea$! /u% n #a&(! da'ona&&y
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 #eat (o. or $eep #eavy porcelain-cla$ s.illet over me$ium #i"#
#eat& 4$$ coconut oil, "arlic, "in"er, an$ lee. slices& :aut] until lee.s
starts to (ilt&
8 a$$ ostric# meat an$ saut] )or 1I+ minutes& Remove meat )rom pan
an$ #ol$, covere$& Remove "in"er slices&
< a$$ D#inese cabba"e an$ mus#room #alves to pan an$ stir-)ry until
cabba"e starts to (ilt& 4$$ re$ pepper strips an$ sno( peas& :tir-)ry
)or 1I+ minutes more& 4$$ alrea$y coo.e$ ostric#&
? remove )rom #eat& 4$$ soy sauce an$ stir to combine& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E00 1+" 11" EQ"
Darb Type8 ++1 =" 11" +<"
Protein Type8 EEQ 1<" 1+" E+"" Tips
#T; :ubstitute grass*.e" bee. 2let or strip
steak .or ostrich. 4ncrease mushrooms to >@ oz.
(T; He"uce ostrich to >@ oz. He"uce coconut
oil to > Tbsp.
;otes an$ :u""estions
$ ostrich an" %egetables are a great
combination .or a (T. You coul" also ser%e
a sala" with this or a soup such as ,ast
,rench 6nion.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 151
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 15Q E" ?" +="
Darb Type8 1E> E" ?" ++"
Protein Type8 +E+ >" 1E" E="" Tips
#T; You coul" substitute cauliFower .or
cabbage an" ser%e G with this recipe.
(T; Bison or bu0alo is not a recommen"e"
meat .or your type. But you coul" use this
recipe substituting ostrich steaks re"ucing
/uantity to >@ oz.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a timesa%ing %ersion o. the classic
pepper steak recipe. These steaks go well with
Mashe" ,otatoes or Hoaste" Asparagus.
Re$ Peppery 1uMalo :tea.s
Bu0alo steaks with a crusty kick o. crushe" peppercorns lemon an" salt
ser%e" o%er braise" (hinese cabbage with an easy roaste" pepper sauce.
7 &b b$on rbeye $%ea,$
8Q< Tb$+ dred 'reen and b&a/, +e++er/orn$
7 %$+ /oar$e $ea $a&%
7 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on 3e$%
? /u+$ C#ne$e /abba'e! 7K?P da'ona& /u%$
7 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e! $*a$#ed
E o3 .ar roa$%ed red +e++er$
7 %$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e or S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
7 crus# peppercorns (it# bac. o) spoon or in "rin$er& Mi* (it# sea
salt an$ lemon est& Press mi*ture all over stea.s& %et marinate (it#
t#is coatin" )or at least a )e( minutes& More Javor, i) allo(e$ to penetrate
)or E0 minutes&
8 sear stea.s by broilin" in oven broiler, over t#e "rill, or in #eavy cast
iron s.illet on me$ium #i"# #eat, E minutes on a si$e& 9) )ryin",
remove stea.s )rom pan& 4$$ s#re$$e$ D#inese cabba"e an$ "arlic to
pan $rippin"s an$ stir-)ry until (ilte$&
< mean(#lile, blen$ roaste$ re$ peppers in blen$er (it# 1 tsp tamari
soy sauce or :pi.e ve"etable seasonin"&
? to assemble, pile servin" platter (it# braise$ cabba"e, top (it#
stea.s an$ pour re$ pepper sauce over top& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
15+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 19:O;, O:TR9D/, %4M1 & L@;9:O;
Lenison :te(
$ower .at wil" or organic meats like %enison are especially goo" in stews where
they can be cooke" in li/ui".
77K8 &b w&d or or'an/ $%ewn' -en$on
$ea $a&% and +e++er
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o& or bu%%er
7 *ed red onon! $&/ed
< $%a&,$ /e&ery! /u% da'ona&&y
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
7 %$+ 'round /nna*on
7 %$+ 'ra%ed oran'e +ee& Mno w#%eN
7K8 /u+ (re$# /ranberre$
< *ed ,o#&rab! +ee&ed and /#o++ed
< /u+$ na%ura& bee( $%o/,
7 season venison (it# salt an$ pepper&
8 in lar"e stoc.pot or porcelain-cla$ Dutc# oven over me$ium #eat,
saut] onion an$ celery in coconut oil until onion starts to become
translucent& Remove ve"etables an$ #ol$&
< a$$ venison meat an$ sear or coo. until bro(ne$ an$ seale$& 4$$
t#yme leaves, cinnamon, oran"e peel& :tir to $istribute& 4$$ cranberries,
.o#lrabi, saut]e$ ve"etables an$ stoc.&
? #eat until mi*ture starts to bubble& Dover an$ simmer at me$ium
lo( )or >5I50 minutes or until venison is ten$er& :erve&
:er%es B. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 EQ> Q" >Q" E0"
Darb Type8 E++ >" >Q" +1"
Protein Type8 EQ0 <" 15" 5="" Tips
#T; 4ncrease meat to @ lb. 4ncrease celery to
B stalks. :ubstitute @ Tbsp "rie" cherries or
currants .or cranberries. :er%e to E.
(T; He"uce coconut oil to >>J@ tsp. <se > lb
%enison. <se G kohlrabi an" a"" G cups
choppe" cabbage with %egetables be.ore
co%ering an" simmering.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e this hearty stew as a special treat o%er
Mashe" ,otatoes or Braise" ,ennel.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 15E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +15 Q" 0" EE"
Darb Type8 1<? 5" 0" E5"
Protein Type8 +E+ 11" 0" E1"" Tips
MN; (hoose hal. "ark ) hal. white meat
#T; (hoose "ark meat portions.
(T; (hoose white meat portions.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Hoasting a chicken or turkey is a basic skill
e%eryone nee"s to know. A stan"by you can
count on .or a no*.ail :un"ay "inner roasting
a bir" at the beginning o. the week
assures a goo" supply o. rea"y*to*eat protein
.or lunches an" "inners "uring the week.
A"" cooke" meat as the protein complement
.or soups sala"s casseroles 2llings egg "ishes
Holl*<ps an" 7san"wiches.8
1asic Roast D#ic.en
A simple basic poultry recipe is the classic :un"ay Hoast (hicken.
7 BQE &b (ree ran'e roa$%n' /#/,en
7 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er! $o(%ened
7 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e! *n/ed
<K? %$+ $ea $a&%
?Q@ 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
7 pre#eat oven to E50eF& !as# c#ic.en, removin" )at )rom insi$e cavity&
8 in small bo(l, combine butter, mince$ "arlic, salt, pepper an$
t#yme leaves& Rub t#is paste over outsi$e o) c#ic.en& Place bir$ breastsi$e-
$o(n in roastin" pan&
< roast, uncovere$, bastin" )re3uently, )or appro*imately 11a+ #ours,
Oabout +0 minutes per poun$N& Place c#ic.en breast-si$e-up $urin"
last #al) an #our to bro(n&
? remove )rom oven (#en le" pulls easily an$ ,uices no lon"er run
re$& Remove )rom pan an$ let rest, covere$, )or 5I10 minutes&
De"lae or scrape pan ,uices an$ ma.e "ravy, i) $esire$, )rom 11a+
Tbsp arro(root, $issolve$ in t(o cups (ater&
@ cut c#ic.en into servin"s or slice an$ serve (it# "ravy on t#e si$e&
Remove be)ore eatin"& Remove le)tover c#ic.en )rom bone an$
re)ri"erate or )reee )or e*pe$itin" meals $urin" t#e (ee.&
:er%es >>. #reparation time; >I minutes.
15> T/@ R@D9P@:8 FR@@-R4;G@ D/9DK@; & TBRK@7
Dlassic Dornell 11V D#ic.en
-ithout a "oubt the B1:T non*tomato barbecue sauce going. :a%ory pi/uant
an" pungent but not spicy or sweet. No won"er it&s been popular .or almost
AI years9
? bro&er5(ryer #a&-e$
77K8 /u+$ Corne&& BBW Sau/e M+a'e 8?8N
7 marinate broiler-)ryer #alves in 11V sauce, turnin" occasionally, )or
up to Q #ours&
8 #eat up "rill or pre#eat broiler& Grillin" is $e5nitely t#e best& Doo.
c#ic.en, liberally an$ )re3uently bastin" (it# 11V sauce& Turn #alves
routinely, on out$oor "rill )or appro*imately 11a+ #ours until ten$er
an$ $ar. bro(n&
< cut eac# #al) into +IE portions, $epen$in" upon eatin" plan& Four
broiler-)ryer #alves (ill "enerally )ee$ QI10 o) all e*cept t#e bi""est
eaters& :erve imme$iately&
? can be prepare$ in t#e broilerAoven, re$ucin"" time, but
t#ere's no comparison (it# t#e "rille$ pro$uct& @*cellent le)tover,
col$, i) t#ere is any&
:er%es O?>I. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +?0 1E" 1" EE"
Darb Type8 +E< 10" 1" E5"
Protein Type8 +=5 1?" 1" E1"" Tips
#T; (hoose A oz. "ark meat portions. <se @
cups BBS sauce.
(T; <se > cup BBS sauce. :er%e G oz white
meat portions.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is not your typical sweet an" sticky BBS
chicken but this classic recipe "e%elope" by
(ornell (ooperati%e 13tension has withstoo"
the test o. time. This is e3cellent ser%e"
with +rille" Hatatouille :ala" which you
can make right along with the chicken on
the grill. Despite continual basting not all
o. the sauce will be use". <nuse" BBS sauce
Lthat was not use" to marinate raw chickenM
can be kept in the re.rigerator in co%ere"
glass =ar .or up to O weeks.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 155
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +5+ <" +5" +1"
Darb Type8 +5> >" >>" 15"
Protein Type8 +Q> 10" +>" +5"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease celery to E stalks. :ubstitute
kohlrabi .or s/uash. <se "ark meat turkey
such as legs an" thighs.
(T; <se > lb turkey breast meat. <se >*@O oz
can tomatoes. He"uce cooking time to > hour.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is close to a one*"ish*meal but you
coul" easily pair it with a /uick %egetable
like :autKe" (abbage with Dill or Braise"
Brazilian +reens to ha%e "inner on the
table in a .ew minutes.
Droc.pot Tur.ey :te(
A warm welcoming .all or winter one*"ish*meal waiting .or you in the
crockpot when you get home.
8 &b (ree5ran'e %ur,ey +ar%$
7 *ed &ee,! $&/ed
8 $%a&,$ /e&ery! /u% n%o +e/e$
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
7 %$+ ore'ano &ea-e$
7 %$+ S+,e or Mr$ Da$# -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
7 /u+ wn%er $Hua$#! +ee&ed and /ubed
7 *ed /arro%! /#o++ed
7 /nna*on $%/,
7 7B o3 /an %o*a%oe$
8 /u+$ wa%er or (ree5ran'e /#/,en $%o/,
7 /u+ &en%& or *un' bean $+rou%$
7 place tur.ey pieces,$e-$o(n, into croc.pot set on #i"#, an$
saut] to release )at& Turn tur.ey pieces an$ a$$ lee.s an$ celery&
:prin.le on t#yme, ore"ano an$ ve"etable seasonin", an$ saut] until
lee.s start to become translucent&
8 a$$ s3uas# cubes, carrots, cinnamon stic., tomatoes, (ater or
stoc., an$ simmer covere$, )or +IE #ours on me$ium or up to ?IQ
#ours on lo(est settin"&
< a )e( minutes be)ore servin", a$$ lentil or bean sprouts an$ remove
cinnamon stic.& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
15? T/@ R@D9P@:8 FR@@-R4;G@ D/9DK@; & TBRK@7
Drunc#y D#ic.en :ala$ A Dasserole
This con%ertible chicken sala"*to*casserole is a tasty way to use up
cooke" chicken or turkey.
< /u+$ &e(%o-er /oo,ed (ree5ran'e /#/,en
8 /u+$ /oar$e&y d/ed /e&ery
8 Tb$+ /#o++ed 'reen onon$
7 /u+ ./a*a! +ee&ed and /u% n%o *a%/#$%/,$
8 %$+ &e*on .u/e
8K< /u+ ba$/ *ayonna$e M+a'e 8<EN
7K? /u+ wa&nu%$! /oar$e&y /#o++ed
7K8 %$+ $ea $a&%
7K8 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
< da$#e$ An'ou$%ura b%%er$ Mo+%ona&N
&e%%u/e or $+na/# &ea-e$ Mo+%ona&N
7 in lar"e bo(l or li"#tly "rease$ casserole, mi* all in"re$ients
to"et#er until combine$&
8 to serve as sala$, re)ri"erate or serve imme$iately on lettuce or
spinac# leaves&
< to serve as casserole, pre#eat oven to E50eF& Trans)er c#ic.en sala$
to li"#tly "rease$ casserole $is#& Top (it# 1 Tbsp :unny :ee$
Gomasio Opa"e +15N or Parmesan c#eese& 1a.e )or 15I1Q minutes
until (arme$ t#rou"#&
:er%es A. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1<= 10" 5" ++"
Darb Type8 1=0 =" <" ++"
Protein Type8 +?0 1>" ?" +="" Tips
#T; <se E cups "ark meat chicken. 4ncrease
celery to G cups an" walnuts to >JG cup.
(T; <se @ cups white meat chicken. <se >JG
cup mayonnaise an" >JG cup plain
yogurt. He"uce walnuts to @ Tbsp combine"
with @ Tbsp choppe" parsley an"
sprinkle" on top.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a hearty stan"alone lunch or summer
supper meal with the appropriate type
o. light or "ark meat poultry .or your type.
:er%e on lettuce lea%es or small moun" o.
spinach .or #T. (T&s can also ser%e this with
a mi3e" %egetable si"e sala" lightly tosse"
with Basic 'erb Vinaigrette Lpage @GPM.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 15=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +15 Q" 0" EE"
Darb Type8 1<? 5" 0" E5"
Protein Type8 +E+ 11" 0" E1"" Tips
#T; :elect "ark meat portions.
(T; :elect white meat portions. :er%e B.
(T&s may want to remo%e skin =ust be.ore
cooking is "one as it is high in .at. :prinkle
a""itional Jerk Hub o%er meat to increase
Fa%or i. "esire".
;otes an$ :u""estions
A /uick no*.uss chicken preparation .or .ast
supper or backyar" grilling. (ombine with
a +rille" Hatatouille :ala" or a tosse" gar"en
%egetable sala" with crunchy toppings
.or a whole meal.
Grille$ Daribbean Rub
Dry rubs are a simple yet %ery Fa%or.ul way to season meats with .ewer
calories an" carbs.
8 (ree5ran'e bro&er5(ryer #a&-e$
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o& or raw or'an/ bu%%er
B Tb$+ Carbbean Jer, Rub
Carbbean Jer, Rub 0 M2 %o'e%#er6
B Tb$+ *n/ed 'ar&/ or 'ar&/ +owder
B Tb$+ *n/ed onon!
B Tb$+ dred *n/ed onon or onon +owder!
8 Tb$+ a&&$+/e
7 Tb$+ dred 'round /#+o%&e or red +e++er!
8 Tb$+ Hun'aran +a+r,a!
7 +a/,e% S%e-aP&u$ a&%erna%-e $wee%ener Or
7 Tb$+ dred or'an/ /ane .u/e
8 Tb$+ %#y*e &ea-e$!
8 Tb$+ 'round /nna*on! 8 %$+ 'round nu%*e'
77K8 %$+ 'round #abeRera!
'round 3e$% or +ee& o( 8 &e*on$ Mno w#%eN
S%ore n /o-ered /on%aner n re(r'era%or! (or u+ %o a *on%#.
7 #eat up "rill or pre#eat broiler&
8 rub broiler-)ryer #alves li"#tly (it# oil an$ t#en all over (it# Cer. Rub&
< broil or "rill, turnin" routinely, until c#ic.en is ten$er, appro*imately
1 to 11a+ #ours&
:er%es A. #reparation time; >I minutes.
15Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 FR@@-R4;G@ D/9DK@; & TBRK@7
Grille$ D#ic.en Daesar
A classic chicken meal sala" ma"e e%en more special with grille" chicken.
8 w#o&e (ree5ran'e /#/,en brea$%$! $+&%
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7K8 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 &ar'e #ead Ro*ane &e%%u/e! %orn
7 Tb$+ /a+er$
7K? /u+ Cae$ar $a&ad dre$$n'
7K? /u+ 'ra%ed Par*e$an or Ro*ano /#ee$e
7 pre#eat broiler& Dut split breast #alves cross(ise in 1H slices& :eason
(it# :pi.e an$ pepper& 1roil c#ic.en pieces on slatte$ broiler tray E-?
minutes, or until "ol$en bro(n& Remove )rom oven an$ cool&
8 mean(#ile, (as# an$ $rain romaine& Tear into lar"e pieces into
sala$ bo(l&
< a$$ remainin" in"re$ients, e*cept )or + Tbsp Parmesan c#eese, an$
toss until coate$& Top (it# broile$ c#ic.en pieces an$ remainin"
Parmesan c#eese&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +?5 11" <" E+"
Darb Type8 +00 ?" 5" E0"
Protein Type8 E00 +0" Q" ++"" Tips
#T; <se E lbs chicken thighs. :ubstitute E cups
spinach .or E cups o. the lettuce. A"" @ cups
choppe" celery.
(T; <se @ Tbsp capers @ Tbsp sala" "ressing
an" @ Tbsp #armesan cheese.
;otes an$ :u""estions
An e3cellent summer meal sala" to make with grille" or broile" chicken. #T&s coul"
also accompany it with #armesan (risps.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 15<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +E+ 1E" 5" +E"
Darb Type8 +00 10" 1+" 1="
Protein Type8 +Q1 1?" ?" +<"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease turkey to >>JE lb. 4ncrease
mushrooms to >@ oz.
(T; He"uce oil to @ tsp. He"uce turkey to >@
oz. <se > me" slice" onion. A"" >J@ choppe"
green pepper an" B oz water chestnut slices
a.ter meat is cooke".
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a %ery goo" "ish to ser%e o%er Mashe"
,otatoes or Wucchetti #asta accompanie" by
a green sala" .or a whole meal.
Groun$ Tur.ey an$ Gravy
A /uick satis.ying "ish when there&s little time le.t to get a meal on the table.
7 $*a&& onon! /#o++ed
7 &b (ree5ran'e 'round %ur,ey
E o3 bu%%on *u$#roo*$! Huar%ered
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
8 Tb$+ Bean$ VR ;$ bean Lour! arrowroo% or $oy Lour M+a'e 8@8N
8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 #eat me$ium s.illet over me$ium #i"#& 4$$ onions an$ $ry saut]
)or a )e( minutes&
8 a$$ "roun$ tur.ey, mus#rooms, an$ t#yme leaves, an$ saut] until
pin. o) meat is "one, about 5I? minutes&
< a$$ Jour an$ stir to coat, #eatin" )or +0IE0 secon$s& 4$$ (ater,
stir an$ coo., stirrin" )re3uently, until mi*ture is t#ic.ene$& Remove
)rom #eat an$ stir in soy sauce&
? serve imme$iately as is, over Mas#e$ Fotatoes, duc#etti Pasta, or
:pa"#etti :3uas#&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1?0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 FR@@-R4;G@ D/9DK@; & TBRK@7
/ot !in"s, T#i"#s & T#in"s
1%erybo"y&s .a%orite snack while watching the game now you "on&t ha%e to miss out.
8 &b (ree5ran'e /#/,en +ar%$! wn'$! %#'#$ and brea$%$
77K8 /u+$ /o**er/a& /#/,en wn' $au/e
7K8 %$+ Taba$/o $au/e
7K8 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7K? /u+ $e$a*e $eed$
B &ar'e /e&ery $%a&,$! /u% n%o $%/,$
7K8 /u+ b&ue /#ee$e dre$$n'
7 pre#eat oven to E=5eF& !as# c#ic.en an$ $rain& Dut up c#ic.en
into lar"e nu""et-type pieces& Place c#ic.en in <h * 1EH" pan&
8 $renc# c#ic.en (it# #ot (in"s sauce, mi*e$ (it# Tabasco an$
pepper& :prin.le all over (it# sesame see$s&
< ba.e )or +0I+5 minutes, until meat is coo.e$ t#rou"# or rea$s
1?5eF& Remove )rom oven an$ trans)er to servin" platter&
? surroun$ /ot !in"s & T#in"s (it# celery stic.s an$ a small
$ippin" bo(l o) blue c#eese $ressin"&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +=> +>" Q" 10"
Darb Type8 1=0 11" 5" Q"
Protein Type8 E+> +=" Q" 11"" Tips
#T; <se "ark meat such as wings an"
thighs. 4ncrease celery sticks to >@ an" blue
cheese "ressing to @JG cup.
(T; :er%e this recipe using white meat
chicken. He"uce blue cheese "ressing to >JG
cup an" omit sesame see"s.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Most commercial chicken wing sauce is low
in carbs. You can ser%e this with Hainbow
(abbage :ala" or Vegetable (rispers or
a big plate o. raw %egetable "ippers with
lots o. celery.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1?1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +=5 1E" >" E?"
Darb Type8 +10 ?" >" E0"
Protein Type8 EQ= 15" 5" 50"" Tips
#T; This is an i"eal "ish .or you as is. <se
G Tbsp oli%es i. "esire".
(T; $ight meat turkey breast is more
appropriate .or your type. :tart with > lb @
hal. breast portions cut in hal. an" Fattene"
as "irecte". He"uce butter to @ tsp.
6mit oli%es an" substitute @ tsp capers.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This /uick turkey entrKe coul" be a .ast supper
on a night when there&s no time to .uss.
:er%e it with steame" green beans asparagus
or broccoli slaw i. you are a #T.
(T can ser%e with a mi3e" green sala" with
Basic 'erb Vinaigrette or Braise" (abbage
with Dill.
Vuic. Tur.ey Dutlets
Another tasty turkey "ish that coul" help get "inner on the table in a hurry
any weeknight.
77K? &b boned (ree5ran'e %ur,ey %#'#$
77K? %$+ $ea or /e&%/ $ea $a&%
?Q@ 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7K? /u+ &e*on .u/e
? %$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
? %$+ (re$# *n/ed or 8 %$+ /ru$#ed dred ro$e*ary
8 Tb$+ 'reen o&-e$! $&/ed n #a&(
7 place bone$ tur.ey t#i"#s bet(een pieces o) (a*e$ paper or plastic
(rap an$ poun$ (it# lar"e Jat .ni)e or meat mallet evenly to 1aQH
t#ic.& :prin.le (it# salt an$ pepper&
8 #eat 1+H saut] pan or lar"e s.illet over me$ium #i"# #eat until #ot&
Melt butter an$ sear tur.ey cutlets, until bro(ne$& Turn
cutlets& Doo. )or 1 minute&
< sprin.le (it# rosemary an$ a$$ lemon ,uice an$ olives& Doo.
)or +IE minutes more& T#en remove cutlets to servin" platter an$
.eep (arm&
? continue #eatin" sauce (#ile $e"lain" or scrapin" up any bro(ne$
bits )rom bottom o) pan until sauce is re$uce$ to about + Tbsp& Pour
over tur.ey cutlets on platter an$ serve imme$iately&
:erves >& Preparation time8 10 minutes&
1?+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 FR@@-R4;G@ D/9DK@; & TBRK@7
Roast Tur.ey (it# Le"etable
D#estnut :tuUn"
A garlic %egetable an" herb stuYng assures moistness an" gi%es this turkey
a rich sa%ory Fa%or.
7 7<Q7? &b (ree5ran'e %ur,ey
7 Tb$+ raw bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
@ *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
8 &ar'e onon$! /#o++ed
E &ar'e $%a&,$ /e&ery! /#o++ed
8 *ed /arro%$! /oar$e&y $#redded
8 *ed ,o#&rab! +ee&ed and /#o++ed
8 *ed 'reen a++&e! 1ne&y /#o++ed
< /u+$ /#o++ed 4%a&an La%5&ea( +ar$&ey! +a/,ed
8 /u+$ /oar$e&y /#o++ed /#e$%nu%$ or $&/ed wa%er /#e$%nu%$
7 Tb$+ b&a/, /urran%$
8 Tb$+ +ou&%ry $ea$onn' or
7 Tb$+ %#y*e &ea-e$! 8 %$+ $a'e &ea-e$! <K? %$+ /ru$#ed ro$e*ary
7 %$+ $ea or /e&%/ $ea $a&%
7K8 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 remove "iblets an$ nec.& Rinse tur.ey insi$e an$ out& Rub (it# 1
tsp butter or coconut oil& :prin.le (it# salt an$ pepper& Pre#eat oven
to E50^F&
8 in lar"e .ettle or pot, melt remainin" butter or coconut oil& 4$$
mince$ "arlic an$ onions an$ saut] until ve"etables are translucent&
4$$ celery, carrots, .o#lrabi, an$ apple an$ saut] until ve"etables start
to so)ten& Remove )rom #eat&
< a$$ c#oppe$ parsley an$ c#estnuts or (ater c#estnuts, currants,
poultry seasonin", salt an$ pepper& Mi* to"et#er (ell&
? stuM tur.ey, tie bac. le"s& Place breast-si$e-$o(n in s#allo( roastin"
pan& Dover (it# aluminum )oil& Roast )or 1 #our& Re$uce temperature
to +00^F& Roast )or + #ours&
@ turn bir$ breast-si$e-up an$ an$ roast )or an a$$itional + #ours an$
>5 minutes or until internal temperature o) t#i"#s reac#es
1?0I1=0^F& Remove bir$ )rom oven& 9ncrease oven temperature to
>00^F, remove )oil an$ return bir$ to oven )or an a$$itional 10 minutes
until t#i"# temperature reac#es 1=0^F& an$ breast is bro(n&
B remove tur.ey )rom oven an$ allo( to rest on cuttin" boar$ )or +0
minutes be)ore carvin"& :coop out stuUn" an$ put into servin" bo(l,
covere$, until it's time to eat& :lice tur.ey an$ serve&
:er%es @I. #reparation time; @A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +Q< =" E=" 1<"
Darb Type8 +15 E" EE" 15"
Protein Type8 E10 <" E=" 1<"" Tips
#T; (hoose "ark meat. 4. you you
can omit the .ruits an" a"" >>J @ lb slice"
mushrooms at the en" while cooking the
(T; (hoose breast meat. (hoose water
chestnuts instea" o. chestnuts .or stuYng.
:er%e smaller portions to @E.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Yes it&s also possible .or you to en=oy the tra"itional
Thanksgi%ing an"Cor (hristmas
turkey "inner with the trimmingsTe%en the
stuYngTan" still maintain your eating
plan. Just watch your portions. Those who
ha%e "iabetes or obesity may wish to .orgo the
stuYng "ue to high carb count.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1?E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +<< 1>" 11" E1"
Darb Type8 +EE <" Q" ++"
Protein Type8 EQQ +>" 1+" >0"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease turkey to E cups "ark meat.
4ncrease celery to >>J@ cups. 4ncrease oli%es to
>JG cup.
(T; :ubstitute white meat turkey an"
re"uce to @ cups. 6mit oli%es.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a uni/ue sala" that coul" be ma"e
easily .rom turkey. 4t can also be
ma"e easily into a soup with the simple a""ition
o. hot chicken broth. ,in" the recipe on
page >GB in :oups.
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :ala$
$ turkey goes south o. the bor"er in a /uick healthy meal sala" with
smoky crunch.
< /u+$ /oo,ed! boned! (ree5ran'e %ur,ey! /u% u+
7 /u+ /ubed ./a*a
7K8 /u+ 1ne&y /#o++ed /e&ery
7K8 /u+ 1ne&y /#o++ed bro//o& $%e*$
8 *ed $/a&&on$ or 'reen onon$! $&/ed
7K? /u+ +*en%o5$%uIed 'reen o&-e$! /#o++ed
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed /&an%ro or 4%a&an La%5&ea( +ar$&ey
< Tb$+ &e*on .u/e
7K8 /u+ Green O&-e To*a%&&o Sa&$a M+a'e 8?<N
?Q@ 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
7 combine coo.e$ tur.ey, ,icama, celery, broccoli stems, scallions,
"reen olives, cilantro or Jat-lea) parsley in lar"e mi*in" bo(l&
8 stir lemon ,uice into "reen olive salsa& Pour over sala$& Toss to
combine& :erve on butter lettuce leaves&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
1?> T/@ R@D9P@:8 FR@@-R4;G@ D/9DK@; & TBRK@7
:lo($o(n Droc.pot D#ic.en Durry
This coul" cook while you&re away "uring the "ay then be almost rea"y to
ser%e when you return. :imple an" ,ast... You&re not stan"ing there watching
the crockpot are youQ
8 &b (ree5ran'e /#/,en +ar%$
7 $*a&& onon /u% n%o rn'$ or 7K8P +e/e$
< &ar'e /e&ery $%a&,$! /u% n%o 8P da'ona& /u%$
< 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
7 Tb$+ /urry +owder
7K? %$+ /ayenne +e++er
$a&% and +e++er
8 Tb$+ Bean$ VR ;$ bean Lour! $oy Lour or arrowroo% M+a'e 8@8N
7K8 /u+ #a&( and #a&( /rea* or bu%%er*&,
bro%# (ro* /oo,n' /#/,en
7 in croc.pot, place c#ic.en pieces, onion, celery, "arlic, curry po($er,
cayenne, salt an$ pepper& Doo. on lo( )or 5I? #ours&
8 remove c#ic.en )rom croc.pot to colan$er set in a lar"e bo(l& %et
$rain an$ cool sli"#tly& Remove c#ic.en )rom bones& Reserve stoc.&
< combine remainin" li3ui$ )rom croc.pot (it# + Tbsp bean Jour
in a me$ium saucepan& 1rin" to a boil an$ coo. until mi*ture
t#ic.ens sli"#tly&
? re$uce #eat, a$$ #al) an$ #al) or buttermil., coo.e$ c#ic.en meat,
an$ a$$itional curry to taste&
@ serve (it# any combination o) tra$itional curry accompaniments
suc# as8 coo.e$, crumble$ tur.ey bacon, c#oppe$ scallion or "reen
onion tops, )res# or $rie$, uns(eetene$ coconut, mun" bean sprouts,
c#oppe$ #ar$-coo.e$ e"", c#oppe$ (alnuts, an$Aor currants& D#oose
+, about 1 Tbsp eac#&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +>1 ?" Q" E="
Darb Type8 +++ E" <" E="
Protein Type8 E?1 1E" =" ><"" Tips
#T; (an increase celery to A large stalks.
<se "ark meat portions. (hoose hal. an" hal.
cream o%er buttermilk
(T; <se white meat an" buttermilk.
(ook only > hour ma3imum.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This "ish coul" be the centerpiece .or an
Asian or 4n"ian*inspire" meal.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1?5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 ++5 >" 1?" E1"
Darb Type8 +1Q >" 1?" +<"
Protein Type8 +>+ 5" 1>" E?"" Tips
#T; <se @>J @ lb "ark meat chicken thigh
wings an"Cor legs instea" o. breast meat.
(oul" substitute @ cups asparagus or green
bean cuts .or @ cups o. the cabbage.
(T; <se chicken breasts. (an increase parsley
to > cup. A"" > cup re" or yellow pepper
strips i. "esire".
;otes an$ :u""estions
Another stan"alone meal in itsel. this is an
i"eal "ish .or any type but especially (T.
'ere&s a goo" e3ample o. a "ish that is light
an" healthy with a goo" balance o. protein
an" %egetables. Yet #T an" e%en MN may
2n" that this "oesn&t ha%e enough .at to keep
.rom getting hungry soon a.ter eating. 4. so
you coul" ser%e with one o. the 13tra&s in
(on"iments like Black 6li%e Tapena"e
(hunky Mockamole or Miso -alnut #aste.
:teamin" D#ic.en an$ Le"etables
:teaming the chicken with %egetables is a simple healthy metho" that re"uces
e3cess .at cooking time an" kitchen mess.
7 *ed #ead $a-oy /abba'e! $#redded
<K? /u+ baby /arro%$! $+&% n #a&(
7 7P +e/e (re$# 'n'er roo%! $&/ed and /u% n%o *a%/#$%/,$
7 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e! *n/ed
B $/a&&on$ or 'reen onon$! /u% n%o %#rd$
7K8 /u+ 4%a&an or La%5&ea( +ar$&ey! &'#%&y /#o++ed
7 %$+ $ea $a&% or S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
<Q? 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
8 &ar'e /#/,en brea$%$! #a&-ed
8 %$+ /o/onu% o& or bu%%er
7K8 /u+ (ree5ran'e /#/,en $%o/,
7 t#e pre)erable utensil )or steamin" t#is $is# is a bun$t pan Ot#e ca.e
pan (it# a #ole in t#e mi$$leN& /o(ever, it coul$ be $one in a bamboo
steamer or a re"ular metal colan$er (it# le"s in a covere$ stoc.pot&
8 brin" +IE inc#es o) (ater to boil in lar"e Dutc# oven or stoc.pot&
Place s#re$$e$ cabba"e in bottom o) bun$t pan or steamer
%o(er #eat un$er (ater to simmer&
< mean(#ile, combine slice$ carrots, "in"er, "arlic, scallions, parsley,
an$ c#ic.en in a lar"e bo(l& 4$$ oil, sprin.le (it# salt or :pi.e an$
pepper& Toss to mi*& Pile mi*ture evenly on top o) s#re$$e$ cabba"e&
? place steamerApan into stoc.pot o) simmerin" (ater& Pour c#ic.en
stoc. over, cover an$ steam li"#tly )or about 1QI+0 minutes&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
1?? T/@ R@D9P@:8 FR@@-R4;G@ D/9DK@; & TBRK@7
:tir-Fry Tur.ey
This is the basic recipe .or the .ast 6riental won"er :tir*,ry. 4n tra"itional
wok or hea%y skillet o%er gas electric or open 2re this is the mother o. all .ast
an" healthy meals in a minute.
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&! raw or or'an/ bu%%er
< $&/e$ 'n'er roo%
7 &ar'e 'ar&/ /&o-e! $&/ed
7 *ed red onon! /#o++ed
8 /u+$ /e&ery! da'ona&&y /u%
7 *ed /arro%! /u% n #a&( $&/e$
7 bro//o& $%e*! +ee&ed and $&/ed
8 *ed ,o#&rab! +ee&ed and d/ed
7 /u+ bro//o& Lowere%%e$
< /u+$ /#o++ed ,a&e or $+na/#
E o3 *u$#roo*$! $&/ed or Huar%ered
8 /u+$ /oo,ed &e(%o-er %ur,ey or /#/,en
8 %$+ dred %#y*e or *ar.ora* &ea-e$
7K? %$+ /urry +owder
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 ma.e sure all ve"etables are cut up an$ in"re$ients are close at
#an$& /eat spun steel (o. or #eavy porcelain-cla$ casserole over #i"#
#eat& !#en #ot, a$$ coconut oil, "in"er root an$ slice$ "arlic, stirrin"
constantly )or about E0I>5 secon$s&
8 a$$ onion, celery, carrot, broccoli stems, .o#lrabi, an$ stir-)ry, stirrin"
constantly, )or EI> minutes, or until ve"etable colors bri"#ten&
< a$$ broccoli Jo(erettes, .ale, an$ mus#rooms, an$ continue to
stir-)ry )or 1 minute&
? a$$ coo.e$ tur.ey, $rie$ #erbs an$ curry po($er& Dover, re$uce
#eat to me$ium lo(, an$ let steam 5nis#" )or about + minutes&
:#ut oM #eat& Remove cover, stir in tamari an$ serve imme$iately&
@ i) usin" uncoo.e$ meat or poultry, a$$ uni)ormly cut up pieces a)ter
t#e $ense ve"etables are" )or a couple o) minutes& 9) a$$in"
alrea$y-coo.e$ meat, a$$ at t#e en$, as $escribe$&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +50 Q" +0" +Q"
Darb Type8 +E= =" +0" +="
Protein Type8 E?? 1>" +0" >+"" Tips
#T; (hoose or use as many o. the recommen"e"
%egetables .or your type as possibleT
particularly green beans cauliFower celery
mushrooms an" spinach. (hoose pre.erre"
meats such as "ark meat chicken or turkey
bee. bison lamb %enison or e%en salmon.
4ncrease "ark meat to G>J@ cups an" increase
mushrooms to >@ oz.
(T; 6pt .or the recommen"e" %egetables
an" light meats on your list.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This basic stir*.ry techni/ue can be use"
with almost kin" o. %egetables an" meats. :o
this is an i"eal %ersatile recipe that allows
you the choice o. %egetables an" cuts o. meat
that work best .or your metabolic type. The
whole secret with this spee"y meal*in*one
preparation is to ha%e e%erything cut up in
e/ual size pieces close at han" an" rea"y
be.ore you 2re up the heat. Then with heat
on '4+' an" constant stirring the %egetables
are a""e" in se/uence starting with
the "ensest 2rst. 6nce practice" it&s literally
possible to ha%e a complete one "ish "inner
on the table in less than >I minutes9
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1?=
Nutrition ,acts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +1? 1+" +" +E"
Darb Type8 ++1 1+" E" +>"
Protein Type8 +5< 1>" +" +Q"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease groun" turkey to >>JE lb an"
Di=on mustar" to > Tbsp. :ubstitute 2nely
choppe" celery .or zucchini.
(T; 4ncrease zucchini to GJE cup an" re"
onion to >J@ cup. A"" another teaspoon o.
Di=on mustar".
;otes an$ :u""estions
These burgers are so popular e%en teenagers
lo%e them. #air with a green bean casserole
or steame" Broccoli*in*a*'urry (urry .or
a great meal.
Tarra"on Tur.ey 1ur"ers
These are "elicious9 An" not much more trouble than making regular burgers.
7 &b (ree5ran'e 'round %ur,ey
7K8 /u+ /oar$e&y $#redded 3u//#n
7K? /u+ /#o++ed red onon
7 Tb$+ (re$# or dred %arra'on &ea-e$
8 %$+ D.on *u$%ard
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or $ea $a&%
< 'rnd$ (re$# b&a/, +e++er
8 &ar'e e''$
7 pre#eat broiler& 9n mi*in" bo(l, combine "roun$ tur.ey (it# ucc#ini,
onion, tarra"on, mustar$, :pi.e, pepper, an$ e""s& Mi* t#orou"#ly&
8 s#ape into patties& Place on broiler pan& 1roil 5 minutes on a si$e
until bro(ne$& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; A minutes.
1?Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 ;O-M@4T M49; D9:/@:
DauliJo(er Tempe# Durry
This hearty lu3urious combination o. Fa%ors an" te3tures will satis.y e%en
7 Tb$+ /o/onu% o&
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed onon$
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$
8 *ed ,o#&rab! +ee&ed! $&/ed and Huar%ered
8 #ea+n' /u+$ /au&Lowere%%e$
7 /u+ d/ed 3u//#n
8 Tb$+ /urry +owder
7K8 %$+ 'round /nna*on
8 *&d 'reen /#&e$! $eeded and /#o++ed
7 7B o3 /an &%e /o/onu% *&,
7 7G o3 +,' %e*+e#! /u% n%o 7K8P +e/e$
7K8 /u+ raw /a$#ew$
%a*ar $oy $au/e
7 #eat a lar"e s.illet over me$ium #i"#& 4$$ 1 Tbsp coconut oil,
onions, "arlic an$ saut] until onions are translucent& 4$$ .o#lrabi
cuts, cauliJo(erettes, $ice$ ucc#ini, an$ continue"
)or a )e( more minutes&
8 a$$ curry, cinnamon, c#ilies, an$ coconut mil., stirrin" to combine&
Dover an$ simmer 10 minutes, until you #ave 5nis#e$
bro(nin" tempe#, ne*t step&
< in a smaller s.illet, #eat 1 Tbsp coconut oil, a$$ tempe# pieces an$
saut], stirrin" )re3uently, over me$ium #eat, until tempe# pieces are
"ol$en& Remove )rom #eat an$ splas# (it# tamari soy sauce&
? eit#er a$$ t#e tempe# to t#e currie$ ve"etables an$ stir to combine,
or pile tempe# pieces on top o) ve"etables in servin" bo(l& :prin.le
(it# cas#e(s& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; @I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 >+5 E0" +Q" +1"
Darb Type8 E<E +<" +E" 1<"
Protein Type8 >?E E=" +?" 1="" Tips
#T; #T&s really nee" meat in their meals so
you coul" a"" some cooke" chicken to this in
place o. part o. the tempeh.
(T; <se >JE cup sha%e" coconut in place o.
cashews. He"uce coconut milk to > cup.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This a one*"ish*meal coul" be satis.ying in
itsel. .or a (T an" with a""itional meat
protein .or a #T. 4. you are #T an" want or
are trying to .ollow a %egetarian meal plan
you will ha%e to be honest with yoursel. in
monitoring how you .eel an" realize that
#T&s ha%e a high re/uirement .or protein
that generally cannot be met through %egetable
sources alone. 1specially since most
%egetarian "iets these "ays usually rely upon
a larger proportion o. soy.oo" not as healthy
as has been toute" Lsee page >O .or "etailsM.
6nce again the key is to honestly obser%e
an" monitor how your bo"y .eels a.ter eating.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1?<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1?< 10" 1E" 10"
Darb Type8 1+= =" 1E" ="" Tips
#T; #rotein Types nee" to eat some meat
protein at almost all meals an" eggplant is
not one o. your top recommen"e" %eggies so
this is not the best recipe .or you.
(T; Depen"ing upon how well you han"le
"airy pro"ucts you coul" substitute grate"
#armesan or use a little ricotta .or
your cheese. 6therwise go .or 7plain8 burgers.
;otes an$ :u""estions
You coul" pair this with !4:: :ala" in a
,lash or a light soup .or a whole meal.
@""plant D#eesebur"ers
These 7burgers8 though not as "ense look an" taste goo" like their original
7 *ed e''+&an%! $&/ed n%o 7K8P Q <K?P $&/e$
8 %$+ $ea $a&%
8 *ed w#o&e e'' M(or d++n'N
77K8 Tb$+ %a#n! $e$a*e $eed bu%%er! %#nned w%# 7 Tb$+ wa%er
7K? /u+ Sunny Seed Go*a$o M+a'e 87FN
7 %$+ /o/onu% o&
7 *ed %#n&y $&/ed %o*a%o
7 $*a&& red onon! $&/ed n%o %#n rn'$
7K8 /u+ raw! 'ra$$5(ed $#redded *o33are&&a!
/#eddar! Sw$$ or +ro-o&one /#ee$e
&e%%u/e or 'reen /abba'e &ea-e$
7 sprin.le e""plant slices (it# salt& %et stan$ until salt $ra(s out bitter
li3ui$& Rinse oM salt an$ pat $ry&
8 beat e""s or a$$ (ater to sesame see$ butter to t#in& Dip e""plant
into e"" or sesame ta#ini, t#en roll in see$ mi*ture, coatin" bot# si$es&
< #eat a lar"e s.illet over me$ium #eat& Melt coconut oil an$ tilt pan
to $istribute evenly& :aut] e""plant slices >I5 minute, or until t#ey
start to bro(n&
? care)ully turn slices (it# spatula& Top (it# tomato an$ re$ onion
slice& :prin.le (it# c#eese& Dontinue" until secon$ si$e is
"ol$en an$ c#eese melts&
@ serve on lar"e platter or Fsan$(ic#H c#eesebur"ers bet(een lettuce
or cabba"e leaves to replace t#e bun&
:er%es E. #reparation time; @I minutes.
1=0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 ;O-M@4T M49; D9:/@:
Mus#room 1ur"ers
These hearty burgers are surprisingly tasty AND satis.ying without meat.
7K8 /u+ 1ne&y /#o++ed red onon
8 /u+$ Por%abe&&a *u$#roo*$! /u% n%o /#un,$
7K8 /u+ 1ne&y /#o++ed +e/an$! wa&nu%$ or *a/ada*a nu%$
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed +ar$&ey
7K8 /u+ /oar$e&y $#redded 3u//#n! +a%%ed dry
7 %$+ *ar.ora* &ea-e$
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
8 %$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7K< /u+ $#redded 'ra$$(ed Sw$$ or .a/, /#ee$e
< *ed e''$! bea%en
< Tb$+ Sunny Seed Go*a$o M+a'e 87@N
8 Tb$+ /o/onu% o& (or (ryn'
7 combine onions, mus#room c#un.s, c#oppe$ nuts, c#oppe$ parsley,
ucc#ini, mar,oram an$ t#yme leaves, soy sauce, s#re$$e$ c#eese,
an$ e""s&
8 s#ape by #an$ into patties& Doat bot# si$es (it# "roun$ see$
Gomasio in a small bo(l&
< #eat a me$ium s.illet over me$ium& Melt coconut oil& Pan )ry Fbur"ersH
EI> minutes per si$e, until "ol$en bro(n& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E>> +5" 1<" 1="
Darb Type8 ++1 11" 1<" 1="" Tips
#T; #T&s nee" to get meat protein in their
meals. Not an i"eal recipe .or you.
(T; :ubstitute grate" soy tempeh .or nuts.
He"uce cheese to >JE cup shre""e" #armesan.
He"uce oil to @ tsp .or .rying.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e these patties with a tosse" sala" an"
some Vegetable (rispers .or a healthy 7.ast
.oo"*like8 meal.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1=1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +?? 1>" +<" 1E"
Darb Type8 +0? <" +Q" <"
Protein Type8 EQQ ++" +5" +?"" Tips
#T; (an a"" @ cups meats or 2sh
at the last minute or make sure you ser%e
some meat protein with the meal. :ubstitute
some asparagus green beans cauliFower
an" %egetables recommen"e" .or your type.
(T; He"uce or eliminate the cheese. You
can a"" broken 7Vegetable (rispers8 or
re"uce see" mi3 to > tsp per ser%ing.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:paghetti s/uash makes a nice substitute .or
pasta. Wucchini or summer s/uash can also
be ma"e into noo"les by sha%ing o0 long
thin wi"e strips with a %egetable peeler. 6r
create authentic long thin spaghetti or
angel hair shape by putting the s/uash
through a special 7:piral :licer8 ga"get. :ee
Hecommen"e" 4ngre"ients :ection Lpage
@EVM an" Wucchetti #asta recipe Lpage @GEM
in Haw :proute" an" ,ermente" chapter.
;o-Pasta Primavera
This up"ate" %ersion o. the classic seasonal 4talian %egetable pasta can be
la"le" o%er spaghetti s/uash or zucchini 7pasta8 .or a satis.ying summer meal.
7 &ar'e $+a'#e%% $Hua$#! /oo,ed
7 Re/+e "o5Pa$%a Pr*a-era =e'e%ab&e$ M+a'e 7C7N
7K? /u+ Par*e$an /#ee$e
7K? /u+ Sa-ory Sunny Seed M2! o+%ona& M+a'e 87@N
7 5ll lar"e ?-3uart porcelain-cla$ Dutc# oven or lar"e saucepan +aE's
)ull (it# (ater an$ brin" to a boil&
8 #ol$in" s3uas# care)ully, cut spa"#etti s3uas# in #al) (it# cleaver or
#eavy .ni)e& %ay cut si$e $o(n an$ cut in #al) a"ain, yiel$in" )our
pieces& 4$$ to pot an$ simmer covere$, )or about +0 minutes, until
s3uas# separates into Fstrin"sH or stran$s (it# )or.& Remove )rom #eat
an$ $rain& :coop out s3uas# 3uarter an$ place s3uas# in covere$ servin"
$is#& Keep (arm&
< (#ile s3uas# is", prepare ;o-Pasta Primavera Le"etables
)oun$ in Le"etables c#apter&
? serve imme$iately as is, or toppe$ (it# Parmesan c#eese an$ a
sprin.le o) :avory :unny :ee$ Mi*, i) $esire$&
:er%es E. #reparation time; @I minutes.
1=+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 @GG:
1asic :tuMe$ @""s
7De%ile"8 1ggs the name coine" because o. the "e%ile" ham o.ten use" as an
ingre"ient is an ominous name .or such a hea%enly .oo".
B &ar'e or'an/ e''$
7K< /u+ Ba$/ Mayonna$e M+a'e 8<EN
8 %$+ D.on or your (a-or%e *u$%ard
7K8 %$+ S+,e or Mr$. Da$# -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
8Q< 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
+a+r,a and d&& (or 'arn$#
7 boil (ater in a me$ium saucepan over #i"# #eat& 4$$ e""s, return
to boilin" an$ re$uce #eat to simmer& Doo. li"#tly, 5I? minutes& Pour
oM #ot (ater an$ replace (it# col$ (ater to cool e""s&
8 (#en cool enou"# to #an$le, peel e""s an$ cut in #al) len"t#(ise&
Remove e"" yol.s to small bo(l& Place (#ite #alves on servin"
or $inner plate&
< mas# yol.s (it# )or. until smoot#& 9) t#ey are #ar$coo.e$, you can
pus# t#em t#rou"# a 5ne sieve, but $on't use a )oo$ processor, as t#ey
(ill become "ummy& 4$$ mayonnaise, mustar$, salt an$ pepper& !#is.
brieJy to blen$ an$ JuM mi*ture& 4$$ any $esire$ 5llin"s at t#is point&
? 5ll t#e e"" #alves (it# a teaspoon, moun$in" t#e JuMy yol. mi*ture
$ecoratively& :prin.le every ot#er stuMe$ e"" (it# $ill(ee$ or
papri.a& :erve ri"#t a(ay or cover an$ re)ri"erate&
:er%es B. #reparation time; @I minutes.
Dlassic Devils
a$$ + Tbsp 5nely c#oppe$ tur.ey #am an$ 1 more tsp mustar$&
use Di,on Remoula$e Opa"e +EQN instea$ o) mayo&
:mo.e$ :almon an$ DrYme FraZc#e
substitute crYme )raZc#e )or mayonnaise an$ a$$ about + Tbsp 5nely
c#oppe$ smo.e$ salmon or lo*&
Green or 1lac. Olives
a$$ 1 Tbsp c#oppe$ blac. or "reen pimento-stuMe$ olives&
use crYme )raZc#e or sour cream instea$ o) mayo& :tir in 1 #eapin"
Tbsp blac. or re$ caviar& Or alternate e""s (it# a tiny $ollop o) eac#&
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
== 5" 1" ?"" Tips
#T; 6pt .or some o. the high purine meat
2llings like ancho%ies or herring "ark meat
turkey ham etc.
(T; $ean towar" inclu"ing more o. the
lower .at %egetable herb an" con"iment
;otes an$ :u""estions
De%ile" or :tu0e" 1ggs remain a classic
to"ay open to the a""ition o. anything .rom
ham to ca%iar. These ol" .a%orites can be
simple or elegant but o0er a host o. opportunities
.or healthier ingre"ients. They are
great snacks. <se them as the protein component
.or a meal combine" with some .resh
%egetablesTespecially .or a (TTeither on a
large sala" platter or with spring or summer
green sala"s. They coul" also a"" interest
to a :pinach :ala" .or MN or #T but
opt .or incorporating some a""itional meat
or 2sh protein like turkey ham or bacon
ancho%ies or ca%iar into the 2llings or the meal.
more %ariations
Le"etables or /erbs
a$$ 1I+ Tbsp )res# c#oppe$ parsley,
scallion, $ill, mar,oram, basil, lemon
basil, lemon balm, or even laven$er&
a$$ + o 5nely c#oppe$ anc#ovies&
Le"etable @ssences
$rile tops o) stuMe$ e""s (it# tiny
splas#es o) Le"etable @ssences )rom
s3ueee bottle Opa"e +>=N&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1=E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1Q0 11" Q" 1+"
Darb Type8 15E <" Q" 10"
Protein Type8 +15 1>" Q" 1>"" Tips
#T; A"" E strips turkey bacon or >J@ cup turkey or salmon.
(T; He"uce cheese to @ Tbsp shre""e"
#armesan or Homano sprinkle" on top.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This egg "ish woul" be nice ser%e" as a main
entrKe .or brunch or supper with :pinach
:ala" or Mi""le 1astern :ala".
Drustless Vuic#e
This amazing /uiche makes its own crust up"ate" here with a little low*carb
no*grain magic.
8 %$+ or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
7K8 $*a&& red onon! /u% n $&-er$
8 /u+$ bro//o& Lowere%%e$
7K? /u+ /#o++ed +ar$&ey
8 %$+ dred ba$&
? *ed w#o&e e''$
7K8 /u+ w#o&e *&,
7K? /u+ Bean$ VR ;$ bean Lour! (u&&5(a% or $oy Lour M+a'e 8@8N
7 Tb$+ D.on *u$%ard
$a&% and +e++er
7K< /u+ raw! or'an/ /#ee$e o( /#o/e! $#redded
7 pre#eat oven to E50eF&
8 saut] re$ onion an$ broccoli in butter in s.illet over me$ium #eat&
4$$ c#oppe$ parsley an$ basil an$ stir to combine& Turn oM #eat&
< beat e""s in bo(l (it# mil., Jour, Di,on mustar$, salt an$ pepper&
Place in small, "rease$ casserole& Top (it# c#eese& 1a.e )or 15I1Q
minutes, until set&
? remove )rom oven, cut in (e$"es an$ serve&
:er%es E. #reparation time; GI minutes.
1=> T/@ R@D9P@:8 @GG:
@"" Foo 7un"
This inspiration .rom the 6rient is a no%el way to incorporate bits o.
%egetables an" meats.
7 Tb$+ +&u$ 7 %$+ *e&%ed bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
7 %$+ roa$%ed $e$a*e o&
8 $&/e$ (re$# 'n'er roo%! $/ra+ed and *n/ed
8 *ed $/a&&on$ or 'reen onon$! /#o++ed
8K< /u+ $&/ed *u$#roo*$
7 /u+ *un' bean $+rou%$
? &ar'e e''$
8 %$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 Tb$+ arrowroo% or Bean$ VR ;$ Lour M+a'e 8@8N
7K8 /u+ $+/ed %ea or C#a %ea Mo+%ona&N
7K8 /u+ *u$#roo* $ou+ Mo+%ona&N
7K8 /u+ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7 combine melte$ butter an$ sesame oil in custar$ cup& 4$$ about +
tsp to a lar"e s.illet #eate$ on me$ium #i"#& 4$$ "in"er root an$ stir&
8 a$$ scallions an$ mus#rooms& :aut] )or 1 minute& T#en a$$ bean
sprouts an$ sno( peas an$ continue" until mus#rooms so)ten
an$ sprouts start to (ilt, 1I+ minutes& Remove )rom #eat an$ trans)er
to mi*in" bo(l&
< into small bo(l, brea. e""s& 4$$ soy sauce an$ arro(root, ("
(it# a (ire (#is. to blen$& Pour e"" mi*ture over ve"etables
in lar"e bo(l&
? return s.illet to 5re& Doat s.illet (it# a little more oil mi*ture an$
scoop ve""ie-e"" batter, 1a> cup at a time, into moun$s in s.illet&
Doo. )or +IE minutes, until bro(n on one si$e, t#en turn over care)ully
(it# spatula& !#en moisture #as con"eale$, remove to
servin" platter&
@ i) sauce is $esire$, t#in 1a+ cup or"anic mus#room soup (it# (ater
an$ #eat sli"#tly& For more o) a Fs(eet cn spicyH sauce, mi* 1 Tbsp
arro(root or bean Jour (it# 1a+ cup spice$ or D#ai tea an$ 1a+ cup
(ater in small saucepan& 1rin" to a boil an$ stir until t#ic.ene$&
Bse 1 Tbsp per t(o e"" )oo yun" servin"s&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 1=? 11" 11" Q"
Darb Type8 155 <" 1+" Q"
Protein Type8 +01 +" 1+" 1+"" Tips
#T; 4ncrease mushrooms to > cup. A"" >JG
cup choppe" turkey ham bee. or
cooke" "ark meat chicken a.ter %egetables
are cooke".
(T; He"uce butter or oil to @ tsp using
paper towel to brush on skillet. 6ptional
%ariation; 4nstea" o. mushrooms a"" >JG
cup each 2nely choppe" re" pepper an"
broccoli with the scallions. :tir in >JE cup
choppe" parsley at the en".
;otes an$ :u""estions
These Fat egg pancakes are easier an"
.aster to make than a large omelet. Besi"es
being a goo" way to incorporate lots o.
.resh healthy ingre"ients they are a cle%er
wrap or base .or 2llingsTe%en col" sprea"
with mayo .resh spinach an" slice" tomato.
Tote 2lle" with sprouts an"
sprea"s .or 7san"wiches.8 -hile eggs are
consi"ere" a /uality protein #T&s shoul"
also incorporate some meat.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1=5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 11> ?" 5" <"
Darb Type8 100 >" =" Q"
Protein Type8 11Q ?" 5" 10"" Tips
#T; A"" ancho%ies or ser%e with a""itional
meat protein.
(T; 6mit ancho%ies. He"uce mayonnaise
to G Tbsp. Alternately use hal. basic mayo
an" hal. yogurt.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This coul" be a hea%enly 2lling .or a Holl*<p
or an accompaniment .or +recian :pinach
.or a #T along with some more concentrate"
protein. 6r ser%e as a main sala" .or a (T
lunch. 4t is truly "elicious an" "i0erent.
@"" :ala$ (it#
(lassic egg sala" becomes ele%ate" to another le%el with the a""ition o.
/uartere" artichoke hearts.
? e''$! $e*5#ard/oo,ed Mabou% @ *nu%e$N
7 7? o3 /an ar%/#o,e #ear%$! draned and Huar%ered
7 *ed $/a&&on or 'reen onon! w#%e +ar%! /#o++ed
7K< /u+ Ba$/ Mayonna$e or D.on Re*ou&ade M+a'e 8<EN
8 /#o++ed an/#o-y 1&e%$ or an/#o-y +a$%e! ( de$red
7 %$+ /a+er$! draned! ( de$red
7 peel an$ c#op e""s in mi*in" bo(l& 4$$ 3uartere$ artic#o.e #earts,
"reen onions, an$ basic mayonnaise or Di,on Remoula$e, an$ stir
to combine&
8 top (it# c#oppe$ anc#ovies or $rile (it# anc#ovy paste an$ 1 tsp
capers, optional& :erve imme$iately i) in"re$ients are alrea$y col$, or
re)ri"erate )or 10I15 minutes&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1=? T/@ R@D9P@:8 @GG:
@""s 1ene$ict Florentine
1n=oy this %ersion o. the classic egg "ish on a be" o. seasone" spinach .or an
easy but upscale luncheon or stay*at*home :un"ay brunch with the .amily.
7 %$+ or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
< *ed $/a&&on$! $&/ed
B o3 %ur,ey #a* or %ur,ey ba/on
8 7G o3 ba'$ baby $+na/#
8 Tb$+ or'an/ bu%%er
77K8 %$+ (re$# &e*on! .u/e
7 &ar'e w#o&e e''! d-ded
7K8 %$+ wa%er
E''$ and A$$e*b&y
? &ar'e e''$
7 pre#eat oven to E=5eF& 9n lar"e s.illet or ovenproo) ceramic casserole
over me$ium #i"#, saut] scallions in butter )or 1I+ minutes& 4$$
c#oppe$ tur.ey #am or bacon an$ saut] + or E minutes lon"er, until
meat starts to crisp an$Aor bro(n&
8 a$$ spinac# to pan an$ stir-saut] until it starts to (ilt& :eason (it#
salt an$ pepper& Remove )rom #eat& Trans)er spinac# to pie plate or
oven(are, i) applicable& Dover an$ place in oven&
7 melt butter (it# lemon in small saucepan over me$ium lo( #eat&
:eparate t#e e"", savin" (#ite to a$$ to t#e > (#ole e""s&
8 beat e"" yol. (it# 1a+ tsp (ater, ,ust to blen$ in small cup or custar$
cup& :tir in a little o) t#e #ot butter, stirrin" (it# a (ire (#is. to
blen$ an$ FtemperH or elevate temperature o) e"" yol.s& 1len$ yol.s,
stirrin" constantly, (it# t#e rest o) t#e lemon butter to ma.e a smoot#
sauce& Put pan oM an$ on burner, t#ree or )our times, to avoi$"&
!#en t#ic., remove )rom #eat&
@""s an$ 4ssembly
7 ta.e casserole (it# spinac# out o) oven& Remove cover an$ brea.
)our e""s over top o) spinac#," little nests or in$entations )or
e""s to rest, i) necessary& 4$$ t#e remainin" e"" (#ite&
8 replace cover an$ return to oven )or >I5 minutes, ,ust until (#ites
start to 5rm& Remove )rom oven, remove cover an$ pour or spoon
(arm #ollan$aise over top o) e""s& Replace cover&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +51 1?" Q" +0"
Darb Type8 1QQ 1>" +" 1E"
Protein Type8 +?Q 1=" Q" ++"" Tips
#T; This is an i"eal "ish .or #T with a
goo" balance o. egg an" meat protein an"
spinach which is an e3cellent %egetable .or
you. 4ncrease meat to O oz.
(T; He"uce meat to E oz. He"uce the
'ollan"aise sauce to > tsp per ser%ing "rizzle"
o%er the eggs.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1==
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +QQ 1Q" 15" +0"
Darb Type8 +++ 1>" <" 1?"
Protein Type8 E10 +1" 11" ++"" Tips
#T; :autK E strips choppe" turkey bacon in
skillet 2rst then a"" only >J@ cup onions.
(an increase mushrooms to >>J@ lb. (hoose
spinach .or the greens.
(T; He"uce oil to > Tbsp. <se milk.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is another one o. those recipes with an
en"less array o. possibilities. A goo" /uick
meal .or using up what you ha%e on han".
Don&t o%ercook the eggs.
Le"etable Frittata
A .rittata is like an omelet with no Fipping an" a /uiche with no crustTa
.ast egg "ish that can be ma"e with a %ariety o. %egetables meats an" cheeses.
8 Tb$+ or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
<K? /u+ /#o++ed red onon
7 &b *u$#roo*$ or red +e++er$! $&/ed
? /u+$ /#o++ed bro//o&! /au&Lower! 3u//#n$!
ar%/#o,e #ear%$! a$+ara'u$! $+na/#! or o%#er dar, 'reen$
8 Tb$+ (re$# *ar.ora*
E *ed e''$
7K? /u+ w#o&e or &ow(a% *&,
8 %$+ dry *u$%ard or 8 %$+ +re+ared *u$%ard
7 %$+ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
8 %$+ Par$&ey =e'e%ab&e E$$en/e M+a'e 8?CN
7 #eat oil in lar"e s.illet over me$ium #eat& 4$$ onions an$ mus#rooms,
stirrin" until onions are translucent, 1I+ minutes&
8 a$$ c#oppe$ ve"etables an$ mar,oram leaves& :tir-saut] until ve"etables
start to turn bri"#t "reen or so)ten& Re$uce #eat to me$ium or
me$ium lo(&
< brea. Q e""s into small bo(l& 4$$ mil., $ry or prepare$ mustar$,
an$ pepper& Bse a )or. ,ust to brea. up yol.s, so mi*ture loo.s marbleie$&
Pour over ve"etables in s.illet&
? sprin.le all over (it# :pi.e& Doo. EI> minutes, ,ust until e""s start
to set& Remove )rom #eat an$ $ecorate top (it# a )e( $riles o)
Parsley Le"etable @ssence&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
1=Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 @GG:
Le"etable Vuic#e
Suiche is a classic ,rench egg presentation with almost limitless possibilities
.or incorporating high*/uality healthy ingre"ients.
7K8 /u+ or'an/ La2 $eed$! 'round n /oIee 'rnder or b&ender
7K8 /u+ or'an/ $e$a*e $eed$! 'round
7 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ bu%%er! /o&d
7K8 /u+ Sw$$ or /#eddar /#ee$e! 'ra%ed
<K? %$+ a&&$+/e
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
8 %$+ /o/onu% o&
B $&/e$ %ur,ey ba/on! /#o++ed
7K< /u+ red onon! /#o++ed
8 /u+$ bro//o&! bro//o& rabe or /au&Lower! /#o++ed
8 %$+ dred ba$&
? *ed e''$
7K8 /u+ w#o&e *&,
<K? %$+ nu%*e'
7 %$+ $a&%
7K8 %$+ +e++er
7 Pre#eat oven to E=0^F& 9n )oo$ processor (, a$$ "roun$
Ja*, "roun$ sesame see$, col$ butter, s#re$$e$ c#eese, allspice an$
:pi.e& Pulse )or 5 secon$s, only until mi*ture starts to come to"et#er&
Do not overprocess&
8 pat mi*ture evenly into li"#tly "rease$, QH s#allo( pie pan&
7 #eat me$ium s.illet on me$ium #i"# #eat& 4$$ coconut oil, a layer
o) tur.ey bacon an$ onions, broccoli, saut]in" )or EI5 minutes until
onions turn translucent an$ broccoli color bri"#tens& :prin.le (it#
basil, remove )rom #eat, an$ pile into crust&
7 brea. e""s into bo(l, a$$ mil., nutme", salt an$ pepper an$ stir
(it# a )or. to blen$& Pour over ve"etable or ve"etableAmeat 5llin"&
8 ba.e in pre#eate$ E=5^oven )or 1+I15 minutes, only until crust is "ettin"
bro(n an$ e""s #ave starte$ to set& Mi$$le (ill still be sli"#tly so)t&
:er%es B. #reparation time; @I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +<+ ++" 1+" 1>"
Darb Type8 +<+ ++" 1+" 1>"
Protein Type8 E0> ++" 1+" 1="" Tips
#T; 4nstea" o. turkey bacon >J@ cup
cooke" meats or salmon can be use" as
a %ariation.
(T; ,ollow recipe as is.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Another classic %ehicle .or a""ing %egetables
o. all kin"s. :easone" with herbs spinach or
broccoli this "ish creates a goo" camouFage
.or :wiss char" beet greens kale some o.
those 7less popular8 %egetables. Note; at
times broccoli rabe can be somewhat bitter
tasting but is %ery healthy.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1=<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+<1 1>" >" E5"" Tips
#T; ,ollow as is.
(T; :almon is a higher .at 2sh not recommen"e"
.or your type. #repare this recipe
with another 2sh such as tilapia.
;otes an$ :u""estions
(ombine this entrKe with a healthy portion
o. a %egetable sala" such as Me"iterranean
:ala" or (hop (hop +ar"en :ala" .or a
menu. 4. you 2n" that this isn&t enough .oo"
.or you you "on&t .eel /uite satis2e" or =ust
plain nee" more a"" a %egetable si"e "ish
such as +reen Bean (asserole or a
ser%ing o. Mushroom (ream :oup.
1a.e$ /erbe$ :almon
A tra"itional Me"iterranean herb sauce .or an elegant 2sh "inner that&s
.ast tasty an" low carb. The 2sh bakes with the sauce while the rest o. the
meal is prepare".
? B o3 w&d A&a$,an Sa&*on 1&e%$ M+a'e 8@7N
7 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7 %$+ 'round /u*n $eed
7K8 %$+ b&a/, +e++er
7 Tb$+ /a+er$ or 'reen o&-e$
7 /u+ La%5&ea( 4%a&an +ar$&ey
7 /u+ /&an%ro &ea-e$
8 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on rnd or <5? dro+$ &e*on o&
7K< /u+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
7 pre#eat oven to E50eF& Rinse 5s# an$ place on li"#tly "rease$ s#eet or ceramic casserole& :prin.le 5s# (it# salt an$ pepper&
8 in )oo$ processor, ma.e marina$eAsauce by combinin" olive oil,
"arlic, :pi.e, cumin, pepper, capers, parsley, cilantro, lemon rin$ or
oil, an$ lemon ,uice&
< sprea$ over 5s# in pan& 1a.e )or 1EI15 minutes, or until 5s#
easily (it# )or.&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1Q0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%MO;
1roile$ %emon :almon
,resh lemon =uice is the key to making broile" salmon e3ceptional.
7 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 'ar&/ /&o-e! *n/ed
7K< /u+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
7 %$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
8 Tb$+ /#o++ed /#-e$
? B o3 w&d! red A&a$,an $a&*on 1&e%$ M+a'e 8@7N
7 w#o&e &e*on! /u% n%o 7KEP $&/e$
7 mi* tamari, "arlic, lemon ,uice, olive oil, an$ c#ives to"et#er&
8 place salmon 5lets in Jat pan& Dover (it# marina$e an$ lemon
slices& Marinate, turnin" occasionally, )or +0IE0 minutes& Remove
lemon slices )rom 5s# an$ place aroun$ pan&
< broil salmon (it# rac. set ?H un$er broiler unit )or EI> minutes&
Turn salmon care)ully an$ continue to broil anot#er E minutes, or
until bro(n an$ 5s# easily&
? remove to servin" platter& Place lemon slices on top o) 5s#& Pour
any remainin" marina$e over& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+=1 11" >" E="" Tips
#T; An i"eal "ish .or you.
(T; This is not a goo" "ish .or your type
since salmon is not a recommen"e" 2sh.
#repare with another 2sh like tilapia which
is relati%ely low in mercury.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e this simple*to*make "ish with +recian
:pinach or Broccoli*in*a*'urry (urry.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1Q1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +Q? 1+" >" E<"
Protein Type8 EQ+ 1?" ?" 5+"" Tips
#T; This "ish is a goo" one .or you with a
larger portion so ser%e G.
(T; :almon is too high .at a 2sh .or you.
:ubstitute with tilapia.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This .ast an" easy salmon "ish coul" be a
li.esa%er a.ter a busy "ay. #air it with a 'ot
an" :our :oup :ea :i"e :ala" or simply
some .ast Braise" Brazilian +reens .or a
spee"y supper. Miso is one o. the healthier
.orms o. soy a salty .ermente" soybean
paste that is a%ailable in 6riental or natural
.oo"s section an" keeps in"e2nitely in
your re.rigerator.
Miso Glae$ :almon
The .ermente" Japanese soybean paste calle" miso is a high*Fa%or low*carb
ingre"ient .or a""ing heartiness "eep color an" healthy nutrition to .oo"s.
8 Tb$+ *$o! $oybean +a$%e
8 Tb$+ &ow $odu* %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 Tb$+ a++&e /der or .u/e
8 %$+ 'ra%ed 'n'er roo%
7K8 %$+ 'round a&&$+/e or nu%*e'
da$# -e'e%ab&e o& (or 'rea$n' +an
? B o3 w&d! red A&a$,an $a&*on 1&e%$! /u% n #a&( M+a'e 8@7N
7 Tb$+ /#o++ed (re$# /#-e$
7 pre#eat broiler& 9n small bo(l, (#is. soybean paste (it# tamari,
apple ,uice, "in"er, allspice, an$ 1 Tbsp (ater&
8 place salmon 5llets in a s#allo(" pan rubbe$ li"#tly (it# oil&
:poon miso mi*ture evenly over salmon&
< broil QI10 minutes, bastin" t(o or more times (it# marina$e, until
5s# (it# a )or.& Do not overcoo.&
? remove to servin" platter& :prin.le (it# c#oppe$ c#ives&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
1Q+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%MO;
;ouveau :almon ;icoise
This color.ul arrange" sala" comes .rom Nice on the ,rench Hi%iera. But
you can substitute your own similar .a%orite %egetables the 7best8 .oo"s .or
your own taste an" eating plan.
7 /an w&d! red A&a$,an $a&*on! draned and /#un,ed M+a'e 8@7N
8 Huar%$ ro*ane &e%%u/e &ea-e$! %orn
7 /u+ ar%/#o,e #ear%$! draned and Huar%ered
E b&a/, and 'reen o&-e$
<K? /u+ ./a*a! +ee&ed and /u% n%o *a%/#$%/,$
7 /u+ /&o-er or bro//o& $+rou%$
7K? /u+ +e++eron/n +e++er$
? an/#o-y 1&e%$
7K8 *ed a-o/ado! +ee&ed and /u% n%o /ube$
7K< /u+ D.on Re*ou&ade Sau/e Or Cae$ar $a&ad dre$$n' M+a'e 8<EN
&e*on wed'e$! 'arn$#
7 arran"e lettuce on lar"e servin" platter& 4rran"e moun$s o) t#e color)ul
in"re$ients over t#e platter& :prit (it# a splas# o) lemon ,uice&
8 serve imme$iately (it# a small bo(l o) Di,on Remoula$e :auce or
Daesar $ressin"&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E<? +=" 1=" +?"
Protein Type8 >?E EE" 1=" +Q"" Tips
#T; (an substitute at least hal. spinach .or
romaine an" a"" semi*har"cooke" egg hal%es
to the plate. 'a%e more oli%es.
(T; Not your recommen"e" 2sh substitute
tilapia .or salmon. 6mit ancho%ies. :ubstitute
@ tsp capers per ser%ing .or oli%es. <se >JE cup
"ressing an" >JE cup yogurt. <se only
>J@ a%oca"o.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a "elicious %ersatile meal sala" .or
all types %arying the amount o. protein an"
speci2c %egetables .or your type. #T&s this is
an e3cellent recipe tra"itionally calling .or
those high purine proteins like ancho%ies
your metabolic type nee"s.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 E=+ +E" +" EQ"
Darb Type8 1<? 10" >" 1>"
Protein Type8 >E+ E0" +" EQ"" Tips
#T; This is a goo" "ish .or your type.
(T; :ubstitute tilapia .or salmon.
;otes an$ :u""estions
A suggestion .or making this easy but sophisticate"
recipe part o. a whole menu is to ser%e
it with Hoaste" Asparagus or (auliFower
with Tapena"e (rown. 4. you&re a (T try it
with a steame" %egetable like broccoli an"
zucchini or Brussels :prout Trio.
Poac#e$ :almon Di,onnaise
$ooks an" soun"s like a gourmet "ish but this simple poache" 2sh is actually
.ast an" easy to prepare.
7K? /u+ &e*on .u/e or w#%e wne -ne'ar
7 %$+ $ea $a&% or S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
? w&d! red A&a$,an $a&*on 1&e%$ M+a'e 8@7N
7K< /u+ D.onna$e M+a'e 8<EN
7 pour E 5n"ers o) (ater, lemon ,uice, an$ salt into lar"e, $eep ceramic
casserole or 5s# poac#er an$ brin" to boil& Re$uce #eat to simmer&
8 rinse oM salmon& :prin.le (it# :pi.e& :lip 5lets into simmerin"
(ater an$ steam "ently )or 5IQ minutes&
< remove to servin" $is# or platter& :erve toppe$ (it# or accompanie$
by Di,onnaise :auce&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
1Q> T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%MO;
Roaste$ :almon (it# Pesto Drust
Suick easy an" sin.ully "elicious this elegant recipe is the .ruit o. those batch
cooking sessions you wisely sche"ule" pro"ucing the won"er.ul pesto that&s
right in your .ri"ge.
B w&d red A&a$,an $a&*on 1&e%$! rn$ed and +a%%ed dry M+a'e 8@7N
7A8 /u+ Ba$& Pe$%o M+a'e 8<FN
7 Tb$+ +&u$ 7 %$+ /o/onu% o&
7 $*a&& $#a&&o% or 8 $*a&& 'reen onon$! *n/ed
8 7G o3 +,'$ baby $+na/# &ea-e$! wa$#ed
$ea $a&% and (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
B /#erry %o*a%oe$ Mo+%ona&N or
B Tb$+ Red Onon C&an%ro Re&$#! o+%ona& M+a'e 8?@N
7 pre#eat oven to >00eF& :prea$ + Tbsp pesto over salmon 5lets&
8 in ovenproo) s.illet over #i"# #eat, melt + tsp o) t#e coconut oil& :ear
t#e salmon, pesto si$e $o(n, +IE minutes& Gently turn over 5lets (it#
lon" spatula& Place in oven )or 5I? minutes until li"#tly coo.e$ t#rou"#&
< a$$ remainin" oil an$ mince$ s#allot to anot#er s.illet, stirrin"
until onion is translucent, about 1 minute& :3ueee out any e*tra
moisture )rom spinac# leaves an$ pat $ry& 4$$ (it# salt an$ pepper to
s.illet an$ saut] over #i"# #eat, about 1I+minutes&
? $ivi$e spinac# onto servin" plates as a be$ )or salmon& Place a
salmon 5let on top& Garnis# (it# 1I+ c#erry tomatoes or Re$ Onion
Dilantro Relis#&
:er%es B. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 EEQ 1Q" 1?" E0"
Darb Type8 EE0 ++" 1Q" 1Q"
Protein Type8 E?Q 1Q" +0" E0"" Tips
#T; <se @JG cup He" 6nion Helish.
(T; :almon is not a recommen"e" 2sh so
substitute another kin" like tilapia. You
coul" substitute another "ark lea.y green
such as bok choy .or %ariety.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This coul" be consi"ere" a meal in itsel.
since the %egetable is inclu"e". But you
might want to accompany it with a mi3e"
green sala" toppe" with crunchy herbe"
sprouts an" some a""itional sala" "ressing.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1Q5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 5+E E1" E>" E+"
Darb Type8 E<E +=" +E" 1Q"
Protein Type8 5>? E>" E>" E+"" Tips
#T; An i"eal #T type "ish. You coul" also
make this with lo3 or smoke" salmon
about >I oz.
(T; This "ish is not well suite" to your type
with these ingre"ients. 'owe%er you coul"
substitute another 2sh such as tilapia or
e%en light meat chicken or use G semihar"cooke"
eggs. Heplace the %egetables
with "ark greens an" others more suite" to
your type.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This entrKe has both protein an" %egetables
but you may 2n" that you want to a"" a
green sala" with sprouts an" :unny :ee"
:ala" Dressing or a %egetable si"e. 4. this is
not enough to make you #T&s .eel satis2e"
trying increasing the protein in the "ish. 6r
use @ Tbsp Hemoula"e :auce per ser%ing.
Again these are to be consi"ere" suggestions
or starting points .or mo"i.ying recipes an"
meals to achie%e your optimum balance.
Many o. the recipes represent minimums so
listen to your bo"y an" see what works .or you.
:almon Dr]pes
This upscale but easy entrKe .ol"s a %egetable*2sh 2lling into No*+rain (rZpes
.or a special meal .rom .oo"s you may alrea"y ha%e in your pantry.
E "o5Gran CrX+e$ MSee +a'e 8G<N
7 Tb$+ or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
7 *ed $#a&&o% or 8 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
7 7G o3 +,' (re$# $+na/#
8 /u+$ (re$# or /anned a$+ara'u$! /#o++ed
7 /an ar%/#o,e #ear%$! draned and Huar%ered
7 %$+ Bra''$ LHud A*no$ or S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
7 7? o3 /an w&d! red A&a$,an $a&*on! draned M+a'e 8@7N
? Tb$+ Re*ou&ade Sau/e M+a'e 8<EN
7 prepare cripes or pull alrea$y-prepare$ portions )rom your )reeer&
9) cripes are )roen, moisten sli"#tly (it# (ater or brus# li"#tly (it#
oil& Pre#eat oven to E50eF&
8 in me$ium s.illet over me$ium lo(, melt butter an$ saut] mince$
s#allot or "arlic until translucent& 9) usin" )res# aspara"us, a$$ it at t#is
point an$ saut] until it starts to bri"#ten& 9) usin" canne$ or )roen
aspara"us, a$$ it (it# t#e
< a$$ spinac# leaves an$ saut] until spinac# starts to (ilt& 4$$
remainin" ve"etables an$ sprin.le (it# 1ra""'s or :pi.e& 4$$ $raine$
canne$ salmon c#un.s an$ #eat t#rou"#&
? $ivi$e mi*ture amon" Q cripes& Place about 1a> cup 5llin" on eac#
cripe, toppin" (it# a + tsp portion to start o) Remoula$e :auce
be)ore rollin" up& Place 5lle$ cripes, e$"es $o(n, in li"#tly buttere$
ceramic or "lass casserole& Place in pre#eate$ oven )or appro*imately
5I? minutes, until #eate$ t#rou"#&
@ remove )rom oven to #ot pa$ on table& :erve imme$iately, t(o
cripes per servin"&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
1Q? T/@ R@D9P@:8 :4%MO;
:almon :evic#e
4n :outh America Japan an" other regions se%iche or ce%iche is ser%e" as a
marinate" raw 2sh appetizer. 4t is another popular way to preser%e Fa%or
nutrition an" "igestibility o. .resh sea.oo".
7 &b (re$#! w&d red A&a$,an $a&*on M+a'e 8@7N
7K< /u+ red onon! 1ne&y d/ed
7 /u+ (re$# &*e .u/e
8 Tb$+ $eeded $errano +e++er! 1ne&y /#o++ed or
7 /#& +e++er! $*a$#ed
8 %$+ $ea $a&%
7 /u+ /#o++ed %o*a%oe$
8 /u+$ /#o++ed /&an%ro or +ar$&ey
7 5s# an$ c#op into 1a>I1a+H pieces& Dombine salmon, c#oppe$
re$ onion, lime ,uice, pepper, an$ salt& Marinate )or several #ours
or overni"#t&
8 ten to 5)teen minutes be)ore servin", a$$ c#oppe$ tomatoes an$
cilantro an$Aor parsley, an$ stir to combine& :erve accompanie$ by
butter lettuce or ot#er lea)y sala$ "reens&
:er%es E. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 +05 =" 10" +?"
Darb Type8 1<= 1+" 10" 1>"
Protein Type8 +EQ 10" 11" +?"" Tips
#T; A goo" summer "ish .or you but
re"uce the tomatoes to >J@ cup an" a"" >J@
cup 2nely choppe" celery.
(T; :almon is not a recommen"e" 2sh .or
your type; substitute tilapia .or salmon.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This a"aptation o. the :outh American
.a%orite raw 2sh sala" is tra"itionally ma"e
with other high purine 2sh like mussels or
clams. 4t is o.ten ser%e" as an appetizer but
coul" become the main protein in a meal
sala" platter like Nou%eau :almon Nicoise
or a light summer antipasto.
THE REC4PES6 Cuices & :moot#ies
T#e most nutritious (ay to eat your ve""ies is t#ou"# ,uicin"& Cuicin" ra( ve"etables concentrates
t#e valuable nutrients, enymes an$ ener"y, t#e essence o) t#e plant, into po(er)ul $oses o)
#ealin" nutrition in a "lass&
4ll live plant )oo$s can be ma$e into ,uice& /o(ever, ve"etable ,uices are pre)erre$ above
all, because o) t#eir superior nutritive, #ealin" an$ tonic eMect& T#e valuable anti-o*i$ants an$
enymes in live )oo$s are altere$ an$ $estroye$ by #eat an$"& Cuicin" protects t#e live,
bioc#emically active )actors in enymes, (#ic# are most bene5cial )or t#eir repair, cleansin" an$
$eto*i)yin" )unctions in t#e bo$y& Fruit ,uices are cleansin", but also contain #i"#ly concentrate$
simple su"ars t#at can li)t t#e bloo$ su"ar too rapi$ly, causin" e*cessive insulin pro$uction& Darrots
an$ ot#er #i"#-"lycemic or su"ar ve"etables can #ave t#e same eMect, so 9 recommen$ t#at t#ey
be minimie$& Keepin" t#e bloo$ su"ar stable an$ stea$y is one o) t#e top "oals o) t#e Total
/ealt# Pro"ram&
T#e best ,uices nutritionally are t#e "reen ,uices8 .ale, c#ar$, $an$elion "reens, spinac#,
turnip an$ mustar$ "reens, parsley, an$ )res# #erbs& T#ese "reen ,uices contain t#e valuable nutrient,
c#lorop#yll, (#ic# o*y"enates an$ puri5es t#e bloo$ an$ tissues& !#ile some o) t#ese lo(eron-
t#e-popularity-poll ,uices are stron" in Javor, small amounts o) "in"er, "arlic or #erbs can be
a$$e$ to Fs(eetenH t#e sli"#tly bitter taste o) some o) t#em& 4not#er (ay to ac#ieve t#is an$
improve t#e appearance is to FJoatH small 3uantities o) various colore$, Javore$ ,uices on top o)
t#e "reens& Ot#er (ays to bolster t#e nutritional an$ #ealt# bene5ts are to ,uice sprouts an$ to a$$
small amounts o) concentrate$ )oo$s li.e c#lorella, mint, an$ #i"# ome"a-E oils suc# as 5s# an$
co$ liver oil&
Re"ar$less o) t#e )act t#at t#ey are commonly mi*e$ to$ay, it is best to .eep ve"etable an$
)ruit ,uices separate& T#e 5brous pulp o) )ruits an$ ve"etable ,uice is $e5nitely valuable, as t#e
non-absorbable comple* carbo#y$rates it contains #elp to .eep bloo$ su"ar stabilie$& Fibers or
pulps can be a$$e$ bac. )or a$$e$ bul. an$ structure to non-"rain recipes, inclu$in" ba.e$ "oo$s&
T#e pre)erre$ ,uice e*tractor )or creatin" valuable live ,uices is t#e Ome"a Q00+, $iscusse$ in t#e
FRecommen$e$ 9n"re$ients an$ Pro$ucts %ocatorH in t#e 4ppen$i* pa"e +><&
9t is #i"#ly recommen$e$ to use t#e pre)erre$ an$ recommen$e$ ve"etables )or your metabolic
type as $iscusse$ in D#apter 5, mi*in" an$ matc#in" as you c#oose& 4ny combinations o)
your recommen$e$ ve"etables are o.ay& 7ou (ill soon $iscover t#e ,oys an$ $eli"#ts o) consumin"
)res# ,uice on a re"ular, $aily basis, somet#in" your bo$y (ill tell you is i$eal )or li)tin" your
ener"y an$ your spirits&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1Q=
1QQ T/@ R@D9P@:8 CB9D@: & :MOOT/9@:
4lmon$ ;ut Mil.
A smart substitute .or "airy this smooth be%erage can be easily ma"e in your
own blen"er.
7 /u+ raw a&*ond$
? /u+$ /o&d! /&ean 1&%ered wa%er
7K8 %$+ -an&&a e2%ra/%
7 a$$ almon$s t#rou"# #ole in top o) blen$er (#ile mac#ine is runnin"&
Process until nuts become mealy&
8 slo(ly start to a$$ a small amount o) (ater& 4s mi*ture blen$s an$
almon$s "o into suspension, a$$ remainin" (ater an$ vanilla e*tract&
1len$ until li"#t, creamy an$ )rot#y&
:er%es E. :er%ing size; About > cup. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
unstraine$ +0Q 1Q" =" Q"
straine$ 10> <" >" >"" Tips
Normally it isn&t critical to strain the
"rink especially because you lose some o. the
%aluable nut meal. But i. you&re ser%ing this
.or guests you can strain it through a sie%e
which remo%es the soli"s re"uces the granular
te3ture an" re"uces .at protein an"
calorie content o. the milk.
You can also create 7blanche" skinne"8
almon"s by pouring hot water o%er raw
almon"s an" letting them set till the water
gets tepi". The skins slip o0 easily by s/ueezing
nut between thumb an" .ore2nger into
a =ar. L:ee "etaile" "escription in Wucchini
MuYns page @>I.M
;otes an$ :u""estions
This non*"airy milk can be en=oye" as is or
to replace "airy milk in shakes smoothies
soups an" other applications. Haw almon"s
are naturally sweet but i. you still ha%en&t
kicke" your super sweet*tooth a""iction you
can blen" this with :te%ia sweetener .or more
sweetness. This milk can also be ma"e with
other raw Lpre.erably organicM nuts.
:oaking an" sprouting the almon"s Lan"
any raw nuts an" see"sM signi2cantly
increases their "igestibility. (o%er with clean
water in a glass =ar soak o%ernight then
"rain o0 the soak water. They won&t ha%e
long 7tails8 but letting the soake" "raine"
nuts sprout e%en .or G hours increases the
bioa%ailability o. nutrients to your bo"y.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1Q<
1rea.)ast :lurpy Pu$$in"
This is a /uick an" thick blen"er concoction .or a .ast break.ast. 4t&s ma"e like
a shake but thick like a pu""ing "ue to the thickening power o. the Fa3 an"
psyllium. :uper 2ber loa".
7K< /u+ $oa,ed! or'an/ a&*ond$
8 Tb$+ or'an/ La2 $eed$
< Tb$+ $#redded /o/onu%
7 Tb$+ +$y&&u* $eed #u$,$ M+a'e 8@8N
7K8 %$+ /arda*o* +od$
8 /u+$ brewed #erba& %ea
7 /u+ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7K? M7 o3N banana Or
7 Tb$+ b&ueberry or /#erry .u/e /on/en%ra%e
7 in blen$er or )oo$ processor 5tte$ (it# steel bla$e, "rin$ soa.e$
almon$s, Ja* see$, coconut, psyllium see$, an$ car$amom po$s until
coarsely "roun$&
8 slo(ly a$$ bre(e$ tea an$ (ater& Process until smoot#&
< a$$ banana or )ruit concentrate& Process until mi*ture becomes t#ic.&
? spoon into lar"e "lass or bo(l& @at (it# a spoon ri"#t a(ay&
:er%es @. :er%ing :ize; >GJE cup per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+?? 1Q" +1" <
1<0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 CB9D@: & :MOOT/9@:
D#eery @"" ;o"
The tra"itional holi"ay cup o. cheer with healthy high*/uality ingre"ients.
? w#o&e e''$
7 /u+ raw /rea*
< /u+$ w#o&e raw *&,
8 %$+ -an&&a
8 %$+ 'round nu%*e' or /nna*on
7K? /u+ a++&e .u/e /on/en%ra%e Or
< Tb$+ b&ueberry or /#erry .u/e /on/en%ra%e
7 into blen$er container a$$ cream, mil., vanilla, nutme" an$ )ruit
concentrate& 1len$ on #i"# until creamy an$ )rot#y&
8 a$$ ra( e""s an$ pulse a )e( times until ,ust blen$e$ an$ creamy&
:erve imme$iately, sprin.le$ (it# nutme" or cinnamon&
:er%es E. :er%ing size; About > cup. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
E5? +0" +Q" 15"
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1<1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+<0 +E" =" 1+"
;ut :#a.e Too
This e%en .aster %ersion o. a smoothie or shake can be a li.esa%er when you
nee" to eat but "on&t e%en ha%e time to think. Hecommen"ation; Breathe
while blen"ing.
7 Tb$+ raw nu% bu%%er Ma&*ond! $e$a*e! *a/ada*a! wa&nu%! +e/an!e%/.N
8 Tb$+ dry! un$wee%ened /o/onu%
8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered /o&d wa%er
7K8 +a/,e% S%e-aP&u$! a&%erna%-e $wee%ener M+a'e 8@<N
7 w#o&e e''
7 in blen$er container, process nut butter, coconut, (ater, an$
:teviaPlus& Process on #i"# until smoot# an$ )rot#y& 4$$ (#ole e""
an$ pulse brieJy to blen$&
8 pour into "lass an$ en,oy&
:er%es >.:er%ing size; @ cup ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
1<+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 CB9D@: & :MOOT/9@:
Pineapple @li*ir
,or a special occasion or holi"ay treat in"ulge yoursel. with this sumptuous be%erage.
<K? /u+ (re$#&y $Huee3ed +nea++&e .u/e
8 /u+$ *n% %ea
7P +e/e (re$# 'n'er roo%! $/ra+ed w%# $+oon
7Q8 dro+$ *n% e2%ra/%! o+%ona&
7 in blen$er container, combine pineapple ,uice an$ mint tea&
8 t#ro( in c#oppe$ "in"er root an$ mint e*tract, i) $esire$& 1len$ on #i"#&
< strain an$ serve imme$iately&
:er%es @. :er%ing size; generous >>J G cup. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
5Q 0" 1>" 0"" Tips
Though healthy e%en .resh .ruit =uice is concentrate"
simple sugars so en=oy only occasionally.
4. you .eel tire" hungry or shaky
imme"iately or within @ hours o. "rinking
this is a sign that the carbohy"rates are
upsetting your bloo" sugar balance. You can
minimize this somewhat by a""ing protein
such as blen"ing nut butter with the =uice or
"rinking it with a meal or snack.
;otes an$ :u""estions
You can substitute other .resh s/ueeze"
=uices e%en %egetable =uices in this be%erage.
:ee page @IB .or what to "o with your
pineapple pulp.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1<E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
E0E +E" 1=" 11"" Tips
You might want to strain this through a
2ne sie%e be.ore "rinking. (T&s will want to
watch the amount o. see"s they consume but
sprouting re"uces the carbs an" makes them
more "igestible .or you as well. :ee
:prouting in Haw :proute" ) ,ermente"
,oo"s chapter Lpage @@AM.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:prouting increases the nutrition an"
"igestibility o. nuts an" see"s so anytime
you can sprout be.ore using means you get
more nutritional bonus points. 1%en simply
soaking the see"s o%ernight makes them
more "igestible so consi"er getting into the
habit o. this.
:proute$ :ee$ :#a.e
Another .ast an" healthy %ersion o. a /uick smoothie .or break.ast or snack.
7K8 /u+ $+rou%ed Ba$/ Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87@N
7 $&/e 'n'er roo%
7 Tb$+ b&ueberry or /#erry .u/e /on/en%ra%e
8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7K? %$+ M7K8 +,%N S%e-aP&u$ a&%erna%-e $wee%ener M+a'e 8@<N
7 soa. 1a> cup 1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* overni"#t in clean, 5ltere$ (ater&
Drain oM soa. (ater& Or even better, measure out 1a+ cup soa.e$ see$s
t#at #ave been allo(e$ to sprout&
8 place soa.e$Asproute$ see$s, "in"er an$ )ruit concentrate in
blen$er container& Turn on blen$er an$ start to a$$ (ater, "ra$ually
at 5rst, to allo( see$s to c#op an$ blen$&
< a$$ remainin" (ater an$ alternative s(eetener& 1len$ on #i"# until
$rin. is smoot# an$ )rot#y& Drin. imme$iately&
:er%es >. #reparation time; A minutes.
1<> T/@ R@D9P@:8 CB9D@: & :MOOT/9@:
:unny 4lmon$ :#a.e
This 23*it*.ast nut shake is a basic recipe you can %ary to nourish yoursel. .or
break.ast snack or on*the*run.
8 Tb$+ or'an/ a&*ond$
8 Tb$+ or'an/ $unLower $eed$
8 Tb$+ or'an/ La2 $eed$
< /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er M77K8 /u+$ ( u$n' .u/eN
7K8 /u+ (re$# a++&e /der or +nea++&e .u/e Or
7K8 /u+ (re$# b&ueberre$ or ra$+berre$
7K8 %$+ -an&&a e2%ra/%
7K8 %$+ nu%*e'
7 process almon$s, sunJo(er, an$ Ja* see$s on #i"# in covere$
blen$er container, until coarsely "roun$&
8 pour in (ater slo(ly at 5rst, lettin" bla$es re$uce in"re$ients to a
t#ic. consistency& 4$$ remainin" li3ui$ an$ continue blen$in"&
< a$$ apple ci$er, ,uice or berries, vanilla e*tract, an$ nutme", an$
blen$ until )rot#y& Pour in "lass an$ $rin. imme$iately&
:er%es @. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+1Q 1E" +0" ="" Tips
#T; A goo" source o. protein the nuts an"
see"s can help you make it through the
morning although you probably will want
to consume a larger ser%ing.
(T; -atch how .re/uently you choose to
use nuts an" see"s since they are recommen"e"
only sparingly .or your type "ue to
the .at content.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:imply soaking the nuts an" see"s o%ernight
will "o a lot to increase the "igestibility an"
health.ulness o. this "rink. Be sure to "rain
o0 soak li/ui" an" rinse be.ore blen"ing
with clean water. This probably won&t seem
that sweet to you at 2rst. But as you get o%er
your sugar a""iction you will start to appreciate
the subtle Fa%ors o. the ingre"ients
themsel%es an" the nourishing .eeling that a
stable sustaine" bloo" sugar le%el imparts.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1<5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
1?0 1>" ?" Q"
;otes an$ :u""estions
,or an e%en healthier more "igestible %ariation
simply soak the sweet see" mi3
o%ernight pouring o0 soak water an" rinsing
the mi3 be.ore blen"ing with clean
water. $etting the mi3 7sprout8 i. you ha%e
the time e%en .or @?G hours really peaks this
o0 the healthiness scale. :ee Haw :proute"
) ,ermente" ,oo"s Lpage @@AM.
:(eet :unny :ee$ :#a.e
6ne o. those /uick recipes when you&re really presse" .or time. You&ll really
appreciate the .ew minutes you took preparing the mi3 ahea"...
8 Tb$+ Swee% Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87@N
8 /u+$ /&ean! /o&d! 1&%ered wa%er
7 w#o&e e''
7 a$$ s(eet see$ mi* t#rou"# small #ole in top o) blen$er cover,
(#ile mac#ine is runnin" on me$ium lo(& Replace top& Process to
start" up see$s&
8 "ra$ually a$$ about 1a> o) t#e (ater an$ process )or a minute or so
until mi*ture starts to blen$& Dontinue, a$$in" remainin" (ater&
1len$ on #i"# until s#a.e is smoot# an$ )rot#y& :top mac#ine&
< brea. ra( e"" into s#a.e an$ pulse 1I+ times only to blen$& Pour
in "lass an$ serve&
:er%es >. :er%ing size; About @ cups . #reparation time; A minutes.
THE REC4PES6 1a.e$ Goo$s & Desserts
T#e recipes in t#is section are $esi"ne$ (it# a F#int o) s(eetness&H T#ey use small amounts o)
coconuts, )ruits, nuts an$ Javorin"s, an$ very small amounts o) natural s(eeteners li.e no-su"ara$$e$
)ruit concentrates, #oney, maple syrup an$ t#e non-"lycemic, non-synt#etic #erb :tevia&
T#e treats in t#is section are $esi"ne$ to be once-in-a(#ile in$ul"ences because some are
#i"# in calories, so use t#em sparin"ly, an$ only a)ter you #ave stabilie$ your metabolism an$ use$
@FT to eliminate your cravin"s& 9) you 5n$ t#at you start cravin" more s(eets, #ol$ oM until you
are more in control&
Many o) t#ese recipes may not taste very s(eet to t#ose use$ to eatin" #i"#-su"ar )oo$s&
1ut your bo$y (ill soon learn t#at not only can it survive (it#out a su"ar 5*, but your overall
#ealt# an$ (ell-bein" $epen$s on it& Remember, t#e more you eat, t#e more you (ant& T#is "oes
)or su"ar, salts an$ )ats& 1ecause o) t#e bo$y's #i"#ly a$aptive c#aracter an$ t#e a$$ictive nature
o) su"ar, (#en you re$uce or eliminate su"ar )rom your $iet in )avor o) nutrient-$ense, lo(er-carb
ve"etables an$ meats, you'll be"in to notice t#at everyt#in" tastes s(eeter& Re"ular s(eets (ill
be"in to seem too s(eet& 7ou'll (on$er #o( you ever coul$ #ave eaten #al) a $oen c#ocolate c#ip
coo.ies at one sittin"& 4n$ it "oes bot# (ays& T#e more )res#, comple* carbo#y$rate ve"etables
an$ #i"# 3uality )oo$s you eat, t#e more o) t#em you (ant& T#e more store$ to*ins you "et ri$
o), t#e more your o(n bo$y (is$om .ic.s in an$ starts cravin", at a $eep level, t#e )oo$s t#at are
"oo$ )or you&
:o en,oy t#ese Fs(eetH recipes& Cust "o li"#t on t#is cate"ory o) )oo$s, an$ al(ays monitor
your reaction a)ter you eat t#em& Remember, on t#is eatin" plan, your %9F@ (ill be s(eet6
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1<=
1<Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 14K@D GOOD: & D@:@RT:
D#eese 1rea$
An alternati%e non*grain brea" you can use .or san"wiches.
77K8 /u+$ de$,nned raw a&*ond! *a/ada*a or o%#er nu% Lour
7 /u+ Bean$ VR ;$ bean Lour! arrowroo% or $oy Lour M+a'e 8@8N
7 %$+ ba,n' $oda
7 %$+ 'round /u*n $eed
7K? /u+ /o/onu% o&! raw or or'an/ bu%%er
7 /u+ 'ra$$5(ed $#ar+ /#eddar! $#redded
< *ed e''$! bea%en
7 Tb$+ #oney or
7 +a/,e% S%e-aP&u$ a&%erna%e $wee%ener M+a'e 8@<N
7 pre#eat oven to E50eF& 9n mi*in" bo(l, combine nut Jour, bean
Jour," so$a, an$ cumin&
8 a$$ coconut oil or butter an$ s#re$$e$ c#eese an$ stir until blen$e$&
< stir in beaten e""s an$ s(eetener& Pour into (ell "rease$ >H* QH loa)
pan& 1a.e until "ol$en bro(n, appro*imately 15 minutes&
:er%es V. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
E+E +?" 1E" 1>"" Tips
:ee a more "etaile" "escription .or making
your own nut Four at home in Wucchini
MuYns recipe Lpage @>IM. This is a higher
.at an" protein recipe that woul" probably
satis.y a #T but woul"n&t be as appropriate
.or someone who is trying to lose weight. Try
one o. the alternati%e wraps or Holl*<p
suggestions Lpages @>G?@>EM instea".
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M 1<<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
EEQ +<" 15" Q"
Doconut Dustar$ Flan Pie
This is a rich custar"y "essert ma"e with real coconut milk.
7 re/+e Swee% "o5F&our Pe Cru$% M+a'e 8G8N
8 /u+$ /o/onu% *&,
7K? /u+ raw or or'an/ /rea*
8 *ed w#o&e e''$
8 Tb$+ *a+&e $yru+ or 7 +,% S%e-aP&u$ a&%erna%-e $wee%ener
7 %$+ -an&&a e2%ra/%
7 %$+ (re$#&y 'ra%ed nu%*e'
7 pre#eat oven to E=5eF& 9n me$ium bo(l or blen$er container, combine
coconut mil., cream, e""s, s(eetener, vanilla, an$ nutme"& 1len$&
8 pour into prepare$ ;o-Flour Drust Pie s#ell& 1a.e until custar$ is
set an$ crust sets up, appro*imately 15I1Q minutes& Remove )rom
oven& Place on (ire rac. to cool sli"#tly&
< cut into ?IQ servin"s&
:er%es B. #reparation time; >I minutes.
+00 T/@ R@D9P@:8 14K@D GOOD: & D@:@RT:
Fruit an$ ;ut Torte
An elegant no*grain "essert that will still allow you to stay on your eating plan.
7K8 /u+ a&*ond$
8 e'' yo&,$
< Tb$+ *a+&e $yru+
8 e'' w#%e$
+n/# $ea $a&%
7 re/+e "u% Crea* M+a'e 8<@N or CrT*e FraU/#e M+a'e 8<8N
7 /u+ (re$# b&ueberre$
7 /u+ (re$# ra$+berre$
8 Tb$+ b&ueberry or /#erry .u/e /on/en%ra%e
7 pre#eat oven to E50eF& Grease an QH roun$, layer ca.e pan& Grin$
almon$s in )oo$ processor (it# steel bla$e until 5ne&
8 beat e"" yol.s until t#ic. (it# (ire (#is. or beater in me$ium mi*in"
bo(l& Gra$ually beat in maple syrup&
< beat e"" (#ites in separate "rease-)ree bo(l (it# (ire (#is. or
beater until )oamy& 4$$ pinc# o) salt an$ continue beatin" until (#ites
are stiM, but not $ry& Fol$ beaten e"" (#ites into e"" yol. mi*ture&
? sprea$ evenly in "rease$ ca.e pan& 1a.e 1QI+0 minutes until puMy
an$ bro(n& Turn oM oven an$ leave $oor open, lettin" torte rest )or
about 10 minutes& 4)ter ca.e rests, remove )rom pan an$ place on
lar"e servin" plate& %et cool&
@ sprea$ torte (it# nut cream& Top (it# blueberries an$ raspberries&
Drile (it# blueberry concentrate& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es O. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+=? 1<" +1" <"
;otes an$ :u""estions
This recipe can be %arie" by substituting
other .resh .ruits in season. 1%en though this
has no grain an" is relati%ely low in sugars
compare" with most "essert recipes you
shoul" still be watch.ul about how you han"le
the concentrate" carbohy"rates especially
i. you&re a #T. 4. you are =ust e3pan"ing
your .oo" list you might try a %ery small
portion Lless than >JG o. a ser%ingM at 2rst
then see how you "o. 4. you 2n" yoursel.
cra%ing more then you can take this as a
sign that you are still in the process o. 2netuning
your .oo" intake an" that your
metabolism isn&t really stabilize" enough to
han"le the more concentrate" carbs. Your
bo"y will tell you.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +01
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+= +" E" 1"
Girls' :prout Doo.ies
You&ll always be prepare" to create healthy treats with this han"y see" mi3
inclu"ing these healthy goo"ies.
8 /u+$ Swee% Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87@N
7K8 /u+ dred /urran%$ or dred b&ueberre$
M&ower /arb$ %#an /urran%$N
7K8 /u+ dry or (re$#! un$wee%ened /o/onu%
8 /u+$ $unLower $+rou%$
< Tb$+ b&ueberry or /#erry .u/e /on/en%ra%e
7 in )oo$ processor (, "rin$ :(eet :unny :ee$ Mi* to crumbly
te*ture, appro* E0I>5 secon$s&
8 a$$ currants or blueberries an$ coconut& Process )or about 10I15
secon$s, ,ust to c#op&
< a$$ sunJo(er sprouts an$ blueberry syrup an$ process until mi*ture
)orms a $ou"#&
? s#ape by tablespoons into balls an$ roll in coconut& Or s#ape into
coo.ies by placin" balls bet(een layers o) (a*e$ or parc#ment paper
an$ Jattenin" (it# t#e bottom o) a "lass&
@ allo( to $ry )or at least one #our& Dan be eaten as is )or ma*imum
nutrition, or $e#y$rate$ )or +IE #ours at 110eF in a )oo$ $e#y$rator
Opa"e =EN or Fba.e$H )or 11a+ #ours at lo(est settin" o) oven&
:er%es GB. #reparation time; >A minutes.
+0+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 14K@D GOOD: & D@:@RT:
;o-Flour Pie Drusts
Belie%e it or not you can make sa%ory pie crusts without Four9
7K8 /u+ or'an/ La2 $eed$
7K8 /u+ or'an/ $e$a*e $eed$
7 Tb$+ or'an/! raw bu%%er! /o&d
7K8 /u+ 'ra%ed 'ra$$5(ed Sw$$ or /#eddar /#ee$e
<K? %$+ 'round a&&$+/e
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
:avory Drust
7 pre#eat oven to E=5eF& 9n )oo$ processor ( a$$ "roun$
Ja*, "roun$ sesame see$, col$ butter, s#re$$e$ c#eese, allspice an$
:pi.e& Pulse )or 5 secon$s, only until mi*ture starts to come to"et#er&
Do not overprocess&
8 pat mi*ture evenly into li"#tly "rease$ QH s#allo( pie pan&
< ba.e in pre#eate$ E=5eF& oven alone )or =I10 minutes, only until
crust is "ettin" bro(n& 9) usin" crust )or 3uic#e or ot#er 5llin"," temperature (ill $epen$ upon recipe&
:(eet Drust
7 procee$ (it# recipe as above, e*cept substitute 1a+ cup sesame
ta#ini or maca$amia nut butter )or butter an$ c#eese& Bse 1a+ tsp
nutme" instea$ o) :pi.e&
8 pat into QH pie tin& 1a.e =I10 minutes by itsel), or accor$in" to
recipe $irections (it# a $essert 5llin"& Remove )rom oven an$ let
stan$ until cool&
:er%es B. #reparation time; >A minutes.
Nutrition ,acts
calories total .at carbs protein
1<+ 15" Q" Q"
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +0E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
=+ ?" >" E"
;otes an$ :u""estions
These "elicious an" han"y wraps can be
ma"e success.ully with alternati%e low*carb
Four. Ma"e ahea" in a batch session they
can be store" tightly wrappe" in the .reezer
to be pulle" out as nee"e" .or weeknight or
weeken" meals.
;o-Grain Dripes
(rZpes are thin Fat unlea%ene" pancakes the ,rench ha%e rolle" aroun" %egetables
meats eggs an" "esserts .or centuries.
8 &ar'e w#o&e e''$
7 /u+ w#o&e or'an/ *&,
7K8 /u+ wa%er
7K? %$+ $ea $a&%
7K8 %$+ -an&&a e2%ra/%
7K8 %$+ 'ra%ed nu%*e'
7 /u+ Bean$ VR ;$ Bean F&our M+a'e 8@8N
8 Tb$+ *e&%ed or'an/ bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
7 pour e""s, mil., (ater, salt, nutme", vanilla, Jour an$ butter or oil
into blen$er container& Process until ,ust mi*e$, scrapin" $o(n si$es,
i) necessary& Process on me$ium )or about 10 secon$s to blen$&
8 important step8 %et rest )or at least E0 minutes an$ pre)erably 1 #our&
< #eat a cripe pan or #eavy Jat s.illet over me$ium #i"# until #ot&
Grease (it# a $ab o) oil, t#en pour 1a> cup batter over #ot pan, rotatin"
pan to $istribute a li"#t coatin" o) batter evenly& Doo. cripe until
"ol$en on t#e bottom an$ startin" to $ry on top, about 1I+ minutes&
? Jip cripe (it# metal spatula an$ coo. less t#an 1 minute more&
Remove to plate to cool& Repeat proce$ure until all cripe batter
#as been use$&
@ use imme$iately as (rapper )or meat an$Aor ve"etable or c#eese
5llin"s, $esserts, etc& or (rap ti"#tly an$ re)ri"erate or )reee )or
)uture use&
:er%es >B. :er%ing :ize; >B?B inch crepes. #reparation time; >I minutes.
+0> T/@ R@D9P@:8 14K@D GOOD: & D@:@RT:
;ut Gems A Da.e
(runchy an" gol"en on the outsi"e kin" o. so.t an" gooey on the insi"e these
are "ownright goo" especially .or being low carb an" no*grain.
77K< /u+ a&*ond$
77K< /u+ dry! un$wee%ened /o/onu%
7K8 %$+ ba,n' $oda
7K8 %$+ $a&%
<K? %$+ nu%*e'
< Tb$+ dred /urran%$
< Tb$+ dred b&ueberre$
7 &ar'e e'' or 8 e'' w#%e$
7K8 /u+ yo'ur%
< Tb$+ *a+&e $yru+
7K8 %$+ -an&&a
7 pre#eat oven to E+5eF& 9n )oo$ processor (, a$$ almon$s
(#ile mac#ine is runnin"& Process until nuts become a coarse meal,
only about E0 secon$s, $epen$in" upon po(er o) mac#ine&
8 a$$ coconut," so$a, salt, an$ nutme" an$ process until mi*ture
becomes li.e a "rainy Jour& 9t (ill not be smoot# li.e (#eat or
ot#er "rain Jour&
< in small bo(l or lar"e measurin" cup, combine currants, blueberries,
e""s, yo"urt, maple syrup, an$ vanilla, stirrin" to blen$& 4$$ to
$ry mi*ture an$ pulse a )e( times until mi*ture )orms a batter&
? $rop by roun$e$ tablespoons onto "rease$ s#eet an$ Jatten&
Or $rop into "rease$ mini-muUn tins, or sprea$ into a "rease$ an$
line$ ?H" pan&
@ ba.e in pre#eate$ oven )or 10I1Q or +0 minutes, $epen$in" upon
pan& !atc# care)ully& T#ese little treats can "o )rom "ol$en to $ar.
bro(n be)ore you .no( it&
:er%es >B. #reparation time; >A minutes.
Nutrition ,acts
calories total .at carbs protein
11Q <" Q" >"
;otes an$ :u""estions
These are really goo" warm remin"ing
you o. warm an" chewy coconut macaroons.
LThey basically are.M Best results are
obtaine" by making these into Fattene"
cookies balls or thimble muYns. 4. you
make a little cake be sure to grease the
pan an" line with parchment*type paper.
$oosen aroun" e"ges a.ter baking then
Fip onto plate peeling o0 paper when
slightly cool.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +05
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
=E >" Q" +"
;otes an$ :u""estions
-hale this batter may be prepare" in a %ery
small cake or loa. pan line" an" grease"
the mi3ture ten"s to brown rea"ily e%en at
a low temperature. :o you&ll probably be
happier in the long run "ropping these by
tablespoons an" Fattening them into cookies
with the bottom o. a glass. -atch care.ully
they can burn .aster than you&" like.
Heminiscent o. macaroons with bits o. .ruits an" see"s these little con.ections
are surprisingly tasty especially since they ha%e no Four or oil.
77K< /u+$ $unLower $eed$
77K< /u+$ dry! un$wee%ened /o/onu%
7K? /u+ dred b&ueberre$! /ranberre$! or /urran%$
7K8 %$+ ba,n' $oda
7K8 %$+ $a&%
7K? %$+ nu%*e'
7 &ar'e e'' or 8 e'' w#%e$
< Tb$+ *a+&e $yru+
< Tb$+ /#erry .u/e /on/en%ra%e
7K8 %$+ -an&&a e2%ra/%
7K8 %$+ a&*ond e2%ra/%
7K8 /u+ yo'ur%
"u% Crea* Mo+%ona&! +a'e 8<7N
7 pre#eat oven to E+5eF& 9n $ry ( o) )oo$ processor (it#
mac#ine runnin" on me$ium, a$$ sunJo(er see$s& Process )or about
E0 secon$s, or until t#ere are only a )e( see$ pieces still intact& 4$$
coconut an$ process on me$ium #i"# until mi*ture becomes a relatively
5ne, "rainy Jour&
8 a$$ $rie$ blueberries an$ process )or E0I>0 more secon$s, until
)ruits are c#oppe$& !#ir in" so$a, salt, an$ nutme" to mi*&
Turn oM mac#ine&
< in small bo(l or lar"e measurin" cup, combine e"" or e"" (#ite,
maple syrup, D#erry Doncentrate, vanilla an$ almon$ e*tracts, an$
yo"urt& 4$$ li3ui$ in"re$ients to Jour in )oo$ processor an$ pulse "ently
a )e( times only, until mi*ture starts to )orm a batter& T#is batter
t#ic.ens up as it sets, so you mi"#t 5n$ it easier to let it rest )or a )e(
minutes, (#ile t#e coconut re#y$rates, be)ore )ormin" into coo.ies&
? $rop by tablespoons onto "rease$ s#eet or mini-muUn tins
or sprea$ into a ?IQH roun$ pan t#at #as been "rease$ an$ line$ (it#
a parc#ment paper-type liner& 1a.e )or 10I15 minutes," perio$ically&
%et cool sli"#tly, t#en remove care)ully )rom pan&
@ cool to room temperature& :erve& 9)" a ca.e, cut into (e$"es
an$ serve, toppe$ (it# a tiny $ollop o) ;ut Dream, i) $esire$&
:er%es >B. #reparation time; >I minutes.
+0? T/@ R@D9P@:8 14K@D GOOD: & D@:@RT:
Pifa Dola$a D#e(ies
A sweet treat .or a special rewar" that uses up pineapple =uice pulp.
7 /u+ +nea++&e +u&+ (ro* .u/n'
7K8 /u+ raw! or'an/ /a$#ew$ or a&*ond$! 'round
7K8 /u+ (re$# or dry! un$wee%ened /o/onu% *ea% $#red$
8 Tb$+ #oney
7 in ( o) )oo$ processor (it# steel bla$e, combine $raine$
pineapple pulp, nuts, coconut meat an$ #oney&
8 process )or >5I?0 secon$s until (ell blen$e$, but not mus#y&
< s#ape by tablespoons into t#in +H roun$ patties an$ $e#y$rate at
110eF& )or 1+ #ours in $e#y$rator Opa"e =EN& Dan also be $rie$ on
li"#tly "rease$ s#eet pan at lo(est oven settin" )or >I5 #ours&
:er%es G@. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
51 >" >" 1"
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +0=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Q1 >" 11" 1"
Vuic. /alva#
'al%ah is a Mi""le 1astern can"y tra"itionally ma"e with sesame see" butter.
This /uick an" tasty %ersion with alternati%e low*carb ingre"ients an"
N6 sugar is a real treat.
7K? /u+ raw +e/an$! wa&nu%$! a&*ond$ or /a$#ew$
7K? /u+ dred /ranberre$ or b&ueberre$
7K? /u+ dry or (re$# un$wee%ened /o/onu% $#red$
7K? /u+ -an&&a5La-ored w#ey +owder M+a'e 8@<N
7K? /u+ raw /a$#ew or $e$a*e bu%%er
8 %$+ /o/onu% *&, or raw /rea*
7 in blen$er container or )oo$ processor (, a$$ ra( nuts an$
$rie$ )ruit, $ry coconut, (#ey po($er an$ cas#e( butter& Process
until nuts are "roun$& !it# rubber spatula, loosen mi* )rom bottom
o) container&
8 a$$ coconut mil. an$ process ,ust until mi*ture comes to"et#er&
:coop by tablespoons into balls, #al) roun$s or press into small pan
an$ cut into $iamon$s or trian"les& Dan serve imme$iately or sprin.le
(it# coconut s#re$s&
:er%es >B. #reparation time; A minutes.
+0Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 14K@D GOOD: & D@:@RT:
:esame Le"etable Drac.ers
A tasty snack cracker you can make at home .rom healthy ingre"ientsT
but no Four.
8 /u+$ #u&&ed $e$a*e $eed$
7 /u+ $unLower $eed$
7K8 /u+ 'o&den La2 $eed$
7 *ed $#a&&o% or 8 'ar&/ /&o-e$
8 *ed 'reen onon$
7 %$+ /e&ery $eed
7 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or ,e&+
8 $%a&,$ /e&ery! /u% u+
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed +ar$&ey or (re$# d&&weed! +a/,ed
7 use or"anically-"ro(n see$s, i) possible& :oa. sesame, sunJo(er an$
Ja* see$s in ,ar or bo(l o) 5ltere$ (ater QI1+ #ours, $rainin" an$
rinsin" several times& Drain (ell by invertin" ,ar or placin" see$s in
8 in blen$er or )oo$ processor 5tte$ (it# a steel bla$e, blen$ soa.e$,
$raine$ see$s in batc#es, i) necessary, until smoot#& Remove to bo(l&
< process s#allot, "reen onions, celery see$, :pi.e, celery in )oo$
processor until "roun$& 4$$ parsley, processin" until 5ne& Dombine
ve"etables (it# "roun$ see$s to ma.e a $ou"#&
? roll or pat $ou"# to 1a>H t#ic.ness bet(een s#eets o) (a*e$ paper&
9nvert onto $e#y$rator s#eet& :core or ma.e a "ri$ o) cuts into t#e
$ou"# to $esire$ sie&
@ place in $e#y$rator Opa"e =EN at 105eF& an$ $ry )or QI1+ #ours or
until crisp )or FliveH crac.ers& Or ba.e at lo(est settin" o) oven )or >I?
#ours, or until $esire$ crispness& %et cool& Dut or brea. into pieces&
:er%es EO. #reparation time; @I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
55 >" >" +"
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +0<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
++Q 1>" +1" <"
;otes an$ :u""estions
These no*Four "ehy"rate" raw .oo" wraps
can be use" in place o. tortillas or other
Fat brea" .ol"e" o%er a wi"e %ariety o. %egetable
meat cheese an" other 2llings. They
make a hearty lunch ser%e" with guacamole
or hummus lettuce tomato an" sprouts.
Vegetable wrap recipe courtesy 1nchante"
!itchens Haw ,oo"s (he. Jenny (ornbleet.
:un$rie$ Tomato !raps
You woul"n&t know that these "elicious wraps are ma"e not with Four but
.rom healthy raw %egetables an" see"s.
8 /u+$ 'round La2 $eed$! 'o&den or brown
77K8 /u+$ wa%er
7 %$+ $ea $a&%
< /&o-e$ 'ar&/
7 /u+ /#o++ed (re$# ba$&
7K8 *ed onon! /#o++ed
7 /u+ $undred %o*a%oe$
< red be&& +e++er$! /#o++ed
7K? %$+ /ayenne +e++er
8 %$+ ore'ano
7 "rin$ Ja* see$s in a spice "rin$er or blen$er&
8 place all remainin" in"re$ients, e*cept (ater an$ "roun$ Ja* see$s
in a blen$er or )oo$ processor an$ blen$&
< a$$ (ater an$ "roun$ Ja*, an$ blen$ until smoot#& 4llo( to sit )or
E0 minutes to t#ic.en&
? sprea$ t#inly into circles on teJe*-line$ $e#y$rator s#eets, an$
$e#y$rate Opa"e =EN at 105eF& )or about ? #ours, or until easily
remove$ )rom t#e teJe*& Flip onto mes# s#eets, an$ $ry )or an a$$itional
> #ours, or until $ry but still Je*ible&
@ allo( to cool, t#en store in plastic ba"s in t#e re)ri"erator )or up
to a mont#&
:er%es O. #reparation time; >A minutes.
+10 T/@ R@D9P@:8 14K@D GOOD: & D@:@RT:
ducc#ini MuUns
You might be surprise" to learn that it is possible to make goo"*tasting
muYns without grain Four.
< /u+$ b&an/#ed a&*ond LourY
8 %$+ /nna*on
7 %$+ nu%*e'
7 %$+ ba,n' $oda
7K8 %$+ $a&%
< *ed e''$! bea%en
7K< /u+ *e&%ed bu%%er or /o/onu% o&
7K? /u+ #oney
8Q< dro+$ &e*on o& or 7K8 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on +ee&
< /u+$ 'ra%ed 3u//#n
7 pre#eat oven to E50eF& %ine muUn cups (it# paper liners&
8 mi* almon$ Jour, cinnamon, nutme"," so$a, an$ salt in
mi*in" bo(l&
< a$$ beaten e""s, butter, #oney, lemon, an$ "rate$ ucc#ini& :tir
to blen$&
? $ivi$e batter into muUn tins, but $o not over5ll& !or.s better (it#
smaller muUns&
@ ba.e )or appro*imately 15 minutes, or until $one& Remove )rom
oven an$ let cool sli"#tly on (ire rac.s&
:er%es @E. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
15> 1E" Q" 5"" Tips
RAlmon" Four can ma"e be easily at home
with a .oo" processor or =uicer or purchase"
rea"y ma"e .rom specialty %en"ors you can
2n" starting on page @EV. 4n small /uantities
making almon" Four .rom the nuts
with their skins on is okay .or e%ery"ay consumption
but when using larger /uantities
in bake" goo"s an" "esserts it&s better to
skin them to a%oi" large /uantities o. tannins
an" enzyme inhibitors.
To "e*skin almon"s; #our boiling water
o%er almon"s in a =ar or bowl. $et stan"
until water cools to tolerable temperature
then slip o0 almon" skins by hol"ing
between thumb an" in"e3 2nger an"
s/ueezing. :kins shoul" slip o0 easily but
watch out .or Fying pro=ectiles9 Dry by patting
gently with paper towel.
To make almon" Four; +rin" "ry skinne"
almon"s in .oo" processor by starting with a
"ry workbowl then a""ing almon"s into
running machine through .ee" tube.
#rocess until almon"s are 2nely groun"
into a meal or Four. 4t will not be as smooth
or 2ne as white Four. :tore in co%ere" container
in re.rigerator or .reezer. !eeps up
to G months in .reezer.
;otes an$ :u""estions
This is a high calorie recipe that woul" probably
satis.y a .ast o3i"izing #T type but
woul" not be con"uci%e .or someone trying
to lose weight.
THE REC4PES6 :nac.s & /an$#el$s
:nac. time is usually a )un eatin" time& T#at is, unless you are cau"#t empty-#an$e$ (#ile a(ay
)rom #ome (it#out t#e )oo$s you nee$& :nac.s are an important part o) t#e Total /ealt# Pro"ram&
T#ey #elp .eep bloo$ su"ar levels stable an$ are #elp)ul )or 5ne-tunin" your $iet& T#ey s#oul$ be
planne$ into your )oo$ sc#e$ule (it# as muc# attention as )ull meals& Remember, you are retrainin"
your bo$y an$ #o( it relates to )oo$& Darbo#y$rate Types 5n$ t#ey can o)ten "o )or lon"
perio$s o) time (it#out eatin"& 1ut t#ey nee$ to be ,ust as $ili"ent about plannin" an$ eatin" snac.s
as Protein Types, (#o nee$ to eat more )re3uently because o) t#eir )ast metabolism&
Sna/, Re/+e$ and 4dea$
7ou (ill 5n$ many )oo$ recipes an$ i$eas )or" in t#is F:nac.s an$ /an$#el$sH section, an$
in FRa(, :proute$ an$ Fermente$ Foo$s,H FCuices an$,H an$ FDon$iments an$ @*tras,H but
actually any o) t#e recipes in t#is boo. coul$ be serve$ as snac.s, so t#in. Fle)tovers6H 4ctually, it's
a "oo$ strate"y to be more proactive an$ plan (#at snac.s you (ill be"& T#is (ay you (ill
al(ays be prepare$, (ill )eel con5$ent an$ (on't psyc#olo"ically or literally ever be Fout o) luc.H
(it#out t#e best )oo$s )or yoursel) (it#in easy reac#& O) course, it's not about luc.& 9t's all about
payin" attention an$ plannin"&
Sna/, Pa/,
4n e*cellent strate"y is to assemble an$ maintain a F:nac. KitH to carry (it# you, containin" a store
o) t#e i$eal )oo$s )or your speci5c metabolic type& T#ese mi"#t inclu$e small sin"le servin" containers
o) nut butters, trail or )uel mi*es, ve"etable an$ )ruit leat#ers, cubes o) c#eese, meat, sprouts,
an$Aor le)tovers )rom meals& /ere is a list o) snac. i$eas& :ome o) t#ese are recipes in t#is section,
ot#ers are recipes else(#ere in t#is, an$ some Ot#ose (#ere not all (or$s are capitalie$N
are simple snac.s you can create in secon$s, li.e celery & c#eese& T#ese snac. i$eas are presente$
)rom t#ose most i$eal )or Protein Types to t#ose most i$eal )or Darb Types&
:tuMe$ mus#rooms
Delery & nut butter
Delery & c#eese
Delery & $ar. tur.ey
Cicama & bison summer sausa"e
Drunc#y :prout Mi*es
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$
1asic or :avory :unny :ee$s
4voca$o an$ :esame :prea$
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +11
Roast bee) & sprouts
:almon :evic#e
Fres# Doconut D#un.s
!alnut Pat]
PT's Druiser
/ar$coo.e$ @""s
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic.ers Le""ies (it# :ee$ Dip
Pic.les an$ Cicama
Rainbo( Dolesla( (A:ee$s Me*ican %ive cn' 1ean Dip (it# sprouts
D#eese brea$ (it# )res# #erbs
/ummus sprea$ (it# re$ peppers
Mi$$le @astern :ala$
@"" Foo 7un" (it# lettuce, tomato, mayo
@"" :ala$ (it#
:(eet :unny :ee$ Mi*
Grille$ Ratatouille
Ra( Le"etables
Dup o' Le"etable :oup
:prout Pate
Drunc#y /erb :prout Mi*
Gapac#o :oup
Roll-Bps (it# lettuce, sprouts
Dut up Le"etable :tic.s
Le"etable %eat#ers
Le"etable Drispers
@""plant D#eesebur"ers
:tuMe$ @""s
:ea :ala$ :i$e
:tuMe$ an$
:esame Le"etable Drac.ers
:prouts, :prouts, :prouts
+1+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :;4DK: & /4;D/@%D:
F%i)e (it#out brea$0 !#at am 9 "oin" to eat instea$ o) a san$(ic# )or lunc#0H T#is is probably
one o) t#e bi""est c#allen"es to embracin" an$ incorporatin" a no-"rain, lo(-carb li)estyle& T#e
Fourt# @arl o) :an$(ic# un$oubte$ly #it upon a popular totable (#en #e stuMe$ meat bet(een
t(o slabs o) brea$, but t#ere are lots more varie$, interestin"2an$ #ealt#y2t#in"s to eat )or your
meals an$ snac.s& 4n$ your bo$y (ill love it&
T#e term san$(ic# is actually a verb, as (ell as a noun& FTo san$(ic#H also means to Finsert
or s3ueee bet(een t(o ot#er t#in"s,H an$ t#e $e5nition inclu$es Fsomet#in" t#at resembles a
san$(ic#&H @ven t#ou"# typical, t#ere is no re3uirement t#at a san$(ic# #as to be ma$e )rom
(#eat or rye& 9nstea$ try t#ese8
Ty+e$ o( :ra++er$
1utter lettuce leaves
1oston lettuce leaves
Re$ an$ Green lea) lettuces
Romaine lettuce
Dabba"e leaves
Dollar$ leaves
Kale leaves
!i$e, t#in ducc#ini :trips
!i$e, t#in Ducumber :trips
:teame$ @""plant slices
Delery stal.s
:tuMe$ an$
Pic.le$ Grape leaves
;o-Grain Flat brea$s
;o-Grain De#y$rate$ !raps
;o-Grain Dripes
;o-Grain !aXes
;o-Grain Pie Drusts
T#in Omelets
@"" Foo 7un"
;ori :ea(ee$ :#eets
:lices o) Meat
:lices o) D#eese
Parmesan Drisps
Le"etable %eat#ers
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +1E
S%y&e$ o( :ra+$6 :ra+ and Ro&&
Ro&&ed6 %ay (rapper Jat, 5ll or sprea$ (it# about +IE Tbsp 5llin", t#en )ol$ (rapper over 5llin",
rollin" up ti"#tly ,ellyroll style&
Burr%o $%y&e6 %ay (rapper Jat, sprea$ or 5ll (it# $esire$ 5llin"P )ol$ opposites si$es in(ar$
one-)ourt# to one-t#ir$ o) t#e (ay on eac# si$e, )ol$ (rapper over 5llin", rollin" up ti"#tly into
Fbun$le&H Place e$"e si$e $o(n on plate or pan&
Cone$6 Roll ;ori or s3uare (rapper into a cone, (it# one (i$e-open en$& Moisten narro( en$
e$"e (it# (ater to seal& :poon or place base 5llin" into cone, t#en press aroun$ an$ up t#e si$es
to cover insi$e," room )or a$$itional ve"etables, meats, sprouts etc&
F&a%! To$%ada5S%y&e6 For crisper or less Je*ible (raps, simply lay (rap or crisp on plate, sprea$ (it#
toppin", a$$itional ve"etables or sprouts, con$iments an$ or "arnis# an$ serve&
F&&n'$ MAn end&e$$ arrayDN
Le"etables, cut up, "rate$
;ut 1utters & Dreams
Fillin"s & :prea$s
:prouts or :prout mi*es
:lice$ Meats, Tempe#, :lice$ or 1len$e$ D#eeses
%e)tover Dasseroles
:ala$s an$ :la(s
%e)tover :tir-Fry
+1> T/@ R@D9P@:8 :;4DK: & /4;D/@%D:
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +15
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
E5 E" +" 1"
1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* Plus
This %ersatile complete protein see" mi3 can be the starting point .or an almost
en"less array o. sweet an" sa%ory low*carb snacks shakes trail mi3es an" toppers.
77K< /u+ $unLower $eed$! or'an/
7K< /u+ $e$a*e $eed$! or'an/
7K< /u+ +u*+,n $eed$! M'reen +e+%a$N
7K< /u+ La2 $eed$! or'an/
7 combine see$s&
8 store covere$ in re)ri"erator or )reeer )or up to t(o mont#s&
:er%es G@. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
sunny see" mi3 %ariations
:(eet :unny :ee$ Mi*
to 1asic :unny :ee$ Mi*, a$$ +aE cup $ry, uns(eetene$ coconut, 1a>
cup 5nely c#oppe$ $rie$ currants, 1 tsp nutme" an$ 1a+ tsp "roun$
cinnamon& :tore in ti"#tly covere$ "lass ,ar in re)ri"erator or )reeer&
:avory :unny :ee$ Mi*
in #eavy $ry, cast iron s.illet over me$ium #eat, li"#tly toast 1asic
:unny :ee$ Mi*, stirrin" constantly, until see$s start to pop
an$ aroma o) li"#tly toaste$ sesame appears& Remove )rom #eat&
a$$ 1aE cup $ry mi*e$ ve"etables Osoup mi*N t#at #ave been (#irre$
to po($ery in blen$er, 11a + Tbsp poultry seasonin", 11a+ Tbsp
$ebittere$ nutritional yeast, an$ 1 tsp :pi.e ve"etable seasonin" or
Mrs Das#& :tir, cool, an$ store in container (it# li$ in re)ri"erator )or
up to si* (ee.s&
:unny :ee$ Gomasio
blen$ 1 recipe :avory :unny :ee$ Mi*, above, in blen$er until it
becomes a 5ne po($er& :tore in covere$ container in re)ri"erator& Bse
as a toppin" or seasonin"&
:proute$ :unny :ee$ Mi*
place 1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* in "lass ,ar& Dover (it# (ater& Dover (it#
mes# screen or c#eeseclot# an$ secure (it# rubber ban$ or scre( li$&
:oa. 5IQ #ours or overni"#t& Drain an$ rinse& %et see$s FsproutH )or
E #ours& Rinse an$ $rain a"ain& Bse as sala$, snac., or base )or Roll-
Bp or san$(ic# 5llin"&
+1? T/@ R@D9P@:8 :;4DK: & /4;D/@%D:
D#e(y ;utsy FDerealH
-hen you&re hankering .or a bowl o. cereal or chewy grains try this taste an"
te3ture match .or a /uick break.ast or snack.
7K? /u+ w#o&e or'an/ La2 $eed$
7K? /u+ raw or'an/ a&*ond$ or wa&nu%$
7K? /u+ dry! un$wee%ened /o/onu%
8 %$+ dred *n% &ea-e$ or 8 *n% %ea ba'$
7 /u+ /o/onu% *&,
7 in $ry blen$er or )oo$ processor (it# motor runnin", pour Ja*
see$s, almon$s, an$ $ry coconut t#rou"# openin" in top o) cover&
Replace removable cap an$ continue processin" until in"re$ients are
re$uce$ to a c#un.y, "rain-li.e consistency, about 1 minute&
8 stop motor, scrape $o(n to loosen mi*ture in bottom o) blen$er or
(, i) necessary& 4$$ loose, $ry mint leaves or open + mint tea
ba"s an$ $ump contents& Process a )e( bursts more until blen$e$&
< scoop out 1a > cup mi*ture per servin"& Pour rou"#ly e3ual
amount, 1a >I1a E cup coconut mil. or ot#er nut mil. per servin" over
FcerealH an$ en,oy&
? can be en,oye$ col$, or let stan$ a )e( minutes an$ (arm sli"#tly
on stovetop )or a F#otH cereal e*perience& Fla* see$s (ill t#ic.en mi*ture
as it sits& ;utrition at pea. serve$ col$&
:er%es E. :er%ing size; >J E cup minimum ser%ing plus milk.
#reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
E15 +Q" 1>" ?"
;otes an$ :u""estions
Ma"e up ahea" an" kept on han" in the
re.rigerator it can also be use" as base .or
low*carb no*grain 7gorp8 balls an" other
treats. This is a high*calorie high*.at recipe
not appropriate .or weight loss.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +1=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
1+ 1" 1" 0"
;otes an$ :u""estions
A great snack or appetizer .or a (T or anyone
.or that matter. #T&s will o. course
want to en=oy this with some a""itional protein
to make it a balance" snack.
;ori 1rusc#etta
A hybri" o. 4talian an" Japanese tastes this uni/ue color.ul appetizer snack
is as stunning as it is healthy an" "elicious.
? $#ee%$ nor $eaweed
8 *ed %o*a%oe$! /#o++ed
7 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e! *n/ed
8 *ed $/a&&on$ or 'reen onon$! /#o++ed
7K8 /u+ *un' bean or /&o-er5rad$# $+rou%$! /#o++ed
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed 4%a&an La%5&ea( +ar$&ey
7 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Bra''$
8Q< 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 toast nori s#eets by passin" over burner, pre)erably "as, on #i"#&
;ori (ill turn "reenis# blac. an$ stiMen& Dut nori s#eets (it# scissors
into + to +1a+H s3uares&
8 ma.e brusc#etta by combinin" c#oppe$ tomatoes, "arlic, scallions,
mun" bean sprouts, an$ parsley (it# olive oil, :pi.e, an$ pepper in
lar"e mi*in" bo(l& Drain oM li3ui$&
< place stac.s o) t(o toaste$ nori s3uares to"et#er on servin" platter&
? ma.e sure brusc#etta mi*ture is $raine$ (ell& Moun$ appro*imately
11a + Tbsp brusc#etta mi*ture on top o) eac# nori s3uare stac.&
9) $esire$, sprin.le (it# a little Parmesan c#eese or sesame see$s&
:erve imme$iately&
:er%es >O. :er%ing :ize; > s/uare. #reparation time; >A minutes.
+1Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 :;4DK: & /4;D/@%D:
Parmesan Drisps
These simple yet inno%ati%e crisps can substitute .or taco shells crackers an"
Fatbrea"s in a %ariety o. applications.
7 /u+ $#redded Mno% 'ra%edN Par*e$an /#ee$e
7 %$+ +a+r,a
7 pre#eat oven to E=5eF& On s#eet line$ (it# parc#ment paper
or silpat liner Oreusable siliconN, sprea$ about 1 Tbsp s#re$$e$ Parmesan
c#eese evenly into circles about >I5H eac#& :prin.le (it# papri.a&
8 ba.e in pre#eate$ E=5eF& oven )or 5IQ minutes, until "ol$en
bro(n& D#eese (ill melt to"et#er an$ )orm $is.s& Remove )rom oven
an$ let rest until crisps #ave coole$&
< usin" a Jat spatula, care)ully li)t crisps to servin" platter or into covere$
container& Drisps can also be )orme$ aroun$ a bottle ri"#t out o)
t#e oven to create taco-li.e s#ells&
:er%es >B. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
5> >" 1" 5"
;otes an$ :u""estions
4. planning to use this .or larger purposes
like taco shell substitute make crisps larger
with @ or more Tbsp cheese. Note; +rate"
#armesan cheese will N6T work in this
recipe. ,or the results you want you nee" to
use high*/uality shre""e" #armesan or
#armesan*Homano blen".
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +1<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+== 1>" 1>" +?"" Tips
#T or MN; The name says #T but MN coul"
also en=oy this perhaps .or a lunch sala".
;otes an$ :u""estions
This 2sh an" %egetable sala" coul" easily be
a mini*meal or the protein complement .or
a lunch meal .or #T or MN. A"" a Basic
Vegetable :oup or (ream o. Mushroom :oup
.or a whole meal.
PT's Druiser
This /uick hearty sala" coul" be a real pick*me*up .or a #T&s a.ternoon snack.
7 /u+ 1ne&y /#o++ed /e&ery
7 /u+ d/ed (re$# or /anned a$+ara'u$
7 /u+ ar%/#o,e$! d/ed
7 /an $ardne$! draned and /#o++ed
? an/#o-y 1&e%$! +a/,ed n o&-e o&
7 Tb$+ /#o++ed /a+er$ or 1ne&y /#o++ed d&& +/,&e
8 %$+ o&-e o& (ro* an/#o-e$
7 %$+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
7 in small mi*in" bo(l or stora"e container, combine 5nely c#oppe$
celery, aspara"us, artic#o.e #earts, sar$ines, anc#ovies, capers, olive
oil, an$ lemon ,uice& :tir to combine in"re$ients evenly&
8 t#is coul$ also be prepare$ )ast in a )oo$ processor, i) you are care)ul
not to overmi*& :tart by a$$in" celery an$ processin" until 5nely
c#oppe$& Turn oM mac#ine, t#en a$$ aspara"us an$ artic#o.e #earts,
pulse (it# a )e( on an$ oM bursts to c#op& :top mac#ine& 4$$ sar$ines
an$ anc#ovies, capers, olive oil, an$ lemon ,uice& Pulse one or
t(o more times& DO ;OT overmi*&
< + servin"s& Or serve #al) )or a snac. to$ay an$ #al) )or ne*t $ay's
lunc#& :tore (#at's le)t in covere$ container& Re)ri"erate )or up to 1 $ay&
:er%es @. #reparation time; >I minutes.
++0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 :;4DK: & /4;D/@%D:
Vuic. 7o"urt Dup
A /uick simple snack.
7K8 /u+ +&an or'an/ yo'ur%
7 Tb$+ raw or or'an/ #a&( and #a&(
7 Tb$+ ready5%o5drn, C#a %ea
7 spoon yo"urt into servin" cup or $is#&
8 pour over cream an$ D#ai tea& @n,oy&
:er%es >. #reparation time; > minute.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
<< ?" Q" 5"" Tips
#T; De2nitely more o. a #T type snack especially
with the cream. You may want some
nuts to make this a balance" snack .or you.
(T; :ince your metabolic type shoul" limit
"airy an" .at plan to consume this only
once in a while without the cream using yogurt.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Try substituting > tsp (herry or Blueberry
(oncentrate Lpage @AGM .or the (hai tea.
Monitor care.ully whether e%en these high
/uality .ruit =uice concentrates ele%ate your
bloo" sugar too much making you tire" or
hungry later. Try eating this snack with
more protein possibly sprinkling with >?@
tsp nuts or :unny :ee" Mi3.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ++1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
<0 Q" E" E"" Tips
-hile this is a goo" #T type snack because o.
the protein an" .at (T&s can also en=oy it
.rom time to time with a""e" %egetables as
mentione" below.
;otes an$ :u""estions
!eep this basic sprea" in your re.rigerator or
tote it along with celery an" zucchini sticks
.or a han"y snack. 4t can also become the
base .or san"wich 2llings by a""ing grate"
%egetables such as zucchini carrot sprouts.
:esame Miso :prea$
This "ecepti%ely simple sprea" is a %ersatile base .or making snacks sprea"s
2llings sala" "ressings an" sauces.
7 /u+ raw %a#n or *e/#an/a&&y5#u&&ed $e$a*e bu%%er
77K8 Tb$+ &'#% *$o! (er*en%ed $oybean +a$%e
7 /&o-e 'ar&/! *n/ed
7 Tb$+ #o% wa%er
8 Tb$+ /#o++ed $/a&&on
7 measure ra( ta#ini into small measurin" bo(l or container (it#
cover& :tir in miso an$ mince$ "arlic to blen$&
8 stir in #ot (ater a little at a time, an$ stir until mi*ture becomes
smoot#& Mi*ture (ill seie up initially, t#en become smoot# an$ "lossy&
< stir in c#oppe$ scallions& Dover an$ store in re)ri"erator&
:er%es >B. :er%ing size; about > Tbsp. #reparation time; A minutes.
+++ T/@ R@D9P@:8 :;4DK: & /4;D/@%D:
:nay Gin"ere$ ;uts
:a%ory an" spicy these roaste" nuts are a special treat goo" enough .or
company i. there&s any le.t....
7K? /u+ raw or'an/ bu%%er
7K< /u+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 %$+ 'round 'n'er +owder
7K? %$+ Ja+ane$e #o% wa$ab +a$%e! ( de$red
8 /u+$ or'an/ wa&nu%$
7 /u+ or'an/ a&*ond$ or +e/an$
7 /u+ raw *a/ada*a nu%$ or /a$#ew$
7 pre#eat oven to E00eF& Melt butter in small saucepan over lo(&
Dombine soy sauce, "in"er an$ (asabi paste O5ery, "reen sus#i con$imentN
in small bo(l&
8 sprea$ nuts over s#eet or <H*1EH" pan& Pour on butter
an$ stir to coat& 1a.e )or about 15 minutes&
< remove )rom oven& :tir in "in"er-soy mi*ture& Return to oven an$
roast about 10 minutes more& Remove )rom oven& :top& 7ou #ave to
let t#ese cool 1@FOR@ you eat t#em&
? let stan$ at room temperature to cool& :tore in a covere$ container&
Bse (it#in a )e( $ays, as i) t#at (ill be a problem&&&
:er%es BE. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
5< ?" 1" 1"" Tips
-hile #T&s can en=oy nuts as a snack or protein
.oo" (T&s will want to limit their use
since they are proportionately too high in .at
.or your metabolic type or anyone .ocuse" on
weight loss. Note the > Tbsp ser%ing size.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ++E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Q5 +" 1?" E"" Tips
#T; 1mphasize the lower starch %egetables
recommen"e" .or your type Llike green
beans cauliFower celeryM then e3periment
with trying other %eggies as your bo"y gets
more aligne" with your own naturally
healthy state.
(T; You ha%e a wi"er %ariety o. allowable
%egetables to start with but essentially the
same process hol" true .or you.
;otes an$ :u""estions
A %ariety o. %egetables can be use" to make
these 7snackers8 which can be ser%e" as
snack chips or crackers with "ips or sprea"s
or to accompany soup or sala". : .or "ehy"rator
manu.acturers. These by no stretch
o. the imagination are like commercial
crackers an"Cor snack chips. But they are
Fa%or.ul an" nutritious an" can 2ll a nee"
.or occasional snacking. But i. you&re 7cra%ing8
=unk .oo" take it as a sign that you&"
best try some 1,T 2rst.
Le"etable Drispers
These bake" or "ehy"rate" %egetable 7chips8 may not be as .ancy as those commercial
potato or per.ectly*shape" grain chips but they&ll gi%e you snacking
satis.action on a low*carb bu"get.
7 *ed e''+&an%! /u% n%o 7KEQ7K?P $&/e$
8 *ed 3u//#n$! /u% da'ona&&y n%o 7KEQ7K?P $&/e$
8 *ed ,o#&rab! +ee&ed! #a&-ed and /u% n%o 7KEQ7K?P $&/e$
7 *ed ./a*a! +ee&ed and /u% n%o 7KEQ7K?P $&/e$
7 /u+ 'reen bean$! $na++ed and #a&-ed
7 Tb$+ 'ra+e$eed or o&-e o&
8 %$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 cut e""plant 5rst& :ome lar"er e""plants may be bitter, so tossin" slices
(it# 1 tsp salt, t#en lettin" t#em set (#ile preparin" ot#er ve"etables,
(ill $ra( out bitter li3ui$& Rinse oM briny li3ui$ an$ pat slices $ry&
8 place e3ual sie$, $ry ve"etable slices in lar"e mi*in" bo(l& Pour oil
an$ tamari over ve"etable slices, tossin" to coat evenly&
< place coate$ slices on $e#y$rator screens Opa"e =EN or on li"#tly
"rease$ s#eet& De#y$rate at 110eF& )or >IQ #ours or at lo(est
settin" o) oven )or EI> #ours, until ve"etables are $rie$ an$ crunc#y,
leat#ery or c#e(y-crunc#y& ducc#ini or slices may re3uire
=I10 #ours in $e#y$rator&
? cool& Remove to ti"#t-5ttin" covere$ ,ar& :tore at room temperature
)or EI> (ee.s&
:er%es O. #reparation time; @I minutes.
++> T/@ R@D9P@:8 :;4DK: & /4;D/@%D:
Le"etable %eat#ers
$ike .ruit leathers %egetable leathers ma"e by "ehy"rating blen"e"
%egetables or e%en gazpacho soup can be a nutritious on*the*go snack.
? /u+$ &'#%&y $%ea*ed! +urOed Mb&endedN -e'e%ab&e$ OR
'a3+a/#o or o%#er b&ended! non5dary (re$# -e'e%ab&e $ou+
To $e#y$rate ve"etable leat#ers in )oo$ $e#y$rator8
7 pour about > cups )res# ve"etable pur]e onto plastic (rappe$
screens or TeJonATeJe* line$ trays& De#y$rate at 1E5eF& )or 5I?
#ours until some(#at "lossy an$ no lon"er stic.y& Remove& Dool& :nip
into 3uarters& Roll up an$ (rap ti"#tly& :tore in $ry place&
To $e#y$rate ve"etable leat#ers in oven8
7 "rease s#eet very li"#tly (it# coconut oil& :prea$ EI> cups
t#ic. ve"etable pur]e or soup evenly over sur)ace, a little at e$"es&
8 turn oven to lo(est possible settin" an$ $e#y$rate ve"etables until
$ry, as $escribe$ above& !#en 5rm, remove, cool an$ snip into $esire$
pieces& Roll up an$ ti"#tly (rap& :tore in a $ry place&
:er%es O. :er%ing size; > Holl*<p. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+5 0" >&5" 0"
;otes an$ :u""estions
:ee page @AG .or suppliers o. "ehy"rators an"
other recommen"e" kitchen e/uipment.
THE REC4PES6 Ra(, :proute$ & Fermente$ Foo$s
T#is c#apter #onors an$ embraces t#e ol$est an$ #ealt#iest o) all types o) )oo$stuMs& %on"
be)ore mo$ern re)ri"eration, people t#rou"#out #istory #ave not only e*iste$, but t#rive$, on t#e
culturin" or )ermentin" o) $airy pro$ucts, ve"etables, see$s an$ ot#er )oo$s&
%ive, sproute$ an$ )ermente$ )oo$s all #ave superior nutritional bene5ts& /eat use$ in" an$ commercial )oo$ processin" met#o$s FsteriliesH )oo$," it Fs#el) stable,H but
can $estroy an$ $eactivate important nutrients li.e many vitamins an$ enymes t#at are especially
critical in t#e $i"estion an$ utiliation o) t#e )oo$s (e eat& @atin" more #i"# 3uality, or"anic, ra(,
sproute$ an$ )ermente$ )oo$s, on t#e ot#er #an$, actually ensures more 1 vitamins, enymes an$
better $i"estion& 7ou'll be surprise$ at #o( simple an$ easy t#ese recipes are to pro$uce&
S+rou%n' Gude&ne$
:proutin" is a simple, lo(-cost (ay to obtain #i"#-3uality, live )oo$, re"ar$less o) t#e season& 9t is
an easy process t#at can literally e*plo$e t#e li)e-supportin" nutrition o) t#e ori"inal see$, (#ic#
contains all t#e "enetic material an$ initial )oo$ t#e plant nee$s to start its li)e& Obviously sproutin"
is a #i"#ly bene5cial practice& 9t is t#e cornerstone o) a ra( )oo$ $iet, an$ one you nee$ to learn
so you can re"ularly en#ance your o(n&
T#e D#inese $iscovere$ t#e value o) sproutin" see$s, (#ic# t#ey use$ as li)e-"ivin" )oo$,
an$ to avoi$ scurvy on lon" ocean voya"es& Germinatin" see$s not only yiel$s t#e vitamin D t#at
prevents t#is $isease, but neutralies anti-)actors suc# as p#ytic aci$ an$ enyme in#ibitors t#at
interrupt t#e absorption o) nutrients& :tarc#y carbs are re$uce$, nutrients become pre$i"este$ an$,
alon" (it# enymes, are $ramatically increase$ )rom see$ to sprout&
:ome o) t#e most popular sprouts are al)al)a, almon$, broccoli, clover, Ja*, "arbano, lentil,
mun" bean,, onion, ra$is#, sesame an$ sunJo(er& 4ctually any ra( see$, nut or bean
can be sproute$ alone or mi*e$ (it# ot#ers& 4l)al)a is t#e most popular commercial sprout, an$
probably t#e one (it# (#ic# you are most )amiliar& 1ut $on't restrict yoursel) or your tastes& Many
sprouts #ave muc# more interestin" Javor an$ #i"#er nutrition t#an al)al)a& 9n )act, some
nutritional aut#orities recommen$ avoi$ance o) al)al)a sprouts $ue to t#e presence o) to*ins&
Me%#od (or Grown' S+rou%$
:ee$s $iMer in len"t# o) time nee$e$ to sprout, but t#e basic met#o$ )or sproutin" t#em is "enerally
t#e same& Rinsin" is t#e .ey )or success)ul sprouts&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ++5
1& Place see$s in "lass ,ar an$ cover (it# clean, )res#, 5ltere$ (ater, pre)erably (it# c#eeseclot#
or mes# screen secure$ over openin"& 9n a 3uart mason ,ar, a$$ 11a+ Tbsp see$s or 1a> cup
beans or 1a+ cup nuts, an$ about )our times t#at volume o) (ater& 9n a "allon ,ar, a$$ 11a+
cup see$s or 1 cup beans, le"umes or nuts, (it# t(ice t#eir volume o) (ater&
+& :oa. 5IQ #ours or overni"#t&
E& Drain oM (ater an$ rinse& Drain a"ain&
>& Rinsin" is t#e .ey& T(ice a $ay, mornin" an$ evenin", rinse an$ $rain&
5& Keep in a $ar. place )or +> #ours, rinsin" t(ice a $ay&
?& For lon" sprout tails an$ nutritious "reen tips, place t#e ,ars in t#e li"#t )or +I5 $ays,
$epen$in" upon see$& Most are best a)ter +IE $ays& :prout times )or t#e various see$s are
as )ollo(s8 clover, ra$is#, broccoli, onion see$s8 EI> $aysP beans8 EI> $aysP le"umes li.e
lentils8 +IE $aysP nuts an$ crunc#y bean mi*es8 E #ours& :ee$s suc# as sunJo(ers (it# lar"e
#ulls s#oul$ be immerse$ in (ater so t#e #ulls can be remove$ as t#ey Joat to t#e top, or
eat one at a time an$ manually remove #ulls& 9) you buy commercial sprouts, rinse imme$iately
an$ eat (it#in a $ay&
Menu 4dea$ (or S+rou%$
:prouts can be use$ in sala$s, sprea$s, soups, ste(s, ve"etable $is#es an$ main $is#es, even
an$ ,uicin"& 1e"in by sproutin" an$ e*perimentin" (it# t#e ones t#at appeal to you most& 1roccoli
an$ ra$is# see$s are spicier, so use smaller amounts& :#ort sprouts li.e nuts an$ crunc#y beans (it#out
tails are e*cellent )or snac. mi*es& For ma*imum $i"estibility, soa. your nuts an$ see$s )or, mil.s an$ sprea$s&
++? T/@ R@D9P@:8 R4!, :PROBT@D & F@RM@;T@D FOOD:
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ++=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
= 0" +" 0"
;otes an$ :u""estions
This pickle" %egetable an" its %ariations
can be ma"e an" store" .or months in
re.rigerator or col" cellar. <se .or Fa%or
an" nutrition as a %egetable si"e "ish
con"iment a""ition to stews an" casseroles
such as Bee. #ot Hoast with :auerkraut.
The .ermentation process makes the %egetables
more "igestible .or all types. Hecipe
a"apte" .rom :ally ,allon&s Nourishing
Tra"itions one o. the most authoritati%e
sources o. in.ormation on the bene2ts o.
tra"itionally .ermente" .oo"s.
1asic :auer.raut Plus
:auerkraut which translates .rom +erman as 7:alt (abbage8 is a healthy
.ermente" .oo" that can be ser%e" as %egetable or con"iment.
8 &b$ $#redded 'reen /abba'e Mabou% 8 Huar%$! &oo$e&y +a/,edN
8 Tb$+ $ea $a&%
7 %$+ /araway or /u*n $eed$
8 /u+$ /&ean! 1&%ered wa%er
7 (as# an$ $rain cabba"e& 1e sure to slice t#inly (it# a s#arp .ni)e,
inclu$in" core& Place in lar"e bo(l an$ mas# or poun$ (it# a #eavy
cup, pestle or mallet until cabba"e starts to release ,uice&
8 sprin.le (it# see$s an$ mi*& Pac. ti"#tly into + 3uart mason ,ars&
:tir salt into (ater an$ pour over cabba"e, a$$in" more (ater to brin"
level up (it#in Ea>H )rom top o) ,ar& Dover (it# li$& :tore at room
temperature )or at least E $ays, t#en place in re)ri"erator&
:er%es G@. :er%ing size; @ /uarts >J E cup per ser%ing.
#reparation time; >A minutes.
sauerkraut %ariations
Le""ie :auer.raut
)ollo( $irections above, e*cept use > cups s#re$$e$ cabba"e, + cups
peele$, s#re$$e$ carrot, 1 cup )renc# style "reen beans, an$ 1 cup
peele$ an$ s#re$$e$ turnips&
:out# 4merican :auer.raut
)ollo( $irections above, a$$in" + me$ium crescent-slice$ onions
Ocut in #al) len"t#(ise, t#en slice$ t#inlyN an$ Ea > tsp c#ili or re$
pepper to cabba"e&
Capanese :auer.raut
)ollo( $irections above, e*cept a$$ + cloves slice$ "arlic, + Tbsp
peele$ an$ "rate$ "in"er root an$ + Tbsp tamari soy sauce&
++Q T/@ R@D9P@:8 R4!, :PROBT@D & F@RM@;T@D FOOD:
DrYme FraZc#e
The ,rench use this e3pensi%e ultra silky 7clotte" cream8 like sour cream in
recipes but it&s easy an" much healthier to make your own at home.
7 +n% #'#5Hua&%y raw /rea*! "OT u&%ra+a$%eur3ed
8 Tb$+ /u&%ured bu%%er*&,
7 use local, ra( or or"anic unpasteurie$ cream& Place into clean "lass
or ceramic container, not metal or plastic&
8 a$$ buttermil., cover an$ place container in a (arm, room temperature
place )or about +> #ours& D#ill&
:er%es G@. :er%ing size; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
5+ ?" 0&5" 0&5"
;otes an$ :u""estions
This healthier "airy pro"uct can be use"
interchangeably with sour cream whippe"
cream or mascarpone in recipes. Hecipe
a"apte" .rom :ally ,allon an" Mary 1nig&s
Nourishing Tra"itions a highly recommen"e"
source .or more in.ormation on
tra"itional .oo"s.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M ++<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
1>= ?" 1<" Q"" Tips
This crunchy li%e snack mi3 is healthy an"
brimming with nutrients goo" .or all types.
:prout your own see"s i. possible using
organically*grown see"s whene%er possible.
#T; May still want to consume this with
some meat protein e%en as a snack but try
this out .or yoursel. an" see. Try with slices
o. bu0alo summer sausage or Holl*<p as a
2lling in thinly slice" grass*.e" roast bee..
(T; -ill probably 2n" that the protein
%alue is high enough to sustain you .or a
snack or part o. a main meal.
;otes an$ :u""estions
<se as a 2nger .oo" snack a sala"
ingre"ient on lettuce*line" sala" plate or as
a Holl*<p 2lling rolle" into butter lettuce
or cabbage lea.. Hecipe suggestion courtesy
The :proutpeople. :ee page @A@ .or or"ering
organic see"s an" sprouting e/uipment
.rom this reliable source.
Drunc#y /erb :prout :nac. Mi*
This seasone" sprout mi3 is a healthy crunchy take*along snack sala" or
Holl*<p 2lling ingre"ient.
:prout :nac. Mi*
8 /u+$ *un' bean $+rou%$
7 /u+ &en%& $+rou%$
7 /u+ $unLower $eed $+rou%$
7K8 /u+ 'arban3o $+rou%$
7K8 /u+ /&o-er $+rou%$
7K8 /u+ rad$# $+rou%$
7K8 /u+ 'ra%ed /arro%
/erb :easonin"
8 %$+ %#y*e &ea-e$
8 %$+ ore'ano
7 %$+ *ar.ora* &ea-e$
7K8 %$+ 'round ro$e*ary
7 %$+ 'ar&/ +owder
7 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7 %$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 mi* sprouts to"et#er in lar"e bo(l&
8 mi* #erbs an$ seasonin"s, e*cept olive oil, to"et#er in small ,ar&
:prin.le 1 Tbsp o) #erb seasonin" over sprouts in bo(l& :tore any
remainin" #erb seasonin" in cappe$ ,ar )or anot#er time or ot#er uses&
< $rile sprout mi*ture (it# olive oil an$ toss to mi*& :erve imme$iately&
:er%es B. :er%ing :ize; > cup per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
+E0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 R4!, :PROBT@D & F@RM@;T@D FOOD:
Me*ican %ive cn' 1ean Dip
:proute" %ersion o. the popular Me3ican bean "ip tastes goo" but struts a
bonusT4t&s ali%e an" kickin&9
8 /u+$ *un' bean $+rou%$
8 *ed a-o/ado$! +ee&ed and $eeded
7 *ed /u/u*ber! +ee&ed and $eeded
7 Tb$+ dar, *$o! $oybean +a$%e
7 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e
77K8 Tb$+ 'round /u*n $eed
7 %$+ /#& +owder
7 .a&a+eRo +e++er! $eeded and /#o++ed
7 in blen$er or )oo$ processor, blen$ bean sprouts (it# avoca$o,
cucumber, miso, "arlic, cumin, c#ili po($er, an$ ,alapefo until smoot#&
4$$ salt to taste, i) $esire$&
8 serve as $ip or pile (it# ot#er in"re$ients into lo(-carb (rap, cabba"e
or lettuce Roll-Bp&
< can use 11a+ to + Tbsp Me*ican or taco seasonin" to replace cumin,
"arlic, c#ili po($er an$ ,alapefo&
:er%es >@. :er%ing :ize; about >JE cup per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 ?= 5" 5" +"
Darb Type8 >0 E" >" 1"
Protein Type8 Q1 ?" ?" +"" Tips
#T; 13periment to see how you .eel eating
this "ip with higher than normal protein
.or a snack but increase portion size by ser%ing
>I with this recipe. You may still nee" to
eat some meat protein to .eel satis2e".
(T; Try eating this as a snack re"ucing
a%oca"o to >. You may 2n" that it suits
you 2ne.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:prouting beans re"uces the carbs an"
increases the nutrition. :er%e this healthier
%ersion o. e%eryone&s .a%orite bean "ip as
a snack or part o. a meal platter with
raw %egetable sticks Vegetable (rispers or
Vegetable $eathers.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +E1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Q+ =" >" E"" Tips
#T; This is a goo" .or you as a snack or topping
since the higher .at an" protein agrees
with your metabolic type&s nee"s.
(T; Very rich .or you as nuts are only an
occasional or rare treat .or your type to be
consume" sparingly an" in small /uantities.
;ut Dream
<se this creamy concoction as pu""ing sauce or 7whippe"8 topping on .ruit
or other 7sweet8 treats.
7 /u+ raw /a$#ew$ or de$,nned raw a&*ond$! or'an/! ( +o$$b&e
7K8 /u+ /o&d! 1&%ered wa%er
7 %$+ #oney or 7K? +a/,e% S%e-aP&u$ a&%erna%-e $wee%ener M+a'e 8@<N
7 blen$ cas#e(s, col$ (ater, an$ s(eetener in blen$er container on
#i"# until smoot# an$ creamy&
8 c#ill& :erve small +IE Tbsp portion as pu$$in" or 1 Tbsp as a toppin"
li.e (#ippe$ cream )or )ruit or $essert& :tore in ti"#tly covere$
container& Re)ri"erate& Bse (it#in t(o $ays&
:er%es >B. :er%ing size; generally > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
+E+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 R4!, :PROBT@D & F@RM@;T@D FOOD:
:ee$ D#eese
A creamy non*"airy 7cheese8 sprea" can be ma"e simply .rom a combination
o. soake" an" sproute" see"s.
8 /u+$ raw or'an/ $unLower $eed$
7K? /u+ un#u&&ed! raw or'an/ $e$a*e $eed$
7 /u+ raw or'an/ a&*ond$
7 rinse see$s, t#en place sunJo(ers an$ sesame see$s in lar"e "lass ,ar&
Place almon$s in separate smaller "lass ,ar& Dover (it# clean, 5ltere$
(ater& %et soa. overni"#t&
8 rinse an$ let see$s sprout )or E #ours only& Pour #ot (ater over
almon$s, let soa. )or a )e( minutes, t#en slip oM s.ins by #ol$in"
bet(een t#umb an$ in$e* 5n"er&
< "rin$ $raine$, soa.e$ see$s an$ nuts to"et#er in )oo$ processor or
put t#rou"# ,uicer until smoot#&
? place in covere$ container an$ re)ri"erate& :tores up to E $ays&
:er%es G@. :er%ing :ize; @ Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
1>0 1>" >" 5"
;otes an$ :u""estions
-hile creamy an" rich this sproute" see"
7cream8 cheese can be use" as a substitute
.rom time to time as a non*"airy base .or
2llings wraps sala" "ressings "ips an"
con.ections. The sprouting process makes the
see"s more "igestible. ,eel .ree to a"" :pike
Bragg&s herbs or nutritional yeast .or Fa%or.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
Mi*e$ Type8 <0 =" ?" +"
Darb Type8 >5 E" ?" +"
Protein Type8 <0 =" ?" +"" Tips
#T; This is an i"eal snack .or you. 4ncrease
celery to @?G stalks.
(T; The sproute" see"s are more "igestible
but still high in .at .or your type. <se only
hal. o. the sproute" see"s a"" > coarsely
grate" carrot an" GJE cup choppe" parsley.
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%ing suggestion; :prea" on cabbage or
lettuce lea%es top with choppe" tomato an"
roll up as a san"wich alternati%e. 6r ser%e
as a "ip with raw %egetable cru"itK.
:unny :prout Pat]
Another use .or the %ersatile Basic :unny :ee" Mi3 this time in a sa%ory li%e
patK .or sprea"s "ips or Holl*<p 2llings.
8 /u+$ Ba$/ Sunny Seed M2 M+a'e 87@N
7K8 *ed red onon! /oar$e&y /#o++ed
7 $%a&, /e&ery! $%rn'ed! /u% u+
8 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e or Bra''$ LHud A*no$
7K8 /u+ /oar$e&y /#o++ed &e*on or ba$& or (re$# ore'ano!
or La%5&ea( +ar$&ey
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
<Q? 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 soa. :unny :ee$ Mi* in covere$ bo(l o) clean, 5ltere$ (ater& 4llo(
to soa. at room temperature )or ?I1+ #ours& Drain, rinse t#orou"#ly,
an$ rinse a"ain&
8 a$$ soa.e$, $raine$ see$s an$ re$ onion, celery, tamari, #erbs,
:pi.e, an$ pepper to )oo$ processor (, 5tte$ (it# a metal
bla$e& Process until smoot#&
< e$ible ri"#t a(ay, but muc# better i) re)ri"erate$ )or at least 1 #our
be)ore servin"& Keeps up to E $ays, covere$ in re)ri"erator&
:er%es >B. #reparation time; >I minutes.
+E> T/@ R@D9P@:8 R4!, :PROBT@D & F@RM@;T@D FOOD:
ducc#etti Pasta
This amazing angel hair 7pasta8 is ma"e .rom raw zucchini or yellow s/uash
with a special :piral :licer you can 2n" on page @AG.
8 *ed 3u//#n or ye&&ow $Hua$#
7K8 %$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o& or raw or or'an/ bu%%er
7K8 %$+ S+,e or Mr$. Da$# -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
7 (as# ucc#ini, cut into EI> inc# cuts an$ secure in :piral :licer set
to ma.e stran$s& T#en care)ully turn #an$le to create one or many
lon" continuous stran$s&
8 t#is can be eaten ra(, as is, or ,ust barely (arme$ Onot coo.e$N in a
little e*tra vir"in olive oil or melte$ butter an$ :pi.e in a saucepan&
One ucc#ini about 1 servin" or + cups an"el #air ucc#etti&
< (#ile t#is $evice pro$uces amain"ly aut#entic" pasta out o)
ve"etables an$ can be use$ )or $ecorative an$ ot#er slicin", you can
also create a pasta-li.e noo$le by usin" a ve"etable parer an$"
lon" t#in strips o) ucc#ini or ot#er ve"etable&
:er%es @. :er%ing size; about @ cups. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
>+ +" =" +"" Tips
A"" protein to make this a balance" meal.
;otes an$ :u""estions
Angel hair pasta ma"e .rom zucchini or
other %egetables is possible using a special
:piral :licer a manual slicer that can
make long thin stran"s an" %arious other
"ecorati%e an" .unctional cuts. :ee page
@AG .or or"ering this through the mail.
You&ll be happy you ma"e the in%estment in
this little ga"get. You can use this ingenious
"e%ice to pro"uce an e3cellent %egetable
noo"le or spaghetti substitute .or a
wi"e %ariety o. "ishes such as spaghetti or
tomato sauce :ukiyaki with Bee. or sala"s
or other "ishes calling .or pasta. 13cellent
toppe" with .reshly ma"e raw tomato
sauce in the summer.
THE REC4PES6 Don$iments & @*tras
T#e con$iments in t#is section are )urt#er testimony to t#e importance o) real )oo$, balance$
menus, an$ your eatin" satis)action& T#ese sala$ $ressin"s, pestos, pjt]s, sauces an$ sprea$s a$$
eye appeal an$ $elicious, mout#-(aterin" Javor to your $is#es& T#ey are also specially $esi"ne$ to
provi$e balance$ nutrition, suc# as protein an$ essential )atty aci$s )rom nuts, see$s, an$ olives&
T#ese con$iments an$ e*tras are also $esi"ne$ (it# versatility an$ convenience in min$&
7ou'll 5n$ basic con$iment recipes (it# easy variations, an$ a number o) classic sauces you can
create by ,ust a$$in" an in"re$ient or t(o to t#e ori"inal basic recipe& Finally, in ot#er recipes in
t#is boo., many o) t#ese con$iments are inclu$e$ as in"re$ients, so you can instantly turn a plain
broile$ c#ic.en or poac#e$ 5s# into an ele"ant entr]e 5t )or $inner parties&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +E5
+E? T/@ R@D9P@:8 DO;D9M@;T: & @RTR4:
4sian Dressin"
This zesty pi/uant "ressing can be use" .or sala"s %egetable pasta meat
marina"e or "ipping sauce.
<K? /u+ raw $e$a*e $eed %a#n! a&*ond or +eanu% bu%%er
<K? /u+ brewed b&a/, %ea
7 Tb$+ a++&e .u/e
7 $*a&& /#& +e++er or 7K? %$+ /#& La,e$
8 /&o-e$ 'ar&/! /#o++ed
8 Tb$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
8 Tb$+ (re$# 'n'er! *n/ed
7 place nut butter, tea, apple ,uice, c#ili, "arlic, tamari, an$ "in"er in
blen$er container& Dover an$ blen$ on #i"# until smoot#&
8 $ilute to $esire$ consistency& :tore in covere$ container in re)ri"erator&
:er%es >B. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
=+ ?" E" +"
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +E=
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
5Q E" 1" 0"
1asic /erb Linai"rette
This is a basic sala" "ressing you can %ary with "i0erent herbs an" seasonings.
7K? /u+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
7K? /u+ red wne or a++&e /der -ne'ar
7K< /u+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
< *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$
< Tb$+ (re$# +ar$&ey! ba$& or %#y*e &ea-e$
8 *ed $/a&&on$ or 'reen onon$
7 Tb$+ D.on Mu$%ard
7K8 %$+ S+,e or Mr$. Da$# -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn'
8 %$+ a++&e .u/e
7 place all in"re$ients in blen$er container& Dover an$ process on #i"#
until blen$e$&
8 trans)er to "lass ,ar (it# li$& Re)ri"erate at least 1a+ #our be)ore
servin", i) possible& Keeps )or several (ee.s&
:er%es >@. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
:unny :ee$ :ala$ Dressin"
a$$ + Tbsp :avory :unny :ee$ Mi* an$ + tsp tamari soy sauce&
1len$ in )oo$ processor or blen$er until smoot#&
Tomato Linai"rette
a$$ + tsp tomato paste to 1asic /erb Linai"rette an$ stir to blen$&
+EQ T/@ R@D9P@:8 DO;D9M@;T: & @RTR4:
1asic Mayonnaise Plus
This basic mayonnaise recipe can be %arie" to create many "i0erent sauces
inclu"ing ancho%y garlic an" curry mayos remoula"e creamy Di=onnaise
an" tartar sauce.
8 e'' yo&,$
7 %$+ D.on *u$%ard
7 Tb$+ &e*on .u/e
7K8 %$+ $a&%
da$# /ayenne +e++er
8K< /u+ o&-e o&
7 o3 1r* $&,en %o(u
7 in blen$er or )oo$ processor, place e"" yol.s, mustar$, lemon ,uice,
salt, an$ cayenne pepper&
8 blen$ momentarily to mi* in"re$ients& T#en (it# mac#ine runnin",
$rile a t#in, but stea$y stream o) olive oil t#rou"# #ole in top,
blen$in" until mayonnaise t#ic.ens&
< a$$ to)u an$ blen$& D#ec. consistency& Remove to covere$ ,ar&
? i) mayonnaise is too t#ic., blen$ in 1I+ teaspoons o) #ot (ater& T#is
recipe can easily be ma$e by #an$ in a small bo(l (it# a (ire (#is.&
T#e .ey is to "ra$ually a$$ t#e oil to t#e ot#er in"re$ients in a t#in,
stea$y stream&
:er%es >B. :er%ing size; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
mayonnaise %ariations
4ioli Garlic Mayonnaise
to 1 cup o) 1asic Mayonnaise, a$$ 1 Tbsp 5nely mince$ "arlic& 1len$
until smoot#&
4nc#ovy Mayonnaise
to 1 cup o) 1asic Mayonnaise, a$$ + anc#ovy 5llets, smas#e$&
Durry Mayonnaise
to 1 cup o) 1asic Mayonnaise, a$$ 1aE tsp curry po($er&
to 1 cup o) 1asic Mayonnaise, a$$ + Tbsp Di,on mustar$&
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
QQ 10" 0" 0"
remoula"e %ariations
to 1 cup o) 1asic Mayonnaise, a$$ + tsp
capers, 1 tsp mince$ scallion or "reen
onion, an$ 1 tsp mince$ parsley&
Di,on Remoula$e
to 1 cup o) Remoula$e, a$$ + Tbsp
Di,on mustar$&
Tartar :auce
to 1 cup Remoula$e, a$$ + tsp $ill(ee$
an$ 1 Tbsp c#oppe$ $ill pic.les&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +E<
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
?+ ?" 1" 1"
;otes an$ :u""estions
:ubstitute high omega*G .atty aci" nuts like
walnuts .or pine nuts .or a nutritonal as
well as Fa%or boost.
1asil Pesto
The ,rench classic pesto or 7paste8 o. pine nuts garlic an" herbs can also be
ma"e with walnuts maca"amia or other nuts pro"ucing intense Fa%or an"
nutritional bene2ts in one potent spoon.ul.
8 /u+$ (re$# ba$& &ea-e$! $%e**ed and +a/,ed
<K? /u+ (re$# 4%a&an La%5&ea( +ar$&ey! /#o++ed
7K8 /u+ wa&nu%$
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$
< dro+$ &e*on o& or 7K8 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on rnd Mno w#%eN
7K8 /u+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 %$+ $ea $a&%
7K? /u+ 'ra%ed Par*e$an or Ro*ano /#ee$e
7 in )oo$ processor ( combine all in"re$ients&
8 process until blen$e$ an$ )airly smoot#& :tore in covere$ container
in re)ri"erator )or up to E (ee.s&
:er%es @E. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
+>0 T/@ R@D9P@:8 DO;D9M@;T: & @RTR4:
1lac. Olive Tapena$e
This rich hearty 7pesto8 can be pulle" .rom the .ri"ge .or instant Fa%or
nutrition an" gourmet elegance in appetizers %egetables "ressings snacks
meats an" mains.
<K? /u+ b&a/, o&-e$! +%%ed
B Tb$+ wa&nu%$ Mbe%ween 7K< & 7K8 /u+N
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e! $*a$#ed
7 $*a&& $#a&&o% or $/a&&on$! w#%e on&y
7 /u+ $+na/# &ea-e$! $%e**ed! /#o++ed and +a/,ed
7K8 /u+ La%5&ea( 4%a&an +ar$&ey! $%e**ed! /#o++ed and +a/,ed
7K? /u+ (re$# %#y*e &ea-e$
<Q? dro+$ &e*on e$$en%a& o& or 7K8 %$+ 'ra%ed &e*on +ee&
7K8 %$+ $ea $a&%
< Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 in )oo$ processor 5tte$ (it# steel bla$e, combine nuts an$ "arlic,
process until "roun$& 4$$ s#allot or scallion, spinac#, parsley, t#yme
leaves an$ salt& Process until in"re$ients are c#un.y an$ start to come
to"et#er, 1I+ minutes&
8 a$$ olive an$ lemon oils an$ process until mi*ture becomes a paste,
but not smoot#& Trans)er to covere$ "lass ,ar& Re)ri"erate )or several
(ee.s& :erve as $ip, sprea$, snac. or toppin"&
< notes8 Fres# #erbs are $e5nitely pre)erre$, but + Tbsp $rie$ t#yme
leaves can be substitute$ )or )res#, i) mi*ture stan$s be)ore servin", so
Javors can mel$& Tra$itional pestos are usually ma$e (it# Parmesan
c#eese, but lemon oil can "ive a tan"y Javor boost (it#out t#e $airy&
:er%es @E. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
?1 >" ?" 1"
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +>1
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
>E E" E" 1"
;otes an$ :u""estions
<se this healthier %ersion o. guacamole as
"ip .a=ita topping or Holl*<p 2lling.
D#un.y Moc.amole
This amazingly authentic %ersion o. guacamole uses choppe" %egetables to
lower the calories.
8 /u+$ a$+ara'u$ /u%$
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$
8 *ed w#o&e 'reen onon$! /#o++ed
7 &ar'e /e&ery $%a&, and &ea-e$! 1ne&y /#o++ed
7 $errano or /#& +e++er! $eeded and *n/ed
8 *ed r+e Haa$ a-o/ado$! +ee&ed! +%%ed! and /#un,ed
Mre$er-e w#o&e a-o/ado +%$N
7 $*a&& %o*a%o! $eeded and /#o++ed
7K? /u+ /#o++ed /&an%ro
8 Tb$+ (re$# &e*on or &*e .u/e
7K8 %$+ S+,e -e'e%ab&e $ea$onn' or Mr$. Da$#
7 steam aspara"us pieces in a steamer or small amount o) (ater
)or EI> minutes& Remove )rom #eat, $rain an$ place in lar"e mi*in"
bo(l& %et cool to room temperature&
8 mean(#ile, in )oo$ processor (, combine "arlic, onions,
celery, an$ serrano pepper& Process (it# s#ort bursts until ve"etables
are 5nely c#oppe$&
< smas# steame$ aspara"us (it# t#e bac. o) a spoon or pestle O)rom
mortar an$ pestleN until still c#un.y& 4$$ avoca$o c#un.s an$ mas#
mi*ture a bit more, but $o not ma.e it mus#y&
? a$$ c#oppe$ ve"etables, c#oppe$ tomato, cilantro, lemon ,uice,
an$ :pi.e& :tir to mi*& Dover ti"#tly (it# (a*e$ paper or plastic (rap
an$ re)ri"erate )or at least +0IE0 minutes to let Javors $evelop& 4$$
(#ole avoca$o pits to t#e Moc.amole )or increase$ preservation&
Remove be)ore servin"&
@ i) t#ere is any Moc.amole le)t, store ti"#tly covere$ in re)ri"erator&
/ol$s )or one $ay&
:er%es >B. :er%ing :ize; @ Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
+>+ T/@ R@D9P@:8 DO;D9M@;T: & @RTR4:
Dornell 11V :auce
-ithout a "oubt the best non*tomato barbecue sauce going. :a%ory pi/uant an"
pungent but not spicy or sweet. No won"er it&s been popular .or almost AI years9
7 /u+ /o/onu% o&
8 /u+$ /der -ne'ar
< Tb$+ $a&%
8 Tb$+ +ou&%ry $ea$onn'
7K8 %$+ +e++er
7 e''
7 in #eavy saucepan, combine oil, vine"ar, salt, poultry seasonin",
an$ pepper&
8 brin" ,ust up to t#e boilin" point, re$uce #eat an$ simmer )or 5I=
minutes& Remove )rom #eat& For a sauce, (#is. in
beaten e""& %et cool&
< store e*tra sauce, not use$ )or 11V, in "lass ,ar (it# li$ in re)ri"erator&
Keeps )or up to t(o mont#s&
:er%es EO. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
>E 5" 1" 0"
;otes an$ :u""estions
The .amily will su""enly appear in the
kitchen noses sniYng the air when this
%inegary sauce is simmering on the sto%e.
This uni/ue pi/uant sauce is its outstan"ing
best on BBS chicken marinate" an"
then cooke" o%er a charcoal or gas grill. You
can use it as a marina"e .or chicken or
turkey "one in the o%en it =ust won&t be
as outstan"ing. Hecipe courtesy (ornell
(o*operati%e 13tension.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +>E
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
+E +" +" 0"
Green Olive Tomatillo :alsa
Hoasting the tomatillos 2rst a""s a uni/ue smoky Fa%or to this out*o.*theor"inary
green oli%e salsa.
< *ed %o*a%&&o$
8 *ed 'reen %o*a%oe$! 1ne&y /#o++ed
7 $errano +e++er! $eeded and d/ed
8 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e$! *n/ed
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed red onon
7 Tb$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
8 %$+ $ea $a&%
@QB 'rnd$ (re$#&y 'round b&a/, +e++er
7 Tb$+ &*e .u/e
8K< /u+ 'reen o&-e$! /#o++ed
7K? /u+ /#o++ed /&an%ro
7 remove #us.s an$ slice tomatillos len"t#(ise into 1a >H slices& Dry
roast in #eavy s.illet or broil until bro(n, turnin" once& Remove
)rom #eat& Dool&
8 coarsely c#op "reen tomatoes an$ a$$ to s.illet (it# pepper, "arlic,
onions, an$ olive oil& :aut] "ently )or EI> minutes, until tomatoes
start to so)ten& Remove )rom #eat&
< into )oo$ processor (, a$$ roaste$ tomatillos an$ "reen
tomato mi*ture, salt, pepper, lemon or lime ,uice, an$ "reen olives&
Process until salsa is blen$e$ an$ c#un.y&
? cilantro can be blen$e$ in at t#is point, i) servin" ri"#t a(ay,
/o(ever, Javor is muc# better i) mi*ture is re)ri"erate$ )or at least
1 #our Oor up to + $aysN )or Javors to mel$& 1len$ c#oppe$ cilantro
into salsa ,ust be)ore servin"&
:er%es >B. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
+>> T/@ R@D9P@:8 DO;D9M@;T: & @RTR4:
Miso !alnut Paste
A basic ingre"ient in oriental cooking miso is a salty .ermente" soybean
paste that plays a big role in a""ing Fa%or "epth bo"y an" nutrition to a
wi"e %ariety o. .oo"s.
7 /u+ raw! or'an/ wa&nu%$
7 %$+ ro$e*ary &ea-e$! /ru$#ed
8 Tb$+ dar, *$o! (er*en%ed $oybean +a$%e
7 li"#tly toast (alnuts on s#eet in pre#eate$ E=5eF& oven )or
>I5 minutes&
8 in ( o) )oo$ processor, a$$ rosemary leaves (#ile mac#ine
is runnin"& 4$$ #ot nuts to )oo$ processor& T#en a$$ miso paste, processin"
until smoot# an$ blen$e$&
< remove to "lass container (it# ti"#t 5ttin" li$& Re)ri"erate )or up
to ? (ee.s&
:er%es >B. :er%ing size; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; >I minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
5E 5" +" 1"
;otes an$ :u""estions
This sprea" can be use" with %egetables sala"s
snacks appetizers sprout an" grate"
%egetable san"wich 2llings as a hearty protein
an"Cor Fa%or topper .or steame" %egetables
as a base .or %egetarian patK blen"e"
with sautKe" mushrooms or as a sa%ory
crust .or meats or 2sh.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +>5
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
5 0" 1" 0"
Re$ Onion Dilantro Relis#
This is a /uick homema"e salsa to a"" intense Fa%or color an" nutrition to
plain protein or %egetable .oo"s.
7 %$+ e2%ra -r'n o&-e o&
7 *ed red onon! +ee&ed and d/ed
7 %$+ 'n'er roo%! *n/ed
7 *ed 'ar&/ /&o-e! *n/ed
< Tb$+ (re$# &e*on .u/e
7K8 /u+ /#o++ed (re$# /&an%ro
7K? /u+ /#o++ed (re$# /ur&y +ar$&ey
8 %$+ /a+er$
7 classically, t#e (ay to prepare t#is relis# is to saut] onions in a small
pan in olive oil until translucent, t#en a$$ "in"er an$ "arlic,"
)or E0 secon$s& 4$$ lemon ,uice an$ #eat until most o) li3ui$ #as
evaporate$& 4$$ remainin" in"re$ients an$ cool&
8 practically an$ #ealt#(ise, t#e easiest an$ most nutritious (ay to
prepare t#is salsa is (it# a )oo$ processor& 4$$ all in"re$ients as liste$,
cover an$ pulse several times until relis# in"re$ients are about
e3ual sie an$ blen$e$& Do not overprocess&
< serve as "arnis# or con$iment on meat, 5s#, poultry, ve"etables, sala$s&
:er%es @E. :er%ing :ize; > Tbsp per ser%ing. #reparation time; A minutes.
+>? T/@ R@D9P@:8 DO;D9M@;T: & @RTR4:
:ea :ala$ :i$e
6nce you try this unusual looking nutrient*"ense %egetable it coul" become a .a%orite.
7 /u+ dry ara*e or #3, $eaweed
8 /u+$ 1&%ered wa%er
7 *ed or'an/ /arro%! $&/ed n%o *a%/#$%/,$
8 /&o-e$ 'ar&/! $&/ed
7 *ed onon! /re$/en%5$&/ed
7 Tb$+ $e$a*e o&
8 %$+ %a*ar $oy $au/e
7 pour (ater over $ry sea(ee$ in bo(l& :et asi$e to re#y$rate&
8 (#ile sea(ee$ is", cut carrot into slices, t#en into matc#stic.s&
< #eat me$ium s.illet, saut] "arlic an$ onion in oil an$ tamari 1I+
minutes, t#en a$$ carrots an$ saut] until carrot stic.s start to so)ten,
+ minutes&
? (#ile saut]in", $rain sea(ee$, reservin"" li3ui$& 4$$ re#y$rate$
sea(ee$ to s.illet& :aut] li"#tly to absorb Javors& 4$$ reserve$" li3ui$& :immer, covere$, )or QI< minutes&
@ remove )rom #eat& %et cool sli"#tly& :tore in covere$ "lass container
in re)ri"erator up to 1 (ee.&
:er%es E. :er%ing :ize; >JE cup. #reparation time; >A minutes.
;utrition Facts
calories total .at carbs protein
?> >" Q" 1"
;otes an$ :u""estions
:er%e this tasty nutrient*rich seawee"
sala" as a %egetable con"iment to a"" color
Fa%or an" nutrition to sala"s like :ea
:ala" or to spark up a "inner plate.
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +>=
;otes an$ :u""estions
<se" by only a .ew select high*en" che.s
these brilliantly colore" oils can a"" a bright
burst o. color Fa%or an" nutrition as a
garnish especially .or calorie an" .at
conscious (T&s. Drizzle tiny /uantities in a
"ecorati%e crosshatch or swirl pattern o%er
the 2nishe" plate. :imply prepare them
"uring a batch session to ha%e on han" .or
a""ing interest to a plate or "ish that might
otherwise call .or higher .atCcalorie cheese or
nuts. These will keep .or about two months
in tightly co%ere" s/ueeze bottles or =ars in
your re.rigerator.
Le"etable @ssences
These magical nutritious eli3irs are intensely*Fa%ore" brilliantly*colore"
in.usions o. %egetables an" herbs meant to be "rizzle" in tiny /uantities o%er
the 2nishe" plate.
Darrot @ssence
Cuice > lar"e, or"anic carrots, about 11a+ cups& Trans)er to small
saucepan an$ simmer very "ently over me$ium lo( #eat until ,uice #as
re$uce$ to 1a+ cup&
1len$ (it# 1 "arlic clove, + tsp lemon ,uice, EI> $rops lemon oil or
est o) 1a+ lemon, an$ 11a+ cups olive oil in blen$er or )oo$ processor
until smoot#& Trans)er to s3ueee bottle&
Parsley @ssence
1len$ + cups c#oppe$, stemme$ Jat-lea) parsley (it# 1a+ tsp salt, 1a+
s#allot, an$ 1 cup olive oil in )oo$ processor or blen$er& Trans)er to
s3ueee bottle& Re)ri"erate& Drile over ve"etables, sala$, or as e$ible
saucy "arnis# over servin" plate&
1eet @ssence
Cuice > lar"e beets in ,uice e*tractor, yiel$in" about 11a+ cups ,uice&
Trans)er to small saucepan an$ simmer "ently over me$ium lo( #eat
until ,uice is re$uce$ to 1a+ cup&
Remove )rom #eat an$ cool& 1len$ beet re$uction (it# 1a+ tsp salt, 1aQ
tsp cloves, several "rin$s o) )res#ly "roun$ blac. pepper, an$ 11a + cups
olive oil in blen$er or )oo$ processor until smoot#& Trans)er to
s3ueee bottle an$ re)ri"erate&
:er%ing :ize; >JO?>J@ tsp "rizzle per ser%ing. #reparation time; GI minutes
Re/o**ended 4n'reden%$ and Produ/%$ Lo/a%or
Most o) t#e )oo$s use$ in t#is boo.'s recipes, an$ t#e )oo$s an$ #ealt# pro$ucts recommen$e$ in
Part One, can be )oun$ in #ealt# )oo$ stores or "rocery stores& 9) you can't 5n$ t#em t#ere,
t#ou"#, or i) you (ant )urt#er insi"#t on t#e best )orms an$ bran$s o) t#ese )oo$s an$ pro$ucts,
you can consult t#ese lists belo(&
T#e 5rst list contains all t#e )oo$s an$ ot#er #ealt# pro$ucts an$ services t#at 9 #ave
researc#e$ e*tensively, t#at are typically more $iUcult to 5n$ in stores, an$ t#at 9 oMer t#rou"#
t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section o) Mercola&com& :ome o) t#ese (ill be s#ippe$ $irectly
)rom our o(n )ul5llment center (#ile ot#ers (ill be s#ippe$ to you $irectly )rom t#e )arms an$
ot#er suppliers&
T#e secon$ list contains some speci5c )oo$s an$ .itc#en e3uipment t#at you can or$er
$irect )rom t#e suppliers or ot#er online stores&
ZRe/o**ended Produ/%$P on Mer/o&a./o*
Bee(! Gra$$5(ed
100S Grass-)e$ bee) #i"# in D%4 an$ ome"a-E an$ containin" no antibiotics or steroi$s&
B$on! Gra$$5(ed and O.;. Cer%1ed Ko$#er
Many people call bison t#e most $elicious o) all re$ meats, an$ it also #appens to be amon"
t#e #ealt#iest& T#is "rass-)e$ bison, )rom t#e premier provi$er, 1lac.(in", is also certi5e$
as .os#er, meanin" you are "ettin" t#e cleanest an$ #ealt#iest meat available any(#ere&
Over E0 $iMerent cuts o) t#is (il$ly popular meat are no( available t#rou"# Mercola&com&
B&ueberre$! Or'an/
4n e*ceptional )ruit )or t#eir #i"# antio*i$ants, blueberries are also lo( in su"ar so t#ey are
not li.ely to stimulate severe insulin s(in"s& T#ese or"anic blueberries )rom @astern Dana$a
are smaller an$ s(eeter-tastin" t#an store-bou"#t blueberries, an$ are s#ippe$ )roen to you&
C#ee$e! Gra$$5(ed Or'an/ and Raw M&,
1ric., c#e$$ar, )eta, "arlic & #erb, moarella an$ t(o varieties o) ra( mil. c#eese, all
)rom co(s naturally pasture-raise$ on certi5e$ or"anic "rasses& /i"# in ome"a-E, D%4, an$
consi$erably #i"#er in vitamins 4, D an$ @ t#an re"ular store-bou"#t c#eese&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +><
+50 4PP@;D9R
C#/,en! Free5Ran'e Or'an/
D#ic.en raise$ on a 100S or"anic $iet, no antibiotics or #ormones, an$ in )ree-ran"e
con$itions, means t#e #ealt#iest, ,uiciest, most ten$er an$ $elicious c#ic.en you've ever
trie$& Our site oMers (#ole c#ic.ens, boneless breasts, an$ t#i"#s&
T#e #i"#est 3uality an$ purest c#lorella available, pro$uce$ by 7aeyama, t#is natural )oo$
supplement is superior in total nutritional value to any man-ma$e vitamin& /i"# in many o)
t#e essential vitamins, minerals an$ enymes2inclu$in" all ei"#t essential amino aci$s2an$
many micronutrients, c#lorella (ill #elp buil$ your immune system, $eto*i)y t#e #eavy
metals an$ pestici$es in your bo$y, improve your $i"estive system, increase your ener"y an$
mental concentration, balance your bo$y's p/, an$ muc# more&
Co/onu% O&! =r'n and Or'an/
Lir"in coconut oil is #i"#ly recommen$e$ )or your", an$ #as a (i$e ran"e o) proven
#ealt# bene5ts& 1ut 3uality can vary (i$ely amon" bran$s, so you #ave to .no( (#at you
are" )or& Tropical Tra$itions an$ Gar$en o) %i)e bran$ coconut oils meet all t#e necessary
re3uirements, inclu$in" certi5e$ or"anic, non-GMO, no FcopraH or $rie$ coconuts
use$, an$ no #y$ro"enation&
F$# O& and Cod L-er O&
Fis# oil an$ co$ liver oil are amon" t#e )e( supplements Ot#ou"# t#ey really are a )oo$N t#at
everyone s#oul$ ta.e, as t#ey are i$eal sources o) ome"a-E (it# D/4 an$ @P4 )atty aci$s
t#at are $an"erously" in most people's $iets& T#ere is "reat variance in 3uality amon"
bran$s, t#ou"#8 t#ree bran$s 9 #i"#ly recommen$ are t#e Gar$en o) %i)e Ol$e !orl$
9celan$ic co$ liver oil, t#e %ivin" Fuel Ome"a E & @ capsules O(it# )ull-spectrum vitamin
@ inclu$e$6N an$ t#e Darlson's bran$ o) 5s# oil, all available #ere&
Ju/er! O*e'a EGG8 Mode&
9 #ave $one an e*tensive evaluation o) ,uicers an$ )oun$ t#at t#e Ome"a Q00+ Cuicer is t#e
clear (inner in terms o) its multiple uses, $urability, ease o) use an$ cleanin", an$ value& 7ou
can 5n$ an e*tensive ,uicer evaluation c#art comparin" t#e various ,uicers #ere as (ell&
Ke1r S%ar%er and Cu&%ure S%ar%er
Tra$itionally )ermente$ )oo$s are an essential part o) every #ealt#y $iet, an$ t#e Ke5r
:tarter an$ Dulture :tarter available #ere an e*ceptionally #i"#-3uality (ay to ma.e your
o(n )ermente$ )oo$s very an$ ine*pensively& Ke5r is an ancient2an$ still one o)
nature's most po(er)ul an$ $elicious2#ealt# )oo$s, an$ t#e Ke5r :tarter enables very easy
preparation& T#e Dulture :tarter, mean(#ile, is a simple (ay to ma.e your ve"etables into
very #ealt#y an$ $elicious tra$itional )ermente$ )oo$s&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +51
L-n' Fue& R2 ZSu+er(oodP
9 #ave e*tensively researc#e$ 3uic. an$ convenient )oo$s claimin" to be #ealt#y, an$ t#is is
t#e only one 9 #i"#ly recommen$& 9t is e*ceptional as a #ealt#y meal replacement or to supplement
your $aily nutrition, as it provi$es complete an$ natural concentrate$ sources o)
vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential )ats, enymes an$ co-enymes, an$ plant 5bers& 9t is
available in bot# a "reens an$ berry variety&
O$%r/#! Free5Ran'e
Ostric# is an e*ceptionally #ealt#y re$ meat t#at tastes li.e c#ic.en, but is lo(er in )at, calories
an$ c#olesterol t#an even s.inless c#ic.en or tur.ey& 9t can be use$ in place o) virtually
any meat, suc# as bee), c#ic.en or por., in your )avorite recipes, an$ is even available in an
ome"a-E-ric# variety&
Sa&*on! :&d Red A&a$,an and To2n5Free
T#is Lital D#oice bran$ o) salmon is t#e only 5s# 9 #ave )oun$, t#rou"# in$epen$ent laboratory
testin" (e #a$ per)orme$ on t#e 5s#, to be )ree )rom #arm)ul mercury, PD1s an$
ot#er to*ins& 9t is a premier source o) ome"a-E (it# @/4 an$ DP4 )atty aci$s, is #i"# in
antio*i$ants, an$ is )ree o) antibiotics, pestici$es, synt#etic colorin" a"ents, "ro(t# #ormones
an$ GMOs& 9t also tastes absolutely incre$ible6
=%a*n D
Many people $o not "et enou"# sunli"#t2t#e best source o) vitamin D2an$ are t#ere)ore
$e5cient& 9 #i"#ly recommen$ you "et teste$ )or your vitamin D levels, an$ i) you are $e5cient,
stron"ly encoura"e you to c#ec. out t#e 1iotics bran$ o) vitamin D available #ere& 9t
is an emulsi5e$ )orm t#at it easier )or your bo$y to absorb t#an ot#er )orms on t#e, an$ you'll see it is also 3uite economical&
=%a*n K
Proven to #elp buil$ your bones an$ #elp your #eart, most people $o not "et enou"# vitamin
K )rom t#eir $aily $iet an$ s#oul$ consi$er supplementin" it& T#is is a )ull 5ve-mont#
supply o) t#e natural vitamin K 9 #i"#ly recommen$ available at an e*cellent price&
:a%er E-a&ua%on and Ho*e :a%er Te$%n'
Dlean an$ #ealt#y tap (ater, (#et#er provi$e$ by your municipality or a (ell, is essential )or your
#ealt# (#et#er you coo., clean, or bat#e (it# it& 7ou can "et an instant )ree evaluation o) your
municipality's (ater supply #ere, an$ a ran"e o) $iscounte$ @P4-certi5e$ #ome (ater tests&
Food$0O%#er Su++&er$
A&*ond F&our
Grain-)ree t#ic.ener or Jour
1ob's Re$ Mill ;atural Foo$s, 1-Q00-E><-+1=E, (((&bobsre$mill&com
Arrowroo% F&our
Grain-)ree t#ic.ener or Jour
Frontier ;atural Pro$ucts, 1-Q00-??<-E+=5, (((&)rontiercoop&com
Bean F&our
%o(-carb bean Jour mi*es
Kitc#en @T Detera, 9nc&, 1-Q==-?55-1>15, (((&beanJour&com
Fu&&5(a% Soy F&our
4vailable in most #ealt# )oo$ stores& ;ote8 9 am not a bi" a$vocate o) un)ermente$ soy
pro$ucts& ;evert#eless, soy Jour is )oun$ in most #ealt# )oo$ stores, is lo( in carbo#y$rates,
an$ can be use$ in occasional tablespoon $oses&
Herb$ and Sea$onn'$! Or'an/
Frontier ;atural Pro$ucts, 1-Q00-??<-E+=5, (((&)rontiercoop&com
M&, and Crea*! Raw
Go to (((&realmil.&com to 5n$ out i) t#ere are co(-s#are pro"rams in your area
;uts an$ :ee$s, Ra( an$ Or"anic
CaMe 1rot#ers ;atural Foo$s, 1-=?0-=><-11EE, (((&or"anic)ruitsan$nuts&com
P$y&&u* Seed$ and Hu$,$
Frontier ;atural Pro$ucts Osee 4rro(root FlourN
1ob's Re$ Mill ;atural Foo$s Osee 4lmon$ FlourN
S+,e[A Sa&%5Free S+,e
Famous all-purpose ve"etable seasonin"
Mo$ern Pro$ucts, Q00-Q==-Q<E5, (((&mo$ern)earn&com or in most "rocery stores
S+ou%n' Seed$! Or'an/
Domplete line o) or"anic see$s
T#e :proutpeople, Q==-===-?QQ=, (((&sproutpeople&com
+5+ 4PP@;D9R
;on-carb, non-"lycemic, non-synt#etic, alternative s(eetener
4vailable in li3ui$ concentrate an$" po($er
1o$y @colo"y, Q00-511-+??0, bo$yecolo"y$iet&com
Ra(, #ulle$ & un#ulle$ or"anic sesame paste
Os.ri Or"anics, 1-Q00-?+Q-1110, (((&os.ri&com
:#ey Powder
Dairy by-pro$uct t#at ai$s $i"estion, natural culturin"
Frontier ;atural Pro$ucts Osee 4rro(root FlourN,
1ob's Re$ Mill ;atural Foo$s Osee 4lmon$ FlourN
K%/#en EHu+*en%0O%#er Su++&er$
Food De#ydra%or$
@*calibur De#y$ratork
@*calibur Pro$ucts, 1-Q00-Q=5->+5>, (((&e*calibur$e#y$rator&com
:ee FCuicer, Ome"a Q00+ Mo$el,H un$er FRecommen$e$ Pro$ucts on Mercola&comH
S+ra& S&/er\
Manual slicer & processor )or creatin" pasta )rom ve"etables
Coyce D#en Pro$ucts, 1-Q00-EEE-0+0Q, (((&,oycec#en&com
:proutin" e3uipment an$ see$s
T#e :proutpeople, 1-Q==-===-?QQ=, (((&sproutpeople&com
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +5E
Re/o**ended Re$our/e$ and Fur%#er Readn'
T#ese #i"#ly recommen$e$ boo.s an$ more, inclu$in" )ull an$ ori"inal revie(s, are available
t#rou"# t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section o) Mercola&com& Most are also available at boo.stores
an$ your local library& !#en you purc#ase t#em t#rou"# Mercola&com, you (ill "et t#em
at t#e lo(est prices at 4maon&com, 1;&com or ot#er online stores& Mercola&com receives a small
percenta"e o) eac# o) t#ese sales t#at "oes to(ar$ bot# bein" able to .eep t#e Fe/ealt#y ;e(s
7ou Dan BseH e-ne(sletter $escribe$ belo( )ree, an$ to(ar$ e*pan$in" all t#e ot#er )ree oMerin"s
on t#e site&
C#/,en Sou+ (or %#e C#ro+ra/%/ Sou&
Mark Victor 'ansen Jack (an2el" ,abrizio Mancini D.(.
T#e (#ole (hicken :oup .or the :oul series provi$es po(er)ully movin" an$ insi"#t)ul stories
on t#e #uman con$ition t#at, by touc#in" t#e #eart, can also #elp your #ealt#& 9 #i"#ly recommen$
t#is one in particular, t#ou"#, because it $oes an e*ceptional ,ob o) e*plainin" t#e
"reat potential bene5ts to you o) t#e o)ten-misun$erstoo$ approac# o) c#iropractic care&
!#ile bein" touc#e$ by t#e stories, you (ill also learn (#at to e*pect (#en you see. c#iropractic
care, inclu$in" t#eir #olistic approac# to #ealin", pain relie) an$ li)elon" (ellness&
T#e C#o&e$%ero& My%#$6 E2+o$n' %#e Fa&&a/y %#a% Sa%ura%ed Fa% and C#o&e$%ero&
Cau$e Hear% D$ea$e
Dr. <0e Ha%nsko%
Dr& Ravns.ov is t#e aut#or o) numerous articles publis#e$ in ma,or me$ical ,ournals& T#is
boo. elaborates on t#e lac. o) connection bet(een $iet, bloo$ c#olesterol levels an$ #eart
$isease an$ 3uestions t#e (i$esprea$ use o) c#olesterol-lo(erin" $ru"s& P#ysicians an$
ot#er #ealt# pro)essionals, as (ell as t#ose )acin" c#olesterol-lo(erin" treatments, (oul$ be
bot# enli"#tene$ an$ better able to resist (ort#less treatments by rea$in" t#is boo.&
Ge%%n' T#n'$ Done
Da%i" Allen
T#is is one o) t#e most use)ul an$ important boo.s 9 #ave ever rea$& 9) you are c#allen"e$
in any (ay (it# or"aniin" your li)e," plans, an$" to t#ose plans, you s#oul$
rea$ t#is brilliant boo.& 9t provi$es practical, realistic, #an$s-on an$ time-teste$ insi"#t on
"reatly improvin" your pro$uctivity, inclu$in" a )ull slate o) tips, tools an$ tec#ni3ues&
Ha-n' a Baby! "a%ura&&y
#eggy 6&Mara
9) you are an e*pectant parent, or .no( someone (#o is, t#is is an e*ceptional boo. by t#e
e$itor an$ publis#er o) Mot#erin" ma"aine t#at provi$es compre#ensive insi"#t on #o(
to ensure t#e #ealt# o) your baby, an$ t#e #ealt# o) t#e e*pectant mot#er, inclu$in" $iet
an$ e*ercise, emotional sel)-a(areness, birt# c#oices an$ locations, breast)ee$in", an$ more&
+5> 4PP@;D9R
Hea&n' :ord$
$arry Dossey
4 classic (or. on t#e proven lin. bet(een spirituality an$ #ealt# by a lea$in" p#ysician&
Provi$es bot# $ocumente$ evi$ence an$ real-li)e e*amples to s#o( t#at prayer an$ spirituality
can in$ee$ be a vali$ #ealin" tool& 4 compellin" rea$ no matter (#at your reli"iousA
spiritual bac."roun$&
4n(e/%ou$ Dabe%e$6 A Cu%%n'5Ed'e A++roa/# %o S%o++n' One o( A*er/a$ Fa$%e$%
Grown' E+de*/$ n 4%$ Tra/,$
Doug A. !au.mann with Da%i" 'ollan" M.D.
9) you #ave $iabetes or any c#ronic $isease, or are committe$ to avoi$in" t#em, t#is boo.
is a must-rea$& 9t provi$es e*tensive, (ell-$ocumente$ evi$ence to support t#e aut#ors'
ar"uments t#at microbes an$ to*ins in t#e )oo$ (e eat causes $iabetes an$ ot#er serious $iseases,
an$ t#en provi$es succinct solutions to avoi$ t#ose )oo$s an$ t#ere)ore 5"#t an$ prevent
t#e $iseases&
Know 9our Fa%$6 Co*+&e%e Pr*er (or ;nder$%andn' %#e "u%r%on o( Fa%$! O&$
and C#o&e$%ero&
Mary +. 1nig #h.D.
T#is boo., by a lea$in" $ietary )at an$ oil researc#er, $ispels t#e myt#s about saturate$ )at
an$ oils previously t#ou"#t o) as un#ealt#y, an$ pinpoints t#ose t#at truly are& 9t also provi$es
an in-$ept# "ui$e to t#e critical relations#ip bet(een $ietary )at inta.e an$ #ealt# an$
$isease prevention& !ritten broa$ enou"# to appeal to t#e "eneral public, but (it# suUcient
$etail to serve as an e*cellent re)erence to me$ical practitioners as (ell&
L-n' :e&& w%# Hy+o%#yrod$*6 :#a% 9our Do/%or Doe$n% Te&& 9ou! :#a% 9ou
"eed %o Know
Mary J. :homon
9) you are c#allen"e$ by #ypot#yroi$ism, or suspect you may be, t#is boo. is one o) t#e most
insi"#t)ul, unbiase$ an$ use)ul resources you can rea$ on t#e sub,ect& Mary :#omon is a
nationally respecte$ t#yroi$ e*pert (#o presents #er in)ormation in a #i"#ly rea$able )ormat&
T#e Ma,er$ De%
By Jor"an :. Hubin N.M.D. #h.D.
T#is boo. is by )ar one o) t#e most compellin" an$ insi"#t)ul $ietary #ealt# boo.s 9 #ave
ever rea$, an$ it (ill easily be one o) t#e most important an$ use)ul $ietary #ealt# boo.s
you ever rea$& Rubin's pro"ram is $esi"ne$ aroun$" t#e FT#ree 9'sH t#at #ave
everyt#in" to $o (it# t#e c#ronic $iseases t#at are currently pla"uin" t#e nation8 insulin,
in)ection, an$ inJammation& Rubin t#en provi$es a )ull ran"e o) very soun$ solutions t#at
are #olistic in t#e truest sense o) t#e (or$, incorporatin" t#e p#ysical, spiritual, mental an$
emotional on t#e roa$map to your #ealt# an$ (ell-bein"&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +55
T#e Me%abo&/ Ty+n' De%6 Cu$%o*3e 9our De% %o 9our Own ;nHue Body C#e*$%ry
-illiam $. -olcott with Trish ,ahey
4)ter rea$in" t#e boo. you no( #ol$ in your #an$s, t#is boo., by t#e lea$in" metabolic
typin" e*pert o) our time, is an i$eal )ollo(-up& 9t provi$es a )ull un$erstan$in" o) metabolic
typin" an$ oMers e*tensive an$ #i"#ly practical in)ormation on #o( to 5ne-tune your
$iet )or your speci5c bioc#emistry& 9t also provi$es a more compre#ensive test to $etermine
your metabolic type Oi), via t#e metabolic test in t#is boo., you $etermine$ t#at you are a
Mi*e$ Type, 9 stron"ly ur"e you to ta.e t#e test in !olcott's boo., as it (ill provi$e a more
succinct ans(er to your type&N
"u%r%on and P#y$/a& De'enera%on
Dr. -eston #rice
9 o)ten my re)er patients to t#is (on$er)ul resource& T#is is a pioneerin" (or. in natural
#ealt# an$ simply a must-rea$ i) you are intereste$ in natural me$icine in any (ay& Dr&
!estin Price (as one o) t#e most prominent $entists at t#e turn o) t#e century an$ (on$ere$
(#y so many c#il$ren (ere "ettin" cavities& /e realie$ t#at it (as t#e intro$uction
o) processe$ )oo$s& :o #e travele$ t#e (orl$ an$ $ocumente$ t#e connection bet(een
processe$ )oo$s an$ ill #ealt#, an$ t#e principles #e $evelope$ still lar"ely #ol$ true to$ay&
T#e O*e'a5< Conne/%on6
T#e Groundbrea,n' An%5De+re$$on De% and Bran Pro'ra*
An"rew $. :toll M.D.
Dr& :toll is a psyc#iatrist )rom /arvar$ an$ #is boo. $oes an outstan$in" an$ t#orou"# ,ob
$etailin" t#e stron" connection bet(een 5s# oils #i"# in ome"a-E an$ $epression& 9) you or
someone you love suMers )rom $epression, t#is boo. provi$es a real solution an$ is a must-rea$&
T#e "o5Gran De%
Dr. Joseph Mercola with Alison Hose $e%y
My previous boo., a ;e( 7or. Times bestseller, provi$es an easy-to-)ollo( t#ree-p#ase pro"ram
t#at is particularly use)ul )or t#ose tryin" to lose (ei"#t& !#ile T#e ;o-Grain Diet
$oesn't contain t#e $etaile$ insi"#t on metabolic typin", many over(ei"#t an$ obese people
#ave )oun$ "reat success (it# t#e plan presente$ in t#is boo.& 9t also provi$es $etaile$
insi"#t on #o( to learn an$ use @FT, a remar.ably eMective emotional #ealin" tool&
T#e Pa&eo De%
$oren (or"ain #h.D.
Dr& Dor$ain is consi$ere$ one o) t#e (orl$'s lea$in" e*perts on Paleolit#ic nutrition, an$
#is i$eas #ave $e5nitely #a$ a stron" inJuence on my $ietary pro"ram& T#is boo. is an easy
to un$erstan$, aut#oritative re)erence on t#e scienti5c $ocumentation )or re$ucin" our
"rain consumption to be more in line (it# our ancient ancestors&
+5? 4PP@;D9R
T#e ;= Ad-an%a'e
Michael 'olick M.D. #h.D.
T#is important boo. )ocuses on a crucial but )act8 t#e sun is one o) your "reatest
allies (#en it comes to 5"#tin" $isease, )eelin" "reat an$ livin" lon"er& F7our overall
(ell-bein" $epen$s in part on $evelopin" an appropriate relations#ip (it# t#e sun,H says Dr&
Mic#ael /olic., M&D&, one o) t#e )oremost aut#orities on vitamin D, a )ull Pro)essor o)
me$icine, $ermatolo"y, biop#ysics an$ p#ysiolo"y at t#e 1oston Bniversity :c#ool o)
Me$icine, an$ aut#or o) t#is "roun$" boo.& 9) you've been #i$in" )rom t#e sun
because o) Fe*pertH (arnin"s to avoi$ it, 5n$ out t#e trut# in t#is must-rea$ boo.&
T#e :#o&e Soy S%ory
Dr. !aayla Daniel
Due to be release$ to t#e "eneral public in :prin" +00>, t#is e*tensively researc#e$ an$
compellin" rea$ $ispels t#e myt#s t#at soybeans are a ma,or F#ealt# )oo$H an$ pinpoints
(#y t#ey can lea$ to #ealt# c#allen"es instea$&
9our Body$ Many Cre$ (or :a%er
Dr. ,erey"oon Batmangheli"=
T#is e*tensively researc#e$ an$ )ascinatin" boo. $emonstrates t#e stron" connection
bet(een $" clean an$ #ealt#y (ater an$ 5"#tin" an$ preventin" $isease& T#e "eneral
public an$ #ealt# care practitioners ali.e (oul$ bene5t immensely )rom rea$in" t#is
"roun$" boo.&
=deo and Audo Re$our/e$
%oo. )or t#ese vi$eo an$ au$io #ealt# resources in t#e FRecommen$e$ Pro$uctsH section o)
EFT Trann' Cour$e
@FT is pro)oun$ly eMective emotional an$ mental #ealin" approac# t#at is base$ on t#e
principles o) ener"y me$icine& 9 #ave tau"#t it to t#e patients in my clinic )or years, an$ t#ey
#ave e*perience$ truly incre$ible an$ permanent results (it# it& 9) you #ave any type o)
emotionalAmental issues t#at may be" your #ealt# an$ $ietary success, 9 ur"e you
to consi$er FT#e @FT DourseH by Gary Drai", t#e pioneer o) @FT t#at 9 also learne$ )rom&
T#e @FT Dourse contains over 1E #ours o) vi$eo instruction Oon DLD or L/:N on all t#e
@FT basics as (ell as t#e Fart o) $elivery,H an$ comes (it# a ?0-$ay money bac. "uarantee&
T#e Sedona Me%#od Cour$e0CD Pro'ra*
'ale Dwoskin
4s an alternative to @FT, many people #ave )oun$ FT#e :e$ona Met#o$H a #i"#ly eMective
emotional #ealin" tool, an$ a tool to increase success an$ #appiness& !#ile T#e :e$ona
Met#o$ boo. is a "oo$ approac#, t#is 1E-DD au$io pro"ram is easily t#e most eMective (ay
to learn t#is met#o$, an$ also an incre$ible value&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +5=
9n a$$ition to my )ree e-ne(sletter liste$ belo(, t#ere are a number o) ot#er e*cellent ne(sletters
t#at provi$e insi"#ts you can really use in your ,ourney to optimal #ealt# an$ (ellness& T#is s#ort
list provi$es a representative sample&
Dr. Mer/o&a$ ZeHea&%#y "ew$ 9ou Can ;$eP
:ubscribe at (((&Mercola&com
My )ree t(ice-( ne(sletter reac#in" +00,000 subscribers as o) t#is (ritin", Fe/ealt#y
;e(s 7ou Dan BseH provi$es you t#e most important an$ timely ne(s an$ in)ormation t#at
can really #elp you improve your #ealt# )or "oo$& 9 $o not accept any t#ir$-party a$vertisin"
an$ am not tie$ into any corporate or t#ir$ party Fspecial interests,H so you "et all t#e
)acts you really nee$ to .no(, (it# insi"#ts provi$e$ by me an$ a team o) t#e nation's lea$in"
#ealt# e*perts&
Bo%%o* Lne Hea&%# "ew$&e%%er
:ubscribe at (((&bottomlinesecrets&com
4n outstan$in" #ealt# ne(sletter in bot# print an$ )ree e-ne(sletter )ormat t#at provi$es
easy-to-un$erstan$ an$ (ort#(#ile in)ormation "eare$ to(ar$ consumers&
Hea&%# & Beyond :ee,&y
:ubscribe at (((&c#et$ay&com
Receive natural #ealt#, sel)-improvement an$ (ei"#t loss articles (it# t#is e*cellent )ree
( e-ne(sletter&
H.S.4. e5A&er%
:ubscribe at (((&#sibaltimore&com
4not#er e*cellent e-ne(sletter provi$in" ne(s o) ur"ent me$ical issues an$ #ealt# solutions,
inclu$in" brea.t#rou"#s in complementary an$ alternative me$icine&
M/A&-any Hea&%# A&er%
:ubscribe at (((&mcalvany#ealt#alert&com
T#is print ne(sletter, subtitle$ FT#e Cournal o) /ealt#y 4"in",H is an outstan$in" tool
"eare$ to(ar$ #elpin" seniors in particular become an$ stay #ealt#y in terms o) bo$y, min$
an$ spirit&
S%/,n' Ou% Our "e/,$0T#yrod "ew$
:ubscribe at (((&t#yroi$-in)o&com
4nyone (#o is c#allen"e$ by t#yroi$ issues s#oul$ subscribe to t#is )ree e-ne(sletter by t#e
lea$in" patient a$vocate an$ e*pert in t#e 5el$, Mary :#omon& @ac# issue provi$es t#e
latest t#yroi$ ne(s2muc# o) it in)ormation t#at #asn't even reac#e$ p#ysicians yet2t#at
can #elp you&
+5Q 4PP@;D9R
My (ebsite, (it# E0,000 pa"es o) use)ul articles an$ in)ormation on virtually any #ealt#
topic you are intereste$ in, is no( t#e (orl$'s most visite$ natural #ealt# (ebsite, an$ one
o) t#e (orl$'s si* most visite$ #ealt# (ebsites overall as o) t#is (ritin"& !#enever you #ave
a 3uestion about any #ealt# or $ietary topic, simply "o to Mercola&com an$ enter t#e p#rase
in t#e po(er)ul2an$ )ree2searc# en"ine& 4lso visit t#e FFin$ a /ealt# Practitioner in 7our
4reaH lin. at t#e bottom o) t#e #omepa"e )or lists an$ contact in)ormation to @FT an$
ot#er t#erapists&
To improve your #ealt# in "eneral, an$ especially i) you #ave an immune $isor$er or
can$i$a-relate$ imbalance, 9 stron"ly recommen$ you c#ec. out t#is (ebsite& Foun$er
Donna Gates is reno(ne$ )or #er pro"ram's success in #elpin" people overcome can$i$iasis
an$ ot#er immune-relate$ $isor$ers, an$ #er pro"ram provi$es a particular )ocus on t#e
po(er)ul #ealt# bene5ts o) )ermente$ )oo$s an$ probiotics t#at anyone" to be
#ealt#y s#oul$ not miss&
For compre#ensive insi"#t on @FT, t#e F@motional Free$om Tec#ni3ue,H t#is is a #i"#ly
use)ul an$ in)ormative (ebsite& Foun$e$ an$ $irecte$ by Dr& Patricia Darrin"ton, t#is site
inclu$es #er o(n eMective @FT learnin" courses&
For compre#ensive insi"#t on @FT, t#is is anot#er #i"#ly use)ul an$ in)ormative (ebsite,
)oun$e$ an$ $irecte$ by Gary Drai", t#e @FT pioneer& 9t also inclu$es #is #i"#ly eMective
@FT learnin" courses&
4n e*cellent (ebsite )or parents (it# a )ocus on natural approac#es in terms o) c#il$ren's
#ealt# an$ more&
4 )antastic resource by T#e !eston 4& Price Foun$ation provi$in" everyt#in" you nee$
to .no( about #ealt#y ra( mil.& 9nclu$es $etail on (#y ra( mil. is so nutritious, i) its sales
are le"al in your re"ions, an$ (#ere speci5cally to 5n$ co(s#are pro"rams or suppliers in
your area&
4 compellin" an$ e*pansive (ebsite t#at provi$es strai"#t)or(ar$ an$ unabas#e$ insi"#t on
all t#e #ealt#care issues )acin" you to$ay&
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +5<
+?0 4PP@;D9R
Fne5Tunn' 9our De% %o 9our Me%abo&/ Ty+e Tab&e
Ma.e copies o) t#e )ollo(in" table an$ use it to #elp you listen to your bo$y a)ter eatin" meals an$
5ne-tune your $iet, as e*plaine$ in D#apter 5 an$ $etaile$ t#rou"#out t#e recipes in t#is boo.&
please a c#ec. to t#e le)t o) all $escriptions t#at $escribe
your e*perience 1I+ #ours a)ter eac# meal
F9;@ TB;@ 7OBR D9@T
list all )oo$s & $rin.s consume$
min$ A emotions A (ell-bein" ener"y levels appetite satiety cravin"s
)eel )ull, satis5e$
)eel p#ysically )ull,
but still #un"ry
$o ;OT #ave s(eet cravin"s
$o ;OT $esire more )oo$
$o ;OT )eel #un"ry
ener"y )eels rene(e$
$o ;OT nee$ to snac.
be)ore ne*t meal
#ave "oo$ lastin"
FnormalH sense o) ener"y
)eel p#ysically )ull,
but still #un"ry
#ave $esire )or
somet#in" s(eet
alrea$y #un"ry
)eel nee$ )or a snac.
meal "ave too muc#
or too little ener"y
became #yper, ,ittery,
s#a.y, nervous or spee$y
ener"y tan.e$ )rom meale*#austion,
sleepiness, $ro(siness,
listlessness or let#ar"y
)eel #yper but
e*#auste$ un$erneat#
improve$ (ell-bein" mentally slo(
an*ious, )ear)ul, an"ry
or irritable
inability to t#in. or clearly
some emotional upli)tment #yper, overly rapi$ t#ou"#ts
sense o) )eelin" re)uele$,
rene(e$ an$ restore$
improve$ mental clarity
an$ s#arpness
normaliation o)
t#ou"#t process
inability to )ocus
or concentrate
apat#y, sa$ness,
$epression (it#$ra(al
Ocircle oneN
)oo$s consume$8
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +?1
4e"ean :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q+
4lmon$ ;ut Mil. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1QQ
4ioli Garlic Mayonnaise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
4nc#ovy Mayonnaise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
4rtic#o.e & 4spara"us :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1++
4sian Dressin" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E?
1a.e$ /erbe$ :almon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=<
1asic /erb Linai"rette - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E=
1asic Mayonnaise Plus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
1asic Roast D#ic.en - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15E
1asic :auer.raut Plus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++=
1asic :proutin" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++5
1asic :tuMe$ @""s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=+
1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* Plus - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +15
1asic Le"etable :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1+E
1asil Pesto - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E<
1ee) cn 1eer :te( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1EQ
1ee) Fa,itas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1E<
1ee) Pot Roast (it# :auer.raut - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>0
1eet Le"etable @ssence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>=
1lac. Olive Tapena$e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>0
1len$e$ 1roccoli :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1+>
1raise$ 1railian Greens - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10+
1rea.)ast :lurpy Pu$$in" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1Q<
1roccoli-in-a-/urry Durry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10E
1roile$ @""plant Parmis# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10>
1roile$ %emon :almon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1Q0
1russels :prouts Trio - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 105
1uMalo D#ili - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>5
Darrot Le"etable @ssence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>=
DauliJo(er Tempe# Durry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1?Q
DauliJo(er (it# Tapena$e Dro(n - - - - - - - - - - 10?
D#eery @"" ;o" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<0
D#eese 1rea$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<Q
D#e(y ;utsy FDerealH - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +1?
D#op D#op Gar$en :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QE
D#un.y Moc.amole - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>1
Dlassic Dornell 11V D#ic.en - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15>
Doconut Dustar$ Flan Pie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<<
Don)etti :pa"#etti :3uas# :aut] - - - - - - - - - - - 10=
Dornell 11V :auce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>+
Dreamy 4voca$o :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1+5
Dreamy @""plant Tosse$ :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q>
DrYme FraZc#e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++Q
Droc.pot Tur.ey :te( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 155
Drunc#y D#ic.en :ala$ A Dasserole - - - - - - - - - - 15?
Drunc#y /erb :prout :nac. Mi* - - - - - - - - - - - - ++<
Drustless Vuic#e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=E
Durrie$ Peanut :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1+?
Durry Mayonnaise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
Di,on Remoula$e :auce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
Di,onnaise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
@"" Foo 7un" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=>
@"" :ala$ (it# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=5
@""plant D#eesebur"ers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1?<
@""s 1ene$ict Florentine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=?
Fast Frenc# Onion :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1+=
Fennel Parmesan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10Q
Fres# Moarella Plate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q5
Frilly Frenc# 1runc# :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q?
Fruit an$ ;ut Torte - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +00
Ga$o Ga$o Le"etables - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10<
Gapac#o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1+Q
Girls' :prout Doo.ies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +01
Grecian :pinac# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 110
Gree. Ducumbers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q=
9n$e* o) Recipes
+?+ 9;D@R OF R@D9P@:
Gree. @""-%emon :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1+<
Green 1ean Dasserole - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111
Green Olive Tomatillo :alsa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>E
Grille$ Daribbean Rub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15=
Grille$ D#ic.en Daesar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15Q
Grille$ Ratatouille :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QQ
Groun$ Tur.ey an$ Gravy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15<
/erb-:easone$ :tea. 1roil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>1
/erbe$ %emony %amb D#ops - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>?
/ollan$aise :auce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=?
/orsera$is# 1uMalo 1ur"ers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>=
/ot 4sian :#iita.e :la( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Q<
/ot !in"s, T#i"#s an$ T#in"s - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1?0
Capanese :auer.raut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++=
K&9&:&:& :ala$ 9n 4 Flas# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <0
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers - - - - - - - - - - - - - <1
%emon Pepper Green 1eans - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11+
%ic.ety :plit D#ic.en :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1E0
Maestro's Minestrone - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1E1
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <+
Mas#e$ Fotatoes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11E
Me*ican %ive cn' 1ean Dip - - - - - - - - - - - +E0
Mi$$le @astern :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <E
Miso Glae$ :almon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1Q1
Miso :oup (it# !atercress - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1E+
Miso !alnut Paste - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>>
Mus#room 1ur"ers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=0
Mus#room Dream :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1EE
;o-Flour Pie Drusts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +0+
;o-Grain Dripes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +0E
;o-Pasta Primavera - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=1
;o-Pasta Primavera Le"etables - - - - - - - - - - - - 11>
;ori 1rusc#etta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +1=
;ort#(oo$s 1roccoli :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <>
;ouveau :almon ;icoise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1Q+
;ut Dream - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E1
;ut Gems A Da.e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +0>
;ut :#a.e Too - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<1
;utaroons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +05
Oriental /ot & :our Mus#room @"" Drop - - - - 1E>
Oriental Ostric# :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>Q
Ostric# Meat 1alls (it# Mus#room Gravy - - - - - 1><
Ostric# :tir-Fry - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150
Parmesan Drisps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +1Q
Parsley Le"etable @ssence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>=
Pifa Dola$a D#e(ies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +0?
Pineapple @li*ir - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<+
Poac#e$ :almon Di,onnaise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1QE
PT's Druiser - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +1<
Vuic. 1ee) :tea.s (it# Mus#rooms an$ !ine - 1>+
Vuic. Drunc#y cDa$o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <5
Vuic. /alva# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +0=
Vuic. Miso Dup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1E5
Vuic. Tur.ey Dutlets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1?1
Vuic. 7o"urt Dup - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++0
Re$ Onion Dilantro Relis# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>5
Re$ Peppery 1uMalo :tea.s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 151
Remoula$e :auce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
Roast Tur.ey (it# Le"etable D#estnut :tuUn" - 1?+
Roaste$ 4spara"us - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 115
Roaste$ :almon (it# Pesto Drust - - - - - - - - - - - 1Q>
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - 1?E
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :oup - - - - - - - - - - - - 1E?
Roll-Bps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +1E
:almon Dripes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1Q5
:almon :evic#e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1Q?
:aut]e$ Dabba"e (it# Dill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11?
:avory :ummer :3uas# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11=
:avory :unny :ee$ Mi* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +15
:ea :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <?
:ea :ala$ :i$e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>?
:ee$ D#eese - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E+
:esame Miso :prea$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++1
:esame Le"etable Drac.ers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +0Q
:lo($o(n Droc.pot D#ic.en Durry - - - - - - - - - 1?>
:nay Gin"ere$ ;uts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +++
:pinac# :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <=
:out# 4merican :auer.raut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++=
:proute$ :ee$ :#a.e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<E
:proute$ :unny :ee$ Mi* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +15
:tea. Tartare - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>E
:teamin" D#ic.en an$ Le"etables - - - - - - - - - - 1?5
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +?E
:tir-Fry Tur.ey - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1??
:tuMe$ an$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <Q
:u.iya.i (it# 1ee) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1>>
:un$rie$ Tomato !raps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +0<
:unny 4lmon$ :#a.e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<>
:unny Rainbo( Dabba"e :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - <<
:unny :ee$ Gomasio - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +15
:unny :ee$ :ala$ Dressin" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E=
:unny :prout Pat] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EE
:(eet :unny :ee$ Mi* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +15
:(eet :unny :ee$ :#a.e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1<5
Tarra"on Tur.ey 1ur"ers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1?=
Tartar :auce - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +EQ
Tomato Linai"rette - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E=
Le"etable Drispers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++E
Le"etable @ssences - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +>=
Le"etable Frittata - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1==
Le"etable %eat#ers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++>
Le"etable Vuic#e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1=Q
Le"etable :auer.raut - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ++=
Lenison :te( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15+
!atercress :ala$ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100
desty Fennel (it# Pea Po$s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11Q
ducc#etti Pasta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +E>
ducc#ini MuUns - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +10
ducc#ini (it# !alnuts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11<
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +?5
a/u+un/%ure! >Q
a'r/u&%ure! <I10
A&&en! Da-d! +etting Things Done ?>
almon$ Jour, +5+
4lmon$ ;ut Mil., 1QQ
D#e(y ;utsy Dereal, +1?
;ut Gems A Da.e, +0>
Pifa Dola$a D#e(ies, +0?
:nay Gin"ere$ ;uts, +++
:ee$ D#eese, +E+
:unny 4lmon$ :#a.e, 1<>
!atercress :ala$, 100
a&+#a5&no&en/ a/d MALAN! +1, 5=
a&u*nu*! =1
A*a3on./o*! =+
a*no a/d$! +=
an%bo%/$! +=
Arrow#ead M&&$! +1
arrowroo% Lour! +5+
ar$en/! 51
4rtic#o.e an$ 4spara"us :oup, 1++
@"" Foo 7oun", 1=>
;ouveau :almon ;icoise, 1Q+
PT's Druiser, +1<
:almon Drepes, 1Q5
Le"etable Frittata, 1==
4rtic#o.e an$ 4spara"us :oup, 1++
D#un.y Moc.amole, +>E
PT's Druiser, +1<
Roaste$ 4spara"us, 115
:almon Drepes, 1Q5
Le"etable Frittata, 1==
a$+ar%a*e! 1E
a-dn! E1
D#un.y Moc.amole, +>1
Dreamy 4voca$o :oup, 1+5
Me*ican %ive cn 1ean Dip, +E0
Vuic. Drunc#y Da$o, <5
Ayur-ed/ *ed/ne! E?
Dornell 1arbe3ue :auce, +>+
Dlassic Dornell 11V D#ic.en, 15>
1asil Pesto, +E<
Fres# Moarella Plate, Q5
Maestro's Minestrone, 1E1
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers, <1
%ic.ety :plit D#ic.en :oup, 1E0
Maestro's Minestrone, 1E1
Oriental /ot & :our Mus#room
@"" Drop, 1E>
Oriental Ostric# :ala$, 1>Q
Ostric# :tir-Fry, 150
Re$ Peppery 1uMalo :tea.s, 151
:autee$ Dabba"e (it# Dill, 11?
:teamin" D#ic.en an$ Le"etables, 1?5
:u.iya.i (it# 1ee), 1>>
:unny Rainbo( Dabba"e :ala$, <<
!atercress :ala$, 100
Carbo#ydra%e Ty+e! >+->E
1asic Le"etable :oup, 1+E
K&9&:&:& :ala$ in a Flas#, <0
:unny Rainbo( Dabba"e :ala$, <<
DauliJo(er Tempe# Durry, 1?Q
DauliJo(er (it# Tapena$e Dro(n, 10?
D#op D#op Gar$en :ala$, QE
Durrie$ Peanut :oup, 1+?
Mas#e$ Fotatoes, 11E
Le"etable Frittata, 1==
1asic Le"etable :oup, 1+E
PT's Druiser, +1<
Vuic. Drunc#y Da$o, <5
Ce&a/ d$ea$e! <
see also )eta, moarella
D#eese 1rea$, 1<Q
"rass-)e$, or"anic, +><
Roast Tur.ey (it# Le"etable
D#estnut :tuUn", 1?+
C# Kun'! ZW'on'P! ><
1asic Roast D#ic.en, 15E
Dlassic Dornell 11V D#ic.en, 15>
Drunc#y D#ic.en :ala$ A Dasserole, 15?
)ree-ran"e or"anic, +50
Grille$ Daribbean Rub, 15=
Grille$ D#ic.en Daesar, 15Q
/ot !in"s, T#i"#s an$ T#in"s, 1?0
%ic.ety :plit D#ic.en :oup, 1E0
:lo($o(n Droc.pot D#ic.en Durry, 1?>
:teamin" D#ic.en an$ Le"etables, 1?5
C#&ore&&a! ?0, +5+
;o-Pasta Primavera Le"etables, 11>
Roaste$ :almon (it# Pesto Drust, 1Q>
:un$rie$ Tomato !raps, +0<
ba%/# /oo,n'! =5
bean Lour! +5+
bean $+rou%$
Droc.pot Tur.ey :te(, 155
@"" Foo 7oun", 1=>
Drunc#y /erb :prout :nac. Mi*, ++<
1ee) an$ 1eer :te(, 1EQ
1ee) Fa,itas, 1E<
1ee) Pot Roast (it# :auer.raut, 1>0
bee), "rass-)e$, +><
/erb :easone$ :tea. 1roil, 1>1
Vuic. 1ee) :tea.s (it# Mus#rooms
an$ !ine, 1>+
:tea. Tartare, 1>E
:u.iya.i (it# 1ee), 1>>
blueberries, 1<, +><
Fruit an$ ;ut Torte, +00
b$on! +Q
"rass-)e$, +><
B&a/, and De/,er! =+
b&ood '&u/o$e! 10
b&ueberre$! 1<
or"anic, +><
1rea.)ast :lurpy Pu$$in", 1Q<
1len$e$ 1roccoli :oup, 1+>
1roccoli-in-a-/urry Durry, 10E
D#op D#op Gar$en :ala$, QE
Drustless Vuic#e, 1=E
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers, <1
;ort#(oo$s 1roccoli :ala$, <>
;o-Pasta Primavera Le"etables, 11>
Le"etable Frittata, 1==
Le"etable Vuic#e, 1=Q
bru$$e&$ $+rou%$
1russels :prouts Trio, 105
1uMalo D#ili, 1>5
/orsera$is# 1uMalo 1ur"ers, 1>=
Re$ Peppery 1uMalo :tea.s, 151
1asic :auer.raut Plus, ++=
Ga$o Ga$o Le"etables, 10<
/ot 4sian :#iita.e :la(, Q<
K&9&:&:& :ala$ in a Flas#, <0
Dontent 9n$e*
+?? DO;T@;T 9;D@R
/#&orne! 5+
/#ron/ d$ea$e! E0, E>
/'are%%e de+enden/y! 1>
/&o-er $+rou%$!
D#op D#op Gar$en :ala$, QE
/o/onu%! +0, +E
1len$e$ 1roccoli :oup, 1+>
Doconut Dustar$ Flan Pie, 1<<
DauliJo(er Tempe# Durry, 1?Q
Mus#room Dream :oup, 1EE
coconut oil, +E, +50
1rea.)ast :lurpy Pu$$in", 1Q<
D#e(y ;utsy Dereal, +1?
;ut Gems A Da.e, +0>
;utaroons, +05
Pifa Dola$a D#e(ies, +0?
/on.u'a%ed &no&en/ a/d! E+
/orn! 11I1+
CrT*e FraU/#e! ++Q
Fruit an$ ;ut Torte, +00
Ostric# Meatballs (it#
Mus#room Gravy, 1>?
/ro/,+o%! =+
Cro#n$ D$ea$e! +E
CT! see Darbo#y$rate Type
4e"ean sala$, Q+
Dreamy @""plant Tosse$ :ala$, Q>
Fres# Moarella Plate, Q5
Gapac#o, 1+Q
Gree. cucumbers, Q=
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$, <+
Mi$$le @astern :ala$, <E
Vuic. Drunc#y Da$o, <5
:tuMe$ an$, <Q
1roccoli-in-a-/urry Durry, 10E
DauliJo(er Tempe# Durry, 1?Q
Durrie$ Peanut :oup, 1+?
:lo($o(n Droc.pot D#ic.en Durry, 1?>
dary n%o&eran/e! EE
de#ydra%on! 51
de#ydra%or! =E
dabe%e$! <I10
:autee$ Dabba"e (it# Dill, 11?
Do$$ey! Larry! 'ealing -or"s >Q
4sian Dressin", +E?
1asic /erb Linai"rette, +E=
Dwo$,n! Ha&e! The :e"ona Metho" ><
1roile$ @""plant Parmis#, 10>
Dreamy @""plant Tosse$ :ala$, Q>
@""plant D#eesebur"ers, 1?<
Grille$ Ratatouille :ala$, QQ
Le"etable Drispers, ++E
e''$! E0
1asic :tuMe$ @""s, 1=+
D#eery @"" ;o", 1<0
Drustless Vuic#e, 1=E
1raise$ 1railian Greens, 10+
1russel :prouts Trio, 105
Durrie$ Peanut :oup, 1+?
'row%# #or*one! 10
#eada/#e$! 1E
Hea&%# B&o'! ?=
#ea&%# (ood $%ore$! Q
#erb$ and $ea$onn'$
or"anic, +5+
/orsera$is# 1uMalo 1ur"ers, 1>=
#ybrd (ru%$! +0
#y+o'&y/e*a! 11
4BS! +E
4n(e/%ou$ Dabe%e$! 1+
n$o*na! 5>I5?
Drunc#y D#ic.en :ala$ A Dasserole, 15?
K&9&:&:& :ala$ in a Flas#, <0
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers, <1
;ouveau :almon ;icoise, 1Q+
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :ala$, 1?E
.u/n'! 1=
O*e'a EGG8 Ju/er! =+, +50
,uicers, +5E
,e1r! +5, EEIE>,
Ke5r :tarter an$ Dulture :tarter, +50
,n-e$! =1I=+
DauliJo(er Tempe# Durry, 1?Q
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers, <1
Roast Tur.ey (it# Le"etable
D#estnut :tuUn", 1?+
:tir-Fry Tur.ey, 1??
Le"etable Drispers, ++E
&a/%oba/&&u$! a/do+#&u$! b(ud$! 5<
&a*b! +Q
/erbe$ %emony %amb D#ops, 1>?
1russel :prouts Trio, 105
Frilly Frenc# 1runc# :ala$, Q?
Oriental Ostric# :ala$, 1>Q
:ea :ala$, <?
L-n' Fue&! 5Q, ?0, =5, +51
&ow /arbo#ydra%e de%n'! <
1asic Mayonnaise Plus, +EQ
*ea& +&annn'! =>
*ea& re+&a/e*en%$! ?0I?1
*ed%a%on! ><
*en$%rua& +rob&e*$! 1E
*er/ury! +<, 5=
*e%abo&/ %y+n'! E?I>?, +?0
*/ronu%ren%$! +=
*/rowa-e! =1
*&, and /rea*! E+
ra(, +51, +5+
see also ra( mil.
Pineapple @li*ir, 1<+
@"" Foo 7oun", 1=>
@"" :ala$ (it#, 1=5
@""s 1ene$ict Florentine, 1=?
Frilly Frenc# 1runc# :ala$, Q?
Gree. @""-%emon :oup, 1+<
Oriental /ot & :our Mus#room
@"" Drop, 1E>
:pinac# :ala$, <=
:tea. Tartare, 1>E
Le"etable Frittata, 1==
Le"etable Vuic#e, 1=Q
e&&+%/a& *a/#ne$! 5>
E*o%ona& Freedo* Te/#nHue! EFT! >Q
En'! Mary P#.D. !now your ,ats;
The (omplete #rimer .or
<n"erstan"ing the Nutrition o. ,ats
6ils an" (holesterol ++
e2er/$e! 5+I5>
FDA! 1+
Fennel Parmesan, 10Q
desty Fennel (it# Pea Po$s, 11Q
(er*en%ed (ood$! ++5
(e%a /#ee$e
4e"ean sala$, Q+
Grecian :pinac#, 110
!atercress :ala$, 100
1ber! 1?
1bro*ya&'a $y*+%o*$! 1E
1$#! +<
1$# o&! E0, 5=
La2 $eed$
1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* Plus, +15
D#e(y ;utsy Dereal, +1?
:esame Le"etable Drac.ers, +0Q
Luorde! 51
(ood de#ydra%or$! +5E
FoodSa-er =a/ 7G@G! =>
(ru% drn,$! 1E
(u&&5(a% $oy Lour! +5+
Garden o( L(e! 5Q, ?+
'ene%/a&&y *od1ed /ro+! GMO! 1+, +=
Vuic. Drunc#y Da$o, <5
'&u/a'on! 10
'&u%en5$en$%-%y! <
'&y/e*/ nde2! 15
'&y/o&5$+#n'o&+d$! E+
GMO$! 1+
'oa&$! ?>
eliminatin", <
(#ole "rains, <
'reen bean$
Green 1ean Dasserole, 111
Ga$o Ga$o Le"etables, 10<
%emon Pepper Green 1eans, 11+
%ic.ety :plit D#ic.en :oup, 1E0
Le"etable Drispers, ++E
1len$e$ 1roccoli :oup, 1+>
DR M@RDO%4': TOT4% /@4%T/ DOOK1OOK & PROGR4M +?=
Miso Glae$ :almon, 1Q1
Miso :oup (it# !atercress, 1E+
Miso !alnut Paste, +>>
Vuic. Miso Dup, 1E5
:tuMe$ an$, <Q
:esame Miso :prea$, ++1
M2ed Ty+e! >?
Fres# Moarella Plate, Q5
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$, <+
MT! see Mi*e$ Type
*u&%+&e $/&ero$$! 1E
1asic Le"etable :oup, 1+E
Fast Frenc# Onion :oup, 1+=
Green 1ean Dasserole, 111
Grille$ Ratatouille :ala$, QQ
Groun$ Tur.ey an$ Gravy, 15<
/ot 4sian :#iita.e :la(, Q<
Mus#room 1ur"ers, 1=0
Mus#room Dream :oup, 1EE
Mus#room Gravy, 1>?
Oriental /ot & :our Mus#room
@"" Drop, 1E>
Ostric# Meatballs (it#
Mus#room Gravy, 1><
Ostric# :tir-Fry, 150
Vuic. 1ee) :tea.s (it# Mus#rooms
an$ !ine, 1>+
:pinac# :ala$, <=
:u.iya.i (it# 1ee), 1>>
*y/o%o2n$! 1+
"a%ona& Dary Coun/&! EE
non5$%/, /oo,ware! =1
;ori 1rusc#etta, +1=
nu%$! +0I+1
see also almon$s, peanuts, (alnuts
D#eese 1rea$, 1<Q
;ut Dream, +E1
;ut :#a.e Too, 1<1
Vuic. /alva#, +0=
:nay Gin"ere$ ;uts, +++
ducc#ini MuUns, +10
co$ liver oil, +50
coconut oil, +50
corn oil, ++
5s# oil, +50
olive, +E
or"anic, +50
vir"in, +50
1lac. Olive Tapena$e, +>0
DauliJo(er (it# Tapena$e Dro(n, 10?
Green Olive Tomatillo :alsa, +>E
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$, <+
;ouveau :almon ;icoise, 1Q+
Vuic. Drunc#y Da$o, <5
o*e'a5<$! EPA! DHA$! +0, +=, 5=I5Q
1a.e$ /erbe$ :almon, 1=<
1roile$ %emon :almon, 1Q0
Filet, +51
Miso Glae$ :almon, 1Q1
;ouveau :almon ;icoise, 1Q+
Poac#e$ :almon Di,onnaise, 1QE
Roaste$ :almon (it# Pesto Drust, 1Q>
:almon Drepes, 1Q5
:almon :evic#e, 1Q?
!il$ Re$, to*in )ree, +51
$a&*one&&a! E1
$a%ura%ed (a%$! +=
1asic :auer.raut Plus, ++=
1ee) Pot Roast (it# :auer.raut, 1>0
see also nori
:ea :ala$ :i$e, +>Q
$eed or /oIee 'rnder! =E
$eed$! +1
see also Ja*see$, sesame, sunJo(er
1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* Plus, +15
:esame Miso :prea$, ++1
:esame Le"etable Drac.ers, +0Q
:ee$ D#eese, +E+
:un$rie$ Tomato !raps, +0<
Ta#ini, ++
$&ee+! 5>
$na/,$! +11I+1+
$o(% drn,$! 1E
$oy! 1Q
Jour, +5+
S+,e! +5+
1len$e$ 1roccoli :oup, 1+>
@""s 1ene$ict Florentine, 1=?
Grecian :pinac#, 110
Roaste$ :almon (it# Pesto Drust, 1Q>
:almon Drepes, 1Q5
:pinac# :ala$, <=
Le"etable Frittata, 1==
S+ra& S&/er! =E, +5E
$+rou%ed (ood$! ++5
$+rou%er$! +5E
$+rou%n' $eed$! or"anic, +5+
see also bean sprouts
Drunc#y /erb :prout :nac. Mi*, ++<
Girls' :prout Doo.ies, +01
Me*ican %ive cn 1ean Dip, +E0
;ori 1rusc#etta, +1=
:unny :prout Pat], +EE
Don)etti :pa"#etti :3uas# :aute, 10=
Grille$ Ratatouille :ala$, QQ
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers, <1
Maestro's Minestrone, 1E1
;o-Pasta Primavera Le"etables, 11>
;o-Pasta Primavera, 1=1
:avory :ummer :3uas#, 11=
o*e'a5B$! +0, +=, 5=
Fast Frenc# Onion :oup, 1+=
Re$ Onion Dilantro Relis#, +>5
or'an/! 1=, +>, +Q, E0, E+
Orn$#! Dean! ><
o$%eo+oro$$! 5>
o$%r/#! +Q
)ree ran"e, +1
Gravy, 1>?
Ostric# Meatballs (it#
Mus#room Gravy, 1><
Ostric# :tir-Fry, 150
Oriental Ostric# :ala$, 1>Q
1roile$ @""plant Parmis#, 10>
Fennel Parmesan, 10Q
;o-Pasta Primavera, 1=1
Parmesan Drisps, +1Q
PCB$! 5=
1asic Le"etable :oup, 1+E
Ko#lrabi an$ :i$e Kic. Dippers, <1
Oriental /ot & :our Mus#room
@"" Drop, 1E>
Ostric# :tir-Fry, 150
desty Fennel (it# Pea Po$s, 11Q
Durrie$ Peanut :oup, 1+?
Ga$o Ga$o Le"etables, 10<
Gapac#o, 1+Q
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$, <+
;o-Pasta Primavera Le"etables, 11>
:un$rie$ Tomato !raps, +0<
+#y%o/#e*/a&$! 1?
Pifa Dola$a D#e(ies, +0?
Pineapple @li*ir, 1<+
+rayer! ><
Pr*a& De(en$e, 5<
+robo%/$! +>, 5<
see also Ke5r, :auer.raut,
Primal De)ense
Pro%en Ty+e! >>->5
+$y&&u* $eed$ and #u$,$, +5+
PT! see Protein Type
+u*+,n $eed$
1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* Plus, +15
W!P/#P! >Q
raw (ood$! ++5
raw *&,! E+IEE
see also mil.
Rea&M&,./o*! EE
re-er$e o$*o$$ 1&%er! 5+
ro&&5u+$! +1EI+1>
runnn'! 5>
$a//#arn MSwee%5"5LowN! 1E
$a(e (ood and $%ora'e #and&n'! =E
see also 5s#
+?Q DO;T@;T 9;D@R
:tuMe$ an$, <Q
Le"etable Drispers, ++E
ducc#etti Pasta, +E>
ducc#ini MuUns, +10
ducc#ini (it# !alnuts, 11<
$%erod$! +=
S%e-a! +5E
$u/ra&o$e A S+&enda! 1E
$u'ar $ub$%%u%e$! 1E
$u'ar! 1+I1>
$unLower $eed$
1asic :unny :ee$ Mi* Plus, +15
;utaroons, +05
:ee$ D#eese, +E+
:esame Le"etable Drac.ers, +0Q
$u++&e*en%$! =, 5=I?1
$w**n'! 5>
%a#n! ++, +5E
Ta C#! ><
T#e O+%*a& :e&&ne$$ Cen%er! E=, >=
/ot 4sian :#iita.e :la(, Q<
Miso :oup (it# !atercress, 1E+
Green Olive Tomatillo :alsa, +>E
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :ala$, 1?E
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :oup, 1E?
4e"ean sala$, Q+
1uMalo D#ili, 1>5
Fres# Moarella Plate, Q5
Gapac#o, 1+Q
Maestro's Minestrone, 1E1
Marinate$ 9talian :ala$, <+
Mi$$le @astern :ala$, <E
;ori 1rusc#etta, +1=
:un$rie$ Tomato !raps, +0<
1raise$ 1railian Greens, 10+
Dreamy @""plant Tosse$ :ala$, Q>
Droc.pot Tur.ey :te(, 155
Frilly Frenc# 1runc# :ala$, Q?
Groun$ Tur.ey an$ Gravy, 15<
;ort#(oo$s 1roccoli :ala$, <>
Vuic. Tur.ey Dutlets, 1?1
Roast Tur.ey (it# Le"etable
D#estnut :tuUn", 1?+
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :ala$, 1?E
Roaste$ Tomatillo Tur.ey :oup, 1E?
:tir-Fry Tur.ey, 1??
Tarra"on Tur.ey 1ur"ers, 1?=
Le"etable Vuic#e, 1=Q
Ga$o Ga$o Le"etables, 10<
)oo$ pyrami$, 10, 1?
-e'e%ab&e o&$! ++I+>
-e'e%ab&e e$$en/e$! +>=
-e'e%ab&e &ea%#er$! ++>
Lenison :te(, 15+
1asic /erb Linai"rette, +E=
=%a& C#o/e Brand! Q
-%a*n D! 5Q, +51
-%a*n E!
tocop#erols, an$ tocotrienols,
$l-alp#a-tocop#erol, 5Q
-%a*n K! 5Q, +51
1asil Pesto, +E<
Miso !alnut Paste, +>>
Mus#room 1ur"ers, 1=0
ducc#ini (it# !alnuts,11<
wa&,n'! 5E
wa%er! 51I5+
$e#y$ration, 51
$istille$, 5+
evaluation, #ome testin", +51
sa)ety council, 5+
tap (ater, 5+
wa%er /#e$%nu%$
Miso :oup (it# !atercress, 1E+
Oriental /ot & :our Mus#room
@"" Drop, 1E>
Roast Tur.ey (it# Le"etable
D#estnut :tuUn", 1?+
!atercress :ala$, 100
Miso :oup (it# !atercress, 1E+
:a%$on! Geor'e!
Nutrition an" Your Min" E?
we'#% %rann'! 5>
:e$%on A. Pr/e Founda%on! EE
w#ey +owder! +5E
w#%e b&ood /e&&$! 10
w#o&e 'ran$! <
:&&a*$! Ro'er!
Biochemical 4n"i%i"uality, E?
w&d 'a*e! +<
wo,! =+
:o&/o%%! :&&a*! The Metabolic Typing
Diet E?-E=, >0, >?, +5?
9aeya*a! ?0
yo'a! ><
Gree. cucumbers, Q=
Vuic. 7o"urt Dup, ++0
ducc#etti Pasta, +E>
ducc#ini MuUns, +10
ducc#ini (it# !alnuts, 11<
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